Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church Crosby


Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church Crosby
Anne Brownsell, Wally Reynolds, Paul Garrett, Trish Hodson, George & Wyn Coughlin, Vanessa Hall,
Che Burnley, Ann Sumner, Jonathan Crofts, Mrs Moore, Maria Carragher, Jack Kirby, May Ruxton,
Blair Fowler, John White, Jo Burke, Ann Hughes, Charles Sankey, Joseph Greville, Maura Murphy,
Brian Orford (Jnr), Gerard Tansey, Ian Buchanan, Mary Griffin, Margaret Reynolds, Helen Burgess,
Veronica Duffy, Maureen Hall, Pam McHugh, K Nuss, Annette Hemming, Ken Hemming,
Tommy Carter, Ben Hamill-Hope, Glen Sands, Joseph Forshaw, Sheila Cummins, Tommy O’Brien,
Philip Goodwin, Maureen De Villier Briscoe, Don Albert, Tony Green, Reg Hooper, Joe Gradwell,
Fr John Seddon.
Lately Dead:
Joan Nolan, Paddy Hickey, Gerry Connolly, Joan Murphy, Stella Dilworth,
Molly Finnigan, Edith Mitchell, Margorie Arnold, Jim Sheerin, Helen Downie,
Alice Mulcahy, Geoffrey Walker, Monica Lynch.
Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church
1st Sunday of Lent
Year B - 22nd February 2015
Parish Priest:
Rev. Mgr. John Furnival
Asst Priest:
Rev. Fr. Roy Cooper
Rev. Tony Johnson
Rev. Terry Rimmer
Rev. Ernest Diggory (retired)
In Residence:
Rev. Fr. John Seddon
Sr. Seraphina, Fr. John McCreanor, Desmond Rafferty, Reginald Peters,
Tony Evans, John William Collins, Mary Jones, Fred Preston, Sadie Morley,
David Jones, William Cropper.
Baptisms - We welcome into the church:
22nd February - Charlie Daniel Mills
28th February - Thomas James Francis
Engaged Couples Course, Marriage Preparation:
The next session is on Tuesday 24th February at 7.30pm, in the Parish Hall.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday 6.45pm - 7.15pm & Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am
Exposition & Morning Prayer
Weekdays 8.30am - 9.10am (except Thurs & Sat)
Benediction & Exposition
Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.15pm
1st Sunday of the month 3.30pm
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday of Lent at 7.00pm
Parish Priest: Mgr. John Furnival
Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc.
Registered Charity No. 232709
Address: 161 Liverpool Road
Great Crosby
Liverpool L23 5TE
0151 928 3456
0151 949 1930
Saturday 21 February
5.45 Fr. Gerard Weston, Mary Hughes
& Steve Morgan
Sunday 1 March
9.30 Joan Nolan, Paddy Hickey & James Manley
11.30 Sadie Morley, Doreen & Fred Preston
Sunday 22 February
9.30 Frank McCann, Sp. Int. & Ben Herriott
11.30 Doug Brighouse, Peggy & Joe Walker
Monday 2 March
9.10 Gerry Connolly, Yohann
& Cynthia Rodriques (Sp Int)
11.00am Requiem Mass: Monica Lynch
Monday 23 February
9.10 Nessie White, Reginald Peters
& John Collins
Tuesday 3 March
9.10 Eucharistic Service
7.30 David Jones, Keith Barett
& Desmond Rafferty
Tuesday 24 February
9.10 Eucharistic Service
7.30 Tony & John O’Mahoney
& The Armstrong Family
Wednesday 25 February
9.10 Mike Harris, Tony Evans
& Anne Mullins
Friday 27 February
7.15 Mary & Bill Jones & Jack Smith
9.10 Eucharistic Service
Saturday 28 February
5.45 Mary & Bill Clayton
& Patricia Tolan (Sp Int)
Wednesday 4 March
9.10 Dec. Mem Callaghan Family & Jim Sheerin
Friday 6 March
7.15 Joan Murphy, Tony Heslop
& Stella Dilworth
9.10 Eucharistic Service
Saturday 7 March
5.45 Nellie & William Cropper
& Andrew Traynor
Sunday 8 March
9.30 Stephen Murphy, Andrew Allen
& Mrs Ward
11.30 Vincent Thirlwell, Margery Morley
& Vera McAleer
PASTORAL LETTER: A Pastoral letter from the Archbishop will be read at Mass on 1st Sunday of
Lent, 22nd February. Copies are available at the back of church.
CAFOD: The Lenten Family Fast Day will be held on Friday 27th February. Donations following
the Fast Day can be brought to church; envelopes will be provided and Gift Aided contributions can be
NOVENA OF GRACE: See the leaflet at the back of church giving details of the Novena of Grace at
St Francis Xvaiers Church, Salisbury Street, Liverpool.
DAY OF RETREAT: at St. Josephs Prayer Centre, Freshfield, led by Bishop John Rawsthorne on
9th March 2015 (10.00am - 4.00pm). See poster in the church porch.
PETER McLOUCHLIN RIP: Jo and family would like to thank everyone who came to Peter’s
Requiem Mass, for the many Mass cards and sympathy cards given for Peter and the family which
were very much appreciated.
Lent Discussion Groups and Resources: Please see the separate notice giving details of discussion
groups taking place during Lent. One relates to a National Catholic Conference to take place on
11th July in Birmingham and parish discussions are encouraged in preparation for this event. It has
the theme “Proclaim ’15” and the focus is on the Evangelising mission of the parish. The second group
discussions are based on Lenten themes with other Christian churches in the Crosby area. There are
other groups meeting to reflect on Marriage and Family Life as we approach the Synod in Rome in
LENTEN PRAYER & REFLECTION: will be held at Irenaeus, 32 Great George’s Road, On
Wednesdays in Lent – 25th Feb, 4th, 11th,18th, March from 10.30 -12.00 noon.
For more information ring: 0151 949 1199 or contact:
FRIDAYS IN LENT: Each Friday in Lent there will be an early Mass at 7.15 am. A Service of The
Word and Communion will follow at 9.10 am after Morning Prayer. Stations of the Cross will be
celebrated each Friday in Lent at 7.00 pm, (please note that there will also be Stations each Friday in
St. Helen’s church and these will also be at 7.00 pm) led by different parish groups.
KEYSTONE: Is a project to help dementia sufferers and their carers.
See the leaflets available in church for more information.
REFECTION & DISCUSSION ON MARRIAGE & FAMILY: Mondays 16th, 23rd and 30th
March 7.30pm in St. Helen’s parish Centre. PLEASE NOTE THE REVISED START DATE.
VOCATIONS: Please continue to pray for our 9 Liverpool seminarians currently training at
Oscott College in Birmingham, and at The Beda College in Rome; prayer cards are available
at the back of Church. For anyone interested in becoming a Priest or considering the Religious
life, there is a poster on the notice board with information about a Vocation Discernment
Group, and times of meetings which take place on the first Saturday of each month.
Please contact Fr. James Preston at St. Charles’ presbytery, 224 Aigburth, Liverpool, for more
details on 0151 727 2493.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th March 2pm -4pm in St. Helen’s
parish centre. Three discussions in preparation for “Proclaim15” Evangelisation programme.
Please see details of more Lenten Reflection and discussion groups on the notice board.
COACH SEVEN YOUTH PIGRIMAGE TO LOURDES: have organised a Quiz night! in
St. Helen’s parish centre. Friday 27th February - doors open at 7.00pm with quiz starting at
7.30pm. It is £3entry on the door with a £50 prize to the winning team. Bar and refreshments
are available. All are welcome.
FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2015 WITH YOUR J&P GROUP: look out for events in
Crosby - our Fair-trade stall in Sainsbury’s on Tuesday 24th February “How far will you go
for Fair-trade?” Wednesday 25th February at 7.30pm St. Lukes Church, we are showing two
films on Palm Oil and the Fairtrade Producers. Come and sample our free hot drinks, join in
with our quiz, purchase something from our stall. For more information email,
More Fairtrade products after the St. Helen’s parish lunch on Saturday 28th February.
Finally a “Drop-in” event at St. Mary the Virgin, Waterloo on Tuesday, March 3rd from
help to knit Nests & Eggs. The Nest & Eggs will then go with mini chocolate eggs to a local
school for children with Special Needs for Easter. Patterns are available at the back of church.
The appeal will run until 20th March.
Please see the poster with booking details for forthcoming a pilgrimages.
PRAYING THE PRICE FOR PEACE: a talk by Lord David Alton on an examination of the
persecuted Church around the world today. To be held at 7.00pm on 12th March at Liverpool
Metropolitan Cathedral in the Gibberd Room. Tickets cost £8.00 (which includes a glass of wine and
nibbles) are available from: The Secretary of the Friends, Cathedral House, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool,
L3 5TQ.
Mama Mia - Tuesday 3rd March:
The coach will leave from St Helen’s at 6.30pm and then call at SS Peter & Paul’s. Please try
to arrive by 6.15pm. Theatre tickets will be given out on the coach. Cost of coach £4 return to
be paid on the day. If you do not intend to use the coach please phone Anne in the office at St
Helen’s (924 3417) so that we are not waiting for you and to arrange collection of your theatre
tickets. Thank you.
KNIT & STITCH: from 2-4pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesdays in the sunshine room. Next one is:
24th February. This month the group has knitted 33 hats and 7 neck warmers for sailors visiting the
Liverpool Seafarers Centre. Members also made a number of blankets for the Linus group which
supplies them to babies and children in hospitals, hospices and places for refugees. Donations of wool
would be gratefully accepted, bring to the sacristy.
Sunday Readings:
1st Sunday of Lent: Genesis 9:8-15 1Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15
2nd Sunday of Lent: Genesis 22:1-2. 9-13. 15-18 Romans 8: 31-34 Mark 9: 2-10