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here - St. Dominic`s Catholic Church
1st MARCH 2015
SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT - psalter week 2
FR. PADDY CANNON - – 8686 1634
Confessions: Saturday 9.45 am - 10.15 am & 5.15 pm - 5.45 pm
28th February SATURDAY
1st March SUNDAY
(St. David, Patron of Wales)
2nd March MONDAY
3rd March TUESDAY
5th March THURSDAY
6th March FRIDAY
6.00 pm
9.00 am
11.00 am
5.00 pm
Nela & Maria Gomez Intentions (Alsira Palla)
Edie McHale R.I.P. (Birthday) (Leonie Beardall)
Mass of Thanksgiving (Private Intention)
Conrad McKeverne R.I.P. (Family)
Pro Populo
9.15 am
9.15 am
7.00 pm
9.15 am
7.30 pm
10.00 am
7.00 pm
7.30 pm
Special Intention of Pat Dunne (Liz & Family)
Betty Halpin R.I.P. (Michael & Rose Brennan)
Edna Mary Olliff R.I.P. (Her Family)
James Delaney R.I.P. (Tom & Eileen Brophy)
Mass for the Newman Association
Stella MacDonagh R.I.P. & Deceased Family (Anna)
7th March SATURDAY
9.15 am
6.00 pm
8 March SUNDAY
9.00 am
First Holy Communion Class 9.30 11.00 am
2.00 pm
5.00 pm
Davies Family Intentions
Pro Populo
Michael McHale’s Welfare (Leonie Beardall)
Rosanna Jones R.I.P. (1st Anniversary)
(Lisa & Nadia Corsini)
Filipino Community Mass
Michael McHale’s Intentions
COLLECTION TOTAL LAST SUNDAY: £923.38. Thank you for your generosity
Any items for newsletter please email:
Parish Website:
SICK: Debbie Middlecoat, Catherine Lloyd, Reg Legro, Maria Ma Thamby, Bill Cumber, Conny Morrissey,
Tamara Coelho, Florencs Withers, Caroline Bridge, Doreen Clarke, Sofia Jones, Mary Kelly, Brenda
Sweeney, Sally Haddad, Michael Knight, Stella Hamilton, Tom Brophy, Helen Roache, Brian Manning,
Joan Collins, Jim McNulty, Irene Ozkaya, Olga Middlecoat, Oscar Leow.
ANNIVERSARY: Mary Hoey, Kathleen Marriott, Patrick Maguire, Phillip Trang Cong Dinh, George
Anderson, Amy Jones, Christobel Fernando, James Elliott, Louise Kendall, Gwendoline Millington,
Manuela Lagos, Michael Fox, William Anderton, Margaret Corcoran, Audrey Sinclair-Jones, Betty
Spooner, Fay Firmager, Carl Anderson, Joan Furgol, Alfred Sherwood, Kathleen Prendergast, Alice Burke,
Martin Davey.
May they all Rest in Peace.
2nd Sunday of Lent: “Free to be Ourselves”. Sometimes we can be overwhelmed by each other’s
generous sensitivity, thoughtfulness and kindness which have helped us grow in confidence to share
our deepest feelings, fears and joys. Let us try this week to find ways of growing in that confidence
and trust so that in our relationship we radiate God’s joy through the way we love each other.
ANN DEMPSEY R.I.P. We offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to the family and friends of Ann who
sadly died recently. May she Rest in Peace. Fr. Paddy.
OCTOGENARIAN: On 8th March Michael McHale will be 40 years of age for the second time. After the 5.00 pm
Mass there will be food and drink served in the Narthex. All welcome. Michael.
JUSTICE & PEACE GROUP: Meet every 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Parish Room @ 7.00 pm. Everyone
welcome to come along! The breakfast to mark Fairtrade Fortnight has had to be rescheduled so will not take
place on March 8th but please watch this space. Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 23rd February to 8th March. This
year it is twenty years since the Fairtrade mark was launched so the impact of Fairtrade is being celebrated.
However there is a way to go: although 78% of the UK public recognise the Fairtrade mark only 1.2% of cocoa and
less than 10% of tea is traded globally on Fairtrade terms. Please take action. Buy only Fairtrade goods for
consumption at parish events and try to buy for yourself, every week, at least one thing which is fairly traded.
CAFOD Lent Family Fast Day was Friday February 27th. This Lent we are asked to come together as a community
to ensure the devastating effects of extreme weather no longer push people further into poverty. “We pray for
those affected by storms, floods and droughts, that through God's grace we may work together to help rebuild
lives and communities, and prepare for future disasters.”This Lent every pound you give will be matched by the UK
government up to the value of £3.5 million. Please return your envelopes (if you don't have one just place your
offering in any envelope marked Lent Fast). If you pay tax please consider completing the gift aid slip in the
envelope, it will not cost you anything at all but means that CAFOD can obtain an extra 25p for every pound
donated (in 2013 – 2014 this amounted to an extra £154.000). As always, thank you for prayerful and practical
FILIPINO COMMUNITY MASS: Held every second Sunday of the month @ 2.00 pm followed by light snacks and
drinks in the Narthex.
ST. DOMINIC'S CREATIVITY GROUP: Meet every Thursday from 10.00 am - 12 Noon. For more information please
PARISH EVENT - SENIOR CITIZEN'S PARTY 2015: Saturday 9th May @ Regina Coeli Primary School, Pampisford
Road, South Croydon. We can get into the hall at 2.15 pm so the party will start @ 3.30 pm and finish at
approximately 6.00 pm. There will be a meeting shortly to discuss further. Elaine Carson.
WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: On Friday 6th March @ 1.30 pm West Croydon Methodist Church, 93 London
Road, CR0 2RF or 8.00 pm at Our Lady of the Annunciation, Bingham Road. All welcome.
CROYDON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL: There will be Mass in Croydon University Hospital every MONDAY during Lent
at 12 Noon.
GOOD FRIDAY WALK OF WITNESS: An appeal has been made for participants in the dramatic representation of
the crucifixion outside the Whitgift Almshouses at about 12.00 noon on Good Friday. It is quite a commitment as
there are rehearsals. For more information please contact Toni Suffolk on 07786935554 or
email: Stewards are also required as well as people to hand out leaflets, if this
would be of interest please let me know. Thank you.
WAYS INTO PRAYER: Join us for a morning of prayer, quiet and meditation as we explore “Deserts and Living
Water” at Sanderstead Methodist Church, Limpsfield Road, CR2 9DA on Saturday 21 st March from 10.00 am – 1.00
pm. Coffee or tea will be served from 9.30 am. For more information please contact: Elaine Leck on 8651 0007 or
From Friday 13th March – Sunday 15th March @ House of Prayer, 35 Seymour
Road, East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 0PB. The House of Prayer will be running a silent residential retreat weekend for
people to come and have a little taster! The retreat will be led by the House of Prayer Retreat team. Arrive on
Friday in time for supper @ 7.00 pm and leave on Sunday @ 4.00 pm. Cost: £140 – advanced booking essential.
Please contact them on: 8941 2313 or email: to reserve your place.