Febr. 2015 - Magazine For You


Febr. 2015 - Magazine For You
Dragi moji ~itaoci,
Ponovo se sre}emo, i to po 114. put, na stranicama
va{eg omiljenog magazina. Verovatno se pitate kako
znamo da je ovo va{ omiljeni magazin?! Odgovor je
jednostavan: vi nam konstantno pi{ete pisma u kojima
nas hvalite i poma`ete nam da osmislimo naredna
izdanja, tako {to nas informi{ete o svojim omiljenim
temama. Stoga vam se mi kao redakcija magazina
For You zahvaljujemo iz dubine srca na lepim re~ima i
prijatnim pismima! Tako|e vas pozivamo da nastavite da
nam pi{ete, kako bismo bili {to bli`i vama, tako {to }emo
pisati o va{im omiljenim temama. Treba ista}i da smo
spremni i na kritike, i ako vi mislite da postoji na~in da se
ne{to pobolj{a nemojte oklevati ve} nam po{aljite svoje
primedbe i predloge. Ipak, to je najbolji na~in da idemo u
korak s vremenom i objavljujemo magazin, koji }e i dalje
biti va{ omiljeni magazin.
A sada, da pre|emo na ovomese~no izdanje, gde
}ete kao i obi~no mo}i da na|ete puno interesantnih tema
koje su izabrane specijalno za vas. Hajde da po~nemo
sa rubrikom Muzi~ka kutija gde }ete na}i ~lanak o svetski
poznatoj peva~ici Katy Perry, dok }ete u rubrici Sportski
ugao saznati ne{to vi{e o FIFA Ballon d’Or 2014. Tako|e,
u`ivajte i ~itaju}i najnovije vesti iz sveta filma.
Predla`emo vam da obavezno pro~itate Modu u kojoj
vam predstavljamo „Fantasti~ne poklone za voljenu osobu
za Dan zaljubljenih“. U Hi-Tech-u }ete ovoga puta prona}i
najnovije tehnolo{ke informacije na po~etku ove godine.
Zato, prelistajte For You, jer vas o~ekuje mnogo
interesantnih i zabavnih tema iz svih krajeva sveta. Na
kraju, ostaje mi samo da vam po`elim puno uspeha u {koli,
i nadam se da }ete ovih lepih februarskih dana u`ivati
~itaju}i va{e omiljene pri~e u na{em magazinu.
@elim vam sve najbolje, ostajte mi zdravo i dobro moji
dragi prijatelji!
Do slede}eg izdanja,
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i
finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove
koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata
i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u
skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime
ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma.
Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i}
Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha
Fotografije: Ekipa “4U”
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139
Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu:
HQ KFOR - Kosova Film.
“For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj
4-5: [kola meseca:
Osnovna {kola „Bratstvo“
u Strezovcu
6-7: Me|ukulturalna
8-9: For you fashion:
Fantasti~ni pokloni za
voljenu osobu na Dan
10-11: Music Box:
Katy Perry
12-13: Kosovska policija
- prva linija odbrane od
14-15: @ivotinjsko
carstvo: super i apsolutno
neverovatne ~injenice o
16-17: Poster:
Katy Perry
18-19: Moviemania:
Strange magic; The
Spongebob movie: sponge
out of water; The last 5
years; Still Alice
20-21: Sportski ugao:
FIFA Ballon d’Or 2014
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Sajam ru~nih
radova na mostu u
26-27: Upitnik:
Idealan poklon za Dan
28-29: Verovali ili ne ...
30: Enigmatski ugao
31-32: Pisma ~italaca
2-3: Editorial, index
4-5: School of the
month: Primary school
“Bratstvo” in Strezovce
6-7: Intercultural
8-9: For you fashion:
Amazing gifts to give
to the one you love on
Valentine’s day
10-11: Music Box:
Katy Perry
12-13: Kosovo Police first line of defense from
14-15: Animal kingdom:
Cool and absolutely
extraordinary elephant
16-17: Poster:
Katy Perry
18-19: Moviemania:
Strange magic; The
Spongebob movie: sponge
out of water; The last 5
years; Still Alice
20-21: Sports corner:
FIFA Ballon d’Or 2014
22-23: Hi-Tech
24-25: Fair of handicrafts
on the bridge in
26-27: Questionnaire:
Which is the ideal gift for
the Valentine’s day?
28-29: Did you know ...
30: Crossword puzzle
31-32: Readers’ letters
My dear readers,
Here we meet again for the 114th time through the pages of
your favourite magazine. You probably wonder how we can tell
that this is your favourite magazine. The answer is very simple:
you keep sending us your letters all the time in order to praise
us and to help us compile the coming editions by informing us
about your favourite topics. Therefore, we as the editorial office
of the “For You” magazine thank you from the bottom of our
hearts for your kind words and pleasant letters and at the same
time we invite you to keep writing to us because in this way, we
will be closer to you by writing about your favourite articles. We
should also point out that we are open for your critiques and if
you think that there is room for improvement, then please don’t
hesitate and send us your remarks and suggestions. After all,
this is the only way for us to keep the pace with time and publish
a magazine which will continue to be your favourite magazine.
Now, let’s go back to this month’s edition of the magazine,
where as usual, you will be able to find lots of interesting topics,
which have been chosen especially for you. Let’s start with
“Music Box” column, where you will find an article about famous
worldwide known singer, Katy Perry, whereas in the “Sports
Corner” column, you will be able to learn something more about
FIFA Ballon d’Or 2014. You will also enjoy reading the latest
news from the world of movies.
In the “Fashion” column, we invite you to read an article
about “Amazing gifts to give to the one you love on valentine’s
day”, whereas in the “Hi-Tech” column, we invite you to read an
article on the most advanced technologies on beginning of this
year. You will also be able to find lots of other interesting and
entertaining topics from all around the world and we invite you
to browse through the pages of our magazine where you will be
able to find your favourite articles.
In the end, there is nothing left for me to say but to wish you
lots of successes at school and hope that you will enjoy reading
our magazine in those beautiful days of February.
Until our next edition, all the best and stay well my
dear friends!
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced
and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the
official point of view of the coalition or that of any of
its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your
opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a
condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will
be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious
letters will be printed.
Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic
Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha
Photos by: “4U” team
Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani
The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139
Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City;
For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina;
E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com;
for you 3
škola meseca
direktor {kole Negovan Vasi}
ragi na{i, ovo meseca
smo se uputili ka istoku
Kosova, i to u selo
Strezovce, op{tina Kamenica.
U prelepom predelu nai{li smo
na Osnovnu {kolu „Bratstvo“,
malenu ali punu radosti, dece
i pozitivne energije. Tamo
nas je do~ekalo ljubazno
osoblje {kole, a zatim je
nai{ao i direktor iste, gospodin
Negovan Vasi}, po struci
profesor geografije.
„U nastavi radim oko 14
godina, a ve} {esta godina
kako sam direktor ove {kole.
Imao sam priliku da radim i u
gradskim {kolama, ali deca u
ovoj {koli su druga~ija. Nije da
se mnogo razlikuju od ostalih,
ali ovo su deca koja su lepo
vaspitana, kojima je nastavnik
jo{ uvek autoritet, i pokazuju
veliko po{tovanje prema svim
nastavnicima a i pomo}nom
osoblju“, rekao je gospodin
Prema njegovim re~ima,
{kola ima jo{ dva izdvojena
odeljenja u selima Boljevce i
Carevce, i ukupno 46 u~enika,
uklju~uju}i i mati~nu {kolu u
Strezovcu koja je izgra|ena
pre ~etiri godine. „Ranije se
nastava odvijala u jednoj
privatnoj ku}i, i uslovi nisu bili
tako dobri. Onda smo dobili i
novu {kolu, jeste mala, ali za
ovoliko koliko imamo u~enika je
dovoljna. Imamo solidne uslove
za rad, naravno, uvek mo`e
Direktor je naglasio da
im je potebna oprema za
kabinet informatike, i da se
nada da }e je zahvaljujuci
nekoj donaciji uskoro dobiti.
Me|utim, pomenuo je i da
nemaju fiskulturnu salu koja
je preko potrebna zimi. „[kola
~ak nije imala ni najmanji
stadion da bi deca, makar kada
je lepo vreme, igrala. Onda
smo mi radnici {kole pokrenuli
inicijativu i sami od svojih plata
odvojili sredstva da se napravi
stadion koji sada imamo. Mi u
{koli funkcioni{emo kao jedna
porodica. Svi se me|usobno
dobro poznajemo jer je selo
u~enici ispunjavaju upitnik za na{ ~asopis
4 for you
malo. Jako smo slo`ni, i veoma
sam ponosan na to“.
Ovo nije jedina inicijativa
koju je {kola pokrenula;
nedavno su jednom roditelju
u selu, koji ima sedmoro
dece u ovoj {koli, pomogli da
iskopa bunar. „^esto imamo
sli~ne inicijative. Saradnja sa
roditeljima je fantasti~na. Ova
{kola je centar svih de{avanja
u selu. Zato se mi i trudimo
da imamo sa svima dobru
komunikaciju, uklju~ujuci
i lokalnu samoupravu u
Kamenici. Skoro smo od
Ministarstva za administraciju
lokalne samouprave dobili
Gospodin Vasi} nam
se pohvalio i velikom
zainteresovano{}u u~enika
i roditelja za {kolu. Ka`e da
deca jedva ~ekaju da do|u u
{kolu, kao i da ostanu du`e
zbog dodatnih ili dopunskih
~asova. „Veoma su znati`eljni,
i vole vannastavne aktivnosti. A
najvi{e vole kada pripremamo
neku priredbu kako bismo
obele`ili neki va`an datum
kao {to je to na primer Dan
{kole. Ovde nemamo Internet
konekciju, {to je na neki na~in
i prednost jer se deca vi{e
fokusiraju na neke konkretne i
zdrave aktivnosti“.
{kolski kolektiv
parno grejanje“.
Ono {to je jako
interesantno je da se pored
{kole nalazi i ambulanta,
{to je svakako prednost
ukoliko se nekada neko dete
razboli, medicincke sestre
su na raspolaganju. „I to je
jako dobro za nas {to imamo
ambulantu ispred sebe. Na
sre}u ovo je `ivopisan predeo,
okru`eni smo planinskim
vrhovima, priroda je jako ~ista,
imamo zdrav vazduh, samim
tim i zdravu decu“.
Na kraju razgovora,
direktor Osnovne {kole
„Bratstvo“, Negovan Vasi},
poru~io je mladima u
Strezovcu slede}u poruku:
„Iz ovog kraja iza{ao veliki
broj akademskih gra|ana
koji su nekada bili na
visokim funkcijama. Voleo
bih da sledite njihov put i
postanete akademici. To
jedino mo`ete posti}i
radom i u~enjem. Jedino
obrazovanjem sebi mo`ete
priu{titi bolje sutra“.
school of the month
ear ones, this month
we went to the east
of Kosovo, in the
village Strezovce, Kamenica
municipality. In the beautiful
area we came across the
primary school “Bratstvo”
(Brotherhood), small but full of
joy, children and positive energy.
There we were greeted by
friendly staff of the school, and
then the director of the school
and a professor of geography,
Mr. Negovan Vasic, came along.
“I have been teaching for
about 14 years now, and this
is already the sixth year that
I am also the principal of this
school. I had the opportunity to
work in urban schools, but the
kids in this school are different.
It is not that they are that much
different from the others, but
these children are well-raised,
and a teacher is still an authority
to them, and they show great
respect for all the teachers and
support staff as well,” Mr. Vasic
According to him, the
school has two separate
classes in the villages Boljevce
and Carevci, and a total of
46 students, including home
school Strezovce which was
built four years ago. “Earlier, the
classes were held at a private
home, and the conditions
were not so good. Then we
got a new school; it is small,
but considering the number of
students – it is sufficient. We
have solid working conditions, of
course, it can always be better.”
The director emphasized
that they need equipment for
the computer lab, and that he
hopes that, thanks to some
donation, they will soon get it.
However, he also mentioned
that they do not have a gym
which is needed during the
winter time. “The school did not
even have the smallest playfield
for children, so the children
could have played at least
when it is nice weather. Then
we, the school workers, started
the initiative and ourselves took
the part of our salaries to make
the playfield that we have now.
We function at the school as
one family. We all know each
other well because the village is
small. We are very united, and
I’m very proud of it.”
This is not the only initiative
launched by the school; recently
they have helped to one of the
parents in the village, whose
seven children are attending
this school, to dig a well. “We
often have similar initiatives.
Work with parents is fantastic.
This school is the centre of all
happenings in the village. That
is why we try to have good
communication with everyone,
including the local authorities
in Kamenica. Recently we
have received central heating
Mr. Vasic praised the great
interest of students and parents
in the school. He says that
children cannot wait to get to
school and to stay longer due
to additional or supplementary
classes. “They are very
curious, and like extra-curricular
activities. And they like the
most when we are preparing
an event/show in order to
mark a significant date as it
is, for example, the Day of the
School. We have no Internet
connection, which is in some
ways an advantage because
children are more focused
on some specific and healthy
School Choir
from the Ministry of Local
Government Administration.”
What is very interesting is
that next to the school is a clinic,
which is certainly an advantage,
if some child gets sick the
nurses are available. “And it’s
very good for us that we have a
clinic in front of us. Fortunately,
this is a picturesque landscape,
we are surrounded by mountain
peaks, nature is very clean, we
have a healthy air, and therefore
healthy children.”
At the end of the interview,
the director of the elementary
school “Bratstvo” Negovan
Vasic, said the following to the
youth of Strezovce: “This region
gave birth to a large number
of academics who once held
high functions. I’d like you to
follow their path and become
academics. This can only be
achieved through work and
studying. You will be able to
afford a better tomorrow only by
educating yourself.”
for you 5
i smo svi svedoci da globalizacija
fundamentalno menja naš
na~in `ivota, bez obzira u
kom delu kontinenta `ivimo. Štaviše,
globalizacija menja naš pogled na svako
polje `ivota u rasponu od obrazovanja
budu}ih generacija, razvoja biznisa
i brzine komunikacije do promena
takvih koncepata kao što su dr`ava,
granice, nacija, rasa i sli~no. Takve
fundamentalne promene zahtevaju od
svih nas da se prilagodimo ovom novom
na~inu `ivota, pri ~emu je komunikacija
klju~na re~ za uspeh.
Komunikacija - izazov
modernog `ivota
Paradoksalno, uprkos zapanjuju}em razvoju tehnologija kao što su
mobilni telefoni i Internet, komunikacija
je danas mnogo te`a. Razlog za to je
što savremena komunikacija neminovno
uklju~uje razvoj veština komunikacije
izme|u ljudi iz razli~itih kultura, religija,
dr`ava i kontinenata. To je ina~e poznato
kao interkulturalna komunikacija i
potreba za njenim uspešnim razvojem
raste. Ovom prilikom se postavlja pitanje
6 for you
šta je interkulturalna
komunikacija i šta
je ~ini posebnom.
U tradicionalnom
smislu, komunikacija
ozna~ava uspešan
prenos ili razmenu
poruka, ideja i ose}anja me|u ljudima.
Kada ljudi dolaze iz iste kulture, nacije,
vere ili rase, to nije tako teško, jer je
prenošenje i tuma~enje poruka manje
ili više identi~no. Me|utim, stvari se
menjaju kada lica koja su u interakciji
pripadaju razli~itim kulturama, religijama,
narodima i dr`avama.
U ovoj raznolikosti, koncepti kao što
su “nenormalno“ i “protiv pravila“ se
transformišu u “druga~ije“ i “nepoznato“.
Me|ukulturalna komunikacija,
preduslov razvoja i
komunikacija je
sposobnost koja
nam poma`e
da maksimalno
tehnološkog razvoja
i globalizacije.
Male gre{ke - velike posledice
Tipi~na ilustracija teško}a koje
mogu nastati u toku takve komunikacije
je koriš}enje ili nekoriš}enje
re~i “molim te/vas“. U
engleskoj kulturi je
obavezno da zahtev
bilo koje prirode bude
propra}en sa “molim te/
vas“ na kraju, kao na
primer: Dodaj mi ~ašu, molim te! Treba
mi vaša pomo}, molim vas! Nedostatak
ovakvog izra`avanja se ~ak smatra
nevaspitanjem. Me|utim, u nekim
drugim kulturama, zahtevi, a posebno
oni koji izra`avaju hitnost, iskazuju se
na direktniji na~in, bez molbe i bez
nesporazuma, kao na primer: Daj mi
~ašu! Treba mi tvoja pomo}!
Takve situacije, iako mogu
izgledati nebitno, ipak mogu
poremetiti komunikaciju. Upravo
iz tog razloga, interkulturalna
komunikacija je od posebnog
zna~aja i zna~i da svako od nas
u~i da prihvata druge kulture i
ljude bez ikakvih predrasuda.
Da bi se ovo postiglo moramo
da postanemo tolerantni.
Naša nagrada }e biti razvoj
izuzetnih veština koje poma`u
da otkrijemo i razumemo divnu
raznovrsnost ovog sveta.
ovoj komunikaciji mo`emo ste}i
prijatelje i poslovne partnere širom
sveta, bez potrebe da napustimo
udobnost svog doma. Sve što je
potrebno jeste da otvorimo svoje srce
i um i nau~imo da ne vidimo religiju,
rasu, naciju, dr`avu ili kontinent tokom
naše komunikacije, ve} da pre svega
nau~imo da vidimo osobu koja stoji pred
nama, koja je u suštini ista prema nama.
Na kraju krajeva, svi ljudi pate i
vole na isti na~in, kao što se nadaju i
`ele iste stvari, jedino {to to izra`avaju
na razli~ite na~ine. Shodno tome,
raznovrsnost ljudskih kultura nije ništa
drugo nego zajedni~ko bogatstvo, koje
se zasniva na humanosti i ljubavi. Da
li mislite da je ovo tako loša stvar u
našem `ivotu?
e are all witnesses that
the globalization is
fundamentally changing our
way of living, regardless in which
part of the continent we live
in. Moreover, globalization
is changing our outlook on
every field of life ranging
from the education of
future generations,
business development
and communication
speed to the
such concepts as
the state, borders, nation, race, etc.
Such fundamental changes require
for all of us to adapt with this new
way of living, on which occasion
communication is the key word for
Communication - the modern
life challenge
Paradoxically, despite the staggering
development of technologies such
as mobile phones and the Internet,
communication today is much more
difficult. The reason for this is that
modern communication inevitably
incorporates the development of
communication skills between people
of different cultures, religions, states
and continents. Otherwise, this is
known as intercultural communication
and the need for its
successful development
is increasing. On
this occasion, the
question arises as to
what is intercultural
communication and what
makes it more special.
In the traditional sense, communication
means the successful conveying or
exchange of messages, ideas and
feelings between people. When people
come from the same culture, nation,
religion or race, this is not as difficult,
since the conveying and interpretation
of messages is more or less identical.
However, things change when persons
who are interacting belong to different
cultures, religions, nations or states.
Small mistakes - serious
A typical illustration of the
difficulties that can arise
during such communication
would be the use or nonuse of the word “please”.
In the English culture it is
mandatory for a request
of any nature to be
accompanied by a please
at the end, as for example: Hand me
the glass, please! I need your help,
please! The non-expression in this
manner is even considered as an
improper behavior. However, in some
other cultures, the requests, especially
those that express emergency, are
expressed in a more
direct way without saying
please without any
misunderstanding, as for
instance: Hand me the
glass! I need your help!
Such situations,
although they may appear
small they can still
disrupt communication.
Precisely for this
reason, intercultural
communication is of
particular importance and
means that all of us learn
to accept other cultures and people
without any prejudice. To achieve
this we need to become tolerant.
Our reward will be the development
of extraordinary skills that help us
discover and understand the wonderful
diversity of this world. In this diversity,
the concepts such as “abnormal” and
“against the rules” are transformed into
“different” and “unfamiliar”.
Multicultural communication - a
precondition for development
and globalization
In other words, intercultural
communication is the ability that helps
us to maximally use the potential
of technological development
and globalization. Thanks to this
communication we can make friends
and business partners worldwide
without having to leave the comfort
of our home. All that is required
is to open our hearts and minds
and learn to not see religion, race,
nation, state or continent during our
communication, but above all, learn
to see the person who stands in front
of us, who essentially is the same
with us. Ultimately, all mankind suffer
and love the same way, as well as
hope and want the same things, but
they only express it in different ways.
Consequently, the diversity of human
cultures is nothing but a common
wealth, which is based on humanity
and love. Do you think this is such a
bad thing to have in our lives?
for you 7
Samo par dana nas deli od Dana zaljubljenih, a devojke i mladi}i su ve} u potrazi za savršenim poklonom
koji }e pokloniti voljenoj osobi na ovaj dan. Dok su marame, kravate, košulje, cve}e i ~okolade naj~eš}i
pokloni koje ljudi daju svojoj boljoj polovini kao izraz ljubavi na Dan zaljubljenih, postoji mnogo više
fantasti~nih proizvoda koje ljubavnici mogu izabrati za svog partnera. Donosimo vam listu fantasti~nih
poklona koje mo`ete dati voljenoj osobi na Dan zaljubljenih.
“Bold loft” šolje za kafu
“uhvati moju ljubav” za
nju i njega
Ove kerami~ke šolje koje
dolaze u paru su pogodne za
miktrotalasnu pe}nicu i savršene
za parove. Na njima su dva
kontrastna crna i bela stilizovana
crte`a ljubavnika koji formiraju
ljubavnu poruku kada se šolje
Prelep notes sa ru~no
izvezenom pamu~nom
koricom i ru~no izra|enim
Ovaj notes, koji je odli~an za
~uvanje dragocenih uspomena,
još jedan je savršen poklon i za
muškarce i za `ene na ovaj Dan
zaljubljenih. On njoj ili njemu
mo`e biti od pomo}i i kod vo|enja
dnevnog rasporeda planova,
kako bi sve dnevne beleške bile
sa~uvane. Notes je poznat po
svom šarmu i eleganciji zbog
svog smelog i lepog dizajna.
Futrola za apple iPhone,
crna sa “love never ends”
dva zadnja dela
Ova futrola za telefon je idelna
za one koji imaju iPhone.
Napravljena je da zaštiti mobilne
telefone od ogrebotina i prašine.
Pored toga što je izuzetno
otporna, ova futrola svojom
formom savršeno odgovara
obliku iPhone-a, a da pri tom ne
narušava njegovu upotrebljivost.
@enske sportske ~arape
u više dezena – poklon
pakovanje od 8 pari
Ovaj poklon paket sadr`i osam
pari ~arapa razli~itih dezena.
^arape su od poliestera i dolaze
u više boja i dezena sa motivom
srca. Ovaj poklon je idealan za
Dan zaljubljenih jer svaka ~arapa
8 for you
na sebi ima re~ ‘ljubav’ ispisanu
od nekoliko srca.
Knjiga “My Sweet, Sweet
“My Sweet, Sweet Valentine” je
knjiga koja prati `ivot uspešnog
advokata po imenu Diane Hewit,
koja je u braku sa nevernim
berzanskim trgovcem po imenu
Harley. Ova knjiga je idealna
za parove koji prolaze kroz
krizu u vezi, jer pokazuje koliko
iskušenja su ljudi spremni da
izdr`e zarad ljubavi.
Deluks 6 u 1 pedikir i
manikir set od ner|aju}eg
Ovaj set za pedikir i manikir je
savršen za putovanja. Sadr`i
šest delova seta za manikir, kao
i pribor za manikir koji je ru~no
izra|en od hirurškog ner|aju}eg
~elika. Ovo je idealan poklon za
`ene na ovaj Dan zaljubljenih, jer
dolazi sa modernim nov~anikom.
“Como” privezak za
klju~eve sa srcem i parom
prstenova na lancu
Ovaj ljubavni privezak za klju~eve
od legure dolazi u setu od dva
komada, i mo`e da bude savršen
poklon za parove na ovaj Dan
zaljubljenih. Du`ina lanca je
10,5x7,6 cm, sa prstenom
pre~nika 3 centimetra. Privezak je
veoma dopadljiv i zanimljiv jer u
srce mo`e da se ubaci i privezak
u obliku strelice.
Trzalica za gitaru –
privezak “I pick You”
Ovaj privezak je savršen za
de~ka ili mu`a koji voli da svira
gitaru. Dolazi u obliku trzalice
na kojoj piše: “I pick You” (Biram
tebe). Privezak je izra|en od
100% ner|aju}eg ~elika.
Valentine’s Day is a few days away and girlfriends and boyfriends are already looking for the perfect gift to give to
their loved ones to celebrate the season. While hankies, ties, shirts, flowers and chocolates are the most common
gifts that people give to their significant others to express their love during Valentine’s, there are a lot more
amazing items that lovers can actually choose from. Here is a list of amazing gifts that you can give to the one you
love this Valentine’s Day.
Bold loft “catch my
love” his and hers
coffee mugs
Made of stoneware ceramic,
these couple mugs are
microwavable and are perfect
for couples. They feature two
contrasting black and white
stick figures of lovers and
form a love message when put
Beautiful personal
diary journal notebook
with hand embroidered
cotton cover &
handmade papers
Great in preserving precious
memories, this diary journal
is another perfect gift for both
boys and girls this Valentine’s.
It helps one maintain his or
her daily planning schedule
to make sure that all his/her
records are well intact. It is
renowned for its charm and
elegance because of its bold
and beautiful design.
Snap-on case
compatible with Apple
iPhone, black with “love
never ends” rear x
This snap-on case is ideal for
people who have iPhone. It is
made to protect cell phones
against scratches and dust.
Aside from being extremely
tough, this case also molds
perfectly to the shape of the
iPhone without compromising
its usability.
Girl’s crew socks 8
pairs assorted patterns
gift pack
This gift pack includes eight
pairs of socks that feature
assorted patterns. The socks are
made of polyester and come in
multiple colors and heart designs. This
gift is ideal for Valentine’s because
each sock has the word “Love” written
out of multiple hearts.
My Sweet, Sweet
Valentine Book
My Sweet, Sweet Valentine is a book
that follows the life of a successful
attorney named Diane Hewitt, who is
married to an unfaithful stock trader
named Harley. This book is ideal
for couples who are going through
struggles in their relationship because
it shows how people are willing to
endure hardships for the sake of love.
Deluxe 6 in 1 stainless steel
pedicure and manicure set
This pedicure and manicure set is
perfect for traveling. It includes six
pieces of manicure set as well as
manicure tools that are handcrafted
and made of surgical quality stainless
steel. This is an ideal gift for girls this
Valentine’s because it also comes with
a fashionable wallet.
Como love heart pair alloy
keychain keyring
This alloy love keyring comes in
a set of two pieces and can make
the perfect gift for couples this
Valentine season. The chain is
10,5x7,6 centimeters long and includes
a ring that measures 3 centimeters in
diameter. It is very cute and interesting
because the heart with a hold can
be inserted by another arrow-like
Guitar pick “I pick You”
This guitar pick is perfect for boys
who love playing the guitar. It comes
in a guitar pick shape and has an
inscription that says “I pick you.”
This keychain is made of 100%
stainless steel.
for you 9
music box
iste godine, dok su
bili na odmoru u
Rad`astanu, u Indiji.
Dream“ i brak
1984 - 98: Rani `ivot
atheryn Elizabeth Hudson je ro|ena 25. oktobra 1984. u Santa Barbari, u Kaliforniji. Ima mla|eg
brata David-a (1988) peva~a, i
stariju sestru Angela-u (1982).
Od 3. do 11. godine `ivota,
Perry se ~esto selila širom
zemlje pošto su njeni roditelji
uspostavljali crkve, pre nego
što su se ponovo nastanili u
Santa Barbari. Tokom odrastanja je poha|ala verske škole
i kampove, uklju~uju}i „Santa
Barbara Christian School“.
Perry je tokom odrastanja
prvenstveno slušala gospel
muziku, a popularnu muziku
je otkrila preko CD-ova koje je
prošunjala od svojih prijatelja.
Prate}i sestru Angelu, Perry je
po~ela da peva ve`baju}i
sa kasetama njene sestre.
Izvodila je pesme ispred svojih
roditelja, koji su predlo`ili da
uzme ~asove pevanja. Po~ela
je da ve`ba kada je imala
9 godina, i u~estvovala je u
crkvenom radu njenih roditelja
tako što je pevala u crkvi od
svoje 9. do 17. godine. U 13.
godini je za ro|endan dobila
svoju prvu gitaru, i javno izvela
pesme koje je napisala.
1999 - 2006: Po~eci
Nakon potpisivanja ugovora sa
„Red Hill Records“, Perry je snimila svoj prvi album, gospel album,
pod nazivom Katy Hudson. Album
je objavljen 6. marta 2001. godine,
ali je komercijalno bio neuspešan;
prodaja se procenjuje na 200
primeraka. Katy se prebacuje iz
gospel muzike u sekularnu muziku
i po~inje da piše pesme sa producentom Glen-om Ballard-om, a
u Los An|eles se preselila kada joj
je bilo 17 godina. U 2003. godini
je kratko nastupala kao Katheryn
Perry, da bi se izbegla konfuzija sa
glumicom Kate Hudson. Kasnije je
usvojila umetni~ko ime Katy Perry,
koriste}i devoja~ko prezime svoje
majke. 2005. godine je bila prate}i
10 for you
vokal u filmskoj numeri Mick-a
Jagger-a “Old Habits Die Hard”,
koja je osvojila Zlatni globus 2005.
za najbolju originalnu pesmu.
2007 - 09: Proboj sa
albumom „One of the
Nakon što „Columbia“ nije
produ`ila ugovor sa Perry,
preporu~ili su je predsedavaju}em „Virgin Records“-a Jason-u
Flom-u, koji je bio uveren da bi
ona mogla da postane zvezda. Sa
njom je u aprilu 2007. potpisala
ugovor novoformirana izdava~ka
ku}a „Capitol Music Group“,
spoj „Virgin Records“-a i „Capitol
Izdava~ka ku}a je uredila da
se sastane sa producentom Dr.
Luke, kako bi dodali “neosporni
kvalitet” postoje}em materijalu.
Perry i Dr. Luke su koautori
pesama “I Kissed a Girl” i “Hot N
Cold” na njenom drugom albumu
“One of the Boys”. Kampanja je
po~ela u novembru 2007. objavljivanjem videa “Ur So Gay”, ~iji
je cilj bio da je uvede na muzi~ko
tr`ište. Madonna je pomogla da se
reklamira pesma hvale}i je u aprilu
2008, navode}i da je to njena
“omiljena pesma”. Perry je izdala
svoj prvi singl sa izdava~kom ku}
om „Capitol“, “I Kissed a Girl”,
28. aprila 2008, kao prvi singl sa
albuma „One of the Boys“.
U leto 2009. Perry je upoznala
svog budu}eg mu`a Russell-a
Brand-a, kada se pojavila u njegovom filmu “Get Him to the Greek”.
Po~ela je da se zabavlja sa njim
kada ga je ponovo srela u septembru na dodeli MTV nagrada
2009. Par se verio 31. decembra
Nakon što je bila
sudija-gost u TV šouu
„American Idol“, Perry
je 7. maja 2010. objavila album “California
Gurls”, na kom se
pojavljuje i reper
Snoop Dogg. Pesma
je bila vode}i
singl sa njenog tre}eg
studijskog albuma
„Teenage Dream“,
koji je dostigao broj
jedan na top listi „Billboard Hot
100“ u junu. Perry je tako|e bila
sudija-gost u emisiji „X Factor UK“,
kasnije tog meseca pre objavljivanja drugog singla s albuma
“Teenage Dream” u julu. “Teenage
Dream” je dostigao poziciju broj
jedan na top listi „Billboard“-a u
septembru. Perry je po~ela da se
upušta u poslovanje kada je prihvatila da izbaci u prodaju svoj prvi
parfem „Purr“, u novembru 2010.
Njen drugi miris „Meow!“ je izba~en
u prodaju u decembru 2011.
„Billboard“ ju je 2012. prozvao
svojom “`enom godine”. Udala se
za Russell-a Brand-a 23. oktobra
2010, u tradicionalnoj hindu ceremoniji u u Rad`astanu, u blizini
skloništa za tigrove Ranthambhore.
Me|utim, Brand je 30. decembra
2011. saop{tio da se razvode,
posle 14 meseci braka. Perry je
kasnije navela kao razloge razvoda
- sukobljene poslovne rasporede
i njegovu `elju da imaju decu pre
nego što je ona bila spremna za to.
2013 - sadašnjost:
U novembru 2012. Perry je
otpo~ela rad na ~etvrtom albumu,
„Prism“. Ona je ~asopisu „Billboard“ rekla: „Ja znam ta~no kakav
album `elim da napravim. Znam
kako treba da uzgledaju ilustracije,
kolorit i ton” i “~ak znam i tip turneje
koju }u imati. Bi}u veoma zadovoljna ako vizija koju imam u glavi
postane stvarnost“. Album „Prism“
je objavljen 18. oktobra 2013. i debitovao je na prvom mestu na top
listi „Bilboard 200“. U januaru 2014.
je postala gost-kustos Madonnaine inicijative „Umetnosti za
slobodu“. 17. juna 2014.
Perry je osnovala sopstvenu
izdava~ku ku}u u
okviru „Capitol
pod nazivom
Music“. Ferras
je bio prvi
umetnik koji
je potpisao ugovor
sa njenom
ku}om, a
Perry je
bila izvršni
na njegovom
Tako|e je
sa Ferras-om
snimila duet
pod nazivom
Never Die”.
Ostali poduhvati - filantropija
Perry je podr`ala razne dobrotvorne organizacije i
ideje tokom svoje karijere. Ona je doprinela organizacijama ~iji je cilj poboljšanje `ivota i dobrobiti
naro~ito dece. U aprilu 2013. ona se pridru`ila
Unicefu u pomaganju deci, u obrazovanju i
ishrani, na Madagaskaru. 3. decembra 2013.
zvani~no je imenovana Unicefovim Ambasadorom dobre volje (sa posebnim osvrtom na
anga`ovanje mladih ljudi u radu agencije za
poboljšanje `ivota dece i adolescenata koji
su najugro`eniji u svetu).
music box
adopted the stage name “Katy Perry”, using
her mother’s maiden name. On 2005, she
provided backing vocals on Mick Jagger’s
soundtrack song “Old Habits Die Hard”, which
won the 2005 Golden Globe Award for Best
Original Song.
1984 - 98: Early life
atheryn Elizabeth Hudson was
born on October 25th, 1984 in
Santa Barbara, California. She
has a younger brother named David
(born 1988), who is a singer, and
an older sister, Angela (born 1982).
From ages 3 to 11, Perry often moved
across the country as her parents
set up churches before settling again
in Santa Barbara. Growing up, she
attended religious schools and camps,
including Santa Barbara Christian
School during her elementary years.
Growing up, Perry primarily listened
to gospel music, and she discovered
popular music through CDs she snuck
from her friends. Following her sister
Angela, Perry began singing by practicing with her sister’s cassette tapes.
She performed the tracks in front of
their parents, who suggested she take
vocal lessons. She began training at
age 9, and was incorporated into her
parents’ ministry, singing in church
from ages 9 to 17. At 13, Perry was
given her first guitar for her birthday, and publicly performed
songs she wrote.
1999 - 2006: Career beginnings
After signing with Red
Hill Records,
her debut
a gospel
record titled
Katy Hudson.
The album was
released on March 6,
2001, but it was commercially unsuccessful,
selling an estimated 200
copies. Transitioning from
gospel music to secular music,
Perry started writing songs
with producer Glen
Ballard, and moved to
Los Angeles at age
17. In 2003, she
briefly performed
as Katheryn Perry
to avoid confusion
with actress Kate
Hudson. She later
2007 - 09: Breakthrough with
‘One of the Boys’
After Columbia dropped Perry, she was recommended to Virgin Records chairman Jason
Flom who was convinced that she could be
a breakthrough star and she was signed to
the newly created Capitol Music Group, a
merger between Virgin and Capitol Records,
in April 2007. The label arranged for her to
meet with producer Dr. Luke, in order to add
an “undeniable smash” to her existing material. Perry and Dr. Luke co-wrote the songs “I
Kissed a Girl” and “Hot n Cold” for her second
album ‘One of the Boys’. A campaign was
started with the November 2007 release of
the video to “Ur So Gay”, aimed at introducing her to the music market. Madonna helped
publicize the song by praising the track in
April 2008, stating it was her “favorite song”.
Perry released her first single with Capitol, “I
Kissed a Girl”, on April 28, 2008, as the lead
single from One of the Boys. Perry met her
future husband Russell Brand in the summer
of 2009 while filming a cameo appearance
for his film ‘Get Him to the Greek’. She began
dating Brand after meeting him again that
September at the 2009 MTV Video Music
Awards. The couple became engaged on
December 31, 2009, while vacationing in
Rajasthan, India.
2010 - 12: Teenage Dream and
ber 30, 2011, that they were divorcing after
14 months of marriage. Perry later stated that
conflicting career schedules and his desire to
have children before she was ready led to the
end of their marriage.
2013 - present: Prism
In November 2012, Perry began work on her
fourth album, Prism. She told Billboard, “I
know exactly the record I want to make next.
I know the artwork, the coloring and the tone”
and “I even know what type of tour I’m doing
next. I’ll be very pleased if the vision I have
in my head becomes a reality.” Prism was
released on October 18, 2013, and debuted
at number one on the Billboard 200 chart. In
January 2014, she became a guest curator
of Madonna’s Art for Freedom initiative. On
June 17, 2014, Perry announced that she had
founded her own record label under Capitol
Records, titled Metamorphosis Music. Ferras
was the first artist to sign to her label, and
Perry served as an executive producer on his
self-titled EP. She also recorded a duet titled
“Legends Never Die” with Ferras on the EP.
After serving as a guest judge on American
Idol, Perry released “California Gurls” featuring rapper Snoop Dogg on May 7, 2010.
The song was the lead single from her third
studio album, Teenage Dream, and reached
number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in June.
She also served as a guest judge on The X
Factor UK later that month before releasing
the album’s second single, “Teenage Dream”,
in July. “Teenage Dream” reached number
one on Billboard in September. Perry began
to venture into business when she endorsed
her first fragrance, Purr, in November 2010.
Her second fragrance, Meow!, was released
in December 2011.
Billboard dubbed her
Other ventures - Philanthropy
as their “Woman of
Perry has supported various charitable organizations and
the Year” for 2012.
causes during her career. She has contributed to organizaShe married Russell
tions aimed at improving the lives and welfare of children
Brand on October 23,
in particular. In April 2013, she joined UNICEF to assist
2010, in a traditional
children in Madagascar with education and nutrition. On
Hindu ceremony near
December 3, 2013, she was officially named a UNICEF
the Ranthambhore
Goodwill Ambassador, “with a special focus on engaging
tiger sanctuary in
young people in the agency’s work to improve the lives of
Rajasthan. Brand anthe world’s most vulnerable children and adolescents.”
nounced on Decem-
for you 11
g-din. Shemsi Igrishta
“Korupcija je zloupotreba
vlasti radi li~nih, grupnih ili
interesa ~lanova u`e i šire
d svih negativnih pojava
koje su prisutne u svim
modernim društvima,
a naro~ito u društvima u
tranziciji, korupcija je ta koja ima
najdirektnije posledice na privredu
i razvoj jedne dr`ave. Iz tog
razloga, borba protiv korupcije je
od posebnog zna~aja. Da bismo
stekli bolji uvid u to koliko je
Kosovska policija (KP) uspešna
u borbi protiv aktivnosti koje ~ine
ovu pojavu, razgovarali smo sa
poru~nikom Shemsi Igrishta-om.
Poru~nik Shemsi Igrishta je šef
Sektora za istra`ivanje korupcije u
Upravi za istra`ivanje privrednog
kriminala i korupcije - Generalna
direkcija policije. Pozivamo vas
da u nastavku pro~itate šta je
poru~nik Igrishta imao da ka`e.
• Šta je korupcija?
Pri spomenu re~i korupcija
naj~eš}e se pomisli na uzimanje
novca u zamenu za pru`ene
usluge, ili usluge koje }e tek
biti pru`ene, odnosno davanje
ili primanje mita. Me|utim,
korupcija ima šire zna~enje jer
obuhvata krivi~na dela propisana
Krivi~nim zakonikom Kosova,
odnosno poglavljem XXXIV
(Javna korupcija i krivi~na dela
zloupotrebe slu`benog polo`aja).
• Kada i kako se
pokre}u istrage
vezane za korupciju?
Strateški ciljevi Kosovske
policije su prevencija kriminala
12 for you
i rešavanje krivi~nih dela, kao
i profesionalno, delotvorno i
efikasno odr`avanje vladavine
prava na Kosovu. Shodno tome,
nakon dobijanja informacije
o mogu}em krivi~nom delu
korupcije (ukoliko postoji
osnovana sumnja da je izvršeno
krivi~no delo koje se procesuira
po slu`benoj du`nosti),
Kosovska policija otvara istragu.
Kosovska policija preduzima
sve neophodne procedure –
istra`ne radnje u cilju lociranja
po~inioca, privo|enja po~inioca
i njegovih pomaga~a zbog
opasnosti od bekstva ili skrivanja,
pronala`enja i pohranjivanja
otisaka prstiju i
drugih dokaza
krivi~nog dela,
koji mogu
kao dokazi,
kao i svih
informacija koje
se mogu koristiti
u toku krivi~nog
• Ko se mo`e na}i
pod istragom zbog
Sva lica (bilo slu`bena ili
privatna), koja svesno ili
nesvesno sti~u li~nu ili korist
za druga lica, krše va`e}e
zakone na Kosovu, i mogu biti
predmet istrage vezane za
• Koliko dugo traju
ovakve istrage?
Du`ina trajanja istrage
korupcije zavisi od slo`enosti
predmeta. Ukoliko je slu~aj
korupcije jednostavan slu~aj
podmi}ivanja koji je na vreme
prijavljen (bez odlaganja – ovo
je veoma va`no!) od strane
gra|ana, podnosioca `albe ili
`rtve korupcije, onda
ovakav slu~aj
mo`e biti
rešen u
veoma kratkom roku.
• Šta se dešava sa
osobom koja je pod
istragom nakon što je
istraga zaklju~ena?
Zakonik o krivi~nom postupku,
odnosno njegov deo koji se
odnosi na policijske nadle`nosti
za sprovo|enje istrage, definiše
dve pravne kategorije na
osnovu kojih se procesuiraju
osobe pod istragom, odnosno
doti~ni slu~ajevi.
• Ukoliko istraga Kosovske
policije potvrdi osnovanu
sumnju da je osumnji~eni
po~inio krivi~no delo
korupcije, istra`itelji
Kosovske policije
prijavu protiv
u vezi sa
datim krivi~nim
delom i šalju
je nadle`nom
tu`ilaštvu u regionu
gde se dogodilo krivi~no
• U slu~ajevima kada
Kosovska policija tokom istrage
nije uspela da prikupi dokaze
koji potvr|uju osnovanu sumnju,
onda se slu~aj procesuira u
vidu posebnog izveštaja koji se
podnosi nadle`nom tu`ilaštvu.
• Koliko slu~ajeva ste
istra`ivali tokom 2014.
godine i koliko njih je
uspešno zaklju~eno?
Tokom 2013. godine KP je
podneo 236 slu~ajeva korupcije
(protiv 634 osumnji~enih) sa
krivi~nim prijavama nadle`nim
tu`ilaštvima na Kosovu.
Od januara do septembra
2014. godine, nadle`nim
tu`ilaštvima podneto je ukupno
199 predmeta protiv 443
• Koja je najve}a
satisfakcija koju Vam
pru`a ovaj posao?
Najve}a satisfakcija za mene
i istra`itelje koji rade u sektoru
za istra`ivanje korupcije je kada
prona|emo po~inioce krivi~nih
dela u slu~ajevima korupcije,
kroz profesionalnu pripremu
predmeta sa svim potrebnim
dokazima, koje dostavljamo
tu`ilaštvu, a kao rezultat
toga po~inioci krivi~nih dela
(osumnji~eni za korupciju) budu
dovedeni pred lice pravde.
• Koliko je teško
istra`ivanje slu~ajeva
korupcije i zašto?
Slu~ajevi korupcije nisu laki
za istra`ivanje s obzirom na
to da se radi o obostranom
interesu slu`benog lica koje
zloupotrebljava svoj polo`aj
i prima mito u zamenu za
odre|enu uslugu, i gra|anina
ili osobe koja daje mito za
nezaslu`enu uslugu koja mu
je pru`ena. Me|utim, kada se
slu~aj korupcije prijavi Kosovskoj
policiji na vreme, onda je mnogo
lakše rešiti takav slu~aj, a
istra`ni rad se odvija na mnogo
profesionalniji na~in.
• Koja je Vaša poruka za
mlade na Kosovu?
Moja poruka za mlade i sve
ostale ljude na Kosovu jeste
da ih ohrabrim da prijave
slu~ajeve korupcije Kosovskoj
policiji/Upravi za istra`ivanje
privrednog i korupcijskog
kriminala. Korupcija je jedna
negativna pojava koja poga|a
sve nas. Svi mi pla}amo cenu
za korupciju, i stoga se i svi mi
beskompromisno moramo boriti
protiv nje kako bismo stvorili
zdravo okru`enje za mlade i sve
ljude na Kosovu.
Svi gra|ani Kosova mogu
prijaviti slu~ajeve korupcije na
080019999, kao i na druge javne
brojeve telefona: 192; 922; 92 i
038 550 999.
Tu su i e-mail adrese:
Pozivi su anonimni i besplatni
• When and how
are corruption
is the abuse of power for
personal, group or clan
f all negative
phenomena that are
present in all modern
societies and in particular
those in transition, corruption
is the one with most direct
consequences in the economy
and development of a country.
Therefore, fighting it is of
particular importance. To
understand how successful
Kosovo Police (KP) is in
fighting activities that are part
of this phenomena, we spoke
to Lieutenant Shemsi Igrishta.
Lieutenant Shemsi Igrishta
is the Head of the Sector
of Corruption Investigation,
Directorate for Investigating
Economic and Corruption
Crimes – General Directorate
of Police. Below we invite
you to read what Lieutenant
Igrishta had to say.
• What is corruption?
In most cases when
corruption is mentioned it is
imagined as taking money as
payment for rendered services
or that are to be rendered
which is taking or giving
bribe. However, corruption
has a broader meaning as
it includes criminal offenses
envisaged pursuant to the
Criminal Code of Kosovo,
respectively CHAPTER XXXIV
(Official corruption and criminal
offences against official duty).
The strategic
objectives of the
Kosovo Police are
to prevent and
solve crimes and
to professionally,
effectively and
efficiently maintain
the rule of law in
Kosovo. Consequently,
after receiving the
information on a suspected
corruption offense (if there
is grounded suspicion that a
criminal offence that is prosecuted
ex officio has been perpetrated),
the Kosovo Police starts the
investigation. The Kosovo Police
conducts all the necessary
procedures – investigative actions
to discover the perpetrator’s
location, apprehend the
perpetrator and his aids from
hiding or escaping, find and
preserve fingerprints and other
evidences of the criminal offense,
collect other objects that might
serve as evidences and gather all
the information that might be used
during the criminal proceeding.
• Who can be investigated
for corruption?
All the persons (whether
official or private) benefiting for
themselves or others deliberately
or not deliberately are in violation
with the applicable laws in Kosovo
and may be subject to corruption
• How long can these
investigations last?
The length of corruption
investigations depends on the
complexity of the cases. If the
corruption case is a simple
case of bribery which has been
reported on time (without delays
– this is very important!) by the
citizen, complainant or corruption
victim, then this case can be
solved very quickly.
• What happens to the
investigated person
once the investigation is
all the necessary evidences.
We proceed the same to the
prosecution, and as a result
the perpetrators of the criminal
offences (the corruption
suspects) are brought to justice.
The Criminal Procedure Code,
the part pertaining to the Police
competencies for conducting
investigations, provides two legal
categories pursuant to which
the cases against investigated
persons are processed.
• After the Kosovo Police
investigation confirms the
reasonable doubt that the
suspect has committed a criminal
offense of corruption, the Kosovo
Police investigators draft criminal
charges against the suspect
pertaining to this criminal offense
and send it to the competent
Basic Prosecution in the region
where the criminal offense has
taken place.
• In cases when an
investigation does not gather
evidences and proof which
confirm with a reasonable doubt,
then the case is processed with
a special report to the competent
• How difficult is it to
investigate corruption
cases and why?
• How many cases have
you investigated during
2014 and how many were
successfully concluded?
Crimes. Corruption is a
negative phenomenon that
affects us all. Corruption is paid
by everybody, thus it must be
fought without compromise by
all of us in order to create a
good environment for the youth
and all the people of Kosovo.
During 2013, the KP submitted
236 corruption cases (against
634 suspects) with criminal
charges to the competent
prosecutions in Kosovo. From
January until September 2014,
a total of 199 cases against 443
suspects have been processed
to the competent prosecution.
• What is the greatest
satisfaction you get from
your work?
The greatest satisfaction
for me and the investigators,
working in the sector of
corruption investigations, is
when we find the perpetrators
of the criminal offenses in
corruption cases, by preparing
the cases professionally with
Corruption cases are not easy
to investigate considering that
there are mutual interests. Both
the official person abusing with
his position and taking bribe for a
service he renders, and also the
citizen or the person giving the
bribe for an undeserved service
that is rendered to him. However,
when a corruption case is reported
to the KP on time, it is much easier
to solve and the investigation
work is conducted in a much more
professional manner.
• What is your message
for the youth of Kosovo?
My message for the youth
and all the people of Kosovo
is to encourage them to report
corruption cases to the KP/
Directorate for Investigating
Economic and Corruption
All citizens of Kosovo may report
corruption cases at 080019999,
and other public numbers: 192;
922; 92 and 038 550 999.
There are also e-mail addresses
such as:
E-mail: zimp@kosovopolice.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KosovoPoliceZIMP
Calls are free and anonymous
for you 13
životinjsko carstvo
aštrkani po podsaharskoj Africi i ju`noj i
jugoisto~noj Aziji, slonovi su najve}e kopnene
`ivotinje na svetu. Tradicionalno se priznaju dve
vrste ovih neverovatnih giganata, afri~ki i azijski slon.
Zbog brojnih razloga, kao što su krivolov ili uništenja
staništa, populacija slonova u svetu drasti~no opada.
Me|unarodna unija za o~uvanje prirode je afri~ke slonove
stavila na listu ranjivih vrsta, dok je azijski slon klasifikovan kao ugro`ena vrsta. Da bi se podigla svest o ovim
predivnim, inteligentnim i mirnim sisarima, napravili smo
spisak manje poznatih ~injenica o slonovima.
• Trup slona ima više
od 40.000 miši}a
• The trunk of an
elephant has more
than 40,000 muscles in it.
}ava njihovim
da se odmore
zbog potiska
koji dobijaju od
• Slonovi vole vodu. Oni vole
da plivaju, rone, odli~no se
zabavljaju bore}i se protiv
talasa. To tako|e omogu-
• The average life span
for an elephant in the
wild is about 50 to 70
• Slonovi koriste blato
kao kremu za sun~anje,
štite}i svoju ko`u od
ultraljubi~astog svetla.
Iako gruba, njihova ko`a
je veoma osetljiva. Bez
redovne kupke blatom
koja ih štiti od
ujeda insekata i gubitka
vlage, njihova
ko`a trpi veliku štetu.
• Touching is an important
form of communication
among elephants. Individuals greet each other
by stroking or wrapping their trunks. Older elephants also use
trunk-slaps, kicks and shoves to discipline younger ones.
years. The oldest
elephant ever was
Lin Wang, an Asian
elephant, who died
on February 2003
at the age of 86.
let light. Although tough,
their skin is very sensitive.
Without the regular mud
baths to protect it from
burning, insect bites, and
moisture loss, their skin
suffers serious damage.
• Elephants
use mud as
a sunscreen,
their skin
from ultravio-
• Elephants love
water. They like
to swim, dive into the
water and find great
fun in fighting the
waves. It also gives their joints
a break with the buoyancy they
get from the water.
• Dodirivanje je va`an oblik
komunikacije me|u slonovima. Pojedinci se pozdravljaju
miluju}i ili obuhvataju}i
trupove jedni drugih. Stariji
slonovi tako|e koriste
šamare, udarci i guranje
trupa da bi disciplinovali
mla|e jedinke.
14 for you
• Prose~ni
`ivotni vek
slona u divljini
je oko 50 do
70 godina.
Najstariji slon
ikada bio je
Lin Vang,
azijski slon,
koji je umro u
februaru 2003.
u dobi od 86
• Slonovi su lakomi na
hranu. Dnevno mogu
da se hrane do 16 sati
i troše do 600 kilograma hrane.
• Elephants are avid
eaters. Daily, they can
be feeding for up to 16
hours and consume up to
600 pounds of food.
• @enke slona prolaze kroz
najdu`i period gestacije
od svih sisara - one su u
drugom stanju 22 meseca.
• Elephant females undergo the longest gestation period of all mammals
- they are pregnant for 22
animal kingdom
• Najbli`i `ivi srodnici slonova
su damani ili pe}inari, mali,
zdepasti, biljo`dreski sisari
koje ~esto pomešaju sa glodarima.
• The closest living relatives to
elephants are hyraxes, small,
thickset, herbivorous mammals
often mistaken for rodents.
sli~no kosti i
nema specijalnih efekata ili
• Glavni razlog što
krivolovci masovno ubijaju slonove su njihove
kljove. Iako su nau~na
istra`ivanja pokazala
da se slonova~a sastoji
od dentina, tkiva koje je
• The main
reason why
are massively killed
by poachers is their
tusks. Although scientific
researches proved the
ivory consists of dentine,
a tissue that is similar to
bone and has no special
effects or qualities.
• Slonovi su giganti u kopnenom
svetu ali u pore|enju sa kitovima
su kao patuljci. Samo jezik plavog
kita mo`e da bude te`ak koliko
jedan odrasli slon.
cattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa and South
and Southeast Asia, elephants are the world´s largest
land animals. Traditionally, two species of these amazing giants are recognized, the African elephant and the Asian
elephant. Because of numerous reasons such as poaching or
habitat destruction, the world´s population of elephants has
been drastically decreasing. African elephants are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature,
while the Asian elephant is classed as endangered. To raise
awareness of these beautiful, intelligent and peaceful mammals, we made a list of some little known elephant facts.
• Novoro|eni slonovi
mogu da ustanu ubrzo
nakon ro|enja. Ra|aju
se slepi, te`ine do 260
• In
• Newborn elephants can
the terstand up shortly after the
birth. They are born blind,
weighing up to 260 pounds.
giants but compared to
whales, they’re more like
• Od davnina slonovi su se koristili kao
dwarfs. A blue whale´s tongue alone
radne `ivotinje za razli~ite zadatke.
can weigh as much as a single adult
Pošto mu`jaci mogu biti teški i opasni
za rad, ~esto su bili u lancima, a
ponekad ~ak i zlostavljani.
• Slonovi
nekoliko vrsta
Mo`da je
zvuk trube,
koji ispušta
stresa ili
agresije. Oni
mogu ~uti
jedni druge na 6 milja.
• Elephants produce several types of sounds.
Perhaps the most well known is the trumpet,
which is made during excitement, distress or
aggression. They can hear one another´s trumpeting up to 6 miles.
• Kao i ljudska deca, veliki majmuni, svrake i delfini, slonovi su prošli
test ogledala - oni se prepoznaju u
• Like human toddlers, great apes,
magpies and dolphins, elephants
have passed the mirror test - they
recognize themselves in a mirror.
• From ancient times, elephants have
been used as working animals for various tasks. Since bulls can be difficult and
dangerous to work with, they have often
been chained and sometimes even
for you 15
Uloge: Anna Kendrick and Jeremy
Re`iser: Richard
@anr: komedija/
Studio: Radius-TWC
Cast: Anna Kendrick and Jeremy
Director: Richard
Genre: Comedy /
Drama / Musical
Studio: Radius-TWC
Uloge: Tom Kenny,
Clancy Brown, Bill
Fagerbakke, Rodger
Bumpass, Carolyn
Lawrence and Antonio
Re`iser: Paul Tibbitt
@anr: animacija
Studio: Paramount
un|er Bob
ide u potragu
za ukradenim
receptom koji ga vodi
u našu dimenziju, naš
svet, gde se uplete sa
jednim piratom.
pongeBob goes
on a quest to
discover a stolen recipe that takes
him to our dimension,
our world, where he
tangles with a pirate.
18 for you
Cast: Tom Kenny,
Clancy Brown,
Bill Fagerbakke,
Rodger Bumpass,
Carolyn Lawrence
and Antonio Banderas.
Director: Paul Tibbitt
Genre: Animation
Studio: Paramount
he last 5 years” je mjuzikl koji hronološki
predstavlja ljubavnu vezu i brak koji se
odvija tokom perioda od pet godina. Jamie Wellerstein je mladi, talentovani i sve uspešniji
romanopisac koji se zaljubljuje u Cathy Hiatt,
glumicu sa problemima u karijeri. Njihova pri~a
je ispri~ana skoro u potpunosti kroz pesmu. Sve
Cathy-ine pesme po~inju krajem njihovog braka
i kre}u unazad u vreme po~etka njihove ljubavne
veze, dok Jamie-jeve pesme po~inju na po~etku
njihove veze i idu napred do kraja njihovog braka.
Sastaju se u sredini kada je Jamie zaprosi.
he Last 5 Years is a musical chronicling a
love affair and marriage taking place over
a five year period. Jamie Wellerstein is a
young, talented up and coming novelist who falls
in love with Cathy Hiatt, a struggling actress. Their
story is told almost entirely through song. All of
Cathy’s songs begin at the end of their marriage
and move backwards in time to the beginning of
their love affair, while Jamie’s songs start at the
beginning of their affair and move forward to the
end of their marriage. They meet in the center
when Jamie proposes.
Uloge: Julianne Moore,
Kristen Stewart, Kate
Bosworth, Hunter Parrish and Alec Baldwin.
Re`iser: Richard Glatzer
& Wash Westmoreland
@anr: drama
Studio: Sony Pictures
lice Howland, sre}no
udata sa troje odrasle dece,
poznati je profesor lingvistike koji po~inje da zaboravlja
re~i. Kada primi razornu
dijagnozu, veza izme|u
Alice i njene porodice
je na ispitu. Alice-ina
borba da ostane povezana sa
onom kojom je ona nekada bila
je zastrašuju}a, srceparaju}e, i
Uloge: Alan
Evan Rachel
Wood, Kristin
Maya Rudolph,
Alfred Molina
and Peter Stormare.
Re`iser: Gary
@anr: animacija/mjuzikl
Studio: Touchstone Pictures
trange Magic” je vragolasta bajka mjuzikl inspirisan komadom “San letnje
no}i”. Popularne pesme iz proteklih
šest decenija poma`u da se ispri~a
pri~a o šarenoj postavi goblina,
vilenjaka, vila i |avolaka, i njihovim
urnebesnim nezgodama izazvanih
borbom oko mo}nog napitka.
Cast: Julianne Moore,
Kristen Stewart, Kate
Bosworth, Hunter Parrish and Alec Baldwin.
Director: Richard Glatzer
& Wash Westmoreland
Genre: Drama
Studio: Sony Pictures
lice Howland, happily married with three grown children, is a renowned linguistics professor who starts to forget words. When she
receives a devastating diagnosis, Alice and her family find their
bonds tested. Alice’s struggle to stay connected to who she once was is
frightening, heartbreaking, and inspiring.
Cast: Alan
Evan Rachel
Wood, Kristin
Maya Rudolph,
Alfred Molina
and Peter Stormare.
Director: Gary
Genre: Animation / Musical
Studio: Touchstone Pictures
trange Magic is a madcap fairy
tale musical inspired by “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Popular
songs from the past six decades help
tell the tale of a colorful cast of goblins,
elves, fairies and imps, and their hilarious misadventures sparked by the battle
over a powerful potion.
for you 19
sportski ugao
FIFA Ballon d’Or 2014
„France Football“ je dvonedeljni ~asopis posve}en
fudbalskim vestima iz celog sveta, a istovremeno se
smatra jednim od najpoznatijih svetskih ~asopisa o sportu.
Me|utim, uz odre|ivanje profesionalnih standarda u vezi
sa novinarstvom i izveštavanjem o fudbalu, ovaj magazin je
dao svetu još jedan od najva`nijih pojedina~nih nagrada u
fudbalu, odnosno Ballon d’Or (ili Zlatnu loptu). Ova nagrada
je prvi put uru~ena daleke 1956. godine kada je Gabriel
Hanot, šef „France Football“ zatra`io od svojih kolega da
glasaju za igra~a za kojeg su mislili da je bio najbolji
tokom prethodne sezone. Prvi pobednik je bio Stanley
Matthews iz tima Blackpool.
Od tada su se mnoge stvari promenile a
~injenica koja se mora pomenuti je da po~ev od
2010. godine „France Football Golden Ball“ pri-
Rekordan broj golova u Ligi
Ronaldo je predvodio Real Madrid ka
desetoj Evropskoj kruni - La Decima – na
izvanredan na~in nakon probijanja rekorda
od 15 golova koji je dr`ao Lionel Messi
u sezoni lige šampiona, postigavši 17
golova u samo 11 utakmica u toku jedne
Kralj trojki (‘het-trikova’)
Nakon osvajanja La Decima,
Ronaldo nije usporio uopšte u
po~etku ove sezone s obzirom
da je ve} postigao 4 hettrikova u La Ligi. Štaviše,
njegov poslednji het-trik u
decembru protiv Celta Vigos
je bio njegov 23. het-trik u prvoj
španskoj ligi i tom prilikom je nadmašio prošlogodišnji
rekord od 22 hat- trikova koji su dr`ali Alfredo di Stefano i Telmo Zarra.
20 for you
pojena FIFA nagradi za
najboljeg igra~a i ta je
nagrada preimenovana
u „FIFA Ballon d’Or“.
Budu}i da je
fudbal timski rad, Zlatna
lopta predstavlja najviše
priznanje koje
fudbaler mo`e
da primi za
u jednom od
sportova na
svetu. Što se
ti~e zna~aja ove nagrade, ovo je iskazano kada je
ovogodišnji dobitnik i jedan od najboljih igra~a svih
vremena, Cristiano Ronaldo, završio svoj govor zahvalnosti pobedni~kim vriskom koji je odmah postao
jedan od najgledanijih videa na Internetu. Ovo je
druga godina za redom i ukupno tre}i put da je
Ronaldo (on je osvojio ovu nagradu u 2008.
godini kao igra~ Manchester United-a) s
pravom ocenjen kao najbolji fudbaler sveta.
U ~ast ovog dostignu}a predstavi}emo
vam pet ~injenica o
ovog fudbalskog fenomena
tokom 2014.
svih vremena
Ronaldo je premašio
Pauletu, postigavši 52
golova za reprezentaciju.
On je tako|e portugalski
fudbaler koji je postigao gol u
tri dr`avna prvenstva.
Nezaustavljiv na
Tokom 2014. godine je bilo nemogu}e da golmani
protivni~kog tima zaustave Ronalda u postizanju
gola. On je postigao gol u svakoj utakmici na
stadionu Santiago Bernabeu, odnosno on je
postigao 23 gola u samo 14 utakmica.
Najbr`i start u sezoni
Uprkos dosadnoj povredi kolena, zbog
koje se nije mogao pojaviti u jednoj utakmici prvenstva na po~etku sezone, Ronaldo
je prakti~no osigurao titulu najboljeg strelca u španskoj
ligi za sezonu 2014-2015. Za samo 16 utakmica Ronaldo je
postigao 26 golova i ujedno je prvi igra~ u španskoj ligi koji je
postigao više od 25 golova u šest sezona zaredom.
FIFA Ballon d’Or 2014
“France Football” is
a biweekly magazine
dedicated to football
news from all over the world and at the same time it is considered
as one of the most famous world magazines about sports. However, along the determination of professional standards regarding the journalism and reporting on football, this magazine has
given to the world another one of the most important individual
rewards in football, respectively “Ballon d’Or” (or the Golden Ball).
This award was handed out for the first time in the distant year
of 1956, since Gabriel Hanot, Chief of France Football requested
from his colleagues to vote the player they thought was the
best during the previous season. The first winner was
Stanley Matthews of Blackpool team.
Ever since, many things have changed, and a fact
must be mentioned that beginning from year 2010,
the France Football Golden Ball was merged with the
1. Goal record in the Champions League
Ronaldo led Real Madrid towards its tenth European
crown – La Decima – in an extraordinary manner after
breaking the record of 15 goals by Lionel Messi in a
Champions League season, scoring 17 goals
in only 11 presentations during one season.
2. The king of triple goals
After winning La Decima, Ronaldo
did not slow down at all in the beginning of this season, given that he
has already scored 4 hat-tricks in La
Liga. Moreover, his last hat-trick in
December against the Celta Vigos
team was his 23rd hat-trick in the
first Spanish League and on this occasion he broke the previous record
of 22 hat-tricks that was held by Alfredo
di Stefano and Telmo Zarra.
3. The best goal scorer of all time
of the Portugal National Team
Ronaldo exceeded Pauleta, scoring 52 goals
for the national team. He also is the Portuguese
footballer that is scoring in three National Championships.
4. Unstoppable in Bernabeu
During 2014, it was impossible for the goalkeepers of the rival teams to stop Ronaldo from scoring.
He has scored in every game that he has played in
sports corner
FIFA Best Player of the World award and this prize
was renamed as “FIFA Ballon d’Or”. Being that
football is a team work, the Golden Globe represents the highest recognition that a football player
can receive for individual
accomplishments in one of
the most popular sports of the
world. As far as the importance of this award is concerned, this was demonstrated when this year’s winner
and one of the best players
of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo,
ended his gratitude speech
with a victory scream which
immediately became one of
the most watched videos on
the Internet. This is the second year in a row and in total
the third time that Ronaldo
(he has won this prize in 2008 as the Manchester United player)
was justly evaluated as the best footballer of the world. In honor
of this achievement following we will bring you five facts on the
achievements of this football phenomenon during 2014.
Santiago Bernabeu, respectively he has
scored 23 times in only 14 matches.
5.The fastest start in a
Despite an annoying knee injury, due to which he could not appear in one Championship game at
the beginning of the season, Ronaldo
has practically ensured the title of
the best goal scorer of the Spanish
league for the 2014-2015 season. In
only 16 matches Ronaldo has marked
26 goals and at the same time is the
first player in the Spanish League
that has scored over 25 goals in six
seasons in a row.
for you 21
Hi - Tech
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Ovaj pametni telefon sa fokusom
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na izlo`bi
CES 2015.
Dizajniran u
partnerstvu sa
Bullit Group,
novi Kodak
vrhunsko i
koji je jednostavan
za koriš}
enje, ~ak i
ako niste
dobri sa
tehnologijom. Ovaj
}e tako|e biti
opremljen softverom koji
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zajedno sa svojim posebnim
interfejsom. Ipak, detalji nisu
22 for you
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microSD reader. Apart from this,
the 14-inch model is equipped
also with the HD display and
1920x1080 MP resolution. HP
promises that this Chromebook has an 8hr battery
life, although this changes
according to the use.
otkriveni o tome koji tip kamere
}e biti ugra|en u ovaj model.
odak has just announced their plans for a
new Android Smartphone that is expected to be
launched at the
beginning of
the next month.
This smartphone
with a focus on
officially will be
introduced at the
CES 2015 exhibition. Designed
in a partnership
with Bullit Group
manufacturer, the
new smartphone by
Kodak promises a
high-end and latest
high-tech experience that is easy
to use even if you
are not so good with
technology. This
smartphone will also
be equipped with the
software that receives,
stores and prints
photos, together with
its special interface.
Nonetheless, no details were
revealed on what type of camera would be installed inside.
icromax je pokrenuo svoj prvi smartfon sa
CyanogenMod interfejsom pod
nazivom Micromax Yureka.
Ovaj pametni telefon je pokrenut u
Indiji i bi}e prodavan u maloprodaji za oko 142 dolara. Micromax
Yureka dolazi sa 5,5 –in~nim HD
ekranom sa 1280x720 rezoulucijom. On je opremljen 64 - bitnom
8 - Core Qualcomm procesorom
Snpadragon 615 sa taktom
od 1.5GHz, a tako|e dolazi
sa 2GB RAM i 16GB interne
memorije. Ostale karakteristike
Micromax Yureke uklju~uju microSD slot za dodatnu memoriju, kao i prednju i zadnju
kameru. Prednja kamera je 5
megapiksela, a zadnja je 13
megapiksela sa LED blicem.
Ovaj pametni telefon sadr`i
i 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
Dual SIM (dve kartice) i bateriju ja~ine 2500 mAh.
icromax has launched their first interface CyanogenMod smartphone and it’s
called Micromax Yureka. This smartphone was launched in India and will be sold on
retail for about 142$. Micromax Yureka comes
with a 5.5-inch HD display with 1280x720 MP. It
is equipped
(Izvor: www.ameble.com)
Hi - Tech
ineska kompanija “Huawei” je pokrenula novi Huawei
Honor 6 Plus smartfon, mašinu sa hardverskim specifikacijama na zaista visokom nivou. Huawei Honor 6
plus podr`ava 8 - Core procesor sa 1.8GHz brzine Kirin 925,
3GB RAM memorije i 32GB interne
memorije koja se
mo`e pove}ati
za 128GB preko
microSD kartice.
Huawei Honor 6
plus dolazi sa 5,5
– in~nim ekranom
sa 1920x1080
rezolucijom od 1080
megapiksela i ima
integrisanu kameru
od 8 MP i zadnju od
13MP, uklju~uju}i
i bateriju ja~ine
3.600 mah i tako|e podr`ava Wi-Fi, Bluetooth i NFC. Huawei
Honor 6 plus dolazi u dve verzije, sa jednom SIM karticom
koja ustvari podr`ava 4G
LTE mre`u i dual SIM
with a 64-bit 8-Core Qualverziju koja podr`ava
comm Snpadragon 615
3G mre`u. Cena Huawei
processor in 1.5GHz, and it
Honor 6 Plus smartfona
also comes with a 2GB RAM
bi}e oko 320 $.
and 16GB internal memory.
Other characteristics of
hinese Company “Huawei”, has launched the new
Huawei Honor 6 Plus smartphone, a really high level
hardware specifications equipment. Huawei Honor 6
Plus is supported by 8-Core
processor with
a 1.8GHz Kirin
925 speed, 3GB
RAM memory
and 32GB
internal storage, which can
be increased
for 128GB via a
microSD card.
Huawei Honor
6 Plus comes
with a 5.5-inch
screen with a
1920x1080 MPs resolution and it has an 8 MP integrated
and a 13 MP rear one, including a 3.600 mAh battery and
it is also supports WiFi, Bluetooth and NFC. Huawei Honor
6 Plus comes in two versions, with a SIM card that in fact
supports the 4G LTE network and the two-card SIM version
that supports 3G network. The price of Huawei Honor 6 Plus
smartphone will be about 320$.
Micromax Yureka include the
microSD slot for additional
memory, as well as the front
and rear camera. The front
camera is a 5 MP one, while
the rear one is a 13 MP with
a LED flash. This smartphone
contains also the 4G LTE,
WiFi, Bluetooth, dual SIM and
a 2500 mAh battery.
cer je izvestio o prvom
pokretanju svojih 64-bitnih pametnih telefona
uz svoj Jade S Acer Liquid
model. Oprema je podr`ana
64-bitnim Mediatek MT6752M
8 - Core procesorom brzine
1.5GHz i sa 2GB RAM memorije. Ostale karakteristike Acer
Liquid Jade S opreme uklju~uju
5 – in~ni HD ekran rezoulucije 1280x720 piksela, 16 GB
interne memorije za ~uvanje
podataka i instaliranje aplikacija, kao i prednjom kamerom od
5 MP i zadnjom od 13 MP, baterijom
ja~ine 2.300 mAh, a tako|e podr`ava i
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth i 4G LTE. Acer Liquid
Jade S Model se o~ekuje sa Android
4.4 KitKat platformom.
martphoneAcer has informed
about the first launch of its
64-Bit smartphones, with the
Jade S Acer Liquid model. The equip-
ment is supported by a 64 Bit Mediatek MT6752M 8-Core processor with
a 1.5GHz speed and by a 2GB RAM
memory. Other features of the Acer
Liquid Jade S equipment include a full
5-inch HD with a 1280x720 pixel resolution, 16GB internal storage for storing notes and installing apps, as well
as a 5 MP front camera and a 13 MP
rear one, a 2,300 mAh battery, as well
as supports the WiFi, Bluetooth and
4G LTE. The Acer Liquid Jade S Model
is expected to come with Android 4.4
Kitkat platform.
(Source: www.ameble.com)
for you 23
Ibarski most tokom sajma
susreta bude {to vi{e, jer na
ovakav na~in se upoznajemo,
razmenjujemo ideje, modele,
primere, i sl. Svi delimo istu
sudbinu, i zato se trebamo
dr`ati zajedno zarad bolje
budu}nosti na{e dece“,
kazala je predstavnica NVO
„Mundesia“, Hysnije Thaqi iz
Tim lider Udru`enja `ena
„Inspiracija“ u severnoj
Mitrovici, Ljiljana Dra`evi},
prema njenim re~ima, bez
razmi{ljanja je prihvatila
poziv. „Bila je to dobra prilika
Moto nedavno odr`anog
sajma ru~nih radova na
glavnom mostu u Mitrovici
bio je „Volimo jedni druge“.
Sajam na mostu koji
povezuje ju`ni i severni deo
pokazao je svetu saradnju
izme|u gra|ana razli~itih
nacija sa celog Kosova.
Mostovi spajaju ljude
Zahvaljuju}i glavnom
organizatoru Klubu `ena
Bo{njaka „Emina“, uz
podr{ku Op{tine Mitrovica
na jugu i Administrativne
kancelarije severne Mitrovice,
na trodnevnom sajmu,
35 razli~itih proizvo|a~a
izlagalo je svoje ru~no
ra|ene proizvode. Mo`da
nisu mnogo zaradili
prodajom svojih proizvoda,
ali je najva`nije da su se
upoznali i dru`ili. „Sajmu
je prisustvovalo mnogo
zvani~nika, imali smo podr{ku
svih, uklju~uju}i i KFOR,
kao i Kosovsku policiju koja
je garantovala bezbednost
svim ovim ljudima koji su
izlagali na mostu. Mostovi su
tu da ve`u ljude, a mi smo
ovim sajmom na glavnom
ibarskom mostu u Mitrovici
to i dokazali“, izjavila je za
na{ magazin tim lider Kluba
Bo{njaka, Fata Zatriqi.
Mo} `ena
Fata, Ljiljana, Sabrija, Esra
i mnoge druge, rame uz
rame, prodavale su vunene
~arape, }ilime, nacionalnu
24 for you
gospo|a Magbule Ibrahimi sa svojom unukom Esrom
no{nju, nakit, itd. @ene su jo{
jednom prilikom, pokazale
da su “super`ene“, “lavice“,
dobre majke, radnice,
prijateljice i kom{inice. Zar
se ne ka`e u na{em narodu
“kom{ija je va`niji od brata“,
jer dobar sused zna~i zid na
koji se uvek mo`ete ~vrsto
osloniti. A, gospo|a Fata se
ovoga puta oslonila na svoje
prijateljice koje su sa celog
Kosova do{le na most kako bi
je podr`ale. One su se tako|e
oslonile i na njenu datu re~
- „zahvaljuju}i Kosovskoj
policiji i KFOR-u sve }e biti
sigurno i bezbedno“.
„^im nam je gospo|a Fata
ispri~ala svoju ideju, mi,
NVO „Mundesia“, smo je
odmah podr`ali, i dali joj
“vetar u le|a“ da ovako
ne{to organizuje. Mi redovno
sara|ujemo sa ljudima na
severu, tako da nam ovo nije
prvi put. Volela bih da ovakvih
da `ene poka`u {ta znaju i
koliko vrede. Organizacija
je bila odli~na, ali je zbog
lo{eg vremena pose}enost
bila slabija, ipak, sajam je
bio uspe{an. Cilj na{eg
Udru`enja je da spojimo
tradicionalne i moderne
motive na na{im ru~nim
radovima, koji su jako
kvalitetni. Na`alost, ljudi kod
nas vi{e cene jeftinu robu,
te se ne mo`e `iveti samo
od ovog posla“, dodala je
gospo|a Dra`evi}.
mnogo volim ru~ne radove,
jer smatram da oni nikad
nisu demode. U~im od svoje
bake kako da pletem {alove,
pravim lan~i}e, i sl. jer mnogo
volim ovo {to ona radi“.
Na sajmu su se na{le i
`ene iz turske organizacije
„Dostluk Kadinlar“, koja
se tako|e bavi ru~nim
radovima. A predstavnica
iste, gospo|a Sabrija Terzi},
nam je pomenula da njihova
organizacija okuplja `ene iz
svih zajednica u Mitrovici.
„Ovo je prvi put da se na
ovom mostu ovako ne{to
organizuje, i mi smo jako
zadovoljne, jer smo se
upoznale sa `enama sa celog
Kosova. Mo`emo re}i da je
ovaj sajam samo jedan mali
korak ka boljoj budu}nosti
svih nas Mitrov~ana, i {ire“.
O mostovima su mnogi
govorili i pisali, oni su
simbol kretanja, spajanja
razli~itih ljudi i trajanja. Zato,
neka i na{ most u Mitrovici
postane simbol spajanja svih
„Od svega što ~ovek u
`ivotnom nagonu podi`e
i gradi, ništa nije u mojim
o~ima bolje i vrednije
od mostova. Oni su
va`niji od ku}a, svetiji od
hramova. Sva~iji i prema
svakom jednaki, korisni,
podignuti uvek smisleno,
na mestu na kom se
ukrštava najve}i broj
ljudskih potreba, istrajniji
su od drugih gra|evina
i ne slu`e ni~em što je
tajno ili zlo“.
(Nobelovac, Ivo Andri})
Ru~ni radovi bolji od
^ak je i petnaestogodi{nja
Esra Ibrahimi iz Gnjilana,
do{la da podr`i svoju
75-godi{nju baku Magbulu,
koja je izlagala nacionalnu
no{nju na ovom sajmu. „Za
razliku od mojih vr{njaka,
koji vi{e cene Facebook, ja
gospo|a Fata Zatriqi
because in this way we meet,
exchange ideas, models,
examples, etc. We all share the
same fate, and so we need to
stick together for a better future
of our children,” Ms. Hysnije
Thaqi, representative of NGO”
Mundesia” from Mitrovica, said.
According to Ms. Ljiljana
Drazevic, team leader of
the Women Association
“Inspiration” in Mitrovica
north, she accepted without
hesitation the invitation. “It was
a good opportunity for women
to show their knowledge and
“Let’s love each other”
was the motto of the recent
handwork fair on the main
bridge in Mitrovica. The fair
on the bridge that connects
the southern and northern
part, showed the world the
cooperation between citizens
of different nations, and from
all over Kosovo.
Bridges bind people
Thanks to the main organizer
the Club of Bosniak Women
“Emina”, with the support of
the Municipality of Mitrovica
in the south and the Mitrovica
North Administration Office,
35 different manufacturers
exhibited their handmade
products during a three-day
fair. They may have not earned
much by selling their products,
but the most important thing
is that they met and mingled.
“The fair was attended by many
officials; we had the support
of all, including KFOR and the
Kosovo Police, as the latter
guaranteed the safety of all the
people who were exhibiting
products at the bridge. Bridges
bind people, and with this fair
on the main Ibar Bridge in
Mitrovica we have proven that,”
Ms. Fata Zatriqi, team leader of
the Bosniak Club, said for our
The power of women
Fata, Ljiljana, Sabrija, Esra
and many others, side by
side, were selling wool socks,
carpets, national costumes,
jewellery, etc. Women one
more time showed that they
are “superwomen”, “lionesses”,
good mothers, workers, friends
and neighbours. Isn’t there
a popular saying that: “your
neighbour is more important
than your brother” because a
good neighbour is a wall that
you can always lean on firmly.
Ms. Fata relied this time on her
friends who came from across
the country to the bridge to
support her. They also relied
on her given word - “thanks to
the Kosovo Police and KFOR
everything will be safe and
“As soon as Mrs. Fata
presented her idea to us, we at
the NGO ‘Mundesia’ supported
her and gave her a ‘tailwind’
to organize something like
this. We regularly collaborate
with people in the north, so
this is not the first time. I wish
there are more such meetings,
their worth. The organization
was excellent, but due to bad
weather, attendance was
a bit low, however, the fair
was a success. The goal of
our organization is to bring
together traditional and modern
motifs in our handcrafts,
which are of very good quality.
Unfortunately, people here
appreciate better cheaper
goods, so we cannot provide
for ourselves from this activity,”
Ms. Drazevic added.
unfashionable. I’m learning
from my grandmother how to
knit scarves, make chains,
and similar, because I like very
much what she’s doing.”
Women from the Turkish
organization “Dostluk Kadinlar”,
which is also engaged in
handicrafts, participated
in this fair as well. And its
representative Mrs. Sabrija
Terzic mentioned that their
organization brings together
women from all communities
in Mitrovica. “This is the first
time that something like this is
organized on this bridge, and
we are very happy because
we met with women from
across Kosovo. I can say that
this fair is only a small step
towards a better future for all
of us, citizens of Mitrovica and
Many have spoken and
written about bridges. They
are a symbol of movement,
joining of different people and
perseverance. So, let our
bridge in Mitrovica become
the symbol of all communities
coming together.
“Of all the things life drives
a man to raise and build, in
my eyes nothing is better
and more valuable than
bridges. They are more
important than houses, more
sacred than temples. They
belong to all and treat all
alike, useful, always raised
deliberately at the point
where the largest number of
human needs intersect, they
are more durable than other
buildings and serve nothing
secret or evil.”
(Ivo Andric, Nobel
Handcrafts better than
Even fifteen-year-old Esra
Ibrahimi from Gjilan/Gnjilane,
came to support her 75-yearold grandmother Magbula, who
displayed a national costume at
this fair. “Unlike my peers, who
appreciate Facebook more, I
like handwork a lot because
I believe that they are never
Mrs. Hysnije Thaqi
during the interview
for you 25
Za Dan
zaljubljenih mojoj
bih licidersko srce i ~okoladu „Najlep{e
`elje“ i to sa posebnom posvetom „Samo ti“. A od moje simpatije hteo bih da dobijem poljubac
u obraz. Meni bi to bio najbolji
poklon od nje, i jedini koji `elim.
Nemanja Djordjevic (12)
For Valentine’s Day I would
present my sympathy gingerbread heart and a piece
of chocolate “Best wishes”
and with a special dedication “Only you”. And from my
sympathy I would like to get a
kiss on the cheek. It would be
the best gift from her, and the
only one that I want.
bih da
Dan zaljubljenih
poklonim neki sat sa posvetom naravno. Posveta
bi glasila „Za uspomenu
i dugo se}anje“. A za uzvrat se nadam da }u dobiti
„1001 ru`u“. To je bar ono
{to o~ekujem da dobijem od
Ivana Savic (12)
I’d like to give my sympathy
for Valentine’s Day a watch,
with inscription of course.
Inscription would read “For
memory and remembrance “.
And in return I hope to get
1000 roses”. At least that’s
what I expect to get from it.
Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice
koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.
26 for you
Risti} (13)
Ja bih mojoj
simpatiji poklonio
Tako|e, 14.
februara bih
joj poklonio
veliko srce sa njenim i mojim
imenom. Ili, mo`da }u je pitati {ta
bi ona najvi{e volela da dobije
na poklon. A od nje bih voleo
da dobijem simboli~an poklom,
a to je CD moje omiljene grupe
Jovan Ristic (13)
I would give my sympathy perfume as a gift. Thus, on 14th of
February I would gave her a big
heart with her and my name on it.
Or, perhaps I could ask her what
she would most like to receive as
a gift. And from her I would like to
get a symbolic gift, and that is CD
of my favorite band “Milligram”.
Licidersko srce
obi~no je
jedni drugima, jer toliko
mo`emo da priu{timo. A
~okolada „Najlep{e `elje“ je
jednostavno neizostavan deo
toga. Ono {to bih ja voleo da
dobijem na poklon od nje je {al
od Partizana, mog omiljenog
fudbalskog kluba.
Dejan Jevtic (11)
Gingerbread heart is usually a gift that we give to each
other, because we can afford
so much. A chocolate “Best
wishes” is simply an integral
part of it. What I’d like to get as
gift from her scarf of Partizan,
my favorite football club.
Stevi} (12)
Dan zaljubljenih je
dan za
nas mlade,
za one koji
imaju simpatiju. I nije va`no kakav
}e{ poklon dobiti koliko je va`no
da na taj dan bude{ upravo sa tom
osobom. Dovoljno je da mu poklonim licidersko srce na kojem }e
pisati „Srce moje jedino“. A ja bih
volela da dobijem buket cve}a.
Peri} (12)
Ono {to mi
volimo da
na poklon je
buket predivnog cve}a sa posvetom. A de~aci,
tj. moja simpatija najvi{e voli da mu
poklonim licidersko srce na kojem
pi{e „Volim te najvi{e“ ili „Mojoj
simpatiji“. To je simboli~an i jako lep
poklon koji se mo~e ~uvati ili nositi
svuda sa sobom.
Kristina Stevic (12)
Valentine’s Day is a special day for us
youngsters, especially for those who
have sympathy. And it is not important what kind of gift we get but how
important it is that on this day we be
exactly with that person. It is enough
for me to give him gingerbread with
inscription “My only heart.” And I’d like
get a bunch of flowers in return.
Jovana Peric (12)
What we girls usually like to receive
as a gift is a bouquet of beautiful
flowers with note. And boys, i.e. my
sympathy prefer to receive from me
gingerbread heart with note “I love
you most” or “to my sympathy”. It is
symbolic and a very nice gift which
you can often keep or carry with
you everywhere.
Cut these six pieces and try to put them together
and you will get a message from KFOR.
for you 27
Kroz istoriju je bilo bezbroj pri~a o mitskim stvorenjima, legendarnim ~udovištima i natprirodnim bi
}ima. Uprkos nejasnom poreklu, ova mitska stvorenja imaju mesto u folkloru i u mnogim slu~ajevima su deo pop
kulture. Neverovatno, postoje ljudi širom planete koji još uvek sna`no veruju da ova stvorenja postoje uprkos
nedostatku dokaza koji to dokazuju. Dakle, naša lista danas govori o 25 legendarnih i epskih mitskih stvorenja
koja nikada nisu postojala, ali još uvek mnogi ljudi veruju druga~ije.
17 Talos
Gr~ka mitologija je dala svetu neke od najve}ih
epskih junaka, Bogova i stvorenja, a Talos je bez
sumnje jedan takav slu~aj. Ogroman bronzani
gigant navodno je `iveo na Kritu gde je nadgledao
i štitio `enu po imenu Evropa od pirata i osvaja~a.
Iz tog razloga Talos je patrolirao obalama ostrva tri
puta svaki dan dok u nekim drugim pri~ama Talos
ima formu bronzanog bika. Stari Grci su tako|e
verovali da je Talos imao bronzano telo zato što je
bio jedini `ivi pre`iveli iz bronzanog doba, i bio je
blagosloven ili proklet da “nosi” svoje nasle|e na
na~in na koji nije mogao pro}i nezapa`eno.
17 Talos
Greek mythology has given to the world some of
the most epic heroes, gods, and creatures, and
Talos is no doubt one such case. The huge bronze
giant supposedly lived in Crete where he supervised and
protected a woman named Europa from pirates and invaders. For that reason Talos patrolled the island’s shores
three times every day while in some other stories Talos
16 Menehune
Prema urbanoj legendi, Menehune su bili drevna rasa patuljaka
koji su `iveli u šumama Havaja
pre nego što su se tu naselili
Polinezijci. Mnogi nau~nici pripisuju postojanje drevnih statua
na Havajskim ostrvima Menehunama. Drugi smatraju da se
legenda o Menehunama pojavila
sa dolaskom Evropljana u to
podru~je i da nije bilo takve rase
u stvarnosti, ve} je to stvorila
ljudska mašta. Mit se`e do korena Polinezijske istorije. Kada
su stigli na Havaje, Polinezijci
na|oše brane, puteve, pa ~ak i
crkve za koje su neki tvrdili da
su ih gradile Menehune, koji
su, izme|u ostalog, bili poznati kao
16 Menehune
According to the urban legend, the
Menehune were an ancient race of
dwarves who lived in the forests of
Hawaii before the Polynesians settled
there. Many scholars attribute the existence of ancient statues on the Hawaiian Islands to the Menehune. Others
28 for you
takes the form of a bronze bull. The ancient Greeks also
believed that Talos had a bronze body simply because
he was the only living survivor from the Bronze Age and
was blessed or cursed to “carry” his heredity in a way that
couldn’t go unnoticed.
argue that the legend of the Menehune
emerged with the arrival of Europeans
in the area and that there was no such
race in reality, but rather a creation of
the human imagination. The myth goes
back to the roots of Polynesian history.
When the first Polynesians arrived in
Hawaii they found dams, roads, and
even churches which some claimed
to were built by the Menehune, who,
among other things, were apparently
famous craftsmen.
15 Gripas
Gripas je legendarno stvorenje
sa glavom i krilima orla i telom
i repom lava. Kako su lav i orao
kraljevi `ivotinjskog carstva,
gripas, kao kombinacija oba,
bio je simbol mo}i i dominacije.
Gripas se mo`e na}i u mnogim
opisima minojskog Krita tokom
bronzanog doba, ali i kasnije
u umetnosti i mitologiji anti~ke
Gr~ke uopšte. Me|utim, neki
veruju da je stvorenje postojalo
mnogo pre njenog pojavljivanja
u anti~koj Gr~koj, pošto su
sli~ni oblici hibridnih `ivotinja
prona|eni u drevnom Egiptu i
Persiji, gde gripas simbolizuje
borbu protiv zla i vešti~arenja.
15 Grypas
The grypas was a legendary
creature with the head and
wings of an eagle and the body
and tail of a lion. As the lion
and the eagle are the kings
of the animal kingdom, the
grypas, as a combination of
both, was symbolic of power
and domination. The grypas
Throughout history there have been countless stories about mythical creatures, legendary monsters, and
supernatural beings. Despite their unclear origin, these mythical creatures have a place in folklore and in many cases
are part of pop culture. Amazingly, there are people across the globe who still strongly believe these creatures exist in
spite of the lack of proof that they do. So, our list is about 25 legendary and epic mythic creatures that never existed
yet many people believe otherwise.
14 Taraska
Bajka o Tarasku se javlja u pri~i Svete Marte, koja je
uklju~ena u hagiografiji @aka de Voranja (biografijama hriš}anskih svetaca), u kolekciji Zlatne Legende. Taraska je bio
zmaj sa veoma komplikovanim izgledom i lošim namerama.
Prema legendi, on je imao lavlju glavu, šest kratkih nogu
kao medved, telo nalik volu prekriveno ljušturom kornja~e
i krljušti, rep koji se završvao bodljom škorpiona, a terorisao je podru~je Nerluc u Francuskoj. Sve se ovo, me|utim,
završilo kada je mlada odana hriš}anka po imenu Marta
stigla u grad da širi jevan|elje Isusa i otkrila šta su ljudi
pre`ivljavali godinama zbog surovog zmaja. Kada ga je našla
u šumi, ona je ga je navodno poprskala svetom vodom i time
ukrotila njegovu divlju prirodu. Potom ga je uzela natrag u
grad Nerluc, gde su ga ljuti meštani kamenovali do smrti pre
nego im je Marta stigla objasniti da je zmaj sada bezopasan.
14 Tarasque
The tale of Tarasque is reported in the story of St. Martha,
which is included in Jacobus de Voragine’s hagiographic (biographies of Christian saints) collection The Golden Legend.
Tarasque was a dragon with a very complicated appearance
and bad intentions. According to legend, he had a lion’s
head, six short legs like a bear’s, an ox-like body covered
with a turtle’s shell,
and a scaly tail that
can be found in many depictions of Minoan Crete during the
Bronze Age, but also later in
the art and mythology of ancient
Greece in general. However,
some believe that the creature
existed way before its figuring
in ancient Greece, since similar
forms of the hybrid animal have
been found in ancient Egypt and
Persia, where grypas symbolized the struggle against evil
and witchcraft.
ended in a scorpion’s stinger, and terrorized the area of Nerluc, France. All this, however, ended when a young devoted
Christian named Martha arrived in the town to spread the
gospel of Jesus and discovered what the people were going
through for years because of the ferocious dragon. When
she found him in the forest, she supposedly sprinkled holy
water on him and tamed his wild nature. She then took him
back to the town of Nerluc, where the angry locals stoned
Tarasque to death before Martha could explain to them that
the dragon was now harmless.
13 Pikiu
Pikiu je još jedno legendarno hibridno stvorenje koje
dolazi iz Kine. Iako nijedan
deo njegovog tela nije li~io
na ljudski organ, mitološko
stvorenje je ~esto opisivano kao da ima telo
kineskog lava sa krilima,
noge drugog legendarnog
stvorenja kineske mitologije Kilina, i glavu kineskog
zmaja. Smatra se da je
bio ~uvar i zaštitnik onih
koji praktikuju feng shui,
dok Tian Lu, verzija Pikiua sa dva roga
na glavi, je smatran od davnina za sveto
stvorenje koje privla~i i štiti bogatstvo.
body with wings, the legs of another
legendary creature of Chinese myth,
the qilin, and a head of a Chinese
dragon. It is widely considered to be
the guardian and protector of those
who practice feng shui, while Tian Lu,
the version of the Pixiu with two horns
on its head, has been considered from
antiquity a sacred creature that attracts
and protects wealth.
13 Pixiu
The Pixiu is another legendary hybrid
creature that comes from China. Even
though no part of his body resembled a
human organ, the mythological creature
was often described as
having a Chinese lion’s
nastavak u slede}em broju ... (to be continued ...)
for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca
Elitni odredi su bend koji mi se
najvi{e dopada, jednostavno se
pesme su im hit. Sam u ku}i
je jedan od filmova koji svi mi
tinejd`eri volimo. Tyler Posey
je ameri~ki mla|i glumac koji
mi se trenutno najvi{e svi|a.
Zamolila bih Vas za poster
Elitnih odreda. Slobodno vreme
provodim ~itaju}i knjige.
Dijana Nisi}
O[ „Trajko Peri}“
Veliko Ropotovo
Milica Todorovi} mi je jedna
od najomiljenijih peva~ica,
volela bih da mi ispunite
`elju tako {to }ete objaviti njen poster. Sam u
ku}i je film koji mi se
jo{ uvek svi|a. Brankica
Sebastijanovi} je jedna nova
i mlada glumica koja itekako
zaslu`uje na{u pa`nju.
Slobodno vreme provodim
~itaju}i knjige i razne
Anastasija Arsi}
O[ „Trajko Peri}“
Veliko Ropotovo
Svetlana Ceca Ra`natovi} je jedna
od najboljih srpskih peva~ica svih
vremena. Ona je posebna i kao
li~nost i kao peva~ica. Avatar je
film koji mi se najvi{e dopada. Od
glumica posebno isti~em Brankicu
Sebastijanovi}. Volela bih poster
Milo{a Bikovi}a. U slobodno vreme
najvi{e u~im.
Valentina Simi}
O[ „Trajko Peri}“
Veliko Ropotovo
Draga redakcijo,
Svi|a mi se ovaj ~asopis zbog
toga {to se u njemu nalaze mnoge
zanimljive stvari. Napisa}u Vam
koje su to meni omiljene poznate
li~nosti, ne bi li ste li nekad pisali
i o njima. Seka Aleksi} mi je
najomiljenija peva~ica, volim
njen stajling, glas i pesme. Od
filmova mi se dopada, onaj koji
smo svi gledali bar 10 puta, a to je
Mi nismo an|eli.
Jovana Grbi}
O[ „Knez Lazar“
Donja Gu{terica
Fantastic bend je jedan od
bendova koji mi se najvi{e
svi|a. Kada su filmovi u pitanju,
pomenula bih jedino film
Paranormalne aktivnosti. Od
glumaca mi se dopada Milan
Vasi}. Volela bih da objavite
poster {panskog glumca Mario-ija
Casas-a.moram da ka`em da mi
se ~asopis jako svi|a, jer sadr`i
puno zanimljivih stvari.
Nata{a Miri}
O[ „Knez Lazar“
Donja Gu{terica
Ovaj magazin mi se mnogo
zato {to je zaista zanimljiv
za nas mlade. Odbojka mi je
najomiljeniji sport. U slobodno
vreme najvi{e volim da u~im.
Film koji mi se najvi{e svi|a
je U zmajevom gnezdu. Maite
Perroni je glumica koju najvi{e
volim da gledam na malim
ekranima. Katy Perry bih
volela da vidim na posteru u
narednom broju.
Marija Filipovi}
O[ „Knez Lazar“
Donja Gu{terica
for you 31
Readers’ letters
Elitni odredi is the bend I like
the most, all of their songs
are simply hits. Home alone
is one of the movies all of us
teenagers love. Tyler Posey
is a younger American actor
whom I like the most at the
moment. I would ask you to
publish a poster of Elitni odredi.
I spend my free time reading
Dijana Nisic
Primary School “Trajko Peric“
Veliko Ropotovo
Milica Todorovic is one of
my favorite singers, I would
like you to fulfill my wish
and publish a poster of her.
Home Alone is a movie I still
like. Brankica Sebastijanovic
is a new and young actress
who definitely deserves our
attention. I spend my free
time reading books and
various magazines.
Anastasija Arsic
Primary School “Trajko Peric“
Veliko Ropotovo
Svetlana Ceca Raznatovic is
one of the best Serbian singers
of all time. She is special
both as a person and as a
singer. Avatar is a movie I like
the most. As for actresses,
I would single out Brankica
Sebastijanovic. I would like to
get a poster of Milos Bikovic.
I spend most of my free time
Valentina Simic
Primary School “Trajko Peric“
Veliko Ropotovo
Dear editors,
I like this magazine because
it contains a lot of interesting
things. I will let you know who
my favorite celebrities are so
you can write about them in the
future. Seka Aleksic is
my favorite singer, I like
her style, her voice and
her songs. As for movies, I
like the one we all watched at
least 10 times, that is We are
not Angels.
Jovana Grbic
Primary School “Knez Lazar“
Donja Gusterica
Fantastic band is one of the
bands that I like the most.
When it comes to movies, I
would only mention the film
Paranormal Activities. As for
actors, I like Milan Vasic. I’d
like you to publish a poster of
Spanish actor Mario Casas.
I have to admit that I really
like the magazine because it
contains a lot of interesting
Natasa Miric
Primary School “Knez Lazar“
Donja Gusterica
I like this magazine a lot
because it is really interesting
for us young people. Volleyball
is my favorite sport. In my
free time I prefer to study. The
movie I like the most is Enter
the Dragon. Maite Perroni is an
actress I like to watch on TV
the most. I’d like to see Katy
Perry on a poster in your next
Marija Filipovic
Primary School “Knez Lazar“
Donja Gusterica