Latest Pewsheet - St Andrew`s Parish Church, Medstead


Latest Pewsheet - St Andrew`s Parish Church, Medstead
Church Hall Booking Secretary
Pat Mitchell 01420 562331
Pewsheet Editor
Adrian Barnes 01420 562854
Church Hall Hire Rates
Hall hire £8.50 per hour or part, deposit £30.
Off site hire of tables, chairs & tablecloths
are £2, £1 & 30p each per 24h.
Please ensure copy is received by
6:00pm Thursday .
If you would like a copy emailed to you, send an email to with “Pewsheet” as the subject line.
Diary Dates
17th Feb
@ 6:00pm to 8:00pm ‘Bumbles’, Medstead
1st Lent Course, preceded by pancakes
28th Feb
@ 6:45 for 7pm start in the Church Hall
Quiz Night
8th Mar
@ 6:00pm
St. Andrew’s Church
See inside for The Lenten Lunch Programme
Services next week
Sunday 22nd Feb
Sunday 22nd Feb
@ 8:00am
@ 11:00am
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Prayer requests. At the back of the church, on the table by the door, is a
book that can be used to request prayer. If you have a particular need that
you would like us to bring to the Lord during our services, please let us know.
There is also provision on our website, or you can always ask someone to pray
with you.
15th February 2015
Pewsheet No. 1116
St.Andrew’S PAriSh ChurCh
THE Sunday before lent
Visitors are always welcome and are warmly invited to
join us in the Church Hall for refreshments after the service.
11:00 Parish Communion
Celebrant: The Reverend Anthony Smith
Gathering Hymn
82 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
First Reading
2 Kings 2. 1-12
(OT p342)
read by
Jack Linley
Second Reading
2 Corinthians 4. 3-6
(NT p177)
read by
Charlotte Adams
Gradual Hymn
317 Lord, the light of your love is shining
Gospel Reading
Mark 9. 2-9
(NT p42)
read by
led by
Carol Fuller
Offertory Hymn
564 Ye holy angels bright
Distribution Hymns WT247 Jesus, you are changing me
327 O Lord, your tenderness
Post Communion Hymn 514 Thou, whose almighty word
Collect for today
Almighty Father,
whose Son was revealed in majesty
before he suffered death upon the cross:
give us grace to perceive his glory,
that we may be strengthened to suffer with him
and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
On duty are: Churchwarden:
Organist: Patrick Busby
Bells: Sharon Blackshaw
Clock: Noel; Howard
Cleaning: Anita Prior
Church Web Site
Contact Details
The Reverend Ben Flenley
PCC Secretary
The Rectory, Bentworth, GU34 5RB
Wendy Busby 01420 564168
01420 563218
Assistant Curate
Adrian Barnes 01420 562854
The Reverend Kathryn Flenley
Patrick Busby 01420 564168
Licensed Lay Ministers
Carol Fuller 01420 562445
Charlie Shaylor 01256 381351
Wendy Busby 01420 564168
Debby Barnes 01420 562854
Ian Jurd 01420 563533
Marion Slater 01420 564295
Deputy Churchwarden
Stephen Blackshaw 01420 563937
Ian Jurd
Sidesmen: Pat Constantine & Jack Linley
Refreshments: Sharon Blackshaw
Flowers: Jennifer Lines
The word "transfigured" is a very
interesting word. The Greek word is
"metamorpho" and it means to
transform, literally or figuratively to
metamorphose, or to change. The
word is a verb that means to change
into another form. It also means to
change the outside to match the
inside. The prefix "meta" means to
change and the "morphe" means form.
In the case of the transfiguration of
Jesus Christ it means to match the
outside with the reality of the inside.
To change the outward so that it
matches the inward reality.
Jesus' divine nature was veiled in
human form (Hebrews 10:20) and the
transfiguration was a glimpse of that
Therefore, the transfiguration of Jesus Christ displayed the glory of God
incarnate in the Son. The voice of God attesting to the truth of Jesus'
Sonship was the second time God's voice was heard. The first time was at
Jesus' baptism into His public ministry by John the Baptist.
Today is the last Sunday before Lent which commences next Wednesday.
On Tuesday, we will be commencing our Lenten Course which this year, is
titled “Called to Contemplative Action”. During the course, we will explore
the Scriptures together and reflect on the life of St. Benedict and how both
can change our lives as we live in the 21st century.
This course is for the whole Benefice and the first session will be at the
home of Stephen and Sharon Blackshaw in ‘Bumbles’, Five Ash Road,
Medstead. It runs from 6pm to 8pm and as Tuesday is also Shrove
Tuesday, we will commence with Pancakes.
Do something different for your Lenten discipline. Make a point of coming
to each evening (as well as giving up ‘meat, bread, alcohol, chocolate,
Ash Wednesday is on the 18th of February and there will be a service in
St. Andrew’s Church at 11:15am, followed by the first Lenten Lunch in the
Church Hall.
This year’s
Lenten Lunch Programme
Wednesday 18th February
FRRME—Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East
Thursday 26th February
Prostate Cancer UK
Thursday 5th March
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
Friday 13th March
Ngorongoro Education Project Tanzania
Tuesday 17th March
The Woodlarks Centre
Saturday 28th March
St. Michael’s Hospice
Please note all lunches commence at 12:30am.
The St. Andrew’s Musical Recital
postponed late last year is rescheduled for
Sunday 8th March at 6:00pm in the church.
Tickets are priced at £12.50 (with concessions for
children) and include a finger buffet with wine and
soft drinks to be served after the concert.
For tickets please contact:
Sharon Blackshaw on 01420 563937 or
Wendy Busby on 01420 564168
The Confirmation Service, to be led by Bishop David of Basingstoke,
is only 13 weeks away on 10th May. It would not be too late for any
further candidates, young or old, to join in, but please talk to Ben or
Kathryn as soon as possible on 01420 563218.
If you are intending to come, please let either Ben or Kathryn know on
01420 563218.
This is your personal copy of our Pewsheet. Please take away and use during the week ahead.