Remember in Your Prayers - Limestone Presbyterian Church


Remember in Your Prayers - Limestone Presbyterian Church
Remember in Your Prayers (February 20, 2015)
Pat McCombie is recovering from knee surgery on Monday and now home.
Elizabeth McNeill is recovering from hip surgery at Cadia Rehab, and will be home this week.
Dave Zecher is in a clinical trial at the National Institute of Health.
Bill Nuneville is undergoing chemotherapy for mesothelioma.
Michelle Brame continues to have health concerns, and is under hospice care.
Mary Brown is now having hospice care.
Carolyn Baylis is at Newark Manor Nursing Home.
Sandy Sylvester is under hospice care.
Mary Johns is in Millcroft Medical Unit.
Bob Erdody moved to Cokesbury on Thursday.
Fred Kirschman will be moving sometime soon to Lewes.
Don Lee had a mini-stroke while in Florida with some minor numbness; he is waiting for some tests
Sharon Richardson appreciates prayers.
Bill Hassall is home and welcomes visitors!
Kate Wardell is home and welcomes visitors!
Jay Weber’s recovery is slow, but is progressing.
Lynn Weber is at home recovering from pneumonia.
Yvonne Fleming is continuing to have health issues.
Kenny Taylor & Jen Jackson and Family, Kenny’s Aunt Vickie died recently.
Peggy Robinson, sister of Jane Hopkins, has pneumonia.
The Family of Elbridge F. Stockwell, family friend of the Gillettes; recently died.
The Family of Jim Poultney, friends of Judy Reich, Jim recently died.
Patti Hurchalla, sister of Linda Loomis, Patti has been diagnosed with cancer.
Gregg & Amber Bechts, neighbors of Buddy & Betty Brown; they are having a difficult pregnancy.
Uys Botha, Tim Jooste's brother-in-law, Uys has esophagus cancer.
Stephanie Munsch, friend of Erica Hogan, Stephanie’s father David Smith died.
Duane Howard, grandfather of Adam Hughes, Duane is in the hospital with pneumonia.
Christine Healey, Ruth Smith’s granddaughter, Christine is receiving cancer treatments.
Lindsay Quayle, Pete Quayle’s granddaughter, is cancer free but undergoing chemo.
Jennifer Saubier, granddaughter of Pete Quayle, is recovering well from radiation.
Reuben Garnett, our former Sexton, is currently in Manor Care Personal Care Home.
Ray Kulovic, nephew of Jane Hopkins; Ray is in rehab after a severe fall.
Jane Winfrey, Pastor Carolyn’s mother, is having health problems.
Desiree Cooper, Greg Bak’s sister, is had surgery February 4.
Carol Gloyd¸ Meghan Gloyd’s grandmother is now in rehab after a hospital stay.
Mary McCowan, former Limestone Parish nurse, is having health concerns.
Jim McGrath has had two falls and appreciates prayers for healing.
Rosina Marusco, Eileen Lindbergh’s mother, is in rehab after a hospital stay.
Mark Wojtal, Mike Casale's brother-in-law, has been diagnosed with cancer.
Edwin Estevez, a Presbyterian pastor, starting a new church in Riverfront/Wilmington.
Rick Seidel is in Cadia and would welcome visitors.
Kush, who stayed with the Gillettes for 19 months, and all children in foster care.
Andrew Besinger, grandson of Janet Parr, Andrew has Duchene Muscular Dystrophy.
Tim Smith, son of a former pastor Bill & Esther Smith. Tim is having health problems.
Andrew, a son of a friend of Pete Quayle, continues to have health concerns.
Please pray for peace in Egypt, Gaza/Israel/Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran,
Somalia, North/South Korea, Congo and other troubled regions of the world.
Please pray for the Christians living and serving in these troubled areas.
Tim & Gloria Wheeler, our Presbyterian mission workers, serving in Honduras.
Prayer Requests Welcomed! Please email our pastors, Bruce and Carolyn Gillette,
with your prayer requests any time during the week at
Please make sure you have permission to share any medical information with others
through this prayer list. Please let them know before Sunday (earlier in the week if
possible) if you would like a prayer card sent and give our church office the full name
and address to send the prayer card:
On Sundays please use the Brown Notebook, in our church narthex by the entrance
to our sanctuary, to write your joys and concerns. Our pastors will offer the church’s
prayers for people listed in the notebook during our worship services.
Limestone’s Prayer Ministry includes:
Our Prayer Chain of loving church members who get updates often to pray for
Prayer Cards, signed by church members and friends, every Sunday for those we
pray for in our worship services. See for the Presbyterians
Today article about these popular prayer cards. We send the cards with comforting
information such as prayers for the sick and CareNotes.
Prayer Shawl Ministry has sent seven hundred hand knitted shawls that church
members and friends have prayerfully made.
Limestone Pastor Carolyn Gillette writes hymns (prayers set to music) that are
used by many churches. You can find these hymns on her hymns web site:
The Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study inspires thousands of
Presbyterians daily as they uphold the mission of our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in
intercessory prayer. With its easy-to-read, page-a-day format, the Mission Yearbook
brings you 365 of these stories — each written by a Presbyterian actively involved in
mission from all across our presbyteries, synods, and countries in which the PC(USA)
works. Copies are available in the office or
Please contact our pastors if you would like to have them pray with you, and/or to
learn more about prayer for yourself and others. We would be happy to meet with you
and share with you a wealth of resources related to prayer and spirituality. Different
spiritual practices will be helpful for different personalities; our pastors are very willing
to explore this options with you for your spiritual growth.