newsletter - St Helen`s Church, Crosby


newsletter - St Helen`s Church, Crosby
Accepting the Pope's invitation to become evangelisers of 'enthusiasm and vitality...whose
lives glow with fervour, who have first received the joy of Christ'. Lent seems a good time to
honestly look at ourselves and our church to reflect on the barriers which stop us being fully
open to Jesus.
Step 1: Living as Confirmed Catholics: allowing the Holy Spirit free access. Discussion and silent prayer, St. Helen's parish centre, 7:30 p.m. 0n Monday 23rd February.
'For when I am weak, then I am strong' (2 Cor 12:10). An afternoon of prayer, reflecting and
sharing, led by Professor John Sullivan, Feb 28th 2:00-4:00p.m, Bishop Eton. Please see poster
on the noticeboard.
St Helen’s Church
112, Alexandra Road
L23 7TQ
0151 924 3417
Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc.
Registered Charity No. 232709
First Sunday of Lent - 22nd February 2015
Events at Irenaeus,32 Great Georges Rd
Scripture mornings: Thursdays 26th Feb, 5th, 12th March 10.30—12 noon
Led by Fr Chris Thomas: “From death to life” - Reflections on Mark’s Gospel
Lenten Prayer & Reflection
Wednesdays 25th Feb, 4th, 11th & 18th March
10.30am—12.00 noon
For more information and booking contact Jenny on 949 1199
NOVENA OF GRACE In honour of Saint Francis Xavier
Wednesday, 4th to Thursday, 12th March 2015 at SFX Church, Salisbury Street,
For more details, please contact Debbie Reynolds on 0151 298 1911 or email
FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2015 with your J&P group.
Look out for events in Crosby during Fairtrade Fortnight –
Our Fairtrade stall in Sainsbury's on Tuesday, 24th February. Please say "Hello" if you
see us there and check out what it's all about.
"How far will you go for Fairtrade?” Wednesday 25th February at 7.30pm, St Luke’s
Church. We are showing two films on Palm Oil and the Fairtrade Producers. Come
and sample our free hot drinks, join in with our quiz, purchase something from our
stall. For more information email
More Fairtrade products after our parish lunch on Saturday, 28th February
Finally a "Drop-in" event at St Mary the Virgin , Waterloo on Tuesday, March 3rd
from 2.00 pm.
Contributions for this newsletter need to reach the Parish
Office at St. Helen’s Church, 112, Alexandra Road (Tel. 924 3417) by 12 noon on
Thursday. Please provide a contact ‘phone number in case of query.
Thank you. Office hours are: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm.
Mgr. John Furnival, Fr. Roy Cooper
Rev. P. Deary (retired)
Rev. E. Douglas
Parish Mass Book Page 75 Year B Part 1
Sunday 22nd
9.45 am Mass for Patricia Varney (anniversary)
6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish.
Monday 23rd
9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion
2.00 pm St Pio Prayer Group
7.00 pm Holy Hour
Tuesday 24th
9.30 am Mass for Maisie Christopherson (anniversary)
12.45 pm Funeral Mass for Geoffrey Walker
7.30 pm Novena & Benediction
8.00 pm St Helen’s Prayer Group
Wednesday 25th
No Service
Thursday 26th
9.45 am United Morning Prayer at Moor Lane Methodist church.
7.00 pm Mass for Ann Kinsey (anniversary) Confirmation Mass
Friday 27th
9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion
7.00 pm Stations of the Cross
Saturday 28th
11.20 am Confessions and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12.00 noon Mass for Denis Finn (birthday remembrance)
Sunday 1st March
9.45 am Mass for Stephen Ward (R.I.P.)
6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish.
ANNIVERSARIES ABOUT THIS TIME: Victor Charleton, Joseph Cooper, William Hogan,
Joan Picthall, Ann Kinsey, Patricia Varney, Margaret Costigan, Fr John McCreanor, Roger
Martin, Sr Seraphina, Jeanette Butchard.
Frank and Betty Hughes, Christine Moore, Stella Dilworth, John Murphy,
Christopher Brown, John Regan, Hannah Amelia Regan, Hugh Dillon, Rita Barber,
Sheila Brennan, Kath Sweeney, Denise Cummins, Margaret Walsh, Joan Bamber,
Rosemary Carragher, Rita Sloan, Susan Natsheh, Pat Corner, Marie Brownrigg,
Maura Murphy, Rosemary Hart, Mary Cookson-Gower, Norah Byford, Celia Bradshaw,
Joan Doyle, Anne Thompson, Peter Holmes, Pauline Kieran, Rachel Cunningham,
Jean Greenwood, Margaret McNeillie and Fr John Seddon.
Please remember in your prayers: Geoffrey Walker & Norman Jones who died recently.
Next Saturday (28th) there will be lunch in the parish centre after Mass. All welcome!
Lent 2015: If any groups or individuals would like to lead the Stations on any particular week, please sign up in the sacristy.
Reflection & Discussion on Marriage & Family: Mondays 9th, 16th, 23rd March at
7.30pm in St Helen’s parish centre.
Ecumenical discussions: Fridays in Lent - see poster for more information.
Food for Thought: Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th March 2pm –4pm in St Helen’s parish
centre. Three discussions in preparation for “Proclaim 15” Evangelisation programme.
Please see details of more Lenten Reflection and discussion groups on the notice
board in the porch.
Lent: Traditionally, a time for giving and making sacrificies. What can we do to make
the most of Lent this year?
Another suggestion: “to be honest about our addictions—TV, computer games, crosswords, mobile phones. Can we mangage one or two addiction free days each week
during Lent?
More suggestions of what we can do this Lent welcome.
Crosby Writers Club have 2 spare tickets to see “Tuppence to Cross the Mersey” at
the Epstein Theatre, Liverpool on March 11th at 2.30pm . Tickets—£15.
SPUC—next meeting will be Thursday 5th March in the parish centre after the 7pm
Mass Pro-Life Prayers will be at SS Peter & Paul’s on Friday 6th March at 2.15pm
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Ecumenical discussion over tea and biscuits in the Islington Room at St Helen’s Church every Thursday starting at 2pm. Last topic of the
month— Faith (Feb 26th) All Welcome!
Mama Mia - Tuesday 3rd March
The coach will leave from St Helen’s at 6.30pm and then call at SS Peter & Paul’s.
Please try to arrive by 6.15pm. Theatre tickets will be given out on the coach. Cost of
coach £4 return to be paid on the day. If you do not intend to use the coach please
phone Anne in the office (924 3417) so that we are not waiting for you and to arrange
collection of your theatre tickets. Thank you.
Cathedral Friends: lecture by Lord David Alton MP, “Paying the Price of Faith”
Thursday 12th March in the Gibberd Room. Tickets cost £8, include wine and nibbles
and are available from The Secretary of the Friends of the Cathedral, Mount Pleasant,
Liverpool, L3 5TQ
Coach Seven Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes have organised a Quiz night!
Friday 27th February—Doors open at 7.00pm with quiz starting at 7.30pm.
It is £3 entry on the door with a £50 prize for the winning team.
Bar and refreshments are available. All parishioners welcome!
Events at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Freshfield
Monday 9th March (10am-4pm): Day of Retreat, Led by Bishop John Rawsthorne
Lenten Days of Renewal:
Saturday 21st March (10am—3pm)
Thursday 26th March (U.C.M.) all welcome
Contact: 01704 875850
Donations to Cafod’s Lent Appeal , up to Sunday 17th May, will be
matched by the Government (up to a total of £5million ).Tax payers
can also use the Gift Aid Envelopes which will give a further 25p for each £1 donated.
Lent Fast Day is next Friday 27th February.
Please take an envelope as you leave church.
Friday Self Denial £333.15 received. Many thanks.
Days of Reflection at Sandymount
Saturday 28th February—Lenten Day of Reflection
led by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon.
Saturday 14th March—preparing for Easter—Fr Daniel O’Leary
(Author & Spritual Guide)
£20 per day, simple lunch included.
An evening of Light Music with Amadeus: The Chamber Choir
Saturday 28th March at St Faith’s. Tickets cost £8, include wine & nibbles and are
available from Pritchards bookshop and on 924 2813