Maj 2015
Maj 2015
UVODNIK Dragi ~itaoci, Evo opet se sastajemo po 117-ti put za redom preko stranica ovog ~asopisa koji vi toliko volite. Ali pitate se otkud mi znamo da vi volite ovaj ~asopis? Prosto ~itaju}i vaša pisma upu}ena na našu adresu, u kojima nas hvalite i pišete nam o ~emu bi ste voleli da ~itate i tako nam poma`ete da ure|ujemo budu}a izdanja našeg ~asopisa. Tako da vam se redakcija For You ~asopisa zahvaljuje na vašim pismima i lepim re~ima koje ste nam napisali, tako|e vas pozivamo da nastavite da nam pišete jer ovo je najbolji na~in da ostanemo u kontaktu sa vama i da prilagodimo naše ~lanke vašim `eljama. Hteli bi da ka`emo i da smo otvoreni za kritike tako da ukoliko nešto ne radimo dobro ili ukoliko mislite da bi mogli da nešto uradimo bolje, molim vas da se ne suzdr`avate i da nam to napišete u svojim pismima. Na kraju krajeva, ovo je jedini na~in da odr`imo korak s vremenom i da izdajemo ~asopis koji }e i dalje biti vaš omiljeni ~asopis. Vratimo se na ovo izdanje ~asopisa, u kojem }ete mo}i, kao i uvek, da ~itate o mnogim zanimljivim temama koje smo pripremili posebno za vas. Po~e}emo sa muzikom, gde vam predstavljamo muzi~ku grupu “Gips” iz Prilu`ja. U sportskom kutku, sazna}ete više o karate klubu “Senshi”. Najnovije vesti iz sveta filma }e tako|e biti objavljene u ovom broju. Posebno za vas smo izabrali filmove: “Jurassic World,” “Inside Out”, “The age of Adaline” i “Tomorrowland.” U kutku za modu mo}i }ete da ~itate o bojama koje su u trendu ovog leta. Predstavi}emo vam najnovije tehnologije u tehnološkom kutku. Tako|e pisa}emo o mnogim zanimljivostima širom sveta kao i o mnogim drugim temama. Ukoliko `elite da znate više o ovim temama, pozivamo vas da pro~itate svaku stranu našeg ~asopisa. Na kraju, ne preostaje mi ništa drugo ve} da vam po`elim mnogo uspeha u školi i nadam se da }ete provesti mnoge ugodne trenutke ~itaju}i naš ~asopis ovih majskih dana. Do slede}eg susreta, `elim vam puno zdravlja i sre}e! 4 29 14 24 25 18 19 Leonora “For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Vladica Veli}kovi}, Asmir Nik{i}, Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:; 2 for you 2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: [kola meseca: Elektrotehni~ka {kola „Miladin Popovi}“ Su{ica 6-7: Dan borbe protiv mina 8-9: For you fashion: Prole}e 2015: Na vazduhu 10-11: Music Box: Bend „Gips“ Prilu`je 12-13: Mo`emo li bolje sutra dobiti bez nasilja? 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Insekti sa super-mo}ima 16-17: Poster: „Gips“ 18-19: Moviemania: Jurassic World; Inside out; The age of Adaline; Tomorrowland 20-21: Sportski ugao: Karate klub „Senshi“ 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25:Ilegalna imigracija nije pravi odgovor 26-27: Upitnik: Android ili iOS? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca EDITORIAL Dear readers, 8 16 6 20 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: High school of electrical engineering “Miladin Popovic“ Susica 6-7: Mine awareness day 8-9: For you fashion: Spring 2015: en plein air 10-11: Music Box: Band “Gips” from Priluzje 12-13: Can we have a better tomorrow without violence? 14-15: Animal kingdom: Insects 22 with amazing superpowers 16-17: Poster: Bebe Rexha 18-19: Moviemania: Jurassic World; Inside out; The age of Adaline; Tomorrowland 20-21: Sports corner: Karate club “Senshi” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Illegal emigration is not the right answer 26-27: Questionnaire: Android or iOS? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters Here we meet again for the 117th time in a row through the pages of this magazine that you like so much. But, how do we know you like our magazine? Simply through your letters addressed to us praising us and helping us edit future editions and by telling us what you like to read. Thus, For You magazine staff cordially thanks you for your letters and the good words you write to us, and we invite you to continue writing to us because this is the best way we can stay in touch with you, with the articles we bring for you. Let us not forget to say that we are open to your criticism, thus if there is something that we do not do well, or you think it could be done better, please do not hesitate to write your suggestions. At the end of the day, this is the only way we could keep up the momentum and publish a magazine that will continue to be your favourite magazine. Let us go back to this magazine edition where, as always, you will be able to read many interesting topics that we have prepared especially for you. We shall start with music, where we have presented to you Music Band “Gips” from Priluzje. In sports corner you can find more on Karate Club “Senshi”. Movie latest news will also be presented in this edition. We have specially chosen for you the following movies: “Jurassic World,” “Inside Out”, “The age of Adaline” and “Tomorrowland.” At the fashion corner you can read on colors trend for this summer. Newest technologies will be shown to you in our technology corner. Also, many curiosities from around the world and a variety of other topics will be included. Should you want to know more about these topics, we kindly invite you to browse every page of our magazine. In conclusion, there is nothing else left to say but to wish you lots of success in school and hopefully you will spend pleasant moments in these May days reading our magazine. Until our next encounter, I wish you lots of health and good luck! Leonora ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Vladica Velickovic, Asmir Niksic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:; for you 3 škola meseca ELEKTROTEHNIČKA ŠKOLA „MILADIN POPOVIĆ“ SUŠICA direktor {kole, Milan Dimitrijevi} R azmi{ljaju}i o {koli koju bismo mogli da vam predstavimo ovog meseca, odluka je pala na srednju Elektrotehni~ku {kolu „Miladin Popovi}“ (popularno; ET[) u Su{ici i posetiv{i je shvatili smo da smo napravili sjajan izbor. Ova {kola spada u jednu od najopremljenijih srednjih {kola na centralnom Kosovu, kada je kvalitet i sprovo|enje stru~ne i prakti~ne nastave u pitanju. Naravno, sve ovo ne bi bilo mogu}e bez stru~nog nastavnog osoblja, pa tako u ovoj srednjo{kolskoj ustanovi predaju profesori sa, isklju~ivo, visokom stru~nom spremom! Tre}inu nastavnog kadra ~ine profesori sa zvanjem in`enjera, a preostali stru~ni kadar je u potpunosti kvalifikovan za obavljanje nastavni~kog posla. Prema re~ima direktora {kole, gospodina Milana Dimitrijevi}a, prava snaga i vrednost {kole le`i upravo u njenom nastavni~kom kadru. Naravno, ne zaboravlja ni u~enike koji u {kolu dolaze `eljni znanja, a istu zavr{avaju kao kompletno formirane li~nosti sa odli~nim obrazovanjem koje im omogu}ava da ili odmah na|u zaposlenje ili odlu~uju (a takvih je dve tre}ine) da nastave sa stru~nim 4 for you usavr{avanjem na nekom od fakulteta. Gospodin Milan je, tako|e, veoma ponosan na uslove u kojima rade profesori i u~enici jer poseduju dva kompletno opremljena kabineta informatike, zatim dve radionice i jedan kabinet elektrotehnike . On posebno isti~e opremljenost ovog kabineta u kome se nalaze specijalizovani laboratorijski stolovi i alati i koji predstavljaju privilegiju ~ak i za neke mnogo bogatije i opremljenije {kole, a nema ih ~ak ni na Elektrotehni~kom fakultetu u Mitrovici. Zahvaljujuci saradnji sklopljenoj sa telekomunikacionom firmom „Telenor“, ista } e od septembra teku} e godine, gotovo potpuno opremiti i jedan kabinet telekomunikacija, ~ime }e uslovi za sticanje prakti~nog znanja u~enika, biti podignut na jos vi{i nivo. Cela {kola je pokrivena be`i~nim internetom, a postoje i interaktivne table za bolje razumevanje materije. Tako|e, od septembra se planira i postavljanje svih lekcija na sajt {kole {to }e smanjiti potrebu u~enika za kupovinom ud`benika jer }e sve, u pdf formatu, mo}i da na|u onlajn. Ipak, verovatno najinteresantnija stvar koju {kola planira jeste otvaranje u~eni~kog odnosno Omladinskog radija koji } e biti ure|ivan i vo|en od strane samih u~enika {kole, a teme }e biti one koje zanimaju upravo ovu populaciju. Opremu i prostor imaju, navodi direktor {kole, i jedino se ~eka odluka nadle`ne agencije za dodeljivanje frekvencije. Ono {to je za ponos {koli svakako jesu i rezultati koje njihovi u~enici posti`u na raznim me|u{kolskim takmi~enjima i to ne samo iz stru~nih predmeta, ve} i u predmetima op{teg obrazovanja, poput srpskog jezika i knji`evnosti. Tako|e, ~injenica je da ovu {kolu ne upisuje veliki broj odli~nih |aka iz osnovnih {kola, ali mnogi od tih u~enika svoj pravi potencijal otkriju kroz {kolovanje ovde, pa odli~ni i vrlo dobri uspesi ovde predstavljaju pravilo, a ne izuzetak. [kolu trenutno poha|a blizu 150 u~enika u 3 smera. Smerovi koji se trenutno nude u {koli jesu; elektrotehni~ar ra~unara, elektrotehni~ar telekomunikacija i elektro-tehni~ar audio-video tehnike. Interesantno je da je ova {kola uvek vazila za „mu{ku“ jer ogroman broj u~enika jesu upravo mu{kog roda. Ipak, svoje mesto ovde je na{lo i tri u~enice, `eljne da doka`u da tehnika i tehnologija nisu samo „mu{ka stvar“. Direktor {kole priznaje da je mogu}nost prakti~ne nastave za tehni~are audiovideo ure|aja najslabija, {to zbog slabog interesovanja u~enika za taj smer (kako sam re~e, ljudima sam taj izraz zvu~i „zastarelo“), {to zbog nedovoljne opremljenosti {kole. Me|utim, on smatra da spas ovde le`i u otvaranju smera „administrator ra~unarskih mre`a“ jer stalno raste potreba celokupnog dru{tva za umre`avanjem (bilo da su u pitanju institucije, {kole, privredni subjekti ili pojedinci), pa bi otvaranje istog pobudilo pa`nju mladih koji bi mogli lako da na|u posao nakon zavr{ene {kole. Ipak, za ovako ne{to se ~eka odluka nadle`nog ministarstva i dok se u {koli nadaju pozitivnom odgovoru, u skladu s tim i spremaju kampanju kojom bi upoznali sve zainteresovane u~enike i roditelje sa mogu}nostima koje ste~eno obrazovanje u ovoj {koli pru`a. Poruka koju je direktor Elektrotehni~ke {kole „Miladin Popovi}“ Milan Dimitrijevi} uputio sada{njim i budu}im u~enicima ove {kole jeste: „Nemojte samo koristiti internet, Fejsbuk ili Tviter. Nemojte samo igrati video igre! Ovde mo`ete nau~iti kako da sve to, pa ~ak i vi{e sami stvorite!“ U~enici tokom odmora school of the month HIGH SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING “MILADIN POPOVIĆ“ SUŠICA School Miladin Popovic T hinking about the school we could present you this month, we decided to pick the Electrical Engineering High School “Miladin Popović” (known as ETŠ) in Šušica. When we visited the school we realized that we made a great choice. This is one of the best equipped secondary schools in central Kosovo in terms of quality of practical and vocational education and training. Of course, all this wouldn’t be possible without a professional teaching staff. Thus, only professors with a university degree work in this secondary school! One third of the teaching staff are professors with the title of engeneer, while the remaining lecturers are fully qualified to teach. According to the school principal, Mr. Milan Dimitrijevic, the real power and value of the School lies in its teaching staff. Of course, he doesn’t forget the students who come to school eager for knowledge, and who finish school as fully established personalities with excellent education that allows them to either immediately find employment, or to opt to continue their professional training at a University (twothirds of students). Mr. Milan is also very proud of the working conditions for both teachers and students because they have two fully equipped IT classrooms, two workshops and an electrical engineering classroom. He particularly emphasized the importance of the equipment in this classroom, including specialized laboratory desks and tools, which are a privilege even in wealthier and better equipped schools, and which even the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Mitrovica doesn’t possess. Thanks to the cooperation with the “Telenor” Telecommunications Company, the latter will almost fully equip a telecommunications classroom as of September this year, thus raising the conditions for practical instruction to an even higher level. The entire school has access to wireless internet, and there are interactive whiteboards ensuring that students better understand the course material. Also, as of September we are planning to post all lessons online at our school website, something that will reduce the need for students to buy textbooks because they will be able to find everything online, in pdf format. Still, probably the most interesting thing about this school is their plan to open a student or Youth Radio, which will be run and edited by the students, and which will address exactly topics that this population can relate to. They have the equipment and the space, the principal said, adding that they are only waiting for the competent agency to assign them a frequency. This school also takes pride in the results achieved by the students in various inter-school competitions, not only in vocational curriculum, but also in general subjects, such as Serbian language and literature. Also, the fact is that there aren’t many students with high grades from elementary shools enrolling in this school, but many of them discover their true potential through their training here, and as a result excellent and very good grades are a rule, rather than an exception here. For the moment, nearly 150 students attend the school in three Departments. The school currently offers three courses: Electronics Computer Technician, Telecommunications Electronics Technician, and Audio/Video Electronic Technician. It is interesting that this school has always been considered a “male” school because an overwhelming number of students are male. Still, there are three girls, eager to prove that engineering and technology are not only “men’s” things, who have managed to find their place in the school. The school principal admits that possibilities for practical training for audio/ video technicians are the most limited, partly because of lack of interest in this course among the students (as I said, the very name of the course sounds “old fashioned”), partly because of lack of adequate equipment. However, he believes that this could be compensated by opening a new course, “Computer Network Administrator,” because the need for networking of the entire society is constantly on the rise (whether when it comes to institutions, schools, businesses or individuals), and the opening of the new course would get the attention of young people who could easily find a job after finishing the school. However, we are awaiting the decision of the competent ministry for this, and while we are hoping for a positive response, we are preparing a respective campaign in order to inform all interested pupils and parents about the opportunities that the education acquired in this school offers. The message of the “Miladin Popović” High School principal Milan Dimitrijevic to the current and future students is: Don’t just use internet, Facebook and Twitter. Don’t just play video games! Here you can learn how to create all this, and even more, yourself! Students waiting to attend the classes for you 5 Me|unarodni Dan Borbe Protiv Mina i Asistencije u Deminiranju 4 April DAN BORBE PROTIV MINA N a predlog Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih nacija (UN) od 8. decembra 2005. godine, 4. april se obele`ava kao Me|unarodni dan borbe protiv mina. Ovaj dan je prvi put obele`en 04. aprila 2006. Na taj dan se poziva na inicijativu koja “zahteva stalne napore, uz podršku UN-a i drugih relevantnih organizacija, u cilju pru`anja pomo}i stvaranju i razvijanju kapaciteta za eliminaciju opasnosti od mina, gde mine i neeksplodirana ubojita sredstva predstavljaju ozbiljnu opasnost po bezbednost, zdravlje i `ivot stanovništva, kao i prepreku za društveni i ekonomski razvoj.” Obele`avanje Me|unarodnog dana borbe protiv mina predstavlja podsetnik za globalnu zajednicu da mine, municija i neeksplodirana ubojita sredstva nastavljaju da oduzimaju `ivote i ranjavaju hiljade ljudi širom sveta. Ova zaostavština rata, nasle|ena iz vremena sukoba, svake godine kontaminira više od 80 zemalja i regiona, a ubije ili nanese telesne povrede desetinama hiljada ljudi, uklju~uju}i i decu. Mine kontaminiraju polja, šume, puteve i staze, a stanovništvo lišavaju obradive zemlje, ostavljaju}i ljude sa teškim telesnim povredama i invaliditetom. Me|unarodni dan borbe protiv mina ima za cilj da podigne svest o nagaznim minama, kao i da pozdravi napredak koji je do sada postignut u naporima da se iste potpuno eliminišu. Izraz “borba protiv mina” obuhvata širok spektar aktivnosti, ne samo razminiranje, ve} i pomo} `rtvama 6 for you mina, kao i edukaciju stanovništva o na~inima da ostanu bezbedni u okru`enju kontaminiranom minama, kroz predavanja koja upozoravaju na opasnost od mina. Prilikom obele`avanja ovog dana, generalni sekretar UN-a Ban Ki-moon rekao je prošle godine da su Ujedinjene nacije veoma ponosne što su pomogle milionima ljudi u razli~itim regionima sveta pogo|enim ovim problemom! On je tom prilikom pozvao sve relevantne faktore širom sveta da udru`e svoje resurse i iskustvo kako bi omogu}ili dalji napredak u stvaranju sveta oslobo|enog opasnosti od mina! Opasnost od mina je i dalje prisutna na Kosovu i svi bi trebali da budu svesni! Pre svega roditelji koji su u obavezi da svojoj deci objasne da ne smeju dirati predmete koje vide na ulici, u grmlju ili na osamljenim putevima. Ovi predmeti, bez obzira koliko zanimljivo ili privla~no deluju, mogu biti mine ili druge eksplozivne naprave i kao takve ih treba izbegavati. Škole i javne ustanove tako|e igraju va`nu ulogu u edukaciji dece i stanovništva o opasnostima koje vrebaju iz naizgled bezazlenih predmeta ili naprava. Edukacija i podizanje svesti stanovništva moraju da idu u pravcu prepoznavanja potencijalno opasnih podru~ja i objekata, kao i zna~aja njihovog prijavljivanja nadle`nim slu`bama, pre svega Kosovskoj policiji, Kosovskim bezbednosnim snagama i KFOR-u. Posle1999. na Kosovu je bilo pribli`no 4.500 lokacija zahva}enih minama. Danas je ovaj broj znatno manji ali još uvek postoji 133 takve lokacije (polja, podru~ja). 80 takvih lokacija ugro`eno je minama, dok su kod preostalih u pitanju kasetne bombe. Problemom razminiranja na Kosovu se bave odre|ene me|unarodne nevladine organizacije, KFOR, kao i Kosovski zaštitni korpus - danas Kosovske bezbednosne snage (KBS). KBS je danas struktura koja je odgovorna za deminiranje tla ili za uklanjanje raznih mina i neeksplodiranih ubojitih sredstava. Tako|e, iako to nije njihov primarni zadatak, KBS je radio i na podizanju svesti o opasnostima od mina. Da bi se stekao pravi uvid u opasnosti koje predstavljaju ove naprave, dovoljno je navesti ~injenicu da su od 1999. godine one za posledicu imale 116 poginulih i 458 povre|enih. Pored fizi~kih povreda kao posledica mina i drugih eksplozivnih naprava, tu je i problem psihološke i ekonomske traume. U tom smislu, KBS podse}aju na zna~aj 4. aprila kao dan koji treba da uka`e na sve gore navedene probleme i da podi`e svest o tome da takve stvari više nikad ne smeju da se ponove. Bitno je da se 4. april obele`ava na odgovaraju}i na~in, kako u medijima, tako i od strane javnih ustanova. Na taj na~in se podi`e svest javnosti, a društvo se bolje informiše, o opasnostima koje predstavljaju mine i neeksplodirana sredstva. Time se tako|e pove}ava pritisak na proizvo|a~e, kao i na korisnike ovih sredstava (pre svega vojne snage širom sveta), što kona~no vodi ka globalnoj zabrani upotrebe ovih podmuklih ubica! MINE AWARENESS DAY I n 8th December 2005, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) announced that the 4th of April is to be commemorated as the International Day for Mine Awareness. This day was first marked on April 04, 2006. The initiative on this day, “requires constant efforts, with the help of the UN and other relevant organizations in assisting in building and developing capacities for mine action where mines and unexploded ordnance pose a serious threat to the safety, health and life of population, or an obstacle to social and economic development.” Marking the International Day for Mine Awareness is a reminder to the global community that mines, ammunition and unexploded ordnance continue to kill and injure thousands of people around the world. These remnants of war, inherited from the times of conflict, pollute more than 80 countries and regions every year, and kill and injure tens of thousands of people, including children. Fields, forests, roads and paths are polluted with mines which deprive the population of farmland and leaves people with serious injuries and disabilities. International Day for Mine Awareness aims to raise awareness of landmines, as well as to celebrate the progress that has been achieved so far in efforts to eradicate the same. The term “mine action” includes a wide range of activities, not only mining, but also assistance to mine victims, and educate the population about ways to stay safe in an environment contaminated by mines, through lessons warning of the danger of mines. In commemoration of this day, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said last year that the United Nations is very proud to help millions of people in various regions of the world that are affected by this problem! On this occasion he invited all relevant stakeholders across the globe to pool their resources and experience, to enable it to advance further in creating a world that is free from the dangers posed by mines! The danger of mines in Kosovo is still there and all should all be aware of it! First of all parents who have children have to explain to them that they cannot touch the items that they see on the street, in a bush or a secluded pathway. These objects, no matter how interesting or attractive to look at, can represent a mine or other explosive devices and as such should be avoided. Schools and public institutions also play an important role in the education of children and the population about the dangers that lurk from seemingly harmless items or gadgets. Education and awareness of the population have to go in the direction of recognizing potentially hazardous environments and objects and the importance of their reporting to the competent services, primarily to the Kosovo Police, Kosovo Security Force, and KFOR. Post 1999 there were around 4,500 mine-affected areas in Kosovo. Nowadays this number is significantly reduced but there are still 133 such places (fields, areas). At about 80 places there are mines, while the other comes to cluster bombs. The problem of minesweeping in Kosovo is being worked by some international NGOs, KFOR, and then the Kosovo Protection Corps that nowadays is the Kosovo Security Force. KSF is now the structure who is responsible for de-mining areas or for the removal of various mines and unexploded ordnance. Also, although it is not their primary task, KSF worked to raise awareness about the dangers of landmines. To highlight the dangers that these items may cause, since 1999, 116 people have been killed while a further 458 have been wounded. In addition to the physical consequences caused by mines and other explosive devices to people, there is also the problem of psychological and economic trauma. In this regard, the KSF recalls the importance of 4th April as a day which should point to all of the above problems and raises awareness that such things should never happen again. It is necessary that the 4th April is adequately marked, both in the media and in public institutions. It raises public awareness and better informs society about the dangers they pose. In this way, the pressure on manufacturers, and the users of these resources (primarily armies around the world) was streamlined and, eventually, led to a global ban by the use of these insidious killers! for you 7 fashion PROLECE 2015: NA VAZDUHU O ve sezone ide se ka hladnijoj i mekšoj strani spektra boja. Eklektična, eterična mešavina nenaglašenih svetlih boja, bledi pasteli i prirodni nalik neutralne boje preuzimaju glavnu ulogu dok dizajneri nalaze inspiraciju u sanjarenju o jednostavnijim vremenima. Sećanja na retro zadovoljstva, folklorne i cvetne umetnosti, i čarobne svetove tropskih predela vraćaju osećaj blagostanja dok se približavamo toplijim mesecima. Akvamarin Vodeća boja za žene u sezonu proleće/leto 2015, akvamarin je sanjalački prozračna plava boja. Hladna i umirujuća, eterična akvamarin je nijansa sa mokrim i vodenim osećajem. Otvorena i ekspanzivna, ova odmarajuća plava boja takođe deluje kao ublaživač stresa. Ronilačka plava Osnažujuća tirkizna, ronilačka plava prenosi smisao bezbrižne razigranosti. Iako hladna nijansa, živost ronilačke plave boje dodaje kap uzbuđenja paleti boja. Ronilačka plava nudi osećaj bekstva jer podseća na tropski okean. Ova uzbudljiva i podsticajna hladna nijansa nas vodi u egzotični raj koji je prijatan i privlačan, čak i ako je samo fantazija. Akrilna zelena Iako se generalno ne smtra modnom bojom, mada se vrati s vremena na vreme, akrilna zelena je umirujuće zelena nijansa čije vreme je zaista ponovo došlo. Sveža i razbistravajuća, hladna i osvežavajuća, ova zelena nijansa ima sjaj mente. Laka u težini i takođe u tonu, akrilna zelena deluje gotovo providno. Klasična plava Pouzdana i obzirna, klasična nijansa plave boje uliva smirenost, poverenje i harmoniju. Služeći kao sidro za palete za proleće/leto 2015, klasična plava je nijansa koja je jaka i pouzdana. Baš kao i sa morem, zbog svojih vodenih kvaliteta, ova klasična plava simbolizuje pažljivost i introspektivnost. Pečeni badem Ravnotežu i hladnoću paleti boja za sezonu proleće/leto 2015 donosi pečeni badem. Preplanula neutralna, pečeni badem nudi utešnu toplinu i ukazuje na spontani prolećno-letnji osećaj. Bezvremena i raznolika nijansa pečenog badema je organska boja koja govori o autentičnosti i svemu što je prirodno. 8 for you Ledena jagoda Prigodno nazvana, ledena jagoda ukazuje na hlađenje i osvežavajuću delikatnost, pa ipak njena toplina kao boja je veoma privlačna. Suptilna i šarmantna, ledena jagoda je idealna nijansa za proleće/leto 2015. I ukusna i prigodna, ledena jagoda je konfekcijska boja koja izaziva osećaj “da ste u rozem”, emitujući laskav i zdrav sjaj. toplinu i bogatstvo ukusno ispunjavajućeg jela, dok njegovi prizemljujući crveno-braon koreni ukazuju na sofisticiranu prirodnu zemljanost. Glečer siva Dominantnija kod dečaka nego kod devojčica u sezoni proleće/leto 2015, glečer siva je nenametljiva siva koja je u suprotnosti sa drugim nijansama i poboljšava ih. Odbija se od drugih nijansi a da im ne oduzima ništa od lepote dok klizi ka pozadini kako bi omogućila drugim bojama da zauzmu centralno mesto. Najsavršenija neutralna nijansa u prirodi, glečer siva je nijansa koja je bezvremena. Tiho uveravajuća i mirno opuštajuća, glečer siva je pre svega konstantna. Mandarina Spontana i društvena, mandarina je sočna narandžasta nijansa koja je oživljavajuća, a da pri tome ne bode oko. Svestrana mandarina je dovoljno upečatljiva da stoji sama za sebe i dodaje vitalnost na printu. Dobre naravi i prijateljski nastrojena, ali sa malom oštrom ivicom, ova zabavna boja poziva osmeh. Puding od vanile Baš kao što i samo ime govori, puding je ukusna i prijatna nijansa žute. Slatka i sunčana, puding nijansa je bodreći ton koji donosi misli prijatnog opuštanja i hrane koja teši. Privlačeći svojom mekom i sočnom toplinom i puna dobrih osećanja, suptilna puding nijansa ima prijatan i lagan izgled. Marsala Interesantna samostalno i divna u kontrast sa drugim nijansama, marsala služi kao osnova za proleće/leto 2015. paletu. Senzualna i odvažna, divna marsala ima smeli pozivajući ton koji neguje; odiše poverenjem i stabilnošću dok hrani telo, um i dušu. Slično kao utvrđeno vino po kome je dobila ime, ova robustna nijansa uključuje Izvor: fashion SPRING 2015: EN PLEIN AIR T perceived as thoughtful and introspective. Toasted Almond Bringing balance to the coolness of the Spring/Summer 2015 color range is Toasted Almond. A sun-tanned neutral, Toasted Almond offers comforting warmth and is indicative of a spontaneous spring, summer feeling. Timeless and versatile, Toasted Almond is an organic shade that speaks to authenticity and all that is natural. his season there is a move toward the cooler and softer side of the color spectrum. An eclectic, ethereal mix of understated bright, pale pastels and naturelike neutrals take center stage as designers draw from daydreams of simpler times. Remembrances of retro delights, folkloric and floral art, and the magical worlds of tropical landscapes restore a sense of well-being as we head into warmer months. Aquamarine The lead color for women for the Spring/ Summer 2015 season, Aquamarine is an airy blue with a dreamy feel. Cool and calming, ethereal Aquamarine is a shade with a wet and watery feel. Open and expansive, this restful blue also acts as a stress reducer. Scuba Blue An invigorating turquoise, Scuba Blue conveys a sense of carefree playfulness. Even though a cool shade, the vibrancy of Scuba Blue adds a splash of excitement to the palette. Scuba Blue offers a feeling of escape as it is reminiscent of a tropical ocean. This stirring and energizing shade takes us off to an exotic paradise that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy. Lucite® Green Strawberry Ice Aptly named, Strawberry Ice is suggestive of a cooling and refreshing delicacy, yet its warmth as a color is quite appealing. Subtle and charming, Strawberry Ice is an ideal shade for Spring/Summer 2015. Both tasty and tasteful, Strawberry Ice is a confection color that evokes a feeling of being “in the pink,” emitting a flattering and healthy glow. Tangerine Spontaneous and gregarious, Tangerine is a juicy orange shade that is energizing, yet not jarring to the eye. Versatile Tangerine is striking enough to stand on its own and adds vitality to a printed pattern. Good natured and friendly, but with a tangy edge, this funloving color invites a smile. Custard Just as the name implies, Custard is a delicious and delectable yellow. Sweet and sunny, Custard is a cheering tone that brings thoughts of pleasant relaxation and comfort food. Engaging with its soft and mellow warmth and full of good feelings, subtle Custard has an affable and easy disposition. Generally not thought of as a fashion color, though it does come back from time to time, Lucite Green is a soothing green shade whose time has really come again. Fresh and clarifying, cool and refreshing, Lucite Green has a minty glow. Light in weight and also in tone, Lucite Green seems almost transparent. Marsala Classic Blue Glacier Gray Reliable and thoughtful, Classic Blue inspires calm, confidence and harmony. Serving as an anchor to the Spring/ Summer 2015 palette, Classic Blue is a shade that is strong and reliable. Just as with the sea, because of its waterborne qualities, this Classic Blue is Interesting on its own and a wonderful contrast for other hues, Marsala serves as the foundation to the Spring/Summer 2015 palette. Sensual and bold, delicious Marsala is a daringly inviting tone that nurtures; exuding confidence and stability while feeding the body, mind and soul. Much like the fortified wine that gives Marsala its name, this robust shade incorporates the warmth and richness of a tastefully fulfilling meal, while its grounding red-brown roots point to a sophisticated, natural earthiness. More dominant for men than women in Spring/Summer 2015, Glacier Gray is an unobtrusive gray that contrasts and enhances; bouncing off other shades without taking away from them as it slips into the background to allow other colors to take center stage. Nature’s most perfect neutral, Glacier Gray is a shade that is timeless. Quietly assuring and peacefully relaxing, Glacier Gray, is above all, constant. Source for you 9 music box S tara poslovica ka`e:”Ko peva, zlo ne misli”. Da ova krilatica ima utemeljenja u stvarnom `ivotu uverili smo se u razgovoru sa momcima iz benda “Gips” iz Prilu`ja. Ovaj kvartet pozitivnih, nasmejanih i uvek za dobru svirku ornih momaka, pru`io nam je malo bolji uvid u to kako ljubav prema ne~emu (u ovom slu~aju muzici), istrajnost i posve}enost mogu da dovedu do ostvarenja snova. Prvi san, da osnuju bend i sviraju muziku koju vole je ostvaren. Sad `ele jo{, `ele da idu dalje i dostignu jo{ nekoliko ciljeva o kojima su u po~etku samo ma{tali, ali kako vreme prolazi, postaju sve izgledniji. „^lanovi benda „Gips“ su posebno ponosni na ~injenicu da se uvek rado odazivaju na pozive da u~estvuju na svirkama koje imaju humanitarni karakter“. Ljubav prema rokenrolu, i muzici generalno, je spojila ~etvoricu prijatelja u poku{aju da formiraju grupu koja bi radila ono {to voli – svira rokenrol i svoj talenat podeli sa ljudima oko sebe. Iako je ideja o formiranju benda bila prisutna ve} du`e vreme, ono sto je stvarno nateralo Darka Terenti}a (frontmen benda, glavni vokal i solo gitara), Bojana Popovi}a (ritam gitara, prate}i vokal), Mladena Dimi}a (bas gitara, prate}i vokal) i Milo{a Popovi}a (bubnjevi) da kona~no krenu u „nepoznate vode“ jeste rok festival koji se odr`avao u njihovom rodnom mestu, Prilu`ju. To se desilo 17. juna 2010. godine. Tada su odlu~ili da kona~no podele sa svetom svoju strast prema muzici koju su negovali tokom svojih probi u ku}i kod Bojana. Kako je spontanost me|u ~lanovima benda veoma bitna, a naro~ito na po~etku, tako nije bilo ni puno polemike kada je do{ao trenutak da bend dobije ime. Ideja da se bend nazove kratko i efektno „Gips“ potekla je od Milo{a i njihovog prijatelja @arka. Nakon toga se sve odvijalo k’o na filmskom platnu. Veoma uspe{an nastup na pomenutom rok festivalu su pratile izuzetno pozitivne reakcije i kritike svih onih koji su ih gledali i slu{ali, pa je odlu~eno da se nastavi sa celom pri~om. Uskoro su usledile svirke na raznim festivalima kao i pozivi za nastupe u klubo- 10 for you „Formiranje i odr`avanje benda spada u „skupe sportove“. Kvalitetni instrumenti, poja~ala, ozvu~enje i druga oprema ko{taju znatno vi{e nego {to `ivotni standard na ovim prostorima mo`e da priu{ti. Ipak, snala`ljivost je jedna od vrlina ovda{njih ljudi, pa su se ~lanovi benda na razne na~ine dovijali da bi obezbedili opremu za svirku. Tu pri~amo o pozajmljivanju i iznajmljivanju instrumenata i opreme koju su kombinovali sa onim sto su ve} imali. Pet godina kasnije situacija se popravila, ali naravno, uvek mo`e bolje!“ vima i pabovima gde su uspevali da publici pru`e zaista kvalitetnu zabavu. Iako je broj ljudi koji slusaju rokenrol danas zna~ajno manji nego sto je to bio slu~aj, recimo, pre dvadeset ili trideset godina, to ih nije pokolebalo u `elji da sviraju samo ono sto vole, a to je upravo rok uz elemente panka, hevi metala i hard roka. Doslednost sebi i muzici koju vole im je donela vernu publiku koja uvek rado pose} uje njihove svirke i zbog toga su veoma ponosni. Iako im je muzika velika ljubav, priznaju da tu ima i dosta zabave, puno dru`enja, ali i mogu} nost da se od iste zaradi odnosno `ivi. Na repertoaru grupe se nalaze hitovi najpoznatijih rok bendova i peva~a sa Ex-Yu prostora, ali i obrade hitova stranih izvodja~a. Probe i pripreme za svirke vr{e kod Bojana ku}i, a tu se i naj~e{}e okupljaju kada se dogovaraju o budu}im koracima. Planovi za budu}nost zvu~e jednostavno. Za sada su takozvani „cover band“, ali uz pomo} starijih i iskusnijih kolega rade na autorskom albumu za koji se nadaju da bi uskoro mogao da ugleda svetlost dana. „Da je Prilu`je „pogodno tle“ za nastanak rok zvezda govori nam i podatak da je Sne`ana Mi{kovi}, svima mnogo poznatija kao Viktorija, velika rok i pop peva~ica koja se nalazi na sceni gotovo pune ~etiri decenije, upravo iz ovog mesta! Verujemo da momci iz „Gipsa“ ne bi imali ni{ta protiv da budu poznati poput njihove biv{e me{tanke.“ Na kraju, poruka ovih mladih ljudi punih entuzijazma, svima onima koji bi da krenu njihovim stopama glasi: “Bavite se kvalitetnom muzikom, slu{ajte i svirajte rokenrol, budite vredni i istrajni u tome jer }ete samo tako uspeti da ostvarite va{e ciljeve i snove“! music box A n old proverb says: “He, who sings, means no harm.” We made sure that this slogan has a basis in real life through an interview with the guys from the band Gips (Gypsum) from Priluzje. This quartet of positive, smiling and always ready to give a good performance guys, gave us a little more insight into how the love of something (in this case music), perseverance and dedication can lead to realizing a dream. “The members of the band Gips are especially proud of the fact that they are always happy to respond to invitations to participate in the sessions that have a humanitarian character”. The first dream, to form a band and play the music they love is achieved. Now they want more, they want to go further and achieve several objectives of which they only dreamed in the beginning, but as time goes on, they become increasingly more likely to be realised. The love for rock and roll, and music in general, has brought together four friends in an attempt to form a group that would do what they love - play rock and roll and share their talent with the people around them. Although the idea of forming a band was present for a long time, what really made Darko Terentic (frontman, lead vocals and guitar), Bojan Popovic (rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Mladen Dimic (bass guitar, backing vocals) and Milos Popovic (drums) to finally go into “uncharted waters” is a rock festival held in their hometown, Priluzje. It happened on June 17, 2010. Then they decided to finally share with the world their passion for music that they nurtured during their practices at Bojan’s home. As spontaneity is very important among the members of the band, especially at the beginning, there was not a lot of controversy when the time to give the band a name came. The idea to name the band concisely and efficiently Gips (Gypsum) came from Milos and their friend Zarko. After that, everything went like on the big screen. A very successful appearance at the aforementioned rock festival was followed by the extremely positive reactions and critique of all those who watched and listened, so it was decided to proceed further. “The formation and maintenance of the band falls into “an expensive sport”. High-quality instruments, amplifiers, loudspeakers and other equipment cost much more than the standard of living in these areas can provide. However, resourcefulness is one of the virtues of the local people, so the band members are finding various ways to provide equipment for the gigs. We are talking about borrowing and renting instruments and equipment that was combined with what they already had. Five years later, the situation has improved, but of course, it can always be better! “ Soon followed gigs at various festivals as well as invitations to perform in clubs and pubs where they managed to give the audience a high quality entertainment. Although the number of people who listen to rock and roll is significantly lower than it was the case, say, twenty or thirty years ago, it did not stop them wanting to play only what they love, and that is precisely rock with elements of punk, heavy metal and hard rock. Consistency towards themselves and the music they love brought them loyal audiences that are always eager to visit their gigs and they are very proud of that. Although music is their great love, they admit that there is also a lot of fun, a lot of socializing, and the possibility to earn money i.e. support themselves. The repertoire of the group contains the most popular hits of rock bands and singers from the ExYu territory, but also covers of hits of foreign performers. Practices and preparations for gigs are performed at Bojan’s home, and they also most often gather there when they make plans on future steps. Their plans for the future sound simple. For now, they are so-called “cover band”, but with the help of the older and more experienced colleagues they are working on an album for which they hope could soon see the light of day. “That Prilužje is a fertile ground “for the development of rock stars tells us the fact that Snezana Miskovic, much better known as Viktorija, a great rock and pop singer who is performing for almost four decades, is precisely from this place! We believe that the guys from Gips would have no objection to be known like their former neighbour.” In the end, the message of these young people full of enthusiasm, to all those who want to follow their footsteps reads: “Engage into quality music, listen and play rock and roll, be diligent and persistent in that because only that way you’ll be able to achieve your goals and dreams!” for you 11 v MOŽEMO LI BOLJE SUTRA DOBITI BEZ NASILJA? Ovo nije jedini na~in za protestvovanje! ^ ovek je ljudsko bi}e i kao takvo je neizbe`no da postupci svakog pojedinca uti~u na kvalitet `ivota društva koje nas okru`uje. Pod tim okolnostima jedan od najve}ih problema je gnev. Me|utim, pravi problem nije gnev ve} nasilje. Na `alost tendencija svih ljudi koji su gnevni iz bilo kog razloga je da svoju gnev ispolje nasilnim postupcima. ^esto se ova dva elementa našeg ponašanja tretiraju kao jedno a to dokazuje i ~injenica da se svi mi trudimo da kontrolišemo našu gnev, ali u stvari mi trebamo staviti pod kontrolu naše nasilno ponašanje. U ~emu je zapravo razlika izme|u gneva i nasilja? Osnovna razlika izme|u gneva i nasilja je tome što gnev mo`e imati dva potpuno razli~ita ishoda, nasilje uvek ima samo jedan ishod a to je razaranje i eskalacija problema. Drugim re~ima, mi se ne trebamo plašiti od gneva zato što koliko god neverovatno ovo zvu~alo, gnev je emotivno stanje podjednako va`no kao ljubav, tuga, dosada, sre} a, itd. Pored toga, gnev je emocija koja kada je pravilno usmerena mo`e dovesti do pozitivnih individualnih i društvenih promena. Uostalom, ko od nas ne bi bio gnevan kada bi video da jedna odrasla osoba zlostavlja dete; kada krivac biva nepravedno oslobo|en od strane suda; kada roditelj nema pravu podršku od društva za brigu prema svom detetu, i tako redom. Zna~i, jasno je da je 12 for you gnev jedna od va`nijih emocija koja navodi ~oveka ka poboljšanju stanja i spre~avanju ne`eljenih situacija, kakve god one bile. ^etiri koraka za kontrolisanje našeg gneva Me|utim, naš problem je što ne razumemo gnev, koji je izvor gnevi i šta trebamo uraditi po tom pitanju. Sa druge strane uvek ima ljudi koji stalno pokušavaju da izvuku korist od gnevi drugih ljudi navode}i ih da gnev ispolje kroz nasilne aktivnosti. Zato se sa pravom postavlja pitanje kako mo`emo izraziti gnev bez upotrebe nasilja. Odgovor je da to nije nimalo lako, ali i da nije nemogu}e. Prvi korak - u tom smeru ima veze sa izgradnjom karaktera i razvojem veština komunikacije i saradnje. U ovakvim situacijama do izra`aja dolaze naše doma}e vaspitanje ali i intelektualni razvoj koji je rezultat na{eg školovanja, posebno ~itanja. Drugi veoma va`an aspekt je sport, posebno ekipni sportovi, pošto sport poma`e pri otklanjanju negativne energije, ose}aja nemo}i i usamljenosti i poboljšanju li~nog imid`a a posebno kod shvatanja va`nosti saradnje i podrške ljudima koji rade na postizanju istog cilja. Drugi korak - je otkrivanje izvora našeg gneva. U društvima poput ovog na Kosovu gde se suo~avamo sa mnoštvom problema istovremeno normalno je da je nivo gneva veoma visok kod svih ljudi bez obzira na njihovu starost i pol. Ta~nije, ovo je razlog što svi mi moramo otkriti izvor gneva i da nakon toga preduzmemo odgovaraju}e mere kako bi poboljšali situaciju ali uvek bez upotrebe nasilja. Tre}i korak - je razgovor sa ostalim ljudima o problemima koji nas uznemiravaju. Ovo je veoma va`no zato što komunikacijom sa drugim ljudima mi }emo shvatiti da nismo jedini koji se suo~avamo sa odre|enom situacijom. Shodno tome, kao što ka`e jedna poslovica u jedinstvu je snaga. Zna~i mi mo`emo zapo~eti saradnju sa drugim ljudima kako bi rešili odre|eni problem. Pre svega kominikacija }e nam omogu}iti da shvatimo koji su prioritetni problemi koje trebamo rešiti. ^etvrti korak - je izra`avanje nezadovoljstva bez upotrebe nasilja. Ovo je i najte`i deo zato što postoji veoma malo primera od kojih mo`emo nau~iti kako to da uradimo. Me|utim, jedan jednostavan primer bi bio ako zamislite ovaj scenario. Ukoliko se organizuju nasilne demonstracije za prava mladih one }e automatski isklju~titi od u~eš}a jedan dobar deo mogu}ih u~esnika. Me|utim, ono što je još va`nije je da takve demonstracije ne}e privu}i pa`nju javnosti zbog pravog problema ve} zbog rezultata demonstracija. Tako|e sanacija štete }e još više umanjiti ograni~ena sredstva, koja se u stvari zahtevaju za investicije u poboljšanje razloga zbog kojeg su demostracije organizovane. Sa druge strane, kada bi se organizovao mirni protest mladih sa istom namerom, postoje mnogo ve}e šanse da se isti podr`i od strane ve}eg broja mladih širom Kosova. Stoga }e relevantne institucije biti izlo`ene pritisku javnosti da odgovore zahtevima mladih a ne njihovom ponašanju. Sve ovo }e pove}ati šanse da problem bude rešen u najkra}em mogu}em roku. Na kraju moramo imati na umu da mi mo`emo iskoristiti naš gnev kako bi izgradili pravednije društvo ili mo`emo da nastavimo da uništavamo sami sebe i ljude oko nas. Ova odluka je u našim rukama. Ali nikako ne smemo zaboraviti da nasilje nije rešenje. CAN WE HAVE A BETTER TOMORROW WITHOUT VIOLENCE? Violence cannot be tolerated! P eople are human beings and it is therefore inevitable that actions of each individual impacts the quality of life in the society that surrounds us. One of the biggest problems in terms of these circumstances is anger. However, the real problem is not anger by itself but violence. Unfortunately, people who feel angry for whatever reason tend to express their anger through violent actions. These two elements of our behavior are often treated as one, proven by the fact that we all try to control our anger, whereas in reality we need to manage our violent behavior. What exactly is the difference between anger and violence? The main distinction between anger and violence is that anger can have two completely different outcomes, while violence has a sole outcome, destruction and escalation of problems. In other words, we shouldn’t be afraid of anger because no matter how unbelievable it may sound, anger is an emotional state equally important as love, sadness, boredom, happiness, etc. Moreover, anger is an emotion which, when properly directed, can lead to positive individual and social changes. After all, is there anyone among us who wouldn’t feel angry seeing an adult abusing a child; or when a culprit gets unjustly acquitted by court; when a parent doesn’t have proper support from the society to take care of his child, and so on. Therefore it’s clear that anger is one of the most important emotions, which induces people to improve conditions and prevent unwanted situations, whatever they may be. Four steps to channel our anger However, our problem is that we don’t understand anger, its source, and what we should do about it. On the other hand, there are always people who constantly try to profit from the anger of other people inciting them to express their anger through violent activities. Therefore, the question rightfully arises of how we can express anger without resorting to violence. The answer is that this is not easy at all, but it is not impossible either. The first step - in this regard has to do with character-building and developing communication and cooperation skills. Such situations display our manners, as well as our intellectual development that are a result of our education, and especially reading. Another very important aspect is sport, especially team sports, as sport helps us channel negative energy, feelings of powerlessness and loneliness, and also improves our selfimage, and especially helps us understand the importance of cooperation and support to people who are working toward the same common goal. The second step - is defining the source of anger. In societies like here in Kosovo, where we are faced with a multitude of problems, all at the same time, it is normal that the level of anger is very high in all people regardless of their age and gender. And this is the very reason why we all need to discover the source of anger and then take adequate measures to improve the existing situation, but always without resorting to violence. The third step involves talking to other people about problems weighing upon us. This is very important because through communication with others, we come to the realization that we are not the only ones dealing with a particular situation. Accordingly, as the proverb says, “unity is strength.” Hence, we can start cooperating with other people in order to solve a particular problem. But first of all, communications will help us define priority problems that need to be solved. The fourth - and the last step is expressing dissatisfaction without using violence. This is the most difficult part because there are very few examples from which we can learn how this can be done. However, there is a simple example: imagine a scenario where violent demonstrations for youth rights are being organized. They would automatically put off a good part of potential participants. However, what is more important is that such demonstrations wouldn’t attract public attention as a result of the real problem, but because of the outcome of the demonstrations. Furthermore, repairing the damage will further reduce the limited funds that should be invested in improving the underlying reasons that caused the demonstrations. On the other hand, peaceful youth demonstrations organized for the same purpose would have far greater chances of getting the support of a large number of young people across Kosovo. Consequently, relevant institutions would be exposed to public pressure to respond to youth’s requirements, rather than to their behavior. All this would increase the chances for solving problems within the shortest possible time. Finally, we must keep in mind that we can make use of our anger to build a fairer society, or we can continue to destroy ourselves and people around us. The decision is in our hands. And we must never forget that violence is not the answer. for you 13 životinjsko carstvo INSEKTI SAI SUPER-MOĆIMA Bubašvabe Cockroaches Mnogi ljudi se boje insekata, verovatno zato što su jezivi, odvratni, čudni, i strašni. Ali uprkos svojim čudnim pojavama, mnogi insekti poseduju neverovatne sposobnosti koje će postideti druge životinje, pa čak i nas ljude. Uprkos svojim malenim dimenzijama i jednostavnim mozgovima, ova ponizna stvorenja drže ključ rešavanja nekih od najvećih problema čovečanstva. Baš kao ... Cockroaches su e ab šv ba Bu are perhaps se stvorenja koja the most dise možda najviš liked creatures mrze na celom in the whole svetu. Uprkos world. Despite so tome, one su that, they’re al ful. i najmoćnije. the most power le op pe t os m t Ono što većina Wha cockje at u th aj is zn ljudi ne don’t know e to ca signifi nt valu da bubašvabe roaches have r of researchbe m nu A nu . aj ld ač or imaju zn hes for their va the medical w . Scientists ying cockroac šnjice prouča ud na st da e u ar ča s st va ay no ži eaded diseases h ad ed tra dr vi w vr t is ko no os oj s ve m br er čo i ’s tibilik an od m svetu. Ve nju nekih ntain “nine an g some of medicinskom tencijala u leče tential in curin cockroaches co e po po of ab ia”. og er šv ns ct ai ov ba br ih ba bu e nj al th og ed that da mozak cious, leth bubašvabe zb have discover čnici su otkrili them from vora l, the oždrljivih, t au el pr N ec W i. ot od st e? pr le in ite at ic št bo th ed ih h … ern day m najužasniji olekula ... koji otic molecules to do with mod sa savremenom hes are more antibiotskih m e to veze ima does this have t ns of cockroac kv a ha ai sadrži “devet ka w m br , , vi e le So th go ak in D oz d ”. m u un ija i fo er en antibacterial kt es e ađ ul ba th on , ec ih day. In fact smrtonosn acterial mol i molekuli pr to tib e sk U an rij us o. te e w ak tim than s tib ris tic , an the antibio je danas ko more effective medicinom? Pa daleko powerful than antibiotika ko insects are far su od ugs g ta ji dr tin ni n ka us oć tio se sg m in rip di h e su sc make “pre ih odvratni ties of thes bubašvaba vi ov er ey ko th op va le pr at st a th oj “d cocke sv , in a er ne ic w či terijsk odern med healing po kova da oni stvari, antibak some of our m their amazing ihove nevm h modernih le osions. nj ši pl d fro na e re ex r id h Po ki ea As ”. cl ne ”. le e sugar pills to survive nu ećerne pilu u efikasnija od y „š lik tn ilit o va ok ab ka ro lo u le ve aj ib ne ed ed u uju izgl ve the incr kođe imaj koji se prepis bubašvabe ta roaches also ha liteljske moći, . ce je is zi lo ne sp at ek ov er rne prežive nuklea sposobnost da da Svici obnost svitaca erovatna spos do u ev ču N je st lo et of u sv Bees are one ode sopstven cije i zv oi ira pr sp tvu, i izvor in the most intelPčele ste tinjskom cars te vo ži de o Ka s. e od na ligent insects koji se P če le su je dn sti za mnoge aj do eć ra os j čarobni en tin the animal nje tno doživeli ta od na jin te lig re va pe ro ve tre uz k mra u world. Not only dna da gledate su Je ni jih in se ka ta ka t. ja pu vl ja vorenja prvi sv et u. do they have učimo verovatnih st ži vo tin js ko m na ne ih da o ov em ož is im aj u kao ljudi, m their own soph N e sa m o da stvar koja mi, efikasno koris ns of ira ne ea tic m fis ca je kako da ed so ita at e tic sv oj sv od n, icommunicatio na či ne ko m un ko đe have ta ć so al ve , ey je th ci ka extraordinary im aj u iz uz et ne i st ct that no ob sp os despite the fa rk os navigation skills mmon co s n. It’ če d. ni na vi ga ci je up ite ra ih ov vi d og eyesight is lim nj r ei je th n comda ca i ic es či nj en pč el e honey be at o da m ed ne knowledge that perform ey Th . r. no he ob ot O pš te je po zn ira ju m eđ us ate with each ic ic un un m m “waggle ko a d da lle m og u ements ca ov et a po d na m kr of po s z is rie ni se ju a her where food O ni ob av lja je dn e to tell each ot es ” da ka žu ing e” pl ild nc ći bu da r te fo la “k st zi vo m a ili ko je ch spot is be an hi hr w zi or la d te na y ca lo t man dr ug oj gd e se nj u no ve However, wha ol je za iz gr ad a new colony. e dance th at gi th m es to je na jb no is m o ow ut im , on o št people don’t kn bees ko lo ni je . M eđ vanced. Honey je ov aj pl es da je u is extremely ad aj and they zn d, un ro u is lju di ne aj rth zn Ea ed an . P če le know that the ation when iz uz et no na pr i uz im aj u tu ct into consider fa a, gl is th ru ok ke certain ta lja da je Ze m e location of a lo ka ci ju zajnirala ’re learning th zi r ka da uč e can ey ob th ey u th , u . Priroda je di , at ic th ga en či nj timo energiju e. O si m to . Aside from ju a da je an ce gi hr ur er so ra en st vo od te ju iz fo ly ris od re đe no g tako da ko ko es very easi e la gl ic lo an sv e vr Sijalice at u. ul ao ot lc ug pl na ti also ca nces. For nogo kroz to da m e gl ih m og u iz ra ču be ag eć gu w at r kl ne ei nj ih ov ih to domovima by reading th amo u našim nces from a 12 sa m o či ta nj em er, ak o pč el a ig ra im da je e ko be a if upne e, pr im exampl food 10% svoje uk pl es ov a. N a ion, that means koriste samo ct po zi ci ji 6 sa ti, re sti. di lo ka k et ti oc sv sa cl m i o’ nj fro 12 6 zvod zi rectly away od po zi ci je energije u proi a ili do m na la bljeno kroz e is located di an m gu hr k iz ho oc se or va cl bi o’ da i % 12 to zn ač ca . N as untrast, a 6 to Preostalih 90 uge strane, “fly ot no od S un the sun. In co energiju. S dr at bees are to so va th di re kt no su pr nu ča ot es pl ifi jni12 to gn si ka t 6 es od movemen svitaca su diza n”. A 7 pr ot to m e, pl towards the su je verovatna tela d gi ne aj u “d a le te ar er eb rw en tr fo e 0% ht el e ig 10 th pč stra da koriste e od means that t nj ko oz na ča va da en ta ta re em na K . ov ra m u” k n”. ka su nc to 1 o’cloc e right of the su ra vn o na pr ed tr eb aj u net) are to fly “to th ač i da pč el e www.toptenz. es zn be tu sa 1 (Izvor: http:// 7 ka . a” nc su no od da le te “n ad es Bees 14 for you INSECTS WITH AMAZING SUPERPOWERS Vilini konjici Mi ljudi imamo neverovatnu sposobnost selektivne pažnje. Upravo sada koristite ovu moć da eliminišete razne smetnje i fokusirate se na čitanje i razumevanje ove liste. Naučnici su dugi niz godina verovali da samo primati poseduju ovu neverovat nu sposobnost. Međutim, nova istraživanja pokazuju da je jedan spe cifični krilati stvor u sve tu insekata takođe ima sposobnost selektivn e pažnje, a to je vilin kon jic. Vilini konjici imaju vrlo male mozgove a ipak, kada love, oslanj aju se na selektivnu pažnju. Ako vilin kon jic vidi roj sićušnih inseka ta fokusiraće svoju pažnju samo na jed an plen. Kroz selektivn u pažnju, eliminiše drugi potencijalni plen u roju i fokusira se isključ ivo na svoju metu. Vilini konjici su vrlo pre cizni kada je u pitanju hva tanje plena. za proizvodnju svetla. Da svici, kao sijalice, koriste sam o 10% na stvaranje svetlosti a pre ostalih 90% biva oslobođeno kao toplotna energija, gotovo sigurn o bi izgoreli do smrti. Fireflies Fireflies‘ amazing ability to produce their own light is a wo nder in the animal kingdom, and a source of inspiration and joy for many of us. As a child, you’ve probably experienced that magic al feeling that comes upon see ing the twilight flickering of the se amazing creatures for the firs t time. One thing that we, as humans, can learn from fireflies is how to use energy efficiently. Fireflies were designed by Natur e to use energy without wastin g much of it through heat. The light bulbs we have in our homes only use 10% of their total energy in producing ligh t. The remaining 90% bec omes wasted heat energy. On the other hand, the amazi ng bodies of fireflies were des igned to use 100% of the ene rgy to produce light. If fire flies were like light bulbs, in that they use only 10% to make light and the remaining 90% is released as hea t energy, they would alm ost certainly burn to death. animal kingdom Many people are afraid of insects, probably because they’re creepy, disgusting, freaky, and scary. But despite their weird appearances, many insects possess incredible abilities that will put Dragother animals, and even us humans, to onflies shame. Despite their miniscule sizes We and simple brains, these lowly creahu ma ns tures hold the key to solving some ha ve the of mankind’s greatest probam azi ng ab illems. Just like… ity of sel ect ive att en tion . Rig ht no w, you ’re usi ng this po we r to elim ina te var iou s dis tra ctio ns an d foc us on rea din g an d un de rst an din g this list . Fo r ma ny yea rs, sci en tist s ha ve be liev ed tha t on ly pri ma tes po sse ss this am azi ng ab ility. Ho we ver , a ne w res ea rch sho ws tha t a spe cifi c win ge d cre atu re in the ins ect wo rld is als o cap ab le of sel ect ive att en tion , dra go nfli es. Dra go nfli es ha ve ver y sm all bra ins an d yet , wh en hu ntin g for foo d, the y rel y on sel ect ive att en tion . If a dra go nfly see s a sw arm of tiny ins ect s, it’s go ing to loc k its att en tion on on e pre y alo ne . Th rou gh sel ective att en tion , it elim ina tes oth er po ten tial pre y wit hin the sw arm an d foc use s sol ely on its tar ge t. Dra go nfli es are ver y acc ura te wh en it com es to cat chi ng the ir pre y. Bube bombarderi Kada je reč o odbram benim strategijama u svetu inseka ta, ništa nije bolje od bube bombar dera. Ovo stvorenje ima neverovat nu spo sobnost da ispusti vre lu mešavinu hemijskog rastvora dov oljno jaku da povredi svoje neprijatelj e. Otrovni rastvor koji ova buba prska može da dostigne impresivn u temperaturu od 212 stepeni Celzijusa ili 100 stepeni Celzijusa. Ali ono što je još više fascinantno je intr igantni dizajn tela bube bombardera. Vidite, dve hemikalije, vodonik per oksid i hidrohinon, koje ovaj insekt kor isti da povredi svoje neprijatelje su opa sne i fatalne. Kada se ne bi skladištil e i kombinovale pravilno, buba bombar der bi eksplodirala! Da nije njihovih dobro osmišljenih tela, bube bombarderi nikada ne bi postojale. Na kraju abdomena ovog insekta su dve žlezde. Ove dve žlezde odvajaju vodonik peroksid od hid rohinona. Ako se buba bombarder oseti ugroženom, njeni mišići sfinkteri će istisnu ti pravu količinu hemikalija u određenom delu tela gde se mešaju zajedno sa drugim toksičnim supstancama. Rezultat je vruće mešavina toksičnih hemikalija spo sobnih da povrede neprijatelje bub e bombardera. Bombardier Beetle When it comes to defens ive strategies in the insect world, not hing beats the Bombardier beetle. Th is creature has the incredible ability to fire a hot mixture of chemical solution strong enough to injure its enemies. The toxic solution sprayed by the beetle can reach an impressive temperature of 212 deg rees Fahrenheit, or 100 degrees Celsiu s. But what’s even more fascinating is the intricate design of the Bombardier beetle’ s body. You see, the two chemicals, hyd rogen peroxide and hydroquinone, wh ich this insect uses to injure its enemie s are danger ous and fatal. If not sto red and combined properly, these chemic als would cause the Bombardier beetle to explode! Were it not for their well-desi gned bodies, Bombardier beetles wo uld have never existed. At the end of this insect’s abdomen are two glands. Th ese two glands separate the hydrogen peroxide from the hydroquinone. If the Bombardier beetle feels threatene d, its sphincter muscles will squeeze the right amount of chemicals into a certain body part where they are mixed togeth er with other toxic substances. The result is a hot mixture of toxic chemicals cap able of hurting the Bombardier beetle’s ene mies. (Source: for you 15 moviemania JURASSIC WORLD JURASSIC WORLD Uloge: Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, Chris Pratt, Vincent D’Onofrio, Irrfan Khan, Omar Sy and Judy Greer. Re`ija: Colin Trevorrow @anr: Akcioni avanturisti~ki Studio: Universal Pictures Sinopsis vadeset i dve godine nakon dešavanja u Parku iz doba Jure, ostvro Nublar je postalo pravi park sa dinosaurusima po imenu Svet iz doba Jure, što je i bila originalna zamisao John Hamnond-a. D Cast: Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, Chris Pratt, Vincent D’Onofrio, Irrfan Khan, Omar Sy and Judy Greer. Director: Colin Trevorrow Genre: Action/Adventure Studio: Universal Pictures Synopsis wenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. T THE AGE OF ADALINE Cast: Blake Lively, Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew and Michiel Huisman. Director: Lee Toland Krieger Genre: Drama/Romance Studio: Lionsgate Synopsis daline ceases to age following an accident one icy night, but keeps her condition a closely-guarded secret while embarking on a number of incredible adventures throughout the 20th Century. After years of a solitary life, she finds the love and courage that enable her to fully begin living. A THE AGE OF ADALINE Uloge: Blake Lively, Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew and Michiel Huisman. Re`ija: Lee Toland Krieger @anr: Ljubavna drama Studio: Lionsgate 18 for you Sinopsis dalina je prestala da stari nakon nesre}e koja se dogodila jedne hladne no}i ali ona ljubomorno krije istinu o svom stanju dok zapo~inje brojne neverovatne avanture tokom dvadesetog veka. Nakon godina sama~kog `ivota ona pronalazi ljubav i hrabrost da opet po~ne da `ivi punim plu}ima. A moviemania INSIDE OUT Cast: Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Bill Hader, Phyllis Smith, Amy Poehler, Kyle MacLachlan and Diane Lane. Director: Peter Docter Genre: Animation/Comedy Studio: Walt Disney Pictures INSIDE OUT Uloge: Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Bill Hader, Phyllis Smith, Amy Poehler, Kyle MacLachlan and Diane Lane. Re`ija: Peter Docter @anr: Animirana komedija Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Sinopsis iksar vodi publiku na neverovatna putovanja u neverovatnim svetovima: od najmra~nijih dubina okeana do vrha planine Tepui u Ju`noj Americi ; iz fiktivnih metropole Monstropolis do futuristi~ki fantaziji o svemiru . Odrastanje mo`e biti trnovit put, a Rajlijino odrastanje nije izuzetak tome, `ivot na koji je navikla na Srednjem Zapadu korenito se menja kada njen otac dobija novi posao u San Francisku. Kao i sve nas, Rajli vode njene emocije – Synopsis ixar takes audiences on incredible journeys into extraordinary worlds: from the darkest depths of the ocean to the top of the Tepui mountains in South America; from the fictional metropolis of Monstropolis to a futuristic fantasy of outer space. Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it’s no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Like all of us, Riley is guided by her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness. The emotions live in Headquarters, the control center inside Riley’s mind, where they help advise her through everyday life. As Riley and her emotions struggle to adjust to a new life in San Francisco, turmoil ensues in Headquarters. Although Joy, Riley’s main and most important emotion, tries to keep things positive, the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school. P P Radost, Strah, Bes, Ga|enje i Tuga. Emocije `ive u sedištu a kontrolni centar je unutar Rajlinog uma, gde je emocije savetuju o svakodnevnom `ivotu. Dok se Rajli i njene emocije bore da se prilagode novom `ivotu u San Francisku, dolazi TOMORROWLAND do previranja u sedištu. Iako Radost, koja je Rajlina glavna i najva`nija emocija, pokušava da odr`i pozitivnost, emocije dolaze u sukob o tome kako je najbolje da se Rajli privikne na novi grad, novu ku}u i školu . TOMORROWLAND TOMORROWLAND Uloge: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy, Thomas Robinson, Britt Robertson, Judy Greer and Kathryn Hahn. Re`ija: Brad Bird @anr: Nau~na fantastika Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Cast: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy, Thomas Robinson, Britt Robertson, Judy Greer and Kathryn Hahn. Director: Brad Bird Genre: Sci-Fi Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Sinopsis udbina spaja bistru, optimisti~nu tinejd`erku, koja sva pršti od nau~ne radoznalosti, i de~aka-genija, koji je razo~arani pronalaza~, i oni se upuštaju u opasnu misiju razotkrivanja tajni zagonetnog mesta koje postoji negde u vremenu i prostoru njihovog kolektivnog se}anja tzv. Tomorrowland. Synopsis ound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as Tomorrowland. S B for you 19 sportski ugao G otovo da ne postoje ljudi koji nisu bar jednom upotrebili re~ “karate”, bilo da pri~aju o nekom filmu, doga|aju na ulici, situaciji u kojoj su se na{li ili u {ali sa prijateljima. Mnogi znaju da je u pitanju i borila~ka ve{tina, ali je ~e{}e povezuju s Kinom, a mnogo re|e sa Japanom, zemljom gde je ova ve{tina nastala. Jo{ manji broj ljudi zna da ova re~, u bukvalnom prevodu, zna~i “prazna ruka”, ali bi slobodan prevod glasio “bez oru`ja u rukama”! Postoje ~etiri tradicionalna stila karatea i to Shotokan, Fudokan, Kyokushin i Uechi ryu. Na ovom na{em podru~ju, najzastupljenija su prva dva stila. Ova ve{tina svoj procvat do`ivljava u 19. veku, a danas sve vi{e dobija obrise sportske discipline kojom se, profesionalno i rekreativno, bave milioni ljudi {irom sveta. Entuzijazam o~eli~en karateom Vo|en `eljom da ovu isto~nja~ku borila~ku 20 for you ve{tinu pribli`i ljudima na ovim na{im prostorima, ali i mlade skloni sa ulica, majstor karatea Milan Ra{i}, 2010. godine u Lepini otvara karate klub “Senshi”. Ovo se pokazalo kao pun pogodak jer u startu klub dobija sto polaznika, `eljnih da nau~e ne{to {to su do ju~e gledali samo na filmovima. Ohrabren ovim podatkom, klub se naredne godine {iri na Laplje Selo gde dobija novih devedeset ~lanova podeljenih u mla|u i stariju grupu. Po~etkom 2014. godine “Senshi” otvara svoja vrata zainteresovanim polaznicima i u Gra~anici, gde se prijavljuje ~etrdesetak dece, opet podeljenih u dve starosne grupe. Po~etak rada kluba je bio trnovit, jer sem prostora koji su dobili na kori{}enje od lokalnih zajednica ({kolska sala u Lepini i domovi kulture u Lapljem Selu i Gra~anici), nije bilo nikakvih drugih trena`nih predmeta i alata, a koji se mogu na}i u bogatijim klubovima. Me|utim, entuzijazma i elana za rad nije nedostajalo ni “sensei” Milanu (“sensei” na japanskom zna~i u~itelj) ni njegovim u~enicima. Zahvaljuju}i li~noj posve}enosti, po`rtvovanju i te{kim treninzima, klub je za ~etiri i po godina postojanja, osvojio osamdeset medalja svih boja na nekoliko regionalnih takmi~enja. Ipak, ono {to }e predstavljati vrhunac dosada{njeg rada jeste u~estvovanje na Evropskom prvenstvu u Napulju, Italija, od 25. marta do 31. marta ove godine. Bilo kakva medalja, trofej ili priznanje na ovom takmi~enju, bio bi ogroman uspeh i sna`an podsticaj za nastavak dalje istim putem, ali i uverilo sve da je izabrani pravac rada i treninga bio ispravan. Naravno, ~ak i da ne bude odli~ja, samo u~e{}e na ovom turniru }e predstavljati ogromno iskustvo i podstrek za jo{ `e{}i rad koji }e na nekom narednom prvenstvu biti materijalizovan kroz medalje i trofeje. „Veoma sam ponosan...“ Ono na šta je “sensei” Milan posebno ponosan je to što su se, deca koja su odlu~ila da treniraju ovu plemenitu veštinu, zaista i pronašla u istoj i smatra da }e im puno pomo}i da se na pravi na~in pripreme za sve prijatne ili neprijatne izazove koji ih ~ekaju u `ivotu. Treba i dodati da on svojim u~enicima uvek naglašava da ste~ena znanja i veštine Milan Ra{i} nikako ne smeju da koriste na ulici, kako bi povredili ili maltretirali nekog! Treninzi su uvek dinami~ni, interesantni, a ~esto i fizi~ki naporni. Popu{tanja nema nikome, vlada ~vrsta disciplina i ozbiljan rad. Svakako, postoje trenuci i kada se na|e vremena i za {alu i opuštanje, pa se pri~aju vicevi, razne li~ne dogodovštine i anegdote. Ovo je bitno da bi polaznici ~asove treniranja prihvatili kao deo odrastanja, psihofizi~kog razvoja i na~ina `ivota, a ne kao obavezu! ... na~in `ivota i budu}nost... Milan Raši} nije `eleo da pri~a previše o planovima za neku dalju budu}nost, ali nam je otkrio da se za teku}u godinu planira u~eš}e na desetak turnira. Tako|e, ukoliko materijalna situacija dozvoli, `elja mu je da odr`i letnje pripreme sa starijim polaznicima. Na kraju, poru~io je svima koji bi `eleli da se bave karateom, da isti postaje na~in `ivota koji poma`e da mirno, bez stresa i nervoze, odlu~no i sa ciljem idete kroz `ivot. sports corner T here are almost no people who have not at least once used the word “karate”, whether that was when they would be talking about a film, event on the streets, a situation in which they found themselves or when joking with friends. Many know that this is a martial art, but it is more often associated with China, and more rarely with Japan, a country where this martial art originated. Even fewer people know that this word literally means “empty hand”, but a free translation would be “no weapons in hands!” There are four traditional styles of karate and these are Shotokan, Fudokan, Kyokushin and Uechi Ryu. In our area, the most common are the first two styles. This martial art flourished in the 19th century, and today is becoming increasingly a sports discipline in which, professionally and recreationally, are engaged millions of people around the world. Enthusiasm strengthened by karate Driven by the desire to make this eastern martial art closer to the people in our region, but also to get young people off the streets, a master of karate Milan Rasic, in 2010 opened a karate club “Senshi” in Lepina. This has proved to be a big hit since at the mere beginning, the club gets hundreds of students, eager to learn something that, until recently, they had seen only in the movies. Encouraged by these statistics, the club in the following year had expanded to a neighbouring Laplje Selo where it received ninety new members divided into a younger and older group. In early 2014, “Senshi” opens its doors to interested participants in Gracanica, where about forty children joined, again divided into two age groups. Beginning the club was hard, because, besides the space they got from the local community (school hall in Lepina and community centres in Laplje Selo and Gracanica), there were no other training tools and equipment, which can be found in the richer clubs. However, neither “sensei” Milan (“sensei” in Japanese means teacher) nor his disciples lacked the enthusiasm for the work. Thanks to the personal dedication, sacrifice and hard training, the club won eighty medals of all colours in several regional competitions during four and a half years of its existence. However, what will represent the culmination of previous work is the participation in the European Championships in Naples, Italy, from March 25 to March 31 of this year. Any medal, trophy or award in the competition, would be a tremendous success and a strong incentive to continue further along the same path, but also convince everyone that the chosen line of work and training was correct. Of course, even if there are no medals, participation in this tournament will be a tremendous experience and an incentive to work even harder that will be materialized in some future championship through medals and trophies. added that he always emphasizes for his disciples that they cannot use the gained knowledge and skills on the street, to hurt or bully someone! The trainings are always dynamic, interesting, and often physically demanding. No one gets it easy; there is strict discipline and hard work. Sure, there are times when he finds the time for humour and relaxation, and tell jokes, a variety of personal adventures and anecdotes. This is important so that the participants would accept the training classes as part of growing up, psychophysical development and a way of life, not as an obligation! ... A way of life and the future... Milan Rasic did not want to talk too much about plans for a distant future, but he revealed that for the current year there are plans to participate in a dozen tournaments. Also, if the financial situation allows, he wishes to organize summer preparations with older students. In the end, he told everyone who would like to engage in karate, that it becomes a way of life that helps to calmly, without stress and anxiety, but decisively and with the aim, go through life. “I am very proud of ...” What “sensei” Milan is especially proud of is that the children, who chose to practice this noble skill, actually got to really love it and he believes that it will help them a lot to properly prepare for pleasant or unpleasant challenges that await them in life. It should be for you 21 Hi - Tech To je svet tehnologije gde ljudi prave svoje domove na Mesecu, gde su otkrivene nove svemirske linije, gde ljudi tr~e trku štrebera, gde je iskustvo jednog dodira postala toliko uobi~ajeno, gde je sve pod kontrolom sa daljinskih upravlja~a, gde imamo robote koji govore, gde sa tehnologijom mo`emo posetiti svaku zemlju, gde je mobilnost jedina va`na stvar, gde niko nema vremena da pogleda unazad u kameno doba i gde smo postali skloni da nas hrane kašikom. Da, ovo je era tehnologije gde su gad`eti sve što nam je potrebno. Proverite najnovije tehnološke ged`ete iz 2015 koje bi voleli da kupite. Magi~na kocka sa laserskom projekcijom virtualne tastature To je magi~na kocka koja je potpuno virtuelna, sa ovim malim prenosivim gad`etemo sada mo`ete imati virtuelnu tastaturu gde god da ste, šta bi više štreber po`eleo od ovoga? Magic Cube Laser Virtual Projection Keyboard It is a magical cube that is totally virtual, with this tiny portable gadget now you can have the virtual keyboard wherever you are, what more a geek would want other than this? SkyBell Wi-Fi video zvonce sa aplikacijom za smartfon - ios ili android Skybell je najbolji primer ultra tehnološkog `ivota gde ste kroz skybell informisani ko je došao na vrata, ovo video zvonce vam omogu}ava da vidite, ~ujete i razgovarate sa posetiocima koji vam stoje na pragu i posebno je dizajniran za lako}u upotrebe i udobnost ljudi. Obezbedi}e video strim u`ivo na Android ili na iOS na vašem smartfonu. SkyBell Wi-Fi Video Doorbell with ios android app Skybell is the best example of ultra-technological life where through skybell you are informed who has come to your door, this video doorbell lets you see, hear and speak to the visitors standing on the threshold, and it is specially designed for the ease and comfort of people. It will provide live video feed on your Android or iOS. Wi-Fi pametni prekida~ za kontrolu elektri~nih ure|aja Najbolji na~in da pratite vaše ku}ne aparate je da imate pametni prekida~ koji vam omogu}ava da znate o potrošnji energije elektronskih ure|aja preko jednostavnog interfejsa preko kojeg mo`ete da uklju~ite/ isklju~ite elektronske ure|aje kao što su TV, grejalice, klima ure|aje, peglu itd. 22 for you Logitech podesivi gejmerski miš sa potpuno podesivom površinom Da li ste ljubitelj igara? Onda }ete obo`avati ovaj štreberski ure|aj. Kroz ovaj podesivi gejmerski miš, podignite nivo svoje igre sa kalibracijom površine koja se podešava, podešavanje te`ine/ravnote`e, DPI promenom stepena prenosa i sa 11 programabilnih tastera. Logitech Tunable Gaming Mouse with Fully Customization Surface Are you a game lover? Then this geek device will be adored by you. Through this tunable gaming mouse, elevate your game with surface tuning calibration, weight/balance adjustment, DPI shifting, and 11 programmable buttons. Be`i~na pametna LED sijalica sa 80% manje potrošnje Savremen i mo}an ~ovek `eli kontrolu svega. Hajde da po~nemo od ku}e. Kontrolišite vaše sijalice i svetla u ku}i sa ovom LED sijalicom gde mo`ete smanjiti ili poja~ati svetlo kroz postavke u mobilnoj aplikaciji i da je upravljate kako `elite. Wireless Smart LED Soft White Bulb 80% Less Consumption Today’s powerful man wants the control of everything. Let’s get it started from your home. Keep the control of your bulbs and lights in the house with this LED soft white bulb, you can dim or highlight the bulbs through the setting in the mobile application & manage it like you want. Wi-Fi Smart Switch for Controlling Electronics The best way to monitor your home appliances is to have smart switch which lets you know about the energy consumption by the electronic devices, through its simple interface, you can turn on/off the electronic appliances like TV, heaters, air conditioners and iron etc. Izvor: http://www. Hi - Tech It is the world of technology where people are making their homes on moon, where new space lines are discovered, where people are running in the geek race, where one-touch experience has become so common, where everything is controlled with remote manager, where we have talking robots, where we can visit any country with technology, where mobility is all that matters, where no one has a time to look back to the stone-age and where we have become prone to spoon-feeding. Yes, this is the era of technology where gadgets are all we need. Check the latest tech gadgets of 2015 that you would love to buy. 3D Opti~ki miš sa refleksijom prsta Sada vam je ruka novi miš, ovaj be`i~ni kompjuterski miš vam omogu}ava da uradite posao miša sopstvenim prstom koji imitira kursor (desno-levo/gore-dole). Ovo potpuno novo iskustvo bi vas iznenadilo. Dajte mu šansu. Reflection Wireless Air 3D Finger Optical Mouse Now your hand is your new mouse, this wireless air 3D mouse is finger optical mouse which lets you do the job of a mouse by your own finger impersonating a cursor (right-left/up-down). This totally new experience will surprise you. Give it a go. FiLIP 2 pametni de~ji lokator sa zvukom Prona|ite decu gde god da su. Ovaj sat nije samo sat ve} radi kao bri`na majka koja nadgleda svoju decu tako da se ne izgube. Moderna porodica bi volela da ovo ima kao vezu izme|u njih i njihove dece. FiLIP 2 Smart Locator with Voice for Kids Locate your kids wherever they are. This watch is not only a watch but it works like a secure mother who watches over her children so they don’t get lost. Modern families would love to have it as a connection between them and their kids. Projects Watch Twirler Black Ako neko od vaših drugova nosi trendi satove, poklonite im ovaj novi ru~ni sat sa jedinstvenim stilom koji je potpuno druga~iji od konvencionalnih ru~nih satova. Pru`a divnu sliku vremena kao nikada do sada. Projects Watch Twirler Black If any of your mates wear trendy watches, gift them this new and unique style wristwatch which is totally different from the conventional wristwatches. It gives a stunning picture of time like never before. Bluetooth muzi~ka maska za spavanje Ukoliko ste ljubitelj muzike, onda vi sigurno dišete, vidite i slušate muziku. Sada je stigla Bluetooth muzi~ka maska za spavanje sa interfejsom lakim za koriš}enje, omogu}ava vam da slušate kul muziku kada putujete ili u krevetu (preko telefona ili bilo kog drugog blutooth ure|aja). Bluetooth Audio Sleep Music & Phone Head Mask If you are a music lover, you will be breathing, seeing and listening to music. Now here is a Bluetooth sleep music head mask with easy interface, it lets you hear cool music when you are travelling around or on your bed (through your mobile or any Bluetooth device). Ultra tanki be`i~ni punja~ za sve smarfone Previše ste umorni da ustanete i prona|ete najbli`u uti~nicu? Otarasite se takvih problema i olakšajte sebi `ivot. Sa ovim be`i~nim punja~em sada mo`ete napuniti svoje ure|aje gde god da ste. Nikada vam baterija ne}e biti prazna. Budi više tehno. Isprobaj ove ged`ete ove godine. Ultra slim Qi-enabled Wireless Charging for All Smartphones Too tired to get up and find the nearby switch board? Now get rid of all such problems and let you lifestyle become easy. Through this wireless charger now you can charge up your devices wherever you are. Never run short of battery. Be more techno. Try out these gadgets this year. Source: for you 23 ILEGALNA IMIGRACIJA NIJE PRAVI ODGOVOR “Izbeglica je lice koje je zbog straha zasnovanog na progonu zbog rase, vere, nacionalnosti, politi~kog mi{ljenja ili pripadnosti odre|enoj dru{tvenoj grupi, u inostranstvu (izvan svoje dr`ave) i nema mogu} nost, ili zbog straha, ne `eli da ima koristi od za{tite te dr`ave; ili koje je u inostranstvu, van svog uobi~ajenog prebivali{ta, iz istih razloga navedenih, ne mo`e, ili zbog straha, ne `eli da se vrati tamo...” (Konvencija UN o statusu izbeglica) M u{karci i `ene guraju jedni druge da prvi u|u u prepune autobuse koji ih odvoze ka nesigurnoj budu} nosti, punoj pote{ko}a, pa ~ak i pretnji po njihov `ivot... Ovo su slike koje su obele`ile po~etak ove godine i koji su {okirale celo kosovsko dru{tvo, pa i {ire. U vrlo kratkom vremenu je na hiljade stanovnika Kosova odlu~ilo da napusti rodna mesta i domove zbog 24 for you jednog cilja: potrage za boljim `ivotom (traganja za sre}om). Me|utim, da li je istina da }e ga prona}i bilo gde da odu? Na`alost, odgovor je NE! To je NE, jer pre svega druga dr`ava preuzima za{titu stranih dr`avljana samo kada oni ispunjavaju uslove i standarde da bi se kvalifikovali kao izbeglica. Budu}i da ve}ina onih koji su napustili Kosovo nijedna dr`ava im ne}e pru`iti uto~i{te. Na kraju, oni }e biti deportovani na Kosovo. Drugo, Evropska unija funkcioni{e kao jedinstveno tr`i}te rada, {to zna~i da gra|ani dr`ava ~lanica mogu tra`iti posao u bilo kojoj od zemalja ~lanica EU. Drugim re~ima, Nema~ka i svaka druga dr`ava EU mo`e na}i radnike u okviru ovog sindikata. Na`alost, ne postoje ta~ni statisti~ki podaci o ovim ljudima koji vide ilegalnu emigraciju kao na~in re{avanja svojih problema. Me|utim, iz brojnih diskusija i na medijima i u porodi~nim i socijalnim krugovima, ~ini se da je dobar deo tih ljudi prodao svoje ku}e i imovinu, napustio svoja radna mesta, uzeo svoju decu iz {kola i otišao. Kuda? Prvo su otputovali u Ma|arsku, a odatle, na osnovu lepih obe}anja, mogu}nosti su beskrajne, jer Francuska, Nema~ka i Kanada ~ak i Novi Zeland tra`e radnu snagu! Da li je ikada palo na pamet bilo kojima od ovih ljudi da sprovedu jednostavno pretra`ivanje na Guglu i da saznaju broj nezaposlenih u ovim dr`avama?! Ili, da li je neko svestan broja ilegalnih imigranata koji je u{ao u EU samo tokom pro{le godine?! Odgovori na ova pitanja su veoma va`na jer jasno pokazuju da su jedinu korist od ovog besmislenog egzodusa imali {verceri koji sigurno zara|uju milione evra od cele ove euforije. Tro{kove }e platiti sami ovi ljudi, ali ono {to je najgore je to što }e ih platiti i deca koja su bez ikakvog obja{njenja odvojena od {kolskih klupa, svojih prijatelja, i svog `ivota. Me|utim, zbog neozbiljnosti njihovih roditelja }e najve}a {teta biti stvaranje percepcije kod njih da je jedini na~in da se suo~e sa te{ko}ama u `ivotu biti da pobegnu od njih. eurostat/statisticsexplained/index.php/ Europe_in_figures_-_ Eurostat_yearbook - Ovo je veb stranica na kojima se mogu na} i svi statisti~ki podaci o Evropskoj uniji i pravom ekonomskom i socijalnom stanju u svim dr`avama ~lanicama EU. ILLEGAL EMIGRATION IS NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER “A refugee is a person who, because of the fear based on persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion or certain social group affiliation, is abroad (outside its state) and does not have a possibility, or due to fear, does not wish to benefit from the protection of that state; or who, being abroad his usual residency for the same reasons mentioned above, cannot, or due to fear, does not wish to return there...” (The UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees) M en and women pushing each other to board the overloaded buses that are taking them towards an unsafe future, full of difficulties and even threats to their lives… These are the images that marked the beginning of this year and that shocked the entire Kosovan society, and the international community. In a very short time, thousands of residents of Kosovo, decided to leave their country and their homes for a single purpose: pursuit for a better life (pursuit of happiness). But is it true that they will find it anywhere they go? Unfortunately, the answer is NO! NO, because other states only take over the protection of foreign citizens only when they meet the conditions and standards to be qualified as a refugee. Being that the majority, who leave Kosovo, do not meet these conditions, no state will provide them shelter. Ultimately, they will be deported back to Kosovo. Secondly, the European Union functions as a single labor market, which means that the citizens of the member states can request for work in any of the EU member states. In other words, Germany and any other state of EU can find workers within this union. Unfortunately, there are no correct statistics regarding these people who are seeing the illegal emigration as a way of solving their problems. From numerous discussions in the media, in the family and social circles, it appears that a good amount of these people sold their houses and belongings, left their jobs, took their kids out of their schools and left. To where? Firstly, they travelled to Hungary, then, according to some attractive promises, the possibilities were endless. France, Germany, Canada and New Zealand are requesting manpower! Has it ever dawned to any of these people to conduct a simple search on Google to find out the number of unemployed persons in these states?! Are they aware of the number of the illegal emigrants entering EU in the last year?! The answers to these questions are very important, because they clearly show that the only beneficiaries from this exodus are the smugglers who are certainly earning millions of euros from this entire euphoria. While the cost will be paid by these people themselves, their children will pay a worse price. They were separated from their school benches, their friends and their life. However, from the frivolity of their parents, the biggest damage will be the creation of perception them that the only way to face difficulties in life is by escaping them. eurostat/statisticsexplained/index.php/ Europe_in_figures_-_ Eurostat_yearbook - This is a web page where one can find all the statistics regarding the European Union and the true economic and social situation in all the EU member states. for you 25 Upitnik ANDROID ili iOS? Aleksandar Dimitrijevi} (16) Imam iskustva kako sa samim operativnim sistemima, tako sa ure|ajima koje ih koriste. Li~no mislim da je Android mobilni operativni sistem rasprostranjeniji, dok je iOS stabilniji. Me|utim, iOS ure|aji su mnogo skuplji od Android pandana, a ogroman broj aplikacija za potonji sistem me je naterao da se odlu~im za Android platformu. Sandra ]irkovi} (17) Li~no ne koristim nijedan pametni telefon, ali sam imala prilike da se susretnem s istima i to, pre svega, sa Androidom. Sa Epl ure|ajima i iOS sistemom, nisam dolazila u kontakt. Ipak, iz pri~e sa prijateljima, stekla sam utisak da su Android telefoni i ure|aji bolji, pa bih na osnovu toga i ja izabrala taj sistem. Mitrovi} Lazar (17) Od po~etka koristim telefon sa Android operativnim sistemom. Imam odli~na iskustva s njim, tako da tu ni{ta ne bih menjao. Svakako da sam ~uo i za iOS, ~ak sam par puta imao priliku i da ga koristim, ali zbog nekako druga~ijeg principa rada u odnosu na Android nisam uspeo u potpunosti da se sna|em. Tu je i pitanje cena za iOS ure|aje koji su dosta skuplji u odnosu na Android ure|aje. Aleksandar Dimitrijevic (16) I have experience with both the operating systems, as with devices that use them. Personally I think that Android mobile operating system is prevalent, while iOS is more stable. However, iOS devices are much more expensive than Android counterparts, and a huge number of applications for the latter system made me decide in favour of Android platform. Sandra Cirkovic (17) Personally I do not use any smart phone, but I had the opportunity to come into contact with them and, above all, with Android. I did not come in contact with Apple’s devices and iOS systems. However, from talking with friends I got the impression that Android phones and devices are better, so based on that I would also chose this system. Lazar Mitrovic (17) Since the beginning I use phone with Android operating system. I have a great experience with it, so there’s nothing I would trade. Certainly, I have heard of iOS, and even had a chance to use it a couple of times, but because of a different kind of working principle in relation to Android I failed to fully manage. There is also the issue price for iOS devices which are quite expensive compared to Android devices. Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. 26 for you Questionnaire ANDROID or iOS? @aklina Stevi} (16) ^ula sam za iOS odnosno iPhone. Me|utim, nisam imala kontakt s njima, pa ne mogu da sudim o kvalitetu i stabilnosti sistema. ^ula sam od ljudi koji poseduju ovakve ure|aje da su veoma kvalitetni, ali i skupi. S druge strane, moj Android telefon mi pru`a sve one stvari koje su mi neophodne tj. bez problema koristim Viber, Facebook i WhatsApp aplikacije, pa ne vidim potrebu da tu ne{to skorije menjam. An|elija Ni}i} (19) Koristila sam samo Android ure|aje do sada i nikada nisam primetila bilo kakav problem u radu istih. Naravno, telefon ume da „zakuca“ s vremena na vreme, ali smatram da je to mana ve} ine dana{njih ure|aja. Za iOS jesam ~ula, ali ga nikada nisam koristila. S tim u vezi, dok njega ne probam, ja biram Android. Zaklina Stevic (16) I heard of iOS i.e. iPhone. However, I had no contact with it so I cannot judge the quality and stability of the system. I’ve heard from people who have such devices that they are of a high quality, but expensive. On the other hand, my Android phone gives me all the things I need i.e. I have no problem using Viber, WhatsApp and Facebook apps, so I see no need to change anything soon. Andjelija Nicic (19) I have used only Android devices so far and I’ve never noticed any problem in the work of the same. Of course, the phone knows how to get blocked from time to time, but I think this is a flaw of most of today’s devices. I have heard about iOS, but I have never used it. In this regard, until I try it, I will choose Android. Strahinja Risti} (17) Kao i ve}ina ljudi ovde, i moj izbor je pao na Android platformu. Ure|aji sa ovim operativnim sistemom su vrlo rasprostranjeni i ima ih u svim cenovnim segmentima, pa svako mo`e, u zavisnosti od finansijskih mogu}nosti, da prona|e ure|aj za sebe. S druge strane, za neki iOS ure|aj treba izdvojiti prili~nu koli~inu novca odnosno nije za sva~iji d`ep. Za sada ne planiram da menjam Android platformu za neku drugu, ali ako se uka`e prilika da isprobam neki iPhone, sigurno }u mu dati {ansu. Strahinja Ristic (17) Like most people’s here, my choice would also be the Android platform. Devices with this operating system are very common and in all price ranges, so everyone can, depending on their financial capabilities, find a device for themselves. On the other hand, for some iOS device one should allocate a considerable amount of money so it is not suitable for everyone’s budget. For now, I do not plan to exchange the Android platform for another, but if I get a chance to try out some iPhone, I will certainly give it a chance. Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. for you 27 KOJI LIKOVI IZ STVARNOG ZIVOTA SU POSLUZILI KAO INSPIRACIJA ZA LIKOVE IZ CRTANIH FILMOVA Da li mo`ete da pogodite ko je poslu`io kao inspiracija za legendarne likove crtanih filmova poput Sne`ane, Popaja i Male Sirene? Sne`ana - Marge Belcher Champion Iako pri~a o Sne`ani i sedam patuljaka mo`da nije potekla od Marge Belcher Champion, ali njena pojava je uticala na simpati~an i zdrav izgled po kojem je Sne`ana poznata. U stvari, Marge je bila uzor animatorima prilikom crtanja prve Diznijeve princeze. Smatralo se da je ona zenica oka Walt Disney-ja, sa svojim lepim bademastim o~ima, lepog vaspitanja i vedrog duha, a sve to sa svega 14 godina. Walt je mislio da mala Marge nije samo savršena kao uzor za lik Sne`ane, ve} je nekoliko godina kasnije ona opet poslu`ila animatorima kao uzor, ali ovoga puta za lik Plave Vile u pri~i o Pinokiju. Snow White Marge Belcher Champion Marge Belcher Champion may not have been where the idea of Snow White came from, but her appearance influenced the sweet and wholesome look that Snow is known for. In fact, Marge was a model the animators used to imitate when drawing the first Disney princess. She seemed to be the apple of Walt Disney’s eye with her beautiful almond shaped-eyes, good manners and kind spirit, and all that at only 14 years of age. Walt thought that little Marge was not only perfect for Snow White, but a few years later he had animators craft her again, but this time as The Blue Fairy in Pinocchio. Mornar Popaj - Frank “Rocky” Fiegel Elzie Crisler Segar, tvorac Popaja, dobio je inspiraciju za ovaj lik kada je kao de~ak upoznao Frank “Rocky” Fiegel-a, mornara koji je pušio lulu i tamanio spana}. E.C.Segar pronašao je inspiraciju za Popaja, Olivu i Bad`u me|u stanovnicima svog rodnog grada ^estera u Ilinoisu. Frank Fiegel je bio jednooki mornar jake gra|e 28 for you D`oker Conrad Veidt D`oker je jedan od najlegendarnijih likova u istoriji stripa i filma, ali odakle je potekao ovaj lik? Ka`u da je kao inspiracija poslu`io lik iz igranog filma, Gwynplaine. Ovaj nemi film kasnih dvadesetih godina prošlog veka zove se “The Man Who Laughed”. Film je sniman po istoimenoj knjizi koja se bavi doga|ajima iz 1690. Radi se o plemi}u koji je uvredio kralja James-a II i biva osu|en na smrt gvozdenom devicom (spravom za mu~enje koja se sastojala od šiljaka okrenutim ka unutra), dok njegov sin, Gwynplaine, mora da strada zbog greha svog oca tako što mu hirurški vrše disfiguraciju lica. Dr Hardquannone (mo`da uzor za lik D`okerove devojke) mu osaka}uje trajnim osmehom na licu kako bi mogao da se “zauvek smeje budali od oca”. Stalni osmeh je bio prvi uticaj na lik D`okera a ubrzo posle, dodat je i kartaški štih. Et voila – ro|en je lik D`okera. The Joker - Conrad Veidt The Joker is one of the most iconic figures in comic book and movie history, but where did he come from? He’s said to have been influenced by a movie character, Gwynplaine, from the late 1920’s. The silent movie was called; The Man Who Laughed and was based on a book by the same name that centered around 1690. It’s about a nobleman who offended King James II and was sentenced to death by iron maiden (a torture device that consisted of a spike covered interior) whilst his son, Gwynplaine, suffered the sins of his father in the form of surgical disfigurement. Dr. Hardquannone (another influence for Joker’s girlfriend, perhaps?), mutilates him by fixing a permanent smile on his face to “laugh at his fool of a father forever”. The permanent grin was the first influence for The Joker and soon after, the playing card was added. Et voila - The Joker was born. sa neverovatnom snagom, po kojoj je dobio nadimak Rocky. Fiegel je toliko impresionirao Segar-a da je mladi karikaturista odlu~io da objavi svoj strip “Thimble Theatre” u smešnim stranicama novina 17. januara 1929. Dugo nakon svog prvog pojavljivanja u smešnim stranicama, Popaj je i dalje `iv i zdrav, dok se pojavljuje u svom crtanom filmu, na reklamama i u igranom filmu, gde njegov lik tuma~i legendarni Robin Williams. REAL-LIFE INSPIRATIONS FOR FAMOUS ANIMATED CHARACTERS Can you guess who inspired cartoon legends such as Snow White, Popeye, and The little Mermaid? Mala sirena - Alyssa Milano Vi verovatno znate Alyssa Milano kao malu Samantu iz serije “Ko je gazda?” ili kao Fibi iz serije “Charmed”, ali da li ste znali da je ova svetlo-oka, vitka devojka bila inspiracija za lik Ariele u Maloj Sireni? Ne brinite, veoma mali broj ljudi ovo zna. Iako je Sherri Stoner, koji je radio kao pisac i producent za Disney 1980-ih i 1990-ih, uneo neke inspirativne elemente u lik Ariele, ona nije bila jedina inspiracija za ovaj lik. Alisina `ivahnost i lepe velike o~i su inspirisale izgled i li~nost popularne sirenu sada ve} davne 1989. Što se ti~e Arieline plamte}e-crvene kose - inspiracija za to je Popeye The Sailor - Frank “Rocky” Fiegel Elzie Crisler Segar, the creator of Popeye, got his influence for the pipe-smoking spinachchomping sailor man in the form of Frank “Rocky” Fiegel when he was just a boy. E.C. Segar found his inspiration for Popeye, Olive Oil and Bluto in residents of his hometown Chester, Illinois. Frank Fiegel was a one-eyed sailor with incredible strength and a sturdy build, which earned him the nickname “Rocky”. Fiegel impressed Segar so much that the young cartoonist took to the funny pages with his “Thimble Theatre” comic strip on Jan. 17, 1929. Long after his skit in the funny pages ended, Popeye was still alive and well appearing in his own cartoon show, commercials and a movie that featured the legendary Robin Williams. bila astronaut Sally Ride. The Little Mermaid - Alyssa Milano You probably know Alyssa Milano as little Samantha on Who’s The Boss or as Phoebe from Charmed, but did you know that this bright-eyed, bushy-tailed girl was the inspiration for Ariel in The Little Mermaid? Don’t worry, very few people do. While Sherri Stoner, a writer and producer for Disney back in the 1980’s and 1990’s, delivered some inspirational elements to Ariel, she was hardly the sole motivation. It was Alyssa’s lively nature and beautiful big eyes that inspired the look and personality of the popular mermaid back in 1989. As for Ariel’s flaming red hair – that was inspired by astronaut Sally Ride. Elmer Fudd - Robert “Verovali ili ne!” Ripley Verovali ili ne, za lik Elmer-a “Ja lovim ze~eve” Fudd kao inspiracija je poslu`io Robert Ripley. Poznat po svojoj ~udno oblikovanoj jajastoj glavi i govornoj mani, Ripley je inspirisao Warner Bros-a kada su stvorili lik }elavog zecolovca, najve}eg neprijatelja Duška Dugouška, krajem 1930-ih za njihovu seriju crtanih filmova po nazivu Looney Toons. Ripley je ~ak pozirao kao Fudd u stvaranju epizode pod nazivom “Veruj ili ina~e”, gde Fudd nosi kratke gamaše i odelo jarke boje – Ripley-ov zaštitni znak. Elmer Fudd, Duško Dugouško, Patak Da~a i ostali su bili apsolutni hit me|u publikom, kao i emisija Robert Ripley, Ripley-ovo Verovali ili ne! Ripley bi predstavljao ljude u emisiji koji su umeli da rade neverovatne stvari a onda bi pri~ao publici pri~e koje bi ih zadivile i oduševile. Elmer Fudd - Robert “Believe it or Not!” Ripley Believe it or not, Elmer “I’m hunting wabbits” Fudd was inspired by Robert Ripley. Famous for his strange egg-shaped head and speech impediment, Ripley inspired Warner Bros when they created the bald rabbit-hunting nemesis of Bugs Bunny in the late 1930’s for their series of animated cartoons called Looney Toons. Ripley even modeled as Fudd for an episode called “Believe it or Else,” where Fudd is seen sporting spats and a loud suit Ripley’s trademark outfit. Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and others were an absolute hit with the audience and so was Robert Ripley’s show, Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Ripley would feature people on his show that could do incredible things and then tell his audience stories that awed and amazed them. (Izvor/Source: for you 29 30 for you Pisma citalaca v Pozdrav Redovno ~itam magazin i veoma mi se dopada. Moja omiljena muzi~ka grupa je „Skillet“, a omiljeni film(ovi) „Pirati s Kariba“. Zbog tog filma, najomiljeniji glumac mi je postao D`oni Dep, pa bih `eleo da vidim njegov poster u For You magazinu. Slobodno vreme provodim slu{aju}i muziku ili igraju}i ko{arku koja mi je i omiljeni sport. Savi} Marko ET[ “Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica Zdravo, Ime mi je Darko i Severina mi je omiljena peva~ica. Pored nje, volim da slu{am i Amadeus bend, a njihov album „La`u te“ mi je jedan od najdra`ih. Ludo sam se zabavio gledaju}i film „Project X“, pa ga biram za najomiljeniji, a od glumaca volim legendarnog Silvestera Stalone. Zamolio bih vas da nas u nekom narednom broju obradujete posterom najboljeg svetskog tenisera Novaka \okovi}a. U slobodno vreme, naj~e{}e igram fudbal, a sport, generalno, veoma volim. Marinkovi} Darko ET[ „Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica Pozdrav, Ja sam Sandra i sve vas pozdravljam. U slobodno vreme volim da {etam sa svojim drugaricama jer se tako sjajno provodimo. Ko{arka i odbojka su mi omiljeni sportovi, a D`eki ^en ubedljivo najomiljeniji glumac. Volela bih da u va{em magazinu vidim poster Cece Ra`natovi}, koja mi je omiljena peva~ica. Sandra ]irkovi} ET[ „Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica ]ao svima, Idem u Elektrotehni~ku {kolu „Miladin Popovi}“ u Su{ici i smatram je sjajnim mestom. @eleo bih da u va{em magazinu vidim poster Harija Potera jer su mi filmovi o njemu omiljeni. Od glumaca volim legendarnog Batu @ivojinovi}a, a rado slu{am Amadeus bend. Slobodno vreme koristim za ve`banje u teretani, a ko{arka mi je omiljeni sport. Leki} Milan ET[ „Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica Zdravo, ^itam va{ magazin kad god mogu. Kao u~enik Elektrotehni~ke {kole, slobodno vreme koristim za usavr{avanje znanja o elektronici. „Dubioza kolektiv“ mi je omiljena muzi~ka grupa odnosno njihov album „Dubioza“ spada u red albuma koje najvi{e volim. Od glumaca, volim @an Klod van Dama, a u sportu u`ivam uz odbojku i fudbal. Nemanja Veli} ET[ „Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica Zdravo svima, U~enik sam Elektrotehni~ke {kole „Miladin Popovi}“ u Su{ici, ime mi je Mihajlo i omiljeni peva~ mi je Aca Lukas. Obo`avam ekranizacije Tolkinovih dela „Gospodar prstenova“ i „Hobit“. Zbog toga bih `eleo da vidim neki poster sa motivima iz ovih filmova. Ina~e, gledanje filmova je stvar koju radim naj~e{}e u slobodno vreme, Sergej Trifunovi} mi je omiljeni glumac. [to se ti~e omiljenog sporta, prednost ispred svega drugog dajem fudbalu. Kosti} Mihajlo ET[ „Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica Ciao, Ime mi je Strahinja i u~enik sam tre}eg razreda srednje Elektrotehni~ke {kole „Miladin Popovi}“ u Su{ici. Tarantinov sjajni film „Pulp Fiction“ mi jedan od najomiljenijih. U kategoriju omiljenih glumaca biram Morgana Frimena. Kada je muzika u pitanju tu bih izdvojio vrhunski bend „Pink Floyd“ i njihovu kompilaciju pesama „Echoes“. Dobar deo slobodnog vremena provodim u teretani, a u`ivam uz stoni tenis. Risti} Strahinja ET[ „Miladin Popovi}“, Su{ica Br.117 for you 31 Readers’ letters Hello, I regularly read the magazine and I love it. My favourite band is “Skillet”, and favourite movie(s) “Pirates of the Caribbean”. For this film, Johnny Depp has become my favourite actor, so I’d like to see his poster in For You magazine. I spend my free time listening to music or playing basketball, which is my favourite sport. Marko Savic ETS “Miladin Popovic“, Susica Hello, My name is Darko and Severina is my favourite singer. Beside her, I love to listen to Amadeus Band as well, and their album “Lazu te” is one of my favourites. I had a blast watching the movie “Project X”, so I choose it as my most favourite movie, and when it comes to actors I like legendary Sylvester Stallone. I would like to ask you to cheer us up with a poster of the world’s best tennis player Novak Djokovic in some of the forthcoming issues. In my spare time, I usually play football and I really love sport in general. Darko Marinkovic ETS „Miladin Popovic“, Susica Greetings, I’m Sandra and I greet you all. In my free time I like to walk with my friends because we have such a great time doing that. Basketball and volleyball are my favourite sports, and Jackie Chan is far the most favourite actor of mine. I’d like to see in your magazine a poster of Ceca Raznatovic, who is my favourite singer. Sandra Cirkovic ETS „Miladin Popovic“, Susica Hi everyone, I go to the School of Electrical Engineering “Miladin Popovic” in Susica and I think it is a great place. I’d like to see in your magazine a poster of Harry Potter as movies about him are my favourite. Among actors I like legendary Bata Zivojinovic, and gladly listen to Amadeus band. I use my free time for training in the gym, and basketball is my favourite sport. Milan Lekic ETS „Miladin Popovic“, Susica Hello, I read your magazine whenever I can. As a student of the Electrical Engineering School, I use leisure time to improve my knowledge about electronics. “Dubioza kolektiv” is my favourite musical group, that is, their album “Dubioza” is one of the albums that I love the most. Among actors I like JeanClaude Van Damme, and when it comes to sports I enjoy volleyball and football. Nemanja Velic ETS „Miladin Popovic“, Susica Hello everyone, I am a student of the Electrical Engineering School “Miladin Popovic” in Susica, my name is Mihailo and my favourite singer is Aca Lukas. I love adaptations of Tolkien’s works “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit.” Therefore, I would like to see a poster with features from these movies. Otherwise, watching movies is the most common thing I do in my free time, Sergej Trifunovic is my favourite actor. As far as a favourite sport is concerned, I give soccer precedence over everything else. Mihajlo Kostic ETS „Miladin Popovic“, Susica Ciao, My name is Strahinja and I am a student of the third grade of the Electrical Engineering School “Miladin Popovic” in Susica. Tarantino’s brilliant film “Pulp Fiction” is one of my favourites. In the category of favourite actors I put Morgan Freeman. When it comes to music I would single out the ultimate band “Pink Floyd” and their compilation of poems “Echoes”. I spend a good deal of free time in the gym, and I enjoy playing table tennis. Ristic Strahinja ETS „Miladin Popovic“, Susica Br.117