Catholic Community in Cheltenham Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Catholic Community in Cheltenham Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catholic Community in Cheltenham
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Psalter Week 1
Page 143
19th October 2014
„Give back to Caesar - and to God what belongs to God‟ (Matthew: 22: 15-21)
“the only true riches are
those that make us rich
in virtue”
St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737
St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128
Parish Priest:
Canon Bosco MacDonald VF
Assistant Priest: Fr Frank Wainwright
Fr David McDonald
Rev. Robin Littlewood
Parish Websites:,
St Gregory‟s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG
St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ
All Saints‟ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH
Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU 01242 524932
Pope st Gregory the great
of Jesus and Mary
Parish Priest:
Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website:
Mass Times this Week
5.00pm (Sat
5.30pm (Sat)
20th Monday
21st Tuesday
22nd Wednesday
23rd Thursday
24th Friday
25th Saturday
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St Thomas More Fr Tom Lane RIP
Sacred Hearts
Kathleen Grogan Intention
Sacred Hearts
People of the Parish
St Gregory
Intentions of Beau Argame
Sacred Hearts
Rosa Colangelo RIP
St Gregory
People of the Parish
Sacred Hearts
Mass in Polish
St Gregory
Private Intention
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Sacred Hearts
Rosa Colangelo RIP
St Gregory
Peter & Betty Etheredge RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
Sacred Hearts
Hermanos Senior RIP
St Gregory
Oswald & Adrienne McOlistra RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Requiem Mass for Anne Holbrook RIP
Sacred Hearts
Fr Kevin Knox-Lecky RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Marjorie Hall RIP
Sacred Hearts
Kathleen Trapp RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Howard Bellingham RIP
Weekday in Ordinary Time
St Gregory
Patrick Connor RIP
Sacred Hearts
Private Intention
St Gregory
Wedding of Stephanie Goodall
& Philip Rush
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament at St Gregory‟s: Saturday 10.00am-11.00am;Thursday
10.00am-3.00pm ending with Benediction; Sacred Hearts:1st Friday of month,
9.15am-12.30pm. STM 1st Thursday; 5pm Confessions in Polish.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: St Gregory‟s Saturdays 10.00am; St Thomas
More 4.15-4.45pm. Sacred Hearts Thursdays 7.30pm and Saturdays 10.30am.
Also by arrangement with the priests.
RCIA Journey in Faith: Commenced on Thursday, 16th October 2014.
Baptisms: By arrangement with the Parish Office.
Cheltenham Catholic Adults: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Contact
Margaret 07515 805015 or Damian 07908 105787.
55 Club: After 9.30am Mass, in Old Priory (alternate Thursdays). Next
meeting: 23rd October - „Talk by Mr George Francis: „The Story of the W.W.T.
At Slimbridge‟
Choir Practice: In Church, Thursdays at 7.00pm. New members welcome.
Contact John on: 07769 675323.
One of the surest signs
that the gospel is being
proclaimed effectively is
when politicians tell
clergy to stick to religion
and stay in their
churches. It's not the
church's job, they say,
to support workers on a
picket line, to criticize
government policy on
the homeless, to complain when Social
Services are cut, to pass comment on the
morality of our overseas aid programmes etc.
This belongs to Caesar not God. God's work,
they say, is much more to be wrought in the
pulpit, in exhorting people to responsible
citizenship, in offering comfort, in the singing
of hymns and the recitation of prayers. A
clergyman's home is his sacristy.
The flaw in this view is that it understands
neither politics nor religion. Politics is
concerned with the way in which we organize
society and foster the prosperity and wellbeing of its members. Religion is about how
we find and relate to God in the service of
The reason why Christianity
cannot be associated with a political party is
that the gospel could never be tied down,
exhausted or limited by the inadequate
expressions of a political manifesto. Caesar
may well have some success with a transport
system or revision of the tax codes, but God,
the Church and religion are about proclaiming
a cosmic message of concern and liberation
for humanity. The message of the gospel is
therefore not simply about church furnishings,
about fetes and festivals, or about the bells
and smells of religion, but about the need for
every person to live in conditions which
promote their potential and accord them basic
human rights. It may upset those who want
Christianity to be seen as a respectable and
socially acceptable religion, but the demands
of the gospel are that we speak out for the
least of our brothers and sisters, whether
Caesar likes it or not.
Last week‟s offertory collection came to: £1,106.40 (STG);
£382.30 (STM) which includes £59.32 from the Kerala
Community; Bingo £88.00 (STM).
Thank you for your
continuing support.
Missio APF
There will be a retiring collection after Masses this weekend for
Congratulations and welcome to Amelia Ruth Elena Dutton,
Ethan Carl Dutton, Angel Ropafadzo Madzongwe, Milly Ann
Kathleen Pargeter, Phillippa Zizo Pukwana and Bertie
Christopher John Wood who were baptised last weekend at St
Gregory‟s. We welcome these children into the family of the
Church, and offer our love & prayers to them and their families.
Families up Front
At the 9.30am Mass on Sunday, 26th October (Fourth
Sunday), please do bring the children close to the front at your
next 'Welcome' Celebration, where they can see and hear what
is happening at the Altar. We have only a small number
of Missals for the children to borrow , so if you would like your
own to keep, do look in the Repository where there is a
selection of books suitable for both younger and older children.
APF Red Boxes
Please return your box to the Presbytery/Sacristy at St
Gregory‟s, or to Kit Holmes at St Thomas More by Sunday, 9th
November for last count in 2014.
Exposition & Benediction
There will be Exposition and Benediction this Sunday, 19th
October at St Gregory‟s at 5pm. It forms the conclusion of The
Legion of Mary‟s Day Retreat.
St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
We have two vacancies for foundation governors and are
looking for specific skills in finance/HR to chair the Finance and
Resources Committee, and a knowledge and interest in
Catholic education to chair the Learning and Standards
Committee. You would be joining a very strategic and
committed board of governors as we take our school on the
next part of the journey with a newly appointed Head Teacher
joining us in January 2015. Please contact Chair of Governors,
June Little on 07885 285 866 or for more information, who would be
pleased to meet to discuss the roles further.
PPC Meeting
At this week‟s meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council, we
discussed the arrangements for the Annual General Meeting to
be held during the Bishop‟s Visitation next month. An update
on the Parish Projects and an initiative to be launched in
January 2015 to engage more parishioners will be discussed.
Financial Meeting Seminar (Christian based)
For all who wish to understand how money really works;
become debt free and financially independent; make money
work for them instead of them working for money; sort out/or
improve their finances. Free of charge. Monday, 20th October
7.30pm for 7.45 start. Cashes Green Community Centre, 1-3
Queen's Drive, Cainscross, Stroud. More information from
01453 750116.
St Thomas More Christmas Fayre
Your Christmas Fayre will take place at St Thomas More on
Saturday, 29th November between 11am and 1.00pm. We
need some good quality items for prizes and items to sell
(bottles, toys, chocolates, jewellery, bric-a-brac etc) and your
help to man a stall on the day – all ages welcome. items can
be left at St Gregory‟s and St Thomas More‟s Church and
Presbytery. To volunteer, contact Philippe Watine on 260966
or Marianna Thomas 528427. Help us to help our Church: all
together we are a community!
Schools Half-Term Break
As half-term approaches, we wish all pupils, teachers and
support workers of our schools and colleges, a well-earned
First Holy Communion 2015
Parents and Guardians of children who are interested in joining
the First Holy Communion programme are invited to an
introductory evening this Tuesday, 21st October, 6pm-7.00pm
in St Gregory's School Hall. The first session for children and
their parents/guardians will be on Saturday, 8th November.
The children will make their First Confession in March, and
First Holy Communion in June 2015. All children in school
year 3 or above, who have not made their First Holy
Communion are invited to join the programme. Further details
and application forms from the parish office,
(or from
RCIA Journey in Faith 2014/15
The RCIA “Journey in Faith” is the normal process by which
adults who are not Catholics are welcomed into the Christian
family in the Catholic Church. Becoming a Catholic is a
process of growth and conversion and can last months or
even years. Our meetings are on Thursday evenings, 7pm to
9.00pm in the Presbytery. Please complete a registration
form which may be obtained from the Parish Office.
Completed forms to be returned to Canon Bosco via the
Parish Office.
Stitch and Pray
The next Stitch and Pray session will be on Saturday, 25th
October, 10.00am-12.30pm in the Old Priory.
Celebrate Bristol
The „Celebrate Bristol‟ Family Conference is on from Saturday,
25th-26th October at St Bede‟s School, Lawrence Weston,
Bristol. This is a fantastic opportunity to deepen in faith
through inspirational speakers; great praise and lots of
workshops etc. Full childrens‟ stream too. For more information
go to:
Heart to Heart Curry Night
Join us for our Curry Night to raise funds for Help4Heroes and
Computers4Schools on Saturday, 8th November at 7pm in St
Gregory‟s school hall. Tickets £10 or £30 for a family. Contact
Johannes: 07815496902/Steve: 07775576859 for tickets.
Submissions are invited for the Advent edition. Articles about
parish activities, events or history, personal experiences,
pilgrimages, prayers, poems, short stories, reflections and
even art work are all welcome, faith or Church related please.
to or to 'The Editor', c/o Parish
Office. Don't miss your special Michaelmas Souvenir Edition of
Caritas, with 8 pages of articles celebrating the Ordinations of
Fr David and Fr Frank! Caritas needs to add another proof
reader to the Editorial team. If you have a passion for correct
English Grammar and would usually be free to proofread the
magazine each quarter, please get in touch with Corinna: or 01242 57 5197.
Gentle reminder
It is that time of year again to adjust your clocks by 1 hour (fall
back), next Saturday night, 25th October.
Our Prayers are asked for:
Sick: Liz Sawaf, Sue Ball, Claire Young, Sean Murphy, Helen
Stanbury, Virginia Hancliff, Grace Stevens, Olive Whelan,
Bruce Francis, Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie
Warner, Deirdre Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise Ellis,
Kevin Dunn, Peter Lucassi, Christopher & Clifford Brown,
Margaret Ellis, Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy O‟Kelly,
Bridie & Terry Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline Crosbie, Emily
Cousins, June Edwards, Rey Lluisma, Lilian Martin, Bridget
Garvey, Geoffrey Garvey, Pat Donovan, Maddie Read, Dan
Perry, Pete Thacker, Mary Costello, Adrian Davis, Lisa
Partridge, Norma Greener.
Anniversaries: Kathleen Brogan, Valerie Morgan, Theresa
Hanlon, Maureen Ford, Colleen Price, Patrick Connor.