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to View - St Gregory`s Catholic Church
Catholic Community in Cheltenham Served by the Diocese of Clifton Registered Charity Number 233977 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Psalter Week 2 & Proper of Season Page No 176. 29th March 2015 ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of The Lord’ (Mark 11: 1-10) St Gregory the Great 10 St James Square, GL50 3PR 01242 523737 “the only true riches are those that make us St Thomas More Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 7RA 01242 573128 Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9-1.00pm rich in virtue” Parish Priest: Canon Bosco MacDonald VF Assistant Priests: Fr Frank Wainwright, Fr David McDonald Deacon: Rev. Robin Littlewood Parish Websites:, Schools: St Gregory’s RC Primary School, St James Square GL50 3QG St Thomas More RC Primary School, Lewis Road, Hesters Way GL51 OHZ All Saints’ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham GL51 OWH Sacred Hearts Moorend Road, Charlton Kings, GL53 9AU 01242 524932 Pope st Gregory the great of Jesus and Mary Parish Priest: Fr Paul Brandon Parish Website: Holy Week Liturgy at St Gregory’s & St Thomas More 29th March Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 5.00pm(Sat) Mass St Thomas More People of the Parish 9.30am Mass St Gregory Terry Ruck RIP 11.15am Sung Mass St Gregory People of the Parish 5.00pm Stations of the Cross at St Gregory’s 6.00pm Mass St Gregory Private Intention 30th March Monday of Holy Week 7.00pm Mass St Gregory Frederick Tovey RIP (followed by Sacrament of Reconciliation ) 31st March Tuesday of Holy Week 1.00pm Requiem St Gregory Patrick Joseph Walsh RIP 7.00pm Mass St Gregory Sue Ball RIP (followed by Sacrament of Reconciliation) 1st April Wednesday of Holy Week 11.00am Chrism Mass at Clifton Cathedral 7.00pm Mass St Gregory John & Ellen Durkin RIP (followed by Sacrament of Reconciliation ) The Sacred Paschal Triduum 2nd April Holy (Maundy) Thursday 9.30am Office of Readings St Gregory 8.00pm Mass of The Lord’s Supper St Gregory (followed by vigil of prayer with Night Prayer at 11.45pm) No Exposition & Benediction 3rd April Friday of The Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) (Day of Fasting and Abstinence) 9.30am Office of Readings St Gregory 11.30am Family Stations of the Cross St Gregory 12-2pm CAFOD Good Friday Hunger Lunch in the Old Priory 3.00pm Liturgy of the Passion of the Lord - St Gregory (followed by Sacrament of Reconciliation) 4th April Holy Saturday 9.30am Office of Readings St Gregory 12noon Polish Blessing of Food St Thomas More 8.00pm The Easter Vigil St Gregory 5th April Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of The Lord 9.00am Mass St Thomas More People of the Parish 9.30am Mass St Gregory Private Intention 11.15am Mass St Gregory Private Intention 6.00pm Mass St Gregory People of the Parish For Mass Times at Sacred Hearts, Charlton Kings, please see: . FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME They say that everyone gets fifteen minutes of fame at sometime in their life. It may be as a witness to some dramatic event, as a lottery winner or just some passing fad that turns you into flavour of the week. Even people thought of as "stars" don't last forever. It's a neverending task for those at Madame Tussauds to keep up with who's in and who's out. There's no point in giving space to people who've lost their appeal. You just change the model! So it seemed with Jesus. As he entered Jerusalem on the donkey he was the centre of attention. Some thought he would be a nationalist leader who would lead the people in an uprising against the occupying Romans. Others were just there for the entertainment. Few had grasped the real significance of his entry into Jerusalem. And the same crowd that cheered for him would a few days later bay for his blood. His popularity was short-lived. When we take part in the liturgy of Passion (Palm) Sunday we do more than simply remember the past events. We relive them to such an extent that they become really present to us. And if we join in processions or wave palm branches, then it's not because we are part of a pageant. It's because we're part of a passion. We agree to walk with Christ through all the sufferings and insults that come our way, all the failures and misunderstandings we become part of, all the times when part of us dies inside. We honour Christ not with branches but with the quality of our lives. On Palm Sunday we accept our share in the Passion of Jesus Christ. Anyone can wave a branch. Anyone can walk in a procession. Anyone can join in the hymns and songs. But only those who will be with Jesus after the fifteen minutes of fame can enter into the mystery of Holy Week. Only if we are ready to join him in a daily death can we claim to have a longstanding passion for him. f a y u t o o r t m . r g e d o d . e e . t e h t s t r n e . t y n - Finance Last week’s offertory collection came to: £973.94 (SG); £289.94 (STM); Bingo £93.00 (STM). Last week’s retiring collection for Church flowers raised £330.79 (STG) and £98.62 (STM). Thank you for your generosity and support. Holy Places On Good Friday there will be a retiring collection for the Holy Places after the Liturgy of the Passion. This collection contributes towards the maintenance and upkeep of the Shrines of the Holy Land and offers financial support to the Christian communities. On this day we unite with the whole Church throughout the world in prayer and fasting. Jericho 300 Club The winners of the March draw were: 1st Mr Anthony McNulty (£100); 2nd Mr Francis Smith (£50); 3rd Mr Owen Holbrook (£25). Congratulations, and cheques will be in the post. Easter Triduum ‘Triduum’ comes from two Latin words ‘tres’ and ‘dies’ meaning ‘three days’. This three day commemoration comprises three twenty-four hour periods which takes in four feast days; Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. We look at the Easter Triduum as one single celebration over three days, so if you can, try to make it to all the liturgies. Good Friday: Day of Fast and Abstinence On this day we unite with the whole Church throughout the World in prayer and fasting. Baptism Congratulations and welcome to Paddy Francis O’Rahilly who was baptised at St Gregory’s last weekend. We welcome him into the Church, and offer our love and prayers to Paddy and his family. Traidcraft Many thanks to all who supported Fairtrade fortnight by buying cakes and cards or purchasing items from the Traidcraft stall. Your generosity ensures traders receive a fair price; while profits and the proceeds from the cake sale and game will be donated to CAFOD. The winner of the honey bee treasure hunt was Mary Johnston. The next sale will be on Sunday 26th April after 9.30 am and 11.15 am Masses. CAFOD Soup Lunch There will be a soup lunch on Good Friday in the Old Priory from 12.00-2pm. All proceeds will go to CAFOD. All are welcome. Churches Together in Cheltenham There will be a “Walk of Witness” on Good Friday from Imperial Gardens at 12noon, for readings and prayers at key points in the town. All welcome. The Easter Vigil: 8.00pm Please pray for those to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. During the Easter Vigil we will bless the new Easter water and renew our baptismal promises along with the candidates. Then follows the rites for reception into the Catholic Church and the sacrament of Confirmation. With Holy Communion this completes their initiation into full membership of the Church and we extend to each of them a very warm welcome. Polish Easter Blessing of Food We invite you all to St Thomas More on Holy Saturday, at 12noon when the Easter Blessing of food will take place. Prayer Breakfast April Breakfast meeting at St Thomas More parish hall will be on Saturday, 4th April, 9.30-11.00am. Duncan Akehurst, Youth Minister, will be talking about his experiences in Africa and Cheltenham. Newman Talk There will be a talk on Tuesday, 7th April at 7.45pm in the lounge of Sacred Hearts Hall, Moorend Road, Charlton Kings. Gill Knappett, a former editor of the Pitkin Guides, will speak on “Writing About Cathedrals & Churches”. All are welcome. Admission is £3 (members and students free). Enquiries to Stephanie Jamison on 539810. 55+ Club We will be presenting an interesting illustrated talk given by Mr Frank Austin on the “History of the R.N.L.I.” on the 9th April, at 10am. You will find also many other interesting topics by invited speakers on our programme for the year, all of which will prove enjoyable. New members are always welcome. Music and Dance Night An evening of music and dance is being held at STM Church Hall on Saturday, 11th April from 8pm. It will include live music from our resident music maestro, Michael (Nobby) Clarke. Bring your own drink and nibbles. Tickets £5 or pay on the door. Show You Care The Parish Pastoral Council are launching this initiative at the Masses at St Gregory’s and St Thomas More on the weekend of 18th and 1f9th April. There will also be a Social Event in the Old Priory, St Gregory’s on Wednesday, 22nd April at 7pm to which all are invited. This invitation is to encourage parishioners to become more involved in the work of the parishes. APF Red Boxes Totals for recent count: St Gregory’s £571.71 and St Thomas More £109.59. Many thanks to all who contributed. Parish Office Easter Break Please note the Parish office will be closed for Easter, from Friday, 3rd April-Tuesday, 7th April. We will reopen again on Wednesday, 8th April at 9.00am. Our Prayers are asked for: Sick: Liz Sawaf, Claire Young, Sean Murphy, Helen Stanbury, Grace Stevens, Bruce Francis, Jenny Dabrowska, Teresa Patterson, Bernie Warner, Deirdre Kelleher, Helen Dorothy Gorry, Denise Ellis, Kevin Dunn, Christopher & Clifford Brown, Margaret Ellis, Julia & Danny Barr, Teresa & Paddy O’Kelly, Bridie Ruck, Angela Savidge, Pauline Crosbie, Rey Lluisma, Bridget Garvey, Dan Perry, Pete Thacker, Mary Costello, Lisa Partridge, Dillon Bright, Sheila Deneher, Margaret Byrne, Liam Sheen, Diana Vivian, Bernie Horne. Deceased: Emily (Lee) Cousins, Gertrude Deeks, Gill Ann Hanger, Maria Smotryckyj, Daphne Keeling and Mrs Marta Wegrzyn RIP. Anniversaries: Teresa Thompson, Mary Millar, Richard Johnson, Stephanie Wood, John Gleeson, Josefina Vitalicio, Pope John Paul II, John Mitchell (Jack).