COURSE CATALOGUE - Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
COURSE CATALOGUE - Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE NÜRNBERG GEORG SIMON OHM COURSE CATALOGUE International Business Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Summer Semester 2015 Information provided in this catalogue might change if circumstances demand it! 1. Contacts INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS IB-Office: Prof. Dr. Laila Hofmann (Academic Head of IB-Programs) Room BL.234, Phone 5880-2877, Ulrike Schäfer (Administrative Coordinator) Room BL.227, Phone 5880-2882, IB-Examination Board: (B-IB, MIFE, MIMA) Prof. Dr. Felix Streitferdt (Head of IB-Examination Board) Room BL.239, Phone 5880-2722, IBT- Examination Board: Prof. Dr. Birgit Eitel (Head of IBT-Examination Board) (B-IBT) Room BB.116, Phone 5880-2863, Barbara Lengler (Office Assistant) Room Bl.227, Phone 5880-2777, Internship Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Helen Rogers Room BL.239, Phone 5880-2833, Important information will be posted on the bulletin board on the 2nd floor. Bachelor in International Business: Prof. Dr. Laila Hofmann (Academic Head) Room BL 234, Phone 5880-2877, Stefanie Bartenstein (Program Assistant) Room BL.227, Phone 5880-2888, Bachelor in International Prof. Dr. Birgit Eitel (Academic Head) Business & Technology: Room BB.116, Phone 5880-2863, Daniela Gaibl (Program Assistant) Room BL.227, Phone 5880-2886, Master in International Prof. Dr. Andreas Weese (Academic Head) Finance and Economics: Room BL.131, Phone 5880-2891, Katrin Eckstein (Progam Assistant) Room BL. 238, Phone 5880-2721, Master in International Marketing: Prof. Dr. Margo Bienert (Academic Head) Room BL.124, Phone 5880-2842, Anneke Neddermann (Program Assistant) Room BL.242, Phone 5880-2734, [1] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Other Important Offices: 0911/5880- Studierendenservice Enrolment, Exam Results Mon-Thu Fri 7:30 – 16:00 7:30 – 14:00 Prinzregentenufer 41, Building KJ (container in front of the ‘old/white villa’) Semester Break: Mon- Thu Fri 9:00 – 15:00 9:00 – 13:00 Special requests -4004 Doris Kübler (B-IBT, M-IFE, M-IMA) - 4357 Gabriele Vitzthum (B-IB) - 4812 International Office Semester Abroad Mon+Wed Tue+Thu Keßlerplatz 12, Building KX 2nd floor Business and Social Sciences Library Bahnhofstr. 87, ground floor, BL.006a Mon-Fri Sat Computer Labs Bahnhofstr. 87, 1st floor, (rooms BL.102, BL.104, BL.106) Mon-Thu Fri Sat Language Center Wassertorstr. 6, Building WK 1st floor (left) Management Institute Kressengartenstr.2, Building SK 3rd floor Semester Break: Mon- Fri Semester Break: Mon-Thu Fri Mon-Thu Fri Mon-Thu Fri 9:30 – 11:30 13:30 – 15:30 and by appointment 9:00 – 21:00 9:00 – 18:00 11:00 - 19:00 8:00 – 20:30 8:00 – 19:30 9:00 – 14:00 – 16:00 – 14:00 8:00 – 12:00 13:00 – 15:00 8:00 – 12:00 Semsi Colak (EU countries) Wai Ying Fargel (South Africa, Asia, Australia) Renate Zehetbauer (North/South America, Russia, Ukraine) Anastassia Knor (Exchange students & internship advisor) Viktoria Kaufmann (International student advisor) Reception Desk - 4851 - 4132 - 4115 - 4113 - 4136 - 4477 Book Check-Out and Extension of Due Dates: Research Requests: - 4000 Roland Buhl (room BL.103a) Reinhold Trinkl (room BL.103a) Mike Schönert (room BL.103a) - 2761 - 2762 - 2768 Heike Haundel Donna Raimond - 4094 - 4095 8:00 8:00 9:00 – 18:00 9:00 – 16:30 Information Desk Webpage: [2] - 2800 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS 2. Semester Schedule: Summer Semester 2015 Start: March 15th, 2015 Monday End: September 30th, 2015 February 16th 08:00 h Start of Online-Registration for Language Courses nd Monday to Sunday March 2 till March 8th (midnight) 09:00 h Start of Online-Registration for General Electives Friday March 13th 14:00 h Start of Online-Registration through virtuOHM for Bachelor Courses with a Limited Number of Participants: Monday March 16th 14:00 h Start of Lectures (including language courses) Thursday to Tuesday April 2nd till April 7th Public Holiday - No Lectures (Easter) Monday April 16th Wednesday to Monday April 22nd till May 4th (midnight) Deadline for Submitting Requests to the IB-Examination Board for Exemptions from Subjects / Internships Registration Period for Exams Friday May 1st Public Holiday - No Lectures (Labor Day) Thursday May 14th Public Holiday - No Lectures (Ascension Day) Friday till Tuesday May 22nd till May 26th Public Holiday - No Lectures (Pentecost) Monday to Sunday May 25th till May 31st (midnight) Withdrawal Period from Exam Registrations Thursday June 4th Public Holiday - No Lectures (Corpus Christi) Friday to Thursday July 3rd till July 9th Tests for Small Groups Friday July 10th End of Lectures (No lectures on this day and afterwards!) Saturday to Friday July 11th till July 31st Final Exams Saturday to Wednesday August 1st till September 30th Semester Break (For General Electives please refer to 3.2.5 in this course catalog!) [3] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Abbreviations: ECTS = European Credit Transfer System; Days and Times of Lectures Mon = Monday Block 1: Tue = Tuesday Block 2: Wed = Wednesday Block 3: Thu = Thursday Block 4: Fri = Friday Block 5: Sat = Saturday Block 6: Block 7: h/w = hours per week; 8.00 till 9.30 h 9.45 till 11.15 h 11.30 till 13.00 h 14.00 till 15.30 h 15.45 till 17.15 h 17.30 till 19.00 h 19.15 till 20.45 h hour = 45 min. Example: Wed 3 = Wednesday from 11.30 till 13.00 h Lecture/Seminar Rooms BL = Building Bahnhofstraße 87 (main building) BB = Building Bahnhofstraße 90 (close to railroad tracks) SS = Summer Semester; WS = Winter Semester; X-Change = Exchange Students Legend for Exchange Students: ■ For all exchange students ■ For exchange students who meet certain conditions ■ Not for exchange students (L)= Lecture – Attendance possible even if English test result below 60 % (S)= Seminar – Attendance is allowed only if English test result is 60% or higher ! Exchange students will be enrolled under the latest study and examination regulations for the Bachelor in International Business valid since October 2013. Therefore, they can only choose courses from pages 5 - 9 of this course catalogue and from the ‘Focus Electives’ on pages 12 - 15. Information provided in this catalogue might change if circumstances demand it! [4] B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS BACHELOR-IB – Foundation Courses – Business (2013) 3. BACHELOR OF ARTS IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 3.1. Schedule of Foundation Courses 3.1.1 Bachelor Business Courses – Study and Exam Regulations 2013 XChange --------- only WS ■ (L) 4 --------- only WS ■ (L) 5 4 Heelein 5 4 --------- 5 2 4 --------Bolz Mon 1+2 BL.315 2 Bolz Mon 6 BL.315 h/ w Professor 1110 Foundations of Business Administration 1350 Financial Accounting 5 4 5 1360 Cost Accounting 1370 Business Mathematics Subject Tutorial in Business Maths 1380 Business Statistics Tutorial in Business Statistics 1390 Informatics - Business Information - Systems Applied Information Technology Day/ Time Comments EC TS No. 5 4 2 Mon 3+4 Room ■ (L) BL.205 Bahlinger Wed 6 BL.003 Tue 4 BL.102 Thu 4 BL.102 Thu 2+3 Tue 6 BL.004 BL.004 only WS ■ (L) only SS ■ (L) only SS ■ (L) Group A-K 2 Group L-Z 2 Langenbach Lösel 5 4 2 Schüller Schüller 5 4 Have to be attended in one semester! only WS Attendance --------mandatory! 1410 Business Law Tutorial in Business Law Tutorial starts: March 24 ■ (L) Instructions about tutorial during first lecture in Business Law! 1450 Basic Study Techniques - Presentation and Com- 2 munication Techniques Group members to be determined at beginning of the semester! - Scientific Methods and 2 --------Jockusch Attendance mandatory! Research 1710 Intercultural Communication 3 2 Business Language I Business Language II 4 4 4 4 1) Bahnhofstraße 90, ground floor. 2) Wassertorstraße 10 [5] Tue 3 BL.001 ■ ■ only SS ■ Attendance mandatory! Please refer to 3.1.2! B-IB BACHELOR-IB – Foundation Courses – Languages 3.1.2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Language Courses Registration for attendance is mandatory for all language courses and can only be done online th st ( from February 16 (8.00 a.m.) till March 31 (12.00 p.m.). The registration number for each language course is listed under “Comments”. This registration only concerns your attendance in class. Your exam registration has to be done separately at a later point in time through the virtuohm-system. Concerning your language courses’ exams please register first for those which are listed here. If you are taking additional language courses you will find them on virtuohm under the course list of the language center. th All language courses listed here will start from Monday, March 16 ! Room Day/ Comments/ No. Subject 1689 IB-English II (C1) 1599 French A2 EC TS h/ w 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Luther Luther Luther Vizethum Vizethum Vizethum --- 4 --------- 2 --------- 4 (DFP Affaires A2) French A2 (Tutorial) 1598 French B1 Lecturer 4 1608 Italian A2 1652 Italian B1 --- 4 4 4 Oelschlegel Oelschlegel Oelschlegel Oelschlegel --------Giannico 1517 Italian B2 4 Giannico 1597 Spanish A2 --- 4 2 ----------------- 4 4 Herreros 2 Herreros 4 Herreros 2 Herreros (DFP Affaires B1) French B1 (Tutorial) 1511 French B2 2 4 (DFP Affaires B2) French B2 (Tutorial) Spanish A2 (Tutorial) 1640 Spanish B1 2 Spanish B1 (Tutorial) 1513 Spanish B2 Spanish B2 (Tutorial) 4 4 4 [6] Time No. LC Wed 1 Wed 2 Wed 3 Wed 1 Wed 2 Wed 3 BL.115 BL.115 BL.115 BL.112 BL.112 BL.112 Attendance mandatory! (EN001540) (EN001541) (EN001542) (EN001544) (EN001545) (EN001546) Tue 6 + Thu 4 Tue 5 BL.205 BL.206 BL.215 (FR001507) XChange ■ ■ Please (FR001508) come Tue 4 + Thu 5 Thu 6 BL.215 BL.111 BL.111 (FR001511) (FR001512) to first class and ask Tue 5 + Thu 4 Tue 4 + Thu 5 BL.206 BL.318 BL.206 BL.318 (IT001504) (IT001505) lecturer for permission to Tue 5 + Thu 4 Wed 5 BL.207 BL.111 BL.205 (SP001533) (SP001532) Tue 4 BL.207 (SP001535) + Thu 5 BB.0051) Wed 4 BL.205 (SP001534) attend. B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS BACHELOR-IB – Foundation Courses – Languages No. Subject 1607 German A2 EC h/ TS w 4 6 Day/ Lecturer Time Room Comments/ No. LC XChange ■ --------- 1697 German B1 4 6 Fröba Mon 5+6 + Wed 4 BL.217 BL.212 (DE001510) 1518 German B2 4 6 Galgon Tue 4 + Thu 5+6 BL.318 BL.207 (DE001516) Please come to first class and ask lecturer for permission to attend. 1) Bahnhofstraße 90, ground floor. 2) Keßlerplatz 12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information about all language courses, please take a look at or contact the language center at: [7] B-IB BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Core Subjects (2013) 3.2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Schedule of Advanced Studies Courses 3.2.1 Bachelor Business Courses (Advanced Core Subjects) – Study and Exam Regulations 2013 X-Change Day/ EC h/ Room Comments No. Subject Professor Time TS w 4801+ 4802 Microeconomics 4803+ 4804 Macroeconomics 8 8 6 6 Fricke Tue 1+2 + Thu 1 --------- only WS ■ (L) only business exchange students ■ (L) only business exchange students Operations and Environmental Management 5 4830 Marketing ■ (L) 4 Have to be attended in one semester! - Operations Management - Environmental Management 2 Pautsch Tue 6 BL.002 2 Ebinger Thu 1 BL.315 Attendance is mandatory! BL.216 ■ (L) Wed 2+3 BL.002 ■ (S) Wed 5+6 BL.004 ■ (L) 5 4 5 4850 Finance, Investment & Capital Budgeting 5 Business Electives Abroad General Electives Abroad 21 min. 12 hours/week 1) 4 min. 4 hours/week 1) 4855 International Business Law 6 4840+ 4845 BL.003 only SS BL.003 Personnel Management International Business Administration I Thu 1+2 4 Rogers/ Puchalla Hofmann 4 Eckstein 4 Brigola Tue 1+2 Please refer to 3.2.5! Please refer to 3.2.6! ■ (L) only BL.318 business exchange students with course in “Business Law” 7 ■ (L) only 4 Have to be attended in one semester! - International Financial 2) Management 2 - International Accounting 2) and Taxation 2 Stocker Tue 3+4 BL.315 Bi-weekly; Start: March 17 Heelein Thu 4 BL.315 business exchange students with knowledge of standard financial instruments and basic knowledge in accounting 1) Minimum requirements for “semester abroad”; If you did not fulfill the minimum requirements while at the partner university please refer to 3.2.5 and 3.2.6. 2) Admission to this lecture will only be granted if the student has successfully completed his/her ‘semester abroad’ as well as the practical part of the internship semester (without the internship seminar). [8] B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Core Subjects (2013) No. Subject International Business Administration II EC TS h/ w 7 4 Day/ Professor Time Room X-Change Comments ■ (L) only Have to be attended in one semester! - International Marketing 2) 3) with Cases 2 Rogers Mon 2 - Case Studies in 2) 3) International Business 2 Wellner Mon 5+6 BL.213 Bi-weekly; BL.112 Please register with virtuOHM: WJFr business exchange students with advanced knowledge in Marketing Start: March 16 Attendance is mandatory! Please register with virtuOHM: WJFr Management 7 ■ (S) only 6 Have to be attended in one semester! - Strategic Management 2) 3) - International Management with Cases 4 Fees Wed 3+4 BL.005 2 Rogers Thu 3 Please register with virtuOHM: WJFr business exchange students with advanced knowledge in Marketing BL.T01 Attendance 2) 3) is mandatory! Please register with virtuOHM: WJFr Prerequisite: ■ The internship has to be fully completed! Attendance is mandatory! BL.216 Attendance ■ (S) only is mandaadvanced (in tory! their last two 3300 Internship Seminar 1 1 Rogers First meeting: March 24 at 14:00 h in room BL.218! 4980 Project Work 3) (Independent Practical and Scientific Work) 6 4 Eitel Fri 1+2 Focus Electives 14 Please register with virtuOHM: WJFr 8 semesters) business exchange students Please refer to 3.2.3! 1. Bahnhofstraße 90. 2. Admission to this lecture will only be granted if the student has successfully completed his/her ‘semester abroad’ as well as the practical part of the internship semester (without the internship seminar). 3. In order to attend this lecture you have to sign up for it by using the following link: [9] B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Core Subjects (2010) 3.2.2 Bachelor Business Courses (Advanced Core Subjects) – Study and Exam Regulations 2010 Day/ EC h/ Room Comments No. Subject Professor Time TS w 4801+ 4802 Microeconomics 8 6 Fricke 4803+ 4804 Macroeconomics 7 6 --------- Operations Management 4822 Forwarding and Transportation Management 4830 Marketing Tue 1+2 + Thu 1 only WS 2.5 2 Pautsch Tue 6 2.5 2 Müller st Wed 3+4 BL.111 Only during 1 half of 4 5 4850 Finance, Investment & Capital Budgeting 5 Business Electives Abroad General Electives Abroad 21 min. 12 hours/week 1) 4 min. 4 hours/week 1) Personnel Management BL.002 semester; in German 5 4840+ 4845 BL.003 only SS BL.003 Thu 1+2 4 Rogers/ Puchalla Hofmann BL.216 4 Eckstein Wed 5+6 BL.004 Wed 2+3 BL.002 4855 International 6 4 Business Law 4860 International Financial 3.5 2 Management 2) 4870 International 3 2 2) Accounting Brigola Heelein Thu 4 BL.315 4865 International Marketing with Cases2) 4875 Case Studies in International Business 2) Rogers Mon 2 BL.112 Wellner Mon 5+6 BL.213 Bi-weekly; Start: March 16 Environmental Management in Business 4912 Strategic +4913 Management 2) 4922 International 4923 Management with Cases 2) 3.5 2 3 2 Stocker Tue 1 + Tue 2 Tue 3+4 Please refer to 3.2.5! Please refer to 3.2.6! BL.318 BL.005 BL.315 Bi-weekly Start: March 17 Please register with virtuOHM: Attendance is mandatory! Please register with virtuOHM: 2 2 Ebinger Thu 1 BL.315 Attendance is mandatory! 4 4 Fees Wed 3+4 BL.005 3 2 Rogers Thu 3 Please register with virtuOHM: BL.T01 Attendance is mandatory! Please register with virtuOHM: 1) Minimum requirements for “semester abroad”; If you did not fulfill the minimum requirements while at the partner university please refer to 3.2.5 and 3.2.6. 2) Admission to this lecture will only be granted if the student has successfully completed his/her ‘semester abroad’ as well as the practical part of the internship semester (without the internship seminar). [10] B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS EC TS h/ w Day/ Professor Time 3300 Internship Seminar 1 1 Rogers 4980 Project Work 3) (Independent Practical and Scientific Work) Focus Electives 6 BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Core Subjects (2010) No. Subject 4 Eitel Room Comments Prerequisite: The internship has to be fully completed! Attendance is mandatory! BL.216 Attendance is mandatory! First meeting: March 24 at 14:00 h in room BL.218! Fri 1+2 Please register with virtuOHM: 14 8 Please refer to 3.2.3! 1. Bahnhofstraße 90. 2. Admission to this lecture will only be granted if the student has successfully completed his/her ‘semester abroad’ as well as the practical part of the internship semester (without the internship seminar). 3. In order to attend this lecture you have to sign up for it by using the following link: [11] B-IB BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Focus Electives 3.2.3 Focus Electives INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Subjects have to be chosen which added up result in a total of 14 ECTS. You may either focus on one field (e.g. Marketing, Finance, etc.) or spread your subjects over two or more fields. LECTURES OFFERED IN ENGLISH HAVE TO BE GIVEN FIRST PRIORITY! Should you decide to focus on one field, this career focus, upon request, will be shown in your transcript of records provided you also do/did your internship as well as write/wrote your Bachelor’s thesis in the same field of specialization! No. EC TS Subject MARKETING 5026 Product and Market Development International Business Marketing Simulation h/ w Professor 3.5 2 Rogers 3.5 2 Finnigan Day/ Time X-Change Room Comments only SS in English; ■ (S) in English; To be Thu only SS; announced! 4-6, Blocked: Fri 1-5, May 21 – Sat 1-4 ■ (S) Wed 2 BL.217 only business exchange students only business exchange students May 23 5014 Vertriebsführung 2) 7 - Vertriebsmanagement - Planspiel Vertrieb (2 Gruppen) 5040 Consumer Behavior 2) 4 2 Riedmüller Wed 3 BL.212 2 Riedmüller/ Wed 5 Thummerer Wed 6 3.5 2 --------- BL.111 BL.104 in German; Attendance mandatory for all sessions! ■ Please register with virtuOHM: ■ (S) only WS in English; Please register with virtuOHM at: only business exchange students FINANCE 5004 Case Studies in International Finance 5013 Finanzen I 5030 Corporate Finance 3.5 2 --------- 7 7 4 Eckstein 4 --------- (If you need to attend this course in order to complete your career focus in Finance, please contact Prof. Streitferdt.) Thu 5+6 BL.112 only WS in English; ■ (S) only in German ■ only business exchange students business exchange students only SS in English; NOT OFFERED THIS SEMESTER! ■ (L) only business exchange students with course in Mathematics and Finance 1) Keßlerplatz 12. 2) In order to attend this lecture you have to sign up for it by using the following link: [12] B-IB BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Focus Electives INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS No. Subject EC h/w TS Day/ Professor Time X-Change Room Comments HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 5039 Personalwirtschaft und -praxis 2) 4 (maximum number of participants: 35 each) 5033 Personalmanagement einschl. Fallstudien 2) in German 7 4 4 7 4 Verstege/ Bonin Verstege/ Bonin Hofmann Please register with virtuOHM at: WJFr Tue 2+3 BL.215 Thu 4+5 BL.215 Mon 2 + Mon 3 BL.005 BL.003 in German Heß/ Mon 1+2 Kleemann BL.003 in German Pautsch BL.205 (maximum number of participants: 35) Please register with virtuOHM at: WJFr ■ only business exchange students with knowledge in labor laws) ■ only business exchange students OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT/LOGISTICS 5022 Einkauf und Supply Management 7 4 5023 Distribution und Supply Chain Management 7 4 5024 Produktionsplanung und -steuerung 7 4 CONTROLLING 5043 Controlling I Seminar Controlling I 5044 Controlling II Tue 3+4 ■ only business exchange students in German ■ only business exchange students Bogdanski Mon 3+4 BL.212 in German ■ only business exchange students 3.5 2 Nobach Wed 3 BL.004 in German ■ only 3.5 2 Nobach Thu 4 BL.004 in German business exchange students Wed 4+5 BL.002 in German ■ only 7 4 Nobach business exchange students 1) Bahnhofstraße 90, ground floor. 2) In order to attend this lecture you have to sign up for it by using the following link: [13] B-IB BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Focus Electives INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS No. Subject EC TS h/ w 7 4 Day/ Professor Time X-Change Room Comments INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS 5020 Principles of International Economics Eitel 5021 Energy and Development 3.5 2 --------- 5029 Introduction into Economics of European Integration 3.5 4 Mummert Mon 3+4 Tue 5 +Thu 2 BL.315 BL.212 BL.112 only SS in English; ■ (L) only business exchange students (must have had a course in Economics) only WS in English, but German basic knowledge recommended! ■ (L) only business exchange students with a course in Macroeconomics only SS in English; ■ (L) HEALTH ECONOMICS Gesundheitsökonomie I 7 ■ only 4 - Einführung in die Gesundheitsökonomie 2 Fricke Mon 1 NM3) in German - Struktur des deutschen Gesundheitswesens 2 Fricke Mon 2 NM3) in German 3) Gesundheitsökonomie II 7 business exchange students ■ only 4 business exchange students - Gesundheitssystem im Vergleich 2 Fricke Mon 3 NM in German - Spezialprobleme des deutschen Gesundheitswesens 2 Fricke Mon 4 NM3) in German 3.5 2 --------- only WS in English ■ (S) 3.5 2 --------- only WS in English Attendance is mandatory! ■ (S) OTHER ELECTIVES 5002 Innovation Management International Business Negotiations 2) Please register with virtuOHM at: Fr [14] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS No. Day/ Professor Time Room X-Change Comments EC TS h/ w 7 4 Both lectures have to be attended in one semester! ■ only - Exportmanagement 2 ReschelReithmeier Thu 3 BL.214 in German business exchange students - Zollrecht und Handelspolitik in der EU (Import u. Export) 2 Brunner F. Tue 5 /Herdegen BL.218 in German Subject Außenwirtschaft II 1) Bahnhofstraße 90. 2) In order to attend this lecture you have to sign up for it by using the following link: 3) Schul- und Studienzentrum Neumarkt, Klägerweg 1, 92318 Neumarkt Information provided in this catalogue might change if circumstances demand it! [15] B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – Business Electives Abroad 3.2.4 Business Electives Abroad Only for those students who did not fulfill the minimum requirement of 12 hr/week in business electives while being abroad or for international students who are spending their “semester abroad” at the OHM. No. Subject h/ w 3 ECTS per 2 h/w Professor Day/ Time Comments Room All taught in German! 6019 Finanzcontrolling 2 Weisel Mon 3 BL.206 (=BW-B 3.17) 6020 E-Services im Finanzwesen 2 Kobmann Mon 1 BL.206 (=BW-B 3.17) 6023 Netvertising / Online Marketing 2 Fleischmann Wed 5 BL.217 (=BW-B 3.17) 6033 Demografie und Marketing 2 --------- 6010 Projektmanagement 2 Unger Tue 6 BL.104 (=BW-B 3.17) 6011 Electronic-Business 2 Langenbach Wed 5 BL.215 (=BW-B 3.17) 6027 Vortragsrhetorik 2 Merkel Mon 2 BL.111 (=BW-B 3.17) 6028 Verhandlungs- und Gesprächsführung 2 --------- 6029 Organisation 4 Unger Wed 1+2 BL.005 (=BW-B 2.6) 6032 Public Management/ Management von Nonprofit-Unternehmen 2 Hommel Tue 2 (=BW-B 3.17) (=BW-B 3.17) 1) Bahnhofstraße 90, ground floor. [16] BB.001 1) (=BW-B 3.17) B-IB INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS BACHELOR-IB – Advanced Courses – General Electives Abroad 3.2.5 General Electives Abroad Only for those students who did not fulfill the minimum requirement of 4 hr/week in general electives while being abroad or for international students who are spending their “semester abroad” at the OHM. No. Subject h/ w Professor Day/ Time 2 ECTS per 2 h/w (except: Deutsch C1 = 6 ECTS) 1712 Grundlagen der Soziologie 2 Müntnich 1813 Aufbaukurs Soziologie 2 ---------- 1711 Grundlagen der Psychologie 2 Fischer, I. Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 1815 Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 2 ---------- Tue Room All taught in German! BL.111 Thu 1 BL.001 (=BW-B 2.1.3) (=BW-B 2.1.3) 2 (=BW-B 2.1.3) Strogies, L. Wed 1 BL.213 Gruppe B 2 BL.T01 BL.T01 1811 Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft 2 Strogies, L. Tue 5 Strogies, L. Thu 5 1819 Wirtschaft und Staat 2 Gottauf ??? 1818 Deutsch C1, Proficient German 6 von Brase 1817 Sprachkompetenz 2 ---------- Tutorial 2 ---------- 2 only SS (=BW-B 2.1.3) only WS (=BW-B 2.1.3) Gruppe A 2 1820 Soziale Kompetenz Comments Tue 4 + Thu 4+5 (=BW-B 2.1.3) KA.2541) Please register at KA.2041) KA.1191) Course information at http://bit-ly/MXxD3s (=BW-B 2.1.3) 6 ECTS; Will only take place, if 5 or more students participate!!! (DE001519) (=BW-B 2.1.3) ---------- (=BW-B 2.1.3) 1) Keßlerplatz 12. [17] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMS The OHM keeps you in shape! Did you know that being a GSO student you are eligible to participate in sports courses offered by the “Institut für Sportwissenschaft & Sport” in Nuremberg and Erlangen? The university sports program provides students and employees from all institutions of higher education, technical colleges and academies in Nürnberg with a wide range of sport-related activities including: - Sports classes for beginners up to advanced levels Individual sports and team sports Inter-university championships Fees for sport classes vary but are typically very low. How to enrol in sports courses? If you want to get serious about physical exercising, you need to register online via the web. The registration form, along with a complete list and detailed descriptions of all classes offered, are at: [18]