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Catholic Community in Cheltenham Served by the Diocese of Clifton Registered Charity Number 233977 First Sunday of Lent Psalter Week 1 & Proper of Season 22nd February 2015 Page No. 148 Jesus was tempted by Satan, and the angels looked after him (Mark: 1:12-15) St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737 St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128 Daily Prayer Fasting Witness Parish Priest: Canon Bosco MacDonald VF Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Wainwright Fr David McDonald Deacon: Rev. Robin Littlewood Parish Websites:, Schools: St Gregory’s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ All Saints’ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU 01242 524932 of Jesus and Mary Parish Priest: Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website: Mass Times this Week 22nd Sunday 5.00pm (Sat) 5.30pm (Sat) 8.15am 9.30am 10.30am 11.15am 4.15pm 6.00pm 23rd Monday 9.30am 24th Tuesday 11.30am 25th 26th 27th 28th First Sunday of Lent St Thomas More World Peace Sacred Hearts Maura McNulty RIP Sacred Hearts Daphne Garman RIP St Gregory People of the Parish Sacred Hearts People of the Parish St Gregory Margaret MacDonald RIP Sacred Hearts Mass in Polish St Gregory Private Intention Weekday of Lent St Gregory Paul Mason RIP Weekday of Lent St Gregory Requiem Mass for Patrick Donovan RIP Wednesday Weekday of Lent 9.30am St Gregory Jack & Delia Kirwan RIP 10.00am Sacred Hearts Maureen McCabe Thursday Weekday of Lent 9.30am St Gregory Frank Hill RIP 7.00pm Sacred Hearts Sue Ball RIP Friday Weekday of Lent 7.00am St Thomas More Intentions of Bernie Warner 9.15am Sacred Hearts Francesco Di Paola RIP 12noon St Gregory Requiem Mass for Sue Ball RIP Saturday Weekday of Lent 9.30am St Gregory Therese Edsforth RIP 10.00am Sacred Hearts Private Intention Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at St Gregory’s: Saturday 10.00am-11.00am; Thursday 10.00am-3.00pm ending with Benediction; Sacred Hearts: 1st Friday of the month, 9.15am-12.30pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation: St Gregory’s Saturdays 10.00am; St Thomas More 4.15-4.45pm. 1st Thursday at St Thomas More 5pm Confessions in Polish. Sacred Hearts Thursdays 7.30pm and Saturdays 10.30am. Also by arrangement with the priests. RCIA Journey in Faith: Every Thursday, 7-9pm in the Presbytery. Baptisms: By arrangement with the Parish Office. Cheltenham Catholic Adults: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Contact Margaret 07515 805015 or Damian 07908 105787. 55 Club: After 9.30am Mass, in Old Priory (alternate Thursdays). Next meeting: 5th March. Talk by Mr David Armstrong (Head Ranger, National Trust). “The Management of National Trust Countryside in the Cotswolds”. Choir Practice: In Church, Thursdays at 7.00pm. New members welcome. Contact John on: 07769 675323. NEVER SINK SO LOW? Everyone has temptations. Some are small, like the urge to finish off all the chocolates in the box. Others are great, like the tendency to get so wrapped up in myself that I fail to see the needs of others. Most of us will admit to certain weaknesses, but there are some temptations that we are really ashamed of and would not like the person next to us to know about. We feel so demeaned by this sort of temptation. If people knew about it they would surely change their opinion of me? And we wish we didn’t have it. Lent teaches us three important lessons about temptations. The first is that no one can escape them. However much we might like it to be otherwise, every one of us suffers temptations. It is part of our human nature that we have urges and desires to do things that we know to be wrong, know to be harmful to us in the end. It can be so hard for us to make a right judgement about the long term effects of our actions, rather than giving in to what seems to be good for us at the moment. Lent’s second lesson is hard to grasp, and it seems incredible at first sight. It is that Christ, when tempted by Satan, experienced the depths of our temptations. The temptation which we are ashamed to talk openly about, the one we don’t want broadcasting, that one was put before Jesus. It had to be if he was going to redeem it. If the only temptation Jesus ever suffered was the one about the chocolates in the box, then he would be powerless to know our real human nature and to conquer it. He had to sink lower. He had to be tempted at the very depths of human existence, to be brought to rock bottom. We begin Lent every year by reminding ourselves that Christ has conquered the very worst of sin and evil. The good news, and the third lesson, is that temptations are not sins. To be tempted is not to do wrong. However repulsive we may find temptations, if we do not give into them, then we have nothing to blame ourselves for. On the contrary, by examining carefully the sort of temptations we face, we can come to understand those areas of our life that need attention. By becoming spiritually aware of our danger areas, we can begin to work on our behaviour to change it for the better. The best thing to do with a temptation is to face it. The worst thing is to pretend it is not there. so Lent is a time for doing penance for our sin. But it is also a time for rejoicing in the fact that sin can no longer have any permanent hold over us if we live our lives for Christ. Finance Last week’s offertory collection came to: £1,083.73 (STG); £335.96 (STM); Bingo £105. Thank you all for your support. Lenten Alms During the season of Lent, Lenten Alms are offered for distribution by the Bishop. Please place your offerings in the box marked Lenten Alms. CAFOD Lent Fast Day Envelopes for next Friday’s Fast Day will be collected next weekend. For storm, drought and flood relief. Baptism Congratulations and welcome to Liliana Anna Pyplowska who was baptised at St Thomas More recently. We welcome her into the Church, and offer our love and prayers to Liliana and her family. Stations of the Cross During Lent, Stations of the Cross will be on Wednesdays at 7pm & Sundays at 5pm at St Gregory’s. Parish Pastoral Council If any parishioner wishes to raise any matter for discussion at the meeting, next Tuesday evening, they will be most welcome to speak to a PPC member at the end of the end of Mass this weekend. Caritas New edition out today! Lots of parish news and great Lenten reading! Pick up your copy from the table by the side door or from the back of church for just £1.50. Lent Contemplative Prayer Mondays in Lent, starting February 23rd, join us between 2-3pm at 54 Alstone Croft, GL51 8HA, for quiet prayer, followed by a period of reading the Sunday Lent gospels as Lectio Divina. Phone Maryse on 01242 237605 for details. 40 Days for Life The Cheltenham team will hold vigil in front of the Cheltenham General Hospital between 8am-6pm on Fridays during Lent. Please support us with your prayers, any form of fasting that is appropriate for you, and if possible come and pray with us in front of the hospital. By persevering in this, we plead with God to convert our nation's heart and to make us respect every human life from conception to natural death. The Gloucester team will be at the West Entrance of Gloucester Royal Hospital every day in Lent. For more info, contact James Tranter (07796 511375 or Heart2Heart Walk Raised £3795.02 for “help4heroes” and computers for the “Serendip Children's Home” in Sri Lanka. Many thanks from Steve and Johannes. Prayer Breakfast The March breakfast meeting will be on Saturday, 7th March 9.30-11am. Jacob Holbrook (Youth Team) will come and give a talk. All welcome. Church Flower Arranging Our flower teams have been depleted recently. Would anyone be interested in joining us once a month? If interested, please contact Shirley on 238345. First Confessions Will be held on the 7th & 21st March. On those days approximately 25 children will receive this Sacrament from 10am, ahead of regular parishioners. Please pray for our children as they take this important step. Newman Association Rev Canon Richard Atkins will speak on Collar and Mic – an Odyssey. Tuesday 3rd March at 7.45pm, Sacred Hearts Parish Hall. £3 (members & students free). Enquires to Stephanie Jamison (01242 539810). Charity Work Talk Serryth Colbert is a cleft lip and palate specialist and he is giving a talk about the charity work he does with NHS consultants and nurses in India. This talk will be during Proteen at 7.30pm on Sunday 1st March. Parents, teachers, families are all welcome. St Thomas More Catholic Primary To celebrate the school's 40th birthday, we are looking for people who have had a connection with us over the past 40 years. Anyone who has a story to share, or especially photos, should email: or write to Mrs June Little, by 14th March 2015. Lourdes Easter Pilgrimage A group will be travelling to Lourdes via Jumbulance on Thu 2nd – Sat 11th April. Anyone interested in joining please contact or phone 07973115268. Traidcraft As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, we are selling cards and cakes after the 9.30 and 11.15 Masses on March 1st. Lenten Reading Instead of giving something up for Lent, why not take up a book from the Parish Library? There is a good selection of books on spirituality, travel in the Holy Land and biographies of saints. The Library is on the top floor of the Old Priory, open after every Mass. Calling All Singers for Easter We're going to sing some traditional Polish music and pieces by Tallis, Allegri and Mozart. There will be one practice per week in the Old Priory on Saturday afternoons (2-4pm). The first is on 28th February. All singers are welcome! Women’s World Day of Prayer On Friday 6th March, you are warmly invited to the local service at 10.30am in Cheltenham Minster (St Mary’s parish church). This year’s service has been written by the women of the Bahamas, and will be followed by refreshments and a taste of the Bahamas. Proclaim ‘15 A big new initiative in England & Wales inspired by Pope Francis’ vision for the Church. Includes free materials for small groups, local events, prayer vigils and a national conference on 11th July. Search online for ‘Proclaim 15’. Prayers are asked for: Sick: Liz Sawaf, Claire Young, Sean Murphy, Helen Stanbury, Grace Stevens, Bruce Francis, Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie Warner, Deirdre Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise Ellis, Kevin Dunn, Christopher & Clifford Brown, Margaret Ellis, Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy O’Kelly, Bridie Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline Crosbie, Emily Cousins, Rey Lluisma, Bridget Garvey, Maddie Read, Dan Perry, Pete Thacker, Mary Costello, Adrian Davis, Lisa Partridge, Dillon Bright, Sheila Deneher, Margaret Byrne, John Flood. Anniversaries: Kathleen Evans, Andrzej Dabrowski, Betty Etheredge, Frank Hill, Rosa Bugesa, Esther Lidbury, Aldo & Ginetta Bondioli, Anna O’Sullivan, Ian (Mervyn) Vaughan, Margaret Gibbons, James Fletcher, Audrey Tyler, Gerard David Keenan, William (Billy) Martin, Olive Whelan.