Acorn - Church of Our Saviour


Acorn - Church of Our Saviour
The Acorn
Newsletter of Church of Our Saviour (Episcopal)
Charlottesville, VA
Growing a community in Christ . . . Sharing Christ’s love with the world
Dear Friends,
St. Augustine famously prayed: “Lord, make me chaste . . . but not yet.” Many people
begin the new year with resolutions to exercise, eat better, worry less, spend more time
with family, waste less time on the Internet — you name it. Like Augustine we may dally
a bit, but this desire to somehow better ourselves reflects a deep need we have as human
beings. We want abundant life, and we know there are things we can do to make that happen.
By the time you read this, the season of Lent will almost be upon us. The Lenten call to
repent can move us in various ways, but one way we can hear that call is to take some
positive, concrete action to deepen our relationship with God. Some actions may be private and personal, like getting up a bit earlier to spend time in prayer at the start of each
day. But the parish community also offers ways for people to grow in faith and service in
communion with others. I invite you to consider some of the opportunities available at
Church of Our Saviour. One of them may be just what you need, and Lent is a great time
to join in.
We have many small groups that meet here each week: a “Free on Mondays” discussion
group that meets over lunch on Mondays; a women’s Bible study on Tuesday mornings at
9:30 a.m.; a men’s Bible study with breakfast every Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m.; a
“Conversations in Faith” discussion group that meets on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. For
those who might want to learn more about contemplative prayer, there is a chance to do so
every second Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. and every second Thursday morning at 10:00
a.m. In addition, the Adult Forums on Sunday mornings provide a variety of different educational programs.
Or maybe you feel the need to give of yourself more. We have numerous outreach ministries, including the Food Closet (open three days a week), the Grab A Bag food program
(feeding 30 children every week of the school year) or the Salvation Army meals
(provided on several Friday nights each month). The Church School is always looking for
people to help with the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The parish organizes much of
its work through our ministry commissions: Adult Spiritual Formation, Children’s Ministries, Outreach, and Evangelism can all use more help.
In short, the church can help you take positive steps to become more faithful and committed followers of Jesus Christ. Any of us on staff can help connect you with the right people to do that. Why put it off? It’s the perfect time to get more involved.
Love and peace,
Adult Education 3, 7
Birthdays/Anniversaries 17
Children’s Ministries 4, 5
Curious Episcopalian 8
Fellowship 11
Outreach News 9, 12, 14
Parish Register 13
Renovations Report 13
Vestry Highlights 2
Youth (EYC) News 6
Annual Council 11
Cancellation Info 10
Christmas Notes 10
Diocesan Workshops 12
Faith & Females 16
Lent 3, 11, 14
Kitchen Guild 9
Pancake Supper 14
Pledge Update 8
Recipes 15
1165 Rio Rd., E.
Charlottesville, VA 22901
(434) 973-6512
(434) 974-6687 (fax)
Vestry Highlights from December 2014
The following are highlights from the December 16 vestry meeting. Since the January meeting has not been
held as of the publication of this issue, it will appear next month.
Treasurer Steve Weinhardt reported that pledge receipts are down almost $34K for the year. Although December is usually a high pledge month, he is hopeful this won’t be the first year pledges have not been met.
Capital Campaign Finance Committee Treasurer Bill Beisswanger and Chair Lindsay Brown gave an update as to the Capital Campaign Fund finances. At this point in the process, finances are on target. We
continue to use money from received pledge amounts and won’t need to use any of the loan for a few
Parish Administrator Carolyn Voldrich gave the updated pledge report: 194 out of 327 pledge cards given
out have been turned in; pledges are at $607,588. This is down around $10K from where they were last
year at this time. There is hope that additional pledges will come in within the next month.
Steve said that the Finance Commission met on December 10 to look at the 2015 budget. With the amount
currently pledged and cuts made, it was still not possible to set the budget. They will meet on January 16 to
finalize the proposed budget to the Vestry for approval at the vestry retreat at the end of January.
Buildings & Grounds Junior Warden Gregg Carswell reported that the grounds clean-up last month went
well. Students from Covenant School had come the day before to get the leaves off along Huntington Rd.,
which is the hardest area. Leaves from those raking days have been taken away. The nursery carpeting is
buckled and needs to be replaced. The Lucia House porch rail will go up in the spring. Multiple thermostats throughout the main building in the chapel have been replaced.
Annex Name Selection Fr. David reviewed where things stood with naming the new annex, saying that
there had not been a name really stood out. He suggested that the Vestry spend some time early next year
and brainstorm together.
The vestry retreat will happen January 30-February 1 at the Roslyn Retreat Center in Richmond.
Full vestry minutes are available in the church office during the work week. The next vestry meeting will
be held on February 24.
2015 Vestry Members
Catherine Allen
Tom Boyd
Gregg Carswell
Jodi Darring
Jim Flinn
David Harrell
Jennifer Henkel
Caroline Planting
Fred Simon
Ann Marie Vinson
Rochelle Walther
Free on Monday Discussions
Most of the discussion groups at Church of Our Saviour (and everywhere else) meet to talk about a
book that someone really wants to teach about. That person gets to share something really important
in their spiritual life and development… maybe it will be just as meaningful to other people! But not
everyone who owns great books wants to prepare a structured discussion lasting many weeks. Not
every spiritual blessing in our lives can be cut up into a bunch of tiny pieces to be dissected. Not all of
the books that help us through the day are long enough to study multiple weeks. For that matter; they
aren’t all even books.
Resources is a familiar discussion format. We meet and catch up, open in prayer, review the material
we’ll be discussing, discuss it for forty to forty-five minutes, quick preview of next week, then closing in prayer. What’s a little unfamiliar is that the same person isn’t necessarily leading every week
and the discussion definitely isn’t the same each week.
If you have something you want to share we’d love to come hear about it!
Youtube videos
That CD of meditations you still have from that time Philip Newell visited
If something doesn’t speak to you, you’ll be talking about something else next week. But maybe, just
maybe, you’ll find something really beautiful that you cherish for years to come. And hopefully, over
time, you’ll decide to share something with us that you love, maybe even something that brought you
here to COOS.
Sam Sheridan
Lent Madness
Forward Day by Day has nourished Christians for many generations. And if you're not familiar
with their Lent Madness, let me introduce you. I have no doubt many of you know basketball's
March Madness. Lent Madness pits Christian saint against Christian saint, until someone wins the
Golden Halo. Don't know much about the saints? This is a fun, manageable way to learn about 32
saints while you vote for favorites. The website explains:
“The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination
bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite saint.
16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate
Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the
coveted Golden Halo.”
While Lent might be a time for denying yourself those distractions that draw you away from God,
the season needn't be dour. Consider having Lent Madness emailed directly to your inbox, and get
to know what a difference some people have made. Who knows? You might even be inspired! To
sign up, and for more information, go to Questions? Email Rev. Jennifer,
Church School
Young Lambs The children returned in January to discover baby Jesus in the manger and the
shepherds and sheep visiting Him. The nativity items will be available for them to work with for
the rest of the year. The children continue to gather at the prayer table to offer thanks and listen
in silence. They enjoy setting up the prayer table each week and using the liturgical color for the
season which encourages them to notice the colors on the altar in the church.
In February the children will be introduced to Good Shepherd who knows His sheep and calls
them by name. The children work with the materials, gently moving the Good Shepherd and the
sheep lovingly around the sheepfold as an adult reads the scripture verses. Their prayer time
and the work with the Good Shepherd materials help the children develop a relationship with
God who loves them very much.
This program is for children 2 years old or children that have turned 3 after September 1, 2014.
For more information please contact Nancy Gillespie.
Atrium I Our children are such delights filled with curiosity, energy and interesting revelations.
We are developing our habits of grace and courtesy as we explore the Bible and our church liturgy through many different works. We are looking forward to continuing to introduce the element of the liturgy from the altar to the Passing of the Peace; and the Parables of the Good
Shepherd and the Kingdom of Heaven. We are blessed also by our volunteer assistants who
lovingly share their love of God. Our Atrium is enveloped with God’s grace.
Robin Kaczka, Catechist
Atrium II During the past month, several of the older children have been working on competing their personal prayer books. They have copied prayers and illustrated their pages. When
they finish, the books will be covered in beautiful paper and bound.
In anticipation of Lent, the children will review the Kingdom of God parables of the Mustard
Seed and the Precious Pearl. They will then consider the Summary of the Law. What does it
mean to "Love God with your whole heart, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as
yourself"'? We will ponder what that might look like in our own lives.
Finally, they will begin to consider some of the moral parables, the Good Samaritan for the
younger children and The True Vine for the older group.
Carol Harrell, Catechist
The 4th and 5th grade class has been having a fun New Year. We started off with exploring
the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that the Kings presented to the baby Jesus, and discussed what gifts we would give. Then we made symbolic gifts out of Play-Doh and/or paper.
Another Sunday we discussed the story of the boy Jesus in the temple and how he explained to
Mary and Joseph that he was in his Father's house; after which we constructed churches of our
own. This cozy little group is smart and enthusiastic and they keep us teachers on our toes!
Mary Morris, 4/5 Grade Teacher
A big THANK YOU to everyone for
helping to keep Fr. David’s ordination
anniversary celebration last month a
secret! It was a wonderful evening!
Look for photos on the church website—
Church Office Help Needed!
The COOS office needs help answering the phone and greeting visitors
during the week..could you help? We
need someone to be here on Thursday
mornings—once, twice or every
Thursday. Afternoon help from 1:303:30pm needed every day of the week.
If you can help, please contact Carolyn in the church office. Thank you
so much!
Children’s Ministries
A special thanks to Jennifer Henkel and Heather
Russell for all of their effort in shaping and organizing the Christmas Pageant!
The next Children’s Ministries event will be the
Ash Wednesday dinner and program on Wednesday, February 18th. We will meet in the Parish
Hall for a simple meal and Lenten program. The
children will have the opportunity to vote on the
service project that will benefit from their Lenten
offerings and the imposition of ashes will be offered as well. Please contact Jodi Darring with
any questions.
YOU Can Help!
By turning out church lights, re-setting thermostats, and locking doors upon leaving, you can
help us get a grip on the church utility expenses and safety of the buildings. When you leave
the building, please do not assume someone else will do this – each of us can make a small difference, which adds up at the end of the year. Thank you!
Are You Wearing Your Nametag?
We want to remember your name…so please wear your nametag on Sundays. If you don’t have one, just jot your name on the clipboard located
along the ledge of the wall opposite from the racks. Thank you!
Episcopal Youth Community
For God sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Upcoming Events in the EYC
February 7: Rock-a-Thon 2015
February 18: No Thirst (Ash Wednesday)
February 25: Lenten Wednesday Night Program Begins
March 1: High School Mission Trip Chili Fundraiser
Rock-a-Thon 2015
It’s BACK! Our annual fundraiser to support our high school and middle school mission experiences is happening on February 7th. Students
will fill the Parish Hall with rocking chairs (and lots and lots of snacks)
and spend the day rocking to
Feed the hungry
House the homeless
Love the forgotten.
Look for students outside of Sunday services if you would like to
support this event!
Being a man of God & Being a woman of God
Youth Lenten Program
Wednesdays during Lent, 6-8pm
Thirst will look a little different!
Join us for a meal and then a gender split for the evening as each week
we delve into different topics surrounding what it means to be a man
or woman of God.
Guest Speakers
Small Group Discussions
What God desires vs. what society teaches
Adult Forum in February
On February 8, 15, and 22, the Adult Forums will cover A Brief Survey of the Soul. What exactly is this entity that we call soul? How does our understanding of it influence our faith and shape
our lives in the world? We will discuss various biblical, theological, philosophical and scientific
insights into the nature of the soul — and our fundamental identity as human beings. Fr. David
will lead this series.
For those who cannot attend the Sunday forums, this series will be repeated on three consecutive
Thursdays (March 12, 19, and 26) beginning at 11:30am in the Parish Hall.
Calling All Readers and Thespians:
“Murder in the Cathedral” Reading Planned
The Adult Spiritual Formation Commission is going to produce a
rehearsed reading of T.S. Eliot’s beautiful and moving drama
“Murder in the Cathedral” on March 15 at 7:00pm in the main
church. The play is a dramatic representation of the martyrdom of
Archbishop Thomas Becket, who was later canonized in Canterbury
Cathedral, England. The action occurs between December 2 and
December 29, 1170. Eliot wrote the play under commission in 1935,
and it has survived and been revived ever since. The language is
beautiful, the action is stark, and Becket shows us the highest affirmation of faith.
We welcome everyone over about the age of 15 who would like to participate. We are not going
to pay any attention to gender! We may have women priests (O my!) and male tempters (O goodness!). Anyone will have a grand time in this production—doing great theater without having to
memorize the lines! We do need you to be able to project your voice from the altar to the choir
loft because we will not be using mikes. Participants need to know also that we will have a seated
read-through of the play in the first week of March, either Tuesday (March 3) or Thursday
(March 5) and a walk-through in the sanctuary in the second week of March (March 10 or
March12) before the March 15 performance. We plan to do these rehearsals from about 5 to 7 in
the evening, but the actual dates and times will be based on the cast’s preferences.
Please let me know if you are interested in reading or in helping out technically. Send an e-mail
with your contact information and rehearsal preferences to Elizabeth Collins.
The Curious Episcopalian
Q. Are all churches required to pledge to their diocese?
A. Each diocese has an established constitution with canons indicating how churches are to support them. Canon 12 of The Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
the Diocese of Virginia requires each church vestry to set aside a percentage of their budgeted
income for diocesan support each year. Each Vestry makes their own decision, although the
Diocese has suggested percentages based on the number of congregants in each church.
Churches then send in this money monthly to the Diocese. Over the last few years, the percentage COOS has given to the DoV has been 8%.
There are other dioceses that require each church contribute a tithe – a flat 10% of the undesignated money they receive. The church treasurer is required to fill in weekly forms per that
week’s offering and sends in the appropriate amount. The Diocese of Virginia has considered
this method but has so far respected the individual choice of each parish.
Carolyn Voldrich
Parish Administrator
Help Us Help You!
Due to the HIPAA Privacy Rule, hospital staff is not allowed to contact clergy for those
admitted to the hospital. Please call the church if you are going in for surgery or a procedure so clergy can visit and pray with you for healing. Call and ask to be put on the
prayer list, too – the more people praying for you, the better! If you do not want to be on
the Sunday written prayer list, we can put your name on the chapel list where you will be
prayed for during the week at Morning Prayer.
If you find yourself in an emergency hospital admittance, you or a family member can
always call the clergy at home.
2015 Annual Giving Pledge Report
Pledges as of January 26th stand at $616,388, with the average pledge at $3,097. Whereas the average pledge is up slightly from last year, the overall yearly pledge is down by over $14K. The Finance Commission has made 2015 budget recommendations the Vestry will consider at their February 1 meeting.
We are grateful to everyone who has pledged to support Church of Our Saviour. If you have not
pledged but would like to do so, there are pledge cards on the gathering area table and in the back of
the chapel. If you have any questions, call Carolyn in the church office (434-973-6512).
Outreach Outlook
Outreach Children’s Book Basket
Please check your closets, attic and bookshelves to see if you have children’s books (Kindergarten
through 5th grade) you would like to donate to children who can’t afford to buy books. This is a
wonderful hands-on opportunity for your children to help select some of their books to share with
other children. If you would like to purchase a new book for a child in this age range, that would be
wonderful also.
A “Book Basket” where you can place your book donations will be in the entry area on February 1st
through March 1st.
This is the fifth year we have conducted the children’s’ Book Basket project. Last year dozens of
books were donated here at COOS.
The books we collect are distributed through the local “Book Basket” project that provides them to
groups such as day care centers, Ronald McDonald House, the Emergency Food Bank, MACAA, the
Free Clinic, the Community Children’s Dental Center, the regional jail, the Salvation Army and other places frequented by families with children who cannot afford to purchase books on their own.
If you would like more information about Book Baskets, please go to their website at
Christmas Gifts and Food
Thanks to all who donated Christmas gifts and food for our twenty “adopted” families. Thanks also
to the drivers (Linda Broadbent, Dean and Mary Barber, Mark and Caroline Planting and James
McClung) who saw to it that the gifts and food got safely into the hands of the families. It was no
small task fitting all those gifts into the drivers’ cars!
Diane and Bruce Dotson
Outreach Commission Co–Chairs
Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth, but yours. Yours are the eyes with which
He looks compassionately on this world; yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours
are the hands with which He blesses all the world. Christ has no body now on earth, but yours.
St. Teresa of Avila
Kitchen Guild News
Spring will be a welcome sight this year! The crocus should bloom next month and
we’re on our way. Kitchen Guild events this spring are already on the calendar. You
may want to mark these dates: Bishop Gulick will visit on Sunday, March 22. Easter
Brunch will be two weeks later on Sunday, April 5. We’ll keep you posted of upcoming
events as they are added.
Margaret Pridgen
Kitchen Guild Coordinator
Glorify the Lord, O chill and cold,
Drops of dew and flakes of snow.
Frost and cold, ice and sleet, glorify the Lord,
Praise him and highly exalt him for ever.
Snowy or Icy Sundays….
You can find out if services have been cancelled due to inclement weather by checking the church website ( or Face Book page, or tuning into NBC
Altar Flowers
If you would like to dedicate flowers in memory or honor of someone on their birthday or anniversary, fill out the envelope located beside the flower chart in the gathering area. Enclose your check
for $40 and drop in the offering plate, give it to an usher, or take it to the church office and leave it on
the desk. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Marie Vinson or Carolyn Voldrich.
A Big Thank You
Whew! Christmas has been packed away and we’re now closing in on Lent and then Easter! I’d
like to take a minute to catch my breath and say a big “Thank you” to all the people who helped
me get the church and chapel ready for Christmas. Frank Allevato and Steve Allen did a great job
putting the tree up so that “the Christmas tree ladies” could come in and decorate it. After Epiphany Sunday, a group came back to “un-decorate” the tree, pack up the ornaments, stuff the bows
and put everything away. A dedicated group came in on the 22nd to “green” the church and chapel. Tom Boyd and Doug Hawkins went the extra yard, hanging all the pine roping outside in the
rain! I would be remiss if I did not say a special thank you to the members of my altar guild
“terrific team three”! These ladies not only set up for all the services but also set up the creches in
the church and chapel and helped with the “greening”. Special kudos go to Alan Lane for creating
a wonderful new storage system for all the wreaths and garlands. This means that the decorations
will not suffer the wear and tear that they have in the past so they will last longer. As always, I’m
grateful to the work that our sexton, Lawrence Henson, does behind the scenes to facilitate our
decorating. Christmas is such a busy time for all of us. I appreciate everyone who took time out
of their schedules to create the beautiful spaces in which we worshipped. If you weren’t able to
help this year, please join us next year. It’s a great way to share the Christmas spirit!
Ann Marie Vinson
A Church of Our Saviour Lenten Booklet!
How would you like to make your Lenten devotions more personal? The Adult Spiritual Formation
Commission (ASFC) is sponsoring a project in which parishioners will provide the meditations on
the scripture readings for Lent. This year, we will begin as an experiment. We will develop the book
during Lent. But next year, if parishioners like the experience, we will produce a booklet before Ash
Wednesday that can be used for our daily devotions in Lent.
The process is simple: On Sundays in February, members of the ASFC will be available in the gathering area to hand out a scripture reading for each of the 40 days in Lent. (You may wish to take
more than one reading, which would be fine!) On weekdays, parishioners who want to participate
can pick up a reading (or more) from the ASFC cubby hole in the workroom behind Diane
Hartling’s office.
During Lent, participants will read, meditate on, and pray over their chosen readings. Then, they will
write a short meditation on each reading and e-mail it to Mary-Carolyn Lawson. You may note that
you want your signature on your meditation or wish it to be anonymous. After Easter, we’ll compile
the meditation booklet “that would have been” and review the process. We’ll ask participants to give
us some feedback. If responses to the finished product are positive, we'll produce the booklets before
Lent next year—and perhaps start a tradition for years to come!
Participating will require little effort on your part, but we believe it will pay large dividends for each
of us and for the parish. Look for members of the ASFC in the gathering area on Sundays in February for your readings. If you have questions, please contact Mary-Carolyn Lawson.
Annual Council
The 220th Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia occurred in Richmond on January 22-24. Unfortunately,
unusual situations prevented our clergy and delegate from attending. If you want to find out what issues were
discussed, go to and look for the Annual Council link.
February Fellowship
February 1: Fellowship – 10:15am, Parish Hall
February 2: First Monday Lunch Bunch - 11:30am, Timberwood Grill
February 4: (Every Wednesday) Thirst, an Episcopal Youth Community event, 6:00pm, Parish Hall
February 5: (Every Thursday) Men's Breakfast & Bible Study - 7:00am, Parish Hall
February 17: Shrove Pancake Summer – 5:00 – 7:00pm, Parish Hall
Grab A Bag (GAB)
If you've never seen the documentary, A Place at the Table, I recommend you do. Available on Netflix, produced in 2012, the narrative reveals the sad, reality for far too many Americans. As I write this article, at
4:30pm in the afternoon, I'm hungry. But I know that absolutely within an hour or two, I'll be fed a nutritionally balanced meal. And I bet every one reading this article can actually even choose what to eat. A Place at the
Table tells the unfortunate tale of prolonged, no-end-in-sight hunger, right here in the land of the free and the
brave. Charlottesville is no exception. And our church makes a real, edible difference, through Grab A Bag
GAB is totally funded by donations. We receive no grants. But we feed 30 kids from Agnor Hurt Elementary
School every weekend, by sending food home with them. And we don't send junk. Canned fruits and veggies,
shelf-safe milk and applesauce, mean we're getting rid of rumbling stomachs.
GAB involves almost 100 volunteers, working behind the scenes, so smoothly, you may have forgotten. Maybe
you never knew. But you should know the truth. Hungry kids can't learn as well. Watch the documentary. Get
frustrated. And donate. Questions? Email Rev. JD.
Next Deadline for articles is
Monday, March 16, at noon.
Upcoming Diocesan Workshops
The following diocesan workshops will be offered here at COOS:
Prevention of Child Abuse Saturday, March 14; 9:00am to 1:00pm
Prevention of Adult Sexual Misconduct Saturday, April 11; 9:00am to 1:00pm
Prevention of Child Abuse (abbrev. session) Tuesday, March 24; 6:30 to 8:30pm
Prevention of Adult Sexual Misconduct (abbrev. session) Thursday, April 16; 6:30 to 8:30pm
The abbreviated sessions are for vestry members, Church School teachers, and LEVs and Parish Visitors, and those renewing their certificates after ten years. Those attending these workshops receive diocesan certification, which is required for all those going on mission trips or who work with children
or youth on a regular basis. There is no charge to attend these, but registration is required. See the
sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the gathering area.
Carolyn Voldrich
Diocesan Trainer/Parish Administrator
Memorial Services:
Transferred in:
Cayman Shawn Mooney
Linda Steel Glover
Charles “Chuck” R. Boyer
December 5, 2014
December 16, 2014
January 24, 2015
Jane & George Nowacek
(If you are interested in transferring your church membership to Church of Our Saviour,
please contact the church office at 434-973-6512 or email at
Pastoral Notes
We rejoice with Adam Wayland & Ann Hay Hardy, parents, and David & Ginny Wayland, grandparents, for the birth of Franklin Wilder Wayland, on December 27.
We welcomed into the Body of Christ with her baptism: Rosalind Carroll Budziszewski, on January
18, daughter of Nicholas and Katherine Budziszewski.
The sympathy of the parish is extended to the family of Shawn Mooney and Peggy Mowbray for the
loss of son, brother and uncle, Cayman Shawn Mooney, on December 1; to the family of Philip and
Cathrine Cashwell for the death of Philip’s mother, Elmina Cashwell, on December 3; to Eleanor
Droney and family for the death of her daughter, Linda Glover, on December 4; to Joan Cole and family for the death of her grandson, Riley Cole, on December 11; to Gloria Rennolds and family for the
recent death of her son-in-law, Rip Taggart; to Lawrence Henson and family for the death of his
mother-in-law, Inez Poindexter; to Anne Boyer and family for the death of her husband, Chuck Boyer, on January 20.
Renovations Update
Site work to prepare the foundation for the new building began in the fall after all approvals were
received from the county. Unfortunately, the weather delayed the construction firm’s ability to
pour the foundation for weeks. The ground had been too wet or frozen to allow the work to go
forward. The firm, Coleman-Adams Construction, was finally able to pour the foundation on January 27. The building construction will commence after the foundation has sat for 10 days, and
will continue through the winter and spring when under roof. The Renovations Committee will
resume meeting in February to discuss various project details and plans.
Mary Anne Grant
Geoff Kilmer
Renovations Committee Co-Chairs
Looking ahead to Lent….
Shrove Pancake Supper
Join us for our traditional pancake supper on Tuesday, February 17th any time between 5:00pm
and 7:00pm, in the Parish Hall. The cost is $5 per person, with a maximum of $15 per family.
Hosted by the COOS Vestry, all proceeds go to the Heifer International Fund.
Lenten Services
Ash Wednesday, February 18
Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes
7:30am–Rock Chapel
10:00am–Rock Chapel
“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help.”
Psalm 18: 1-20
The next visit to the inmates in the Discipleship Community at the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail, led by Chaplain Alonzo Minor, will take place on Wednesday, February 18, from 1:15
to 2:45pm. The psalmist continues: “From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him
reached his ears.” Come pray for and with those who find themselves “in danger, sorrow or any
kind of trouble.” I encourage you to reserve a time to take a “Look Behind the Walls” by calling Chaplain Minor at 434-977-6981, ext. 221, or me. Our web site is
James G. Hart
Chaplain’s Support Team, GNJ&PM
January Stew & Soup Winners’ Recipes
Gram's Crab Soup – June Craddock
1 can tomato soup
1 can green pea or split pea soup. Blend together.
Add 1/2 pint cream
2 cups Half and Half (or milk)
1 tsp. butter
Crab meat (however much you want to use)
Wine glass of Sherry
Salt and pepper as you like
Heat slowly. Do not let it boil.
Southern Living Brunswick Stew – slightly modified by Greg Anderson
The quantity is large. You will need a BIG stew pot or Dutch Oven.
Using WHOLE chicken will taste better, but if you are worried about fat, substitute an equivalent amount of
chicken breasts
Really, use red potatoes. . . they will hold their body better, and not turn to mush after freezing
Like most stews, this is better the longer it simmers. And, it is better on day 2! Freezes well.
1 (3 lb ) Whole Chicken
2 T all purpose flour
1-1/2 Cups finely chopped onion
1 Cup reserved chicken stock
1 Cup finely chopped green pepper
1 lb Red Potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 T vegetable oil
3 (16 oz) cans diced tomatoes, undrained
1 (8oz) can tomato sauce
1 T brown sugar
3 T white vinegar
1 (16 oz) can baked beans
1 T hot sauce
1 t salt
½ t ground turmeric
½ t ground black pepper
2 T Worcestershire sauce
1 (16 oz) can whole kernel corn, drained
1 (16 oz) can lima beans, drained
Place chicken in large stew pot or Dutch oven with enough water to cover. Cover and boil for about 45
Remove chicken from broth, reserving 1 cup for use in this recipe.
Cool; skin, bone, and chop chicken.
Heat 1 T vegetable oil in the large stew pot or Dutch oven. Add chopped onion and chopped green pepper,
and gently sauté until tender, about 5 minutes.
Add chopped chicken, undrained tomatoes, tomato sauce, brown sugar, vinegar, and Worcestershire sauce.
Stir well.
Add 2 T flour to 1 cup COLD reserved chicken stock. Whisk until smooth.
Stir into chicken/tomato mixture.
Add cubed red potatoes, baked beans, hot sauce, salt, turmeric, black pepper.
Cover and cook over medium low heat for at least 30 minutes, stirring occasionally (it will tend to scorch).
Add corn and lima beans, cooking at least 10 minutes. Serve with cornbread.
Faith & Females: "A Faithful Response to Gender Violence"
Saturday, February 28
10:00am-2:00pm at Trinity Episcopal Church, Charlottesville
The Diocese of Virginia is facilitating a conversation for men and women (ages high school and
older) to come together to discuss a difficult issue, and to explore how we as Christians can equip
ourselves to respond to issues of gender violence. Bishop Goff, Emily Rutledge and Margaret Edwards will be presenters, and there will be work on an outreach project as well. There is a $15 cost,
which includes lunch and outreach project materials. The student rate is $10. Limited scholarship
assistance is available. If you are interested in attending, go to the diocesan website, go to News & Events/Events Calendar/February 28.
COOS Space—It’s at a Premium!
Every day COOS space is in use by church groups and outside non-profit organizations. In the past, many
small groups have just planned to meet here because they have known the church is open. As a ministry coordinator or group leader here in the church, please make sure your meeting/gathering/event is cleared on the
main church calendar before you make plans with others. Also reserve space for setup and take down of
your event. We have had multiple groups show up to use the same space and have had to turn the group that
‘assumed’ the space was theirs away. Call the church office at (434) 973-6512 if you are not sure and church
staff will check for you!
Quiet Prayer on Sunday
Looking for a quiet space to pray on Sunday mornings? The chapel will be open after the
8:00am service until around 1:00pm. Feel free to come and go for individual prayer.
Church of Our Saviour
1165 East Rio Rd.
434 973 6512 (tel)
Charlottesville, VA 22901
434 974 6687 (fax)
The Rev. David M. Stoddart, Rector
The Rev. Jennifer R. Durant, Associate Rector
ALTAR GUILD Catherine Allen, Frank Allevato, Linda Broadbent, Jane Clark, Eleanor Droney, Molly Hill, Marolyn Jensen, Nan Massie, Nancy McDaniel, Sandi
Merrick, Mary Leachtenauer, Ann Marie Vinson, Emaline Winter
Elizabeth Collins, Carl Headland, Randy Huffman, Charles Lumsden,
Bill Massie, Matt Savinsky
DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER 2/1 Grace, Casanova; St. Stephen’s, Catlett;
St. Matthew’s, Richmond; 2/8 Trinity, Manassas; St. Peter’s in the Woods; Holy
Cross Korean, Fairfax; St. Paul’s, Baileys Crossroads; St. Barnabas’, Annandale;
2/15 St. Stephen’s, Heathsville; St. Mary’s, Fleeton; St. Michael’s, Arlington; St.
Andrew’s, Arlington; 2/22 Messiah, Chancellor; Trinity, Fredericksburg; St. Margaret’s, Woodbridge; Aquia, Stafford; St. David’s, Aylett; St. John’s, Tappahannock
2/1 Meg, Carl, Catie & John Grebe; Miriam
Green; Bonnie & Bill Griffith; Patricia & Ruben Guerra; 2/8 Cheryl, Jim & Alexis
Hale; Jim Hall; Stephanie, John, Ailish, Grace & David Hall; Virginia & Harold Hallock; 2/15 Marilyn & James Haney; Carol & David Harrell; Ann Harris; Dustin
Harris & Catherine Morrell; 2/22 Jim Hart, Diane Hartling, Debbie & Hugh Hawkins, Pam & Doug Hawkins, Patricia & Carl Headland
2/1 Kaitlyn Craddock, Carl Headland, Katelyn McFadyen; 2/2
Todd Bauer, Linda Scott, Amy Wharton; 2/3 Sam Maroney, Benji Rogers; 2/4
Sarah Bauer, Tina Krall; 2/5 Diana Crowley; 2/6 Carolyn Gilliom, Cynthia Kinnier; 2/7 Jean Whitaker; 2/8 Cathrine Elizabeth Cashwell; 2/9 Doug Birckhead,
Katherine Rendleman; 2/10 Barbara Kyle, Ed Rehorn; 2/12 Jeff Fishwick; 2/13
Debbie Hawkins, Ann Hester, Leah Kirssin, Stephen Werner; 2/14 Courtney
Horn; 2/15 Sean Chandler, Ann Marie Vinson; 2/16 John Grebe; 2/18 Garrett
Henkel; 2/19 Pam Hawkins; 2/20 Bessie Birckhead, Tony Wayne; 2/21 Elizabeth Andrews; 2/22 Kennedi Moss; 2/23 Sue Benner, Deacon Rutledge; 2/24
Jack Kayton; 2/25 Jon Leachtenauer; 2/26 John Springett; 2/27 Matthew
Crawford, Ed Spenceley; 2/28 Tom Boyd, Rhett Craddock, Caroline Darring
2/5 Diane and Bruce Dotson; 2/8 Joyce and Jim Scuff-
ham; Erin and Donald Wells; 2/14 Meg and Carl Grebe; Ann and John Hester;
2/22 Leslie & Steve Weinhardt