Weekly Notice Sheet - St James and St Peters, Parish of Preston


Weekly Notice Sheet - St James and St Peters, Parish of Preston
Parish of Preston Plucknett
St Peter's
St James'
Coronation Avenue
Preston Road
9.00 am
Morning Prayer
10.30 am Family Communion
10.00 am
Tots & Toys
Abbey Toddlers
7.00 pm
Intercessory Prayer
2.00 pm
Knit and Natter
6.00 pm
Coffee and Cakes
Worship and Prayer
Tony Perris
David Keen
Office is closed on Tuesday, open Wednesday 9.30-12,
and Thursday 9-12 this week only.
9.00 am
Holy Communion
10.30 am
10.30 am
6.30 pm
Morning Prayer
Family Service
Holy Communion
This runs from 23rd February - 8th March.
A leaflet about Fairtrade is included with this notice sheet.
We are serving Fairtrade refreshments today and there will be
a Fairtrade stall in the Church Room after the service.
St. James’ Prayer Diary for March and the Bishop’s monthly
message are both available now on the table by the door.
A leaflet is available today giving all the details and a booking
form for the Parish Weekend at Heatree in Devon from
11-13 September.
Collecting boxes for our Lent Charities are still available
at the back of church. Details of our charities can be found on
a separate sheet.
If you would like to take a box please enter your name and
address next to the relevant number on the list.
The annual revision of St. James’ Church Electoral Roll is now
taking place. If you are already on the roll you need do nothing.
(Copies of the roll are on the notice board at the back of church)
Being on the Electoral Roll enables you to take full part in the life
of the church by giving you voting rights, being able to stand for
office and having your say in church affairs.
Forms are now available. Please return by 15th March
Messy Church NEEDS you!!
It is with great sadness that I have had to cancel March Messy
church; due to lack of helpers. I would like to ask you all to seriously
think about how you can help our Messy Church at St Peters.
We hold messy church on the 2nd Saturday monthly 10.20-12.30
including a cooked lunch(9.30 start for helpers).
‘Where can I help?’ I hear you ask.
Welcome: Do you have a friendly welcoming manner and love
meeting people? Could you welcome our families on the door
and give out name stickers, direct people to the tea/coffee?
Craft/Games: We start with board games and fun; could you play
a game with a family or children for 20 mins? Then we do crafts;
could you help on a craft table, not all are messy, we always have
some non-messy crafts too. Not crafty? Don’t worry everything
is planned, ready and fully explained.
Kitchen: Could you shop for messy church if given a list? (church
funds the shopping) Could you help in the kitchen? Could you wash
up? If you like to cook, would you like to share this skill and help
cook for our Messy Church families? Unsure? Training and support
from our experienced team available.
Tidy up: not available to help all morning? Why not pop along
at the end and help with clearing lunch tables, putting away
chairs and sweeping the floor?
Worship/talk: We have a short talk/story and a song. If you feel
you would like to help in this area please ring me for a chat.
Thank you for considering how you can help. I look forward to
hearing from you. Please call me (Karen) on; 01935321385
or 07825575335 or email karen.eaton1@gmail.com
The next Baptism preparation evening will be at 7.30 pm on
Monday, 2nd March at St. James’ Church.
Contact Revd. David Keen for details (01935 422286)
A Charity Day is being held in the GateWay Coffee Shop in Yeovil
from 9am to 4.30pm on Monday, 2nd March.
All voluntary donations for food and drink will go directly to the
work of the Yeovil CAP Debt Centre.
All are welcome to services on Friday, 6th March at Vicarage
Street Methodist Church at 10.30 am and also at St. Andrew’s
Church, Preston Grove at 7.30 pm.
This year’s theme is ‘Praying for The Bahamas’.
The Real Easter Egg is the first and only Fairtrade chocolate
Easter egg to explain the Christian understanding of Easter.
They can be purchased from Tesco, Morrison’s and Waitrose.
To be held on Saturday, 4th April from 1.30-3.30 pm
at Abbey Community Centre in aid of St. James’ Church
Re-ordering Fund. There will be various stalls, refreshments and
Children’s Fancy Dress. Tables for hire at £10 each.
For more details or if you are interested in hiring a table,
contact Roma Holt, 01935 508521.
St John’s church has a First Aid course for church members,
led by St John’s Ambulance, on May 16th at St Andrew’s Hall,
Preston Grove starting at 9.30am until 4pm (with a half hour
lunch break).
It will cover all key areas of first aid (including areas specific to
children) ensuring that attendees will have a good grounding in
essential first aid. This training will qualify those attending with
a 3 year certificate. The cost will be £50 for the 6 hr course.
We have 6 places open for non members of St John’s church who
would find this of benefit. Anyone interested should contact
Jennifer Matthew (01935 862190) or James Dudley-Smith.