Februar 2012 - Magazine For You


Februar 2012 - Magazine For You
Pozdrav dragi ~itaoci,
Ponovo se sre}emo sa nadom da }e vas novo
izdanje vašeg omiljenog magazina „For You“
zate}i dobro. Kao i uvek, specijalno za vas smo
pripremili mnogo novih i interesantnih pri~a.
Predstavi}emo vam ih jednu po jednu:
Ovog meseca smo posetili Osnovnu
{kolu „Sveti Sava“ u Klokotu, iz koje vam
predstavljamo „U~enika meseca“, Andrijanu
Radi}. U modnoj rubrici }ete imati priliku da
vidite neke ideje za poklone na Dan zaljubljenih,
dok smo za ljubitelje muzike pripremili intervju
sa jednim od poznatijih mladih DJ-a u severnom
delu Mitrovice, Ivanom Galkanom.
U rubrici „@ivotinjsko carstvo“ smo pisali o
morskoj zvezdi, a u „Moviemania-ji“ predstavljamo
najnovije filmove strane produkcije. Ukoliko `elite
da saznate više o uspehu na{ih „Orlova“ i „Delfina“
na Evropskom prvenstvu 2012, koji su svojom
igrom osvojili naša srca, pa`ljivo pro~itajte rubriku
„Sportski ugao“. A, zbog ~ega mladi Kosova
koriste najpopularniju društvenu mre`u Facebook,
saznajte u našem „Upitniku“.
Kao i uvek, pozivamo vas da pa`ljivo pro~itate
društvene teme za ovaj mesec u kojima govorimo
o dostignu}ima Opštine Klokot, pitanju polova na
Kosovu, kao i o Turskom Univerzitetu u Prizrenu.
Ne}e zafaliti ni vaša pisma, kao ni tehnologije
koje vreme ne briše, i neke druge neverovatne
istine. Sve ovo samo za vas u najnovijem izdanju
našeg magazina. ^itajte ga pa`ljivo, okre}ite
stranice polako i na}i }ete se u svetu svojih snova.
Nudim vam ponovni susret u martu mesecu. Do
tada, `elim vam sve najbolje!
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografijeë: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: U~enik meseca: @
elja svih nas je slobodaë
6-7: Raskrsnice `ivota
8-9: For you fashion:
Pokloni za dan
10-11: Music Box:
DJ Galkan - Me{am
12-13: Va`nost
polne perspektive za
odr`avanje sigurnog i
bezbednog okru`enja
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: Morska zvezda
16-17: Poster:
DJ Galkan
18-19: Moviemania:
Young adult; We bought
a zoo; Happy feet two
20-21: Sportski ugao:
Zlatno srebrni uspeh
Srbije na evropskom
prvenstvu 2012.
22-23: Hi-Tech: Visoko
tehnolo{ki kuhinjski
24-25: Kako
funkcioni{e va{a
26-27: Upitnik: ^emu
slu`i facebook?
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
Greetings dear readers
We meet each other again this month in hope that
the new edition of your favorite “For You” magazine will
find you well. As always we have prepared many new
and interesting things especially for you. We will be
presenting them by sequence:
This month we have visited the Primary School
“Sveti Sava” in Klokot from which we present to you the
“Student of the Month”, Andrijanu Radic. In the fashion
column you will have the opportunity to see some ideas
for gifts for Valentine’s Day. For the music lovers we
have prepared an interview with one of the better known
young DJ’s in the northern part of Mitrovica, Ivan Galkan.
In the Animal Kingdom we have written about the
Star Fish, while in the Moviemania column we have
presented the newest films from the international
productions. Want to learn more about the success
of our “Eagles” and “Dolphins” at the European
championships in 2012, which with their great
games have won our hearts and imagination, than
read carefully the Sports Corner.
What do the young Kosovars use the social network
Facebook for? Learn in our survey. As always, we also
invite you to carefully read the social topics of this month
where we talk about the achievements in the Municipality
of Kllokot, or gender issue in Kosovo and a very
interesting article on moral decisions.
Your letters will not be missing either, as well as
technologies which time cannot erase and some
other incredible truth.
All these are for you in the newest edition of the
magazine. Read it carefully, flip the pages slowly and
you will find yourselves in the world of your dreams.
I offer you another meeting in the month of March.
Until then, all the best to you!
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: Student of the
month: We all wish for
6-7: Crossroads of life
8-9: For you fashion:
Valentine’s day gift
10-11: Music Box:
Ryva - “fa born artist”
12-13:The importance
of gender perspective
in maintaining a
safe and secure
14-15: Animal kingdom:
Sea star
16-17: Poster: DJ
18-19: Moviemania:
Young adult; We bought
a zoo; Happy feet two
20-21: Sports corner:
Gold -silver success
of Serbia in European
Championship 2012
22-23: Hi-Tech kitchen
24-25: How does your
municipality function?
26-27: Questionnaire:
For which purpose do
you mainly use social
network facebook?
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
for you 3
– Klokot. Moje rodno
mesto, koje volim najvi{e
na svetu.
– Titanik. Brod koji je
nestao. O njemu su
pisane knjige i snimani
– Ljulja{ka. Krevetac
u kojem bebe najsla|e
– U~enje. Te`nja za
znanje. ^ovek se u~i dok
je `iv.
– Nepravda. Oru`je u
rukama mo}nih.
– Njiva. Proizvo|a~
hrane, bez koje ne
bismo mogli da pre`ivimo.
– Okolina. Okru`enje
kod nas je mnogo
– Andrijana. Zato {to
volim svoje ime.
– Biljana. Moja najbolja
drugarica, osoba kojoj
mogu re}i sve.
– Cve}e. Volim boje i
miris cve}a.
- \ur|evdan. Praznik
koji najavljuje dolazak
– ]umur. Gorivo za
– Gre{nici. Bog
ka`njava njihova nedela.
– Heroji. Oni su ponos
svih nas.
– Sv. Ilija. Slava, na{ veliki
– Jelena. Ime na{e
– La`. ^ovekova mana.
Ne{to {to niko ne mo`e
da toleri{e.
– Meteori. Oni padaju
sa neba.
Andrijana Radi}
jer smatram da je ona jedna
od boljih zemalja.
– Pero. Predmet kojim se
nekada pisalo.
– Radost. Jedno lepo
ose}anje. Dobro bi bilo
kada bismo uvek bili radosni.
– Srpski jezik. Moj
omiljeni predmet u {koli.
- [vajcarska. Volela bih
da posetim [vajcarsku,
– Violina. Moj omiljeni
muzi~ki instrument koji
najlep{e zvu~i.
– Zmija. @ivotinja koje se
mnogo pla{im, kao i ve}
ina ljudi.
- @elja. @elja svih nas je
sloboda. To je osnovno
ljudsko pravo.
Ime i prezime:
Mesto: Klokot
[kola: Osnovna {kola „Sveti
Hobi: U~enje
Slobodno vreme: Provodim
sa dru{tvom
Sport: Fudbal
Muzika: Zabavna
- ^asopis. Mnogo volim
da ~itam ~asopise.
– Dru{tvo. Volim svoje
dru{tvo, i koristim svaki
slobodan trenutak da budem
sa njima.
- D`ejms (James
Naismith). ^ovek koji
je izmislio ko{arku.
– Engleski. Svetski jezik
koji je danas neophodan.
– Fudbal. Sport koji ja
najvi{e volim i redovno
4 for you
Andrijana Radi} sa svojim razredom
student of the month
– Klokot. My birthplace,
which i love the most in the
– Lie. Flaw of the human
being. Something that no
one can tolerate.
– Crib. Bed in which
babies sweetly sleep.
– Meteors. They fall from
the sky.
– Injustice. Weapon in the
hands of the powerful.
– Field. Food production,
without which we couldn’t
be able to survive.
– Environment. Our
surrounding, which is very
Andrijana with her best friend
– Andrijana. Because I
love my name.
– Biljana. My best friend,
the person that I can tell
– Flowers. I love colours
and scents of flowers.
– Coal. Fuel for
– Sinners. God punishes
their misdeeds.
– Heroes. They are the
pride of all of us.
– St. Elias. The feast day, our
great festivity.
– Jelena. Name of our
– Feather. Object that was
once used for writing.
– Joy. A beautiful feeling. It
would be good if we were
always joyful.
– Serbian language. My
favourite subject in school.
– Switzerland. I would
like to visit Switzerland,
because i think that it is one of
the better countries.
– Titanic. The ship
that has gone. Books
have been written and films
made about it.
– Studying. Pursuit
for knowledge. Human
beings live and learn.
– Violin. My favourite
music instrument that
has the prettiest sound.
– Snake. An animal
that scares me the
most, as the majority of
people do.
– Wish. We all wish for
freedom. It is the basic
human right.
Name and
surname: Andrijana Radic
Date of birth:
Place: Klokot
School: Elementary school
“Sveti Sava”
Hobby: Learning
Free time: Spending with
my friends
Sport: Football
Music: Modern
– Magazine. I really like to
read magazines.
– Gang. I love my gang,
and use every free
moment to be with them.
– St. George’s Day.
Festivity that announces
the arrival of summer.
- James (James
Naismith). Man who
has invented basketball.
– English. World
language that is necessary
– Football. Sport that I
love the most and regularly
for you 5
dluke, odluke! Da li da
obu~em crne pantalone ili
one braon, bluzu ili košulju,
~itam roman ili gledam televiziju,
iza|em sa prijateljima ili budem
sa porodicom, jedem sendvi~ ili
hamburger?! Ovakve dileme su deo
našeg svakodnevnog `ivota, iako
izgleda kao da obra}amo pa`nju na
njih one nisu ništa drugo do trenutna
oklevanja, ili mo`da ne? Me|utim,
jedno je sigurno, bez obzira na to
kako se obla~imo, šta jedemo ili da
li više volimo da izlazimo nego da
sedimo kod ku}e, svi mi se barem
jednom u `ivotu suo~imo sa takvom
situacijom gde je donošenje odluke
neverovatno teško i ~ini da se ose}
amo kao da smo podeljeni na dva
dela. To su situacije kada su principi
i naš karakter na iskušenju dok se
nosimo sa moralnim odlukama.
Da uzmemo jedan primer: Imate
pismeni test u školi, iznenada
nastavnik uhvati jednog druga/ricu iz
razreda kako prepisuje i sprema se
da ga/je izbaci sa testa. Ali, vi znate
da je nastavnik uhvatio pogrešnog
6 for you
u~enika, jer kopirani papir ne pripada
uhva}enom u~eniku ve} vašem
bliskom prijatelju koji je spreman
da dozvoli da nedu`na `rtva bude
ka`njena. Ako ne progovorite,
nedu`an u~enik }e biti oštro ka`njen
za varanje, a mo`da }e ~ak morati da
obnovi godinu. S druge strane, ako
progovorite bi}ete uvu~eni u situaciju
koja nema nikakve veze sa vama i
zbog koje }ete kazniti svog bliskog
prijatelja. Šta }ete uraditi? Da li biste
mogli da ka`ete istinu i da vas najbolji
prijatelj smatra izdajnikom? Ili, mislite
da neko zaslu`uje da bude spašen
samo zato što je vaš prijatelj? A, neko
drugi da bude ka`njen samo zato
što je bio/bila na pogrešnom mestu
u pogrešno vreme, i, jer vi niste tako
bliski sa njim/njom? Ovo je samo
hipoteti~ka situacija koja zahteva
moralnu odluku koja nije ništa drugo
nego razlika izme|u ciljeva, odluka ili
akcija koje su dobre i ispravne, i onih
koje su loše i pogrešne.
O~igledno, u adolescenciji nije
lako donositi takve odluke jer mladi
ljudi ~esto samo zbog pritiska
svojih vršnjaka i `elje
da izbegnu da budu
izdvojeni, donose odluke
koje ni na koji na~in ne
odgovaraju njihovom
karakteru ili principima.
Ali, da li vredi platiti
takvu cenu i `rtvovati
principe, verovanja i
svoj karakter samo da
biste bili prihva}eni u
društvu? Da li vredi
provesti `ivot donose}
i odluke zasnovane
na tome šta je lakše ili
manje te{ko, bez obzira
na to da li je ispravno
ili pogrešno, samo zato
što društvo tako ka`e?
U takvim situacijama
bi trebalo da se ispolji
naše porodi~no
vaspitanje i snaga
karaktera, da se uradi
ispravna stvar bez
obzira na to koliko
bolno ili teško mo`e da
izgleda. Kao mladi ljudi
vi ste jo{ uvek odgovorni
za svoje postupke ili
ne-postupke i odluke
koje vi donosite. ^esto
va{e iskustvo nije
dovoljno kako bi vam
pomoglo da prepoznate ispravne
odluke u sli~nim situacijama. Zato u
situacijama kada su vam potrebna
uputstva, nemojte se ustru~avati da
se poverite i razgovarate sa va{im
roditeljima. Ako vam razgovor sa
njima deluje prete{ko iz bilo kojih
razloga, postoji jo{ jedna osoba kojoj
se mo`ete obratiti a to je va{ {kolski
psiholog. Najve}a prednost u tome je
da su oni obavezani na diskreciju o
razgovorima koje oni imaju sa svojim
u~enicima. Tako|e, ~esto razgovor sa
profesionalcem vam mo`e vi{e pomo}
i, zato {to kroz njihovo obrazovanje
i poziciju oni mogu imati direktan
uticaj i pru`iti podr{ku i pomo} u
suo~avanju sa te{kim situacijama.
Ne zaboravite, putem principa
nije lako i}i ali jedno je sigurno,
svaka odluka koju danas donesete
osta}e sa vama do kraja `ivota.
Ne samo da }e uticati na vašu
savest, ve} i `ivot ljudi oko vas. I,
kao {to teorija haosa objašnjava,
mala promena danas mo`e imati
ogromne posledice u budu}nosti.
ecisions, decisions! Should
I wear black pants or those
brown ones, a blouse or a shirt,
read a novel or watch TV, go out with
friends or hang out with my family, eat
a sandwich or a hamburger? Such
dilemmas are part of our everyday life
and although it seems we pay attention
to them, they are nothing more than
the momentary hesitations, or maybe
not? However, one thing is certain,
regardless of how we dress, what we
eat or whether we like to go out more
than just sit at home, all of us in one
way or another are faced with such
situations when making a decision
that has been incredibly hard and
made us feel as if we are split in
two. These are situations when our
principles and characters are tried as
we deal with moral decisions.
For example: You have an exam in
school, suddenly the teacher catches
a classmate cheating and is ready
to dismiss him/her from the exam.
But, you know that the professor has
caught the wrong student, because
the copy paper does not belong to the
respective student, but it belongs to
your close friend, who is willing to allow
an innocent victim to be punished.
If you do not speak up an innocent
student will be severely punished
for cheating and may also have to
repeat the year. On the other hand, if
you speak up, you will be caught in a
situation that has nothing to do with you
and results in the punishment of your
close friend. What will you do about
it? Would you be able to tell the truth
and then be called a traitor by your
best friend? Or, do you think someone
deserves to be saved just because he/
she is your friend? And the other one,
who will be punished simply because
he/she was in the wrong place and at
the wrong time and because you are
not very close to him/her?” This is just
a hypothetical situation, which requires
a moral decision that is nothing but
the difference of goals, decisions or
actions that are good and right, and
those that are bad and wrong.
Obviously, such decisions in
adolescence are not easy to take.
Often young people, just because of
pressure from peers, wish
to avoid being singled out,
and make decisions that
do not correspond at
all with their character
or principles. But is
it worth to pay such
a price and sacrifice
principles, beliefs and
your character just to
be accepted in society?
Is it worth it to spend
your life simply making
decisions based on
what is easier and less
troublesome, without
caring whether it is right
or wrong just because
society says so?
In such situations
the way we have
been raised and have
developed our character
should motivate us to do
the right thing no matter
how painful or difficult
the consequences
may appear. As young
people you are still
responsible for your
action or inaction and
decisions you make.
Often your experience is
not vast enough to help
you recognize appropriate decisions in
such situations. Therefore in situations
when you need guidance do not
hesitate to approach your parents
and talk to them. If talking to parents
seems too difficult out of different
reasons, than another person you can
turn to is your school psychologist.
The greatest advantage in doing that
is that they are obliged to secrecy
regarding the talks they have with
the students. Also, often talking to
a professional can help much more
because through their education and
position they can have a direct impact
and provide support and help in
dealing with difficult situations.
Do not forget, the way of
principles is not easy to follow, but
one thing is for sure, every decision
you take today will remain with
you throughout life. It will affect
not only your conscience, but also
the lives of people around you. So
as the theory of chaos explains, a
small change today can have huge
consequences in the future.
for you 7
amislite jedinstven
poklon za Dan zaljubljenih kojim biste
jednostavno privukli
svoje voljene. Ne
zaobilazite ni
~estitke, cve}e
i ~okolade, ali
ipak poklonite
nešto na šta
vaši voljeni
nikad ne
bi pomislili. Poka`ite
Vašu ljubav i
naklonost poklonima za Dan
zaljubljenih, a svi
oni predstavljaju
dobar na~in da se
iska`e pa`nja najva`nijoj
osobi, i poka`e koliko Vam
ona zna~i. Danas su u prodavnicama dostupne raznolike korpe-pokloni za Dan
zaljubljenih, koje uklju~uju:
košarice sa vinom, korpice
za zaljubljene, vo}ne korpe,
~okoladne ili gurmanske korpice, a koje je mogu}e kupiti
i na Internetu i u prodavnicama.
Naj~eš}i pokloni za Dan
zaljubljenih su crvene ru`e,
parfemi, ~okolade, nakit i
plišane mede. Me|utim,
postoje i druga~iji pokloni,
kao što su kola~i i košarice
cvetnih aran`mana. Neki od
poklona muškarcima slu`e
da bi impresionirali posebnu
osobu u svom `ivotu. Jedan
jedini poklon na taj dan mo`e
da Vam izmeni `ivot, narav-
haljinu. Time joj ne}ete
samo pokazati da ste
utrošili vreme biraju}
je, ve} }ete
je u~initi
nijom i
`enom na
Zar se ne
no, ako
ga Vaša draga osoba sa
radoš}u prihvati. Bilo da je
to ~estitka ili poklon-kartica,
ona mora da bude od srca.
Ne zaboravite, da u`ivate
u vezi koju delite sa Vašom
voljenom osobom, šaljite joj
predivne poklone, zbog kojih
}e se ose}ati kao „na vrhu
sveta“ sa najlepšim poklonom
u rukama. A, cve}e i ~okolade definitivno treba da budu
deo vaše poklon-korpe za
Dan zaljubljenih.
Pomenuti darovi nisu
jedina ideja, imamo mi tu jo{
nekoliko odli~nih ideja koje }
e Vam pomo}i da iznenadite
Vašu dragu osobu. Ponekad
pokloni za Dan zaljubljenih mogu i da prevazi|u
uobi~ajene ~okolade, ru`e i
plišane medvedi}e. Va`no je
da oni budu ogledalo Vaših
emocija koje }e oslikavati
pravi smisao ideja za poklone.
Ve~e za Dan zaljubljenih
– Obucite se da zadivite
sve oko sebe
Ako je to Va{ prvi izlazak
takvog tipa, onda su cve}
e i ~okolade sasvim pristojni
pokloni. Ali, ako `elite da
iznenadite Vašu devojku
nekim li~nim poklonom, onda
joj odaberite finu ve~ernju
8 for you
svoja ~ula
To je savršen poklon
za najzgodnijeg
~oveka Vašeg
`ivota. Naravno,
takav poklon
za Dan zaljubljenih
je tako|e primeren
i Vašim elegantnim
damama. Odaberite lep
parfem i stvorite zadivljuju}
i svet mirisa i ljubavi na
taj divan dan. Na tr`ištu
postoji mnogo dostupnih
marki parfema, tako da
mo`ete da izaberete ono
što odgovara Vašoj dragoj
osobi. Takav dar nikad ne
greši, i savršeno izra`ava
Vašu ljubav.
Knjiga ljubavi
Zajedno ste ve} nekoliko
godina i mnogo se volite.
Tokom svih tih godina
ste razmenili sa svojom
dragom osobom gomile
i-mejlova kojima
ste izra`avali
svoju ljubav.
Sada na Dan
da o`ivite
sve te
i nezaboravne
Odštampajte sva
Vaša ljubavna pisma i pove`ite ih u knjigu
ljubavi. Poklonite ih svojoj
dragoj osobi, i poka`ite da
ljubav ne predstavlja samo
poklon ve} i trenutke koji
su iza vas…
Ideje za poklone
muškarcima na Dan zaljubljenih
On je Vaš `ivot, i na Vama
je da mu poklonite nešto
posebno na ovaj dan. Ne
brinite, ima mnogo stvari
koje mo`ete pokloniti Vašem
posebnom muškarcu. Tu
spadaju i:
• Šolje sa slatkom porukom
• Posebna kolekcija pi}a
• Markirana ode}a
• Markirana obu}a
• Tehni~ki aparati
• Sportska oprema
Ideje za poklone devojkama na Dan zaljubljenih
Ona je slatkiš Vašeg `ivota. Jednostavno ne mo`ete
zamisliti svoj `ivot bez nje.
Ovo je dan kada joj nekim
posebnim poklonom mo`ete
re}i koliko Vam zna~i. Neki
od tih poklona mogu biti i:
• ^okoladna bombonjera
u obliku srca
• Markirana ode}a
• Nakit ili drago kamenje
u obliku srca
• Buket crvenih ru`a
• CD romanti~ne muzike
hink of some unique
Valentine’s Day gift ideas,
which would simply allure
your beloved. Go beyond cards,
flowers and chocolates and
present something, which your
beloved would not even think
of. Show your love and affection
with these Valentine’s day Gifts.
Valentine’s day gifts are a good
way of saying that an individual
cares for the most important
person in his or her life and that
person means a lot. Various
kinds of valentine’s day baskets
are available nowadays at
various stores for example: wine
gift baskets, valentine baskets,
fruit baskets, chocolate gift
baskets, gourmet gift baskets
etc. - both online and offline.
The major Valentine’s day
gifts are red roses, perfumes,
chocolates, jewelry and teddy
bears. However, there are some
other types of Valentine’s day
gifts available as well like flower
hampers and cakes.
Some of the Valentine days
gifts are the key to impress the
most special person in your life.
A single valentine gift idea
may change a whole
life if it clicks and
your sweetheart
accepts the
valentine gift
gleefully. Be
it a valentine
gift card or a
gift certificate
but it should
speak from your
heart. Relish the
relationship you
share with your
beloved and send beautiful
gifts and make your darling
feel on the top of the world with
the best Valentine Gift. Valentine
flowers and chocolate gifts
should necessarily find a place
in your Valentine gift basket.
Personalized gifts as
mentioned above are not the
last option for valentine gifts. My
Dear Valentine brings together
some great Valentine gift ideas
for your extra special person. Let
your Valentine gifts go beyond
the usual chocolates, roses and
teddies. Let them be the mirror
to your emotions speaking in
the true sense of a romantic
Valentine gift idea.
Valentine Evening - Dressed
to kill
If this is your first Valentine
then flowers and chocolates will
work out just fine as Valentine
gifts. But if you want to surprise
your girl with something more
personal then select a nice
dress for the evening. It will
not only show that you spent
time selecting her valentine gift
baskets but will also make her
look the most gorgeous woman
on the earth. Don’t you agree?
Valentine gift
never goes wrong and
is a perfect expression to
your love.
The Book of Love
So you have been together for
a few years and love each other
profusely. In these years you
sent him/her so many mails as
expressions to your love. Well
this Valentine relive all those
cherished memorable years.
Take a print out of all the love
letters and bind it in the form of
a book. Gift it to your sweetheart
and show that love is not just
about the present but also about
the moments gone by…
Valentine Day Gift Ideas for
He is your life and to gift
him something special for
this Valentine’s Day is a
responsibility of yours. Don’t
as there
are many
things which
you can gift
your special
man. Some of
which are:
• The Mug with a sweet
• Special Collection of
• Designer Clothes
• Designer Shoes
• Gadgets
• Sports Kit
Valentine Day Gift Ideas for
She is the sugar of your life.
You just can’t imagine your life
without her. This is the day to tell
her how much she means to you
through some special Valentine
Day gifts for her. Some of which
• Heart shaped assorted
• Designer clothes
• Heart shaped Jewellery or
expensive stones
• Bouquet of red roses
• Romantic musical CD’s
Scent your Senses
A perfect Valentine gift ideas
for the most handsome man of
your life. Of course this Valentine
gift is also absolutely befitting for
your classy lady. Select a nice
perfume and make the Valentine
a dazzled world of fragrance and
love. There are many brands
available in the market. So
you can select what suits your
for you 9
music box
DJ Galkan sa na{om novinarkom Sanelom Kanji`a
GalKan: Najomiljeniji
DJ-evi su mi Fidel Grand,
Nicolas van Morton i Daniel
Portman, uglavnom slu{am
progressive house i tech
house. A, ono {to radim je
ne{to {to ima pro|u, a to je
neki komercijalni hous, mada
nastojim da navikavam ljude
na ne{to malo druga~ije, {to
nije tako lako.
Tvoj na~in
anas nijedan klub, `urka, modna revija i sl. ne mo`e pro}i bez
osobe koja je odgovorna za muziku, gde se prvenstveno slu{aju
Moj na~in
elektronska, dance i house. Uvek je tu neki DJ koji miksovanjem
rada nije
muzike provod u~ini jo{ boljim.
U zadnjih nekoliko godina na raznim plakatama, bilbordima i sli~nim
i to je najbitreklamama, ~esto pro~itamo skra}enicu DJ, ali, koje je pravo zna~enje
nije. Na
te re~i: did`ej iliti Disc Jockey (DJ) na na{em jeziku se prevodi kao
primer, imam
osoba koja manevri{e diskovima, bukvalno „Jaha~ diskova“.
potrebu da iz
S ciljem da otkrijemo vi{e o ovoj profesiji, razgovarali sa
jedne pesme
25-godi{njim DJ Ivanom GalKanom u Mitrovici, koji je u tom delu
Kosova veoma poznat. Ina~e je student zavr{ne godine arhitekture, ali
dve sa tri
mu je muzika du{evna hrana i ono {to ga najvi{e pokre}e u `ivotu.
pesme. U programu se ~uju
dve pesme
[ta je DJ-u neophodno
odjednom i onda pustim
Koji je najte`i deo posla?
za rad?
jo{ jednu. To su takozvani
GalKan: Kada negde
GalKan: Jo{ uvek radim
ma{apovi - miksovanje dve ili
gostujem najte`i deo posla
na kompjuteru, kupio sam
vi{e pesama. Dok tra`i{ neku
mi je montiranje, i na kraju
DJ kontroler, koji ima
drugu pesmu i zna{ da }e ta
sve to treba da razmontiodvojenu zvu~nu karticu
slede}a super da se sla`e sa
ram i vratim. [to se muzike
i ceo zvuk ide preko lap
instrumentalom prethodne i
ti~e, jednostavno ima{
topa i usb-a, a onda je zvuk
sa vokalom slede}e, one zaose}aj kada {ta mo`e{ da
na poja~alu i zvu~nicima.
jedno daju neku sasvim tre}
pusti{ i da pesma koju u
Jednostavno koristim dobre
u verziju. Ako se recimo ne
tom trenutku pu{ta{ bude
pesme koje obra|ujem i
poklope bitovi ili bas, onda to
miksujem. Potrebni su mi jo{ kao neki bum i odu{evljenje,
nije dobar prelaz. Nikad se
prevashodno za mene kada
plejeri i mikseta, i zaista bih
ne ponavljam, svaka `urka je
vidim da publika di`e ruke.
voleo da imam kompletnu
razli~ita, kao i muzika. ^ula
opremu, ali trenuno nemam
si ono kada neko ka`e „znam
Najomiljeniji DJ-evi?
sredstava da je kupim.
10 for you
{ta }e slede}e da pusti“, kod
mene toga nikad nema, uvek
je ne{to novo. Nebitno da li
je ista pesma, ali redosled
pesama je uvek druga~iji.
Koliko puta nedeljno
GalKan: Ne{to me
krenulo pro{le godine.
Nedeljno radim minimum
tri puta u lokalu „Story“, i
dva puta mese~no radim
u jednoj diskoteci, tako|e
u Mitrovici. Od ovog posla
ne mo`e da se `ivi, ali kao
d`eparac dobro do|e.
Gostovanje koje rado
GalKan: Pro{log leta sam
bio u Istanbulu na „Meeting
of design student“, gde smo
prisustvovali nekim radionicama, me|utim, ispostavilo
se da nemaju DJ-a, tako da
sam ja narednih deset dana
bio njihov DJ. I, u planu je
da ja budem zvani~ni DJ
Poruka DJ-ima na Kosovu?
GalKan: Da budu jedinstveni i da grade neki
svoj stil. A slu{aocima, da
obrate pa`nju na to kako
se ne{to pu{ta, a ne samo
{ta se pu{ta. Da prave
razliku izme|u DJ i obi~nog
pu{ta~a muzike, kao i da
prona|u paralelu izme|u DJ
i ovih drugih.
music box
something you
see everyday
Today, every club, party, fashion show and similiar events cannot
and this is
pass without the presence of the person responsible for music, forethe most
most at places where electronic, dance and house music is listened to.
There is always a DJ present who by mixing music makes the experiFor example,
ence better.
I have the
In the last few years, we read the acronym DJ on many posters, billneed to mix
boards and other advertisments, but, what is the real meaning of this
elements from
acronym: a DJ or Disc Jockey is translated in our language as a person
one song with
who manuveurs with discs, litterally it means a „disc rider“.
two or three
With the goal of finding more about this profession, we spoke with 25
songs. In my
year old DJ Ivan GalKan in Mitrovica, he is very popular in that region.
program you
He is a final year architecture student but music is his soul food and
can hear two
greatest driving force.
songs at the
same time
and return it. As far as music
• What is neccessary for a
and then I
is concerned, I simply have
DJ to work?
play another song. This is the
a feeling when to play what
GalKan: I still work on a
so called mashup – mixing
computer, I have bought a
and that the song can cause
two or more songs. Whilst
DJ controller, which has a
a sort of boon or excitement
you look for another song
at that moment, foremost this
seperate sound card and the
and you know that this song
moment is when the audience
sound is played through a
will superbly compliment the
laptop and USB stick, then the lifts their hands up into the air.
instrumentals and vocals of
sound goes to the amplifier
the first song, they form a
and speakers. I simply play
• Your favourite DJs?
third version. If, lets say, the
Galkan: My favourite DJs
good songs which I edit
beats or the bass are not
and mix. I still need a player
are Fidel Grand, Nicholas van
complimentary then this is
Morton and Daniel Portman,
and a mixette. I would really
not a good transition. I never
like to have the full array of
I mostly listen to progressive
repeat myself, every party
equipment but I currently do
house and tech house. The
is different as is the music.
music I play is the kind that
not have the funds to buy it.
You have heard someone
viable, some sort of commercial
say „I know what he will
house, although I try to introduce play next week“, this never
• Which part of your work
something a bit different to
is the hardest?
happens with me, it is always
GalKan: When I play, the
people, which is not easy.
something new. Regardless
hardest part of my work is the
of whether it is the same song
• Your work method?
setup and in the end I have to
but the order in which the
GalKan: My method is not
dismantle all the equipment
songs are played is always
• How often do you work
per week?
GalKan: I had good luck
last year. I work at least
three nights per week at the
„Story“ club, also I work twice
a month at one discotheque,
also in Mitrovica. You cannot
make a living from this line of
work but as pocket money it is
very welcome.
• An appearance which
remains in fond memory?
GalKan: Last summer,
I was in Istanbul at the
„Meeting of Design Students“,
where we attended certain
workshops, however they did
not have a DJ and so for the
next ten days I was their DJ. It
is planned for me to become
the official MEDS DJ.
• Your message to DJs in
GalKan: That they should
be unique and develop their
own style. To the listeners I
would like to remind them to
listen to the way something is
being played and not just what
is being played. That they
should differentiate between a
DJ and a simple music player,
as well as finding parrallels
between DJs and the latter.
for you 11
majorica dr Elizabet Šlajher
ored postoje}ih savetnika, kao što su pravni i
politi~ki, od novembra 2010. godine komandant
KFOR-a je dobio još jednog - savetnika za pitanja
ravnopravnosti polova. Naravno, sada se pitate zbog
~ega je komandantu KFOR-a potreban specijalni savetnik
koji }e štititi prava polova!? Majorica dr Elizabet Šlajher,
koja se na ovoj poziciji nalazi od juna 2011, ka`e da je
ovo prva reakcija ljudi kada ~uju naziv njenog radnog
mesta. Savetnik za pitanja ravnopravnosti polova nema
nikakve veze sa pravima `ena ili jednakih mogu}nosti za
sve u KFOR-u. Njena uloga je spolja{nja, ona savetuje
komandanta KFOR-a i ostale klju~ne lidere tokom razvoja
operacija uzimaju u obzir razli~ite sigurnosne pretnje
za muškarce i `ene, de~ake i devoj~ice. Zbog toga što,
kao što znamo, muškarci i `ene razli~ito do`ivljavaju i
razumeju nedostatak sigurnosti. Pošto je KFOR ovde
kako bi pru`io sigurno i bezbedno okru`enje, tako je i
naša du`nost da uzmemo u obzir sve ove pretnje i ne
zapostavljamo potrebe bilo koje osobe“ rekla je majorica
Šlajher. Ona je tako|e rekla: „Razumevanje uloge `ene i
dece je jako va`na u izgradnji stabilnosti“.
Kako bi svoj posao objasnila na jednostavniji na~in ona
12 for you
nam daje slede}i primer: zamislite da na nekom
mestu na Kosovu postoji potreba za izgradnjom
mosta kako bi traktori i automobili mogli lagano da
pre|u opasnu ta~ku. Poznato je, posebno u ruralnim
podru~jima, da su najve}i broj voza~a traktora i vozila
muškarci. Ali, tako|e znamo da na Kosovu imamo
puno dece i `ena koji prvenstveno putuju pešice. Tako
da, ako gradite mostove koji }e odgovarati potrebama
svih ljudi, onda }ete na tom mostu sagraditi i trotoare
za pešake. Cilj je da KFOR poseduje sve ta~ne i
potpune informacije vezane za sigurno i bezbedno
okru`enje na Kosovu; ali, kako one mogu biti takve,
ako KFOR govori samo sa mu{karcima? Stoga,
mo`emo re}i da je informacija polovi~na, kada mi
razgovaramo sa 50% stanovništva Kosova.
Majorica [lajher naporno radi kako bi KFOR-u
slika bila {to jasnija. Ona se sastaje sa mnogo
`ena kao i `enskih grupa svih nacionalnsoti. Kao
na primer svake dve nedelje u~estvuje u grupnim
sastancima sa predstavnicima Kosovskog parlamenta,
Kosovske policije, EULEX-a, OEBS-a, UNDP-a i
ostalih nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pitanjima
ravnopravnosti polova. Samim tim, ona se kroz ove
sastanke upoznaje sa svim što se dešava, i redovno
obaveštava komandanta KFOR-a.
“Ovo je moja druga misija na Kosovu. Tokom
moje prve misije, 2006-2007. ja sam bila vo|a Tima
za vezu i nadgledanje (LMT). Ali, moram da priznam,
da tada nisam imala odgovaraju}u obuku kada je u
pitanju va`nost uklju~ivanja vi|enje `ena. To je stav i
pristup koji mi `elimo da promenimo, to je sada moja
du`nost kao savetnice za pitanja ravnopravnosti
polova,” dodala je majorica Šlajher. Iz tog razloga
komandant KFOR-a je prihvatio i odobrio jedan od
njenih predloga, a to je da danas svaki Tim za vezu
i nadgledanje u svom sastavu ima najmanje jednu
pripadnicu `enskog pola, što bi trebalo da omogu}i lakšu
komunikaciju sa svima na Kosovu.
Zatim, tu je i organizacija treninga za pripadnike
Timova za vezu i nadgledanje i ostalog vojnog osoblja
KFOR-a, kako bi se shvatio zna~aj uloge mišljenja
`ena sa Kosova u organizaciji njihovog rada i
operacijama. Me|utim, po re~ima majorice Šlajher, iako
je razumevanje zna~aja mišljenja razli~itih polova pove}
ano, ostaje još puno toga da se uradi.
Na pitanje o va`nosti rada majorice [lajher, komandant
KFOR-a rekao je slede}e: „kako bi se izgradilo odr`iv i
zna~ajan mir na Kosovu, i u celoj regiji, ne samo za narednu
godinu ve} i za budu}e generacije, mi moramo tra`iti re{enja
od onih koji odgajaju nove generacije. Savetnik za polove je
prvi korak koji nas spaja sa tom novom generacijom.“
Na kraju, majorica Šlajher savetuje omladinu
da zapamte da je obrazovanje najsigurniji i najbolji
na~in da sebi omogu}e bolji `ivot i budu}nost, i da to
posebno va`i za `ene. Ona je zavr{ila doktorske studije
u polti~kim naukama na disertaciji o Kosovu, nakon
njene prve misije ovde na Kosovu.
how could it be complete if
KFOR only talks to men?
Thus, we can say that
the information is only
half complete when we
only talk to 50 percent of
Kosovo’s population.
Major Schleicher works
very hard to complete
the picture for KFOR.
She meets with many
women and women’s
groups of all ethnicities.
As an example, every two
weeks Major Schleicher
takes part in meetings
with representatives of
the Kosovo Assembly,
Kosovo Police, EULEX,
Organization for Security
and Co-operation
in Europe, United
Nations Development
Programme and various
Non Governmental
Organzations that deal
with gender dimensions.
Through all of her
Major Dr. Elisabeth Schleicher and “4U” journalist Ali Rexha
meetings and other work,
she is aware of what is
long with other advisors, such as legal and political,
happening and regularly updates the KFOR Commander.
as of November 2010, KFOR Commander has an
“This is my second mission here in Kosovo. During my
additional advisor, a Gender Advisor. Certainly, you
first mission, in 2006-2007, I was the Head of a Liaison
ask yourselves why does the Commander of KFOR need a
Monitoring Team (LMT). I must admit that I did not have
special advisor on Gender? Major Dr. Elisabeth Schleicher,
training on the importance of including women’s views then. It
who has been in this position since June of 2011, says that
is this attitude and approach we are aiming to change and this
this is the first reaction from most people who hear her post’s
is now my duty as Gender Advisor”, Major Schleicher added.
name. The Gender Advisor has nothing to do with women’s
One of her proposals that has been accepted by Commander
rights and equal opportunities in KFOR. Her role is external
of KFOR is that LMT’s have at least one woman. This will help
and she offers advice to the Commander of KFOR and other
us to reach out to everyone in Kosovo.
key leaders so that our operations consider the different
Then there is the training for members of the LMTs
security threats to men, women, boys and girls. Because,
and other KFOR military personnel to train them on the
as we know, men and women experience and understand
importance of bringing the views of women into their
the lack of security in different ways. “Given that KFOR is
work and operations. According to Major Schleicher, even
here to provide a safe and secure environment, it is our
though the understanding of the importance of gender
duty to consider all these threats and not to overlook the
viewpoints has changed, there is much work to do.
needs of anyone”, said Major Schleicher. She also says
When asked about the importance of MAJ Schleicher’s
that “understanding the role of women and children is
work, the KFOR Commander said that “to help build a
important in building stability”.
lasting, meaningful peace in Kosovo and throughout the
In order to explain her work in a more simple way, she
region, not just in the next year but for the next generation,
gives the following example: imagine that in a country, there
we must look for solutions from those who are raising
is a need to build a bridge so that tractors and cars can pass
the next generation. The Gender Advisor is a first step in
smoothly along a dangerous point. Now, it is known that
connecting us with that next generation.”
especially in rural areas, most of the drivers of tractors and
Finally, Major Schleicher urged the youth to remember
vehicles are men. But, we know that there are many children
that the safest and best way to ensure a better life and future
who primarily travel on foot, as well as most women. So,
is through education, and this is especially true for women.
to meet the needs of all, bridges should have sidewalks for
She herself completed her doctoral degree in political science
pedestrians. The goal is that KFOR’s understanding of the
with a dissertation on Kosovo after her first mission here.
security situation in Kosovo is accurate and complete. But,
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
orske zvezde su divne `ivotinje
koje mogu biti raznih boja, oblika i
veli~ina iako sve nalikuju zvezdi. Iako
neke izgledaju glatke, sve one imaju bodlje
koje pokrivaju njihovu gornju i meku donju
površinu. Ako ne`no prevrnete `ivu morsku
zvezdu, vide}ete njene cevaste no`ice kako se
njišu ka vama. Ove ~uvene morske `ivotinje su
fascinantna stvorenja.
Morske zvezde mogu da obnove izgubljeni krak
Neverovatno, morske zvezde mogu da obnove igubljeni
krak. Ovo je korisno ako morskoj zvezdi preti grabljivica
– mo`e da ostavi krak i pobegne. Kod morskih zvezda je
ve}ina vitalnih organa smeštena u kracima, tako da neke
mogu da regenerišu potpuno novu morsku zvezdu od
samo jednog kraka i dela centralnog diska morske zvezde.
Ipak, ovo se ne}e desiti baš brzo. Potrebno je oko godinu
dana da krak ponovo izraste.
Morske zvezde štiti oklop
U zavisnosti od vrste, ko`a morske zvezde mo`e
biti ko`asta ili malo bodljikava. Morske zvezde
imaju jak pokriva~ na gornjoj strani, koji se sastoji
od plo~ica kalcijuma karbonata, a koje imaju male
bodlje na površini. Bodlje morske zvezde slu`e za
zaštitu od grabljivica u koje spadaju ptice, ribe i
morske vidre.
Morske zvezde nemaju krv
Morske zvezde umesto krvi imaju vodeni vaskularni
sistem, u koji morska zvezda upumpava morsku vodu
kroz sitastu plo~u u svoje cevaste no`ice, kako bi ih
izdu`ila. Miši}i unutar no`ica ih
Morske zvezde se
kre}u uz pomo} svojih
cevastih no`ica
Morske zvezde se kre}u koriste}
i stotine cevastih no`ica koje se nalaze na njihovoj
donjoj strani. Cevaste no`ice su ispunjene morskom
vodom koju morska zvezda uvla~i preko sitaste
plo~ice na gornjoj strani. Morske zvezde mogu da se
kre}u br`e nego što o~ekujemo.
Morske zvezde nisu vrsta ribe
Iako morske zvezde `ive pod vodom i na engleskom ih
zovu starfish (prev.- zvezdasta riba) one nisu vrsta ribe.
One nemaju škrge, ljuske niti peraja kao što imaju ribe,
i kre}u se veoma druga~ije od riba. Dok se riba pokre}
e svojim repom, morske zvezde imaju malene cevaste
no`ice koje im poma`u da se kre}u.
Morske zvezde su bodljokošci
Morske zvezde pripadaju rodu bodljoko`aca. To zna~i da
su u srodstvu sa morskim je`evima i morskim krastavcima.
Svi bodljokošci su radijalno simetri~ni u pet ta~aka
što zna~i da njihovo telo ima pet odeljaka (i/ili njihovih
umno`aka) koji su raspore|eni oko centralnog diska.
Postoje hiljade vrsta morskih zvezda
Ima oko 2.000 vrsta morskih zvezda. Neke `ive u
priobalnom delu, neke u dubokim vodama, neke u
tropskim predelima, a neke u hladnoj vodi.
Nemaju sve morske zvezde pet krakova
Iako su vrste petokrakih morskih zvezda
najpoznatije, nemaju sve morske zvezde pet krakova.
Neke imaju mnogo više. Uzmimo kao primer,
Crossaster papposus ili sun star (prev. – sun~eva
zvezda), koja mo`e da ima do 40 krakova!
14 for you
Morske zvezde jedu sa izvrnutim stomacima
Kada govorimo o plenu, morske zvezde na
veoma jedinstven na~in jedu svoj. Usta morske
zvezde se nalaze na donjoj strani. Njihov plen
su bivalve, kao što su školjke i dagnje, male
ribe, pu`evi i sitne krabe.
Morske zvezde imaju o~i
Mada ne mogu da vide tako dobro kao mi, morske zvezde
imaju po jedno oko na kraju svakog kraka. Ovo je veoma
jednostavno oko koje izgleda kao crvena ta~ka. Oko ne vidi
puno detalja, ali mo`e da registruje svetlost i tamu.
animal kingdom
Not all sea stars have 5 arms
While the five-armed varieties of sea star are the most well known,
not all sea stars have 5 arms. Some have many more. Take the sun
star for instance, which has up to 40 arms!
Sea stars can regenerate a lost arm
Amazingly, sea stars can regenerate lost arms. This
is useful if the sea star is threatened by a predator - it
can drop an arm and get away. Sea stars house most
of their vital organs in their arms, so some can even
regenerate an entirely new sea star from just one arm
and a portion of the star’s central disc. It won’t happen
too quickly, though. It takes about a year for an arm to
grow back.
Sea stars are protected by armor
Depending on the species, a sea star’s skin may
feel leathery, or slightly prickly. Sea stars have a tough
covering on their upper side, which is made up of
plates of calcium carbonate with tiny spines on their
surface. A sea star’s spines are used for protection
from predators, which include birds, fish and sea otters.
Sea stars do not have blood
Instead of blood, sea stars have a water vascular
system, in which the sea star pumps sea water
through its sieve plate, into its tube feet to extend them.
Muscles within the tube feet retract them.
(sea stars) are
beautiful animals
that can be a variety of
colors shapes and sizes,
although all resemble a
star. While some appear
smooth, they all have
spines covering their
upper surface and a soft
underside. If you gently
turn over a live sea star,
you’ll see its tube feet
wiggling back at you.
These iconic marine
animals are fascinating
Sea stars move using their tube feet
Sea stars move using hundreds of tube feet, which
are located on their underside. The tube feet are filled
with sea water, which the sea star brings in through the
sieve plate, on its top side. Sea stars can move more
quickly than you might expect.
Sea stars eat with their stomachs inside-out
Speaking of prey, sea stars have a rather unique way of eating
theirs. A sea star’s mouth is on its underside. They prey on bivalves
like mussels and clams, as well as small fish, snails, and barnacles.
Sea stars have eyes
While they can’t see as well as we do, sea stars have an
eye spot at the end of each arm. This is a very simple eye
that looks like a red spot. The eye doesn’t see much detail,
but can sense light and dark.
Sea stars are not fish
Although sea stars live underwater and are commonly
called “starfish,” they are not fish. They do not have gills,
scales, or fins like fish do and they move quite differently
from fish. While fish propel themselves with their tails, sea
stars have tiny tube feet to help them move along.
Sea stars are Echinoderms
Sea stars belong to the Phylum Echinodermata. That
means they are related to sand dollars, sea urchins,
and sea cucumbers. All Echinoderms have five-point
radial symmetry, which means that their body plan has
five sections (or multiples thereof) arranged around a
central disk.
There are thousands of sea star species
There are about 2,000 species of sea stars. Some live
in the intertidal zone, some in deep water, some in tropical
areas, some in cold water.
for you 15
Glume: Elijah Wood,
appy Feet
Two vra}
a publiku na veli~anstveni
pejza` Antarktika
u vrhunskom trodimenzionalnom filmu.
Mambl, majstor stepovanja, ima problem, ato
je da se njegov si}ušan sin
Robin Williams, Sofia
Vergara, Bred Pitt, Hank
Re`iser: George Miller
Studio: Warner Bros.
@anr: Animiran /
Porodi~an /
Erik plaši plesa. Ne `ele}i da pleše,
Erik be`i i sre}e se sa Mo}nim Svenom
- pingvinom koji mo`e da leti! Mambl
nema nade da mo`e da se poredi sa
ovim novim harizmati~nim uzorom. Ali
stvari se pogoršavaju kada svet po~nu
da potresaju moc}ne snage. Erik u~i iz
hrabrosti i nesavladivog duha svog oca,
dok Mambl okuplja sve pingvinske nacije
i sve vrste drugih fenomenalnih stvorenja
- od malog Krila do ogromnih Slonovskih
foka - da popravi stanje.
Starring: Elijah Wood,
Robin Williams, Sofia
Vergara, Brad Pitt, Hank
Azaria, Robin Williams
Director: George
Studio: Warner Bros.
Genre: Animation /
Family / Comedy
appy Feet Two returns audiences
to the magnificent landscape of
Antarctica in superb
3D. Mumble, The
Master of Tap, has
a problem because
his tiny son, Erik,
is choreo-phobic.
Reluctant to dance,
Erik runs away and
encounters The Mighty
Sven--a penguin who can fly!
18 for you
Mumble has no hope of competing
with this charismatic new role
model. But things get
worse when the world
is shaken by powerful forces. Erik
learns of his father’s “guts and
grit” as Mumble
brings together
the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous
creatures--from tiny
Krill to giant Elephant
Seals--to put things right.
skarovka Charlize Theron
tuma~i ulogu Mavis Gary
(Mejvis Geri), spisateljicu
literature za tinejd`ere, koja se
vra}a u svoj mali rodni grad da bi
ponovo pro`ivela svoje dane slave
i pokušala da osvoji svoju bivšu
srednješkolsku ljubav, sada sre}
no o`enjenu (Patrick Wilson).
Kada joj se povratak ku}i poka`e
te`im nego što je o~ekivala, Mejvis
zapo~inje neobi~nu vezu sa bivšim
školskim drugom, koji tako|e nije
prevazišao školske dane.
Starring: Charlize
Theron, Jason Bateman, Patton Oswalt,
Patrick Wilson, J.K.
Simmons (narrator)
Director: Jason Reitman
Studio: Paramount
Genre: Drama
Glume: Charlize Theron, Jason
Baterman, Patton Oswalt, Patrick
Wilson, J.K. Simmons
Re`iser: Jason
Academy Award winner
Charlize Theron plays
Mavis Gary, a writer
of teen literature who
returns to her small
hometown to relive her
glory days and attempt
to reclaim her happily
married high school
sweetheart (Patrick
Wilson). When returning
home proves more dif-
Glume: Matt
Damon, Thomas
Haden Church, Scarlett Johansson, Patrick
Fugit, Elle Fanning,
Angus Macfadyen, John
Michael Higgins
Re`iser: Cameron Crowe
Studio: 20th Century Fox
@anr: Drama
oznati re`iser Cameron Crowe je tokom
ovih praznika re`irao
neverovatnu i istinitu pri~u o ocu
koji odlu~uje
da je porodici
potreban novi
po~etak, i koji
se sa svoje dvoje dece seli na
mesto: u
zoološki vrt. Uz
pomo} eklekti~nog osoblja, i sa mnogo
nezgodnih dogodovština uz
put, porodica radi na vra}
anju oronulog zoološkog
vrta u svoj
bivši sjaj i
his holiday season, acclaimed
filmmaker Cameron Crowe directs an
amazing and true story
about a single dad who
decides his family needs
a fresh start, so he and
ficult than she thought,
Mavis forms an unusual
bond with a former
classmate who hasn’t
quite gotten over high
school, either.
his two children move to
the most unlikely of places:
a zoo. With the help of an
eclectic staff, and with many
misadventures along the
way, the family works to return the dilapidated zoo to its
former wonder and glory.
Haden Church, Scarlett Johansson, Patrick Fugit, Elle
Fanning, Angus Macfadyen,
John Michael Higgins
Director: Cameron Crowe
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Genre: Drama
for you 19
sportski ugao
i{e od 15 hiljada ljudi do~ekalo je reprezentativce Srbije u
vaterpolu i rukometu ispred Skup{tine grada Beograda, gde
im je prire|en sve~ani do~ek. A, izlazak na taj balkon i gromki
aplauz je san svakog srpskog sportiste. Ovoga puta su se na toj
terasi pojavili zlatni vaterpolisti i i vice{ampioni Evrope, rukometa{i
Srbije. Vaterpolisti su u Beograd stigli sa trofejom najbolje ekipe Evrope, do kojeg su došli pobedom u finalu takmi~enja u Ajndhovenu,
Holandija, protiv Crne Gore (9:8), dok su rukometa{i izgubili od
Danske u finalu (21:19), i stoga nam doneli srebro.
Najbolji golman Evropskog prvenstva u rukometu Darko Stani}
do~ekan je velikim ovacijama. „Stvarno ne znam ~ime sam ovo sve
zaslu`io. Hvala vam od srca! Zahvaljujem u ime rukometaša. Ne bismo
uspeli bez vas. Ostvarili smo naše snove, nadam se da smo vas bar
malo usre}ili!“, rekao je Stani}. Dok je kapiten rukometaša i najbolji
igra~ Evropskog prvenstva Momir Ili} istakao da je publika bila ta koja
je podr`avala ekipu sve vreme. A, selektor vaterpolo reprezentacije
Dejan Udovi~i} je ocenio da je uspeh ekipe i uspeh svih koji su je
podr`avali, i
dodao je da `eli
da se ponovo
na|e na terasi
Skupštine grada
13. avgusta posle
Olimpijskih igara
u Londonu.
Deseto Evropsko prvenstvo u
rukometu 2012.
odr`ano je od 15.
do 29. januara
u Srbiji. Utakmice su igrane u pet dvorana u ~etiri grada: Beogradu,
Novom Sadu, Ni{u i Vr{cu. Dok se evropsko prvenstvo u vaterpolu
odr`avalo u Ajndhovenu, Holandija, od 16. do 29. januara 2012; utakmice su se igrale na plivali{tu Peter van den Huegenband.
na 8:8. Kapiten Udovi~i}
postigao je nakon toga još
jedan gol za vo|stvo, minut
pre kraja me~a.
“Ajkule” su, me|utim,
ponovo dobile igra~a više,
ali je njihov napad zaustavio
Soro, 35 sekundi pre kraja.
Srbija se tako revanširala
Crnoj Gori za poraz u
grupnoj fazi takmi~enja.
Bronzanu medalju u Ajndhovenu osvojila je selekcija
Ma|arske, pošto je pobedila
Italiju sa 12:9.
Najefikasniji u
pobedni~kom timu bili su
Vanja Udovi~i} i Stefan
Mitrovi} sa po dva gola.
Crnogorce je predvodio Aleksandar Radovi} sa tri gola,
dok je Aleksandar Ivovi}
postigao dva. Veliki rivali i
komšije odigrali su sjajan
me~ pun preokreta, a me|u
najistaknutijim pojedincima
bili su golmani Slobodan
Soro i Miloš Š}epanovi}.
Timovi su se stalno smenjivali u vo|stvu, a najve}
a prednost bila je dva gola,
kada je Srbija u poslednjoj
Srbija je poslednju medalju
na evropskim šampionatima
20 for you
~etvrtini povela sa 7:5, a
nešto kasnije i sa 8:6. Crna
Gora je, me|utim, u posledn-
joj ~etvrtini ~esto imala igra~a
više, a nekada i dva, što je
uspela da iskoristi i izjedna~i
[ampioni: Srbija
Drugi: Crna Gora
Tre}i: Ma|arska
osvojila 1996. godine, kada
je bila „bronzana“. „Orlovi“
su ovim rezultatom izborili
plasman na Svetsko prvenstvo i izborili kvalifikacije za
Olimpijske igre u Londonu.
Najefikasniji u timu Srbije bio
je Rajko Prodanovi} sa ~etiri
gola, dok je Nenad Vu~kovi}
postigao tri. Dance je predvodio Mikel Hansen sa devet
Prvo poluvreme obele`ile
su ~vrste odbrane na obe
strane i malo postignutih
golova. Danci su bolje po~eli
me~ i poveli sa 2:0, a prvi
gol za Srbiju dao je Rajko
Prodanovi} posle pet i po
minuta igre.
Drugo poluvreme po~elo
je isto kao i po~etak me~a,
sa dva gola u mre`i Srbije. U
47. minutu Danska je povela
sa ~etiri razlike (16:12),
ali su Prodanovi}, Rastko
Stojkovi} i Marko Vujin uspeli da “vrate Srbiju u me~” i
ponovo smanje na gol razlike
(16:17). Pobedu Dancima
i titulu evropskog prvaka
obezbedio je u finišu me~a
najbolji strelac finala Mikel
Hansen, strelac ~etiri od poslednjih pet golova gostuju}
e reprezentacije. On je postigao ukupno devet golova.
Velike zasluge za pobedu
Danaca ima i golman Landin
Jakobsen, koji je imao ~ak
19 odbrana. Na suprotnoj
strani, Stani} je zaustavio 15
šuteva protivni~kih igra~a.
[ampioni: Danska
Drugi: Srbija
Tre}i: Hrvatska
sports corner
ore than 15 thousand people greeted water polo and handball
national teams of Serbia in front of the Belgrade City Assembly,
where they staged a festive celebration. And, going out to that
balcony and receiving loud applause is a dream of every Serbian athlete.
This time on the balcony appeared the golden water polo players and vicechampions of Europe, the Serbian handball players. The water polo team
arrived in Belgrade with the trophy of the best team of Europe, which they
got by winning the finals in Eindhoven, Netherlands, against Montenegro
(9-8), while the handball team lost to Denmark in the finals (21:19), and so
brought us the silver medal.
Best goalkeeper of the European Handball Championship Darko Stanic
was greeted by large ovations. “I do not know how I deserved all this.
Thank you from the heart! Thank you on behalf of the handball players.
We would not have managed without you. We have made our dreams
come true; I hope that we made you happy at least a little bit!” said Stanic.
The captain of the handball team and the best handball player of the
European Championship, Momir Ilic, said that the audience was the one
who supported the team
all the time. The water
polo national team coach,
Dejan Udovicic, said that
the success of the team
is the success of all who
have supported it and
added that he wants to
be again on the balcony
of the Assembly on 13th
August, after the Olympic
Games in London.
The tenth European Handball Championship 2012 was held from 15th
to 29th January in Serbia. Matches were played in five halls in four cities:
Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad and Vrsac. The European Water Polo Championship was held in Eindhoven, Netherlands, 16 to 29 January 2012; the
matches were played in Peter van den Huegenband Swimming Stadium.
score to 8:8. After that Captain
Udovicic scored another goal
for the lead, a minute before
the end of the match.
“Sharks”, however, again
got a player more, but their
attack was stopped by Soro,
35 seconds before the end.
In this way Serbia returned a
favor to Montenegro, as for
the defeat in the group stage
of the competition. The bronze
medal in Eindhoven was won
by Hungary, by defeating Italy
with the result 12:9.
The most effective of the
winning team were Vanja
Udovicic and Stefan Mitrovic
with two goals each. Montenegrins were led by Aleksandar Radovic with three
goals, while Aleksandar Ivovic
scored two. Great rivals and
neighbors have played a great
game full of twists and among
the most prominent individuals
were goalies Slobodan Soro
and Milos Scepanovic.
The teams constantly
alternated in the lead, and
the biggest advantage was
two goals, when Serbia in the
Serbia won its last medal at
the European championships in
fourth quarter led with 7:5,
and later with 8:6. Montenegro, however, in the last
quarter more often had a
player more, and sometimes
two, which it used and tied the
Champions: Serbia
Second: Montenegro
Third: Hungary
1996 when it was the “bronze”.
With this result “Eagles” secured
participation in the World Cup
and the qualifications for the
Olympic Games in London. The
most efficient player in the team
of Serbia was Rajko Prodanovic
with four goals, while Nenad
Vuckovic scored three. Danes
were led by Mikel Hansen with
nine goals.
The first half was marked by
strong defense on both sides
and few goals. Danes had a better start and took the match 2-0,
and first goal for Serbia scored
Rajko Prodanović after five and
a half minutes of play.
The second half began just
as the match, with two goals in
the net of Serbia. In 47th minute
Denmark took the lead with a
difference of four goals (16:12),
but Prodanovic, Rastko Stojkovic
and Marko Vujin were able to
“put Serbia back in the game”
and then decrease the goal difference (16:17). The victory and
the title of European champions
for the Danes secured in the finish of the match the best shooter
in the finals Mikel Hansen, who
scored four of the last five goals
for the visiting team. He scored
nine goals in total. Great credit
for the victory of the Danes also
has goalkeeper Landin Jakobsen, who had as many as 19
successful defenses. On the
opposite side, Stanic stopped 15
shots of the opposing players.
Champions: Denmark
Second: Serbian
Third: Croatia
for you 21
Hi - Tech
a najveštije kuvare je najte`e kupovati – skoro je nemogu}e na}i nešto što oni ve} nemaju. Ali, mi smo pretra`ili
tr`ište najboljih visoko tehnoloških kuhinjskih ure|aja,
tako da vam garantujemo da }ete u ovom vodi~u na}i nešto što
bi iznenadilo i najboljeg kuvara kojeg vi poznajete. Pogledajte i
po~nite sa kupovinom!
Vakumski aparat za kafu koji se
stavlja na ringlu
Interesantan izgled ovog aparata za kafu je
razlog da ga kupite – ali prava zanimljivost je
posmatranje procesa kroz koji vaša kafa prolazi. Voda se greje u donjoj komori stvaraju}i
pritisak vodene pare koji podi`e klju~aju}u vodu
ka zrnima kafe. Aparat za kafu se potom sklanja sa ringle i vakum kroz cediljku usisava kafu u
donju komoru gde je spremna za poslu`ivanje.
Najbolji deo! Ceo proces mo`ete posmatrati kroz prelepo providno staklo. Ovo
}e sigurno impresionirati vaše goste
tokom doru~ka.
Vitamix blender
Svaki ozbiljan kuvar zna da je Vitamix - alfa i omega blendera, i svi
naši poznanici umiru od `elje da se
do~epaju ovog aparata. Jeste malo
skuplji, ali je skoro zagarantovano
da }e trajati do`ivotno. Njegov motor industrijske ja~ine sna`no pokre}e
laserski obra|ena se~iva od ner|aju}eg
~elika kroz vašu hranu, sitne}i, prave}i
pire, seckaju}i i mešaju}i vašu hranu do
savršenstva. Posebno nam se svi|a laka
plasti~na posuda koja se ne}e razbiti u
vašoj sudoperi, i mo`e izdr`ati najhladnije i najtoplije te~nosti.
Vacuum Coffee
This coffee
maker’s interesting look is almost
reason alone to
buy it -- but the
real attraction
is watching the
amazing process your coffee undergoes. Water heats in the lower
chamber, creating vapor pressure that forces the boiling water
up to mingle with coffee grounds. The coffee maker is then
removed from the heat and vacuum pressure draws the
brewed coffee downward, through a strainer, and into
the bottom chamber for serving. The best part? You get
to watch the whole process through its gorgeous clear
glass. It’s bound to impress your breakfast guests.
Vitamix Blender
Any serious cook knows that the
Vitamix is the end-all, be-all of
blenders, and everyone we know
is dying to get their hands on one.
It’s a little on the pricey side, yes
-- but it’s practically guaranteed
to last a lifetime. Its commercialgrade motor powerfully guides
laser-cut stainless-steel blades
through your food, blending,
pureeing, chopping and mixing to
perfection. We especially love the
lightweight plastic container, which won’t shatter in your sink
and can handle the coldest and hottest of liquids.
22 for you
Pipete za ulje i sir}e
Znamo da one nisu baš visoka
tehnologija, ali su savršene za
kupca koji se bavi naukom. Zbog
savremenog izgleda ove jednostavne
pipete izgledaju kao da su stigle
pravo iz hemijske laboratorije, ali one
su tako|e prakti~an dodatak vašem
stolu za obedovanje. Ukoliko poslu`ite
dodatke jelu, kao što su ulje, sir}e i sos
od soje, u ovim pipetama, vaši gosti }e
mo}i u kapljicu da odrede koliko `ele
da sipaju.
Oil and Vinegar Pipettes
We know these aren’t exactly
“hi-tech,” but they’re perfect for
the recipient who’s into science.
The modern design of these
simple pipettes looks straight out
of a chemistry lab, but they’re a
practical addition to the dinner
table, as well. Serving condiments
like oil, vinegar and soy sauce in
these tools will allow dinner guests
to control exactly how much they want
-- to the droplet.
Hi - Tech
ooks who have serious skills in the kitchen are often the hardest to shop for -- it’s nearly impossible to find something they
don’t already have. But we’ve scoured the market for the coolest hi-tech kitchen gadgets out there, so you’re guaranteed to find
something in this guide to surprise the accomplished chef in your
life. Start browsing, and get shopping!
Elektri~ni aparat
za pravljenje ~aja
Ljubitelji ~aja, veselite se! Ukoliko
stalno ostavljate kesice ~aja u vodi predugo (~esto zaboravimo da ih izvadimo), ovo je aparat za vas. Ne samo da
mo`ete da podesite da vam automatski
kuva ~aj na pet razli~itih temperatura,
ve} mo`ete podesiti i da vam skuva
blag, srednji ili jak ~aj. Ima programe
za kuvanje zelenog, belog, biljnog,
oolong i crnog ~aja – i naš omiljeni deo
– poseduje korpicu koja se automatski
spušta kako bi izvadila kesicu ~aja!
Indukcioni rešo
Indukcioni rešoi su odli~ni za kuvanje vode
na brzinu, ali razumno je da ne `eli svako
da potroši mnogo novca da bi kupio ~itav
opseg indukcionih rešoa. Ali, samo jedan
indukcioni rešo? Potpuno je priuštiv.
Ovaj rešo ima stakleni panel sa
površinom sa kontrolama
na lak dodir, koji
koristi indukciju
i tako zagreva
vašu hranu
50 odsto
br`e nego
elektri~na pe}
nica ili pe}nica na
gas. Ne morate brinuti
o plamenu, greja~ima ili
isparenjima, a i odli~an je
ako ho}ete da kuvate ispred
vaših gostiju.
Electric Tea Maker
Tea lovers rejoice! If
you’re constantly oversteeping your tea bags
(we often forget them
and leave them on the
counter for too long!),
this is the machine for
you. Not only does it
automatically brew tea at five different temperature settings, but you
can also choose to brew your tea mild, medium or strong. It comes
with presets such as green tea, white tea, herbal, Oolong or black
tea, and -- our favorite part -- it has a tea basket that automatically
lowers itself to remove your tea bag!
Countertop Induction Burner
Induction burners are amazing for boiling water in a hurry, but we
understand that not everyone wants to shell out the cash for an
entire range of induction burners. But one single countertop induction burner? Totally affordable. This one
features a glass panel with soft touch
controls that use induction to heat
your food 50 percent faster
than a gas or electric
burner can. There
are no flames,
heating elements
or gas fumes to
worry about, and
it makes a great
centerpiece if you want
to cook in front of dinner guests.
Bodum mlin za kafu
Najbolje prodavani Bodumov mlin za kafu jedan
je od retkih mlinova koji melje kafu u posudu od
borosilikatnog stakla (dokazano je da kafa i plastika ne idu zajedno, ali ve}ina mlinova i dalje ima
plasti~nu posudu). Ne samo da mo`ete podesiti
koliko sitno `elite da vam samelje
kafu ve} i izgleda prelepo, a mo`e
se kupiti u crnoj, narand`astoj,
crvenoj, zelenoj i beloj boji.
Bodum Coffee Grinder
Bodum’s best-selling coffee grinder is
one of the few grinders you’ll find
that feeds the coffee grounds into
a borosilicate glass container (it’s
been proven that coffee and plastic
don’t taste good together, but most
grinders use a plastic container
anyway). Not only can you adjust
how finely you want to grind your
coffee, but it also comes in an
amazing design and is available in
black, orange, red, lime and white.
for you 23
gradona~elnik Klokota Sa{a Mirkovi}
ada se na Kosovu pre par
godina po~elo govoriti o
decentralizaciji, jednom
kompleksnom procesu, ve}ina su
bili skepti~ni, pla{e}i se nepoznatog.
Me|utim, sav taj proces koji je
zahtevao osnivanje novih op{tina,
postepeno preno{enje nadle`nosti sa
centralne na lokalnu vlast koji jo{ uvek
traje, ipak se ispostavio kao pozitivan
za sve gra|ane. Naravno, nigde nije
sve tako idealno, ima se jo{ {to{ta
uraditi, ali, najva`nije je da svi radimo
kako bi te reforme pomogle svim
obi~nim gra|anima ovog dru{tva.
S ovim izazovom se suo~ila i
novoformirana Op{tina Klokot, koja
je u januaru proslavila dvogodi{njicu
postojanja i rada. Oni su uporno{}u,
radom i `eljom za uspehom, odlu~no
iskora~ili s namerom da rade za svoje
me{tane, kako bi na sve mogu}e
na~ine pobolj{ali kvalitet `ivota svih.
„Upravo je to i moto na{e Op{tine:
’Radimo za gra|ane’. Ovde smo zbog
njih i cilj nam je da napredujemo u
svakom polju, kao i da svim na{im
me{tanima pru`imo {ansu za bolji
`ivot,“ izjavio je predsednik Op{tine
Klokot Sa{a Mirkovi}.
On je dodao da sam proces
decentralizacije nije zavr{en, i da
se jo{ uvek ~eka na prenos svih
ingerencija sa centrale na lokal.
Prema njegovim re~ima, stanovnici
su konkretno dobili sve usluge koje
se ti~u civilne registracije i porezne
imovine, {to im je znatno olak{alo
dobijanje odre|ene dokumentacije
koju su nekada vadili u Vitini, za {ta
se ipak moralo ~ekati u redovima.
24 for you
Pored toga, odra|eno je 80%
infrastrukture (putevi, kanalizacija,
vodovod i osvetljenje) na teritoriji
Klokota, a uspelo se pomo}i i {kolama
i zdravstvu, dok se u ovoj godini
o~ekuje izgradnja Doma kulture:
„zrno po zrno i poga~a“. Obzirom
da je ovo podru~je multietni~ko,
lokalne institucije se trude da uvek
postoji balans projekata, kao i da se
u njihovoj Skup{tini Op{tine, lista
prioriteta sastavlja na osnovu potreba
gra|ana. „Kada radimo bud`et
obavezno organizujemo debate sa
me{tanima, gde oni imaju pravo da
daju predloge o formiranju bud`eta
Op{tine Klokot. Sve njihove ideje
svrstavamo u politiku Op{tine jer nam
je neophodno mi{ljenje gra|ana, kako
bismo {to bolje funkcionisali,“ rekao
nam je potpredsednik za zajednice u
ovoj Op{tini Refik Halili.
Kako nam je on ispri~ao,
gradona~elnik dva do tri puta godi{nje
organizuje javne debate, na kojima
uglavnom prisustvuju mladi ljudi, gde
izla`u svoje ideje koje se najvi{e
ti~u zaposlenosti. „Mi smo 2010.
godine imali jedan fond iz Svetske
banke preko Ministarstva za povratak
i zajednice, uz pomo} kojeg smo
zaposlili oko 30 mladih na ~etiri
meseca. Na`alost, mi za sada nismo
u mogu}nosti da im damo trajno radno
mesto. Ali, redovno razgovaramo
sa svim mogu}im donatorima, kako
bismo re{ili taj, da ka`em, najve}i
problem u na{oj op{tini.“
Klokot je jedna multietni~ka sredina
u kojoj, ako se ikada zadesite,
recimo, na pijaci mo`ete videti i
~uti kako Albanci i Srbi me|usobno
razmenjuju svoje proizvode. Oni su
dokaz da na Kosovu mo`emo `iveti
i raditi zajedno, boriti se za jednaka
prava, investicije i raznorazne
projekte, kako bi nas same i budu}
e nara{taje ~ekala svetlija budu}
nost. Formiranjem nove op{tine,
dobili su jednu {ansu da rade za
sebe, prosperitet i boljitak u svim
aspektima. Stoga su redovni na
javnim debatama i izborima, {to nam
govori i sama ~injenica da se odziv
gra|ana na izborima pobolj{ava iz
godine u godinu.
Op{tina Klokot je formirana
osmog januara 2010. godine.
Op{tina ima pet departmana, 55
zaposlenih radnika - Albanaca
i Srba. Atmosfera u Op{tini
je me|unacionalna i dobra.
Kancelarije su me{ovite, i Albanci
i Srbi su sme{teni u jednoj
kancelariji. Po~eli su da u~e jezik, i
Albanci srpski, i Srbi albanski.
Vice President for community affairs in Klokot Municipality Refik Halili
hen talking about
decentralization in Kosovo,
a complex process began a
few years ago. This process required the
establishment of new municipalities. Most
people were skeptical fearing the unknown.
The gradual transfer of responsibilities from
central to local government has turned out
to be a positive development for all citizens.
Of course, nothing is perfect and there is
a lot more to do. But most important is that
working on this reform will be a help for all
of the ordinary citizens of this society.
The newly formed municipality of Klokot,
which celebrated its second anniversary in
January, has faced these challenges. With
persistence, work and desire for success,
they increased the activities to help their
residents and to improve the quality of life
for all citizens in all possible ways. “This is
exactly the motto of our municipality. We
work for the citizens. We’re here for them
and our aim is to progress in every field
and to give a chance for a better life to all of
our residents,” said Mayor of Klokot Sasa
He added that the process of
decentralization has not been completed
yet and that they are still waiting for the
transfer of competencies from central to
local authorities. He said that residents
have received all services specifically
related to civil registration and property tax
which greatly facilitated their ability to obtain
certain documents that once were issued in
Vitina and for which citizens had to wait in
long lines.
In addition, 80% of infrastructure
improvement programs (roads, sewerage,
plumbing and lighting) are completed in
the territory of Klokot, and the quality
of schools and healthcare has been
increased. During this year the completion
of the construction of the Cultural Centre
is expected... “grain by grain and there
is bread.” Since this area is multi-ethnic
local institutions are always trying to
have a balance in their projects. In the
Municipal Assembly the list of priorities is
drawn up based on the needs of citizens.
“When we are working on a budget we
organize debates with locals, where they
have the right to make proposals on
the establishment of the budget of the
Municipality of Klokot. We are incorporating
all of their ideas because we need people’s
views in order to function better,” said Vice
President for community affairs in this
Municipality - Mr. Refik Halili.
As he told us, the mayor organizes
a public debate two to three times a
year, in which young people attend
and present their ideas that are mostly
related to improvement of employment
opportunities. “We had a fund from the
World Bank distributed through the Ministry
of Returns and Communities for year
2010 and with this help we employed
approximately 30 young people for four
months. Unfortunately, we are currently
unable to give them permanent jobs but
we are talking regularly with all the donors
in order to solve the biggest problem in our
community,” the Mayor stated.
Klokot is a multi-ethnic environment
where in the market you can see and hear
Albanians and Serbs share their products
with each other. They are proof that in
Kosovo people of different ethnic groups
can live and work together and together
strive for equal rights, investment and other
various projects so that the next generation
can hope for a brighter future. By forming
new municipalities, inhabitants were
given a chance to work for themselves for
prosperity and well-being in all aspects.
Therefore, they are regularly seen taking
part in public debates and participation in
elections is increasing year by year.
The municipality of Klokot was
formed on the 8th of January
2010. The municipality consists
of five departments and there are
55 employees, both Serbs and
Albanians. It has a good multi-ethnic
atmosphere. They have joint offices
where Serbs and Albanians work in
the same office. They have started to
learn each other’s languages – Serbs
are learning Albanian while Albanians
are learning Serbian.
Sasa Mirkovic and our journalist Sanela Kanjiza
for you 25
@arko Peri} (12)
Ova Internet stranica je veoma dobra za socijalizaciju,
radi boljeg dru`enja
sa drugarima iz celog
sveta. Zbog toga
najvi{e i koristim
Facebook, jer na taj
na~in mogu da se
dopisujem sa prijateljima i ro|acima.
Smatram da je ovo
najbolja dru{tvena
mre`a, ipak, ona
nije preporu~ena deci ispod
deset godina, radi njihove
Jovana Vesi} (12)
Facebook uglavnom koristim kako bih bila u kontaktu
sa prijateljima i daljom
rodbinom. Tako|e, ova
dru{tvena mre`a mi poma`e
da odr`avam kontakt sa
drugarima koji su nekada
bili sa mnom u {koli, ali vi{e
nisu. Iako su odselili daleko,
to nas nikako ne spre~ava
da budemo u kontaktu.
Mo`emo se dru`iti i saznavati jedno o drugom i preko
Zarko Peric (12)
This internet page is
very good for socialization and
for making friends from
around the world. That is
why I am using Facebook because I can
write to my friends and
relatives. I belive that
this is the best social
network, however, it is
not reccomended to the
kids under the age of
ten because of their own safety.
Jovana Vesic (12)
I mostly use Facebook to stay in
touch with friends and relatives who
live far away. Also, this social network helps me to stay in touch with
friends with whom
I used to go to
school. Even
though they are
now living far from
here, that doesn’t
stop us contacting
each other. We
can socialize and
share news with
each other on
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Andrijana Radi} (12)
Meni Facebook najvi{e slu`i
zbog komunikacije sa rodbinom koja je kilometrtima
daleko. Nekad se desi da ne
odem u {kolu, i onda putem
Facebook-a saznam od drugarica
{ta se sve de{avalo tokom tog
dana. Poma`e mi da se ~ujem i
sa prijateljicama koje su daleko,
i koje ne mogu da vi|am svakoga dana. Jednostavno, on nam
slu`i da budemo u kontaktu sa
do kojih
nam je
Andrijana Radic (12)
I mostly use Facebook to
stay in touch with relatives
who live far away. Sometimes it happens that I don’t
go to school and then I find
out from my friends what
we learned on that particular day. It helps to stay in
touch with girlfriends who
live far away and whom I
can’t see on the regular
basis. Simply, it serves for
us to stay in touch with
persons we care about.
Andrijana Vesi} (12)
Zahvaljuju}i profilu na
Facebook-u, uspevam da
budem u kontaktu sa svim
osobama do kojih mi je
stalo. On je jako koristan
zato {to upoznaje{ i nove
prijatelje, a
i slobodno
vreme uvek
provesti na
pogotovo u
ovim zimskim
danima. Preko
Facebooka dobijam i
{aljem poruke,
a postoji i opcija gde
postavljam i razmenjujem
Biljana Cvetkovi} (12)
Mladima je danas mnogo lak{e komunicirati sa celim
svetom, pre svega zahvaljuju}i postojanosti Facebook-a, koji nam poma`e u o~uvanju kontakata sa
prijateljima. Na primer, redovno se ~ujem sa mojom
tetkom koja je daleko, i
ra`elim je se gledaju}
i njene fotografije.
Zato mislim da je
Facebook jedna
od najboljih Internet
stranica na svetu
Andrijana Vesic (12)
Thanks to my Facebook profile, I am able to stay in touch
with people I care about. It is
very useful because you can
also make new friends and
also you can spend your free
time on Facebook, especially
in these cold days during
the winter. I can exchange messages and there is also an option to
exchange my photos.
Aleksandar Cvetkovi} (12)
Facebook je definitivno najjeftiniji i najprakti~niji
za komunikaciju sa ljudima u celom svetu,
gde-god oni bili. Ve}ina mladih ima svoj profil
na ovoj dru{tvenoj mre`i, putem kojeg stupa u
kontakt sa svojim prijateljima. Nekad pronalazim
drugare koje dugo nisam video ni ~uo. Stoga,
smatram da bi svi trebali koristiti Facebook,
kako bismo uvek bili u korak sa svim novostima
vezanim za na{e najmilije prijatelje.
Cvetkovic (12)
Thanks to Facebook, it is much
easier to communicate with the rest
of the world. Facebook helps us to
stay in touch with our friends. For
example, I am having a regular contact with my aunt who lives far away
and I always wish for her to be here
at the moment when I am looking at
her photos. That’s why I think that
Facebook is one of the best Internet
pages in the world.
Aleksandar Cvetkovic (12)
Facebook is definitively the cheapest and most
practical way to communicate with people from all
around the world, wherever they are. Most young
people have their own profile on this social network through which they stay in touch with their
friends. Sometimes I find friends whom I haven’t
seen for a long time. Therefore, I think that everybody should use Facebook so we can all stay up
to date with news from our dear friends.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
28 for you
for you 29
30 for you
Na po~etku `elim re}i da je
magazin „For You“ odli~an,
i mnogo volim da ga ~itam,
pogotovo u slobodno vreme. Ono
{to bih volela da vidim u ovom
~asopisu jesu poster i pri~a o
Justin-u Bieber-u. Mnogo volim da
slu{am muziku, a najvi{e RBD –
Rebelde. Tako|e, volim da gledam
i filmove, od kojih mi je najomiljeniji
„Gospodar prstenova“.
Andrijana Vesi}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
Svoje slobodno vreme ugalvnom
provodim na Internetu, gde najvi{e
igram raznorazne igrice, i nadam
se da }e se uskoro pojaviti neka
nova igrica. Pored igrica, volim i
filmove, kao {to je recimo „Sam
u ku}i“; zatim, slu{am muziku, a
najvi{e slu{am Osvaja~e i Radu
Manojlovi}. [to se sporta ti~e,
najomiljeniji su mi fudbal, ko{arka
i odbojka. Zamolio bih vas da
objavite poster Novaka \okovi}a.
Dragana Stoli}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
Omiljena peva~ica mi je Ceca, a
{to se glumica ti~e, njih ima ba{
mnogo koje mi se dopadaju, i to su
uglavnom glumice sa telenovela.
A, najdra`a serija mi je turska „Kad
li{}e pada“. Od sportova najvi{e mi
se dopadaju odbojka i fudbal. @
elim tako|e re}i da mi se mnogo
dopada Va{ magazin, jedino {to
smatram da fali je vi{e informacija
o poznatim li~nostima.
Maja Fili}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
Puno pozdrava redakciji!
Magazin „For You“ je veoma
zanimljiv za ~itanje, i mnogo je
zabavan. Stoga, imam jednu
posebnu `elju, a to je da u nekom
od izdanja objavite poster na{eg
odeljenja. Pored toga, `elim
da Vam ka`em da su mi
najdra`e peva~ice Indira Radi}
i Dara Bubamara. Od filmova
najvi{e mi se dopada „Sam u
ku}i“, a kada je sport u pitanju,
najvi{e volim da igram fudbal.
Dobrila Bogdanovi}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
O ovom ~asopisu mislim sve
najbolje, ali bih `elela da
objavljujete vi{e slika poznatih
li~nosti, kao {to su Novak \
okovi}, Ana Ivanovi}, i sl. Ja u
slobodno vreme najvi{e u~im, jer
volim da budem dobar u~enik.
Najpre zavr{im sve {kolske
obaveze, i posle toga se sastajem
sa svojim dru{tvom, kada igramo
razne igre, a ponekad i fudbal.
Aleksandra Nisi}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
Pozdrav iz Klokota!
Ovaj magazin mi se mnogo
i jednostavno ne
vidim u njemu ni{ta {to nije dobro.
Ono {to mi se u ovom izdanju koje
imam najvi{e dopalo, jeste poster
na{eg poznatog fudbalera kojeg svi
mnogo volimo, Milo{a Krasi}a. Isto
tako bih voleo da objavite poster
i Novaka \okovi}a. No, tenis
nije moj najomiljeniji sport, ve} je
to fudbal. Kada je film u pitanju,
najvi{e mi se dopadaju na{i
doma}i filmovi, npr. po istoimenom romanu „Orlovi rano lete“.
Andrijana Radi}
O[ „Sveti Sava“
for you 31
Firstly, I wish to say that
magazine “For You” is excellent,
and I really like to read it,
especially in my free time. What I
would like to see in this magazine
are the posters and the stories on
Justin Bieber. I very much like to
listen to music, and mostly RBD
- Rebelde. I also like to watch
movies, of which my favourite is
“The Lord of the Rings”.
Andrijana Vesic
Primary School “Sveti Sava”
I mostly spend my free time
on the Internet, where I mostly
play various games, and I hope
to see soon some new games
coming out. In addition to games,
I like movies, such as “Home
Alone”, and i also listen to music
and mostly to Osvajaci and
Rada Manojlovic. As sport is
concerned, my favourites are
football, basketball and volleyball.
I would ask you to publish a
poster of Novak Djokovic.
Dragan Stolic
Primary School “Sveti Sava”
My favourite singer is Ceca,
and as far as actresses are
concerned, there are quite a lot
of them that i like, and those are
mainly telenovella actresses.
And, my favourite series is
Turkish series “The fall of the
leaves”. Most of the sports I
like are volleyball and football. I
also want to say that I like your
magazine a lot, the only thing
that i think is missing is more
information about celebrities.
Maja Filic
Primary School “Sveti Sava”
Greetings to the newsroom!
Magazine “For You” is very
interesting to read, and a lot of
fun. Therefore, I have a special
wish, and that is to publish the
poster of my class in one of your
editions. In addition, I want to
tell you that my favourite
singers are Indira and Dara
Bubamara. My favourite film
is “Home Alone,” and when it
comes to sports, I mostly like to
play football.
Dobrila Bogdanovic
Primary School “Sveti Sava”
I really like this magazine, but I
would like you to publish more
pictures of celebrities, such as
Novak Djokovic, Ana Ivanovic,
and the like. I mostly study in my
free time, because I like to be
a good student. I first finish all
school commitments, and then
I meet with my friends, playing
various games, and sometimes
Alexandra Nisic
Primary School “Sveti Sava”
Greetings from Klokot!
I like this magazine a lot, and I
simply do not see anything that is
in it.
I like the most in this edition is
the poster of our famous football
player that we all love a lot,
Milos Krasic. I would also
like you to publish a poster of
Novak Djokovic. Nevertheless,
tennis is not my favourite
sport, but football is. When
films are concerned, I mostly
like our domestic films, for
example one made after a
novel “Eagles Fly Early”.
Andrijana Radic
Primary School “Sveti Sava”