Current Newsletter - St Peter`s, Leckhampton


Current Newsletter - St Peter`s, Leckhampton
Sunday 1st March 2015
+Welcome to St Peter's today.
A special welcome to our visitors and to any
worshipping with us for the first time.
A loop system is installed in the church; please
turn your hearing aid to the T position. We also
provide large print copies of the Common
Worship Services.
Toilet facilities are available in the Cottages
via the main glass doors.
10.00 Parish Communion
Bidding: Lord of Love and Light
Response: Hear us
Hymns: 6
Be Still and Know that I am God – words
586 (omit v. 2,3,6,7,8)
At Communion the choir will sing: ‘Lead Me
Lord’ – S.S. Wesley
Organ Voluntary: Choral Song – S.S. Wesley
11.30 Holy Communion
12.30 Baptism (Redding-Sallis)
18.00 Evening Prayer
Be still and know
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
I am the Lord who saves and heals.
(Repeat twice)
In you, Lord God, I put my rest.
(Repeat twice)
The Crown of Thorns
The purple robe and crown of thorns are both
symbols of power. In the crucifixion, they are
deliberately reversed. Those in authority seek to
mock Christ but in the mockery his true kingship
and authority is to be found.
We adore you O Christ and we bless you
because by your holy Cross you have
redeemed the world
“Pilate took Jesus and had him scourged. And
the soldiers wove a crown out of thorns and
placed it on his head and clothed him in a
purple cloak and they came to him and said,
“Hail! King of the Jews.“
(A prayer by Robert Crashaw 1613-1649)
Jesus by thy wounded feet
direct our path aright
Jesus by thy nailed hands
move ours to deeds of love;
Jesus by thy pierced side
cleanse our desires
Jesus by thy crown of thorns
annihilate our pride
Jesus by thy silence
curb our cruel speech
Jesus by thy closing eyes
Look on our sin no more
Jesus by thy broken heart
knit ours to thee
And by this sweet and saving sign
Lord, draw us to our peace and yours.
Note: this is the second week of Fair Trade
Fortnight. See talks under This Week. Please
support us if you can. Mary
If you would like to share a birthday or
anniversary with the Church Family of St
Peter’s, please fill in a form at the back of the
church and return it to the Parish Office.
In our prayers this week
Within the Worldwide Church we pray
for Mbale, Uganda, Bishop Patrick Gidudu.
Within the Porvoo Communion we pray
for Meath and Kildare, Ireland, Bishop
Pat Storey.
In the Diocese of Gloucester we pray for
the Benefice of Bourton-on-the-Water with
Clapton and The Rissingtons, Rachel
Rosborough, Michelle Porter-Babbage,
Christopher Etherton (Parish Clergy).
In the Diocesan Partnership we pray for
our five overseas partner Dioceses and
especially today the Diocese of Vasteras,
Bishop Thomas.
In our own Parish Calendar we pray for
the PCC Pastoral Group and for the residents
of Farm Lane, Gabell Road, Delancey
Crescent, Delancey Close and Giffard Way.
Send-a-Cow: Junior Church are fund-raising
during Lent to send a donation to the Senda-Cow Charity which aims to help farmers
with livestock and training that will give them
an income as well as food. Junior Church ask
that, instead of biscuits with our coffee after
the services in Lent, we make a donation to
Posies for Mothering Sunday (15th
March) Junior Church need adults to help in
making the posies, ready for the Service. We
will meet in the Cottages on Saturday 14th at
3 p.m. – refreshments provided. Hermione
08.30 Morning Prayer every Weekday
and Saturday.
17.00 Evening Prayer every Weekday
and Saturday
Are you a knitter? If so, you might like to
join me making small Plushi toys that are
being given to sick children suffering with
cancer, and to their worried siblings. The
knitting is easy and you can use any odds and
ends of double knitting wool. I have patterns
and instructions, so just ask me. I have also
put a sample and patterns at the back of
Church. The idea for this has come from the
100project initiated by Naomi Turner (John
and Helen Wright’s daughter) and has been
featured in the Echo.
Many thanks. Chris
Monday 2nd March
Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary, 672
19.30 Bellringing
20.00 Christians in the World
09.30 Holy Communion
12.00 Midday Prayers for Lent
19.00 Choir practice
19.30 Team Lent Course at St Philip & St
James – ‘Education’
Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions, Martyrs
at Carthage, 203
YMCA and Homelessness Please contact
the YMCA on 01242 524024 ext 2123 for
details of the 3rd annual event to highlight
rough sleeping in Cheltenham. More
information in the Parish Office.
Sunday 8th March - The Third Sunday
of Lent
08.00 Holy Communion
10.00 Parish Communion
12.30 Baptism (Lake)
18.00 Service of Healing Prayer
Church cleaning for Easter will take place
on Saturday 28th March from 10 to Noon. It
would be excellent if we had a good number
of helpers again. Please put the date in your
diary. Many thanks. Margaret
FAIRTRADE – in the near future we shall
be running a Fairtrade stall and before we get
the stocks in, we would like to find out what
sort of products you would like to buy.
Please take a moment to fill in the form you
have been given and place it in the box at the
back of the Church. You can also pre-order
Easter eggs (see next item). Thank you.
Further dates for your diary are: John
Betjeman on Saturday 2nd May; Anthony
Trollope on Wednesday 23rd September;
and T.S. Eliot on Saturday 28th November.
Each day will begin with coffee at 10 a.m. and
will include lunch, closing at 4 p.m. The
suggested donation for each day is £20.
Please contact the P&J office on 573508 for
more details
EASTER EGGS Traidcraft is selling ‘the
Real Easter Egg’ (125g) which contains a
Fairtrade egg, a 24-page Easter story book
with quiz, a ‘Happy Easter’ banner and a
packet of Fairtrade chunky buttons – for just
£3.99. Our order will be going off in early
March – so last chance!
Julian Group The next meeting will be held
on Thursday 5th March at 2.30 p.m. Enquirers
Fairtrade Talks at the Friends’ Meeting
House, Warwick Place (donations invited)
* ‘Making Friends in Zambia’ on
Thursday 5th March at 2 p.m. with Chris
Burrell of Hands Around the World
Mission Boxes During Lent collection
boxes will be on hand to receive offerings for
various societies we support. Please take one
and fill it up if you can. Mary
* ‘Direct Trade and Fair Trade’ on
Friday 6th at 7.30 p.m. with Ian Meredith of
Ethical Addictions the local coffee company –
free coffee tasting.
‘still small voice’ – an exhibition of British
Biblical art from 1850-2014 is at The Wilson
until 3rd May, with free admission. Talks
costing £7/£5 will happen on 18 March and
22 April – early booking is advisable.
South Cheltenham Churches Lent
Course 2015
The following topics will be debated at open
meetings at 7.30 p.m.
Soul Survivor – we currently need a female
leader and a cook for the Soul Survivor event
from 21-26 August, and will also probably
need further volunteers nearer the time.
Please contact me on 07593 429950 or at if you can
help. Ian Hart, Youth Worker
*** Education – Thursday 5 March at
Pip and Jim’s – speaker Janet Trotter
The Environment – 12 March at St Stephen’s
Health – 19 March at St Christopher’s,
Warden Hill
Immigration – 26 March at Emmanuel
*** We have great speakers lined up and,
with the General Election in May, this will
give us a head start to contacting the
prospective candidates about our concerns
as Christians. See the revised Poster and
speaker profiles in Church or contact Liz
Mitchell, Deacon at Pip and Jim’s, on 01242
241311 or
Open the Book – your prayer support
please for Leckhampton Primary School at
9.10 a.m. on Wednesday 4th March.
‘Pen and Pew’ at Pip and Jim’s
The four study days on writers and poets,
hosted by Adrian Barlow and Roger Symon,
commence at the Church House, Painswick
Road, on Wednesday 4 March with George
Women’s World Day of Prayer – all are
welcome at services throughout Cheltenham
on Friday 6th March – see the pink poster in
Church for a full list. Please note the South
Cheltenham Team services: 2.30 p.m. at St
Stephen’s in Tivoli and 7.30 p.m. at Warden
Hill (St Christopher’s)
Spirituality Network for
Gloucestershire – guided retreats
Please see the poster in Church for details of
these retreats, which begin with a taster
retreat on Monday 11th to Thursday 14 May or contact Sister Mary Johanna on
Cheltenham Inter Faith – the AGM will
be held on Tuesday 10th March at 7 p.m. in
the Friends’ Meeting House, followed by a
talk on ‘Jesus as seen through the eyes of
people of other faiths’ by Marcus
Gift Aid Envelopes are available at the
ends of pews for visitors and impulsively
generous regulars. Gift Aid helps us turn
every £1 given into £1.25. Please remember
to fill in your full name (first name and
surname) and your address (particularly your
postcode). Many thanks.
FOREVERS David Hare has written a play
based on this book which is being performed
by the National Theatre and transmitted live
in cinemas on Thursday 12th March. You may
remember that the Peace and Justice Group
performed their own version written by
Steve one Sunday last year. St Peter’s is
always ahead of the game! Go and see it and
judge for yourself which one is better!
Thanks. Penny
County Community Projects are very
grateful for your donations of food and still
have a pressing need for them. Tinned pies
and tinned meat products as well as tinned
vegetables are very welcome. A crate can be
found in the porch.
More information at
Thank you. Penny and Andrew
‘La France Sublime’ – a concert of French
sacred music by Cheltenham Bath Choir will
be held on Saturday 28th March at 7.30 p.m.
in the Cirencester Parish Church. Tickets @
£15/£8 from Mary on 01242 256262.
Citizens Advice Bureau
The CAB is now operating out of its new
permanent premises at 3 St Georges Place,
Cheltenham GL50 3LA. Tel. 527202
Spiritual Direction Taster Day
The Spirituality Network for Gloucestershire
are holding a taster day on Wednesday 15th
April at the Marist Centre, Nympsfield in
preparation for a two-year course starting in
Autumn 2015. Full details can be obtained
from the leaflet in Church or from Liz
Mitchell on 01242 241311, or Anne Solomon
Places on the Taster Day, which costs £22
including lunch, are going fast!
The full course will begin on 23rd September
The Parish Magazine is available in
Church. February edition out now. Great
value. For delivery to your home, contact
Online Newsletter is at
Contributions should be given to the
Parish Office by 10am on Thursday. You
can post them through the letterbox in the
Glebe Cottages or call in (Monday - Friday
9am-1pm) E-mail: parishofficeleckhampton or phone 513647