Newsletter- 1st March 2015 - Our Lady of Grace & St Edward Chiswick
Newsletter- 1st March 2015 - Our Lady of Grace & St Edward Chiswick
Our Lady of Grace & St Edward Chiswick with St Dunstan Gunnersbury 020 8994 2877 Keep up to date with parish news and activities on Twitter @ourladychiswick 8TH MARCH 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Parish Team Canon Anthony Dwyer Fr. Andrew Chamiec Sharon Bowden Parish Priest Assistant Priest Administrator At all Masses: SUNDAY MASS: NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: 1st Reading: Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23 Psalm: 136 Response v 6 2nd Reading: Ephesians 2: 4-10 Gospel: John 3: 14-21 Canon Anthony writes:Normally when we hear about Jesus in the Gospels while he is direct and honest, often challenging, he is nonetheless very measured in what he says and does. In today’s Gospel we hear that Jesus reacts in this forceful way because, as he says his Father’s house is being turned into a market. The Temple is a special place, it is above all a sacred place, and those there are not showing that they have a sense of the sacred. In today’s world it can seem, sometimes, that many things are reduced to the lowest common denominator. We see that sometimes where there is a lack of courtesy or respect, or the absence of good manners. And such ways can also affect our sense of the sacred, the fact that the ways of God need to be treated differently to human ways – to treat God’s ways with awe and reverence and respect. These days of Lent are a time to reflect on ourselves, on how we relate to others, and to consider how we relate to God in our lives, how do we show Him the respect and honour in the one place where he is specially to be honoured. Jesus is upset because of the behaviour of those in the Temple, the fact that it is not being treated as a sacred place. For us too, from time to time, it can be good to think about how we are when we attend Mass, how do we prepare, how do we participate, what if, anything, in my words or actions, might be a source of distraction to others, rather than assisting them in their prayer, and helping them to be attentive to what is being celebrated? As Catholics participating in the celebration of Mass is the most important thing we do, just as it is also the most privileged. Participating in the Eucharist is a wonderful gift, freely given, and that’s something we should never lose sight of. We show our appreciation by the way in which we prepare and are present. And one way in which we do that is by arriving on time, even a few minutes early to recollect ourselves and think about we are going to celebrate, and equally staying right until the end, that is until we are told: ‘Go in peace’, and waiting until the celebrant has reached the back of the church. These may sound like little things but they show our appreciation of the Mass, they say something about our sense of the sacred in God’s House. GUNNERSBURY CHURCH As some of you will be aware a large piece of the church ceiling fell in last week, and which was only discovered on Saturday, not giving us time to get repairs done for Sunday. We regret very much that it was not possible to celebrate Mass last Sunday, but in the interests of safety there was no alternative. Thank you to everyone who was so understanding in this difficult situation, some temporary repairs have now been completed, while further work remains to be done RESPONSES: Page 7 READINGS: Page 154 All viewable at: Funeral this Week: Sabrice David Ocquidant - RIP Funeral Mass on Tuesday 10th March 2015 at 10:00am May he rest in peace. LET US PRAY For those who are sick: Mr Casciello, Claudio Boggi, Louise FitzGerald Burden, Marie O’Keeffe, Mrs O’Brennon, Mr. Coleman, Maureen Blair, Cecil Pocock, Rose Murphy, Thomas O’Sullivan, Betty O’Grady, Anne O’Farrell, James McKeefry For those recently deceased: Sabrice David Ocquidant For those whose anniversaries are at this time: Maureen and Michael Devine and Kate McGale THIS WEEK – Sat 7/3 6.30pm Sun 8/3 8.30am 9.45am 10am 11am 12.15pm 6.30pm THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Vigil Mass 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT Eily O’Leary ANN Thanksgiving INT (Gunnersbury) Ray Cresswell Philip Barr People of the Parish Shelia Hay ANN ANN The Coyle Family NO MASS RIP RIP Mon 9/3 10.00am 12.30pm LENT FERIA Tues 10/3 10.00am LENT FERIA 12.30pm Wed 11/3 10.00am 12.30pm Thur 12/3 10.00am 12.30pm ANN Funeral of Sabrice David Ocquidant RIP NO MASS LENT FERIA Pessy Forrest NO MASS RD Eileen McSweeney NO MASS ANN Winnifred Carney Ann Badger RIP RD Danny Courtney Martin Healy ANN ANN LENT FERIA Fri 13/3 10.00am 12.30pm LENT FERIA Sat 14/3 10.00am 6.30pm LENT FERIA Vigil Mass CONFESSIONS: Saturday 11am – 12 noon & 5pm – 6pm (or by appt) MORNING PRAYER: Friday 9.40am EXPOSITION: Monday – Friday 1pm – 5pm, Saturday Holy Hour 5pm-6pm BENEDICTION: Saturday 6pm. LENT ACTIVITIES During Lent there are a number of activities taking place, all of which provide us with opportunities to make this a fruitful, and positive, season. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Each Friday at 6.30pm PRAYING THROUGH LENT “Come to the Water” is the title of our Lenten talks reflecting on different aspects of prayer. Last Tuesday Fr Javier Ruiz spoke on ‘Praying through the scriptures”. This coming Tuesday Sr Felicity Young, an Ursuline Sister, will be talking about how to pray with poetry. Once again this promises to be a helpful talk, everyone is welcome, and the talk takes place in church, and begins at 7.30pm. LENTEN PROJECT The Lenten Project this year will be supporting CAFOD in its work for refugees from Syria, now living in camps in neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Turkey. Contributions can be placed in the ‘World Hungry’ box, or if you wish to ‘GiftAid’ your contribution please use one of the Lenten Project envelopes and return it, with your contribution, to the Parish Office. HAVE A FAVOURITE SAINT? Why not come along to our Lenten Course called 'Saints Helping Us Today'. It runs on Tuesday mornings in Lent from 11.30-12.30 in the Parish Centre. A six session DVD course exploring the lives of the Saints, including, St Therese of Lisieux, St Benedict, St Francis of Assisi, St Patrick and St Catherine of Sienna. LENT LUNCHES Lent Lunches are being served in the Parish Centre, on the Fridays of Lent, from 1.00pm, with the proceeds going to the Lent Project. Volunteers are needed to make soup and to help with serving; if you can help in this way please contact Jo Hodgson on 8995-6154 or email: MASS IN LENT A good way of observing Lent is to attend Mass during the week, as and when time permits. It is good to see some extra parishioners attending, but would be heartening to see more making an effort, and showing an appreciation of the Mass. Monday to Saturday Mass is celebrated at 10am and on some days at 12.30pm SYNOD & THE FAMILY Many of you will be aware of the Synod on the Family which took place in Rome last October, a further synod will take place this Autumn. In the meantime Catholics throughout the world are being consulted on their thoughts about the gift of marriage, and the challenges facing families in contemporary society. A number of small groups will be meeting to reflect on the questions suggested by the Bishops. One of the groups will be meeting in ?????????????? on ???? at ?????. If you don’t wish to, or can’t, join a group you can still share your thoughts. The questions will be found at the back of the church, and you can either send your responses to the parish office, to be included with the parish, or directly to the Marriage and Family Life co-ordinator at Westminster DO SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR LENT Give up an hour of your time on a Monday evening to attend a Small Faith Group meeting. For more details contact David Richardson tel: 0208994-4696 or email: ‘ANOINTED’ is the title of the Diocesan Programme taking place in parishes this lent. Booklets for those who may not wish, or be able, to join a group are on sale price £2. LENT LEAFLET For further details of what is taking place during Lent please take a copy of the Lent leaflet. OFFERTORY ENVELOPES The new Offertory envelopes are available for collection today. They are arranged alphabetically on tables around the church. Please take a few minutes to collect yours. If you are new to the parish, or do not use Offertory envelopes, and would like information about the scheme, please speak to a member of the Finance team at the tables, or contact Michael Maher 020 8995 3290. Providing you are a UK Taxpayer, you can Gift-Aid your donations to our parish. Signing a Gift Aid Declaration increases the value by 25 pence for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you. Last year through Gift-Aid our parish received a refund of over £30,000 and nearly £2000 for the Lenten Project. Thank you very much for your very generous support of our parish and to the many financial appeals that are made throughout the year. COMMUNION TO THE SICK When parishioners are unwell we are very happy to arrange for Holy Communion to be taken to them in their homes. If you, or someone you know, would like to have Holy Communion brought to you, please speak, in the first instance to one of the priests. ARCHDIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES, 26TH JULY – 1ST AUGUST It is hoped to take a group from the parish on the diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes this year. Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested or speak to Fr Andrew for more information. CAFOD LENT FAST DAY Thank you very much for your contributions last weekend following the CAFOD Lent Fast Day. It is still not too late to make a contribution, and they can be left at the Parish Office. If you wish to ‘Gift-Aid’ your contribution please use a CAFOD envelope, and don’t forget that the Government will match every contribution pound for pound – so doubling your donation at no cost to yourself. LENTEN TALKS at Our Victories, Kensington Lady of Wednesdays after 6:30pm Mass 11TH March Exodus: Out of the house of slavery 18TH March Jeremiah & Cyrus: The Prophet and the King 25TH March Time for renewal: Celebrating Reconciliation The Talks will be given by Rev Dr Javier Ruiz Collections for Last Weekend Chiswick: £4,487.09 Gunnersbury: ? MANY THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY CARDINAL’S MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 23rd May 2015 at 3pm. The Archbishop will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please contact the Parish Office with the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email). GUNNERSBURY NOTES WEEKDAY MASS Tuesday and Thursday at 9.30am Sunday Mass at 10.00am COME AND SEE DAYS Three “Come and See” days will take place in the coming months for men who are interested in the Permanent Diaconate. These will be held on 18TH April at Ealing Abbey, Ealing, 16TH May at Sacred Heart & St Joseph, Ware. All the days will begin at 10am in the respective parish hall, ending at noon. No registration is needed and wives are welcome to attend. For further information contact Deacon Anthony Clark Tel: 0208 455 9822, Deacon Adrian Cullen Tel: 01920 462 140 or Deacon Gordon Nunn Tel: 0208 862 2162 GENERAL ELECTION We are already hearing much about the forthcoming General Election. Deciding how to vote is an important decision. To assist us in this the Bishops of England and Wales have written a letter in which they suggest a number of questions that we might wish to put to the candidates. Copies of the letter are available at the back of the church THE REPOSITORY On sale this week St Patrick’s Day cards, badges, rosettes, Easter cards and also other religious items. The Repository is open after all Sunday morning Masses and after the 10am Mass ANNUAL THEOLOGY OF THE BODY LECTURE The 12th Annual Theology of the Body lecture, entitled ‘Facing Difficulties in Christian Family Life: Insights from Theology of the Body’ will be given by Dr Peter Kahn, Director of Studies of the Liverpool University Higher Education Programme. It will take place on the 20TH March 2015 at 6:45pm, Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London, SW1P 1QN. Please register your interest at Tickets, to be sold on the door, will be £!0 or £5 concessions (OAP, students/unemployed) Chiswick Liturgy Info 9.45am Mass Responsorial Psalm 980 Gospel Acclamation 184 CHURCH CLEANING ROTA This week the Wednesday Cleaning Group will be cleaning the Church.