2015 Newsletter Vol 1.2


2015 Newsletter Vol 1.2
VOLUME 1.2 | 18 February 2015
Please click on the Table of Contents
to navigate through the newsletter
Upcoming Events/Term Dates
Head of Senior School
Head of Middle School
Head of Junior School
Head of Pastoral Development P-12
Head of Learning Development P-12
Drama Department7
It was indeed a privilege to attend my first Clayfield College
Foundation Day Assembly on Friday 6 February when we
celebrated the establishment of our wonderful College in 1931.
It was a delight to welcome so many of our past students back
and to hear more of the traditions, events and developments that
have helped to make our school what it is today.
Likewise, it was another day of celebration when we welcomed
back our graduating students of 2014 to our Academic Awards
Assembly on Wednesday 11 February. One of the highlights was
hearing of the different tertiary destinations that our students
have chosen.
School Captain and Dux of 2014 Samantha Campbell recently shared these thoughts with me via
A little about myself. My co-captain and I established our theme for 2014 as “Seek the Dream, 2014”,
encouraging all members of the Clayfield College community to step up and have the confidence
to strive for success, in whatever form that may take! I graduated as Dux, and am now planning
on studying an accelerated direct-entry Medical Degree at Griffith University. I cannot wait for the
exciting but undeniably busy years ahead!
I cannot say, however, that I would have been able to seek my dream of becoming a doctor without
the relentless support of my Clayfield teachers - the more you get to know them, the more fabulous
you will see they are!
Visual Art Department
Careers & Vocational Education
Director of Activities
P&F Association12
Sports Support Group
Junior Support Group
College Shop14
College Tuckshop14
College Notices15
Community Classifieds & Notices
Contact Us
23 Gregory Street
Clayfield Qld 4011 Australia
PO Box 387
Clayfield Qld 4011
P: (07) 3262 0262
F: (07) 3262 0225
E: info@clayfield.qld.edu.au
School Hours
8:30am - 3:05pm
I wish you all the very, very best for this year and the many to come. Clayfield is a wonderful,
wonderful place and I know that you will be warmly welcomed by all. Hope to see you soon!
Administration Hours
Samantha’s words reinforce for me that the Clayfield College community is well and truly achieving
what we say we value, including:
Provider Code
A commitment to lifelong learning
Striving for personal excellence
Care and compassion for fellow humans
The building and maintaining of relationships
Carpe diem!
Ms Melissa Powell
8:00am - 4:00pm
Report an Absentee
Please notify us of your child’s absence early
in the morning of the day of the absence. We
will telephone the parents of all children whose
absences are not accounted for.
Years 1-6: Phone 3262 0274
Years 7-12: Phone 3262 0256
A School of the Presbyterian and
Methodist Schools Association
Upcoming Events
If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and
take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save
his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake, he is the
one who will save it. (Luke 9:23-24)
Heroes don’t leap tall buildings or stop bullets with an
outstretched hand; they don’t wear capes and masks. They are
the ones who listen, care and serve; making a positive impact on
the lives of those around them.
On Tuesday evening we held a Memorial Service to remember
and pay tribute to Miss Ida Kennedy. It was a wonderful
celebration of the life of a servant leader who made a difference in the lives of so many people. I
did not have the pleasure of knowing Miss Kennedy but the stories shared in the service and in
conversations with people in preparing for the service confirm to me that she was a remarkable
educator whose Christian faith, humility and compassion underpinned all that she did.
Thank you to those who came and shared in the service and my thanks to all those who
contributed in any way to make the event so special.
Last Saturday night was the first combined schools’ Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) DiveIn Dance Party. It was a great night of fun in the pool.
Click Image to be directed to Parent Lounge
Login Page to view online calendar.
2015 Term Dates
Term 1: 27 January - 1 April (10 Weeks)
Term 2: 20 April - 19 June (9 Weeks)
Term 3: 13 July - 18 September (10 Weeks)
Term 4: 6 October - 4 December (9 Weeks)
Click to view full advertisement in College Notices
The next combined social is on Saturday 28 February at Somerville House where we will have
a chapel service and dinner followed by Ice Skating at Boondall. All girls in Years 7-12 are most
welcome to attend. Invitations will be issued through Parent Lounge so please ask your daughter
to speak to her ISCF teacher or email me to receive the information.
On Tuesday mornings before school a small group meets in Room 6 from 7:45am-8am to pray
for our College community. This is open for anyone who would like to come along and join us in
prayer. You are most welcome to come when you are available.
Rev Paul Yarrow
Head of Senior School
Congratulations to all the Senior School students who were
acknowledged for their outstanding work in 2014 at our
Academic Awards Assembly last week. We were particularly
delighted to see so many of our graduate seniors return so that
we could share in their success and hear about their plans for the
future. What an amazing array of courses and life pathways the
girls are embarking upon!
Letters have been emailed to the parents of Academic Excellence
students in Year 9 and Year 10 inviting them to an Information
meeting regarding the Cambridge program 2015. The meeting
will be on Thursday February 26 in the Chapel at 6:30pm. Please
contact me if your daughter falls into the above group and you
did not receive the letter.
Right at the end of last year, we were notified that three of our girls had been successful in
winning the 2015 Queensland Premier’s Anzac Prize. In this year of the 100th anniversary of the
landing at Gallipoli, Megan Wright, Ainsleigh Friedrich and Victoria Lloyd will spend one week in
Turkey and one week at the Western Front. As part of this prize they will attend the Dawn Service
at Gallipoli. Queensland Treasurer, Tim Nicholls, came to the College to present the 3 students
with their prize. We are very proud of these students, each of whom had to submit a multi-modal
presentation for the competition, and we look forward to hearing of their experiences later in
the year.
Congratulations to Caitlin Large who competed in 7 individual races and 2 club relays at the
Queensland Long Course Championships last December. She finished with a Silver Medal in the
200m Breaststroke and will now compete in the National Age Championships in Sydney in April.
Mrs Lois Kavanagh
Head of Senior School
Head of Middle School
Middle School Certificates
Receiving feedback is a very important source of information
that is significantly contributing to improving Middle School
practices. During Term 4 of 2014 parents, students and teachers
offered ideas and responses to the way Middle School Certificates
are awarded and distributed. I sincerely thank each contributor
for their good work.
Middle School Certificates are to be presented as an
acknowledgement and celebration of students achievements
via endeavour, positive behaviour and participation. Recipients
are awarded certificates because their actions are seen above
and beyond the considered norm. The nature of the certificates
reflects the overall philosophy of Middle School.
Consistent effort and application to aspects of the Middle School program.
Exemplary behaviour towards others and/or contribution to the life of Middle
Participation: Involvement and positive contribution to the life of Middle School.
Each certificate has a range of criteria that recipients must achieve. Middle School teachers
nominate the students and awardees receive their certificates during Assembly or House time.
A thoroughly planned schedule aims to ensure that all learning departments are equitably
represented in awarding Middle School certificates.
Whilst not exclusively, Middle School certificates are designed for students who may not
necessarily achieve at a high academic level but rather to support ‘personal best’. A student may
be awarded more than one of these certificates.
On 21 October Middle School Spirit Certificates will be awarded to one student from each year
level. This certificate aims to identify a student who exemplifies, collectively, Middle Schooling
qualities as identified in each certificate category of Endeavour, Citizenship and Participation.
Nominations will be called for from all Middle School teachers, and the Head of Middle School
will select the Spirit Certificate awardees.
I look forward to hearing about and seeing the many wonderful achievements our Middle
School students might accomplish this year.
Please continue to forward your feedback; it is so gratefully received, considered and so very
often acted upon.
Mrs Vicky Jones
Head of Middle School
Head of Junior School
Thank you to all those parents who attended the Junior School
Parent Information Night on Wednesday 4 February. We hope
that you met some of your child’s teachers and were provided
with a lot of information about the Junior School curriculum at
Clayfield College.
Thank you also to the 104 parents who completed the Newsletter
Survey on the night. Please find the results of this survey shown
in the side column of the page:
As a result of this feedback, Junior School will come in line with the
other sub-schools and participate in the fortnightly newsletter
for 2015. If there are any important issues in the between weeks,
we will email all parents to share such information. You told us that email messages and the
Clayfield College App are sources of communication that mostly suit your lifestyle. Many parents
are going online and having a go at the Parent Lounge tool too. Remember to read the Junior
Families Handbook for how to access the Parent Lounge from the Clayfield College Website. The
online forms of communication, like the Intranet, Facebook and Twitter, will be further developed
and strengthened in our College into the future.
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was out-standing in his field.
This and other corny “Dad” jokes were presented by our Assistant Head of Junior School- Pastoral
Mr Wayne Cross at our inaugural Father Son Breakfast on Tuesday morning. The grandfathers,
fathers and other significant male role models together with the boys and some teachers enjoyed
a tasty breakfast prepared by the Boarding House Kitchen Staff. Then all were entertained by the
skill and humour of the Balloon Man who taught us how to make balloon dogs, swords and hats.
From the feedback we received everyone had a great time! Thank you to all the Dads that made
such a special effort to come along; I am sure your son appreciated your time!
House Chapels
All Junior School families are invited to your child’s respective House Chapel this term. The House
Chapels that will be conducted in March are as follows:
Sunday 1 March 5:00pm – Gibson
Sunday 8 March 5:00pm – Henderson
Sunday 15 March 4:00pm – Campbell (Family Picnic first followed by House Chapel at 5:00pm)
Sunday 22 March 5:00pm – Ashburn
We congratulate those Junior School students who received Merit and Excellence Awards at the
Academic Assembly last week. These are the award recipients:
Academic Merit Awards: Amishi Ahlawat; Mia Sutton; Poppy Gouldson; Gracy Meta; Charlotte
Parsonage; Elizabeth Smith; Anoushkaa Ahlawat; Persia Black; Kimberley McDonald; Lucy
Newton; Cali Westmoreland.
Academic Excellence Awards: Toby Heytman; Meg Olsen; John Morrissey; Eloise Rawlinson;
Amber Rodrigo; Jacqueline Trappett; Alice Gardner; Alexandra Petrenko; Sophie Richardson;
Isabella Robinson; Kashika Saxena; Maya Sudrikku; Tiffany Yeo; Sophia Buchanan; Shreya Jaikumar;
Sophia King; Sophie Lucas; Pippa Sutherland; Miranda Ward, Lilly Zhang.
After such a successful trip to China last year, we are again organising a Study Tour to visit Beijing
, China in October 2015 for all interested Year 5, 6 and 7 Clayfield College students. Thank you
to those parents who attended the China Tour Information Night last week. Unfortunately, the
One Direction Concert at Suncorp Stadium clashed with this information night. Being a mother
of sons this event was not on my radar!
Clayfield College, has developed a sister-school relationship with two highly reputable primary
schools in China, being Fang Cao Di International School and Shandong Normal University
Primary School. The web addresses for these schools are www.fcd.com.cn and www.sdnu.edu.
cn respectively.
A number of staff members will travel with and supervise a maximum of 20 students. In Beijing,
we will also meet up with Ms Jessica Kwok, Clayfield College’s International Marketing Manager
and Donghai Cui, the China-based Representative/ Study Tour Guide. Both these people speak
Mandarin and will be with us for the whole tour.
The tour will run from Saturday 10 October to Sunday 17 October. The total cost of this tour,
including all flights, accommodation, meals, transfers, insurance, visas, tours and tour gear, will be
around $2,700. Students will require some additional funds for personal spending.
Please understand that it will not be possible for parents to be a part of this tour; however, if
desired, parents may travel independently and parallel to our travel arrangements, remembering
that Clayfield College will be responsible for our students at all times and will therefore make all
decisions in regard to the welfare and safety of students while on the study tour.
An itinerary including school visits and tours of various attractions has been emailed to all Year 5,
6 and 7 students and parents together with a letter and information sheet, so that decisions can
be made on your child’s attendance.
Junior Staff Corner
Introducing Mr Wayne Cross, Assistant Head of Junior Schooling (Pastoral):
Mr Wayne Cross has joined the team at Clayfield College in the Assistant Head of
Junior School- Pastoral role and as core teacher of Year 6B. Wayne has taught for
over a decade in independent schools, most recently at Trinity Grammar School
Kew, a boys school in Melbourne, Victoria, and the New England Girls School
in Armidale NSW. He has a keen interest in the integration of technology to
enhance the learning experience and is very excited about teaching in a BYOT
school. Wayne endeavours to make strong connections with his students and
their families and he strongly values empowering students to discover their passion, whether it
be in an academic field, musical, sporting or playing the ukulele.
Together with his wife Michelle, Wayne is the proud father of Mabel, with another addition to the
family due in June. Outside of teaching, he is a passionate musician who has fronted an original
band ‘Into the Woods’ for the past 12 years. You may be interested in listening to some of their
music via their Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJmBnDcFc_Q
Mrs Susan Hendriks
Head of Junior School
Mr Wayne Cross
Assistant Head of Junior School - Pastoral
Head of Pastoral Development P-12
CC Day
CC Day
Last week Clayfield College honoured its origins at the
Foundation Day Assembly, and then celebrated with our first CC
Day. An initiative of the College Captains, CC Day was embraced
by the student body (and staff ) as they donned green and gold
accessories, had their faces painted and joined in the dancing
during breaks.
The Ulitmate Debate
Our Principal, Ms Powell, was the Chair of the Ultimate Debate
last week – the annual staff vs students debate that launches
debating for the year. Teachers argued “that Clayfield College
should be coeducational P-12”, but were narrowly defeated
by talented student debaters Ainsleigh Friedrich, Gayathri
Illungkoo and Olivia Turner. As Ms Powell said, that means we’re staying single sex 7-12. Thanks
for past student Mahalia King for adjudicating.
7-12 Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Parents are invited to attend the swimming carnival this week at the Valley Pool. Attendance
for students is compulsory, and they must travel to and from the pool by bus. Please help
ensure students are sunsafe by insisting on sunscreen and hat before they leave home.
Community Service
Clayfield College is hosting two events on Wednesday 25 March involving Gemma Sisia, Founder
of The School of St Jude in Tanzania. Firstly, Ms Sisia will conduct a Student Skill Building Workshop
3.30-5.00pm for all interested members of the Community Service Group. Secondly, there will be
a Community Presentation about the school 7:00-8.30pm; family and friends are most welcome.
Both events will be held in the College Chapel.
Study Skills Session for Parents
Clayfield College is providing a seminar on study skills which would be particularly beneficial
for the parents of Year 10 students, though all parents are welcome. The session, by Elevate
Education in the Chapel 6:00-7:00pm Tuesday 10 March, will explain the strategies presented to
all Year 10 students in their Personal Development lesson the next day.
Extar-curricular Activities
Students are expected to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity each semester,
and many students are involved in several activities that occur at the same time. If a student
finds there is a clash in training, rehearsal and/or meeting times, please be assured that activity
coordinators are happy to negotiate on behalf of the student to find a compromise that will allow
full participation.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones can only be used under teacher supervision. They are not to be used during break
times; phone calls can be made at Student Services whenever necessary. We recommend that
mobile phones be handed in to Student Services for safekeeping in the morning and collected
in the afternoon. Phones will be confiscated from students who are using them without teacher
Ms Jane Elliott
Head of Pastoral Development P-12
Head of Learning Development P-12
As we enter Week Four of Term One, all subject changes have
been finalised and students are settling into their subjects for
the year. Last week we celebrated the academic achievements
of our 2014 students from Year Three through to Year 12. It was
fantastic to see so many parents in the crowd to support and
recognise their child’s achievements. It was also great to have
so many of the Year 12 cohort return and share their future
studies and courses with the current students. The type of
courses being studied were broad and varied, with many girls
attempting double degrees. A few indicated that despite not
achieving their first option they were planning on working hard
and transferring. This was a sound message to senior students
that when a door is closed there is always an alternative route.
On Thursday night the Senior Studies Information evening provided useful information to
parents about the prospective pathways their daughters may take to access tertiary studies at
the end of their schooling. It also introduced some terminology that students in Year 11 and
12 soon become very familiar with. If you were unable to attend this event, the PowerPoint
presentation will be made available on Parent Lounge. I am more than happy to speak to parents
and answer any questions they may have.
Also for your information there is a link on the home page of the ISQ website www.isq.qld.edu.
au to the Queensland Independent Schools Parents Network.
The Parents Network website provides parents with an opportunity to connect beyond their
school, and to share and receive information on education issues that are important to them.
It has been created to inform parents of big policy debates and major changes across the
education sector, from early childhood learning to senior schooling and post-school pathways.
On a final note, Semester One Assessment Calendars for Years 7 to 12 have been published
and placed on Student Café and Parent Lounge. Please encourage your daughter to print these
and start to plan their approach to the Semester. Active revision a week or two prior to a test
allows students to identify areas of concern which can be followed up and sorted prior to a test
rather than being discovered after the test. Students should manage their time wisely, allowing
themselves sufficient time to complete assignments rather than leaving it to the last minute and
trying to finish it the night before it is due. Planning and organisation are the keys to success
especially when there is multiple assessment occuring.
Mr Richard Hardy
Head of Learning Development P-12
Drama Department
Our year of Drama has begun with an hilarious
performance by Homunculus Theatre Company! Year
8, 11 and 12 Drama students attended the touring
production of Café Floriani on Tuesday last week, as
part of their study of comedy, and how live action can
appeal to an audience more effectively than other
modes of performance. The play applied the style
of Commedia dell’Arte, one of the founding forms
of comedic theatre, and involved mask, physical
comedy and audience interaction. Photos from the
show are on display on the Drama noticeboard.
DINC (Drama Incorporated) has begun for the year, and there is still an opportunity for students
to join the group. Visiting artist Georgia Lynas and Mrs Perry are working with students to explore
Drama games and play scripts, and to advance skills in performance. Any student from Years 6 – 12
can become a member of this free extra-curricular group. DINC meets for 5 Wednesday afternoons
per term, 3.15 – 4.30pm in the Drama room. Contact Drama staff for more information about DINC.
Mrs Cathy Perry
Head of Drama
Visual Art Department
Year 11 Art Retreat at Noosa Heads
Last week, Year 11 students enjoyed a lavish three-day adventure at Noosa where they were
able to get in touch with their creative genius and hone their technical and conceptual skills
before embarking on their senior Visual Art units.
Prior to the retreat, there was plenty of speculation about where to go for our retreat. Was it to
be somewhere local, camping, or maybe even glamping! What none of us knew then was that
we were in fact destined for luxury. We ended up at Noosa Outrigger on Little Hastings Street a
choice designed to allow us to explore the bush, the beach and the burbs.
During the retreat, students participated in a range of workshops conducted by professional
artists in a fun, hands-on environment. The artworks from the retreat will form a part of their
assessment and will also be displayed as part of the LUX Art Exhibition later in the year.
This invaluable experience enabled the students to work one-on-one with experienced,
professional, art practitioners, whilst developing knowledge and art experiences seldom
accessed in a school environment. Renowned artists Gary Myers and Scott Breton presented
landscape and figure painting workshops and the art staff presented a 3D sculpture workshop
inspired by Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Long.
The students enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxed and peaceful environment. The food
was delicious, the rooms were very comfortable and the pools were fabulous!
I was really impressed at how mature the students conducted themselves. Even the artists
commented on their level of commitment and focus during the workshops. The Art Staff is
very proud of the girls as representatives of Clayfield College.
Ms Madeleine Jones
Head of Visual Art
Visual Art Department Staff Corner
Introducing Ms Samantha Paxton, Visual Art Teacher:
Ms Samantha Paxton is an Australian designer
and illustrator with years of experience in theatre,
dance, television and illustration. As a graduate
of Queensland College of Art (Illustration), NIDA
(Design) and QUT (DipEd-Secondary Visual Art &
Drama), Sam is delighted to be a new member of Clayfield College’s
Visual Art and Technology Faculties.
Sam has designed for Company B (The Little Cherry Orchard),
Pinchgut Opera (Semele), Sydney Theatre Company (Pulse 10, New
Stages), Expressions Dance Company (Launch Pad), Sydney Festival
(Trial by Jury), Nikelodeon (The Upside Down Show), ABC TV (Play
School, Bananas in Pyjamas, Kylie Kwong Series I & II), and SBS (Going
Home). Sam’s theatre design credits for QTC include The Button Effect, The Orphans, Hurry Up
and Wait (Theatre Festival for Young Audiences Japan/ Edinburgh Fringe Festival), and Maxine
Mellor’s Mystery Project.
Introducing Ms Perrie Bourke, Visual Art Teacher:
Qualifications: Bachelor of Visual Art, Bachelor of Education, Associate Diploma in Fine Art,
Certificate IV in Christian Ministry & Theology.
I’ve studied Visual Arts for 5 and a half years, majoring in Photography, Painting and Intermedia. I
completed my Bachelor of Visual Art at Queensland College of Art, Griffith University.
My art skills are varied as I enjoy a variety of media including, photography, painting and textiles
& design. My final work at QCA involved photographing a narrative and designing a book with
fairy-tale overtones. This interest, and the innate expression of children with art, led me to
complete a Bachelor of Education.
Once I completed my studies, I worked for two years within an Indigenous child care centre
and then moved into the school system for 11 years. My experience with teaching ranges from
Prep through to Year 8. I enjoy learning about religion and went on to study Christian Ministry &
In an ever competitive world, I believe it’s important to look at things in a creative way and learn
to have a creative approach to all kinds of thinking. I am a Senior Marker with QCAA and involved
with the marking of the NAPLAN writing task each year. It is those students that have a creative
approach to their thinking & writing that always score higher in a few criteria. I hope to instil this
in my students at Clayfield. I am a passionate person and I am excited about being a part of the
Clayfield College community where I can integrate my studies and interests and inspire students
Careers & Vocational Education
Student are welcome to come to the Careers Centre to discuss their future career and study
pathways. Please find below the careers and vocational study information for various year levels
to help them make informed choices and learn to manage their career journey.
Celebrating Success
Brooke Hayes, Year12 Gibson student (pictured right), is currently completing a Traineeship
in Children Services. Late last year she was awarded Student of the Year from her workplaceLyndhurst Early Learning Centre. Well Done Brooke!
We would also like to thank Lyndhurst Early Learning Centre for their continued support of our
This website helps prospective university students make informed choices about their future.
MyUniversity provides students with a broad range of information about Australian universities
including graduate job prospects and student satisfaction and retention rates.
QS World University Rankings 2014/2015
The QS World University Rankings for 2014/2015 have been released, with the Australian National
University being ranked 25th globally, and first in Australia. The top 10 universities in Australia
according to these rankings are:
1. Australian National University (25)
2. The University of Melbourne (33)
3. The University of Sydney (37)
4. The University of Queensland (43)
5. The University of New South Wales (48)
6. Monash University (70)
7. The University of Western Australia (89)
8. The University of Adelaide (100)
9. Macquarie University (254)
10. University of Technology, Sydney (264)
Careers in Maths
Visit the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute’s website to view a range of career profiles
from apprentice chefs to Electricians to Nurses where mathematics is a necessary part of their
everyday jobs.
Important Dates
17 February
Police Recruiting Information Seminars - Brisbane & Maroochydore
24 February
University of Queensland International Online Fair http://www.uq.edu.au/internationalstudents/online-fair
27 February
ADG Engineering Bursary for female students application due date http://www.griffith.edu.au/
28 February
Application due date for Australian Defence Force Academy Education Award http://www.
defencejobs.gov.au/education/adfa/howToApply/educationAward.as px
21 March - 22 March
Reinvent Your Career Expo http://www.reinventyourcareer.com.au/
1 April
Bond University scholarship applications for Australian Year 12 students open
Mrs Tara Franklin
Head of Careers and Vocational Education
“The provided information has been gathered from a
range of sources including publicly available websites,
institutional and organisational newsletters, student
and career advisers and guidance officers. Every effort
has been made to ensure the information provided is
accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication. The
Career Information Bulletin can only be distributed and
used by members of the school community of the school
that has purchased membership to Options Career
Information. Options Career Information does not give
permission for any member to pass on its resources to
any other organisation.’
Director of Activities
QGSSSA Cricket
Open IGGS 6/72 def CC 5/56 The girls played well but were defeated by visitors IGGS. Special
mention to Hannah Lowry for her prowess with the bat. Next week’s match is away at St
Division 1 CC 3/78 def SH 2/49.
A great start to the season for Div 1 with a convincing win against Somerville House. Special
mention to Molly Bargwana for top scoring with the bat and some excellent bowling from
Moana Downes and Isabella Mirosch. Games next week are at our home venue Shaw Park
against Brisbane Girls Grammar.
Open St Margaret’s 5/74 def CC 5/58. Our Open team rallied after some early wickets to put in a
solid effort against the home team. Shanelle Adams was a standout with the bat and ball. Sophie
French also batted well and kept the runs coming in the middle order.
Division 1 BGGS 4/65 def CC 10/54. Our Div 1 girls played well but were beaten on the day by
the visitors. Well done to all girls for a great effort.
Sacre Coeur Tennis Shield 2015
The annual Sacre Coeur Shield was played in Brisbane on the 7 & 8 February. Two Toowoomba
schools Fairholme and Downlands made the journey down the range to compete in this
wonderful social weekend of tennis. This year we welcomed a new competitor to the
tournament, St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School. This competition is known for being focused
on participation and the social aspect of tennis and is a great icebreaker for all participants to get
to know each other. All competitors conducted themselves in an exemplary manner and it was
a weekend full of fun and laughs intermingled with some competitive tennis. Clayfield College
was outstanding in its performance both on and off the field. A heartfelt thanks to student and
parents for all the help offered with catering and the BBQ for all schools on the Sunday.
Clayfield College teams were very successful, winning the overall Sacre Coeur Shield for the first
time in over 7 years. Individually Open A, B, C Teams and a combined Years 7 & 8 all won their
divisions, with Year 9 & 10 securing a close second place. Special mention to the Years 7 & 8
Clayfield teams who showed a maturity well beyond their years. Playing this tournament for the
first time is daunting but all the girls handled the pressure and supported each other over the
weekend. Well done girls! We are looking good for QGSSSA tennis in 2015.
Junior Tennis Fixtures - FYI
The following was received from the Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis (GBJT)
Greater Brisbane Junior Tennis (GBJT) conducts weekly Tennis Fixtures at the Queensland
Tennis Centre, Tennyson and The University of Queensland for children up to 18 years of age.
Grading day for new players is to be held on Sunday 8 February at the Queensland Tennis Centre,
Tennyson from 3pm to 5pm. Further information is available at www.gbjt.org.au or by phoning
Mrs Peta Davis on 3374 0516.
QGSSSA Softball
The Open and Senior A softball teams have played 5 rounds of softball over the past two
weekends and have enjoyed some close matches. Despite improvements in all areas of the
game, the Opens have not yet secured their first win and the Senior A have won one. There have
been some spectacular individual displays, but both teams are now focusing on consistency.This
week, the Open team will have just the one game against the formidable BGGS at 7.30am, whilst
the Senior A team will play the first two rounds. This week, both teams will train on Wednesday
afternoon at Downey Park, using the batting cages. Pick up will be from the main car park area
for those not returning on the bus.
QGSSSA Swimming
Well done to the 55 girls who attended the Somerville House meet 6/2/2015. These meets
provide girls with competition experience with starts and swimming in a 50m pool so are
essential for preparation for QGSSSA on March 4. Training continues this week on Monday and
Wednesday morning 6.30am – 7.30am and also Tuesday and Thursday afternoon 4.30pm –
5.30pm. Girls are asked to attend 2 sessions per week.
It was great to see further improvements in competition times 13/2/2015 at the Moreton
Bay meet, and it is pleasing to see consistent attendance at training. We are in the process of
finalising the team particularly the three relay teams needed for the QGSSSA championship
on Wednesday March 4. As such the swim times at Friday meets are an important part of
this process. Clayfield co-hosts this week’s meet (20/2/2015) at the Valley Pool. Warm up is at
4.30pm and events will finish by 6.30pm. Please remind your daughter to sign the bus sheet on
the Croc Board.
A big thank you to our Head Coach Tim Dilger for the organisation of our training program and
also coach Anthony Mc Leod for their support at training sessions. Wednesday breakfasts have
again been a positive for our swimmers. This week Year 7 and Year 8 are providing breakfast food.
For any enquiries regarding QGSSSA Swimming please email awoodward@clayfield.qld.edu.au
We are still seeking swimmers for freestyle relay events for 12 years, 16 years and 17 years. Please
contact awoodward@clayfield.qld.edu.au if you can assist.
QGSSSA Cross Country
A great start to the year with good attendance at training the last 2 weeks. We ask girls to please
keep up the commitment as it takes 6 weeks of running 3 – 4 times per week for changes in the
body to occur which will make running easier. We would like girls to attend two school training
sessions per week and then complete another one or two runs in their own time. School training
is offered Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning with roll call at 6.40am and departure
from school at 6.45am. Girls must wear HPE shirt or “7” singlet and College bike pants to training.
All girls need to bring a water bottle and some food such as cereal, good quality muesli bar, or a
sandwich to eat after training so that recovery can occur.
13/2/2015 week Update - Fantastic numbers of girls have been attending training so please
keep up the great effort. This week we will be increasing the distance of runs and also the efforts
in speed sessions. Cross Country running requires training which combines longer runs and
also shorter sessions with speed efforts. It is the combination of both which produces faster
running times.
We continue to work towards the two meets this term both of which are run over 3km. These
runs are Tuesday March 17 at Yeronga Memorial Park and Monday March 23 at the BGGS sport
fields, Sprenger St. Fig Tree Pocket. Bus transport is always provided to and from the meets which
are always held after school. On meet days it is essential girls eat a good carbohydrate breakfast
and lunch and also drink 1.5 litres of water by lunchtime. These meets serve to give runners and
coaches data for monitoring progress and improvement as such food and hydration are just as
important as the physical training.
Park Runs – this year we are encouraging runners to attend some free Park Run events with the
coaching staff and also guest runners Ms Woodward, Mrs Gibb and Mr Manson. Our first run is
this Saturday Feb. 21 at New Farm Park. An information note has been sent home regarding this.
We would really like a minimum of 15 girls to attend so please support this and we welcome
mum and dad runners as well. For further information on Park Runs please email awoodward@
Our coaching staff this year are very experienced. We have the services of Head Coach Mr Noel
Mc Bride who has supported QG Cross country for 7 years. Noel is a Level 3 nationally accredited
coach who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our program. Returning coaches
from last year are Eloise Carroll and April Middleborough. New coaches for 2015 are Michael
Goodwin, Maddy Garozzo and our Cross Country captain of 2014 Laura Mango has also joined
us. We do ask our runners to commit to 2 school training sessions each week and then on
weekends also complete a longer, slower run.
7 – 12 Interhouse Swimming
This Thursday 19 February, the Years 7 – 12 Interhouse Swimming Carnival will be held at the
Valley Pool from 8.45am – 2.30pm. Parents are welcome to attend. The program of events is
posted on Student Café and the College app.
Mrs Nardine Price
Director of Activities
Parents & Friends Assocations
Dear Parents/Carer’s,
The Year Level Parent Coordinator Network (YLPC) operates across Middle and Senior Schooling
and plays an important role as part of the P&F Association in strengthening community presence
within the College.
The role of the YLPCs is to:
Organise 2 or more social functions during the year. This could be as simple as organising
a coffee morning! Other activities have included movie nights, parent dinners, barefoot
bowls, ice skating and Mothers lunches.
Act as a conduit for passing information between the P&F and parents/carer’s
Rally volunteers when needed for P&F and Support Group Events
Provide information and support to parents/carers in the same year level, particularly
new parents to the school
Ultimately it is about being inclusive, friendly, welcoming and helping parents and carers build
positive relationships in the school. We are still looking for a parent to assist in Year 9 so if you are
able to help please let me know!
A list of volunteer Coordinators for 2015 is attached for your use. We are only too happy to take
a call about any question!
Please don’t hesitate to contact any of our Coordinators or myself for a chat.
Erin Heath
0419 523 485
Click to view full advertisement in College Notices
Year Level Parent Coordinators 2015
Year 7
Ingrid Steven
Cherie Burge
0413 477 989
0448 899 080
17 March
P&F Meeting
Year 8
Tania Jardine
0412 639 890
Stephanie Felsman stephaniefelsman@yahoo.com.au 0411 696 006
Caroline Thurlow caroline@altitudepr.com.au
0414 565 575
Year 9
Cam Hay
Volunteer Required
Year 10
Rachael Mirosch
Suzy Hawthorne suzy.hawthorne@me.com
Freya Walton
Year 11
Donna Barber
Jane Hopsick
Year 12
Sarah Coote
Sally Gunn
0448 899 080
0412 345 858
0407 714 657
0409 906 691
0410 648 919
0437 527 181
0407 113 161
0408 126 483
Junior Support Group
JSG Morning Tea
Our morning tea was held at White Jam Hendra on Friday the 13th proving to be another great
success. Thank you to all those that came along and nominated to assist in 2015.
Not Too Late!
It’s still not too late to volunteer to assist or to become a class coordinator, please complete the
flyer that was sent home and return ASAP or you can email me directly on antoinetteaquilina@
Next Meeting
The next JSG meeting is being held on Friday the 27th of February at 9.20 in the boardroom near
the chapel – everyone is welcome !
Up and Coming Events........................
JSG Cupcake Morning Tea
Friday 13 March
Selling from the Tuckshop and Leopard Terrace
Pre-Orders: Pre-orders will be taken for Pre-Prep, Prep and Year 1
Lots of yummy cupcakes to choose from and gluten free will be available
Any assistance you could give with baking cupcakes or selling on the day (9.45 – 10.45) would be
greatly appreciated. If you can help, please email Kylie kylie.ohare@gmail.com
Thank you
Antoinette Aquilina
JSG President 2015
0414 666 876
Sports Support Group
Getting Behind Our Clayfield Athletes
It’s going to be a busy year for Clayfield College athletes. Sports like, Swimming, Senior Softball, Football, Cricket and Touch Football are all in full swing this term, while Term 2 sports have
already started training. With only a small, but enthusiastic showing at our first Sport Support
Group (SSG) meeting, it’s going to be even busier behind the scenes.
Call For Help
The Sport Support Group desperately needs volunteers to help us give our Clayfield athletes the
very best chance of success on the sporting field this year. We still need (and constitutionally
require) a number of key positions to be filled, including Secretary. Basically, SSG can’t operate
without one. To help, please contact Trent Halliday or Darren Masters.
We also need Coordinators/Representatives for each sport to ensure athletes receive the resources and support they need to compete optimally. It’s hoped the Parents and Carers of our
Sport Executive Leaders will be able to assist coordinating volunteers for each of their sports.
Please contact us as soon as possible about your availability so that an alternative representative
can be sought. Families of Sport Captains who are Boarders will be exempt. Contact Details of
each sport’s representatives will be published, if you have any suggestions for your child’s sport
or wish to volunteer through them.
If your child plays a sport and you want to help them achieve their best, please join the Sport
Support Group.
Thank You ‘Class of 1984’
The Sport Support Group would like to thank the Clayfield College Old Girls of 1984 for generously
donating $200 at their reunion late last year. The much-appreciated funds were presented by Old
Girl Natalie Simi at our first meeting and will be put towards a new Clayfield College Flag/Banner.
Thank you, Ladies.
Swimming - Volunteers Needed This Friday
Our swim coaches and coordinators need 3-4 parents/carers to help out at the Valley Pool
Meet this Friday 20 February from 4pm–7pm. Help is needed to marshal swimmers in the
stands for races and to remind the girls about upcoming events and to stay hydrated. This will
allow our coaches to focus on the swimmers and our coordinators to record times. If you can
help, please contact Anita Woodward as soon as possible.
Good luck to all Clayfield College athletes competing this week!
Trent Halliday (0418 192 743)
Darren Masters (0421 993 651)
College Shop
Second Hand Uniforms
Due to an oversupply and storage constraints, we are unable to take in any further items for second hand sale until the start of Term 2. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Second Hand Book Sale - Unsold Books
If you requested your unsold books to be returned to you, they are at the College Shop awaiting
your collection. Any books not collected by Friday 27th February will be considered a donation
to the College.
College Shop Roster
23 February
24 February
25 February
26 February
27 February
Robyn Jacobson
Alexandra Carrillo
Carol O’Brien
Audrey Mansfield
Julie Newlan
2 March
3 March
4 March
5 March
6 March
Rita Bawden
Cathy Schnitzerling
Niru Tyagi & Kim Reinke
Felicity Liang, Carolyn Webb & Nancy Yan (pm)
Emily Ulcoq
Mrs Kylie Conway
College Tuckshop
College Tuckshop Roster
Monday 23/02
Tuesday 24/02
Wednesday 25/02
Thursday 26/02
Team 4
Team 4
Team 1
Team 1
M Peter
A Forbes, M Hulbert, P Kinnane
K Crowther, T Highfield, J Drury
T Caldwell, N Thomas
Sue Boughen
Tuckshop Roster Coordinator
Telephone: 0412 425 592
College Notices
College Notices
College Notices
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