Second Announcement - Societatea Romana de Fiziopatologie


Second Announcement - Societatea Romana de Fiziopatologie
Second Announcement
The National Congress of the
Romanian Pathophysiology Society
with international participation
New and Old in Pathophysiology: An Integrated Approach in Education and Research 7th – 10th May 2015, Iaşi, Romania
 The Romanian Physiopathology Society, Iaşi Branch
 The University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Grigore T.Popa” Iași
Invited speakers:
Prof. Olga Pechanova, MD, PhD, Head Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, President elect of International Society of
Prof. Francesca Romana Patacchioli, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology,
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Italy
Professor Zdenko Kovač, MD, PhD, Chair of Pathophysiology, University of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Vișnevschi Anatolie, UMF Chișinău
Prof. Dr. Lutan Vasile, UMF Chișinău
Dr. Victor Turcanu, Senior Lecturer in Allergy, King's College London
Dear colleagues,
We have the utmost pleasure and honour to invite you to the National Congress of
the Romanian Physiopathology Society, with international participation, manifestation which
will take place in Iaşi, between the 7th and the 10th of May 2014.
The University of Medicine and Pharmacy, a renown Institution, dedicated for the
last 135 years to the formation of medical doctors and pharmacists, always in the service of man,
people that will be able to pass on to next generations the reciepe for a valuable medical act, will
be the host to this highly expected event. You will have the ocasion to meet a cultural place,
which tries continously to cultivate a form of interpersonal comunication based on respect,
tolerance, harmony and the capitalization of the cultural and scientific wealth, inherited from
those who managed to build this true citadel.
Cultural and historic center, with and old universitary and scientific tradition, the city
of Iași whishes to reunite on this ocasion all that is intelligence, competence and skill in the
fundamental and clinical medical domain.” The sweet fair of Iași”, gentle city of poetry and love
will delight you by its museums, churches and monuments renowned internationally. We are
waiting to recieve you with our characteristic warmth and hospitality, in this beautiful city
situated on seven hills.
Through its themes, conferences, debates and presented works, this meeting will
definetly mark an important moment in the development of physiopathology, giving us the
oportunity of meetings with profound professional and emotional meanings.
Thus, a scientific manifestation of high academic posture, that will reunite
valuable specialists, distinct personalities of multidisciplinary research, will have a special
unfolding place, in a moment in which, the Romanian Physiopathology Society is asserting its
supremacy in the actual scientific world.
We wish with all our hearts that the meeting in Iaşi will represent an important
moment of interpersonal communication, on the ascending road of the national and international
recognition of this scientific field.
President of RPPS
Prof. univ.dr. Magda Bădescu
Scientific comittee:
Prof. Dr. Magda BĂDESCU - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Manuela CIOCOIU - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Veronica MOCANU - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Marcel Costuleanu - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Danina MUNTEAN – UMF "Victor Babeș" Timişoara
Prof. Dr. Claudia BORZA– UMF "Victor Babeș" Timişoara
Prof. Dr Adriana Daniela ION– UMF "Carol Davila"Bucureşti
Prof. Dr. Ștefan Sorin ARAMĂ– UMF "Carol Davila"Bucureşti
Prof. Dr. Luminita PLESCA - UMF „Iuliu Haţieganu” ClujNapoca
Prof. Dr. Alina PÂRVU - UMF „Iuliu Haţieganu”ClujNapoca
Prof. Dr. Nicolae CEAMITRU - Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea "Ovidius"Constanţa
Prof. Dr. Amelia Maria GAMAN - UMF Craiova
Prof. Dr. Vet. Ioan MARCUS - USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Conf. Dr. Ovidiu COTOI - Disciplina Fiziopatologie, UMF Tg. Mures
Conf. Dr.Alina PASCU - Facultatea de Medicină Braşov
Conf. Dr.Ovidiu BURTĂ - Facultatea de Medicină Oradea
Conf. Dr. Ioana MOZOS – UMF "Victor Babeș" Timişoara
Ş.L. Dr. Lavinia NOVEANU– UMF "Victor Babeș" Timişoara
Ş.L. Dr. Ana-Maria FARR - Disciplina Fiziopatologie, UMF Tg. Mures
Organising Comittee:
Prof. Dr. Magda BĂDESCU - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Danina MUNTEAN – UMF "Victor Babeș" Timişoara
Prof. Dr. Manuela CIOCOIU - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Veronica MOCANU - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iaşi
Prof. Dr. Marcel Costuleanu - UMF "Gr. T. Popa" Iaşi
Şef lucrări Dr. Mihaela Chicu - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Şef lucrări Dr. Lavinia Noveanu– UMF "Victor Babeș" Timişoara
Şef lucrări Dr. Oana Bădulescu - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Şef lucrări Dr. Raluca Haliga - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Şef lucrări Dr. Roxana Iancu - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Şef lucrări Dr. Laurenţiu Bădescu - UMF "Grigore T. Popa" Iaşi
Asist. dr. Raoul Lupuşoru
Asist. dr. Cătălina Bohotin
Asist. dr. Ştefan Toader
Asist. dr. Iris Bararu
Asist. dr. Andrei Luca
Asist. dr. Radu Anghel
Drd. Dr. Teodora Alexa
Drd. Dr. Mădălina Mocanu
Drd. Dr. Maria Apăvăloaie
Drd. Dr. Irina Cracană
Drd. Dr. Alin Pânzariu
Drd. Bogdan Diaconescu
Secretariat – students section:
Gîlcă Georgiana, VIth year
Vlad Cristiana, VIth year
Dorobăț Victor, Vth year
Grosu Ionela, Vth year
Moroșanu Călin, Vth year
Forna Norin, IVth year
Haba Cristian, IVth year
Irimiță Larisa, IVth year
Miftode Radu, IVth year
Zoderu Andreea, IVth year
The abstracts for the RFPS Congress will be sent until the 15th of March 2015.
The publication fee for the abstracts is 10 RON/per abstract.
Abstracts will be sent by filling the online application located on
The published abstracts will be included in the abstract book of the congress (with ISBN)
as well as in the volume with extenso papers (with ISBN) published by „Grigore T. Popa”
Publishing House, acredited by CNCSIS.
The extenso papers must follow EXACTLY the following instructions:
° Papers will be written in Microsoft Word .docx format.
° Page format ISO B5 (17.6 cm x 25 cm)
° Borders are to be set to Normal (2.5 cm all the way around)
° The text will be written as a block. It is not allowed to use column, section break, page break,
header and footer.
° Any suplimentary formatting regarding font, text size or alignment is forbidden to avoid error
in the final aspect of the print.
° The text will be written with Times New Roman, size 12, 1 line spacing withouth any
supllimentary spaces between paragraphs as follows:
 Title of the paper: Times New Roman, size 12, bold, uppercase letters, centered,
1 row spacing.
 Authors: Times New Roman, size 12, bold, centered, 1 row spacing.
 Affiliation: Times New Roman, size 12, italic, centered, 1 row spacing.
 After affiliation there will be mentioned the corresponding author and his/her
email adress with Times New Roman, size 12, centered, 1 row spacing.
 After corresponding author and the paper text there will be 1 free row.
 The paper can containg tables and figures.
 Figure explanation will be written with Times New Roman, size 11, italic, 1 row
spacing, centered, under the figure.
 Between the figure and the explanation there will be 1 free row.
 Under the explanation there will be 1 free row.
 It is not allowed to automatically number the figures.
 The text in the tables will be written in Times New Roman, size 12.
 The explanation of the tables will be written in Times New Roman, size 11, italic,
centered, at 1 row spacing, above the table.
 Above the explanation there will be 1 free row.
 Between the explanation and the table there will be 1 free row.
 Table automatically numbered is forbidden.
 Page numbering is forbidden.
° The document will contain 5 to 7 pages and will be written in English or Romanian, at the
authors choosing.
° Papers in extenso must be sent on the email adresses and until Monday the 6th of April for publishing.
° Please send the paper as early as possible, so there is time to make any changes in case of not
following the above instructions.
For publication of abstract in the congress book, the author must pay the publication fee and the
participation fee.
For publishing in extenso there is no fee.
Poster will have a maximum format A3, 90 x 130 cm.
When submitting your abstract(s), please specify that you will have poster type
presentation or oral presentation.
Important dates
Proposition for conferences, round tables and
through email at the adressess: and
Until the 10th of February 2014
Registration for participants and sending the
10th of February – 15th of March 2015
Sending the extenso papers
10th of February – 6th of April 2015
Payment of participation fee
10th of February – 15th of April 2015
Payment of the publication fee
10th of February – 15th of April 2015
The scanned proof of payment will be sent in the shortest time to the email addresses: and
To avoid any misunderstanding please have the proof of payment with You.
Participation Fee
RPPS Members
RPPS non-members
PhD students, Master attendee
(members of RPPS)
PhD students, Master attendee (nonmembers of RPPS)
Accompanying persons
Early Bird Registration
10th of February –
30th of March 2015
Normal Registration
30th of March –
15th of April 2015
300 lei
350 lei
100 lei
400 lei
450 lei
200 lei
150 lei
250 lei
50 lei
200 lei
100 lei
300 lei
The participation fee includes:
- Acess to the scientific manifestation
- Documents of the manifestation (the congress portfolio, abstract book)
- social programme: welcome cocktail, dinner and the farewell festive dinner to be held
Saturday night.
The Accompanying persons fee will allow access to the welcome cocktail, dinner, and
the farewell festive dinner held on Saturday night and at the special programme.
The participation fee and the publication fee will be payed through bank mandate or bank
transfer in the following account:
Account number: IBAN RO88BUCU327317602511RO01
You will mention on the payment document: Last name, First name, Personal identification
number, name of the society and the name of the scientific mantifestation (Congress SRFP) for
which is the participation fee.
Official congress languages: English, Romanian.
Preliminary Programme:
Thursday, 9.00 - 10.00 Welcoming the Participants
7th of May 10.00-11.45 Conferences
11.45-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Symposium I
13.30-15.00 Lunch Break
Painting Exhibition: Victor Apostoloiu (1925-2004)
15.00-16.45 Round tables or Conferences
16.45-17.00 Coffee break
17.00-19.00 Official Opening of the Session
19.00 Miniconcert qvarter of strings lead by
Marcela Otilia Pop – 1st violin The Romanian National Opera
20.00 Cocktail – Rotonda Pharmacy – UMF Iaşi
9.00-10.45 Conferences
8 of May 10.45 -11.00 Coffee break
11.00-13.00 Symposium II
13.00-15.00 Lunch Break
Painting Exhibition: Victor Apostoloiu (1925-2004)
15.00-16.00 Symposium III
16.00 – 17.45 Round table (communications)
17.45 – 19.00 Presentation: laboratory equipment and materials /
Poster Session
20.00 Dinner at the Providenţa Complex
Saturday, 9.00-10.45 Conferences
9th of May 10.45 -11.00 Coffee break
11.00-13.00 Symposium IV
13.00-15.00 Lunch Break
Painting Exhibition: Victor Apostoloiu (1925-2004)
15.00-16.00 General Assembly of the RPPS
16.00 – 17.45 Round tables
17.45 – 19.00 Presentation laboratory equipment and materials /
Poster Session
20.00 Farewell festive Dinner (Artistic Programme – the Sky Group)
at Providenţa Complex
10th of
9.00 -12.00 Visit of the main objectives of the city
12-13 Presentation of the Pathophysiology Discipline from UMF Iaşi
Proposal for Conferences:
 "Effects of nanoparticle-loaded renin inhibitor on the cardiovascular system and kidney".
Prof. Dr. Olga Pechanova, MD, PhD, Head Institute of Normal and Pathological
Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, President elect of International
Society of Pathophysiology
Proposal for Symposia:
o Stress as a pathological mechanism. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Alina Pârvu
 Parodontal disease and the nitro-oxidative stress, Prof. Dr. Alina Pârvu.
o Mitochondrial dysfunction in pathology. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Danina Muntean
o Correlation between pathophysiological mechanisms and morphological changes.
Moderators: Prof. Dr. Daniela Ion, Prof. Dr. Sabina Zurac
o Atherosclerosis and hypertension. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Manuela Ciocoiu
o Obesity and metabolism disorders. Moderator Prof. Dr. Veronica Mocanu
o Interactions inflammation-coagulation-malignancy. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Magda Bădescu
This schedule might suffer modifications!
Accomodation offers:
 UnireaHotel& Spa city centre at 3 minutes from UMF ;
 Traian Grand Hotel city centre at 4 minutes from UMF
 Continental Hotel city centre at 4 minutes from UMF
 Lavric Bistro Pension city centre at 4 minutes from UMF
 Hotel Indiana city centre at 10 minutes from UMF
 Hotel T20