Exhibitor Booking Form 2015
Exhibitor Booking Form 2015
AfPP Residen al 2015 30 July ‐ 2 August 2015 Exhibitor Booking Form Sections marked * are compulsory Your details Company name* ________________________________________________________ Title* ________ First name*_________________ Surname*_____________________ Job title* _____________________________ Telephone*_____________________ Email* ___________________________________ Mobile ______________________ Correspondence address*_________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Town/City* ______________________Postcode*______________________________ Pricing £1,995 + VAT Table top stand (including accommodation, catering & gala dinner ticket) for two company representatives. Invoice details Invoicing will be sent out in two stages: Invoice 1 - 50% deposit + VAT on booking Invoice 2 - Remaining 50% of cost 12 June 2015 (full payment received by 13 July 2015) Please provide invoice address if different from above ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Purchase order no ____________________ Finance contact ______________________ Finance tel __________________________ Finance email ________________________ We agree to abide by the exhibition rules and regulations for this event. Details available at www.afpp.org.uk/events Signature: ___________________________ Job title ____________________________ Payment: A deposit of 50% + VAT must accompany this application. Cheque: I enclose a cheque (payable to AfPP Ltd) for___________________________ Credit/debit card: Please debit my Visa/Mastercard/Switch/Maestro Card holder’s name ________________________ Security no Card no Valid Exp Signature ______________________________ All credit/debit card details will be destroyed after use. Return to : Finance Dept, AfPP, 42 Freemans Way, Harrogate, HG3 1DH Please complete and return this form to: kelly.squires@afpp.org.uk or fax to 01423 880997 or by post: Fax : 01423 880 997 AfPP Events Department 42 Freemans Way HARROGATE HG3 1DH