weekly prayer list. - North Side Baptist Church


weekly prayer list. - North Side Baptist Church
North Side Baptist Church
Wednesday Night Prayer Reminders
February 18, 2015
Our Church, Church Family, and Ministers
Our President, Government, and Military
Friends and Family Requests
Summer Bennett’s mother, rheumatoid arthritis
Missionaries, Home and Foreign
Mary Beth Ainsworth, cousin and dear friend of
Judy Myers, hospitalized since November,
recovering from pneumonia; very severe
Dr. Gary Grote, severe injury from a boating
accident, moved to trauma center in Ft. Worth, very
Joe Feller, father of Eric Adcock’s friend Reagan.
Joe is fighting Leukemia
Pray for Christians being persecuted in Syria
and Iraq
Church on the Rock in Pitt Meadows, Canada
Missionaries, Josh and Lisa Arrington
Arrington’s - Praise for a new family who will come
partner with the Arrington’s in planting a new
church in the nearby town of Maple Ridge! Please
pray that they find a worship leader for their church.
Ben Bryant – Returned to India. Pray for the
building of relationships with people in his city.
Trainer’s - Pray for the Lord to open doors for
relationships. Pray for adjustment to their new city
and that they will find a new place to live in Coney
Church Family Prayer Requests
AJ Whittington, Grandson of Mike and Vickie
Whittington, brain tumor detected in routine tests
Les Hall, seeing doctors concerning gall bladder
and heart valve
Darlene Golden-Colson, prayer for her and her
family; conflict, finances, health issues
Jim Donald, has bulging disks in his back; pain
shots are helping; chemo is complete now
Allison Vandagriff, fighting recurrent pneumonia
Beverly Starns, ongoing cancer treatment
Barbara Skinner, working toward kidney transplant
Carol Lero, mother of Matt Lero, difficulty
swallowing due to esophageal hernia
Theresa Wilson, mother of Dana Blankenship
and Mark Daniels – aneurysm found on a renal
Julie Cogdill, daughter in law of Evelyn Cogdill,
heart attack 18 months ago, experiencing chest
pains again, improving
Taylor Davis, had reconstructive surgery on his
nose 2/12 for an athletic injury
Teri Butzin, mother of Helen McConnell’s son-inlaw, cancer in lungs, brain, lymph nodes
Louise, sister of Sue Mason, rehab after repair of
broken hip; concerned with Lupus; seizure
Amy Price, prayer for upcoming surgery
Dina Sledge, mother of Chris Sledge, uncontrolled
diabetes, serious complications
Beth Brown, sister of Eddie Burg and Bonnie
Feuilly, surgery to remove kidney due to cancer;
appointment with new doctor in Birmingham
Fred Potter, Dallas Baylor, serious condition
Norma Plowman, Medical Plaza, making progress
Nan Hardy, Harris DT, will begin dialysis tomorrow
Ernie Green, Harris DT, pneumonia and other
infection, will remain a few more days
Allen Greene, Regency Hospital, was able to dress
and sit up, PRAISE GOD
Ongoing Prayer Needed
Clint Reynolds
Dorothy Brown
Wanda Carpenter
Billie Atkins
Roy Ferris
Lois Thompson
Julio Moreno
Frank Morgan
Edd Mann
Pete Bowman
Upcoming Procedures
Melissa Brumfield, shoulder surgery to remove
cyst tomorrow morning, 6:30 a.m.
Sherry Stevenson, spinal surgery, Lake Granbury
Medical Center
Bob Lilley, Weatherford Health Care, for rehab
and treatment
Barbara Stotts, College Park rehab, recovering
from esophageal hernia infection; will require
surgery to repair shoulder
Jewell Phelan, Holland Lake #123
Dorothy Platt, Brookdale Assisted Living
Barbara Martin, College Park, improving
Pat McDaniel, WRMC congestive heart failure
Wanda Carpenter, mother of Carla Coffey is in
Holland Lake rehab
Bill and Liz Leatham, Hilltop Health and Rehab in
the secure unit
Recovering at Home
Debbie Wheeler, doing well following last
Tuesday’s heart bypass surgery
Nancy Boyer, hospitalized this week with infection;
back at home now
Gil Lain, father of Caleb Lain, recovering very well
from cancer surgery, back at work; radiation will
begin in April
Doris Reese, dialysis 3 times a week, facing skin
graph surgery
Maria Jones, recovering from knee surgery
Previous Concerns cont.
Shirley McCurdy, broken foot bone is not healing;
has a dr. appointment to determine treatment
PJ Fecht, mother is having TIAs
Bill & Delores Ross, concerns for daughter and
granddaughter; custody issues
Samantha Rogers, daughter of Christy Cedillo,
help with life decisions, negative influences; also
pray for Nicholas and Aaron Cedillo, sons of
Christy relationship issues, future mates
Fidi, friend of Toni Rhodes, testing to determine
the cause of a lump found in her stomach
Bert Robles, friend of Toni Rhodes, diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer, on hospice
Deepest Sympathies
To daughter Jennifer Pool and husband Darrell
Johnson and family in the passing of her mother
Sherry Johnson, memorial service is 10:00 a.m.
Saturday 2/21 at NSBC
To Karen Brown and family in the passing of her
sister Carla
To Don Smelley and family in the loss of his
nephew, Ben Smelley of Godley
To the Bruce Wesson family at his passing
Previous Concerns
Mary Yadon, financial needs
Ed Tanner, brother of George Tanner, father of
Vickie Whittington; WRMC ICU infection, fluid
around his heart
Cecilia Martinez, coworker of Tommy & Kim
Chilcutt, stage 3 cancer, surgery two weeks ago
Delbert Oldfield, father of Dave Oldfield, 84 yrs.
old, high blood pressure
Cheryl Hearn, postmistress at Brock in Dallas
battling Leukemia
Kathy Martin, daughter-in-law of Verna Martin,
chemo for 6 months, improving
Eileen Copen, mother of Jill Lawrence, has an
infection in the bone; receiving hyperbaric
treatments; progress is slow
Brandon Husby, son in law of Rosalie Garvin,
dealing with pneumonia in addition to other injuries;
remains in an induced coma
Shannon Hetrick, fighting cancer
Rena Silvas, continuing chemo for cancer
If you have a prayer concern you would like published on
this weekly prayer list, please contact Kerry Patton,
Donnie O’Fallon, or Linka Wallace at:
Or the following email addresses:
Prayer concerns that have not been updated may be
removed after two weeks at the discretion of the pastoral
care staff. Thank you for your attention to this prayer