Light of the World - St. Anne`s School
Light of the World - St. Anne`s School
Light of the World , Pregnancy Care Numbers: Care Net 800-395-4357 Birthline 800-786-0200 Birthright 800-550-4900 Parish Office – Wabasso Fr. Anthony Hesse - Residence St. Anne’s School St. Anne’s Fax E-mail: 342-5190 342-5155 342-5389 342-5156 St. Mary’s Church St. Mathias Church Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory Fax 984-5421 342-5205 747-2231 747-2233 On Line Bulletin: , click on links – Area Churches MASS TIME, INTENTIONS AND EVENTS 2015 MON, FEB 16th: No Mass TUE, FEB 17th: 5-6 p.m. Adoration at St. Mary 6:00 p.m. at St. Mary – Fr. John Goggin 7 p.m. St. Anne’s Administrative Meeting ASH WED, FEB 18th: 8:00 a.m. at Our Lady of Victory + Lenie Macht 10:00 a.m. at Belview + John & Catherine Bernardy 1:00 p.m. at St. Anne’s (School Mass) + Herb Remiger 7:00 p.m. at St. Mathias + Robert Frericks THU, FEB 19th: 8:30 a.m. at St. Anne + John MacDonald FRI, FEB 20th: 8:00 a.m. at St. Mathias + Kathleen Schilling Stations of the Cross 1:30 p.m. St. Anne’s School 7:00 p.m. OLV – Parish 7:00 p.m. St. Mary – Deacon Mike 7:00 p.m. St. Mathias – Fr. Tony SAT, FEB 21st: 5:00 p.m. at St. Mathias + Herb Bernardy 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Victory + Gilbert Christensen nd SUN, FEB 22 : 8:00 a.m. at St. Mary for the Area Faith Community 10:00 a.m. at St. Anne + Veronica & Raymond Goblirsch Mon: Gn 4:1-15,25/Mk 8:11-13 Tue: Gn 6:5-8,7:1-5,10/Mk 8:14-21 Wed: Jl 2:12-18/2Cor 5:20-6:2 Mt 6:1-6,16-18 Thur: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Fri: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Sat: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Sun: Gn 9:8-15/1Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 Before daily Mass and at 4:30 p.m. before 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday Welcome!! We are glad you came to join with us in our worship today. We hope that you have felt God’s love in a new, refreshing way… From Fr. Tony On Sunday, as I was sitting at my desk in my office, I thought I would read the bulletin for this week. I noticed in the “UPCOMING EVENTS” section that it read, “Feb 9-16: Fr. Gone.” I had to chuckle to myself, because that will be my title for this year. Either I will be called “Fr. Gone” or Fr. Will-Be-Gone.” I have to admit, I will be gone for several things, most of which are initiated by someone else. So, I thought I would share with you my schedule the rest of the year. I will be gone in February for blessings a marriage in Mexico. In March, I am spiritual director for a TEC Retreat. In April, I will be gone for our diocesan priest retreat, and I will be going to a workshop in Mundelein that the Bishop wants me to attend. I will be gone in May for my brother’s wedding in Winona. I would have like to be gone for the Catholic Heart Work Camp, but I decided to wait cause of this busy year. In July, my family gets together for our annual family gathering at our cabin. In August, I will be going to another workshop in Mundelein. In September, I would like to lead a pilgrimage from our AFC to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families with the Pope. In October, I was asked to go with my brother and his soon-to-be-bride and Mom and Dad to Rome. Finally, in November, I will be going to the last of my Mundelein’s sessions for this year. Again, I feel bad that I will be having a new name after all these events, but know that only two of them are vacation (one of the two also entails blessing a marriage). Nonetheless, I apologize in advance in being gone. However, like Jesus in our Gospel of Mark last weekend, He also had other things to do and could not just stay in one community. Granted, I do not plan on going anywhere, but I have several commitments with the diocese and the Church. Thanks for your patience and understanding and know of my thoughts and prayers as I sit on the beach of Mexico (I am writing my bulletin the day before I take off). May God Be Good To You As He Is Good To Me! As you may already know, this coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten fast. Next Sunday marks the beginning of the liturgical time of Lent. And Lent is not the stuff that you find in your pockets. Lent is wonderful time of year. Let us make this Lenten experience a wonderful experience by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. PRAYER: Enter into the liturgies of this season through adoration, Stations of the Cross (all of the churches will have it weekly), Reconciliation Services or confession, prayer/Bible group (call parish office if interested), and Masses. Pray for and encourage one another. Care for those in need. These are the ways that you witness to your baptism. Lenten Reflection Booklets: There are reflection books and Stations of the Cross for personal use in each church. Feel free to take them and use them during this season. FASTING: Fasting is a wonderful way for us to let go of the desires that we think we need and instead put our trust in needing God to satisfy. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. I will say more about fasting in the weeks to come. Catholics, 14 years of age or older, must abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent. ALMSGIVING: Almsgiving is a chance for us to recognize that we have been blessed in some form or other and in turn to reach out to satisfy the hungers of the world through our finances. 1) Operation Rice Bowl – Operation Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Service’s (CRS) annual Lenten program that makes an effort to raise awareness of the problem of global poverty sand provides a means for Catholics of the U.S. to address global poverty. Throughout Lent, rice bowls is for the taking for daily collections of your change or a one-time donation. Please use the boxes in the back of the church to help with this. 2) Central and Eastern Europe – This collection is taken on Ash Wednesday for the churches in Europe that are needing physical and spiritual support. 3) Black and Indian Missions – We will be collecting envelopes for the National Collection for the Black and Indian Missions. Many of these missionaries would not have been part of the Church’s evangelization work without the financial assistance of the National Collection. Contributing to the collection is our way of evangelizing and spreading God’s Gospel message to those who have never heard it. 4) Catholic Relief Services Fund – We will be collecting the envelopes for the American Bishops’ Overseas Appeal. These funds help places that are struggling with welfare and emergency needs. 5) Holy Land – On Good Friday (April 3), the only collection that is taken is sent to the Holy Land to preserve the buildings and the various holy sites and shrines. Our money helps in the restoration and the beautifying the area where our Lord once walked, died and rose. In Christ through His Mother, Fr. Tony STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE St. Anne St. Mary OLV St. Mathias Adult $ 3,187.58 $ 515.00 $ 842.00 $ 992.00 Children $ 35.00 $ 1.95 $ 13.00 $ .00 Plate $ 82.58 $ 42.00 $ 62.00 $ 62.00 Stewardship: “Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He’s not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity.” SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome LIGHT LINERS “St. Valentine found true love - Jesus.” PRAYING FOR VOCATION “God has done great things for you. Spread the good news. Consider a church vocation.” 2/16 Fr. Paul Wolf, Evan Huebl 2/17 +Msgr. Robert Wyffels, John Kodet 2/18 Fr. Ed Ardolf, For all Candidates 2/19 Sr. Joanne Backes, For Religious Vocations 2/20 Fr. Dennis Becker, Dcn. Jacob Niemand 2/21 Fr. Harry Behan, Shawn Polman 2/22 Fr. John Berger, Tanner Thooft St. Anne’s School Calendar Cash Drawing winners: Sponsored by Catholic United Financial Feb 9: Judy Jensen Feb 10: Gary Petersen February 2015 Feb 11: Shannon Jensen 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Feb 12: LeRoy Irlbeck 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Feb 13: Reese Berg 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Feb 14: Betty Russell Feb 15: Carol Walter UPCOMING EVENTS Please keep the following dates in mind for some important event that will be taking place. We encourage you to join us for these events: Feb 9-16: Fr. Gone Feb 18: Ash Wednesday – 8 a.m. OLV, 10 a.m. Belview, 1 p.m. St. Anne (School), 7 p.m. St. Mathias Feb 18: OLV Eucharistic Adoration from 9-9 Feb 22: Adult Choir Practice for the Triduum at 11 a.m. Feb 22: KC’s Spaghetti Feed at St. Anne Feb 24-25: Pastoral Leader Days Feb 25: E-Team meeting at 6 p.m. March 9: Bishop Lucker Lecture 7 p.m. at St. Catherine’s March 15: St. Mary’s Chicken Dinner Open House Bridal Shower in honor of Tessa Johanneck, bride-to-be of Christopher Delaney, on Sunday, Feb. 22nd, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at St. Mary's Catholic church in Seaforth. Parents of the couple are Tom & Connie Johanneck and Tim & Martha Delaney. The couple is registered at Target and Amazon. The Wabasso KCs will have a free will Spaghetti Feed in the St. Anne's Social Hall after 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 22. Proceeds will go towards support of local projects. St. Anne's School kicks off sales for Catholic Schools Raffle You can't fit a brand-new SUV into the backpack of a student from St. Anne's School in Wabasso, but you can fit the chance to win one! Starting Feb. 1, students will be carrying and selling raffle tickets as part of the Catholic Schools Raffle. Tickets are also available for sale in the school and parish offices. Ticket buyers have the opportunity to win $45,000 in prizes, including a 2015 Ford Escape or $25,000 cash, vacation packages and more. See that attached flyer for more details regarding raffle prizes. St. Anne's will keep 100 percent of every $5 ticket sold thanks to raffle sponsor Catholic United Financial. The St. Paul-based company covers the entire cost of the prizes and promotional materials. In the Raffle’s five-year existence, it has helped Catholic schools in the Upper Midwest raise more than $3 million. The money raised has allowed participating schools to provide tuition assistance, improve technology and pay for special learning opportunities, such as field trips and special guest speakers. Along with the $8,000 in ticket sale revenue it hopes to receive from the Raffle, St. Anne's has a shot at winning a $3,000 grant from Catholic United if it is one of the top-three performing schools (based on the number of tickets sold per student). The company also awards the top-selling student at each school a $100 Visa gift card and a pizza party to each top classroom. We are looking for 1 or more people from each parish to help with the picture directory. The pictures will be taken July 27-28 (Wanda), July 30-31 (Lucan), Aug 4-8 & 11-12 (Wabasso), and Aug 13-15 (Seaforth). We will be meeting later in February with the representative from Lifetouch so if you are able to help call Carrie Bliss 9843145 by Feb. 17. Vocalists 16 years and older in the Light of the World cluster! We will be starting choir rehearsal after St. Anne’s Sunday Mass Feb. 22 for the Easter Triduum. The youth group committee along with Fr. Tony would like to take the youth on a trip on Mt. Kato, Mankato skiing/tubing. We will be going on Sunday, Feb. 22 leaving from St. Anne’s school at 12 p.m. We will be stopping at the Pizza Ranch in New Ulm on the way home, out treat, for supper and plan on returning to Wabasso around 7:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars for our next E-Team Meeting on Wednesday, February 25th at 6:00 p.m. PRAYING FOR THE SICK & MILITARY Please remember the military and families and the sick in your prayers. Military: Tyler Derickson, Kyle Hillenbrand, Adam Jenniges, Garett Jenniges, Jeremy Jenniges, Luke Jensen, Noel (Plaetz) Kubat, Zachery Miller, Cameron Pohlen, Gabrielle Rohlik, James Ryer, Jeff Salfer, Eric & Jen Schueller, DeeAnn (Guetter) Stalvey, Cody Stoltenburg, Christopher M. Valentine, Dana Vollmer. Guidelines for Praying for the Sick – A) Names are placed on the prayer list for three weeks. B) Names can be listed as often as one wishes but the request must be renewed each time by calling the office 342-5190. Sick: Week 1: Rita Price, Jerome Lensing, Sally Mathiowetz, Robert Fischer, Gavin Quinby Week 2: Maurine Knott, Marcia Knott Week 3: Jill Mahlow, Francis Goblirsch Marcia Knott address is: Marcia Knott, Springfield Medical Center/Mayo Health System, 625 North Jackson, Springfield MN 56087 CCW News for Lent: Take the Journey of Love Lenten activities can make the season more meaningful in your preparation for Easter. Consider your life and choose something that you can do. Our 12th Annual Holy Redeemer Men’s Emmaus Retreat is scheduled for Feb.20th-22nd, 2015 at the Lake Shetek Bible Camp facility (located on Keeley Island I invite you to join us on the road to Emmaus in 2015. We gather 6 p.m. on Friday at Holy Redeemer Church in Marshall for a send-off from Father Paul, and then carpool down to Lake Shetek for the retreat. We finish-up the weekend at 2 p.m. Sunday, and are back in Marshall by 3 p.m. If you have any questions about the weekend, please call Gerry Toland at 532-0983 or Dave Johnson at 507530-7690 Redwood Area Hospital is seeking Hospice Volunteers. The Hospice serves clients within a 30 mile radius of Redwood Falls. Their annual hospice volunteer training course will be February 25 & 26 between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. This class helps new volunteers understand the grief process and the needs of the terminally ill. No medical experience is required to be a volunteer. At the end of training, volunteers may be asked to visit with clients, provide respite and support for family members. Some prefer to assist with hospice office function. If interested contact Lacey Bruns, 637-4617. Please register by Feb. 20. The Wabasso Public Library will kick off its Travel Series on Tuesday, February 17th at 7:00pm with Candy and Scott Sobocinski as they visit with us about their recent trip to Germany. This program is at the Wabasso Public Library and is free and open to the public. Please join us! Thursday mornings at 9 a.m., we will have coffee, juice and time discussing the book "Walking with Purpose" at Dawn Rohlik’s home. This is an open discussion. Come and join us! Come and Join us for a Luncheon on Saturday, Feb 21 following 5 p.m. Mass at St. Mathias Social Hall, Wanda. Free will offering. Proceeds going to San Lucas Missions. Wabasso Lions Fish Fry will be on Friday, Feb. 20 at the Wabasso Community Center from 5:30-7:30 p.m. All proceeds go to community projects. Region II Spring Gathering is Thursday, March 12, 2015 at St. Michael’s in Morgan. It starts at 6:00 with Mass followed by supper and speaker Kris Anderson, the topic is “Finding Joy in a Negative World”. Kris team talked last year with Lisa Pelzel. Kris is Spiritual Commission Chair for the diocese. Contact your local CCW president to register. ******************************************************************************************* ST. ANNE’S – WABASSO MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sun, Feb 22 at 10:00 a.m. Server Tyson Doubler, Noah Arends, Zachary Thooft Lector Brent Imker Extra. Min: Jane & Brent Imker, Joyce Plaetz, Lauree Price, Sherry Plaetz School Mass Feb 18: Candy Sobocinski, Penny Wall, Bruce Plaetz, Audrey Prokosch, Jane Baune Organist Annette Guetter Song Leader Vickie Daub Home Com Bill & Mary Schwarz Money Count Cyrilla & Pat Money Depositors Joyce & Sue Driver Fischer Usher Brent Imker Church Care Feb 21: Sue Andersen, Phyllis Baune, Nathan & Shannon Anderson Feb 27: Chad & Karla Arends, Dan Baune, Janice Baune The Fr. Diehl Newsletters will be folded on Wed, Feb 18 at 8:30 a.m. Your help would be appreciated. St. Anne’s CCW is in need of a vice president. Please give our request some consideration. You would have a year to work with our president before taking over. Call Candy 342-5280 or Sue 342-5190 if you are willing to volunteer or if you want more information. 2015 CCW Dues are due by March 1st. Dues are $15 for regular members and $10 for honorary members. You may put them in an envelope in the Sunday collection or drop off at the Parish Office. Thank you! Adult Choir practice for the Triduum will begin on Sunday, Feb 22 following the 10 a.m. Mass. Mission Quilting will be on Tuesday mornings. Your help is appreciated!! ******************************************************************************************* ST. MARY’S – SEAFORTH MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Sun, Feb 22 at 8:00 a.m. Servers Justin & Lindsey Bernardy, Halle Huhnerkoch Lector Carrie Bliss Extra. Min: Marv & Maureen, Scott & Traci Bernardy Ushers Francis & Peter Bernardy Home Com none Church Care Feb 21: Jessica Rohlik, Monica Rohlik, Deb Rohlik St Mary’s CCW will meet on March 16 at 7 p.m. If interested in going to Spring Gathering at Morgan on March 12, call Julie Kramer at 507-828-1119 by March 6 CCW Scholarship applications are available in the back of church and due by March 15. Any questions call Karen 984-5677 Mission Quilting will be on Tuesday at 9 a.m. Bring sack lunch for noon. Come all or part of the day. Quilt tops are available for sewing on corner stand in Kumfert Hall ******************************************************************************************* ST. MATHIAS - WANDA MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Ash Wed, Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. and Sat, Feb. 21 at 5:00 p.m. Server AW Isaac & Michaela Hertling, Nicholas Irlbeck Sat Stephanie Dudgeon, Jenna & Justin Frank Lector AW Dan Rohlik Extra. Min: Mel Altermatt, Art & Dawn Rohlik, Lucy Moldan, Linda Weber Sat Art Rohlik Dan & Rita O’Callaghan, Alex Rohlik, Rita Rohlik, Linda Weber Ushers AW Steve & Janell Frank Sat Pat & Marlene Schroepfer Greeters/GiftAW Chad & Jessica Hertling Sat Bob & Tracie Berg Family Church Care Sherry Beadell Family Snow Shoveling Pat Schroepfer, Dean Schumacher, Mike Teicher Mission Sewing will be on Tuesday, Feb 17 at 9 a.m. Everyone welcome. A Luncheon will follow the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Sat. Feb 21 with all proceeds going to the San Lucas Mission. The National Catholic Society of Foresters are offering an opportunity for members who have reached their 25th anniversary through their 59th anniversary to receive a crystal rosary, if they haven’t received one in previous years. To obtain your crystal rosary, simply call the fraternal department at 800-344-6273 ext. 208 or email to Each member needs to make their own request and will be asked to provide your name and date of enrollment – month and year. Any member of St Elizabeth Court 535 who doesn’t know their enrollment date, you may contact Lorena Jenniges or Kelli Klann. ******************************************************************************************* OUR LADY OF VICTORY – LUCAN MINISTERS AT THE ALTAR – Ash Wednesday, Feb 18 at 8 a.m. and Sat, Feb 21 at 7:00 p.m. Server AW Hunter Bernardy, Zach Turbes, Devon Janiero- Dolan Sat Meghan Bernardy, Jacob Plaetz, Jacob Norcutt Lector AW PJ Bock Extra. Min: Mike & Annette Rohlik, Marie Schueller, Dawn Bernardy, PJ Bock Sat Jan Louwagie Bob & Rindy Filzen, Loraine Goblirsch, Chris Kramer, Darla Rohlik Ushers AW Robert Goblirsch Sat Chris Kramer Church Care Chr. Teresa Norcutt, Audrea Turbes, Lorna Lueck-Plaetz, Elaine Moore Region II Spring Gathering is Thursday, March 12, 2015 at St. Michael’s in Morgan. Ladies if you want to go contact Annette. Our parish CCW will pay your $10.00 registration. It starts at 6:00 with Mass followed by supper and speaker Kris Anderson, the topic is “Finding Joy in a Negative World” Kris team talked last year with Lisa Pelzel. Kris is Spiritual Commission Chair for the diocese. OLV members please check your mailboxes for information on the Mission of Love Valentine project. Can we surpass last year’s total? Please call Nancy Plaetz at 747-2728 if you are interested in obtaining a scholarship application thru the NUDCCW Scholarship Fund. This CCW program offers money for workshops, classes and convention registrations which aid individuals in our parish to further their education and enhance their spirituality. Deadline for mailing an application is March 15. OLV will have our Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 this is the third Wednesday of the month and also Ash Wednesday. 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m. Ladies if you are 65 and want to be taken off the circle list, contact Annette. Dues for 2015 are $25 and $10 for Star members and those on the Funeral Committee. Quilting will begin on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. ******************************************************************************************* February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne St. Anne’s School CARNIVAL 2 No Mass 3 Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 5-6 p.m. Adoration 7 p.m. St. Mathias Administrative Mtg. 4 Masses 10 a.m. Golden Living 6 p.m. OLV CCW Mtg following 5 Mass 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 6 Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias 7 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV 8 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne 11 a.m. Confirmation Retreat 6 p.m. Evangelization team Valentine Supper 15 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne 9 No Mass 10 No Mass 11 No Mass 12 No Mass 13 No Mass 14 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV ----------------- ----Fr.---------------- ----------Tony ----------------- ----Gone--- 18 ASH WED. 8 a.m. OLV 10 a.m. Belview 1 p.m. St. Anne (School) 7 p.m. St. Mathias 19 Mass 8:30 a.m. St. Anne 20 Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias Stations: 1:30 St. Anne School 7 p.m. OLV 21 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mathias 7 p.m. OLV ----------------- ------------- 17 Mass 6 p.m. St. Mary 5-6 p.m. Adoration 7 p.m. St. Anne Administrative Mtg. 22 Masses 8 a.m. St. Mary 10 a.m. St. Anne 23 No Mass 24 No Mass 25 No Mass 8 a.m. OLV Word & Communion St. Anne 6 p.m. Soup Supper 7 p.m. Stations 26 Mass 8:30 a.m. St. Anne School Mass 27 Mass 8 a.m. St. Mathias Stations: 1:30 St. Anne School 7 p.m. OLV 28 Masses 5 p.m. St. Mary 7 p.m. St. Mathias Pastoral ----- Leader Days ---- -------- 16 No Mass