SRPANJ/JULY 2007 HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE BROJ/EDITION XXV CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € LIKA BUÐENJE USPAVANE LJEPOTICE /AWAKENING OF THE SLEEPING BEAUTY INTERVIEW IVIÆ PAŠALIÆ BIENNALE ARHITEKTURE ROTTERDAM REPORT /ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE VRTNI NAMJEŠTAJ /GARDEN FURNITURE NAJBOLJI IZBOR NEKRETNINA /THE BEST REAL ESTATE OFFER ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb Int roduct ory word Uvodna rijec Trend rasta cijena nekretnina te nestabilno i neujednačeno tržište najbolje opisuju stanje na hrvatskom tržištu nekretnina. Iako se rast uglavnom odnosi na primorje i veće gradove, koji nas svakodnevno šokiraju vrtoglavim cijenama kvadrata, trend povećanja cijena polako je počeo zahvaćati i kontinentalni dio Hrvatske, posebice Gorski kotar i Ličko-senjsku županiju. Samo nekoliko godina unatrag, u ličkim selima su se mogla kupiti cijela seoska imanja sa starijom drvenom kućom za petnaestak tisuća njemačkih maraka, no danas je situacija znatno drukčija – naime, ista ta imanja se prodaju po cijenama od dvadesetak i više tisuća eura. Ako ste ljubitelj lova i ribolova te mirnijeg načina života, Lika je idelno mjesto za vas. Kad još k tome dodamo da Lika pripada području od posebnoga državnog interesa, te da država pomaže darivanjem građevinskog materijala svima koji se odluče graditi stambene kuće na ličkom području, odluka o kupnji nekretnine trebala bi biti jednostavnija. A kako je uvijek dobro biti nekoliko koraka ispred drugih, pokazao nam je Ivić Pašalić, dugogodišnji političar, doktor medicine i odnedavno građevinski poduzetnik. U intervjuu za DalCasu predstavio je svoje niskoenergetsko naselje u Odri, prvo hrvatsko naselje koje će štedjeti energiju. Prošlog mjeseca za vas smo mnogo putovali. Tako vam donosimo report s Furnexa, egipatskog sajma namještaja i opremanja, održanog u Kairu, te Međunarodnoga rotterdamskog bijenala arhitekture. Gdje se najbolje jede u Dubrovniku, koji je “najslađi” hotel u Meksičkom zaljevu, koji otok u Hrvatskoj morate posjetiti, na čemu vježbaju pravi trendseteri... te još mnogo zanimljivih tema, pronaći ćete na našim stranicama. Nikako ne zaboravite slati svoje prijedloge, jer oni su uvijek dobrodošli. The trend of the real estates’ prices going higher and an unstable, unbalanced market are the best terms to describe the situation at Croatia’s real estate market. Although the rise mainly relates to the coastal area and larger cities, where we are constantly shocked by the staggering prices of a square metre, the trend of higher prices is starting to catch on in the continental part of Croatia, especially Gorski Kotar and the LikaSenj County. Just a few years ago, you could walk into a village in Lika and purchase an entire village estate with an older wooden house for about 15.000 German marks, but today’s situation is mighty different – those same estates are being sold for over 20.000 euros. If you’re a fan of hunting, fishing and a more peaceful lifestyle, Lika is the ideal place for you. And when you add the fact that Lika is an area of special government interest, and that the Government provides free construction materials for everyone who decides to build residential houses in Lika, then that should make your decision to purchase the real estate even more simple. They say it is good to always be several steps ahead of the others, and that was demonstrated to us by Ivić Pašalić, long-time politician, doctor of medicine, and now a construction businessman. In his DalCasa interview, he introduced us to his low-energy settlement in Odra, which is the first Croatian settlement that will be saving energy. During this past month, we also did a lot of travelling for you. Therefore, we bring you a report from Furnex, the Egyptian trade fair of furniture and furnishing that was held in Cairo; we were also present at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. Where is the best food in Dubrovnik, which is the “sweetest” hotel in the Mexican Gulf, which is a “must see” island in Croatia, what do true trendsetters use for exercise… and many more interesting subjects, and you will find them all on our pages. And don’t forget to send us your suggestions, because they are always welcomed. Ana Perišin 9 Impressum Izdavač/Publisher: DAL’CASA d.o.o. Put Supavla 1 21000 Split tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726 fax:+385(0)21 380 852 Predsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board: Jakša Mrčela Direktor/CEO: Goran Križanec Ured Velika Britanija/UK office: DAL’CASA Ltd Suite 50 151 Brook Road London NW2 7DW tel.: +447906877467 Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief: dipl. ing. Ana Perišin Izvršna urednica/Assistant-editor-in-chief: Tanja Jadrešić Grafički urednik/Graphic editor: dipl. ing. Marija Tomljanović Marketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising: Maja Kalinić, dipl. oec. Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477 Dijana Uglešić, dipl. oec. Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 326 178 Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973 Prijevod na engleski/English translation: Zoran Abaza Suradnici/Associates: Nataša Bodrožić, Lovorka Buterin, Kristina Fazinić, Martina Kocijan, Hajdi Mihanović, Isabella Mikulek, Ivan Mladina, Aleksandar Vrtarić Distribucija/Distribution: Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas Istre ČASOPIS DAL’CASA JE LICENCNO IZDANJE, TE JE ZABRANJENO KOPIRANJE I PRENOŠENJE SADRŽAJA DAL’CASA IS LICENCED EDITION ANY COPYING OR DIFFUSION OF CONTENTS ARE PROHIBITED Tisak/Print: Tiskara Meić / Rotooffset Zagreb Svakog prvog na kioscima Sadržaj 9 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD 14 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORY Lika: Budi li se uspavana planinska ljepotica? / Is the Sleeping Mountain Beauty Waking Up? 26 INTERVIEW Iviæ Pašaliæ: Izgradit æu i prvo pasivno naselje u Hrvatskoj / I Will Build the First Passive Settlement in Croatia 34 REPORT Nova snaga svjetske arhitekture / The New Strength of World Architecture 40 INVESTICIJE / INVESTMENTS Hvarska terapija s daškom dizajna / Hvar Therapy with a Touch of Design 46 VIJESTI / NEWS 48 SAVJETI / ADVICES Izgubljeni u šumi papira / Lost in the Pile of Papers 52 REPORT Egipatsko putovanje prema vrhu industrije namještaja / Egyptian Journey towards the Top of Furniture Industry 58 VIJESTI / NEWS 60 AVANTURA / ADVENTURE 12 Otok Cres - romantièna ljepotica Kvarnera / The Island of Cres - the Romantic Beauty of Kvarner Content s 68 GASTRO Spoj dnevnog i veèernjeg izlaska kojem se uvijek vraæate / A Combination of a Day and an Evening Out to which You Always Return 75 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES 78 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ART Voajerizam kao univerzalna sudbina / Voyeurism as Universal Fate 82 INTERIJERI / INTERIORS Najslaði šeæer Meksièkog zaljeva / The Swetest Sugar in the Gulf of Mexico 88 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOME Modernost kroz racionalnost / Modern Along with Rational 94 INFO Kinesis - ekskluzivni kuæni duh zdravlja / Kinesis - the Exclusive Home Spirit of Health 98 SAVJETI / ADVICES Najudobniji pogled na vlastito zelenilo / The Most Comfortable View over Your Greenery 104 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULT Duhoviti radikalizam / Witty Radicalism 110 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONS Seoska idila / Rural Idyll 116 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE 13 Tema broja KAOS NA TRŽIŠTU NEKRETNINA U LICI Budi li se uspavana planinska ljepotica? Rast cijena nekretnina u Lici još neko vrijeme neće biti dramatičan, tvrde stručnjaci, no nakon ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, mogao bi se dogoditi enormni skok cijena Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Foto: Aleksandar Vrtariæ, Branimir Èondriæ i arhiva DalCase U posljednje dvije godine cijene su narasle za 40 posto / Over the last two years, the prices have gone up 40 % 14 Lika pruža velike mogućnosti kad je ekoturizam u pitanju / When it comes to eco-tourism, Lika offers numerous possibilities V eć nekoliko godina unatrag, nekako s uvođenjem eura kao zajedničke europske monete, dogodio se nagli rast cijena u hrvatskom primorju i u većim gradovima. Rast cijena polako je počeo zahvaćati i kontinentalni dio, posebice Gorski kotar i Ličko-senjsku županiju. Samo nekoliko godina unatrag, u ličkim selima su se mogla kupiti cijela seoska imanja sa starijom drvenom kućom za petnaestak tisuća njemačkih maraka, no danas je situacija znatno drukčija – naime, ista ta imanja se prodaju po cijenama od dvadesetak i više tisuća eura. Istina, ako se te cijene usporede s cijenama zemljišta i nekretnina u hrvatskom priobalju, jasno je da su one i dalje vrlo povoljne. S obzirom da se Lika već godinama nosi s problemom iseljavanja, brojni stariji mještani prodavanjem velikih seoskih imanja traže rješenje vlastitih financijskih problema, dok je vrlo malo onih koji u organiziranom seoskom turizmu traže izvor stalnih i stabilnih prihoda. Veliki dio posjeda je još u vlasništvu izbjeglih Srba koji se ne namjeravaju vratiti u Liku, te svoja imanja prodaju po vrlo povoljnim cijenama. Korenica, Sinac, Ličko Lešće, mjesta oko Otočca i Gospića, trenutačno su najtraženije lokacije, no najpopularniji su tereni uz rijeku Gacku. Cijene gore - prodaja dolje Trend rasta cijena te nestabilnog i neujednačenog tržišta vlada u cijeloj Hrvatskoj, a mnogi drže da dio problema leži u samim vlasnicima koji slobodno postavljaju cijene svojih nekretnina. Jasno je da mediji čine svoje, pa ako je desetak vlasnika postavilo nerealno visoke cijene, takve se vijesti brzo prošire, no nemaju velike veze sa stvarnim stanjem na tržištu nekretnina, barem kada se radi o ličkom području. Sama činjenica da su cijene porasle, ne znači i da je Lika automatski pretvorena u elitno turističko odredište i da su strani kupci razgrabili sve raspoložive nekretnine. U posljednje dvije godine cijene su na ličkom tržištu narasle za otprilike 40 posto, ovisno o lokaciji, ali to je dovelo i do smanjene prodaje, posebice što se tiče domaćih kupaca koji često nisu u mogućnosti izdvojiti tako pozamašne svote da bi uživali u manjoj kući okruženoj lijepom prirodom. S druge strane, unatoč visokim cijenama, stranci su i dalje zainteresirani za kupnju nekretnina, ali u Lici često ne nalaze ono što traže. Bogatije strane kupce zanimaju velika zemljišta i luksuzne kuće, no toga u Lici nema. Kupci su posebno zainteresirani upravo za veća seoska imanja i stare ličke kuće koje se još uvijek na nekim lo- Raj za lovce Lika predstavlja i veliki izazov ljubiteljima lova – mrki medvjed je simbol Like, tu su i velebitske divlje svinje, a na prirodnim padinama Velebita do samog primorja obitava muflon koji je doveden s Brijuna i predstavlja veliki izazov, kako stranim tako i domaćim lovcima. Tu su i jelen lopatar, divokoza, zec... cijela Lika je prava oaza svim zaljubljenicima u lov. 15 Postoje čak i potraživanja koncesije za punionicu vode na Gackoj / There is interest in purchasing the concession for a water-filling station at Gacka kacijama mogu dobiti po relativno povoljnim cijenama, a iste se uz malo dobre volje i ulaganja vrlo lako mogu pretvoriti u vikendice iz snova. Terene uz rijeku Gacku obožavaju strani ribiči, što nije ni čudno jer se radi o jednoj od najbogatijih voda u Europi kada su pastrve u pitanju, a Lika je jednako atraktivno odredište i ljubiteljima lova. Postoje čak i potraživanja koncesije za punionicu vode na Gackoj. Lika nedvojbeno pruža velike mogućnosti kad je ekoturizam u pitanju, no valja istaknuti kako za nekretnine i imanja u Lici postoji veliki interes, ali pojam “interes” se uvelike razlikuje od pojma “realizirana kupoprodaja”. Da je stvar doista malo prenapuhana i da još uvijek nema razloga za brigu, dokazuje i činjenica da je još uvijek mali broj stranih osoba koje su kupile nekretnine na ličkom području. U posljednjih nekoliko godina prodalo se nekoliko zemljišta, ali sve ostalo ostaje na “velikom interesu” potencijalnih stranih kupaca. Djelomično je istinito i da cijene u Lici divljaju i vrtoglavo rastu – vlasnici koji postavljaju nerealne cijene, svoja imanja teško prodaju. Kad su potencijalni strani kupci u pitanju, uglavnom se radi o Rusima, Englezima i Austri- 16 jancima, koji se često zanimaju za velika seoska imanja, dok su Talijani kao strastveni ribiči najviše zainteresirani za područja oko Gacke. Kad se govori o realiziranim kupoprodajama, na prvom su mjestu još uvijek domaći kupci iz većih gradova koji u Lici traže odmor od užurbane svakodnevice, a najbolje se prodaju povoljnija seoska imanja sa starim drvenim kućama koje su tipične za ličko područje. Vlasnik tvrtke “Lika nekretnine”, gospodin Ivan Bižanović, pak iznosi vrlo zanimljive činjenice. – Mi kao vodeća agencija u Lici bilježimo samo tri prodaje nekretnina strancima prošle godine, a ove je godine prodana tek jedna, i to u Senju. Sve drugo je napuhavanje i nabijanje interesa i tržišta za Likom. Lika nema što ponuditi strancima od kuća kakve se traže. Stranci bi kupovali velike kuće s bazenima i puno zemlje, ali takvo što se ne prodaje i nema ih u Lici. Najviše se prodaju male nekretnine, do 50.000 eura. Stranci traže velika građevinska zemljišta, od 20 do 40 tisuća četvornih metara, za izgradnju trgovačkih centara. Takav interes smo imali i na sajmu nekretnina u Beču prošloga tjedna, no apartmane i kuće nitko ne traži – naglašava Bižanović. Kupci su posebno zainteresirani upravo za veća seoska imanja / Buyers are especially interested in larger village estates Terene uz rijeku Gacku obožavaju strani ribiči / The land alongside the river of Gacka is adored by foreign fishermen Očekivanja su velika, tvrdi naš sugovornik, investitori koji dolaze u Liku su većinom veliki trgovački lanci centri, a malih investitora i nema ili ih je premali broj. Tako je jedan domaći investitor kupio hotel “Gacka”, devastiran u Domovinskome ratu, pokraj njega privatni manji hotel – pansion, a to su veća ulaganja u Otočcu, odnosno Lici. Ličani rado prihvaćaju goste i sve ih više ima u Lici, pogotovo u Otočcu, odnosno Gackoj dolini, gdje je i sve veći broj iznajmljivača soba. Tu se može vidjeti puno stranaca, pogotovo vikendom, koji prolaze na Plitvice pa zastaju na nekoliko sati u Otočcu ili tu prespavaju zbog niže cijene smještaja, te nastavljaju put dalje. – Divljanje cijena nije razlog zbog čega stranci ne ulažu u Liku – procjenjuje ovaj stručnjak za ovdašnje tržište. – Jednostavno, Lika se još nije otvorila za strana tržišta. Mi surađujemo s desetak inozemnih agencija i zanimanje za Liku postoji, od Njemačke, Austrije i Italije, preko Velike Britanije, sve do Kine i Dubaija, ali Lika trenutačno nema takvih nekretnina kakve oni potražuju – iznosi Ivan Bižanović. Za i protiv Like Osim autocestom, koja je Liku približila ostatku Hrvatske, Lika se može pohvaliti s tri nacionalna parka (Paklenica, Plitvička jezera i Sjeverni Velebit) te zaštićenim parkom prirode Velebitom. Stari vodeni mlinovi i autohtone kuće uz rijeku Gacku, nešto su uistinu posebno. Svakako valja napomenuti i utočište medvjeda u Kuterevu, Velebitski botanički vrt koje turisti rado posjećuju te brojne trim-staze. Grad Gospić, primjerice, ima sve potrebne sadržaje – trgovačke centre, knjižnicu, veleučilišta i srednje škole, kino “Korzo”, muzej “Lika”, koji posjeduje zavidnu zbirku dinarske tradicijske kulture, memorijalni centar “Nikola Tesla”, predivne parkove Jasikovac i Vujnovića brdo te vrlo specifičnu starogradsku jezgru. Nešto manji Otočac također ima sve što je malom gradu potrebno, no unatoč svemu Lika ima vrlo krhku gospodarsku infrastrukturu pa spas možda treba potražiti upravo u seoskom i ekoturizmu jer ipak je netaknuta i prekrasna priroda najveći lički adut. S obzirom da se ovo područje već duže razdoblje bori s problemom iseljavanja, svakako valja istaknuti da bi 17 Većina gradova ima GUP/ Most towns have phisical plans upravo preseljenje ovamo moglo biti i idealno rješenje za mlade obitelji koje su spremne na mirniji život, ali i na pametno investiranje. Lika pripada području od posebnoga državnog interesa pa država pomaže darivanjem građevinskog materijala svima koji se odluče graditi stambene kuće na ličkom području. Dio problema leži i u infrastrukturi, pa mladi često odlaze iz Like. Poznato je da su Ličani ljudi široka srca pa turiste dočekuju s osmijehom, no prema potencijalnim stranim investitorima su još uvijek malo nepovjerljivi. Ipak, mnogi baš u tome vide izlaz iz sadašnje loše gospodarske situacije. Planovi zaštite postoje i većina gradova ima GUP, te zabranu gradnje pokraj rijeka na udaljenosti od 80 do 100 metara od vode. Sela će i dalje zjapiti prazna ili s nekoliko staraca jer svi mladi koji završavaju škole ili fakultete ostaju u većim gradovima. U Lici nema privrede koja može zaposliti mlade ljude i ponuditi im uvjete kao veći gradovi. Ako se dogodi da strani kupci doista kupe veći broj nekretnina u Lici, to bi svakako dalo pozitivne rezultate jer bi pasivno područje moglo oživjeti, a bilo kakva ulaganja bi otvorila određeni broj radnih mjesta, što bi svakako bilo od koristi lokalnom stanovništvu. Budućnost investiranja Čist zrak, predivna netaknuta priroda, čak tri nacionalna parka i jedan park prirode te prekrasna Gacka dolina, svakako su nešto što treba zaštititi i u čemu treba tražiti trajnu i stabilnu dobit. Ivan i Ernest Petry iz agencije “Velebit nekretnine” kažu kako cijena nekretnina, odnosno zemljišta na ličkom području, uvelike ovisi o njihovoj lokaciji – što je priroda ljepša, to su cijene više i takva vlasništva se lakše prodaju. Također predviđaju kako 18 rast cijena još neko vrijeme neće biti toliko dramatičan i drastičan, no nakon ulaska Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, mogao bi se dogoditi enormni rast cijena te ističu kako će se Hrvatska morati zaštititi od nekontrolirane kupnje nekretnina od strane inozemnih kupaca. Najviše se, navode, prodaju seoska imanja sa starijim kućama čija se cijena kreće između 20.000 i 35.000 eura, te ističu kako ove vrijednosti nikako nisu precijenjene ako se usporede s trenutačnim tržišnim stanjem i uvjetima u ostalim dijelovima Hrvatske. Za ulaganje kažu da se trenutačno itekako isplati jer će cijene u idućih pet do 10 godina na nekim lokacijama čak i dvostruko porasti. S obzirom na prekrasnu i bogatu prirodu, Lika predstavlja veliki potencijal za rekreativni, seoski, lovni, zdravstveni i ekoturizam. Dovršenje autoceste Zagreb–Split ovu je regiju dodatno približilo ostatku Hrvatske. Poticanjem malog poduzetništva i pomaganjem kod razvijanja infrastrukture u nerazvijenim općinama, Lika bi zaista mogla postati vrijedno turističko odredište, ali to se sigurno neće dogoditi preko noći. Realno, o pretjeranoj ekspanziji na tržištu nekretnina se može samo nagađati. Ličani žele visokim cijenama zaštititi stara seoska imanja, no ako se razumno pogleda na cjelokupnu situaciju, ispada da se Lika i nema od čega zaštititi – stranci se zanimaju za nešto čega na ličkom području nema, a domaći kupci traže jeftinije “prilike” na kojima će u budućnosti moći zaraditi eventualnom ponovnom prodajom. Cijelo tržište nekretnina u Lici prepuno je paradoksa pa bi umjesto kaosa na tržištu nekretnina puno pametnije bilo svu pozornost usmjeriti na pravilno organiziran i planirano potican razvoj potencijala koji Lika posjeduje. Cover st ory CHAOS ON THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IN LIKA Is the Sleeping Mountain Beauty Waking Up? The growth of real estate prices in Lika will not be getting dramatic just yet, according to experts, but after Croatia enters the European Union, we could end up witnessing an enormous rise of prices Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Photo: Aleksandar Vrtariæ, Branimir Èondriæ and DalCasa archive 19 Cover st ory Interes za Liku postoji i u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Italiji i Velikoj Britaniji / Buyers from Germany, Austria, Italy and Great Britain show interest for Lika F or several years now, simultaneously with bringing in the Euro as the joint European currency, we are witnessing a sudden rise of prices in the Croatian coastal area and in the bigger cities. The growth of prices has slowly started to reach the continental part as well, especially the Gorski Kotar and the LikaSenj County. Barely several years ago, you could go to villages in Lika and buy an entire village estate with an older wooden house for about 15.000 German marks, but today the situation is much different – those same estates are being sold for over twenty thousand euros. However, if we compare those prices with the prices of parcels and real estate on the coast, it’s very clear that they’re still very accessible. Considering the fact that Lika has been struggling with the emigration problem for years now, a lot of older locals are selling their village estates as a solution to their financial problems, while the number of those who turn to organized village tourism for a source of regular, stable income is 20 very small. A large number of estates are owned by the refugee Serbs who have no intention of returning to Lika, so they sell their estates at very accessible prices. Korenica, Sinac, Ličko Lešće, villages around Gospić and Otočac – these are the most sought-after locations at the moment, but the most popular parcels are the ones along the river of Gacka. Prices Go Up – Sales Go Down The trend of rising prices and an unstable, unbalanced market is dominant in entire Croatia, and many say that part of the problem lies in the owners themselves, who are very loose when it comes to setting the prices for their real estate. It is clear that the media plays its part, so if about a dozen owners set unrealistic prices, that type of word goes around pretty quickly, but that doesn’t have a lot to do with the real condition of the real estate market, at least when it comes to Lika. The very fact that the prices have risen doesn’t necessar- Cover st ory Bogatije strane kupce zanimaju luksuzne kuće, no toga u Lici nema / Rich foreign buyers are interested in uxurious houses, but Lika doesn’t really provide them with that ily mean that Lika has been turned into an elite tourist destination and that the foreigners have snapped up every available real estate. Over the last two years, the prices in the area of Lika have gone up about 40 %, depending on the location, but that has led to a reduced number of sales, especially when it comes to local buyers who aren’t ready to pay such large figures of money to enjoy a smaller house surrounded with lovely nature. On the other hand, despite the high prices, foreign buyers are still interested in purchasing real estate, but Lika often doesn’t offer what they want. Rich foreign buyers are interested in large parcels and luxurious houses, but Lika doesn’t really provide them with that. Buyers are especially interested in larger village estates and older Lika-type houses, which can still be found in certain locations at relatively accessible prices, and they can very easily be turned into dream-vacation houses with just a little good will and some investments. The land alongside the river of Gacka is adored by foreign fishermen, which isn’t surprising when we point out that it’s one of the richest waters in Europe when it comes to trout, and Lika is just as attractive for the lovers of hunting. There is even interest in purchasing the concession for a water-filling station at Gacka. Undoubtedly, Lika provides enormous possibilities when it Paradise for Hunters Lika also presents a great challenge to anyone who loves hunting – the brown bear is the symbol of Lika, and we can also find the wild boars from Velebit. At the natural slopes of Velebit and all the way to the coast, we can also find mouflons that have been brought over from Brijuni Isles and that present a great challenge to foreign and local hunters. Then there’s the fallow deer, chamois, rabbit… entire Lika is true oasis for anyone who loves hunting. 21 Lika se ponosi trima nacionalnim parkovima / Lika prides itself with three national parks 22 Regija se bori s problemom iseljavanja / The area has been struggling with the issue of emigration comes to eco-tourism, but we must point out that there is also a large interest to purchase real estate and estates in Lika; however, the term “interest” is very much different than the term “finalized purchasing”. To prove that this thing is really a bit over-bloated and that there is still not much to worry about, we have the fact that the number of foreign citizens who have purchased real estate in Lika is still very small. Several parcels have been sold over the last few years, but the rest of them have been limited to a “great interest” by potential foreign buyers. It’s partly true that the prices in Lika are ravaging and staggeringly growing – those owners who are setting unrealistic prices have a hard job selling their estates. When it comes to potential foreign buyers, we’re mostly talking about Russians, the English and Austrians, who are very much interested in larger village estates, while Italians, being the ever-passionate fishermen, are mostly interested in the area around Gacka. When we talk about finalized purchases, Croatian buyers from larger cities are still leading the way, as they look towards Lika to find some rest from the busy every-day life, and the more accessible village estates with old wooden houses, so typical of Lika, have the best chance of being purchased. The owner of the “Lika Real Estate” company, Mr. Ivan Bižanović, brings out some very interesting facts. – We are the biggest agency in Lika, and we have only noted three real estates that were sold to foreigners over the course of last year, while only one sale has been made this year in Senj. Any other information is blowing things out of proportion and trying to increase interest for the market in Lika. Lika just doesn’t offer the types of houses that foreigners want. Foreigners want to buy large houses with swimming pools and lots of land, but those types of houses aren’t for sale and simply don’t exist in Lika. Smaller real estates, which cost up to 50.000 euros, have the best chance of scoring a sale. Foreigners want large construction parcels, from 20 to 40 thousand square metres, to build shopping malls. We were faced with that type of interest at last week’s real estate fair in Vienna, but nobody’s looking for apartments and houses – Bižanović points out. Expectations are large, according to Bižanović, and investors that come to Lika are mostly large shopping mall-centres, but smaller investors are either non-existent or they are few and far between. For example, one domestic investor purchased the “Gacka” hotel, which was demolished during the War of Independence, as well as a smaller hotel-pension right beside it, and those are quite large investments in Otočac and Lika. The people of Lika are happy to accept guests and they are starting to come to Lika more and more, especially to Otočac and Gacka Valley, where you can also find a lot of rooms to rent. You can see many foreigners there on the weekends, as they make their way to Plitvice and stop in Otočac for several hours, or spend the night there because of less-expensive accommodation, and they they’re on their way. - The ravaging of prices isn’t the reason why foreigners don’t invest in Lika – this expert for the local market estimates. – Simply put, Lika hasn’t opened itself yet for foreign markets. We do business with about ten foreign agencies and there is interest for Lika, starting with Germany, Austria and Italy, to Great Britain, China and Dubai, but Lika just doesn’t have the type of real estate that they’re looking for – Ivan Bižanović says. For Lika and Against Lika Except for the highway, which has made Lika a lot closer to the rest of Croatia, Lika prides itself with three national parks (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Northern Velebit) and Velebit as a protected natural park. Old water mills and autochthon houses along the river of Gacka are something truly special. We simply have to point out a bear sanctuary in Kuterevo, the botanical garden in Velebit that is much visited by tourists, and numerous fitness-tracks. The city of Gospić, for example, has everything it needs – shopping centres, library, Associatedegree College and high schools, the “Korzo” cinema, the “Lika” museum, which has an enviable collection of Dinaric traditional culture in its possession, the “Nikola Tesla” memorial centre, beautiful parks Jasikovac and Vujnovića Hill, as well as a very specific and archaic MEGA YACHTS city centre. The somewhat smaller city of Otočac also has everything that a little town needs, but despite that all, it’s obvious that Lika has a very fragile economical infrastructure, so maybe the best option is to turn to village tourism and eco-tourism, because the intact, wonderful nature is Lika’s biggest asset. Considering the fact that this area has been struggling with the issue of emigration for a long time, we must point out that moving in here would be an ideal solution for younger families who are prepared for a more peaceful life, but also for some smart investments. Lika is an area of special Government interest, so the Government helps by providing the construction material for free to anyone who decides to build residential houses in Lika. Part of the problem is the infrastructure, so young people have a habit of leaving Lika. It is well known that the people of Lika are warm-hearted and greet their tourists with a smile, but they are still quite suspicious towards potential foreign investors. Still, many see that as the only way out of today’s bad economical situation. Protection planning is existent and most towns have physical planning, as well as a rule that doesn’t allow construction that is less than 80 or 100 metres away from the river. The villages will still be empty or feature only several older people, because the young people who are finishing high schools or colleges are staying in bigger cities. Lika simply doesn’t have the economy that can give those young people All you have to know is what you want and we'll provide the absolute service ! GULETS PURE LUXURY Mobile: +385 95 808 33 22 Mobile II: +385 91 941 0916 | Telephone: +385 21 531 143 Vukovarska 45 | 21 000 Split | Croatia 23 Powered BY Cover st ory Lika ima golemi potencijal za rekreacijski, seoski, lovni, zdravstveni i ekoturizam / Lika represents truly great potential for recreational, village, hunting, health and ecological tourism a job and offer than the same conditions as larger cities. If it happens that foreign buyers really purchase a larger number of real estates in Lika, that could certainly provoke some positive results and bring some life into this passive area, and any type of investment would open a certain amount of jobs, which would be very useful for the local population. The Future of Investing Clean air, beautifully intact nature, as many as three national parks, a park of nature and the wonderful Gacka Valley – these are all areas that need to be protected and that need to provide constant and stable profit. Ivan and Ernest Petry from the “Velebit Real Es- 24 tate” agency say that the real estate prices, as well as parcel prices in Lika, much depend on location – the more beautiful nature gets, the prices are higher and those ownerships are sold in a more easier way. They also predict that the growth of prices won’t be getting dramatic or drastic just yet, but after Croatia enters the European Union, we could end up witnessing an enormous growth of prices, and they point out that Croatia will have to protect itself from an uncontrolled purchasing of real estates by foreign buyers. They point out that it’s easiest to sell village estates with older houses, which have the price of 20.000 – 35.000 euros, and they emphasize that these values are certainly not overrated when compared to the state of the market and the conditions that are present in other parts of Croatia at this period. Investing at this moment could be a very good move, they say, because the prices in some locations will even become two times more expensive over the next 5-10 years. Considering the beautiful, rich nature, Lika represents truly great potential for recreational, village, hunting, health and ecological tourism. The finalization of the Zagreb-Split Highway has made this region a lot closer to other parts of Croatia. By encouraging small businesses and helping development of infrastructure in undeveloped counties, Lika could really become a valuable tourist destination, but that will surely not happen over night. Realistically, any huge expansions on the real estate market are nothing but speculation. The people of Lika use high prices to protect their old village estates, but if we take a reasonable look at this whole situation, it turns out that Lika isn’t facing any big threats that impose the need for protection – foreigners are interested in something that Lika just doesn’t have, and local buyers are looking for less expensive “opportunities”, which could bring them some good profit when they sell these properties in the future. The whole real estate market in Lika is so full of paradox that it would be smarter to direct all our attention to a well organized, planned and encouraged development of the potential that Lika possesses, instead of creating chaos at the real estate market. 25 IVIÆ PAŠALIÆ: Izgradit æu i prvo pasivno naselje u Hrvatskoj D iplomirani doktor medicine, dugogodišnji političar s podjednakim uspjesima i padovima, a odnedavno i građevinski poduzetnik. Sve je to Ivić Pašalić. Nakon burnih događanja koja su ga zadesila tijekom političkog angažmana, izbacivanja iz jedne stranke i osnivanja druge, dr. Pašalić je ostao čvrsto na nogama. Danas je građevinski poduzetnik, i to ne bilo kakav. Gradi moderno, s pogledom prema budućnosti i potiče zanimanje za svoje projekte. U sjedištu svoje stranke objasnio nam je značenje niskoenergetskog naselja u Odri, prvoga hrvatskog naselja koje će štedjeti energiju, a riječima “u životu je uvijek pametno biti dva koraka ispred drugih” približio način osobnog razmišljanja. Medicinu ste odabrali kao zanimanje, zatim ušli u politiku, a sada se bavite sasvim drukčijom djelatnošću – građevinarstvom. Odakle takva “prekvalifikacija”? Moj glavni motiv za ulazak u građevinski biznis bilo je bavljenje poduzetništvom i želja da nešto zaradim. Kada mi je prestao zastupnički mandat, imao sam opciju uzeti zastupničku mirovinu ili raditi nešto drugo. Bilo me sram s 42 godine uzeti takvu mirovinu i odlučio sam pokrenuti vlastitu tvrtku. Jedna od ideja koje sam imao, bili su građevinski projekti, koji su se sada pokazali prilično uspješnima. Prateći medije posljednjih mjeseci, napisi poput “inovativno, moderno, štedljivo” odzvanjali su poput jeke. Kako ste uopće došli na ideju izgraditi prvo niskoenergetsko naselje u Hrvatskoj? Kada sam razmišljao o pokretanju posla, zaključio sam da bih trebao raditi nešto što ne rade svi. Budući da je na tržištu velika konkurencija, tražio sam tržišnu nišu koja nije popunjena i koja će pratiti trendove sukladno zakonima. Nekoliko sam godina proučavao ideje o štednji i energiji, savjetovao se sa stručnjacima i došao do ideje da izgradim niskoenergetsko naselje. Moj moto u ovom poslu postao je da sve što radim mora biti vrlo kvalitetno, stoga sam inzistirao na spajanju visoke razine kvalitete i štedljive gradnje u naselju obogaćenom kisikom. Ideja 26 Razgovarala: Martina Kocijan Foto: Kristina Faziniæ je bila napraviti dobar proizvod kojega na tržištu nema, a takav se projekt onda može puno lakše prodati. Kako je organizirano naselje Odranska zavrtnica? Naselje ima 40 kuća, svaka kuća ima osam do devet stanova u tri niza – istočni, središnji i zapadni. Ukupno 340 stanova, od kojih će njih 200 biti dovršeno do prosinca. Zapadni niz čine uglavnom dvoetažni stanovi. U naselje površine 40 tisuća četvornih metara uselit će se oko 1000 ljudi. Od toga je oko 30 tisuća kvadrata namijenjeno zelenim površinama. Zeleni krovovi, toplinska izolacija, kondenzacijske kotlovnice i zaštita od buke, na rijetkim su primjerima hrvatska realnost. Kako funkcionira ušteda energije? Ušteda energije postiže se smanjenom emisijom energije uz pomoć nove tehnologije kondenzacijskih bojlera, što u konačnici omogućuje smanjenje potrošnje plina za 55 posto. Izolacija od 10 cm stiropora postavljena je na vanjskoj fasadi, a 5 cm stiropora dodano je na stubištu, što omogućuje zadržavanje sunčeve energije koja dolazi preko zelenih krovova. Tijekom testova se pokazalo da temperatura u zgradama, bez dodatnog hlađenja, ne prelazi 22 Celzijeva stupnja. Glavni trošak su plin i struja koji se koriste za grijanje i hlađenje stanova, dok će ukupne režije biti upola manje od troškova konvencionalnih stanova. Hoće li vaše zgrade imati energetske iskaznice? Stručnjaci će već ovoga tjedna termodinamičnim kamerama izmjeriti kvalitetu izrade kako bi zgrade dobile tzv. energetske certifikate. Naime, želimo se uvjeriti da projekt doista štedi energiju i kupcima predati dokaz o tome što i kako funkcionira u njihovim stanovima. Koje će popratne sadržaje naselje imati? Odranska zavrtnica bit će naselje otvorenog tipa, koje živi i komunicira s okolinom, dok će sadržaji naselja biti na raspolaganju okolnim stanovnicima. U naselju će se izgraditi trgovina, nekoliko kafića, restoran, kiosci, cvjećarnica, ured pošte, banka, dva vrtića i dva manja par- Interview Zeleni travnati krovovi bit će na raspolaganju stanarima / Tenants will use green grass roofs ka. Također, zelene će krovove moći koristiti stanari na zadnjim katovima kao jedan dodatni prostor. Ispočetka smo na krovovima željeli napraviti šetnicu i manje golfigralište, no odustali smo zbog sigurnosnih razloga. Hoće li ljudima biti primamljivije živjeti u stanovima koji štede energiju? Život će nas natjerati da se orijentiramo prema uštedi energije jer će ona s vremenom postajati sve skuplja. Svatko računa svoje troškove i svima je u interesu ušteda. Kako nitko nema novca za bacanje, bez ulaženja u velike matematičke izračune, troškovi će nas sve natjerati da se prilagodimo štedljivom načinu života. Je li moguće promijeniti mentalitet ljudi koji su navikli na uobičajen način gradnje i stanovanja? Ljudi se u svome mentalitetu najlakše mijenjaju kada osjete udar po vlastitu džepu. Bez nekog velikog obrazovanja ili razmišljanja o visokim idealima zaštite okoliša i efektu staklenika, ljudi su najosjetljiviji na vlastite troškove. Kada shvate koliko mogu uštedjeti i izračunaju da dio rate kredita mogu pokriti uštedom na režijama, priklonit će se štedljivoj gradnji. Samo je manji dio populacije osviješten o štedljivoj vrsti gradnje i važnosti smanjenja fosilnih goriva, doprinosu ljepšem okolišu ili smanjenju ozonskih rupa. Najavili ste kako će interijer vaših stanova krasiti najkvalitetnija drvenarija i kupaonička oprema, protuprovalna vrata, videoportafon te priključci za ADSL internet i kabelsku TV. Sve to za samo 1800 eura po četvornome metru ili će cijena ipak biti nešto viša? Cijene stanova kreću se od 1750 do 1840 eura po četvornome metru. S prodajom smo počeli prije dva tjedna, do sada smo prodali 60 stanova i nemamo razloga dizati cijenu. Međutim, u Hrvatskoj se cijene uvijek korigiraju krajem godine, stoga ćemo i mi obaviti korekciju za zgrade koje će biti dovršene 2008. godine. Zašto ste izabrali baš Odru kao lokaciju svog projekta? Odra mi se prije godinu dana činila lokacijom čija će vrijednost tek doći i ta se procjena pokazala ispravnom. Samo cijena zemljišta povećala se za više od 50 posto. Daljnjom izgradnjom prometnica, posebice autoceste Zagreb-Sisak, lokacija će dobiti još veću vrijednost. Bit će za 15 minuta povezana sa svim važnim dijelovima grada i samo nekoliko minuta udaljena od izlaza na autocestu. Po čemu se vaši stanovi razlikuju od drugih stanova u Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj, a koje su im sličnosti? Nastojimo graditi kao da radimo vlastitu kuću. U mom naselju nema nijednog elementa koji ne bih ugradio i u svoju kuću ili stan. Upravo to primjećuju svi koji dolaze pogledati naselje. Poštujemo činjenicu da ljudi plaćaju kredit cijeli život, stoga im ne želimo podvaliti nešto što ne bismo ugradili i sebi u vlastitom domu. Usudio bih se reći da je tu razlika između mene i drugih investitora. Hoće li izgradnjom tzv. Bandićevih stanova, njih oko 7400, grad Zagreb uspjeti u namjeri da padne cijena kvadrata na tržištu? Kako uopće sniziti cijenu četvornog metra? Budući da cijenu diktira tržište, investitor ima pravo odrediti onu koju želi. Kako se stanovi ne prodaju silom, rasprave o cijenama, odnosno je li nešto premalo ili previše, nepotrebne su. Tržište na kojem se gleda odnos ponude 27 Interview Odranska zavrtnica je prvo hrvatsko niskoenergetsko naselje / Odranska zavrtnica is the first Croatian low energy consumption settlement i potražnje jedini je regulator cijene. Vjerujem da će oni investitori kod kojih će omjer cijene i kvalitete biti nerazuman, propasti. Povećanje gradnje stanova je dobro, no to ne znači nužno da će cijena kvadrata na tržištu pasti, ono što je kvalitetno držat će razinu cijene. Što mislite općenito o gradnji stanova u Hrvatskoj? Bi li se išta moglo poboljšati? Potrebno je standardizirati kvalitetu, pojačati nadzor i, najvažnije, ugrađivati u zakonska rješenja norme kvalitete, osobito kod niskoenergetske gradnje. Također, država bi investitorima trebala olakšati dobivanje potrebne dokumentacije i skratiti razdoblje čekanja na dozvole. Poznat nam je vaš projekt u istarskom Paradižu. Od štedljivog naselja u Odri, s jeftinom kvadraturom, okrenuli ste se gradnji kamenih vila za bogataše. Je li razlog kompenzacija financija? To su dva potpuna različita projekta, a oba ciljaju prema srednjoj klasi. Ni projekt Paradiž nije pretjerano skup jer je cijena četvornog metra tek nešto viša od kvadrata u Odri, oko 2000 eura. Projekt čini 25 kamenih vila i sve su prodane, najvećim dijelom strancima, među kojima, pak, ima najviše Engleza. Iako zarada nije onakva kakvu smo očekivali, važno je da se kuće sviđaju kupcima i da odgovaraju okolini. Kako su zamišljene istarske vile? Građene su tako da slijede autohtonost istarskih kamenih kuća, a modernizirane su bazenima i klimom. Fasada, unutrašnjost kuća i ograde su kamene, dok je interijer tipično starinskog ugođaja, oplemenjen starim ciglama i drvenim gredama. Ljudi vole upravo tu osobinu autohtnosti. 28 Živite burnim životom. Pripisivali su vam političke afere, bacali bombe na vašu kuću i sumnjičili vaše graditeljske projekte. Vrijedi li za vaš život i rad poslovica “gdje ima dima, ima i vatre”? Ako mislite na burnost, onda da. Politika mi je i dalje glavni izazov, a poduzetništvom se bavim kako bih obitelji osigurao egzistenciju i bavio se politikom razmišljajući svojom glavom. Nikad sebi više neću dopustiti da živim od politike, kao što to radi većina hrvatskih političara. Moj motiv bavljenja poduzetništvom je da u politici mogu reći što mislim bez straha. Nakon sedam godina provedenih u oporbi, moji su politički “prijatelji” već odavno mogli, da je ima, iz dima iščeprkali neku žeravicu. Ovako šute, jer nemaju što dokazati. Hoćete li i dalje raditi projekte slične projektu Odranska zavrtnica? Postoji li mogućnost gradnje, primjerice, prvog ekološkog nebodera u Hrvatskoj? Moj idući projekt bit će stepenicu više od dosadašnjeg, odnosno zgrada s osam stanova po modelu pasivne kuće. Gradit ćemo je u zapadnom dijelu Odranskog naselja. Inače, pasivna kuća je objekt u kojem se toplina postiže korištenjem sunčeve energije, troši malu količinu energije i razvijeniji je oblik niskoenergetske gradnje. Osobno smatram da su budućnost građevinarstva projekti koji će uvelike štedjeti energiju. Naravno, pasivno ćemo naselje graditi pokaže li se projekt niskoenergetske gradnje uspješnim, a sudeći prema prodaji niskoenergetskih stanova, gradnja pasivne zgrade mogla bi početi vrlo brzo. Iako je štedljiva gradnja u startu skuplja, ona je dugoročno stabilnija i sigurnija. Što se tiče nebodera, ja sam još uvijek mali poduzetnik, a moje su zgrade do visine drugoga kata i za sada nemam dovoljno iskustva i hrabrosti za više katova. IVIÆ PAŠALIÆ: I Will Build the First Passive Settlement in Croatia Interviewed by: Martina Kocijan Photo: Kristina Faziniæ G raduated medicine doctor, long-time politician with equal ups and downs, and now also a construction businessman. Ivić Pašalić is all that. After the stormy events that struck him during his political career, including getting kicked out of one party and forming another, dr. Pašalić is still firmly on his feet. Today he is a construction businessman, and not just any businessman. He builds in a modern way, looking towards the future and encouraging a lot of interest in his projects. While in the headquarters of his party, he explained us the meaning of the low-energy settlement in Odra, which is the first Croatian settlement that will be saving energy, and with the words “it’s always a good idea to be two steps ahead of the others in life”, he presented us his own personal way of thinking. You chose medicine as your profession, then you entered politics, and now you’re in a completely different profession – construction business. What caused these changes of profession? My main motivation for entering the construction business was to be a businessman and try to make some money. When my term as the member of Parliament ended, I had an option to take the Parliament pension or to try myself in something new. I was too embarrassed to take such a pension at 42 years of age, so I decided to start my own business. Construction business was one of the ideas I had, and so far it has worked out well. For those who followed the media over the last few months, terms such as “innovative, modern, economical” were ringing out like an echo. How did you come to the idea of building the first low-energy settlement in Croatia? When I was thinking about starting a business, I came to the conclusion that I should be doing something that not everyone does. Because the market is crowded with competition, I was looking for a market sector that isn’t filled and that will follow the trends, in line with the law. I spent a few years studying ideas about energy saving, I consulted some experts and came to the idea of building a low-energy settlement. My motto in this business consists of making sure that everything I do must be of high quality, so I insisted on connecting a high level of quality and economical building in a settlement rich with oxygen. The idea was to build a good product that isn’t present on the market, and that makes selling that project much easier. How is the Odranska Zavrtnica settlement organized? The settlement has 40 houses, with every house having eight to nine apartments in three lines – eastern, central and western. That is 340 apartments in total, 200 of which will be finished by December. The western line consists mostly of two-storey apartments. The settlement covers about 40.000 square metres, and about 1000 people will move in. About 30.000 square metres is reserved for green surfaces. Green roofs, heat insulation, condensed boiler rooms and noise protection – these are not very common in Croatian reality. How does the energy saving function? The energy saving is achieved by reducing the energy emission with the help of new technology of condensed boilers, which results in the reduction of gas consumption of 55%. Insulation achieved with 10 cm of styropor is attached to the outside façade, and 5 cm of styropor is added to the staircase, which enables the containment 29 of sun energy that comes from the green roofs, The tests indicated that the temperature in buildings, without any extra-cooling, does not go over 22 degrees Celsius. The majority of expenses goes to the gas and electricity that are used for heating and cooling the apartments, while the overhead expenses will be about as half as big as they are in conventional apartments. Will your buildings have energy cards? This very week, the experts will use thermodynamic cameras to measure the production quality, so the buildings could receive the-so-called energy certificates. That is because we want to ensure ourselves that this project really saves energy and then present the buyers with evidence about what functions in their apartments, and in which way. Which accompanying facilities will this settlement have? Odranska Zavrtnica will be an open-type settlement, which lives and communicates with its surrounding, while the settlement facilities will be available to neighbouring tenants as well. The settlement will feature a store, several coffee shops, restaurant, newsstands, florist’s shop, post office, bank, two kindergartens and two smaller parks. Also, upper-floor tenants will be able to use green roofs as an extra-space. At first, we were planning to build a walking path and a smaller golf course on the roofs, but we gave up the idea because of safety concerns. Will people be more tempted to live in apartments that 30 save up energy? Life will force us to orient ourselves towards energy saving because the energy will eventually keep getting more and more expensive. Everybody keeps track of his or her expenses and everybody wants to save money. Being that nobody has enough money to throw it around, without getting into some complicated mathematical calculations, expenses will make all of us to adjust to a more economical way of life. Is it possible to change the mentality of the people who are used to the usual way of building and living? People’s mentalities have the easiest way of changing when they feel the impact on their own pockets. Without any great education or thinking about some high ideals of environmental protection and greenhouse effects, people are at their most sensitive when it comes to their expenses. When they realize how much money they can actually save and when they figure out that they can pay a part of the credit instalment by saving some money on overhead expenses, they will warm up to economical building. Only a smaller section of the population is conscientious about economical type of building or the importance of reducing fossil fuels, contributing to a prettier environment or reducing the ozone holes. You announced that your apartments’ interiors would be embellished by top-quality joinery and bathroom equipment, anti-burglary doors, video-port phone, as well as at- Troškovi stanovanja u Pašalićevim zgradama trebali bi biti upola manji negoli je uobičajeno / Living expenses in Pašalić’s buildings should be half the price of those in “regular” buildings tachments to ADSL Internet and cable TV. All that for 1800 euros per m2 or will the price be getting a little bigger? The prices of apartments are moving in the 1750-1840 euros/m2 ranges. We started selling them two weeks ago and we have managed to sell 60 apartments so far, so there is no reason to make the prices higher. However, prices in Croatia are always corrected by the year’s end, so we will perform a correction for those buildings that will be finished in 2008. U Odranskoj zavrtnici gradit će se i pasivna zgrada / Passive building will be built in part of Odranska zavrtnica Why did you choose Odra as the location for your project? About a year ago, I thought Odra was a location with a value that will keep rising, and that call turned out to be right. The price of land has increased by as much as 50%. Along with further construction of traffic connections, especially the Zagreb-Sisak Highway, the location will gain even more value. It will be 15 minutes away from every important part of the town and 5 minutes away from the highway exit. What makes your apartments different from other apartments in Zagreb and Croatia, and what are the similarities? We’re trying to build as if it’s our own house we’re dealing with. There is not one element in my settlement that I wouldn’t build into my own house or apartment. That is precisely what everyone notices when they stop by to look at the settlement. We respect the fact that people are paying their credits for their entire lives, and we don’t want to plant them something that we wouldn’t build into our own homes. If I dare to say, that’s the biggest difference between me and other investors. Do you think that, by building 7400 Bandić’s apartments, the city of Zagreb will succeed in lowering the price of the square metre on the market? How should we go about 31 Odranska zavrtnica bit će naselje otvorenog tipa / Odranska zavrtnica will be an “open type” quarter lowering the price of the square metre? Because the prices are being dictated by the market, the investor has every right to announce the price of his choice. You can’t force an apartment sale on somebody, so any discussions about prices, whether they are too big or too small, are unnecessary. The market, featuring the offering/demand relation, is the only regulator of prices. I do believe that those investors, whose prices are in disproportion to the quality of their projects, will go down. Building more apartments is good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that that the price of the square metre will go down; quality products will maintain the level of prices. What do you generally think about residential building in Croatia? Do you see any room for improvement? It’s necessary to standardize quality, make the supervision stronger, and most importantly, start installing standards of quality into legal regulations, especially when it comes to low-energy building. Also, the Government should make it easier for investors to gain the necessary documentation, and the period of waiting for various licences should be shortened. We are familiar with your project in Paradiž in Istria. From an economical settlement in Odra, with non-expensive square metres, you turn to building stone villas for rich people. Is it because of finance compensation? Those are two completely different projects, and they both aim towards the middle class. Project Paradiž isn’t really that expensive because the price of a square metre is just slightly higher than the one in Odra, around 2000 euros. The project consists of 25 stone villas and they are all sold, mostly to foreigners, the majority of which are English. Although the profit was not what we expected, it’s important that the houses appeal to the buyers and that they suit the environment. What were those Istrian villas designed like? They were built by trying to emulate autochthon Istrian stone houses, while being modernized with swimming pools and air-conditioning. The façade, house interior 32 and fences are made of stone, while the interior is typically archaic, ennobled with old bricks and wooden timbers. People like that precise autochthon spirit. You lead a very stormy life. You were accused of political affairs, your house was bombed and your construction projects were viewed suspiciously. Can your life and work be connected to that old saying that “where there is smoke, there is fire”? If you relate that to my stormy life, then yes. Politics is still my main challenge, and I started this business to secure existence for my family and to make sure I can use my own head while in politics. I will never let myself be involved in politics for a living, as do most of Croatian politicians. My motive for being a businessman is to be able to say anything in my political career without any fear. After seven years I spent in opposition, my political “friends” had every chance to dig out an ember or two, if there was anything there. Now they are being quiet, because there is nothing they can prove. Will you still be doing projects similar to Odranska Zavrtnica? Is there a chance for the construction of, say, the first ecological skyscraper in Croatia? My next project will be a step up from the previous one, and that is a building with eight apartments designed after a “passive house” model. We will build it in the western part of the Odra settlement. The passive house is an object where heat is produced by using the solar energy; it consummates a very small amount of energy and is a more developed type of low-energy construction. I personally think that the future of civil engineering lies in projects that will save a great deal of energy. Naturally, we will build a passive settlement if this low-energy construction project proves to be a success, and judging by the sales of lowenergy apartments, construction of the passive building could get started very quickly. Although our economical building is more expensive at first, it is much more stable and secure in the long run. As far as skyscrapers go, I am still a small businessman and my buildings only reach the second floor, so I don’t have the courage or the experience for some more floors just yet. Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ Report TREĆI MEĐUNARODNI ROTTERDAMSKI ARHITEKTONSKI BIJENALE Nova snaga svjetske arhitekture Rotterdam je glavni grad arhitekture u 2007. godini, i to arhitekture sljedeće generacije. Organizatori ovogodišnjega Bijenala odlučili su, naime, uposliti uglavnom mlade domaće i međunarodne snage postavivši pred njih velik izazov redizajniranja modernih urbanih sredina, s obzirom na vrtoglave transformacije koje se kontrolirano ili nekontrolirano događaju svjetskim metropolama N izozemska arhitektura je jedna od najboljih i najinventivnijih na svijetu, te su vodeći stručnjaci s tog područja prije četiri godine formalizirali Nizozemsku kao zemlju arhitekture, započevši Međunarodni rotterdamski bijenale arhitekture. Treće po redu izdanje Bijenala otvoreno je krajem svibnja te, uz glavne i brojne popratne programe, traje sve do rujna. Neka su događanja počela znatno ranije, a u Rotterdamu će se “nešto” vezano uz arhitekturu događati sve do kraja godine. Ukratko, Rotterdam je glavni grad arhitekture u 2007. godini. I to, što je još zanimljivije, arhitekture 34 sljedeće generacije, jer su organizatori odlučili uposliti mlade domaće i međunarodne snage postavivši pred njih velik izazov. Naši lokalpatrioti imaju zbog čega biti ponosni: jedan od glavnih kustosa ovogodišnjeg Bijenala je Vedran Mimica, prodekan prestižnog Instituta Berlage, koji je sa suradnicima odabrao i postavio niz izložbi, konferencija i debata na osnovnoj platformi 3. rotterdamskog arhitektonskog summita. A ta je “Moć – stvaranje modernoga grada”, pogled unaprijed prema vrtoglavo brzim transformacijama kojima su izložene svjetske metropole (većina od njih, Caracas - jedan od megapolisa kojima se događa prebrza transformacija / Caracas – megapolis undergoing too fast transformation Maashaven, Rotterdam I New York se može redizajnirati / Even New York can be reinvented dakako, nije spremna na tu transformaciju). Pod tom su se osnovnom misli okupili tako raznorodni projekti, kao što su ideje i strategije mladih domaćih arhitekata za “Novi nizozemski grad”, odnosno redizajn Randstada (konurbacije Amsterdama, Rotterdama, Utrechta i Haaga), razvoj socijalno depriviranih dijelova brazilskog megapolisa Sao Paula, predstavljanje Dubaija kao prototipa grada za 21. stoljeće, redizajniranje Tirane... Mladi arhitekti širom svijeta dobili su zadatak odabrati neku urbanu sredinu u kojoj se moć transformacije jako osjeća i kreirati arhitektonsku strategiju kojom bi se pospješili pozitivni ili ublažili negativni procesi rapidne urbanizacije. Od stotinu projekata, odabrano je njih 14 koji su predstavljeni u okviru projekta “Visionary Power”. Tako su gradovi podijeljeni u kategorije “korporativni” (kao jedan od njih predstavljen je južnokorejski Busan koji arhitektonska radionica Inaba vidi kao jedan od prvih ekogradova na svijetu), zatim “spektakularni” gradovi, među koje je uvrštena Havana, s prijedlogom rješenja za rasterećenje povijesnog središta Havane izgradnjom umjetnoga otoka u zaljevu na koji bi se premjestio dio turističke navale. Pod nazivom “glavni gradovi” kriju se projekti nekoliko metropola, a možda je najzanimljivija ideja oživljavanja novog “umjetnog” kazaškoga glavnoga grada Astane. “Skriveni gradovi”, pak, kriju kreacije u Johannesburgu i španjolskoj Ceuti, koje ciljaju na integraciju rasno i socijalno odvojenih sredina, a socijalni, relativno jednostavan i vrlo domišljat projekt izgradnje velikih tankova za vodu u Sao Paulu, koji je i nagrađen u prvim danima Bijenala, pripao je u red “neformalnih gradova”. Nagrađenu ideju potpisuju MMBB Arquitectos. U okviru projekta “Master Class”, kojim su lokalna uprava i zajednica, u suradnji s organizatorima Bijenala, odlučili izmijeniti vizuru i atmosferu kvarta Rotterdam Zuid (Jug), studenti iz cijelog svijeta dobili su zadatak dizajnirati dovoljno moćnu građevinu koja će imati upravo takav efekt. Nagradu su dobili studenti pekinškog sveučilišta Tsinghua svojom prenamjenom staroga žitnog silosa u multifunkcijski centar okupljanja. Projekt pod imenom “New from Old” osvojio je žiri Bijenala na čelu s Vedranom Mimicom. Središnja zbivanja Bijenala odvijaju se, kao i svake go- 35 Sao Paulo MMBB Arquitectos primaju nagradu / MMBB Arquitectos receiving their award Nizozemske kuće-kubusi / Dutch cube houses Vedran Mimica, prodekan Instituta Berlage / Vedran Mimica, assistan dean of Berlage Institute dine, u Kunsthalu, arhitektonskome remek-djelu Rema Koolhaasa, čija je radionica OMA jedan od najaktivnijih aktera ovogodišnjeg okupljanja. Radovi na temu “Bolji svijet – druga snaga”, posvećeni u cijelosti socijalnom aspektu življenja, predstavljeni su kao dio glavnog programa Bijenala u Nacionalnom institutu za arhitekturu (NAI), a mnoštvo je popratnih predavanja i manjih događanja koja će pratiti osnovni program. Ono što se nipošto ne smije propustiti u Rotterdamu tijekom “godine arhitekture” jest velika retrospektiva Le Corbusierova rada, također smještena u NAI-ju, uz suorganizaciju fondacije Le Corbusier, Vitrina Muzeja dizajna i RIBA-e, na kojoj je veliki majstor predstavljen ne samo kroz svoj rad arhitekta nego i kao slikar, skulptor i fotograf. Tijekom proteklih mjeseci u Rotterdamu se i na niz drugih načina slavila arhitektura: šest najpoznatijih svjetskih dizajnera rasvjete sudjelovalo je u radionicama Europskog udruženja dizajnera rasvjete (ELDA) te su neobičnom rasvjetom uljepšali grad. Hortikulturni dizajner Adriaan Geuze svojom je cvjetnom skulpturom nazvanom “City on fire/ City in bloom” (koja se sastoji od 64.000 cvjetova) prizvao vrijeme bombardiranja u Drugom svjetskom ratu, kojim je Rotterdam teško devastiran, te ga povezao s poslijeratnim razvitkom grada, a tijekom srpnja tunel Maas postat će, zahvaljujući mašti dizajnera Daana Roosegaarda, interaktivno umjetničko djelo, prekriveno senzorima, povezano elektroničkim napravama i softverom koji reagira na zvukove i pokrete ljudi i vozila. HRVATSKI SVJETIONICI U MRAKU Zahvaljujući ponajviše zauzimanju Vedrana Mimice, prodekana Instituta Berlage, prije godinu dana pokrenut je projekt “Novi svjetionici hrvatskog Jadrana”, u okviru kojega je sedam skupina hrvatskih arhitekata za sedam lokacija na našoj obali pokušalo pronaći koncept održivog razvoja kroz cjelovitu arhitektonsku i socijalnu strategiju. Projekt je potpomoglo nizozemsko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova. Godinu dana nakon početka projekta, u Rotterdamu se, u sklopu sekcije Mare Nostrum, govorilo o tome dokle su pojedini projekti došli, a rezultati ne služe na čast Hrvatskoj, odnosno većini sredina u koje se pokušavaju integrirati nova rješenja na tragu gesla “Mediteran kakav bi mogao biti”. Domaći arhitekti (Randić-Turato, Studio 36 3LHD, Platforma 981, Studio UP, Architekten Cie, Produkcija 004 i Ante Kuzmanić) susreli su se s nizom problema u pokušajima realizacije projekata, od nepostojanja zanimanja lokalnih vlasti do vlasničkih odnosa i privatnih interesa koji su nadjačali javni. Zbog takve je konstelacije snaga studio Randić-Turato kompletno odustao od svog projekta u Omišlju, a od svih se prošle godine započetih ideja “dobro” drže jedino projekt 3LHD-a u Dubrovniku te Sveučilišni kampus u Zadru koji potpisuju Architekten Cie. Predstavljanje projekta “Novi svjetionici hrvatskog Jadrana” tako je i u Rotterdamu pokazalo boljke tranzicijskih zemalja, koje se, upravo ovim sponzoriranim projektom, željelo bar malo zaliječiti. Rotterdamski most Erasmus / Rotterdam Erasmus bridge Report THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE ROTTERDAM The New Strength of World Architecture Rotterdam is the capital of architecture in 2007, and by that we mean the architecture of the next generation. The organisers of this year’s Biennale have decided to employ mainly young local and international architects by presenting them with a great challenge of redesigning modern urban centres, considering all the staggering transformations that are, under more or Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ less control, taking place in many world’s capitals D utch architecture is one of the best and most inventive in the world, and the leading experts from that field have formalized Holland as the country of architecture four years ago, by starting the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. The third edition of Biennale was opened at the end of May and, featuring the main programmes and many accompanying ones, will be going all the way until September. Some of the events have started much earlier, and Rotterdam will witness “things” connected with architecture until the end of the year. In short, Rotterdam is the capital of architecture in 2007. And to make it even more interesting, we are talking about the architecture of the next generation, because the organizers have decided to employ young local and international architects by presenting them with a great challenge. Our local-patriots have every reason to be proud: one of the chief curators of this year’s Biennale is Vedran Mimica, assistant dean of the prestigious Berlage Institute. He has, along with his associates, chosen and set out many exhibitions, conferences and debates based on the primary platform of the third architectural summit in Rotterdam. And that platform is “Power- Creating a Modern City”, a look ahead towards the rapid transformations that are happening in world’s capitals (naturally, most of them aren’t ready for those transformations). That basic idea has resulted in many different types of projects, such as the ideas and strategies of young local architects for a “New Dutch City”, featuring the redesigning of Randstad (a conurbation of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Haag), developing the socially deprived parts of the Brazilian mega-polis Sao Paulo, presenting Dubai as the prototype of the 21st century city, redesigning Tirana… Young architects all across the world have received an assignment to choose an urban centre where the power of transformation is very evident, and then create an architectural strategy to accelerate the positive aspects and bring down negative processes of rapid urbanization. Fourteen projects were chosen among one hundred candidates, and they were presented within the “Visionary Power” project. As a result of that, cities were divided into following categories: “corporate cities” (one of the presented ones was Busan from South Korea, which has been perceived by the “Inaba” architectural workshop as one of the first eco-cities in the 37 MMBB Arquitectos olakšali bi svojom idejom život stanovnicima Sao Paula / MMBB Arquitectos would make life easier for Sao Paulo residents with their idea world), “spectacular cities” highlighted by the presence of Havana, with a proposed solution to unburden the historical centre of Havana by building an artificial island in the bay that would take over a part of the tourist rush. The “capital cities” name is where we find projects of several capitals, and perhaps the most interesting idea is the project to revive the new “artificial” capital of Kazakhstan called Astana. “Hidden cities” hide the creations of Johannesburg and Ceuta from Spain, which aim at the integration of racially and socially separated centres, while the social, relatively simple and very inventive project of building large water tanks in Sao Paulo, which was also awarded during the first days of Biennale, goes into the line of “informal cities”. MMBB Arquitectos designed the awarded idea. Within the “Master Class” project, in which the local administration and community cooperated with the organizers of Biennale in order to make changes in the appearance and the atmosphere in the part of Rotterdam called Rotterdam Zuid (South), students from all over the world have received an assignment to design a building with enough power to accomplish that precise effect. The award went to the students of the 38 Tsinghua University in Beijing, who came up with the idea to convert an old grain elevator into a multifunctional gathering centre. The project was named “New from Old”, and it won over the Biennale jury led by Vedran Mimica. The central happenings of the Biennale take place, just like every year, at Kunsthal, the architectural masterpiece by Rem Koolhaas, whose OMA workshop is one of the most active participants of this year’s gathering. The works based on the idea “A Better World – the Other Strength” were completely dedicated to the social aspect of living. They were presented as part of the main Biennale programme at the National Architecture Institute (NAI), and there are many accompanying lectures and smaller events that will follow this primary programme. The one thing you simply cannot afford to miss during this “architectural year” in Rotterdam is a large retrospective of Le Corbusiere’s work, also taking place at the NAI, jointly organized by the Le Corbusier Foundation, the Vitra Design Museum and the RIBA, featuring not only aspects of the great master’s work as an architect, but also as a painter, sculptor and photographer. Architecture was being celebrated during the past few months in Rotterdam in many other ways: six of the most famous lighting designers of the world participated in the Slaghek, Rotterdam Report Caracas workshops organized by the European Lighting Design Association (ELDA), and they used unusual ways of illumination to make the city prettier. Horticultural designer Adriaan Geuze has designed a floral sculpture called “City on Fire/ City in Bloom” (which consists of 64.000 flowers) to recall the bombings period of World War II, during which Rotterdam was severely demolished, and has connected it to the after-war development of the city. And thanks to the designer Daan Roosegaard’s imagination, the Maas Tunnel will become an interactive work of art this July; it will be covered in sensors, connected with electronic devices and software that reacts at sounds and movement by people and vehicles. CROATIAN LIGHTHOUSES IN THE DARK Mostly thanks to the engagement of Vedran Mimica, assistant dean of the Berlage Institute, a project called “New Lighthouses of the Croatian Adriatic” was started a year ago, featuring seven groups of Croatian architects trying to find concepts of maintainable development for seven locations on our coast, by using complete architectural and social strategy. The project was actively encouraged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Holland. One year after the project was started, within the Mare Nostrum section, there was a lot of talk in Rotterdam regarding the reached stages of those projects, and the results are not something that nor Croatia, nor the majority of those areas that tried to adapt new solutions based on the “The Mediterranean as it could be” motto, can be proud of. Local architects (Randić-Turato, Studio 3LHD, Platform 981, Studio UP, Architekten Cie, Production 004 and Ante Kuzmanić) have encountered all kinds of problems when attempting to go ahead with their projects, starting with the non-existent interest of the local authorities, to the ownership issues and private interests that come before the public ones. That sort of balance of power was the reason that Randić-Turato Studio completely abandoned their project in Omišalj, and out of all those ideas that were conceived last year, the only ones that are doing well are the 3LHD project in Dubrovnik and the University campus in Zadar, designed by Architekten Cie. Presentation of the “New Lighthouses of the Croatian Adriatic” project in Rotterdam has once again demonstrated the struggles of transitional countries; the struggles that were meant to be at least a little diminished with this sponsored project. 39 Foto: Robert Leš Invest icije Hotel ima pogled na Pjacu, Arsenal, luku i katedralu sv Stjepana / Hotel has a view over the Pjaca, Arsenal, port and St. Stephen’s cathedral Hotel Adriana novi je ponos turizma na najsunčanijem hrvatskom otoku Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ Hvarska terapija s daškom dizajna Adrianin wellness centar je opremljen grijanim natkrivenim bazenom s morskom vodom, koji će raditi tijekom cijele godine, te nudi niz standardnih i inovativnih programa za osvježavanje duha i tijela – masaže, aromaterapije, hidroterapije, parne kupelji, istezanja, jogu, sve, dakako, uz pratnju stručnog osoblja N ovouređeni hvarski hotel Adriana, u suvlasništvu luksemburške grupacije ORCO, svoja je vrata prvim gostima otvorio 6. lipnja, u danima Hrvatskoga radijskog festivala. Službenim imenom Adriana, Hvar marina hotel & spa, ovaj je visokokategornik s četiri zvjezdice jedini hrvatski predstavnik u prestižnoj grupaciji Leading Small Hotels of the World, 40 iako sa svojih 50 de luxe soba, devet apartmana, Val Marina restoranom i barom na hotelskoj terasi, luksuznim koktel barom The Top na vrhu zgrade i nizom drugih popratnih sadržaja, orijentiranih ponajviše na wellness turizam, po hrvatskim mjerilima i nije mali hotelski objekt. Renoviranje hotela na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija u gradu – s pogledom na katedralu sv. Stjepana, Arsenal, Vanjski izgled hotela samo je osvježen / The exterior of the hotel was just “refreshed” Interijeri obiluju staklenim plohama / Glass surfaces were abundantly used in interior Pjacu i hvarsku luku – trajalo je gotovo godinu dana, a konačni je vanjski izgled objekta ostao u potpunosti isti – samo osvježen, uz maksimalno poštovanje uklapanja postojeće zgrade u okoliš te obnovu kamenog pročelja. Nova je Adriana opremljena i nekim ekološkim rješenjima: sunčeva energija preko solarnih ćelija grije morsku vodu u natkrivenom bazenu, a instalacijska jedinica za klimatizaciju za hlađenje koristi morsku vodu. Kao i u slučaju “starijeg brata”, hotela Riva, unutarnje uređenje hotela potpisuje britanski arhitektonski studio Jestico+Whiles. Elegantni i pročišćeni interijeri Adriane, karakteristični i za Rivu, potvrđuju da je riječ o istome autorskom rukopisu, a dominantne boje unutrašnjosti hotela su posljednjih sezona vrlo šik boja patlidžana, vanilije, pistacije te čokolade, uz korištenje puno staklenih i transparentnih površina te prirodnih materijala. – U obogaćivanju interijera koristili smo namještaj Moroso (primjerice, Ron Aradovu seriju fotelja “Victoria&Albert”, op.n.), Ligne Roset, Emeco, Espacio, HB Furniture, ali i čitav niz unikatnih komada koje je naš studio dizajnirao te su izrađeni po mjeri upravo za potrebe hotela, dok je za rasvjetu bila zadužena tvrtka Metalarte Lighting. Za vanjske prostore jedan je dio također autorski rad Jestico+Whilesa, a ostatak je Dedon, Berga Form, Sutherland Teak, Pierantonio Bonacina... – otkrili su arhitekti Jestico+Whilesa gostujući u Hvaru tijekom službenoga otvaranja Adriane 30. lipnja. Uz njih, još su dva velika arhitekta sudjelovala na veli- 41 U uređenju soba korištene su moderne boje / Modern colours are used in rooms decoration Dominiraju prirodni materijali / Natural materials dominate U luksuznom apartmanu svoje je mjesto našla i stolica Vernera Pantona / Verner Panton chair found its place in the luxury apartment Stolica Rona Arada iz serije “Victoria&Albert” / Ron Arad’s chair from the “Victoria&Albert” series kom Adrianinu happeningu, potvrđujući time želju menadžmenta da hotele Sunčanog Hvara pretvori u stylish utočišta za estete: zajedno s predsjednikom uprave grupacije ORCO Jean-Francoisom Ottom, konferenciju za novinare održali su Daniel Liebeskind, koji je već odradio nekoliko projekata za ORCO te nedavno u Zagrebu gostovao kao glavni projektant još neimenovanog ORCO-ova zagrebačkog građevinskog projekta, te Hani Rashid, brat poznatijega dizajnera Karima Rashida, suvlasnik cijenjenog američkog studija Asymptote i profesor arhitekture na sveučilištu Columbia. No, ono što je forte Adriane jest težnja menadžmenta tvrtke Sunčani Hvar da sadržajima koji su do sada nedostajali ovoj, sada već po svjetskim mjerilima elitnoj destinaciji, produži turističku sezonu na cijelu godinu. Rješenje je, dakako, wellness turizam. Adrianin Sensorí Spa, wellness kompleks koji se prostire na četiri kata i čak 1400 četvornih metara, prvi je u nizu sličnih koje ORCO Property Group namjerava implementirati ne samo u hotelima Sunčanoga Hvara nego i u turističkim 42 objektima u drugim državama. Tvrtka je prve Sensorí Spa centre odlučila otvoriti u hotelima Sunčanog Hvara jer je Hvar još iz antičkih vremena poznat po ljekovitim učincima svoga čistog zraka i mora, a nakon Adriane, Sensorí centre dobit će već tijekom ovoga ljeta kupalište Bonj, a u 2008. i hotel Amfora. Adrianin wellness centar opremljen je grijanim natkrivenim bazenom s morskom vodom, koji će raditi tijekom cijele godine, te nudi niz standardnih i inovativnih programa za osvježavanje duha i tijela – masaže, aromaterapije, hidroterapije, parne kupelji, istezanja, jogu, sve, dakako, uz pratnju stručnog osoblja. Novost u ponudi svakako će biti i Discover Hvar Card, specijalna kartica Sunčanog Hvara koja će odsad omogućavati gostima da se po volji koriste svim sadržajima koje hotelska kuća nudi, od kupališta do barova. Kartica je svojevrsna kreditna kartica zahvaljujući kojoj gosti više neće morati nositi gotovinu na kupanje i u večernje izlaske, a sve će troškove podmirivati tek na odlasku iz Hvara. Invest ment s The Adriana Hotel Is the New Pride of Tourism on the Sunniest Croatian Island Hvar Therapy with a Touch of Design The Adriana’s wellness centre is equipped with a heated, covered sea-water swimming pool, which will keep working throughout the year, and will offer a string of standard and innovative programmes to freshen your body and spirit – massages, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, steam bath, stretching, yoga – naturally, all of that under the watchful eye of the expert staff Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ Photo: Robet Leš T he newly decorated Adriana Hotel in Hvar, coowned by the ORCO Group from Luxembourg, opened its doors to first guests on June 6th, during the Croatian Radio Festival. Officially named Adriana, Hvar Marina Hotel & Spa, this high-category hotel with four stars is the only Croatian representative in the prestigious Leading Small Hotels of the World Group, although with its 50 “de luxe” rooms, nine apartments, Val Marina Restaurant and a bar at the hotel terrace, luxurious The Top cocktail bar at the top of the building and many other accompanying features that are oriented primarily towards wellness tourism, this isn’t exactly a small hotel object by Croatian standards. Renovation of the hotel at one of the most attractive locations in town – overlooking the St. Stephen Cathedral, Arsenal, Pjaca and the Hvar Port – took almost a year 43 Invest ment s Dizajn Adriane potpisuje britanski studio Jestico+Whiles / Adriana’s design is the work of the British studio Jestico+Whiles Bazen je napunjen morskom vodom / The pool is filled with seawater until its completion, and the finalized outside look of the object has remained completely the same – only refreshed, with maximum respect of adjusting the existing building into the environment, as well as with renovations of the stone façade. The new Adriana is also equipped with some ecological solutions: the sun energy uses solar cells to heat the sea water in the covered swimming pool, while the installation air-conditioning unit uses the sea water for cooling. Just like with its “older brother”, which is the Riva Hotel, the interior decoration of the hotel has been performed by the British architectonic studio Jestico+Whiles. Elegant and purified Adriana interiors, which are characteristic for Riva as well, confirm that we are talking about the same author style, and the dominant colours in the hotel interior are eggplant colour, which has been very chic recently, as well as the colours of vanilla, pistaccio and chocolate, while still using many glass and transparent surfaces and natural materials. – To embellish the interior, we used Moroso furniture (for 44 example, Ron Arad’s “Victoria&Albert” series of armchairs), as well as Ligne Roset, Emeco, Espacio, HB Furniture, but also the whole string of unique pieces that were designed by our studio and were custom-made exclusively for this hotel, while the Metalarte Lighting company was in charge of the lighting. As far as the outside premises go, a part of them was also the author work of Jestico+Whiles, and the rest was designed by Dedon, Berga Form, Sutherland Teak, Pierantonio Bonacina…- the architects of the Jestico+Whiles reveal, while attending the grand opening of the Adriana in Hvar on June 30th. Along with them, two other great architects took part at the great Adriana happening, further confirming the management’s desire to turn the Sunčani Hvar hotels into stylish resorts for aesthetic guests: along with the chairman of the board of the ORCO Group, Jean-Francois Otto, the press conference was also attended by Daniel Liebeskind, who has already worked on several projects for ORCO, and who has recently appeared in Invest ment s Adriana ima ambiciju postati vodeći hrvatski spa hotel / Adriana’s ambition is to become the leading Croatian spa hotel Zagreb as the head designer of the still-unlabeled ORCO’s construction project in Zagreb. Also present was Hani Rashid, brother of an even more famous designer Karim Rashid; Hani is the co-owner of the respected Asymptote Studio from America and professor of architecture at Columbia University. However, the trademark of the Adriana Hotel is the ambition of the Sunčani Hvar management to add certain features that have been missing at this destination, which is now a part of the world’s elite, and to prolong the tourist season and make it last all year long. The name of the solution is, of course, wellness tourism. Adriana’s Sensori Spa, a wellness complex that spreads across four floors and as much as 1400 square metres, is the first of many similar facilities that are planned by the ORCO Property Group to be implemented not only in the Sunčani Hvar hotels, but also in other countries’ tourist objects. The company has chosen to premiere the Sensori Spa centres in Sunčani Hvar hotels because Hvar was always known, even in ancient times, for the therapeutic effects of its clean air and sea, and after the Adriana, the Sensori centres will be added to the Bonj beach this summer, and to the Amfora Hotel in 2008. The Adriana’s wellness centre is equipped with a heated, covered sea-water swimming pool, which will keep working throughout the year, and it offers a string of standard and innovative programmes to freshen your body and spirit – massages, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, steam bath, stretching, yoga - naturally, all of that under the watchful eye of the expert staff. A novelty in the offering will certainly be the Discover Hvar Card, which is a special card provided by Sunčani Hvar that will, from now on, enable guests to freely use all the facilities that the hotel has to offer, including the beaches and bars. The card is some sort of a credit card, thanks to which the guests won’t have to carry their cash when they go for a swim or spend the evening out, as they will settle all their expenses at the time of their departure from Hvar. 45 Vijest i Elektromagnetski neboderi Budite bez brige, neboderi još neko vrijeme neće poletjeti. No, zašto se ne pozabaviti trenutkom kad će nam tehnologija to dopuštati? U futurističkom svijetu kakav zamišljaju trojica mladih dizajnera, elektromagnetska sila će biti ključni element u građevinskoj industriji zbog svoje održivosti i iscrpljivanja svih drugih izvora energije. Magnetska bi polja trebala biti korištena kao građevinski materijal čije bi se strukture međusobno (p)održavale u ravnoteži nabojima, a takvi bi materijali mogli usmjeravati i elektricitet. Zgrade bi mogle migrirati s mjesta na mjesto, a samoodržive energetske kocke sadržavale bi turbine za energiju vjetra, solarne ćelije, tankove za vodu itd... Zbogom zmijskom leglu kabela Ti nesnosni kabeli i punjači... Svaki amater među korisnicima elektroničkih naprava barem je jednom prokleo koncept punjenja baterije i pomislio kako bi bilo lijepo imati jednu prostorijiu u kojoj bi se, bez standardnih prizora “zmijskog klupka”, mogli puniti svi oni mobiteli, fotoaparati, videokamere, bluetoothovi, mp3 playeri... Kao spas stiže Chargepod, sa šest priključaka kojima se istodobno može napuniti jednako toliko različitih uređaja, uz prilagodbu voltaži zemlje i zahtjevima proizvođača i, što je najvažnije, sa samo jednom jedinom žicom. Rođen je naš novi najbolji kućni prijatelj! Farewell to the Snake Bundle of Cables Electromagnetic Skyscrapers Do not worry; skyscrapers won’t be flying around just yet. However, why not start thinking about the moment when technology will allow that to happen? In a futuristic world imagined by three young designers, electromagnetic force will become a key element in civil engineering because of its sustainability and because we will exhaust all other sources of energy. Magnetic fields should be used as construction material, with their structures mutually maintaining themselves in balancing the charges, and such materials would also be able to direct electricity. Buildings would be able to migrate from one place to another, and renewable energy cubes would feature turbines for wind energy, solar cells, water tanks etc… Vozilo u kovčegu Bromptonov bicikl je idealan izum za Nizozemce, koji se prosječno svakih tjedan dana nasilno (zbog krađe) rastaju od svojih dvokotača, ali i za sve one koji se, zbog putovanja drugim prijevoznim sredstvima, ne žele odreći vožnje biciklom na novoj destinaciji. Cijeli sklopivi bicikl stane u kovčeg sasvim prihvatljivih dimenzija od 60-ak centimetara širine i visine, a ljubiteljima lijepog neće biti nevažna ni činjenica da mogu odabrati boju kovčega, pa čak i njegove unutarnje presvlake među pedesetak nijansi. 46 Those obnoxious cables and chargers… Every amateur among users of electronic devices has at least once cursed the concept of battery charging and thought about how nice it would be to have one room where, without the familiar sights of “snake bundles”, you could charge all those cell phones, photo cameras, video cameras, bluetooths, mp3 players… Chargepod comes to your rescue, featuring six plugs where you can simultaneously charge just as many electronic devices, with the possibility of adjustment to the country’s voltage and the manufacturers’ demands, and the most important part is – you’re using one single wire. Our new domestic best friend has been born! Vehicle in a Briefcase Brompton’s bicycle is the ideal invention for Dutch people, who are forced to separate themselves from their two-wheelers (because of theft) about once a week, but also for all those who don’t want to relinquish riding a bicycle at a new destination, in favour of travelling with other types of vehicles. The entire foldaway bicycle fits into a briefcase of perfectly acceptable dimensions (60 cm high and wide), and any aesthetics lovers will be interested to know that they can choose the colour of the briefcase, even the colour of its inside lining, among about 50 shades. ©ZIB A Intelovo čudo u nastajanju Zamislite laptop koji je tanak samo 1,8 cm (5 mm deblji od Motorolina RAZR-a) i težak jedan kilogram! Zamislili su ga i u Intelu i već predstavili javnosti, zasad samo kao koncept. Nazvan je Metro, dizajn uz Intel potpisuje Ziba, i već na prvi pogled je očito da se želi svidjeti ljepšem spolu: boja šampanjca, kućište od magnezija i mogućnost pričvršćivanja trakice kako biste ljubimca mogli nositi preko ramena kao torbicu... Prva su se srca već slomila pred ljepotom Intelova Metroa, ali skeptici tvrde da će sve ostati na konceptu uz argument “kad bi se notebook mogao napraviti tako laganim, proizvođači kojima je to core business već bi ga proizveli”. A možda je Intel koju tajnu i sačuvao za sebe? Ugodan studij u Ljubljani Intel’s Miracle in the Making Imagine having a laptop only 1.8 cm thin (5 mm thicker than Motorola’s RAZR) that weighs about one kilogram. The people at Intel have already imagined it and presented it to the public, so far only as a concept. It is called Metro, the design credits go to Intel and Ziba, and you can already see that they are trying to appeal to the more beautiful gender: the champagne colour, a magnesium box, as well as a possibility to attach a little strap to carry your little pet around over your shoulder as a purse… Some hearts have already been broken when faced with the beauty of Intel’s Metro, but the sceptics are pointing out that it won’t go any further than the concept, providing an argument that “if such a light notebook could really be made, those companies that have it as their core business would have already done it”. Or maybe Intel has saved a few secrets for themselves? Buđenje u budućnosti Iz Lihtenštajna stiže ovaj krevet kukuljica za koji njegovi kreatori iz tvrtke Lomme tvrde da poboljšava kvalitetu života, ne samo zahvaljujući vrhunskoj ergonomiji ležećega dijela nego i zbog svjetlosne terapije ugrađene u rubne dijelove kreveta, iPod glazbenog sustava, spremišta sa strane... Krevet Lomme već je u prodaji, ali se može naručiti jedino preko lihtenštajnskog dobavljača, a futuristički izgled i visina od metar i pol neće pristajati u svačiju sobu. Proizvođač, pak, vjeruje u apsolutni uspjeh koncepta, to više što je svaki krevet moguće personalizirati prema željama kupca. Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja Jadrešiæ Foto / Photo by: Miran Kambiè Susjedi Slovenci imat će, ako ne školovanije, a ono barem sretnije diplomante: novo studentsko naselje u središtu Ljubljane izgrađeno je krajem prošle godine, a djelo je arhitektonskog studija “Bevk Perovič”. Pedeset šest stambenih jedinica na 13.000 četvornih metara odlikuje čistoća koncepta i funkcionalnost: okupljeni su oko javnih prostora (učionica, prostora za druženje...) smještenih prizemno, dok iznad njih dvije zgrade čine zasebne prostore za stanovanje. Središnji zajednički prostori kuhinje, kupaonice i blagovaonice (koje dijele dvije sobe) oplemenjeni su velikim staklenim otvorima. Privatnost studenata osigurana je elegantnim aluminijskim panelima. News Pleasant Studies in Ljubljana Neighbouring Slovenians will have, if not more educated, than at least happier graduates: the new students’ settlement in the centre of Ljubljana was built at the end of last year, and the credit goes to the “Bevk Perovič” architectonic studio. As many as 56 residential units, spread across 13.000 square meters, are marked with the clarity of concept and with great functionality: they are gathered around public facilities (classrooms, places where you can hang out…) that are located at the ground level, while the two buildings, which feature separated living spaces, are right above them. The central common spaces are the kitchens, bathrooms and dining rooms (shared by two rooms), and they are ennobled with large glass openings. The students’ privacy has been secured with elegant aluminium panels. Waking Up in the Future Liechtenstein is the home of this hood-shaped bed, which has its creators from the Lomme Company claiming that it improves the quality of life, not just thanks to top-notch ergonomics of the recumbent part, but also because of light therapy that is installed into the edges of the bed, because of the iPod music system, the storage at the side… The Lomme bed is already on sale, but it can be ordered exclusively through the Liechtenstein’s supplier, and the futuristic look and its 1.5m of height will not look good in just any room. The manufacturer, however, believes that the concept will achieve absolute success, especially because it’s possible to personalize every bed according to the buyer’s wishes. 47 Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ Foto: Arhiva DalCase Savjet i KUPITI NEKRETNINU I PREŽIVJETI – VODIČ ZA POČETNIKE (3) Izgubljeni u šumi papira Preporuka je da se predugovor ne potpisuje niti kapara ostavlja bez vlasničkog lista, kojim se identificira vlasnik nekretnine i potvrđuje da je nekretnina u njegovu čistom vlasništvu i bez opterećenja. Vlasnički list mora biti novijeg datuma, poželjno bi bilo ne stariji od tri dana jer se u protivnom neka nova opterećenja ili promjene u vlasništvu neće u njemu vidjeti K ucnuo je i taj čas, odabrali ste svoju toliku žuđenu nekretninu, u moru ponude pronašli ste upravo (ili gotovo) ono što želite i osjećate se kao pobjednik! No, očekuje vas najdosadniji, najzamorniji, a ponekad i najproblematičniji dio posla. Rano je za primanje čestitki prije negoli se potpišu svi ugovori sa svim zainteresiranim stranama, provjere svi papiri, poplaćaju svi dodatni troškovi... Pripremite se na činjenicu da će vam sada možda zatrebati i dva “fascikla”, ali i financijska zaliha “za crne dane”. Za početak – kapara. Uz potpisivanje predugovora o kupnji, kojim ste se i vi i kupac obvezali da će kupoprodaja u određenom roku biti obavljena, prodavatelji redovito traže kaparu. Kapara je jamstvo vama, jer ako prodavatelj 48 nakon kapare odustane od prodaje, vama mora isplatiti dvostruki iznos kapare, a ako vi odustanete od kupnje, kapara ostaje prodavatelju. Preporuka je da se predugovori ne potpisuju niti kapare ostavljaju bez vlasničkog lista, kojim se identificira vlasnik nekretnine i potvrđuje da je nekretnina u njegovu čistom vlasništvu i bez opterećenja. Vlasnički list mora biti novijeg datuma, poželjno bi bilo ne stariji od tri dana jer se u protivnom neka nova opterećenja ili promjene u vlasništvu neće u njemu vidjeti. Po potrebi, bilo bi dobro imati i druge dokumente, poput katastarskog plana, građevinske ili lokacijske dozvole (za novogradnju i uporabne). Naravno, s novim zakonom koji stupa na snagu u listopadu, papirologija će se “skratiti” (ukidanje građevinskih dozvola), ali dotad valja poštovati postojeće propise. Zbog tih je razloga agencija za nekretnine dragocjen vodič kroz imovinsko-pravni dio posla – uglavnom imaju pripremljene šprance predugovora i ugovora, točno znaju koji su dokumenti i kakve ovjere potrebni za svaku fazu kupoprodaje... Agencije svakako skraćuju i olakšavaju posao, a nerijetko su spriječile i poneku prijevaru u začetku. No, vratimo se kapari. Kad je riječ o današnjim nekretninama, posebno stanovima u velikim gradovima poput Zagreba ili Splita koji nerijetko dosežu cijenu i do 150.000 eura ili više (o kućama da se ni ne govori), kapara koja se podrazumijeva, a po nepisanome pravilu iznosi oko 10 posto cijene nekretnine, može natjerati u očaj prosječnoga hrvatskoga građanina koji najčešće kupuje – kreditom. Stoga biste prije same odluke morali osmisliti to razdoblje “međufinanciranja” do isplate kredita. Nerijetko i prodavatelji iziđu u susret kupcu pa ne traže punih 10 posto kao kaparu. Odmah pripremite i prvi dio agencijske provizije ako ste poslovali preko agencije, te obvezno zatražite potvrdu o tome da ste platili pola iznosa (provizija za kupca, jednako kao i za prodavatelja, iznosi između dva i tri posto cijene nekretnine). U najkraćim crtama, “papirnata” procedura je sljedeća: nakon potpisivanja ugovora i predaje kapare, čiji se iznos precizno navodi u predugovoru da poslije ne bi bilo “nismo znali”, kupac kreće u obilazak banaka (pametni će to učiniti i ranije). U banku se ulazi s: vlasničkim listom nekretnine, predugovorom o kupoprodaji, podacima o solventnosti tvrtke u kojoj se radi, potvrdom poslodavca o iznosu nekoliko posljednjih plaća, ponekad (ovisno o banci i uvjetima kredita) s istim tim papirima i za jamca/ sudužnika... A kad službenik u banci procijeni da su svi dotadašnji papiri u redu, slijedi nova (tor)tura: procjena nekretnine, koja je obvezna za podizanje kredita, posebno ako ćete nekretninu koju kupujete priložiti pod hipoteku. Neka vas ne začudi ako procijenjena vrijednost ovlaštenog procjenitelja bude oko 10 posto manja od cijene za koju namjeravate kupiti nekretninu. Ta se praksa ustalila kod hrvatskih banaka ne bi li nesretni dužnici, ionako opterećeni raznim davanjima, morali pod hipoteku staviti još neku nekretninu kao dodatno osiguranje banci. S druge strane, jednom kad na vašu nekretninu budete prijavljivali porez, porezna će vam uprava vrlo vjerojatno nekretninu procijeniti na višu cijenu nego ste je platili jer viša cijena znači, razumljivo, i viši porez... Tako je to u bespućima hrvatskoga financijskog i poreznog sustava, no uputa kupcima je već od početka glasila “oboružajte se strpljenjem”, zar ne? Ipak, do plaćanja poreza na vaše vlasništvo još je dug put. Prije toga još morate: platiti procjenitelja (i njegovu procjenu, s kojom su tek rijetki zadovoljni), eventualno donijeti dodatnu dokumentaciju, primjerice troškovnik radova na vašoj nekretnini koji je potpisala i pečatirala ovlaštena osoba (ako vam treba kredit za gradnju, dogradnju ili adaptaciju), a zatim čekati dok banka ne “amenuje” kredit. A kad je i taj uvjet zadovoljen, vrijeme je za potpisivanje, ovjeravanje i solemnizaciju ugovora o kreditu i kupoprodajnog ugovora. Ugovor o kreditu potpisujete s bankom i ovjeravate kod javnog bilježnika, a ugovor o kupoprodaji potpisujete s prodavateljem u prisutnosti javnog bilježnika te također ovjeravate. Solemnizacija je dodatni postupak kojim (strogo pravno gledano) javni bilježnik provjerava jesu li potpisnici svjesni što su potpisali, objašnjavajući im implikacije ugovora, a u praksi označava ozakonjeno pravo da nad nekretninom koju kupujete banka kao založni (hipotekarni) vlasnik može upisati vlasništvo bez ikakvih dodatnih sudskih postupaka, izravnom ovrhom, ako se pokažete lošim platišom. Svaki taj potpis i ovjera dosta koštaju, pa pripremite novac i za javnog bilježnika. Ne zaboravite zatražiti tabularnu izjavu, dodatak kupoprodajnom ugovoru kojim bivši vlasnik izjavljuje da je isplaćen u potpunosti te dopušta upis – knjiženje novome vlasniku. Istu potpisuje prodavatelj, ovjerava se kod javnog bilježnika i predaje zajedno s kupoprodajnim ugovorom i prijedlogom upisa prava vlasništva na zemljišnik te na temelju svih tih papira sud kupcu dopušta upis prava vlasništva. Pripazite i na valutu isplate: mnogi su kupci izgubili značajnu svotu zbog konverzije valute u kojoj se prodavatelju isplaćuje cijena stana, pa u dogovoru s bankom i prodavateljem definirajte to unaprijed (i banke i privatne mjenjačnice često imaju poseban tečaj za slučajeve mijenjanja visokih iznosa, pa se unaprijed treba raspitati). I svakako pokušajte izbjeći trčkaranje preko pola grada s torbom punom novca... Tek sad je vrijeme za čestitanje! Nazdravite s bivšim vlasnikom, kako to nalažu ovdašnji običaji, isplatite drugu polovicu provizije agenciji (ako ste poslovali s agencijom, velik dio ovih poslova morao se dogoditi i bez vašeg napora, a agencija nerijetko obavlja i prvi dio prenošenja vlasništva vezanoga uz komunalne usluge, prijavljujući vas kao novog vlasnika HEP-u, Vodovodu itd.) i počnite razmišljati o tome kako ćete urediti svoj stan, kuću... Poreze i druge mračne teme ostavit ćemo za idući broj. 49 Advices Ne potpisujte ništa bez “čistih” vlasničkih papira/ Do not sign anything without “clean” ownership papers Written by: Tanja Jadrešiæ Photo: DalCasa archive PURCHASING A REAL ESTATE AND SURVIVING – A BEGINNER’S GUIDE (3) Lost in the Pile of Papers We advise you not to sign the preliminary contract or leave the deposit without the ownership certificate, which identifies the real estate owner and confirms that the real estate is in his sole ownership and without any distractions. The ownership certificate must have a recent date on, hopefully not older than three days because if it is, some new distractions or ownership changes will not be evident T he time has finally come, you have chosen your ohso-craved real estate, among the ocean of offers you have found just (or almost just) what you were looking for and you feel like a winner. The problem is, now you’re in for the most boring, tiresome, and sometimes even the most problematic part of the process. You are not to receive any congratulatory messages until all the contracts are signed by all the acting parties, all the papers are double-checked, all the extra-expenses are paid up… Prepare for the fact that now you might just need two of those maps, as well as your “rainy day” financial stash. For starters – the deposit. Along with the process of signing the preliminary purchasing contract, which obliges you and the buyer to finish the purchasing deal within a certain time period, vendors regularly ask for a deposit. The deposit is your safety option, because if the vendor backs out from the sale after he received the deposit, he must pay you the double amount of that deposit; if you back out from purchasing, the deposit remains with the vendor. We advise you not to sign the preliminary contract or leave the deposit without the ownership certificate, which identifies the real estate owner and confirms that the real estate is in his sole ownership and without any distractions. The ownership certificate must have a recent date on, hopefully not older than three days because if it is, some new distractions or ownership changes will not be evident. If needed, it would be good to have some other documents, like the cadastre plan, construc- 50 tion or location certificate (and usage certificate if it’s a new building). Naturally, with the new law that is scheduled to become valid in October, the paper work will be reduced (no more construction certificates), but until then, we must follow the active regulations. All these reasons demonstrate why real estate agencies are precious guides through this legal ownership part of the process – they mostly have prepared patterns of preliminary contracts and final contracts, they know exactly which documents and verifications are necessary during every phase of the purchasing… Agencies definitely make the work shorter and easier, and it’s happened more than once that they have stopped an attempt of fraud at the very beginning. However, let’s get back to the deposit. When we talk about today’s real estates, especially apartments in large cities like Zagreb or Split with the price of 150.000 euros or more (let’s not even start about the houses), the implied deposit, which the unwritten rule marks to about 10% of the real estate price, is enough to drive an average Croatian citizen to despair, as he mostly makes these purchases via – credit. So before you make the final decision, you should figure out how to get through this “transitional financing” period that lasts up until you receive your credit. It’s pretty common for the vendors to meet the buyer halfway and not ask for the full 10% as the deposit. Make sure to immediately prepare the commission fee for the agency if that’s where you took your business, and you must ask for a certificate to prove that you have paid half of the amount (commission fee for the buyer, just like for the vendor, moves between 2-3% of the real estate price). As short as possible, this is the “paper” procedure: after signing the contract and leaving the deposit, the figure of which is precisely stated in the preliminary contract to prevent the “we didn’t know” situations, the buyer starts his tour around the banks (if you’re really smart, you’ve already done that). This is what you bring to the bank: the real estate’s ownership certificate, the preliminary purchasing contract, information regarding the solvency of the firm you work in, certificate by your employer featuring the exact sum of the last several pay checks, sometimes (depending on the bank and the credit conditions) you must have all that information regarding your guarantor/ co-debtor… And when the bank clerk confirms that all the aforementioned papers are valid, you’re in for some more torture: real estate evaluation, which is obligatory if you’re about to ask for credit, especially if that real estate you’re purchasing will be put under mortgage. Don’t be surprised if the estimated value by the authorised estimator is about 10% smaller than the price you’re paying for the real estate. That practice is quite common in Croatian banks, so that they can put the unfortunate debtors, who are already strained with various expenses, in a situation where they will have to put another real estate under mortgage and give some extra-insurance to the bank. On the other hand, once you register your new real estate for taxes, the IRS will probably estimate your real estate for a higher price than the one you paid because the higher price, you guessed it, means higher taxes… That’s how it goes in the mysterious worlds of the Croatian financial and tax system, but we gave you buyers the instruction straight away to “have a lot of patience”, didn’t we? However, you got a long a way to go before you start paying taxes for your new property. Before that, you must do the following: pay off the estimator (and his evaluation, which rarely makes the clients happy), potentially bring in some extra-documentation, such as the expenses list for the work that is to be performed at your real estate, and which was signed and sealed by the authorised person (if you need credit for construction, upgrading or adaptation), and then wait until the bank gives the “thumbs up” to the credit. And when that condition is met, it’s time to sign, ratify and solemnize the credit contract and the purchasing contract. The credit contract is signed with the bank and ratified at the public notary office, while the purchasing contract is signed with the vendor in the presence of the public notary, and is then also ratified. Solemnization is an extra-process where (strictly legally speaking) the public notary makes sure that all the acting parties are aware of what they signed to, explaining them the implications of the contract, and it basically marks the legalized right for the bank to take that real estate you’re buying as a mortgage owner and register their ownership over it without any added court procedures, by means of direct confiscation, if you prove to be a bad credit client. Each of these signatures and ratifications costs quite a bit of money, so prepare some of it for the public notary. Don’t forget to ask for a tabular statement, which is an annex to the purchasing contract, in which the former owner confirms that he has been completely paid off and allows the new owner to Šetnja gradom s torbom punom novca nije preporučljiva / A walk through the town with a bag full of money is not a smart thing to do register the ownership. The same statement is signed by the vendor, and then gets ratified at the public notary office and is submitted along with the purchasing contract and the ownership register application to the landregistry office; and then, after all those papers, the court allows the buyer to register the ownership. Be careful about the payment currency: many buyers have lost a significant amount of money due to the currency conversion, during which the vendor is paid the price of the apartment, so make sure to define that in advance with the bank and the vendor (both the banks and private exchange offices have a special course when it comes to exchanging large amounts of money, so make sure you inform yourself on that). And definitely make sure that you don’t find yourself running half-across the city with a bag full of money… And now it is time for those congratulatory messages! Have a toast with the former owner, which is an honoured local custom, pay off that second part of the commission to the agency (if you did business with the agency, a large number of these chores had to happen without your effort, and the agency often performs the first part of the ownership registration that deals with public utilities, applying you as the new owner to the electricity and water suppliers etc.) and start thinking about how you’re going to decorate your new apartment, house… Taxes and other issues from the dark side will be dealt with in the next issue. 51 Report Mobeliana furniture Company 52 Stol “Endless Nile” - Karim Rashid za Amr Helmy Designs / The “Endless Nile” table - Karim Rashid for Amr Helmy Designs FURNEX 2007.: KAIRO, EGIPAT 2.-6.6.2007. Egipatsko putovanje prema vrhu industrije namještaja Na egipatskom sajmu namještaja i opremanja Furnex moglo se vidjeti gotovo sve, od reprodukcija klasičnog francuskog i engleskog stilskog namještaja do komada suvremenog dizajna koji nose potpise svjetski priznatih dizajnera Piše: Ana Perišin Foto: Ivona Tangar i Furnex 2007 G dje je sve i počelo – slogan je kojim se najavljivao ovogodišnji egipatski sajam namještaja i opremanja, održan u Kairu od 2. do 6. lipnja. Uspoređujući ga s europskim sajmovima, talijanskim Salone del mobile ili francuskim Maison&Objet, Furnex vas neće impresionirati brojkama, ali količina pozitivne energije, entuzijazam organizatora i poznata egipatska gostoljubivost ono su što ga izdvaja od ostalih. Svake godine sve veći i jači, ovogodišnji, četvrti Furnex, na više od 21.000 četvornih metara ugostio je 165 lokalnih izlagača koji su predstavili najnovije kolekcije namještaja, tekstila i ručno rađenih dekorativnih predmeta. A moglo se vidjeti gotovo sve, od reprodukcija klasičnog francuskog i engleskog stilskog namještaja pa do komada suvremenog dizajna. Suradnja s Karimom Rashidom Svjesni činjenice da je formula za uspjeh branda surađivati s poznatim svjetskim dizajnerima, Industrijski modernizacijski centar Expolink (organizator sajma) i Egipatska komora za izvoz namještaja zatražili su pomoć od Karima Rashida, jednog od najpoznatijih dizajnera današnjice, rođenog Egipćanina. Suradnja je započeta u veljači 2006. godine Rashidovim predavanjem o ulozi dizajna na globalnom tržištu te je nastavljena dizajnom egipatskog paviljona na milanskom sajmu. “Egipat mora predstaviti nove proizvode za svjetsko tržište. Egipatska industrija namještaja je na prekretnici. Stvaranje globalnog branda i razvoj individualnog stila ključni su za razvoj poslovanja na svjetskoj razini”, kaže Rashid. Vidjevši budućnost u modernom namještaju, sektor egipatskog namještaja fokusirao se na razvijanje vlastitih kapaciteta u želji da drži korak s promjenama u svjetskoj industriji. Sukladno tome, Egipatska komora za izvoz namještaja kreirala je petogodišnji plan – ostvariti jedan bilijun američkih dolara na godinu. Plan također uključuje povećanje proizvodnje, stvaranje kvalificiranih kadrova i sudjelovanje na više međunarodnih sajmova. Udruživanje snaga lokalnih dizajnera i proizvođača na- 53 Egipatski paviljon na milanskom sajmu izazvao je buru pozitivnih reakcija / Egyptian pavilion at the trade fair in Milan provoked a wave of positive reaction mještaja bio je logičan slijed, a rezultat je novonastali brand “Design Republic of Egypt”, čiji je cilj prije svega razbijanje kulturnih predrasuda i povećanje vrijednosti egipatskog dizajna. Prvu kolekciju, pod nazivom Kairobjects, ekskluzivno je dizajnirao sam Karim Rashid za skupinu lokalnih proizvođača: Amr Helmy Designs, Fayek, La Roche, Meuble El Chark i Mohm. Predstavljena na nedavnom milanskom sajmu u travnju, izazvala je buru pozitivnih reakcija. Kombinacija ultramo- 54 dernih oblika, boja i materijala s motivima starog Egipta, i to sve s potpisom dizajnera koji voli razbijati stereotipe i provocirati samu industriju namještaja, bili su ključni za uspjeh. Putovanje se nastavilo na pariškom Planete Meuble i Kölnskom sajmu, a obići će još i sajmove u Dubaiju i Birminghamu. Kolekcija Kairobjects prikazana je i na Furnexu, u posebno osmišljenom izložbenom prostoru pod nazivom The Platform. Oblikovan u obliku nedovršene piramide, paviljon simbolički predstavlja početak egipatskog putovanja u globalni svijet dizajna. Osim Rashidova, predstavljana su i inovativna rješenja dizajnera koji vladaju egipatskom dizajnerskom scenom. Karim Mekhtigian, Mohamed Fares, Nabil Fahmy, Karim Dinoulis, Mohamed Said samo su neka od imena čija smo djela mogli vidjeti u paviljonu posvećenom modernom egipatskom dizajnu. Svoje zanimanje za rad s egipatskim proizvođačima namještaja pokazao je i Christophe Pillet, francuski dizajner svjetskog ugleda, koji je surađivao s vodećim proizvođačima, kao što su Cappellini, JC Decaux, Trussardi, Moroso, Driade, Whirlpool i mnogi drugi. Suradnja je započeta 2003. godine, kada je Pillet dizajnirao sjedalicu “Sezz” i stol “Stainless” za tvrtku Alchemy. U pregovorima je novi projekt za Amr Helmy Design, za koje bi Pillet trebao kreirati liniju kuhinja. Golemi napredak kojem svjedočimo tek je početak puta prema vrhu. Egipat nam je pokazao kako ima volju, snagu i sposobnosti konkurirati vodećima. Kad uz to dodamo jeftinu radnu snagu, državne poticaje i visokokvalificirane obrtnike, svijetla budućnost je zajamčena. Report FURNEX 2007: CAIRO, EGYPT 2.-6.6.2007. Egyptian Journey towards the Top of Furniture Industry At the Egyptian furniture and furnishing trade fair Furnex, you could see just about anything: from the reproductions of classical French and English stylish furniture to contemporary design pieces that were created by world-class designers W here It All Began – that was the motto that announced this year’s Egyptian furniture and furnishing trade fair, which was held in Cairo from June 2nd to June 6th. If we compare it to European fairs, such as the Italian Salone del Mobile or the French Maison&Objet, Furnex will not impress you with sheer numbers. However, the amount of positive energy, the organiser’s enthusiasm and vintage Egyptian hospitality are the things that set it apart from the others. 55 Fayek decorative furniture stalni je izlagač na međunarodnim sajmovima / Fayek decorative furniture is regular exibitor on international fairs Bigger and stronger every year, this year’s (fourth) Furnex welcomed 165 local exhibitors at over 21.000 square metres, as they presented their newest collections of furniture, textiles and handmade decorative objects. And you could see just about anything: from the reproductions of classical French and English stylish furniture to contemporary design pieces. Fayek decorative furniture - egipatska kvaliteta od 1940. godine / Fayek decorative furniture - egyptian quality since 1940 56 Working with Karim Rashid Aware of the fact that the formula for brand success is to work with famous world’s designers, the Industrial Modernization Centre Expolink (the organiser of the trade fair) and the Egyptian Furniture Export Council have approached Karim Rashid for some help, as he is one of today’s most famous designers, as well as being born as an Egyptian. The cooperation was started in February of 2006, when Rashid gave a lecture regarding the role of design at the global market, and was continued with designing the Egyptian pavilion at the trade fair in Milan. “Egypt has to introduce new products for the global market. The Egyptian furniture industry is now at a turning point, where the creation of global brand and development of an individual style is vital to build global businesses”, says Rashid. Seeing that the future lies in modern furniture, the Egyptian furniture sector has focused on developing their own capacities in the race to keep up with the changes in world’s industry. In line with that, the Report Komoda s prepoznatljivim ornamentima - Mohm / Commode with famous ornaments Egyptian Furniture Export Council has created a fiveyear plan - to achieve one billion dollars per year. The plan also includes achieving bigger production, bringing up qualified experts and taking part in as many international trade fairs as possible. The joining of forces between local designers and furniture manufacturers was a logical turn of events, and it resulted in the newly formed “Design Republic of Egypt” brand, which has a goal to primarily break cultural prejudices and enlarge the value of Egyptian design. The first collection, which was called Kairobjects, was exclusively designed by Karim Rashid himself for a group of local manufacturers: Amr Helmy Designs, Fayek, La Roche, Meuble El Chark and Mohm. It was presented at the recently held trade fair in Milan in April, and it provoked a wave of positive reactions. The combination of ultramodern shapes, colours and materials with the motifs of ancient Egypt, and all of that with the signature of a designer who likes to break stereotypes and provoke the furniture industry itself, were key factors for its success. The tour continued at the Planete Meuble in Paris and the Cologne Fair, and it will also visit the fairs in Dubai and Birmingham. The Kairobjects collection was also exhibited at Furnex, inside a specially designed exhibition room called The Platform. Shaped like an unfinished pyramid, the pavilion has symbolically represented the start of the Egyptian journey into the global world of design. Besides Rashid’s collection, we could also see some innovative solutions by designers who dominate the Egyptian designer scene. Karim Mekhtigian, Mohamed Fares, Nabil Fahmy, Karim Dinoulis, Mohamed Salid – those are just some of the names whose works were on display at the pavilion dedicated to modern Egyptian design. An interest to work with Egyptian furniture manufacturers was also shown by Christophe Pillet, a world-renowned French designer, who has cooperated with some lead- Ormar za posuđe iz Mohmove kolekcije / Cupboard from Mohm’s collection ing manufacturers like Cappellini, JC Decaux, Trussardi, Moroso, Driade, Whirlpool and many others. The cooperation was started in 2003, when Pillet designed the “Sezz” chair and the “Stainless” table for the Alchemy Company. A new project for Amr Helmy Design is in negotiations, and Pillet is planned to design a line of kitchens. The enormous progress that is on display is just the beginning of the journey towards the top. Egypt has shown us that it has the will, strength and ability to compete with the best. When we add the fact that labour force is very cheap there, that the Government is giving away many stimulations and that their craftsmen are highly qualified, the bright future is guaranteed. 57 Vijest i Venecija na Lopudu Rem Koolhaas, nizozemska arhitektonska zvijezda, krajem protekloga mjeseca ipak nije gostovao u Dubrovniku, gdje je trebao sudjelovati na simpoziju “Pokroviteljstvo nad prostorom”, organiziranom u povodu otvorenja umjetničkog projekta Nomadski paviljon na obližnjem Lopudu. Projekt Nomadskog paviljona, prvi put predstavljen na Venecijanskom bijenalu 2005. godine, zajednički potpisuju islandski umjetnik Olafur Eliasson i britanski arhitekt David Adjaye: prozračni prostor koji je osmislio Adjaye funkcionira kao izložbeni prostor za Eliassonova djela, među kojima će biti najzanimljivija instalacija “Your Black Horizon”. Venice at Lopud Dutch architectural star Rem Koolhaas did not make an appearance in Dubrovnik last month after all, where he was scheduled to participate at the “Patronage over Space” symposium, which was organised because of the opening of the “Nomadic Pavilion” art project at the nearby Lopud. The “Nomadic Pavilion” project, originally presented at the Biennale Venice in 2005, was co-designed by Iceland’s artist Olafur Eliasson and British architect David Adjaye: Adjaye came up with an airy space that functions as the exhibition room for Eliasson’s works, the most interesting of which is the “Your Black Horizon” installation. Skandinavski dizajn uskoro u Zagrebu Putujuća izložba pod nazivom “Skandinavski dizajn – više od mita”, koja je od 2003. godine do danas prikazana u Berlinu, Milanu, Budimpešti, Goeteborgu, Gantu, Rigi, Glasgowu, La Coruñi, Sofiji... nakon gostovanja u Beogradu, početkom rujna stiže i u Zagreb. Hrvatski građani imat će prigodu vidjeti presjek najvećih dizajnerskih djela primijenjene umjetnosti iz Danske, Finske, Norveške, Švedske i Islanda. Izložbu organizira Nacionalni muzej suvremene umjetnosti iz Osla. 58 Dalmacijacement proglasio najbolje POS-ova zgrada na splitskoj Brodarici najbolja je stambena zgrada izgrađena u Hrvatskoj u protekloj godini, odlučio je žiri Dalmacijacement-Cemexove nagrade, koji predvodi Jure Radić. U kategoriji infrastrukturnih projekata, nagradu je dobio most na Cetini, a među javnim objektima najbolje je ocijenjen Arheološki muzej Narona. Pobjednički projekti konkurirat će i ove godine za međunarodnu Cemexovu nagradu, jedno od najcjenjenijih građevinskih priznanja u svijetu. Prošle su godine među međunarodnim dobitnicima bile Morske orgulje u Zadru te Skradinski most, osvojivši dvije druge nagrade u kategorijama javnih/poslovnih, odnosno infrastrukturnih građevina. Dalmacijacement Announced the Best The POS building at Brodarica in Split is the best residential building that was built in Croatia during the course of last year, as decided by the Dalmacijacement-Cemex Award Jury presided by Jure Radić. In the category of infrastructure projects, the award went to the bridge at the river of Cetina, and the Archaeological Narona Museum was the top-graded public object. The winning projects will compete for this year’s International Cemex Award, which is one of the most prestigious civil engineering awards in the world. Among the last year’s international winners, there was place for the Sea Organ project in Zadar and the Skradin Bridge, as they won two second-place awards in the categories of business/public and infrastructure construction projects. Scandinavian Design to Appear in Zagreb A travelling exhibition called “Scandinavian Design – More than a Myth”, which has appeared in Berlin, Milan, Budapest, Goteborg, Gant, Riga, Glasgow, La Coruna, Sofia… since 2003, and after doing a show in Belgrade, will arrive in Zagreb in early September. Croatian citizens will have a chance to see the summary of the greatest designer projects in the field of applied art from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. The exhibition is organized by the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Oslo. Avant ura Na Cresu raste oko 1300 biljnih vrsta / 1300 plant sorts can be found on Cres Otok Cres - romantična ljepotica Kvarnera Naši stari govore da je otok Cres bio omiljeno mjesto još od antičkog doba. Kako i ne bi bilo? Ovdje je zrak ispunjen mirisima aromatičnog bilja (na otoku ih ima oko 1300 vrsta), a oko vas su kamen, šuma i bistro modro more Piše: Isabella Mikulek A Foto: Turistièka zajednica i arhiva DalCase ko ste zaljubljenik u prirodu, sportaš, tragač za kulturnim i povijesnim vrijednostima ili, pak, samo sanjate o sjajnom odmoru na otoku – Cres je vaš izbor. Taj otok nudi pravi izazov i nezaboravne trenutke, bilo da volite samotne plaže, šetnje uz miris mora ili ste voljni istražiti mediteranske gradiće... Legenda kaže da je Medeja sasjekla udove svoga brata Apsirta, bacila ih u more, te da su od njih nastali otoci cresko-lošinjskog arhipelaga, koji su po njegovu imenu, još u antičko doba, nazvani Apsirtides. Cres je bio naseljen već u mlađem kamenom dobu, a do danas su nam u naslijeđu ostale mnoge kulturne i povijesne građevine iz antičkih dana koje svjedoče o tim vremenima. Doduše, najupečatljivije tragove ostavili su Mlečani i Slaveni, i u duhovnoj i materijalnoj sferi ovog kraja. Ako vas put nanese na otok Cres, imat ćete što razgledavati i proučavati. Svakako obiđite Valunsku ploču i zanimljiv gradić Lubenice (a zovu ga i creski dragulj!), koji se nalazi na 60 382 metra nadmorske visine i s čije najviše točke puca predivan pogled na cijeli Kvarner, naučite ponešto o endemskim biljkama, divite se prirodnom fenomenu Vranskog jezera sa slatkom vodom... Naši stari govore da je otok Cres bio omiljeno mjesto još od antičkog doba. Kako i ne bi bilo? Ovdje je zrak ispunjen mirisima aromatičnog bilja (na otoku ih ima oko 1300 vrsta), a oko vas su kamen, šuma i bistro modro more. Otok Cres se nalazi u sjevernom dijelu Kvarnerskog zaljeva. U Osoru, na jugu, povezan je pokretnim mostom s otokom Lošinjem. Dužina ovoga brdovitog otoka je 66 kilometara, a širina mu je od 2 do 12 kilometara. Obala kojom se Crešani hvale razvedena je i duga 248 kilometara, a prepuna je uvala i šljunkovitih plaža na svojoj zapadnoj i južnoj strani. Sjeverni i istočni dio je, pak, ovjenčan strmim i surovim stijenama. Ako ne želite propustiti senzacionalne sumrake, svakako posjetite najviše vrhove – Gorice (648 m) i Sis (638 m). Ipak, ono čime se otok posebno ponosi jest Vransko jezero, površine 5,75 kilometara četvornih. Naime, razina Foto: Juraj Kopač U Osoru most povezuje dva otoka, Cres i Lošinj / In Osor, the bridge connects two islands, Cres and Lošinj ovog jezera je iznad razine okolnog mora, a njegovo dno ispod razine na dubini od 74 metra. Upravo zbog toga fenomena jezero je već dugo predmetom istraživanja i rasprava, pa postoje i razne teorije o njegovu nastanku, ali i opstanku. No, danas je posve jasno da Vransko jezero nije povezano s kopnenim izvorima, kako se nekada mislilo. Zbog oblika i veličine okolnih brda, voda se u jezero slijeva kao kroz lijevak. No, dokazano je da se čak i tijekom najvećih kiša bujice vode ne slijevaju izravno u jezero, nego se gube pred samom njegovom obalom, pa se može zaključiti da se jezero puni i podzemnim tokovima. Što je još zanimljivije, voda u jezeru je – pitka. Zanimljiva je i vegetacija otoka. Cres je kaleidoskop velikoga kontrasta između sjevernoga submediteranskog dijela, s gustim šumama hrasta medunca, graba, brijesta i kestena, te srednjeg i južnog mediteranskog dijela, kojim prevladavaju pašnjaci i gusta makija. Za ovakav “oblik” otoka zaslužna je vrlo snažna bura, ali i sastav tla. Cres je zapravo mali botanički vrt, s pregršt autohtonih biljaka i bujnog raslinja. Na Cresu je jedno od svojih posljednjih obitavališta pronašla i rijetka ptica – bjeloglavi sup. Na ekološki osviještenom i netaknutom otoku, ova rijetka životinja nastanila se u kolonijama, a gnijezdi se na najvišim liticama koje strše u more. Iako nije tajna da je more najljepše i najčišće oko otoka, morsko dno otoka Cresa uvelike se razlikuje od obale, što ga čini još zanimljivijim. U priobalnom dijelu 61 Grad Cres naziva se i “malom Venecijom” / Town of Cres is called “little Venice” su ceste, podvodne pećine, pukotine, ambisi, visoravni i podvodni grebeni. Ali, što se više odmičete od obale, dno je češće pjeskovito, a rjeđe i muljevito. Na kakvo ćete samo tamo bogatstvo biljaka i životinja naići! Najveće mjesto na otoku smješteno je na sjevernom dijelu, u okrilju duboke i blage uvale. Grad Cres nazivaju još i otočna ili mala Venecija. Vjerojatno zbog svojih mnogobrojnih uskih uličica, raznih srednjovjekovnih ukrasa na pročeljima zgrada, te brojnih barova s vanjskim terasama na rivi. Stara gradska jezgra je okružena zidinama u obliku pravokutnika, s pet kula i nekoliko gradskih vrata, koje su tamo još od kraja venecijanske vladavine i koje su do danas sačuvane u gotovo izvornom obliku. Zanimljivost je svakako creski “mandrać” (luka u luci) koji se duboko uvlači u utrobu grada i sastavni je dio glavnoga creskog trga. Pročelja kuća pastelnih boja, koje ga okružuju, u kontrastu su s bijelim barkama na moru, čine se kao prelijepe kulise i gotovo nestvarno u okolnom pejsažu. A tipičan mediteranski 62 gradić ima i svoju tipičnu kuhinju i specijalitete koji se temelje na ribama, školjkama, rakovima i glavonošcima, kao i na otočnoj janjetini, tjestenini, na mediteranskom povrću i voću, začinskom bilju, na maslinama i maslinovu ulju. Do otoka se stiže redovnim trajektnim linijama, ali odnedavno i avionom koji slijeće i polijeće s aerodroma na otoku Krku i u gradu Puli, a povezani su sa svim odredištima u Europi. Otok nudi smještaj turistima u hotelima, kao i u privatnim kućama, ali i turističkim naseljima i kampovima. Otok Cres još zovu i “romantičnom ljepoticom”. Nije teško zaključiti i zbog čega. Zbog svojih brojnih skrivenih uvala, blage klime, puno sunčanih dana u godini, toplog mora, te slikovitih plaža, dugih šetnjica, biciklističkih staza... Zaljubljeni parovi neće odoljeti ovakvom iskušenju. Dobar odmor je ovdje zajamčen. Cresom valja putovati i otkrivati ga iz dana u dan, njegove se ljepote i draži nude na svakom koraku. Advent ure Foto: Juraj Kopač Lubenice se nalaze na nadmorskoj visini od 382 m / Lubenice are situated on 382 meters of altitude Written by: Isabella Mikulek The Island of Cres the Romantic Beauty of Kvarner Our older people say that the island of Cres has been a favourite place ever since the Ancient Age. And why wouldn’t it be? The local air is filled with scents of aromatic plants (there are about 1300 species on the island), and you are surrounded by stone, the forest and the bright blue sea. Written by: Isabella Mikulek Photo: Tourist Board and DalCasa archive 63 Advent ure Foto: Nino Marcutti Mala vrata iz 1581. godine / Little portal from the year 1581 I f you are a lover of nature, an athlete, a searcher of cultural and historical values, or if you’re just dreaming of a great vacation on an island – Cres is your choice. This island offers a true challenge and unforgettable moments, whether you like isolated beaches, walks by the aroma of the sea, or you are willing to explore little Mediterranean towns… The legend says that Medea cut off her brother Absyrtis’s limbs, threw them into the sea, and that created the islands of the Cres-Lošinj archipelago, which were named Absyrtides in the Ancient Age, after Medea’s brother. Cres was inhabited as early as the New Stone Age, and we have inherited many cultural and historical structures from the ancient days that testify about those times. However, the most enduring traces were left by Venetians and Slavs, regarding both the spiritual and material aspects of the island. If you come across the island of Cres, you will have a lot of sightseeing and exploring to do. Make sure to stop by Valunska Ploča and an interesting little town called Lubenice (it is also called “the jewel of Cres”!), which is located at 382 metres of altitude, and with it’s highest point that provides a magnificent view over the whole of Kvarner; learn something about endemic plants, admire the natural phenomenon of Lake Vransko with fresh water… Our older people say that the island of Cres has been a favourite place ever since the Ancient Age. And why wouldn’t it be? The lo- 64 cal air is filled with scents of aromatic plants (there are about 1300 species on the island), and you are surrounded by stone, the forest and the bright blue sea. The island of Cres is found in the northern part of the Kvarner Gulf. Osor, a settlement at the south of the island, is connected to the island of Lošinj by a mobile bridge. The length of this mountainous island comes at 66 kilometres, and it’s 2-12 kilometres wide. The coast, which makes the people of Cres proud, is indented and 248 kilometres long, and it is full of bays and gravely beaches on its western and southern side. The northern and eastern parts are covered in rapid and rough rocks. If you don’t want to miss sensational images of dusk, be sure to visit the highest peaks – Gorice (648m) and Sis (638m). Still, what this island really prides on is Lake Vransko, with 5,75 square kilometres of surface. What’s special about it is that the altitude level of this lake is above the level of the surrounding sea, and its bottom below the level is at the depth of 74 metres. This particular phenomenon is the reason this lake has been the object of researches and discussions for so long, and we also have many theories about its genesis, as well as its survival. However, it is now perfectly clear that Lake Vransko is not connected to the spring water on the land, which was the popular opinion of the past. Because of the sizes and shapes of surrounding hills, the water pours into the lake as if it’s going through a funnel. But it’s now Foto: Juraj Kopač Glavna gradska vrata u gradu Cresu / Main town portal in Cres 66 Foto: Nino Marcutti Advent ure Pogled iz Lubenica na prekrasnu plažu / A wiev from Lubenice over the magnificent beach been proven that, even during the heaviest rain, floods of water don’t pour directly into the lake, but they get lost in front of its very shore, so we can conclude that the lake is also being filled through underground streams. And to make it even more interesting, the lake water is – drinkable. This island’s vegetation is also interesting. Cres is a kaleidoscope, featuring a large contrast between the northern sub-Mediterranean part, covered in thick forests of oak, hornbeam, elm and chestnut trees, and the central and southern Mediterranean part, which is dominated by pastures and thick macchia. This type of the island’s “shape” is the result of very strong northern winds, but also the structure of the ground. Cres is actually a small botanical garden, featuring plenty of autochthonous plants and profuse vegetation. And Cres is also one of the last habitats of a very rare bird – the griffon vulture. Because this is an ecologically conscientious and untouched island, this rare animal has settled in colonies, and it nests on the highest cliffs of the island, which overhang the sea. Although it’s no secret that the sea is at its purest and most beautiful around the island, the sea bottom of the island of Cres is very different from the coast, which makes it even more interesting. The coastal area features paths, underwater caves, rifts, abysses, highlands and underwater ledges. However, as you get further away from the coast, the bottom gets to be more sandy, sludgy and less thick. And just think about all the plants and animals you will come across! The biggest settlement of the island is located at the northern part, within a deep, mild bay. The city of Cres is also called Island’s Venice or Little Venice. Probably because of numerous narrow alleys, various medieval decorations on the buildings’ facades, as well as numerous bars at the outside terraces of the promenade. The ancient city centre is surrounded with bulwarks shaped as a rectangle, with five towers and several city gates, which have been there since the end of the Venetian reign, and which have been preserved in their original shape to this very day. One curiosity you will find is definitely the “mandrać” of Cres (a harbour within a harbour), which reaches very deeply into the city, and is an integral part of the main square of Cres. The surrounding house facades, covered in pastel colours, are in contrast to the white boats at the sea, and they give the impression of beautiful scenery, almost surreal in the area landscape. And a typical Mediterranean town also has its typical cuisine and specialties that are based on fish, crabs, shellfish and cephalopods, as well as the island’s lamb, pasta, Mediterranean fruit and vegetables, flavoursome plants, olives and olive oil. You can reach the island with regular ferryboat lines, but as of recently also by plane, which lands and takes off from airports at the island of Krk and the city of Pula, and they are connected to all of Europe’s destinations. The island offers tourists’ accommodation in hotels, but also in private houses, tourist settlements and campsites. The island of Cres is also called “the romantic beauty”, and that’s not so hard to explain. Because of its numerous hidden beaches, mild climate, many sunny days per year, warm sea, picturesque beaches, long walks, bicycle tracks… Couples in love will not be able to resist such a temptation. A good vacation is very much guaranteed. Cres is worth travelling and discovering it day by day, as its beauties and attractions are offered at every step. 67 Gast ro Vlasnici Marina Žibert i Mihovil Ercegović zaslužni su za sav vizualni efekt restorana / The owners Marina Žibert and Mihovil Ercegović take all the credit for the visual effect of the restaurant Spoj dnevnog i veèernjeg izlaska kojem se uvijek vraæate Taverna Sesame vrlo vješto prati svjetske gastrotrendove. U ugodnom ambijentu, pred kojim primat uzima velika ljetna terasa, uz inovativne ruke glavne kuharice koja ne štedi na porcijama, nećete puno potrošiti Piše: Isabella Mikulek 68 Foto: Marko Ercegoviæ Rožata Smokve s pršutom / Figs and Prosciutto D ubrovnik je grad koji obiluje mnogim ljepotama. Sve ih pokazuje javno, dijeli ih sa svim znatiželjnicima, bilo da je riječ o prekrasnoj prirodi, čistome moru, obilascima zidinama Staroga grada, ljubavi prema vaterpolu, koja je u ovom gradu jedinstvena na svijetu, otvorenim i pričljivim domaćinima, raskošnim hotelima ili pak – gastronomskoj ponudi. U toj šumi mirisima okupanoga grada, koji se lijepe za nepce domaćih i stranih turista, četrnaestogodišnju tradiciju ugostiteljstva i turizma čuva restoran Sesame. Gotovo u središtu grada, u predjelu zvanom Pile, smjestio se obiteljski restoran koji već godinama hvale svi namjernici praznog trbuha koje put tamo nanese. Školjke na buzaru / Stewed Shellfish Kolač od kestena sa šumskim voćem / Chestnut Cake with Wild Fruit Vlasnici toga zanimljivog zdanja, pod nazivom Kuća Ercegović-Sesame d.o.o., jesu bračni par Marina Žibert i Mihovil Ercegović. Oni su zaslužni i za sav vizualni efekt restorana, a građevinski je prostor oblikovao upravo Mihovil. Restoran, koji danas prima 36 osoba u zatvorenom dijelu te 46 gostiju na natkritoj terasi, nudi još 50 mjesta u parku s točionikom, mijenjan je nekoliko puta tijekom godina, no uvijek zadržavajući isti, prepoznatljivi stil. Taverna Sesame jedinstven je spoj kafića, restorana-konobe, galerije i kluba. Domaći to već znaju, a stranci svakim danom sve češće “skidaju kapu” pred tradicionalnim i obiteljskim naslijeđima. Pa tako Englezi, Amerikanci, Španjolci, Francuzi, 69 Gast ro Najvjerniji gost / The Most Faithful Guest Talijani, Nijemci, Norvežani i ostali dobrodošli gosti željni dobre trpeze, imaju samo riječi pohvale za domaću kuhinju koja se temelji na ribljim specijalitetima. Nije tajna da je riba gostima iz cijelog svijeta koji pohode Hrvatsku najdraža vrsta hrane u tanjuru. Hrvatska zaista ima sreću što ima čisto i “zdravo” more, te su ribe, školjke i ostali morski plodovi pravi melem za oči i gurmanske osjete. – Naši gosti najčešće naručuju morske delicije. Znaju oni što je dobro. No, mi nudimo i druga jela. Rekli bismo, za svakoga ponešto – riječi su vlasnika Mihovila Ercegovića. Nije ni čudno da se gostima “raspali” apetit kad su okruženi takvim bogatstvom prirode oko sebe. Naime, malo tko od stranaca se ne propitkuje o samom zdanju konobe Sesame. Zanimljivo je da je ona smještena u čak 200 godina staroj obiteljskoj kući. Zdanje je okrenuto prema sjeveru i nudi mirnoću okolnog zelenog drveća, a ujedno i opojnog mirisa naranči. Za jelovnik se brine glavna kuharica i vlasnica Marina Žibert, kojoj neće teško pasti nijedna imalo zahtjevnija narudžba. – Naši gosti uvijek nekako nađu put do nas. Kažu da je najbolja reklama “usmena reklama”, pa tako i kod nas vrlo često dolaze upravo po preporuci. No, znalo je biti i gostiju koji su u hotelu ili negdje u ruke dobili časopis u kojem je predstavljen naš restoran ili tavjerna, kako mi u Dubrovniku volimo zvati tavernu – kaže gospođa Žibert. Taverna (ili konoba) Sesame nalazi se na 150 metara od zapadnog ulaza u Stari grad, na adresi Dante Alighieri b.b. Konobom se ponekad znaju širiti milozvuci klarineta, violine ili gitare uživo. A gosti uživaju i kada se iz zvučnika tiho čuje lagana talijanska kancona ili jazz glazba, te zamamni glasovi Cesarije Evore i drugih. Kako se vrlo 70 Taverna Sesame jedinstven je spoj kafića, restorana-konobe, galerije i kluba / The Sesame Tavern is a unique combination of a coffee shop, restaurant-tavern, gallery and a club često u konobi Sesame znaju priređivati privatne gozbe zatvorenog tipa, gosti su ti koji odlučuju kakvu će glazbu slušati. – Građevinski, tehnološki i ambijentalno, stalno smo pod nekakvih promjenama. Različite vrijednosti su se u raznim vremenskim razdobljima dopunjavale, poboljšavale, mijenjale, a sve prema potrebi. To je stalni proces koji nikada nije završen i, uostalom, gosti od nas očekuju poboljšanja i promjene. Mi ih svakako nećemo iznevjeriti – kazao nam je vlasnik, te s ponosom dodao da obiteljski obrt Ercegović nudi i privatni smještaj u Sesame Inn, što nije naodmet spomenuti, pogotovo kada se ljeti popune svi raspoloživi smještaji u gradu. A kako su imali neiskorišten prazan prostor koji je bio veći stan, vlasnici su se odlučili preurediti ga i pretvoriti u privatni smještaj. Sesame Inn nudi tri prostrane dvokrevetne sobe i jednu jednokrevetnu koja ima izlaz na vrt. Sve su opremljene sanitarnim čvorom, a ugodan prostor u sobama nudi i novi nenametljivi namještaj. Taverna Sesame tako nudi mogućnost punog pansiona ili samo doručka. Pitate li nekoga iz Grada o konobi Sesame, odmah će vam reći: – Tamo je prava atmosfera i vrhunska kuhinja. To vam je dobra kombinacija između dnevnog i večernjeg izlaska. A opet, taverna Sesame vrlo vješto prati i svjetske gastrotrendove. U ugodnom ambijentu, pred kojim primat uzima velika ljetna terasa, uz inovativne ruke glavne kuharice koja ne štedi na porcijama, nećete puno potrošiti. Jednom otkrivši tavernu Sesame, vraćat ćete joj se kad god vas put odvede u prelijepi Dubrovnik, ponovno, i ponovno… Taverna je smještena u čak 200 godina staroj obiteljskoj kući / Tavern is located in a 200-years-old family home A Combination of a Day and an Evening Out to which You Always Return The Sesame Tavern is very skilfully following the gastronomy trends of the world. Featuring a pleasant ambience dominated by a large summer terrace, with innovative hands of the head chef who doesn’t hold back when it comes to portions, you will not be spending too much Written by: Isabella Mikulek Photo: Marko Ercegoviæ D ubrovnik is a city that has a lot of beautiful things to offer. It is more than happy to display them in public and share them with anyone who’s curious; whether it’s the wonderful nature, the pure sea, sightseeing the Old City walls, their love towards water polo that is very much unique in the whole world, the open and chatty hosts, sumptuous hotels or – the gastronomic offering. In the city with a forest of aromas that are attached to the palates of local and foreign tourists, the 14-year tradition of restaurant management and tourism is preserved by the Sesame Restaurant. Practically right in the centre of the city, in the part of town called Pile, we find a family restaurant that has been praised by all the people who found themselves in that area with an empty stomach. The owners of this interesting resort, called the ErcegovićSesame House d.o.o., are spouses Marina Žibert and Mihovil Ercegović. They take all the credit for the visual effect of the restaurant as well, and the construction design was the work of none other than Mihovil. The restaurant has a capacity of 36 people in the indoor section and 46 people at the covered terrace, while offering room for 50 more people in the taproom park. It has been renovated several times over the years, but it has always kept that same, recognizable style. The Sesame Tavern is a unique combination of a coffee shop, restaurant-tavern, gallery and a club. Locals already know all these things, and the foreigners find themselves “taking their hat off” more and more in front of the traditional, family heritage. Whether they’re English, American, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Norwegian or any other group of much-welcomed guests looking for some good food, they only have words of praise for the local cuisine that is based on fish specialties. It’s no secret that fish is the favourite type of food to guests from all over the world who come to Croatia. Our country is truly very lucky to have such a pure, “healthy” sea, and that’s why the fish, shellfish and all other sea 71 Gast ro Velika ljetna terasa / Large summer terrace specialties are a sight to sore eyes and exactly what those gourmet senses want. - Our guests mostly order sea delicacies. They know what’s good. However, we do offer other dishes. A little something for everyone, you might say – owner Mihovil Ercegović says. It’s no wonder that the guests find their appetites “running wild” with all this natural wealth surrounding them. That’s why the majority of foreign tourists ask questions about the Sesame Tavern building and location. What’s interesting is that it is located in a 200-years-old family home. The building is facing north and it offers the peace and quiet of the surrounding green trees, combined with luscious aromas of oranges. 72 The menu is the preoccupation of the head chef and owner Marina Žibert, who doesn’t have any problems with more demanding orders. - Our guests always find a way to reach us. They say that people talking is the best advertisement, so it’s very common for people to come visit us because of what they’ve been recommended. However, people very often find a magazine in the hotel or somewhere else, and it features an article about our restaurant or “tavjerna”, which is what we call a tavern in Dubrovnik – Mrs.Žibert says. The Sesame Tavern is 150 metres from the western entryway into the Old Town, at the Dante Alighieri b.b. address. The tavern is sometimes filled with mild sounds Odrezak “Mediterane” / The “Mediterane” Steak Ražnjići od janjetine / Lamb Kebabs of live clarinets, violins or guitars. In addition, the guests love it when they hear low-key Italian “canzona” or jazz music coming out of the speakers, as well as seductive voices of Cesaria Evora and others. And because the Sesame Tavern very often features exclusive private dinner parties, the guests are the ones who determine the type of music that is playing. - Construction-wise, technologically and ambiencewise, we’re constantly going through certain changes. Different values have been fulfilled, improved and changed in different periods, all in proportion with our needs. It is a constant process that is never finalised, and the guests themselves expect us to change and improve. We will definitely not betray their confidence – the owner says, and proudly adds that the Ercegović family business also offers private accommodation at the Sesame Inn, which is important to bring up, especially in the summer when all accommodation capacities in Dubrovnik are filled. And since they had a larger apartment they weren’t using, the owners decided to List s vrganjima / Porcini Leaf Rostbeaf redecorate it and turn it into a private accommodation capacity. The Sesame Inn offers three spacious bedrooms with two beds, and one single bedroom with a garden exit. They all have sanitary facilities, and these rooms’ pleasant look is also enhanced by some unpretentious, brand new furniture. The Sesame Tavern also offers possibilities for the full pension or breakfast only. If you ask anyone in Dubrovnik about the Sesame Tavern, their first response will be: - You will find excellent atmosphere and top-notch cuisine. It is a good combination of a day and an evening out on the town. And again, the Sesame Tavern is very skilfully following the gastronomy trends of the world. Featuring a pleasant ambience dominated by a large summer terrace, with innovative hands of the head chef who doesn’t hold back when it comes to portions, you will not be spending too much. Once you’ve discovered the Sesame Tavern, you will return there every time you find yourself in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, again and again… 73 Mediteran u zagrljaju kakaovca Taj Marinko Biškić, njemu stvarno ništa nije sveto! – komentirali su pravovjerni ljubitelji slatkiša novi potez nekonvencionalnog vlasnika uspješne dalmatinske tvrtke za proizvodnju začina “Nadalina”. Biškić se, naime, odlučio proizvesti čokoladu. I to kakvu! Potpuno u skladu s njegovim imidžem – neobičnu, tamnu kao noć, u desetak kombinacija okusa i s neodoljivim “retro” pakiranjima koja su osmislili splitski dizajneri iz studija Elevator. Nadalina čokolade s rogačem, crvenim paprom, lavandom, cimetom, suhim smokvama i prošekom mogu se zasad naći samo u delikatesnim radnjama, pa jedva čekamo dan kad će osvojiti sva tankoćutna nepca u Hrvatskoj, a i šire. Zvuk za odabrano društvo Ako već niste, najvjerojatnije ni nećete kupiti KEF-ov par zvučnika Muon. Proizvedeno ih je, naime, samo 100 pari, a pušteni su u prodaju simultano u deset svjetskih metropola. Ovome čudu tehnologije i dizajna izgled je osmislio Ross Lovegrove, a tehnologiju izrade i kvalitete zvuka cijela vojska KEF-ovih stručnjaka. Serija se testirala tri godine s namjerom da se proizvede “ultimativni zvučnik”, a predstavljena je u travnju ove godine. Kućište je od čistog, specijalno obrađenog aluminija, a osim što može savršeno reproducirati “punu skalu” simfonijskog orkestra, Muon je i idealna skulptura. Za najbogatije. Fine st vari The Mediterranean in the Arms of Cocoa Beans Nothing is sacred to Marinko Biškić – those were the comments of the orthodox lovers of sweets when they heard about the new move by an unconventional owner of successful dalmatian firm, the spices-producing “Nadalina”. Biškić has decided to start manufacturing chocolate. And not just any chocolate! Completely in line with his image – it is unusual, dark as a night, comes in ten combinations of flavours and features irresistible “retro” packaging, created by designers from the Elevator Studio in Split. The “Nadalina” chocolates with carob, red pepper, lavender, cinnamon, dry figs and sherry – they can, so far, only be found in delicatessens, so we can hardly wait the day when they will win over all sensitive palates in Croatia and beyond. A Sound Reserved for the Chosen If you haven’t done it already, then you’ll probably never get KEF’s pair of Muon loudspeakers. The reason is, there are only a hundred pairs of them out there, and they were simultaneously released for sale in ten world’s capitals. This wonder of technology and design had its look created by Ross Lovegrove, and the technology and sound quality was worked on by a whole army of KEF’s experts. The series was tested for three years with the intention to produce an “ultimate speaker”, and it was presented in April this year. The box is made out of pure, specially processed aluminium, and besides its ability to perfectly reproduce “the full scale” of a symphony orchestra, Muon also makes for an ideal sculpture. Only for the richest. Prijatelj iz Tivolija PAL, po “naški” prijatelj, kao kratica u konkretnome slučaju znači Portable Audio Laboratory, a proizvodi ga legendarni Tivoli Audio, odgovoran i za obožavani model One. Riječ je, naravno, o starom dobrom radioaparatu, po kvaliteti zvuka i prijama jednome od najboljih na svijetu. PAL je usto opremljen i baterijom koja se može napuniti poput one u mobitelu te je savršeno izoliran finom gumom, pa ga možete nositi sa sobom i na plažu, u kadu. I, da ne zaboravimo, dolazi u desetak jarkih boja, a može se kupiti u Plug&Play dućanu u zagrebačkoj Bednjanskoj ulici... A Friend from Tivoli PAL, our new friend, stands for Portable Audio Laboratory, and it is produced by the Tivoli Audio, which is responsible for the adored One model. We are talking about a good old-fashioned radio set, one of the best in the world regarding the quality of sound and reception. PAL is also equipped with a battery that can be charged just like the one in a cell phone, and is perfectly isolated with fine rubber, so you can carry it along to the beach or the tub. And let’s not forget, it comes in about ten bright colours and can be bought in Plug&Play store in Bednjanska street in Zagreb… 75 Uvijek lijepa Nokia Ova bakrenosmeđa, tek 9,5 milimetara tanušna Nokia 6500 dio je najnovije kolekcije finskog proizvođača, koji će vanjštinom očito odskakati od trenutačne konkurencije u srednjoj klasi, a na europskom će se tržištu pojaviti u drugoj polovici godine po cijeni od 320 eura. U istoj će se seriji pojaviti i nešto skuplja verzija “slide”, a za najveće fanove finskog branda, pripremljena je i skupocjena Nokia 8600 Luna, u kućištu od nehrđajućeg čelika i stakla. Oživljavanje talijanskog branda Niste nikada čuli za Super Fluo? Ni za Brionvega? Ako niste iz Italije, ne može vam se zamjeriti. Potonji je nekoć vrlo poznat talijanski brand elektroničkih uređaja koje će prvospomenuta skupina Super Fluo pokušati oživiti u svom novom projektu. Jedna od prvih stvari nastala u okviru hrabre ideje jest ova Brionvegina kombinacija LCD televizora i DVD playera nazvana Alpha, koju dizajnerski potpisuje milanski studio V12. TV/DVD ljepotan, kažu njegovi autori, nastao je inspiriran dizajnom namještaja iz 30-ih godina prošlog stoljeća – Miesa van der Rohea, Le Corbusiera, Eileen Gray... Luxuries The Always Beautiful Nokia This copper-brown Nokia 6500, only 9,5 millimetres thin, is part of the newest collection by the Finnish manufacturer, which has an appearance that is bound to separate itself from the present middle-class competition, and it will appear at the European market in the second half of the year, at the price of 320 euros. The same series feature a slightly more expensive “slide” version, and for the biggest fans of this Finnish brand, the expensive Nokia 8600 Luna is all set to go, featuring a box made out of non-corrosive steel and glass. Reviving an Italian Brand You have never heard of Super Fluo? Or even the Brionvega? If you don’t come from Italy, it can’t really be held against you. The latter name signifies a once very famous Italian brand of electronic devices, and the aforementioned Super Fluo group will try to revive it in one of their new projects. One of the first items that were created within this brave idea is this Brionvega’s combination of a LCD television set and a DVD player called Alpha, which was designed by the V12 Studio from Milan. This TV/DVD beauty, according to its authors, was inspired by furniture design of the 1930s – Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Eileen Gray… Soèno i djevojaèki Jedan od najpopularnijih američkih casual brandova, Juicy Couture, napokon se može pronaći i u Hrvatskoj, u High Club trgovinama (zasad samo u Zagrebu). Tvrtka koja uvozi ovu popularnu odjevnu marku odlučila je domaćim jetsettericama dati prigodu da se opreme za ljetne dane torbama Juicy Couture, te torbama za plažu i ljetnim cipelicama, a ljubav na prvi pogled dogodila se odmah između ženskoga dijela redakcije DalCase i ovih prekrasnih japanki. Juicy and Girly One of the most popular American casual brands, Juicy Couture, can finally be found in Croatia too, at the High Club stores (so far only in Zagreb). The company that imports this popular clothing brand has decided to give local jetsetter-girls a chance to prepare themselves for the summer days with Juicy Couture purses, as well as beach bags and summer shoes, and it didn’t take long for the female section of the DalCasa editorial staff to fall in love at first sight with these wonderful flip-flops. Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ 77 Izložba fotografija “Volimo li gledati druge ljude?” u Umjetničkom paviljonu VOAJERIZAM kao univerzalna sudbina Marko Ercegović Izložba propitkuje vječnu temu odnosa promatranog i onoga koji promatra kroz pitanja značenja izložbe: što je to što nas privlači, što je zanimljivo najširem krugu ljudi? Jesu li drugi ljudi ono što uvijek i bez rezerve može privući našu pažnju? Gledamo li filmove zato jer nas zanimaju drugi ljudi? Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ V oajerizam, želja da gledamo druge ljude, svojstven je cijeloj ljudskoj vrsti, a svoj najjači izraz doživljava upravo danas, u vrijeme kad masmediji pothranjuju tu želju nizom manje ili više etički prihvatljivih sadržaja. S istom tom, vječno neutaživom željom, uhvatili su se u koštac kustosi Marina Viculin i Igor Kuduz u domeni fotografije, osmislivši izložbu pod znakovitim nazivom “Volimo li gledati druge ljude?”, koja je pokušala odgovoriti na pitanja koliko je voajerizma u svakom pogledu kroz objektiv, može 78 li fotografski pogled biti bezazlen i kakav je odnos fotografa i modela. Odgovor je, kao i uvijek, u pogledu gledatelja... Hrvatski fotosavez već tradicionalno vodi računa o tome da se glad domaćih ljubitelja fotografije utaži na najbolji mogući način, pa je, nakon prošlogodišnje uspjele izložbe “Helsinška škola fotografije”, tijekom lipnja ove godine u Umjetničkom paviljonu uprizorio novi projekt, ponajviše poseban po tome što bez imalo krzmanja jednak prostor i važnost posvećuje djelima najvećih imena hrvatske fotografije različitih generacija (Posavec, Dabac, Vesović, Rasol, Trbuljak, Cvjetanović, Herceg, Opalić, Ercegović, Vijatović) i potpunih amatera (Gusić, Mateljić, Moro, Zaric, Stanković). – Viculin i Kuduz žele svratiti našu pažnju na neobičnu, a tako univerzalnu, privlačnost fotografije ljudskog lica, ljudske figure, gotovo svakoga događanja među ljudima – navodi se u katalogu izložbe. – Žele nas upozoriti da je naša glad za takvim prizorima gotovo neutaživa. I zato pozivaju na zajedničko izlaganje autore koji fotografiji prilaze iz bitno različitih pozicija, pa bismo očekivali da su i njihova traganja različita. Fotografije petnaestero autora potpuno različitih dobi, interesa, pa čak Dodir umjet nost i Jasenko Rasol Irena Stanković i profesija, otkrivaju univerzalni interes koji gajimo jedni za druge. Otkrivaju li nam i kakav je to interes, zašto ga imamo i što zapravo očekujemo? Izložba je stukturirana, kako navodi izbornički tandem, oko triju problema različitih značenjskih razina: voajerizam kao takav, medij fotografije i medij izložbe. Ovakva je struktura nastala kao potreba kustosa da artikuliraju i vlastitu poziciju autora izložbene koncepcije koja “ne leti u zrakopraznom prostoru koncepta bez prostora i bez drugih ljudi”. Interakciju između nekoliko razina gledanja, autori su posebno naglasili pitanjima značenja izložbe: što je to što nas privlači, što je zanimljivo najširem krugu ljudi? Jesu li drugi ljudi ono što uvijek i bez rezerve može privući našu pažnju? Gledamo li filmove zato jer nas zanimaju drugi ljudi? U oblikovnom smislu, posebno je bitnu ulogu odigrala interakcija radova profesionalaca i amatera, a u prezentacijskom, nekovrsni voajerizam/ekshibicionizam dolazi jednako snažno do izražaja. Izložba želi eksperimentirati, očijukati s idejom voajerizma. Koliko ljudi možemo domamiti i pokazati im još ponešto čemu se nisu nadali kada su došli iz čiste zabave? Treba li nam publika da bi naš posao imao smisla? Volimo li gledati druge ljude? Volimo li ih gledati kako gledaju fotografije? Petar Dabac 79 Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ Photography Exhibition “Do We Enjoy Watching Other People?” at the Art Pavilion VOYEURISM as Universal Fate The exhibition explores the eternal subject regarding the relationship of the observed object and the observer, and the basic questions of this exhibition are: What is it that attracts us, what does the widest circle of people find interesting? Are other people something that can always, without hesitation, attract our attention? Do we watch movies only because we’re interested in other people? V oyeurism, the desire to observe other people, is characteristic of the entire human race, and it has the biggest effect in this precise period, when the mass media feed that desire with a string of features with questionable ethic acceptability. That very same, eternally unquenchable desire is what curators Marina Viculin and Igor Kuduz wanted to tackle in the field of photography, and they came up with a suggestively titled exhibition “Do We Enjoy Watching 80 Other People?”, which has tried to answer the questions of how much voyeurism does every gaze through the objective hide, can the photographer’s view be harmless and what is today’s relationship between the photographer and the model. As always, the answer lies within the audience… The Croatian Photo Association has traditionally made sure that the hunger of local lovers of photography is satisfied in the best possible way; therefore, after last year’s Touch of art Žarko Vijatović successful “Helsinki School of Photography” exhibition, a new project has been arranged at the Art Pavilion in June this year, and it is mostly special for a lack of hesitation to dedicate equal space and importance to the works of the greatest names of Croatian photography from different generations (Posavec, Dabac, Vesović, Rasol, Trbuljak, Cvjetanović, Herceg, Opalić, Ercegović, Vijatović), as well as complete amateurs (Gusić, Mateljić, Moro, Zaric, Stanković). - Viculin and Kuduz want to draw our attention to the unusual, yet so universal, attraction of the photography of a human face, human figure, almost any event involving people – the exhibition catalogue says. – They want to warn us that our desire for such scenes is almost unquenchable. And that’s why they encourage a shared exhibition of the authors who approach photography from very different positions, and you would expect them to go after different traces. Photographs by fifteen authors from completely different age groups, interests, even professions, discover the universal interest we have for each other. But do they discover the type of that interest, or explain us the reasons for having it or what we expect from it? According to the duo of selectors, the exhibition is structured around three problems of different levels of meaning: voyeurism as such, the photography medium and the exhibition medium. The origins of this type of structure came about because of the curators’ need to articulate their own position of the exhibition concept’s authors, without that concept “flying around in an air-free space of concept with no space and no other people”. The interaction between several levels of observing has been especially pointed out by the authors, as they were asking the questions that define the meaning of the exhibition: What is it that attracts us, that is interesting to the widest circle of people? Are other people something that can always, without hesitation, attract our attention? Do we watch movies only because we’re interested in other people? Regarding the shaping sense, the interaction between works of professionals and amateurs played a particularly significant role, and presentation-wise, certain types of voyeurism/exhibitionism make a very strong impression. The exhibition’s aim is to experiment, to flirt with the idea of voyeurism. How many people can we lure and offer them something unexpected when they simply came to have a good time? Do we need an audience to make sure our job still makes sense? Do we enjoy watching other people? Do we enjoy watching them as they look at the photographs? 81 Interijeri Svoje mjesto u hotelu Azucar možete rezervirati preko / The booking in Azucar can be made over Meksički antidizajnerski hotel Azucar posveta je savršenstvu mjesta na kojemu je nastao Najslaði šeæer Meksièkog zaljeva Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ 82 Foto: Vlasnik Carlos Couturier potomak je francuskih doseljenika od kojih je baštinio neobične utjecaje u unutrašnjem uređenju hotela. Primjerice, sjedalice su reprodukcija onakvih na kakvima su sjedili njegovi baka i djed. Niz prekrasnih, ali nepretencioznih detalja čini Azucar doista čarobnim mjestom Svaki bungalov ima svoju otvorenu terasu s pogledom na Meksički zaljev / Every bungalow has its own open terrace that overlooks the Mexican Gulf U doba globalnog sela, nijedno odredište na svijetu ne doima se pretjerano egzotičnim. Pravi globtroteri tvrde da se dašak egzotike i avanture još može pronaći na Dalekom istoku i u Latinskoj Americi. A jedno od najomiljenijih (i relativno sigurnih) turističkih odredišta u Srednjoj i Južnoj Americi svakako je Meksiko. U Meksiku rame uz rame ravnopravno žive autentični spomenici drevne prošlosti izumrlih civilizacija, u filmovima opjevani način života ruralnog Meksika, netaknuta priroda i urbana košnica Mexico Cityja, jednoga od najnapučenijih svjetskih gradova. No, oni koji od Meksika žele ljepotu i uživanje, opuštanje i mir, morali bi provjeriti ima li mjesta u hotelu Azucar. Azucar je, jednom riječju, raj na zemlji. Svoje “slatkasto” ime (“azucar” na španjolskom znači šećer) duguje regiji Veracruz u kojoj je smješten, najpoznatijoj po proizvodnji šećerne trske, ali i po prelijepim plažama u tome dijelu Meksičkog zaljeva. Najveći je grad u okolici Veracruz, a hotel Azucar se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini San Rafaela, ribarskoga gradića koji svojim živopisnim vizurama, malim trgovinama i srdačnim ljudima upravo odgovara tragačima za izvornim Meksikom. Mali se resort, s tek dvadesetak soba bungalova (koje u Meksiku nazivaju “palapas”), svojim izgledom potpuno stopio s bojama prirode koje dominiraju krajem – bijela boja pijeska, modro nebo, zelenilo palmina drveća... Meke, zaobljene, organske forme prostora, prirodni materijali, izbjegavanje pretjeranog luksuza, povratak jednostavnosti... govore o želji vlasnika Carlosa Couturiera (ujedno autora unutrašnjeg uređenja) i arhitekata Eliasa Adama i Josea Robreda da tradiciju ove lokacije povežu s onim što je u današnjem svijetu najveći luksuz: spokoj, opuštenost, osviještena new age filozofija, čija vanjska manifestacija gosta tjera da se barem nakratko vrati sam sebi i svojim potrebama. – Azucar je ekološki, organski projekt. On je istodobno i dizajnerski i antidizajnerski hotel – objašnjava svoju filozofiju Carlos Couturier, potomak francuskih doseljenika u Meksiko, od kojih je baštinio neobične utjecaje u unutra- Vlasnik Carlos Couturier zaslužan je za vanjsko i za unutrašnjo uređenje / The owner Carlos Couturier is also the author of the interior design šnjem uređenju hotela, inspiriran domom svojih predaka. Primjerice, sjedalice su reprodukcija onakvih na kakvima su sjedili njegovi baka i djed, a cedrovinu korištenu u unutrašnjem uređenju vlasnik je prikupljao kao naplavine po plažama godinama prije negoli je otvorio hotel. Čak su i dijelovi od fiberglasa, umivaonici i vrata tuša u bungalovima, svojevrsna posveta mjestu: od istoga su materijala i sličnih boja kao i lokalne ribarske brodice. Niz prekrasnih, ali jednostavnih i nepretencioznih detalja, čini Azucar doista čarobnim mjestom, koje na prvi pogled priziva bajku, a ne stvaran prostor u kojemu obitavaju ljudi. Jednostavnost je ovdje u funkciji prepoznavanja prirodnih ljepota koje okružuju hotel, i u tome su njegovi tvorci potpuno uspjeli. Svaki bungalov, izbijeljen izvana i dijelom iznutra te pokriven slamnatim krovom, ima svoju otvorenu terasu s po- 83 Osnovna boja je bijela / White is the basic colour Veliki obluci daju karakter prostoru / Large pebbles add character to the space Otvorena knjižnica oplemenjena luksuznim, ali jednostavnim pletenim ležaljkama / Open library ennobled with luxurious, yet simple braided deckchairs gledom na Meksički zaljev, na kojoj se može ručati, mrežu za ljuljanje i pristup svim zajedničkim prostorima. A to su redom: otvorena knjižnica oplemenjena luksuznim, ali jednostavnim pletenim ležaljkama u ružičastoj boji i (ponovno) bijelim policama, raskošni otvoreni bazen nepravilna oblika obložen oblucima, restoran u kojemu se redovito poslužuju lokalni riblji specijaliteti, savršeno održavana tratina na cijelom prostoru te kompletna wellness klinika, u kojoj se oni kojima ne pomaže sam ambijent mogu dodatno opustiti. Raznovrsni holistički tretmani za pomlađivanje i odmor, specijalističke masaže, sauna i prostor za meditaciju i vježbanje joge samo su neke od dodatnih usluga u kojima posjetitelj ovog izvanrednog hotela može uživati. U Azucaru se potpuno išlo naruku onima željnima opuštanja, pa djeca mlađa od 14 godina nemaju pristup mjestu. Ma koliko to izgledalo “nekorektno” i neosjetljivo, 84 Čak je i recepcija potpuno drugačija / Even the reception space is designed differently sigurni smo da je upravo ta činjenica neke goste dodatno privukla u Azucar. Jer ovo je mjesto u kojem valja poštovati i svojevrsni kućni red, kako bi se svi gosti mogli jednako dobro provesti. Za tulume je rezervirana golema plaža ispred bungalova, a oni željni avanture iznajmit će bicikl, otići na rafting ili kayaking do obližnje rijeke, posjetiti arheološka nalazišta, proći sa stručnim vodičem kroz obližnju močvaru mangrova... Hotel Azucar je luksuz koji ni mnogim domaćim putnicima ne bi trebao biti poseban financijski problem jer, ovisno o sezoni, noćenje stoji od 120 do 420 eura. Svatko bi sebi morao priuštiti jedno jednostavno, zdravo, prirodno i opuštajuće, a istodobno senzualno, uzbudljivo i “potpuno drukčije” ljetovanje u životu. Azucar, uostalom, za stanovnike ovoga prekrasnog kraja znači i – energija, entuzijazam, radost življenja. Posjetitelji hotela mogu uživati u prostoru za opuštanje i vježbanje / Hotel visitors can enjoy the space for relaxation and exercises Interiors Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ Photo: Mexican Anti-Designer Azucar Hotel Is Dedicated to the Perfection of Its Location The Swetest Sugar in the Gulf of Mexico Owner Carlos Couturier is a descendant of French immigrants from whom he has inherited some unusual influences in decorating the interior of his hotel. For example, the chairs are a reproduction of the ones used by his grandparents. A string of wonderful, yet unpretentious details make Azucar a truly magical place n this period of the global village, no destination in this world seems overly exotic. True globetrotters claim that the exotic and adventurous feel can still be recaptured in the Far East and in Latin America. And one of the most favourite (and relatively safe) tourist destinations in Central and South America is certainly Mexico. Co-existing side by side in Mexico, you can find authentic monuments of vanished civilizations’ ancient histories, lifestyle in rural Mexico that we’ve seen so many times in movies, intact nature, as well as the urban hive of Mexico City, one of the most over-crowded cities in the world. However, those who are looking for beauty and pleasure, or peace and quiet in Mexico, should ask for any vacancies at the Azucar Hotel. Simply said, the Azucar is heaven on earth. Its “sweetish” name (“azucar” stands for “sugar” in Spanish) has its sources in the region of Veracruz where it is located, which is most recognisable for the production of sugar cane, but I 85 Sve je podređeno životu na otvorenom / Everything is dedicated to living in the open space Jednostavne, organske forme dominiraju hotelom Azucar / Simple, organic forms dominate hotel Azucar 86 also for some beautiful beaches in that part of the Mexican Gulf. The largest city in that area is Veracruz, and the Azucar Hotel is found just outside of San Rafael, a small fishing town with picturesque sights, little stores and warm-hearted people, which is exactly what those searchers of original Mexico are looking for. The small resort, featuring only about twenty bungalow rooms (which are called “palapas” in Mexico), has a look that is completely assimilated with the dominating colours of that area’s nature – the white colour of the sand, the blue sky, the green palm trees… Soft, rounded, organic forms of the space, natural materials, avoiding any excessive luxuries, returning to simplicity… all point out the ambition of the owner Carlos Couturier (who is also the author of the interior design) and architects Elias Adam and Jose Robredo to combine the tradition of this location with what is considered the biggest luxury in the world today: tranquillity, relaxation, enlightened new age philosophy with its outside manifestations that force the guest to return to himself and his needs, at least for a short while. - Azucar is an ecological, organic project. It qualifies as a designer and anti-designer hotel at the same time – that is the philosophy of Carlos Couturier, a descendent of French immigrants to Mexico, from whom he has inherited some unusual influences in decorating the interior of the hotel, inspired by the home of his ancestors. For example, the chairs are a reproduction of the ones used by his grandparents, and all the cedar wood used in decorating the interior has been assembled by the owner as beach debris for years before he opened the hotel. Even the fibreglass parts, such as the lavatories and shower doors in bungalows, are homage of sort to the area: they are made from the same material and have similar colours as the local fishing boats. A string of wonderful, yet simple and unpretentious details make Azucar a truly magical place, which creates a fairy-tale image at first sight, instead of the image of an actual place filled with people. Simplicity serves the function of recognizing all the natural beauties surrounding the hotel, and the creators have completely succeeded in that mission. Every bungalow, bleached on the outside and partly on the inside, as well as covered with a straw roof, has its own open terrace that overlooks the Mexican Gulf and where you can have lunch; it also has hammocks and access to all common facilities. And those would be: open library ennobled with luxurious, yet simple braided deckchairs in pink colour and with (again) white shelves. There is also a sumptuous, irregularly-shaped outdoor swimming pool covered in pebbles, a restaurant where you can order local fish specialties, a perfectly maintained lawn at the whole area and a complete Raskošni otvoreni bazen / Sumptuous outdoor swimming pool wellness clinic, where even those not influenced by the ambiance can have some extra-relaxation. Various holistic treatments for rejuvenation and resting, specialist massages, a sauna and a space for the practicing of yoga and meditation are just some of the extra-services for this outstanding hotel’s visitors to bask in. People in the Azucar went the whole route to those who look for relaxation, and that’s why children who are younger than 14 have no access to this place. It may seem “incorrect” and insensitive, but we are sure that some of the guests were extra-attracted to the Azucar because of that rule. This is a place where a certain domestic rulebook must be obeyed, so that all the guests have the same chances of having a good time. A huge Interiors beach in front of the bungalows is reserved for parties, and those who are looking for an adventure will rent a bicycle, do some rafting or kayaking at the nearby river, visit some archaeological sights, make a trip through the nearby mangrove swamp with a licensed guide… The Azucar Hotel is a luxury that shouldn’t present a financial problem for many of our own travellers, because a night at the hotel costs 120-420 euros, depending on the season. Everyone should be able to afford one simple, healthy, natural and relaxing, yet at the same time sensual, exciting and “completely different” vacation in their life. Azucar has some other meanings for the people who live in that wonderful area – energy, enthusiasm, and the joy of life. 87 Dom snova Bogat uzorak orahovih parketa dominira prostorom / Rich sample of walnut parquet dominates the space 88 Modernost kroz racionalnost Uređenje tzv. službenog stana pokazuje kako se čak i u projektantski nedovoljno definiranim okolnostima stvaranja životnog prostora za nepoznatog korisnika može ostvariti visoka kvaliteta stambenog standarda, uz inteligentno i racionalno korištenje svih raspoloživih mogućnosti Piše: Ivan Mladina U Foto: Kristina Faziniæ nutarnje uređenje službenih stanova je posebna grana unutarnjeg uređenja stambenih prostora. Vrlo intiman dio životnog prostora čovjeka, njegov stan, u slučaju korporativnog stanovanja postaje predgotovljeni predmet u koji stanar ulazi s gotovo ničim više od vlastite odjeće i u kojem boravi neko određeno vrijeme. S obzirom da je nemoguće zadovoljiti sve ukuse, pri projektiranju interijera za nepoznatog korisnika najuputnije je voditi se duhom vremena. No takav pristup u sebi skriva mnogo zamki, od strogo određenog budžeta i početnih ograničenja pa do društvenih estetskih kriterija. Riječ “sterilnost” je stoga često nepravedno kolokvijalan pridjev korporativnih stanova za menadžere. Arhitektica Nina Haramija, iz respektabilne tvrtke za dizajn interijera Tehno-Klara, suočila se s tim izazovom osmišljavajući interijere stanova za zaposlenike Hypo Leasinga, koji se nalaze u sklopu Alpe-Adria Centra na zagrebačkom Prisavlju. Dvoetažni stan u tehnološki iznimno razvijenoj poslovnoj zgradi već je od samog početka omogućavao potpunu tehnološku opremljenost. Podno grijanje, automatski sustav ventilacije i klimatizacije, daljinski upravljane rolete i ostalo, već otpočetka nisu ostavljali puno želja za komforom stanovanja neispunjenima. Pravi izazov je bio kako takav stan riješiti što neutralnije i decentnije, uz zadržavanje životnosti i stambenog ozračja prostora. Pri osmišljavanju prostora i odabiru opreme jedna od glavnih niti vodilja bila je “best-buy”, dakle postizanje ravnoteže između željenog standarda stanovanja i raspoloživog budžeta. Odabir bogatog uzorka orahova parketa, suprotstavljenog jednostavnim bijelim zidovima, postao je nit vodilja za daljnje oblikovanje i odabir namještaja. Sva vrata su 89 U spavaonici se kao dodatni element oblikovanja pojavljuje mliječnobijelo staklo / The bedroom features milky-white glass as a design element Kupaonica je oplemenjena decentnim podnim pločama od tamnozelenog kamena / Subtle floor tiles made out of dark-green stone dominate the bathroom 90 bijele boje, poput kameleona se stapajući s plohama zidova. Konzekventno provedeno oblikovanje svoju logiku ne napušta ni kad dijalogu između zida i poda pridoda diskretne inoks rukohvate internog stubišta. Svi detalji su iznimno promišljeni, uz stalno prisutnu svijest o svjetlosti, materijalima i kadru, što je pridonijelo općem dojmu prostornosti i zanimljivosti prostora. Namještaj talijanske tvrtke Euromobil se svojim elegantnim i inovativnim dizajnom izvanredno uklopio u ovakav koncept oblikovanja interijera. Dnevnim boravkom dominiraju velika garnitura za sjedenje presvučena prirodnim (pamuk-viskoza) materijalom s nenametljivim, ali prostranim stolom, a tepih od mikrovlakana, osim što pridonosi opuštajućem osjećaju interijera, svojim antialergijskim svojstvima naglašava brigu za stanare. Stol za blagovanje i stolci međusobno se suprotstavljaju oblikovanjem, stvarajući neutralni prostor u kojem je naglasak na onome što će se tamo događati. Izvanredno elegantna polica konzolno postavljena na zid pokraj stola, duhovit je i praktičan dodatak ovoj zoni. Bijeli zastori, koji se pojavljuju u cijelom stanu, element su komfora stanovanja koji arhitekti često isključuju u potrazi za što čistijim linijama prostora. U ovom slučaju njihova prisutnost samo pomaže, jer nježna difuzna svjetlost koju propuštaju omekšava doživljaj prostora, čineći ga ugodnijim za stanovanje. Otvorena kuhinja sa šankom usklađena je s oblikovnim vokabularom boravka i blagovaonice. Izvedena od sjajnog laminata, obogaćena je lebdećim plohama koje daju dozu dramatike. Kao i u blagovaonici, meke linije stolaca stvaraju oblikovnu protutežu čistim i strogim linijama kuhinje i šanka. Najintimniji dijelovi stana, kupaonice i spavaonice, svakako su bili i najosjetljiviji za oblikovanje. Kroz kupaonice se stoga ponovno provlači motiv cijelog stana – neutralnom bijelom zidu izvedenom iz sjajnih velikoformatnih pločica, suprotstavljene su decentne podne ploče od tamnozelenog kamena upotrijebljenog i u ostatku kompleksa banke, dok tamna stolarija ima ulogu poveznice tih dvaju motiva. U spavaonici se pojavljuje još jedan dodatni element oblikovanja – mliječnobijelo staklo. Velike plohe vrata ormara, tretiranog u dvije boje, izvedene su u kombinaciji bijelog laminata i bijelog stakla. Kad se toj kombinaciji pridoda šarenilo odjeće, nije teško zamisliti neočekivane kolorističke senzacije koje nastaju. Osvjetljenje je jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika svakog interijera. Osim iskorištavanja svih potencijala prirodnog osvjetljenja stana, autorica je u prostorima boravka i blagovanja odabrala praktične lustere, dok je zidne lampe i ugradbenu halogenu spot-rasvjetu upotrijebila na mjestima kojima je bio potreban naglasak, kao, primjerice, na stubištu i kuhinjskom šanku. Postizanje modernosti kroz jednostavnost i racionalnost bila je maksima arhitekta i velikog umjetnika Roberta Someka, a arhitektica Haramija i tvrtka Tehno-Klara izravni su nastavljači njegove tradicije osmišljavanja prostora. Uređenje ovog stana pokazuje kako se čak i u projektantski nedovoljno definiranim okolnostima stvaranja životnog prostora za nepoznatog korisnika može ostvariti visoka kvaliteta stambenog standarda, uz inteligentno i racionalno korištenje svih raspoloživih mogućnosti. Dream home Modern Along with Rational Decorating an “official apartment” shows that even if the designing circumstances are not defined enough while attempting to create a living space for an unknown user, it is possible to achieve high quality of residential standard by taking advantage of all available possibilities in an intelligent and rational way Written by: Ivan Mladina Photo: Kristina Faziniæ 91 Dream home Stan u novoj poslovnoj zgradi omogućava potpunu tehnološku opremljenost / Apartment in a new business building is completely tecnologically equipped Stol za blagovanje i stolci međusobno se suprotstavljaju oblikovanjem, stvarajući neutralni prostor / The dining table and chairs are in mutual contrast with their respective shapes, thus creating a neutral space I nterior decoration of official apartments is a special branch in the field of decorating the interiors of residential quarters. A very intimate part of the person’s living space, his apartment, in case of corporate residence becomes a pre-finalized object in which the tenant brings nothing more than his own clothes, and in which he stays for a certain period of time. Having in mind that it’s impossible to please everyone’s tendencies, the best thing to do while projecting the interior for an unknown user is to follow the spirit of the period. However, that kind of approach hides a lot of obstacles, from a strictly determined budget and initial limitations, all the way to social aesthetic criteria. The term “sterility” is, therefore, often misused as a colloquial adjective describing corporate apartments for managers. Architect Nina Haramija, from a respectable interior design company Tehno-Klara, confronted this challenge by designing apartment interiors for employees of Hypo Leasing, which are located within the Alpe-Adria Centre in Prisavlje, Zagreb. A two-storey apartment in a technologically extremely 92 developed business building meant that full technological equipment wasn’t going to be a problem from the very start. Floor heating, automatic systems for ventilation and air-conditioning, remote-controlled shutters and so on – not many wishes for living comfort were being left unfulfilled from the start. The true challenge was to present the work in a neutral and subtle way, while keeping the vitality and the residential atmosphere of the apartment. While coming up with ideas for the space and choosing the equipment, one of the main starting points was “bestbuy”, which means achieving the balance between the desired standard of living and the available budget. Choosing the rich sample of walnut parquet, in contrast with the simple white walls, became a starting point for further shaping and choosing the furniture. All doors are in white colour, blending like a chameleon into the wall surfaces. Consequently preformed designing doesn’t abandon its logic even when it adds discrete inox handrails for the internal staircase to the dialogue between the wall and the floor. All details are extremely thought out, with constant awareness about lighting, materials and frames, which contributed to the general impression of spaciousness and space curiosity. Furniture by the Italian company Euromobil has done a wonderful job of fitting into this concept of interior decorating with its elegant and innovative design. The living room is dominated by a large seating ensemble covered with natural (cotton-viscosis) materials, featuring an unassuming but large table, while the carpet made out of micro fibres, besides contributing to the relaxed feel of the interior, emphasises concern for the tenants with its anti-allergy characteristics. The dining table and chairs are in mutual contrast with their respective shapes, thus creating a neutral space that emphasises the events that take place in the room. A wonderfully elegant shelf, which is cantilevered against the wall by the table, is a funny and practical addition to this zone. White curtains, which appear all over the apartment, are an element of living comfort that is often abandoned by the architects who search for cleaner lines of space. In this case, their presence does nothing but good, because the gentle diffuse light that passes through the curtains softens the experience of the space, making it more comfortable to live in. Open kitchen with a bar is adjusted to the shaping vocabulary of the living room and the dining room. Made out of shiny laminate, it is ennobled with floating surfaces, which provide a healthy dose of drama. Just like in the dining room, the chairs’ soft lines create designing counter-action to the pure, strict lines of the kitchen and the bar. The most intimate parts of the apartment, bathrooms and bedrooms, were certainly the most delicate areas to design. Therefore, the bathrooms feature the motif that appears all over the apartment – a neutral white wall made out of shiny grand-sized tiles, which are in contrast to the subtle floor tiles made out of dark-green stone, which was used in the remainder of the bank complex, while the dark joinery has a connecting role between those two motifs. The bedroom features another design element – milkywhite glass. Large surfaces of the closet doors, processed in two colours, were performed in a combination of white laminate and white glass. When you add the variety of colours of the clothes to that combination, it’s not difficult to imagine the unexpected colouring sensations that appear. The lighting is one of the most important factors in every interior. Besides taking advantage of all potentials for natural light in the apartment, the author has chosen practical hanging lamps for the living room and dining room, while the wall lamps and a built-in halogen spot-lighting were used in places that needed an extra point made, such as the staircase or the kitchen bar. Achieving the modern impression through simplicity and rationality was the byword of architect and great artist Robert Somek, and architect Haramija and the TehnoKlara Company are direct followers of his space decorating tradition. This apartment’s decoration shows that even if the designing circumstances are not defined enough while attempting to create a living space for an unknown user, it is possible to achieve high quality of residential standard by taking advantage of all possibilities in an intelligent and rational way. Nina Haramija osmislila je interijer tzv. korporativnih stanova / Nina Haramija developed the interior concept of the so called “corporate” apartments 93 Info V Kinesis - ekskluzivni SPRAVE ZA VJEŽBANJE VIŠE NE MORAJU PODSJEĆATI NA SPRAVE ZA MUČENJE kuæni duh zdravlja S novom serijom sprava Kinesis Personal, koje je dizajnirao Antonio Citterio, talijanska tvrtka Technogym cilja na najzahtjevnije korisnike, na sofisticirane i inventivne domove, kombinirajući izvanrednu formu s višestrukom funkcijom Piše: Aurelija Vukušiæ Foto: 94 eć odavno nije važno samo vježbate li, nego i kako vježbate, što vježbate i (za ultimativne šminkere) u čemu vježbate. No, jednako je važno, ako ne i najvažnije, na čemu vježbate jer loše sprave za vježbanje vašem tijelu mogu učiniti više zla negoli koristi. Suprotno tome, dobra i lijepa oprema, osim zdravlja i koristi za mišiće, zglobove, cjelokupnu posturu i, na koncu zdrav duh, sada može i uljepšati neki “samo vaš” ili javni prostor u kojem se sportaši profesionalci ili amateri žele posvetiti treningu. Upravo su tim tragom krenuli stručnjaci iz jedne od najpoznatijih svjetskih tvrtki za proizvodnju sprava za vježbanje, talijanskog Technogyma, smišljajući seriju sprava nazvanu Kinesis Personal, predstavljenu na nedavnom Saloneu del Mobile u Milanu. Talijanski specijalisti za industriju zdravlja i sporta među velikim su izvoznicima, a njihove sprave se koriste u više od 35.000 fitness centara širom svijeta, među kojima su i oni namijenjeni vrhunskim sportašima (nogometni klubovi talijanske Serie A, Chelsea, Liverpool, Real Madrid, jedriličarski tim Luna Rossa za America’s Cup...). Njihova je oprema također bila ne- Moderan i diskretan izgled novog Kinesisa prilagodljiv je svakom interijeru / Modern and discrete look of the new Kinesis is adjustable to every interior zaobilazna i na Olimpijskim igrama u Sydneyu, Ateni i Torinu, a jedina je ne-azijska tvrtka koja će kao dobavljač biti zastupljena i na Igrama u Pekingu 2008. godine. Usto, Technogym nekoliko godina zaredom dobiva priznanja za vrlo visoku kvalitetu radnih uvjeta, pa su proglašeni jednima od najboljih poslodavaca u Italiji i Europi. A s novom serijom sprava Kinesis Personal, Technogym cilja na najzahtjevnije korisnike, na ekskluzivne i sofisticirane domove, kombinirajući izvanrednu formu s višestrukom funkcijom. Novi Kinesis Personal, njegovi tvorci predstavljaju kao jedinu spravu za vježbanje pri kreiranju koje je čovjek bio na prvome mjestu, a tehnologija na drugome. Osnovna je razlika u tome što ovu spravu možete bez srama postaviti uza zid usred dnevnog boravka, biblioteke ili spavaće sobe. Inovativan, moderan i diskretan izgled novog Kinesisa prilagodljiv je svakom interijeru i ni na koji način ne ugrožava dojam luksuza, dok njegovi vlasnici u svakom trenutku mogu vrlo kvalitetno vježbati zahvaljujući jedinstvenom sustavu koji u potpunosti podržava prirodne pokrete ljudskoga tijela. Technogymova “šminkerska” sprava je i vrlo funkcional- na – na prostoru manjem od četvornog metra, korisnik može odraditi gotovo 200 različitih vježbi za razvijanje mišića, ali i koordinacije. Kinesis, naime, radi na principu trodimenzionalnog pokreta, koji je Technogym patentirao pod imenom “Fullgravity” – tijelo se slobodno i prirodno kreće uz dodatni otpor sprave, pa bi konačni rezultat trebao biti puno bolji i potpuniji negoli nakon korištenja klasičnih sprava za vježbanje. Koncept ovoga jedinstvenog kućnog “pomagača” nastao je zahvaljujući suradnji Techogymova centra za istraživanja i razvoj te ekskluzivnog dizajna koji potpisuje poznati talijanski arhitekt i produkt dizajner Antonio Citterio. Citterio (koji je radio projekt Vitrine tvornice u Njemačkoj, Cerruttijeva showrooma u New Yorku, te mnoštvo radova za Vitru, Kartell, B&B, Flos...) Kinesisu je dodao glamur neočekivan za jednu “običnu” spravu za vježbanje, a novi “must have” asesoar za estete među sportašima dolazi s podlogom u crnoj, bež i zlatnoj boji ili zrcalom kao podlogom. Koliko se ovakva sprava uklapa u vaš životni prostor, procijenite sami, ali sigurno je da će vam tijelo biti zahvalno zbog Kinesisa. 95 Info WORKOUT PRODUCTS DON’T HAVE TO REMIND US OF TORTURE GADGETS ANYMORE Kinesis - the Exclusive Home Spirit of Health With their new Kinesis Personal series of products, designed by Antonio Citterio, Italian company Technogym aims at the most demanding users, sophisticated and inventive homes, by combining outstanding form with multiple functions Written by: Aurelija Vukušiæ Photo: 96 Kinesis Gold - predstavljen na nedavnom milanskom sajmu / Kinesis Gold - presented on recent Milan fair I t’s been a long time since it was just important whether you exercise; what matters now is also how you exercise, what you exercise, and (for the really fancy ones) what you wear for exercise. However, it’s just as important, if not more important than anything, what you use for exercise, because workout products of bad quality can do your body more damage than good. On the other hand, good and lovely equipment, besides doing good for your health, muscles, joints, entire posture, and finally, for your healthy spirit, can now bring beauty to one of your own rooms, or to a public facility where professional or amateur athletes spend their time training. That was precisely on the minds of experts from one of the most famous manufacturers of workout products in the world, Technogym from Italy, when they were coming up with a series of products called Kinesis Personal, which was presented at the recent Salone del Mobile in Milan. Italian specialists for the industry of health and sports are among the major exporters, and their equipment is used in over 35.000 fitness centres all across the world, including the centres reserved for top-class athletes (football teams of the Italian Serie A, Chelsea, Liverpool, Real Madrid, yachting team Luna Rossa for America’s Cup…). Their equipment was also unavoidable at the Olympic Games in Sydney, Athens and Turin, and they are the only non-Asian company that is set to be a supplier for the Beijing Games in 2008. In addition to that, Technogym has been receiving awards for the very high quality of working conditions for several years now, which led to them being considered one of the best employers in Italy and Europe. And with their new series of products called Kinesis Personal, Technogym aims at the most demanding users, exclusive and sophisticated homes, by combining outstanding form with multiple functions. The new Kinesis Personal is presented by its creators as the only workout product to put the user at first place during the designing process, while technology came in second. The basic difference is the fact that you can place this product right by the wall of your living room, library or bedroom, without feeling embarrassed by it. The innovative, modern and discrete look of the new Kinesis is adjustable to every interior and it does nothing to jeopardize the impression of luxury, while its owners can have a quality workout at any given moment, thanks to a unique system that fully supports the natural movement of the human body. Technogym’s “posh” product is also very functional – at a space smaller than one square meter, the user can go through almost 200 different exercises for increasing muscles, but also coordination. That is because Kinesis functions at the three-dimensional movement principle, patented by Technogym as “Fullgravity” – the body moves freely and naturally with the product providing extra-resistance, so the final result should be a lot better and more complete than after using some of the classic workout products. The concept of this unique “home assistant” came about because of cooperation of the Technogym Centre for Research and Development, as well as the exclusive design signed by the famous Italian architect and product designer Antonio Citterio. Citterio (who has designed the Vitra Factory project in Germany, the Cerrutti showroom in New York, as well as many projects for Vitra, Kartell, B&B, Flos…) has given Kinesis the type of glamour that is unexpected for an “ordinary” workout product, and the new “must have” accessory for aesthetic sportspeople comes with a black, beige or golden background, or with a mirror as the background. How well does this product fit into your living space, that is your call, but your body will surely be grateful for giving Kinesis a chance. Info Dizajn potpisuje poznati talijanski arhitekt i produkt dizajner Antonio Citterio / Design signed by the famous Italian architect and product designer Antonio Citterio 97 Savjet i Kojim namještajem opremiti vrt ili terasu? Najudobniji pogled na vlastito zelenilo Lijep vrtni namještaj je bitan dio svake terase ili dvorišta, no do punog izražaja će doći samo ako se upotpuni s ostatkom otvorenog prostora. Pažljivo odaberite biljke i vrtne ukrase, jastuke i stolnjake, i prilagodite ih namještaju. Neka sve bude jedna lijepa i posebna cjelina koja se upotpunjuje od različitih, ali stilski ujednačenih detalja Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ U prošlom broju DalCase čitali ste o krajobraznoj arhitekturi, a uz lijepo bilje, vrtni namještaj je jednako važan dio svake okućnice. Proljeće i ljeto su godišnja doba kada se najviše uživa u malim vrtnim oazama, bez obzira nalaze li se u nekom mirnijem dijelu predgrađa, u vikendici na moru ili u samom središtu grada. Lijepa okućnica ili raskošno uređena terasa su nešto čemu treba posvetiti posebnu pažnju, a opuštanje i odmaranje u otvorenom dijelu vašeg doma će sigurno biti ljepše i ugodnije uz pravilno odabran vrtni namještaj. Prije samog odabira valja dobro razmisliti jer namještaj mora biti ponajprije prilagođen vrtu, odnosno terasi. Kupci bi morali biti svjesni prostora kojim raspolažu i na najbolji način iskoristiti njegove mogućnosti. Hoće li korištenje vrta ili terase biti namijenjeno samo privatnim 98 trenucima za opuštanje ili ćete otvoreni prostor koristiti kako biste ugostili prijatelje? Hoće li garnitura u dvorištu služiti tek kratkom boravku ili za višesatni odmor, također je vrlo važno, jer će sunčanje ili čitanje u dvorištu biti puno ugodnije u udobnoj i kvalitetnoj ležaljci. Dakle, o svemu treba razmisliti i raspoloživi prostor pažljivo izmjeriti pa tek onda krenuti u razgledavanje i kupnju vrtnog namještaja. Raznolika ponuda i materijali Funkcionalnost je glavna riječ kod svakog uređenja, pa tako i kod izbora vrtnog namještaja. Danas se na tržištu mogu naći najrazličitije vrtne garniture po različitim cijenama. Osnovni dio vrtnog namještaja svakako je sjedeća garnitura, a njezina veličina ovisi o veličini raspo- Dedon - Marrakesh Brazil Sjedalice iz Dedonove kolekcije Marrakesh sand / Chairs from Dedon’s Marrakesh sand collection loživog prostora. Za manje prostore postoje praktične sjedeće garniture koje se lako sklapaju i tako zauzimaju puno manje prostora, a u hladnijim mjesecima se također mogu sklopiti i pospremiti negdje gdje neće smetati. Iako često zna zadati prave muke, namještanje malog prostora zna biti itekako zabavno, a prava je umjetnost mali prostor pretvoriti u funkcionalnu oazu. Vlasnici kuća s većim dvorištima imaju puno veći izbor i mogu se poigrati s količinom namještaja, veličinom i različitim stilovima. Bez obzira radi li se o PVC namještaju, luksuznim metalnim materijalima ili ručno izrađenom drvenom namještaju, morate biti svjesni činjenice da svaki materijal ima svoje mane i prednosti. Primjerice, PVC namještaj je povoljniji i otporan je na gotovo sve vremenske uvjete, pa je stoga jednako pogodan za priobalje i za kontinentalne dijelove. Još jedna prednost kod PVC materijala jest činjenica da je takav namještaj prilično lagan pa se namještaj bez problema može premještati. Nedostatak PVC materijala Berga Form - ležaljka Amanda / Easychair Amanda je ukupni dojam – koliko god bio lijep i simpatičan, plastični namještaj djeluje jeftino i nikako nije pogodan ako svojim dvorištem želite ostaviti luksuzni dojam. Ovisno o stilu i načinu izrade, metalni namještaj može biti uistinu prekrasan. Ako se uklope u ostatak dvorišta, moder- 99 Bonacina Pierantonio - viseći naslonjač Egg, dizajn Jørgen Ditzel Nanna / Hanging armchair Egg, design Jørgen Ditzel Nanna ljka iz rm - leža Berga Fo Access / kolekcije cess ger Acc u S nloun ne garniture od inoksa će doslovno oduzimati dah svakome tko posjeti vašu okućnicu, dok će kovani metalni namještaj djelovati ozbiljnije i ostavit će pravi aristokratski dojam. Ako vam prostor dopušta, uzmite u obzir viseće ležaljke koje već pri samom pogledu na njih djeluju umirujuće – uz viseću ležaljku ćete imati osjećaj da ste stalno na godišnjem odmoru. Namještaj od egzotičnog drveta Naravno da ne treba zanemariti ljepotu i vrijednost namještaja od masivnog hrasta, jelovine ili smreke, no u Hrvatskoj je trenutačno vrlo popularan namještaj od egzotičnih vrsta drveta. Male terase ili balkoni u zgradama će uz namještaj od egzotičnog drveta izgledati zaista posebno, a veća dvorišta se uz adekvatni vrtni namještaj mogu oplemeniti i egzotičnim biljem, primjerice bambusom koji vrlo dobro uspijeva u primorju. Tikovina, mahagonij, eukaliptus, kerving ili bambus su materijali koji se najčešće traže u hrvatskim prodavaonicama, no valja napomenuti kako postoje i neki domaći proizvođači koji su se opredijelili upravo za ručnu izradu namještaja od egzotičnih vrsta drveta. Egzotično drvo odlikuju odlične kvalitete – otporno je na vlagu i na vremenske uvjete, što jamči dugovječnost, a održavanje je vrlo lako i jednostavno. Samim tim, vrtni namještaj od egzota pogodan je za krajeve s oštrijom klimom, no jednako tako i za jadransko priobalje gdje jaka sunčeva svjetlost često zna uništiti namještaj od jeftinijih materijala. Pleteni namještaj također zna biti vrlo lijep, no malo je zahtjevniji što se tiče održavanja jer nakon nekog vremena zahtijeva temeljito čišćenje prašine koja uništi svu njegovu ljepotu. U lijepom i pažljivo uređenom vrtu, namještaj od egzotičnog drveta djelovat će posebno toplo i ugodno jer se radi o prirodnom materijalu, a u kontrastu s lijepim jastucima od lana ili ute dodatno će dobiti na prirodnoj atmosferi. 100 Ne zaboravite na kreativnost Lijep vrtni namještaj je bitan dio svake terase ili dvorišta, no do punog izražaja će doći samo ako se upotpuni s ostatkom otvorenog prostora. Pažljivo odaberite biljke i vrtne ukrase, jastuke i stolnjake, i prilagodite ih namještaju. Neka sve bude jedna lijepa i posebna cjelina koja se upotpunjuje od različitih, ali stilski ujednačenih detalja. Svaki dio vašeg doma mora predstavljati ono što vi jeste, stoga se ne trebate bojati vlastite kreativnosti. Odaberite ono što vam se sviđa. Čak i ako se radi o PVC garniturama, vaša terasa može izgledati atraktivno, no imajte na umu da cjelina čini ukupni dojam pa se svaki detalj treba uklapati. Uz vrtni namještaj tu su i odgovarajuće vrtne lampe, pa svoju inoks garnituru istaknite nekom lijepom vrtnom lampom od sličnog materijala. Ako više preferirate drveni namještaj, na raspolaganju ćete imati najrazličitije jastuke, vanjske tepihe i podmetače od prirodnih materijala, a možete se poigrati i nešto od toga pokušati sami izraditi, što je uvijek zabavno i zanimljivo. Naravno, svaka terasa ili vrt nemaju savršen pogled na more, zelenilo ili kakvu lijepu livadu. Stoga se potrudite da vam barem pogled na vlastito dvorište bude lijep. Which Furniture Do You Select for Your Garden or Terrace? The Most Comfortable View over Your Greenery Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ Kao stvorena za uživanje - Dedonova kolekcija Panama / Made for leisure - Dedon’s collection Panama Advices Nice-looking garden furniture is an important part of every terrace or courtyard, but it will reach its full potential only if it’s completed with the rest of the outdoor space. Carefully choose plants and garden decorations, cushions and tablecloths, and adjust them to the furniture. Make sure it all produces a lovely-looking, special unit that is completed with different, yet stylistically balanced details I n the last issue of DalCasa, you read about landscape architecture; however, along with lovely plants, the garden furniture is also an important part of every courtyard. Spring and summer are the two seasons when we spend the most time enjoying our little garden oases, regardless of if they’re located in a peaceful suburban area, a coastal vacation house or right at the centre of the town. A nice-looking courtyard or a delightfully decorated terrace are something that demands full attention, and the rest and relaxation at the outdoor part of your home is bound to be nicer and more pleasant if you’ve done a good job of choosing the right garden furniture. You must give it a lot of thought before you make that choice, because the furniture must be well adjusted to the garden or terrace. The buyers should be aware of the space at their disposal, and then should find the best way to maximize its potential. Will the us- age of the garden or terrace be reserved only for your private relaxation time or will you use the outdoor space to entertain your friends? Will your courtyard-ensemble only serve for a brief stay or for a multi-hour relaxation – that is also very important, because sunbathing or reading in your yard will be much more pleasant in a comfortable, quality deckchair. Therefore, you should give everything good consideration and carefully measure the space at your disposal, and only then start searching around and buying the garden furniture. Various Offers and Materials Functionality is the chief term with any type of decoration, so it’s no different when it comes to garden furniture. Today’s market offers the most various types of garden ensembles at varying prices. The primary part of garden furniture is certainly the seating ensemble, and 101 Advices 102 its size depends on the size of the space at your disposal. For smaller spaces, there are many practical seating ensembles that can be easily folded and that take up much less room, and they can also be folded and stored up somewhere during the winter months, so that they won’t get in the way. Although it often present a true nuisance, decorating a smaller space can also be a lot of fun, and it’s actually art to turn a smaller space into a functional oasis. The house owners with larger courtyards have a lot more options and they can play around with the amount of furniture, the size and different styles. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about PVC furniture, luxurious metal materi- Velike posude za biljke uljepšat će svaku okućnicu / Big planters will embellish every courtyard als or hand-made wooden furniture – you must always be aware of the fact that every material has its flaws and advantages. For example, PVC furniture is more accessible and resilient at almost all weather conditions, and that makes it work just as good in coastal and continental areas. One more advantage of PVC material is the fact that it’s pretty light, so the furniture can be moved around effortlessly. PVC material’s flaw is the overall impression – as nice and likeable as it is, plastic furniture has a cheap look about it and it doesn’t work if you’re trying to use your courtyard to achieve the impression of luxury. Depending on the style and production method, metal furniture can truly be wonderful. If they fit in with the rest of the courtyard, modern inox ensembles will literally take everyone’s breath away when they step foot into your yard, while the wrought metal furniture will have a more serious look and achieve an aristocratic impression. If permitted by space, think about hanging deckchairs, which have a calming effect for anyone who just looks at them – it gives you a feeling of a constant vacation. it with nice linen or hessian cushions, you will reach an even higher level of natural atmosphere. Exotic-Wooden Furniture Naturally, you shouldn’t ignore the beauty or value of furniture made out of the massive oak, fir wood or spruce, but what’s popular in Croatia at the moment is furniture made out of exotic types of trees. Small terraces or building balconies will look really special with exotic-wooden furniture, and bigger yards can, along with suitable garden furniture, be ennobled with some exotic plants; bamboo would make an excellent choice, as it succeeds well on the coast. Teak, mahogany, eucalyptus, bamboo – those are the most sought-after materials in Croatian stores, but it’s worth mentioning that there are some local manufacturers that chose to produce hand-made furniture out of exotic types of trees. Exotic wood has great qualities – it ‘s resilient to moisture and weather conditions, which guarantees durability, and maintenance is very easy and simple. By saying that, it’s clear that exotic-wooden garden furniture is suitable for areas with some harsher climate, but it works just as well in the Adriatic area where the amount of sunlight can damage the furniture made from cheaper materials. Braided furniture can also be quite lovely, but it’s a little more demanding as far as maintenance goes, because you have to perform detailed dustcleaning after a while, and it ruins all its beauty. In a nice and carefully decorated garden, exotic-wooden furniture will have a very warm and pleasant effect because the material is natural, and if you contrast Don’t Forget about Creativity Nice-looking garden furniture is an important part of every terrace or courtyard, but it will reach its full potential only if it’s completed with the rest of the outdoor space. Carefully choose plants and garden decorations, cushions and tablecloths, and adjust them to the furniture. Make sure it all produces a lovely-looking, special unit that is completed with different, yet stylistically balanced details. Every part of your home has to represent who you are, so you shouldn’t be afraid of your own creativity. Make any choices that make you feel good. Even if we’re talking about PVC ensembles, your terrace can still be attractive, but have in mind that the unit makes the overall impression and every detail must be there for a reason. Along with the garden furniture, you must also pick accompanying garden lamps, so make sure you turn up the effect of your inox ensemble with a lovely garden lamp made out of a similar material. If you prefer wooden furniture, you will find options for various cushions, outdoor rugs and coasters from natural materials, and you can always play around and try to make some of that stuff yourself, which is always interesting and good fun. Naturally, not all terraces or gardens have a perfect view over the sea or a lovely meadow. Therefore, you must make sure that at least the view over your courtyard looks mighty good. Rozi Hort Art ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������������ �������������������� ����������������������� 103 �������������������������� ���������������������������������������� Kult ni komad Achille i Pier Giacomo Castiglioni: MEZZADRO (1957.) Duhoviti radikalizam “Mora biti malo ironije u dizajnu i predmetima koji nas okružuju. Oko sebe vidim profesionalnu bolest da se sve shvaća odveć ozbiljno. Moja tajna je u tome da se cijelo vrijeme šalim” Achille Castiglioni Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ 104 I me Achille Castiglioni simbol je industrijskog dizajna dvadesetog stoljeća. Školovani arhitekt, dizajner, vizionar, hiperaktivni izumitelj i jedan od najpopularnijih predavača na prestižnom Politehničkom fakultetu u Milanu – kojega su studenti, poslovično najstroži kritičari, iznimno cijenili – svoju je poruku mladim dizajnerskim snagama sažeo u jednu rečenicu: “Svaki put krenite od skice, držite se zdravog razuma, u svakom trenutku svjesni ciljeva i sredstava koje imate na raspolaganju.” Drugim riječima, da bi dizajnirao novi predmet ili unaprijedio već postojeći, njegov tvorac ima odgovornost, prije svega, analitički se osvrnuti na postojeće potrebe i opravdanost svoga postupka, a zatim istražiti koja mu “sredstva”, tehnologije i materijali stoje na raspolaganju. Nakon što je to utvrdio, dizajner treba identificirati ono što Castiglioni naziva “osnovnom komponentom dizajna”, koja će se nekada odnositi na napredak u tehnologiji, a nekada podrazumijevati promjenu u ponašanju i navikama ljudi. Upravo tako su nastale sjedalice “Mezzadro” i “Sella”, obje dizajnirane 1957. godine. Naime, potonja je bila inspirirana Castiglionijevom željom za udobnijim telefoniranjem iz telefonske govornice, u kojoj se želio osjećati “komodnije”. “Sella” je, inače, sjedalica napravljena od sjedišta bicikla postavljenog na lakirani cjevasti čelični stup koji stoji na bazi od lijevanog željeza. “Sella” i “Mezzadro” predstavljaju Castiglionijevu posvetu Duchampovu konceptu “ready madea” translatiranog u domenu dizajnerskog namještaja. Obje sjedalice su se počele proizvoditi nekoliko desetljeća kasnije jer su se smatrale preradikalnim rješenjima za vrijeme u kojemu su nastale. Razigranost i humor Sjedalica “Mezzadro” je izniman dizajnerski komad, koji priziva razigranost i humor u pomalo sirovu strukturu. Čini je lakirano sjedište traktora postavljeno na kromiranu ravnu cijev s leptirastom maticom i čvrstim podnožjem od bukovine. Već više od trideset godina proizvodi je “Zanotta”, talijanski proizvođač namještaja. Dizajnirali su je braća Achille i Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, vizionarski se igrajući predmetima iz neposrednog okruženja, mijenjajući im namjenu, no krajem pedesetih svijet još nije bio spreman prihvatiti njihova čudna rješenja. Kako se mijenjaju preokupacije društva, tako se mijenjaju i one dizajnerske, a zatim i sami proizvođači na njih reagiraju. Za nešto razigraniju dizajnersku maštu koja rezultira radikalnijim rješenjima, ponekad su potrebne godine, čak desetljeća, da takvi, u početku začudni predmeti, budu sagledani na pravi način, a zatim pronađu svoje mjesto u povijesti. Inače, ovaj “ready made”, sjedalica “Mezzadro”, nastavlja se razvijati i nakon što je dobila svoj originalni, prvotni oblik. Naime, stolica se mijenja svaki put kada se na tržištu pojavi novi model traktorskog sjedišta. Braća Castiglioni, Achille i Pier Giacomo, počinju karijeru u Italiji, u prvim postratnim godinama, pridruživši se najstarijem bratu Liviju koji je još prije rata utemeljio vlastiti dizajnerski studio u Milanu. Iako su obojica studirala arhitekturu, primarno su se posvetila dizajnu, uostalom kao i mnogi njihovi kolege s fakulteta. Italija je tih godina već pomalo razvijala mrežu malih proizvođača koji su ostvarivali uspješnu suradnju s individualnim dizajnerima i sve je to dovelo do niza okolnosti u kojima se do sredine šezdesetih godina talijanski dizajn i proizvodnja etabliraju u svjetskim razmjerima te transformiraju ekonomiju te mediteranske zemlje. Bile su to i godine kada je lansirana “Vespa”, koja je ubrzo postala nacionalni brand i sjajno se uklapala u nadolazeću talijansku, otmjenu “kulturu caféa”. Početkom pedesetih, kada Livio Castiglioni napušta zajednički posao, Achille i Pier Giacomo počinju razvijati svoju prepoznatljivu “metodu” (jer, kako su znali isticati, “ne postoji castiglionijevski stil, postoji samo – metoda”) koja se najviše vezuje uz redizajniranje već postojećih predmeta. Godine 1957. priređuju izložbu naziva “Forme e colori nella Casa d’Oggi (Oblici i boje današnjeg doma)” u Villi Olmo u Comu, koja je utjelovila njihov već vrlo utjecajni “ready made” dizajn. 105 Mezzadro čini lakirano sjedište traktora postavljeno na kromiranu ravnu cijev s leptirastom maticom i čvrstim podnožjem od bukovine / Mezzadro consists of a varnished tractor seat that is positioned on a chrome-plated flat pipe with a butterfly-like nut and a firm beech-wood pedestal Imena dvojice braće posebno se vezuju uz dizajn osvjetljenja, a najvažniju suradnju na tom polju ostvarili su s utjecajnom tvrtkom “Flos”, za koju su kreirali desetke iznimno inventivnih svjetiljki, od kojih je zasigurno najpoznatija “Arco”, podna lampa koja spaja karakteristike podne i viseće svjetiljke te je danas i popularnija nego što je bila šezdesetih. Predano istražujući nove mogućnosti oblikovanja, povezujući tehničke inovacije i minimalističku ekonomičnost sredstava kako bi proizveli visoko funkcionalne predmete koji su zadovoljavali estetske kriterije koliko su bili i praktični, Achille i Pier Giacomo Castiglioni pomalo su iscrtavali konture jednoga prepoznatljivog dizajnerskog rukopisa koji i danas ima jak utjecaj na mlađu generaciju talijanskih dizajnera. Izložbe, osvjetljenje, namještaj, to su osnovne preokupacije braće Castiglioni, ali su tijekom svoje duge karijere obuhvatili sve zamislive vrste produkt dizajna (od perilice za rublje i usisavača do pepeljare). “Ako nisi znatiželjan, bolje sve zaboravi!” krilatica je Achillea Castiglionija, koji 106 je čak sedam puta dobio “Compasso d’oro”, prestižnu nacionalnu nagradu za produkt dizajn. Nakon smrti Pier Giacoma, Achille Castiglioni nastavlja stvarati, ali i dosljedno prenositi svoje znanje tisućama studenata prvo na Politehničkom fakultetu u Torinu, a kasnije u Milanu gdje je predavao industrijski dizajn. Njegove inovativne metode podučavanja i pisani materijali koje je za sobom ostavio utjecale su na mlađe naraštaje dizajnera, koji su ga pamtili kako po nadahnutim, ekscentričnim predavanjima, tako i po mladalačkom duhu te entuazijazmu koji ga nije napuštao ni u osmom desetljeću života. Umro je 2002., u osamdeset četvrtoj godini. Dizajner koji nije mario za stil ni dizajnerski star-sistem, koji nije slijedio nikakvu školu niti ju je imao ambiciju utemeljiti, vjerovao je u “konstantan i dosljedan dizajn” te želio podastrijeti svoju viziju dekora budućnosti. Radovi braće Castiglioni referentno su mjesto u povijesti dizajna, a danas su zastupljeni u svim važnijim muzejskim kolekcijama širom svijeta. Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ A piece of cult Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni: MEZZADRO (1957.) Witty Radicalism “There has to be some irony in design and in objects that surround us. I see a professional disease around myself where everything is taken way too seriously. My secret is in the fact that I joke around all the time” Achille Castiglioni T he name Achille Castiglioni is the symbol of twentieth-century industry design. Educated architect, designer, visionary, hyperactive inventor and one of the most popular teachers at the prestigious Polytechnic University of Milan – who was extremely admired by the students, usually the toughest of critics – has presented his message to young designers in only one sentence: “Always start with a sketch, pay attention to common sense, always be aware of your goals and the means at your disposal.” In other words, to design a new object or improve the existing one, its creator has the utmost responsibility to analytically look back at the present needs and the justifiability of the process, and then explore the “means”, the tech- 107 A piece of cult Zanottin showroom u Milanu / Zanotta’s showroom in Milan nology and the materials at his disposal. After establishing those aspects, the designer must identify what Castiglioni calls “basic component of design”, which will sometimes relate to advanced technology, and will sometimes imply changes in behaviour and people’s habits. That’s precisely how the “Mezzadro” and “Sella” chairs came about, both being designed in 1957. The latter was inspired by Castiglioni’s ambition to make phoning out of a phone booth more comfortable. In fact, “Sella” was a chair made from a bicycle seat that was set up on a varnished, tubular iron pole, which was positioned on a cast-steel base. Both “Sella” and “Mezzadro” represent Castiglioni’s homage to Duchamp’s “ready made” concept that was translated into the field of designer furniture. Both chairs weren’t manufactured until several decades later, because they were considered to be too radical for the time in which they were created. Playfulness and Humour The “Mezzadro” chair is an exceptional designer piece, which calls upon playfulness and humour in a somewhat raw structure. It consists of a varnished tractor seat that is positioned on a chrome-plated flat pipe with a butterfly-like nut and a firm beech-wood pedestal. It has been manufactured for over thirty years by “Zanotta”, an Italian furniture manufacturer. It was designed by brothers Achille and Pier Giacomo Cas- 108 Mezzardo više od trideset godina proizvodi Zanotta, talijanski proizvođač namještaja / Mezzadro has been manufactured for over thirty years by Zanotta tiglioni, who used their vision to play with objects from their immediate environment and change their purpose, but the world wasn’t quite ready to embrace their unusual solutions in the late 1950s. As society’s preoccupations start to change, so do the designer ones, and that leads to the manufacturers’ reaction. It sometimes takes years, or even decades, for a more playful designer imagination that results in more radical solutions and somewhat odd objects to be looked upon in the right way, and then they find their place in history. Either way, this “ready made” concept that is the “Mezzadro” chair continues to evolve even after it’s received the original, primary shape. In this case, that means that the chair keeps changing every time the market presents a new model for a tractor seat. The Castiglioni brothers, Achille and Pier Giacomo, started their career in Italy during the post-war years, by joining their eldest brother Livio who has started his own designer studio in Milan even prior to the war. Although they were both architecture students, they primarily focused on design, like many of their faculty colleagues. During those years, Italy has started to develop a network of smaller manufacturers who were successfully working with individual designers, and that all led to a set of circumstances in which Italian design and manufacturing became established in international proportions in the mid-1960s, which transformed the economy of that Mediterranean country. Those were also the years that saw the launching of “Vespa”, which soon became a national brand and wonderfully complemented the up-and-coming, gallant Italian “café culture”. In the early 1950s, when Livio Castiglioni left the family business, Achille and Pier Giacomo started to develop their recognizable “method” (“there is no such thing as the Castiglioni style, only – the method”, they would often point out), which mostly deals with redesigning the existing objects. In 1957, they organized an exhibition called “Forme e colori nella Casa d’Oggi (Shapes and Colours of Today’s Home)” at Villa Olmo in Como, which embodied their very influential “ready made” design. The names of the two brothers are especially attached to the lighting design, and their most important cooperation in that field was achieved with the influential “Flos” company, for which they created dozens of extremely inventive lamps; the most famous one is certainly “Arco”, a floor lamp that combines the characteristics of a floor lamp and a hanging lamp, and is even more popular today than it was in the sixties. By being committed to searching for new shaping possibilities, connecting technical innovations and minimalist frugality of means in order to produce objects of high functionality, which satisfied aesthetic criteria and were practical at the same time, Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni have slowly outlined a recognizable designer style, which has a great influence even on today’s young generation of Italian designers. Exhibitions, lighting, furniture – those are the primary preoccupations of the Castiglioni brothers, but they were more than capable to cover all imaginable areas of product design during their lengthy career (from a washing machine and a vacuum cleaner to an ashtray). “If you are not curious, you might as well forget about it all!” is Achille Castiglioni’s motto, and he is a seven-time winner of the “Compasso d’oro”, which is a prestigious national award for product design. After Pier Giacomo’s death, Achille Castiglioni continued to create, but also to consistently transfer his knowledge to thousands of students, first at the Polytechnic University in Turin, and then in Milan, where he taught industry design. His innovative methods of teaching and written materials he has left behind have influenced younger generations of designers, who remembered him by his inspired, eccentric lectures, as well as by his youthful spirit and enthusiasm that haven’t abandoned him in the eighth decade of his life. He died in 2002, at the age of 84. The designer who never cared about style or designer star-system, who never followed any schools and had no ambition to found one, believed in “a constant and persistent design”, as he wanted to present his vision of future’s décor. The works of the Castiglioni brothers are a referential spot in the history of design, and today they are represented in all relevant museum collections around the world. Ovako izgleda najbolji televizor na svijetu. Individual Compose. Slika. Zvuk. Kompozicija. Ovaj jedinstveni tanki televizor sa HDTV prijemnikom možete dizajnirati po svojim željama i pridružiti mu 30 različitih audio sustava. Više na Plug&Play. Bednjanska 8. Zagreb. 01 4829 552 Product Design: Loewe Design/Phoenix Design RZ_208x92_Compose_hr.indd 1 109 30.03.2007 8:48:07 Uh Dekoracije JANE CHURCHILL, Zeleni ormar starinskog izgleda odlično pristaje uz zidne tapete cvjetnog uzorka / An archaic-looking green closet wonderfully complements wallpapers with floral samples 110 Sjećanje na prošlost, nostalgija za jednostavnim načinom života kojim su živjeli naši stari, te osjećaj intimnosti i prisnosti najbolje opisuju rustikalni stil u uređenju interijera. Seoski stil obiluje toplinom. Zemljane boje, kao što su zelena, bež, smeđa, ali i bijela i crvena, najbolji su izbor. Namještaj neka bude od punog drva, djelomično obrađenog i obojenog. Poseban šarm prostoru dat će pod obrađen terakotom ili prekriven parketom u vidu brodskog poda. Velike sofe prekrivene tkaninom cvjetnog uzorka, zavjese i jastuci od prirodnih materijala, košare od pruća napunjene cvijećem, svijećnjaci, drveni okviri za slike te pokoji stari ormar ili škrinja, neizostavni su detalji. Nikako ne smijete zaboraviti na okućnicu, jer seoski život živi se u suglasju s prirodom. Reminiscences of the past, nostalgia for a simpler way of life that was lived by our ancestors, and the feeling of intimacy and familiarity do the best job of describing a rustic style in decorating the interior. The rural style is filled with warmth. Colours of the land, such as green, beige, brown, but also white and red, are the best choice. Make sure the furniture is made out of “full” wood, partly finished and painted. You can achieve some special charm for the room by having a terracotta-processed floor, or lay down parquet flooring that recalls a floor on a ship. Large sofas covered with floral-sample fabrics, curtains and pillows from natural materials, brushwood-baskets filled with flowers, candlesticks, wooden picture frames and a couple of closets or a chest box – those are some of the details you can’t leave out. You mustn’t forget about the courtyard, because rural life must be lived in harmony with nature. Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin Seoska idila RURAL IDYLL MARK&SPENCER, Drvena komoda u bijeloj boji, mat obrađena / A white-coloured wooden commode, matt finished A.U MAISON, Jastuci cvjetnog uzorka / Floral-sampled pillows DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Košare od isprepletenog pruća svakom će prostoru dati starinski izgled / Braided-brushwood baskets provide an archaic look to every room 111 Dekoracije GARDEN TRADING - 00 44 845 608 4448, / Kućice za ptice dat će poseban šarm svakom vrtu / A birdhouse gives special charm to every garden 112 Drvena polica s košarama umjesto ladica / A wooden shelf with baskets instead of drawers DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, STRAWBERRY FOOL, Retro chic u kuhinji - posuda za kruh / Retro chic in the kitchen - a bread bin .com www.tivoliaudio TIVOLI AUDIO / Zagreb 0 00 10 8, janska Plug&Play, Bedn dio Three Radio Three / Ra DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Metalne kutije odličan su izbor za spremanje najdražih sitnica / Metal boxes make an excellent choice as storage for your favouA.U MAISON, Jastuci iz kolekcija Dots i Pepita / Pillows from the Dots and Pepita collections STRAWBERRY FOOL, Stalak za boce / Bottle holder DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Stalak za novine od bež kože / A beige-leather newspaper rack DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Košare od pruća obložene platnom / Brushwood baskets covered with canvas 113 Dekoracije 114 GARDEN TRADING - 00 44 845 608 4448 / Set za čaj, dizajn Lisa Stickley / A tea set, designed by Lisa Stickley Decorat ions DEL TONGO / Kuhinja Capraia, samo za sretnike koji imaju viška kvadrata / The kitchen Capraia, only for the lucky ones with extra space STELTON, KASTHALL, ww DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Metalno cjedilo / A metal strainer Pamučna “posuda” za kruh, dizajn Klaus Rath / A cotton bread “dish”, designed by Klaus Rath DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Pletena košara na prugice u raznim bojama / A braided crate with stripes that come in different colours ajn Greta, diz kolekcije iz n le ih o p o te i W erg / Vunen rhem Ullb e n g o ti La c a lle ill Gun ta co m the Gre carpet fro Svježe mjest nabrane ja o/ F reshly buke mo raju n picke safely d apples a sigurno have place to be d GARDEN TRADING 00 44 845 608 4448 115 Nekret nine karta Hrvatske map of Croatia ZAGREB glavni grad / capital UMAG VIŠNJAN POREČ OPATIJA LABIN CRIKVENICA RAB ZADAR TRIBUNJ MURTER SRIMA ŠIBENIK ROGOZNICA TROGIR SPLIT DRVENIK MALI DUBROVNIK 116 Nekret nine Nekret nine sadraj/contents CRIKVENICA 118 str. DRVENIK MALI 119 str. DUBROVNIK 121 str. GALIŽANA 124 str. LABIN 127 str. OPATIJA 129 str. POREČ 130 str. ROGOZNICA 133 str. RAB 134 str. posebna ponuda special offer Villa Marija str. 118 SPLIT 135 str. SRIMA 137 str. ŠIBENIK 139 str. TRIBUNJ 140 str. TROGIR 141 str. UMAG 143 str. VIŠNJAN 146 str. ZADAR 151 str. ZAGREB 156 str. Real est ate 117 D16-K126 Nekret nine Crikvenica Prodaje se jedinstvena kamena vila površine 150 m2 smještena na iznimno lijepoj i mirnoj lokaciji. Vila se sastoji od prizemlja i prvog kata. U prizemlju su kuhinja s blagovaonicom, dnevni boravak te spavaća soba s kupaonicom. Na katu su tri spavaće sobe s kupaonicama te terasa s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Okružena je jedinstvenim vrtom, ograđenim dvorištem u kojem se nalazi grill, bazen (9x5) te prostrane terase za odmor, čitanje ili druge relaksirajuće sadržaje. Vila također sadrži igralište za djecu te parkiralište za nekoliko automobila. Udaljena je nekoliko kilometara od mora i Crikvenice. There is an exceptional stone villa with total surface of 150 m2 situated on magnificent and calm location. The villa comprises of the ground and first floor. On the ground floor there are kitchen with dinning room, lounge and bedroom with the bathroom. On the first floor there are three bedrooms with bathrooms and terrace with magnificent sea view. Surrounded by unique garden, walled courtyard with the grill, swimming pool (9x5) and spacious terrace for rest, reading or other relaxing activities, villa also has a children’s playground as well the car park for several cars. Only few kilometres from the sea and Crikvenica. Cijena / Price: 490.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 781 575 118 D10-K227 Nekret nine Drvenik Mali Prodaje se dvoetažna kuća površine 212 m u centru Malog Drvenika (Trogir), sagrađena na zemljištu površine 1100 m2. Sastoji se od prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju su dnevni boravak s kuhinjom, četiri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice i terasa (40 m2). Na katu su dva dvosobna apartmana sa zasebnim ulazima. Svaki apartman ima po dva balkona. Kuća je potpuno obnovljena prije četiri godine, kompletno je uređena, te se nalazi u prvom redu uz more. 2 In the centre of Mali Drvenik (Trogir) there is two storeys house of 212 m2 for sale. The house is situated on the plot of land of 1100 m2. It comprises ground floor and first floor. In the ground floor there are living room with kitchen, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and terrace (40 m2). Two two-bedroom apartments with separated entry are located on the first floor. Each apartment has two balconies. House is completely renovated and arranged four years ago and it situated in the first row from the sea. Cijena / Price: 500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5397 012 119 Nekret nine Dubrovnik Imanje obuhvaća dvije prekrasno restaurirane tradicionalne dalmatinske kamene kuće u selu Močićima u Konavlima, samo pet minuta vožnje udaljenom od Dubrovnika. Kuće su okružene prirodom, imaju pogled na more i obližnju šumu. Prva je kuća dvoetažna, s ulazom na prvi kat gdje je smještena kuhinja s blagovaonicom i pogledom na more kroz francuski prozor, dok drvene stepenice vode do prizemlja u kojem su spavaća soba s garderobom, luksuzno uređenom kupaonicom i ostakljenim vratima koja vode do vrta. Druga je kuća samo nekoliko koraka udaljena, uz nešto manju kvadraturu. Ulazi se također s prvoga kata, te je raspored prostorija vrlo sličan prvoj. Posebnost ove kuće je fantastična terasa s koje se pruža pogled na sve četiri strane svijeta. Ukupna kvadratura imanja je 250 m2, a stambeni prostor obuhvaća 110 m2. The estate consists of two wonderfully restored stone houses built in the finest Dalmatian tradition, and it is located in the village of Močići in Konavle, just a five-minute drive from Dubrovnik. The houses are surrounded by nature and they have a view over the sea and the neighbouring forest. The first house has two storeys, with the entrance located at the first floor where we can find the kitchen with a dining room and a view over the sea through a “french” window, while the wooden staircase leads to the ground floor featuring the bedroom with a wardrobe, luxuriously decorated bathroom and glassy doorway that leads to the garden. The second house is just a few steps away, and its size is marginally smaller. The entrance is also on the first floor, and the arrangement of rooms is very similar to the first house. What’s special about this house is the fantastic terrace, which provides a view across all four sides of the world. The overall size of the estate is 250 m2, and the residential surface covers 110 m2. Cijena / Price: 400.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046 121 D22-K390 Nekret nine Dubrovnik U Dubrovniku, na području Lapada, prodaje se obiteljska kuća koja obuhvaća 152 m2 stambene površine i 730 m2 okućnice. Područje je od središta starog dijela grada udaljeno 3 km, a poznato je po brojnim uvalama i predivnim plažama. Kuća je stilski uređena, a sastoji se od suterena, visokog prizemlja i kata. Suteren, koji obuhvaća 30 m2 površine, sastoji se od tri prostorije uređene kao ljetna kuhinja i ostava. Prizemlje se sastoji od: dnevnog boravka, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, spavaće sobe, kupaonice i hodnika. Na gornjem katu su tri spavaće sobe i kupaonica, a do njega vodi unutarnje stubište s hodnikom. U kući je ugrađeno centralno grijanje. Posebnost ove kuće čini otvoreni pogled koji se pruža na luku Gruž i most, te predivno uređena okućnica, prepuna zelenila i stabala palmi. In Dubrovnik, on Lapad, there is family house surface of 152 m2 with courtyard surface of 730 m2, for sale. Distance from the old part of town is three kilometers and it is well known on many bays and beautiful beaches. House is stylistic arranged and it consists of subterranean level, high ground floor and floor. The subterranean level has surface of 30 m2 and it comprise three rooms arranged like summer kitchen and storage room. The ground floor consists of living room, kitchen with dinning room, bedroom, bathroom and hall. On the floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom, accessed by interior staircase with hallway. The house has central heating. The specificity of house is open view on the port Gruž and the bridge and wonderful arranged courtyard with greenery and palm trees. Cijena / Price: 1.000.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 436 602 122 Nekret nine Dubrovnik Prodajemo prekrasnu vilu na zapadnom ulazu u stari grad površine 300 m2 koja je nekoć pripadala plemstvu Dubrovačke Republike, s pažljivo dekoriranim i renoviranim interijerom. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže s četiri sobe, dnevnim boravkom, prostranom blagovaonicom i dvjema kupaonicama (jedna s jacuzzijem). U prekrasno uređenoj okućnici, koja zauzima 250 m2, zasađenoj ružmarinom i palmama s fontanom, vila nudi privatnost i prostor za opuštanje. Vila predstavlja odličan spoj modernog i antiknog stila s originalnim djelima hrvatskih slikara, poput Celestina Medovića. A beautiful villa is on sale at the western entrance into the older part of town; its surface is 300 m2 and it used to belong to the aristocracy of the Dubrovnik Republic, and it features a carefully decorated and renovated interior. The villa has three storeys with four bedrooms, living room, spacious dining room and two bathrooms (one of them has a jacuzzi). A wonderfully decorated courtyard spreads across 250 m2 and it is covered with rosemary and palms, and it also features a fountain, offering some privacy and relaxation space. The villa represents an excellent combination of modern and antique styles, as you can find original works of Croatian painters like Celestin Medović. Cijena / Price: 3.500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046 123 D15-K103 Nekret nine Galižana U mjestu udaljenom pet kilometara od Pule prodaju se vile s bazenima, u izgradnji, svaka na parceli od 600 m2 stambene površine 170 m2. Vile se sastoje od prizemlja i prvog kata. U prizemlju se nalaze kuhinja, blagovaonica, dnevni boravak, spavaća soba s kupaonicom i terasa s prekrasnim pogledom na more. Na prvom katu su dvije spavaće sobe od kojih svaka ima kupaonicu. Objekti će biti pod videonadzorom te je predviđen vrtlar i kućni majstor. In the settlement five kilometers away from Pula there is a development consisting of villas with swimming pools, each on the plot of land 600 m2 and each has a living space of 170 m2. Villas comprise of ground and first floor. On the ground floor there are kitchen, dinning room, lounge, bedroom with bathroom and terrace with wonderful sea view. On the first floor there are two bedrooms each having its own bathroom. Units will be eqipped by video-monitiring system and gardener and janitor are planned. Cijena / Price: 312.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 981 8484 124 Dekoracije Nekret nine Samo 275,00 kn ������������ ����������� Reminiscences of the past, nostalgia for a simpler way of life that was lived by our ancestors, and the feeling of intimacy and familiarity do the best job of describing a rustic style in decorating the interior. The rural style is filled with warmth. Colours of the land, such as green, beige, brown, but also white and red, are the best choice. Make sure the furniture is made out of “full” wood, partly finished and painted. You can achieve some special charm for the room by having a terracotta-processed floor, or lay down parquet flooring that recalls a floor on a ship. Large sofas covered with floral-sample fabrics, curtains and pillows from natural materials, brushwood-baskets filled with flowers, candlesticks, wooden picture frames and a couple of closets or a chest box – those are some of the details you can’t leave out. You mustn’t forget about the courtyard, because rural life must be lived in harmony with nature. 12 Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin Sjećanje na prošlost, nostalgija za jednostavnim načinom života kojim su živjeli naši stari, te osjećaj intimnosti i prisnosti najbolje opisuju rustikalni stil u uređenju interijera. Seoski stil obiluje toplinom. Zemljane boje, kao što su zelena, bež, smeđa, ali i bijela i crvena, najbolji su izbor. Namještaj neka bude od punog drva, djelomično obrađenog i obojenog. Poseban šarm prostoru dat će pod obrađen terakotom ili prekriven parketom u vidu brodskog poda. Velike sofe prekrivene tkaninom cvjetnog uzorka, zavjese i jastuci od prirodnih materijala, košare od pruća napunjene cvijećem, svijećnjaci, drveni okviri za slike te pokoji stari ormar ili škrinja, neizostavni su detalji. Nikako ne smijete zaboraviti na okućnicu, jer seoski život živi se u suglasju s prirodom. MARK&SPENCER, Drvena komoda u bijeloj boji, mat obrađena / A white-coloured wooden commode, matt finished brojeva A.U MAISON, Jastuci cvjetnog uzorka / Floral-sampled pillows DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA, Košare od isprepletenog pruća svakom će prostoru dati starinski izgled / Braided-brushwood baskets provide an archaic look to every room JANE CHURCHILL, Zeleni ormar starinskog izgleda odlično pristaje uz zidne tapete cvjetnog uzorka / An archaic-looking green closet wonderfully complements wallpapers with floral samples 110 Invest icije ro Gast Piše: Tanja Jadrešiæ Foto: Robert Leš vizualni žni su za sav gović gović zaslu Erce i Mihovil Erce Žibert and Mihovil t na Žibert na restauran Vlasnici Mari owners Mari effect of the the visual rana / The credit for efekt resto take all the Hotel ima pogled na Pjacu, Arsenal, luku i katedralu Sv Stjepana / Hotel has a view over the Pjaca, Arsenal, port and St. Stephen’s cathedral Hotel Adriana novi je ponos turizma na najsunčanijem hrvatskom otoku jeg og i veèern Spoj dnevn se uvijek vraæate m izlaska koje Hvarska terapija s daškom dizajna Adrianin wellness centar je opremljen grijanim natkrivenim bazenom s morskom vodom, koji će raditi tijekom cijele godine, te nudi niz standardnih i inovativnih programa za osvježavanje duha i tijela – masaže, aromaterapije, hidroterapije, parne kupelji, istezanja, jogu, sve, dakako, uz pratnju stručnog osoblja pred kojim ambijentu, ovouređeni hvarski hotel Adriana, u suvlasniš- iako sa svojih 50 de luxe soba, devet apartmana, Val m idno ugo štedi na porc tvu luksemburške grupacije ORCO, svoja je Marina restoranom i barom na hotelskoj terasi, luksuznim endove. U e koja ne tske gastrotr ne kuharic vrata prvim gostima otvorio 6. lipnja, u danima koktel barom The Top na vrhu zgrade i nizom drugih poto prati svje ne ruke glav Hrvatskoga radijskog festivala. Službenim ime- pratnih sadržaja, orijentiranih ponajviše na wellness turiame vrlo vješ uz inovativ Taverna Ses velika ljetna terasa, nom Adriana, Hvar marina hotel & spa, ovaj je visoko- zam, po hrvatskim mjerilima i nije mali hotelski objekt. a kategornik s četiri zvjezdice jedini hrvatski predstavnik Renoviranje hotela na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija i primat uzim ošit puno potr u prestižnoj grupaciji Leading Small Hotels of the World, u gradu – s pogledom na katedralu sv. Stjepana, Arsenal, jama, nećete N oviæ Miku Piše: Isabella lek o Erceg Foto: Mark 105 ZAŠTO SE PRETPLATITI NA DALCASU? ��������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������������������ 40 68 � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � �� � � � � � ��������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������� ������������ ������������������������ ������ �������������� ������� ��������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������ ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� 125 Nekret nine Samo 275,00 kn 12 ��������������� ������������� OŽUJAK/MARCH 2007 TRAVANJ/APRIL 2007 HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE TURISTIČKI PROCVAT ZELENE ISTRE ����������������� BROJ/EDITION XVII CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € ����������� ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �������������������������������������� �������������Ć��������� ��������������������������������� BROJ/EDITION XXI CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE �������������������� ��������������� VRIJEME JE ZA DIZAJN ��������������������� ������������������������ ���������������������������������� 164 OSVJEŽENE STRANICE FRESH PAGES ������������������������������������� SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb ��������������������������� ����������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������� GRADIT ]U I NA MORU �������������������������� 9771845208005 LIPANJ/JUNE 2007 HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE ������������������������ ���������������������������������� ���������������� CROATIAN KITCHENS DOJAM LUKSUZA U NEKOLIKO KORAKA ������������������������������������������ ������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� ISSN 1845-2086 ISSN 1845-2086 ISSN 1845-2086 ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE ������������������������� ��������������������������� �������������������������������������� BROJ/EDITION XXIV CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € STUDENI/NOVEMBER 2006 BROJ/EDITION XXII CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € brojeva SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb 9771845208005 SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb 9771845208005 SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� 126 HRVATSKI MAGAZIN ZA NEKRETNINE / CROATIAN REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE ���� BROJ/EDITION XXV CIJENA 25 KN PRICE 5 € � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � � � �� � � � � � SRPANJ/JULY 2007 �������������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������� IVIÆ PAŠALIÆ ��������������� ������������� �������������������� ROTTERDAM REPORT ���������������������� ���������������� ������������������ ������������������������� ��������������������������� ISSN 1845-2086 9771845208005 SHOWROOM SPLIT POLJUDSKO ŠETALIŠTE bb ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������� ������������� ����������� Nekret nine Labin Prodaje se prekrasna kamena vila smještena u istočnom dijelu Istarskog poluotoka, 4 km od Labina i 4 km od turističkog mjesta Sveta Marina, u mjestu Majalu. Nalazi se na idealnoj lokaciji, usred borove šume na uzvisini, udaljena 800 m od mora, na mirnom području u zoni zelenog pojasa, gdje nema mogućnosti novogradnje. Površina vile je 183 m2 (suteren + prizemlje), a površina terena koji je okružuje 2395 m2. Vila Mavalj sastoji se od suterena i prizemlja. U suterenu je samostalni apartman koji se sastoji od ulaza, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom, kupaonice, spavaće sobe i spremišta. U prizemlju je prostrana dnevna soba s drvenim gredama i kaminom, kuhinja s blagovaonicom, tri spavaće sobe, WC, kupaonica i terasa s vanjskim kaminom. Objekt je priključen na vodovodnu i elektromrežu, a ima i vlastiti bunar. Vila je izgrađena u autohtonom stilu, po najmodernijim kriterijima gradnje. A beautiful stone villa is on sale in the eastern part of the peninsula of Istria, 4 km away from Labin and 4 km away from a tourist settlement called St. Maria, in the town of Majal. Its location is simply ideal, as it is surrounded by pine trees on a slope, about 800 metres from the sea, at a peaceful area in the green zone, without possibility for any new buildings. The villa covers 183 square metres (basement + ground floor), and the surface of the surrounding parcel is 2395 m2. Villa Mavalj consists of a basement and a ground floor. The basement features an independent apartment that has an entrance, living room with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and a storage room. The ground floor features a spacious living room with wooden timbers and a fireplace, a kitchen with a dining room, three bedrooms, toilet, bathroom and a terrace with an outdoor fireplace. The object is connected to both the electrical and water-supply networks, and it also has its own water-well. The villa was built in an autochthon style, in line with the most modern construction criteria. Cijena / Price: 550.00 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708 127 Nekret nine ��������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������� ��� ������� ��� ������������ ������ ����� ��������� ���������� ����� ��� ������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ������������� ��� ���������� ��� ������� ���� ���������������������������������������� ������ ������ ����� ���� ������� ������������ ������ ����� ��� ������������ ����������� ��������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������� ������ ����� ������������ ��� ������ ������ ��� ��� ����������� �������� ����� ��� ����������� ������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ��� ���� ������������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ��� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ����������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������� ���� ���������� ����� ������ ��������������������������������������� ���� ������ ���� ���� ���� �������� �������� ������ ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������������� ����������������������� ���������������������������������� 128 ���������������������� ������������������� �������������������� Nekret nine Opatijska rivijera Na predivnoj Opatijskoj rivijeri prodaje se luksuzno uređen apartman u novoizgrađenoj zgradi na četiri etaže. Apartman je smješten na drugom katu te ima površinu 78,5 m2, a sastoji se od dvije spavaće sobe, dnevnog boravka, kupaonice, kuhinje i natkrivene terase površine 22 m2 s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Oko zgrade je uređena okućnica s travnjakom i grillom. Apartmanu pripada jedno parkirališno mjesto. At the wonderful Opatija Riviera, we find a luxuriously decorated apartment on sale in the newly built, four-storey building. The apartment is located at the second floor and it covers 78,5 m2; it consists of two bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen and a covered terrace of 22 m2 of surface, which provides a wonderful view over the sea. There is a decorated courtyard with a lawn and grill around the building. The apartment receives one parking space. Cijena / Price: 165.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708 129 D21-K361 Nekret nine Poreč Na udaljenosti 15 km od Poreča na zemljištu od 13.000 m2, nalazi se novoizgrađena luksuzna vila stambene površine 300 m2. Vila se sastoji od tri etaže: prizemlja, prvog kata i potkrovlja. U prizemlju se nalazi prostrani dnevni boravak s prekrasnim kaminom, kuhinja, kupaonica, ostava, vinoteka, prostorija za sušenje rublja i kotlovnica. Na prvom katu i potkrovlju nalazi se pet soba i dvije kupaonice. Prvi kat ima izlaz na terasu. Ispred vile se nalazi natkrivena terasa, a oko vile je lijepo uređen okoliš s automatskim navodnjavanjem. Luksuznosti objekta pridonosi i veliki bazen smješten ispred vile. Vila je klimatizirana i ima telefon i SAT/TV. Pri uređenju vile korišteni su najkvalitetniji materijali (prvoklasna drvenarija i keramika visoke kvalitete). At the distance of 15 kilometres from Poreč on the plot of land of 13 000 m2 there is newly built luxury villa living surface of 300 m2. Villa consists of three storeys: ground floor, first floor and a loft. In the ground floor there are spacious lounge with a marvellous fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, closet, wine room, laundry room and heating unit. On the first floor and in the loft there are five rooms and two bathrooms. First floor has access on the terrace. In front of the villas there is covered terrace and around villa there is nicely arranged courtyard with automatic watering. The large pool in front of the villa contributes to the luxury of villa. Villa has air condition, phone and SAT/TV. Prime materials are used at the construction of the villa (first-rate woodwork and high quality ceramics). Cijena / Price: 1.500.000 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 169 0882 130 D21-K362 Nekret nine Poreč Prodaje se predivna luksuzna vila u izgradnji stambene površine 210 m2, udaljena 12 km od Poreča. Vila se nalazi na zemljištu površine 5000 m2, a sastoji od prostranog prizemlja i prvog kata. Rustikalnim stilom gradnje savršeno se uklapa u okoliš, a bazen površine 60 m2 daje joj poseban šarm. Okućnicu čini predivan travnjak, a cijelo hortikulturno uređenje je potpuno u skladu sa stilom gradnje. There is a beautiful luxury villa under construction surface of 210 m2 for sale. Distance from the Poreč is 12 kilometres. Villa is settled on the plot of land of 5000 m2 and it consists of spacious ground floor and first floor. It is built up in rustic style and it is perfectly fits in environment and the pool surface of 60 m2 gives a special charm. The courtyard consists of beautiful lawn and the whole horticultural arrangement is in consistent with construction style. Cijena / Price: 490.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (098 169 0882 131 D14-K049 Nekret nine Poreč Luksuzna vila s bazenom 5 km od Poreča i 3 km od Funtane. Smještena je na prostranoj parceli od 2150 m2, a cjelokupna stambena površina od 400 m2 dijeli se na: podrum od 120 m2; prizemlje koje zauzimaju tri apartmana od 40, 50 i 70 m2; na prvom katu kuće te u potkrovlju smješten je komforan stan kompletno namješten s kuhinjom, blagavaonicom, dnevnim boravkom i dvjema spavaćim sobama. Iz stana se izlazi na prostrane terase južne orijentacije, a dodatna prednost je i veliki bazen. Stambeni prostor uključuje i dvije garsonijere od 30 m2 koje imaju izlaz u lijepo uređen vrt. Vanjski bazen; osigurano 10 parkirališnih mjesta. A luxurious villa with outdoor pool located five km from Poreč and three km from Funtana. It is situated on a plot of 2150 m2 with the overall residential area of 400 m2 divided into: a basement of 120 m2; a ground floor occupied by three apartments of 40, 50, 70 m2; a spacious completely furnished apartment on the 1st floor and loft with kitchen and dining room, living room and two bedrooms. The apartment has an access to spacious terraces facing south. An additional advantage is the big pool. The residential area also includes two studios of 30 m2 with the entrance into a nicely decorated garden. A luxurious outdoor pool; a parking space for 10 cars is secured. Cijena / Price: 825.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 981 844 132 D16-K128 Nekret nine Rogoznica Prodajemo prekrasnu i kompletno uređenu vilu s apartmanima i restoranom u Šibenskoj Rogoznici. Vila se nalazi u borovoj šumici, u neposrednoj blizini prekrasnih plaža. Sastoji od tri etaže, ukupne stambene površine od oko 600 m2, a nalazi se na uređenom posjedu površine 1680 m2. U objektu je osam dvokrevetnih i četverokrevetnih apartmana luksuzno opremljenih modernim namještajem. Svi apartmani imaju vlastite ulaze, sastoje se od: spavaće sobe, kuhinje s pratećim sadržajima, kupaonice (s jacuzzi kadom i/ili tuš kabinom), toaleta i balkona s kojih se pruža pogled na more. Objekt ima sve potrebne priključke (centralno grijanje, klima, telefon, satelitska TV, uz mogućnost uporabe računala i telefaksa) i dodatne sadržaje (unutarnji - grijani i vanjski bazen, vrhunski profesionalni solarij, aqua fitness, hidromasage...). We are selling beautiful and completely furnished villa with apartments and restaurant. Villa is situated in the pine forest, adjoining beautiful beaches. It comprises of three floors, total surface of around 600 m2, and is situated on well kept property of 1680 m2. The villa has eight double-bed and four-bed apartments luxuriously furnished with modern furniture. All apartments have their own entrances and consist of: bed-room, kitchen with all appliances, bathroom (with Jacuzzi and/or shower cubical), toilet and balcony with a sea view. The unit has all necessary equipment (central heating, air condition, phone, satellite TV, possibility of computer usage and fax machine) and additional amenities (indoors heated pool and outdoors pool, top professional solarium, aqua fitness, hydro-massage...). Cijena / Price: 1.600.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 235 064 133 D21-K358 Nekret nine Rab U malome mjestu na zapadnoj strani otoka Raba nalazi se kamena vila površine 200 m2. Vila se sastoji od dviju etaža. U prizemlju su: prostrani dnevni boravak, kuhinja, blagovaonica, kupaonica, spavaća soba i stubište koje vodi na gornju etažu, koja se sastoji od četiriju spavaćih soba i kupaonice. Dnevni dio stana u prizemlju ima izlaz na prostranu terasu popločanu kamenom, dok su na katu balkoni. Vila se nalazi na lijepoj uređenoj okućnici površine 400 m2, kojom dominira veliko palmino stablo. Do vile vodi prilazni put, a ispred nje se nalazi parkiralište za nekoliko vozila. Od mora je udaljena 150 m. In the small settlement on the west side of island Rab there is nice stone villa of 200 m2 living area. Villa consists of two floors. In the ground floor there are spacious living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom and stairways that leads to the upper floor. The first floor comprises four bedrooms and bathroom. The living room in the ground floor has entrance on the spacious terrace causeway with stone while on the floors there are balconies. Villa is situated on the lovely arranged courtyard with a dominant palm tree, surface of 400 m2. To the villa leads approach path and in front of villa there is parking place for several cars. Distance from the sea is 150 meters. Cijena / Price: 500.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)23 366 663 ������������������������� ��������������������������� �������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������ ���� ���� ����� ���� ��� ���������������� ������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������� ������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ 134 �� ��������������������������������������� �� ������������������������������������������������������� �������������� �� ����������������������������������������������������������� ������ �� ������������������������������������ �� ������������������������������������������������������� �� ������������������������������������������������� �� ������������������������������� �� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �� ������������������������������ �� ���������������������� �� �������������������������� �� ���������������������������� �� �������������� �� ����������� �� ������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������� �������������������������� �������������� D19-S117 Nekret nine Split U elitnom dijelu grada, na predivnoj lokaciji, prodaje se stan površine 91,52 m2 s uređenim travnjakom površine 100,72 m2. Stan je luksuzno opremljen, a smješten je u visokom prizemlju trokatnice. Sastoji se od dnevnog boravka, blagovaonice, kuhinje, dviju spavaćih soba, dvaju hodnika, toaleta s tuš-kabinom i kupaonice. Stan ima veliku terasu s južne strane s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na rivu i ACI-jevu marinu. U cijenu je uračunata garaža površine 18 m2. In the residential part of the town, on a stunning location there is a flat of 91,52 m2 with cultivated garden of 100,72 m2. Luxury equipped flat occupies the high ground floor of a three storeys building. It comprises sitting room, dinning room, kitchen, two bedrooms, two hallways, toilets with shower enclosure and a bathroom. On its south side there is a large terrace with a marvellous view of the waterfront and ACI marine. The price includes a garage of 18 m2. Cijena / Price: 390.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726 135 Nekret nine Srima U Srimi, mirnom mjestu između Šibenika i Vodica, nudimo novoizgrađene stanove površine cca 55 m2 u objektu “Vila Srima“ uređenom u mediteranskom stilu. Stanovi su opremljeni centralnim etažnim plinskim grijanjem i klimatizacijom, pa se njihova iskoristivost proteže na cijelu godinu. Podovi u stanovima obloženi su u vrhunskim hrastovim parketom I. klase i keramičkim pločicama talijanskih proizvođača (Del Conce, Gardenia, Keope). Stanovi imaju lođu koja je smještena na južnim stranama objekta, odnosno okrenuta je prema moru. Udaljenost od plaže je 250 m, a od centra mjesta 150 m. Stanovi su useljivi odmah. Preostala su još samo tri stana. Zgrada posjeduje uporabnu dozvolu. In Srima, a peaceful place between Šibenik and Vodice, we’re offering new-built apartments in “Villa Srima” with a surface of about 55 m2. They are decorated in Mediterranean fashion. All the apartments are equipped with centralstorey-gas heating and air conditioning. The apartments’ floors are covered with top-notch oak parquets of the first class, or with ceramic tiles by Italian manufacturers (Del Conce, Gardenia, Keope). The apartments have a loggia at the object’s southern side, which faces the sea. The beach is 250 metres away, while the town’s centre is 150 metres away. The objects can be moved into immediately. There are three apartments for sale. The development has usege certificate. Cijena / Price: 2300 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3435 672, +385 (0)91 3435 672 137 Nekret nine Srima “Villa Dalmacija“ nalazi se u Srimi, malom mjestu pokraj Vodica. Sagrađena je u mediteranskom stilu i nudi 12 stanova površine cca 33-55 m2. Stanovi su opremljeni centralnim etažnim plinskim grijanjem i klimatizacijom, pa se njihova iskoristivost proteže na cijelu godinu. Svi stanovi imaju balkone koji se nalaze na južnoj strani objekta, odnosno okrenuti su prema moru. ”Villa Dalmacija“ je 250 m udaljena od mora, a 150 m od centra Srime. U neposrednoj blizini “Vile Dalmacije“ nalazi se autobusna stanica. Stanovi će biti useljivi u srpnju 2007. U cijenu stanova uračunato je parkirališno mjesto. “Villa Dalmacija” is located in Srima, which is a small place near Vodice. It was built in Mediterranean style and it features 12 apartments, which are 33-55 m2 large. The apartments are equipped with central storey gas heating and airconditioning, and all this can be used throughout the entire year. All apartments have balconies on the southern side of the object and they are overlooking the sea. “Villa Dalmacija” is 250 metres away from the sea, and 150 metres from the centre of Srima. There is a bus station very near to “Villa Dalmacija”. The apartments will be available for moving in during July 2007. The price of the apartments includes a parking space. Cijena / Price: 2300 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3435 672, +385 (0)91 3435 672 138 D18-K271 Nekret nine Šibenik Predivna vila površine 205 m2 s okućnicom od 443 m2 nalazi se u malome mjestu u blizini Šibenika. Vila se sastoji od šest soba: dvije u prizemlju, dvije na polukatu, dvije na prvom katu i sve imaju terasu s pogledom na more (82 m2). Sobe imaju brodski pod i ormare s Balija. Dnevna soba je namještena s dva kožna dvosjeda Chesterfield i ima klasični kamin s engleskom maskom. Četiri kupaonice su vrlo luksuzno opremljene. Kuhinja je dizajnerska, a projektirala ju je Diana Crljen. Vila ima vanjski grijani bazen obložen mozaik pločicama vrhunske kvalitete, te parkirališna mjesta za tri automobila površine 60 m2. Vila je opremljena s tri unutrašnje jedinice klime za grijanje i hlađenje. Ogradni zidovi rađeni su od prirodnog kamena, a put do mora je uređen (40 m). A marvellous villa of 205 m2 with a private plot of land of 443 m2 is located in small place nearby Šibenik. The villa comprises six rooms: two on the ground floor, two on the half-storey and two on the first floor. All rooms have an exit to the terrace with a wonderful view of the sea (82 m2). Rooms are furnished with hardwood flooring and cupboards brought from Bali. The lounge is furnished with two leather two-seat sofas Chesterfield and a classic fireplace with an English mask. Four bathrooms are luxury equipped. The kitchen is a designer’s creation made by Diana Crljen. The villa has outdoor heated swimming pool covered in tiles of prime quality, and parking lots for three vehicles, 60 m2. Also, it has three inner units of air conditioning for heating/cooling. Fence walls are built of natural stone, and the path to the sea is arranged (40 metres). Cijena / Price: 600.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 561 5176, +385 (0)99 212 0270, +385 (0)99 212 0272 139 D10-P036 Nekret nine Tribunj Na šibenskoj rivijeri prodaje se manji obiteljski hotel, tri zvjezdice, s 15 kompletno opremljenih soba. U prizemlju se nalazi restoran u sklopu kojeg je moderna i funkcionalna kuhinja, te 800 m² zatvorenog prostora s mogućnošću uređenja u poslovne prostore različite namjene. Hotel ima solarno grijanje i vanjska parkirališna mjesta. A small family three star hotel with 15 completely equipped bedrooms, located on the Šibenik Riviera for sale. The ground floor consists of a restaurant with a modern functional kitchen, thus an enclosed premises of 800m² with the possibility of being turned into commercial use. The hotel has solar heating and outdoor parking space. Cijena / Price: 1.800.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 548 266 140 D16-K156 Nekret nine Trogir U malome mjestu u neposrednoj blizini turističkog odredišta Trogira nalazi se predivna moderna apartmanska vila. Udaljena je samo 100 m od mora. Vila se sastoji od tri luksuzna dvoetažna stana, od kojih je jedan prodan. Svaki apartman ima posebni ulaz. Vila se nalazi na blagoj padini s koje se pruža jedinstven pogled na more. Stanovi se prodaju potpuno namješteni i opremljeni vrhunskom tehnologijom (bijeli mramor na podovima terasa, telefonska linija, SAT/TV, plazma TV, klimatizacija, kupaonice sa saunom, masažnim tušem…). Ispred vile su bazen i dva roštilja za zajedničku upotrebu. Svaki stan je površine 112 m2, a u cijenu je uključena i garaža od 17 m2. In the little settlement adjoining the tourist destination Trogir there is a magnificent modern apartment villa. It is only 100 metres from the sea. The villa comprises three luxury split-level apartments; one of them is sold. Each apartment has its own entrance. The villa is situated on the mild hillside with unique sea view. Apartments are offered for sale completely furnished and equipped with up-to-date technology (terrace flooring of white marble, phone line, SAT/TV, plasma TV, air conditioning, bathroom with sauna, massage shower...). There is a pool and two grills for common use to the front. Each apartment has 112 m2 as well as the garage (17 m2) included into the price. Cijena / Price: 299.000 € svaki / each Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 340 050 141 D13-S045 Nekret nine Umag Prodajemo još 19 sunčanih i prostranih stanova s balkonima u moderno dizajniranom kompleksu zgrada. Budući stanari će također imati ekskluzivno pravo krovne terase s bazenom i otvorenim pogledom. For sale, 19 bright and airy apartments and penthouses with private balconies, in a modern and stilish complex. Residents also have exclusive use of a private rooftop, swimming pool and roof terrace with open views. Cijena / Price: od / from 148.941 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 332 725, +385 (0)21 332 726 143 Nekret nine Stanovi u izgradnji u urbanim vilama u Splitu - Duilovo ���� �� � � � � � � �� � �������� ���� �� � � � � �� � �� � ����� DUILO URBANE VILE DUILOVO Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u Duilovu. Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi ima 19 stanova različite kvadrature. Raspored vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost zelenih površina. Svi stanovi su orijentirani jug-sjever, a među ponuđenim kvadraturama su jednosobni stanovi od 29 do 47m2, dvosobni od 51do 72 m2 i trosobni od 84 m2. Formira se interesna lista. VILLAS IN DUILOVO Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic and high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present. All apartments are placed north-south. We offer one bedroom apartments from 29 - 47 m2, two bedroom apartments from 51 - 72 m2 and three bedroom apartments of 84 m2. Interest list now forming. New development in Duilovo, Split – apartments in urban villas 144 Put Supavla 1 21000 Split, CROATIA T : +385(0)21 332 725 +385(0)21 332 726 F : +385(0)21 380 852 D21-K354 Nekret nine Umag U blizini središta Umaga prodaje se samostojeća kuća na tri etaže, s poslovnim prostorom i okućnicom površine 296 m2. U prizemlju je restoran koji obuhvaća 250 m2 površine, sa svim potrebnim sadržajima, i terasom od 120 m2. U unutrašnjem dijelu restorana smješteno je 20 stolova kapaciteta 200 osoba, dok je na terasi nekoliko stolova kapaciteta 80 osoba. Na katu je stan od 140 m2 koji se sastoji od četiriju spavaćih sobe, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom, dviju kupaonica i duge terase od 12 m2. Visoko potkrovlje nije uređeno, strop je visok do 5 m, a predviđeno je uređenje još triju spavaćih soba. Na posjedu se nalazi garaža od 13 m2, ostava od 6 m2 (2,5 m visine) i parkiralište za minimalno 10 vozila. In the vicinity of the center of Umag there is detached three floor house with business premise and courtyard surface of 296 m2. In the ground floor there is a restaurant surface of 250 m 2 with all necessary contents and the terrace of 120 m2. In the interior part of the restaurant there are 20 tables, capacity of 200 persons, while on the terrace there are few tables, capacity of 80 persons. On the floor there is apartment of 140 m2 which comprises four bedrooms, living room with kitchen, two bathroom and long terrace of 12 m2. The high loft isn’t arranged, the roof has height of 5 meters and the arrangement of three bedrooms is predicted. On the property there is garage of 13 m 2, closet of 6 m2 (height of 2,5 m) and parking places for minimum 10 vehicles. Cijena / Price: 950.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 376 8859 145 D10-K234 Nekret nine Višnjan Predivne vile smještene su jedan kilometar od Višnjana, odnosno svega desetak kilometara od Poreča i diljem Europe poznatih porečkih plaža. Ova pozicija je idealna za svakoga tko želi živjeti u mirnom seoskom ambijentu daleko od gradske vreve, pa ipak dovoljno blizu mora, plaža i bogatog noćnog života istarskih turističkih centara. Pravi spoj istarske idile i zabave ljetnih noći! Prodaju se tri komforne vile s okućnicom na parcelama od oko 600 m². Svaka vil će imati bazen, što je još jedan prilog komforu i atraktivnosti koje nude vile. Veličina vila je 94 m², sa okućnicom veličine 696 m². There are a wonderful villas located one km from Višnjana, about 10 km from Poreč and the well-known European Poreč beaches. This position is ideal for all who wish to live in the quiet peasant ambience far from the city rush, yet close enough to the sea, beaches and adverse nightlife of the Istrian tourist centres. The true combination of Istrian idle and entertaining nightlife! Three comfort villas for sale with surrounding grounds on plots of approximately 600 m2. Each villa has a pool, which is another issue of comfort and charm offered by villas. The villas size is 94 m2, with surrounding grounds of 696 m2. Cijena / Price: 245.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 300 146 Nekret nine ������������������������ ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ���������������������� ���������������� TUŠKANAC najatraktivnija lokacija na Tuškancu, stara vila za renoviranje cca 300m2 na parceli od 1601 m2 Potražujemo kuće i stanove u Zagrebu za najam i kupoprodaju. Centar i sjever, za veleposlanstva i strane predstavnike. TUŠKANAC - VIJENAC prekrasni starinski drveni ljetnikovac; potrebno kompletno adaptiranje; s gospodarskom zgradom na parceli od cca 1500 m2 147 Nekret nine ��������� ���� ������ ��� �� �������� ��������� ��� ���� �������� ������������� ����� �������� ���� ������������� ����������� ���� ��������� ��� ������������������������������������������������������������ �������������� ���� ���� ����������� ����� ��������� ���������� �������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������� ����� ������������������������ ��������������� 148 D19-K310 Nekret nine Zadar U prelijepome mjestu pokraj Zadra, prodaje se kuća na dva kata površine 144 m2. Kuća je smještena na zemljištu površine 300 m2 i u fazi je renoviranja. U prizemlju je stan koji se sastoji od tri spavaće sobe, kuhinje, blagovaonice, dnevnog prostora, kupaonice i toaleta. Manji stan na drugom katu sastoji se od dviju spavaćih soba, dnevnog prostora s kuhinjom, kupaonice, toaleta i ostave. Stan posjeduje i manju terasu. Krov kuće kompletno je renoviran. In beautiful place close to Zadar there is a house on two floors surface of 144 m2, for sale. It has a private plot of land of 300 m2 and it is in stage of renovation. On the ground floor there is apartment with three bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom and toilet. Smaller apartment on the second floor comprises two bedrooms, living room with kitchen, bathroom, toilet and closet. Apartment has small terrace, too. The house roof is completely renovated. Cijena / Price: 170.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)23 272 556, +385 (0)98 170 7746 149 D19-K307 Nekret nine Zadar Na atraktivnoj lokaciji prodaje se kompletno namještena apartmanska kuća površine 400 m2 s okućnicom od 495 m2. Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže. U prizemlju se nalazi stan od 66 m2 površine, konoba i ljetna kuhinja. Na prvom katu su dvosoban apartman od 60 m2 i jednosoban apartman od 40 m2. Na drugom katu je dvosoban apartman površine 80 m2 i studio apartman. Kuća je izgrađena vrlo kvalitetno i modernističkog je stila. Udaljena je samo 100 m od mora. On the attractive location, for sale completely furnished apartment house with a living area of 400 m2 with garden plot of 495 m2. The house has three floors. On the ground floor there are apartment of 66 m2, wine cellar and summer kitchen. The first floor comprises one bedroom (40 m2) and two bedroom apartment (60 m2). On the second floor there are two bedroom apartment and one smaller studio apartment. At the construction of this modern style house the prime materials were used. Distance from the sea is only 100 m. Cijena / Price: 780.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)23 366 663 151 D19-K308 Nekret nine Zadar U privlačnom turističkom mjestu poznatom po brojnim plitkim i pješčanim uvalama i plažama, udaljenom 12 km od Zadra, nalazi se obiteljska kuća površine 150 m2. Kuća je u bloku, a sastoji se od dviju etaža i kultivirane okućnice površine 300 m2. Prizemlje je podijeljeno na dva dijela. U prvom dijelu su: dnevni boravak s kuhinjom, spavaća soba, kupaonica i hodnik, dok se u drugom dijelu nalazi spavaća soba, kuhinja i kupaonica. Do gornje etaže vode vanjske stube. Stan na katu ima vlastiti ulaz, a sastoji se od dviju spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom, kupaonice i dviju terasa. Kuća ima podrum s dvije prostorije. Posjed je ograđen i na njemu je parkiralište za tri vozila, od kojih su dva natkrivena. In attractive tourist place known by many sandy bays and beaches on a distance 12 km from Zadar there is family house with surface of 150 m2. The house is in block and comprises two floors and cultivated garden plot of 300 m2. The ground floor is divided in two parts. The first part comprises living room with kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and hall, while in a second part there are bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Outside stairways lead to the upper floors. Apartment on the first floor has own entry and it comprises two bedrooms, living room with kitchen, bathroom and two terraces. The house has basement with two rooms. Estate is fenced and it has parking places for three cars. Two places are covered. Cijena / Price: 135.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 774 309 152 D19-K314 Nekret nine Zadar U predivnome turističkomu mjestu, 12 km udaljenom od Zadra, smještena je kuća površine 130 m2 s okućnicom od 176 m2. Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže: prizemlja i kata. U prizemlju se nalazi novouređeni apartman površine 50 m2 koji ima dvije sobe, dnevni boravak, kuhinju, kupaonicu i izlaz na natkrivenu terasu od 10 m2. Sa strane kuće je poseban ulaz u jednosobni stan površine 28 m2. Vanjske stube vode na terasu od 28 m2 s koje se ulazi u apartman površine 50 m2. Apartman se sastoji od dviju soba, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice i terase. U dvorištu su tri parkirališna mjesta. Poseban ugođaj kući daje fontana, grill i lijepo uređena okućnica. In beautiful tourist place 12 km from Zadar there is a house of 130 m2 with garden plot of 176 m2. The house comprises two storeys: ground and first floor. In ground floor there is recently restored apartment of 50 m2 which has two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom and access to the covered terrace of 10 m2. Next to the house there is separate entrance to one bedroom apartment of 28 m2. Outside stairways lead to the terrace of 28 m2 from where there is an access to apartment of 50 m2. Apartment comprises two bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom and terrace. Courtyard has three parking place. Special atmosphere is achieved by nicely decorated garden, fountain and grill. Cijena / Price: 160.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)23 272 148 - INTERNET TRGOVINA NAMJEŠTAJEM I BIJELOM TEHNIKOM bijela tehnika n a m j ešta j 153 Zagreb Nekret nine- Exclusive apartments in Šestine - at the foot of Sljeme zone � � � � � � � � � ������ ��� ������ ��� ������������� ����������� ������� �������� ����� �������� ����� ��� ����������� �������� �� ��������� ��������������� �������� ��� ���� ������ ������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������� ���������� ������� ��� ������������ ������� ���������� ���� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����� �������� ������������� ���� ���������� ����������� ���� �������� ����� ������ ������������ ���� �������� ���� ����������� ����� ���� ���� ����� �������� �� ������ ����� ��������� ���� ������ ���������� ���� �������� ����� ����� ����������� ���� ���� ����������� ����� �������� �������� ���� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������ �� ���������������������������� �� ��������������� �� �������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������� �� ��������������������������������� �� �������������������� �� ������������������������������ 154 Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanoviNekret u nine podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine ������������������������������������ ��������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������� �������� ����������������������� ��������������������������������� 155 D19-K315 Nekret nine Zagreb U mirnoj ulici u neposrednoj blizini park-šume nalazi se predivna kuća površine 320 m2 s okućnicom od 290 m2. Kuća je u nizu na četiri etaže, te se sastoji od sedam prostranih soba, dviju kupaonica i dviju kuhinja. Uz mala ulaganja moguće je odvojiti etaže i napraviti dva stana s obzirom da kuća ima dvije jedinice centralnog etažnog grijanja. Vrlo dobro je održavana te ju je moguće pretvoriti u iznimno luksuznu nekretninu. Ispred kuće je predivan vrt-perivoj, mjesto za potpuno uživanje i blagovanje. In a peaceful street close to park there is beautiful house living space of 320 m2 with garden plot of 290 m2. The house is on four storeys and comprises seven spacious rooms, two bathrooms and two kitchens. With some investment it is possible to separate the storeys and make two apartments, because the house has two unit of storey heating system. The house is well maintains and it has a potential to be a luxury property. In front of the house is marvelous garden, an ideal place for resting and enjoyment. Cijena / Price: 540.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 561 5176, +385 (0)99 212 0270, +385 (0)99 212 0272 156 Nekret nine Zagreb U Španskom, u zapadnom dijelu grada, nalazi se stambeno-poslovni kompleks od 9 zgrada (4-7 katova) s velikim liftovima, 756 stanova (26, 39, 58, 61 i 78 m2) gdje će cjelokupno parkiranje biti osigurano u podzemnim garažama u dvije etaže s ukupno 594 parkirališna mjesta. Na -2 etaži su predviđena i parkirališta za osobe s invaliditetom. U sklopu projekta su predviđeni i popratni sadržaji: trgovine, banke, poslovni prostori za kiosk, krojačnica, kemijska čistionica, ljekarna, solarij, frizeraj, kafići, pizzeria, dvije osnovne škole i tri dječja vrtića. Atraktivnost ove lokacije je mirnoća kvarta, a ipak blizina brze prometnice – Ljubljanske avenije, koja spaja zapadni dio grada s centrom. Stanovi su opremljeni protuprovalnim vratima, etažnim plinskim grijanjem, digitalnim termostatotom za grijenje, PVC stolarijom, hrastovim parketom, prvoklasnom keramikom i sanitarijama... Kompleks je smješten uz potok Vrapčak te je također predviđen i zeleni pojas sa sadržajima za mlađe i starije. Predviđeno useljenje: veljača 2008. In the western part of town called Špansko, we find a residential-business complex featuring 9 buildings (4-7 floors) with large elevators, 756 apartments (26, 39, 58, 61 and 78 m2), while the entire parking issue will be solved with two-storey underground garages, featuring 594 parking spaces. Some parking spaces for disabled people are planned at the –2 storey. You can find many accompanying features within the project; stores, banks, business premises for a newsstand, tailor store, dry cleaner’s, pharmacy, solarium, hairdresser’s, coffee shops, pizzeria, two elementary schools and three kindergartens. The added appeal to this location lies in the peaceful neighbourhood, and yet the fast highway is very near – The Ljubljana Avenue, which connects the western part of the town with the centre. Apartments are furnished with anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, digital thermostat for heating, PVC joinery, oak-wooden parquet, top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities… The complex is located next to the Vrapčak stream, and it has a green area predicted with many features for both the younger and the older. Moving in will be possible in February, 2008. Cijena / Price: 1660 - 1880 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988 158 Nekret nine Zagreb U stambeno-poslovnoj zgradi u Dubravi, koja je smještena na prestižnoj lokaciji u istočnom dijelu grada nalazi se 125 stanova, poslovni prostori i 160 parkirališnih mjesta. Kvadrature stanova su 29, 37, 45, 68 i 89 m2, a u prizemlju su predviđeni ekskluzivni poslovni prostori s različitim poslovnim sadržajima koji zaokružuju stambenu ponudu. Zgrada ima osam nadzemnih etaža te tri podzemne na kojima će biti osigurano parkiranje. Stanovi imaju protuprovalna vrata, etažno plinsko grijanje, PVC stolariju, hrastov parket, prvoklasnu keramiku i sanitarije, digitalni termostat za grijanje...Zgrada ima neposredan pristup sa sjeverne i južne strane na javnoprometnu površinu, a u blizini su dvije osnovne škole i tri dječja vrtića. Hortikulturno uređenje parcele je sastavni dio ovog projekta i čini projektnu cjelinu, a udio zelene površine usklađen je s odredbama GUP-a i iznosi minimalno 20%. Predviđeno useljenje: veljača 2008. In a residential-business building in Dubrava, which is located at the prestigious location in the eastern part of town, we find 125 apartments, business premises and 160 parking spaces. The apartments’ sizes are 29, 37, 45, 68 and 89 m2, and the ground floor is planned to feature exclusive business premises with various business contents, which round up the residential offering. The building has eight over-ground floors and three underground floors, which are planned to feature parking spaces. The apartments have anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, PVC joinery, oak parquet flooring, top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, digital thermostat for heating… The building has immediate access from the northern and southern side to the public traffic area, and there are also two elementary schools and three kindergartens nearby. The horticultural decoration of the parcel is an integral part of this project and it makes it a complete project unit, and the green surface’s share is adjusted to the regulations of the GUP physical plan and it amounts to minimally 20%. The building will be ready for its first tenants in the February, 2008. Cijena / Price: 1700 - 1800 €/m2 Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988 159 Nekret nine Zagreb Prodaje se prekrasno imanje u Zagrebu, u neposrednoj blizini Maksimirske šume, u prestižnom dijelu naselja Bukovac. Urbana vila nudi tri luksuzna šesterosobna stana, svaki s dvije kupaonice, prostranim dnevnim boravkom, osunčanom blagovaonicom i kuhinjom te velikom terasom s pogledom na zelenilo. Vila ima oko 800 m2 stambenog prostora i tri etaže. Dizajnirana je s iznimnom pozornošću na detalje i s posebnom istančanošću ukusa, spaja tradicionalni stil s modernizmom. Vila se nalazi na 2244 m2 brižljivo održavanih zelenih površina iza kojih se pruža prekrasan pogled na zelene obronke Medvednice. A wonderful estate in Zagreb is for sale, located in the prestigious part of the Bukovac settlement, right next to the Maksimir Forest. The urban villa offers three luxurious six-bedroom apartments, each featuring two bathrooms, a spacious living room, sunshine-filled dining room and a kitchen, as well as a large terrace overlooking green surfaces. The villa spreads across about 800 m2 of residential space and has three storeys. Its design reveals extraordinary care for details and tremendously refined taste, which combines traditional style with modernism. The villa is located at 2244 m2 of carefully maintained greenery, behind which you can find a beautiful view across the green slopes of Medvednica. Cijena / Price: 2.000.000 € Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 6646 564, +385 (0)1 6646 563 161