Newsletter-13th February 2015


Newsletter-13th February 2015
Highwood Primary School
Mead Way, Bushey, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD23 2AW
Tel: 01923 484650 Fax: 01923 484653 E-mail:
Della Allen - Head Teacher
Newsletter 7
Friday 13 February 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a busy half term! Since I wrote to you last, we have enjoyed assemblies from Maple 3,
Pine 1 and Birch 2. In addition, Mrs Louise Nicolas excelled in producing a fantastic
Performance Assembly this Wednesday during which, not only did every child from Year 2
upwards perform, but so did all of the teachers! As always, thank you for attending these
- At the start of this half term when I introduced new staff members, I missed out
introducing Miss Hannah O’Shaughnessy. Miss O’Shaughnessy has joined our Early
Years team.
- After half term we welcome back Mrs Sarah Kenny. Mrs Kenny will be working in Beech
2 along with Mrs Donna Reeves and Mrs Suman Jolly.
- We also welcome back Mrs Zeenat Panjwani, one of our Higher Level Teaching
Assistants (HLTA).
- On Friday 27 February we say a sad farewell to Mrs Amerdeep Bawa. Mrs Bawa will be
leaving us to become a full time mother to her baby daughter. We wish her happiness for
the future.
- On Friday 27 February we also say a sad farewell to Miss Rebecca Powell, our Hazel 4
teacher. Parents of pupils in Hazel 4 have received additional communications on this
Breakfast Club
We are seeking a new Breakfast Club assistant. Ideally this involves working from 7.45am
until 9.15am daily. Should you be interested in this position, please let the office know. In
addition to being paid, your children may attend the Breakfast Club free of charge!
Big Bonanza Charity Day
Your children have thoroughly enjoyed running their events and raising money for the
charities of their choice today. Thank you to all of you who have provided resources and
spent money to support this event. I shall ask the School Council to write and inform you of
how much was raised and for which charities.
Parent View Meeting – Monday 2 March at 2.30pm and 6.00pm
You are invited to attend our Parent View meeting after half term. This meeting is to discuss
the issues raised by you in last term’s Parent Questionnaire – namely parking,
communication, internet safety, behaviour and support for the Friends of Highwood. Please
let me know if there is any other matter you would like to see on the agenda. You are all
most welcome. Please may I ask that children do not attend this meeting.
There have now been a number of incidents relating to inconsiderate or dangerous parking
on Highwood’s school site. I ask that you remember not to double park and use only parking
bays and not our unloading site.
If you are a disabled badge holder you will have been contacted by Mrs Clare Faulkner to
ask you to confirm your registration number. You have also been asked to display your
badge at all times when parked in one of our disabled parking bays. If you have not heard
from Mrs Faulkner this means we have not been notified that you are a blue badge holder –
so please do get in touch.
School Uniform
May I remind you that all children should wear only their school uniform. Trousers, skirts
and shorts should be grey and shoes need to be smart black school shoes – not trainers or
boots. Tights and socks should be black, grey or blue. Nail varnish is not permitted. Thank
The attendance of pupils in our Reception classes is a real cause for concern. We would like
all Reception parents to be aware that the overall attendance rate needs to be at least 95%.
Parents with pupils under the age of 5 years have an attendance rate of 93.3%. We ask that
you help your child by bringing them to school daily and on time. Mrs Clare Faulkner, our
Attendance Manager, is working with the Attendance Improvement Officer to address this
Book Day
Just an early warning that our dressing up day for World Book Day is Thursday 5 March.
Please note that we have added an additional INSET day on Friday 23 October for all staff.
This means that half term will end on Thursday 22 October at 3.25pm.
Headteacher Awards
Congratulations to the following children who have recently been awarded their Headteacher
Pine 1: Julia Gwizdala-Miszewska
Birch 2: Myla Fabray-Croft, Aline Perdigao, Ryan Herbert, Sajjad Suleman, Janell Andrew
Beech 2: Thalia Mann, Amie Hernandez
Maple 3: Olivia Elliott, Daniel Hickey, Myles Lawman
Cedar 3: Calisha-Ashni Hirani
Hawthorn 4: Daria Ahmadi, Tia Beacham, Keira Small
Hazel 4: Raheem Hussain, Mathew Jones, Shona Fraser
Willow 5: Louise Villapando, Deven Bhudia, Sara Musa, Alfie Morgan, Harry Ovington,
Jessie Fulton, Cian Lynch, Harvey Spencer
Sycamore 6: Hannah Edmunds, Caitlin Doctrine, Cameron Jones, Lewis Herbert, Maya
Portlock, Alice Elman, Brandon Dalton
Kind regards
Mrs Della Allen
Current dates up to January 2016
Friday 13 February
16 – 20 February
Tuesday 24 February
Friday 27 February
Monday 2 – Fri 6 March
Monday 2 March
Tuesday 3 March
Thursday 5 March
Friday 6 March
Tuesday 10 March
Wed 11 – Thurs 12 March
Friday 13 March
Monday 16 March
Wednesday 18 March
Wed 18 – Fri 20 March
Friday 20 March
Mon 23 – Fri 27 March
Mon 23 – Fri 27 March
Tues 24 – Fri 27 March
Friday 27 March
Saturday 28 March
Mon 30 – Tues 31 March
Tuesday 31 March
Wednesday 1 April
Thursday 2 April
3 – 20 April
Monday 20 April
Tuesday 21 April
Friday 24 April
Saturday 25 April
Thursday 30 April
Friday 1 May
Saturday 2 May
Monday 4 May
Thursday 7 May
Friday 8 May
Saturday 9 May
Big Bonanza Charity Day
Governing Body Committee Meeting 6pm
Year 1 trip to Knutsford Playing Fields
Sharing Assembly
Farewell to Mrs Amerdeep Bawa and Miss Rebecca Powell
Assessment Week
Parent View Meeting 2.30pm and 6pm to discuss concerns
arising from parents (parking/communication/internet
safety/behaviour/support for Friends of Highwood)
Phonics Meeting for KS1 Parents 6pm
Governing Body Committee Meeting 6pm
World Book Day – Dress Up Day
Ash Reception Sharing Assembly
Governor Day in School
Nick Schon – Illustrator in school both days
Book Day Sharing Assembly
Final Nursery tour for prospective parents
Rabbi Pete Tobias to host assembly
Year 4 group to Ashridge
Year 4 trip to PGL Marchants Hill
Beech 2 Sharing Assembly
Carnival Week in School for pupils in Nursery – Year 4
Year 6 trip to PGL Little Canada
Year 5 trip to PGL Boreatton Park
Whole School Carnival
Cake Donations from EYFS
Friends of Highwood Easter Egg Hunt 12 – 2pm
Parent Consultation Meetings
Easter Assembly
Performance Assembly
Wacky Hair Day - £1 Donation for Friends of Highwood
Occasional Day
Summer Term begins 8.50 (Breakfast and Tea Time Clubs
Elm 1 Sharing Assembly
SATS School - Saturday Revision Class
Year 3 trip to St Albans
Willow 5 Sharing Assembly
Knex Challenge Day for Year 6
SATS School - Saturday Revision Class
Bank Holiday – School Closed
School Open
Children’s Centre used for General Election
Friends of Highwood Quiz Night
Cedar 3 Sharing Assembly
SATS School - Saturday Revision Class
Monday 11 – Friday 15 May
Tuesday 12 May
Friday 15 May
Friday 22 May
25 – 29 May
Monday 1 June
Friday 5 June
Mon 8 – Friday 12 June
Friday 12 June
Tuesday 16 June
Friday 19 June
Friday 26 June
Saturday 27 June
Wednesday 1 July
Thursday 2 July
Friday 3 July
Tuesday 7 July
Friday 10 July
Thursday 16 July
Monday 20 July
Tuesday 21 July
Wednesday 22 July
Thursday 23 July
Wednesday 2 September
Thursday 3 September
Thursday 22 October
Friday 23 October
Mon 26 – Fri 30 October
Monday 2 November
Tuesday 3 November
Friday 18 December
Monday 21 Dec – Fri 1 Jan
Monday 4 January 2016
Tuesday 5 January 2016
SATS week for Year 6
Full Governors Meeting (Budget) 6pm
Poplar 5 Sharing Assembly
Hazel 4 Sharing Assembly
INSET DAY 5 – School Closed for pupils
Oak Reception Sharing Assembly
Friends of Highwood School Safety Week
Pine 1 Sharing Assembly
Class Photograph Day
Birch 2 Sharing Assembly
Non Uniform Day in exchange for tombola gift
Cake Donations from Years 4, 5 and 6
Maple 3 Sharing Assembly
Friends of Highwood Summer Fair
Full Governing Body Meeting 6pm
EYFS Sports Day 9.30 – 11.30am
Hawthorn 4 Sharing Assembly
KS1 Sports Day – starting 10.00am
KS2 Sports Day – starting 1.30pm
Open Evening for parents – a celebration of teaching and
learning 6- 7.30pm. All welcome.
Annual Pupil Reports to parents
Year 6 Leavers’ performance – Times to be advised
Friends of Highwood School Discos
End of Year parties
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 9.10am
Autumn Term begins - School open for pupils 8.50am
Breakfast Club from 8am
Tea Time Club open
INSET DAY 2 – School closed to pupils
INSET DAY 3 – School closed to pupils
School open for pupils from 8.50am
Breakfast Club from 8am
Tea Time Club open
INSET DAY 4 – School closed to pupils
Spring Term 2016 begins - School open for pupils 8.50am
Breakfast Club from 8am
Tea Time Club open