Symbolism Of The Canadian Flag


Symbolism Of The Canadian Flag
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Symbolism Of The Canadian Flag
Reaching over 100,000 readers weekly
158 Harwood Avenue, South,
Suite 209
Ajax, Ontario
L1S 2H6
Tel: (905) 686-8868
Established since January, 1983
Wed. February 11, 2015
Volume 33; Number 05
Sunday, February 15, 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of our Canadian flag which has become
a powerful symbol of freedom,
democracy and diversity.
Therefore, on this historic
day we should pause and reflect
upon the symbolism of this red
and white Maple Leaf flag, and
what it really means to us.
For me, the display of the
Canadian Maple Leaf represents not only independence,
freedom and democracy, but
compassion, generosity, and
By Rupert Johnson
It is also a symbol of hope and
racial integration. In these respects every Canadian
should be a proud standard-bearer. We should, therefore, salute the Maple Leaf flag anywhere it is flown.
On the first day of July when our surroundings
are adorned with an impressive array of the Maple
Leaf flag, and the night skies are lit up with brilliant
fireworks, my heart is always filled with pride and
But my respect and admiration for this beautiful
country is not limited to the celebrations of July 1.
This feeling of admiration remains with me all the time.
First of all let me say that Canada is not an idyllic
paradise. No country is. But when I compare and contrast Canada with all the other countries in the world
today there is no other place that I would rather be.
In terms of diversity, health care initiatives, educational opportunities, universal old age security,
Continued on page 14.........
On Pride’s cover: Ziggy Marley performs at the Austin City
Limits music festival in 2007.
Ziggy -- the eldest son of the late legendary Jamaican reggae
singer, Bob Marley -- who would have turned 70-years-old last
week -- won a Grammy at the awards
ceremony here on Sunday night.
The Grammy is an accolade by
the National Academy of Recording
Arts and Sciences (NARAS) of the
United States to recognize outstanding
achievement in the music industry.
The 46-year-old singer won in the
category “Best Reggae” for his album
“Fly Rasta”.
He won from a field that also included SOJA’s Amid the Noise; Sly &
Robbie featuring Spicy Chocolate (The
Reggae Power); Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry (Back on The Controls); Sean
Paul (Full Frequency); and Shaggy (Out of Many, One Music).
For more on Ziggy’s award, see page 10. Cover photo by Jay
West. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.” --- Bob Marley
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when
you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate
your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and
jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your
vision to reality. Wake up and live!”
--- Bob Marley
“Every man gotta right to decide his own
destiny.” -- Bob Marley
Michael Van Cooten
Caribbean Media Corp. (CMC)
International Press Service (IPS)
Narissa Van Cooten
Sharmon Carrington
Afro Media
Allan Jones
Cerise Fairfax
Dr. Virginia Nsitem
L. Ardor/Lamoi
Rupert Johnson
Sandy Daley
Beverly Browne
Lincoln Depradine
Neil Armstrong
Pride News, reflecting the ambitions, aspirations, accomplishments
and achievements of the African & Caribbean Canadian community, is
published and distributed every Wednesday.
To act as a catalyst for the advancement,
empowerment and happiness of peoples of
African and Caribbean heritage.
Continued on page 12.....
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Medical Marijuana May Not
Benefit New York’s Poor Patients
By Roger Hamilton-Martin
New York Correspondent
NEW YORK, New York (IPS) -- A bill
which will bring medical marijuana to
New York State in 2016 will leave the
treatment inaccessible to low-income
patients, community groups warn.
New Yorkers spoke out about limitations to the draft regulations of the
Compassionate Care Act, which should
introduce medical marijuana to the
state early next year.
At a public forum held last week
Tuesday in the Bronx, concerns were
raised about the proposed regulations,
including access for low income patients, and the small number of illnesses
which qualify for the treatment.
“The Department of Health can create incentives for industry,” said Julie
Netherland of the Drug Policy Alliance,
a drug-reform advocacy organisation
that worked with legislators during
“One of the things they could weigh
as criteria for selecting companies who
will produce the strains, would be their
plan to support low-income patients,”
said Netherland.
The bill was signed into law last
July, but the programme will likely
be implemented in New York State in
January 2016. This will be nearly two
decades after medical marijuana was
first introduced to the United States,
with an initiative in California to allow
medical cannabis in 1996.
Some 23 U.S. states and the District
of Columbia have legalised cannabis
for medical use, and four allow its
recreational use.
In their current form, the regulations
allow treatment for only 10 illnesses:
cancer, HIV/AIDS, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease,
multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury
with spasticity, epilepsy, inflamma-
Medical marijuana from a dispensary in California. Photo credit: David Trawin/cc by 2.0.
tory bowel disease, neuropathy, and
Huntington’s disease.
The commissioner of health for New
York State, Howard Zucker, has the
power to include any number of conditions as he sees fit.
To pass the bill, legislators were
forced to drastically narrow the eligibility criteria, according to the Alliance.
In the bill’s original form, marijuana
was to be prescribed at a physician’s discretion. Partway through negotiations,
it was reduced to 25 conditions, then
in the final days before being passed,
it was cut to just 10.
Those with anxiety, post-traumatic
stress disorder and rheumatoid arthritis would be ineligible for the treatment.
Bill Gilson, president of the New
York City chapter of Veterans for Peace,
told IPS, “I have stage four prostate
cancer, so I have access, but I’m trying
to broaden this for those who aren’t
included. I’m concerned about veterans
with post-traumatic stress, victims
of Agent Orange, traumatic brain injury from IEDs (improvised explosive
devices), and the effects of depleted
uranium poisoning.
“The Department of Health has to
broaden the eligibility conditions,” he
There is no requirement that insurance cover medical marijuana, raising
concerns that the treatment will be
inaccessible to low-income groups.
Also under the regulations, as patients are not allowed to smoke the drug,
they will be using vaporisers, which
range in cost, and a registration fee
is needed in order to receive a patient
identification card.
The Drug Policy Alliance is calling
on the department of health to make
companies who want to produce the
marijuana come up with a plan to sup-
Jamaican Government
Recruits Carleton
Accessibility Experts for
Gordon House Audit
OTTAWA, Ontario -- Carleton University accessibility experts are lending
a hand to the government of Jamaica
in a project to make the country’s
legislative building, George William
Gordon House, accessible to those with
On February 15, Dean Mellway,
acting director of Carleton’s READ
Initiative, and third-year architecture
student, Quayce Thomas, will travel to
Kingston, Jamaica, to meet with government officials, planners and architects.
They will be joined by two representatives from Toronto architecture firm,
Over three days, they will conduct
an audit of the three-storey building,
which was built in 1960.
Jamaica has recently passed a slate
of new accessibility laws, and given the
progress for people with disabilities,
government officials decided it was time
to bring their legislative buildings up
to the same standards.
Carleton was invited to participate
by Jamaican Justice Minister, Mark
Carleton’s goal is to embed learning
about accessibility across the university and use its expertise to help solve
problems around the world.
port those with lower incomes who need
the treatment.
Another option could be for the
state government to divert some of the
significant tax money to support those
in need. Medicaid will not provide for
the treatment.
The small scale of the proposed programme was also criticised. There will
be only five producers of the drug and
20 dispensaries across the whole state.
Netherland from the Alliance told
IPS, “It’s insufficient to meet patient
demand. Also geographically, having
just 20 dispensaries across a state
54,000 square miles large isn’t enough.”
Many see the regulations as a step
toward full legalisation of marijuana
in the state, including New York City
Council member Mark Levine, who told
IPS, “I’m really excited, but there are
many limitations we need to address.
I see this legislation as a step towards
taxation and regulation.”
Limitations have also been placed
on the delivery method the treatment
will take – only oils and extracts are
allowed, no smoking.
As the 45-day public comment period comes to a close on February 13th,
those with concerns are encouraged to
submit testimony on the New York State
Department of Health website.
Marijuana is still illegal under federal law, although four states have now
legalised it for recreational use, and
23 states and the District of Columbia
have enacted medical marijuana laws.
Helen Redmond, a clinical social
worker for the NGO Community Access, told IPS, “The exciting thing is,
for the people who I work with, medical
marijuana will help. Some people with
mental illness have symptoms that are
very distressing, for example, hearing
voices, anxiety.
“Marijuana lowers the anxiety that
they feel, and can boost a sense of
wellbeing. It’s a beautiful thing. There
are few side effects.
“Having a registration fee is problematic,” she added. “Also oils and extracts cost more to produce compared
to having plant material – people can’t
afford that. There are so many people
in New York who are at poverty level or
below. People who need medicine, their
lives matter.”
Grow your
advertise it in
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Grenada Celebrated 41st Anniversary
Of Political Independence
ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC – Grenada celebrated its 41st anniversary of political independence
from Britain, last Saturday, with Prime Minister Dr.
Keith Mitchell urging nationals to unite so as to ensure
the future socio-economic development of the island.
The celebrations included the traditional military
parade and in his address, Prime Minister Mitchell
said, that while “everyone has the right to their own
political affiliation, and indeed, there will be a time
when we will join in political debates; but the interest
of the country must not be sacrificed at the altar of
political posturing and maneuvering.
“This is not about an individual, or a political
party, or a religious group. This is about our country,” said Mitchell, indicating that the projections for
economic growth this year “are even better” than the
last few years.
“But we are not satisfied. We will never be satisfied until more of our young people find work; until
more of our people are taken out of poverty; until
we modernize our services; train and educate our
citizens; provide avenues to reduce the basic costs
of goods and services; and until every family has a
decent place they can call home.”
But he said that the cost of energy continues to
be a major concern for Grenada.
“We cannot continue to support monopoly services
that do not result in real costs reduction in basic
goods and services for the consumer; whether it is
for water, telephone, internet or groceries.
“To that end, we are partnering with our friends
regionally and internationally to find ways to invest
in diverse services that yield more opportunities for
competition; thus building that stronger nation—not
just for today, but for a sustainable future. The needs
of our people are urgent and they are varied.”
Prime Minister Mitchell said that housing continues to be a major challenge, even though his administration had made significant strides in that regard.
“Only a few days ago, the first batch of residents
moved into their new low income homes. In the coming days and weeks, we will see more of the same.
Determined as we are to not rest until we secure solid
housing solutions, we have already moved forward
to sign an MOU with the People’s Republic of China
for the construction of more houses.”
Mitchell told Grenadians that it was important
to solidify the foundation being built for the next
generation and to not forget those who worked tirelessly to pass this legacy on to the next generations.
“On this anniversary, government commits itself
to giving comfort to our retirees, who are now in their
twilight years,” he said, adding that his administration
will recognise the ruling of the courts here regarding
the payment of contributions to the National Insurance Scheme (NIS).
But he reminded the country that Grenada cannot be built by those in the political directorate, but
by all of the ordinary people who continue to do
extraordinary things in their communities.
Veteran Calypsonians Out Of
This Year’s Finals In T&T
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – For the first
time in a long time, there will be no veteran calypsonian who has won the Calypso Monarch competition,
appearing at this year’s grand final this weekend.
The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Calypso Organization (TUCO) has named 11 calypsonians for the
finals on Sunday, February 15, following the semifinals held at Skinner Park last Saturday.
Two former monarchs, Winston Bailey, the “Mighty
Shadow”, and Michael “Sugar Aloes” Osouna, who
were among the 41 contestants, did not make it to
the finals. But, Winston Scarborough, “The Original
De Fosto Himself”, from the old brigade, made it to
the finals with his tune “Games”.
Crowd favourite, Devon Seales, whose tune “My
Humble Plea” calls on Prime Minister Persad Bissessar and her government to leave office and call
fresh general elections, is among the 11 singers that
include former monarch, Karen Asche, with her tune
“Every knee shall bow”.
Another former monarch, Duane O’Connor, is in
the finals with his tune “Citizen’s Pride”, while the
other singers seeking the crown are Joanne Rowley
“Tigress” with her tune, “What you Willing to Die
for”; Myron Bruce, “The Incredible Myron B”; Victoria
Cooper, “Venting”; Heather Mac Intosh, “Ah Gone”;
Selvon Noel, “Target”; Brian London, ”Wishful”; and
Neville Brown, “Multi Crisis”.
They will challenge the reigning monarch, Roderick
“Chucky” Gordon.
Increased Fines For Driving Under
The Influence Of Alcohol In T&T
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – It is going to
cost motorists significantly more if they get caught
driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding or
even failing to take a breathalyser test.
The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) is
reminding drivers that new fines have come into effect and that drunk drivers could expect to pay fines
ranging from TT$12,000 (One TT dollar =US$0.16
cents) to TT$22,500.
The TTPS said that the amendment to the Motor
Vehicle Road Traffic Act, which went into effect at the
end of January, would also result in persons facing
fines of TT$1,500 for driving without a valid licence,
up from TT$500.
For exceeding the speed limit, the fine has been
increased from TT$4,000 to TT$6,000, while motorists
caught driving under the influence of liquor, will notice
that the fine has moved from TT$8,000 to TT$12,000
for a first conviction. In cases of repeat offenders, the
fine can range from TT$15,000 to TT$22,500.
If a motorist fails to provide breath specimen,
the fine has increased from TT$8,000 to TT$12,000
for first conviction, and if the driver fails to provide
breath or attempts to alter specimen for analysis, the
fine has increased from TT$8,000 to TT$12,000 for
first conviction; and from TT$15,000 to TT$22,500
for second conviction.
Refusal to provide blood sample for analysis will
result in an increased fine of TT$12,000 for first
conviction; and TT$22,500 for second conviction.
The police said that they would be conducting
in collaboration with Arrive Alive, voluntary alcohol
breath testing at “Sober Zones set up at certain preand post-Carnival events.”
Grenada Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Mitchell
“Grenada owes a debt to the teachers and the
policemen, the public servant, the business owners
-- and the people out there in the communities who
have repeatedly shown the toughness and sacrifice,
that gives the nation its new character.
“That is the flexibility and the country-first mentality that convinced our social partners—the churches,
the business community, the trade unions, the Nongovernmental organizations—to work together with
Government, to chart the way forward for the future
of this country.”
He said that the resolve of that group to unite for
the sake of country has seen the island attaining a
feat of historic proportions a few weeks ago, when
most of the parties signed on to a Social Compact—a
binding agreement that we will always champion the
cause of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique
ahead of self interest.
“Make no mistake about it, brothers and sisters,
the signing of the Social Compact and the demonstration of its precedents for our sustainable economic
growth has caught the attention of the international
“We have sent a message to everyone that we
are serious about development—enough to make
the tough decisions collectively that are necessary
to get us out of the economic slump. We have been
encouraged by the promises of support from our
international partners.
“In fact, we have been able to secure more than
the expected funds to expand our safety net programs
that take care of our poor and marginalized,” he said,
adding that it is because of that “buy-in” that Grenada
is the confidence of investors and visitors alike, who
want to come here and lend to the economic growth.
Prime Minister Mitchell said that “Project Grenada”, which brings together all the stakeholders in the
socio-economic development of the island, was now
bearing fruit, adding that the initiative will form the
backbone in the attempt to build a stronger nation.
Mitchell said the advent and rapid expansion of
Information Communication Technology (ICT) will
also help the island attain its true independence,
“and the bases for enabling our children to be globally competitive.
“This is why we are bringing technology within
our schools, public service and services in general,
and embarking on training our people appropriately
to use those services.
“The world has changed. The way we educate
our children has changed. The way we do business
has changed, and we need to ensure that we change
also. This is how Grenada takes its place among the
community of nations, and makes its name on the
international stage.”
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Body Believed To Be That Of
Caribbean Airlines Director Found
– Law enforcement authorities say, forensic tests will have to be carried out
to determine whether or not the body
found Monday, in a rural village, is that
of Caribbean Airlines (CAL) director,
Azad Niamat, who has been reported
missing since January 29.
The body was discovered in Brazil
village on Monday a few miles from
where the vehicle, which the retired
pilot was last seen driving, was found
abandoned a week ago.
Relatives have offered an undisclosed amount of money as a reward for
information leading to the whereabouts
of the 69-year-old, who is reported to
have left his home in Chaguanas, in
central Trinidad, on January 29, indicating that he was going to purchase a
part for a wireless router and has not
been seen since.
A friend of the family, Imam Morland Lynch, who saw the body, told the
Express newspaper Monday, that the
body was clad in the same clothing that
Niamat was last seen wearing.
“My contact number was on flyers
that were posted seeking information
on him. Someone called that number
this morning and said that they found
his body. I came up here and the body
had his same clothes. I contacted his
wife and his brother. The person who
informed me of the body contacted the
Niamat’s burgundy coloured Toyota
Prado has been found and appeared not
to have been tampered with.
A relative told reporters that Niamat
had pressed his GPS (Global Positioning
System) in his van, which sent a message to his daughter in Florida.
The family said they have not received any ransom demands for the
father of two.
CAL director, Azad Niamat
Guyana’s Ruling Party Claims High
Court Challenge Is “Attempt To
Throw Spanner In The Works”
The ruling People’s Progressive Party
(PPP) says the decision to challenge in
the High Court, the constitutionality
of the two term presidential limit, is
suspicious and “is an attempt to throw
a spanner in the works.”
The PPP, in a statement, said that it
had taken note of the challenge against
the two term presidential tenure as provided for in the Constitution of Guyana.
“What is of interest is the timing at
which this challenge is being raised
and by whom. Guyana is on the cusp
of National and Regional Elections.
Many challenges lie ahead, the most
important being to ensure that the
Elections are free and fair. Clearly,
this new development is an attempt
to throw a spanner in the works,” the
ruling party said.
Attorneys for Cedric Richardson, an
ordinary citizen, have filed a motion
seeking to have the term limit removed
from the Guyana Constitution.
They have named Attorney General,
Anil Nandlall, and the Speaker of the
National Assembly, Raphael Trotman,
as respondents.
The Guyana Constitution states that
a person elected as President after the
year 2000 is eligible for re-election only
once. It also states that a person who
acceded to the presidency after 2000,
and served therein for a single occasion
for not less that such a period as may
be determined by the National Assembly, is eligible for election as President
only once.
The PPP has already named the
incumbent Donald Ramotar as its
candidate for the May 11 presidential
In the motion, Richardson contends
that the amendment to the Constitution in 2001 by a two-thirds majority
of parliamentarians that purportedly
alters Article 90 “curtails and restricts
the sovereign and democratic rights and
freedom as a qualified elector to elect
the person of former President Bharrat
Jagdeo as the Executive President of
But the PPP said that the “sponsors of
the legal challenge appear to have a hidden agenda in the real sense of the term
other than invoking or blocking the boogie of a ‘third term’ for Bharrat Jagdeo.”
“The interest of those behind the challenge lies in the darkest and deepest
crevices of a democracy comparable to
the galleries of Hades,” the PPP said,
adding that it wanted to state “unequivocally” that Jagdeo “had publicly
affirmed time and again his respect for
the Constitution and that he has no
interest whatsoever in any so called
‘third term’ Presidency.”
“It is now become obvious that Mr.
Jagdeo’s assertions fell on deaf ears
and that his expression of disinterest
in returning to the Presidency notwithstanding, the modern-day Quislings
working in close collaboration with the
local satraps, continue to generate and
peddle this absolute nonsense, elevating it to useless legalistic twaddle.”
The PPP said that since 2011, Jagdeo
has made clear his disinterest in this
matter within the party, and beyond
and that while the former president
remains “a highly popular figure within
and beyond the membership and supporters of the PPP, this popularity is in
no way intended to be translated into
a ‘third term’ candidature.”
The party said that while it is aware
that many of its members and supporters hold the former president in high
esteem, and would have liked to see
his return to the presidency, “they are
very much aware that there are wolves
in sheep’s clothing in our society who
seek to sow discord and to engage in
deceitful and artful fandangle aimed
at misleading and confusing PPP supporters.
“While the other political parties are
still dithering to name their Presidential
Candidate, the PPP has already done
so,” the PPP said.
Richardson said he wants the re-
spondents, Nandlall and Trotman, to
respond within eight days after the
service of the summons.
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Eastern Caribbean Leaders
Reject Establishment Of OECS
Consumer Protection Body
CASTRIES, St. Lucia, CMC – Leaders at the
just concluded 60th OECS (Organisation of Eastern
Caribbean States) Authority meeting in Martinique,
have rejected a proposal for the establishment of the
Eastern Caribbean Competition Commission, which
would serve as the main consumer protection body
for member states.
Instead, they have decided to latch onto the already
existing CARICOM (Caribbean Community) Competi-
Jamaica Records
Increase In Visitor
Arrivals In 2014
KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Jamaica recorded
a 3.6 percent increase in tourist arrivals in 2014,
Tourism and Entertainment Minister, Dr. Wykeham
McNeill, has announced.
McNeill said that the island had received an estimated US$2.2 billion in revenue from the sector
last year, a 5.8 percent increase over the similar
period in 2013.
He said that Jamaica welcomed more than two
million stopover visitors during last year, as compared
to 2013, describing the figures as unprecedented.
“This surpassed the two million we did in 2013.
Between January and December 2014, we welcomed
2,080,181 stopover visitors, which represents an
increase of 3.6 percent over the 2,008,004 stop over
visitors recorded for 2013,” he said.
He said overall, Jamaica welcomed over 71,000
more visitors during 2014, than the previous year
and that the major contributors were increased arrivals from the source markets, with stopover arrivals
out of Europe growing by 10.7 percent; Canada 5.2
percent; and the United States two percent.
McNeill said that there had also been a 9.2 percent
increase from the Asian market.
McNeill said that Jamaica also recorded a 12.5
percent growth in cruise ship arrivals over 2013.
“In 2014, the island welcomed 1,423,797 cruise
visitors, which represents an increase of 12.5 percent
over 2013. In other words, Jamaica welcomed over
158,000 more cruise ship visitors in 2014 than we
did in 2013.
“So, in total, Jamaica welcomed some 3.5 million
visitors to the island in 2014,” McNeill said, noting
that for December 2014, the first month of the current
Winter Tourist season, arrivals recorded an increase
of 5.9 percent over 2013, with 213,129, and that
cruise ship was also up 12.6 percent.
McNeill said that preliminary arrival figures for
January 2015 are very promising, and from all indications, Jamaica should experience a very strong (rest
of) the winter season, and that things are shaping
up for the summer.
tion Commission, based in Suriname.
The decision comes against the backdrop of a
major push by telecommunications giant, Cable and
Wireless, to buyout Columbus International; the
parent Company of FLOW.
Telecommunications Regulator, ECTEL, has expressed concern that the deal could lead to a monopoly
in a number of services in the sub-region, including
cable TV and internet.
Private Sector
Reduction In
Electricity Rates
In Guyana
GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC – The Private Sector Commission (PSC) Monday, says the reduction in
electricity rates announced by the government will
contribute to a reduction in the production costs of
manufacturers and service providers.
President Donald Ramotar, addressing the commissioning of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL)
substation Monday, said as of next month, consumers would benefit from a 10 percent reduction in
electricity rates.
“Since the reduction in electricity costs will contribute to a reduction in production costs of both
manufacturers and service providers, the Commission would also like to see the cost of other energydependent goods and services going down.”
“It is, therefore, calling on its members to pass
any reductions on to their customers,” the PSC said
in a statement.
Nationals have long complained of being saddled
with high electricity charges, which has resulted in
widespread electricity theft.
Government last month, announced a 30 percent
reduction in the prices of gasoline, kerosene and diesel and the PSC has called on bus drivers and other
transport providers to reduce their costs.
“The Private Sector Commission would like to
urge the purveyors of public transportation services
to follow suit and reduce the cost of their services
so that commuters can benefit from the drop in the
price of fuel.”
Dominica Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit
In response to the proposed merger, ECTEL called
on the OECS Commission in November 2014, to “move
with some haste to establish the OECS Competition
At a news conference, following two days of talks
in Fort de France, OECS Chairman, Prime Minister
Roosevelt Skerritt of Dominica, said, “The issues which
we would have to deal with, in so far as trade disputes
are concerned or dumping in the OECS, would not
be a significant number of matters to consider.”
Therefore, he said sub-regional leaders felt, “we
may want to consider conferring that responsibility
to the already existing CARICOM Competition Commission.”
“OECS Heads mandated the conduct of technical
and legal work on this matter ahead of the upcoming 26th inter-sessional Meeting of the Conference of
Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community,
February 26th and 27th, 2015 in the Bahamas” according to a Communique released after the meeting.
On its website, the CARICOM Competition Commission pledges to “promote and maintain fair competition within the Caribbean Community for the
enhancement of economic efficiency and consumer
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Unions Widen Strike Action At
University of Guyana
GEORGETOWN, Guyana, CMC – The University
of Guyana (UG) is facing a full blown strike by staff
and students Monday as the dispute over increased
wages and better working conditions escalates and the
unions involved announcing plans for a relief fund.
The UG has appealed to staff members to end
their industrial action that has been ongoing since
late last month.
The workers are demanding a 60 per cent salary
increase, but the University has said it could only
St. Lucia Government
Announces New
Reductions In Fuel Prices
CASTRIES, St. Lucia, CMC – The St. Lucia
government, on Monday, announced a further reduction in fuel prices in the wake of threats by the
main opposition United Workers Party (UWP) to
stage public protests over high prices for fuel and
petroleum products.
Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony in a statement
Monday said the new adjustment follows a review of
the three month pricing mechanism which he announced earlier this year.
“I did indicate that if the price of a barrel of oil
declines even more sharply in the next few weeks, it
may well make sense to adjust the period of calculation from a period of twelve weeks to eight weeks or
even less in the short term.”
He said that having reviewed the movement of
prices in the last few weeks, his administration has
decided that to adopt a flexible approach to deal with
the uncertainty that prevails in fuel prices.
“In this current period of lower fuel prices, the
government will apply the pass through mechanism
every three weeks instead of three months, to allow
consumers to benefit from any further downward
movement in prices.
“However, if prices show an upward movement,
the Government will consider reverting to the three
month pass through mechanism or a variation of it
to restore greater stability in prices as it had done so
successfully in the past three years,” Anthony said.
The price of unleaded gasoline Monday declined
from EC$13.65 to EC$10.65 a gallon, (One EC dollar
=US$0.37 cents) while the price of diesel fell from
EC$13.21 to EC$11.07 a gallon .The price of kerosene
remains unchanged at EC$10.11.
The government also said that there would be
reductions in the price of propane gas and urged
consumers to make use of the reductions since it is
not known how long the prices would remain low.
The price of oil on the world market dropped from
a high of US$105 a barrel in June to below US$50
dollars as of last week.
Meanwhile, the government says it is “blatantly
false, dishonest and mischievous” to suggest that
it is collecting an extra EC$2.50 in taxes on fuel as
claimed by members of the UWP.
“The government wishes to emphasize to consumers that prices remain highly unpredictable. In
recent times, there has been an upward movement
in prices but as of now there is mounting uncertainty
whether prices will fall further or begin to rise again.
The situation will have to be closely monitored in the
days ahead.”
UWP leader Allen Chastanet said his party welcomes the announcement of the reduced prices for
fuel and petroleum products after weeks of persistent
calls for the government to do so.
“The UWP recognizes that while the next scheduled adjustment was slated for April 2015, the SLP
(St. lucia labour Party) administration did the right
thing, for once, and provided the much needed relief
that St. Lucians have been yearning for,” he said.
“This victory belongs, not only to the United
Workers Party but to all St. Lucians who feel the
squeeze from high fuel prices, rising cost of living,
VAT, unemployment, increase in water and light bills
and VAT on non-prescription medication and boldly
expressed their discontent through their participation in the 29th of January 2015 march,” he said,
assuring St. Lucians that the part would remain
vigilant and a strong advocate for more balanced
socio-economic policies.
“The government has now shown, both in the
last quarter and with this recent unplanned change,
that there were substantial surpluses, but is yet to
confirm who the beneficiary was. We are once again
asking the government to bring clarity on this matter,” Chastanet said.
increase salaries if government increases its subvention, decrease part-time expenditure by 50 per cent,
reduce programme offerings with low enrolment and
maintain an increase in tuition fees.
The University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU)
and the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association
(UGSSA) met over the weekend and agreed to step
up their industrial action after UG Vice Chancellor,
Jacob Opadeyi, withdrew wage increase offer on
the grounds that the Uiversity would not negotiate
under duress
The unions say while they fully understand the
strain the action will have on staff they have commenced collecting strike relief to be given in the first
instance to the most vulnerable who have expressed
solidarity with the call for industrial action.
The unions have also prepared letters that will
be sent to all the commercial banks and credit institutions advising them of the industrial action and
requesting that they allow affected staff members
time to honour their obligations without imposing
late payment penalties.
The unions have also indicated that they will write
to President Donald Ramotar requesting his urgent
intervention in the crisis before he dissolves Parliament for the upcoming May 11 elections.
Letters will also be sent to Labour Minister Dr.
Nanda Gopaul noting the breakdown of talks and
requesting the Ministry’s intervention in resolving
the crisis.
Last week, students joined the industrial action
blocking the entrance to the institution and demanding an end to the dispute.
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Jamaica Considering
Legislation On Restorative
KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – The Jamaica government says it is pursuing legislation that will facilitate
the formal recognition of Restorative Justice in the
criminal justice system.
Justice Minister, Mark Golding, said, that the legislation would guarantee confidentiality to participants
in the Restorative Justice, especially the offender.
“In a restorative justice session, an offender, for
example, may openly take responsibility for his actions without fear that the information shared will
be used against him.
“In the legislation, the information shared in a
conference (session) is not admissible in court proceedings, if the matter breaks down and (the case
is not resolved in the Restorative Justice session),”
he said, adding that this is an important element to
facilitate open dialogue and authentic communication in the conference.
Golding also said that the legislation would enshrine a referral system in the formal criminal justice
process that will begin with the police and continue
through to the courts. He said this would allow each
party to engage the restorative program.
“The Restorative Justice can be engaged from the
very early stage of an incident, through to a post
trial situation where someone has been convicted
and sentenced. [If the person is a] potential parolee,
an engagement can be made with him or her … to
assist with their reintegration into society when they
are released,” he noted.
He said that the focus for Restorative Justice is
very broad, in terms of how it interacts with the
criminal justice system.
“The offences that can be referred to the Restorative
Justice centres, will initially be limited to an array of
minor offences, and these may be expanded over time.
Judges and Resident Magistrates will be empowered
to refer to the Restorative Justice program, any case
that they consider may be appropriately dealt with in
that manner, given the circumstances,” Golding said.
He said that there is discretion that will allow
judges or magistrates to refer a case that is not on
the prescribed list for Restorative Justice referral,
in the event that it is perceived that the case can be
better resolved that way.
In Jamaica, Restorative Justice is still in the
Barbados Places Ban
On Poultry Products
From Several Parts
Of The United States
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC – Barbados has
placed a temporary ban on the importation of all
live birds, hatching eggs, and on fresh, frozen and
chilled poultry meat and products, including table
eggs, originating from the North American states of
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada and California.
It said this follows the confirmation of an outbreak
of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N8
and H5N2 in backyard and commercial poultry farms
in the United States.
The Ministry of Agriculture said the import restriction does not apply to commercial imports of products
originating outside these states; to products originating from the affected states that were produced before
January 1, 2015; nor to processed poultry products,
and by-products processed (heat treated) to ensure
the destruction of the avian influenza virus.
“Personal passenger imports of all fresh or cooked
poultry products, with the exception of fully-cooked
products in hermetically sealed packages, are restricted from the United States as a whole.
“All permits issued prior to this notice are revoked
with immediate effect,” the Ministry of Agriculture
Jamaica Justice Minister, Mark Golding
pilot phase and cases from communities that are
already being referred to the Restorative Justice
Centres include failure to repay loans or fulfill other
financial commitment within the community, failure
to pay rent, disputes over money, property damage,
boundary disputes, minor wounding, assaults and
confrontations, defamation of character and threats,
among others.
“So, we are already active. We are going to Cabinet
shortly for approval to issue the drafting instructions
for legislation to be prepared,” Golding said.
He said this would involve additional training of
magistrates and judges at the appropriate time, in
order to implement the program on a national level.
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Jamaica Opposition Leader Issues
Apology To Former Senators
KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Leader of the main opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), Andrew Holness, has
publicly apologised to Arthur Williams
and Dr. Christopher Tufton, following
Friday’s ruling by the Constitutional
Court that their removal from the Senate was unconstitutional, as well as
null and void.
Holness made his apology Sunday,
while addressing members of the Boulevard Baptist Church in the Corporate
“Standing here at the moral compass of the nation, it is important
to acknowledge that if I have done
something wrong, or if my actions
have been declared wrong, then I have
a duty to apologise to those whom I
have wronged, and so …I do so to my
colleagues and friends, Arthur and
Holness said that legal advice
has been sought to address what he
described as a thorny issue. Earlier,
Holness said he had asked a team of
lawyers to research and advise him on
the implications on the ruling handed
down by the Constitutional Court last
In a case brought by Williams, the
Constitutional Court ruled that the
“request and procurement of pre-signed
and undated letters of resignation, and
letters of authorisation by the leader of
the opposition, from persons to be appointed or appointed as senators to the
Senate of Jamaica, upon his domination inconsistent with the constitution,
contrary to public policy, unlawful, and
is, accordingly, null and void.”
Williams, who admitted crafting
the letter before he became a senator in 2012, had argued that Holness
used the document to remove him
from the Senate, because he did not
support him in the internal leadership elections in November 2013.
But he said the letters were only to be
submitted to the Governor General,
if any of the senators did not support
the JLP’s position of a referendum, on
the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).
The JLP has consistently said there
is need for a referendum before Jamaica
joins the CCJ making it the final court
APNU Says Race Not A Factor
In Choosing Candidates
– The main opposition grouping, A
Partnership for National Unity (APNU),
last Friday, said race would not play a
factor in determining its presidential
and prime ministerial candidates for
the May 11 elections.
APNU general secretary, Joseph
Harmon, speaking on television here,
said the grouping had taken note “of
the historical damage that racial hatred
and political prejudice has wrought.”
The APNU, a predominantly AfroGuyanese party that includes the
People’s National Congress Reform
(PNCR), will soon engage the minority
Alliance For Change (AFC) in talks for
a possible coalition ahead of the polls.
They will face the ruling People’s
Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) that
has drawn most of its support from the
indo-Guyanese community.
But Hamon said, that the two main
parties have drawn their support traditionally along racial lines and that
has led to much of the “damage” and
“hatred” in the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) country.
Harmon dismissed the practice
as a failed model, noting that it has
led to many groups here, such as
the Amerindians, Portuguese, Chinese
and Europeans, being disenfranchised.
“I would not venture to say that’s ok,
you must have an Indian and a Black,
or a Chinese and a Portuguese or an
Amerindian, because that formula will
always exclude a certain racial group
in this country.
“There are six races in this country
and if you always have a formula that
always has two, one at the top and the
other at the bottom, as the case might
APNU general secretary, Joseph Harmon
be, you will always exclude at least four
others,” he said.
He said, the APNU has already
indicated that race “is really not the
prime motivation in the way we select
our leadership in the APNU.”
He told reporters that there were other
considerations including age and gender.
“At the end of the day, it will be what
the membership decides,” he added.
The PPP/C has already named incumbent President, Donald Ramotar
as its candidate for the presidential
Opposition Leader, Andrew Holness
for the island, instead of the Londonbased Privy Council.
In its ruling Friday, the three-member Constitutional Court also found that
the pre-signed and undated letters of
resignation, and letters of authorisation, as well as the manner of their use
to effect the resignation of Senators,
“are inconsistent with the constitution, contrary to public policy and are,
accordingly null and void as to cost.”
In his initial response to the court
ruling, Holness said the judgment would
not affect the present composition of
the Senate, but since then the validity
of that assertion has been challenged.
In a statement over the weekend, Holness said, “It was never my intention to
act unconstitutionally” and that he, on
the advice of attorneys-at-law, including Williams “in whom I had reposed
the utmost trust and confidence, as
persons competent in advising me on
constitutional matters.”
“My overriding consideration, as
Leader of the Opposition, was in discharge of my duty to safeguard the spirit
and intent of the constitutional provisions which provide for the protection
of the Constitution from changes which
may not be in the best interest of the
Jamaican people. My action therefore,
in accepting the advice of the claimant,
regarding resignation of Senators, in
that manner, was to ensure the effective administration of the government
for the people……”
Holness described the situation
as a regrettable one that had caused
embarrassment to all involved.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Jay Martin Signs On To Perform At
ACAA’s 30th Anniversary Gala
TORONTO, Ontario – When the body smiles, the
soul glows. As Toronto gets poised to honour some of
the many icons who have contributed to the growth
and excellence of the African Canadian community,
it is also preparing to roar with laughter.
Jay Martin, fondly referred to as Canada’s Renaissance Man and Canada’s answer to US comedy
icon, Steve Harvey, will give a special performance at
this year’s African Canadian Achievement Awards of
Excellence’s (ACAA) 30th Anniversary gala.
Martin’s reputation for naturally eliciting robust
laughter from audiences – with a clean comedy act
– was instrumental in him being selected to appear
at this annual, prestigious Black History Month
Founded in June, 1985 by Michael Van Cooten,
Publisher and Editor of Pride News Magazine, the
ACAA unearths, pays tribute to, and celebrates, the
achievements and excellence of African Canadians
of distinction, in varied categories of vocation.
Over its 30-year existence, the ACAA, one of
Canada’s most-anticipated awards shows, has been
bestowed upon over 350 distinguished Black Canadians, including Jazz icon, Oscar Peterson; former
Ontario Lieutenant Governor, Hon. Lincoln Alexander; Canada’s first Black MP, Rosemary Brown;
award-winning author, Austin Clarke; and Opera
star, Measha Brueggergosman, among a vast array
of other notable individuals.
Martin — who reportedly lost his mother and
brother before he was 16 years old — turned tragedy
into what he has become today: the most vibrant and
charismatic face of comedy in Canada.
Born of Jamaican parentage, growing up Martin
was always the entertainer, cracking up school friends
with his spot-on accent imitations — from mimicking
his father to his East Indian neighbours.
Comedy was not something Martin ever thought
of taking seriously, until close friends convinced him
to perform on the comedy stage in 2003, when he
unexpectedly received an unprecedented standing
ovation after his debut set.
This experience boosted his confidence to pursue
a career in comedy and sure enough he ended up
headlining at Toronto’s premier comedy club, Yuk
Yuk’s, shortly after.
As fate would have it, one night, Canadian comic
giant, Russell Peters, happened to be sitting in the
audience, and was immediately impressed with Martin’s first public performance. Such was the impact of
raw talent, that Peters decided to take Martin under
his wing and invited him to open for him across the
country — and, the rest, as the saying goes, is history.
Martin has toured with many giants since then,
including, Jamie Foxx, Brian McKnight and Kirk
Franklin. In 2009 he left a senior management position at one of Canada’s largest telecommunications
companies to pursue his talent and passion fulltime.
He has also started his own platform called the
Jay Martin Uptown Comedy Series, where he has
featured acts such as Tommy Davidson, Eddie Griffin,
Cedric the Entertainer, Bill Bellamy and Aries Spears.
Jay Martin
To add to his impressive resume, Martin is also a
talented vocalist and producer; he has brought nostalgic R&B acts, such as SWV, Faith Evans, Tamia
and LL Cool J, to mature audiences across Toronto.
Martin provides continuous laughter throughout
his shows, as he moves from traditional stand-up
fare, to spontaneous grilling of audience members,
to singing amazing ballads with his stellar singing
voice. His versatility on stage makes Martin a dynamic
force in the industry that will enhance this year’s
ACAA event with a complementary, lustrous halo.
The ACAA has earned a refined reputation and loyal
following from ram-packing its annual program with
exceptional, extraordinary, dazzling performances,
including entertainment royalty, such as: Canada’s
queen of jazz and R&B, Jackie Richardson; Liberty
Silver, Canada’s princess of jazz and R&B; the Canadian prince of pan, Earl LaPierre Jr.; Canadian
soca monarch, Macomere Fifi; Canadian prince of
jazz piano, Joe Sealy; and Canada’s queen of reggae
gospel, Kay Morris, to name a few.
This 30th year promises more of the same.
Sharing the stage with Martin will be Kalabash
and DAEI Elite.
Kalabash is a contemporary jazz
sextet based in Toronto that focuses on
using the steel drum as a lead voice in
a jazz ensemble, while experimenting
with the layering of rich jazz harmonies
over the folk and popular rhythms of the
Caribbean, from Reggae, Son and Salsa
in the north, to Calypso, Soca, Rapso
and Zouk from the Eastern Caribbean.
With two CDs released so far, it is
apparent that the result of this fusion
is a scintillating blend of North America
and the Caribbean, in a contemporary
jazz fusion that has made Kalabash a hit with world
music and jazz festival audiences.
Professional performance dance crew, DAEI Elite,
which stands for A New Dance Academy for the Entertainment Industry, was created in August 2014, by
dance educators, Tonya Burke, and dancer/actress/
celebrity choreographer and judge, Tré Armstrong.
Along with her judging duties on CTV’s “So You
Think You Can Dance Canada”, Armstrong is the
choreographer behind MTV’s film, ‘Turn the Beat
Around’; ‘Repo: The Genetic Opera’ (Lionsgate); ‘Breakin’ In: The Making of a Hip Hop Dancer’ (NFB) and
assisted on the Sundance Film Festival favourite, ‘A
Raisin in the Sun’ (ABC).
She has also performed on Top O’ the Pops (BBC),
BET’s 106 n Park (BET), Saturday Night Live (NBC)
and numerous award shows. The versatile choreographer showed her acting skills in the film ‘How She
Move’ and will appear in the upcoming feature film
‘Sons 2 The Grave’ being filmed in Toronto.
Armstrong has worked with various artists, including Jay- Z, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Sean Paul,
Ne-Yo, Sarah Brightman, Phylicia Rashād, Missy
Elliott, Jason Derulo, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Wyclef
Jean, Rihanna and Ludacris.
DAEI Elite’s members have performed for CocaCola/Olympics ceremonies in Toronto, the Much
Music Video Awards, major television shows and
more. DAEI, which infuses various street, cultural
and classical styles of dance into its repertoire,
says its performances “are about fun, passion and
increasing self-esteem while building confidence and
key life skills.”
Rounding out the evening’s slate of high-powered
entertainment are: Award-winning R&B singer/
songwriter, Selena Evangeline; Spoken word artiste,
Lamoi; R&B songstress, Qeisha Wint; R&B balladeer,
Gary Beals; gospel rising star, Shaina McPherson;
vocalist, Natalie Morris.
The ACAA’s Black History Month 30th anniversary
gala – sponsored by RBC, Hitachi Canada, NHI, JNBS,
Formula Honda, Dr. Sheridan Cyrus, Dr. Joseph
Daly, Grace Carter-Lyons, Grant Morris, Jon and
Don McKay and Benjamin Law – will be held at the
Jane Mallett Theatre, inside the St. Lawrence Centre
for the Arts, 27 Front Street East, Toronto.
Tickets to the event cost: adults $50.00 and students $25.00. For more information visit; email acaa@; or call (905) 686-8868.
Ziggy Marley Wins Grammy Award
LOS ANGELES, California, CMC – Ziggy Marley,
the eldest son of the late legendary Jamaican reggae
singer, Bob Marley, won a Grammy at the awards
ceremony here on Sunday night.
Ziggy Marley
The Grammy is an accolade by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) of the
United States to recognize outstanding achievement
in the music industry.
The 46-year-old singer won in the category “Best
Reggae” for his album “Fly Rasta”.
He won from a field that also included SOJA’s Amid
the Noise; Sly & Robbie featuring Spicy Chocolate
(The Reggae Power); Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry (Back on The
Controls); Sean Paul (Full Frequency); and Shaggy
(Out of Many, One Music).
Marley’s first solo Grammy came in 2007 for
“Love is my Religion”. Three years later, he won a
Grammy for Best Musical Album for “Children with
Family Time”.
Ziggy Marley also won three Best Reggae Album
Grammys with the Melody Makers, a group that
included his brother, Stephen, and sisters, Sharon
and Cedella.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Saturday, February 14
On February 14th, 2015,
The Real Single Ladies of
Toronto ® is hosting an
event called “The Way to a
Man’s Heart”. This event is
an old fashioned cook-off...
where The Real Single Ladies of Toronto® (RSL) will
be competing against each
other for a Grand Prize: the
“Man’s Heart Trophy”. This
event will be held at Ellesmere Center, 20 Canadian
Rd., Scarborough, from 8
pm - 11 pm. For more information contact: Elle, CEO/
Founder, The Real Single
Ladies Of Toronto at 647784-1540 or or visit:
Shardeashaq Production and Gospel Café present A Formal Affair “An
Evening with Ruth Sullivan
& Friends” on Feb. 14th at
Gospel Café & Restaurant,
5120 Dixie Rd. Unit #9, Mississauga. Dinner: 6:30 pm.
Show 8:00 pm. Admission
(Dinner & Show): Singles
$50, Couples $90. Tickets
are available at The Gospel
Café or call Sharon at 416988-1886. For more info call
905-282-9007 or visit: www.
Muse Valentine’s Day
Gala & Charity Event raising
awareness for Alzheimer’s
& dementia will be held on
February 14th inside Pearl
King, 291 King St. West,
Toronto. Doors Open at
7:30 pm. Dinner at 8 pm.
Dinner: 4 Course Meal,
Vegetarian Meal. The event
will include: Silent Auction,
Entertainment: Fashion
Show (lingerie, swim suits
etc.), DJ Mark Anthony,
Dance Performance, Poetry,
Comedy, Games, Artists
(Singers), and Body Painting
by Trish. Ticket Price: $75.
Bottle Service & Limousines
Available Upon Request. For
tickets & more info. call 647381-2692.
Sunday, February 15
For The Love Of Ayiti,
Bese Saka & Sankofaincipher present… Part 1 –
Fundraising Show & Dance
let’s educate
-“Mother Afrika’s Children”
which will be held on Sunday, February 15, 2015.
Doors open: 5 pm. Showtime: 6 pm. Donation: $20
advance; Adult $25
door (Show Dance only);
Children 12 and under: $10;
Children under 6: Free. For
more info: 647.995.2624.
Book dinner reservations @
Don’t miss the 4th annual Underground Railroad
show on Feb. 15th inside The
Great Hall, 1087 Queen W,
Toronto. Doors open at 7:30
pm. Showtime: 8 pm sharp!
Tickets: $20 Advance/ $25
door. Ticket Reservation:
Wednesday, February 18
Commemorating the
70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz – and
of the work itself, The Nathaniel Dett Chorale, under
the direction of Brainerd
Blyden-Taylor, will perform
Michael Tippett’s secular
cantata A Child of Our Time
on Wednesday, Feb.18, 8:00
pm inside Trinity-St. Paul’s
Centre - 427 Bloor St. W.
Inspired by the events of
Kristallnacht, Tippett saw
the interconnection between
Black and Jewish communities as the result of oppression. As a compliment to this
significant repertoire, the
concert will begin with readings from American poet,
Langston Hugh’s Let Us
Remember - a six poem cycle
that was commissioned in
1964 by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
African spirituals will be
interpolated as song bridges
between the poems. For
tickets call: 416.408.0208
or email:
a true story of four young
girls who paid the price for
a nation’s ignorance. This
movie will be shown at the
George Ignatieff Theatre, 15
Devonshire Pl. @ Varsity,
Toronto on Thursday, February 19, 2015 beginning at
7:00 P.M. Admission is only
$15.00 per person. There
will be live African Drumming before show time. For
more info please contact
Logie @ 647-933-9079.
In her dazzling poetry,
award winning fiction and
glorious Encyclopedia of
Jamaican Heritage, Olive
Senior celebrates the stories
of her beloved island nation.
Her latest book is Dying to
Better Themselves: West Indians and the Building of the
Panama Canal. Join Olive
Senior in conversation with
critic Donna Bailey Nurse
for a memorable evening of
dynamic readings and lively
discussion. This event will
be held at Pickering Public
Library (Central Library),
One The Esplanade, Pickering from 7:00 pm to 8:30
pm. Registration is required.
For more info visit: www.
Join us for a Live Music
Experience & Celebrate
Black History Month on
Thursday, February 19th at
Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St.
Eglinton hosted by Andre
Blenman headlined by Juno
Awards Nominee Melanie
Durrrant, who releases her
new album Anticipation
LP on Feb 17th. Melanie
Durrant will be Live with
the Recipee Band, Corden
Barrett on Sax and Featured Artist Quincy Bullen.
Music by D’Enforcas from
G98.7FM. Doors open:
8:30pm. For more info call
647-222-7178 or email
For Advance Tickets: visit
Thursday, February 19
Citizens for the Advancement of Community
Development (CACD) and
the Mississauga Valley
Community Centre (MVCC)
are celebrating Black History Month with a day-long
celebration with the theme
“Learn, Honour, Celebrate”.
There will be an array of
cultural activities including,
African drumming, poetry
recital, singing, dancing, art
and craft display, cultural
food sampling, and presentation from prominent
members from the Black
Once again the time
has come when the Toronto Bathurst Lions Club
celebrates with the city of
Toronto for “Black History
Month” in February 2015.
For the past several years
we have been presenting a “Movie Night” as a
fundraiser and have been
successful. The funds from
this event will go towards
our Scholarship fund. This
year’s presentation will be a
Spike Lee film “4 Little Girls”,
Community. All activities
will be held at the Mississauga Valley Community
Centre (MVCC), 1275 Mississauga Valley Blvd. For
more info contact Ron
Cunningham (Executive Director) at 905-361-2421 or
email rcunnin123@rogers.
com or visit the website at
Thursday, February 19 &
Saturday, February 21
Pickering Public Library
is hosting a Black History
Month Freedom Quilt event
for children 9 to 12 years old.
Learn how secret messages
were hidden in quilts to help
slaves escape to freedom on
the Underground Railroad.
Make your own quilt square
to add to the Library’s freedom quilt. For a guaranteed
spot be sure to register.
There will be limited spots
available at the door. They
will be given on first come
first served basis. Dates/
Times/Locations: At the
Central Library – Saturday,
February 21 from 2:00 pm to
3:00 pm and At the Petticoat
Creek Branch – Thursday,
February 19 from 6:30 pm
to 7:30 pm. For more info
Saturday, February 21
Pride News presents
Black History Month’s most
prestigious Gala Event,
the 30th Anniversary of the
African Canadian Achievement Awards of Excellence
which is to be held on February 21st, 7:30 pm inside
Jane Mallet Theatre, St.
Lawrence Centre for the
Arts, 27 Front Street, East,
Toronto. Admission: Adults
$50; Students $25. Don’t
miss out! Book your tickets
now by calling the office at
(905) 686-8868. Visit the
website: www.africancanadianachievementawards.
The Peel United Cultural
Partners, a collaboration
of the Congress of Black
Women (Brampton Chapter)
and the United Acheivers’
Club of Brampton, (www.
unitedachiversclub) announce their Annual Black
History Month Concert to be
held on Feb. 21st from 5:00
- 8:30 PM inside Lester B.
Pearson Theatre, Brampton
Civic Centre, 150 Central
Park Drive, Brampton.
Guest Speaker: Kerry Lee
Crawford - Host at G98.7
FM. Admission: $6:00 Children 12 and under
$4.00. Tickets & Additional
Information: 905-789-1551
(Congress); 905-796-1916
(United Achievers’ Club);
905-796-5488 (Hyacinth);
or 905-459-1942 (Lucinda).
“Championing our Future: Think it. Dream it.
Achieve it.” is the theme
of the 8th Annual Cultural
Expressions Black History
Month Celebration, presented by Cultural Expressions Art Gallery Inc. in
partnership with the Town
of Ajax, Durham District
School Board, Durham
Black Educators’ Network,
The Congress of Black
Women and the Welcome
Centre Immigrant Services.
Everyone is welcome to
this free event, Saturday,
February 21, 5 – 8 p.m. The
community fair with refreshments and networking runs
from 5 to 6 p.m. For more
info, contact: Esther Forde,
Founder & Chair, Cultural
Expressions Black History
Month Celebration: 905427-2412.
Jamaica Celebrates 70th Birthday Of Bob Marley
KINGSON, Jamaica, CMC – Last week, Jamaica
celebrated the 70th birthday of its late Reggae icon,
Bob Marley, with Prime Minister, Portia Simpson
Miller, reminding nationals of the need to “Get Up,
Stand up” for their rights.
“Bob Marley was a musical giant, whose voice in
the wilderness rang out loud and strong during a very
difficult time in our national and global journey,” she
said in a message to mark the occasion.
She said, as the country reflects on Marley’s
birthday, it is fitting that Jamaica is celebrating it “at
the same time that we are observing Reggae Month
under the theme: “The Journey is the Destination”.
“As we reflect on the amazing journey of Reggae
Music over the years, we are mindful that, in keeping
with our history, we must Get Up, Stand Up for our
rights,” she said, adding “the ‘legendary’ Bob Marley
represents us as a people of great strength, endless
talent, creative genius, and advocates against oppression and injustice.
“Bob Marley’s philosophies live on among us. His
music has remained the eternal conscience of our
nation and the world,” she said, adding “so much of
Bob Marley’s work continues to carry the profound
message of National Hero…Marcus Mosiah Garvey,
who taught us that “A people without the knowledge
of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree
without roots.”
“As a global icon, Bob Marley transcended local
issues. He was a global ‘buffalo soldier’, but one
rooted in what has come to be known as Jamaican
‘livity’; that uplifting way of being which is uniquely
Jamaican, and had always been the inspiration for
his positive message-music.”
Across Jamaica, many radio stations were blaring
Marley’s music and the debate continued as to his
influence not only on Jamaica, but the Rastafarian
movement of which he was a member.
Marley died in 1981 from cancer at the age of
36. He had several hits including “Redemption
Song”, “Is this Love”, “Stir it Up”, “Babylon System”
and “Turn Your Lights Down Low”.
Marley was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame in 1994, and his album “Exodus” was named
Album of the Century by Time Magazine.
Bob Marley
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Three Top Tips For Starting That First RSP
NC – Now that your career path is
starting to take shape, are you thinking
about retirement? This idea may not be
as crazy as it sounds.
“It’s never too early to start investing
in your future,” says Jim Vlahos, senior
vice president at Franklin Templeton
Investments Corp. “Often there’s a
tendency to delay contributing to your
retirement account due to other priorities like a new house, marriage, career
change or children. But continuing a
comfortable lifestyle later should also be
given attention. Even a small amount
each year can make a big difference
over time.”
Here are three tips for making your
first Retirement Savings Plan (RSP)
contribution this year:
1. Understand your risk tolerance
and time horizon. Can you take market
ups and downs in stride or do you have
trouble sleeping at night if there is a lot
of volatility? Are you planning to retire
early at the typical age of 65 years, or
continue working into your seventies?
2. Do your homework. Start by
gaining an understanding of common
asset classes
equities help provide
growth and bonds help provide stability. Safe havens do not usually exist,
as even the value of cash is eroded by
inflation. Diversify and ensure your
portfolio is balanced.
Investment advisors have their fingers on the
pulse of the markets and can map out
a plan to help you achieve your goals
while managing your risk exposure.
More information on finding an advisor
is available online at franklintempleton.
Flexible Work Hours
Improve Family Life
NC – Canadians suffering from the
back-to-work blues would be happier if
their employers offered a flexible working program, according to the findings
in a new study.
The research analyzed a flexible
workplace program by Telus, called
Work Styles. More than 2,000 team
members participated in the study
nologies and the proliferation of smartphones and tablets in the workplace,
many employees now have the ability
to work from anywhere at any time.
However, in order to capitalize on the
benefits of transitioning to a flexible
work environment, businesses will need
more than technology; leaders must be
fully committed and adapt their leader-
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - pablocalvog
and researchers found that mobile and
home-based workers reported that their
work interfered less with their home
lives and that they were less likely
look for a new job than their peers who
worked in an office.
“Mobile and home-based employees
maintained their performance, and experienced lower stress and less family/
work conflict,” says Alison Konrad, a
professor of organizational behaviour
at The Ivey Business School, who coauthored the study. “We also found flexible workers to be as equally productive
as their in-office counterparts and far
less likely to leave the company.”
Thanks to new collaboration tech-
ship styles.
“There needs to be a strong culture
of trust between leaders and their employees, and in some cases management
styles need to be reshaped,” Konrad
explains. “We found that Telus leaders
focus less on face time in the office and
more on the quality and consistency of
The study’s findings arrive as great
news for both Canadian employers and
employees, as the country’s mobile
worker population is set to increase to
73 percent of the workforce, or roughly
13.3 million mobile workers, by 2016
according to the research firm IDC
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Consent—Its Urgency And Its Dismissal
By L. Ardor | Lamoi
Pride Columnist
On any given day,
if you were to scroll
down a social media
platform feed, you
will no doubt see the
plethora of video uploads exposing people in the throes of
their humanity. Thanks to the advancement of smartphones and social sites,
along with the general disinterest of the
welfare of human beings, a startling
normalcy towards cyber-bullying, and
a functioning grey area to what exactly
forms consent, no one is safe from being captured, uploaded, and reduced
to this afternoon’s hashtag or meme.
At the height of my mean girl phase
in High School, I was quick witted with
a quick tongue. I was prompt to judge,
ridicule, and shame others based on
their choice of clothing, hairstyles,
or general disposition. Now that I am
older, and conscious of my place in the
world as a Black Woman, I have grown
to appreciate the need to celebrate our
choices, whether I agree with them or
not, because they are our choices. We
cannot deny that there is a fight. Black
men, women, and children are fighting
for that which they should never have
to fight; the right to exist on our own
terms, individually and as a community,
local and international. And if we are
fighting for the right to disengage from
respectable politics, the policing of our
bodies, the rights of our existence, and
systemic racism and its culture, then
let us fight every subheading attached
to the cause.
I remember when the private nude
pictures of many actresses were leaked
via the hacking of Apple’s Cloud last
fall, social media erupted in a frenzy,
with many people clamoring not to
their aid, nor protesting the violation of
their safe spaces, rather they became
the gawkers, sharing links and posting
comments on these actresses’ bodies.
Gabrielle Union, a [Black] actress wellknown for the lead role in “Being Mary
Jane”, whose nude pictures sent to
her now husband Dwayne Wade were
leaked, was right when she stated to
Abigail Pesta for Cosmopolitan, “No
one deserves to have a private moment
stolen, whether it’s a photo, text, or
email. Everyone has intimate parts of
their life they don’t want the public to
see.” She added, “It’s a new form of
sexual abuse.”
As a human experiencing the world
with 3 identifiable strikes against her—
Black, Woman, single mother—and as
a part of the Black community finding
its voice, and [re]building its foundation in this heightened place of race,
culture, and existence, I have one
heartfelt request: Can we please stop
participating in the shaming of (our)
people Our fight does not stop at the
encouragement of body positivity, sex
positivity, the understanding that we
are not immutable, that we are allowed
our contradictions, that we are free to
be, love, dress, and act as we want to, it
also extends to not aiding in the shaming of those choices we are supposed
to be allowed to make.
Although video and photo sharing
platforms like WorldStarHipHop, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, Facebook, and
Tumblr is no respecter of race, economic
background, or gender when it comes
to humiliating people, the wound bleeds
just a little bit more for Black people.
Since the history of power, and the
desire to dominate others, people of
colour have had the agency over their
own bodies unceremoniously taken
from them, and at the height of that
violence have been women and children.
Our bodies, the right to our well being
and our inherent freedom continue to
be available for public consumption,
and invasion, and like the evolution of
Symbolism Of The Canadian Flag
...Continued from page 2
economic and political stability, and
democratic rights and freedoms, it is
hard to find a country that parallels
Canada’s record.
One of the many things that really
endears me to Canada is the fact that it
has proven itself to be a very caring and
compassionate society. This positive
attitude towards the less fortunate has
manifested itself in the enshrinement of
not only a universal health care policy,
but the preservation of universal old
age security. These two initiatives have
gone a long way in helping the poor and
downtrodden with their basic needs.
In addition to these two initiatives,
free education for all elementary and
secondary school children, along with
free literary and skills training for adults
have certainly made Canada the nearest
thing to an egalitarian society within
the boundary of capitalism.
Although Canada has embraced
the free enterprise system, it has also
embraced the policy of direct govern-
ment involvement in such things as the
country’s infrastructure, and also the
establishment of regulatory agencies.
This pragmatic blend of both private
and public initiatives has certainly put
Canada in the category of a balanced
We must also not forget that Canada’s parliamentary democracy, and
the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
have provided this country with the
necessary tenets for political stability
and untrammeled liberty.
Like all other countries, Canada has
its list of shortcomings such as pockets
of covert and overt racism, but it is by far
the best country of the world in which
to live. We should, therefore, stand tall
and be proud bearers of our Canadian
Maple Leaf flag for it enshrines the symbol of hope, freedom, and democratic
Rupert can be reached at: r.b.johnson@
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - HighwayStarz
racism, the routes of our degradation,
and dismissal continue to evolve as well.
The struggle over our displacement
does not end, therefore our fight does
not end; it does not take breaks, nor
does it play favourites. Case in point:
The 57th Grammy Awards Show allowed social media to do what it does
best, shade, criticize, degrade, and
dismiss those we have collectively put
into the spotlight. It became a night
where the world’s online activists took
time off, to engage in the slander of
those for whom we claim to be fighting. I thought we were here for Black
Women, and Black Men doing whatever
they wanted, wearing whatever they
wanted, and middle fingering those
that want to police everything, from
our existence to our fashion choices.
Does that right to be free from scrutiny
and shaming only apply to the scrutiny
from non-people of colour? Does that
mean that we have the right to dismiss
our own, because we have the shared
commonality of the struggle?
All of our choices stem from our
stories, they make up who we are, they
are the culmination of our lived and
remembered experiences, they are our
healing, they are our fears, they are our
boldness, and our revolution. Coupled
with our choices, is our consent—our
right to say yes, and our right to say no.
We have the right to live, and be, and
make mistakes, and we have the right
to bounce back from them. We have the
right to not be reduced to a worldwide
catch phrase, meme, or hashtag. We
have the right to not be the focus of
someone’s hidden camera, or uploaded
without our knowledge or consent. We
have the right to experience life in all
of our freedoms. We have the right to
expect the Golden Rule in its theory
and in its application.
This does not speak to those that
are engaging in behaviours that cause
others harm, because I am in support
of throwing murderers, rapists, child
abusers, pedophiles, and those that
cause deliberate harm, and pose a
danger to society individually and collectively into the fire. This speaks to
the humans that are living life, just as
we are living life.
In speaking of choice, the question,
“Don’t I have the choice to laugh, enjoy,
and share that which amuses me?” is
valid, and the answer is simple: Yes, of
course you do! And to that I will pose the
question: “But where is the consent ”
Does your enjoyment stem from the
borderline cyber bullying of others How
far does your fight for safety of spaces,
boundaries, and the inherent exercise
of one’s freedom extend Is it easier to
dismiss those that you do not know,
and stand in solidarity with those with
whom you most identify?
I had the blessing of seeing my little
girl turn two-years-old a few weeks
ago, and as I reflect on her place in the
world, I want her to have the safe space
to be as assertive, loud, bold, and as
clumsily human as she wants to be. In
my protection of her, I have reverted
to not posting any pictures of her on
social media, as my two year old cannot provide me with her consent, and
I fear the day someone captures and
uploads a video of her in the throes of
her humanity to a social media page
without her consent.
L. Ardor is a writer who believes that everything
in life stems from love. Her mission is to spread
her philosophy to all brave enough to embrace.
You can find Ms. Ardor on twitter: @LaLaArdor.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Former Jamaica Prime Minister Appears Before Commission
KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Former prime
minister, Bruce Golding, Monday, said he had no
prior knowledge that motors would be used by the
security forces, as the Commission of Inquiry probing the events of May 2010 in West Kingston, that
left several people dead, resumed after a break of
almost two months.
The security forces had gone into the area in a bid
to arrest Christopher “Dudus” Coke who was facing
extradition to the United States.
At least 76 people, including 73 civilians, were
killed during the operations as the security forces
battled gunmen loyal to Coke, the reputed leader of
the notorious Shower Posse gang.
Golding, who was prime minister at the time of
the incursion, told the Commission, chaired by the
prominent Barbadian jurist, Sir David Simmons, that
he had received numerous reports from residents that
mortars or bombs were being used in the operations.
The former prime minister said he had raised
the issue with the then Chief of Defence Staff, Major
General Stewart Saunders, who informed him that
“these were not incendiary devices.
“That they have more bark than bite,” he reported
Saunders as saying, adding that the army official
had also indicated that the motors were being used
as a distraction.
“My understanding was that it was more a
shock and awe effect that the military was seeking to get,” Golding said, telling the Commission
that his lack of prior knowledge of the use of mortars by the military, was not within the remit of
the Defence Board, which he chaired at the time.
“The Defence Act places the operational functions
of the Force squarely on the Chief of Defence Staff,”
Golding told the three-member Commission.
Golding told the Commission, Monday, that he
had emphasised the importance of avoiding, at all
cost, any injuries to law abiding citizens, especially
women and children, during the operation.
Golding said that at the start of the operation
residents called in to complain about the activities
of the security forces.
“Some of the complaints were quite hysterical,” he
said, adding “complaints of people being killed and
being murdered and that continued until Monday.”
The former prime minister said that the number of
casualties reported to him by then Public Defender,
Earl Witter, head of Red Cross and Bishop Herro
Blair, was “significantly higher than what was being
reported to him by the police.”
He said, he asked the three officials to visit the
area because he was concerned about the discrepancies in the security forces’ report, and what was
being reported to him by the Tivoli residents, some
of whom were heads of churches and whom he considered to be credible.
Golding told the Commission that the three officials, at a meeting on May 25, briefed him and
had expressed concern about what they had seen
in Tivoli Gardens.
He said, as a result, Witter wanted to immediately
investigate possible human rights breaches. The Red
Cross head offered to provide motor vehicles to take
the injured to hospital and to provide medication,
while Blair agreed to mobilise food for the people still
in Tivoli Gardens.
During his testimony, Golding acknowledged
knowing Coke, and that they spoke on a number of
occasions prior to the issuing of an extradition request.
He said he had last spoken to Coke in December
2007. He said he had stopped talking to Coke because the security forces had informed him that men
from the Stone Crusher gang were seeking refuge in
Tivoli Gardens.
“I cut off all communication with him (Coke) and
stopped supporting his community programs,” he
Meanwhile, the Office of the Public Defender has
said, it now has a copy of the video footage taken by
Bruce Golding
a United States aircraft, during the May 2010 Tivoli
Gardens operation.
The Commission will sit for two weeks and the
secretary, Maria Jones, said “the Commission is
proceeding to call witnesses in a chronological order,
relating to how the events of May 2010 unfolded in
West Kingston, starting with the former prime minister, going back to the residents.”
Former national security minister, Dwight Nelson,
will also testify before the Commission.
The Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), which missed
two previous deadlines last month, has now submitted
a significant number of statements to the Commission.
The Jamaica Constabulary Force has provided 164
statements regarding activities, during the search for
Coke, who was wanted in the United States on drugs
and gun trafficking charges.
Coke waived his right to judicial proceedings in
Jamaica and was transferred to the custody of the
U.S. Marshals service and the DEA. Coke was flown
to New York on June 24, 2010.
Last month, the main opposition Jamaica Labour
Party (JLP) criticised the high cost associated with
the Commission, but the government dismissed the
European Union Funds For Three Caribbean Islands
BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC – The European
Union is providing more than EC$36 million in
budgetary aid to Grenada, Montserrat and Anguilla.
Anguilla is receiving EC$11.7 million under the
General Budget Support Program of the 10th European Development Fund, as part of an overall total
of approximately EC$36 million the EU has been
allocated to the Overseas British Territory (OBT).
The grant aid will go towards the continued reform
of the Public Finance Management systems, and the
implementation of a credible Medium Term Fiscal
Plan, to provide increased incentive for private sector
entities to invest in Anguilla.
“Our aim is to assist Anguilla in restoring macroeconomic stability, stimulate sustainable and
diversified economic growth, to support social development and social protection, as well as reduce the
country’s environmental vulnerability,” said the head
of the European Union Delegation to Barbados and
the Eastern Caribbean, Ambassador Mikael Barfod.
Since the passage of the Fiscal Responsibility
Act 2013, the government is required to put systems in place that would ensure borrowing limits
are implemented by 2017. This aim of this new act
is to strengthen fiscal management, improve fiscal
transparency and incorporate the Fiscal Framework
for Sustainable Development.
Tax reform is also underway with the establishment
of a property tax unit, collection units and a taxpayer
services unit. These reforms are expected to widen
the tax base and increase Anguilla’s fiscal space.
Grenada is benefitting from EC19.8 million, to
assist the island in maintaining a stable macro-economic framework, implementation of public finance
management reform and budgetary transparency.
In general, the EU funding will help the country
transition towards a new economy that will comprise a
world class tourism, yachting and marina destination.
This will be complemented by efficient business,
finance and information technology services, an efficient light manufacturing sector, a well-diversified
agriculture sector focused on value added products,
a dynamic oil, gas and renewable energy sector and
a highly efficient agro-industrial sector.
“It is important that the government continues
to implement measures to maintain the stability of
the economy, and improve its budgetary transparency, while keeping focus on the drivers of growth,”
said Barfod.
The EU said the emphasis on promoting growth
in Grenada focuses on building resilience by stabilizing the macro-economy, enabling the business environment, leveraging growth sectors and developing
sustainable energy.
“In addition, attention will be placed on building
competitiveness, which includes education, human
resource development, social transformation and
social care, youth development and gender equity,”
it said, noting that releasing the funds was subject
to Grenada meeting certain conditions that include
progress in implementing the 2014-2018 Grenada
Poverty Reduction Strategy with special attention to
education, social development, youth empowerment
and agriculture areas.
The European Union is providing Montserrat with
EC$14.2 million, the third tranche of an overall total
of EC$51 million, which was located to the territory
by the OBT.
The assistance will support the continued modernization of the public finance management systems, and the implementation of the 2008-2020
Montserrat’s Sustainable Development Plan (SDP)
and Sustainability Road Map (SRM).
“This roadmap will contribute to the recovery and
sustainable development of the British Overseas
Country and Territory. The objectives of the Sustainable Development Plan are prudent Economic
Management, Human Development, Environmental
Management, Disaster Mitigation, as well as Governance,” the EU said.
In general, the EU’s assistance is intended to
assist with the transformation of Montserrat’s business environment so that the country becomes more
attractive to private investment.
The Montserrat government has set an ambitious
target of having the private sector contribute more
than 50 percent to the economy by 2020, a significant
increase on the 34 percent in 2011.
The EU said this transformation will require significant changes in improving the business environment; developing Montserrat as a tourism destination;
and strengthening Government’s capacity to deliver
“The main thrust is to put in place an enabling
environment, legislation, policies and institutional
arrangements that can provide the framework for the
development of a diversified economy, the facilitation
of sustained growth and the generation of employment opportunities,” said Barfod.
Emphasis will be placed on the alignment of the
education curriculum with the labour market that
should lead to greater private sector development and
growth, public sector reform, in an effort to increase
port and airport efficiency and the adoption of a
regulatory framework for the energy sector.
In addition, the authorities are expected to increase access to housing, as the country continues
its decade long recovery following the eruption of
the Soufriere Volcano, which destroyed almost half
of the island.
1 6
Wednesday, F ebruary 1 1 , 201 5
Former T&T Attorney General Calls For
Resignation Of Three Senior Government Ministers
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – Former attorney general, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, has called for
the resignation of three senior government ministers,
as the fallout continues from the police investigation
into former attorney general, Anand Ramlogan, on
charges of seeking to pervert the course of justice.
He said the law states that “where persons are
present witnessing the commission of a crime and
even if they remain silent, they were present, and they
could aid and abet the commission of a crime. Both
the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of Police
have a duty to the public to act swiftly,” Lawrence
told reporters Sunday.
Media reports, Sunday, reported that dismissed
national security minister, Gary Griffith, had presented police with a report of a meeting, at which
he was being pressured to withdraw a statement he
made, in support of the Director of the Police Complaints authority (DCA). David West.
Griffith told the police that Communication Minister, Vasant Bharath; Housing Minister, Dr. Roodal
Moonilal; and Labour Minister, Errol Mc Leod, who
was then acting prime minister, were present at the
meeting, but that McLeod and Moonilal kept quiet,
while Bharath sought to have him withdraw the
statement, that he had been asked by Ramlogan to
contact West in relation to a witness statement, filed
in the lawsuit between the former government minister
and the Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Keith Rowley.
Maharaj told the news conference that “if what I
read in the newspapers is true, there is an obligation
for the three ministers of government to offer their
resignations to the Prime Minster.”
He said failure to do so, would mean Prime Minister, Kamla Persad Bissessar, would have to act and
“in any event there is a firm duty on the acting Police
Commissioner (Stephen Williams) to announce that
the probe would be extended to cover these three
F ormer attorney general, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj
Maharaj said, while an offence may or may not
have been committed, “there is an allegation and if
there is such an allegation, then the minister has a
duty to resign, and if he does not resign, under our
Constitution, the Prime Minister takes full responsibility for all actions.”
“If there is, under the Constitution of Trinidad and
Tobago, a corrupt government, then every member
of the cabinet is collectively responsible for that. If
there is an honest government, then every member
of the cabinet is responsible for that,” he added.
Maharaj said Prime Minister, Persad Bissessar,
had treated Griffith unfairly “and undermined and
subverted the values of integrity in public office, the
values of the Constitution and the rule of law by
Jamaica Wants Realignment
Of Cable And Telecom Sector
KINGSTON, Jamaica, CMC – Jamaica has called
for a realignment of the cable and telecommunications sector, in order to bring enlightened access to
the global society.
“Despite the remarkable progress in the globalized
communications environment, there continues to be
obsolete, lop-sided models that are not appropriate
for a society with new and different demands for
enlightened access,” Information Minister, Sandrea
Falconer, told the 32nd Annual General Meeting of
the Caribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association (CCTA), that ended in Montego Bay in St.
James on Thursday.
“By enlightened access, I am not only talking about
the availability and use of technology, but a higher
level of access. It involves the creation of a digitally
literate society, where consumers interact with content that not only shape and reinforce national values,
but showcases the best of our culture,” she added.
She said in the case of Jamaica, the Portia Simposn Miller government is taking steps to ensure that
the people are on the right side of the digital divide.
“As a government we are pursuing digital switch
over and are engaged in a process of legislative reforms to impact the industry.
“Some of the provisions of the legislative changes
include an expanded flexible definition of broadcasting, to capture not only traditional, but new and
evolving services, platforms and services; greater
protection of cultural diversities and the protection of
indigenous high quality content, through the establishment of the local public service content fund to
finance more local productions of a non-commercial
nature,” she added.
The CCTA meeting was being held here for the
first time and Falconer said the United States Virgin
Islands-based association is a very important element
in the development and future sustainability of the
cable and telecommunications industry.
She said the meeting was held at a time when the
cable and telecommunications sector is undergoing
monumental and rapid changes, which makes it difficult to define the parameters of the industry.
“There is extensive integration of tools, techniques
and technologies. There are multiple accesses to communications on common platforms, greater speed,
more immediate transfers of ideas, with a constant
inter-play of societies and cultures.”
The meeting was held under the theme “Riding the
waves of the Future” and Falconer said it provided
an optimistic outlook of the transformation which
is now underway.
She said that the cable and telecommunications
world is always in a change mode, with competitors
becoming partners, content purveyors becoming
content providers, and down-loaders becoming uploaders.
“We welcome these changes in the environment
and must embrace them with creativity, flexibility
and responsiveness.
“In a climate where the value of content is being
undermined by piracy and access is constrained by
obsolete release windows…riding the waves demand
that this industry and its business processes be characterised by an ethos of innovation and cooperation,”
she told the meeting.
putting Mr. David West, Mr. Gary Griffith and the
Leader of the Opposition in the same category as
Mr. Anand Ramlogan, when in truth, and in fact, it
is only Mr. Ramlogan who is the subject of a police
“The others have done no public wrong,” he said,
questioning why Persad Bissessar had taken so long
to deal with the matter involving Ramlogan.
Last Monday, Prime Minister Persad Bissessar removed both Ramlogan and Griffith from her Cabinet,
and called on President Anthony Carmona to set up
an independent commission to probe West.
Maharaj has already said that West cannot be
removed from his office based on the statements of
the prime minister.
Meanwhile, Griffith has said he intends sending
a pre-action protocol letter to Bharath in the next
few days, following statements made against him in
a press release.
“Mr. Bharath was not speaking the truth when he
said that I breached Cabinet confidentiality. The truth
is going to come out. I maintain, I did nothing wrong
and took a stance on principle,” Griffith said.
Former Trinidad
PM No Show For
Screening Ahead
Of General Election
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, CMC – Patrick Manning, the longest serving parliamentarian in Trinidad
and Tobago, may have brought down the curtains
on his political career, when he failed to show up for
screening, by his People’s National Movement (PNM)
party, to contest the seat he has held since 1971 in
the upcoming general election.
Manning, 67, who is recovering from a stroke that
left him partly paralysed, had earlier told supporters
of San Fernando East, that he was prepared to be
their representative and would present himself for
screening by the party.
“The advice that I needed to get I now have. In
case of the Washington doctor, she said, I had made
tremendous strides but, unfortunately, I was not
completely healed as yet.
“In the case of my doctor in San Fernando, he
said, my suitability for politics depended on me and
me only,” he added.
However, on Monday, Manning was a no show and
the party selected attorney, Randall Mitchell, as its
flag bearer in the election that could be held before
the constitutional deadline month of September.
“During the course of the screening it came to
us that Mr. Manning told the vice-chairman that he
would not be coming for the screening,” PNM general
secretary, Ashton Ford, said, on television Tuesday.
He said, he hoped Manning, whom he described
as a stalwart, would continue to make a contribution
to the development of the party.
Manning, a geologist by profession, was the country’s fourth prime minister, who served from 1991-95
and 2001-10.
But he led the PNM into defeat when he called a
snap general election in May 2010.
Manning’s chances of being the PNM’s candidate
for the San Fernando East seat, improved significantly
late last month after the party rejected the three
candidates that had been proposed, giving the constituency until February 6 to name new candidates.
“If you wish to have me as your parliamentary
representative then I am prepared to do so... and I
[will] make myself available for screening,” Manning
said then.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Valentine’s Day And The Single Girl: How To Survive The Dreaded Day!
So the ever-dreaded Valentine’s Day
is almost upon us, and for a single girl,
that is the day that you almost wish to
never wake up. From the constant badgering from your mom as to,”when were
you going to find a nice young man with
whom to settle down, in order to give
her grandchildren,” to your annoying
girlfriends, who “cannot wait to spend
the time with their significant others.” It’s
almost enough to lead one to the bottle!
However, do not despair my single
gals, as auntie Sandy is here to help you
get over the Valentine’s Day blues, and
will not allow you to hit your girlfriend over the head
with a bottle because you are so jealous, and she is
oh so annoying with her new boyfriend crap! It may
be depressing, yes I know my lovelies, but here are
some tips to get over the chocolatey, Victoria Secret,
roses are red, violets are blue, will you be my lover
too, season!
Tip number one: Throw a party for you and your
single girlfriends. Nothing beats the Valentine’s blues
like a party – the more impromptu the better. Why
be sad and alone on such a day? Trust me, you are
not the only one in this world who will be without a
man on this day, so get a bunch of your girlfriends
together, order in some amazing food, along with your
favourite bottles or wine and spirits, and have a ball
at your place or someone else’s. Also, dress to the
nines’ as if your life depended on it! Only the sexiest dress will do, as you remind yourself and others
that you are a great catch, filled with inner beauty,
class and the exotic beauty of any Miss
Universe contestant. Kaci Fennell has got
nothing on you! The one thing that I am
quite certain of is that confidence begins
with you, and whatever you believe will
manifest itself.
The next thing to do is to begin to plan
for your Mr. Right who will be in your life
by next year.Plan for the newyear ahead!
Valentine’s Day is a definite reminder that
a new year is still upon us, and looking
back on the failures that occurred in
the past, is not the way to move ahead
progressively, with positive changes. So
what if you spent last year all alone? This is a new
year and anything can change on a dime! So be open
to new things and to new experiences; that includes
perhaps meeting your perfect Mr. Right!
Last but not least, enjoy the day and be thankful
for what you have! Many times we look at the things
that we do not have, i.e. a partner, a boyfriend or
even a husband, and we forget to be thankful for the
things that God has done for us thus far. Be patient,
as the right man will come along! So, enjoy your single
status until things change. Being content with one’s
self, especially at this time, will allow you to be more
appreciative of everything else when things do change.
The fact that you do not have a partner should
not be seen as a strike against you, no matter what
your mother says! View it as more time to appreciate
yourself without having to please others. In order to
truly appreciate yourself, you must fully understand
what makes you tick, and only by time spent alone
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - pre s s m as te r
will that be accomplished.
“So Sandy, are you saying that I must not want
to find myself a man ” my friend Julie asked me
once. “No, that is not what I am saying my dear,”
I replied. “The thing is, true love really begins with
loving yourself and only when you accomplish this,
will you be able to love someone else,” I added.
I think that she got the point! So, my single friends,
enjoy Valentine’s Day without feeling depressed, as
your day is surely around the corner!
Sandy Daley is a columnist, radio and television personality
and actress. She is also the author of “Whose Vagina Is It, Really?” She can be contacted at: Website:,
Facebook:, Twitter: https:// and/or Email: thesinglegirlspot@
The Connection Between Autism And The Measles Vaccine
By Allan Bucka Jones
Pride He alth Colu m nis t
Last Friday, Toronto Public
Health said the city now has six
laboratory-confirmed cases of
measles. They do not appear to be
linked, indicating that the measles
is “currently circulating” in Toronto.
With this outbreak of measles in Toronto, and the
ensuing debate over whether the measles vaccine
can cause autism, it is a good time to recall a May
2008 report in the reputable medical journal, The
New England Journal of Medicine. They reported
on a girl named Hannah Poling living in the United
States.When she was 19 months old, Hannah, the
daughter of Jon and Terry Poling, received five vaccines including measles–mumps–rubella (MMR).
When she received the vaccines, Hannah was interactive, playful, and communicative. Two days later,
she was lethargic, irritable, and febrile. Ten days
after vaccination, she developed a rash consistent
with vaccine-induced varicella.
Months later, the child was diagnosed with behaviours matching autism or autism spectrum disorder.
Hannah’s parents believed that vaccines had triggered her problems. They sued the US Department of
Health and Human Services for compensation under
the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and won.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
responded to the claims that vaccines had caused
the child’s autism, by stating that the US had made
absolutely no statement indicating that vaccines are
a cause of autism. The biggest challenge was defining the term “autism.” Autism is a clinical diagnosis
and children are labeled as autistic on the basis of
a collection of clinical features. Also, theVaccine
Injury Compensation Program’s concession to Hannah Poling was poorly reasoned. Plus the child had
other medical challenges that were
not related to vaccines. And so the
disagreement continued, to vaccinate or not vaccinate.
The cause of autism is not
known, however a better understanding of the disorder has led to
the development of better coping
mechanisms and strategies for the
various manifestations of the disability. Boys are four times more
likely than girls to develop autism.
There is continuing controversy
surrounding the claim that the
combined measles, mumps and
rubella vaccine (MMR), contributes to the development of autism
spectrum disorders in children.
This claim was based on the
1998 publication of a fraudulent
research paper in a medical journal. Investigations
revealed that the researcher who published the claims,
had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest and
manipulated the evidence. The research paper was
retracted in 2010, and the author no longer practice
as a doctor. However the controversy continues, and
many are still sceptical of having the MMR vaccine
administered to their children, fearing their child will
develop autism spectrum disorder.
As Toronto’s measles outbreak continues to grow,
a new survey reveals that one in five individuals still
believe that the measles vaccine cause autism. On the
other hand,66% of those surveyed, say unvaccinated
children should be barred from child-care facilities.
Meanwhile, an Ottawa based daycare facility is pursuing a vaccine free environment.The debate continues
on whether to take or not take the measles vaccine.
Under Ontario’s Immunization of School Pupils
Act, students are required to provide vaccination
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records to attend school. Without proof of vaccination, they can be suspended from school unless they
submit an exemption form. Parents can complete a
Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief exemption form, have it signed by a commissioner of oaths
and submit it to the school or Toronto Public Health.
Parents do not have to explain why they are requesting
the exemption. For a Statement of Medical Exemption form, parents need to have the form signed by
a medical doctor, a nurse or a nurse practitioner.
If you are still unsure whether you should take
the measles vaccine, please talk to your family doctor very soon.
Allan Bucka Jones is a Health Promoter and Broadcaster. He
can be heard on “Allan Bucka Jones LIVE”, Sundays from 3 to
5pm on CHRY 105.5 FM, option , Rogers
Digital Cable 945, Bell Fibe 973 or mobile app TuneIn Radio.
You can contact Allan Bucka Jones at
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
5 Important Tips For The DIY Renovator
NC – Of course, just a splash of
paint in a few places, or a bit of grout
here and there, and voila, your home
will be like new again.
Dream on, say most reno experts.
Anyone who has ever undertaken a
renovation project on his own knows
that renovations are not quite as simple
as that. Unlike the magic of television
shows, often the process is drawn out
and full of surprises along the way.
Denise Hayward, manager for the
GTA Home + Reno Show, shares her
top tips for aspiring do-it-yourself
1. Understand the project. Make
a plan and find out what it takes to
accomplish it before you start. Read
the manuals, get the right tools, and
measure, measure, measure.
2. Don’t bite off more than you
can chew. Often DIY renovators start
off on ambitious projects, and then
realize they cannot complete it until
they are halfway through. Start small
and complete each reno, before starting a new one.
3. Call on friends. More hands
make lighter work. For bigger projects,
enlist friends who can help get the job
done. Make sure they know exactly
what they’re coming for so there are
no surprises on reno day.
4. Think long term. Are you
tempted to forgo the dining room update to make room for an 85-inch TV?
Look ahead and plan renovations that
will still work in five years’ time. Often
what makes sense now can change,
especially for new homeowners starting a family.
5. Call the experts. Some renova-
tion projects are best left to the experts. Roofing work, re-sizing a room,
or re-doing a bathroom, are all critical
renovations that can impact the structural integrity of a home. Leave these
projects to the experts and maintain
your peace of mind.
“Proper planning is crucial,” says
Hayward. “A DIY renovation is a true
commitment and you need to start off
on the right foot to see it through.”
Hayward also points out that the
up-coming GTA Home + Reno Show is
one of the best places to get organized
because it houses everything under
one roof. Open this year from February
13 to 16 at the International Centre in
Mississauga, it showcases more than
250 top contractors, home experts, and
Photo credit: GTA Home + Reno Show.
5 Secrets For Winning A Post-Secondary Scholarship
NC – Each year, thousands of Canadian students earn scholarships
that help them offset their education
costs. Surprisingly, over $15 million
of the $70 million available each year
in scholarship dollars goes unclaimed,
according to industry estimates.
“Scholarships are a good source of
education funding – one that you don’t
have to pay back,” advises Melissa Jarman, director of student banking at RBC
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Calm, cool and collected should be the approach you take towards
people who are instigating
frustration in you.
(Feb 19 - March 20)
If you are active on
social media then look
forward to a great big
surprise. If you are not
active on social media,
then your good surprise
will come via phone call,
or mail.
(March 21- April 19)
Be willing to admit
when you are wrong.
Stubbornness is not a
mature state of mind.
Remain open minded to
the fact that you could be
(April 20 - May 20)
Conflict is not necessary. Pick your battles
Royal Bank. “Don’t write yourself off as
an unqualified candidate. In addition
to funding school with your savings, a
part-time job, or a student loan, you
could receive an unexpected top-up.
Even smaller scholarships will help out
with your expenses.”
Scholarships are available throughout the year, so here are five tips to help
you explore your options:
1. Research: Check your college or
(May 21- June 20)
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Through your inspirational friendship and
guidance, you will fill
others with confidence.
Friends and family
will want to share time
with you. Make some
special time for them.
(June 21- July 22)
(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Be mindful of your
surroundings and especially while driving or
when walking on a street
where there is a lot of
Speaking up for yourself is a great thing
to do, but not when
you are speaking up for
yourself while speaking down to others.
(July 23- August 22)
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Give it all you got!
Doing more for your life
now will help you later.
Now is not a time to
worry. Faith not fear.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
When your opinion is
asked for, offer it honestly. However, on the
flipside, if your opinion
is not solicited then it
is best to curb it. If you
must express your opinion, then at least do it
with tact.
(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Give love and express appreciation.
Cerise F airfax is a Life
Coach and can be reached
at: ( 41 6) 722-5233 and
cerisefairfax @
V isit www.cerisefairfax .
com for life coaching advice
and daily inspiration.
university’s financial aid department. If
you are in high school, check to see what
scholarships are available to graduating students. Take advantage of online
resources such as
and that
match you to available scholarships.
2. Be optimistic: If you’re not a
straight-A student, be aware that not
all scholarships are based on academic
standing. Some of them reward civic
engagement, leadership experience,
your heritage, affiliations, or a parContinued on next page ...
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ten Strategies For Harnessing Stress
Submitted by Dr. George Traitses
Stress has become a fact of life, and for some, the
daily norm. Although occasional stress can help improve our focus and performance, living with chronic
stress can backfire by causing anxiety, depression,
and serious health problems.
Understanding who we are, knowing our major
struggles, putting them in perspective, and taking
action can help us deal with stress. The following
strategies can also improve stress tolerance and help
lessen the effects of stress on our health.
Think Positively
“Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative
stress into positive,” said Hans Selye, author of the
ground-breaking work around stress theory. When
optimism is hard to muster, cognitive-behavioral
therapy, which trains people to recognize negative
thinking patterns and replace them with more constructive ones, can also help reduce the risk of chronic
stress and depression.
Get Out and Enjoy Nature
While modern civilization has made our lives more
convenient, it has deprived us of an essential source
of stress relief—connection with nature. Studies
show that interacting with nature can help lessen
the effects of stress on the nervous system, reduce
attention deficits, decrease aggression, and enhance
spiritual well-being.
“Smell the Roses” for Better Mood
Aromatherapy, or smelling essential plant oils,
recognized worldwide as a complementary therapy
for managing chronic pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress-related disorders, can help you
unwind. Orange and lavender scents, in particular,
have been shown to enhance relaxation and reduce
Relax with a Cup of Tea
During stressful times, coffee helps us keep
going. To give yourself a break, however, consider
drinking tea. Research shows that drinking tea for 6
weeks helps lower post-stress cortisol and increase
relaxation. Habitual tea drinking may also reduce
inflammation, potentially benefiting your heart health.
Laugh It Off
Humor relieves stress and anxiety and prevents
depression, helping put our troubles in perspective.
Laughter can help boost the immune system, increase
pain tolerance, enhance mood and creativity, and
lower blood pressure, potentially improving treatment
outcomes for many health problems, including cancer
5 Secrets For Winning A
Post-Secondary Scholarship
...Continued from previous page
ticular skill.
3. Tap your network: You may find scholarships
are offered by your employer, sports league or your
bank. Ask your parents if their employers offer funding to children of employees.
4. Plan ahead and start early: Be prepared to
devote time towards fulfilling scholarship criteria.
There are often essays, questionnaires and school
transcripts to submit, so allot your time wisely for
maximum impact.
5. Be conscientious: Proofread your application
and ensure you followed all the instructions. Ask
friends and family to review your application before
you send it.
Jarman says that RBC provides over $550,000 in
annual scholarships, including the Students Leading
Change Scholarships, the Aboriginal Student Awards
Program and Scholarship Program for the Children
of RBC Employees. More information is available
online at
and HIV. Humor may also be related to happiness,
which has been linked to high self-esteem, extroversion, and feeling in control.
Build a Support System
Relationships are also key to health and happiness, especially for women. Women with low social
support, for example, are more likely to increase
blood pressure under stress. Loneliness may also
contribute to stress in both men and women, also
leading to poorer outcomes after a stroke or congestive
heart failure. On the other hand, active and socially
involved seniors are at lower risk for dementia and
Alzheimer’s disease. Social support also helps cancer
patients to boost the immune system and maintain
a higher quality of life.
Employ the Relaxing Power of Music
Music, especially classical, can also serve as a
powerful stress-relief tool. Listening to Pachelbel’s
famous Canon in D major while preparing a public
speech helps avoid anxiety, heart rate, and blood
pressure, which usually accompany public speaking.
Singing and listening to music can also relieve pain
and reduce anxiety and depression caused by low
back pain. Group drumming also showed positive effects on stress relief and the immune system. Music
therapy can also elevate mood and positively affect
the immune system in cancer patients and reduce
fatigue and improve self-acceptance in people with
multiple sclerosis.
To help people deal with stressful medical procedures, music can help reduce anxiety before surgery.
When played during surgery, it can decrease the
patient’s post-operative pain. Aiding recovery, a dose
of calming music may lower anxiety, pain, and the
need for painkillers.
Calm Your Mind
In recent decades, many forms of meditation have
gained popularity as relaxation and pain relief tools.
Focusing on our breath, looking at a candle, or practicing a non-judgmental awareness of our thoughts and
actions can help tune out distractions, reduce anxiety
and depression, and accept our circumstances. In
cancer patients, meditation-based stress reduction
enhances quality of life, lowers stress symptoms, and
potentially benefits the immune system.
Guided imagery, such as visualizing pictures
prompted by an audiotape recording, also shows
promise in stress relief and pain reduction. Based
on the idea that the mind can affect the body, guided
imagery can be a useful adjunct to cancer therapy,
focusing patients on positive images to help heal
their bodies.
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - d u nd anim
Enjoy the Warmth of Human Touch
Just as the mind can affect the body, the body can
influence the mind. Virginia Satir, a famous American
psychotherapist, once said that people need 4 hugs
a day to help prevent depression, 8 for psychological
stability, and 12 for growth. While asking for hugs
may not work for some, massage can help us relieve
stress and reduce anxiety and depression. Massage
has also been shown to reduce aggression and hostility
in violent adolescents, to improve mood and behavior
in students with ADHD, and to lead to better sleep
and behavior in children with autism.
Massage has other therapeutic properties, as
well. Regular massage may reduce blood pressure in
people with hypertension and may lead to less pain,
depression, and anxiety and better sleep in patients
with chronic low-back pain. Compared to relaxation,
massage therapy also causes greater reduction in
depression and anger, and more significant effects
on the immune system in breast cancer patients.
Give Exercise a Shot
To get the best of both worlds, affecting the mind
through the body while getting into good physical
shape, try exercise. In one study, a group of lung
cancer patients increased their hope due to exercise.
Exercise can also reduce depression and improve
wound healing in the elderly. Tai chi, which works
for people of all ages, may enhance heart and lung
function, improve balance and posture, and prevent
falls, while reducing stress.
No matter what stress-relief methods you choose,
make it a habit to use them—especially if you feel too
stressed out to do it. As someone once said, the time
to relax is when you don’t have time for it.
For more information on health and safety visit the Ontario
Chiropractic Association Web site at
or call 1-877-327-2273. Dr. George Traitses, 416-499-5656, www.
infinite hea .
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Valentine’s Day
place on 2 dinner plates with potatoes and broccoli
rabe. Serve lamb with sour cream sauce. Serves: 2.
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - M SPhotographics
Milk Chocolate Pots de Crème
10 ounces
3 ounces
1 cup
1 cup
¼ cup
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - ollzha
Pomegranate-Champagne Punch
1 ½ cups
1 cup
¼ cup
1 bottle
pomegranate juice
pear nectar
orange-flavored liqueur, such as
Grand Marnier
(750-milliliter) Champagne
In a large pitcher, combine pomegranate juice,
pear nectar, and orange-flavored liqueur. Slowly add
Champagne. Serve over ice.
© Can Stock Photo Inc. - robynm ac
Mustard-Crusted Lamb
¼ tsp.
¼ tsp.
3 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
4 tbsp.
¼ cup
2 tbsp.
½ bunch(es)
1 tsp.
3 tbsp.
(1-pound) New Zealand lamb rib roast
(rack of lamb), 8 ribs, flap trimmed
Dijon mustard with seeds
chopped fresh mint or basil leaves
chopped shallots
panko (Japanese bread crumbs)
small (3 ounces each) red potatoes,
each cut into 4 wedges
(16-ounce) broccoli rabe, tough stem
ends trimmed
olive oil
reduced-fat sour cream
Preheat oven to 425ºF. Place lamb, meat side up,
in small roasting pan. Sprinkle lamb with ¼ teaspoon
each salt and freshly ground black pepper. In small
bowl, stir together mustard, mint, and 2 tablespoons
shallots. Reserve 2 tablespoons mustard mixture
for sauce; spread remainder on lamb. Pat on panko
to coat. Roast lamb in oven 25 to 30 minutes for
medium-rare (140º on meat thermometer) or until
desired doneness. Meanwhile, heat 4-quart saucepan
of water to boiling on high. In microwave-safe medium
bowl, combine potatoes and 2 tablespoons cold water.
Cover with vented plastic wrap, and microwave on
High 4 minutes or until fork-tender. Drain; toss with
1/8 teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black pepper. Keep warm. Add broccoli rabe to boiling water
in saucepan, and cook 3 minutes. Drain well; wipe
pan dry. In same saucepan, heat oil and remaining
2 tablespoons shallots on medium-high; add broccoli
rabe and cook 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Toss
with 1/8 teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black
pepper. Keep warm. Stir sour cream into reserved
mustard mixture. Cut lamb into 2-rib portions, and
milk chocolate, finely chopped
bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
heavy cream
large egg yolks
Crème fraîche, for garnish
Chocolate shavings, for garnish
In a large heat-proof bowl, combine milk and bittersweet chocolates. In a medium saucepan, bring
milk, heavy cream, and sugar to a boil, whisking
constantly until sugar is dissolved. In a medium
heat-proof bowl, whisk egg yolks. Gradually whisk in
half of the hot cream. Whisk egg-and-cream mixture
into saucepan and cook over moderate heat, stirring
with a wooden spoon, until the custard coats the
back of the spoon, about 4 minutes. Pour custard
over chocolate and let stand for 2 minutes, then stir
until smooth. Transfer mixture to a blender and puree
until very smooth, about 1 minute. Pour mixture into
eight 4-ounce ramekins and refrigerate until chilled,
2 hours. Let pots de crème stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Garnish with crème fraîche and
chocolate shavings; serve. Serves: 8.