oktobar 2014 - Magazine For You


oktobar 2014 - Magazine For You
Zdravo dragi naši ~itaoci!
Ponovo se sre}emo na stranicama najnovijeg izdanja
magazina For You. Pre svega, `elim da vam se od sveg
srca zahvalim na komplimentima koje ste nam uputili putem
va{ih pisama. Veoma nam je drago {to znamo da je ~ak i
posle trinaest godina For You i dalje vaš omiljeni magazin.
Tako|e vam se zahvaljujemo na svim va{im primedbama i
predlozima, jer nam na taj na~in poma`ete da ostanemo na
samom vrhu. Stoga vas pozivam da nastavite da nam pišete,
jer se definitivno radujemo vašim komentarima, kao i tome
da saznamo šta vam se najviše dopada. A sada da skratimo
pri~u i pogledamo sadr`aj najnovijeg izdanja:
[tampani ili elektronski mediji?, je pitanje koje smo
postavili nekim od vaših vršnjaka i ako `elite da saznate šta
su oni rekli na to, molimo vas da potra`ite rubriku Upitnik.
U rubrici [kola meseca ovoga puta vam predstavljamo O[
„Staja Markovi}” iz [trpca. Moviemania vas ponovo informi{e
o najnovijim filmovima u svetu, a Hi-Tech vam predstavlja
dostignu}a u kuhinjskoj tehnologiji.
Uz Sportski ugao }ete sigurno u`ivati jer vas u njemu
~eka ~lanak o slavnom fudbaleru Sa{i Ili}u, dok u @ivotinjskom carstvu imate priliku da nau~ite ne{to o naj~udnijim praistorijskim bi}ima. Nikako nemojte zaobi}i Music
Box, jer vas tamo ~eka interesantan ~lanak o Marku [eli}u
poznatijem kao Mar~elo – reper,pisac i kolumnista. Tako|e
vas pozivamo da posebno obratite pa`nju na slede}e
~lanke: „Dokufest - ne samo festival ve} prava institucija“,
„Geronto doma}ice“ i „K9“.
Ali, ovo nije sve što smo za vas pripremili; ako `elite da
saznate više, pozivamo vas da prelistate stranice našeg
magazina i uverena sam da }ete zaista u`ivati ~itaju}i
najnovije izdanje našeg magazina. Tako|e, mo`ete
pro~itati i neka od va{ih pisama, kao i najnovije vesti iz
sveta mode. Jednom re~ju, vide}ete da u ovom magazinu
ima za svakoga po nešto!
Do slede}eg izdanja, ostajte mi dobro dragi moji prijatelji!
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Osnovna {kola „Staja
Markovi}“ u [trpcu
6-7: Dokufest – ne
samo festival ve}
prava institucija
8-9: For you fashion:
Preuredite sobu u 6
10-11: Music Box:
12-13: Geronto
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: 25 naj~udnijih
praistorijskih stvorenja
koja su hodala po zemlji
16-17: Poster:
Sa{a Ili}
18-19: Moviemania:
The interview;
Whiplash; Birdman;
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Sa{a Ili}
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: K9
26-27: Upitnik:
[tampani ili elektronski
28-29: Verovali
ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Primary school
“Staja Markovic” in
6-7: Dokufest – not
only a festival, but a
true instiution, too
8-9: For you fashion:
6 steps to a room
10-11: Music Box:
12-13: Gerontology
caretakers in
14-15: Animal
kingdom: 25 strangest
prehistoric creatures
to roam the earth
16-17: Poster:
Sasa Ilic
18-19: Moviemania:
The interview; Whiplash;
Birdman; Laggies
20-21: Sports corner:
Sasa Ilic
22-23: Hi-tech
24-25: K9
26-27: Questionnaire:
Which do you prefer
most – electronic or print
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
Hello our dear readers!
Here we meet again through the pages of the latest edition of
the For You magazine. First of all, I would like to thank you from the
bottom of my heart for all the compliments that you have sent to our
editorial office through your letters. For us, it is very important to know
that even after thirteen years, the For You magazine has managed to
remain your most favorite magazine. In addition, we are also grateful
for all your remarks and suggestions because in this way, you help
us to remain at the very top. Therefore, I invite you to keep writing
to us because we are definitely looking forward to your comments
and preferences. Now, let’s cut the long story short and let’s see the
content of the latest edition of our magazine:
Electronic or print media? This is the question that we asked some
of your same age mates and if you are curious to learn what their
answers were and then please read the Questionnaire column. In the
School of the Month column, you will be able to read an interesting
article on the Primary school “Staja Markovic” in Strpce/Shtërpcë, in
the Moviemania column, you will be able to read about the latest films
from all around the world, whereas in the Hi-Tech column, we will
show you the interesting wonders of the kitchen technology.
In the Sports Corner, you will certainly enjoy reading an article
on our young and talented football player Sasa Ilic, whereas in
the Animal of the Month column, you will have the opportunity to
learn something more about strangest prehistoric creatures. In
the Music Box, you will find an interesting article on Marko Šelic,
better known as Mar~elo, a rap musician, writer and columnist.
We also invite you to pay special attention to the following
articles: “Dokufest – not only a festival, but a true institution, too”,
“Gerontology caretakers in Gracanica” and “K9”.
However, this is not all that we have prepared for you; if you
are curious to learn more, then I invite you to browse through the
pages of our magazine and I am convinced that you will really
enjoy reading the latest edition of our magazine. You will also be
able to read some of our readers’ letters, as well as the latest news
from the fashion world; in one word, you will see that the latest
edition of our magazine is everybody’s cup of tea!
Until our next edition, stay well my dear friends!
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
for you 3
škola meseca
direktor {kole Mileta Stojanovi}
irektora ove {kole, gospodina
Mileta Stojanovi}a, smo u
njegovoj kancelariji zatekli u
jednom druga~ijem izdanju - kako
na monitoru nadgleda u~enike po
hodnicima, fiskulturnoj sali i {kolskom
dvori{tu. Prema njegovim re~ima, ovo
je najbolji na~in da {kola funkcioni{e
onako kako treba, kako bi se izbegli
bilo kakvi ekcesi me|u decom. „S
ponosom mogu re}i da su me|uljudski
odnosi u na{oj {koli izvanredni.
Nemamo ni najmanjih problema. ^ak
su i roditelji veoma zadovoljni zbog
ovih kamera, jer se i oni ose}aju
sigurnije kada znaju da je sve pod
kontrolom i da se njihovo dete
prati sve vreme, {to je svrha
{kole,“ rekao je g-din Stojanovi}.
Osnovna {kola „Staja
Markovi}“ u [trpcu ima 507
u~enika i 42 nastavnika,
najbrojnija u op{tini. Kako
nam je direktor {kole rekao
klju~ uspeha je upravo na
nastavnicima, ne zavisi
samo od direktora. „Ja na{
kolektiv upore|ujem sa jednim
fudbalskim timom; igra~i su
nastavnici, i od njih zavisi kakva
}e “igra“ biti, a trener tehni~kom
podr{kom poku{ava da bude
uz njih. Trener mo`e da bude
dobar, ali ako nema dobre
igra~e onda rezultati nisu dobri.
Mnogo je va`no da se nastavnici
spremaju za ~as, da imaju svoje
pripreme i plan rada, da u glavi
uvek imaju {ta }e raditi tog
4 for you
Ono {to je ovu {kolu godinama
zabrinjavalo jeste o{te}eni krov
{kole, koji je najvi{e proki{njavao u
fiskulturnoj sali, zbog ~ega su morali
da stavljaju korita i kante po podu,
kako im se ne bi uni{tio i parket.
Me|utim, kada su i u~ionice po~ele
da proki{njavaju, Op{tina [trpce
im je ove godine iza{la u susret
tako {to je prona{la donaciju preko
Danskog saveta za izbeglice. Ura|eno
je prepokrivanje krova za 2500
kvadratnih metara. „Prezadovoljan
sam, verujte mi, ~esto bacam pogled
na novi krov, jer je bio u veoma
lo{em stanju, ~ak je pucao na nekim
mestima, jednom smo ~ak morali
da promenimo i parket. A na{u salu
ne koriste samo u~enici ove {kole
ve} cela op{tina. Pohvalio bih se
i po`arnim detektorima koje smo
nedavno ugradili u hodnicima i
u~ionicama. Konzumiranje cigareta
u {koli je zakonom zabranjeno, a tek
sada sa tim detektorima niko ne}e ni
poku{avati da zapali cigaretu“.
Pored dobrih rezultata koje u~enici
ove {kole posti`u na raznim {kolskim
takmi~enjima {irom op{tine, dokazali
su i da im je izgled {kole itekako
bitan, te su zidovi u hodnicima {kole
ukra{eni njihovim najlep{im crte`ima
sa tematskim celinama: prole}e,leto,
jesen i zima. ^ak su boje i potreban
materijal za slikanje dobili na jednom
konkursu zahvaljuju}i zaslu`eno
osvojenom prvom mestu. „U~enici su
na{ ponos, veoma su poslu{ni i lepo
vaspitani. Na ovogodi{njem prijemnom
ispitu za srednju {kolu u~enica iz na{e
{kole je bila prva na listi, {to svakako
potvr|uje uspe{an rad nastavnika“.
Na kraju razgovora, direktor
O[ „Staja Markovi}“ u [trpcu, Mile
Stojanovi}, u~enicima je uputio slede}u poruku: „Poru~io bih da vi{e u~e,
da ostave kompjutere, da ne gube
vreme na njima, jeste da je to izvor
informacija, ali im smeta za {kolski
rad. Prvo neka urade doma}i zadatak,
pa onda ostalo. Kako se pojavio
Facebook prime}eno je da je do{lo do
pada uspeha u {koli. Ne samo u ovoj
{koli, ve} svuda. Mnogo se vremena
gubi na tim dru{tvenim mre`ama i
igranju igrica. To sve stvara zamor kod
dece, i onda ne mogu da u~e ono {to
zaista treba“.
school of the month
e found the Director of the
school, Mr. Mile Stojanovic,
in his office in a different
set up – while supervising students
in the hallways, the gym and
schoolyard via monitor. According
to him, this is the best way for
the school to function properly, in
order to avoid any excesses among
children. “I am proud to say that
the relationships in our school are
outstanding. We do not have even a
slightest problem. Even the parents
are very pleased with these cameras
because they feel safer when they
know that everything is under control
and that their children are monitored
all the time, which is the purpose of
school,” Mr. Stojanovic said.
The Elementary School “Staja
Markovic” in Strpce has 507
students and 42 teachers, and is the
largest in the municipality. According
to the school principal, the key to
success is in the teachers, and
it does not depend only on the
director. “I compare our teaching
staff with a football team; players
are teachers, and it depends on
them what the “game” is going to be
like, and a coach tries to assist with
a technical support. The coach may
be good, but if he does not have
good players, then the results are
not good. It is very important that
the teachers are preparing for the
class, to have their preparation and
plan, to always have in mind what
they will do that day in class.”
What worried this school for years
is a damaged roof of the school,
which leaked the most in the gym,
which is why they had to put troughs
and buckets on the floor, so the
wooden floor would not be destroyed.
However, when the classrooms began
to leak, the Municipality of Štrpce
helped them this year by getting a
grant through the Danish Refugee
Council, so the second layer of the
roof of 2500 square meters was set. “I
am very pleased; believe me, I glance
at the new roof often because it was
in very poor condition, it even broke in
some places, and once we even had
to change the flooring. And our gym
is not used only by students of this
school but by the entire municipality.
I would also like to praise the new fire
detectors which we recently installed
in the hallways and classrooms.
Tobacco smoking in school is
prohibited by law, and only now with
these detectors nobody will even try
to light a cigarette.”
Besides the good results that
the students of this school achieve
in various school competitions
throughout the municipality, they
proved that the school appearance
does matter to them, so the walls
in the hallways of the school are
decorated with their most beautiful
drawings with thematic units:
spring, summer, autumn and winter.
They even got the colours and the
materials needed for the paintings at
a competition where they deservedly
win the first award. “The students
are our pride; they are very obedient
and well-behaved. At this year’s high
school entrance exam a student from
our school was first in the list, which
definitely confirms the successful
work of the teachers. “
At the end of the interview, the
director of the primary school “Staja
Markovic” in Strpce, Mile Stojanovic,
sent the following message to the
students: “I would like to tell them to
study more, to leave their computers
alone, not to waste their time on
them; it is true that it is a source of
information, but it interferes with their
school work. First, they should do
their homework, and then the rest. It
was noted that there is a decline in
school performance since Facebook
appeared, not only in this school,
but everywhere. Much time is lost
on these social networking sites and
playing games. This creates fatigue in
children, and then they cannot learn
what they really should.”
for you 5
rizren je tradicionalno
poznat kao grad
kulture, mira,
tolerancije i su`ivota. To
je grad u kome su razli~ite
etni~ke grupe vekovima
znale i još uvek znaju
kako da `ive u harmoniji,
me|usobnom razumevanju
i poštovanju. Stoga ne
iznena|uje što je baš
ovaj grad, po trinaesti
put zaredom, doma}in
festivala dokumentarnog
i kratkometra`nog filma
„Dokufest“. Naravno, u ovom
Izvr{ni direktor Dokufesta
periodu, brojni mediji su
Erol Bilibani
svakodnevno izveštavali o
novim dešavanjima vezanim
za ovu va`nu kulturnu manifestaciju. Me|utim, ono što mnogi ne
znaju, jeste ~injenica da je nakon trinaest odr`anih manifestcija,
Dokufest, koji je pokrenut kao obi~na inicijativa od strane grupe
prijatelja sa ciljem da o`ive gradski bioskop, postao institucija koja
ima 18 stalno zaposlenih saradnika. Oni rade tokom cele godine,
ne samo na pripremi i organizaciji slede}eg Dokufest festivala,
ve} i vode lokalni gradski bioskop i programe u okviru kojih se
organizuju razli~ite aktivnosti sa mladima i za mlade.
„Za vreme prvog festivala, odnosno 2002. prikazano je ukupno
20 filmova. Ove godine prikazano je 236 filmova iz 56 zemalja,
od kojih su 20 snimljeni u našoj produkciji i pripremljeni u saradnji
sa srednjoškolcima, odnosno preko naših sedam filmskih sekcija
u Prizrenu, Suvoj Reci i Prištini. U isto vreme, ovi filmovi su ove
godine prikazani u šest bioskopa, uklju~uju}i i bioskop preko reke
i bioskop u gradskoj tvr|avi, koji se smatraju našom glavnom
atrakcijom. Sve ovo pokazuje da smo tokom godina imali stabilan
rast. Kao ilustraciju, `eleo bih da napomenem da je prošle godine
prodato 11,500 ulaznica, dok je ove godine broj prodatih karata
bio preko 13,000. S druge strane, za razliku od prošle godine
kada su 20 posto gostiju ~inili stranci, ove godine njihov broj je
skoro udvostru~en i dostigao je više od 37 posto. Ovi strani gosti
uklju~uju posetioce iz svih zemalja u regionu, razli~itih evropskih
zemalja, ali i iz SAD,” ka`e, izme|u ostalog, Erol Bilibani, izvršni
direktor festivala, koji je odgovoran za organizovanje aktivnosti
tokom cele godine i za vreme festivala. On dodaje da je Dokufest
najbolji primer da svi mi treba da pru`imo šansu umetnosti da
postane naš zajedni~ki jezik, što bi nam pomoglo da izbegnemo
ponavljanje grešaka iz prošlosti. Jer, kako gospodin Bilibani ka`e,
`ivot u mr`nji je }orsokak koji krade našu i budu}nost naše dece.
Neki posetioci Dokufesta, koji su bili prisutni tokom festivala i sa
kojima smo imali priliku da porazgovaramo, bili su istog mišljenja.
Argjira Mala i njeni prijatelji rekli su da je festival bio dobra prilika
da se sklope nova prijateljstva sa ljudima iz svih krajeva Evrope.
Ona dodaje da bi zbog toga bilo dobro kada bi Dokufest mogao da
se odr`ava tokom cele godine, jer on predstavlja most koji povezuje
Prizren sa svetom i koji gradu donosi novu energiju.
Još jedno postignu}e festivala koje treba pomenuti jeste posve}enost i rad sa mla|im generacijama. Tokom osmog odr`avanja
Dokukids-a, deca od sedam do ~etrnaest godina imala su mogu}nost da u~estvuju u tri veoma zanimljive radionice. Prva je bila
takozvani “Rabbitland 2 - Stop Motion Radionica”. U ovoj radionici,
6 for you
deca su sama kreirala ru`i~aste
ze~eve od plastelina, koji su zatim
poslu`ili za pravljenje animiranog
filma stop motion tehnikom, koji je
zatim prikazan na kraju festivala.
Radionicu su vodili re`iseri
animiranog filma “Rabbitland”,
Ana Nedeljkovi} i Nikola Majdak
iz Srbije. Prema re~ima gospodina
Bilibanija, poreklo ovo dvoje instruktora nije predstavljalo nikakav
problem, jer, kako je rekao, ovo pitanje je odavno prevazi|eno i
ono što je zaista va`no jeste u~eš}e u Dokufestu, a ne ko, šta ili
odakle neko dolazi. Druga radionica je bila „Istra`ivanje vode“,
koja se bavila de~jom sveš}u o zna~aju zaštite `ivotne sredine,
a organizovana je uz pomo} projekta pod nazivom „Zemlja“. U
tom cilju, u okviru ove radionice, tematika vode je istra`ivana
kroz kombinaciju niza zabavnih, nau~nih i umetni~kih aktivnosti,
inspirisanih pobedni~kim dokumentarcem „Watermark“. Osim toga,
pre po~etka festivala je odr`ana tradicionalna akcija ~iš}enja reke,
u kojoj su u~estvovala i deca. Oni su imali zadatak da pokušaju
da uklone pet razli~itih otpadnih materijala koji su ba~eni u re~no
korito, u ~emu su bili uspešni. Namera iza ovog zadatka je bila da
se podigne svest dece na temu koliko malo društvo brine o zaštiti
reka. Tre}a radionica se zvala „Pozorište u`ivo“ i u okviru nje, pod
vo|stvom glumice Arte Gaši, deca su imala priliku da se upoznaju sa
umetnoš}u pripovedanja kroz ples i scenske pokrete.
Prema re~ima gospodina Bilibanija, najbolji saveznici festivala
su sami gra|ani Prizrena, naro~ito zbog arhitekture grada i njihove
kulture tolerancije koja ih sve zajedno spaja na najbolji mogu}i
na~in. Prizren tako postepeno vra}a svoj dobar ugled koji je u`ivao
u prošlosti kao grad etni~ke i verske tolerancije, gde nije bitno koji
jezik govorite ve} kakav ste ~ovek i šta predstavljate. Va`an korak
u tom pravcu je i ~injenica da su neki od gostiju Dokufesta bili
smešteni u oko 40 privatnih domova. S jedne strane, ovi gra|ani su
najbolji ambasadori Prizrena i Kosova, dok s druge strane, novac koji
su primili kao naknadu za smeštaj gostiju, predstavlja dobrodošlu
finansijsku pomo} za ova doma}instva.
„Imaju}i u vidu da je Kosovo malo tr`ište, dok je Balkan u celini
jedno izuzetno zanimljivo podru~je, pre nekoliko godina smo doneli
odluku da bi naše aktivnosti trebalo da imaju regionalni karakter.
U tom cilju, ove godine smo otpo~eli projekat za koji smo dobili
i finansijsku pomo} Fonda Višegrad iz Slova~ke. Oni su ulo`ili u
naš projekat zato što veruju u naš rad ~iji je cilj stvaranje nove
platforme koju smo nazvali “Višegradski most”, koji bi trebalo da
pove`e mlade profesionalce iz Poljske, ^eške, Slova~ke, Ma|arske
i svih zemalja Balkana. Ve} smo odr`ali prvu radionicu koja je
bila posve}ena mladim filmskim kriti~arima. Verujem da je ovo
po~etak ne~eg jedinstvenog na ~itavom Balkanu, jer jedan takav
doga|aj nikada ranije nije organizovan. Krajnji cilj je da se stvori
sto`er koji }e pripremiti novu generaciju novinara, kao i filmskih i
kriti~ara kulture,” dodao je Bilibani. On je istakao da se ni za vreme
festivala, ni tokom ~itave godine, nijedan od projekata ne}e
fokusirati samo na jednu etni~ku grupu. Naprotiv, cilj je da se
promoviše zajedni~ki rad, saradnja i tolerancija. Ovo je do sada
bivalo postignuto, naro~ito imaju}i u vidu da je Dokufest okupio
mlade ljude i druge stru~njake svih nacionalnosti ne samo sa
Kosova, ve} i iz svih ostalih zemalja regiona.
Moja poruka je da mladi ljudi ne treba da ~ekaju organizaciju
slede}eg festivala kako bi postali deo Dokufesta iz razloga što
ve} imamo mnoge aktivnosti za mlade od 15 do 18 godina.
Organizujemo razli~ite radionice koje su posve}ene njima; svi koji
su zainteresovani mogu da nas kontaktiraju za više informacija,
jer mo`emo da im pomognemo tim povodom, posebno ako `ele
da postanu vizuelni vodi~i. Dokufest radi tokom cele godine, a
subotom i nedeljom smo otvoreni za sve mlade ljude dobre volje.
Sve ovo radimo samo zato što volimo film i zato što verujemo da
su za njih dokumentarci najbolji na~in da ispri~aju svoje pri~e i
postanu deo ne~eg ve}eg.
raditionally, Prizren is
known as the city of
culture, peace, tolerance
and co-existence. It is a city
where different ethnic groups
have known for centuries and
still know how to coexist in
harmony, mutual understanding
and respect. So, it does not
come as any surprise that for
the thirteenth consecutive time,
the city is the host of Festival
of Documentary and Short Film
“Dokufest”. Of course, during
this period of time, numerous
media have reported on daily
basis on new developments
about this important cultural
event. However, what many
do not know is that after
thirteen editions, Dokufest, as
an ordinary initiative undertaken by a group of friends who aimed to
revive the city’s cinema, has become an institution that has hired 18
full-time employees. They work throughout the year not only to prepare
and organise the following edition of the Dokufest, but also to manage
the city’s cinema and programmes within which multiple activities with
young people and for the youth are developed.
“In 2002, respectively in the first edition of the festival, we have
shown 20 films altogether. This year, 236 films from 56 countries are
shown, while 20 of them were our production that were prepared in
collaboration with high school students, namely through our seven
cineclubs in Prizren, Suharekë/Suva Reka and Prishtina. At the same
time, this year, these films were shown in six cinemas, including the
cinema over the river and the cinema at the city’s fortress, which are
considered our main attraction. This demonstrates that we have had
a steady increase over the years. As an illustration, I would like to
mention that last year 11, 500 tickets were sold, while this year, the
number of tickets sold was over 13, 000. On the other hand, unlike last
year where 20% of guests were foreigners, this year the number has
almost doubled and has reached over 37%. These foreign guests were
from all countries in the region, from different European countries but
also from the United States”, Mr. Eroll Bilibani, executive director, who
is also responsible for organising activities throughout the year and
during the festival said among others. He further noted that Dokufest is
the best example that we should all give art a chance to becoming our
common language, which would help us not to repeat the mistakes of
the past. Because, as Mr. Bilibani said, living in hatred is a dead end
that would rob our future and the future of our children. Some visitors of
the Dokufest, who were present during the festival and whom we had
the chance to meet had the same opinion. Argjira Mala and her friends
said that the festival was a good opportunity to create new friendship
with people from all over the Europe. Therefore, she said that it would
be good if Dokufest could continue throughout the year as it is a bridge
connecting Prizren with the world and also bringing zest.
Another achievement of the festival that should be mentioned is the
commitment and the work that is performed with younger generations.
Through the eighth edition of Dokukids, children from seven to fourteen
years were able to participate in three very interesting workshops. The
first one was the so-called “Rabbitland 2 – Stop Motion Workshop”. In
this workshop, children created their pink rabbits with plasticine that then,
through the technology of “Stop
Motion” created an animated
film, which was shown at the
end of the festival. The workshop
was led by the directors of the
animated film “Rabbitland”, Ana
Nedeljkovic and Nikola Majdak
from Serbia. According to Mr.
Bilibani, the origin of these two
instructors was not a problem at all because, as he said, this is an issue
that has been overcome long time ago and what really matters is the
participation in Dokufest and not who, what and where does one come
from. The second workshop was “Exploring Water”, which focused on
children’s awareness of the importance of protecting the environment
and was organised with the help of the project called “LAND”. To this
end, being inspired by winning documentary “Watermark”, respectively
within this workshop, the topic of the water was investigated through a
combination of a range of entertaining, scientific and artistic activities.
Moreover, before the start of the festival, the traditional activity of cleaning
the river, part of which were children, too, was held. The latter were asked
to tend to remove five different waste materials that were thrown in the
river bed, which they achieved. The intention behind the request was
awareness of children on the matter how little the society cares about the
protection of rivers. The third workshop was “Theatre Live’, within which,
under the leadership of actress Arta Gashi, children were able to learn the
art of storytelling through dance and stage moves.
According to Mr. Bilibani, the best allies of the festival are citizens
of Prizren themselves, especially because the architecture of the city
and the culture of tolerance are merged jointly in the best possible way.
Consequently, Prizren is gradually bringing back the good image of
the past as the city of tolerance of both, ethnic and religious, where it
does not matter the language you speak but what kind of human being
you are and what do you represent. An important step in this direction
is the fact that some of the guests of the Dokufest are accommodated
in about 40 private homes. On one hand, these citizens are the best
ambassadors of Prizren and Kosovo, while on the other hand, payments
they receive for accommodating these guests is a welcoming financial
assistance for these households.
“Given that Kosovo is a small market, while Balkans in general is
an extremely interesting region, a few years ago we have decided for
our activities to have regional character. This is why this year we have
started an activity through which we have been funded by the “Fund of
Visegrad”, too, respectively from Slovakia. The investment was made
because they believe in our work to creating a new platform that we
have called “Visegrad Bridge”, which would bind young professionals
from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary and all the
Balkans countries. We have already concluded the first workshop,
which was related to the young film critics. I believe this is the
beginning of something that is unique throughout the Balkans because
such organisation never took place in the past. The ultimate goal is
to create a pivot that would prepare a new generation of journalists
and film and culture critics”, Mr. Bilibani added. He further noted that
either during the festival or throughout the year, none of the projects
would focus on one of the ethnic groups in particular. On the contrary,
the aim is to promote joint work, co-operation and tolerance. This
has been achieved so far, especially because Dokufest has brought
together young people and other professionals of all ethnicities living
in Kosovo, but also from all other countries in the region.
My message is that young people should not wait the organisation
of the next edition of the festival to be becoming part of Dokufest as
we have many activities for young people aged 15 to 18 years old. We
have a variety of workshops that are dedicated to them; they could
contact us and receive information as we can help them in this regard,
particularly if they wish to become visual guides. Dokufest works
throughout the year and on Saturdays and Sundays we are open to
all young people of good will. All this is done only because we love the
film and we believe that documentaries are the best way for them to
tell their stories and become part of something larger.
for you 7
ako je zaglaviti se u svakodnevnoj rutini:
škola, doma}i, razne aktivnosti, itd. Ako
ose}ate da vam je potrebna inspiracija
i promena okru`enja, unesite promene u
udobnosti svog doma. Preure|enjem svoje
sobe mo`ete kao magijom da promenite i svoje
svakodnevno raspolo`enje!
1. Pre svega, prvo
razgovarajte sa roditeljima
Vi odrastate i sada je prilika
da iska`ete interes za vaš
li~ni prostor. Ali pre nego što
napravite izmene u svojoj
sobi, uklju~ite i roditelje u
~itav proces. Oni vam mogu
predlo`iti zanimljive ideje i
pomo}i da izvedete svoju
zamisao (uklju~uju}i i radnu
snagu prilikom kre~enja!).
Upoznajte ih sa svojim
planovima i mogu}e je da }e
vas odvesti u kupovinu po nove
detalje za dekorisanje sobe ili
po novu posteljinu.
2. Potra`ite ideje
Postoji mnogo na~ina da
definišete kako `elite da
vaša soba izgleda. Katalozi
enterijera, sajtovi i magazini
za ure|enje doma, televizijske
emisije posve}ene ure|enju
doma i prospekti prodavnica
nameštaja, svi predstavljaju
odli~an izvor inspiracije.
Iscepajte zanimljive stranice iz
~asopisa, napravite kopije slika
ili sa~uvajte online fotografije
koje su vam se dopale. To }e
biti odli~no za po~etak! Osim
toga, vodite ra~una da ne
propustite nešto što vam je
ispred nosa. Pro~eprkajte
po stvarima koje ve} imate,
stvarima koje ste odlo`ili na
stranu i potra`ite po ku}i
stvari koje vaša porodica više
ne koristi. Nekad su najbolje
stvari zapravo prili~no stare!
Pretra`ite tavan, gara`u ili
ostavu, i pitajte prijatelje i
~lanove porodice da li imaju
nešto što bi se uklopilo u vašu
zamisao. Ne samo da }ete
dobiti stvari besplatno, ve} }ete
u svoj prostor uneti predmete
ljudi do kojih vam je stalo. To }e
vašu sobu u~initi još udobnijom
8 for you
i da}e joj vaš li~ni pe~at.
3. Opredelite se za
odre|eni stil
Mo`da ste strastveni ljubitelj
sporta ili imate omiljenu boju
koju biste `eleli da unesete u
vašu sobu. Ili `elite da uneste
motivaciju u vidu omiljenog
benda ili glumca. Ako pak
nemate u glavi odre|eni stil,
pogledajte sve elemente koje
`elite da se na|u u vašoj sobi
i vidite šta se sla`e sa ~im.
Tako|e, mo`ete da sastavite
spisak stvari koje vam daju
energiju, i kojima biste `eleli da
budete orku`eni svaki dan.
Još uvek bez inspiracije?
Probajte neku od ovih ideja:
putovanja, priroda, muzika,
vinta`, talasi, ili nešto vama
omiljeno (vaš omiljeni hobi ili
vašu omiljenu boju ili šaru).
Zamislite kako }ete ih uneti u
enterijer, kako }e prostor da
izgleda i šta vam je potrebno da
tu zamisao i sprovedete u delo.
4. Isplanirajte prostor
Dobro isplaniran raspored
prostorije }e doprineti da
više u`ivate u njoj. Potrebno
vam je mesto za spavanje,
ogledalo i prostor za obla~enje,
dobro osvetljen prostor za
~itanje i doma}e zadatke, i
ako je mogu}e udoban kutak
rezervisan samo za vas. Ako
delite sobu sa nekim, ili ako
vam je soba veoma mala,
krevet mo`e da zameni mnoge
druge delove sobe samo ako
dobro isplanirate!
5. Tra`ite saglasnost od
Pustite roditelje da rukovode
sprovo|enjem vaših ideja u
delo. Mo`da biste `eleli da
im predstavite vaš kola` ili
prikupljene fotografije koje vam
drugu zidnu oblogu umesto
slu`e kao inspiracija kako biste
im pribli`ili svoju viziju. Tako|e,
treba da imate predstavu o
6. Radite na transformaciji
tome koliko vremena i novca
vaše sobe
}e biti potrebno da se vizija
Nakon što ste dobili
sprovede u delo. Roditelji vam
saglasnost roditelja, prionite
mogu pru`iti dodatna sredstva,
na posao kako biste svoj plan
ideje kao i pravila kojih se
i sproveli u delo. Zamolite
morate pridr`avati. Ideje kada
mamu da ide u kupovinu sa
se saberu mogu prili~no da
vama i pozovite prijatelja
koštaju, tako da morate imati
da vam pomogne prilikom
razuman plan i biti spremni i na
premeštanja nameštaja.
mogu}nost promene plana. Na
Mo`da svi ~lanovi porodice
primer, teško je prekriti tamnu
mogu da pomognu i zajedni~ki
boju zida a ~injenica je da neu~estvuju u kre~enju sobe.
}ete biti u vašoj sobi zauvek.
Potra`ite pomo} roditelja
Vaši roditelji }e imati na umu i
za predmete koji se ka~e,
opcije za budu}nost kao i koliko kao što su slike, ogledala
mogu da investiraju u projekat.
ili zavese. Mo`da vam oni
Spremite rezervne ideje:
mogu pokazati kako da ih
ukoliko ne mo`ete da prekre~ite sami oka~ite! Nakon što je
zidove, mo`da mo`ete da
sve gotovo, u`ivajte u prizoru i
oka~ite zastave, stavite zidnu
zahvalite svima na pomo}i!
dekoraciju ili neku
(Izvor: http://www.beinggirl.com)
t’s easy to get stuck in the same old routine every
day: school, homework, activities, blah. If you feel
like you need some inspiration and a change of
scene, do it right in the comfort of your home. You
can magically transform your everyday mood with a
makeover for your bedroom!
improvement TV shows and
furniture store circulars are all
great for inspiration. Tear out the
different pages, make copies
or capture the online images
you like. It’ll be a great place to
start! Also, be sure you’re not
missing anything right under
your nose. Go through your own
belongings, things in storage
and look around the house for
items your family isn’t using.
Sometimes the best new things
are actually quite old! Shop your
attic, garage or storage area,
and ask friends and family if
they have things that may work
well with your theme. Not only
will you get free stuff, you’ll also
be able to include items from
people you care about. It can
make your room even more
cozy and personal for you.
1. First Things First: Talk To
Your Parents
You’re growing up and you now
have the chance express your
interests in your personal space.
Before you make changes to
your room, get your parents
involved. They may have some
fun ideas and can help you pull
it all together (including the labor
of painting!). Let them know
about your plans and maybe
they can take you out shopping
for some new additions to your
décor or bedding!
2. Search Around for Ideas
There are a lot of resources to
determine what you want for
your room. Home catalogs,
decorating websites, room
makeover magazines, home
3. Pick a Theme
Perhaps you have a passion
for a sport or have a favorite
color you’d like to integrate into
your room. Maybe you like to
be motivated by your favorite
band or actor. If you don’t have
a theme idea in mind, take a
look at all the items you want
to include in your room and
see what works well together.
Also create a list of things
that energize you, things you
would like to surround yourself
with every day. Still stumped?
Try one of these ideas: world
travel, nature, music, retro fun,
beach waves, or favorites (your
favorite hobby or your favorite
color or pattern). Picture how
you’ll represent it, what the
space would look like and what
resources are needed to put the
look together.
4. Plan out the Space
A well-planned out space
will help you enjoy it. You’ll
need an area to sleep,
a mirror and an area to get
dressed, a well-lit place to do
homework and read, and if
possible, a cozy area to call
your own. If you share a room,
or if your room is very small,
your bed can do the duty of
many areas if you plan well!
5. Get the OK
Run your ideas by your parents.
You may want to present your
collage of inspiration photos
you’ve collected to give them
a better sense of your vision.
Also have a good idea for how
much time and money it will
take to bring your vision to life.
They may have some additional
resources, ideas or add rules to
follow. The ideas can add up, so
you need to be reasonable with
your plan and expect that you
may need to change your plans.
For example, it is difficult to
cover up dark paint colors, and
you’re not going to be in your
room forever. Your parents will
be thinking about future options
and how much they can invest
in this project. Be prepared
with standby ideas: If you can’t
repaint the walls, can you pin
up flags, wall art or other wall
coverings instead?
6. Work to Transform Your
Once you have approval from
your parents, get to work to
make your plan come to life. Ask
mom to go shopping with you
and recruit a friend to help move
things around. Maybe everyone
in your family can help paint
the room together. For hanging
items like pictures, mirrors or
curtains, ask your parents for
help. Maybe they can show you
how to do it! Once complete,
enjoy the view and thank
everyone for their help!
(Source: http://www.beinggirl.com)
for you 9
music box
Roman je dobio Popboksovu nagradu za najbolje
beletristi~ko delo 2008. godine, po mišljenju publike.
Tre}i studijski album, “Tre}a
strana medalje” (Multimedia
Records), izašao je sredinom
decembra 2008.
Marko Šeli}, poznatiji kao Mar~elo je
srpski rep muzi~ar,
pisac i kolumnista.
Mar~elo je ro|en je 22. januara 1983. godine u Para}inu. Po~eo je da se bavi
hip-hopom 1997. godine
u rodnom gradu, kada je
napisao svoju prvu rep strofu.
Prve ozbiljnije korake ostvaruje 1999. godine sa demo
grupom “Rhyme Animal”, sa
kojom je uspešno nastupao
po gradovima u Srbiji. Zbog
`elje da zapo~ne solo karijeru, 2001. napušta grupu.
Te godine snima i svoju prvu
samostalnu pesmu - kojom
zapo~inje i njegova saradnja sa Oneya-om, tadašnjim
vode}im srpskim hip-hop
Mar~elo potpisuje ugovor za
“Bassivity Music”. Mixtape
Bassivity izvo|a~a (“Oneya:
Bassivity Mixtape - prvi put”)
izašla je 2003. godine, u kojoj
je Mar~elo u~estvovao sa
dve pesme. Iste godine, u
novembru, izašao je njegov
debi album “De Facto”, koji
je postao najprodavanija
plo~a 2003. godine. To je
bio i prvi posleratni album
koji je uklju~ivao saradnju
me|u novim generacijama
izvo|a~a sa ex-Yu prostora
(Edo Maajka, Elemental,
Škabo, Shorty, Disciplinska
komisija, Big Boss, X3M...).
Album su odlikovali društvena
kritika, a na drugoj strani li~ne
teme, ispri~ane na veoma
iskren i uverljiv na~in. Naišao
je na prihvatanje i od strane
publike, ali strane kriti~ara
(“Mar~elo srpsku sliku ~ini
lepom dok govori koliko je
ru`na” - Slobodan Vujanovi}, “Vreme”), donevši mu
presti`nu titulu glasnogovornika generacije.
Zbog stalnih nesporazuma sa
izdava~em, Mar~elo napušta
Bassivity sredinom 2004.
godine i potpisuje ugovor sa
10 for you
ku}om “Multimedia Records”
po~etkom 2005. godine.
U decembru iste godine
izlazi rezultat njegovog dvogodišnjeg truda,
“Puzzle Shock!” , sa singlovima “Šarada”,”Otkucaji”,
“Pozerište”, “Novi Vavilon” i
“Senke”. Ovog puta Mar~elo
je sara|ivao sa Dragoljubom
Markovi}em, alijas Dr Dra
(nekadašnji ~lan rock sastava
“Ništa Ali Logopedi”, “Block
Out”, “X-centar”), koji je
potpisan kao producent,
ali je i svirao i u~estvovao
u vokalnim deonicama
svih pesama. Od gostiju
se na albumu pojavljuju
Sky Wikluh i Timjah (Bad
Copy), Škabo, X-centar,
Marko Milivojevi} (exEKV), Ministar Lingvista,
DJ Raid i Flip Flop, kao i
nezaobilazna diva hrvatske
hip-hop scene - Remi
(Elemental). Rezultat je
bio hip-hop album sa jakim
rock, jazz i funk uticajima, koji je mo`da odbio
fanove striktno orijentisane
na hip-hop, ujedno zadobio
poštovanje mnogih ljudi koji
nisu upoznati sa tim `anrom.
Formirana je ekipa zvana
«Filter Crew» (Ministar
Lingvista, Wikluh Sky, DJ
Raid i Nensi), kao i prate}i
bend “Shock! Orchestra”.
Usledili su mnogobrojni
promotivni koncerti širom
teritorije Balkana.
Mar~elo je 2006. dobio
nagradu “Davorin” za najbolji
rok/pop/hip-hop album iz
Srbije, kao i nagradu TV
Metropolis za najbolju pesmu
godine, što je jedinstveno
priznanje za njegovo muzi~ko
stvaralaštvo. U poslednje
vreme je više okrenut svom
glavnom zanimanju - pisanju.
Redovni je kolumnista
dnevnika “Politika”, a bio je
novinar ~asopisa “Huper” i
povremeni bloger na B92
sajtu. Po~etkom februara
2008. svetlost dana ugledao
je njegov prvi roman: “Zajedno sami” (VEGA media).
De Facto (Bassivity, 2003.)
Puzzle Shock (Multimedia
Records, 2005.)
Tre}a strana
medalje (Multimedia Records, 2008.)
Deca i sunce
U novemrbu 2010. godine
pojavio se njegov ~etvrti
album „Deca i Sunce“ (Multimedia), prvi put potpisan
kao “Mar~elo & Filteri“. Prih
hiljadu primeraka albuma su,
uz kupljenu kartu, dobili posetioci rasprodatog Mar~elovog
beogradskog koncerta u
SKC-u, na kome je proslavio
prvih deset godina rada.
Izvor: www.
music box
A team called Filter Crew
(Ministar Lingvista, Spankox,
DJ Raid and Nancy), was
formed as well as the backing band Shock!Orchestra .
This was followed by numerous promotional concerts
throughout the territory of the
Marko Selic, better
known as Marcelo
is a Serbian rap
musician, writer and
In 2006 Marcelo won the
award “Davorin” for best rock/
pop/hip-hop album of Serbia,
as well as TV Metropolis
Award for best song of the
year, which is a unique award
for his musical creativity.
Lately he’s more focused on
his main occupation - writing.
He is a regular columnist for
the daily “Politika”, and was a
journalist of the Huper magazine and occasional blogger
on the B92 website. In early
February 2008, the light of
day saw his first novel: “Together alone” (VEGA media).
The novel got the Popboks
Award for the best work of
fiction in 2008, according to
the audience.
Marcelo was born on January 22, 1983 in Paracin. He
began making hip-hop music
in 1997 in his hometown,
where he wrote his first rap
verse. The first serious steps
he achieved in 1999 with the
demo group “Rhyme Animal”,
with which he successfully performed in the cities in
Serbia. In order to pursue his
solo career, Marcelo stepped
out of Rhyme Animal in 2001.
That year he recorded his
first solo song – with which
began his cooperation with
Oneya, then the leading Serbian hip-hop producer.
Marcelo signed with Bassivity
Music. Bassivity Mixtape of
performers (“Oneya: Bassivity
Mixtape - for the first time”)
came out in 2003, in which
Marcelo participated with
two songs. That same year,
in November, was released
his debut album “De Facto”,
which became the best-selling album in 2003. It was the
first post-war album, which
included cooperation among
the new generations of performers from ex-Yu area (Ra,
Elemental, Skabo,
Shorty, the Disciplinary Committee, Big
Boss, X3M, etc.). The
album was characterDe Facto (Bassivity, 2003)
ized by social criticism
Puzzle Shock (Multimedia Reand personal issues
cords, 2005)
as well, told in a very
Treća strana medalje (Multihonest and credible
media Records, 2008)
manner. He was met
Deca i sunce (Multimewith acceptance by
dia Records,
the audience, but the
critics as well (“Marcelo makes Serbian
picture nice while saying how ugly it is” - Slobodan
Vujanovic, “Vreme”), bringing
him the prestigious title of the
spokesman of the generation.
Due to constant misunderstandings with
the record company,
Marcelo left Bassivity in mid-2004
and transferred to
Multimedia Records
in early 2005.
In December of the
same year was published the result of his
two-year effort, album
Puzzle Shock! with
the singles “Sarada”
(Masquerade), “Otkucaji”
(Heartbeats), “Pozeriste”
(place where poseurs gather),
“Novi Vavilon” (New Babylon)
and “Senke” (Shadows).
This time, Marcelo worked
with Dragoljub Markovic, alias
Dr. Dra (a former member of
the rock band “Nista Ali Logopedi” (Nothing But Speech
therapists), “Block Out”, “X
Center”), who was signed on
as a producer, but he played
instruments and took part in
the vocal parts of all songs.
Of the guests on the album
appeared Sky Wikluh and
Timjah (Bad Copy), Skabo,
X-center, Marko Milivojevic
(ex-EKV), Ministar Lingvista
(Minister of Linguistics), DJ
Raid and Flip Flop and the
inevitable diva of Croatian hip-hop scene - Remi
(Elemental). The result was
a hip-hop album with strong
rock, jazz and funk influences, which maybe drove away
the fans strictly oriented to
hip-hop, but also received
the respect of many people
who were not familiar with
this genre.
The third studio album,
“Treca strana medalje”
(The third side of the coin)
(Multimedia Records), was
released in mid-December
In November 2010 was
published his fourth album
“Deca I sunce” (Children
and the Sun) (Multimedia
Records), for the first time
under the moniker Marcelo &
Filters. First thousand copies
of the album, along with the
ticket, received visitors of the
Marcel’s sold-out concert in
Belgrade’s SKC, where he
celebrated the first ten years
of his work.
Source: www.mtv.rs
for you 11
}ava. Svi su nas
prihvatili sa velikim
zadovoljstvom. To
su sve stari ljudi
koji `ive sami,
uglavnom u lo{im
uslovima, bez vode,
struje, itd. Na{a
slu`ba se sastoji od
medicinskih sestara
koje obilaze stara
lica kao patrona`a,
i na{ posao je da
im pomognemo {to
vi{e mo`emo: od
merenja pritiska,
{e}era, prevoza do
lekara i sl“.
“geronto doma}ica“ je namenjen
starijim osobama,
koje zbog
zdravstvenog stanja ne mogu same
zadovoljiti osnovne `ivotne potrebe,
niti tu pomo} mogu osigurati od strane
~lanova porodice. Ova besplatna
pomo} ljudima koji pripadaju
kategoriji socijalno ugro`enih, po~ela
je sa realizacijom avgusta meseca
ove godine. Direktor Odeljenja za
zdravstvo i socijalnu za{titu u Op{tini
Gra~anica, Ivica Mici}, vi{e je nego
zadovoljan ovim projektom. Prema
njegovim re~ima, osim {to Op{tina
Gra~anica poma`e stare ljude,
direktno je pomogla i 15-tak mladih
ljudi koji su zahvaljuju}i
ovom projektu po prvi put dobili
posao. „To su medicinske sestre i
tehni~ko osoblje koje potpoma`e
rad u slu`bi. Podeljeni su u dve
grupe, i svakoga dana se smenjuju.
Trenutno pru`amo pomo} samo u
na{oj op{tini. Osim pomo}i u ku}
i, merenja pritiska i glikemije u krvi,
eposava i Sava Ni~i}, ruku
pod ruku, s osmehom na licu i
suzama u o~ima, do~ekuju nas
ispred svoje stare ku}e. Sami, stari,
bespomo}ni, hvataju se za d`ezvu da
nam skuvaju kafu, ne bi li nas do~ekali
kako i dolikuje svakoj doma}inskoj ku}i na na{im prostorima. Me|utim, u
tom trenutku, nailazi grupa mladih
“geronto doma}ica“ koja “uska~e“ u
pomo} ovim osamdesotogodi{njacima.
„Mnogo nam zna~i ova poseta,
kona~no da nam neko otvori vrata
ku}e, da nas pita kako smo, {ta
smo, i da li nam treba neka pomo}.
Sigurnije se ose}amo kada nam do|u
u posetu, izmere pritisak ili odvedu
kod lekara. Mi smo jako sre}ni {to je
i ekipa va{eg magazina danas ovde.
Voleo bih da mladi ljudi brinu vi{e
o starima, jer i vi }ete da ostarite,“
rekao je gospodin Ni~i} iz Batusa, koji
celog `ivota brine o svojoj sestri koja
je na ro|enju ostala bez majke.
Od Ni~i}a smo se sa timom mladih
devojaka i momaka (geronto doma}
icama) uputili ka osamdesetogodi{njoj
Zorki Simijonovi}, te{kom sr~anom
bolesniku, koju smo zatekli sa
kurdeljom u rukama. „Pletem, moram
ne~im da se bavim, sama sam po ceo
dan, dosadno mi je. Drago mi je da
nas sada pose}uju geronto doma}ice, popri~aju sa nama, olak{aju nam
svakodnevnicu. Te{ko je kad ste
stari i sami. Svaka ~ast onima koji
su smislili ovako ne{to, jer se zaista
obradujemo ovim posetama“.
Tokom posete starim licima,
od glavne medicinske sestre u
slu`bi Geronto doma}ice, Dragane
Stevi} Popovi}, saznali smo vi{e o
ovom projektu koji realizuje Op{tina
Gra~anica. „Za sada imamo 20
korisnika i taj broj se postepeno pove-
12 for you
korisnicima smo jednom mese~no
obezbedili i prevoz do lekara. Sama
pojava geronto doma}ica i dru{tvo
sa njima, mnogo zna~i tim ljudima,
tako da }emo u narednom periodu
smisliti jo{ neke novine“.
Gospodin Mici} nam je rekao da
su geronto doma}ice ~ak spasile i
`ivot nekog korisnika, jer su stigli u
pravi ~as i pozvali lekara. Tako da
prilikom poseta ima i mnogo emotivnih
situacija. „Ljudi prosto nisu navikli
da zateknu u ku}i staru i bolesnu
osobu samu, koja ne mo`e da ustaje
i ne mo`e sama sebi da priu{ti neke
najosnovnije potrebe. Ovo je jedna
fantasti~na ideja koja bi mogla da se
primeni na ~itavoj teritoriji Kosova,
jer verujem da ima dosta socijalnougro`enih starih ljudi“.
Inicijator ovog projekta je zamenik
gradona~elnika Gra~anice, Neboj{a
Milovanovi}, lekar-specijalista
urgentne medicine. Obzirom da je
njegov rad zasnovan na terenu,
godinama se sretao sa starim
ljudima kojima nije potrebna samo
medicinska pomo} ve} i topla re~.
„Kada im do|e geronto doma}ica
sa osmehom na licu, kada im po`eli
dobro jutro, skuva i popije kafu sa
njima, vrednije im je to nego li da
im neko donese lek. Korisnici su do
sada morali da se snalaze ili da plate
taksi, ili da mole nekoga da ih poveze
kod lekara, sada je to ve} druga~ije.
Me|utim, imamo i mlade ljude koji su
zavr{ili odre|enu medicinsku {kolu, i
po prvi put dobili posao“.
Prema re~ima, pomenutih
op{tinskih zvani~nika, projekat
„Geronto doma}ice“ je namenjen svim
zajednicama bez razlike. Sigurno je da
se broj korisnika iz dana u dan pove}ava. A, osmeh ovih starih ljudi im je
“vetar u le|a“ da ovaj projekat za`ivi.
eposava and Sava Nicic, hand
under hand, with smiles on their
faces and tears in their eyes,
greet us in front of their old house.
Alone, old and helpless, they grab the
coffe-pot and start making coffee, in
order to treat us in a manner which
is seen fitting in every upstanding
household in our region. However, at
that very moment a group of young
“gerontology caretakers” “jump in” to
help the two eighty-year-olds.
“This visit means a lot to us, finally
someone came knocking on our door,
to ask us how we are, who we are and
whether we need any help. We feel
safer when they visit us, measure our
blood pressure or take us to the doctor.
We are very happy that the crew from
your magazine is here as well today. I
wish that young people would take care
of elderly, because you too will grow
old,” Mr. Nicic from Batuse said. He has
been taking life-long care of his sister,
who was left motherless at birth,
Together with the team of young
men and women (gerontology
caretakers) we left the Nicic family and
headed towards the home of eightyyear-old Zorka Simijonovic, who suffers
from a complicated heart condition. We
found her with a drop spindle in hand. „I
knit, I have to do something, I am alone
all day long, I get bored. I am glad that
the gerontology caretakers are visiting
us now; they talk to us and ease our
daily routine. It is difficult when you
are old and alone. Kudos to those who
came up with such an idea, because
we really look forward to these visits.”
Whilst visiting the elderly, we find
out more about this project run by the
Gracanica Municipality, from
the Gerontology Caretakers
Service chief nurse
Dragana Stevic Popovic.
“We have 20 users of this
service at the moment and
that number is gradually
increasing. All the users
have accepted us with
great satisfaction. All the
user are elderly people
who live alone, usually
in poor living conditions;
without electricity, water,
etc. Our service consists
of nurses who visit the
elderly in the form of
patronage and our job
is to help them as much
as we can by: measuring
their blood pressure
and blood sugar levels,
transporting them to the
doctor, etc.”
The “Gerontology
Caretakers” project is
intended to help the elderly, who can
neither fulfil their own basic needs
because of their poor health, nor can
they secure the help of their family
members in this regard. This form of
aid is free of charge and is intended
for people who fall into the category
of socially vulnerable members of
society. The project was started up
in August this year. The Head of the
Health and Social Welfare Section
of the Gracanica Municipality, Ivica
Micić, is more than satisfied with
this project. According to him, the
Gračanica Municipality has helped not
only the elderly but also helped directly
some 15 young people who gained
employment for the first time through
this project. “These are the nurses and
auxiliary staff, who support the work
of this service. They are divided into
two groups and they rotate every day.
Currently, we offer help only within our
Apart from
helping around
the house,
measuring blood
pressure and
blood glycaemia,
we provide
our users with
transport to the
doctor, once a
month. The very
existence of
the gerontology
caretakers and
being able to
socialise with
them, means
very much to our users, so in the
forthcoming period we will come up
with some novelties”.
Mr. Micic told us that the
gerontology caretakers even saved
the life of one of the beneficiaries of
this project, because they came at
the right time and where able to call
a doctor. This means that emotional
situations occur very often during
the visits to the elderly. “People are
simply not used to finding an old and
sick person living alone at home, who
is bed-ridden and is unable of seeing
to their own basic needs. This is a
fantastic idea, which could be applied
throughout Kosovo. I am convinced
that there are many socially vulnerable
elderly people out there”.
The initiator of this project is the
Gracanica Deputy Mayor, Nebojsa
Milovanovic, an Emergency Response
specialist medical doctor. Given that
his work was mostly conducted in the
field, throughout the years he met with
elderly people who needed not only
medical attention but a kind word as
well. “When a gerontology caretaker
visits them, bids them good morning
with a smile, brews coffee for them
and drinks it with them, it means more
to them than if someone brought
them medicines. Up to now, our
beneficiaries had to find their own way
or to pay taxi-fares or to ask someone
to take them to the doctor. Now things
are very different. We also have
young people who have graduated
from medical schools, who for the first
time have jobs”.
According to the above-mentioned
municipal officials, the “Gerontology
Caretakers” project is intended to
benefit members of all communities.
The number of beneficiaries of this
project is steadily increasing day by
day. The smiles on the faces of the
elderly are the driving force for them,
which will vitalise this project.
for you 13
mbretëria e kafshëve
25 najcudnijih praistorijskih stvorenja
koja su hodala po zemlji
vet je pretrpan razli~itim stvorenjima – neka su slatka, neka
strašna a neka jednostavno bizarna. Me|utim, `ivotinje
današnjice ne mogu da se mere sa stvorenjima koja su `ivela
na Zemlji tokom praistorije. Od minijaturne ptice koja posmatra
glodare do divova ispod talasa, ovo su 25 naj~udnijih praistorijskih
stvorenja koja su hodala Zemljom.
12. Longiskvama
Poznat kao prvi arhosaur
koji je bio u stanju da jedri
na vazduhu ili se spušta kao
padobranom, poznat je po
izdu`enom paru izraslina du`
le|a, gde prednje podse}aju
na perje.
back, with the anterior ones
12. Longisquama
Known as the first archosaur
to have been able to
glide or parachute, its
famous for the elongated
pair of scales along its
11. Megalanija
Zovu ga i gigantski gušter
kolja~, hranio se sisarima,
zmijama, drugim reptilima i
pticama. Najbli`i savremeni
ro|ak mu je
zmaj koji
Flores u
ripper lizard, Megalania fed on
a diet of mammals, snakes,
other reptiles, and birds. The
nearest modern day relative
is the Komodo dragon that
inhabits the Flores Islands in
10. Microraptor
Microraptor or “one who
seizes” was a very small
14 for you
8. Opabinija
Smatraju je za jedno
od naj~udnijih stvorenja
koje je ikada `ivelo.
Imala je 30 nogu, 30
peraja, nos
slona i
9. Nyctosaurus
An ancient genus
of the Pterosaur, its
fossils were found in
the mid-western sections of
the US covered under the
shallow water of the sea.
The name, which means
‘naked reptile,’ was given by
Othniel Marsh in 1876.
of the strangest creatures
to have ever lived, it had
30 legs, 30 flippers, a nose
like an elephant’s trunk,
and a lobster-like claw.
Considered one
Sometimes called the giant
10. Mikroraptor
Mikroraptor ili “onaj koji
hvata” je bio mali dinosaurus i
paleontolozi dugo vode debate
za šta je koristio svoja ~etiri
krila. Jedni tvrde da su
dva para krila koristila
da se kao
padobranac spušta sa
drve}a, a drugi da su slu`ila za
poletanje sa tla.
9. Nyctosaurus
Drevni predak
Fosilni ostaci
su mu prona|eni na
srednjem zapadu SAD
koji je u praistoriji bio
prekriven plitkim morem.
Ime, koje zna~i “goli
reptil”, dao mu je Otnijel
Marš 1876. godine.
dinosaur and paleontologists
have long debated the use of
its four wings – whether they
were for parachuting from
trees or taking off from the
7. Forusracide
Poznata i kao “ptica
koja je ulivala strah”,
forusracide je bila
najve}a ptica predator
neleta~ica koja je ikada
`ivela. Hranila se
malim glodarima i
navodno je mogla
da tr~i brzinom od
oko 64 kilometara
na ~as.
bird to have ever lived.
It fed on small rodents
and mammals and could
supposedly run at speeds
of up to 40 mph.
7. Phorusrhacidae
Colloquially known
as “terror bird,” this
was the largest
flightless predatory
(nastavak iz pro{log broja)
(Izvor: http://list25.com)
animal kingdom
25 strangest prehistoric creatures
to roam the earth
pun ~etkastih
zuba, a hranio se
planktonom i malim
6. Pterodaustro
Drugo ime mu je
pterosaurs, imao je
raspon krila od 1,2 metra
i bio te`ak izme|u 2,5
i pet kilograma. Imao
je dug, zakrivljeni kljun
6. Pterodaustro
Also known as
Pterosaurs, it had
a wingspan of 4
feet and may have
weighed between 5
to 10 lbs. Its long, curved
beak with numerous
bristle-like teeth allowed
it to feed on a diet of
plankton and small
4. Šarovipterikse
Reptil “Šarovljeva krila”
lebdeo je iznad šuma
današnje srednje
Azije, bio je 30
centimetara duga~ak
i ve}inom se hranio
insektima. Sa drveta na
drvo odbacivao se poput
3. Stetakantus
Izumrla vrsta
praistorijskih ajkula
sa izraslinom u obliku
daske za peglanje na
le|ima kod muških
primeraka, bila je
duga~ka oko 1,8
metara, a “daska” joj
je verovatno slu`ila
za odbijanje ve}ih
3. Stethacanthus
An extinct genus of prehistoric
sharks, Stethacanthus or
‘chest spike,” was about 6 feet
5. Kvecalkoatlus
Najve}i pterosaurus koji
se ikada pojavio na nebu,
navodno nije imao nijedno
pero. Iako je imao raspon
krila ve}i od devet
metara, uzletao je
koriste}i svoju
pozadinu i prednje
noge a tokom
leta nije mahao
5. Quetzalcoatlus
The biggest pterosaur to ever
take to the skies, it supposedly
did not have any feathers.
he world is cluttered with so many different creatures, some
cute, some scary and some just plainly bizarre. However, the
animals of today have nothing on the creatures that lived on
Earth during prehistoric times. From miniature bird looking rodents
to the behemoths beneath the waves, these are the 25 strangest
prehistoric creatures to roam the Earth.
Though it had a wing span
that exceeded 30 feet, it took
off using both its hind and
front legs and flew without
flapping its wings.
današnje lete}e veverice.
4. Sharovipteryxe
Greek for “Sharov’s
wings,” this gliding
reptile that inhabited the
woodlands of Central
Asia was about one foot
long and mostly fed on
insects. Not capable
of powered flight,
it would merely
glide from tree to tree
something like a flying
long with a strange looking
back growth on males. This
small protrusion or ‘ironing
board,’ could have been used
to frighten larger predators.
2. Tanistrofeus
Ime mu zna~i
“dugovrati”. Ovaj
praistorijski reptil
bio je najmanje
šest metara
duga~ak, tankog
vrata koji je
mogao da izdu`i
do polovine svoje
ukupne du`ine.
2. Tanystropheus
The Greek word
for “long necked one,” this
prehistoric reptile was easily
1. Terizinosauride
“Gušteri kosa~i” bi
trebalo da su lutali po
prostranstvima današnje
Mongolije, Kine i SAD, a
zbog dugog vrata, velikog
stomaka, stopalima sa
~etiri prsta i ustima nalik
na kljun, nau~nici su
prvo smatrali da se radi
o ostacima više razli~itih
The “reaper lizards” may have
roamed Mongolia, China, and
the United States and due
over 20 feet long, with a
narrow neck that could extend
out for up to half its length.
to their long neck, pot belly,
four-toed feet, and beaky
mouth, scientists at first
thought they may be not one
but several creatures.
(continues from last issue )
(Source: http://list25.com)
for you 15
akcionoj komediji „Intervju“, Dejv
Skajlerk i njegov producent Eron Rapoport vode popularnu tabloid emisiju sa
poznatim li~nostima “Skajlerk ve~eras”. Kada
su otkrili da je severnokorejski diktator Kim
Jong-un ljubitelj emisije, organizuju intervju sa
njim u pokušaju da se legitimišu kao novinari.
Dok se Dejv i Eron pripremaju da otputuju u
Pjongjang, planovi im se menjaju kada njih
dvojicu, mo`da dva najmanje kvalifikovana
~oveka koja se mogu zamisliti, regrutuje CIA
da ubiju Kim D`ong-una
Uloge: James Franco, Seth Rogen, Lizzy
Caplan, Randall Park
and Ella Wahlestedt
Re`iser: Seth Rogen
& Evan Goldberg
@anr: akciona komedija
Studio: Columbia
Cast: James
Franco, Seth
Rogen, Lizzy
Caplan, Randall
Park and Ella
Director: Seth
Rogen & Evan
Genre: Action/
Studio: Columbia
n the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark and his
producer Aaron Rapoport run the
popular celebrity tabloid TV show
“Skylark Tonight.” When
they discover that North
Korean dictator Kim Jongun is a fan of the show,
they land an interview
with him in an attempt to
legitimize themselves as
journalists. As Dave and
Aaron prepare to travel
to Pyongyang, their plans change
when the CIA recruits them, perhaps
the two least-qualified men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un.
ošto je provela svoje
dvadesete udobno inertna,
28-godišnja Megan upada u
krizu kada shvati da je
u odraslom dobu bez
karijere, bez posebne
motivacije da radi na
bilo kakvoj karijeri i bez
ikoga ko je u sli~noj
situaciji, uklju~uju}i i
njenog de~ka iz srednje škole. Kada je on
zaprosi, Megan po~inje
da pani~i i pošto joj
se ukazala prilika da
pobegne, makar na
kratko, odlazi da se
Gretchen Mol and
sakrije u ku}i svog
Kaitlyn Dever
novog prijatelja, 16
Re`iser: Lynn
-godišnje Anike i
njenog samohranog
@anr: komedija/
oca koji je „umoran
od sveta“.
Studio: A24
Uloge: Keira Knightley, Chloe Moretz,
Sam Rockwell,
Mark Webber, Ellie
Kemper, Jeff Garlin,
18 for you
Cast: Keira Knightley,
Chloe Moretz, Sam
Rockwell, Mark Webber,
Ellie Kemper, Jeff Garlin,
Gretchen Mol and Kaitlyn Dever
Directed By Lynn Shelton
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Studio: A24
aving spent
her twenties
inert, 28 year old Megan reaches a crisis
when she finds herself
squarely in adulthood
with no career prospects, no particular
motivation to pursue
any and no one to
relate to, including her
high school boyfriend.
When he proposes,
Megan panics and
given an opportunity
to escape - at least
temporarily - she
hides out in the home
of her new friend,
16-year-old Annika
and Annika’s worldweary single dad.
Cast: Michael Keaton,
Edward Norton, Emma
Stone, Naomi Watts,
Zach Galifianakis, Andrea Riseborough and
Amy Ryan.
Directed: Alejandro
González Iñárritu
Genre: Comedy
Studio: Fox Searchlight
irdman or The
Unexpected Virtue
of Ignorance is a
black comedy that tells
the story of an actor famous for portraying
an iconic superhero - as
he struggles to mount
a Broadway play. In
the days leading up to
opening night, he battles
his ego and attempts to
recover his family, his
career, and himself.
Uloge: Michael Keaton, Edward Norton, Emma Stone,
Naomi Watts, Zach
Galifianakis, An-
drea Riseborough
and Amy Ryan
Re`iser: Alejandro
González Iñárritu
@anr: komedija
Studio: Fox Searchlight Pictures
Uloge: Miles Teller
and J.K. Simmons
Re`iser: Damien
@anr: drama
Studio: Sony Pictures
filmu „Pucanj
bi~a“ Endru
Neiman je ambiciozan mladi d`ez bubnjar,
usmeren na jedan cilj, da
do|e do vrha svog elitnog
Muzi~kog konzervatorijuma
na isto~noj obali. Pogo|en
propalom karijerom pisca
svog oca, Endrju danono}no
`udi da postane jedan od ve-
ti~ar“ ili „Neo~ekivana vrlina neznanja“ je crna komedija koja govori o glumcu – poznatog po predstavljanju ikonskog superheroja - dok se bori da
organizuje pozorišnu predstavu na Brodvej. U danima
pre premijere, on se bori protiv svog ega i pokušava da
povrati svoju porodicu, svoju karijeru, i samoga sebe.
likana. Terens Fle~er, instruktor podjednako poznat po
svojim nastavnim talentima
koliko po svojim zastrašuju}im metodama, vodi gnajbolji
d`ez ansambl u školi. Fle~er
otkriva Endrua i prebacuje
ambicioznog bubnjara u svoj
bend, i time zauvek menja
`ivot mladi}a.
Endrueva strast
da postigne
savršenstvo brzo
prelazi u opsesiju, jer je njegov
nemilosrdni u~itelj
nastavlja da ga
gura do ivica
kako njegovih
sposobnosti tako i
Cast: Miles Teller and
J.K. Simmons.
Director: Damien
Genre: Drama
Studio: Sony Pictures
n Whiplash, Andrew
Neyman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, singleminded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east
coast music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing
career of his father, Andrew hungers day and night to
become one of the greats. Terence Fletcher, an instructor
equally known for his teaching talents as for his terrifying methods, leads the top jazz ensemble in the school.
Fletcher discovers Andrew and transfers the aspiring
drummer into his band, forever changing the young
man’s life. Andrew’s passion to achieve perfection quickly
spirals into obsession, as his
ruthless teacher
continues to
push him to the
brink of both his
ability, and his
for you 19
sportski ugao
a{a Ili} (Po`arevac,
30. decembra
1977.) je srpski
fudbaler koji trenutno
igra za FK Partizan iz
Beograda, sa kojim je
ponovo potpisao ugovor
u januaru 2010.
Visok je 178 cm i igra
u veznom redu. Igrao je
skoro 10 godina za Partizan. Sa Partizanom je
igrao u Ligi {ampiona u
sezoni 2003/2004, potom
odlazi na pozajmicu u
{panski klub Selta Vigo u
prole}nom delu sezone,
nakon pozajmice vra}a
se u Partizan. U sezoni
2004/2006, osvojio je
titulu sa Partizanom
i postigao 101. gol u
prvenstvima SRJ/SCG,
~ime je postao najbolji
strelac tih takmi~enja.
Dok je igrao u Partizanu postao je jedan
od najomiljenijih igra~a
me|u Grobarima. Za
reprezentaciju Srbije i
Crne Gore igrao je 37
utakmica i postigao
~etiri gola. Sa{a Ili} je na
Svetskom prvenstvu u
Nema~koj 2006. postigao
gol protiv reprezentacije
Obale Slonova~e.
Ili} je debitovao za Partizan 26. oktobra 1996, u{av{i
kao izmena u drugom poluvremenu, u gostuju}oj pobedi
nad Borcem iz ^a~ka od 10-0.
To je bio njegov jedini nastup
tokom sezone 1996/97, u kojoj
je klub odbranio {ampionsku
titulu. U narednoj sezoni imao
je svoj debi na me|unarodnoj
sceni, namestiv{i asistenciju
Draganu Isailovi}u za gol u
pobedi od 1-0 nad Kroacijom iz Zagreba na stadionu
Partizana. 23. avgusta 1997.
postigao je svoj prvi gol za
Partizan, u gostuju}oj pobedi
20 for you
od 3-2 nad Vojvodinom. Ukupno je u toj
sezoni odigrao 25
utakmica i postigao 3
U leto 1998.
nakon odlaska Ivana Tomi}a u
Romu, Ili} postaje kapiten sa
svega 20 godina. Sa novom
ulogom, postaje jedan od
najboljih igra~a tima i poma`e
crno-belima da stignu do titule
nakon jedne godine pauze.
Tako|e je igrao na nezaboravnim me~evima Kupa
pobednika kupova, gde je
Partizan eliminisan od strane
Lacija, koji je kasnije osvojio
to takmi~enje. U narednim
godinama, bio je vo|a tima
i postao ljubimac navija~a.
Postigao je pobedonosni gol u
finalu Kupa 2001, u pobedi od
1-0 nad Crvenom zvezdom na
Tako|e je vodio tim do
titula 2002. i 2003. u evropskim okvirima, kona~no je
uspeo da se domogne Lige
{ampiona sa Partizanom u
sezoni 2003/04, nakon {to
su crno-beli uspeli da izbace
Njukasl posle penala.
Pozajmica u Seltu
U zimu 2004. pozajmljen je Selti iz Viga na
{estomese~ni period uz opciju
potpisivanja ugovora ukoliko
zadovolji. Svoj derbi je imao
8. februara 2004. u pobedi od
2-1 nad Viljarealom na doma}em terenu. Tog meseca
postigao je i prvi gol na Santijago Bernabeu protiv Reala iz
Madrida, ali je na kraju Selta
ipak izgubila sa 4-2.
sa pozajmice
U leto 2004. vratio se
sa pozajmice u Partizan i
preuzeo kapitensku traku od
saigra~a Vladimiira Ivi}a koji
je napustio tim tog leta. Njegov povratak se poklopio sa
povratkom dvojice biv{ih kapitena Partizana, Dragana ]iri}
a i Ivana Tomi}a. Sa iskusnim
trijom, Partizan je imao sjajnu
sezonu, osvojiv{i prvenstvo
bez poraza. Tako|e su posle
dugo vremena prezimili u
Evropi, i plasirali se u osminu
finala Kupa UEFA 2004/05.
gde su pora`eni od CSKA iz
Nakon uspe{nog povratka
u Partizan odlazi u inostranstvo po drugi put u karijeri,
potpisav{i trogodi{nji ugovor
sa turskim Galatasarajom u julu
2005. Na svom
debiju u ligi, 7.
avgusta 2005,
postigao je dva gola
u pobedi od 2-1
nad Konjasporom.
Sa 12 postignutih
golova, bio je tre}
i strelac svog tima
tokom sezone
2005/06, pomogav{i
svom timu da do|e
do titule {ampiona
posle ~etiri godine
Red bul
U Salcburg
zvani~no prelazi u junu
2007. potpisav{i
trogodi{nji ugovor.
Svoj prvi gol u dresu
Salcburga postigao je
8. avgusta 2007. u kvalifikacijama za ligu {ampiona
protiv letonskog Ventspilsa.
u Partizan
Dana 20. januara 2010.
vratio se u Partizan kao
slobodan igra~, potpisav{i
dvoipogodi{nji ugovor. Nakon
Krstaji}evog penzionisanja
postao je kapiten po tre}i put.
14. aprila 2012. na me~u
sa Javorom, postao je
drugi saigra~ sa najvi{e
odigranih utakmica
u istoriji Partizana,
prestigav{i Nikicu
U julu 2012. potpisao je novi
jednogodi{nji ugovor sa Partizanom. 30. marta 2014. postigao je gol protiv
OFK Beograda
2-0) i postigao je 119. gol
u prvenstvima
i prestigao
Izvor: http://
sports corner
became an idol among the
fans. He scored the winning
goal in the national cup final in
2001, in a 1–0 victory against
Crvena Zvezda at their ground,
Marakana Stadium. Ilić also led
the club to the national championship titles in 2002 and 2003.
In European competitions, Ilic
finally managed to qualify with
Partizan for the UEFA Champions League in the 2003–04
season, after the black-andwhites’ managed to eliminate
Newcastle on penalties.
asa Ilic (Pozarevac, 30
December 1977) is a
Serbian footballer who
currently plays for FC Partizan in Belgrade, with which
he re-signed the contract
in January 2010.
His height is 178
cm and he plays
in midfield. He
played almost
10 years for
He played
with Partizan
in the Champions League in the
season 2003/2004,
and then went on loan
to Spanish club Celta
Vigo during the spring
season, after which he
returned to Partizan.
In 2004/2006 season,
he won the title with
Partizan and scored 101
score in championships
of FRY/SCG, thus becoming the best scorer
of the competitions.
While playing for
Partizan, he became
one of the most popular players among
the Gravediggers
(Partizan’s fans). He
played 37 matches for
the national team of Serbia
and Montenegro and scored
four goals. At the World Cup
in Germany in 2006 Sasa Ilic
scored a goal against the
Ivory Coast national team.
Ilic made his competitive debut for Partizan on 26
October 1996, coming on as
a second-half substitute in a
10–0 away win over Borac
Čačak. That was his only
appearance in the 1996–97
seasons, in which the club
defend the championship
title. In the following season,
Ilić made his debut on the
international scene, providing a late second-half assist
to Dragan Isailovic, in a 1–0
home win against Croatia
Zagreb at the Partizan Stadium. On 23 August 1997,
Ilić scored his first goal for
Partizan, in a 3–2 away win
against Vojvodina. In total,
he made 25 league appearances that season, scoring
three goals.In the summer
of 1998, after the departure
of Ivan Tomic to Roma, Ilic
became the team’s captain,
being only 20 years old at
the time. With the new role
on the pitch, Ilić was instrumental in helping Partizan
win a national championship
after a year of absence. He
also played some memorable matches in the UEFA
Cup Winners’ Cup, where
Partizan was eliminated in
the second round by Lazio,
the eventual winner of the
competition. In the following
years, Ilić established himself
as a leader of the team and
Loan to Celta
In the 2004 winter transfer
window, Ilić was loaned to Celta Vigo, on a six-month period
with an option for a permanent
deal. Ilić made his debut on 8
February 2004, in a 2–1 home
win against Villarreal at home.
Later that month, Ilic scored
the opening goal against Real
Madrid at Santiago Bernabéu,
however Celta would go on to
lose the match 4–2.
Return from the
In the summer of 2004, Ilić
returned to Partizan taking the
captain’s armband from Vladimir Ivić, who left the club that
summer. His return coincided
with comebacks of ex-Partizan
captains, Dragan Ciric and Ivan
Tomic. With the experienced
trio, Partizan played great
football that season, winning
the league with an unbeaten
record. Also, after a long time
they have spent the winter in
Europe again, progressing
to the round of 16
in the UEFA Cup
2004/2005 and losing to the eventual
champion CSKA
and Süper Lig debut, in a 2–1
win over Konyaspor. With 12
goals scored, Ilic was the third
highest goalscorer of the team
in the 2005–06 season, helping
the club to return the championship title to Ali Sami Yen after
four years.
Red Bull Salzburg
Agreeing to the insistence
of Red Bull Salzburg coach Lothar Matthäus (whom he knew
from their time at Partizan), Ilic
decided to join Salzburg.[9] He
was officially transferred to Salzburg in June 2007, signing a
three-year contract. He scored
his first goal for the club on 8
August 2007, in a Champions
League qualifier against Latvian side Ventspils.
Return to Partizan
On 20 January 2010, Ilić
re-joined Partizan on a free
transfer, signing a two-and-ahalf-year contract. After Krstajic’s retirement, Ilic became
the captain for the third time.
On 14 April 2012 in a match
against Javor, he became the
second Playmate of the most
played games in the history
of Partizan, surpassing Nikica
Klincarski. In July 2012, he
signed a new one year contract
with Partizan. On 30 March
2014, he scored against OFK
Belgrade (Partizan won 2-0)
and scored the 119. goal in the
championships and surpassed
Stjepan Bobek.
Source: http://sr.wikipedia.
After a successful comeback season with Partizan,
Ilić moved abroad
for the second
time, signing a
three-year contract
with Galatasaray
in July 2005. On 7
August 2005, he
scored a brace on
his Galatasaray
for you 21
Hi - Tech
Prep Pad
The Prep Pad takes the
digital food scale to a whole
new level. Part smart scale,
part nutritional guide, part
dietician, the Prep Pad allows you to not only measure your food, but also
determine the nutritional
content of everything you
place on top. Using an iPad
app, you specify what item
you are weighing (manually or with
a barcode) and it displays helpful
dietary information including calories,
protein, fats and carbs.
Kutija za ~uvanje jaja
Da li je jaje još uvek dobro? Ne `elite
to da saznate na te`i na~in. Zahvaljuju}i kutiji za ~uvanje jaja zna}ete
koliko su jaja stara, a ~ak }ete mo}i
i da pratite koliko jaja je preostalo.
Ovo je savršeno kada razmatrate
odlazak u kupovinu namirnica. Uz
koriš}enje dopunske aplikacije za
mobilne ure|aje, kutija za ~uvanje
jaja }e vam poslati obaveštenje kada
je vreme da dopunite zalihu jaja.
Egg Minder
Is that egg still good? You don’t
want to find out the hard way. The
Egg Minder can keep you apprised
of how old your eggs are, and even
tracks the number you have remaining. Perfect when you’re debating the
purchase at the grocery store. Using
a complementary mobile app, Egg
Minder will send you a push notification when it’s time to replenish that
egg supply.
“Prep Pad” vaga
Prep Pad podi`e digitalnu kuhinjsku
vagu na potpuno novi nivo. Delom pametna vaga, delom vodi~ za
ishranu, delom nutricionista, Prep
Pad vam omogu}ava ne samo da
izmerite namirnice, ve} i da odredite
sadr`aj hranljivih materija svega što
stavite na nju. Uz pomo} iPad aplikacije navedite šta merite, (ru~no ili
uz pomo} barkoda) i prikaza}e vam
se korisne informacije, uklju~uju}i
broj kalorija, koli~inu proteina, masti i
ugljenih hidrata.
22 for you
Blender - Blendtec Designer 700
Blender mo`da ne}e biti prva stvar
na koju pomislite na pomen “haj-tek
kuhinje“, ali Blendtec ure|aji su kona~no
stali na kraj takvim pri~ama. Blendtec
Designer 700, njegov najnoviji model,
poseduje motor ja~ine neverovatnih
1700 vati, šest unapred programiranih
opcija i veoma “kul“ ekran osetljiv na
dodir za maksimalnu kontrolu mešanja.
Blendtec Designer 700
A blender might not be the first thing
you think of when you hear “high-tech
kitchen,” but Blendtec’s appliances
put that notion to rest. The Blendtec
Designer 700, its newest model, features
a whopping 1700-watt motor, six preprogrammed options and a very cool
touchscreen interface for ultimate control
of your blending needs.
GE Brillion
Kad govorimo
o kuvanju
na daljinu,
GE Brillion
sa nekoliko
GE Profile
ugradnih rerni
omogu}avaju}i daljinsko
dok vozite ku}i, promenu
temperature i proveru podešavanja
termosonde za meso. Ova aplikacija
vas tako|e obaveštava kada je vaše
predivno pe~enje gotovo. Najbolji
deo je što nikad više ne}ete morati
da brinete da li ste ostavili rernu
GE Brillion
Speaking of cooking from afar, the
GE Brillion app works with several
GE Profile wall ovens to enable
remote turn-on, preheating while
you’re driving home, temperature
changes and checking meat probe
settings. The app will also alert you
when your gorgeous pot roast is
done. The best part is never again
having to worry if you’ve left the
oven on.
kanta za
sme}e sa
kante za
sme}e su
ne samo
na oko,
ve} su i
ugra|enom senzoru, kanta se
magi~no otvara jednostavnim pokretom ruke i potpuno eliminiše potrebu
za bilo kakvim papu~icama i rezama.
Ova kanta je tako|e otporna na
otiske prstiju ali svejedno ne}ete
imati potrebu da je dodirujete. I
da, prelepa kanta za sme}e zaista
Simplehuman Sensor Can
Not only are simplehuman’s
trash cans aesthetically pleasing, but they are smart, too. With
a handy sensor built in, a simple
wave of your hand magically
opens the can and completely
eliminates the need for any
foot pedals or latches. It’s also
fingerprint-proof, but you won’t
be touching it anyway. Yes, there
is such a thing as a gorgeous
garbage can.
(Izvor: http://mashable.com)
Hi - Tech
muzike, donose}i u vašu sobu
u isto vreme i svetlo i zvuk.
AwoX StriimLIGHT
If you live in cramped quarters
and want to maximize space,
how about multitasking your appliances and using the AwoX StriimLIGHT for both your lighting and
music needs? Amazingly, it’s actually an energy-efficient LED bulb with
a built-in Bluetooth speaker that
you can screw into any traditional
light fixture. It comes with a remote
control for music playing, giving
your room both light and sound at
the very same time.
Geneva Sound System
be`i~ni Model S
Kakva je to kuhinja bez muzike?
Be`i~ni Model S je fantasti~ni Bluetooth zvu~nik lepog dizajna i neverovatno kvalitetnog zvuka. Zvu~nik
mo`e da se sinhronizuje sa smartfonom, tabletom ili laptopom preko
Bluetooth-a, a njegov kompaktan i
elegantan dizajn }e upotpuniti svaki
kuhinjski dekor.
Geneva Sound System
Model S Wireless
What kind of kitchen goes without
music? The Model S wireless is a
fantastic Bluetooth speaker with a
beautiful design and amazing sound
quality. The speaker syncs with a
smartphone, tablet or laptop via Bluetooth, and its compact and classy
design will complement any kitchen
AwoX StriimLIGHT
Ako `ivite u
sku~enim ~etvrtima i `elite
da maksimalno iskoristite
svoj prostor,
kako bi bilo
da podesite
svoje ure|aje
da vrše više
tako što }ete koristiti AwoX StriimLIGHT istovremeno i za vašu
rasvetu i za puštanje muzike? Ovde
se zapravo radi o neverovatnoj
štedljivoj LED sijalici sa ugra|enim
Bluetooth zvu~nikom koju mo`ete
da zavrnete u bilo koje le`ište
za sijalicu. Ovaj ure|aj dolazi sa
daljinskim upravlja~em za puštanje
IPad ve} odavno spada u osnovne
hi-tech ure|aje koji se koriste u
kuhinji, a LaunchPort je odli~an dodatak koji ~ini korištenje iPad-a još
lakšim. Jednostavno ubacite iPad u
LaunchPort dr`a~ i sa oduševljenjem
posmatrajte kako uz pomo} magneta
prijanja na postolje ili na zidni dr`a~.
LaunchPort ima induktivno punjenje
tako da ne morate da brinete da }e
vam kablovi smetati prilikom kuvanja.
The iPad has long been an essential
tech gadget for the kitchen, and the
LaunchPort is a great accessory that
makes using the iPad even easier.
Simply slide it into a LaunchPort
sleeve and marvel as it magnetically
attaches to the base stand or wall
mount. LaunchPort also features inductive charging, so you never have
to worry about cords getting in the
way of your cooking.
Sony Xperia Tablet Z:
Izdanje za kuhinju
Sa tabletom u kuhinji uvek se
izla`ete riziku da nešto prospete, da
vam hrana padne na pod i da vam se
isprljaju ruke. Sony je izbacio Xperia
Tablet koji je namenjen specijalno za
upotrebu u kuhinji, i mo`e da izdr`i
sve neugodnosti kojima je izlo`en.
Ovaj tablet mo`ete ~ak i da stavite
pod mlaz vode kako biste ga isprali, ili da ga dr`ite pod vodom do
30 minuta. To se zove otpornost u
Sony Xperia Tablet Z:
Kitchen Edition
With a tablet in the kitchen, you
always run the risk of spills, dropped
food and messy hands. Sony has
an Xperia Tablet that is specifically
meant for kitchen use, and it can
withstand all the rigors it is exposed
to. You can even run the tablet under
running water to rinse it off, or submerge it in water for up to 30 minutes. That’s kitchen tough.
Whirlpool Interactive Cooktop
plo~a za kuvanje
Iako je na CES 2014 sajmu prikazana samo kao koncept, ova
neverovatna interaktivna plo~a za
kuvanje je zaista oduševila publiku
koja je uzdisala posmatraju}i
“ta~skrin“ površinu. Na njoj ne
samo da mo`ete da kuvate, ve}
i da pristupite receptima, vašim
nalozima na društvenim mre`ama
i e-mail-u. Kompjuteri i kuvanje u
jednom, i neverovatan nagoveštaj
onoga što tek sledi.
Whirlpool Interactive Cooktop
While this was just a concept on
display at CES 2014, this amazing
interactive cooktop really wowed
the crowd who oohed and ahhed
over the touchscreen surface. Not
only can you cook on it, you can
also access recipes, your social
media accounts and email. Computing and cooking in one, and
an amazing glimpse into what’s to
(Source: http://mashable.com)
for you 23
„Se}am se pre nekoliko
godina, dete srpske
nacionalnosti od 4-5 godina,
sa prebivalištem u selu u
blizini Gnjilana, se igralo i
napustilo svoju ku}u
i ušlo u šumu a da niko to
nije primetio. Roditelji su
primetili njegovo odsustvo
tek nakon što je dete zašlo
u dubinu šume u nepoznatom
pravcu. Porodica je potom
alarmirala i svoje susede i svi
oni zajedno po~inju potragu
za detetom. Posle ~etiri sata
potrage je postalo jasno da
stru~njaci moraju da se uklju~e
u ovaj slu~aj. Shodno tome,
oni odlu~uju da pozovu policiju
u Gnjilanu. U po~etku, policija
šalje pripadnike policije
za javni red i mir kako
bi pomogli u akciji
potrage. Posle
nekoliko sati, uprkos
u~eš}u policije za
javni red i mir, pretrage
su završene bez rezultata, a
naša jedinica je tako|e pozvana. Po dolasku na licu
mesta, naša jedinica je zapo~ela pretragu i vrlo brzo psi
su osetili miris traga deteta. Dete se, kada je ~ulo da se
zvuci pribli`avaju, iz straha instinktivno sakrilo u `bunju.
Uprkos tome, naši psi su nakon prilaska signalizirali
svojim instruktorima da se nešto nalazi tamo i na kraju
je dete na|eno. Naravno, radost deteta kada je videlo
policajca je bila neopisiva. Me|utim, moram da ka`em da
je radost bila jednako ogromna za sve policajce, jer mrak
je ve} pao, i posledice za dete su mogle da budu ozbiljne
da ga nismo našli,“ ovako se narednik Minuš Krasni}i,
koji je deo Jedinice K9 od njenog osnivanja 2002. godine,
podsetio ove potresne pri~e.
Narednik Krasni}i je jedan od prvih policajaca koji su
se odlu~ili da se prijave za poziciju u ovoj specijalnoj
jedinici. Prema njegovim re~ima, razlog tome je
velika `elja da radi sa ovom `ivotinjom koja je u svetu
poznata kao ~ovekov najbolji prijatelj. Osim toga, on
objašnjava da ova jedinica danas ima dovoljan broj
vodi~a pasa koji pokrivaju granice 24/7, a deluju na
celoj teritoriji Kosova. Me|u glavnim zadacima ove
jedinice je zaštita javnog reda i mira, zaštita `ivota
i imovine i spre~avanje krivi~nih radnji i hvatanje
osumnji~enih, posebno u spre~avanju, pretra`ivanju i
pronala`enju narkotika, oru`ja i eksplozivnih naprava,
ali i u misijama pretrage i spasavanja.
Govore}i o borbi protiv transporta i rasturanja
24 for you
narkotika, mora se naglasiti da pripadnici ove
jedinice imaju veoma blisku saradnju i sa timom za
borbu protiv droge. Dok, što se ti~e mogu}nosti
da se otkriju takve supstance, pripadnici ove
jedinice insistiraju na jednoj stvari: apsolutno
ne postoji mesto za skrivanje narkotika u
vozilu ili bilo gde koje psi ove jedinice ne
mogu na}i.
Razlog za ovo veliko poverenje u
sposobnost instruktora i pasa koje oni
vode je svakako u direktnoj vezi sa
do sada pokazanim uspehom na
terenu. Me|utim, prema mišljenju
narednika Krasni}ija, sli~an zna~aj
ako ne i ve}i
ima tako|e nivo
koji pokriva rad
ove jedinice. Prema
njegovim re~ima, to se
prime}uje po~ev od odabira instruktora
, koji moraju da pro|u niz testova pre
nego što oni postanu deo jedinice.
Posebna pa`nja se posve}uje izboru
pasa, jer njihov uspeh ne zavisi od rase,
ve} od individualnih karakteristika psa.
Zatim, veliki zna~aj ima i izgradnja i
odr`avanje veoma dobrog odnosa izme|u
instruktora i psa, jer je u pitanju timski rad i oni treba da
se me|usobno razumeju. Na kraju krajeva, bez takvog
odnosa obuka ne funkcioniše. Me|utim, selekcija i
obuka nisu dovoljni, jer svake godine svi psi podle`u
procesu sertifikacije za rad na terenu, a psi stari do
devet godina se ovlaš}uju samo na šest meseci, i na
taj na~in se obezbe|uje maksimalna priprema psa za
rad na terenu.
„Mi razumemo da mogu postojati slu~ajevi kada se
gra|ani plaše zvani~nih pasa, ali ja bih pozvao sve
da poka`u prijateljsko ponašanje tokom komunikacije sa
policijom koja je u pratnji ovih pasa. Dakle, nema mesta
za strah, jer su psi obu~eni i pod komandom policajca.
A ~itaocima magazina „For You“ savetujem da u~e
i razvijaju svoje znanje o svim aspektima `ivota, i
poštuju i brane zakon. Ovo drugo mogu da urade
najbolje sara|uju}i sa Kosovskom policijom. Dok vas
mi sa naše strane uveravamo da naša jedinica i uopšte
Policija Kosova ima sve potrebne kapacitete da izvrši
sve zadatke koji se od njih tra`e,“ rekao je narednik
Krasni}i na kraju.
narednik Minush Krasniqi
“I remember years ago, a
4-5 year old child of Serbian
ethnicity, with residency in a
village near the city of Gjilan,
playing, and without anyone
noticing he leaves his house
and enters the woods. The
parents notice his absence
only after the child reaches
the depth of the woods in
an unknown direction. The
family then alarms also its
neighbours and they all
together begin the search
for the child. After four hours
of searching to find him, it
was clear that in this case
the professionals had to be
involved. Consequently, they
decide to call the police in
Gjilan. Initially, the police
send its public order police
members to help in the
search action. After some
hours, despite the search of
the order police, the searches
ended with no result, and
our unit was called, too. After
arriving at the site, our unit
began the search and very
soon the dogs scent the
child’s trace. The child, after
hearing noises approaching
him, from the fear was
instinctively hiding in a bush.
Despite this, our dogs upon
approach signalled their
instructors that something
was there and finally the child
was found. Surely, when the
child saw the policemen,
his joy was indescribable.
However, I must say that the
joy was equally immense
for all the policemen, since
darkness had already
fallen and if we would
have not found him, the
consequences for the child
could have been grave,”
this is how Sergeant (Sgt)
Minush Krasniqi recalled
the moving story, who is
part of the K9 Unit since its
establishment in 2002.
Sgt Krasniqi is one of the
first policemen that decided
to apply for the position in
this special unit. According
to him, the reason behind it
is the great wish to work with
this animal, which worldwide
is known as the man’s best
friend. Furthermore, he
explains that today this unit
has a sufficient number of
dog handlers who cover the
borders 24/7, and operate in
the entire territory of Kosovo.
Among the main duties of
this unit is the protection
of the public order and
peace, protection of life and
property and prevention of
criminal actions and catching
of suspects, especially
in preventing, searching
and finding narcotic
substances, weapons and
explosive devices, but
also in search and rescue
missions. Talking about
the fight against narcotic
transportation and dealing it
must be emphasized that the
members of this unit have a
really close cooperation also
with the anti-drug team (Narc
team). While, regarding the
capabilities to discover such
substances, the members of
this unit insist on one thing:
there is absolutely no place to
hide the narcotic substances
in a vehicle or anywhere and
for them to not be found by
the unit’s dogs.
The reason behind this
great confidence in the ability
of the instructors and dogs
that they lead is certainly
directly related to the so
far demonstrated success
on the field. However,
according to Sgt Krasniqi,
similar to importance if not
even more, is also the level
of professionalism that
covers the work of this unit.
According to him, this is
noticed by beginning from the
selection of instructors who
must undergo a set of tests
before they become part of
the unit. A special attention is
also paid to the selection of
the dogs, since their success
does not depend on the
race, but on the individuality
of the dog. Then, a great
importance has also the
building and maintaining of a
very good relation between
the instructor and the dog,
since it is a team effort and
both of them must understand
each other. Ultimately, without
such a relation and training it
does not function. However,
the selection and training is
not enough, since every year
all the dogs are subject to
the certification process to
working the field. Whereas,
when dogs reach nine-years
of age, they are certified only
for sixth months, ensuring the
maximum preparation of the
dog for field work.
“We understand that there
may be occasions when
the citizens are intimidated
by official dogs, but I would
call upon all to demonstrate
amiable behaviour during
communication with the
police that are accompanied
by these dogs. Thus, there
is no room for fear since
the dogs are trained and
are under the policeman’s
command. While, I advise the
For You magazine readers
to learn and develop their
knowledge in all aspects of
life, and respect and defend
the law. They can do the
latter best by cooperating
with the Kosovo Police.
While, we, from our side
assure that our unit and in
general the Kosovo Police
has all the necessary
capacities to conduct all the
tasks required from them,”
Sgt. Krasniqi said in the end.
for you 25
volim da
i ~asopise u
{tampanoj verziji. Vi{e volim
kada u rukama dr`im knjigu,
jer je mnogo zdravije nego li da
~itam istu tu knjigu na Internetu, upravo zbog polo`aja
tela. Ina~e, ne volim mnogo da
koristim kompjuter.
jer se pobolj{ava
vid i
~itanje. Tako|e, kada ~itamo
{tampane knjige ili ~asopise,
pobolj{ava se i radoznalost
kod dece, kao i njihov re~nik.
Me|utim, kod elektronskih medija, posebno se ugro`ava vid.
Emilija Stojanovic (11)
I like to read printed books and
magazines. I prefer when a
book is in my hands, because
it is much healthier that way
than reading the same book on
the internet, simply because
of body posture. By the way, I
do not like using the computer
Bozidar Popovic (13)
I prefer the printed media as it
improves eye-sight and reading.
Also, when we read printed books
or magazines it increases the curiosity and improves the vocabulary amongst children. However,
reading the electronic media
gradually leads to a deterioration
of eye-sight.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Ja vi{e
online medije. Smatram da su
zato {to online mediji su efikasniji od {tampanih medija.
Sve ono {to je u {tampanoj
verziji mo`emo prona}i i u
online verziji na Internetu.
Magdalena Raicevic (13)
I prefer the electronic media
or the online media. I believe
that because the online media
is more effective than the
printed media. All that is in the
printed version can be found
in the online version on the
se vi{e
jer imam ve}i pristup podacima koji me interesuju ili su mi
potrebni za {kolu. I plus mogu
mnogo br`e da prona|em sve
{to me interesuje na Internetu
nego li u {tampanim medijima.
Stefan Staletovic (14)
I prefer the online media, because I have access to more
information that interests me
or I need for school. Plus I can
find all that I am interested
faster over the Internet than in
the printed media.
Vi{e volim
medije zato
{to imamo
izbor i vi{e
o nekom doga|aju. Tako|e ih
mo`emo ~itati vi{e puta, oni }e
uvek biti dostupni. Mo`emo ~itati
i prethodne doga|aje bez ikakih
problema. Sve {to nas interesuje
mo`emo potra`iti pomo}u elektronskih medija.
Tamara Uzunovic (12)
I prefer the electronic media because they offer more choices and
more information about a given
event. We can read them several
times as they will always be available. We can read about previous
events without any problems. We
can look up all the things we are
interested in with the help of the
electronic media.
Vi{e mi se
Vi{e volim
da ~itam
novine, razne ~asopise u {tampanoj verziji. To je mnogo pametnije umesto ~itanja knjiga,
recimo, u elektronskoj verziji.
^itanje knjiga nam pobolj{ava
vid, a i miris kakav ima knjiga,
kompjuter sigurno nema.
Nevena Nikolic (14)
I prefer the printed media. I
prefer to read the newspapers
and various magazines in their
printed form. It is much smarter
to read a printed book instead
of reading the book in an electronic version. Reading printed
books enhances our eye-sight
and a book smells much better
than a computer.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
20 neverovatnih cinjenica koje niste
znali o životinjama
Mo`e vam se zavrteti u glavi kada pomislite na mnoštvo `ivotinja koje postoje u ovom svetu. Od male buve do velikog
plavog kita, svaka `ivotinja poseduje jedinstven kvalitet koji je izdvaja od ostalih. ^ak i ako ste stru~njak za zoologiju,
mo`da }ete biti iznena|eni nekim od ovih 25 neverovatnih ~injenica o `ivotinjama. Pripremite se na to da }e vas zapanjiti
otpornost, fizi~ke sposobnosti, i ~ista genijalnost ovih veli~anstvenih stvorenja.
Slonovi mogu da osete
miris vode na 3 km. Slon je
tako|e jedan od tri sisara
koja prolaze menopauzu
- druga dva bi}a su grbavi
kitovi i ljudske `ene.
Elephants can smell water up
to 3 miles away. They are also one
of the three mammals that undergo
menopause – the other two
being humpback whales and
human females.
Leptiri imaju
dva jedinjenja
oka koja se
sastoje od hiljada so~iva, pa
ipak mogu da
vide samo tri
boje: crvenu,
zelenu i `utu.
Kolibri su jedine ptice
koje mogu da lete unazad,
a krilima mogu da zamahnu
do 80 puta u sekundi.
Hummingbirds are the only birds
that can fly backwards and their
wings can beat at up to 80
times per second.
@irafe nemaju
glasne `ice i njihovi
jezici su plavo-crne
Giraffes have no vocal cords and their
tongues are blueblack in color.
28 for you
Butterflies have
two compound
eyes consisting
of thousands of
lenses, yet they
can only see the
colors red, green
and yellow.
Ku}na muva
Ku}ne muve ne
dozvoljavaju da njihov kratki `ivotni vek
(14 dana) omete
njihove muzi~ke
Mo`da }ete
`eleti da se zahvalite
nekoj veverici slede}
i put kada budete
u`ivali u hladu drveta.
Milioni stabala su
slu~ajno zasadile veverice
koje zakopaju
orahe a zatim
zaborave gde
su ih sakrile.
Kenguri koriste svoje
repove za
pa ako
kengurov rep
sa zemlje, on
ne mo`e da
Ma~ka ima po 32 miši}a
u svakom uhu. To im
olakšava prisluškivanje
vašeg razgovora i
planiranje vaše
One uvek zuje
u klju~u F.
Houseflies don’t allow their
short lifespans (14 days) to
hinder their musical abilities. They always hum
in the key of F.
You might want to thank a
squirrel the next time you
enjoy the shade of a tree.
Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels
that bury nuts
and then
they hid
Kangaroos use their
tails for balance,
so if you lift a
kangaroo’s tail
off the
it can’t
A cat has 32 muscles
in each ear. All the better for them to eavesdrop
on your
conversations and
plot your
francuske pudlice su zapravo
nastale u Nema~koj. Mo`da su
trebali da joj daju ime Gretel
umesto Fifi.
Contrary to popular
belief, French poodles
actually originated in
Germany. Maybe you
should’ve named her
Gretl instead of Fifi.
Nojevi mogu da
tr~e br`e od konja, a
mu`jaci mogu da urlaju
kao lavovi.
Ostriches can run
faster than horses, and
the male ostriches can roar
like lions.
20 amazing facts you didn’t know
about animals
It’s mind-blowing to think about the multitude of animals that exist in this world. From the tiny flea to
the great blue whale, each animal possesses a unique quality that makes it stand out from the rest. Even if you’re a zoology
expert, you might be surprised by some of these 20 amazing facts about animals. Prepare to be astounded
by the resilience, physical abilities, and sheer brilliance of these magnificent creatures.
liko ih ne bi odr`avali.
Pošto zubi
dabra nikada
ne prestaju sa rastom,
oni moraju stalno glodati
nešto i trošiti ih kako bi
kontrolisali njihovu du`inu.
Njihovi zubi bi na kraju
urasli u njihov mozak, uko-
Because beavers’ teeth
never stop growing, they
must constantly gnaw on
objects to keep them at a
manageable length. Their
teeth would eventually
grow into their brain if
they didn’t maintain them.
Grbavi kit
Grbavi kitovi stvaraju najglasniji
zvuk me|u svim `ivim bi}ima. A
vi ste mislili da je najglasniji zvuk
ispustio onaj dvogodišnjak pored
kog ste sedeli na transkontinentalnom letu, zar ne?
Tigrovi ne samo da imaju
pruge na svom krznu, ve}
ih imaju i na svojoj ko`i.
Ne postoje dva tigra
koja imaju iste pruge.
Tigers not only
have stripes on
Slepi mi{
Slepi miševi su
jedini sisari koji
mogu da
lete, ali
zar ne bi bilo super
kada bi ljudi mogli
da lete?
Bats are the only
mammals that can
fly, but wouldn’t it be
awesome if humans
could fly too?
Humpback Whale
Humpback whales create
the loudest sound of any living creature. And you thought the loudest sound
came from that two-year-old you sat next to on your
trans-continental flight, didn’t you?
You can tell a turPol kornja~e mo`ete
nemaju plu}a.
tle’s gender by the
odrediti po zvuku koji
^uvajte se
noise it makes.
mravMales grunt
Beware an
and females
grok}u a
ant uprising!
There are
Postoji milion
one million ants for
mrava na svakog
every human in the
~oveka u svetu.
world. These resilient
Ova otporna
creatures also never
sleep and do not
tako|e nikad
U proseku, ima 50.000
have lungs.
ne spavaju i
pauka po jutru na zelenim
površinama. Kladimo se da
}ete razmisliti dva puta pre
be useful if you plan
nego što krenete napolje sada
on becoming the next
Evo male informacije
- osim ako niste ovaj tip.
Steve Irwin: To escape the
koja vam mo`e biti korisna
grip of a crocodile’s jaw,
ako planirate da postane
push your thumb into its
slede}i Stiv Irvin: da bi ste
eyeball – It will let you go
se oslobodili stiska vilice
Koale jedu isklju~ivo
krokodila, gurnite mu prst u instantly.
liš}e eukalipo~nu jabu~icu – odmah
tusa i ništa
}e vas osloboditi.
Here’s a tidbit that might
their fur, they also have
them on their skin. No
two tigers ever have the
same stripes.
kod pasa su
jedinstveni kao ljudski otisci
prstiju, a mogu da se koriste
u identifikaciji.
Dogs’ nose prints are as
unique as human fingerprints and can be used to
identify them.
On average, there are 50,000
spiders per acre in green
areas. Bet you’ll think twice
before going outside now – unless you’re this guy.
bears almost
eat only
leaves and
nothing else.
for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca
Draga redakcijo,
Omiljene peva~ice su mi
Severina i Ceca, volela bih
da objavite njihove postere.
Od filmova mi se najvi{e
dopada „Magla“. Kada su
glumci u pitanju, Jasemin i
Sava{ su mi najdra`i likovi
iz serija. Od sportova mi se
najvi{e dopada odbojka, a
slobodno vreme provodim sa
Marinela Destani
O[ „25. maj“
Beogradski sindikat mi je
najdra`i bend, sve pesme su
im vrh. Film „Fast&Furious
6“ je uvek na prvom mestu,
meni najdra`i. Jennifer
Lopez mi je najomiljenija
glumica, ne samo peva~ica.
Voleo bih da u narednom
izdanju objavite poster Sa{e
Ili}a. U slobodno vreme
gledam TV, surfujem po netu
ili igram fudbal.
Muhamed Huseini
O[ „25. maj“
Black Eyed Peas i Lil Wayne
su mi najomiljeniji muzi~ari,
uvek ih slu{am. Od filmova
bih posebno pomenuo
„Matriks“, a Silvester Stalone
je po mom mi{ljenju najbolji
glumac ikad. Zamolio bih
Vas da objavite Eminemov
poster. U slobodno vreme
volim da igram fudbal sa
Melvin Sadiku
O[ „25. maj“
Kada su filmovi u pitanju,
posebno bih pomenula „Crni
Bo`i}“. U slobodno vreme
najvi{e volim da slu{am
muziku, a omiljena
peva~ica mi je Severina
~iji poster bih volela da
objavite. [to se sporta
ti~e najvi{e volim odbojku. I
dodala bih da najvi{e volim
da provodim vreme u {koli ili
sa najboljim drugaricama.
Melisa Aslani
O[ „25. maj“
H.I.M je najbolji muzi~ki bend
na svetu, volim svaku njihovu
pesmu, i bio bih sre}an kada
biste objavili njihov poster.
Kao i svi, volim da gledam
filmove, gde }u posebno
pomenuti film „Pla}enici“.
A Silvester Stalone mi je
najdra`i glumac. U slobodno
vreme volim da igram stoni
Muhamed Be{iri
O[ „25. maj“
Na po~etku
bih pomenula da mnogo
volim da ~itam ovaj magazin.
Svoje slobodno vreme
provodim kao i svi mladi
na Facebooku ili sa svojim
drugaricama. Zamolila
bih Vas da objavite poster
Jennifer Lopez, meni omiljene
peva~ice. Osim nje mnogo
volim da slu{am i Cecu.
\ulijeta Hajradini
O[ „25. maj“
for you 31
Readers’ letters
Dear Editorial,
My favorite singers are
Severina and Ceca, and
I’d like you to publish their
posters. From the movies I
like best “The Fog”. When
the actors are concerned,
Jasemin and Savas are my
favorite characters from the
series. From sports I like best
volleyball, and free time I
spend with girlfriends.
Marinela Destani
PS „25. maj“
Beogradski sindikat is my
favorite band, all of their
songs are fantastic. Movie
“Fast & Furious 6” is always
number one, my favorite.
Jennifer Lopez is my favorite
actress, not only a singer. I’d
like you to publish a poster of
Sasa Ilic in the next edition. In
my free time I watch TV, surf
the net or play soccer.
Muhamed Huseini
PS „25. maj“
Black Eyed Peas and Lil
Wayne are my favorite
musicians, I always listen to
them. Of the films I would
particularly mention “The
Matrix” and Sylvester Stallone
is in my opinion the best
actor ever. I would like you to
publish a poster of Eminem.
In my spare time I like to play
football with my friends.
Melvin Sadiku
PS „25. maj“
When movies are concerned,
I would especially mention
the “Black Christmas.” In
my spare time I like to listen
to music, and my favorite
singer is Severina
whose poster I’d like
you to publish. As far as
sports are concerned, I like
volleyball the most. I might
add that I prefer to spend my
time at school or with my best
Melisa Aslani
PS „25. maj“
Dear all,
HIM is the best music band
in the world, I love all their
songs, and I would be happy
if you could publish their
poster. Like everyone else, I
like to watch movies, where
I will specifically mention
the film “The Expendables.”
A Sylvester Stallone is my
favorite actor. In my spare
time I like to play table tennis.
Muhamed Beshiri
OŠ „25. maj“
At the beginning I would
like to mention that I love
very much to read this
magazine. I spend my free
time as all young people
do, on Facebook or with my
girlfriends. I would like you to
publish a poster of Jennifer
Lopez, my favorite singer.
Besides her I love to listen to
Ceca as well.
Dzulijeta Hajradini
PS „25. maj“