- DalCasa


- DalCasa
ISSN 1845-2086
ory word
Temu broja posvetili smo Dubaiju. Vjerujem da će mišljenja u vezi s tom temom biti podijeljena,
kao što je slučaj u našoj redakciji, ali jedno je sigurno – ono što se trenutačno događa u tom
gradu ne može se usporediti ni sa čim viđenim u Europi.
Sviđao vam se Dubai ili ne sviđao, to je grad fenomen, bar što se arhitekture i graditeljstva tiče.
Već posljednjih nekoliko godina ruši sve rekorde u gradnji, što ne čudi jer je tamo 30 posto svih
dizalica na svijetu, gradi se 24 sata na dan, a rok za podizanje kata nebodera je rekordnih dva
i pol dana.
U Dubaiju je sve “naj“, najviši neboder na svijetu, jedini hotel sa sedam zvjezdica... Mnogo je
novca uloženo i turistička ekspanzija je očekivana, ali nikako im se ne može oprostiti činjenica
da tako bogati grad ima samo jedan muzej.
Osim Dubaija, u novom broju vodimo vas na još nekoliko zanimljivih odredišta, kao što je novootvoreni restoran Katsuya Hollywood, u čije je uređenje umiješao prste Phillipe Starck. Nakon
Katsuye, brzo na drugi kraj svijeta, u Omanski zaljev, gdje ćete uživati u panoramskom pogledu
kroz vrtove palmi hotela The Chedi Muscat. A da se ne biste zasitili dalekih potovanja, posjetili
smo i Motovun. Istarsko vino, tartufi te predivan pogled koji se pruža iz grada čine nezaboravno
Vratiti se kući je uvijek najljepše, pogotovo ako je dom uređen baš po vašem guštu. Donosimo
vam mnoštvo savjeta i ideja za stvaranje toplog i ugodnog ambijenta.
I, naravno, tu je nezaobilazni oglasnik nekretnina.
We decided to dedicate our cover story to Dubai. I believe that there will be many divided
opinions regarding that subject, as there were in our editorial office, but one thing is for sure – the
things that are currently taking place in that city cannot be compared to anything that has
been seen in Europe. Whether you like Dubai or not, that city is a phenomenon, at least when
it comes to architecture and civil engineering. All the construction records have been beaten
over the last several years, which is hardly surprising given the fact that 30 percent of all the
cranes in the world reside in Dubai, while construction goes on 24 hours a day and it only takes
a record-setting two and a half hours to build a floor on a skyscraper.
Dubai basically has all the records – the highest skyscraper in the world, the only seven-star
hotel… Plenty of money has been invested and tourists are expected to storm into the city, but
there is no forgiving the fact that such a rich city only has one museum.
Besides Dubai, our new issue takes you to several more interesting destinations, such as the newly opened restaurant Katsuya Hollywood, which owes a lot of its decoration credits to Phillipe
Starck. After Katsuya, we take a quick ride across the globe and take you to the Gulf of Oman,
where you will enjoy panoramic views through the palm gardens of The Chedi Muscat Hotel.
And if you’re getting a little fed up with far-away journeys, we also visited Motovun. Istrian wine,
truffles, and a glorious view that the town provides make for an unforgettable experience.
Coming back home is always the nicest feeling, especially if that home is decorated just the
way you like it. We bring you a lot of advices and ideas on how to create a warm and pleasant
And naturally, let’s not forget our unavoidable advertisement section.
Svakog prvog
na kioscima
Projekt Dubai – nova meka za konzumersku eru /
Project Dubai – The New Mecca for the Consumption
Saša Šekoranja: Umjetnièka igra cvijeæem / An Artistic
Game with Flowers
Stilist ureðenja interijera – zanimanje buduænosti /
Interior Decoration Stylist – The Job of the Future
“Slatki bijeg” u utrobu Istre / “Sweet Escape” into the
Entrails of Istria
Senzualni Starckov lounge samostan / Starck’s Sensual
Lounge Monastery
Marko Tadiæ: Prièe iz nepoznatog /
Stories from the Unknown
Arhetipski biser Indijskog oceana / Archetypal
Pearl of the Indian Ocean
Mladalaèki stan s puno stila / A Youthful Apartment
with Plenty of Style
Ulazna vrata – ljepota izvana, sigurnost iznutra /
The Entrance Door – Beauty from the Outside, Safety
from the Inside
Tepih – vjeèna moda i neodoljiva toplina /
Carpet – Eternal Fashion and Irresistible Warmth
Pametna organizacija – preduvjet ugodnog
stanovanja / Smart Organization – A Prerequisite
for Comfortable Living
Jedinstvo forme i materijala / The Unity of Form
and Material
Interijeri za zaljubljene / Interiors for Those In Love
Tema broja
Projekt Dubai - nova meka
za konzumersku eru
Vizija i razlog “Novog Dubaija” u emancipiranju su gospodarstva od izmičućeg oslonca u nafti i stvaranju posebnih poslovnih i turističkih atrakcija na pustinjskom pijesku. Međutim, dvojbe su brojne: kakav sustav vrijednosti leži u (u ovolikoj mjeri)
sistematičnom stvaranju jedne urbane sredine? Koja su estetska, čak etička promišljanja izazvala baš takav Dubai?
Piše: Nikola Èelan
riča o Dubaiju, barem onaj njezin dio
koji se tiče investicija, ekonomije i, posljedično, arhitekture, počinje zapravo u
budućnosti. Od 1966., kad je u drugom
po veličini od tada još neujedinjenih Emirata
(nakon Abu Dhabija) na obali Perzijskog zaljeva otkrivena nafta, za manje od desetljeća
stanovništvo ove rubnopustinjske i ni po čemu
posebno zanimljive teritorijalne jedinice povećalo se za 300 posto. Posljedica je to, naravno,
bila naglog porasta globalnog ekonomskog
interesa za to područje.
Nakon otvaranja 2009. godine, Burj Dubai bit će najveća
zgrada na svijetu / After its
opening in 2009, Burj Dubai will
become the largest building in
the world
Granice rasta i varljiva nafta
Podijeljene su koncesije stranim tvrtkama i počela je sustavna eksploatacija. Ekonomski bum
zatekao je na vlasti dinastiju Al Maktoum koja
laskavu poziciju, u skladu s osebujnom, tradicionalno islamskom varijantom vladavine, drži
još od prve polovice 19. stoljeća. Tako se recentni rast lokalnog i globalnog značenja Dubaija povećavao do trenutka kad se spoznala
specifična granica rasta ovako strukturiranoga
gospodarstva. Budućnost se sukobila s gradom
u 2010. godini, za kada je predviđeno presušivanje naftnih izvora, taj nosivi stup procvata jednog sela – promatramo li Dubai u globalnim,
čak i regionalnim gabaritima.
Posebno je ta činjenica zanimljiva u situaciji
kad Dubaiju prijeti neposredna opasnost od
globalnog zatopljenja. Procjene su da će se
grad, čija nadmorska visina uglavnom ne prelazi petnaestak metara, nastavi li se trend zasićenosti atmosfere produktima sagorijevanja
neobnovljivih izvora energije, istoga onoga
čemu duguje svoj napredak i blagostanje, za
pedeset godina naći pod morem (u kojemu,
usput, više neće biti ni ribe), zajedno sa svim
svojim investicijama.
Zbog svega toga pokazala se nužnom svojevrsna revolucija: s trgovinske djelatnosti vezane
strogo uz naftni biznis, trebat će se preorijentirati u nešto drugo... Odgovor na pitanje što bi
to trebalo biti pronašao se u kombinaciji bogatstva i vizije jedne konkretne osobe, glavne
“face“ Dubaija, njezina zakonskog upravitelja,
šeika Mohammeda Bin Rashida Al Maktouma.
Vizija se sastoji u emancipiranju gospodarstva
od izmičućeg oslonca u nafti i stvaranju posebnih poslovnih i turističkih atrakcija na pustinjskom pijesku.
Burj Dubai, Hydropolis, The Palm Islands, Sports
City, Eco-Tourism World, Ski Dubai, Emirates Towers, The World, Dubai Marina, Business Bay Signature Towers, Dubai Towers, Infinity Towers,
Apeiron tek su najatraktivniji dio graditeljskog
asortimana ove gospodarske revolucije.
“Kapitalci” Dubaija
Nakon otvaranja 2009. godine, Burj Dubai bit
će najveća zgrada na svijetu. Nadahnut islamskom tradicijom, toranj uključuje dizajnerske
Dubai 1973.
Impresivni blok Dubai Towers /
An impressive Dubai Towers’ block
Dubai 1990.
elemente proizišle iz forme lokalnog pustinjskog cvijeća. Svoju stabilnost u tim dramatičnim gabaritima
duguje strukturi čija se masa smanjuje kako se toranj
sužava prema vrhu. Tako se on utvrđuje koncentrirajući
glavninu mase u najnižem svom segmentu. Toranj se
gradi za različite namjene, uglavnom poslovne, trgovačke, zabavne te privatne, stambene.
Burj Dubai ne treba miješati s objektom sličnog imena,
Burj Al Arabom. U Dubaiju, jednom od trenutačno najvećih svjetskih gradilišta, svaka priča o gradnji počinje
simbolom moći dizajnerske atrakcije i ugostiteljske izvrsnosti – hotelom koji se reklamira kao “najbolji na svijetu” – Burj Al Arab, Arapski toranj, ako ne najbolji, onda
zasigurno najviši, a i vjerojatno najskuplji. Noćenje u
tom hotelu, jedinom svjetskom sa sedam zvjezdica, za
čiju izgradnju je nasut vlastiti otok, cijeni se i do 15.000
dolara, a sam toranj viši je od Eiffela i samo 65 metara
niži od Empire State Buildinga.
Za kraj ove godine planirano je otvorenje najspektakularnijeg pogleda na ocean uopće. Hydropolis je luksuzni
podvodni resort sa zidovima od pleksiglasa namijenjen
smještaju gostiju u 220 apartmana. Ojačan konstrukcijom od betona i željeza, kroz svoje mjehuraste stropne
strukture ponudit će neviđen pogled na podmorje Perzijskog zaljeva.
Tri umjetno nasuta otoka čine projekt imena The Palm
Islands. Milijarda kubičnih metara pijeska i kamena podloga je za izgradnju turističkih sadržaja, među ostalim
superluksuznih toplica, smještaja najviše kategorije i
najrazličitijih drugih atrakcija.
Na 915.000 četvornih kilometara predviđeno je dovršenje Dubailanda, ambicioznog projekta koji želi objediniti sadržaje za slobodno vrijeme, turizam i zabavu.
U prvoj fazi otvorenje je planirano za prosinac 2010., a
među zanimljivijim tematskim cjelinama su Dubai Sports
City i Eco Tourism World. Prvi podrazumijeva stadione,
skate parkove, terene za polo, staze za autoutrke, ekstremne sportove, umjetne stijene i bouldere za slobodno penjanje, terene za golf i drugo. Eco Tourism World
park je s umjetnim biosferama u kojemu bi uspijevale
flora i fauna iz svih krajeva svijeta, naravno, kao promidžba ekologije i zdravog življenja. Zoo vrtovi, kampovi,
botaničke bašte samo su najava glavne atrakcije – pustinjskog safarija.
Dubai 2000.
Dubai Mall zamišljen je kao potrošački raj i, za razliku
od ostalih objekata u našoj priči, već je otvoren, 2006.
godine, s očekivanim posjetom 35 milijuna duša. Sastavljen je od 15 manjih robnih kuća i opremljen dodatnim
sadržajnim elementima, poput klizališta, akvarija, kao i
najvećom svjetskom tržnicom zlata.
Ski Dubai je najveći svjetski zatvoreni snježni park, sa
stazama za skijanje, snowboarding, sanjkanje i bob.
Emirates Towers je hotelsko-poslovni kompleks. Hotelski
toranj raspolaže s 500 soba i pet zvjezdica i vrhunskim
tematskim restoranima, dok se drugi, poslovni diči najmodernijim rješenjima integrirane tehnologije i dizajna.
Inače, dva su tornja povezana peterokatnim objektom
s maloprodajnim prodavaonicama i restoranima.
Vrlo atraktivna i slikovita intervencija u pomorsko dobro
pred Dubaijem jest projekt The World. Na više od 250
umjetno nasutih otoka površine od 23 do 84 km2, poput glomazne ploče za Riziko, stvorena je reprodukcija
“lica svijeta”, onakvog kakvog ga se vidi u globalu, iz
“ptičje” perspektive. Po pojedinačnoj cijeni od 6,85 milijuna dolara naviše, u njemu i na njemu mogu uživati
privatne osobe, kao i investitori iz različitih područja gospodarske djelatnosti.
“Deset veličanstvenih” Dubaija promotori zaokružuju
Dubai Marinom, koju nazivaju “gradom unutar grada”. Osim same marine, koja bi trebala dati osnovni
ton života u toj cjelini, tvorci su se pobrinuli i za ostale
elemente u osmišljavanju života na visokoj nozi u smislu
samog stanovanja, potrošnje, druženja i opuštanja.
Dubai budućnosti - pitanja i odgovori
Struka na ovo događanje s posljedicama na globalnoj
razini, naravno, ne reagira, niti može reagirati ravnodušnošću. Proturječni dojmovi vezani su uz slojevit doživljaj pojedinih aspekata “Projekta Dubai”, tako su sasvim različita očitovanja domaćih arhitekata naspram
presjeka najvažnijih spomenutih dosega tog projekta.
“Opreznu sumnju”, bez suvišnih komentara i emocija,
izrazio je, primjerice, predsjednik Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata Goran Rako.
Nešto određenija je arhitektica Helena Paver-Njirić koja
“Novi Dubai” vidi kao “strateški uspješno planiran prostor visokog profita za strastvene potrošače”. Prostorno-planerski, u smislu organizacije prostora, najveće
Tema broja
Dubai 2007.
Budućnost Dubaia / The future of Dubai
svjetsko gradilište, prema njezinim riječima, funkcionira
besprijekorno. Međutim, eksplicira i problem: “Urbanistički, tematski parkovi podređeni su i opet konzumerizmu – je li zaista sve moguće kupiti?” Graditeljsko-tehnološki Dubai je za gđu Njirić najzanimljivije odredište,
ekonomski – još jedan dokaz moći arapskog svijeta.
Sociološki aspekt projekta Helena Paver-Njirić naziva
“zastrašujućim”. Najzanimljivije slijedi: “Arhitektonski i urbanistički-oblikovno, Dubai je katastrofa – celebracija
jeftinog kiča, prostor za one koji vole sve na jednome
Najviše građevine svijeta / World tallest buildings
914,4 m
838,2 m
762 m
685,8 m
609,6 m
533,4 m
457,2 m
381 m
304,8 m
228,6 m
152,4 m
76,2 m
Burj Dubai
(cca 818 m)
Taipei 101
508,1 m
Petronas Tower
453 m
Empire State
448,6 m
180 m
Hotelsko – poslovni kompleks Emirates Towers / A hotel-business
complex Emirates Towers
Dakle, nakon završetka ove avanture novom arapskom
(konzumerskom) mekom, kao sažetak čitave priče dočekuje nas – upitnik. Mnoštvo upitnika, preciznije... Dvojbe su brojne: kakav sustav vrijednosti leži u (u ovolikoj
mjeri) sistematičnom stvaranju jedne urbane sredine?
Koja su estetska, čak etička promišljanja izazvala baš takav Dubai, bez obzira na potpuno transparentan i opravdan njegov razlog, emanaciju nečega, ako već ne
jedinstvenog i neviđenog, onda barem bliskoga geniju
– vizije začetnika svega, osobe šeika Al Maktouma.
No, kao i uvijek, vrijeme je u svemu najbolja mjera. I ono
drži privilegij konačne prosudbe, to se u mnoštvu slučajeva pokazalo istinskim. I kao što je svojedobno Pariz
oblikovan organskom vizijom osobe Napoleona (a znamo koliko je dobre patine takva vizija grada dobila s
protokom vremena), tko zna. Možda će zdrava sumnja
i kriticizam suvremenika s vremenom biti nadvladana
čistim nadahnućem jednog “nadinvestitora”, osobe lišene stručnog balasta i vođene čistim nadahnućem, u
točno određenom povijesnom trenutku i razlogu.
Za tu će prosudbu jedan mali detalj biti preduvjet. Naglašeno već pri početku ove priče, vrijeme će prije svega
trebati dati odgovor na pomalo tragikomično, banalno
pitanje: hoće li Dubai preživjeti efekte globalnog zatopljenja, ili će, poput njegova Hydropolisa, u ne tako dalekoj budućnosti i sam postati po(d)morsko dobro?
Trumpov toranj (The Palm Islands) /
Trump Tower (The Palm Islands)
Tema broja
Cover st
Project Dubai -
The New Mecca for the
Consumption Era
Dubai Marina – “grad unutar grada” / Dubai Marina - “a city within a city”
The vision and reason for “New Dubai” lie in the economy’s emancipation from the
disappearing reliance called oil, as well as in the opportunity to create special business
and tourism attractions in the desert sand. However, there are numerous doubts: what
kind of a system of values can be found in (this amount of) systematic creation of an
urban environment? Which aesthetical, and which ethical conclusions provoked Dubai
to become what it is today?
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Infinity Tower – jos jedan “biser” arhitekture Dubaija /
Infinity Tower – another “pearl” in the Dubai architecture
he story of Dubai, at least the part that concerns
investments, economy and, as its consequence,
architecture, actually starts somewhere in the future. Since oil was discovered in this second biggest of the then-non-united Emirates (after Abu Dhabi)
on the coast of the Persian Gulf in 1966, it took less than
a decade for the population of this not particularly interesting territorial unit on the desert’s edge to increase
for about 300 percent. Naturally, that was caused by
the sudden rise of the global economic interest for this
Growth Boundaries and the Trickiness of Oil
Concessions were handed over to foreign companies,
and that signalled the beginning of systematic exploita-
Burj Al Arab – najviši i najskuplji hotel na svijetu /
Burj Al Arab – the highest and the most expensive
hotel in the world
tion. The economic boom happened while dynasty Al
Maktoum was in power, as they have held that flattering position since the early 19th century, in line with the
specific traditional tradition of Islamic government. The
recent growth of Dubai’s local and global significance
kept growing until the specific boundaries of this type of
an economy structure started appearing. Future came
into conflict with the city in 2010, as that is the year that
experts predict will signal the drying of the oil sources,
which have represented the pillar of the blossoming
for this village – which is what Dubai was in global, and
even in regional terms.
What makes the whole situation particularly interesting
is the fact that Dubai is facing immediate danger from
global warming. It is estimated that the city, with alti-
Cover st
tude that mostly doesn’t get higher than fifteen metres,
will find itself under water (that will also feature no fish,
by the way) in about fifty years along with all its investments, assuming the continuation of the trend of the atmosphere’s saturation with products of non-renewable
energy sources’ burning – the same products that have
enabled Dubai to reach such progress and bliss.
All those aspects require a revolution of sorts: from the
trade business strictly connected with oil, now is the time
to turn the focus to something else… The answer to the
“what?” question should be found in the combination of
wealth and vision from one person, Dubai’s “main man”
and legal manager, sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al
Maktoum. That vision presents the emancipation of the
economy from the disappearing reliance called oil, as
well as creating special business and tourism attractions
in the desert sand.
Burj Dubai, Hydropolis, The Palm Islands, Sports City, EcoTourism World, Ski Dubai, Emirates Towers, The World, Dubai Marina, Business Bay Signature Towers, Dubai Towers, Infinity Towers, Apeiron – these are some of the most
Umjetno nasuti The Palm Islands /
Artificially created The Palm Islands
attractive features of the construction assortment in this
economic revolution.
“The Big Ones” in Dubai
After its opening in 2009, Burj Dubai will become the largest building in the world. Inspired by Islamic tradition, the
tower includes designer elements that originate from
the form of local desert flowers. The stability in these dramatic dimensions is provided by the structure that sees
the mass reducing as the tower gets nearer to the top.
In that way, the majority of the mass lies in the building’s
lowest segments. The tower is being built for different
purposes, most of them being connected to business,
trade, entertainment, as well as private residences.
Burj Dubai shouldn’t be confused to the object of a similar name, Burj Al Arab. Dubai is currently one of the biggest construction sites in the world, but every construction story begins and ends with the symbol of power of
designer attraction and restaurant excellence – a hotel
that is advertised as “the best in the world” – Burj Al Arab,
the Arabic Tower; and if it’s not the best, it is certainly the
The World – reprodukcija “lica svijeta” / The World a reproduction of “the face of the world”
highest, and probably the most expensive. Spending the
night in this hotel, the world’s only seven-starred one, for
which an actual island was artificially created, costs up
to 15.000 dollars, while the tower itself is higher than Eiffel
and only 65 metres lower than Empire State Building.
The end of this year will witness the opening of the most
spectacular view of the ocean you can imagine. Hydropolis is a luxurious underwater resort with Plexiglas
walls that will be able to accommodate its guests in 220
suites. Strengthened by a steel-and-concrete construction, it will offer a yet-too-be-seen view over the bottom
of the Persian Gulf through its bubble-like ceiling structures.
Three artificially created islands create a project called
The Palm Islands. One billion cubic metres of sand and a
stone surface will be used for tourism purposes, which will
feature a super-luxurious spa, the accommodation of the
highest category and many other various attractions.
Dubailand is planned to be completed over the surface
of 915.000 square kilometres, and it reveals an ambitious
project that aims to unite facilities for spare time, tour-
ism and entertainment. The first phase of the opening
is planned for December 2010, and some of the most
interesting thematic units include Dubai Sports City and
Eco Tourism World. The first one includes stadiums, skate
parks, polo tracks, auto-racing tracks, extreme sports,
boulders and artificial rocks for free climbing, golf courses etc. Eco Tourism World is a park with artificial biospheres that would enable successful breeding of flora
and fauna from all parts of the world, under the flag of
promoting ecology and healthy lifestyles. Zoo gardens,
camps, botanical surfaces are just the appetizer for the
main attraction – a desert safari. Dubai Mall was designed as a consumers’ heaven and, unlike any other
objects in our story, has already been opened in 2006
with the expected visit of 35 million souls. It consists of 15
smaller department stores and features some extra-facilities, such as a skating rink, aquarium, and the world’s
largest gold market.
Ski Dubai is the world’s largest indoor snow park, and
it reveals tracks for skiing, snowboarding, sledging and
Dubai Sports City
Emirates Towers is a hotel-business complex. The hotel
tower has 500 five-star rooms at its disposal, as well as
supreme thematic restaurants, while the business tower
prides itself with some of the most modern solutions of
integrated technology and design. It must be said that
the two towers are connected through a five-storey object with retail shops and restaurants.
A project called The World presents a very attractive
and picturesque intervention into the sea surface in
front of Dubai. It features over 250 artificially created islands, the surfaces of which range between 23 and 84
km2, and the whole thing resembles a gigantic “Risk”
board as it reveals a reproduction of “the face of the
world” as it’s seen in global, from the bird perspective.
At an individual price that starts at 6,85 millions of dollars,
it can be enjoyed by private people and investors from
different areas of economy.
Dubai’s “Magnificent Ten” are concluded by promoters
with the Dubai Marina, which is referred to as “a city within a city”. Besides the marina itself, which should provide
the basic tone of life in that unit, the creators made sure
of other elements of designing luxurious life in the fields of
residence, consumption, socializing and relaxing.
Dubai of the Future – Questions and Answers
These events will provide some consequences on a glo-
bal level, and it is a given that the profession cannot
respond to them with indifference. Adverse impressions
have a lot to do with the complex experience of some
of the aspects of “Project Dubai”, so local architects provide completely opposite views on some of the most important parts of the project. “Cautious doubt”, without
any additional comments or emotions, is what Goran
Rako, the President of the Association of Croatian Architects, had to say.
Architect Helena Paver-Njirić was a bit more specific,
and she sees “New Dubai” as “strategically successful
planning of a highly profitable area for passionate consumers”. In terms of the space planning, she feels that
the largest construction site in the world functions beautifully. However, she does detect a problem: “Urban,
thematic parks are also submitted to consumerism – is
it possible to buy absolutely everything?” Mrs. Njirić finds
the construction and technological elements of Dubai
to be a destination of utmost interest, and economically
speaking, she feels that it presents one more proof of the
Arabic world’s power.
Helena Paver-Njirić describes the sociological aspect of
the project as “frightening”. The most interesting part is:
“Architectonically and urbanism-wise, Dubai is a disaster – a celebration of cheap kitsch, a place for those
who like to have everything in one location.”
Najveće gradilište na svijetu /
The world’s biggest building site
So after we complete this adventure in the new Arabic
(consumerism) Mecca, we are still left with a question
mark. Plenty of question marks, actually… There are
numerous doubts: what kind of a system of values lies
in (this amount of) systematic creation of an urban environment? Which aesthetical, and which ethical conclusions provoked Dubai to become what it is today,
regardless of the completely transparent and justified
reason, the emanation of something that may not be
unique and unseen, but is certainly close to genius – the
vision of the project’s founder, sheikh Al Maktoum. But
just like in everything else, time will provide all the answers. It has the privilege of making a final ruling, which
has been demonstrated as true on many occasions.
Just like Paris was once shaped by Napoleon’s organic
vision (and we know how greatly that city’s vision has
aged), who knows? Maybe today’s healthy doubt
and criticism of the contemporaries will eventually be
prevailed by pure inspiration from “the great investor”,
who wasn’t carrying any burdens of the profession and
was simply led by pure inspiration, in a precisely determined historical moment and reason. That ruling will
largely depend on one small detail. As was said at the
beginning of this story, time must first give an answer to
a slightly embarrassing, banal question: will Dubai survive the effects of global warming, or will it, much like its
Hydropolis, become an underwater unit in the not-sodistant future?
Kućanstvo na radijskom zapisu
hiREC je patent s podruèja industrijskog dizajna, za koji je njegov autor nagraðen srebrnom plaketom na natjecanju Samsung
Young Design Award. Andrea Vecera, student tehnièkog fakulteta u Torinu, grafièki dizajner širokih nazora, osmislio je neobièno koristan proizvod koji oèitava informacije s prehrambenih,
medicinskih i drugih kuæanskih proizvoda koristeæi se tehnologijom RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Rokovi trajanja, sastavi, informacije o pakiranju, materijalima i drugi korisni podaci
koji se nalaze na “virtualnoj osobnoj karti” proizvoda postaju
vidljivi na “širokom polju” ekrana hiREC-a. Problem koji još treba riješiti jest sustavno uvoðenje etiketa s podacima od strane
A Household on Radio Record
We present a new patent from the field of industrial design called
hiREC, for which its author received a silver plaque at the Samsung Young Design Award contest. Andrea Vecera, student of
the Technical Faculty in Turin and a graphic designer with broad
horizons, has created an unusually useful product that scans information from food, medical, and other household products by
using the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. Expiration dates, ingredients, packaging information, materials and
many other useful data that are present on the “virtual identification card” of the product become visible on the “wideness” of
the hiREC screen. One problem is yet to be resolved, and that is
the systematic introduction of labels with information from the
Čahura Londonu na dar
Londonski povijesno-prirodoslovni (Natural History) muzej jedna
je od njegovih vrjednijih građevina. Danski arhitekti iz tvrtke C.F.
Moller Architects u procesu su izgradnje njegova dodatka nazvanog Darwin centre phase two, i to u obliku divovske čahure u
staklenoj opravi. Tako će se izgraditi novi dom za kolekciju od 28
milijuna kukaca i tri milijuna biljaka te također i laboratorij za 250
znanstvenika iz čitavog svijeta. Dovršetak izgradnje planiran je za
2009. godinu.
Dijamantni toranj u Abu Dhabiju
U veljači 2008. počet će gradnja nebodera Tameer towers
u Abu Dhabiju za istoimenu tvrtku, vodeću u poslovanju s
nekretninama na Bliskom istoku. Neboder će imati 73 kata
komercijalne nemjene, četiri smještajna nebodera, luksuzni
hotel sa sedam zvjezdica, kao i dodatne sadržaje i funkcije,
poput privatne marine i drugih. Neboder je oblika dijamanta
i cijepa se na dvije sekcije približno kod dvadesetog kata,
kako bi u podnožju otvorio
prostor kanalu i pješačkoj
zoni koji povezuju tamošnji
Central park s morem.
Dovršenje izgradnje planira
se za 2011. godinu.
A Diamond
Tower in Abu
February 2008 marks the
beginning of construction
works on the Tameer Towers in Abu Dhabi for the
company of the same name,
which is the leading subject
in real-estate business at
the Middle East. The skyscraper will have 73 floors of
commercial purpose, four
accommodation skyscrapers, a luxurious seven-star hotel, as
well as many extra-features and functions, like a private marina among other things. The skyscraper is shaped like a diamond and it is divided into two sections somewhere around
the twentieth floor, in order to open up space at its bottom
for a canal and a pedestrian zone that connect the local Central Park to the sea. The construction works are planned to be
finished by 2011.
A Cocoon as a Present for London
The Natural History Museum in London is one of the city’s more
valuable buildings. Danish architects from company C.F. Moller Architects are in the process of constructing its annexe called Darwin
Centre Phase Two, which is shaped like a giant cocoon in a glass
outfit. That annexe will provide a new home for 28 million of bugs
and three million plants and also a laboratory for 250 scientists
from all over the world. The construction process is planned to
wrap up in 2009.
Arhitektura u službi katarze
Kuća žalosti u Mexico
Cityju lijep je primjer
nečega što se naziva
“emocionalnom arhitekturom”. S ciljem stvaranja duševnog stanja
za specifičnu namjenu,
ova je građevina zamišljena kao prolazak posjetitelja kroz iskustvo
mraka ulaznog tunela te
izlazak na granitnu prostoriju visokog stropa,
s posebnim, prirodnim
osvjetljenjem iz dvorišta. Posebno je uočljiv
izostanak namještaja,
osim klupe postavljene uza zid prostorije.
Apstraktnu skulpturu u
središtu dvorane napravio je, kao jedinu prisutnu dekoraciju,
umjetnik Saul Kaminer.
Zaha Hadid kao snježna kraljica
Alpska “ledena željeznica” u austrijskom Innsbrucku povezuje
središte grada s planinskim resortom. Prvoga prosinca prošle
godine otvorene su četiri nove postaje, za čiju je izvedbu na
natječaju 2005. zadužena poznata arhitektica Zaha Hadid. Za
svoju ideju autorica kaže kako je pokušala pratiti specifičnosti
pojedinih lokacija postaja i visina na kojima se one nalaze, ali istodobno i zadržati koherentnu fluidnu arhitektonsku poveznicu.
To je, uostalom, i jezik kojim se ta plodna i velika autorica služi već
dulje vrijeme.
Architecture in the Function of
The recently built Mourning House in Mexico City is a lovely
example of something that we call “emotional architecture”.
With the goal of creating a spiritual state for a specific purpose,
the building was designed as the visitors’ passage through the
experience of the entrance tunnel’s darkness, followed by the
exit to a high-ceiling room with special, natural light breaking
through from the backyard. The absence of any sort of furniture
is particularly noticeable, besides a bench that is positioned
next to the room’s wall. The only present decoration is an abstract sculpture in the centre of the hall, and it was created by
artist Saul Kaminer.
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan
Lebdeći dijamant na obali
Kopenhaška kraljevska knjižnica dobit će novi arhitektonski
dodatak. Riječ je o monolitnoj
sedmerokatnoj strukturi od
crnoga granita. Među brojnim
funkcionalnim cjelinama koje
će se naći u obogaćenoj zgradi
na atraktivnoj lokaciji pogleda
na Kopenhagen s mora, ističe
se Queen’s hall, dvorana sa 600
mjesta, namijenjena koncertnim i drugim scenskim događajima te ujedno figurira i kao
dvorana za sastanke. Izvanjski
efekt koji su željeli postići dizajneri jest slobodno lebdenje crnog dijamanta, što je posebno
pojačano dojmom i blizinom
morske površine.
Zaha Hadid as the Snow Queen
The Alpine “ice railway” in Innsbruck, Austria, connects the city
centre with the mountain resort. December 1st of last year saw
the opening of four new stations, and their creation was trusted
to famous architect Zaha Hadid in a 2005 contest. The author
explains her idea by having to keep up with the specific characteristics of individual station locations, as well as the heights
they reside on, but she also emphasizes that she tried to keep a
coherent, fluid architectonic bond. Then again, that pretty much
defines the language that this productive and grand author has
been using for quite some time.
A Floating Diamond
on the Coast of Copenhagen
The Copenhagen Royal Library is about to
receive a new architectonic annexe. We’re
talking about a monolithic seven-floor
structure made from black granite. Among
many functional units that will find their
place in the enriched building on an attractive location with a wonderful view over
Copenhagen from the sea, we must point
out Queen’s Hall, which has 600 seats and is
aimed at concerts and other stage events, as
well as at being a conference hall. The external effect that was attempted by designers
is the free floating of a black diamond, which
is especially emphasized by the impression
and the closeness of the sea surface.
o struci ste akademski slikar, a na kraju ste kao
medij izražavanja izabrali cvijeće, preko kojeg
se koristite autorskim pristupom gdje potpunom negacijom dekorativnosti cvijeta stvarate
umjetničko djelo. Kako to da ste odabrali cvijeće?
Koristim cvijeće na dva načina: dekorativno, pri čemu
kopiram prirodu i na neki način pokušavam dosljedno
prenositi ono što od prirode naučim, a drugi način je ta
negacija dekorativnosti. Cvijeće sam, kao i sve ostalo, odabrao slučajno. Jedino što me veže uz djetinjstvo
jesu vrt, kopanje i zemlja. Najljepše mi je bilo kod bake
na selu. Uvijek sam želio biti seljak i imati kontakt sa selom i zemljom. Nakon završene optičke škole upisao
sam slikarstvo i slučajno sam radnju koju su imali moji
roditelji pretvorio u galeriju. Galerija je prerasla u cvjećarnicu. Kao što sam i rekao, selo i biljke su me oduvijek
fascinirali. Sjećam se kad sam uzeo sjeme od nevena i
posipao ga po zemlji. Raslo je ko ludo, raslo i cvalo, i što
sam ga više brao, on je više cvao. Inspiracija mi je bilo
veselje ljudi kojima sam darivao cvijeće.
igra cvijeæem
Miljenik svjetske i društvene elite, akademski slikar, dizajner i vlasnik cvjećarnice, Saša Šekoranja u intervjuu za
DalCasu iznosi svoje stavove o dizajnu i
komercijalizaciji, žaleći za nedostatkom
konkurencije u cvjećarstvu
Piše: Ivana Bioèina
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ, Saša Šekoranja
Vaš izlog u Ilici u Zagrebu nema uobičajenu formu izloga cvjećarnice, nego je više kao prozor u umjetničku
galeriju. Koja je granica između cvjećarstva i umjetnosti, i postoji li ona uopće kod vas?
Teško mi je govoriti o umjetnosti, pogotovo danas kada
živimo u potrošačkom društvu, gdje sve više komuniciramo, svi se znamo i družimo, a zapravo se uopće ne
poznajemo. I to je osnovni problem. Taj izlog je meni
velika stvar jer ima funkciju izravne i neposredne komunikacije. Izlogom mogu reagirati na svaku stvar koja
mi se sviđa, ili ne sviđa. Ne trebam čekati na termin u
galeriji, izlogom mogu trenutačno reagirati i zato mi je
on vrlo bitan. Mogu ga ostaviti praznog, mogu ga napuniti, to je neposredno i brzo reagiranje.
“Sve što radim vezano je uz likovnost i sve što gledam, gledam kroz likovnost”
Planirate li otvoriti cvjećarnicu još negdje osim ove u
Meni su već nudili prostore u Zagrebu, izvan Zagreba,
u Londonu, New Yorku, zaista svuda, ali onda bih se
našao na aerodromu i shvatio da to nije moj život. Ne
želim provoditi život između tri cvjećarnice. Meni je ovo
sasvim dovoljno. Ne želim postati poslovođa.
Vole vas predsjednici, pripadnici svjetske i društvene
elite, strani diplomati. Radili ste na interijerima Predsjedničkih dvora, Mesićeve inauguracije, Opernog bala
i mnogih drugih društvenih događanja. Koja je tajna
vašeg uspjeha i postoji li uopće kompetentna konkurencija u vašem poslu?
Meni je bitno da radim, a sve ostalo se dogodilo spontano i slučajno. Drago mi je da su ljudi prepoznali kvalitetu. Što se tiče konkurencije, ona zaista ne postoji.
Volio bih da se stvori neka osoba s kojom mogu ravnopravno razgovarati i s kojom se mogu utrkivati jer, na
kraju, zdrava konkurencija daje poticaja. No ono što
je meni najvažnije, i što mislim da sam dobro napravio, jest to da je u Hrvatskoj cvjećarstvo podignuto na
višu razinu. Ljudi su maknuli plastične ukrase, celofane,
počeli su stavljati obično zelenilo u aranžmane, shvatili
su da se i običnim zelenilom može okititi stol. Počeli su
razmišljati o estetici na drukčiji način. Kada sam počeo
naručivati bijelo cvijeće, govorili su mi da to ne valja,
da je to cvijeće bez boje.
U kojoj mjeri vam je pomogla vaša naobrazba akademskog slikara?
Sve što radim vezano je uz likovnost i sve što gledam,
gledam kroz likovnost. To drugi s akademskom naobrazbom nemaju, a bitno je jer se u poslu s cvijećem ne
Instalacija, izlog 2008. / Installation,
window shop 2008
može zaobići odnos proporcija, boja, veličina, slaganja stvari. Sve je to vezano uz estetiku, i naravno da
likovnost pomaže, akademija pogotovo.
Koliko važnu ulogu ima cvijeće u dizajnu interijera i kako
vi pristupate tom zadatku? Postoje li neka pravila?
Stvarno nemam nikakvih pravila. Sve ovisi o interijeru
koji mi je zadan, a volim moderan interijer, čiste, bijele
prostore. Uostalom, svaki prostor je drukčiji, kao i ljudi.
Ima prostora koji uopće ne podnose cvijeće, prostora koji trebaju samo jedan list, a ima i onih koji trebaju
Ivana Roščić kao Ofelija, izlog za Dan mrtvih / Ivana
Roščić as Ophelia, window shop for All Hallows
puno cvijeća. Što su prostori veći i čišći, to im treba manje cvijeća.
Postoje li, kao i u dizajnu, trendovi u cvjećarstvu?
Postoje, ali ne volim te trendove. To je produkt komercijalizacije. Možda zvuči kontradiktorno, ali ja sam protiv dizajna, protiv komercijalizacije koja nam nameće
trendove. Ili nešto voliš ili ne, jedini trend za mene je
sezona cvijeća. Apsurdno mi je tražiti usred zime, na
“Možda zvuči kontradiktorno, ali ja sam protiv dizajna, protiv komercijalizacije koja nam nameće
trendove. Ili nešto voliš ili ne, jedini trend za mene
je sezona cvijeća”
i puno mašte mogu sami napraviti razne aranžmane.
Kakve su bile reakcije na emisiju i zašto ste je prestali
Bilo je raznih emisija, od toga kako složiti jedan cvijet u
vazu, do glamuroznih stvari. Komentari su bili vrlo dobri,
ali je bilo i kritika po novinama, s kojima se baš ne nosim
dobro. Naravno da volim primiti kritiku koja je argumentirana, ali ako nije, to mi je besmisleno. No ljudi su emisiju
obožavali i zaustavljali me na ulici, od kumica s placa do
intelektualaca. Emisiju sam prestao raditi jer mi se jednostavno više nije dalo, uzimalo mi je previše vremena.
primjer, suncokret koji je ljetni cvijet. Za mene je najbolja jednostavnost. I kroz svoje izloge pokušavam biti angažiran, komentirati društvo, gdje smo se izgubili. Svaki
dan sam sve više ogorčen na društvo i ljude. Volim da
je umjetnost intimizirana, a ne senzacionalistička. Umjetnost treba govoriti o nečemu lijepom, a po meni se
današnja umjetnost previše bavi komentarom društva.
Treba biti angažiran, ali ovo je previše. Andy Warhol je
bio angažiran i bio je izvrstan. Danas su ljudi opterećeni
novcem i izgubljeni.
Uz cvijeće, bavite se i dizajnom, scenografijom, radite
kao art direktor i fotograf rubrike Lifestyle u jednom nacionalnom tjedniku. Pravi ste primjer interdisciplinarnosti
koja danas vlada. Imate li još kakvih interesa?
Ponekad izgubim kriterije i radim svašta, ali radim ono
što mi se sviđa. Kako bi se reklo, idem gdje me voda
nosi. Nemam ambicija za neke velike stvari, cijelo se vrijeme igram. Dogodi se i da odbijem neke velike stvari
jer mi se ne da raditi nešto što je štancano. Volim raditi
scenografije jer su one vrlo kreativne u smislu iščitavanja
teksta. U životu nisam puno čitao, a i ne volim nešto pretjerano čitati, no kad radim scenografiju, zaista moram
koncentrirano pročitati tekst. Tek onda vidim koliko je
tekst bogat. Treba raditi sa srcem i biti iskren, a to danas
nije lako.
Vodili ste i uređivali emisiju “Život s cvijećem“ u kojoj
ste pokušali široj javnosti pokazati kako s malo novca
Kakvi su vam planovi za budućnost?
Kako me voda bude nosila. Zaista ne znam.
An Artistic
Game with
A favourite of the world’s and social elite,
academic painter, designer and owner of a
flower shop Saša Šekoranja uses this interview for DalCasa to explain his opinions on
design and commercialisation, while regretting the lack of competition in floriculture
Interviewed by: Ivana Bioèina
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ, Saša Šekoranja
ou are an academic painter by education, but
you still chose flowers as your medium of expression, as you use the author’s approach to
create a work of art by complete negation of
the flower’s decorative elements. How do you explain
choosing flowers?
I use flowers in two ways: decorative, which is when I
copy nature and somehow attempt to faithfully recreate what nature has taught me, while the other way is
that negation of decorative elements. As is the case
with everything else, I chose flowers by accident. My
fondest childhood memories include a garden, digging and the soil. I always enjoyed myself the most
when I stayed with my grandmother in the village. I always wanted to come from the village and have contact to it and the soil. After I finished optical school,
I started studying painting and I accidentally turned
my parents’ workshop into a gallery. That gallery later
transformed into a flower shop. As I said, I have always
been fascinated with plants and the village. I remember when I took marigold seeds and started scattering
it over the soil. It was growing like crazy, growing and
blossoming, and the more I picked it, the more it blossomed. I was inspired by how happy people looked
when I would give them flowers.
Your Ilica window shop in Zagreb doesn’t have the usual form of a flower-shop window, much more resembling a window into an art gallery. Where do you set
the line between floriculture and art, and does that line
even exist in your case?
Talking about art isn’t easy for me, especially these
days when we all live in a consumption society where
we communicate to each other very often, we all know
each other and spend time together, but we don’t
truly know each other. And that is the basic problem.
That window shop is huge for me because it carries
a function of direct and immediate communication.
That window shop enables me to react to anything I
like or dislike. I don’t have to wait for my appointment
in the gallery, but I can react in that instant moment,
and that’s why it is very important to me. I can leave it
“Everything I do is connected to art and everything
I watch, I watch through art”
empty, I can fill it up, and that is what you call an immediate and fast reaction.
Are you planning on opening a flower shop somewhere
else besides Zagreb?
I have been offered some spaces in Zagreb, as well
as outside Zagreb, like in London, New York and just
about anywhere else, but then I would find myself
spending time in airports and I realized that is not for my
life. I don’t want to spend my life between three flower
shops. This is plenty enough for me. I’m not looking to
become a business manager.
You are loved by presidents, members of the world’s
and social elite, foreign diplomats. You worked on the
interiors of the Presidential Palace, Mesić’s inaugura-
tion, Opera Ball and many other social events. What is
the secret of your success and do you have any competent competition in your field of work?
All I care about is the fact that I’m working, and everything else was spontaneous and by accident. I’m just
happy that people recognized quality. As far as competition goes, it truly does not exist. I would love to see
an appearance of a person that I could talk to as an
equal and that I can compete with because, let’s face
it, healthy competition is very motivating. But what I
really care about, and what I think I did quite well, is
raise the level of floriculture in Croatia to a higher level.
People removed plastic decorations and cellophanes,
and started putting regular greenery into their arrangements, as they understood that it is more than enough
to decorate a table. They started viewing aesthetics in
a different light. When I started ordering white flowers,
people told me that it was wrong, that it was just flowers without colour.
How much help was your education of an academic
Everything I do is connected to art and everything I
watch, I watch through art. Other people with academic education don’t have that, and it is important
because working with flowers implies dealing with relations between colours, proportions, sizes, arranging
things. All those aspects are connected to aesthetics,
so it’s only natural that my art education helps, especially since it’s academic.
How big of a role do flowers have in the process of interior design, and how do you approach that assignment? Are there any rules?
I truly don’t have any rules. It all depends on the interior I’m faced with, and I like an interior that is modern
and has clean and white spaces. After all, every space
is different, much like people. There are spaces that
don’t have any tolerance for flowers; some of them
need only one leaf, while other spaces need plenty of
flowers. The bigger and cleaner the spaces get, the less
flowers they need.
Do trends exist in floriculture in the same way they exist
in design?
They do, but I don’t care for those trends. They are
merely a product of commercialisation. It may sound
contradictory, but I am against design, against commercialisation that imposes trends upon us. You either
like something or you don’t, and the only trend that I
acknowledge is the floral season. I find it absurd that I
sometimes have to look for a sunflower in the middle of
winter, as it is a flower of the summer. Simplicity is the
best way for me. I like to use my shop windows to voice
Rozi Hort Art
Instalacija, ljetni izlog 2007. / Installation, window shop for summer 2007
my opinion, provide a comment of society, because
I feel that we are lost. As each day goes by, I am becoming more and more bitter towards society and
people. I like to keep my art intimate, instead of sensationalist. Art should speak about something beautiful, while today’s art tries too hard to provide a commentary on society. Voicing your opinion is good, but
“It may sound contradictory, but I am against design, against commercialisation that imposes various trends upon us. You either like something or you
don’t, and the only trend for me is the floral season”
Instalacija crteži po lišću, izlog za maskenbal 2007. / Installation
“Drawings on the Leaves”, window shop for carnival 2007
this is too much. Andy Warhol voiced his opinion and
he was excellent. The people today are too preoccupied with money, which makes them lost.
You used to host and produce a TV show called “Life
with Flowers”, in which you tried to show the public
how to create various arrangements by themselves
with little money and a lot of imagination. What
were the reactions to that show and why was it cancelled?
There were various topics in the show, from how to
put only one flower into a vase to more glamorous
things. Reactions were really good, but there were
also plenty of criticism in the papers, and I don’t really know how to deal with that properly. Of course, I
like to hear some constructive criticism, but the other
type of criticism just doesn’t make any sense to me.
But people really loved the show and I was constantly
approached on the street, by both grannies from the
market and intellectuals. I stopped doing the show
because I simply didn’t feel like it anymore, and it
was taking up too much of my time.
Instalacija s ružama i papirom, izlog 2007. /
Installation with roses and paper, window shop 2007
Kula od karata, instalacija 5, izlog 2007. /A castle made
of cards, installation 5, window shop 2007
Along with flowers, you’re also active in the fields of
design, scenography, you work as an art director
and photographer for the “Lifestyle” section of one of
our weekly national papers. You truly epitomize the
interdisciplinary approach that dominates our time.
Do you have any other interests?
Sometimes I lose track of my criteria and I start working on just about anything, but I choose what I like.
Simply put, I go where the water takes me. I don’t
really have ambitions to achieve grand things, as I
spend most of my time playing around. Every now
and then, I even refuse some major offers because
I don’t feel like working on something artificial. I like
to work on scenography because that is very creative in the sense of interpreting the text. I haven’t really read that much in my life and I am not much
of a reader, but when I work on scenography, I really have to be focused while reading the text. That
makes me realize the true richness of that text. You
must work with your heart and be honest, and that is
not easy to do these days.
What are your plans for the future?
I’ll go where the water takes me. I truly don’t know.
Stilist ureðenja interijera zanimanje buduænosti
Odnedavno mnogi domovi izgledaju kao da su kopirani sa stranica časopisa za uređenje interijera. Boje na zidovima se savršeno podudaraju, a dizajn namještaja, proporcije i ukupni dojam toliko su upečatljivi da izazivaju strahopoštovanje. Sanjate
li o tome da vaš dom postane uređen poput vrhunski retuširane fotografije, postoji
rješenje. Unajmite stilista
Piše: Marina Kocijan
Primjer stručno uređenog hotelskog lobbyja, Lux 11 /
An example of professionally decorated hotel lobby, Lux 11
... također i hotelskog restorana/... And also a hotel restaurant
Uređivanje prostora koji će oduševiti klijente, zadatak je s kojim se stilist neprestano
susreće / The analysis of space and all its
functions and needs can be defined as a
stylist’s everyday field of work
tilist uređenja unutarnjih prostora posljednjih je
godina sve traženije zanimanje na tržištu rada. Tijekom jednogodišnjeg obrazovanja može se verificirati, a osobe koje se odluče postati stilistima
za interijere stječu znanja potrebna za funkcionalno i
estetsko opremanje stambenih i poslovnih prostora.
Na studijima stilisti uče teoriju boje, unutarnju prostornu
organizaciju, materijale, povijest namještaja i stanovanja, razvoj modernog namještaja, a vrlo je važno da
nauče slijediti trendove i zahtjeve tržišta. Analiza prostora, svih njegovih funkcija i potreba, spada u svakodnevno stilističko angažiranje, dok je pokazivanje talenta na estetskoj razini, odnosno uređivanje prostora
koji će oduševiti klijente, zadatak s kojim se stilist neprestano susreće. Stilisti razumiju tehnike i vještine komponiranja boja i materijala prema zadanom prostoru,
potrebi i namjeni. Iako su famozni stilisti obični ljudi koji
svojom kreativnošću mogu učiniti prostor primamljivim
i intrigantnim, njihov krajnji rezultat uvijek je povezan s
financijskim stanjem naručitelja. Na koncu, sve se svodi
na dobru staru izreku – koliko para, toliko muzike.
Stilisti urede, posao napreduje
“Čim klijenti vide naš poslovni prostor, očekuju velike
stvari od nas. Dakle, prostor nam je prijatelj“, izjavio je
John Ludwig, osnivač svjetski poznate marketinške agencije Push. Htjeli mi to ili ne, izgled poslovnog prostora neprestano govori, ne samo o zaposlenicima koji u njemu
borave, nego i o uspješnosti tvrtke. Nezamislivo je pozvati
klijente u prostore koji nisu u skladu s politikom tvrtke. Stoga, želite li na potencijalne klijente ostaviti dojam uspješnosti, kreativnosti, profesionalnosti i stručnosti, od velikog
je značenja dati sto posto svoga vremena na traženje
osobe koja će vaš poslovni prostor urediti vrhunski. Najbolji u tome su, pretpostavljate, stilisti za interijere.
Gdje ih pronaći?
Radna mjesta na kojima stilist interijera uspješno djeluje
Ugodan i topao dom želja je svake
osobe / A warm and pleasant home is
something that every person wants
uglavnom su dizajnerski studiji za uređenje interijera, studiji za dekore, za uređivanje izloga, scenografiju ili tvrtke
koje se bave prodajom namještaja i opreme. Također,
može ih se pronaći i u tvrtkama koje se bave izvedbom i
opremanjem stambenih i poslovnih prostora. Uglavnom,
stilista ima svuda. Poželite li unajmite stilista koji će vam
urediti privatne prostorije, pravoga ćete stručnjaka prepoznati po poznavanju osnovnih pravila struke. Jedno
od najvažnijih jest da dobro uređen prostor mora biti takav da u njemu nijedan postavljeni predmet nije i neće
biti trn u oku.
Stručnjaci za izloge
Dobro uređeni izlozi ključan su vizualni “detalj” koji je često presudan za rad svake trgovine. Kada ga uređuju
profesionalci, odnosno školovani stilisti, u njemu prepoznajemo duh profesionalizma, estetske sofisticiranosti i
dobrog ukusa. Uđete li u trgovinu, primijetit ćete da je
roba njezin glavni element. Bez obzira na idejna i kreativna rješenja uređenja unutarnjeg prostora, pravilo je da
oprema na kojoj roba stoji ne smije dominirati. U izlogu u
kojem svoje prste imaju stilisti, upravo je obrnuto. U njega se stavlja detalj koji intrigira promatrače i mami ih da
provire u trgovine. Roba u izlogu se ističe u kombinaciji s
posebnim efektima kao što su rasvjeta ili zanimljivi detalji,
ukrasni ili umjetnički elementi. Umjetnost zanata upravo
je privlačenje potencijalnih kupaca i otkrivanje onoga
što je iza pozadine.
Bliska zanimanja
Mnogi stilisti interijera istodobno su i dizajneri, ljudi koji
Često ne razmišljamo o
tome kako će se kupljeni predmeti slagati
u jednom prostoru / We
hardly ever stop to think
about those purchased
objects getting along
within one room
osmišljaju, izrađuju i uređuju čovjekovu okolinu kako bi
predmeti u njoj bili što funkcionalniji i ljepši. Oni su zaslužni za stilističko uređenje domova, poslovnih prostora,
banaka, hotela, trgovina, izloga, kafića, restorana i svih
drugih prostora u kojima se svakodnevno nalazimo. Svoj
pečat ostavljaju na raznolikim mjestima, omogućujući
tako sve veći razvoj zanimanja u kojem će mnogi ostvariti zavidne karijere.
Pametni ljudi - izdvajaju koju kunu više
Ugodan i topao dom, osobito ako u njemu provodimo
veći dio vremena družeći se s obitelji ili prijateljima, želja
je svake osobe. Mlađi ljudi najčešće počinju živjeti skromno u podstanarskim sobama i upravo takav početak
stanovanja pomaže im da shvate kakav dom žele te da
pažljivo isplaniraju i urede vlastiti. S obzirom na dizajnersku i modnu revoluciju, svima nam se nameće važno
pitanje: kada već izdvajamo desetke tisuća eura za vlastite kvadrate, je li pametno izdvojiti još koju tisuću više
kako bismo dom uredili sa stilom? Ne radi se pri tome o
kupnji luksuznog namještaja, kao ni o skupim antikvitetima, nego o usklađivanju svih elemenata kod uređenja
stana prema vlastitim željama, a uz pomoć stručne osobe. Potreba za profesionalnim uređenjem kuće ili stana
postala je nužnost. Zbog nedostatka vremena, a i novca, kupujemo brzinski i ne razmišljamo o tome kako će
se kupljeni predmeti slagati u jednom prostoru. Često ne
razmišljamo ni o bojama, kojima ne poznajemo značenje i moguće kombinacije. Zbog svega toga, pametno
je ohrabriti se, zamisliti savršen dom i otvoriti vrata stilistima za interijere. Njihovo vrijeme tek dolazi.
Interior Decoration Stylist The Job of the Future
It has recently become noticeable that numerous homes look as if they’ve
been copied off pages from interior decoration magazines. Colours on the
walls complement each other perfectly, while the furniture design, proportions and the overall impression are so distinctive that they simply leave
you in awe. If you’re dreaming about your home becoming decorated like a
supremely retouched photograph, there is a solution. Hire a stylist
Written by: Marina Kocijan
n interior decoration stylist has become an increasingly requested profession on the job market over the last several years. It takes a one-year
education process to gain verification, and the people who decide to become interior stylists learn what
is needed to functionally and aesthetically decorate
residential and business premises. During the course of
the study, stylists learn about theory of colour, interior
space organization, materials, history of furniture and
residences, development of modern furniture, and it is
very important that they learn to follow trends and demands of the market. The analysis of space and all its
functions and needs can be defined as a stylist’s everyday field of work, while displaying talent on an aesthetical level, or decorating a space in a way that will
leave clients enchanted, is an assignment that a stylist
will constantly encounter. Stylists understand techniques
and skills of applying colours and materials depending
on the space, its needs and purpose. Although famous
stylists are regular people that can use their creativity to
make a space more tempting and intriguing, their final
result is always connected to the financial state of the
client. It all eventually comes down to that old saying
– you get what you pay for.
Dobro uređen prostor mora biti takav da u njemu
nijedan postavljeni predmet ne bude trn u oku / A welldecorated space mustn’t have a single object that is
positioned in such way that it stands out like “a fish out
of water”
Stylists Decorate, Business Success Increases
“As soon as clients see our business premises, they expect great things from us. Therefore, our premises are
our friend”, says John Ludwig, founder of the worldfamous marketing agency Push. Whether we like it or
not, how the business premises look speaks volumes
not only of the employees that spend time there, but
also of the company’s success rate. It is unimaginable
to invite clients into the premises that don’t agree with
the company policy. Therefore, if you want to leave
an impression of successfulness, creativity, professionalism and skilfulness on your potential clients, it is very
important to give a 100% of your time to the purpose
of finding a person that will do a tremendous job with
your business premises. As you must assume, the best
people for the job are interior stylists.
Where Do We Find Them?
Work locations where an interior stylist successfully
hones his skills are usually interior design studios, shopwindow decoration studios, scenography studios and
companies that sell furniture and equipment. Also, they
can be found in companies that deal with creating
and furnishing residential and business spaces. Long
Potreba za profesionalnim uređenjem kuće ili stana
postala je nužnost / The need for professional decoration
of an apartment or a house has become a necessity
story short, stylists can be found everywhere. If you wish
to hire a stylist that will decorate your private premises,
you can recognize a proper expert by knowing the
basic rules of the profession yourself. One of the most
important rules is that a well-decorated space mustn’t
have a single object that is positioned in such way that
it stands out like “a fish out of water”.
Experts for Shop Windows
Well-decorated shop windows are a crucial visual “detail” that often makes the difference when it comes to
the business of any store. When it is decorated by professionals or educated stylists, we look at it and recognize the spirit of professionalism, aesthetic sophistication
and good taste. If you walk into a store, you will notice
that its goods represent the main element. Regardless
of the ideas and creative solutions that dominate the
decoration job on that particular premise, the main rule
is that the equipment that carries the goods mustn’t
dominate in any way. A shop window that was worked
on by stylists is completely opposite. It is enriched by a
detail that intrigues the observers and lures them into
checking out the store. The item in the window is emphasized in combination with special effects such as
lighting or interesting details, artistic or decoration elements. The art of the trade is hidden in the process of
attracting potential buyers and making them want to
find out what is behind the door.
Closely Related Jobs
Many interior stylists are also designers at the same time,
which means they come up with, create and decorate
someone’s environment in order to make it as functional and lovely as possible. They receive recognition for
stylistic decoration of homes, business premises, banks,
hotels, stores, shop windows, coffee bars, restaurants
and all other premises that we find ourselves in on daily basis. They leave their mark on the most diverse of
places, which enables the further development of this
profession where many others will achieve major careers.
Smart People – They Don’t Mind Giving Some
A warm and pleasant home, especially if that is where
we spend the majority of our time hanging out with
family or friends, is something that every person wants.
Younger people usually have modest beginnings in
subtenant rooms, but those precise residential beginnings help them to understand the type of home they
want, so they can carefully plan it out and decorate it.
Considering the design and fashion revolution, we all
have one important question in front of us: since we’re
giving dozens of thousands of euros for our own square
metres, how smart is it to release a few extra thousands
in order to decorate our home in style? And we’re not
talking about buying luxurious furniture or expensive
antique objects, but rather about harmonizing all the
elements in the apartment according to our wishes,
with the help of a professional. The need for professional decoration of an apartment or a house has become
a necessity. Due to the lack of time and money, we
buy things in very fast manner, and we hardly ever stop
to think about those purchased objects getting along
within one room. We often don’t even think about colours, as we don’t know their meanings and possible
combinations. Due to all these reasons, the smart thing
to do is to find the courage, imagine a perfect home,
and open your doors to interior stylists. Their time is still
to come.
u utrobu Istre
Dojmovi lišenosti stresa i potpunog zaborava poslovnih i drugih briga i problema svakodnevice, “opijenost” mirom, zajednički su velikom broju onih koji su proveli svoj tjedni
odmor u Motovunu
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Foto: TZ Istra; TZ Motovun
Foto: Igor Zirojeviæ
Područje Motovuna jedno je od najranije naseljenih područja
uopće / Motovun is one of the first areas to be inhabited
a strmoj uzvisini u utrobi Istre, na lijevoj obali
rijeke Mirne, okružen očuvanim gotičkim zidinama i kulama, miruje gradić Motovun. Osim
što stoljećima privlači posjetitelje svojom srednjovjekovnom ljepotom, iz nekog razloga na sebe stoljećima vezuje brojne mitove, poput onoga po kojemu
su ga izgradili sami divovi (među najpoznatijima je zasigurno i sam Nazorov Veli Jože), i ezoterijska vjerovanja.
Tako se u novije vrijeme tvrdi kako se Motovun nalazi na
tzv. Zmajevoj brazdi, sjecištu energetskih meridijana samoga planeta. Prema takvim teorijama new agea, na
mjestima na kakvom se smjestio Motovun Zemlja pronalazi svoj “dišni” otvor te su ona posebno privlačna i
pogodna za boravak, zbog toga što potiču duhovnost
i kreativnost te djeluju blagotvorno na život u mnogim
njegovim aspektima.
Možda se u tome može pronaći objašnjenje činjenice
da je područje Motovuna jedno od najranije naseljenih
područja uopće, budući da su prve zajednice tamo
ustanovljene još u prahistorijsko vrijeme. Odgovor na
pitanje je li riječ o čisto prirodno pogodnom terenu za
nastanjivanje ili je uistinu instinkt prastarih predstavnika
ljudskog roda na neki način “osjetio” tu finu vibraciju,
ostavit ćemo praktičarima litopunkture i sličnih bioumjetničkih novovjekih disciplina. Iz prahistorijskih vremena vratit ćemo se u današnji Motovun, gradić koji je
svojim geografskim položajem i strateškim značenjem
za sebe oslikao bogatiju povijest i slavniju sadašnjost od
Motovun je za sebe oslikao bogatiju povijest i slavniju sadašnjost
od vlastitih fizičkih gabarita / Motovun has provided a far richer
history and a more famous present than its own physical limitations
Foto: Igor Zirojeviæ
Foto: Igor Zirojeviæ
Savršen kutak u kojem je vrijeme na najpozitivniji mogući način stalo / A perfect corner
where time stands still in the most possible way
vlastitih fizičkih gabarita, odnosno realnih, prostornih
Joseph Ressel, primjerice, izumitelj brodskog vijka i autor mnogih drugih patenata, proveo je dobar dio svoga radnog vijeka u Motovunu, kao državni upravitelj
šuma. Stoga bi možda zgodno bilo povezati to nadahnuće sa spomenutim fenomenima vezanim uz grad i
područje. Također je malo poznato da je izumitelj glazbenog tiska Andrea Antico rođeni Motovunac. Očito
se ovaj minijaturni gradić s velikim divovima, osim Velog Jože, ima pohvaliti i drugim značajnim povijesnim
Unutrašnjost Istre doista je posebno začudna, a Motovun je svojevrsni njezin centar. Zapravo je Motovun
idealna izletnička lokacija. Blizina vinskih cesta, drugih živopisnih mjesta, poput Istarskih toplica, Livada te
zvjezdarnice u Višnjanu, omogućuje trenutke uživanja
u aktivnom odmoru, pogotovo kad poželimo pobrojiti
“artikle“ iz ponude Motovuna namijenjene toj svrsi. Turizam u Motovunu voli se pohvaliti brojnim originalnim
aktivnostima, poput vožnje biciklima po gradu i okolici, berbe grožđa u motovunskim vinogradima u rujnu,
branja šparoga, sakupljanja tartufa, ribolova na rijeci
Mirni, u podnožju grada, škole jahanja u prirodnom ambijentu, terenskog jahanja u okolici Motovuna, vožnje
kanuom po rijeci (ljeti), večera uz logorsku vatru u priro-
dnom ambijentu, lova na divljač u motovunskom kraju, slobodnog penjanja (free climbinga), paraglidinga
(vožnje motornim zmajem), te obilaska vinskih cesta.
Vikend u unutrašnjosti Istre preporođujuće je iskustvo.
Dojmovi lišenosti stresa i potpunog zaborava poslovnih
i drugih briga i problema svakodnevice, “opijenost”
mirom, zajednički su velikom broju onih koji su proveli
svoj tjedni odmor u Motovunu. Također se neprestano
naglašava mirnoća, pristojnost ljudi koji ondje žive. Iskustvo je to “slatkog bijega” – savršen kutak u kojem je
vrijeme na najpozitivniji mogući način stalo.
Motovun danas živne u vrijeme filmskog festivala, koji
je u početku okupljao alternativu i entuzijaste, a danas
već i svekoliku društvenu kremu. Ono što privlači elitu
na Motovunski filmski festival zasigurno je jedinstven
osjećaj jednakosti među sudionicima i publikom, također i među pripadnicima različitih društvenih skupina i
slojeva. Drugim riječima, kad dođu u Motovun, svi su
isti – nema mjesta za štikle i šljokice. Jednostavno se ne
uklapaju u koncept događanja. U Motovunu svi postanu prirodno opušteni. Kronični problemi s parkiranjem,
kao i činjenica da Motovun još uvijek nema više od jednog hotela, nikako ne može naškoditi dojmu iskonskoga, živopisnoga i prekrasnoga, u Motovunu i oko njega
– pogotovo u proljeće i ljeti. I nepobitnoj spoznaji da se
onamo uvijek isplati otići.
Foto: Vladimir Bugarin
“Sweet Escape” into the
Entrails of Istria
The impression of being devoid of stress and completely forgetting about any business or other concerns and problems of the everyday life, as well as getting “high”
on peace, is what is in common to a large number of people who decided to spend
their week-long vacations in Motovun
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Photo: TZ Istra; TZ Motovun
Foto: Renzo Kosinožiæ
Motovun se nalazi na tzv. Zmajevoj brazdi, sjecištu energetskih meridijana samoga planeta / Motovun is positioned on
the so-called Dragon’s Furrow, which stands for the crossroads of the planet’s energetic meridians
n a steep hill in the entrails of Istria, on the
left coast of the river Mirna, surrounded by
preserved Gothic city walls and castles, we
find a peaceful town called Motovun. Besides the centuries of attracting visitors with its medieval
beauty, some curious reason has attached numerous
myths to the town over the centuries, such as the one
that says that the town was built solely by giants (Nazor’s Veli Jože is certainly the most famous of them all),
as well as numerous esoteric beliefs. It has lately been
claimed that Motovun is positioned on the so-called
Dragon’s Furrow, which stands for the crossroads of the
planet’s energetic meridians. According to such newage theories, places such as Motovun feature the “bre-
athing organs” of the Earth, which makes them particularly attractive and pleasant to stay at, due to the
fact that they encourage spirituality and creativity and
have a favourable effect on many aspects of life.
Perhaps those reasons can offer the explanation for
the fact that the area around Motovun is one of the
first areas to be inhabited, being that its first communities have been established in the pre-historic era.
Whether we’re talking about merely a favourable natural area for living or have the ancient representatives
of the human race used their instincts to “sense” this
fine vibration, we’ll leave that decision to those dealing with litopuncture and similar bio-artistic new-age
disciplines. We will leave the pre-historic times and re-
Iz nekog razloga gradić na sebe stoljećima vezuje brojne
mitove i ezoterijska vjerovanja / Some curious reason has
attached numerous myths to the town over the centuries,
as well as numerous esoteric beliefs
Jedan od mitova kaže kako su grad izgradili sami divovi /
One of the myths says that the town was built solely by
Foto: Renzo Kosinožiæ
turn to Motovun of today, as it is a small town with
a geographical position and strategic meaning that
have provided a far richer history and a more famous
present than its own physical limitations and realistic
spatial dimensions would indicate.
Joseph Russell, for example, the inventor of a boat
propeller and author of many other patents, has
spent a large portion of his work life in Motovun as a
state manager of forests. It might be a good idea to
connect that inspiration with the mentioned phenomenons surrounding the town and its area. It is also
pretty unfamiliar that Andrea Antico, inventor of the
music press, was born in Motovun. It is obvious that this
miniature town with grand giants has more significant
historical people to boast with than merely Veli Jože.
The inside parts of Istria are especially wondrous, and
Motovun may as well be proclaimed their centre. Motovun can actually be observed as an ideal daytrip
location. The closeness of wine roads and other picturesque locations, such as the Istrian Spa, Meadows
and the Astronomical Observatory in Višnjan enable
plenty of moments of enjoyment in active vacation,
especially when we list all the “articles” that Motovun
has to offer in that field. Tourism in Motovun likes to
brag with many original activities, such as biking around the town and its area, picking grapefruits in Motovun’s vineyards in September, picking asparagus,
collecting truffles, fishing in the river Mirna below the
town, horseback riding in the natural ambience around Motovun, canoeing in the river during the summer, having dinner near the campfire in a natural ambience, going game hunting around Motovun, free
climbing, paragliding and detouring the wine roads.
A weekend in the inside parts of Istria will make you
feel as if you were reborn. The impression of being
devoid of stress and completely forgetting about business or other concerns and problems of the everyday life, as well as getting “high” on peace, is what
is in common to a large number of people that have
decided to spend their week-long vacations in Motovun. Serenity cannot be emphasized enough, as well
as the good manners of the local people. It is a truly a
“sweet escape” experience – a perfect corner where
time stands still in the most possible way.
These days, Motovun will get a little busier during its
film festival, which originally assembled the alternative and enthusiasts, but has now grown into an overall
mainstream occasion. The one thing that attracts the
elite to the Motovun Film Festival is surely the unique
feeling of equality among the participants and the
audience, as well as among members of different social groups and classes. In other words, everyone’s the
same when they get to Motovun – there is no room
for high heels and posers. They just do not fit into the
event’s concept. Everyone will become relaxed in a
natural way in Motovun. Chronic parking problems, as
well as the fact that Motovun still has only one hotel,
cannot do anything to harm the impression of the instinctive, picturesque and beautiful in Motovun and
around it – especially in spring and summer. As well
as the undeniable fact that it’s always worth it to take
this particular trip.
Boravak na ovakvim mjestima potiče duhovnost i kreativnost / Staying at such places encourages spirituality and
Za spoj tradicionalnoga i modernoga u novootvorenom restoranu Katsuya Hollywood, nužan je bio angažman autora kakav
je Starck, budući da se trebalo raspolagati
širokim spektrom elemenata suvremenog
industrijskog dizajna, kao i dizajna interijera, u čemu je Francuz provjereno suverena figura
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Zidom čitavog restorana dominiraju fetiši izazovnih
motiva s lica i tijela japanske gejše \ The entire restaurant’s walls are dominated by fetishes of challenging
motifs from the face and body of a Japanese geisha
rošle je godine, u rujnu, u Hollywoodu otvoren
novi restoran u lancu SBE Restaurant & Nightlife Group. Njihov brand Katsuya dobio je ime
prema poznatome japanskome majstoru sushija u Los Angelesu Katsuyi Uechiju, a o kakvoj se
veličini radi u svijetu gastronomije i lifestylea uopće,
svjedoči uspjeh prethodnog lokala u lancu, onoga u
kalifornijskom Brentwoodu, kraju zapadnog LA-a, koji
je ubrzo nakon otvaranja dobio epitet spektakularnoga.
Katsuya Hollywood, pak, podičio se pečatom i potpisom Philippea Starcka, jednog od produktivnijih i
intrigantnijih dizajnera današnjice. Za njega direktor
SBE-a Sam Nazarian kaže kako će se i uz standardnu,
provjerenu ponudu branda Katsuya, hollywoodska
filijala ne samo pokušati duhom uklopiti u novo okružje, nego će preuzeti i vodeću ulogu u poboljšanju
kvalitete usluge, odnosno konzumerskog identiteta
čitavog okruga.
Ono što razlikuje i unaprjeđuje hollywoodski restoran
od brentwoodškog prethodnika prije svega je, dakle, nešto provokativniji i seksepilniji Starckov dizajn.
Brand Katsuya dobio je ime prema poznatome japanskome
majstoru sushija Katsuyi Uechiju / Brand Katsuya was named
after a famous Japanese master of sushi Katsuya Uechi
Hvaleći se “remek-djelom senzualnosti, ljepote i duševnosti”, u pokušaju približavanja općem značenju
Hollywooda, restoran već pri prvom susretu odaje dojam uzvišenoga. Ulazi se, dakle, kroz barsku prostoriju
s umjetnički posloženim primjercima noževa za sushi
i autentičnim, “lebdećim” crvenim kimonima. Slijedi
središnja prostorija u kojoj se ističe sushi bar, opremljen
zavodljivim Starckovim stolicama iz serije Kong i crnom
zavjesom Noren s Katsuyinim kanji-simbolom. Inače, zidom čitavog restorana dominiraju fetiši izazovnih motiva s lica i tijela japanske gejše, što je već postalo zaštitnim znakom ovog lanca.
Katsuyina filozofija, u suradnji sa Starckom, jest pružiti
autentično iskustvo Japana, odnosno još jednom, spojem tradicionalnoga i modernoga, suvremenoga go-
sta približiti doslovno iskustvu jedenja hrane u krugu oko
vatre. Za takav spoj nužan je bio angažman autora kakav je Starck, budući da se trebalo raspolagati širokim
spektrom elemenata suvremenog industrijskog dizajna,
kao i dizajna interijera, u čemu je Francuz provjereno
suverena figura. Primjerice, za priziv osjećaja bliskosti,
Starck je posegnuo za prostorom lounge bara, gdje je
posložio niske stolove s mnoštvom jastuka, koristio se intimističkom rasvjetom uz već spomenuta artistička obilježja na zidovima i drvene stropne i podne elemente
koji dodatno djeluju udobno i toplo. Općenito, čitava
ideja vodilja je istočnjački minimalistična, a za iskustvo
rada u restoranu Katsuya sam Starck je sklon izjaviti
kako mu je bliži “monaški” pristup od dizajna loungea
te kako je tu on zapravo “stvorio i opremio jedan sa-
Dragon lounge namijenjen je uživanju u koktelima / Dragon Lounge
is aimed for enjoying cocktails
mostan”. Možda baš sraz ovog principa s prethodno
uočenim fetišističkim nabojem naglašene senzualnosti
čini Katsuyu osobito privlačnim i poželjnim.
Sami podaci o restoranu govore sljedeće: od ukupno
180 mjesta, u središnjoj se prostoriji može smjestiti 68
osoba, dok tamniji Dragon lounge, namijenjen ponajprije uživanju u koktelima, ali i kompletnim obrocima,
ugošćuje njih 50. Također su na raspolaganju dva privatna separea, od kojih svaki prima po osam osoba.
Spomenuti bar na ulazu ima mjesta za 18, a također je
tu i otvoreni dio s 40 stolova orijentiran prema Hollywoodu i Vine Boulevardu.
Hrana koja se poslužuje u restoranu originalan je uzorak
Katsuyina gastroportfelja kojim već tri desetljeća obogaćuje ponudu japanske tradicionalne kuhinje u Los Angelesu. Štoviše, promotori kažu kako je sam dizajn i ambijentalni
hype restorana tek “energetska nadgradnja” u ideji Kat-
suya Hollywooda, budući da je osnova i razlog čitavog
lanca upravo u Katsuyinu kulinarskom umijeću. Tako
spomenuti sushi bar unutar restorana nudi remek-djela
umjetnosti sushija, rolada i sashimi plata. Japanski grill
Robata u Katsuyi priprema jela poput odreska sa šparogama u ljutom umaku teriyaki ili pak kraljevskog (aljaskanskog) raka sa sojinim maslacem i češnjakom. Specijaliteti glavne kuhinje su ljuta tuna s hrskavim lukom i
druga jela, uglavnom od ribe, s atraktivnim umacima i
prilozima od soje ili miso-algi.
Katsuya Hollywood, kao još jedan proizvod nedavno
započete suradnje nekoliko brandova – majstora kuhinje Katsuye, SBE-ova menadžmenta i Starckova dizajna, navela je kritiku trendsetera magazina Angeleno
na zaključak kako je iskustvo posjeta ovom tek otvorenom restoranu “sudjelovanje u nečemu vrlo, vrlo važnome”...
Starck’s Sensual Lounge
Ideja vodilja je istočnjački minimalizam / Guiding idea
was influenced by Eastern minimalism
Restoran već pri prvom susretu odaje dojam uzvišenoga /
The restaurant achieves the impression of transcendence
during the very first encounter
In order to successfully combine the traditional and the modern at the newly opened
restaurant Katsuya Hollywood, it was necessary to hire an author like Starck because
it was required to work with a wide spectrum of elements from the fields of industrial
design and interior design, in which Starck is established as a second-to-none figure.
Written by: Nikola Èelan
n September of last year, Hollywood witnessed the
opening of a new restaurant from the SBE Restaurant
& Nightlife Group. Their brand Katsuya was named after a famous Japanese master of sushi Katsuya Uechi
from Los Angeles, and to further emphasize its importance in the world of gastronomy and lifestyle in general,
one must only look at the success of the chain’s previous establishment, the one in Brentwood, California near
western LA, which was dubbed as spectacular soon after
the opening.
On the other hand, Katsuya Hollywood prides itself on being “signed and sealed” by Philippe Starck, one of the
more productive and intriguing designers of our time.
He is the reason the SBE director Sam Nazarian claims
that, along with the standard and established offering
of brand Katsuya, the Hollywood branch will not only attempt to adjust to the spirit of the new environment, but
will also accept the leading role in the process of improv-
ing the quality of service and the consumption identity of
the entire district.
The one thing that separates and improves the Hollywood restaurant from its Brentwood predecessor is
primarily Starck’s somewhat sexier and more provocative design. Being praised as “a masterpiece of sensuality, beauty and spirituality” in an attempt of getting
nearer to Hollywood’s general meaning, the restaurant
achieves the impression of transcendence during the
very first encounter. The entrance leads you through
the bar room with artistically arranged samples of sushi
knives and authentic “floating” red kimonos. That is followed by the central room that is dominated by the sushi-bar, which is equipped with seductive Starck’s chairs
from the Kong Series and a black Noren curtain with
Katsuya’s kanji-symbol. It should also be mentioned that
the entire restaurant’s walls are dominated by fetishes of
challenging motifs from the face and body of a Japa-
nese geisha, which has already become a trademark of
this chain.
Katsuya’s philosophy, in cooperation with Starck, is to provide an authentic experience of Japan, which is achieved
by once again using a combination of traditional and
modern elements that lead the contemporary guest closer to a literary experience of eating in a circle around the
fire. That sort of combination simply craved for the hiring
of an author like Starck, as it was required to work with a
wide spectrum of elements from the fields of contemporary industrial design and interior design, in which Starck
is established as a second-to-none figure. For example, in
order to achieve a sense of closeness, Starck made a few
decisions regarding the lounge bar, where he positioned
low tables with plenty of cushions while using intimate lighting that, when combined with the already-mentioned artistic features on walls and the wooden elements on the
ceiling and the floor, has further effect on the warm and
cosy ambience. In general, the whole guiding idea was
influenced by Eastern minimalism, and while talking about
the experience of working on restaurant Katsuya, Starck
has the tendency to say that he prefers the “monastic”
approach to designing a lounge, and that he actually
“created and equipped a monastery” while working on
Katsuya Hollywood. It could be that the conflict of this
principle with the previously described fetishist impulses of
extreme sensuality is what makes Katsuya attractive and
desirable to this extent.
The basic restaurant information contain the following:
out of the overall capacity of 180 people, 68 of them can
be accommodated in the central room, while the darker
Dragon Lounge, aimed primarily for enjoying cocktails as
well as complete meals, can be filled up with 50 people.
Guests also have two private booths at their disposal, and
both of them can take up to eight people. The abovementioned entrance bar has enough room for 18 people,
and we can also find the open section with 40 tables oriented towards Hollywood and Vine Boulevard.
The food that is served in the restaurant is an original sample of Katsuya’s gastro-portfolio, which has been improving the offering of Japanese traditional cuisine in Los Angeles for three decades. Furthermore, the promoters claim
that the very design and ambient “hype” of the restaurant
serve as the “energetic addition” in the idea of Katsuya
Hollywood, due to the fact that the entire basis and reason for the existence of the entire chain lie in Katsuya’s
culinary skills. That’s why the abovementioned sushi-bar
within the restaurant offers masterpieces of sushi meals,
rolls and sashimi plates. Japanese grill Robata in Katsuya
prepares meals such as steak with asparagus in spicy teriyaki sauce, as well as the royal (Alaskan) crab with soya
butter and garlic. The cuisine’s main specialties include
spicy tuna with crunchy onion and other meals that are
mostly fish-oriented, and which feature attractive sauces
and side dishes containing soya and miso-algae.
Katsuya Hollywood, as another product of the recently established cooperation between several brands – cuisine
master Katsuya, SBE management and Starck’s design,
has encouraged the critics of the trend-setting Angeleno
Magazine to come up with the conclusion that the experience of visiting this just-opened restaurant is “taking part in
something that is very, very important”…
Losos na cedru / Salmon on cedar
Komadići kivija s jakovskom kapicom /
Slices kiwi with scallop
Crni tartuf s bakalarom / Black truffle with cod
Fine st
Alkoholno sobno
Vauni Globe kuglasti je kamin,
jedini koji izgara etanol, bez dimnjaka i na stalku prilagodljivom u krugu od 360 stupnjeva. Globe radi na principu
najnaprednijeg uređaja za
izgaranje etanola, s regulacijom snage izgaranja i jačine plamena. Prednosti Vaunija su brojne – nikakvo dodatno
čišćenje ni održavanje nije potrebno, a pepeo i čađa u ovoj kombinaciji stvar su prošlosti.
An Alcohol Fireplace for a
Vauni Globe is a spherical fireplace,
the only one that burns ethanol,
without a chimney and standing on a 360°-adjustable stalk.
Globe functions on the principle of a most advanced
device for ethanol burning,
with regulation of the burning power and the strength of
the flame. The advantages of
Vauni are numerous – no additional cleaning or maintaining is
required, and this combination
puts ashes and soot way into the
A Binocular with
Dalekozor s dodatnom
Vodootporni dalekozor Idomeneo ni po čemu se bitnome ne razlikuje od običnoga,
osim što je optočen kristalima
Swarovski. Dolazi u kožnom paketu i pogodan će biti u najmanju ruku za gledanje kazališnih
predstava iz udaljenih loža, ako
već niste svjetioničar s razvijenom strašću za dodatnim, nenamjenskim vrijednostima.
i telekomunikacija
Novi Armanijev luksuzni mobitel prilog
je Armanijevoj filozofiji lifestylea kao
odluci u kojoj su dizajn i izvedba kriteriji. U tu svrhu partnerstvo je ostvareno
sa Samsungom, koji je pionir u spajanju tehnologije s lifestyleom. Rezultat je
mobitel Armani-Samsung, a riječ je o
prvom predstavljenom proizvodu toga
novog “strateškog” partnerstva.
The waterproof
Idomeneo binocular
doesn’t distinguish
itself from regular
binoculars on nothing
important, besides the fact
that it is covered in Swarovski crystals. It comes in a leather
package and it is bound to come
in handy while watching theatre
plays from far-away sections of the
crowd, presuming that you’re not a
lighthouse keeper with a developed
passion for additional, non-applicable details.
and Telecommunication
The new Armani’s luxurious cell-phone
perfectly suits Armani’s lifestyle philosophy as a decision in which design and
performance are the criteria. A partnership with Samsung, which is a pioneer
of combining technology and lifestyle,
was established for that purpose. That
resulted in the creation of the ArmaniSamsung cell-phone, and it is the first
presented product of this new “strategic” partnership.
Dragulj i guma
Diorov “Christal” je sjajnobijeli ručni sat okvira ukrašenog s 44 dijamanta. Osim
bogatog obruča, sat ima i
gumenu ručku u istoj boji na
kojoj je red bijelog safirnog
kristala. Sve skupa djeluje vrlo
skupocjeno, i bijelo...
A Jewel and Rubber
Dior’s “Christal” is a shiny-white watch with
a frame that is decorated with 44 diamonds.
Besides its rich hoop, the watch has a rubber
handle in the same colour that features a line
of white sapphire crystals. It all leaves a very
expensive, and white, impression…
Smoking Under “A Glass
Furla’s Elegance
Furlina elegancija
Ime joj je Afrodite, a malo koja žena je
ne bi htjela u svojoj kolekciji. Diskretno
elegantna, a ujedno ženstvena i
moderna, Furlina torbica iz nove
kolekcije proljeće-ljeto 2008. izrađena je od najfinije kože. Može
je se nabaviti u devet različitih
boja. Mi smo odabrali bijelu, a
Its name is Aphrodite, and very few
women wouldn’t want it as a part
of their collection. Discretely
elegant, as well as feminine
and modern, Furla’s purse
from the newest SpringSummer 2008 Collection
is made out of finest
leather. It is available in
nine different colours.
We chose white, what
about you?
Pripremio / Edited by: Nikola Èelan
Pušačko zvono projekt je Floriana Brilleta i odgovor na uvođenje
zabrane pušenja na javnim mjestima. Namijenjen prostoru izvan
kafića, omogućava uživanje u
duhanskom dimu i laganoj glazbi
iz integriranih zvučnika, bez opasnosti za zdravlje i živce nepušača
u okolini.
This smoking bell was projected by Florian Brillet
as a response to numerous restrictions regarding smoking in public places. Aimed for the space outside of
coffee shops, it enables
enjoyment in cigarette
smoke and soft music
from the integrated
with no danger
for the health and
the nerves of nonsmokers that are
standing by.
Prièe iz nepoznatog
“Iako je zaigranost važna odrednica radova
Marka Tadića, prepoznatljivo vizualno šarenilo
gotovo uvijek zrači i nekovrsnom nelagodom.
Ona izvire iz senzibiliteta za karnevaleskno:
sklonost k razotkrivanju ispraznih reprezentacija i zavirivanja iza poroznih fasada, istraživanje medijskog zagađenja, portretiranje
svakodnevice u srazu kontrasta konzumerizma i osiromašenja, strast transformiranja i
izokretanja naglavce” (Ana Dević)
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
mjetnost danas uspješna je manipulacija znakovima, što neizbježno podrazumijeva kontekst
u kojemu se djeluje. Kada govorimo o suvremenoj umjetnosti, bitno je naglasiti da ona izlazi iz
čistog svijeta likovnosti koji joj je postao preuzak, baveći
se, među ostalim, artikulacijom suvremenih društvenih
pitanja. Slika nije više samo objekt obješen na zid. Priča
o Marku Tadiću, jednom od najprisutnijih i najuspješnijih
mlađih umjetnika kod nas, priča je o stvaranju specifičnog likovnog jezika koji balansira na granici između
slikarstva, grafitti arta, ambijentalnih instalacija, kreirajući nove, hibridne forme i prepoznatljiv rukopis, na prvi
pogled nalik dječjem crtežu. Izokrenuta značenja, jezične slagalice, privatna mini mitologija u naglašenom
koloritu, miks osobnih preokupacija i pop-kulture, dio je
onoga što se može iščitati iz njegovih radova.
Marko Tadić je rođen u Sisku 1979. godine. Diplomirao
je slikarstvo na Accademiji di belle arti u Firenci 2006.
Već nekoliko godina prisutan je na umjetničkoj sceni;
imao je tri samostalne izložbe u Hrvatskoj te sudjelovao
na skupnim izložbama u Zagrebu, Ljubljani, Beogradu,
Firenci, Kasselu i Nottinghamu. Dobitnik je nagrade Salona mladih 2006. u Zagrebu, a bio je i finalist nedavno
održanog natječaja za T-HT nagradu Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Njegov je rad krajem prošle
godine predstavljen u Berlinu projektom “Linienstrasse113” Filip Tradea, kojim se promovira nekoliko odabranih hrvatskih suvremenih umjetnika u jednoj od najvažnijih europskih umjetničkih metropola.
Crteži Marka Tadića izrazito su upečatljive minijature,
čudni pejsaži derivirani iz autorove nutrine više nego iz
stvarnosti koja ga okružuje, iako je njezin utjecaj više
nego prisutan, a manifestira se u stripovskoj estetici,
medijski posredovanim slikama kao vizualnoj osnovi i
svim onim nesvjesnim utjecajima popa, kao generacijskoj odrednici. Crtačka minucioznost, pomalo nadrealni narativni sklop, neprijeteća komunikativnost unatoč
naglašenom koloritu, ono je što Tadićev rad čini mikrokozmosom nikad prije ispričanih priča. Zanimljiv je i njegov odabir tehnika te materijala kojima se služi. Često
koristi flomaster i tuš te slika na odbačenim upotrebnim
predmetima, plastičnim tanjurima, drvenim kuhinjskim
daskama, jeftinim podlošcima.
U okviru svoje prve samostalne izložbe u Zagrebu, naziva “Household”, u galeriji Nova 2003. godine, Tadić
se bavio propitivanjem statusa umjetničkih i svakodnevnih predmeta, njihove funkcionalnosti i dekorativnosti, preklapanja i reverzibilnosti. Napušteni prostor bivše
prodavaonice cipela postao je kontekst i podloga za
umjetničku intervenciju. Grafitiranjem zidova, oslikavanjem tapisona i zatečenog namještaja te unošenjem
vlastitih radova, slika, polaroida, plakata, umjetnik je
pretvorio izložbeni prostor u svojevrsni “totalni atelijer” u
kojemu aktivnosti ne prestaju ni nakon formalnog otvorenja izložbe. “Projekt upućuje na preklapanje umjetničke prakse i svakodnevnog života, te, općenito, na
manjak radnog umjetničkog prostora, kao i na mogućnosti privremenog kreativnog prisvajanja i privatiziranja različitih disfunkcionalnih urbanih zona.”
“Storyboards” u galeriji Galženica te “Suveniri” u VN-u,
nazivi su dviju prošlogodišnjih izložbi u okviru kojih je Tadić predstavio svoje novije radove.
Originalno značenje riječi storyboards odnosi se na sekvencijalno-narativne prikaze koji se koriste pri produkciji stripova ili filmova kako bi što bolje predočili neku
akciju ili narativ. “Storyboards” Marka Tadića čini podloga, u ovom slučaju drvena, na kojoj umjetnik gradi
priču, ali ona nije jednoznačna niti egzistira u nekom
strogo određenom, logičkom sustavu. Elementi figuracije razasuti su po površini i zajedno ne teže nikakvom
cjelovitom narativnom sustavu, jednom, cjelovitom
značenju. Više odgovaraju autorovoj potrebi da ispuni prostor osobnim simbolizmom, iscrtavajući možda
topografiju neke podsvjesne mape u kojoj je sadržano
sve ono što može ili je moglo biti. Postoje tumačenja
koja Tadićev postupak opisuju pojmom “grafitiranja”,
kao postupkom “antiestetske intervencije u urbanom
prostoru, koja brutalnim prisvajanjem javnih površina
želi simbolički razbiti njihov neutralni građanski identitet te u javni prostor uvesti dimenziju društvene diferencijacije”, s tim da se on ovdje odnosi na “Tadićev tip
voluntarističke intervencije koja ne intendira estetskoj
ili narativnoj cjelovitosti, nego spomenute komponente
združuje okrećući ih protiv, ili barem mimo, njihova formalnog, funkcionalnog i značenjskog integriteta. No,
bez ikakve agresije ili etički upitne prisile, Tadićeva je
gesta izrazito laka, a prijelaz između jedne stvarnosti u
drugu gotovo neosjetan.”
Možda je najzanimljiviji segment Tadićeva rada upravo
njegov posljednji ciklus “Suveniri”. Umjetnik se, već godinama, bavi sakupljanjem staromodnih suvenira koji
su se mogli naći na štandovima i u trgovinama diljem
obale, ali i u drugim turističkim područjima, drvenih
ploča na kojima su otisnute vedute nekog primorskog
mjesta, planinski motiv ili nešto slično. “Ovi objekti autora privlače svojim izgledom, ali i kao dokument jednog iščezlog vremena s mutnim reminiscencijama na
razdoblje socijalizma i vlastito odrastanje, na predvrijeme turizma u kojem su raznovrsne masovne migracije
neprimjetno i polako prerastale u dominantnu svjetsku
industriju.” U postojeće slikovne prikaze, često oštećene protokom vremena čime je promijenjen sam izgled
mjesta na koje se odnose, umjetnik intervenira doslikavajući motive, dodajući tekst, mijenjajući ih, igrajući se
samim motivom i vlastitim te kolektivnim sjećanjem. Tadić kreira polustvarna mjesta koja postaju podloga za
sasvim drugi narativni okvir, za mistični prikaz na granici
stvarnog, za priču iz nepoznatog…
“Karakteristični element Tadićeva rada je preuzimanje različitih vrsta znakova s područja stripa, filma, reklamnea industrije, povijesti umjetnosti… Skupljajući ih
marom strastvenog staretinara, Tadić reciklira ogromnu količinu odbačenih i potrošenih vizualnih znakova,
dajući im novo značenje u kontekstu umjetničke slike,
odnosno umjetničke izložbe.” Marko Tadić trenutačno
živi i radi u Zagrebu.
Stories from the Unknown
“Although playfulness is an important characteristic of Marko Tadić and his works, the recognizable visual medley of colours almost always radiates a certain kind of awkwardness. It
transpires from the sensibility for carnival aspects: a tendency towards revealing shallow representations and processes of peeping behind porous facades, analysing the media pollution,
creating portraits of the everyday life based on the contrast between consumerism and poverty, a passion of transforming things and turning them upside down” (Ana Dević)
Written by: Nataša Bodrožić
oday’s art is a successful manipulation of signs,
which unmistakably includes the context in which
it takes part. When we talk about contemporary
art, it is important to point out that it is starting to
find its way out of the pure world of traditional art that
has become slightly too narrow, and is starting to deal
with, among other things, an articulation of modern social issues. A painting is no longer merely an object that
is hung up on the wall. The story of Marko Tadić, one of
the most present and most successful younger artists
we have to offer, is a story about the creation of a specific art language that is walking a fine line between
the art of painting, graffiti art, ambient installations,
and that creates new hybrid forms and a recognizable
style, which can originally look slightly like a drawing
from a child. Twisted meanings, language puzzles, pri-
vate mini-mythology within an emphasized structure
of colours, a mixture of personal preoccupations and
pop-culture, are all just a part of what can be found
in his works.
Marko Tadić was born in Sisak in 1979. He graduated
painting at Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence in 2006.
He has been present on the art scene for several years
now; he had three solo exhibits in Croatia, as well as
participated at group exhibits in Zagreb, Ljubljana, Belgrade, Florence, Kassel and Nottingham. He won the
top award at the Youth Salon 2006 in Zagreb, and he
was also the finalist of the recently held contest for the
T-HT Award of the Museum of Modern Arts in Zagreb.
At the end of last year, his work was presented in Berlin within the “Linienstrasse113” project by Filip Trade,
which is used to promote several chosen Croatian contemporary artists in one of the most important European art capitals.
Marko Tadić’s drawings are usually distinctive miniatures, odd landscapes that are more derived from
within the author than from the reality that surrounds
him. Although the influence of that reality is more than
evident, as it manifests in comic-book aesthetics, media-transmitted pictures that also serve as a visual base
for all those unconscious influences of pop that have
the role of being the generation determinant. Meticulous drawings, a slightly surreal narrative structure, a
non-threatening way of communication despite the
emphasized structure of colours – all those things make
Tadić’s projects a micro-cosmos of stories that haven’t
been told before. He is also interesting when it comes
to his choice of techniques and materials that he uses.
He often uses markers and ink, as well as draw on rejected used objects, plastic plates, wooden kitchen
boards and cheap braces.
Within his first solo exhibit in Zagreb, which was called
“Household” at Nova Gallery in 2003, Tadić attempted
to analyse the status of artistic and everyday objects,
their functional and decorative qualities, as well as
their overlapping and reversibility. The abandoned
premise that used to serve as a shoe store became a
context and a surface for artistic intervention. Drawing
graffiti on walls, painting tapestries and the premise’s
furniture, as well as bringing in his own works, paintings,
polaroids and posters, the artist transformed the exhibit space into a type of “total atelier” where activities
didn’t stop even the exhibit was formally opened. “The
project refers to the overlapping of artistic practice
and everyday life, as well as the general lack of work
space for artists, which can possibly lead to the option
of the temporary creative occupying of various dysfunctional urban zones, thus making them your own
for the moment.”
“Storyboards” at Galženica Gallery and “Souvenirs”
at VN are the names of two last year’s exhibits within
which Tadić presented his latest projects.
The original meaning of the word “storyboard” relates
to the sequencing-narrative scenes that are used in
the production of comic books or movies in order to
adequately display any action or narrative aspects.
“Storyboards” by Marko Tadić consist of a wooden
surface on which the artist builds a story that is not
single-minded, nor it exists in a strictly determined,
logical system. Figurative elements are scattered all
over the surface, thus ceasing to attempt the creation of a complete narrative system with only one
wholesome meaning. They rather lean towards the
author’s need to fill the space with personal symbolism, which may be sketching topography of a subconscious map that features all that is possible, or
once might have been. There are interpretations that
describe Tadić’s procedure as “graffitization”, which
stands for a procedure of “an anti-aesthetic intervention in urban space, which uses brutal occupying of
public premises to symbolically break their neutral
civil identity, and to bring in a dimension of social differentiation into the public space”. That procedure
relates to “Tadić’s way of voluntary intervention that
doesn’t aim for aesthetic or narrative completion,
but rather unites those components by turning them
against, or at least outside of, their formal, functional
and meaningful integrity. But that takes place without any aggression or ethically questionable enforcement, as Tadić’s gesture is extremely effortless, and
the transition from one reality into the next can hardly
be felt.”
Perhaps the most interesting segment of Tadić’s work is
his latest cycle “Souvenirs”. For years now, the artist has
occupied himself with collecting old-fashioned souvenirs that could be found on stands and in stores across
the coast, but also in other tourist towns. Those souvenirs
include wooden boards featuring aspects of a smaller
coastal town, a mountain motif or something similar to
that. “These objects attract the author with how they
look, but also as a document of a vanished period of
time with vague references to the era of socialism and
his growing-up process, as well as to the early period
of tourism in which various mass migrations slowly and
unobtrusively transform into the dominant world industry.” The existing artistic motifs, often damaged by the
passage of time that causes the change in the appearance of that specific little town, are approached by
the artist in a way that he adds little motifs and pieces
of text, changes the existing ones, plays with the motif itself, as well as with his own and collective memory. Tadić creates semi-actual places that become the
base of an entirely different narrative frame, a mystical
description at the limit of what’s real, and a story from
the unknown…
“A characteristic element of Tadić’s work is the takeover
of different types of symbols from the fields of comic
book, film, advertisement industry, art history… By collecting them with an enormous passion for all things antique, Tadić recycles a huge amount of rejected and
worn-out visual symbols, providing them with a new
meaning within a context of an artistic painting or an
artist’s exhibit.” Marko Tadić currently lives and works in
Arhetipski biser
Indijskog oceana
Panoramski pogledi kroz vrtove palmi i vodene vrtove hotela The Chedi Muscat šire
se na sve strane Omanskog zaljeva, a sve skupa rezultira ambijentom, u najmanju
ruku iznenađujućim za sve koji u Oman dođu s očekivanjem klasičnijeg iskustva
unutar ove, najviše, razine izvrsnosti u globalnom odmorišnom asortimanu
Piše: Nikola Èelan
Foto: www.designhotel.com
Serai – otvoreni bazen s otvorenim pogledom /
Serai – open pool with an open view
uristi koji su nedavno posjetili Oman kažu kako je
obala te arapske zemlje na pragu Perzijskog zaljeva, pogotovo dijela u okolici drevne prijestolnice
Muscata (Masqat), u potpunosti podređena turističkoj izgradnji, tj. devastirana. Rovokopači na izrovanim plažama možda pripremaju novu, napredniju
vizuru atraktivnog odredišta, međutim trenutačno to
sve skupa ne djeluje impresivno, pogotovo ne na mjestu kakvo se očekuje kao ambijentalni kontekst hotela
The Chedi Muscat, jednog od aduta poznatog lanca
Sam Muscat je jedan od najstarijih gradova Bliskog istoka, koji je sredinom prošle godine doživio jedan od najsnažnijih ciklonskih vjetrova u posljednjih 60 godina. Ciklon Gonu poharao je regiju i natjerao u bijeg desetke
tisuća Omanaca, upravo u području oko Muscata. Po-
sljedice te nepogode, međutim, uspješno su sanirane i
nitko tko se zatekao na odmoru u The Chedi Muscatu,
čak nedugo nakon nje, nije osjetio nikakve popratne
efekte, sve od trenutka slijetanja u obližnju zračnu luku
pa do kraja svog boravka u Omanu. Gosti hotela organizirano se dočekuju nakon slijetanja i, počašćeni jelom
i pićem u znak dobrodošlice, odvoze se u hotel.
Smještaj The Chedi Muscata pažljivo je promišljen i pozicioniran na slikovitom, uskom pojasu u podnožju monumentalnog prirodnog zastora – gromadnih planinskih
obronaka, u izravnoj komunikaciji s pitomom površinom
Indijskog oceana. Uza svu glomaznost prirodnih elemenata koji ga okružuju, hotel je smješten na nadasve mirnoj lokaciji, koja, iako leži na dijelu zrakoplovne rute,
nije isuviše izložena buci budući da Oman u cjelini nije
prometno prebukirano područje. U svakom slučaju, 15
Hotelska soba iz deluxe kategorije / Deluxe
category hotel room
minuta udaljena zračna luka ni izdaleka ne remeti red
među pet zvjezdica ovog vrlo hvaljenog hotela.
Ideja dizajnera The Chedi Muscata pratila je ritam čitavog područja, samog grada Muscata, u kojemu starinsko, drevno, mirno koegzistira s novim i modernim. “Stare forme na nov način” bila je vodilja dvojca potpisnika
hotelskog identiteta, Jean-Michela Gathyja, direktora
Denniston Internationala sa sjedištem u Kuala Lumpuru,
i Yasuhira Koichija iz svjetski poznatoga tokijskog studija
Spin Design. U svrhu opuštenog pogleda na sve prirodne elemente u okruženju hotela, dvojica arhitekata s
iskustvom rada na istočnoazijskim resortima osmislili su
sustav međusobno užlijebljenih fasadnih slojeva oko
tradicionalnih omanskih struktura. Tako se panoramski
pogledi kroz vrtove palmi i vodene vrtove šire na sve
strane Omanskog zaljeva, a sve skupa rezultira ambijentom, u najmanju ruku iznenađujućim za sve koji u
Oman dođu s očekivanjem klasičnijeg iskustva unutar
ove, najviše, razine izvrsnosti u globalnom odmorišnom
Koncept likovnosti hotela sastoji se u ravnoj crti – matrica koja se ponavlja kroz sve funkcionalne cjeline, od
pasaža s lukovima u predvorju, preko lobbyja i recepcije
Ravna crta – matrica koja se ponavlja kroz sve funkcionalne cjeline / Straight line – a matrix that repeats itself
through all functional units
nastavlja se i unutar soba. U odabiru materijala dominira mahagonij, namještaj je pretežito u cabana stilu, a
svaka od 115 soba i 36 hotelskih apartmana raspolaže
terasom ili balkonom te potpunom opremom (zanimljivo
je da u sobama uopće nema “bračnih” kreveta), naravno, s mogućnošću korištenja dječjeg (plitkog) i jednog
standardnog, velikog bazena.
Iako posjetitelji često navode nedostatke vezane uz svoj
boravak u The Chedi Muscatu, poput spomenutih niskih
preleta zrakopolova, desalinizacijskog sustava nezgodno
smještenog u sklopu plaže, čak i krupne stijene na prilazima moru, gotovo svi su odreda zadivljeni boravkom
na ovom fantastičnom mjestu, ponajprije zbog ljudskog,
kreativnog faktora koji je rukom dvojice darovitih i motiviranih arhitekata stvorio arhetipski objekt, hotelski biser
na Indijskom oceanu i Arapskom poluotoku. Uostalom,
o kvaliteti The Chedi Muscata najbolje govore nagrade
Condé Nast Traveller Readera, i to za 2007. (The Best of
The Best - 100 najboljih svjetskih odmorišta Srednjeg istoka, Afrike i Indijskog oceana), 2005. i 2006. (među 10 najboljih resorta na Srednjem istoku, Africi i Indijskom oceanu) te za 2005. (među 10 najboljih hotela s toplicama na
Srednjem istoku, Africi i Indijskom oceanu).
Apartmanska kupaonica / Suite bathtub
Svi su odreda zadivljeni boravkom na ovom fantastičnom mjestu / Everybody remains in awe
with their time in this fantastic location
Archetypal Pearl of the
Indian Ocean
Panoramic views through palm gardens and water gardens of The Chedi Muscat Hotel
capture all sides of the Gulf of Oman, and it all results in an ambience that is at least
surprising for all those that visit Oman with expectations of a classic experience within
the highest level of excellence in this global vacation assortment
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Photo: www.designhotels.com
Posljedice ciklona Gonu uspješno su sanirane /
The consequences of cyclone Gonu heve been
succesfully removed
Hotel je smješten na nadasve mirnoj lokaciji / The hotel is positioned on a remarkably peaceful location
ourists that recently visited Oman say that the
coast of that Arabic country on the verge of the
Persian Gulf, especially the area around the ancient capital Muscat (Masqat), is completely submitted to tourism construction, which means that it has
been devastated. Trench-diggers on the destructed
beaches may be preparing the new, more advanced
visual version of the attractive destination, but that
certainly doesn’t look impressive at this very moment,
especially in a location like the ambient context of The
Chedi Muscat Hotel, one of the branches of the famous chain Chedi.
Muscat itself is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East,
and it has experienced one of the strongest cyclonic
winds over the last 60 years in the middle of last year.
Cyclone Gonu has rampaged the region and caused
the evacuation of dozens of thousands of Oman people, especially in the area around Muscat. The consequences of that disaster, however, have been successfully removed and no tourists that found themselves on
vacation at The Chedi Muscat, even if it was shortly
after it, have felt any side effects from the moment of
landing into the near-by airport until the end of their
Starinsko, drevno, mirno koegzistira s novim i modernim / The archaic and ancient peacefully co-exists
with the new and modern
stay in Oman. The hotel guests are greeted in an organized way after the landing and, after they’re offered some food and drinks, are taken to the hotel.
The Chedi Muscat’s location has been carefully considered and positioned on a picturesque, narrow area
below a monumental natural curtain – enormous
mountain slopes, which are in direct communication
with the mild surface of the Indian Ocean. With all that
grandeur of natural elements that surround it, the hotel
is positioned on a remarkably peaceful location that,
even though it lies on a part of the airline route, is not
overly exposed to noise since Oman generally isn’t particularly active in the traffic sense. One way or another,
the local airport, which is fifteen minutes away, does
nothing to disturb the peace and quiet of this very
praised five-star hotel.
The idea of The Chedi Muscat’s designers has been
in touch with the rhythm of the entire area, as well as
the City of Muscat itself, which manages to have the
archaic and ancient peacefully co-existing with the
new and modern. “Old forms in a new way” was the
guiding light of the two authors of the hotel’s identity –
Jean-Michel Gathy, director of Denniston International
Lobby hotela / The lobby
Datai blagovaonica / Datai dining room
Restoran u “čokoladnim” tonovima / “Chocolate”
shaded restaurant
U odabiru materijala dominira mahagonij / Mahogany is the predominant material
from Kuala Lumpur, and Yasuhiro Koichi from the worldfamous Tokyo studio Spin Design. With the purpose of
achieving a relaxed view over all natural elements that
surround the hotel, the two architects with experiences
of working on East-Asian resorts have come up with a
system of mutually intertwined façade layers around
traditional Oman structures. That results in panoramic
views through palm gardens and water gardens capturing all sides of the Gulf of Oman, and it all results in
an ambience that is at least surprising for all those that
visit Oman with expectations of a classic experience
within the highest level of excellence in this global vacation assortment.
The hotel’s artistic concept is defined through a straight
line – a matrix that repeats itself through all functional
units, from passages with arcs in the entrance to the
lobby and the reception, continues within the bedrooms themselves. Mahogany is the predominant material, the furniture comes in cabana-style, and each of
the 115 rooms and 36 hotel apartments have a terrace
or balcony, as well as complete equipment (it’s inter-
esting that there are no “marriage” beds in the rooms
at all), and there is also the possibility of using the children’s (shallow) and one standard-sized swimming pool.
Although visitors often mention certain downsides regarding their stay at The Chedi Muscat, such as the
already-mentioned close encounters with airplanes, a
desalination system that is awkwardly positioned within
the beach, as well as huge rocks that can be found as
you go for a swim, almost everybody remains in awe
with their time in this fantastic location, primarily due to
the human, creative factor that saw two talented and
motivated architects create an archetypal object, a
hotel pearl on the Indian Ocean and the Arabic Peninsula. The quality of The Chedi Muscat is best testified by
awards from the Conde Nast Traveller Reader for 2007
(The Best of the Best – 100 finest world’s vacation resorts
in the Middle East, Africa and the Indian Ocean), as well
as 2005 and 2006 (among ten of the finest resorts in the
Middle East, Africa and the Indian Ocean), and the 2005
award for being among ten best hotels with spa services
in the Middle East, Africa and the Indian Ocean.
Dom snova
Kružni tepih Flokati inspiriran sedamdesetim
godinama / Circular Flokati carpet inspired by 70’s
Mladalaèki stan
s puno stila
Dok moderne metode katkad mogu rezultirati hladnim i asketskim prizorima, u stanu Flama Davida, jednog od direktora u TDR-u, moderne linije su kombinirane s
ugodnim tkaninama, toplim bojama i zaigranim detaljima
Piše: Tatijana Suljiæ-Shoan
Foto: Kristina Faziniæ
ve je tu šik, pa je čak i žlica za cipelu od inoksa
oblikovana kao cipela Manola Blahnika, dok zelene jabuke na stolu u blagovaonici izgledaju kao
skulptura Renea Magrittea. No takav stil je nešto
sasvim prirodno za Flama Davida. On se nedavno doselio natrag u svoj rodni grad Zagreb iz Muenchena, te
je sam dizajnirao svoj stan pomno obraćajući pažnju na
svaki detalj. “Kažu da je stan zapravo ogledalo njegova
vlasnika”, napominje Flam, “to je vrlo osobno mjesto koje
te odražava i otkriva kakva osoba zaista jesi. Nadam se
da moj stan otkriva da sam vrlo društvena osoba koja
cijeni sitne životne luksuze i poštuje dizajn.”
David je uspio u onome što je naumio ostvariti sa svojim
trosobnim gradskim utočištem, iako nije bilo lako pronaći savršenu lokaciju koja će ispuniti brojne zadane kriterije. “Stan se ne kupuje svaki dan i ovo je bila moja velika životna investicija, tako da sam želio nešto posebno.
Kriteriji su bili sljedeći: centralna pozicija, veliki balkon ili
terasa, parkirališno mjesto ili garaža, te stan koji je obrađen na vrlo funkcionalan način.” Nakon više od šest
mjeseci potrage, David je pronašao svoj stan iz snova
u ekskluzivnom dijelu Šalate, koji ispunjava sve njegove
potrebe. Jedan od najdojmljivijih aspekata toga stana
su njegove vanjske površine, koje obuhvaćaju i balkon i
razbarušenu travnatu terasu, i koje te natjeraju da zaboraviš da se nalaziš u centru grada. Ova jedinstvena karakteristika je inspirirala veliki dio njegove kreativne vizije.
Dok je namještaj u kombinaciji crne, bijele i sive boje,
a duboka čokoladna boja zidova pretvara svaku prostoriju u zasebnu cjelinu, upravo zeleni naglasci podižu
ukupnu atmosferu i čine ju svježijom i življom.
Savršen primjer ovakvog načela su hirovite zidne tapete
s travnatim uzorkom u hodniku. “U posljednjih nekoliko
godina, zidne se tapete uvelike vraćaju u dizajn interijera, te sam došao na ideju da to iskoristim na dva različita
načina. U hodniku sam koristio tapete s travnjakom na
bijeloj pozadini, što je jedna zaigrana ideja koja koketira
sa zelenom travom na površini koja se vidi iz dnevnog
boravka. Koristim ovu zelenu boju po cijelom stanu kao
četvrtu opciju boje koja donosi vanjsko zelenilo u unutrašnjost stana.”
Slika dobivena u potpunosti digitalnom tehnikom i ispisana na slikarskom platnu Željka Borčića zauzima čitavi
zid u dnevnom boravku / A large scale, fine art painting by Željko Borčić commands an entire wall in the
living room
David u svojoj kuhinji / Davim Flam
in his kitchen
Hodnik nije jedino mjesto koje se koristi ovim trendom.
Cijeli zid glavne spavaće sobe je prekriven prizorima Pariza noću kakav se vidi s Eiffelova tornja. “Volim Pariz i
želio sam zaspati gledajući Pariz noću. Moja prijateljica,
grafička dizajnerica Maja Preglej, to je dizajnirala i producirala za mene u Zagrebu.”
Dok moderne metode katkad mogu rezultirati hladnim
i asketskim prizorima, ovdje su moderne linije kombinirane s plišanim tkaninama, toplim bojama i zaigranim
detaljima. U blagovaonici možemo naći okrugli stol od
crnog stakla i inoksa kako stoji na kružnom tepihu Flokati
inspiriranom sedamdesetim godinama. Blizu kuhinjskog
prozora je gipsano Adonisovo poprsje pokraj ekskluzivnog izdanja staklenog mozaika boce Absolute Vodka i
starinskog mlinca za kavu. Umjesto da koristi tradicionalni mramor ili podlogu od linoleuma na pultu, David se
odlučio za tvrdi aluminijski materijal koji je otporan na toplinu i pritisak, i koji je fotografija Flokati tepiha na kojem
je crni stakleni stol za blagovanje čime na jedan zabavan način povezuje ove dvije cjeline. Slika dobivena u
potpunosti digitalnom tehnikom i ispisana na slikarskom
platnu Željka Borčića, zauzima čitavi zid u dnevnom boravku. “Kad bih gledao platna većeg formata, koja mi
se sviđaju, njihova snaga me opčinjala. Želio sam stvoriti
taj osjećaj i u svome stanu. To nije obična slika na zidu,
to je centralni element dnevne sobe dodatno istaknut
zlatnom bojom zida na kojemu stoji, koji odmah zaokupi
pažnju svojom veličinom, snagom i jedinstvenim, kaoti-
Zidne tapete s travnjakom korištene su u hodniku / Grass print
wallpaper in the hallway
čnim univerzumom.” Soba za goste, koja isto tako služi i
kao kućni ured, ima tri manje slike istog umjetnika. Ipak,
Davidov pristup unutrašnjem dizajnu se ne ograničava
samo na stil. “Život je htio da sam proputovao svijet i tako
skupio mnogo sitnica koje su moja osobna, jedinstvena
memorabilija. Neki opet antikni predmeti su pripadali
mojoj pokojnoj baki koja je bila vrlo važna u mom životu,
a oni također umnogome pridonose ukupnoj atmosferi.
Tako sam okružen osobnim uspomenama koje će me
podsjećati na ljude, mjesta i važne pouke u zivotu koje
ne želim zaboraviti.”
Ovaj stan pruža mnogo više od samog izgleda i osjećaja budući da je funkcionalno dizajniran i opremljen najnovijim napravama. “To je tzv. inteligentna kuća”, ističe
David. Svjetla i rolete se mogu regulirati pomoću kućišta
u dnevnom boravku, kao i toplina poda u kupaonici,
dok se klima-uređaj može uključiti jednostavnom tekstualnom porukom s mobitela. Čak je i kamin električan i
aktivira se daljinskim upravljačem.
Kombiniranje umjetnosti, udobnosti i funkcionalnosti je
nešto što se po Davidu podrazumijeva samo po sebi,
a svoje istrenirano oko može zahvaliti svojoj užurbanoj
karijeri. “Mogu reći da mi je rad u tako konkurentoj industriji kao što je duhanska, gdje jedan mali detalj može
odlučiti o svemu, izoštrio osjetila i pažnju prema grafici,
industrijskom i unutrašnjem dizajnu.” Potpuno zasluženo,
nakon napornog radnog dana, David može doći kući i
biti siguran da su svi elementi na svome mjestu.
Dream home
Written by: Tatijana Suljic-Shoan
Photo: Kristina Faziniæ
A Youthful
with Plenty
of Style
While Modern can sometimes translate into
cold and austere, in apartment of David Flam,
one of directors of TDR, modern lines come
together with plush fabrics, warm colors and
playful touches
t’s chic, even the stainless steel shoehorn is shaped
like a Manolo Blahnik stiletto and the green apples on
the dining room table look like a Rene Magritte sculpture. But such style comes natural to David Flam. He
recently moved back to his hometown of Zagreb from
Munich and designed his apartment with every detail
in mind. “An apartment is said to be the face of the
owner,” remarks Flam, “it’s a very personal place that
reflects you and gives away what kind of person you
are. I hope my apartment reflects who I am - a very social person who appreciates small luxuries in life and respects design.”
David has achieved what he set out to do in his threebedroom, city retreat. Though it wasn’t easy to find the
perfect space and he had many criteria that had to be
met. “You don’t buy an apartment every day and this
was a big investment in my life so I wanted something
special. The criteria were: central position, large balcony or terrace, parking place or garage and the apartment had to be cut in a functional way.” 6-months later
Flam found his dream apartment in the exclusive Šalata
neighborhood that fit all his needs. One of the most impressive features are the outside areas, fashioned with
both a balcony and sprawling lawn terrace making it
easy to forget you’re in the city centre. It was this unique
feature that inspired much of his creative vision. While
combining furniture in black, white and grey colors,
deep chocolate paint coats selected walls turning a
single room into a statement; but it’s the green accents
which lift the atmosphere making it fresh and alive.
A perfect example of this is the whimsical grass print
wallpaper in the hallway. “In the last few years I’ve noticed wallpaper making a big comeback in interior de-
Duboka čokoladna boja zidova pretvara svaku
prostoriju u zasebnu cjelinu / Deep chocolate
paint coats selected walls turning a single room
into a statement
Dream home
Dnevni prostor s kaminom /
Living room with fireplace
sign and I had an idea to use it in two different ways. In
the hall I used grass print paper, which is a playful idea
to interact with the green grass on the terrace that is visible from the living room. I use this grass color throughout
the apartment as the fourth color element, which brings
the outside greenery - inside.”
The hallway isn’t the only place that takes advantage
of this trend. In the master bedroom an entire wall is
draped with the view of Paris at night as seen from the
Eiffel Tower. “I simply love Paris and wanted to fall asleep
while watching Paris by night. A friend of mine, graphic
designer Maja Preglej designed it and produced it for
me in Zagreb.”
While Modern can sometimes translate into cold and
austere, here modern lines come together with plush
fabrics, warm colors and playful touches. In the dining
area a round, black-glass and stainless steel table rests
above a circular, 70’s inspired shag rug. On the kitchen
windowsill sits a plaster bust of Adonis beside a limited
edition, glass mosaic Absolute Vodka bottle and coffee
grinder. Rather than using a traditional marble or linoleum counter-top, David used a smooth, temperature
and pressure resistant material that is photograph of the
Flokati carpet which find it’s place below black glass
table. A large scale, fine art painting by Željko Borčić
commands an entire wall in the living room. “When
viewing large works on canvass I always felt a monumental, awe-struck feeling within me. I wanted to create that feeling here, too. It’s not just a painting on the
wall, it catches your eyes instantly with its size, strength
and unique, chaotic universe.” The guest room, which
also functions as a home office, has three smaller works
by the same artist. However, David’s approach to interior design doesn’t limit itself to mere style alone. “I
have traveled a lot around the world and have brought
back many things – my own unique memorabilia. Some
pieces belonged to my late Grandmother who was
very important to me, so these also make up much of
the atmosphere. I like to be surrounded with personal
memorabilia to remember the people, places and important lessons in life.”
But there is more to this apartment than just the look
and feel, it’s also functionally designed and equipped
with the latest gadgets. “It’s the so-called ‘intelligent
house,’ ” boasts David. You can control the light and
shades from one display-box in the living room, program the heating in the bathroom floor, or turn on the
air-conditioner with a text message from your mobile
phone. Even the fireplace is electrical and is activated
by remote controle..
Combining art, comfort and function is second nature
to David, owing much of his eye to his fastpaced career.
“I can say that working in such a competitive industry,
where just a little accent can make a world of difference, has sharpened my senses and attention towards
graphic, industrial and interior design.” Deservedly, after a hard day’s work David can come home and rest
assured that all the elements are in the right place.
Ulazna vrata - ljepota izvana,
sigurnost iznutra
Bila ona masivna, moderna, tradicionalna, drvena, PVC ili aluminijska, svaka ulazna vrata
imaju svoje prednosti, ali i nedostatke, a kod njihova odabira na prvom bi mjestu trebala biti
njihova funkcionalnost; no nikako ne treba zaboraviti na činjenicu da ulazna vrata trebaju
odgovarati cjelokupnom izgledu kuće, odnosno stilu kojem nekretnina i njezin okoliš naginju
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
aš kao i pročelje kuće, i ulazna vrata uvelike pridonose cjelokupnom dojmu koji vanjština kuće
ostavlja. Ulazna vrata iskazuju dobrodošlicu svima koji ulaze u kuću, no osim toga imaju još jednu važnu ulogu – sigurnost. Kvalitetna vrata zaštitit će
svaki dom, bilo da se radi o eventualnom pokušaju provale ili o nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima. Dobro izrađena vrata, osim estetske uloge, imaju i vrlo važnu ulogu
kad je u pitanju ekonomičnost jer izoliraju životni prostor
te sprječavaju gubitak toplinske energije zimi, dok kod
uporabe rashladnih uređaja u toplijim mjesecima osigu-
Foto: www.hormann.hr; Arhiva DalCasa
ravaju ugodan hladniji zrak u prostoru. Bila ona masivna,
moderna, tradicionalna, drvena, PVC ili aluminijska, svaka ulazna vrata imaju svoje prednosti, ali i nedostatke,
a kod njihova odabira na prvom bi mjestu trebala biti
njihova funkcionalnost; no nikako ne treba zaboraviti
na činjenicu da ulazna vrata trebaju odgovarati cjelokupnom izgledu kuće, odnosno stilu kojem nekretnina i
njezin okoliš naginju.
Drvo kao najstariji i vizualno najtopliji materijal
Za izradu stolarije, drvo se koristi od najranije povijesti, po-
najprije zbog svojih izolacijskih svojstava, ali i činjenice da
je lako dostupna sirovina. Kvalitetno drvo je relativno dugovječno i postojano, a ako se pravilno održava, prilično
je otporno na sve vremenske uvjete. U estetskom smislu,
drvena ulazna vrata nemaju premca jer djeluju toplo,
ugodno i, što je najvažnije, prirodno. Ipak, ulazna vrata
izrađena od drveta imaju brojne nedostatke. Na prvome
mjestu je upravo održavanje. Drvena vrata treba redovito njegovati kvalitetnim bojama, a barem svake dvije
godine ih je potrebno temeljito izbrusiti i nanijeti novi sloj
boje. Iako je drvo dobar izolator, niske i visoke temperature s godinama na njega znaju ostaviti negativne posljedice. Stručnjaci rado koriste izraz da drvo “radi”, što znači
da se širi ili sužava pod utjecajem visokih, odnosno niskih
temperatura. To često zna rezultirati deformacijama,
zbog čega nakon nekog vremena vrata više ne sjedaju
na ovratnik kako treba, čime uvelike gube na izolacijskim
svojstvima. Bez obzira na neke loše strane, drvena ulazna
vrata su i danas jednako popularna i nezamjenjiva kod
adaptacija starina ili novoizgrađenih tradicionalnih kamenih kuća te kod svih nekretnina na kojima dominira
prirodan izgled.
PVC - stolarija novog doba
Zahvaljujući izvrsnim mehaničkim i izolacijskim svojstvima i
načinu izrade, danas je PVC najtraženiji materijal kada je
stolarija u pitanju. Točnije, više od 60 posto svjetske proizvodnje stolarije svodi se upravo na onu od PVC-a. Polivinil klorid je umjetni materijal koji se proizvodi od prirodnih
sirovina nafte i soli, a stolarija se izrađuje po sustavu zračnih komora od kojih svaka ima svoju izolacijsku namjenu.
Ulazna vrata od PVC materijala su postojana na sve vremenske i klimatske uvjete, ne stare, ne zahtijevaju nikakvo
dodatno održavanje osim redovitog pranja i čišćenja od
prašine, a kad je toplinska i zvučna izolacija u pitanju, bez
sumnje su najbolji izbor. Kad se govori o estetici i osobnom
stilu, PVC vrata nude još jednu veliku prednost. Naime,
možete ih sami osmisliti – dovoljno je uzeti papir, olovku
i ravnalo i nacrtati vrata po vlastitim idejama. Rapored
stakala, broj pregrada, boju vrata, sve možete osmisliti
baš onako kako sami želite. Tako ćete iz radionice dobiti
ulazna vrata iz snova. Vrata od PVC materijala su dostupna u svim bojama, u najrazličitijim uzorcima koji vrlo vjerno oponašaju izgled pravog drveta, a danas se prodaju
po vrlo pristupačnim i povoljnim cijenama. S obzirom da
su trajna i da je gubitak energije minimalan, PVC vrata
su svakako najekonomičniji izbor, a tu je i osiguran servis
Ulazna vrata od aluminija imaju gotovo sve prednosti kao
i PVC vrata, no u pravilu su nešto skuplja. Također su trajna
i postojana na sve vremenske uvjete, a aluminij je izrazito pogodan izbor za novogradnju i nekretnine na kojima
dominira moderniji stil. Ovisno o boji ulaznih vrata, aluminij
se može sasvim dobro uklopiti i na starijim nekretninama.
Nedostaci? Ako se izuzme nešto viša cijena, zapravo ih i
nema. Ulazna aluminijska vrata izrađuju se u varijantama
sa ili bez termičkog mosta (plastični umetak uzduž profila čija je svrha odvajanje vanjskog od unutarnjeg dijela
profila kako bi se izbjegla kondenzacija), a jednako kao i
PVC vrata, dostupna su u različitim bojama. Također, va-
Za modernu novogradnju svakako odaberite aluminij ili PVC / For a modern building, make sure to pick
aluminium or PVC
žno je napomenuti da kod mnogih proizvođača odabir
boje ne utječe na cijenu proizvoda.
Za što se odlučiti?
Jasno, sigurnost i postojanost su najvažniji elementi, ali
estetika mora biti jednako bitna. Činjenica je da će na
tipiziranoj kamenoj kući najbolje odgovarati drvo, pa
bez obzira na potrebno održavanje, nema sumnje da je
kod takvih nekretnina drvo dobar izbor jer masivna hrastova ili smrekova vrata zaista daju dušu kamenoj kući.
U Hrvatskom primorju čak postoje neki gradovi u kojima
je u starim jezgrama zabranjeno postavljanje PVC i aluminijske stolarije da bi se očuvala autentičnost. Ulazna
vrata od PVC materijala odlično oponašaju pravo drvo,
ali jednako dobro se uklapaju na modernim objektima,
pružajući maksimalnu sigurnost i izolaciju, i, što je jednako
važno, nemaju rok trajanja. Aluminij jest skuplji, no teško
je zamisliti nekakav moderan objekt bez besprijekornih
ulaznih vrata, dakle odabir bi trebao biti jednostavan.
Ako vaša kuća naginje tradicionalnom stilu, odlučite se
za drvo ili PVC stolariju u nekom prirodnom dekoru, a
za modernu novogradnju svakako odaberite aluminij
ili PVC, i originalnim odabirom naglasite karakter svoje
kuće i ugodnu, toplu dobrodošlicu svima koji će vas posjećivati.
The Entrance Door -
Beauty from the Outside,
Safety from the Inside
Files will keep being your good friends for a while longer because everything the IRS
requires to determine your taxes, or to liberate you from those same taxes, will have
to be supported by you with a large pile of papers – from the ownership transfer
certificate to proof that you are married/single, have/don’t have kids, own/don’t own
any other real estates... The great comfort is that this is truly the last “round” of paperwork that awaits you
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Photo: www.hormann.hr; DalCasa archive
Ako vaša kuća naginje tradicionalnom stilu, odlučite se za drvo ili PVC
stolariju / If your house tends to be
more traditional, choose wood or
PVC joinery
Wood as the Oldest and Visually Warmest Material
When it comes to constructing joinery, wood has been
used since the earliest days of history, primarily due to
its isolation characteristics, but also because it’s a very
accessible material. Quality wood is relatively long-term
and durable, and if it’s correctly maintained, it’s pretty
resistant to various weather circumstances. Aesthetically speaking, wooden entrance door have no competition due to their impression of warmth, comfort and,
more important than anything, sense of being natural.
Still, entrance doors made from wood have numerous
shortcomings. The first of those shortcomings would be
the maintenance process. Wooden doors must be regularly maintained with quality paint, and it is necessary to
do a thorough grinding job and submit a fresh coating
of paint at least every two years. Although wood is a
good enough isolator, low and high temperatures will
still find a way to inscribe negative consequences on it
over the years. Experts like to say that wood is “working”,
which means that it’s narrowing or widening under the
influence of low or high temperatures. That often results
in deformations, which causes their positioning to get
messed up, and that affects their isolation characteristics. Regardless of some of these shortcomings, wooden
entrance doors are still just as popular and irreplaceable
when adapting old houses or building new traditionalstyle stone houses, as well as with all real estates that are
dominated by a more natural look.
PVC – Joinery of the New Age
Thanks to excellent mechanical and isolation characteristics and the way it is produced, PVC stands before
us as the most wanted material when it comes to joinery. To be more precise, over 60 percent of the world’s
joinery production is made from PVC. Polyvinyl chloride
is an artificial material that is produced of natural materials like oil and salt, and joinery is constructed thanks to
a system of aerial chambers, all of which have their isolation purpose. Entrance doors out of PVC material are
resistant to all weather and climate circumstances, they
U estetskom smislu, drvena ulazna vrata nemaju premca / Aesthetically speaking, wooden entrance door have no competition
ust like the facade of the house, the entrance door
also contribute quite a lot to the overall impression
that the outside of the house achieves. The entrance door express the welcome to all those who
enter the house, but they also carry another important
aspect – safety. Quality doors will protect any house,
whether from a possible burglary attempt or from unfavourable weather conditions. Competently constructed
doors, besides its aesthetical function, also have a lot
to do with the economical aspect because they isolate
the living space and prevent the loss of heat energy during winter, as well as ensure the presence of pleasant
cooler air in a room while using air conditioning during
the warmer months. Regardless of whether they’re massive, modern, traditional, wooden, PVC or aluminium, all
entrance doors have some advantages and shortcomings, but the one aspect that should always come first
while choosing them is their functionality; however, you
also shouldn’t forget the fact that the entrance door
should be in harmony with the overall look of the house,
as well as the style that the real estate and the environment lean towards.
Vrata mogu biti dizajnirana ultramoderno /
The door can have an ultramodern design
Ulazna vrata trebaju odgovarati
cjelokupnom izgledu kuće /
The entrance door should be in
harmony with the overall look of
the house
do not age, do not demand any extra-maintenance besides regular washing and dust cleaning, and there is no
doubt that they represent the best choice when it comes
to heat and sound isolation. When it comes to aesthetics and personal style, PVC doors offer one more large
advantage. It is revealed in a fact that you can design
them yourself – all you have to do is grab a pencil, a
piece of paper and a ruler, and draw the door by following your own ideas. Glass arrangement, number of
partitions, door paint – you can design all these things
just the way you want to. In that way, your dream doorway will come straight from your workshop. Doors from
PVC material are accessible in all colours, with most diverse samples that very faithfully replicate the look of real
wood, and they are sold by very accessible and favourable prices. Considering their durability and the fact that
the loss of energy is minimal, PVC doors are certainly the
most economical choice, and it’s worth mentioning that
the manufacturers ensure the repair service.
Entrance doors from aluminium have almost all the advantages as the PVC doors, but they are usually a bit
more expensive. They are also durable and resistant to
all weather circumstances, and aluminium is a very convenient material for new buildings and those real estates
that are dominated by a somewhat more modern style.
Depending on the colour of the entry door, aluminium
can fit into older real estates just fine. Shortcomings? If
we ignore the slightly higher price, there really aren’t any
left. Entry aluminium doors can be built with or without a
thermal bridge (a plastic insert alongside the profile, the
purpose of which is to separate the profile’s outside from
its inside in order to prevent condensation), and just like
the PVC door, they can be bought in different colours.
It’s also important to mention that many manufacturers
do not change their price depending on the colour you
What Do You Decide On?
It’s a given that safety and durability are the most important elements, but aesthetics has to be just as important.
It’s normal that your typical stone house is best suited
for wood, so regardless of the necessary maintenance
job, there is no doubt that wood agrees with those types
of real estates the best because massive oak or juniper
doorway truly gives soul to a stone house. At the Croatian
coast, there are even some towns where setting up PVC
or aluminium joinery in old town centres is banned in order to preserve authenticity. Entry doors from PVC make
an excellent imitation of real wood, but they adjust just
as good to modern objects by providing them with maximum safety and isolation, and what’s just as important,
they don’t have an expiration date. Aluminium is more
expensive, but it’s hard to imagine a modern object of
sorts without impeccable entrance doors, which should
make your choice a lot easier. If your house tends to be
more traditional, choose wood or PVC joinery in a natural décor, and for a modern building, make sure to pick
aluminium or PVC and achieve the originality that emphasizes the character of your house, as well as offers
a warm, pleasant welcome to everyone that comes to
visit you.
Tepih - vjeèna moda i
neodoljiva toplina
Bilo da se radi o modernom tepihu izrađenom od kvalitetnih i postojanih umjetnih materijala, o skupocjenom tradicionalnom tepihu iz neke istočne zemlje ili, pak, o komadu
medvjeđeg krzna u nekoj planinskoj kući, jedno je sigurno – tepisi su uvijek u modi
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
svijetu bajki i legendi drevne književnosti, tepisi se vezuju uz letenje i čarobna putovanja, a
prvi poznati tepih datira iz petog stoljeća prije
Kristova rođenja – 1949. godine u dolini Pazyrik,
na sibirskom području, zaleđenog ga je pronašao arheolog Sergej Ivanovič Rudenko. Ipak, uz tepihe se najčešće vezuju istočne zemlje, poput Irana, Egipta, Sirije,
Nepala i Pakistana. Danas tepih može biti tek obična
dekorativna konfekcijska prostirka koja se može kupiti
po povoljnoj cijeni, može poslužiti kao toplinski i zvučni
izolator, no jednako tako, tepih u prostoriju može donijeti dašak luksuza kao unikatan i vrijedan umjetnički
predmet. Bilo da se radi o modernom tepihu izrađenom
od kvalitetnih i postojanih umjetnih materijala, kao što
su vlakna polipropilena, poliamida ili poliestera, o skupocjenom tradicionalnom tepihu iz neke istočne zemlje
ili, pak, o komadu medvjeđeg krzna u nekoj planinskoj
kući, jedno je sigurno – tepisi su uvijek u modi. Tepisi se
uvelike razlikuju po kvaliteti, odnosno po vrijednosti habanja i komfora, a u svakoj specijaliziranoj prodavonici
mogu se pronaći najrazličitiji proizvodi, od onih antistatičnih i antialergijskih, ručno rađenih s pripadajućom
deklaracijom, onih s visokim izolacijskim svojstvima, pa
čak do onih namijenjenim vlažnim prostorijama.
Modeli za svačiji ukus
Tepisi izrađeni od umjetnih vlakana, osim onih vunenih,
definitivno spadaju u kategoriju najpopularnijih tepiha,
kako iz estetskih, tako i iz praktičnih razloga. Tepisi od
umjetnih vlakana se lako održavaju, rijetko izazivaju
alergije, a otporni su na habanje zbog čega su pogodni
za prostorije u kojima se često kreće više osoba. Ovakvi
tepisi su vrlo dobri toplinski i zvučni izolatori, no istodobno mogu biti itekako atraktivni dekorativni elementi
koji će naglasiti toplinu prostorije te podignuti cjelokupnu atmosferu. Vuneni tepisi vrijede za visokoizdržljive,
a osim toga su snažni termički izolatori te spadaju u kategoriju ekoloških tepiha. U dekorativnom smislu, vuneni
tepisi također imaju znatnu vrijednost, no imaju i neke
nedostatke. Naime, vuneni tepisi su često debeli i teški
zbog čega su idealna podloga za skupljanje prašine, ali
i grinja. Također, nisu pogodni za osobe koje su sklone
alergijama na životinjsku dlaku. Iako se relativno lako
mogu očistiti usisavanjem, tijekom dužega vremenskog
razdoblja mogu skupiti puno prašine, a nakon “mokrog”
čišćenja mogu poprimiti i dugo zadržati neugodan miris, stoga je nužno redovito čišćenje. No, budući da vu-
neni tepisi
n e k e
m a n e
im treba
i oprostiti. Osim
od sintetskih vlakana, danas su
gotovo jednako
popularni tepisi i
dekorativne prostirke
od trske i bambusa koji
se izrađuju strojnim uvezivanjem tankih lamela. Tepisi od lamela trske i bambusa se odlično uklapaju u sve prostore
u kojima dominira pomalo orijentalni stil, no jednako
dobro izgledaju i kada se kombiniraju s modernim namještajem i trenutačno popularnom minimalističkom
pristupu kod uređivanja i opremanja prostora. Ovakvi
modeli su pogodni za sve prostorije jer se vrlo lako održavaju. Zahvaljujući ravnoj i relativno glatkoj površini,
tepisi od bambusa i trske ne skupljaju i ne talože prašinu, lagani su i pa ih je moguće iznijeti vani i dobro protresti, lako se usisavaju, a odlično podnose i čiščenje
vlažnim krpama. U posljednje vrijeme često se mogu
pronaći i podloge od kokosovih vlakana koje su vrlo
atraktivne, no često su premazane pesticidima pa prije
kupnje valja dobro pogledati deklaraciju i pripaziti da
proizvođač udovolja svim ekološkim zahtjevima.
Paola Lenti /
A Carpet / www.a-carpet.se
Martin by Despot Carpets / www.martin-despot.com
U svijetu bajki – ručno tkani tepisi
S obzirom da je za samo jedan četvorni metar
ručno tkanog tepiha potrebno nekoliko tjedana
rada, pa čak i do dvije godine kada su u pitanju
višebojni tepisi, nije ni čudno da oni postižu najveće cijene i znače vrhunac luksuza. Ručno tkani
tepisi dostupni su samo najimućnijima, a ovisno o
tipu, načinu izrade i materijalu, cijene im se kreću
do nekoliko desetaka tisuća eura. Ručno tkani tepisi donose ugođaje iz egzotičnih zemalja, a ornamenti i detalji na njima odraz su drevne tradicije
iz zemalja poput Irana, Indije, Afganistana, Turske,
Kazahstana i mnogih drugih. Brojne su tehnike tkanja i pletenja, a detalji su često apstraktni ili, pak,
vjerno prenose prizore iz biljnog i životinjskog svijeta istočnih zemalja. Skupocjeni ukras koji će utopliti vaš dom? Nikako! Ručno tkani tepisi su mnogo
više od toga. Oni su prava umjetnička djela koja
imaju iznimno veliku vrijednost. Odlučite li se za kupnju ručno tkanog tepiha, postavite ga na vidljivo
mjesto i nikako nemojte stavljati namještaj preko
njega kako biste izbjegli moguća oštećenja.
Održavanje i čišćenje tepiha
Bez obzira je li u pitanju tepih od sintetičkih vlakana, onaj od kokosovih vlakana ili debeli vuneni
tepih, svi oni zahtijevaju održavanje. Osim prašine,
veliki problem su i grinje koje se rado zavlače pod
tepihe i u njih, jednako kao i u mnoge ležajeve i
sjedaće garniture. Prašina i grinje se najbolje tretiraju čestim i temeljitim usisavanjem, a definitivno
će najbolje rezultate dati usisavači koji umjesto
klasičnih filtar vrećica koriste vodu koja onemogućava eventualno vraćanje prašine u prostoriju.
Nakon usisavanja, voda se jednostavno odlije u
odvod, a spremnik se lako opere. Uz redovito usisavanje svaki će tepih biti čist i uredan, no ne zaboravite da je jednako važno i održavanje donje
strane tepiha.
Carpet - Eternal Fashion
and Irresistible Warmth
Whether we’re talking about a modern carpet made out of quality and lasting artificial materials, an expensive traditional rug
from an Eastern country, or maybe a piece
of bear fur in a house on a mountain, one
thing is for sure – carpets never go out of
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
www.nanimarquina.com / Nanimarquina
n a world
of fairytales
from ancient literature, carpets have always
been associated with flying
and magical voyages, while the
first familiar carpet goes back five centuries before Christ was born – in Pazyrik
Valley near Siberia in 1949, archaeologist
Sergey Ivanovich Rudenko discovered it in frozen
condition. However, carpets are still primarily connected
to Eastern countries like Iran, Egypt, Syria, Nepal and Pakistan. These days, a carpet can be nothing more than
an ordinary decorative ready-made cover that can be
bought for a favourable price, it can serve as a heat and
sound isolator, but it can also bring a breath of luxury into
a room as a unique and valuable work of art. Whether
we’re talking about a modern carpet made out of quality and lasting artificial materials,
such as fabrics like polypropylene,
polyamide or polyester, or an expensive traditional rug from an Eastern country, or maybe a piece of bear
fur in a house on a mountain, one thing
is for sure – carpets never go out of style.
Carpets have a great deal of variation
when it comes to their quality or the value of
scuffing and comfort, and every specialized
store features products of utmost diversity, from
those that are antistatic and anti-allergic, handmade with the accompanying declaration, that
carry strong isolation characteristics, all the way to
those that are aimed to particularly damp rooms.
Models for Everyone’s Taste
Carpets made out of artificial fabrics, besides those
made out of wool, definitely fall into the category of most
popular carpets, for both aesthetical and practical reasons. Artificial-fabric carpets are easy to maintain, they
rarely provoke allergies and they’re resistant to scuffing,
which makes them convenient for rooms that have a
lot of people constantly moving around. These types of
carpets are very good heat and sound isolators, but they
can simultaneously serve as extremely attractive decorative elements that emphasize the warmth of the room
and bring the atmosphere to a whole new level. Wool
carpets are regarded as highly durable, and they’re
also strong thermal isolators that fall into the category
of ecological carpets. As far as the decorative dimension goes, wool carpets also have plenty of value, but
there are some flaws that come with them. Wool carpets are often very thick and heavy, which makes them
the ideal surface for collecting dust and mites. They are
also not very convenient for people that have the tendency to be allergic to animal hair. Although they can
be cleaned by vacuuming relatively easily, they can
collect a lot of dust during a prolonged period of time,
while “wet” cleaning can provide them with an uncomfortable odour for quite some time, which makes regular cleaning a necessity. However, due to the fact that
wool carpets have a warm and pleasant effect, some
flaws ought to be forgiven. Besides wool carpets and
those made from synthetic fabrics, what’s almost just
as popular today are carpets and decorative covers
made of cane and bamboo, and they are produced
by mechanical embroidery of thin laminas. Carpets
of cane and bamboo laminas excellently adjust to all
spaces that are dominated by a slightly oriental style,
but they look just as good even when they’re combined
with modern furniture and the currently popular minimalist approach to decorating and furnishing space.
These models are very convenient to all rooms because
they are maintained very easily. Thanks to a straight
and relatively smooth surface, bamboo and cane carpets don’t collect or hold on to dust, are very light and
can be taken outside and simply given a good shake;
they are also easily vacuumed, and they are very good
at handling being cleaned with wet mops. It’s also
been easy lately to find surfaces made of coconut fabrics that are very attractive, but they are often coated
with pesticides, so before you decide on buying them,
make sure to take a close look of the declaration to be
certain that the manufacturer meets all the ecological
In the World of Fairytales – Hand-Woven Carpets
Considering the fact that one square metre of a handwoven carpet requires several weeks of work, which leads
to as much time as two years if we’re talking about multicoloured carpets, it is no wonder that they achieve the
highest prices and stand for the peak of luxury. Hand-woven carpets are accessible only to the wealthiest among
us, and depending on the type, method of production
and the material, their prices are reaching the heights of
several dozens thousands of euros. Hand-woven carpets
bring the ambience of exotic countries, and their ornaments and details reflect ancient traditions of countries
like Iran, India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan etc. There
are numerous techniques of weaving and knitting, and
their details are often abstract or faithfully transmit scenes
from the flora and fauna of Eastern countries. Just an expensive decoration that will bring warmth to your home?
Not at all! Hand-woven carpets are much more than
that. They are genuine works of art that have a remarkably high value. If you decide on buying a hand-woven
carpet, position it to a visible place and don’t put any
furniture over it to avoid any possible damage.
Maintaining and Cleaning a Carpet
Regardless of whether we’re talking about a carpet
made of synthetic fabrics, coconut fabrics or a thick wool
carpet, they all demand to be maintained. Besides dust,
mites also represent a big problem because they like to
crawl under the carpets as well as inside them, similar
to the way they often invade beds and seating ensembles. Dust and mites are best prevented by regular and
thorough vacuuming, and the absolute best results are
guaranteed by vacuum cleaners that don’t use classic
filter bags, but rather use water that makes it impossible
for dust to return into the room. After the vacuuming,
you simply pour the water into the drain, while the tank
can be cleaned very easily. If it is regularly vacuumed,
any carpet is bound to be clean and tidy, but don’t forget that it is just as important to maintain the lower side
of the carpet.
Savršena organizacija / A perfect organisiation
Pametna organizacija
- preduvjet ugodnog
Bez obzira koliko malen bio vaš stambeni prostor, uz malo truda i dobre organizacije
može ga se učiniti prostranijim i ugodnijim za život. Rješenje je zapravo vrlo jednostavno
– potrebno je samo svakom predmetu pronaći odgovarajuće mjesto i njega se držati
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
sprkos manjoj površini, manji stambeni prostori su
često vrlo atraktivni jer djeluju simpatično i toplo,
te ostavljaju ugodan i intiman dojam. Ipak, često
se dogodi da nakon nekog vremena takvi prostori postanu skučeni i pretrpani jer stvari nisu tamo gdje bi
trebale biti. Manji stanovi možda “pate” od malog dnevnog boravka, premale kuhinje ili naizgled tijesne i skučene kupaonice, no uz malo truda se sve to može dovesti u
red, pa čak tridesetak četvornih metara može biti itekako
udobno ako se prostor učinkovito iskoristi. Dobra i pametna organizacija od presudne je važnosti za ugodno stanovanje (bez obzira jesu li u pitanju manji ili veći stambeni
prostori), a ključ pametne organizacije je zapravo vrlo
jednostavan – potrebno je samo staviti svaki predmet na
svoje mjesto. No, prije nego organizacija i preokretanje
uopće počnu, potrebno je dobro pregledati sve stvari,
odvagnuti što je potrebno, a stare i beskorisne predmete
bez žaljenja valja baciti.
Foto: Ikea, Casa
Korak po korak
Pritom je vrlo važno radi li se o samačkom stanu, dijeli li
stambeni prostor više osoba ili je, pak, riječ o ljubavnom
gnijezdu za dva partnera, jer svaki član kućanstva mora
imati svoj kutak u stanu, koji će biti organiziran po njegovim željama. Svatko će se lakše i jednostavnije snaći u
kutku koji je uređen po njegovim željama, pa ako imate
djecu, svakako poštujte i njihove želje. U dnevnom boravku, uz ukućane, često borave i gosti, pa ta prostorija
spada u “najprometnije”. U dnevnom boravku se često
mogu vidjeti predmeti koji ne mogu pronaći pravo mjesto, a regali kao da nikada nemaju dovoljno ladica. No,
to se uz malo kreativnosti i dobre volje može riješiti. U prodavaonicama se prodaju razne dekorativne kutije i vrlo
je lako odabrati uzorak koji će se lijepo uklopiti u ostatak
prostorije, a možete se poigrati i s nijansama. Na primjer,
u kutiji žute boje svoje mjesto mogu pronaći dokumenti,
u kutiji oker boje mogu stajati rezervne žarulje, a u kutiju
Kutije nije potrebno skrivati / You don’t have to
hide your boxes
smeđe boje žena može držati svoje omiljene ogrlice. Tako
ćete uvijek znati u kojoj kutiji se što nalazi, a sve skupa će
izgledati toplo i dekorativno.
Ormari često zauzimaju mnogo prostora, a većina njih,
unatoč svojoj veličini, nije praktična i svrhovita. Provjerite
kako je konstruiran vaš ormar, na kojoj visini je postavljena
šipka, pa ako je moguće, podignite je koji centimetar,
a ispod nje dodajte još jednu. Tako će na gornjoj ostati
duži odjevni predmeti, dok se na donju mogu postaviti
suknje ili kratke majice. Viseće police od jute ili lana su vrlo
praktične jer su vrlo ergonomične, a u džepove se lako
može odložiti donje rublje i ostali odjevni predmeti koji u
ormaru nikako nisu mogli pronaći svoje mjesto. Na dno
ormara mogu se staviti kutije, a u prodavaonicama se
mogu pronaći dekorativne kutije s različitim natpisima pa
ćete se uvijek lako snaći, a prostor u ormaru će biti optimalno iskorišten. Kad su u pitanju spavaće sobe, prostor
ispod kreveta je uvijek prva meta za odlaganje suvišnih
stvari. Naravno, nema ničeg lošeg u tome jer je u malim
prostorima svaki centimetar važan. No, kutije nije potrebno skrivati. Puno ljepše rješenje su kutije od ratana koje
djeluju dekorativno i ugodno, pa osim što će poslužiti za
pospremanje posteljine i pokrivača, dodatno će ukrasiti i
uljepšati krevet.
Kuhinja i kupaonica
Svatko tko barem povremeno vrijeme provodi za štednjakom, složit će se da u kuhinji prostora nikad nema
dovoljno. Bila kuhinja manja ili veća, uvijek ćete se u njoj
lakše snaći ako su svi predmeti nadohvat ruke, uredno i
praktično posloženi. Borite se s manjkom mjesta u kuhinjskim elementima? Postavite dekorativne inoks nosače
na zid i poredajte na njih sve što nije stalo u elemente.
Iskoristite slobodni dio zida pa na njega postavite manju
policu na kojoj svoje mjesto mogu pronaći lijepe staklenke sa začinima, ukrasne posude od prirodnih materijala u
kojima mogu stajati suhe namirnice i tako ćete osloboditi
kuhinjske elemente u kojima mogu stajati krupniji dijelovi
Koliko god mala bila, kupaonica se može lijepo organizirati. Odaberite lijepe viseće police s džepovima u koje
ćete odložiti sve gelove za tuširanje, šampone, ulja, mlijeka, regeneratore i ostalu kozmetiku. Manje kutije od ratana ili bambusa izgledaju vrlo toplo, a odlična su “skladišta“ za sve mirisne soli, sapune, sredstva za čišćenje lica
i slično. Dakle, uz minimum truda dobit ćete maksimalne
Ured na kotačima
Danas gotovo da ne postoji kućanstvo bez računala, a
stolovi za računala su velik problem jer su pravo leglo nereda. Dijelovi računala, CD-ovi s programima, papiri za
štampač, hrpa kabela, sve to ne djeluje nimalo uredno
i atraktivno. Rješenje je – mobilni stol! Ured na kotačima
se lako može “preseliti” s jednog kraja prostorije na drugi,
pa kad se računalo ne koristi može se odložiti u prvi slobodan kut gdje nikome neće smetati. Svakako odaberite
mobilni stol koji ima puno ladica i polica, tako da vaš minijaturni ured uvijek bude uredan. Također, mobilni stolovi
s panel pregradom su vrlo praktični jer vizualno odvajaju
radni dio od ostatka prostorije. Čist i uredan radni stol ima
izravan učinak na produktivnost, stoga ga nastojte lijepo
organizirati i uvijek ga držati urednim. I, na kraju, uz malo
rada i kreativnosti, dobit ćete ugodan i topao životni prostor u kojem ćete se u svakom trenutku osjećati nesputano i ugodno.
Organization A Prequisite
for Comfortable
Regardless of how small your residential space is, a little effort and good organization can make it more spacious and comfortable to live in. The solution is actually very
simple – all it takes is finding the right spot for every object and stick by it
Photo: Ikea, Casa
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Uz dobru organizaciju u ormar će stati i više stvari nego što mislite / With good organisation your wardrobe would
accept more objects than you can imagine
espite their lack of size, smaller residential spaces can often be very attractive due to their
likeability and warmth, as they leave a pleasant and intimate impression. However, it often
occurs that such spaces become too small and overcrowded after a while because things are not placed
at their right positions. Smaller apartments might “suffer”
from an undersized living room, a too-small kitchen or a
seemingly narrow and scanty bathroom, but a little effort can put it all in the right place, and even something
that takes up only about thirty square metres can have
all the comfort in the world if there is adequate usage
of space. A good and smart organization is essential for
comfortable living (regardless of whether we’re talking
about smaller or bigger residential spaces), while the
key to a smart organization is actually very simple – all it
takes is finding the right spot for every object. But before
the organization and repositioning even begin, you will
need to go through all your things, decide on which of
them are really necessary, and throw away the old and
useless items without feeling a pinch of remorse.
Step by Step
It makes a whole lot of difference whether we’re dealing with a bachelor apartment, whether more people share the residential space, or we’re talking about
a love nest for two partners, as every member of the
household must have his/her corner in the apartment
that will be organized according to their wishes. Everyone will find it easier and more simple to know their way
around a corner they decorated by their wishes, so if you
have children, make sure you also respect some of their
wishes. The living room is one of the “busier” sections of
any apartment due to the fact that both the tenants
and their guests spend a lot of time there. It’s very common for a living room to feature objects that just can’t
find their right place, and shelves never seem to have
enough drawers in them. However, a little creativity and
good will can take care of that. Numerous stores feature various decorative boxes and it’s very easy to pick
a sample that will nicely fit into the rest of the room, and
you can also play around with the shades. For example,
a yellow box can be used for different documents, an
ochre box can be a place for spare light bulbs, while a
brown box could be ideal for a woman to stash her favourite necklaces. By using this method, you will always
know which item can be found in which box, and it will
all leave a warm and decorative impression.
Closets often take up a lot of space, and most of them
aren’t particularly practical and purposeful, despite of
their size. Double-check the construction of your closet,
including the height of its bar, and if it’s possible, lift it up
a few centimetres and add another bar just below it.
That will leave longer pieces of clothes on the upper bar,
while the lower bar can be used for skirts and short shirts.
Hanging shelves made of jute or flax are very practical
because they are very ergonomic, and their pockets
can be used for underwear and other pieces of clothes
that didn’t fit in the rest of the closet. The closet bottom
can be used for boxes, and you can find decorative
boxes with different labels in any store, which will make
it a lot easier for you to know the position of everything,
as well as make optimal usage of the entire space of the
closet. When it comes to bedrooms, the space under
the bed is always the first option for storing trivial things.
It goes without saying that there is nothing wrong with
that because every centimetre counts in smaller spaces. However, you don’t have to hide your boxes. It is a
much better option to choose ratan boxes that have a
pleasant decorative effect, so besides their purpose of
storing up linen and blankets, they will further embellish
and improve the bed.
Kitchen and Bathroom
Anyone who spends even a small part of their time behind the stove will agree that there is never enough
room in the kitchen. Whether the kitchen is bigger or
smaller, you will always find it easier to know your way
around it if all the objects are within your reach, neatly
and practically arranged. You’re struggling with lack of
space in kitchen elements? Set some decorative inox
porters on the wall and use them for whatever couldn’t
find its place within the elements. Use the available part
of the wall to assemble a smaller shelf that will be home
for nice jars with spices, decorative dishes from natural
materials that will feature dry groceries, all while freeing
the kitchen elements exclusively for bigger dishes.
Regardless of its small size, a bathroom can be nicely organized. Pick out some nice hanging shelves with pockets that will be used for all the shower gels, shampoos,
oils, milks, regenerators and other cosmetics. Smaller
ratan or bamboo boxes have a very warm effect, and
they can be excellent “storages” for all the aroma salts,
soaps, face-cleaning products and similar things. It is
obvious that a minimum of effort will provide you with
optimal results.
Office on Wheels
These days, you can hardly find a household without a
computer, but computer desks are a pretty big problem
because they often epitomize what mess is all about.
Computer parts, CDs with programmes, printing paper,
a stack of cables, and it all leaves nothing resembling
a nice and attractive impression. Your solution is – a
mobile desk. This office on wheels can easily be “relocated” from one end of the room to the next, so you
can put it into the first available corner when you’re not
using a computer and nobody will be bothered. Make
sure to choose a mobile desk with plenty of shelves and
drawers, as it will keep your miniature office in everlasting order. It is also worth mentioning that mobile desks
with panel dividers are very practical because they visually separate the working section from the remainder
of the room. A tidy and clean desk has a direct effect
on your productivity, so make sure it is nicely organized
and never gets to messy. And eventually, with just a little
work and creativity, you will gain a pleasant, warm living
space that will always make you feel uninhibited and
Na tržištu je veliki izbor dekorativnih kutija / There is variety
od decorative boxes on the
ni komad
Eero Saarinen: Tulip Chair (1956.)
i materijala
Stolica Tulip dizajnirana je za newyorški Knoll
1956. godine. Glatke modernističke linije, zaobljene plohe, novi, eksperimentalni materijali
(aluminijska baza, fiberglas), sve ju je to činilo pomalo futurističkim komadom namještaja,
a njezino prožimanje s prostorom i otvorena
forma cvijeta, posveta je organskom dizajnu,
skandinavskom podrijetlu autora i njegovu kiparskom backgroundu
Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Slaveći pedesetu
godišnjicu kolekcije
Tulip, Knol je predstavio
komade s platinastom
završnom obradom /
Celebrating the 50th
anniversary of the
Tulip Collection, Knoll is
introducing a Platinum
finish on all Tulip
Foto: www.knoll.com
ero Saarinen, arhitekt i dizajner, čovjek koji je dao
izgled reprezentativnim građevinama dvadesetog stoljeća, poput aerodroma JFK u New Yorku
ili zračne luke Dulles u Washingtonu, ostavio je vidljiv trag i u unutrašnjem uređenju stvarajući namještaj
koji je obilježio 20. stoljeće. Ime Saarinen u više je generacija ostalo sinonim rafiniranosti i sklada.
Rođen u Helsinkiju, Eero Saarinen, zajedno s obitelji,
dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća odlazi u Ameriku,
gdje njegov otac, Eliel Saarinen, poznati arhitekt i tvorac modernog stila u Finskoj, dobiva posao na visokom
učilištu Cranbrook Academy of Art u Michigenu. Obrazovanje je počeo kao skulptor, u Parizu, na Académie
de la Grande Chaumiére, a zatim upisuje arhitekturu na
prestižnom sveučilištu Yale, u Connecticutu. Za njega je
arhitektura bila nastavak umjetničkog izražavanja, mislio
je o njoj kao nastavku lijepih umjetnosti. Često je naglašavao da je on zapravo “oblikovatelj”, stvaralac formi, i
sve što je radio, u sebi je sadržavalo snažnu skulpturalnu
notu. To se, svakako, odnosilo i na njegovu viziju u dizajnu namještaja.
Još na fakultetu, Saarinen je bio blizak s kolegama
Charlesom i Ray Eames, koji će poslije postati vodeća
imena američkog poslijeratnog dizajna, kao i s Florence Knoll, te će to prijateljstvo snažno obilježiti njegovu
dizajnersku karijeru. Priznanja za svoj rad Eero Saarinen
je dobio vrlo brzo, dok je još uvijek radio za svoga oca,
Saarinenove stolice Tulip dostupne su u varijantama sa i bez naslonjača za ruke /
The Saarinen Tulip chairs are available with or without arms
a prvi veći uspjeh uslijedio je za stolicu koju je dizajnirao s Charlesom Eamesom za natječaj “Organski dizajn
u opremanju doma” 1940., američkog Muzeja moderne umjetnosti, na kojemu su dobili prvu nagradu. Tu je
stolicu visoko progresivnog dizajna, kao i druge komade njegova namještaja (kultne sjedalice Grashopper,
Womb i Tulip), počela proizvoditi tvrtka Knoll, tako da
je fakultetski prijateljski kružok postao važan poligon za
poslovnu suradnju.
Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, nove su tehnologije dopuštale upotrebu materijala korištenih u ratnoj industriji,
poput zaobljene šperploče i aluminija, a uskoro na scenu stupa i plastika koja će se široko koristiti u proizvodnji
namještaja. To je i vrijeme kada počinje masovna produkcija za rastuće potrebe poslijeratnog svijeta. Saarinenova stolica Tulip (Tulipan), tipičan je primjerak dizajna
sredine dvadesetog stoljeća, klasik industrijskog dizajna.
Stolica Tulip dizajnirana je za newyorški Knoll 1956. godine. Glatke modernističke linije, zaobljene plohe, novi,
eksperimentalni materijali (aluminijska baza, fiberglas),
sve ju je to činilo pomalo futurističkim komadom namještaja, a njezino prožimanje s prostorom i otvorena forma
cvijeta, posveta je organskom dizajnu, skandinavskom
podrijetlu autora i njegovu kiparskom backgroundu. Stolica Tulip dio je Saarinenove poznate pijedestalne kolekcije, motivirane autorovom željom da se riješi “nereda”
koji stvaraju sve one noge na kojima obično počiva namještaj poput stolova i stolica. Smatrao je da je upravo oslonac ono što pridonosi harmoniji konačne forme i
njezina prožimanja s prostorom. Oslonac stolice Tulip inspiriran je padom, slijevanjem tekućine visoke ljepljivosti,
poput meda ili smole. Baš kao i njegove arhitektonske
projekte, Saarinenov namještaj karakteriziraju ekspresivne skulpturalne forme. U svom purističkom pristupu
arhitekturi i dizajnu tražio je bazičnu ideju koju bi zatim
reducirao na najbolje strukturno rješenje unutar sveobu-
hvatnog dizajna. Ideja za stolicu Tulip razvila se više u
odnosu na prostor u kojemu je trebala stajati nego što
je težila a priori određenom obliku. Saarinen je stremio
uspostavljanju ravnoteže između komada namještaja i
njegova neposrednog okružja. Tulip chair ovjenčana je
nagradom Muzeja moderne umjetnosti 1969., kao stolica koja predstavlja jedinstvo forme i materijala.
Njegov dizajn, od Womb chair, koja je nastala iz želje Florence Knoll da se osmisli stolica u koju bi se mogla sklupčati, do pijedestalne serije skulpturalnih stolova i stolica, danas ima kultni status, a časopis Playboy opisao ga
je riječima “bujnost, finesa i visok stupanj imaginacije”.
Saarinen je tijekom čitave karijere dizajnirao namještaj, s
istim zanimanjem za istraživanjem novih materijala, inovativnih tehnika konstrukcije i skulpturalnih formi, što je
odlikovalo i njegovu arhitekturu. Još kao tinejdžer, dizajnirao je namještaj za akademiju Cranbrook.
Eero Saarinen bio je jedan od najplodnijih, najneortodoksnijih i najkontroverznijih majstora arhitekture 20. stoljeća, jedan od najslavnijih ahitekata svoga vremena. U
postratnim godinama uvelike je pridonio kreiranju međunarodnog imidža Sjedinjenih Američkih Država stvarajući neke od najpotentnijih simboličkih izraza američkog identiteta. Vjerojatno je najpoznatije njegovo
djelo upravo čuveni TWA terminal aerodroma JFK, koji je
vrhunac njegova dizajnerskog i arhitektonskog djelovanja i zoran primjer ekspresionizma i tehničke izvrsnosti u
radu s betonskim školjkama.
Tridesetih i četrdesetih godina dvadesetog stoljeća Saarinen je umnogome pridonio upletanju moderne arhitekture u američki mainstream, zajedno sa svojim ocem.
Danas se smatra jednim od najvećih majstora američke
arhitekture prošlog stoljeća. Umro je u pedeset prvoj
godini života, ostavivši desetak nedovršenih projekata.
Energija i želja za stvaranjem bila je prisutna do samoga
kraja njegova života.
A piece of cult
Eero Saarinen: Tulip Chair (1956.)
The Unity of Form and
Tulip Chair was designed for the New York
Knoll in 1956. Its smooth modernistic lines,
rounded surfaces and new, experimental materials (aluminium base, fibreglass) presented
it as a slightly futuristic piece of furniture,
while its intertwining with space and the open
form of a flower serve as a tribute to organic
design, the author’s Scandinavian origin and
his sculptural background
Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ
Photo: www.knoll.com
ero Saarinen, architect and designer, a man who
has given appearance to some representative
buildings of the twentieth century, such as JFK Airport in New York or Dulles Airport in Washington,
has also left a visible trace in the field of interior design
by creating some of the furniture that has marked the
twentieth century. The Saarinen name has remained
synonymous with refinement and harmony for more
than one generation.
Born in Helsinki, Eero Saarinen and his family left for America in the 1920s, as his father Eliel Saarinen, famous archi-
A piece of cult
Stolica Tulip tipičan je primjerak dizajna sredine dvadesetog stoljeća, klasik industrijskog dizajna / Tulip Chair is a typical design example of the middle of the twentieth century, and it is regarded as a classic of industrial design
tect and creator of the modern style in Finland, received
a job at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan. He
started his education as a sculptor at the Academie de
la Grande Chaumiere in Paris, which was followed by
him studying architecture at the prestigious Yale University in Connecticut. He observed architecture as a continuation of artistic expression, as he regarded it a logical extension of fine arts. He often emphasized that he is
actually “a shaper” or creator of forms, and everything
he ever did contained a strong sculptural note. And that
certainly also goes for his vision in furniture design.
While he was still at university, Saarinen struck a bond
with colleagues Charles and Ray Eames, who were
about to become the leading names of American
post-war design, as well as with Florence Knoll, and that
friendship was about to strongly influence his designing
career. Eero Saarinen received recognition for his work
fairly early while he was still working for his father, and he
achieved his first major success with a chair he designed
with Charles Eames for the “Organic Design in Home
Furnishing” contest by the American Museum of Modern
Arts in 1940, as they won the first award. That chair with
a highly progressive design, much like many other of his
furniture pieces (legendary chairs Grasshopper, Womb
and Tulip), was being manufactured by company Knoll,
which means that a circle of university friends became
an important training ground for the idea of doing business together.
After World War II, new technologies allowed the usage
of materials that were used in the war industry, such as
rounded plywood and aluminium, and it wasn’t long
before plastic arrived and started being widely used in
furniture production. That was a period that signalled
the beginning of mass production for the growing
needs of the post-war world. Saarinen’s Tulip Chair is
a typical design example of the middle of the twentieth century, and it is regarded
as a classic of industrial design. Tulip Chair was designed for the New York
Knoll in 1956. Its smooth
rounded surfaces and
new, experimental materials (aluminium base,
fibreglass) presented it as
a slightly futuristic piece of furniture, while its intertwining with space
and the open form of a flower served
as a tribute to organic design, the author’s Scandinavian origin and
his sculptural background.
Tulip Chair was a part of
Saarinen’s famous “pedestal collection”, which
was motivated by the au-
Poster od Saarinenove stolice iz 50-ih / Poster of
Saarinen chair from 50’s
thor’s desire to get rid of “the disorder” that
was created by all those numerous legs that
supported furniture like chairs and tables. He
felt that it was actually the back of the chair
that contributed to the harmony of the completed form and its intertwining with space.
The back of the Tulip Chair was inspired by a
fall or the pouring of a very sticky liquid, like
honey or resin. Just as was the case with his
architectonic projects, Saarinen’s furniture
was characterized by expressive sculptural
forms. His purist approach to architecture
and design demanded a basic idea that
would be reduced to the finest structural solution within the overall design. The idea for
the Tulip Chair owed more to its immediate
environment than to aiming for a very predetermined shape. Saarinen strived towards
achieving balance between a piece of furniture and its immediate environment. Tulip
Chair received an award by the Museum of
Modern Arts in 1969 as a chair that presented
the unity of form and material.
His design work from the Womb Chair, which
was created out of Florence Knoll’s desire to
come up with a chair that you can curl up
in, all the way to the pedestal series of sculptural tables and chairs, now enjoys a legendary status, and it must be said that Playboy
Magazine described him with words like “vibrancy, finesse and a high degree of imagination”. Saarinen spent the entire course of
his career designing furniture, and he never
stopped being interested in exploring new
materials, innovative construction techniques and sculptural forms, which were the
same characteristics that were present in his
architecture. Even back as a teenager, he
designed furniture for Cranbrook Academy.
Eero Saarinen was one of the most productive, unorthodox and controversial masters
of twentieth-century architecture, as well as
one of the most famous architects of his time.
During the post-war years, he very much
contributed to the creation of the USA’s international image by creating some of the
most potent symbolic expressions of American identity. It’s likely that his most famous
project is the famous TWA Terminal at JFK
Airport, which represents the peak of his designer and architectonic career and a clear
example of expressionism and technical excellence while working with concrete shells.
During the 1930s and 1940s, Saarinen contributed a great deal to the involvement of modern architecture into American mainstream,
along with his father. He is now considered
to be one of the great masters of American
architecture of the last century. He died in his
fifty-first year of life, leaving behind about a
dozen of unfinished projects. His energy and
the desire to create haven’t abandoned him
till the very end of his life.
HOLME GAARD, www.holmegaard.com
Jednostavni svijećnjaci u obliku srca, dizajn Anja Kjær / Simple
heart-shaped candlesticks, designed by Anja Kjær
Interijeri za zaljubljene
Interiors for Those In Love
GEORG JENSEN, www.georgjensen.com
Posude za sol i papar, dizajn Philip Bro Ludvigsen /
Salt and pepper jars, designed by Philip Bro
Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin
Veljača je mjesec zaljubljenih i pravo vrijeme za
uvođenje romantike u vaš dom. Uz samo nekoliko intervencija sasvim običan prostor može postati
pravo ljubavno gnijezdo.
Svijeće, i to po mogućnosti mirisne, prvi su korak.
Postavite ih po cijelom domu, čak i u kupaonici, i
stvorit će toplu i ugodnu atmosferu. Cvijeće je također bitan detalj, te ga se ne smije izostaviti.
Kod odabira boja nema dvojbe, crvena, boja ljubavi, najbolji je izbor.
Prepustite se dekoriranju stola. Izvadite najbolje
posuđe, po mogućnosti s crvenim detaljima, te se
prepustite romantičnom ugođaju.
HOLME GAARD, www.holmegaard.com
Staklene figure kralja i kraljice iz kolekcije “Fantazia”, dizajn Maria Berntsen / Glass figures of the
king and queen from the “Fantazia” collection,
designed by Maria Berntsen
VITRA www.vitra.com
Dizajnerski klasik, stolica “Heart Cone” iz 1959.
Vernera Pantona / A designer classic,
the “Heart Cone” chair from
1959 by Verner Panton
February is the month for those in love, and the
perfect time for you to bring in some romance
into your home. With just several interventions, a
perfectly regular space can become a true love
Candles, preferably those with aroma, are the first
step. Position them all over your home, including
the bathroom, and you will create a warm and
cosy atmosphere. Flowers also represent an important detail, and they must be included.
While choosing the colours, there is really only one
way to go – red, the colour of love, is the best
Engage yourself in decorating the table. Bring out
your best dishes, especially if they have some red
details, and embrace the romantic ambience.
CREATIVANDO, www.creativando.nu
Zidna ploča imena “Ti amo” dimenzija 70x100 cm / Wall-panel named “Ti amo”, dimensions 70x100 cm
MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi
Poslužavnik Fokus, dizajn Anna Danielsson / A
tray Fokus, designed by Anna Danielsson
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Ručno tkani tepih Hällskär u obliku srca /
Handwoven rug Hällskär in a shape of hear
BITOSSI HOME, www.bitossihome.it /
Svježe povrće i maslinovo ulje zajedno, posuda Perseo / Fresh vegetables and olive oil
combined, the Perseo dish
GEORG JENSEN, www.georgjensen.com
Svijećnjak od nehrđajućeg čelika, dizajn Todd Bracher / Candleholder crafted in stainless steel, design by Todd Bracher
Šalica za kavu iz
kolekcije Fokus /
A coffee mug from
the Fokus collection
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Stolna lampa Kulla /
Table lamp Kulla
ILLY, www.illy.com
Suradnja Bialettija i Illyja proizvela je aparat “Cuor di Moka” /
While working together, Bialetti
and Illy came up with the “Cuor
di Moka” machine
HOLME GAARD, www.holmegaard.com
Stakleni svijećnjak, dizajn Monica Ritterband / A glass
candleholder, designed
by Monica Ritterband
PIERRE FREY, www.pierrefrey.com /
Kolekcija posuđa i podmetača Ille de France / A collection of dishes and coasters Ille de France
pping Boa
IVANDO, www.
ka za rezan
Stoln A.U. M
jak s
a src SON, w
/ A w.aum
leclo aison.d
th w
ith h
IKEA, www.ikea.com
Vaze Blomster / Blomster vases
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA,
Crveni mlinac za papar / A red pepper mill
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA,
Košare od pruća različitih veličina / Brushwood baskets in different sizes
DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA,
Svijeće za romantični ugođaj / Candles
for romantic atmosphere
GUFRAM, www.gufram.com
Sofa “Bocca”, posveta Salvadoru Daliju, dizajn Studio Bocca 1971. / The “Bocca” sofa, a tribute to Salvador Dali, designed by Studio Bocca
karta Hrvatske
map of Croatia
ZAGREB glavni grad / capital
BANKOVCI 112 str.
BRAÈ 113 str.
BRTONIGLA 115 str.
DRAGUÆ 117 str.
DUBROVNIK 118 str.
KAŠTEL 121 str.
KRK 122 str.
LABIN 124 str.
LOŠINJ 126 str.
posebna ponuda
special offer
Zagreb, vila
str. 155
POREÈ 128 str.
PULA 133 str.
ROGOZNICA 138 str.
SOLIN 139 str.
SPLIT 140 str.
ŠIBENIK 143 str.
ŠOLTA 148 str.
TROGIR 149 str.
ZADAR 153 str.
ZAGREB 155 str.
Real est
U Bankovcima kod Grožnjana se prodaju četiri novoizgrađene “stare“ kamene kuće. Izgrađene su do roh-bau faze, a
svaka kuća ima od 500 do 550 m2 okućnice i ukupno 114 m2 netto površine u dvije etaže (P+1). Gradnja je vrhunska.
Moguće su preinake po želji kupca u postupku dovršenja gradnje i izbor završnih obloga. Dovršenje obuhvaća sve završne radove, vanjski bazen cca 4x8 m, vanjsko uređenje, te parking s pergolom. Moguća je kupnja pojedinačnih kuća
ili sve zajedno.
Četvrta kuća još nije izgrađena i može se graditi prema željama kupca. Moguća je dopuna projekta izgradnjom garaže,
podzemne vinoteke ili konobe i drugih tipično istarskih “hedonističkih“ sadržaja.
In Bankovci, near Grožnjan there are four newly-built old stone houses. They are built till the roh-bau phase and each of
them has 500 - 550 m2 of infield and surface of 114 m2 netto in two storeys. The building is of peek quality. A settler’s intervention during finalizing process is possible as well as the choice of the covering. The finalizing process includes all the
final works, an external swimming pool cca 4x8 m, external arrangement and also parking and a balcony. The purchase
is possible both of individual objects and all-together.
The fourth house is not yet built and so can be with the respect of buyer’s wishes. Also the completion of the project is
possible by building a garage, underground wine cellar or by some other tipically Istrian “hedonist” facilities.
Cijena / Price: 330.000 € svaka / each
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 66 77, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001
Na Braču se prodaje kuća unutarnje površine 70 m , u malome mjestu, 8 km udaljenome od mora. Kuća je građena u
tradicionalnom dalmatinskom stilu. Obložena je kamenom, sa zatvorima od hrastova drva. Parcela je veličine 450 m2.
Kuća se sastoji od kuhinje i dnevnog boravka te dvije spavaće sobe i kupaonice. U okolišu prevladavaju dalmatinske
biljke, u prednjem dvorištu je bazen, a u stražnjem se nalazi veliki kamin. Mjesto za parkiranje je također u dvorištu.
Na vrhu kuće je terasa s koje se pruža pogled na more.
We find a house for sale in Brač with 70 m2 of inside surface, and it is located in a small town 8 km away from the sea.
The house was built in traditional Dalmatian style. It is covered in stone, and has oak-wood windows. The parcel takes
up 450 m2. The house consists of the kitchen and living room, as well as two bedrooms and bathroom. Dalmatian plants
dominate the environment; there is a swimming pool in front of the house, and a large fireplace behind the house. The
parking space is also in the backyard. The top of the house features a terrace that provides a view over the sea.
Cijena / Price: 185.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 756 983
Na otoku Braču, u uvali Splitska, nalazi se zemljište površine od 450 m2 do 1020 m2 na kojem se grade atraktivne vile.
Površine vila su od 110 m2 do 220 m2 i građene su u mediteranskom stilu. Pri gradnji su korišteni vrhunski materijali, a
vile će biti opremljene s podnim grijanjem, klima-uređajima, dizajnerskim kupaonicama, vrhunskim kuhinjama, zidnim
ormarima i neizravnom rasvjetom prostorija. Ispred vila je planirana izgradnja bazena, a okućnica će biti kultivirana.
Završetak radova je planiran za rujan 2008.
At a bay called Splitska on the island of Brač, we find a parcel with 450 m2 to 1020 m2 of surface where attractive villas
are being built. The villas’ surfaces range from 110 m2 to 220 m2 and they are constructed in Mediterranean fashion.
Top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the villas will be equipped with floor heating, air
conditioning, designer bathrooms, top-notch kitchens, wall closets and non-direct room lighting. There are plans to
build a swimming pool in front of the villas, while the courtyard will be cultivated. The construction is planned to end
in September of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 - 695.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 455 330
U malome mjestu u Istri prodaje se kamena kuća udaljena 8 km od mora. Kuća ukupne površine 200 m2 sastoji se
od prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju su veliki dnevni boravak, kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonica. Na prvom
katu su dnevni boravak, kuhinja, hodnik i kupaonica, a u potkrovlju su dvije sobe i terasa s koje se pruža prekrasan
pogled na more. Kuća je potpuno renovirana te je zadržala svoj autentičan vanjski izgled. U blizini se nalazi velika
zelena površina koja se može koristiti za parkiranje te maslinik površine 2300 m2.
In small Istrian village there is a stone house for sale 8 kilometres from the sea side. The house has total surface of 200
m2 and comprises of the ground floor, the first floor and attic. In the ground floor there are large lounge, kitchen, hall and
bathroom. On the first floor there are lounge, kitchen, hall and bathroom, and at the attic there are two rooms and terrace
with wonderful view unfolding itself towards the sea. The house is completely renovated so that its authentic outside look
has been preserved. Near by, there are large green surface, possibility of parking there, and olive-grove of 2300 m2.
Cijena / Price: 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
U Crikvenici se prodaje vila na prekrasnoj okućnici uz more koja je pravi botanički vrt (1000 m2). Izgrađena je 1931.
godine u secesijskom stilu. Ima jedan stan površine 190 m2 (prizemlje + kat) te malu vrtnu kućicu kao gostinski apartman površine 25 m2. Vila ima četiri terase i jedan balkon te garažu za jedan automobil. Uz plažu su dva veza za barku
(u vlasništvu). Iz svake prostorije vile širi se nesmetani pogled na more i otok Krk.
We find a villa for sale in Crikvenica, and it stands on a wonderful courtyard by the sea that resembles a true botanical
garden (1000 m2). It was built in 1931 in secession style. It has one 190 m2 apartment (ground floor + upper floor) and
a small garden house as a 25 m2 guest apartment. The villa has four terraces, a balcony and a garage for one car. Next
to the beach, we find two moorings for boats (in ownership). Every room in the villa provides an uninterrupted view over
the sea and the island of Krk.
Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 702, + 385 (0)51 320 708, + 385 (0)51 320 974
U središnjoj Istri se prodaje veliko imanje s tri samostojeće kuće na 18.000 m2. Infrastruktura je napravljena, a postoji
i projektna dokumentacija za uređenje nekretnine u vilu s pet spavaćih soba, sedam kupaonica, saunom i bazenom.
Također postoji i mogućnost izgradnje elitnoga turističkog objekta.
There is a large estate on sale in central Istria, and it features four detached house on 18.000 m2 of surface. The infrastructure is completed, and there is the project documentation to transform the real estate into a villa with five bedrooms,
seven bathrooms, sauna and swimming pool. There is also the option of building an elite tourist object.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 275 6072, +385 (0)91 730 4379
U Dubrovniku se prodaju tri stana u novogradnji. Smješteni su na dva kata lijepe građevine s pogledom na more u
gruškom zaljevu: u prizemlju veliki stan površine 140 m2 s garažom, bazenom, saunom i vrtom i na 1. katu dva stana
površine 64 m2 svaki od njih s parkirnim mjestom. Zgrada je na vrlo atraktivnoj lokaciji u Gružu, rezidencijalnoj dubrovačkoj četvrti i u blizini svih znamenitosti, samo 100 metara od gradske luke. Svi stanovi imaju terase prema jugu
i moru. Dovršenje se planira za proljeće 2008.
There are three apartments in the new building in Dubrovnik. They are placed on the two storeys of a beautiful building in the bay of Gruž: a big apartment on the ground floor with 140 m2 of surface, as well as a pool, a sauna and a
garden, and on the first floor there are two apertments with 64 m2 of surface, each of them with a parking place. The
building is placed on a very attractive location in Gruž, a residential area of Dubrovnik, near all the sights, only 100
meters from the city port. Each of them has a terrace towards the south and the sea. The construction is planned to end
in spring of 2008.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
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U Kaštelu u Istri prodaje se vila površine 270 m , udaljena 10 km od mora. Podijeljena je na tri apartmana. U blizini
je skijalište. Objekt raspolaže još s dvije garaže (60 i 30 m2), teniskim igralištem, dvama kupaonicama, ostavom i
kotlovnicom. Okućnica obuhvaća površinu od 2000 m2, u što ulazi i vrt s posađenim cvijećem i drvećem.
There is a villa on sale in Kaštel, Istria, and it has 270 m2 of surface, while being 10 km away from the sea. It is divided
into three apartments. There is a ski track nearby. The object features two garages (60 and 30 m2), tennis court, two
bathrooms, pantry and boiler room. The courtyard takes up 2000 m2, which includes the garden with planted flowers and
Cijena / Price: na upit / 299.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 275 6072, +385 (0)91 730 4379
U manjem turističkom mjestu Malinska na otoku Krku prodaje se atraktivna samostojeća obiteljska kuća stambene
površine 140 m2, s dva trosobna apartmana od 60 m2 jedan u prizemlju i jedan na katu te suterenom od 20 m2. Kuća
je smještena na parceli veličine 571 m2, 350 m udaljenoj od plaže, na kojoj je uređen parking za tri automobila,
vrtna terasa površine 30 m2 s grillom, održavano zelenilo s travnjakom, palmama i mediteranskim grmljem, ograđeno kamenim zidom i kovanom ogradom. Kuća ima svu vlasničku i građevinsku dokumentaciju, uporabnu dozvolu i
kategorizaciju za apartmane.
In a smaller tourist town called Malinska on the island of Krk, we find an attractive detached family house for sale. Its
residential surface is 140 m2, and it consists of two three-room apartments with 60 m2 of surface, one of which is on the
ground floor and one on the upper floor, as well as of a 20 m2 basement. The house is located on a parcel that takes
up 571 m2 and is 350 metres away from the beach, and the parcel features three parking spaces, a 30 metre garden
terrace with a grill, maintained greenery with a lawn, palms and Mediterranean plants, as well as an enclosing stone
wall and wrought-iron fence. The house has all the necessary ownership and construction documentation, as well as a
usage licence and apartment categorisation.
Cijena / Price: 490.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709
Na Krku se prodaje samostojeća kuća sa dva apartmana, prizemlje i kat, na parceli površine 509 m2. Apartmani
imaju cca 50 m2, jednu spavaću sobu, kupaonicu, kuhinju s blagovaonicom, dnevni boravak s velikom natkrivenom
terasom, parkiralište za dva vozila, garažu od 25 m2 i ozelenjenu i ograđenu okućnicu s grillom. Kuća je na atraktivnoj
lokaciji, 200 m udaljena od uređene plaže, a 600 m od centra. Ima uporabnu dozvolu.
There is a detached house with two apartments, on the ground floor and upper floor, on sale in Krk, and it is placed on a
509 m2 parcel. Apartments take up about 50 m2 each, and they feature one bedroom, bathroom, kitchen with dining room,
living room with a large covered terrace, two parking spaces, a 25 m2 garage and a fenced courtyard with a grill and plenty
of greenery. The location of the house is very attractive, 200 metres from a maintained beach, and about 600 metres from
the centre. The house has a usage licence.
Cijena / Price: 330.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709
Prodaje se rezidencijalna vila u istarskom zaselku, s fantastičnim pogledom na more i brda. Labin je udaljen 4 km, a
turistički centar u Rapcu 8 km. Vila je izgrađena na mirnoj i pažljivo odabranoj lokaciji, zaštićenoj od vjetra.
There is a residential villa in a small Istrian village with a fantastic view over the sea and the hills. Labin is 4 km away,
while the ourism centre in Rabac is 8 km away. The villa is located on a peaceful, carefully chosen spot, which is protected from the wind.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
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Na uskoj prevlaci koja spaja otoke Cres i Lošinj, prodaje se stara kamena kuća. Smještena je u samoj povijesnoj jezgri
grada Osora. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže površine 210 m2, tavana površine 72 m2 te dva balkona od 15 m2. Kuća je
građena na prijelazu iz 15. u 16. stoljeće i zidana je od debelih kamenih blokova. Na zidu dnevne sobe u prizemlju se
nalaze dvije freske s početka 19. stoljeća. U početku su u kući boravili crkveni vjerodostojnici da bi nakon toga kuća
bila stan osorskih biskupa. Kada se biskupija preselila, kuća dolazi u vlasništvo imućne osorske obitelji koja je kuću
prenamijenila u jednu od najpoznatijih konoba i prenoćišta na Jadranu. Kuća je posljednjih pola stoljeća u vlasništvu
prodavateljeve obitelji. Uz kuću se prodaje i sav pripadajući namještaj iz 19. i 20. stoljeća.
On a narrow land bridge that connects the islands of Cres and Lošinj, there is an old stone house for sale. It is located
right in the historical centre of the town of Osor. The house consists of three storeys with 210 m2 of surface, as well
as a 72 m2 attic and two 15 m2 balconies. The house was originally built in the late 15th/early 16th century, and thick
stone blocks were used during the process. On the wall of the ground-floor living room, we find two frescoes from
the early 19th century. In the beginning, church officials were residing in the house, and after that the house served
as an apartment of the Osor bishops. When the Bishopric moved, the house came into possession of a wealthy Osor
family, which redefined the house as one of the most famous taverns and hostels at the Adriatic. Over the last half of
the century, the house was owned by the seller’s family. The sale also includes all the accompanying furniture from the
19th and 20th century.
Cijena / Price: 770.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 233 815, +385 (0)91 769 5650
Prodaje se ekskluzivni rezidencijalni kompleks u Poreču, izgrađen kombinacijom modernih i tradicionalnih elemenata,
u neposrednoj blizini starog ribarskog naselja, samo 800 m udaljenog od mora, 9 km od Poreča i 5 km od Novigrada. Sastoji se od četiri luksuzna stana s 1-3 spavaće sobe, površine od 80 do 170 m2. Završni radovi visoke su
kvalitete i uključuju prozore i vrata od mahagonija, podove od vrhunskog drva i slično.
There is an exclusive residential complex on sale in Poreč, built with usage of modern and traditional elements right next
to the old fishermen settlement just 800 metres from the sea, 9 km from Poreč and 5 km from Novigrad. It consists of
4 luxurious apartments with 1-3 bedrooms and 80-170 m2 of surface. The finishing stages of the construction process
are of high quality and include mahagony windows and doors, as well as floors from top-notch wood etc.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
Na mirnom području, samo 13 km od Poreča, prodaje se vila “Flavia”, ukupne stambene površine 150 m2. Kvalitetno
izgrađena 2007. godine kao ljetna obiteljska rezidencija, vila raspolaže vlastitim bazenom te parcelom za vrt površine
650 m2. Izgrađena je u istarskom stilu, na tradicionalan način.
On a peaceful area just 13 km away from Poreč, we find Villa Flavia for sale with 150 m2 of overall residential surface.
It was constructed with high quality in 2007 as a family summer residence, and it features its own swimming pool and a
parcel for a 650 m2 garden. It was constructed in a traditional Istrian style.
Cijena / Price: 350.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
Prodaje se samostojeća vila površine 150 m2, 16 km udaljena od Poreča i mora. Vila raspolaže i sa 600 m2 okućnice
te prekrasnim pogledom. Među ostalim, opremljena je klimom i 1. fazom centralnoga grijanja, na raspolaganju su
još bazen, travnjak i parking.
We find a detached villa with 150 m2 of surface for sale, and it is located 16 km from Poreč and the sea. The villa is placed
on a 600-metre courtyard and provides a wonderful view. It features air conditioning among other things, as well as the
first phase of central heating, swimming pool, lawn and parking.
Cijena / Price: 380.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 98 411 430
Prodaje se samostojeća luksuzna vila ukupne površine 130 m2 na parceli od 766 m2, udaljenoj oko 9 km od Poreča
i mora. Građena je u tradicionalnom istarskom stilu, a posebna se briga vodila o okućnici. Vila raspolaže s bazenom
i ima pogled na more.
There is a detached luxurious villa for sale, and it is located about 9 km from Poreč and the sea. The villa has 130 m2 of
surface, and it lies on a 766 m2 parcel. It was built in traditional Istrian style, with special care being given to the courtyard.
The villa features a swimming pool and overlooks the sea.
Cijena / Price: 299.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 98 411 430
U Puli se prodaje tradicionalna istarska kamena kuća, 30 metara udaljena od plaže. Sastoji se od dva stana s tri
spavaće sobe, kuhinjom s blagovaonicom / dnevnim boravkom, dvije spavaće sobe i terasom s izravnim pogledom
na more. Kuća je izgrađena od provjerenih, suvremenih materijala, u kombinaciji s elementima stare, tradicionalne
There is a traditional Istrian stone house on sale in Pula, and it is positioned 30 metres from the beach. It consists of
two apartments with three bedrooms, kitchen with dining room / living room, two bedrooms and a terrace that directly
overlooks the sea. The house was built from confirmed and contemporary materials, combined with elements of the
old, traditional construction.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
Nadomak središta Pule prodaje se Villa Arena s 20 stanova, na lokaciji s direktnim pogledom na amfiteatar. Orijentacija
je istok-zapad. Stanovi su projektirani u nekoliko varijanti: osam dvosobnih i 12 trosobnih. Stanovi su raspoređeni na tri
kata, uz podzemnu etažu. Uz 10 garaža u njoj, osigurano je i 10 nadzemnih mjesta. Oprema stanova je vrhunska.
Close to the centre of Pula, we find a 20 apartment Villa Arena for sale, and it is positioned on a location that provides
a direct view to the Amphitheater. It is oriented in the east-west manner. The apartments have been projected in several
options: eight of them have two rooms, while there are twelve three-room apartments. The apartments are arranged
over three floors, along with the underground level. Along with the 10 garages, there are also 10 aboveground spaces.
The apartments are furnished in highest quality.
Cijena / Price: 1500-1900 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 198 03 04
U najelitnijem dijelu Pule, nadomak morske obale, u neposrednoj blizini gradske šetnice Lungomare, prodaje se reprezentativna Villa Laguna (u izgradnji). Stanovi su raspoređeni na tri kata i projektirani u nekoliko varijanti: dvosobni (14) i
troiposobni i četverosobni dvoetažni (6), uz podzemnu parking-etažu. Oprema stana je vrhunska.
In the most elite section of Pula, close to the coast and right next to the city’s promenade Lungomare, we find the
representative Villa Laguna (in construction) for sale. The apartments have been positioned over three floors and projected in several options: two room apartments (14), 3,5 room and two-storey four-room apartments (6), along with the
underground parking level. The apartments have been furnished in highest quality.
Cijena / Price: 1750-2150 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260, +385 (0)91 198 03 03
Prodaje se renovirana vila u tradicionalnom austrougarskom stilu, na fantastičnoj lokaciji, udaljenoj 300 m od mora.
Okružena je botaničkim vrtom površine 1300 m2, s palminim stablima koja cvjetaju tijekom čitave godine i bazenom.
U sklopu vile na raspolaganju je također i dodatni manji objekt s dva stana. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i prvog kata,
površine po 120 m2, te potkrovlja predviđenog za gostinsku prostoriju.
There is a renovated villa in traditional Austro-Hungarian style on sale, and it has a fantastic location about 300 metres from the sea. It is surrounded by a 1300 m2 botanic garden with palm trees, and the garden is filled with flowers
throughout the year. The villa also features a swimming pool, as well as an additional smaller object with two apartments. The villa consists of ground floor and the first floor, with 120 m2 of surface each, as well as a loft planned for
a guestroom.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 511 2879
U Rogoznici se prodaje vila u izgradnji u mediteranskom stilu, rad poznatog arhitekta. Vila predstavlja izuzetan spoj
starih kamenih kuća i moderne dalmatinske gospodske kuće na 3 etaže sa cca 180 m2 stambenog i pratećeg prostora,
položene na zemljišnoj površini od cca 800 m2. Vila se nalazi na mirnom mjestu u centru Rogoznice, na udaljenosti
100 m od mora i s pogledom na Marinu Frapa i rogoznički zaljev. Vila se gradi u vrhunskom autohtonom kamenu,
drvu i parketima te talijanskoj keramici 1.klase. Okoliš će biti hortikulturalno uređen, a bazen površine 50 m2 uz vilu
se prostire na zasebnom platou.
There is an unfinished Villa in Rogoznica in Mediterranean style, a work of a famous architect. Villa is a combination of
old stone houses and modern Dalmatian 3-storey home comprising app. 180 m2 of living space and laying on a plot
of 800 m2. The villa is situated on a peaceful location in the centre of Rogoznica, less than 100 m from the sea, and with the
views of Marine Frapa and Rogoznica Bay. Villa is quality equipped with autochthon stone, wood and parquets, and Italian
most quality ceramics. Environment will be horticulturally set, and the pool will be on separate plateau by the villa and has 50
m2 of surface. Construction (including the environment and the pool) is planned to be finished till the end of 2008.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Solinu, mjestu nedaleko Splita, gradi se stambeni kompleks koji se sastoji od 11 kružno raspoređenih objekata. Zgrade
imaju po tri etaže sa po šest stanova različitih kvadratura, od 42, 56 i 69,5 m2, i mogu biti jednosobni, dvosobni i trosobni.
Svi stanovi su opremljeni s: brojilom za vodu i struju, pripremom za klima-uređaj, priključkom za telefon, TV instalacijama
(zemaljski i satelitski sustav), parlafonom, blindo vratima, PVC stolarijom i roletama, klasičnim parketom, prvoklasnom
keramikom i sanitarijama. Kompleks ima podzemne garaže, uređene prilazne ceste i zelene površine. Nalazi se nedaleko
osnovne škole, crkve, supermarketa i postaje gradskog autobusa, a useljenje je predviđeno za prosinac 2007. godine.
In Solin, a town nearby Split, there is a residential complex under construction that features 11 objects in circular formation. The buildings have three storeys each with six different-sized apartments (42, 56 and 69,5 m2) that feature one, two
or three bedrooms. All apartments have meters for water and electricity, as well as air-conditioning preparation, telephone
connection, TV installations (earth and satellite system), parlaphone, armoured doors, PVC joinery and window shutters,
classic parquet, first-class ceramics and sanitary facilities. The complex has underground garages, maintained driveways
and green surfaces. It is located near an elementary school, church, supermarket and the city bus, and the moving-in
process is planned for December of 2007.
Cijena / Price: 1550 - 1790 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 480 467
Prodaje se Vila Marjan u Splitu, ekskluzivna vila smještena ispod Marjana s koje se pruža jedinstven pogled na cijeli
Split, more i otoke. Izgrađena je u secesijskom stilu kao obiteljska vila 1911. godine. Smještena je na 1260 m² zemljišta i raspolaže s 1213 m² prostora. Vila ima podrum, prizemlje, dva kata i potkrovlje. Pokraj nje je i gostinska kuća
površine 71 m². Potrebna joj je obnova, za što se trenutačno ishođuju dozvole.
Villa in Split is on sale, and it is an exclusive facility located below Marjan that provides a unique view over Split, the sea and
the islands. It was built in secession style as a family villa back in 1911. It lies on a 1260 m2 parcel and it has 1213 m2 of
space in its disposal. The villa features a basement, ground floor, two floors and the loft. There is also a 71 m2-guest house
positioned right next to it. Renovation work will be required, and licences are in the process of being issued.
Cijena / Price: 3.950.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 90 75 387, +385 (0)98 29 18 73
U Splitu se prodaje rezidencija – stan u povijesnom dijelu Dioklecijanove palače, 40 metara od Peristila, na drugom
katu romaničke kamene kuće. Na južnom zidu nalazi se romanička freska. Apartman se prodaje u postojećem stanju
i spreman je za renoviranje, sve potrebne dozvole su ishodovane.
There is a residence for sale in Split – an apartment in the historical part of the Dioklecian Palace, 40 metres from Peristil
on the second floor of a Romanic stone house. A Romanic fresco can be found on the south wall. The apartment is being
sold in its current condition and it is ready for renovation, as all the necessary licenses have been issued.
Cijena / Price: 490.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 90 75 387, +385 (0)98 29 18 73
Prodaje se predivna villa Luxor, smještena na velikoj parceli prvi red do mora. Sastoji se od četiri kata ukupne stambene
površine 450 m2, u kojoj je smješteno 18 soba. Budućem vlasniku na raspolaganju su terase s pogledom na more, vrt
te plaže do kojih ga dijeli samo nekoliko koraka te, naravno, garaža.
The wonderful Villa Luxor is for sale, located on a large parcel right next to the sea. It consists of four floors with 450 m2
of overall residential surface, and there are 18 rooms inside the villa. The future owners will find terraces that overlook the
sea, the garden and beaches that are only a few steps away, as well as a garage.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
U Šibeniku se prodaje moderno uređena vila s 350 m2 stambenog prostora, bazenom i teniskim terenom. Parcela je
površine 20.000m2 i kompletno je uređena, a na raspolaganju je parking i garaža. Vila izvana izgleda kao dvorac,
okružena je borovima, a udaljena je 2 km od centra Šibenika i 1 km od mora.
There is a modern villa in Šibenik with the living space of 350 m2 of surface, a pool and a tennis court. A parcel is
20.000 m2 of surface and is completely decorated, with a parking place and a garage. From the outside villa looks like
a castle, surrounded with the pine trees and only 2 km far from the Šibenik center and 1 km from the sea.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 314 037, +385 (0)91 932 45 68
fotografije, skice, dimenzije, opisi i cijene * više od 9.000 proizvoda * planer rasporeda namještaja * prodajna mjesta
Bakar, Karlovac,
Krk, Koprivnica,
Požega, Zagreb
Sl. Brod
Zagreb (dostava u sve
dijelove Hrvatske)
Buzet, Opatija, Pula,
Zagreb (Solidum)
Zagreb - Vrapèe i
Požega, Zagreb
Poreè, Pula,
Rijeka, Zadar,
Zagreb (Malešnica)
Bakar, Dubrovnik,
Krk, Koprivnica,
Ðakovo, Osijek,
Bakar, Dubrovnik,
Ðakovo, Krk,
Karlovac, Osijek,
Požega, Sl. Brod,
Varaždin, Vinkovci,
Zagreb (Malešnica)
Bakar, Karlovac, Krk,
Bakar, Dubrovnik, Krk,
Zagreb (Malešnica)
Bakar, Zagreb
Prodaje se kamena kuća “Dionis” u Šibeniku. Kuća je građena u originalnom dalmatinskom stilu, na tri kata, ukupne
površine 170 m2. Uz četiri sobe, tu su velika dvorana za zabave, sauna, fitness te lijep vinski podrum. Posebnu joj draž
daje bazen u dvorištu. Udaljenost od mora je oko 2000 m, a osim vrta i bazena, iz kuće se pruža fantastičan pogled na
more te zalaske sunca.
There is a stone house “Dionis” for sale in Šibenik. The house was built in an original Dalmatian style, with three floors
and 170 m2 of residential surface. Along with four rooms, we find a large entertainment hall, sauna, fitness, and a
lovely wine cellar. A special dimension is provided by a swimming pool in the courtyard. The sea is about 2000 metres
away, and besides the garden and the swimming pool, the house provides a fantastic view over the sea and wonderful
Cijena / Price: 440.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
Prodaje se kamena kuća u staroj gradskoj jezgri, renovirana 1990. godine, ukupne stambene površine 250 m2. U prizemlju su caffe bar od 67 m2, koji trenutačno nije u funkciji, a poviše njega je stambeni prostor na tri etaže. Prva i druga
etaža su površine po 80 m2, a treća 100 m2. Objekt se nalazi u blizini buduće marine koja se planira izgraditi 2009.
godine. Kuću je moguće preurediti u mini hotel.
There is a stone house on sale in the old town centre with an overall residential surface of 250 m2, and it was renovated
in 1990. The ground floor features a 67 m2 café bar, which is currently out of function, and the upper space reveals
a three-storey residential space. The first and second storeys take up 80 m2 each, while the third storey has 100 m2 of
surface. The object is located near a soon-to-be marina that is planned for 2009. The house could be redefined as a
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 254 5962
U Šibeniku se prodaje renovirana obiteljska kuća ukupne površine 180 m2, izgrađena 1900. godine. Kuća je klimatizirana, s unutarnjim kamenim stubištem te sa solarnim grijanjem za toplu vodu. Sastoji se od prizemlja, u kojem je
dnevni boravak s blagavaonicom i kuhinjom te jedna spavaća soba. U prizemlju je i ljetna kuhinja s WC-om te dvor
od 35 m2. Na katu je dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom, spavaća soba, kupaonica i velika terasa. U potkrovlju su dnevni boravak s blagovaonicom, kuhinja, dvije spavaće sobe i kupaonica.
There is a renovated family house for sale in Šibenik with 180 m2 of overall surface, and it was built in 1900. The house has
air conditioning, as well as the inside stone staircase and solar heating for hot water. It consists of the ground floor, which
features the living room with dining room and kitchen, and one bedroom. The ground floor also features a summer kitchen
with a toilet, and a 35 m2 backyard. The upper floor reveals a living room with dining room and kitchen, as well as bedroom,
bathroom and a large terrace. The loft features a living room with dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom.
Cijena / Price: 320.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 43 13
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Prodaju se apartmani Olyntha na otoku, smješteni na vrlo atraktivnoj lokaciji, samo 40 metara udaljeni od mora i
šljunčane plaže. Zgrada se sastoji od šest apartmana, od kojih svaki ima vlastiti ulaz, parkiralište i terasu s pogledom
na more. Apartmani su u fazi izgradnje, a bit će građeni visokokvalitetnim materijalima. Za prodaju su preostali:
- Apartman 1: prizemlje, ukupne neto površine 72,96 m2; sastoji se od dvije sobe, kupaonica, kuhinje i dnevnog
boravka, te terase i vrta;
- Apartmani 3 i 4: 1. kat, ukupne neto površine 62,70 m2; sastoje se od dvije sobe, kupaonica, kuhinje i dnevnog
boravka, te lođe;
- Apartmani 5 i 6: 2. kat, ukupne neto površine 102,60 m2; dvoetažni apartmani koji se sastoje od tri sobe, dvije
kupaonice, kuhinje i dnevnog boravka, galerije te lođe. U cijenu svakog apartmana uključene su kuhinja i sanitarije.
Završetak radova planiran je za početak 2009. godine.
There are Olyntha apartments for sale on the island, and they can be found on a very attractive location just 40 metres
from the sea and the gravel beach. The building consists of six apartments, and each of those has its own entrance, parking lot and a terrace that overlooks the sea. Apartments are currently in construction, and high-quality materials will be
used. These apartments are still available: apartment 1: ground floor, 72,96 m2 of overall surface; features two rooms,
bathroom, kitchen, living room, terrace and garden.
Apartments 3 and 4: first floor, 62,70 m2 of overall surface; two rooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room and loggia.
Apartments 5 and 6: second floor, 102,60 m2 of overall surface; two-storey apartments that consist of three rooms, two
bathrooms, kitchen, living room, gallery and loggia.
The price of every apartment includes the kitchen and sanitary facilities. The works are planned to be finished in early
Cijena / Price: A1 – 193.000 €; A3,4 – 165.000 €; A5,6 – 250.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 541 000
U Trogiru se prodaje hotel na zemljištu površine 19.000 m2, u prvom redu do mora. Objekti u sklopu hotela su 90 posto dovršeni i raspolažu površinom od 5400 m2 korisnog prostora. Sadrže 22 ekskluzivna apartmana, restoran, tavernu, wellness-centar, zatvoreni bazen, veliki otvoreni bazen, fitness, kongresnu dvoranu, koncertnu dvoranu, vinoteku,
garaže, terase itd. Lokacijska dozvola postoji za gradnju još većeg objekta na istom zemljištu te male lučice ispred.
There is a hotel for sale in Trogir, and it stands on a parcel that occupies 19.000 m2 right by the sea. The objects within the
hotel are 90% finished and they feature 5400 m2 of useful space. There are 22 exclusive apartments, restaurant, tavern,
wellness-centre, indoor swimming pool, big outdoor swimming pool, fitness, conference hall, concert hall, wine cellar, garages, terraces etc. A location license has been granted for the construction of an even bigger object on the same parcel,
as well as a small port in front of it.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
Na otoku Čiovu se prodaju četiri apartmana u izgradnji, pojedinačne površine 118,60 m2. Udaljenost četverokatnog
objekta od mora je 200 metara. Svi apartmani su opremljeni klima-uređajima, PVC stolarijom, ugradbenom sanitarijom, visokokvalitetnom keramikom, vrhunskim hrastovim parketom, protuprovalnim vratima, granitnim i nehrđajućim
čelikom na stubištu. Predviđen je i bazen te po jedno mjesto za parkiranje. Završetak radova je u lipnju/srpnju 2008.
There are four in-construction apartments for sale at the island of Čiovo, and they each have 118,60 m2 of surface.
The four-storey object is 200 metres from the sea. All apartments feature air conditioning, PVC joinery, built-in sanitary
facilities, high-quality ceramics, top-quality oak parquet, anti-burglary doors, granite and non-rust steel on the staircase.
There are plans for a swimming pool, and for one parking space per apartment. The works will be finished in June/July
of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 2100 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 541 000
Prodaje se obiteljska trokatnica, nedavno dovršena, na otoku Čiovu, ukupne stambene površine 150 m2. Uz šest soba, budućem vlasniku su na raspolaganju i vinski podrum, dvije velike terase, vrt i četiri parkirališna mjesta.
Kuća je udaljena od mora samo 100 metara.
There is a family three-storey house, which was recently finished, on sale at the island of Čiovo, and it takes up 150 m2
of residential surface. Along with six rooms, the future owner will find a wine cellar, two large terraces, garden and four
parking spaces. The house is merely 100 metres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 340.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
Prodaje se vila u blizini Zadra ukupne stambene površine 320 m2, na odličnoj lokaciji. U prizemlju su dvosobni stan,
jedan apartman i garaža. Na prvom, kao i na drugom katu, su po tri apartmana, uz djelomično iskoristivo potkrovlje.
S balkona se pruža predivan pogled na more i otoke.
There is a villa for sale near Zadar, its overall residential surface is 320 m2, and its location is excellent. The ground floor
features a two-room apartment, one suite and a garage. The first and the second floor both feature three apartments, and
there is also a loft that can be partly used. The balcony provides a wonderful view over the sea and the islands.
Cijena / Price: 650.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 231 911
U Gračanima se prodaje luksuzan stan ukupne površine 100 m2. Stan se nalazi u urbanoj vili s liftom i sastoji se
od dnevnog boravka s blagovaonicom i kuhinjom od 40 m2, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice i lođe. Uz stan je na
raspolaganju garaža s dva mjesta, ostava, uređeni vrt površine 450 m2 s bazenom, građenim roštiljem i sjenicom s
WC-om i čajnom kuhinjom.
There is a luxurious apartment for sale in Gračani, and it takes up 100 m2 of overall surface. The apartment is found in
an urban villa with an elevator, and it consists of a living room with dining room and a 40 m2 kitchen, as well as of three
bedrooms, two bathrooms and a loggia. The apartment also includes a garage with two spaces, pantry, maintained 450 m2
garden with a swimming pool, built-in grill and a bower with a bathroom and a tea kitchen.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 198 0307
U Zadru se prodaje pet luksuznih stanova u urbanoj dvokatnoj vili na području Borika, 150 metara udaljenoj od mora.
Zgrada se nalazi na parceli površine 526 m2, a dio stanova je etažiran. Svakom stanu pripada parking ili garaža te
spremište. Stanovi imaju klimu te etažno centralno grijanje.
There are five luxurious apartments for sale in the Borik area in Zadar, and they can be found in an urban two-storey villa
just 150 metres from the sea. The building was built on a 526 m2 parcel, and some of the apartments have been legally
processed. Every apartment receives a parking space or garage, as well as a pantry. Apartments have air conditioning
and storey central heating.
Cijena / Price: 2500 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 360 260, +385 (0)91 198 03 03
U zagrebačkom naselju, između Radničke ceste i Supilove ulice, u zgradi u neposrednoj blizini glavnog autobusnog
kolodvora, prodaju se stanovi površine 12.088 m2 (185 kom.) te poslovni prostori površine 4219 m2. Zgrada posjeduje i 268 garažno-parkirališnih mjesta. Stanovi su opremljeni protuprovalnim vratima, plinskim etažnim grijanjem,
klimatizacijom (Mitshubishi), vrhunskom stolarijom, hrastovim parketom prve klase te kupaoničkom opremom (Grohe), dok sama zgrada, osim parkirališnih mjesta, raspolaže još i videoportafonom, dječjim igralištem i priključcima za
triple play uslugu. Fasada je izrađena u kombinaciji kamen-staklo. Useljenje je predviđeno za svibanj 2008. godine.
In the Zagreb neighbourhood, which is found between Radnička Street and Supilo Street, in a building that is right next
to the main bus station, we find apartments for sale with 12.088 m2 of surface (185 units) and 4219 m2 of business
premises. The building also owns 268 garage-parking places. The apartments are equipped with anti-burglary doors,
gas storey heating, air conditioning (Mitsubishi), top-quality joinery, first-class oak parquet and bathroom equipment
(Grohe), while the building itself, besides the parking spaces, also has a video-port-phone, a playground for children,
and attachments for “triple play” service. Facade is constructed in stone and glass combination. The moving-in process
was planned for May 2008.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 6185 023, +385 (0)21 453 520, 453 525
U Zagrebu se prodaje četverosobni stan površine 159 m2, na prvom katu, u središtu grada, u blizini Trga bana Jelačića, s pogledom na Ilicu. Nalazi se na prvom katu i potrebno mu je renoviranje. Idealan je za poslovni prostor te
pogodan i kao investicija. Stan ima dvije terase, lift i uknjižen je.
There is a four-room apartment with 159 m2 of surface for sale in Zagreb, and it is located on the first floor in the centre
of the city, near the Ban Jelačić Square and overlooking Ilica. It is positioned on the first floor and will need some renovation work. It is ideal for business premises, and quite convenient as an investment. The apartment has two terraces,
a lift, and it is entered into the records.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 275 6072, +385 (0)91 730 4379
nine- at the foot of Sljeme zone
Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine
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Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi u
podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine
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