Sept. 2011 - Magazine For You
Sept. 2011 - Magazine For You
Dragi ~itaoci, Nakon pause, tokom toplih letnjih dana, ponovo se susre}emo, da bi zapo~eli još jednu godinu dru`enja na stranicama vašeg omiljenog ~asopisa. Uz nadu da ste proveli veoma ugodan letnji raspust, naša redakcija vam srda~no `eli puno uspeha i zdravlja tokom predstoje}e školske godine. Obe}avamo, da }emo nastaviti predano da radimo kako bi vaš omiljen “For You” ~asopis to i dalje bio; ~asopis koji }e vas uvek informisati, zabavljati, ~ak i podu~avati. Da skratimo pri~u, dozvolite mi da vam ukratko ka`em o ~emu mo`ete ~itati u ovom izdanju ~asopisa “For You”. Naravno, ni najsve`iji noviteti ne}e izostati iz naših stalnih rubrika, posve}enih filmovima, muzici, `ivotu slavnih, kao i nau~nim i tehni~kim dostignu}ima ~ove~anstva. U našoj sportskoj rubrici imate priliku da pro~itate najnovije vesti o svetskim uspesima Novaka \okovi}a, na i izvan teniskog terena. U rubrici “Kako funkcio niše vaša opština”, odgovore na pitanja smo dobili od gradona~elnika Opštine Mitro vica, Avnija Kast ratija. Me|utim, ovo su samo neke od tema o kojima smo pisali u ovom broju, i na vama je da prelistate stranice i pro~itate ~asopis. Svakako, nemojte zaboraviti da nam pišete i prenesete vaše utiske i kritike, jer su upravo vaša pisma ta koja direktno uti~u na izbor tekstova za slede}i broj, i koja nam poma`u da vam budemo bli`i vama. Na kraju samo mogu da ka`em, vidimo se u slede}em broju, do tada ostanite mi dobro dragi moji! Leonora "For You" je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout : Bekim Shabani Uredništvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Film City “For You” magazin, Strasbourg building 10000 Pri{tina 14 30 16 18 6 2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: U~enik meseca: Aleksandra Risti} iz Babinog Mosta 6-7: JRD zapad, spreman da vas slu{a 8-9: For you fashion: Trake za kosu - svaka `ena treba da ih imaë 10-11: Music Box: Ivana Jordan 12-13: Borba protiv droge - prioritet Kosovske policije 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Ra`a Manta 16-17: Poster: Novak \okovi} 24 18-19: Moviemania: The smurfs; Crazy, stupid, love; Friends with benefits 20-21: Sportski ugao: Novak \okovi} - prvi reket sveta 22-23: Hi-Tech: Slede}i talas zelenih automobila 24-25: Kako funkcioni{e va{a op{tina 26-27: Upitnik: Pet omiljenih muzi~ara? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca Dear readers, 22 10 28 4 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: Student of the month: Aleksandra Ristic from Babin Most 6-7: JRD West - ready to listen to you 8-9: For you fashion: Hair headbands - Every woman should have them 10-11: Music Box: Ivana Jordan 12-13: Fight against drugs - a priority of Kosovo police 14-15: Animal kingdom: Manta Rey 16-17: Poster: Novak Dokovic 18-19: Moviemania: The smurfs; Crazy, stupid, love; Friends with benefits 20-21: Sports corner: Novak Dokovic - first racquet of the world! 22-23: Hi-Tech: The next wave of green cars 24-25: How does your municipality function?! 26-27: Questionnaire: Who are the 5 best local and international singers? 228-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters After the break during these warm summer days, we are meeting again to begin another year of friendship through the pages of your favorite magazine. With the hope that you have had a very pleasant summer holiday, our staff cordially wishes you much success and health during the following school year. From our part we promise to continue working with our utmost commitment, so that “For You” magazine remains your favorite magazine, which will always inform, entertain, and why not, even teach you. Thus, without any further delay, let me tell you shortly about what you can read in this new edition of the For You magazine. Surely, the latest novelties will not be missing from our permanent columns dedicated to movies and music, life of the famous people, or the scientific and technological achievements of mankind. While in the sports column, you will have the opportunity to read the latest news on the worldwide successes of Novak Djokovic in and outside of the tennis courts. In our already regular column “How does your municipality operate and is governed?” the answers were provided this time from the Mayor of Mitrovica Municipality Mr. Avni Kastrati. Nonetheless, these are only some of the topics about which we have written in this edition and it is up to you to flip the pages and read through our magazine. Moreover, do not forget to write to us and tell us your impressions and critiques, since it is precisely your letters those that directly affect in the selection of the articles for the next number and that help us to stay closer to you. In the end, I can only say, see you in the next edition, and until then I wish you all the best! Leonora 'For You' is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Sanela Kanjizha, Ali Rexha Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:; Zdravo dragi u~enici! Po~inje za vas jo{ jedna nova {kolska godina, a mi vam „dr`imo pal~eve“ jer `elimo da i u ovoj godini ostvarite odli~an uspeh. Va{ omiljeni ~asopis „For You“ }e i ovoj godini biti uz vas, dele}i sa vama [ - [panija – zemlja snova koju bih volela da posetim jednoga dana. Aleksandra sa svojom nastavnicom i najboljom drugaricom A B C ^ ] D \ D` E F G H I J K – Aleksandra – moje ime. – Bog – tvorac. – Cini~nost – osobina koju ne volim kod ljudi. - ^izma – asocijacija na Italiju. – ]up – kao simbol tajnovitosti. – Dobrota – volim dobre i humane ljude. - \ak – asocijacija na {kolu. - D`em – njime se zasla|ujem. – Evropa – suvi{an je komentar :-) – Fifi – junak pesme „Fifi“. – Golub – simbol mira. – Hleb – ne mogu da zamislim dan bez njega. – Iskrenost – za dugove~nu ljubav. – Jastuk – za miran san. – Kristina – ime moje sestre koju mnogo volim. L Lj M – Labud – simbol lepote i elegancije. – Ljubav – ose}anje koje spaja ljude. – Mama – osoba koja odr`ava porodicu na okupu – moja majka Nata{a. N Nj O P R S – Nada – uvek nam ostaje samo nada. – Njujork – veliki grad. – Ogledalo - ~esto se ogledam u njemu. – Pravda – volim pravednost. – Risti} – moje prezime. – Sandra – nadimak koji mi je dala mama. T – Tata Boban – najve}a podr{ka u `ivotu, naravno, ni{ta bez mame. U – Upoznavanje – ukratko...upoznali smo se :-) V – Vesna – moja najbolja drugarica, osoba kojoj mogu sve da poverim. Z – Zauvek – asocira me na neraskidivo prijateljstvo. raznorazne trenutke. A, sa novom {kolskom godinom, donosimo vam i novog „u~enika meseca“ Aleksandru Risti} iz Babinog Mosta - trinaestogodi{nju u~enicu osmog razreda Osnovne {kole „Milan Raki}“. @ - @elja – ono {to `elim sebi, `elim svima, a to je sre}a! A G C – Aleksandra – my name. – God – creator. – Cynicism – characteristic which I do not like. B J G – Boot – association to Italy. – Jar – as a symbol of secrecy. – Goodness – I love good and humane people. P J E - Pupil – association to school. - Jam – I eat it as a sweet. – Europe – any comment would be excessive :-) F – Fifi – main character in the poem Fifi. P – Pigeon – a symbol of peace. B – Bread – I cannot imagine a day without it. H – Honesty – for lasting love. P K – Pillow – for peaceful sleep. – Kristina – my sister ’s name, whom I love very much. S – Swan – symbol of beauty and elegance. L – Love – an emotion that connects people. M – Mother – a person who keeps the family together– my mother Natasa. H N M J R S – Hope – always hope remains. – New York – big city. – Mirror - I often look into it. – Justice – I love justice. – Ristic – my surname. – Sandra – a nickname my mother gave me. S – Spain – the country of my dreams, I would love to visit it one day. D – Dad Boban– my greatest support in life, of course with the help of my Mom. M ) – Meeting – breifly... we have met :- V Hello dear students! It begins a new school year for you, and we wish you to have again an excellent success in school. Your favorite magazine “For You” again will be near you, by sharing a various moments. And with a new school year we bring you new “student of the month” Aleksandra Ristic from Babin Most – 13 year old student of primary school “Milan Rakic”. – Vesna – my best friend, a person I can rely on. F – Forever – association to unbreakable friendship. W – Wish – what I whish for myself, I wish for everybody and that is happinness! Aleksandra with journalist during the interview aktivnostima? LMT svakoga dana šalje izveštaje o svojim aktivnostima u glavni štab JRD-ija. Sve ove informacije se posle procenjivanja od strane šefova JRD-ija, šalju u glavni štab u Prištini. 10:00 je ~asova ujutru i komandant JRD-Zapad (Zdru`eni regionalni odred Zapad), potpukovnik Salvatore Ristanjo, sti`e u kancelariju gradona~elnika Pe}i, gde treba da se sastane sa njim i grupom gra|ana iz tog grada. Razlog ovog sastanka vu~e korene od pre deset godina, kada je KFOR izgradio preko potreban tranzitni pravac izme|u dva regionalna puta: Pe}-Priština i Pe}De~ane. Me|utim, nedostatak odgovaraju}ih zakona i dr`avnih institucija doveo je do toga da je put izgra|en, ali meštani nisu dobili nikakvu kompenzaciju za svoje zemljište. Na`alost, tako je ostalo i do današnjeg dana, i meštani smatraju da je jedini na~in da privuku pa`nju povodom ovog slu~aja bio da blokiraju put, dok se njihov zahtev za refundaciju ne ispuni. Kako bi se izbegao ovaj scenario, potpukovnik Ristanjo je organizovao sastanak sa gradona~elnikom i predstavnicima meštana, kako bi razmotrili ovo pitanje i odlu~ili koje su najbolje mere za preduzimanje. A naš tim je imao priliku da prisustvuje ovom sastanku; mi smo svedoci tome kako je ovaj sastanak pomogao smirivanju situacije, pošto su sve prisutne strane obe}ale da }e pomo}i u rešavanju ovog problema. Slo`ili su se da }e komunicirati sa centralnom upravom na Kosovu, jer je za svako refundiranje vezano za ovaj put, po ekipa JRD Zapad zakonu, odgovorna vlada. Na kraju sastanka, potpukovnik Ristanjo je izrazio zadovoljstvo što je ovim sastankom pomogao u smirivanju situacije. Samim tim, izbegle su se mogu}e dramati~ne situacije, kao što su blokade puteva i sli~no, što nesumnjivo stvara najve}e probleme za same ljude na Kosovu. Pozivamo vas da u nastavku ~lanka pro~itate intervju sa potpukovnikom Ristanjom. • Mo`ete li nam molim Vas re}i šta konkretno zna~i regionalna odgovornost, kada su u pitanju du`nosti JRD-Zapad? Mi smo o~i i uši komandanta KFOR-a u nameri da osetimo „puls Kosova“, identifikujemo nove rizi~ne oblasti, i pru`imo rano upozorenje radi „poboljšanja svesnosti situacije“, što omogu}ava donošenje odluka. Regionalna odgovornost JRD-Zapad zna~i da smo mi deo KFOR-a, ~iji je zadatak da povezuje ljude na ulici sa vo|ama sela, (kao što su manjinske enklave), verskim vo|ama i predstavnicima me|unarodnih organizacija. • Kako funkcioni{e JRDZapad? JRD funkcioni{e na zapadnom delu Kosova, preko Timova za vezu i nadgledanje (LMT), koji `ive i rade u svakoj opštini. LMT svakoga dana ima: „puls patrole“, neformalne sastanke sa gra|anima, formalne sastanke sa me|unarodnim i nevladinim organizacijama; prikuplja informacije u svojim „terenskim kancelarijama“ koje su smeštene u Opštinama, nadgleda „idi i vidi posete“ kojima rukovodi UNHCR a ti~u se povratnika, kao što su Srbi, i nadgledaju „bezbednost i slobodu kretanja“ (kriminalne aktivnosti, `ivotne uslove, i doga|aje koji predstavljaju pretnju). Štaviše, ja kao komandant imam sastanke sa komandantima KFOR-a, gradona~elnicima opština, regionalnim direktorima i šefovima razli~itih organizacija (kao što su KP, EULEX, OEBS, UNHCR i NVO). • “Manja struktura, više efikasna”, kako ovo mo`e da se postigne? Visok nivo efikasnosti se posti`e, jer je LMT strukturisan u pod-timove koji imaju punu sposobnost. • Koliko je Timova za vezu i nadgledanje pod Vašom komandom? U mojoj oblasti na zapadu postoji ukupno sedam LMT-ija koji rade u Istoku, De~anima, Juniku i Klini, dok je u Pe}i i \akovici druga~ije, jer imamo dva LMT-ija koji rade u ovim opštinama, jedan u gradovima i jedan na selima. • Koji su naj~eš}i razlozi ljudi zbog kojih kontaktiraju LMT? Naj~eš}i razlozi iz kojih ljudi kontaktiraju LMT su njihove društvene, ekonomske, politi~ke i bezbednosne potrebe. • Koliko ~esto LMT i JRD izveštavaju o svojim • Region Pe}i je poznat po mešovitosti zajednica, kakva je vaša uloga u njihovom svakodnevnom `ivotu? LMT stvara i odr`ava stalne i pouzdane veze sa svim zajednicama u neutralnom maniru, i to je njihova glavna uloga. JRD tako|e, omogu}ava dijalog izme|u razli~itih etni~kih grupa, uz posredni~ke aktivnosti i pokušava da im pomogne da zajedno reše svoje probleme. Današnji sastanak sa gradona~elnikom Pe}i i predstavnicima meštana sela, koji se ti~e kompenzacije zemljišta na kojem je tranzitni pravac, tipi~an je primer našeg posredovanja u cilju da rešimo probleme sa kojima ljudi na Kosovu mogu da se suo~e. • Recite nam nešto o vašoj saradnji sa lokalnim institucijama, posebno sa Kosovskom policijom (KP)? Mi imamo veoma dobru saradnju sa Kosovskom policijom, zajedno prisustvujemo na nekoliko sastanaka nedeljno, a tako|e u mom JRD-iju postoji oficir za vezu koji je glavni kontakt KFOR-a sa Kosovskom policijom, EULEX-om i me|unarodnim organizacijama (kao što su UNHCR, OEBS...) • Koja je Vaša poruka našim ~itaocima? Moja poruka vašim ~itaocima je – slobodno se obratite LMT-iju na ulicama, slobodno razgovarajte sa njima i recite im svoje probleme. ^itaoci mogu biti sigurni da }e njihove poruke upu}ene LMT-iju do}i do komandanta KFOR-a. Na ovaj na~in mogu da nam pomognu, da vidimo ljude na Kosovu kroz njihove o~i. I ts 10 o’clock in the morning and the Commander of JRD-W (Joint Regional Detachment West), Lt. Colonel Salvatore Ristagno arrives at the office of the Peja/Pec Mayor. He is about to attend a meeting with the Mayor and a group of Peja/Pec citizens. The reason for this meeting has its origins almost a decade ago when KFOR built a much needed transit route between two regional roads, Peja/PecPrishtina/Pristina and Peja/Pec-Decan/Decane. However, the lack of proper laws and governing institutions led to a situation in which the road was built but the villagers were never compensated for their land. Unfortunately this remains the case today, and the villagers felt that their only way ment. At the end of the meeting Lt. Colonel Ristagno expressed his pleasure that this meeting helped ease the situation and avoided possible dramatic situations such as road blocks. This no doubt would have created the biggest problems for the people in Kosovo themselves. Below we invite you to read in full the interview we had with Lt. Colonel Ristagno. • Could you please tell us what does regional responsibility mean in concrete terms for JRD W duties? We are the eyes and ears of the Commander of KFOR, in order to “feel the pulse of Kosovo” and identify new risk areas and provide early warning for “improved situational awareness”, which will facilitate making decision. The Organizations. They gather information in their own “Field Offices” located in the municipalities, monitor “go and see visits”, managed by UNHCR, regarding returnees like Serbs. They also monitor “safety, security, and freedom of movement” (criminal activities, life conditions, threat events). Furthermore I, as a commander, have meetings with KFOR Commanders, mayors of municipalities and regional directors and chiefs of different organizations (like KP, EULEX, OSCE, UNHCR and NGO’s). • “Slimmer structure, more efficient”, how can this be achieved? The high level of efficiency is achieved because the LMT’s are structured in sub teams having full capability. Sastanak sa gradona~elnikom i gra|anima u Op{tini Pe} of getting attention regarding this matter was to block the road until their requests for the land refund were met. In order to avoid this scenario Lt. Colonel Ristagno set up a meeting with the Mayor and representatives of the villagers in order to discuss the matter and find the best course of action. Our team had the opportunity to be present at this meeting. We witnessed how this meeting helped in calming the situation as all the parties present promised to help in this matter. They agreed to communicate with the central government in Kosovo as all refunding regarding this road, according to law, is the responsibility of the govern- regional responsibility of JRD West also includes that we are the part of KFOR which makes connections between the people of the street and village chiefs (like minority enclaves), to the religious leaders and representatives of the International Organizations. • How does JRD-West operate? JRD West is operating in the Western part of Kosovo through the Liaison and Monitoring Teams (LMT) these teams are living and working for each municipality. These LMT’s, everyday make: pulse patrols, informal meetings with citizens, formal meetings with International Organizations and Nongovernmental • How many LMT’s operate under your command? In my area, in the west, in total there are seven (7) LMT’s, operating in Istok/Istog, Decani/Decan, Junik/Junik, and Klina/Klina. Whereas Pec/Peja and Djakovica/Gjakova municipalities are in a special situation as we have two LMT’s operating in these municipalities, one in the towns and one in the villages. • Which are the most frequent reasons that people contact LMT’s for? The most frequent reasons that people contact the LMT’s are for their social, economic, political and security needs. • How often do LMT’s and JRD’s report on their activities? LMT’s send their activities on a daily report to JRD Headquarters. All this information, after the assessment activities made by JRD branch Chiefs, is sent to KFOR Headquarters in Prishtina /Prishtinë. • Peja/Pec region is known for its mix of communities, what is your role in their everyday life? LMT’s create and maintain permanent and trusted links with all the communities in neutral mode. This is their main role. JRD also provides the facilitation of dialogue between different ethnic groups, with mediation activities, and tries to help them to solve their problems together. Today’s meeting with the Peja/Pec Mayor and the villagers’ representatives in order to solve the problem regarding the Transit route request for land refund, is a typical example of our mediation in trying to solve the problems that the people of Kosovo might face. • What about your cooperation with local institutions, especially Kosovo Police (KP)? We have a very good cooperation with the Kosovo Police, we attend several meetings together on a weekly basis, and also in my JRD, there is a Liaison officer, who is the main contact point from the KFOR side to the Kosovo Police, EULEX and to the International Organizations (like UNHCR, OSCE…) • What is your message for our readers? My message for your readers is feel free to contact the LMT’s on the streets, feel free to have conversations and speak with them and talk to them about your problems. The readers must be sure that their messages delivered through the LMT’s will reach COMKFOR. In this way, they can help us to see the people of Kosovo through their own eyes. T rake za kosu su prisutne ve} vekovima, i to iz dobrog razloga. Kada trebamo ukrotiti kosu ili dati pe~at frizuri, trake za kosu su neizbe`ne. @ene su godinama koristile trake da bi ukrasile svoju kosu, i nikada im nije ponestalo ideja za na~ine na koji mogu nositi ove trake. Davnih dana, `ene su nosile trake za kosu napravljene od cve}a ili ~ak vinove loze, a veruje se da su ~ak pre toga svoju kosu pridr`avale trakama napravljenim od `ivotinjske ko`e. Iako su izmišljene iz prakti~nih razloga, `ene su ubrzo primetile estetsku karakteristiku traka za kosu, što je prouzrokovalo stvaranje velikog broja raznolikih oblika i stilova tokom godina. Trake za kosu su se menjale tokom godina. Iako su oduvek bile funkcionalne, na~in njihove modne upotrebe se menjao tokom godina. Davnih dana su pridr`avale kosu i na prelep na~in ukrašavale glave `ena; ~ak su korištene pri ceremonijama ven~anja. Tokom hipi pokreta 60-tih godina koristili su ih i `ene i muškarci. Pošto je duga kosa postala toliko popularna i kod muškaraca tokom tih godina, i oni su po~eli koristiti trake za kosu iz prakti~nih razloga, koje su zatim postale simbol koji se i dan-danas prepoznaje. Funkcionalnost }e uvek biti deo nošenja traka za kosu. @enama sa kovrd`avom kosom trake mogu pomo}i jednostavnim postavljanjem, tako što }e im ukrotiti kosu. Pri posetama teretanama, trake za kosu od frotira se ~esto nose ne samo da bi spre~ile slivanje znoja u o~i, nego da bi spre~ile dodir slankastog znoja sa kosom koji je u tom slu~aju isušuje. Me|utim, ~ak i u teretanama o~igledna funkcionalnost traka za kosu ne spre~ava `ene da razmišljaju o modi. I u teretani }ete primetiti raznoliki broj stilova traka za kosu. @ene ~esto iznenada odlu~e da `ele nositi šiške na ~elu, i odmah se ubrzo pokaju ~im vide kako izgledaju sa njima. Trake za kosu im mogu pomo}i tako što }e im skloniti šiške sa ~ela, ~ime }e se ose}ati bolje sve dok im kosa dovoljno ne poraste. Danas postoji veliki izbor traka za kosu. Na kraju se sve svodi na to da na kosu stavite bilo šta {to po`elite u datom trenutku. Mo`ete nositi raznobojnu elasti~nu traku pri posetama teretani ili pri rekreativnom tr~anju, mo`ete nositi traku od marame pri dnevnim posetama prodavnicama, ili traku ukrašenu nakitom pri posetama operi. Postoji veliki izbor, i teško je prona}i bilo koju vrstu trake za kosu koja je izašla iz mode. Sve se svodi na li~ni izbor, i na to šta `elite posti}i nošenjem trake za kosu tokom dana ili no}i. H air headbands have been around for centuries, and for good reason. When it comes to taming the hair or adding just the right touch to a hairstyle, it's hard to beat the headband. For a very long time women have been using headbands to adorn their hair, and they have never run out of ways to fashion these bands. In ancient days women would fashion headbands out of flowers and even vines, and even further back it is believed that women held their hair back with bands fashioned from strips of animal hides. Though they may have been invented for practical purposes, women quickly saw the aesthetic properties of hair headbands, and many lovely versions have been created over the years. Hair headbands have changed over the years. Though they have always been functional, their fashion uses have changed over time. In ancient days they held the hair back but also adorned the heads of women beautifully; even being used in wedding ceremonies. In the 1960's they were used as fashion statements during the hippie movement by both men and women. Since long hair became so fashionable for men during that era, they started using hair headbands for practical purposes, but it also became a symbol that is still recognized today. Functionality will always be part of wearing hair headbands. For women with curly hair, the headband can fix a bad hair day by being strategically placed to tame the hair. When at the gym, terrycloth headbands are often worn to not only keep sweat from getting into the eyes, but also to keep salty perspiration from soaking into the hair and drying it out. Even at the gym, however, the obvious functionality of the headband does not keep women from worrying about fashion. You will see a lot of different styles of headbands at the gym. Many times women will decide on a whim that they want bangs, and then regret it the minute they see how it looks. A headband worn to push the bangs back off the forehead can help them feel better until the hair grows out a little bit longer. These days there are a lot of choices for hair headbands. Basically it is just whatever you fancy to put in your hair at any given time. You could wear a colorful elastic headband at the gym or on the jogging track, a scarf headband for a day at the mall, or a jeweled headband for a night at the opera. There are so many choices, and it would be difficult to find any kind of headband that was out of fashion. Mostly it is just a matter of personal choice, and what you need the headband for on any given day or night. put koji je njenim jedinstvenim stilom odvaja od ostalih. Tokom njenog koncerta u Gra~anici imali smo priliku da li~no upoznamo ovu {armantnu peva~icu, koja nam je sa zadovoljstvom pri~ala o njenim uspesima i padovima. K ada se prvi put pojavila Ivana Jordan, svi su s posebnom pa`njom slu{ali njenu pesmu „Svetlo koje tra`im“; pitali smo se ko je ona i odakle ona dolazi. Uspela je brzo da osvoji publiku svojom karakteristi~nom bojom glasa, smiruju}im tonom i pou~nim, nadahnutim pesmama. Tokom karijere mnogi su joj zamerali {to se ne bavi nekim komercijalnijim zvukovima, ipak, ona je izabrala te`i put, • Utisci nakon gostovanja u Gra~anici? Ovo mi je prvi put da boravim na Kosovu, i definitivno `elim ponovo da do|em ovde, upravo zbog ove divne publike. Ovakvi trenuci sa publikom ~ine da ne pokleknem, ve} da istrajem u ovom poslu i svom stilu. Nema lep{eg trenutka i nagrade od podr{ke publike, kao {to je to bio slu~aj na koncertu u Gra~anici, gde su svi pevali moje pesme. • Primetila sam dok pevate, pevate kao da se to de{ava ba{ u tom trenutku. Kako se ose}ate dok ste na sceni? Oh, muke su to na sceni. Ja ose}anjima pi{em te pesme i svaku do`ivljavam na svoj na~in. ^vrsto stojim iza svake svoje re~i kojom `elim ne{to da ka`em, kao i da taj ose}aj prenesem svakom bi}u koje je sa mnom u sali. • Kome se obra}ate dok pevate, jednoj osobi ili masi? Zavisi, postoje pesme u kojima se obra}am sebi, jer poku{avam da se opametim i svakom ko sebe nalazi u tome, dok se u nekim obra}am svima. @elim da im ka`em neku poruku, kao {to je: „Leti visoko kao orlovi, budi to {to jesi, budi najbolji, veruj u sebe. Mo`e{ li da veruje{ u sebe kad je sumnja oko tebe.“ To je vrlo pou~na pri~a, i ja sam to negde sebi govorila i sebe motivisala. Samim tim, `elja mi je da ljude motivi{em da veruju u sebe, jer kad u ne{to ~vrsto veruje{ ~udo mo`e da se dogodi; mo`da ne sada, ali sutra, preksutra... Divno je verovati! • [ta vas inspiri{e dok pi{ete pesme? Ceo svet me inspiri{e, svaki trenutak, razgovor, poznanstvo, gre{ke, ne{to {to sam trebala druga~ije, a nisam. IVANA Ime i prezime: Ivana Jordan Datum ro|enja: 07.06.1977. Mesto rodjenja: Beograd @ivi i radi: u Beogradu Horoskopski znak: Blizanci Nadimak: D`ordan Sport: Plivanje i tenis Bra~ni status: Udata Volim ~ak da zami{ljam situacije, {ta bi bilo kad bi bilo, i kako je najbolje reagovati u istoj. Ono {to je jako znimljivo je {to mi se ~esto de{ava sanjam tekst i melodiju pesme. • Ko vam je najve}a podr{ka u `ivotu? Istinsko je zadovoljstvo kada se ~ovek bavi poslom koji voli, i kada uspe da prona|e i sa~uva drage ljude u privatnom `ivotu. Posao i porodica su podjednako va`ni za iskonsku sre}u. ^ovek mo`e da ostvari i jedno i drugo, a meni to podjednako zna~i: ljubav – glavni pokreta~, porodica, prijatelji i kolege. • Optimista ili pesimista? I, kada padnem, i kad se ispla~em celu no}, ja sutra ustajem `eljna stvaranja ne~eg novog. Kada vidim da su ljudi oko mene klonuli, da nemaju entuzijazam, da ne nalaze tra~ak svetlosti ili slamku da se uhvate, ja i njima i sebi uvek ka`em – Ma daj, idem napred! • Poruka mladima na Kosovu? Pesma „Svetlo koje tra`im“ je moja poruka svima, kao i ljudima na Kosovu. Svi mi trebamo jako da zagrlimo svoje snove i da verujemo, jer, ~uda se de{avaju kada veruje{ u njih. moment more beautiful and no reward more beautiful than to have the support of your audience. This was the case with the audience in Gracanica, everyone sung my songs. W hen Ivana Jordan appeared for the first time, everyone was attentively listening to her song „The light I am looking for“; we asked her who she is and where she comes from. She manage to win over her audience with her characteristic voice, calming tone and with her wise and inspired songs. In her carrier, many a time she has been criticised for not singing more commercial songs, however she has chosen the path that seperates her from the crowd through her unique style of singing. After her concert in Gracanica, we had an opportunity to meet this charming singer, who told us with delight about her sucesses and downfalls. • What are yout impressions after your performance in Gracanica? This my first visit to Kosovo, I definetly want to come again because of the wonderful audience. These moments with the audience give me strength not to falter, but to remain steadfast in my work and in my style. There is no • I noticed that whilst you were singing, it seemed that the lyrics were happening in that exact moment. How do you feel when you are on stage? Oh, it is hard being on the stage. I put my emotions into my songs and I relive every song in my own way. I stand firmly behind every word I write and with every word I wish to convey a message and pass it on to every being which is with me in the concert hall. • Who are you speaking to when you sing, to an individual or the whole crowd? It depends, there are songs which are aimed at myself, through them I want to wisen up, and to everyone who can recognise themselves in it, whilst through some songs I am speaking to everyone. I wish to give them some sort of message., such as „Fly high like the eagle, be what you are, believe in yoursel. Can you believe in yourself when there is doubt surrounding you?“. This is a very wise story and I have kept saying this to myself and motivating myself. In that sense, my desire is to get people to belive in themselves, beacuse when you believe in something firmly then a miracle can happen; maybe not today, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow... It is wonderful to believe! IVANA Name and Surname: Ivana Jordan Date of Birth: 07.06.1977 Place of Birth: Belgrade • What inspires you to write your songs? The whole world inspires me, every moment, conversation, acquatiance, mistake, something that I should have done otherwise. I like to imagine situations, whould would be if it would be, and what would be the best reaction in that situation. What is very interesting is that I often dream of Works and lives in: Belgrade Zodiac sign: Gemini Sports: Swimming and tennis Maritial status: Married the lyrics and melodies. • Who is your biggest support in your life? It is a true pleasure to do a job that you like. Also, it is a pleasure when you manage to find and keep the dearest people in your private life. Work and family are very important in order to find original happiness. A person can achieve both. To me both of these things are equally important; love is the greatest propagator of family, friends and collegues. • Are you an optimist or a pesimist? Even when I fall and when I cry throughout the night, the next morning I wake up desiring to create something new. When I see people around me faltering, without enthusiasm, when they cannot see the slightest light at the end of the tunnel or cannot find a straw to leech onto, I tell them and myself ’come on, move on!’ • What is your message to the youth of Kosovo? The song „The light I am searching for“ is my message to everyone, including the people in Kosovo. We should all embrace our dreams and believe, beacuse miracles only happen when you believe in them. P kapetan Bahri Shala orodi~ni, poslovni, {kolski, zakonski, finansijski ili zdravstveni problemi, gubitak kontakta sa realnoš}u, neracionalno ponašanje, nasilje i paranoja, i ~esto smrt... Ovo su samo neke od naj~eš}ih posledica bilo koje zloupotrebe droga. Na`alost, uprkos ~injenici da se narkomanija pojavila relativno skoro na Kosovu, neposredno nakon 1999. godine, danas se ne razlikuje mnogo od ostalih zemalja regiona, po broju narkomana. Ipak, ~injenica koja najviše zabrinjava je da je prose~na starost narkomana sve mla|a. Prema re~ima, direktora Direkcije za istragu krijum~arenja narkotika u okviru Kosovske policije, kapetana Bahri Šalje, to zna~i da su korisnici narkotika sve mla|i, po~ev{i od srednje škole. U takvim okolnostima, dobra vest je da je borba protiv transporta i prodaje droge na Kosovu mnogo bolje organizovana od 2009. godine, zahvaljuju}i razvoju i odobrenju Strategije za borbu protiv droga. Ono što treba naglasiti jeste da je ovo prvi put da Kosovo ima takav dokument, što je izuzetno va`no jer precizira akcije svih odgovaraju}ih institucija u cilju spre~avanja, istra`ivanja i borbe protiv droge. „Ono što moramo razumeti je da borba protiv droge zahteva zdru`eni napor, ne samo nas kao institucije, nego i nas kao društva u celini. Naravno Kosovska policija je prva u liniji borbe protiv droge, ali to ne zna~i da je jedina. Na kraju krajeva, problem sa drogama se ne završava hapšenjem i oduzimanjem droga, jer tako|e moramo da se suo~imo sa rehabilitacijom narkomana, koji su ustvari `rtve ovog krivi~nog dela. Nakon toga, moramo se uklju~iti u prevenciju zloupotrebe droga. Jasno je da i druge institucije kao što su: Ministarstvo finansija, Ministarstvo zdravlja, Ministarstvo prosvete, Kancelarija javnog tu`ioca, sud, carina, škole i civilno društvo, moraju uzajamno sara|ivati da bi postigli uspeh“, ka`e kapetan Šalja. Prema njegovim re~ima, upravo zbog potrebe kombinovanja aktivnosti razli~itih u~esnika, va`no je da Kosovo ima Strategiju za borbu protiv droga. Taj dokument izme|u ostalog predvi|a stvaranje hijerarhije sa jasno navedenim obavezama i odgovornostima svakog u~esnika; dok je na ~elu koordinaciona grupa, pod vo|stvom zamenika ministra unutrašnjih poslova, u ovom slu~aju gospodina Saše Raši}a. Što se policije ti~e, kapetan Šalja naglašava da je Kosovska policija maksimalno posve}ena poboljšanju borbe protiv droga. Pored toga što je bila glavni inicijator u razvoju strategije za borbu protiv droga, Kosovska policija je tako|e izvršila neka unutrašnja restrukturiranja. Time je sektor, koji je ranije bio poznat kao Sektor protiv droga, od 2010. godine unapre|en na nivo direkcije. U prakti~nom smislu, to zna~i da direkcija sada, u odnosu na period kada je bio samo sektor, poseduje dvostruko više anga`ovanih policijskih slu`benika. I, kao rezultat toga, postignuti su veliki uspesi; samo tokom prve polovine 2011. oduzeto je 33 kilograma opojnih supstanci tipa heroina, oko 90 kilograma opojnih supstanci tipa marihuane, preko 2.5 kilograma opojnih supstanci tipa kokaina, preko 3 kilograma mešavine heroina, 276 sadnica kanabisa i 691 tableta ekstazija. Otvoreno je 145 predmeta, 58 za trgovinu opojnim supstancama, 67 za posedovanje opojnih supstanci, 10 slu~ajeva gajenja istih supstanci, kao i 10 slu~ajeva drugih akata. Ovom prilikom, uhapšena je 251 osoba, od kojih je 139 u pritvoru, a 88 operacija je sprovedeno, tokom kojih su uspešno otkrivene kriminalne aktivnosti, gde su uni{tene aktivnosti pet kriminalnih bandi. Pored navedenog uspeha, kapetan Šalja je napomenuo da jo{ uvek ima mnogo toga da se uradi, kako bi borba protiv droge bila uspešna. Prema njegovim re~ima, konkretni koraci su u~injeni i o~ekuje se veoma brzo unapre|enje Krivi~nog zakonika i Kosovskog kodeksa krivi~nog postupka, kako bi zakon omogu}io efikasniji rad na terenu. I, na kraju, kapetan Šalja svim mladim ljudima na Kosovu {alje veoma jednostavnu poruku: „Klonite se droge, jer je to najve}a pomo} koju mo`ete pru`iti sebi i Kosovskoj policiji“. ‘F amily problems, problems at work or school, problems with the law, financial problems, health problems, loss of contact with reality, irrational behavior, violence and paranoia, and often death’ These are only some of the most frequent consequences from any type of drug abuse. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the drug abuse has begun relatively late in Kosovo, just after the year 1999, today, it does not differ much from the other regional countries, as far as the number of drug abusers is concerned. However, the most concerning fact is that the average age of drug abusers is continuously younger. In other words, according to Captain Bahri Shala, Director of Directorate for Narcotics Investigation and Trafficking within the Kosovo Police, this means that the abusers are constantly getting younger, beginning to abuse substances in secondary school. In such circumstances, the good news is that since 2009 the fight against the transportation and dealing of drugs in Kosovo is much more organized thanks to the development and the approval of the AntiDrug Strategy. What needs to be emphasized is that this is the first time that Kosovo has had such a document, which is extremely important since it specifies actions by all the corresponding institutions in order to prevent, to investigate and fight against drugs. “What we all need to understand is that the fight against drugs requires a joint effort, not only by us, as an institution, but as a whole of society. Of course, the Kosovo Police is the front line in the fight against drugs, but this does not mean that it is the only one. Because ultimately, the problem with drugs does not end with the arrest and the confiscation of drugs. We are also faced with the rehabilitation of abusers, who in fact are the victims of this criminal activity. Afterwards, we need to engage also in the prevention of drug abuse. Thus, it is clear that the other institutions, such as: the Ministry of Finances, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Prosecutor Office, Court, Customs, schools and civil society, must all cooperate with each other to achieve success,” Capt. Shala said. According to him, it is due to the need of combining the activities of different government agencies that it is significant that Kosovo has the AntiDrug Strategy. Amongst other things this document foresees the creation of a Hierarchy, where the obligations and responsibilities of every stakeholder have very clearly been specified. Taking the lead in this strategy is a coordinating group, which is under the leadership of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, in this case Mr. Sasa Rasic. As far as the Police are concerned, Capt. Shala emphasized that it has always been the Kosovo Police who have been primarily committed in the improvement of the fight against drugs. Apart from being the main initiator in the development of the Anti-Drug Strategy, Kosovo Police has also made some internal restructuring. Thus, the sector that was previously the antidrug sector, since 2010 has been raised to the Directorate level. In practical terms, this firstly means that as a Directorate, in comparison to the period when it used to be only a sector, now it has double the number of police officials engaged in this field. As a result the successes reached are big, too. In the part of 2011 Kosovo Police have seized or confiscated: 33 kg of narcotic suspected substance of type heroine, around 90 kg of suspected narcotic substance of type Marihuana, over 2,5 kg suspected narcotics substance of cocaine, over 3 kg of heroine mixture, 276 cannabis plant and 691 ecstasy tablets. Out of them, 145 cases have been opened, 58 cases for trafficking of narcotic substances, 67 cases for possession of narcotic substances, 10 cases for cultivation of narcotic substances, and 10 cases for other acts. On this occasion, 251 suspected persons have been arrested, out of which number 139 persons have been detained. 88 operations have been carried out during which the drug criminal actions have been successfully uncovered. Furthermore, the criminal activity of five criminal gangs has been destroyed. However, despite the abovementioned successes, Capt. Shala, mentioned once again that there is still a lot to do to become successful in fighting against drugs. According to him, now concrete steps have been made and very soon it is expected for the Penal Code and the Kosovo Code of Penal Procedures to improve, in order for the law to enable the best efficient work in the field. While, for all the young people of Kosovo Captain Shala had a very simple message: “Stay away from drugs, because this is the biggest help you can give to Kosovo Police and yourself.” Kraljevstvo: `ivotinjsko Rod: hordata Ni`i rod: vertebrata Klasa: Chondrichthyes Podklasa: Elasmobranchii Vi{i red: Batoidea Red: Myliobatiformes Porodica: Myliobatidae D` Opis & pona{anje inovska manta, Manta birostris, odnosno |avolska ra`a, atlantska manta i pacifi~ka manta su najve}e ra`e i srodne su ajkulama. Ova bezopasna, veli~anstvena bi}a imaju kratke repove i nemaju bodlje koje `e`u. Dobre su akrobate i mogu da sko~e visoko iznad povr{ine vode. Ribe prilepu{e se ~esto mogu videti na mantama, u blizini usta ili ~ak i unutar {krga, kako se hrane parazitima koji se nalaze na mantinom telu ili ostacima mantine hrane. Rod manta je ono pod ~im se obi~no podrazumeva manta ra`e. Tako|e postoji i rod Mobula - manje ra`e, koje vi{e vremena provode na dnu mora. Da bi stvari bile jo{ konfuznije, dve Mobula vrste – Mobula mobular i Mobula hypostoma, tako|e se ~esto nazivaju |avolskom ribom odnosno manjom |avolskom ra`om. Nekada se mislilo da postoje tri vrste d`inovske mante: Manta birostris – atlantska ra`a manta Manta hamiltoni – pacifi~ka ra`a manta Manta alfredi – manta ra`a princa Alfreda Me|utim, nedavna istra`ivanja genetskih uzoraka pokazuju da je u pitanju jedna vrsta – Manta birostris. Ove graciozne pliva~ice plivaju pomeraju}i svoja krila nalik pektoralna peraja koja mogu da porastu i do 9 metara {irine, ali su u proseku {iroka 6.7 metara. Najve}a te`i oko 1.350 kg. Mante su tamno braon do crne boje na dorzalnoj strani sa bledim marginama; uglavnom su bele na untra{njoj/donjoj strani. Rasprostranjenost u svetu i stani{te D`inovske mante obitavaju u umerenim i tropskim vodama u blizini kontinenata i ostrva svih okeana. Poznato je da migriraju oko sveta u potrazi za vodama koje su bogate planktonima. Ishrana (ekologija) D`inovske mante se hrane pre svega planktonima. One koriste razvijena cefalna peraja na glavi, koja kada se ne hrane izgledaju kao rogovi. Kada se hrane, oblik levka kojim uvla~e vodu bogatu planktonima u usta, gde je grabuljaste {krge filtriraju i odvajaju planktone. Neki mali rakovi i ribe mogu dopuniti ishranu. Kao druge `ivotinje koje se hrane filtriranjem vode, manta ra`e imaju smanjene nefunkcionalne zube. One ne predstavljaju pretnju ve}im okeanskim `ivotinjama ukoliko se ne ose}aju ugro`enim; njihova jedina odbrana je njihova veli~ina i velika mo}na krila. Mante nemaju otrovne bodlje na repu. Po japanskom mitu, mante mogu da obaviju ~oveka svojim krilima i da ga stiskaju dok ga ne ubiju, ali ovo nije ta~no. Zapravo, mogu da izvedu veoma jak udarac svojim krilima. Istorija `ivota D`inovske mante se razmno`avaju tako {to se mladi izlegu iz jaja koja se nalaze u telu `enke. Umesto placente mlade hrani `umance. @enka ra|a 1-2 mladunca koja dosti`u {irinu do 1.2 m i te`e oko 45 kg. Mlade mante rastu veoma brzo. Tokom sezone parenja (od decembra do kraja aprila) mante se okupljaju u velikom broju, i mogu se videti po nekoliko mu`jaka kako se udvaraju jednoj `enki. Samo parenje se odigrava stomak-uz-stomak. Nekoliko meseci kasnije ra|aju se 1 do 2 mante zarolane kao tube. Postaju aktivne onog trenutka kada razviju svoja krila. Ro|enje mante je ne{to {to ljudi retko imaju prilike da vide, a snimljeno je kamerom samo jedanput. Mlade mante se ponekad mogu videti u vodama koje okru`uju sistem mangrova gde se kriju tokom „detinjstva“. Za{tita Postoji minimalna opasnost ukoliko nije napadnuta (naro~ito harpunom) ili na neki na~in prepadnuta, ali ogromna veli~ina ove ra`e bi trebalo da izazove po{tovanje. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata SubPhylum: Vertebrata Class: Chondrichthyes Subclass: Elasmobranchii Superorder: Batoidea Order: Myliobatiformes Family: Myliobatidae It was previously thought that three species of giant manta existed: Manta birostris Atlantic manta ray Manta hamiltoni Pacific manta ray Manta alfredi Prince Alfred's manta ray T Description & Behavior he giant manta, Manta birostris, aka devil ray, Atlantic manta, and the Pacific manta, are the largest of the rays and are closely related to sharks. These harmless, majestic creatures have short tails and no stinging spines. They are very acrobatic and are able to leap high from the water. Remoras are frequently seen with mantas near the mouth and even inside the gill cavities, hanging out to feed on parasites on the manta's body and bits of the manta's food. The Manta genus is what is commonly thought of as manta rays. There is also a Mobula genus that are smaller bottom-dwelling rays. To confuse things even further, two of the Mobula species, Mobula mobular and Mobula hypostoma, are also commonly referred to as the devil fish and lesser devil ray, respectively. Recent studies of genetic samples, however, show that they are all the same species - Manta birostris. These graceful giants swim by moving their wing-like pectoral fins, which can grow up to 9 m wide, but average about 6.7 m. The largest weigh about 1,350 kg. Mantas are dark brown to black on the dorsal side with pale margins; they are mostly white on the ventral side. World Range & Habitat Giant mantas are found in temperate and tropical waters near continents and islands of all oceans. They are known to migrate around the world in search of plankton-rich waters. Feeding Behavior (Ecology) Giant manta rays are primarily plankton feeders. They use the unfurled cephalic (head) fins on the head (which look like horns when they are not feeding) to funnel plankton-rich water into the mouth where gill rakers filter out the plankton. Some small crustaceans and fish may complement the diet. Like other filter feeders, manta rays have reduced, nonfunctional teeth. They are no threat to larger ocean animals unless threatened; their only defense is their size and large powerful wings. Mantas do not have venomous spines on the tail. According to Yapese myth, mantas can wrap their wings around humans to squeeze them to death, but this is untrue. They can, however, pack a very powerful punch with their wings. Life History Giant mantas reproduces via aplacental viviparity, also called ovoviviparity, where the young hatch from eggs inside the female's body. Yolk nourishes the pups instead of placenta. Females give birth to a 1-2 pups that measure about 1.2 m wide and weigh roughly 45 kg. Young mantas grow very rapidly. During the mating season (December to late April), mantas gather in large numbers and several males can bee seen courting single females. The actual mating is done belly-to-belly. A few months later, 1-2 manta pups are born rolled up like tubes. They become active as soon as they have rolled out their wings. The actual birth of a manta is something rarely seen by humans and it has only been captured on film once. The young mantas are sometimes seen in the waters surrounding the mangrove system where they take shelter during their infancy. Conservation Status There is minimal danger unless attacked (especially harpooned) or otherwise startled, but the enormous size and power of this ray should invite respect. ŠTRUMFOVI Glume: Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Jonathan Winters, Hank Azaria, George Lopez, Alan Cumming, Katy Perry, Sofia Vergara, Anton Yelchin, Fred Armisen, Paul Reubens, Kenan Thompson, John Oliver, B.J. Novak, Jeff Foxworthy, Wolfgang Puck Re`iser: Raja Gosnell Studio: Columbia Pictures @anr: Animirani/ Porodi~ni G Sinopsis ledaoci širom sveta su spremni za dobar {trumfni provod, a {trumfovi po prvi put sti`u na velike ekrane tre}e dimenzije. Kada zli ~arobnjak isteruje male plave Štrumfove iz njihovog sela, oni trkom upadaju iz svog magi~nog sveta u naš – drugim re~ima, upadaju u sred Centralnog parka. Sitni i zaglavljeni u „Velikoj Jabuci“ (Njujorku), [trumfovi moraju na}i na~in da se vrate u svoje selo pre nego što ih Gargamel prona|e. THE SMURFS Starring: Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Jonathan Winters, Hank Azaria, George Lopez, Alan Cumming, Katy Perry, Sofia Vergara, Anton Yelchin, Fred Armisen, Paul Reubens, Kenan Thompson, John Oliver, B.J. Novak, Jeff Foxworthy, Wolfgang Puck Director: Raja Gosnell Studio: Columbia Pictures Genre: Animation / Family A Synopsis udiences everywhere are in for a Smurfy good time as the Smurfs make their first 3D trip to the big screen. When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and into ours – in fact, smack dab in the middle of Central Park. Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple, the Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down. LUDA, GLUPA, LJUBAV Glume: Steve Carell, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling, Kevin Bacon, Emma Stone, Marisa Tomei, Josh Groban, Joey King Re`iser: John Requa, Glenn Ficarra Studio: Warner Bros. @anr: Komedija ^ Sinopsis etrdeset i ne{to godina star i ugla|en Kal Viver `ivi `ivot iz sna; ima odli~an posao, lepu ku}u, divnu decu i o`enjen je devojkom u koju se zaljubio jo{ u srednjoj {koli. Ali, kada Kal sazna da ga je `ena Emili prevarila i sada `eli razvod, njegov „perfektni“ `ivot se brzo raspli}e. [to je jo{ gore, u dana{njem svetu samih, Kal koji decenijama nije bio na ljubavnim sastancima, izdvaja se kao oli~enje neugla|ene osobe. Tro{e}i svoje slobodno vreme dure}i se u lokalnom baru, nesre}nog Kala za {ti}enika preuzima zgodan, trideset i CRAZY, STUPID, ne{to godina star igra~ D`ejkob Palmer. U nasLOVE tojanju da Kalu pomogne da preboli svoju suprugu i zapo~ne nov `ivot, D`ejkob pru`a Starring: Steve Carell, mnogo opcija Kalovom `ivotu: flertuju}e `ene, Julianne Moore, Ryan jaka pi}a i smisao za stil koji se ne mo`e Gosling, Kevin Bacon, nau~iti u obi~nim robnim ku}ama. Kal i Emili Emma Stone, Marisa nisu jedini koji su u potrazi za ljubavlju na Tomei, Josh Groban, pogre{nim mestima: Kalov 13-godi{nji sin Robi Joey King je izgubio glavu za svojom 17-godi{njom Director: John Requa, bebisiterkom D`esikom, koja gaji tajne simpatiGlenn Ficarra je prema Kalu. I, uprkos obnovljenom izgledu i Studio: Warner Bros. njegovim novim osvajanjima, jedina stvar koju Genre: Comedy ne mo`e da izbri{e je njegovo srce, koje ga izgleda stalno vra}a na njegove po~etke. PRIJATELJI S POVLASTICAMA Glume: Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, Patricia Clarkson, Andy Samberg, Jenna Elfman, Richard Jenkins Re`iser: Will Gluck Studio: Screen Gems @anr: Romanti~ni / Komedija M Sinopsis ladi `enski lovac na glave u Njujorku ube|uje potencijalnog regruta da napusti svoj posao u San Francisku i prihvati posao u „Velikoj Jabuci“. Uprkos obostranoj privla~nosti, oboje shvataju da su postali ono od ~ega se klone u vezama i odlu~uju da postanu prijatelji ... sa povlasticama. To je savršen aran`man sve dok ne shvate da ne postoji tako ne{to, kao što su neobavezni odnosi. A Synopsis t fortysomething, straight-laced Cal Weaver is living the dream--good job, nice house, great kids and marriage to his high school sweetheart. But when Cal learns that his wife, Emily, has cheated on him and wants a divorce, his "perfect" life quickly unravels. Worse, in today's single world, Cal, who hasn't dated in decades, stands out as the epitome of un-smooth. Now spending his free evenings sulking alone at a local bar, the hapless Cal is taken on as wingman and protege to handsome, thirtysomething player Jacob Palmer. In an effort to help Cal get over his wife and start living his life, Jacob opens Cal's eyes to the many options before him: flirty women, manly drinks and a sense of style that can't be found at Supercuts or The Gap. Cal and Emily aren't the only ones looking for love in what might be all the wrong places: Cal's 13-year-old son, Robbie, is crazy about his 17year-old babysitter, Jessica, who harbors a crush on Cal. And despite Cal's makeover and his many new conquests, the one thing that can't be made over is his heart, which seems to keep leading him back to where he began. running from in a relationship and decide to become friends....with benefits. It’s the perfect arrangement--until they realize there’s no such thing as no strings attached. FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS Starring: Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, Patricia Clarkson, Andy Samberg, Jenna Elfman, Richard Jenkins Director: Will Gluck Studio: Screen Gems Genre: Romance / Comedy A Synopsis young female headhunter in New York convinces a potential recruit to leave his job in San Francisco behind and accept a job in the big apple. Despite an attraction to each other, both realize they're everything they've been N ole je u polufinalu Wimbledona pobedio Francuza JoWilfried Tsonga i time osigurao prvo mesto na rang listi Udru`enja teniskih profesionalaca (ATP)! Nakon toga je uspeo da u kona~nom duelu osvoji [panca Rafaela Nadala sa 3:1, po setovima 6:4, 6:1, 1:6, 6:3. Novak \okovi} je jo{ kao dete `eleo da postane prvak sveta, iako nam se sve `elje u `ivotu ne ostvaruju, njegov de~a~ki san je ipak postao java. I, osvojiv{i najpresti`niji turnir na svetu – Wimbledon, on je u{ao u legendu! On je ovom pobedom osim pehara zaradio i 1,1 miliona funti, Profesionalno igra od 2003. godine. Njegov najve{i uspeh je bio osvajanje Otvorenog prvenstva Australije i Masters kupa 2008. Tako|e, \okovi} je najmla|i igra~ koji je dospeo do polufinala na Rolan Garosu i na Wimbledonu. Pored toga, stigao je i do finala jedanaest turnira Masters serije, od kojih je pet osvojio – Majami, Montreal, Indian Wels, Rim i Pariz. Osvojio je bronzanu medalju na Olimpijskim igrama 2008. u Pekingu. Jedan je od dobitnika zlatne zna~ke Sporta. Ono {to je tako|e karakteristi~no za Noleta je to {to on zna ~esto da imitira saigra~e, od kojih su mnogi njegovi prijatelji. Prvi put ih je javno imitirao na lak{em treningu tokom Roland Garrosa 2007. (snimci ovih imitacija, za koje on tada nije znao da postoje, ubrzo su objavljene na televiziji), a prve javne imitacije izveo je nakon pobede nad Carlosom Moyom na Otvorenom prvenstvu SAD, kada je imitirao Rafaela Nadala i Mariju Sharapovu. Pored toga {to je dobar teniser, \ole govori vi{e jezika: engleski, nema~ki, italijanski i francuski jezik. A kada je ljubav u pitanju, ve} nekoliko godina je u vezi sa Jelenom Risti}. Nole: - u gostima kod Jay-a Lenoa i Conana O’Briena O tome koliko \okovi} privla~i medijsku pa`nju govori i ~injenica da je u avgustu gostovao u najpopularnijim TV emisijama kod Jay-a Lenoa i Conana O’Brien-a, gde su mu dru{tvo u emisiji pravili glumice Katie Holmes, supruga holivudske super-zvezde Tom-a Cruise-a, Olivia Wilde i komi~ar Russell Howard. - u gostima kod princa i princeze od Monaka On je na atletskom mitingu u Monaku ~estitao Charlene Wittstock i princu Albertu nedavno sklopljeni brak. Naime, zbog obaveza nije bio u mogu}nosti da prisustvuje kraljevskom ven~anju, ali mu se tokom boravka u sve~anoj lo`i stadiona Monaka ukazala prilika da popri~a sa mladencima. - glumac Ashton Kutcher na ~asu kod \okovi}a Holivudski glumac Ashton Kutcher odlu~io je da usavr{i svoje teniske ve{tine, a po{to mu ~asove dr`i Nole sigurno }e brzo napredovati. Ashton je Novaku putem svog tviter profila zahvalio na lekcijama: - Hej, Nole, hvala na lekcijama. Sada se moj slajs ~uje po celom svetu – napisao je suprug glumice Demi Moore, a Nole mu je ubrzo odgovorio: - Bilo je zadovoljstvo. Sada si napredovao, ima{ forhend u skoku, bekend, a slajsom mo`e{ da se~e{ salamu…” - dvostruko priznanje u Montrealu Na teniskom turniru Rogers u Montrealu, prire|ena je sve~anost u ~ast \okovi}a. Asocijacija teniskih profesionalaca (ATP) odala je po~ast Noletu kao novom vode}em igra~u na ATP listi. Direktor turnira Eugene Lapierre izjavio je da je odu{evljen {to je Nole vode}u poziciju proslavio ba{ u Montrealu. „On je ovde prvi put celom svetu pokazao svoj rasko{ni talenat 2007. godine pobediv{i tada vode}u trojku: Federera, Nadala i Rodika i osvojiv{i Rod`ers kup“, kazao je Lapierre u izjavi objavljenoj na zvani~nom sajtu turnira. - kontroverzna Lady Gaga: Nole je moj heroj! Ni kontroverzna peva~ica Lady Gaga nije ostala ravnodu{na prema Noletu, koja ga je na svom Twiter nalogu pohvalila re~ima: „Nole je moj heroj! Napred Nova~e, napred!“, napisala je ona. Pored nje, u armiji fanova \okovi}a nalaze se: Robert De Niro, Diego Maradona, Maria Sharapova, John McEnroe, Mel B, Nicole Kidman, Shakira, Marat Safin, Will Ferrell, Charlize Theron, Naomi Campbell i Antonio Banderas... N ole beat France's Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in Wimbledon finals and thus secured first place in the rankings of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP)! He then succeeded in the final duel and won against the Spaniard Rafael Nadal with 3-1, in sets 6:4, 6:1, 1:6, 6:3. As a child, Novak Djokovic wanted to become champion of the world. Even though not all our wishes come true, his boyish dream did come true. And winning the most prestigious tournament in the world, he had become a legend! Aside winning the trophy, through this victory, he had earned 1.1mil £. He had been a professional player since 2003. His greatest success was winning the Australian Open and Masters Cup in 2008. Djokovic is also the youngest player who had reached semi-finals in Roland Garros and Wimbledon. In addition, he reached finals of eleven Masters Series, out of which he had won in – Miami, Montreal, Indian Wels, Rome and Paris. He won a bronze medal at the Olympics in 2008 in Beijing. He is one of the winners of the Golden Pin of sport. What is also characteristic for Nole is that he often mimics his fellow colleagues, from which many of them are his friends. First time he had publicly imitated them during the light training during Roland Garros in 2007 (recordings of these imitations, whose existence he was not aware of, have soon been published on TV), and he had carried out his first public imitations after winning over Carlos Moya on an U.S. Open, when he mimicked Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova. Next to being a good tennis player, Nole speaks more languages: English, German, Italian and French language. And when love is concerned, he had been in a years’-long with Jelena Ristic. Nole: - Visiting Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien On the fact how much Djokovic attracts media attention, speaks the fact that he was the guest in most popular TV shows of Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien in august, where he had company of actresses Katie Holmes, wife of Hollywood’s super-star Tom Cruise, Olivia Wilde and comic Russel Howard. - Visiting prince and princess of Monaco During the Athletic Meeting in Monaco, he had congratulated Charlene Wittstock and Prince Albert their recently made marriage. Because of commitments, he was not able to be present at the royal wedding, but he had a chance to talk to the newlyweds during his stay in the official lounge of the Monaco stadium. - Actor Ashton Kutcher attends a class with Djokovic Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher has decided to improve his tennis skills, and since his lessons have been taught by Nole, it is certain that he will quickly improve. Ashton thanked Nole for lessons through his Twitter profile with: “Hey Nole, thank you for your lessons. My slice is now heard throughout the world,” Demi Moore’s husband wrote, and Nole swiftly responded with: “It was a pleasure. You’ve improved yourself, you have a flying forehand, backhand, and you can cut salami with your slice”. - Double award in Montreal A special celebration to honour Djokovic was organized at the Rogers tennis tournament in Montreal. Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) has commemorated the honour to Nole as the new leading player on the ATP list. Director of the tournament, Eugene Lapierre has stated that he was delighted that Nole has celebrated his leading position exactly in Montreal. “This was the place where he had shown his vast talent to the world in 2007 by beating the then top-three: Federrer, Nadal and Roddick and winning the Rogers Cup,” said Lapierr in a statement on the official website of the tournament. - Controversial Lady Gaga: Nole is my hero! The controversial singer Lady Gaga has not remained indifferent to Nole, and has praised him on her Twitter page: “Nole is my hero! Go Novak, go!” she wrote. Beside her, the army of Djokovic’s fans includes: Robert De Niro, Diego Maradona, Maria Sharapova, John McEnroe, Mel B, Nicole Kidman, Shakira, Marat Safin, Will Ferrell, Charlize Theron, Naomi Campbell and Antonio Banderas ... Od [kode preko Hyundai-ija do Volkswagen-aa o~ekuje se poplava na tr`ištu uti~nih i hibridnih automobila P rvi masovno proizvedeni automobili na elektri~ni pogon u}i }e u prodaju u odre|enim gradovima, a to }e biti po~etak talasa novih zelenih automobila koji }e se pojaviti u prodajnim salonima tokom slede}e godine. Chevrolet Volt od General Motors-a i Leaf od Nissan-a, bi}e predstavljeni u decembru, a oni su samo po~etak trenda automobila na elektri~ni pogon. Najmanje osam hibridnih i 12 uti~nih automobila na elektri~ni pogon predstavi}e se tokom ove godine, a vi{e elektri~nih vozila o~ekuje se naredne godine. Hibrid, kako samo ime ka`e, koristi i benzinski i elektri~ni motor, a pogon se prebacuje po potrebi. Uti~ni hibrid je sli~an; ima ve}i akumulator koji mu dozvoljava pogon na isklju~ivo elektri~noj energiji na kra}im rastojanjima, ali ne i na du`im putovanjima. Elektri~no vozilo sa dodatnim dometom, kao što je Volt, mo`e da pre|e i vi{e od 40 milja, nakon ~ega se uklju~uje mali benzinski motor koji dopunjuje akumulator. ^isto elektri~no vozilo, kao što je Leaf, koristi samo elektri~nu energiju koja se mora dopuniti svakih 100 milja. Kada su hibridi u pitanju, svi govore samo o Toyota-i Prius, tako da je mo`da iznena|uju}e da danas na tr`i{tu ima 27 drugih hibridnih modela, me|u njima i hibridne verzije BMW serije 7, Mercedes S klase i Lexus-a LS. Mnogo novih modela pristi`e; ima tu luksuznih automobila kao što je najnoviji Porsche Cayenn S, hibridni sportsko terenski automobil, i Lexus CT 200h kompakt. Nema~ki proizvo|a~i automobila koji su pokušavali da okrenu više Amerikanaca ka ~istim dizelašima, sada uveliko forsiraju hibridne i uti~ne automobile. A u 2012. godini o~ekuju se hibridna verzija Vo l k s w a g e n - o v o g To u a r e g - a i h i b r i d na Jetta. U me|uvremenu, maltene svi proizvo|a~i, uklju~uju}i i novije pridošlice u ovoj industriji, rade na nekoj vrsti elektri~nog uti~nog vozila, ali ne mo`e svaka firma da ih proizvodi masovno. Oni polako bivaju plasirani komunalnim i dr`avnim voznim parkovima, sve dok ne bude uspostavljena mre`a napajanja. Ford Motor nije ni zapo~eo sa prodajom slede}e generacije Focus kompakta, ali ve} imaju elektri~nu verziju u planu. Focus EV }e u}i u prodaju krajem 2011. godine i proizvodi}e se u isto vreme kao i benzinska verzija u Mi~igenu. Chrysler, koji kontroliše italijanski Fiat, prodava}e Fiat e500, uti~nu verziju Fiatovog Kjut 500 gradskog automobila, ve} po~etkom 2012. godine. Toyota, koja je prodala elektri~nu verziju svog Rav4 sportsko terenskog vozila pre deset godina, sada radi na drugoj generaciji u saradnji sa Teslom iz Silikonske Doline. Tesla }e proizvesti litijum-jonski akumulator i druge delove. Mali broj Rav4 elektri~nih vozila }e biti testirani tokom ove godine, a prodor na tr`ište se o~ekuje u 2012. From the Coda to Hyundai and Volkswagen, a rundown of the flood of plug-ins and hybrids set to hit the market. T he first mass-market electric vehicles are about to go on sale in selected cities, kicking off the beginning of a wave of new green vehicles hitting showrooms over the coming year. The Chevrolet Volt, from General Motors, and the Leaf, from Nissan, both launching in December, are just the beginning of the electrification trend. At least eight hybrids and 12 plug-in electric cars are planned for 2011, with another batch of electric vehicles (EVs) expected in 2012. A hybrid, as the name suggests, uses both a gasoline engine and electric motor to power the car, switching back and forth as necessary. A plug-in hybrid is similar, but comes with a larger battery that allows the vehicle to travel solely on electric power for short hops, but not for long stretches. An extended-range electric vehicle, like the Volt, can go up to 40 or so miles on electricity, after which a small gasoline motor kicks in to recharge the battery and keep driving. A pure EV, like the Leaf, runs solely on electricity and needs to be recharged every 100 miles or so. When it comes to hybrids, Toyota's Prius is the only one anyone ever really talks about, so it might surprise you that there are 27 other hybrid models already on the market today, including hybrid versions of the BMW 7-series, Mercedes S-class and Lexus LS. Many more are coming. They include luxury cars like the recently introduced Porsche Cayenne S hybrid SUV, and the Lexus CT 200h compact. German carmakers, which had been trying to steer more Americans to clean diesels, are now making a big push on hybrids and plug-ins, too. A hybrid version of the Volkswagen Touareg SUV, followed by a hybrid VW Jetta small car in 2012. Meanwhile, virtually every carmaker, including many industry newcomers, is working on some sort of electric plug-in car, though not every company is ready to take them into the mass market. They're rolling them out slowly, to utilities and government fleets, until there's a charging network that can support them. Ford Motor hasn't even started selling its next-generation Focus compact, but it's already planning an electric version. The Focus EV will go on sale in late 2011, and will be manufactured alongside the gasoline version at a factory in Michigan. Chrysler, controlled by Italy's Fiat, will sell the Fiat e500, a plug-in version of Fiat's cute 500 city car, beginning in 2012. Toyota, which sold an electric version of its Rav4 SUV a decade ago, is now working on the second generation with help from Tesla, from the Silicon Valley. Tesla will build and supply the lithium-ion battery pack and other components. A small fleet of new Rav4 EVs will be tested in 2011, with the expected full-market launch expected in 2012. M esto koje smo posetili, u nizu intervjua sa gradona~elnicima kosovskih opština, jeste Mitrovica, gde smo imali veoma srda~an sastanak sa gradona~elnikom Opštine Avnijem Kastratijem. Kao što se podrazumeva, jedan od glavnih napora koji lokalna uprava u Opštini Mitrovica ula`e je da se gra|ani {to vi{e uklju~e u proces donošenja odluka. To zna~i da se prioritet daje organizovanju sastanaka sa gra|anima o bud`etu ili redovnim polugodišnjim sastancima. [ansa da gra|ani u~estvuju na opštinskim sastancima je ve} zna~ajan deo mozaika upravljanja, koji daje ose}aj prisnosti i razumevanjea op{tinskih procedura za gra|ane. Prema re~ima gradona~elnika Kastratija, posve}enost ovom pravcu sada daje konkretne rezultate. „U po~etku smo našim polugodišnjim sastancima imali 10 do 12 zainteresovanih ljudi, dok smo poslednji sastanak, odr`an krajem juna ove godine, morali da odr`imo u Domu kulture, koji je bio skoro pun. Pored toga, svi prisutni su bili aktivni u~esnici što zna~i da su postavljali pitanja i zahteve, ali isto tako izlagali konkretne predloge za rešenje problema i poboljšanje kvaliteta `ivota u našoj opštini“, rekao je gospodin Kastrati. Objasnio nam je da je upravo porast interesovanja gra|ana u procesu donošenja odluka, omogu}io lokalnim vlastima u Opštini Mitrovica da realizuju skoro 100 razli~itih projekata, tokom prošle godine. Drugim re~ima, to zna~i da su troškovi bud`eta za 2010. godinu dostigli nivo od 97.8 procenata godišnjeg bud`eta. Štaviše, ovakva sklonost ka realizaciji projekata se nastavila i ove godine. Gospodin Kastrati je naglasio da je drugo dostignu}e njegove uprave, to što je on kao gradona~elnik Opštine, ali i njegovi politi~ki savetnici tj. direktori opštinskih uprava, otvoren za direktnu komunikaciju sa gra|anima. Kao dokaz, on je izneo ~injenicu da od pro{le godine, svakoga dana posle radnog vremena, pru`a priliku svim gra|anima da se sastanu sa njim. ^ak je istakao, da je u po~etku bilo ljudi koji su ovaj pristup shvatili kao znak da mogu da koriste ovaj kontakt, kako bi dobili neke li~ne usluge od vo|e Opštine. Me|utim, upornost gradona~elnika u nastojanju da sastanci budu otvoreni za svakoga, i upornost da postoji puna transparentnost, dovela je do toga da takvi pokušaji brzo prestanu, a da se pove}a poverenje gra|ana u osobe koje su izabrali. Svi smo svesni da je Mitrovica u posebnoj situaciji, u odnosu na druge opštine na Kosovu, i to iz razloga što Ahtisarijev paket predvi|a da se grad Mitrovica sastoji od dve opštine: opštine ju`no od reke Ibar, i opštine severno od reke Ibar. Povodom ovoga, gospodin Kastrati je izme|u ostalog rekao: „Za sada nismo uspeli da organizujemo opštinu na severu, uprkos tome, o~ekujem da }emo do kraja ove godine organizovati opštinu na severu, i verujem da }e saradnja i podrška obe opštine od strane centralne Vlade i me|unarodne zajednice, biti bolja nego što je trenutno.“ Povodom kritika upu}enih na ra~un formiranja ove opštine, gospodin Kastrati je rekao, ~injenica da se o ovom pitanju raspravljalo, a kasnije je odobreno od strane Parlamenta Kosova, pokazuje da stvaranje ove nove opštine ne predstavlja nikakav problem. U ovom slu~aju je ~ak naglasio da se i u zapadnoj demokratiji nastoji da opštine budu što manje, kako bi bile što bli`e gra|anima, a izbegava se stvaranje velikih, tako da gra|ani imaju ve}i uticaj na proces donošenja odluka. On je napomenuo da kašnjenje u formiranju severne opštine ne predstavlja prepreku u obezbe|ivanju usluga srpskom delu stanovništva. Štaviše, u poslednje vreme je prime}en porast broja Srba koji dolaze u Opštinu i zahtevaju razli~ite usluge, i oni su veoma dobro primljeni i zadovoljni uslugama slu`benika. Gradona~elnik Kastrati savetovao je svim mladim ljudima na Kosovu, da se maksimalno trude, {to vi{e informi{u i poha|aju razne kurseve, i da se polako pripremaju za svoj izbor na slede}im izborima, na kojima }e imati pravo da glasaju. Zato što, prema njegovom mišljenju, moraju da razumeju koliko je bitan njihov glas, i pre nego što glasaju, mladi Kosova moraju du`e i vi{e da razmi{ljaju o tome ko }e ih zastupati u njihovoj Vladi. T Mr. Avni Kastrati he next interview made with the mayors of Kosovo municipalities was in Mitrovica, where we spoke with the mayor of this municipality Mr. Avni Kastrati. As it is expected, in the Municipality of Mitrovica, one of the main efforts of the local governance is including the citizens as much as possible in the decision-making process. This means that the organization of meetings with the citizens for budgetary sessions or regular semiannual meetings are a priority. The opportunity for citizens to participate in the Municipal Assembly meetings is already a significant part of the mosaic of governance, and engenders a sense of familiarity and understanding of municipality procedures for the citizen. According to Mayor Kastrati the commitment in this direction is now giving concrete results. “While initially in our semiannual meetings we had 1012 people that were interested to participate, in the last meeting held at the end of June 2011, we were obligated to keep it at the Culture Centre, which was almost full. Apart from this, all present were active participants, which means that they asked questions, made demands, but also provided concrete proposals for the solution of the problems and the improvement of quality of life in our municipality,” added Mr. Kastrati. He continued further on, explaining that it is precisely the increase of citizens’ interest for participation in the decision-making process that has enabled the local authority in the municipality of Mitrovica to implement nearly 100 different projects, during the last year. In other words, this means that budget expenditures for the year 2010 reached the level of 97.8 percent of the annual budget. Furthermore, this trend of project implementation continues this year, too. On the other hand, Mr. Kastrati, emphasized that another accomplishment of his government is that he, as a mayor of the municipality, and also his political advisors, the directors of municipal directorates as they are otherwise known, are open for direct communication with the citizens. In support of this, Mr. Kastrati mentioned that as of year 2010, every day, after his working hours, he has offered the opportunity to all the citizens to have meetings with him. He even pointed out that initially there were individuals that took this approach as a sign that they can use these contacts to gain personal favors from the leader of the municipality. However, the insistence for the meetings to be open for everyone and with full transparency by Mr. Kastrati has resulted for such attempts to quickly disappear and for the citizens to strengthen the trust in the persons they have elected. As we are all aware Mitrovica is in a particularly unique situation compared to the other municipalities in Kosovo. This is because according to the Ahtissari Package the city of Mitrovica will consist of two municipalities: the municipality in the south of Ibër/Ibar River, and the municipality in the north of the Ibër/Ibar River. Regarding this, Mr. Kastrati, among other things said: “So far we have not succeeded in organizing the municipality in the north. Despite this, I expected to be organized by the end of this year and look forward to the opportunity of cooperation and support both by the central government and the International Community which will be better than it is at present.” Regarding the critics towards the creation of this municipality, Mr. Kastrati said that the fact itself that this issue has been discussed and later approved by the Kosovo Assembly shows that the creation of this new municipality does not present any problem. In this case, he even emphasized that also in western democracy the tendency is for the municipalities to be as small as possible, in order to be closer to the citizens. This strategy by-passes large bureaucratic municipalities, so the citizens will have better opportunities to have an impact in the decision-making process. However, Mr. Kastrati mentioned again that the delay in the creation of the northern municipality does not present an obstacle in offering municipal services to the Serbian population. Nevertheless, according to him, recently there is noticeable increase in Serbians coming to the municipality and requesting different services, they are received very well and are pleased with the services of the civil servants. In the end, Mr. Kastrati advised all the young people in Kosovo to get informed about politics and in studying the courses and to prepare for making their choices in the next Elections, where they will have a right to vote. Because, according to him, they must understand how important their vote is and that before casting a vote for someone, the young people of Kosovo must think long and hard about who they want to represent them in government. Jovan Miljkovi} (13) Moje omiljene peva~ice su: Jana Todorovi}, Nata{a Bekvalac, Seka Aleksi}, MC Stojan i Cvija. Kod Jane mi se dopada na~in na koji ona peva, svi|a mi se njen glas, i mislim da je ona ekstra peva~ica. Nata{a i Seka tako|e dobro pevaju, a najvi{e mi se svi|aju pesme MC Stojan-a; od kojih su: „Kuku lele“ i „Brzo, brzo“. Jovana Slavi} (13) Moji omiljeni peva~i su: Davor Badrov, Milan Mitrovi}, Jovan Stefanovi}, Sa{a Kova~evi}, a od stranih slu{am 50 Cent. Od peva~ica volim: Aleksandru Kova~, Biljanu Se~ivanovi}, Ceca, Seka Aleksi} i Jana Todorovi}. Jovan Stefanovi} mi se svi|a zato {to lepo peva i zato {to je presladak. Sa{a Kova~evi} lepo peva i lepo izgleda. Njegova pesma koja mi se najvi{e dopada je „Idemo do mene“. Janu volim zato {to dobro peva, a `elja mi je da odem na koncert Milana Mitrovi}a. Jovana Slavic (13) My favourite actors are: Davor Badrov, Milan Mitrovic, Jovan Stefanovic, Sasa Kovacevic, and of foreign ones i listen to 50 Cent. From female singers i love: Aleksandra Kovac, Biljana Secivanovic, Ceca, Seka Aleksic and Jana Todorovic. I like Jovan Stefanovic because he sings beautifully and looks the same. His song that i like the most is „Idemo do mene“. I like Jana because she sings well, and my wish is to attend the concert of Milan Mitrovic. Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku. Jovan Miljkovic (13) My favourite singers are: Jana Todorovic, Natasa Bekvalac, Seka Aleksic, MC Stojan and Cvija. I like the way Jana sings, i like her voice, and i think she is an extra signer. Nata{a and Seka sing well too, and i like the most songs of MC Stojan; which are: „Kuku lele“ and „Brzo, brzo“. Lazar A|an~i} (12) Moji omiljeni peva~i su 50 Cent, Eminem, Cvija, MC Stojan i Nikola Rokvi}. 50 Cent mi se svi|a zato {to dobro peva, ima dobre pokrete, lepo se obla~i i ima puno hitova, i svi ga obo`avaju. Eminema svi vole i jer ima mnogo dobre pesme. I ostali koje sam nabrojao su jako dobri peva~i, i meni su najomiljeniji. Lazar Adjancic (12) My favourite singers are 50 Cent, Eminem, Cvija, MC Stojan and Nikola Rokvic. I like 50 Cent because he sings well, makes good moves, dresses well, has many hits, and everyone adores him. Everyone loves Eminem because he has very good songs. Other ones that I’ve mentioned are also very good singers, and are my favourite ones. Milan Mi}alevi} (13) Omiljena vrsta muzike mi je „electro-house“, a moji omiljeni muzi~ar je Benny Benassi. Najvi{e u`ivam dok slu{am njihovu najpoznatiju pesmu „Satisfaction“. Od doma}ih muzi~ara slu{am: MC Stojana, Cviju i Elitne odrede. MC Stojan i Cvija mi se svi|aju zato {to su mnogo dobri peva~i i imaju veoma dobru muziku. Elitne odrede slu{am jer u njima je moj omiljeni peva~ Kristijan Golubovi}. Tako|e bih pomenuo i 50 Cent i njihovu pesmu „Candy Shop“. Sne`ana Petkovi} (14) Od mnogih peva~a na na{oj estradi izdvoji}u Aleksandru Kova~, zbog njene karakteristi~ne boje glasa. Obo`avam sve njene pesme, a najomiljenija mi je „Da te volim“. Slu{am i „RAP muziku“. Svi|a mi se grupa Elitni odredi i njihova pesma „Samo da si sa mnom“. Od stranih peva~a slu{am Rihannau, i njena omiljena pesma mi je „Te amo“. Tako|e, slu{am i Lady Gaga-u, odvoji}u njen hit „Paparazzi“, a moram i pomenuti J.Lo koja ima divnu boju glasa, a trenutno je njen hit „On the floor“ na svim vrhovima top lista. Snezana Petkovic (14) Of many singers in our scene, i will mention Aleksandra Kovac, because of her specific voice colour. I adore all her songs, and my favourite one is „Da te volim“. I also listen to RAP music. I like the band „Elitni Odredi“ and their song „Samo da si sa mnom“. From foreign singers, i listen to Rihanna and my favourite song is „Te amo“. I also listen to Ladu Gaga, and would mention her hitsong „Paparazzi“. I also have to mention J.Lo who has a wonderful colour of her voice, with her current hit „On the floor“ that is holding top positions of all hit-lists. Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR. Milan Micalevic (13) My favourite kind of music is „electro-house“, and my favourite singer is Benny Benassi. I mostly enjoy listening to their well known song „Satisfaction“. From local musicians, i listen to: MC Stojana, Cvija and „Elitni odredi“. I like MC Stojan and Cvija because they are very good singers and have very good music. I listen to „Elitni Odredi“ because of their signer Kristijan Golubovic who is my favourite. I would also like to mention 50 Cent and their song „Candy Shop“. Marina A|an~i} (13) Od mnogih peva~ica sa estrade, izdvoji}u Aleksandru Kova~, jer ima posebnu boju glasa i pesme. Slu{am i „RAP muziku“. Volim da slu{am i stranu muziku, npr. J. Lo, Inna-u i Lady Gaga-u, a posebno mi se svi|a njen stajling. Nave{}u i Cviju i njegovu pesmu „Moja `elja si ti“. Omiljene pesme su mi „Poker Face“ i „Amazing“. Marina Adjancic (13) From many female singers in our scene, i will mention Aleksandra Kovac, because she has a specific colour of the voice and songs. I also listen to RAP music. I like foreign music too, for instance Inna and Lady Gaga, and i particularly like her styling. I will mention Cvija and his song „Moja zelja si ti“. My favourite songs are „Poker face“ and „Amazing“. Zdravo, Moje ime je Milica, imam 13 godina, `ivim u Babinom Mostu. Dobila sam priliku da Vam napi{em nekoliko re~enica o mojim interesovanjima; volim da ~itam stripove i ljubavne romane. U slobodno vreme se bavim sportom, a sanjam da jednoga dana postanem pedijatar. U Va{em ~asopisu bih volela da vidim poster Wiliama Levy-ija. Unapred hvala! Milica Petrovi} O[ „Milan Raki}“ Babin Most ]ao! Zovem se Vesna Mili} i imam 13 godina. Redovno listam ovaj magazin, a sada imam priliku da Vam to i ka`em. Tako|e, ~itam omiljene novine „TV novela“ i „Jedinstvo“. To su moji omiljeni ~asopisi. [to se muzike ti~e, omiljena grupa mi je Luna, a pored njih slu{am i Miju i Maju. Od svih glumaca odvajam Maite-a Perroni-ja i Wiliam-a Levy-ija. U slobodno vreme volim da crtam, a najvi{e crtam prirodu. Od sportova volim tenis i odbojku. Vesna Mili} O[ „Milan Raki}“ Babin Most Pozdrav, @elim da Vam ka`em da mi se ovaj magazin mnogo svi|a, i samo tako nastavite! Slobodno vreme provodim napolju igraju}i odbojku ili ~itaju}i knjige. @elim da objavite poster Brad-a Pitta. Omiljena peva~ica mi je Rihanna, a glumica Angelina Jolie. Od sportova volim odbojku i ko{arku. Angelina Petrovi} O[ „Milan Raki}“ Babin Most Zdravo! Moj hobi je crtanje, {to i radim u slobodno vreme, tako|e volim mnogo da ~itam. Omiljeni sport mi je odbojka. Mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, a posebno odva- jam Inna-u, Lady Gaga-u i Rihanna-u. Ovaj magazin mi se mnogo svi|a. @elela bih da objavite poster Angeline Jolie, jer mi je to omiljena glumica. Hvala unapred! Nikolija Dan~etovi} O[ „Milan Raki}“ Babin Most Po{tovani, Mene posebno zanima na{a {kola i kakve su druge {kole. Tako|e me zanimaju kompjuteri, filmovi, sport, skijanje, muzika, diskoteke, komunikacija sa ljudima i ostatkom sveta. Imam hobi, a to je skupljanje starog novca. Volim da slu{am muziku, a najvi{e volim Sandru Afriku. Omiljeni filmovi su mi Spartak, Jackie Chan, Jean Claude Van Damme i Brus Li. A najvi{e mi se od glumaca dopada Lane Gutovi}. U slobodno vreme najvi{e u~im. Toliko od mene! Irfan Pelivani Ekonomsko-turisti~ka {kola Mlike, Draga{ Pozdrav! Omiljeni glumac mi je Milan Lane Gutovi}, a sa muzi~ke scene mi se dopadaju Seka Aleksi} i Milan Stankovi}, te bih volela da objavite njegov poster. U slobodno vreme ~itam knjige, a volela bih da mogu da se bavim nekim sportom, mada ovde nemamo uslova za to. Tako|e, volim da gledam filmove, a posebno mi se svi|a film „Mis tajni agent“. Adisa Ibrahimi Ekonomsko-turisti~ka {kola Mlike, Draga{ Hello, My name is Milica, I’m 13 years old, I live in Babin Most. I have an opportunity to write you a few sentences about my interests; i like to read comics and love novels. I play sports during my free time, and i dream of becoming a paediatrics one day. I would like to see a poster of William Levy in your magazine. Thank you in advance! Milica Petrovic Primary school „Milan Rakic“ Babin Most Ciao! My name is Vesna Milic and I’m 13 years old. I regularly read your magazine, and now i have an opportunity too to tell you that. Also, i read other favourite magazines such as „TV Novela“ and „Jedinstvo“. Those are my favourite magazines. As far as music is concerned, my favourite band is Luna, and next to them i also listen to Mija and Maja. I highlight Maite Perroni and William Levy from the rest of actors. During free time I like to draw, and I mostly draw nature. I love tennis and volleyball of all sports. Vesna Milic Primary school „Milan Rakic“ Babin Most Hello, I want to tell you that I like this magazine quite a lot, and you should keep it up! I spend my free time in the outdoors, playing volleyball or reading books. I’d wish if you could publish the poster of Brad Pitt. My favourite singer is Rihanna, and actress Angelina Jolie. My favourite sports are volleyball and basketball. Angelina Petrovic Primary school „Milan Rakic“ Babin Most Hello! My hobby is drawing, which is something I do during my free time, I also like to read a lot. My favourite sport is volleyball. I really like to listen to music, and want to especially highlight Inna, Lady Gaga and Rihanna. I like this magazine so much. I would wish if you could publish the poster of Angelina Jolie, because she is my favourite actress. Thank you in advance! Nikolija Dancetovic Primary school „Milan Rakic“ Babin Most Respected, I’m especially interested in our school and what other schools are like. I’m also interested in computers, films, sports, skiing, music, discos, communication with people and the rest of the world. I have a hobby, which is collecting old money. I like to listen to music, and most of them Sandra Afrika. My favourite films are Spartacus, Jackie Chan, Jean Claude Van Damme and Bruce Lee. And my favourite actor is Lane Gutovic. I mainly study during my free time. That would be all from me! Irfan Pelivani School of Economy and Tourism Mlike, Dragas Hello! My favourite actor is Milan Lane Gutovic, while from the music scene I mostly like Seka Aleksic and Milan Stankovic, and I would therefore like if you could publish his poster. I read books during my free time, and would like to engage in some sport, but we don’t have conditions for that here. I also like to watch films, and I especially like “Miss Secret Agent”. Adisa Ibrahimi School of Economy and Tourism Mlike, Dragas