2014 September Newsletter - University of Nebraska Medical Center


2014 September Newsletter - University of Nebraska Medical Center
Department of Internal Medicine
Newsletter — February 2015
Internal Medicine
Faculty Receives
PCORI Funding
Cyrus Desouza, MBBS, professor and
chief, Division of Diabetes, Metabolism
and Endocrinology (DEM) and Schulz
Professor of Diabetes Research, is
the site principal investigator of a
recent Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute (PCORI) contract
titled “Midwestern Collaborative
for Treating Obesity in Rural Primary
Caring for Ebola Patients Puts
Nebraska on World Health
Community Map
The Nebraska Biocontainment Unit (NBU)
second only to the National Football
that Phil Smith, MD, professor of the
League. Television viewing exceeded
Division of Infectious Diseases, had the
500 million homes over a two-month
vision to establish in 2005, has certainly
period and 100 million print impressions.
proven itself to the world. The team of
NBU physicians and medical staff at
Nebraska Medicine and UNMC have
Care.” The coordinating center is
the University of Kansas Medical
Center Research Institute where Dr.
Christine Befort is the overall PI.
PCORI was established as a result of
the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act. It is administered, however,
as a nonprofit corporation with the
purpose of providing a safe means
of cross-institutional data sharing
for registries, clinical research and
benchmarking. Various consortiums
When the NBU opened in 2005, it was
have been established across
made possible through CDC funding that
the country. The University of
was available to states in the aftermath of
Nebraska Medical Center is a part
911. The Nebraska state health department
of the Great Plains Collaborative
At a talk to the Nebraska Medicine and
is a partner in the NBU. According to Dr.
for Comparative Effectiveness
UNMC community, Chancellor Jeffrey
Smith, the medical director of the care
Research, which also includes:
now cared for three Ebola patients.
P. Gold, MD, said the impact of this
unit, the grant was for designing a unit
the University of Kansas Medical
care catapulted Nebraska into not only
where providers could safely care for
Center (KUMC); Children’s Mercy
regional and national media attention,
patients with hazardous diseases. This
Hospital, Kansas City; the University
was also in the backdrop of the 2003
of Iowa Health Care; the University of
see EBOLA pg 4
see PCORI pg 4
but global awareness. At one point on
social media, Ebola and our connection
with caring for the patients put our hits
From the Interim Chair
It is hard to believe that the first month of 2015 is gone! Before we celebrate
achievements of the past year, it is important to remember three Internal
Medicine faculty members that we have lost since our last newsletter. We
mourn the deaths of Dr. Fred Paustian, Dr. Denham Harman, and Dr. John
Gollan. Each one of these men made remarkable contributions not only to
the Department of Internal Medicine but the entire UNMC campus and
beyond. Dr. Paustian was the first gastroenterologist in Nebraska, beginning
the tradition of a strong GI program at UNMC. Dr. Harman proposed the free
radical theory of aging based on his research and was a nominee for the Nobel
Prize in Medicine. Dr. Gollan served as Chair for two years before leading
the College of Medicine as Dean for several years. He was widely known
for his research in liver disease as well as his administrative work. These
men each leave a remarkable legacy—not only in the medical profession but
also in the lives of their families, colleagues, trainees, and friends. Dr. Gollan
passed away most recently and a time of remembrance will be held on
February 23 at 4:30PM in the Linder Reading Room at the Sorrell Center.
Debra J. Romberger, MD
Internal Medicine Newsletter
February 2015
Inside this Issue
Ebola Puts UNMC on Map
PCORI Contract
Loss of Former Faculty
Electronic Health
Record AHRQ R01
Expanded Cardiovascular
Services at Oakview
Vancomycin Use,
Publication of Note
Rheumatology Research
Foundation Grant
Honors and Awards
COM Standing Committees
New Faculty
There are many noteworthy events of 2014. The central role of the Department
of Internal Medicine in the operation of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit in
caring for Ebola patients is one recognized globally. Dr. Phillip Smith, the medical
director of the unit, was an invited guest by Senator Sasse at President Obama’s
State of the Union address because of this work. Another national recognition
occurred when Dr. James O’Dell received the prestigious 2014 Lee C. Howley
Sr. Prize for Research in Arthritis from the national Arthritis Foundation.
Please look through the newsletter to learn more about the numerous
honors and awards of our faculty and trainees, including the five faculty who
will be recognized with UNMC 2014 Research awards on February 2nd.
A big thank you for all who are assisting with the recruitment of
students who will join us a residents next July. We know that our
Chief Residents, Program Directors, Education office staff, and all the
residents and faculty who help with interviews are essential to the
process of attracting the best candidates to our residency program.
If you know undergraduate students interested in doing summer research,
please direct them to apply on line by March 1 to our programs. We anticipate
involving up to 20 students (8 will be a part of our NIAAA R25 grant for studies
in alcohol research). More information is available on the web and this is a great
way to introduce students to biomedical research and clinical Internal Medicine.
As always, if you have ideas for the newsletter, please let me know.
Here’s wishing each of you the best as we journey on through 2015!
Newsletter | 2
Mourning the Loss of
Three Influential Faculty Members
Francisco, the University of London
January 2, at age 72, after a battle
and the University of Adelaide,
Michael F. Sorrell Center for
with Parkinson’s disease.
South Australia, working in his
Health Science Education that
subspecialty of gastroenterology.
opened in 2008.
He was recruited to Internal
• Instituting the first increase in
Medicine as the chair in 2001,
Some of his notable
and in 2003 he became the
accomplishments at UNMC
medical class size in 30 years –
dean of the College of Medicine.
from 120 to 130.
Prior to his position in Internal
Medicine he had been at some
of the more prestigious schools
in the world including: Harvard,
the University of California at San
• Helping negotiate an affiliation
• Working with Nebraska
agreement between UNMC,
Medicine to establish the
Nebraska Medicine and
Biocontainment Unit.
Children’s Hospital & Medical
• Recruiting 11 department
• In 1985, he founded the
Denham Harman, MD, PhD,
he was subsequently nominated
died on November 25, at age
six times for the Nobel Prize for
International Association of
98, after a brief illness.
the theory that later was called the
Biomedical Gerontology.
Dr. Harman was known for his
proposal of the Free Radical Theory
cornerstone of the aging field.
• Dr. Harman established the
of Aging from his work in the
first Section of Biomedical
1950s at University of California-
Gerontology in 1973 at UNMC
Berkley, prior to becoming a
– the first in the country.
faculty member at UNMC in 1958.
Although his theory did not gain
widespread acceptance at first,
Fred Paustian, MD, died
• In 1970, he helped establish the
American Aging Association.
• He cared for complex
• He also served as the chief of
the Nebraska Geriatrics Service
for Douglas County Hospital.
• He continued researching
the role of antioxidants on
the effects of free radicals
to the end of his career.
demonstrated thought his
on November 2, following
gastroenterology patients –
generous funding of an endowed
his battle with Parkinson’s
both adults and children.
chair in gastroenterology
disease. He was 87.
• Under his leadership, he
and support of research
in gastroenterology.
Former students and colleagues
recruited key faculty who
remembered Dr. Paustian as a
continued the tradition of
demanding, but fair, scholarly
furthering the discipline
all aspects of UNMC’s post-
mentor and leader. “He
through the Liver Research
graduate medical training for
introduced rigorous medicine
Unit and what became a
physicians, as well as continuing
into the teaching environment,”
nationally recognized Liver
education programs for family
Michael Sorrell, MD, said.
Transplant Program.
practitioners, internists and
• He was the first
gastroenterologist in Nebraska.
February 2015 | 3
• Helping raise funds for the
John Gollan, MD, PhD, died
• His love for his profession
and the University were
• He developed programs in
emergency room physicians.
EBOLA continued from pg 1
SARS outbreak, he said, in which a
Medicine’s Emergency Department,
facilities, Mark Rupp, MD, professor and
number of health care workers died.
Trauma and Emergency Preparedness.
chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, said.
Since its creation, the unit has been used
When the U.S. State Department asked for
UNMC and Nebraska Medicine
as a resource for research and regional
our help with Ebola patients, Dr. Hewlett
biocontainment experts have now
training – for projects like mathematical
said, “We’re honored that national health
provided six Ebola educational webinar
modeling of airflow, decontamination of
leaders have expressed confidence in our
sessions for health care professionals and
equipment and transportation exercises.
ability to help address this global health
emergency medical services personnel,
crisis. This is a clear indication that the
as well as providing online informational
med center is an international resource
material for the general public. The
in health care, research and education.”
intent for the latter is to provide easy to
For years, a group of well-qualified
volunteer health care workers, including
doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and
understand, accurate information. They
support staff, have trained for just such an
Since caring for the patients, UNMC and
event under the leadership of Dr. Smith;
Nebraska Medicine has been coined
Angela Hewlett, MD, associate medical
the “gold standard” of Ebola care. We
director of the NBU and assistant professor
were contacted by the U.S. Centers for
The Omaha World Herald named the
in the Division of Infectious Diseases; and,
Disease Control and Prevention, as well
UNMC and Nebraska Medicine Ebola
Shelley Schwedhelm, director of Nebraska
as other health care organizations and
team ‘2014 Midlanders of the Year.’
have also been invited by the CDC to
help other hospitals prepare for Ebola.
PCORI continued from pg 1
Wisconsin-Madison; the Medical College
professor, DEM; and, Terry T. Huang,
of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Marshfield
PhD, MPH, CPH, professor, Department
Clinic, Marshfield, Wis.; the University of
of Health Promotion, Social & Behavioral
Minnesota Medical Center; the University
Health, College of Public Health, as
of Texas Health Sciences Center at San
co-investigator. They will compare the
Antonio and the University of Texas
effectiveness of the patient-centered
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas.
The Department of Internal Medicine
is among the first at UNMC to receive
site funding to participate in a PCORI
project. Other PCORI funding at UNMC
includes: a subcontract from the University
of Kansas Medical Center for James
McClay, MD, in Emergency Medicine
(“Greater Plains Collaborative Clinical
Data Research Network”) and a grant
for K.M. Islam, MD, PhD, in the College
of Public Health (“Patient-Defined
Treatment Success and Preferences
in Stage IV Lung Cancer Patients”).
The UNMC team includes Leslie Eiland,
MD, assistant professor, DEM, as coinvestigator; Andjela Drincic, MD, associate
Newsletter | 4
medical home (PCMH) model of obesity
treatment to the primary care provider feefor-service approach to obesity treatment,
as well as the effectiveness of disease
management (DM) programs to the primary
care provider fee-for-service approach to
obesity treatment. Their secondary aim will
Cyrus Desouza, MBBS
be to then determine if the DM model is
more effective than the PCMH model. The
Mary Lanning Healthcare in Hastings.
long-term goal of this project is to develop
There will be ongoing, direct engagement
an evidence-based, sustainable model of
with rural patients living with obesity.
treatment for obesity in rural areas where
residents suffer disproportionately from
obesity and obesity-related illnesses.
Dr. Desouza said, “With strong patient and
stakeholder engagement, the findings have
potential to impact treatment guidelines,
UNMC will collaborate with two VA
organization of care at the practice
Nebraska Western Iowa Health Care
and healthcare system level, payment
System outpatient clinics and four rural
policies and training of practitioners.”
clinics, two of which are associated with
John Windle Receives R01 From AHRQ
John Windle, MD, professor and chief, Division of Cardiology,
“We have a very unique methodology that I think is unique among
began researching the usability of electronic health records
researchers called convergent mixed methods. We will measure
(EHR) in the early 2000s. He will be able to take his research
perception of EHRs using not only the standard surveys, but
even further now with a five-year, $2.5 million R01 grant from
also small groups and interviews, and have providers take us
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
through how they use the electronic chart,” Dr. Windle said.
From findings of his previous grant, funded through the National
The grant has other unique features as well, according to Dr.
Library of Medicine, looking at EHR adoption by academic versus
Windle. They will not only be looking at outpatient data, but also
private practice physicians, the team determined that EHRs were
inpatient data. They will not only look at Nebraska Medicine’s
not working well for either group. They found there were perceived
EPIC data, but at a rural institution, Faith Regional Health Services
barriers to communication, workflow, efficiency and patient care.
“This grant is an attempt in a quantifiable and scientific
way to evaluate what practices are out there in terms of
EHRs and really identify the best practices, both of existing,
in Norfolk, as well as at the Christiana Care Health System, a
network of private hospitals in Delaware at the larger end of the
spectrum, at a VA CPRS system and other systems in between.
They will use simulated patient “actors” for scenario testing.
and, we are going to have the ability within the grant to
Consultants on the grant include James Tcheng, MD, at Duke
build our ideal or optimized EHR,” Dr. Windle said.
University, Michael Mirro, MD, at Indiana School of Medicine and
He believes they will be able to substantially improve physician
perception of EHR usability by creating realistic clinical scenarios for
Parkview Health in Fort Wayne, Ind. and William Weintraub, MD,
at Thomas Jefferson University and Christiana Care Health.
testing. With Ann Fruhling, PhD, director, School of Interdisciplinary
Informatics, University of Nebraska at Omaha, and Lisa Grabenbauer,
UNMC graduate student, as co-investigators, they plan to build
prototypes of an EHR from what people tell them they really want.
February 2015 | 5
Above: John Windle, MD, standing second from left, during earlier work
on the EHR projects with previous team.
Expanding CardioVascular
Service at Oakview Clinic
The CardioVascular clinic will be able to expand its
patient volume with the four additional exam rooms
and expanded services when it moves from the
second floor to the larger space on the first floor.
Thursday, February 19
5 to 7 p.m.
CardioVascular Center – Oakview
2727 S. 144th St., Suite 100
Conveniently located in west Omaha with easy access parking.
Exercise Stress Echo
Dobutamine Stress Echo
Stress Testing
Newsletter | 6
Nuclear Imaging
Vascular Imaging
(i.e. carotid duplex, venous
and arterial studies)
Holter Monitors
Zio Patches
John Windle, MD
Tom Sears, MD
Shikhar Saxena, MD
Karen Gangahar, MD
Tom Porter, MD
John Haas, MD
Arthur Easley, MD
Brian Lowes, MD
Eugenia Raichlin, MD
Jessica Delaney, MD
Dan Anderson, MD
Teri Diederich, APRN
Carol Henrich, APRN
Brian Stoneking, APRN
Publication Receives Much Attention
differences in the risk of death when
Internal Medicine and Paul Fey, PhD,
comparing patients with S. aureus
professor, Department of Pathology and
bacteremia with high-vancomycin MIC
Microbiology, believe some reasons
to those with low-vancomycin MIC.
for the difference in the conclusion
The article has received considerable
notice, and at one point was listed by
Altmetric in the top one percent of
the 2.5 million articles tracked. It was
also released early to coincide with
A team of UNMC researchers conducted
a meta-analysis looking at 8291
episodes of Staphyloccocus aureus
bacteremia (SAB) in an attempt to
IDweek 2014 as part of the annual
conference of the Infectious Diseases
minimum inhibitory concentrations
useful,” lead author, Andre Kalil,
(MIC), also known as “MIC creep,” with
MD, MPH, professor, Division of
increased treatment failure and mortality.
Infectious Diseases said. “There are
patients with Staphylococcus aureus
bloodstream infections: a systematic
heterogeneous patient populations,
multiple infection sites and bias-laden
endpoints such as treatment failure.
contribution to the existing evidence
that vancomycin remains highly
concentration and mortality among
design. Previous meta-analyses included
“This is certainly an important
association of higher vancomycin
vancomycin minimum inhibitory
explained by the difference in study
Healthcare Epidemiology of America.
“The study provides strong evidence
the article titled “Association between
previous meta-analyses could be
Society of America and the Society for
answer questions about the potential
Results of the study were published in
of their meta-analysis compared to
newer antibiotics available to treat
Staphylococcus aureus infections, but
this study demonstrates that physicians
don’t necessarily need to switch to these
new drugs when the MIC is increased
but still within the susceptible range.”
review and meta-analysis” in the
The authors, including Trevor
October 15 issue of the Journal of
Van Schooneveld, MD, assistant
the American Medical Association.
professor and Mark Rupp, MD,
There were no statistically significant
professor, both of the Division of
in this subject matter,” Stefan Riedel,
MD, PhD, D (ABMM), assistant
professor of Pathology at The Johns
Hopkins University and director of
the Clinical Pathology Laboratories
at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical
Center said. “What I liked about
this article, contrary to some of the
other meta-analyses, is that it really
focused on bloodstream infections.”
“If we can prevent unnecessary
changes to new or alternative antibiotics,
we’re not only helping patients who
are being treated now – we’re also
helping the future patients with
these infections,” Dr. Kalil said.
Kaleb Michaud, PhD, assistant professor, Division of Rheumatology/
Immunology, was a recipient of the Rheumatology Research Foundation’s
Disease Targeted Innovative Research Grant. The title of his grant is “Electronic
Mobile Health Tool for Improving Patient Assessment in the Clinic.”
“The objective of the project, which is the next step in our goal of finding the
best therapy for a patient, is to determine the optimal rheumatoid arthritis activity
measure(s) from those currently recommended through clinical use of a customized
electronic mobile health tool,” Dr. Michaud said. “Upon completion we expect
our tool to provide a timely, efficient, feasible and effective way of recording and
communicating RA activity to patients, payors and physicians in a real-world setting.”
February 2015 | 7
Honors and Awards
Five Internal Medicine Faculty Honored
with 2014 UNMC Research Awards
Marius Florescu,
MD, associate
professor, Division
of Nephrology,
received the
2014 Emerging
Inventor Award
given as part of
UNeMed’s Innovation week for two
of his recent inventions — one, a
hemodialysis catheter, and another, a
device to improve arteriovenous fistulas.
Joseph Sisson, MD, professor and chief, Division of Pulmonary, Critical
Care, Sleep and Allergy, received a Research Leadership Award, for a
previously recognized Distinguished Scientist who has a longstanding research
funding history and also served as a research leader and mentor.
Apar Ganti,
MD, associate
professor, Division
of Oncology/
Hematology was
named the Fred
& Pamela Buffett
Cancer Center’s
representative on the Big Ten Cancer
Research Consortium’s steering committee.
James O’Dell,
MD, professor and
Cyrus Desouza, MBBS, professor and chief, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology
and Metabolism; Jill Poole, MD, associate professor, Division of Pulmonary, Critical
Care, Sleep and Allergy; and Philip Smith, MD, professor, Division of Infectious
Diseases, received Distinguished Scientists Awards that recognized researchers who
have been among the most productive in the country over the past five years.
chief, Division of
recently received
the national Arthritis
Foundation’s 2014
Lee C. Howley Sr. Prize for Research
in Arthritis. The award is given for
contributions during the previous year
that have significantly advanced the
understanding, treatment or prevention
of arthritis and related diseases. The
New England Journal of Medicine
article “Therapies for Active Rheumatoid
Arthritis After Methotrexate Failure,”
Natalia Osna, MD, PhD, assistant professor, Division of Gastroenterology/Hepatology
received a New Investigator Award which recognizes investigators who, within the past two
years, have received their first independent national funding.
The recipients received their awards at the
UNMC Distinguished Scientist Awards ceremony earlier this month.
Newsletter | 8
with lead author, James O’Dell, showed
that the general belief that biologics have
significantly more potency than conventional
therapies for patients who failed to respond
to methotrexate was not accurate.
Fedja Rochling,
Mary Huerter, MD,
MD, associate
Internal Medicine
professor, Division
house officer II, was
of Gastroenterology,
recently chosen
began his role as
as the American
section chief of
College of Physicians
Gastroenterology at
2015 Associate
the VA Nebraska/
UNMC Shows Strong Presence
at Annual ACR Meeting
Health Policy Intern.
Western Iowa Health Care System on
She will receive a $2,000 stipend that will
December 1, 2014. Mark Mailliard, MD,
help with the four-week internship and
UNMC Gastroenterology/Hepatology,
attendance at the annual ACP Leadership
division chief, said, “Dr. Rochling can wear
Days on May 20 and 21. The experience
many hats with his breadth of experience
will help develop legislative knowledge
in GI and liver diseases.” In addition to
and advocacy skills by working directly
ABIM certification in internal medicine
with ACP’s Washington, D.C. staff.
and gastroenterology, Dr. Rochling
has formal qualifications in transplant
hepatology and clinical nutrition.
Thomas Tape, MD,
professor, Division
of General Internal
Medicine, was
recently chosen as
chair-elect of the
board of regents
of the American
College of Physicians for the 2015-2016
term. He will assume the position of chair
beginning in May 2016. The board manages
the business and affairs of ACP and is the
main policy-making body of the College.
Immunology division
administrator, Lisa
Jansen, has been
named as one of
three ambulatory
clinics directors
for Nebraska Medicine. She will serve
Seventeen UNMC students, post-docs,
Internal Medicine residents, fellows, and
faculty contributed to 33 abstracts that
were presented in November at the 49th
Annual Meeting of the American College of
Rheumatology in Boston, Mass.
as the ambulatory clinics director, for the
The above photo includes many of the authors
primary care clinical program. Lisa had
of the ACR posters.
also been the business manager for the
Contributing UNMC authors include: (bottom
Durham Outpatient Center fifth floor
row), Kaleb Michaud, PhD; (3rd row, left) Ted
Internal Medicine Clinic since 2011.
Mikuls, MD, MPH; (3rd row, right), Priyanka
The other two ambulatory clinics managers
Vashisht, MD; (5th row, left) Geoffrey Thiele,
are Ann Blanchard and Kara Tomlinson.
PhD; (5th row, right), Manpreet Sethi, MD;
(7th row, 2nd on right), Amy Cannella, MD;
Andrew Vasey, MD,
assistant professor,
Division of General
Internal Medicine,
recently presented
“Using Patients’
Needs to Transform
(8th row, left), Bartlett Hamilton III, BS; (9th
row, left), Michael Duryee, MS; (9th row, 2nd
on left), Michelene Hearth-Holmes, MD; (10th
row, left) Bryant England, MD; (10th row, 1st
on right), Brian Coburn, BS; (back row, 2nd on
left), Lynell Klassen, MD; and (back row, right)
Daniel Anderson, MD, PhD.
Additionally, UNMC Internal Medicine authors
Care: A Resident-run Patient Centered
not pictured include: Marshall Davis, MD; Alan
Medical Home” during a plenary
Erickson, MD; Tricia LeVan, PhD; and James
session at the annual meeting of
O’Dell, MD
the Association of Academic Health
Centers (AAHC) in Chicago.
February 2015 | 9
Did you know...
Internal Medicine Faculty Serving on
COM Standing Committees for 2014-2015
Continuing Medical
Education Committee
Graduate Medical
Education Committee
Kelly J. Caverzagie, MD
Dahn L. Clemens, PhD
Julie L. Fedderson, MD
Alexander T. Hewlett, DO
Candace A. Huebert, MD
Brian D. Lowes, MD, PhD
Edward L. O’Leary, M.D.
Marco A. Olivera-Martinez, M.D.
Jennifer R. Parker, M.D.
Craig A. Piquette, M.D.
Troy J. Plumb, M.D.
Jane F. Potter, M.D.
Trevor C. VanSchooneveld, M.D.
Chad W. Vokoun, M.D.
Julie L. Fedderson, M.D. (ad hoc)
Trek C. Langenhan, M.D. (house officer)
Tara L. Turner, M.D. (house officer)
Curriculum Committee
Craig A. Piquette, MD
David V. O’Dell, MD
Gerald F. Moore, MD
Faculty Grievance Committee
Lynell W. Klassen, MD
Faculty Promotion and
Tenure Committee
Ted R. Mikuls, MD
Susanna G. Von Essen, MD
Graduate Medical
Education Committee
Daniel R. Anderson, MD
Gregory Bociek, MD
Rachel A. Bonnema, MD
Amy C. Cannella, MD
Kelly J Caverzagie, MD
Arthur R. Easley, Jr., MD
Whitney S. Goldner, MD
Medical Student Admissions
Amy C. Cannella, M.D. 2016
Research and Development
Student Evaluation Committee
Alan R. Erickson, M.D., Chair
J. Scott Neumeister, M.D. 2015*
Trevor C. VanSchooneveld, M.D. 2017*
A.Ross McIntyre Award Committee
Daniel R. Anderson, M.D.
Thomas R. Porter, M.D.
Charles Frank Morsman Committee
Cyrus V. Desouza, M.D., Chair
Robert G. Bennett, Ph.D.
Whitney S. Goldner, M.D.
Jennifer L. Larsen, M.D.
Appointments effective October 1.
Year indicates expiration of term.
*Second term, not eligible
for reappointment
Stephen J. Bonasera, M.D., Ph.D. 2017
Jill A. Poole, M.D. 2017
Geoffrey M. Thiele, Ph.D. 2017*
And, did you know...
Former Internal Medicine SURP
student, Andrew Coughlin, MD,
became an assistant professor of
Otolaryngology at UNMC in 2014.
Former Internal Medicine SUARP student,
Gage Rensch – now M1 – was highlighted
in UNMC Today on October 10. His
project was titled “Induction of Protein
Aggregates by Ethanol Metabolites in Human
Hepatoma Cells and Rat Hepatocytes,”
mentored by Terrence Donohue, PhD.
2015 Summer Undergraduate Research Program Applications are now open at:
Newsletter | 10
New Faculty
Lyudmyla Berim, MD, assistant professor,
Daniel Jeffrey, MD, assistant professor,
Division of Oncology/Hematology, received
General Internal Medicine Division, received
her medical degree from Ternopil Medical
his medical degree from UNMC, as well
University, Ternopil, Ukraine. She completed
as completing a residency in Internal
residency at the State University of New
Medicine and Pediatric at UNMC. He will
York in Buffalo and then a Hematology/
see patients at Baker Place Clinic all day
Oncology Fellowship at Roswell Park
on Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as
Cancer Institute in Buffalo. She comes to
Wednesday morning clinic at Midtown
UNMC from Creighton. Dr. Berim will be
Clinic and all day on Thursday at UNMC
involved in research and education, as well
Durham Outpatient Center clinic.
as both inpatient and outpatient care.
Leslie Eiland, MD, assistant professor,
Michael P. Smith, MD, assistant professor,
Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology
General Internal Medicine Division,
and Metabolism, received her medical
received his medical degree from Creighton
degree from Emory University then
University. He completed a residency at
completed an Endocrine Fellowship at
Tulane University School of Medicine. He
UNMC. Her areas of emphasis are in
comes to us from his previous position
diabetes and thyroid disease. She will
as a Hopsitalist and outpatient clinician at
develop endocrine telemedicine clinics
the Medical Center of Louisiana in New
in rural Nebraska and Western Iowa
Orleans and the New Orleans Department
and establish partnerships with rural
of Veterans Affairs. Dr. Smith’s position at
community hospitals and providers.
Nebraska Medicine is also as a Hospitalist.
John Harrington, MD, associate
Sarah E. Smith, MD, assistant professor,
professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care,
General Internal Medicine Division, received
Sleep and Allergy Division, received his
her medical degree, with distinction,
medical degree and completed his Internal
from UNMC. She also completed a
Medicine Residency at Creighton. He also
residency at Tulane University School
completed a Geriatrics Fellowship at the
of Medicine. Dr. Smith is a primary care
University of North Carolina at Chapel
physician at Baker Place Clinic (Wednesday
Hill and a Sleep Medicine Fellowship at
mornings and all day Thursdays and
the University of Michigan. He will be the
Fridays) and at Plattsmouth Clinic (all
Program Director for the Sleep Medicine
day, Mondays). She overseas medicine/
Fellowship. He will have three clinics per
pediatric residents at Baker Place.
week and will also conduct research.
Sana Hasan, DO, instructor, Division of
Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism,
received her medical degree from
Ohio University College of Osteopathic
Medicine. She completed a residency
at Summa Health System/Northeastern
Ohio Universities College of Medicine and
an Endocrine Fellowship at UNMC. She
will have clinic on Thursday afternoon,
as well as see patients on the inpatient
consult service. Dr. Hasan will continue
work on a basic science research project.
February 2015 | 11
Internal Medicine Grant Awards
Investigator, Proposal Title, Sponsor, Dates,
Growth Hormone Deficiency, 18223, Prolor
Direct Costs, Indirect Costs,
Biotech, 08/13/14-08/12/15, $0, $7,529,
Total Costs
Lowes, Brian D, REmission from Stage D
Drincic, Andjela Tugomir , A Phase 3,
Heart Failure (RESTAGE-HF), 18182, Thoratec
Multicenter Study Designed to Evaluate the
Corporation, 07/22/14-07/21/19, $0, $7,468,
Efficacy and Safety of a Long Acting hGH
Product (MOD-4023) in Adult Subjects with
Lowes, Brian D, REmission from Stage D
Heart Failure (RESTAGE-HF), 18182, Thoratec
Corporation, 07/22/14-07/21/19, $40,795,
$2,488, $43,283
O’Leary, Edward Lewis, An OPen-label,
Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study
ExplorIng TwO TreatmeNt StratEgiEs of
Rivaroxaban and a Dose-Adjusted Oral
Growth Hormone Deficiency, 18223, Prolor
Biotech, 08/13/14-08/12/15, $41,112, $2,510,
Casey, Carol A, Altered Lipid Droplet
Trafficking: Role in Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Disease, 14982, DHHS/NIH/NIAAA,
08/01/14-07/31/15, $452,079, $45,781,
Vitamin K Antagonist Treatment Strategy...
Casey, Carol A, Alcohol-altered CEA
(PIONEER), 17465, Janssen Scientific Affairs,
processing: Role in liver metastases in
LLC, 11/03/14-11/02/16, $0, $5,133, $5,133
colorectal cancer, 16814, DHHS/NIH/NIAAA,
O’Leary, Edward Lewis, An OPen-label,
Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Study
09/01/14-08/31/15, $128,137, $22,876,
ExplorIng TwO TreatmeNt StratEgiEs of
Singh, Shailender, Pancreatic Cystic
Rivaroxaban and a Dose-Adjusted Oral
Reference Set, 17748, University of
Vitamin K Antagonist Treatment Strategy...
Pittsburgh, 07/01/14-06/30/15, $23,601,
(PIONEER), 17465, Janssen Scientific Affairs,
$11,919, $35,520
LLC, 11/03/14-11/02/16, $28,824, $1,711,
Florescu, Diana Florentina, A Phase 3,
Windle, John Robert, Optimizing the
and Efficacy of Brincidofovir (CMX001) in the
Electronic Health Record for Cardiac Care,
Treatment of Early versus Late Adenovirus
16308, DHHS/AHRQ, 09/02/14-08/31/15,
Infection, 18129, Chimerix, Inc., 07/10/14-
$351,687, $131,135, $482,822
07/09/17, $0, $32,880, $32,880
Boerner, Brian Paul, Natural History Study
Florescu, Diana Florentina, Phase 3,
of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes,
Open-Label, Multicenter Study of the Safety
10951, University of South Florida, 07/01/14-
and Efficacy of Brincidofovir (CMX001) in the
06/30/15, $3,540, $1,788, $5,328
Treatment of Early versus Late Adenovirus
Desouza, Cyrus, GRADE [Glycemic
Reduction Approaches for Diabetes: A
Open-Label, Multicenter Study of the Safety
Infection, 18129, Chimerix, Inc., 07/10/1407/09/17, $171,117, $10,960, $182,077
Comparative Effectiveness Study], 15785,
Florescu, Diana Florentina, A Prospective,
George Washington University, 08/01/14-
Randomized, Double-blind, Multicenter,
07/31/15, $382,288, $162,610, $544,898
Phase 3 Study to Assess the Safety and
Drincic, Andjela Tugomir, A Phase 3,
Multicenter Study Designed to Evaluate the
Efficacy and Safety of a Long Acting hGH
Product (MOD-4023) in Adult Subjects with
Newsletter | 12
July - December 2014
Efficacy of Intravenous Ceftolozane/
Tazobactam Compared with Meropenem in
Adult Patients with Ventilated Nosocomial
Pneumonia, 18185, Cubist Pharmaceuticals,
Inc, 10/27/14-10/26/15, $0, $9,348, $9,348
Florescu, Diana Florentina, A Prospective,
When Compared to Laboratory Standard
Lunning, Matthew A, A Phase IB/IIA
Randomized, Double-blind, Multicenter,
Procedures, 17430, Magnolia Medical
Study of Romidepsin in Combination with
Phase 3 Study to Assess the Safety and
Technologies, Ltd., 09/16/14-09/30/15, $0,
Lenalidomide in Adults with Relapsed or
Efficacy of Intravenous Ceftolozane/
$460, $460
Refractory Lymphomas and Myeloma, 18273,
Tazobactam Compared with Meropenem in
Adult Patients with Ventilated Nosocomial
Pneumonia, 18185, Cubist Pharmaceuticals,
Rupp, Mark E, A Matched, Open Label
Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
09/12/14-09/11/16, $0, $1,935, $1,935
MMT Initial Specimen Diversion Device
Lunning, Matthew A, A Phase IB/IIA
in Reducing Blood Culture Contamination
Study of Romidepsin in Combination with
When Compared to Laboratory Standard
Lenalidomide in Adults with Relapsed or
Kalil, Andre C, Professional Services
Procedures, 17430, Magnolia Medical
Refractory Lymphomas and Myeloma, 18273,
Agreement: A Randomized, Double-blind,
Technologies, Ltd., 09/16/14-09/30/15,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Study to
$2,361, $153, $2,514
09/12/14-09/11/16, $9,921, $644, $10,565
Swindells, Susan, National AIDS Education
Bailey, Kristina L., Eugene Kenney Memorial
and Training Center Grants, 530, University
Fund for Asthma Research, Nov. 2014-Oct.
of Colorado Denver, 07/01/14-06/30/15,
2015, $20,000
Inc, 10/27/14-10/26/15, $50,437, $3,116,
Assess the Safety and Efficacy of ART123 in Subjects with Severe Sepsis and
Coagulopathy, 16877, Rhode Island Hospital,
09/01/13-02/28/15, $15,338, $3,987, $19,325
Kalil, Andre C, Professional Services
Agreement: A Randomized, Double-Blind,
Placebo Controlled, Parallel Group, Phase
2 Study of Aerosolized Amikacin and
Fosfomycin Delivered via the Investigational
eFlow Inline System in Mechanically
Ventilated Patients with Gram-neg, 17729,
Rhode Island Hospital, 11/01/14-07/31/15,
$7,294, $1,896, $9,190
Rupp, Mark E, A Matched, Open Label
Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the
MMT Initial Specimen Diversion Device
in Reducing Blood Culture Contamination
When Compared to Laboratory Standard
Procedures, 17430, Magnolia Medical
Technologies, Ltd., 07/11/14-07/10/15, $0,
$9,197, $9,197
Rupp, Mark E, A Matched, Open Label
Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the
MMT Initial Specimen Diversion Device
in Reducing Blood Culture Contamination
When Compared to Laboratory Standard
Procedures, 17430, Magnolia Medical
Technologies, Ltd., 07/11/14-07/10/15,
$47,915, $3,065, $50,980
Rupp, Mark E, A Matched, Open Label
Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the
MMT Initial Specimen Diversion Device
in Reducing Blood Culture Contamination
February 2015 | 13
$156,481, $12,519, $169,000
Dickinson, John David, Program for Adult
Swindells, Susan, Ryan White Part D
Care Excellence (PACE), 18228, Cystic
Program for Coordinated HIV Services &
Fibrosis Foundation, 07/01/14-06/30/15,
Access to Research for Women, Infants,
$25,000, $2,000, $27,000
Children, and Youth (WICY), 16184, DHHS/
HRSA, 08/01/14-07/31/15, $349,571, $0,
Dickinson, John David, Autophagy is
Required for Mediated MUC5AC Secretion,
Vanschooneveld, Trevor Craig, A Multi-
06/30/15, $50,000, $0, $50,000
center, Randomized, Double-blind Study
to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of
Cadazolid Versus Vancomycin in Subjects
With Clostridium Difficile-associated Diarrhea
(CDAD), 17826, Actelion Pharmaceuticals
US, Inc., 08/04/14-08/03/16, $0, $19,437,
Vanschooneveld, Trevor Craig, A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind Study
to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of
Cadazolid Versus Vancomycin in Subjects
With Clostridium Difficile-associated Diarrhea
18337, NE DHHS - LB506, 07/01/14-
Murphy, P. James, CFF Center Adult
Program, 17416, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,
07/01/14-06/30/15, $62,735, $0, $62,735
Poole, Jill Adair, HICAHS Bioaerosols
Subcontract, 15104, Colorado State
University, 09/15/14-09/14/15, $20,000,
$9,700, $29,700
Poole, Jill A., Eugene Kenney Memorial
Fund for Asthma Research, Nov. 2014-Oct.
2015, $20,000
(CDAD), 17826, Actelion Pharmaceuticals US,
Rennard, Stephen Israel, Prostaglandin
Inc., 08/04/14-08/03/16, $102,178, $6,479,
Inhibition for Emphysema, 15462, DHHS/
NIH/NHLBI, 07/01/14-06/30/15, $1,490,642,
Bociek, Robert G, A Phase 3, Randomized,
$152,953, $1,643,595
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study
Rennard, Stephen Israel, Reprogramming
Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of GS-1101
airway fibroblasts in asthma, 18154,
(CAL-101) in Combination with Rituximab for
NE DHHS - LB606, 07/01/14-06/30/15,
Previously Treated Indolent Non-Hodgkin
$105,985, $0, $105,985
Lymphomas, 17199, Gilead Sciences, Inc.,
12/06/13-12/05/15, ($67,066), $0, ($67,066)
Internal Medicine Grant Awards
July - December 2014
Rennard, Stephen Israel, Exploring
Michaud, Kaleb D, Rheumatology
O’Dell, James Robert, Evolving adaptive
a differential expression of PDE4
Informatics System for Effectiveness
and effector mechanisms from Pre-RA
isoenzymes and its functional relevance
(RISE) Registry (the Registry ), 17410,
through established disease, 18351,
in cultured primary lung fibroblasts from
American College of Rheumatology
University of Colorado Denver, 09/24/14-
patients with IPF compared to healthy
Research & Education Fdn, 09/02/14-
05/31/15, $20,620, $10,413, $31,033
subjects, 18280, Takeda Pharmaceutical
09/01/15, $10,000, $0, $10,000
Company Limited, 08/04/14-08/03/15,
Thiele, Geoffrey Milton, Alcohol Induces
$118,774, $30,881, $149,655
Mikuls, Ted Richard, Dissection of the
Muscle Autophagy by a Novel AMPK
ACPA Response in African-Americans
Independent PI3K Mediated Mechanism,
Rennard, Stephen Israel, Design and
with Rheumatoid Arthritis, 15781,
17144, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Testing of Practical Tools to Identify
University of Alabama - Birmingham,
09/25/14-08/31/15, $11,071, $5,591,
Individuals at High Risk for COPD,
09/01/14-08/31/15, $18,837, $9,136,
15490, Weill Medical College of Cornell
University, 08/05/14-07/31/15, $55,314,
$27,934, $83,248
Mikuls, Ted Richard, CORT Project 4:
Wyatt, Todd A, Clinical Resource for
for Chronic Gout Management, 14644,
Lung and Alcohol Investigations, 13961,
University of Alabama - Birmingham,
University of Colorado Denver, 08/01/14-
09/01/14-08/31/15, $72,621, $35,221,
07/31/15, $23,707, $11,498, $35,205
The new format is due to the rollout of the
new ADIS, from which this data comes.
A Novel Centralized ‘Virtual’ Gout Clinic
RFA for Chronic HIV Infection and Aging In
NeuroAIDS (CHAIN) Developmental Core
The CHAIN Grant Developmental Core provides grant funding
in support of new investigators and investigators proposing new
ideas in HIV/AIDS research related to aging. The Developmental
grant program is designed to mentor and support new investigators
and new ideas in age related HIV/AIDS research.
Applications are now being accepted from junior investigators who
hold a faculty appointment and from established investigators in other
fields applying their expertise to HIV/AIDS. All applicants must have
faculty-level appointments at a CHAIN Center member institution
(University of Nebraska Medical Center; University of Nebraska, Lincoln;
University of California, San Diego; or The Scripps Research Institute)
Newsletter | 14
RFA information and forms
are available at:
The due date for application is
Friday, February 27, 2015,
4 p.m. Central Standard Time.
If you have any questions, please
contact Howard Fox (hfox@unmc.edu),
Sue Swindells (sswindells@unmc.edu)
or Robin Taylor (rtaylor@unmc.edu).
Internal Medicine Faculty Publications
D. R. Anderson, M. J. Duryee, S. W.
A. B. Benson, 3rd, A. P. Venook, T. Bekaii-
Shurmur, J. Y. Um, W. D. Bussey, C.
Saab, E. Chan, Y. J. Chen, H. S. Cooper, P.
D. Hunter, R. P. Garvin, H. R. Sayles, T.
F. Engstrom, P. C. Enzinger, M. J. Fenton,
R. Mikuls, L. W. Klassen and G. M.
C. S. Fuchs, J.L. Grem, et al., Colon cancer,
Thiele, Unique antibody responses to
version 3.2014, J Natl Compr Canc Netw,
malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde (MAA)-
12, 7, 1028-59, Jul, 24994923
protein adducts predict coronary artery
disease, PLoS One, 9, 9, e107440,
25210746, 4161424
Quantitative versus qualitative cultures of
K. Bailey, T. Wyatt, S. Wells, E. Klein, J.
in patients with ventilator-associated
Robinson, D. Romberger and J. Poole,
pneumonia, Cochrane Database Syst Rev,
Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase
10, CD006482, 25354013
(DDAH) overexpression attenuates
agricultural organic dust extract-induced
inflammation, J Environ Immunol Toxicol, 2,
respiratory secretions for clinical outcomes
S. P. Bhatt, J. M. Wells, V. Kim, G. J.
Criner, C. P. Hersh, M. Hardin, W. C.
2, 72-78, Mar, 25221746, 4159103
Bailey, H. Nath, Y. I. Kim, M. G. Foreman,
S. Bares, J. Steinbeck, L. Bence, A.
E. K. Silverman, B. J. Make and M. T.
Kordik, M. E. Acree, J. Jih, J. Farnan, S.
Dransfield, Radiological correlates and
Watson, K. Rasinski, J. Schneider and D.
clinical implications of the paradoxical lung
Pitrak, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Ordering
function response to beta2 agonists: an
Patterns for Routine HIV Screening among
observational study, Lancet Respir Med, 2,
Resident Physicians at an Urban Medical
11, 911-8, Nov, 25217076,
Center, J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care, , Oct
D. S. Stinson, C. G. Wilson, S.I. Rennard,
15, 25320147
V. R. Bhatt, M. R. Aryal, S. Panta, K.
E. L. Beam, S. G. Gibbs, A.L. Hewlett, P.C.
retrospective analysis of reported errata
Iwen, S. L. Nuss and P. W. Smith, Method
in five leading medical journals in 2012, J
for investigating nursing behaviors related
Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect, 4,
to isolation care, Am J Infect Control, 42, 11,
5, 25738, 25432653, 4246137
1152-6, Nov, 25444261,
Mosalpuria and J.O. Armitage, A
V. R. Bhatt, R. Shrestha, N. Shonka
W. E. Bell, R. Hallworth, T. A. Wyatt and
and R.G. Bociek, Near misdiagnosis of
J. H. Sisson, Use of a Novel Cell Adhesion
glioblastoma as primary central nervous
Method and Digital Measurement to
system lymphoma, J Clin Med Res, 6, 4,
Show Stimulus-dependent Variation in
299-301, Aug, 24883157, 4039103
Somatic and Oral Ciliary Beat Frequency in
Paramecium, J Eukaryot Microbiol, , Jul 26,
V. R. Bhatt and J.M. Vose, Hematopoietic
Stem Cell Transplantation for Non-Hodgkin
C. L. Bennett, B. Chen, T. Hermanson, M.
28, 6, 1073-1095, Dec, 25459180
D. Wyatt, R. M. Schulz, P. Georgantopoulos,
S. Kessler, D. W. Raisch, Z. P. Qureshi, Z.
K. Lu, B. L. Love, V. Noxon, L. Bobolts, M.
Armitage, J. Bian, P. Ray, R. J. Ablin, W.
J. Hrushesky, I. C. Macdougall, O. Sartor
and J.O. Armitage, Regulatory and clinical
considerations for biosimilar oncology
drugs, Lancet Oncol, 15, 13, e594-e605,
Dec, 25456378
February 2015 | 15
D. C. Berton, A.C. Kalil and P. J. Teixeira,
Lymphoma, Hematol Oncol Clin North Am,
P.J. Bierman, Surgery for primary central
nervous system lymphoma: is it time for
reevaluation?, Oncology (Williston Park), 28,
7, 632-7, Jul, 25144286
M. D. Boska, P. K. Dash, J. Knibbe, A. A.
Epstein, S. P. Akhter, N. Fields, R. High,
E. Makarov, S. Bonasera, H. A. Gelbard,
L. Y. Poluektova, H. E. Gendelman and
Internal Medicine Faculty Publications
S. Gorantla, Associations between brain
G. W. Cannon, S. L. DuVall, C. L. Haroldsen,
stage human immunodeficiency virus-
microstructures, metabolites, and cognitive
L. Caplan, J. R. Curtis, K. Michaud, T. R.
associated classical Hodgkin lymphoma
deficits during chronic HIV-1 infection of
Mikuls, A. Reimold, D. H. Collier, D. J.
treated with doxorubicin, bleomycin,
humanized mice, Mol Neurodegener, 9, 1,
Harrison, G. J. Joseph and B. C. Sauer,
vinblastine, and dacarbazine plus combined
58, Dec 18, 25523827
Persistence and dose escalation of tumor
antiretroviral therapy: A multi-institutional
necrosis factor inhibitors in US veterans
retrospective study, Cancer, Sep 23,
with rheumatoid arthritis, J Rheumatol, 41,
N. Boudjerra, A. M. Perry, J. Audouin,
J. Diebold, B. N. Nathwani, K. A.
MacLennan, H. K. Muller-Hermelink, M.
10, 1935-43, Oct, 25128516
C. Casulo, J.M. Vose, W. Y. Ho, B. Kahl,
Bast, E. Boilesen, J.O. Armitage and D.
B. J. Carolan, G. Hughes, J. Morrow, C.
M. Brunvand, A. Goy, Y. Kasamon, B.
D. Weisenburger, Classification of non-
P. Hersh, W. K. O’Neal, S. Rennard, S.
Cheson and J. W. Friedberg, A phase I
Hodgkin lymphoma in Algeria according to
G. Pillai, P. Belloni, D. A. Cockayne, A. P.
study of PRO131921, a novel anti-CD20
the World Health Organization classification,
Comellas, M. Han, R. L. Zemans, K. Kechris
monoclonal antibody in patients with
Leuk Lymphoma, , 1-6, Aug 20, 25012941
and R. P. Bowler, The association of plasma
relapsed/refractory CD20+ indolent NHL:
biomarkers with computed tomography-
correlation between clinical responses and
assessed emphysema phenotypes, Respir
AUC pharmacokinetics, Clin Immunol, 154,
Res, 15, 127, 25306249, 4198701
1, 37-46, Sep, 24928323
diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs), Eur Respir J, 44,
P. J. Castaldi, M. H. Cho, X. Zhou, W.
K.J. Caverzagie, T. G. Cooney, P.
2, 304-23, Aug, 24925919
Qiu, M. McGeachie, B. Celli, P. Bakke,
A. Hemmer and L. Berkowitz, The
A. Gulsvik, D. A. Lomas, J. D. Crapo, T.
Development of Entrustable Professional
H. Beaty, S. Rennard, B. Harshfield, C.
Activities for Internal Medicine Residency
Lange, D. Singh, R. Tal-Singer, J. H. Riley, J.
Training: A Report From the Education
Quackenbush, B. A. Raby, V. J. Carey, E. K.
Redesign Committee of the Alliance for
Silverman and C. P. Hersh, Genetic control
Academic Internal Medicine, Acad Med, ,
of gene expression at novel and established
Nov 18, 25406600,
J. Bousquet, A. Addis, I. Adcock, I. Agache,
A. Agusti, A. Alonso, … S. Rennard, et
al, Integrated care pathways for airway
M. Boutsikou, C. Girasis, E. Petrou and G.
Pavlides, Acute Coronary Syndromes in
Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Heart
Failure. Could Novel Oral Anticoagulants be
the Solution of the Optimal Antithrombotic
Therapy Puzzle?, Cardiovasc Hematol
Agents Med Chem, 12, 1, 14-20, 25308910,
A.C. Cannella, E. Y. Kissin, K. D. Torralba,
J. B. Higgs and G. S. Kaeley, Evolution of
musculoskeletal ultrasound in the United
States: implementation and practice in
rheumatology, Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken),
66, 1, 7-13, Jan, 24115730
G. W. Cannon, S. L. DuVall, C. L. Haroldsen,
L. Caplan, J. R. Curtis, K. Michaud, T.R.
Mikuls, A. Reimold, D. H. Collier, D. J.
Harrison, G. J. Joseph and B. C. Sauer,
Persistence and dose escalation of tumor
necrosis factor inhibitors in US veterans
with rheumatoid arthritis, J Rheumatol, 41,
10, 1935-43, Oct, 25128516
A. C. Cannon and F.R. Loberiza, Jr., Review
of Antibody-Based Immunotherapy in the
Treatment of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and
Patterns of Use, Clin Lymphoma Myeloma
Leuk, , Aug 1, 25176473
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease loci,
Hum Mol Genet, , Oct 14, 25315895
S. Chakraborty, L. Smith, A.K. Ganti, N.
P. J. Castaldi, J. Dy, J. Ross, Y. Chang, G.
to “Country of origin and breast cancer
R. Washko, D. Curran-Everett, A. Williams,
survival”, Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 10, 3, 280,
D. A. Lynch, B. J. Make, J. D. Crapo, R. P.
Sep, 24965198
Bowler, E. A. Regan, J. E. Hokanson, G. L.
Kinney, M. K. Han, X. Soler, J. W. Ramsdell,
R. G. Barr, M. Foreman, E. van Beek, R.
Casaburi, G. J. Criner, S. M. Lutz, S.I.
Rennard, S. Santorico, F. C. Sciurba, D. L.
DeMeo, C. P. Hersh, E. K. Silverman and M.
H. Cho, Cluster analysis in the COPDGene
study identifies subtypes of smokers with
distinct patterns of airway disease and
emphysema, Thorax, 69, 5, 415-22, May,
24563194, 4004338
J. J. Castillo, M. Bower, J. Bruhlmann, U.
Novak, H. Furrer, P. Y. Tanaka, C. Besson, S.
Montoto, K. Cwynarski, J. S. Abramson, S.
Dalia, M. Bibas, J. M. Connors, M. Furman,
M. L. Nguyen, T. P. Cooley, B. E. Beltran,
J. A. Collins, J.M. Vose, B. Xicoy and J. M.
Ribera, Prognostic factors for advanced-
Newsletter | 16
Bonthu and S. K. Batra, Author’s response
S. Chakraborty, L. Smith, A.K. Ganti, N.
Bonthu, T. Shimizhu and S. K. Batra, Breast
cancer survival of Hispanic women in the
USA is influenced by country of origin,
Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 10, 2, 124-32, Jun,
23551959, 3965644
M. A. Chamsi-Pasha, T. Alyousef and
S. Sayyed, Bioprosthetic mitral valve
thrombosis complicating antiphospholipid
antibody syndrome, successfully treated
with thrombolysis, Echocardiography, 31, 9,
E278-81, Oct, 25047224
M. A. Chamsi-Pasha, S.H. Sayyed and
M. J. Moulton, Real-time 3-dimensional
transesophageal echocardiography in
the assessment of ventriculoatrial shunt
(Gerbode defect) complicating simultaneous
W. MacNee, S. Rennard, F. Maltais, G. L.
transplantation, Clin Exp Immunol, 178 Suppl
mitral and tricuspid valve repair, J Am Coll
Kinney, J. E. Hokanson and G. R. Washko,
1, 54-6, Dec, 25546761
Cardiol, 63, 15, e37, Apr 22, 24583307
Chest CT measures of muscle and adipose
A. N. Chandak, F.R. Loberiza, Jr., M.
Deras, J.O. Armitage, J.M. Vose and J. P.
tissue in COPD: gender-based differences
in content and in relationships with blood
biomarkers, Acad Radiol, 21, 10, 1255-61,
D.F. Florescu, H. Chambers, F. Qiu, M. A.
Keck, D. F. Mercer, M. C. Morris and M.C.
Florescu, Cidofovir in Pediatric Solid Organ
Oct, 25088837
Transplant Recipients: University of Nebraska
Workforce Needs in the Wake of Health Care
D. Douer, I. Aldoss, M.A. Lunning, P. W.
Reform, J Oncol Pract, , Nov 12, 25392523
Burke, L. Ramezani, L. Mark, J. Vrona, J. H.
Stimpson, Estimating the State-Level Supply
of Cancer Care Providers: Preparing to Meet
J. H. Chu, C. P. Hersh, P. J. Castaldi, M.
H. Cho, B. A. Raby, N. Laird, R. Bowler,
S. Rennard, J. Loscalzo, J. Quackenbush
and E. K. Silverman, Analyzing networks
of phenotypes in complex diseases:
methodology and applications in COPD, BMC
Syst Biol, 8, 78, 24964944, 4105829
C. J. Clancy, A.C. Kalil, V. G. Fowler, E.
Ghedin, J. K. Kolls and M. H. Nguyen,
Emerging and resistant infections, Ann Am
Thorac Soc, 11 Suppl 4, S193-200, Aug,
25148425, 4200571
J. Corbelli, S. Borrero, R. Bonnema, M.
McNamara, K. Kraemer, D. Rubio, I. Karpov
and M. McNeil, Use of the Gail model and
breast cancer preventive therapy among three
primary care specialties, J Womens Health
(Larchmt), 23, 9, 746-52, Sep, 25115368
J. R. Curtis, S. Yang, N. M. Patkar, L. Chen,
J. A. Singh, G. W. Cannon, T.R. Mikuls, E.
Delzell, K. G. Saag, M. M. Safford, S. DuVall,
K. Alexander, P. Napalkov, K. L. Winthrop, M.
J. Burton, A. Kamauu and J. W. Baddley, Risk
of hospitalized bacterial infections associated
with biologic treatment among US veterans
with rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Care Res
(Hoboken), 66, 7, 990-7, Jul, 24470378
E. Demerouti, A. Manginas, E. Leontiadis,
T. Hatzis, G. Athanassopoulos, K. Mihas
and G. Pavlides, A 53-year-old woman with
thrombocytosis and pulmonary embolism,
Arch Med Sci, 10, 1, 191-4, Feb 24,
24701233, 3953987
A. A. Diaz, L. Zhou, T. P. Young, M. L.
McDonald, R. Harmouche, J. C. Ross, R. San
Jose Estepar, E. F. Wouters, H. O. Coxson,
February 2015 | 17
Park, M. S. Tallman, V. I. Avramis, V. Pullarkat
and A. M. Mohrbacher, Pharmacokineticsbased integration of multiple doses of
intravenous pegaspargase in a pediatric
regimen for adults with newly diagnosed
acute lymphoblastic leukemia, J Clin Oncol,
32, 9, 905-11, Mar 20, 24516026
B. R. England, H. Sayles, T.R. Mikuls, D.
S. Johnson and K. Michaud, Validation of
the Rheumatic Disease Comorbidity Index,
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), , Sep 3,
H. E. Fessler, D. Addrizzo-Harris, J. M.
Beck, J. D. Buckley, S. M. Pastores, C.A.
Piquette, J. A. Rowley and A. Spevetz,
Entrustable professional activities and
curricular milestones for fellowship training
in pulmonary and critical care medicine:
executive summary from the Multi-Society
Working Group, Crit Care Med, 42, 10, 22901, Oct, 25226119
H. E. Fessler, D. Addrizzo-Harris, J. M.
Beck, J. D. Buckley, S. M. Pastores, C.A.
Piquette, J. A. Rowley and A. Spevetz,
Entrustable professional activities and
curricular milestones for fellowship training in
pulmonary and critical care medicine: report
of a multisociety working group, Chest, 146,
3, 813-34, Sep, 24945874
J.A. Fillaus, J. Oliveto, A. Cutinha, A.
Cannella and T.J. Plumb, Takayasu arteritis
presenting as new-onset hypertension, J Clin
Rheumatol, 20, 7, 389-90, Oct, 25275769
D.F. Florescu, Solid organ transplantation:
hypogammaglobulinaemia and
infectious complications after solid organ
Experience, Pediatr Infect Dis J, , Jul 9,
D.F. Florescu and M. A. Keck, Development
of CMX001 (Brincidofovir) for the treatment
of serious diseases or conditions caused by
dsDNA viruses, Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther,
12, 10, 1171-8, Oct, 25120093
M.C. Florescu, K. M. Islam, T.J.
Plumb, S. Smith-Shull, J. Nieman and P.
Mandalapu, Calcium supplementation after
parathyroidectomy in dialysis and renal
transplant patients, Int J Nephrol Renovasc
Dis, 7, 183-90, 24868170, 4027938
N. Gaibazzi, N. Marziliano, T.R. Porter, G.
Negri, M. A. Demola, C. Reverberi and D.
Ardissino, Assessment of DNA damage
associated with standard or contrast
diagnostic echocardiography, Int J Cardiol,
180C, 96-99, Nov 26, 25438226
A. Gajra, A.S. Marr and A.K. Ganti,
Management of patients with lung cancer
and poor performance status, J Natl Compr
Canc Netw, 12, 7, 1015-25, Jul, 24994922
K. Glass, J. Quackenbush, E. K. Silverman,
B. Celli, S.I. Rennard, G. C. Yuan and D.
L. DeMeo, Sexually-dimorphic targeting of
functionally-related genes in COPD, BMC
Syst Biol, 8, 1, 118, Nov 28, 25431000,
S. M. Gonzalez, J. B. Payne, F. Yu, G.M.
Thiele, A.R. Erickson, P. G. Johnson, M.
J. Schmid, G. W. Cannon, G. S. Kerr, A.
M. Reimold, J. Sokolove, W. H. Robinson
and T.R. Mikuls, Alveolar Bone Loss is
Associated with Circulating Anti-Citrullinated
Protein Antibody (ACPA) in Rheumatoid
Arthritis Patients, J Periodontol, , 1-16, Oct 9,
Internal Medicine Faculty Publications
W. J. Gradishar, B. O. Anderson, S. L.
metabolism in an in vitro model, Food Chem
S. A. Pileri, W. Y. Au, S. Nakamura, M.
Blair, H. J. Burstein, A. Cyr, A. D. Elias,
Toxicol, , Dec 17, 25528116
Seto, F. Berger, L. de Leval, J. M. Connors,
W. B. Farrar, A. Forero, S. H. Giordano,
L. J. Goldstein, D. F. Hayes, C. A. Hudis,
S. J. Isakoff, B. M. Ljung, P. K. Marcom,
I. A. Mayer, B. McCormick, R. S. Miller,
M. Pegram, L. J. Pierce, E.C. Reed, K. E.
Salerno, L. S. Schwartzberg, M. L. Smith, H.
Soliman, G. Somlo, J. H. Ward, A. C. Wolff,
C. P. Hersh, B. J. Make, D. A. Lynch, R.
G. Barr, R. P. Bowler, P. M. Calverley, P. J.
Castaldi, M. H. Cho, H. O. Coxson, D. L.
DeMeo, M. G. Foreman, M. K. Han, B. J.
Harshfield, J. E. Hokanson, S. Lutz, J. W.
Ramsdell, E. A. Regan, S.I. Rennard, J. D.
J. Armitage, J. Vose, W. C. Chan and L.
M. Staudt, Gene expression signatures
delineate biological and prognostic
subgroups in peripheral T-cell lymphoma,
Blood, 123, 19, 2915-23, May 8, 24632715,
Schroeder, F. C. Sciurba, R. M. Steiner, R.
D. J. Janssen, H. Mullerova, A. Agusti, J. C.
Tal-Singer, E. van Beek, Jr., E. K. Silverman
Yates, R. Tal-Singer, S.I. Rennard, J. Vestbo
Netw, 12, 4, 542-90, Apr, 24717572
and J. D. Crapo, Non-emphysematous
and E. F. Wouters, Persistent systemic
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is
inflammation and symptoms of depression
A. E. Gross, T.C. Van Schooneveld, K. M.
associated with diabetes mellitus, BMC
among patients with COPD in the ECLIPSE
Olsen, M. E. Rupp, T. H. Bui, E. Forsung
Pulm Med, 14, 164, 25341556, 4216374
cohort, Respir Med, 108, 11, 1647-54, Nov,
R. Zellars, D. A. Shead and R. Kumar, Breast
cancer version 3.2014, J Natl Compr Canc
and A. C. Kalil, Epidemiology and predictors
of multidrug-resistant community-acquired
C. H. Huang, J. A. Wick, G. S. Sittampalam,
V. S. Nirmalanandhan, A.K. Ganti, et al., A
J. A. Jasem, K. Marof, A. Nawar, Y. Khalaf,
multicenter pilot study examining the role
F. Al-Hamdani, S. Ali, A.C. Kalil and K. M.
8, Sep, 24957843, 4135885
of circulating tumor cells as a blood-based
Islam, An epidemiological analysis of acute
tumor marker in patients with extensive
flaccid paralysis and its surveillance system
M. Hamadani, P. N. Hari, Y. Zhang, J.
small-cell lung cancer, Front Oncol, 4, 271,
in Iraq, 1997-2011, BMC Infect Dis, 14, 448,
Carreras, G. Akpek, M. D. Aljurf, E. Ayala,
25353007, 4196518
25141887, 4159501
J. M. Hunt, M. G. Risbano, J. C.
A.C. Kalil, Bayes’ 250-year-old legacy for
Messenger, J. Carroll, D. Badesch, B.D.
infectious diseases, Lancet Infect Dis, 14, 8,
Lowes, I. P. Casserly, J. Kay and T. M. Bull,
674-5, Aug, 25056014
and health care-associated pneumonia,
Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 58, 9, 5262-
V. Bachanova, A. I. Chen, Y. B. Chen, L.
J. Costa, T. S. Fenske, C. O. Freytes, S.
Ganguly, M. S. Hertzberg, L. A. Holmberg,
D. J. Inwards, R. T. Kamble, E. J. Kanfer,
H. M. Lazarus, D. I. Marks, T. Nishihori,
R. Olsson, N. M. Reddy, D. A. Rizzieri,
B. N. Savani, M. Solh, J.M. Vose, et
al., Early failure of frontline rituximabcontaining chemo-immunotherapy in
diffuse large B cell lymphoma does not
predict futility of autologous hematopoietic
cell transplantation, Biol Blood Marrow
Transplant, 20, 11, 1729-36, Nov,
25008330, 4194275
M. Hernandez Alava, A. Wailoo, F. Wolfe
and K. Michaud, A comparison of direct
and indirect methods for the estimation
of health utilities from clinical outcomes,
Med Decis Making, 34, 7, 919-30, Oct,
I. Hernandez, M. Dominguez-Perez, L.
Bucio, V. Souza, R. U. Miranda, D.L.
Clemens, L. E. Gomez-Quiroz and M. C.
Gutierrez-Ruiz, Free fatty acids enhance
the oxidative damage induced by ethanol
Newsletter | 18
Timed response to inhaled nitric oxide in
pulmonary hypertension, Pulm Circ, 4, 1,
A.C. Kalil and J. Sun, Bayesian
103-9, Mar, 25006425, 4070755
methodology for the design and
J. Iqbal, Y. Shen, X. Huang, Y. Liu, L. Wake,
medicine: a primer for clinicians, Crit Care
C. Liu, K. Deffenbacher, C. M. Lachel, C.
Med, 42, 10, 2267-77, Oct, 25226118
Wang, J. Rohr, S. Guo, L. M. Smith, G.
Wright, S. Bhagavathi, K. Dybkaer, K. Fu, T.
C. Greiner, J. M. Vose, E. Jaffe, L. Rimsza,
A. Rosenwald, G. Ott, J. Delabie, E. Campo,
R. M. Braziel, J. R. Cook, R. R. Tubbs,
J. O. Armitage, et al., Global microRNA
expression profiling uncovers molecular
markers for classification and prognosis in
aggresive B-cell lymphoma, Blood, Dec 10,
J. Iqbal, G. Wright, C. Wang, A. Rosenwald,
R. D. Gascoyne, D. D. Weisenburger, T. C.
Greiner, L. Smith, S. Guo, R. A. Wilcox, B. T.
Teh, S. T. Lim, S. Y. Tan, L. M. Rimsza, E. S.
Jaffe, E. Campo, A. Martinez, J. Delabie, R.
M. Braziel, J. R. Cook, R. R. Tubbs, G. Ott,
E. Geissinger, P. Gaulard, P. P. Piccaluga,
interpretation of clinical trials in critical care
A.C. Kalil, A. Syed, M.E. Rupp, H.
Chambers, L. Vargas, A. Maskin, C.D.
Miles, A. Langnas and D.F. Florescu, Is
bacteremic sepsis associated with higher
mortality in transplant recipients than in
nontransplant patients? A matched casecontrol propensity-adjusted study, Clin
Infect Dis, 60, 2, 216-22, Jan 15, 25301215
A.C. Kalil, T. C. Van Schooneveld, P.
D. Fey and M. E. Rupp, Association
between vancomycin minimum inhibitory
concentration and mortality among patients
with Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream
infections: a systematic review and metaanalysis, JAMA, 312, 15, 1552-64, Oct 15,
N. Kanaji, H. Basma, A. Nelson, M. Farid, T.
in tetralogy of fallot: an echocardiographic
transition, Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat,
Sato, M. Nakanishi, X. Wang, J. Michalski,
contrast particle imaging velocimetry study,
116-117C, 1-9, Oct 31, 25460827
Y. Li, Y. Gunji, C. Feghali-Bostwick, X. Liu
J Am Soc Echocardiogr, 27, 12, 1311-8, Dec,
and S.I. Rennard, Fibroblasts that resist
D. T. Lim, A.C. Cannella, K.D. Michaud and
I. Lakshmanan, M. P. Ponnusamy, M. A.
of biologic agents in rheumatoid arthritis, Curr
Macha, D. Haridas, P. D. Majhi, S. Kaur, M.
Rheumatol Rep, 16, 11, 459, Nov, 25315196
cigarette smoke-induced senescence acquire
profibrotic phenotypes, Am J Physiol Lung
Cell Mol Physiol, 307, 5, L364-73, Sep 1,
T.R. Mikuls, Cardiovascular risk and the use
Jain, S. K. Batra and A.K. Ganti, Mucins
D.A. Katz, J.E. Holman, S.R. Johnson, S.L.
Therapeutic Implications, J Thorac Oncol, ,
Hillis, S.L. Adams, S.S. Fu, K.M. Grant,
Oct 14, 25319180
planning among hematopoietic cell transplant
A. Le, N. M. Shibata, S. W. French, K.
Marrow Transplant, 49, 10, 1317-22, Oct,
Kim, K.K. Kharbanda, M. S. Islam, J. M.
25068417, 4192015
L.M. Buchanan, A. Prochazka, C.T. Battaglia,
M.G. Titler, A.M. Joseph, M.W. Vander Weg,
Implementing best evidence in smoking
cessation treatment for hospitalized veterans:
Results from the VA-BEST Trial, the Joint
Commission Journal on Quality and Patient
in lung Cancer: Diagnostic, Prognostic and
LaSalle, C. H. Halsted, C. L. Keen and V.
Medici, Characterization of timed changes in
hepatic copper concentrations, methionine
Safety, 40, 493-502, Nov 2014.
metabolism, gene expression, and global
G. Kerr, M. Aujero, J. Richards, H. Sayles,
mouse model of Wilson disease, Int J Mol
L. Davis, G. Cannon, L. Caplan, K.
Sci, 15, 5, 8004-23, 24810691, 4057715
Michaud and T. Mikuls, Associations of
hydroxychloroquine use with lipid profiles
in rheumatoid arthritis: pharmacologic
implications, Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken),
DNA methylation in the Jackson toxic milk
M. J. Lechowicz, H. M. Lazarus, J. Carreras,
G. G. Laport, C. S. Cutler, P. H. Wiernik, G. A.
Hale, D. Maharaj, R. P. Gale, P. A. Rowlings,
66, 11, 1619-26, Nov, 24692402
C. O. Freytes, A. M. Miller, J.M. Vose, R.
K.K. Kharbanda, Nicotinic acid
P. N. Hari, Allogeneic hematopoietic cell
supplementation in the context of alcoholic
transplantation for mycosis fungoides and
liver injury: friend or foe?, Alcohol Clin Exp
Sezary syndrome, Bone Marrow Transplant,
Res, 38, 7, 1829-31, Jul, 25040591
49, 11, 1360-5, Nov, 25068422, 4221526
N. Kirschner and T.G. Tape, Prescription drug
R. Levy, K. N. Ganjoo, J. P. Leonard, J.M.
abuse, Ann Intern Med, 161, 4, 306-7, Aug
Vose, I. W. Flinn, R. F. Ambinder, J. M.
19, 25133370
Connors, N. L. Berinstein, A. R. Belch, N. L.
B. S. Konigsberg, C. W. Hartman, A.L.
Hewlett and K. L. Garvin, Current and future
trends in the diagnosis of periprosthetic hip
infection, Orthop Clin North Am, 45, 3, 28793, Jul, 24975758
M. G. Kortepeter, P.W. Smith, A. Hewlett
and T. J. Cieslak, Caring for Patients With
Ebola: A Challenge in Any Care Facility, Ann
Intern Med, , Oct 16, 25320965
S. Kutty, L. Li, D. A. Danford, H. Houle, S.
Datta, J. Mancina, Y. Xiao, G. Pedrizzetti
and T.R. Porter, Effects of right ventricular
hemodynamic burden on intraventricular flow
February 2015 | 19
T. Maziarz, S. Montoto, D. G. Maloney and
Bartlett, C. Nichols, C. E. Emmanouilides, J.
M. Timmerman, S. A. Gregory, B. K. Link, D.
J. Inwards, A. S. Freedman, J. V. Matous, M.
J. Robertson, L. A. Kunkel, D. E. Ingolia, A. J.
Gentles, C. L. Liu, R. Tibshirani, A. A. Alizadeh
E. T. Loggers, S. Lee, K. Chilson, A. L. Back,
S. Block and F. R. Loberiza, Advance care
patients and bereaved caregivers, Bone
J. J. Lowe, S. G. Gibbs, S. S. Schwedhelm,
J. Nguyen and P.W. Smith, Nebraska
Biocontainment Unit perspective on disposal
of Ebola medical waste, Am J Infect Control,
42, 12, 1256-7, Dec, 25465251,
J. J. Lowe, K. C. Jelden, P. J. Schenarts,
L. E. Rupp, K. J. Hawes, B. M. Tysor, R. G.
Swansiger, S. S. Schwedhelm, P. W. Smith
and S. G. Gibbs, Considerations for Safe
EMS Transport of Patients Infected with
Ebola Virus, Prehosp Emerg Care, , Nov 7,
S. Lu, E. Zmijewski, J. Gollan and D.D.
Harrison-Findik, Apoptosis induced by Fas
signaling does not alter hepatic hepcidin
expression, World J Biol Chem, 5, 3, 387-97,
Aug 26, 25225605, 4160531
M.A. Lunning and J.O. Armitage, Directing
treatment by molecular subtype in diffuse
large B-cell lymphoma: ready for primetime?,
Oncology (Williston Park), 28, 4, 337-8, Apr,
and D. W. Denney, Jr., Active idiotypic
R. C. Lynch, A. D. Zelenetz, J.O. Armitage
vaccination versus control immunotherapy
and K. R. Carson, Surveillance imaging for
for follicular lymphoma, J Clin Oncol, 32, 17,
lymphoma: pros and cons, Am Soc Clin Oncol
1797-803, Jun 10, 24799467, 4039868
Educ Book, , e388-95, 24857129
Y. Li, N. Kanaji, X. Wang, T. Sato, M.
M. A. Macha, S. Rachagani, P. Pai, S. Gupta,
Nakanishi, M. Kim, J. Michalski, A. J. Nelson,
W. M. Lydiatt, R. B. Smith, S. L. Johansson,
M. Farid, H. Basma, A. Patil, M. L. Toews,
S. M. Lele, S. S. Kakar, J. H. Lee, J. Meza,
X. Liu and S.I. Rennard, Prostaglandin E
A.K. Ganti, M. Jain and S. K. Batra, MUC4
switches from a stimulator to an inhibitor of
regulates cellular senescence in head and
cell migration after epithelial-to-mesenchymal
neck squamous cell carcinoma through p16/
Internal Medicine Faculty Publications
Rb pathway, Oncogene, , Apr 21, 24747969,
Receiving SLED and Antibiotics: A Predictor
patients with COPD, Drugs, 74, 14, 1635-
for Survival, In Vivo, 28, 6, 1131-4, Nov-Dec,
57, Sep, 25212789,
M. A. Marchetti, M. P. Pulitzer, P. L.
L. B. Nabors, J. Portnow, M. Ammirati,
Myskowski, S. W. Dusza, M.A. Lunning,
J. E. McKinnon, R. B. Mailliard, S.
H. Brem, P. Brown, N. Butowski, M. C.
S. M. Horwitz, A. J. Moskowitz and C.
Swindells, T. J. Wilkin, L. Borowski, J.
Chamberlain, L. M. DeAngelis, R. A.
Querfeld, Cutaneous manifestations of
M. Roper, B. Bastow, M. Kearney, A.
Fenstermaker, A. Friedman, M. R. Gilbert, J.
human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type-1-
Wiegand, J. W. Mellors and C. R. Rinaldo,
Hattangadi-Gluth, D. Hesser, M. Holdhoff,
associated adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma:
Baseline natural killer and T cell populations
L. Junck, R. Lawson, J. S. Loeffler, P. L.
A single-center, retrospective study, J Am
correlation with virologic outcome after
Moots, M. M. Mrugala, H. B. Newton,
Acad Dermatol, , Nov 8, 25455841
regimen simplification to atazanavir/ritonavir
J. J. Raizer, L. Recht, N. Shonka, D. C.
alone (ACTG 5201), PLoS One, 9, 5,
Shrieve, A. K. Sills, Jr., L. J. Swinnen, D.
e95524, 24802242, 4011688
Tran, N. Tran, F. D. Vrionis, P. Y. Wen, N.
T. L. Marshall, K. C. Turza, S. L. Cook and
P.W. Smith, Abdominal Pain and Mass,
JAMA Surg, , Apr 9, 24718786
M. L. McDonald, M. H. Cho, I. C. Sorheim,
S. M. Lutz, P. J. Castaldi, D. A. Lomas, H.
O. Coxson, L. D. Edwards, W. MacNee,
J. Vestbo, J. C. Yates, A. Agusti, P. M.
Calverley, B. Celli, C. Crim, S.I. Rennard,
E. F. Wouters, P. Bakke, R. Tal-Singer,
B. E. Miller, A. Gulsvik, R. Casaburi, J.
M. Wells, E. A. Regan, B. J. Make, J. E.
Hokanson, C. Lange, J. D. Crapo, T. H.
J. Menche, A. Sharma, M. H. Cho, R. J.
Mayer, S.I. Rennard, B. Celli, B. E. Miller,
N. Locantore, R. Tal-Singer, S. Ghosh,
C. Larminie, G. Bradley, J. H. Riley, A.
Agusti, E. K. Silverman and A. L. Barabasi,
R. McMillian and M. Ho, Central nervous
system cancers, version 2.2014. Featured
updates to the NCCN Guidelines, J Natl
Compr Canc Netw, 12, 11, 1517-23, Nov,
A diVIsive Shuffling Approach (VIStA)
K. Neemann, V. Minhas, F.R. Loberiza and
for gene expression analysis to identify
A. Freifield, Transplant related outcomes
subtypes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
in patients with hematopoietic stem
Disease, BMC Syst Biol, 8 Suppl 2, S8,
cell transplant with Clostridium difficile
25032995, 4101699
associated diarrhea, Leuk Lymphoma, , 1-3,
Jun 27, 24766526
Beaty, E. K. Silverman and C. P. Hersh,
A. K. Mittal, N. K. Chaturvedi, K. J. Rai, C.
Common genetic variants associated with
E. Gilling-Cutucache, T. M. Nordgren, M.
A. Nel, S. Swindells, T. Bronich and H. E.
resting oxygenation in chronic obstructive
Moragues, R. Lu, R. Opavsky, G.R. Bociek,
Gendelman, Interview: Nanomedicine and
pulmonary disease, Am J Respir Cell
D. D. Weisenburger, J. Iqbal and S. S.
the fight against HIV/AIDS, Nanomedicine
Mol Biol, 51, 5, 678-87, Nov, 24825563,
Joshi, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells
(Lond), 9, 2, 193-206, Feb, 24552561
in a lymph node microenvironment depict
M. L. McDonald, A. A. Diaz, J. C. Ross, R.
San Jose Estepar, L. Zhou, E. A. Regan, E.
Eckbo, N. Muralidhar, C. E. Come, M. H.
molecular signature associated with an
aggressive disease, Mol Med, 20, 290-301,
24800836, 4107103
M. G. Neuman, S. W. French, B. A. French,
H. K. Seitz, L. B. Cohen, S. Mueller, N.A.
Osna, K.K. Kharbanda, D. Seth, A.
Bautista, K. J. Thompson, I. H. McKillop, I.
Cho, C. P. Hersh, C. Lange, E. Wouters, R.
K. Mosalpuria and F. Loberiza, Jr.,
A. Kirpich, C. J. McClain, R. Bataller, R. M.
H. Casaburi, H. O. Coxson, W. Macnee,
Splenectomy and second malignancies in
Nanau, M. Voiculescu, M. Opris, H. Shen,
S.I. Rennard, D. A. Lomas, A. Agusti, B.
patients with Hodgkin lymphoma: is there a
B. Tillman, J. Li, H. Liu, P. G. Thomes, M.
R. Celli, J. L. Black-Shinn, G. L. Kinney, S.
causal relationship?, Leuk Lymphoma, , 1-2,
Ganesan and S. Malnick, Alcoholic and non-
M. Lutz, J. E. Hokanson, E. K. Silverman
Jun 25, 24913505,
alcoholic steatohepatitis, Exp Mol Pathol,
and G. R. Washko, Quantitative computed
tomography measures of pectoralis
muscle area and disease severity in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. A crosssectional study, Ann Am Thorac Soc, 11, 3,
326-34, Mar, 24558953, 4028743
T. R. McGuire, N. T. Reardon, K. Bogard,
T.J. Plumb, C. J. Bultsma, S. W. Nissen,
P. D. Fuller and K. M. Olsen, IL6 Plasma
Concentrations in Patients with Sepsis
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A. J. Moskowitz, M.A. Lunning and S. M.
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Horwitz, How I treat the peripheral T-cell
T. M. Nordgren, T. D. Friemel, A. J.
lymphomas, Blood, 123, 17, 2636-44, Apr
Heires, J.A. Poole, T. A. Wyatt and
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D.J. Romberger, The omega-3 fatty
L. Murphy, S. Rennard, J. Donohue,
M. Molimard, R. Dahl, K. M. Beeh, J.
Dederichs, H. J. Fulle, M. Higgins and D.
acid docosahexaenoic acid attenuates
organic dust-induced airway inflammation,
Nutrients, 6, 12, 5434-52, Dec, 25436433
Young, Turning a molecule into a medicine:
A. M. O’Connor, B. W. Auvermann, J. P.
the development of indacaterol as a novel
Higgins, S. P. Kirychuk, J. M. Sargeant, S.G.
once-daily bronchodilator treatment for
Von Essen, J. M. Glanville and H. Wood,
The association between proximity to animal-
in veterans with rheumatoid arthritis and
performance of contrast echocardiography:
feeding operations and community health:
concomitant hepatitis C infection, Arthritis
a focused update from the American Society
a protocol for updating a systematic review,
Care Res (Hoboken), , Sep 3, 25187185
of Echocardiography, J Am Soc Echocardiogr,
Syst Rev, 3, 99, 25200608, 4160559
A. M. Perry, Y. Alvarado-Bernal, J. A. Laurini,
27, 8, 797-810, Aug, 25085408
W. K. O’Neal, W. Anderson, P. V. Basta, E.
L. M. Smith, G. W. Slack, K. L. Tan, L. H.
N. Putcha, M. A. Puhan, M. B. Drummond,
E. Carretta, C. M. Doerschuk, R. G. Barr, E.
Sehn, K. Fu, P. Aoun, T. C. Greiner, W. C.
M. K. Han, E. A. Regan, N. A. Hanania, C.
R. Bleecker, S. A. Christenson, J. L. Curtis,
Chan, P.J. Bierman, R.G. Bociek, J.O.
H. Martinez, M. Foreman, S. P. Bhatt, B.
M. K. Han, N. N. Hansel, R. E. Kanner, E.
Armitage, J.M. Vose, R. D. Gascoyne and
Make, J. Ramsdell, D. L. DeMeo, R. G. Barr,
C. Kleerup, F. J. Martinez, B. E. Miller, S. P.
D. D. Weisenburger, MYC and BCL2 protein
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Peters, S.I. Rennard, M. B. Scholand, R.
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J. Crapo, R. A. Wise and N. N. Hansel, A
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Simplified Score to Quantify Comorbidity in
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rituximab, Br J Haematol, 165, 3, 382-91,
COPD, PLoS One, 9, 12, e114438, 25514500,
plasma and P100 plasma for luminex-based
May, 24506200
A. M. Petrich, M. Gandhi, B. Jovanovic,
A. M. Quirke, K. Lundberg, J. Potempa, T.R.
J. J. Castillo, S. Rajguru, D. T. Yang, K. A.
Mikuls and P. J. Venables, PPAD remains a
24397870, 3928911
Shah, J. D. Whyman, F. Lansigan, F. J.
credible candidate for inducing autoimmunity
Hernandez-Ilizaliturri, L. X. Lee, S. K. Barta,
in rheumatoid arthritis: comment on the
N.A. Osna, M. Ganesan and T. M. Donohue,
S. Melinamani, R. Karmali, C. Adeimy, S.
article by Konig et al, Ann Rheum Dis, 74, 1,
Proteasome- and ethanol-dependent
Smith, N. Dalal, C. Nabhan, D. Peace, J.
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Biomolecules, 4, 4, 885-96, 25268065
A. D. Zelenetz, D. J. Landsburg, C. Howlett,
biomarker multiplex assays in patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in
the SPIROMICS study, J Transl Med, 12, 9,
N.A. Osna, K.K. Kharbanda, Y. Sun, R. L.
Simpson, L. E. Poluektova, M. Ganesan, J. L.
Wisecarver and D. F. Mercer, Ethanol affects
hepatitis C pathogenesis: humanized SCID
Alb-uPA mouse model, Biochem Biophys Res
Commun, 450, 1, 773-6, Jul 18, 24953695
A. Panwar, R. Batra, W. M. Lydiatt and
A.K. Ganti, Human papilloma virus positive
oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: a
growing epidemic, Cancer Treat Rev, 40, 2,
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K. P. Papadopoulos, C. Egile, R. Ruiz-Soto,
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Abrisqueta, J.M. Vose and J. Tabernero,
Efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics of SAR245409
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A. Mato, M. Jaglal, J. C. Chavez, J. P. Tsai,
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Impact of induction regimen and stem cell
transplantation on outcomes in double-hit
lymphoma: a multicenter retrospective
analysis, Blood, 124, 15, 2354-61, Oct 9,
J.A. Poole, Editorial, Int Immunopharmacol,
N. Rashid, B. W. Coburn, Y. L. Wu, T. C.
Cheetham, J. R. Curtis, K. G. Saag and T.R.
Mikuls, Modifiable Factors Associated
with Allopurinol Adherence and Outcomes
Among Patients with Gout in An Integrated
Healthcare System, J Rheumatol, , Dec 15,
C. A. Redlich, S. M. Tarlo, J. L. Hankinson, M.
C. Townsend, W. L. Eschenbacher, S.G. Von
Essen, T. Sigsgaard and D. N. Weissman,
Reply: Spirometry in the occupational setting,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 190, 3, 353-4,
23, 1, 315, Nov, 25305594
Aug 1, 25084267
J.A. Poole, L. Anderson, A. M. Gleason, W.
C. A. Redlich, S. M. Tarlo, J. L. Hankinson, M.
W. West, D.J. Romberger and T.A. Wyatt,
Pattern recognition scavenger receptor A/
CD204 regulates airway inflammatory
homeostasis following organic dust extract
exposures, J Immunotoxicol, 12, 1, 64-73,
C. Townsend, W. L. Eschenbacher, S.G. Von
Essen, T. Sigsgaard and D. N. Weissman,
Official American Thoracic Society technical
standards: spirometry in the occupational
setting, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 189, 8,
Jan, 24491035, 4119855
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cohort in patients with relapsed or refractory
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S. Rennard, C. Fogarty, C. Reisner,
lymphoma, Leuk Lymphoma, , 1-8, Nov 19,
Echocardiogr, 27, 12, 1359, Dec, 25441333
C. Fernandez, T. Fischer, M. Golden,
T.R. Porter, S. Abdelmoneim, J. T. Belcik,
Orevillo, Randomized study of the safety,
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M. L. McCulloch, S. L. Mulvagh, J. J.
pharmacokinetics, and bronchodilatory
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characteristics and treatment patterns
Guidelines for the cardiac sonographer in the
metered-dose inhaler in study patients with
phosphoinositide 3-kinase/mammalian target
of rapamycin inhibitor: a phase 1 expansion
February 2015 | 21
E. S. Rose, P. Darken, G. Tardie and C.
Internal Medicine Faculty Publications
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
cardiac catheterization laboratory: a report
Implementation and performance of
BMC Pulm Med, 14, 118, 25027304,
of the American College of Cardiology
the BioFire FilmArray(R) Blood Culture
Clinical Quality Committee, Circulation, 129,
Identification panel with antimicrobial
24, 2578-609, Jun 17, 24682349
treatment recommendations for
S.I. Rennard, S. X. Sun, S. Tourkodimitris,
bloodstream infections at a midwestern
P. Rowe, U. M. Goehring, D. Bredenbroker
U. Sandkovsky, L. Vargas and D.F.
and P. M. Calverley, Roflumilast and
Florescu, Adenovirus: current epidemiology
dyspnea in patients with moderate to very
and emerging approaches to prevention and
severe chronic obstructive pulmonary
treatment, Curr Infect Dis Rep, 16, 8, 416,
H. Spain, T. Plumb and T.R. Mikuls, Gout
disease: a pooled analysis of four clinical
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as a manifestation of familial juvenile
trials, Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 9,
academic tertiary hospital, Diagn Microbiol
Infect Dis, , Nov 15, 25488272
hyperuricemic nephropathy, J Clin
657-73, 25018629, 4075954
S. K. Shillcutt, C. R. Montzingo, A.
S.E. Richards, J.F. Shiffermiller,
R. Thomas, T.R. Porter and T. R. Brakke,
G.M. Thiele, M. M. Duryee, D.R.
A.D. Wells, S.A. May, S. Chakraborty,
Echocardiography-based hemodynamic
Anderson, L.W. Klassen, S. M. Mohring,
K.J. Caverzagie and M.W. Beachy. A
management of left ventricular diastolic
K. A. Young, D. Benissan-Messan, H.
Clinical Process Change and Educational
dysfunction: a feasibility and safety study,
Sayles, A. Dusad, C. D. Hunter, J. Sokolove,
Intervention to Reduce the Use of
Echocardiography, 31, 10, 1189-98, Nov,
W. Robinson, J.R. O’Dell, A. P. Nicholas, D.
Unnecessary Preoperative Tests, Journal of
Tuma and T.R. Mikuls, Malondialdehyde-
Graduate Medical Education, 733-737, Dec.
Agrawal, M. S. Khaleel, S. L. Therrien, W.
N.A. Shonka, Grade II Gliomas-Not So Low
J. M. Rodrigues, S. Schulz, A. Rector, K.
Dec 15, 25510801
Spackman, J. Millar, J. Campbell, B. Ustun,
C. G. Chute, H. Solbrig, V. Della Mea and
K. B. Persson, ICD-11 and SNOMED CT
Common Ontology: circulatory system,
Stud Health Technol Inform, 205, 1043-7,
A. Rorie and J.A. Poole, Vitamin D
supplementation: a potential booster for
urticaria therapy, Expert Rev Clin Immunol,
10, 10, 1269-71, Oct, 25155458
M.E. Rupp and T.C. Van Schooneveld,
Antimicrobial utilization decision support in
the critical care unit: is the glass half-empty
or half-full?, Crit Care Med, 42, 8, 1947-8,
Grade, Oncology (Williston Park), 28, 12,
N.A. Shonka, A.M. Kessinger and M.
R. Aizenberg, Intrathecal interleukin-2 for
melanomatous meningitis, J Clin Oncol, 32,
33, e111-3, Nov 20, 24550415
S. Singh, R. L. Simpson and R.G. Bennett,
Relaxin Activates Peroxisome ProliferatorActivated Receptor gamma (PPARgamma)
Through a Pathway Involving PPARgamma
Coactivator 1alpha (PGC1alpha), J Biol
Chem, , Nov 11, 25389293
S. Singh, R. L. Simpson and R.G. Bennett,
Relaxin Activates Peroxisome Proliferatoractivated Receptor gamma (PPARgamma)
Aug, 25029136
through a Pathway Involving PPARgamma
T. A. Sanborn, J. E. Tcheng, H. V. Anderson,
Chem, 290, 2, 950-9, Jan 9, 25389293
C. E. Chambers, S. L. Cheatham, M. V.
DeCaro, J. C. Durack, A. D. Everett, J. B.
Gordon, W. E. Hammond, Z. M. Hijazi, V.
S. Kashyap, M. Knudtson, M. J. Landzberg,
M. A. Martinez-Rios, L. A. Riggs, K. H. Sim,
D. J. Slotwiner, H. Solomon, W. Y. Szeto,
B. H. Weiner, W. S. Weintraub and J.R.
Windle, ACC/AHA/SCAI 2014 health policy
statement on structured reporting for the
Newsletter | 22
Coactivator 1alpha (PGC1alpha), J Biol
B. M. Smith, E. A. Hoffman, S. Rennard
and R. G. Barr, Location, location, location:
studying anatomically comparable airways
is highly relevant to understanding COPD,
Thorax, 69, 11, 1049-50, Nov, 25217475
T. R. Southern, T.C. VanSchooneveld, D.
L. Bannister, T. L. Brown, A. S. Crismon,
S. N. Buss, P. C. Iwen and P. D. Fey,
Rheumatol, 20, 8, 442-4, Dec, 25417683
acetaldehyde adducts (MAA) and anti-MAA
antibody in rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis
Rheumatol, , Nov 21, 25417811
T.C. Van Schooneveld and M.E. Rupp,
Antimicrobial stewardship strategies:
preauthorization or postprescription
audit and feedback?, Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol, 35, 9, 1100-2, Sep, 25111917
A. P. Vaz, M. P. Ponnusamy, S. Rachagani,
P. Dey, A.K. Ganti and S. K. Batra, Novel
role of pancreatic differentiation 2 in
facilitating self-renewal and drug resistance
of pancreatic cancer stem cells, Br J Cancer,
111, 3, 486-96, Jul 29, 25003666, 4119968
J.M. Vose, Commentary: diagnostic
dilemmas that impact treatment decisions
in lymphoma, Clin Adv Hematol Oncol, 12, 1
Suppl 2, 12-3, Jan, 24852619
X. Q. Wang, L. J. Mao, Q. H. Fang, T.
Kobayashi, H. J. Kim, H. Sugiura, S.
Kawasaki, S. Togo, K. Kamio, X. Liu and
S.I. Rennard, Sphingosylphosphorylcholine
induces alpha-smooth muscle actin
expression in human lung fibroblasts and
fibroblast-mediated gel contraction via S1P2
receptor and Rho/Rho-kinase pathway,
Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 108, 2330, Jan, 24614064
A. D. Wells, J.A. Poole and D.J. Romberger,
A. D. Zelenetz, L. I. Gordon, W. G. Wierda, J.
Influence of farming exposure on the
S. Abramson, R. H. Advani, C. B. Andreadis,
development of asthma and asthma-like
N. Bartlett, N. Bellam, J. C. Byrd, M. S.
symptoms, Int Immunopharmacol, 23, 1,
Czuczman, L. E. Fayad, R. I. Fisher, M.
356-363, Nov, 25086344, 4253718
J. Glenn, N. L. Harris, R. T. Hoppe, S. M.
J. M. Wells, P. J. O’Reilly, T. Szul, D. I.
Sullivan, G. Handley, C. Garrett, C. M.
McNicholas, M. A. Roda, B. E. Miller, R.
Tal-Singer, A. Gaggar, S.I. Rennard, P.
L. Jackson and J. E. Blalock, An aberrant
leukotriene A4 hydrolase-proline-glycineproline pathway in the pathogenesis of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Am
Horwitz, C. R. Kelsey, Y. H. Kim, S. Krivacic,
A. S. LaCasce, A. Nademanee, P. Porcu, O.
Press, R. Rabinovitch, N. Reddy, E. Reid, L.
Sokol, L. J. Swinnen, C. Tsien, J.M. Vose, J.
Multimodal neuroimaging evidence of
alterations in cortical structure and function in
HIV-infected older adults, Hum Brain Mapp, ,
Nov 6, 25376125
B. Wirk, T. S. Fenske, M. Hamadani, M.
J. Zhang, Z. H. Hu, G. Akpek, M. D. Aljurf,
P. Armand, E. Ayala, V. Bachanova, B.
Bolwell, M. S. Cairo, A. Cashen, Y. B. Chen,
L. J. Costa, S. Farhan, C. O. Freytes, J.
L. Gajewski, J. Gibson, G. A. Hale, L. A.
Holmberg, J. W. Hsu, D. J. Inwards, R.
T. Kamble, D. Maharaj, R. T. Maziarz, R.
C. Schouten, A. Sureda, J.M. Vose, E. K.
Waller, P. H. Wiernik, R. P. Gale, L. J. Burns
and W. Saber, Outcomes of hematopoietic
cell transplantation for diffuse large B cell
lymphoma transformed from follicular
lymphoma, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 20,
7, 951-9, Jul, 24641828, 4060436
T.A. Wyatt, J.A. Poole, T. M. Nordgren, J.
M. DeVasure, A. J. Heires, K.L. Bailey and
D.J. Romberger, cAMP-dependent protein
kinase activation decreases cytokine release
in bronchial epithelial cells, Am J Physiol Lung
Cell Mol Physiol, 307, 8, L643-51, Oct 15,
25150062, 4200387
February 2015 | 23
Intern Med Perspect, 4, 5, 25738, 25432653,
Bociek, Near misdiagnosis of glioblastoma as
primary central nervous system lymphoma, J
Clin Med Res, 6, 4, 299-301, Aug, 24883157,
N. Bartlett, J. C. Byrd, M. S. Czuczman,
L. E. Fayad, R. I. Fisher, M. J. Glenn, N. L.
Harris, R. T. Hoppe, S. M. Horwitz, C. R.
V. R. Bhatt and J.M. Vose, Hematopoietic
Stem Cell Transplantation for Non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma, Hematol Oncol Clin North Am,
28, 6, 1073-1095, Dec, 25459180
Kelsey, Y. H. Kim, S. Krivacic, A. S. LaCasce,
B. R. England, H. Sayles, T.R. Mikuls, D. S.
A. Nademanee, P. Porcu, O. Press, R.
Johnson and K. Michaud, Validation of the
Rabinovitch, N. Reddy, E. Reid, A. A. Saad, L.
Rheumatic Disease Comorbidity Index, Arthri-
Sokol, L. J. Swinnen, C. Tsien, J.M. Vose, J.
tis Care Res (Hoboken), , Sep 3, 25186344
Yahalom, N. Zafar, M. Dwyer and H. Sundar,
A. Rorie and J.A. Poole, Vitamin D supple-
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, version 4.2014,
J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 12, 9, 1282-303,
Sep, 25190696
E. Zmijewski, S. Lu and D.D. HarrisonFindik, TLR4 signaling and the inhibition of
liver hepcidin expression by alcohol, World
J Gastroenterol, 20, 34, 12161-70, Sep 14,
25232250, 4161801
Munker, R. Nath, N. M. Reddy, C. B. Reeder,
D. A. Rizzieri, C. S. Sauter, B. N. Savani, H.
medical journals in 2012, J Community Hosp
J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 12, 6, 916-46, Jun,
S. Abramson, R. H. Advani, C. B. Andreadis,
L. Knott, H. S. Fox and S. Swindells,
analysis of reported errata in five leading
V. R. Bhatt, R. Shrestha, N. Shonka and R.G.
24874071, 4226028
Sandkovsky, M. L. White, J. O’Neill, N.
salpuria and J.O. Armitage, A retrospective
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, version 2.2014,
A. D. Zelenetz, L. I. Gordon, W. G. Wierda, J.
M. Becker, J. Aloi, K. R. Robertson, U.
V. R. Bhatt, M. R. Aryal, S. Panta, K. Mo-
Yahalom, N. Zafar, M. Dwyer and H. Sundar,
J Respir Crit Care Med, 190, 1, 51-61, Jul 1,
T. W. Wilson, E. Heinrichs-Graham, K.
Resident and Fellow
Scholarly Works
Did you know...
R. Jennifer (Jen) Cavalieri and
Mark Rupp, MD, have had
a second book published to
assist with the administration
of clinical trials. The publisher is
Sigma Theta Tau International,
published, November 18, 2014.
mentation: a potential booster for urticaria
therapy, Expert Rev Clin Immunol, 10, 10,
1269-71, Oct, 25155458
Department of Internal Medicine
983332 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-3332
products that generate economic growth right here in Nebraska,” said Ken
In this issue
Bayles, PhD, associate vice chancellor for basic science research, UNMC and
1 Ebola Care Team
“Research at medical schools, universities and academic medical centers
supported by NIH funding creates skilled jobs and new diagnostic and medicinal
Thomas F. Murray, PhD, associate dean for research, Creighton University.
In Nebraska, 14,978 residents held bioscience industry jobs in 2010. The
1 Dr. Desuza is
average annual wage for such jobs in Nebraska was $56,006.
Funded by PCORI
UNMC and its hospital partner, The Nebraska Medical Center,
3 Mourning Three
have an annual economic impact of $3.2 billion.
The Department of Internal Medicine’s mission is to improve the health
of the citizens of Nebraska through nationally-recognized programs in
clinical-care, education of health care providers and research that enhances
Faculty Members
5 Dr. Windle Receives
the understanding, treatment and/or prevention of disease.
R01 From AHRQ
Faculty are welcome to contribute articles regarding their
7 Vancomycin Meta-
research and educational or clinical endeavors.
For more information about research in the Department of Internal Medicine, contact:
Selaba Travis, Research Support Office at: 402-559-4875; email: stravis@unmc.edu.
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Internal Medicine | February 2015
analysis Article of Note