St Helen’s Church


St Helen’s Church
Annual Novena in Honour of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
offered for Peace.
Nine Wednesdays leading up to December 8th at St John’s, Fountains Rd.
Wed 15th October at 7pm : “At Peace in Your Vocation” (Fr Roy Cooper)
DVD on the life of Teresa Higginson: On Thursday 30th October at 7.30 pm at St.
Helen's Church (following Mass at 7 pm). Teresa was a saintly Catholic Schoolteacher,
born in North Wales, who lived most of her life in North West England. She received
many supernatural gifts from God and it is claimed she was chosen by Christ to make
known the Devotion to his Sacred Head as the Seat of Divine Wisdom. A remedy for a
time of extraordinary intellectual pride and falling-away from Faith.
Booklets on the Devotion and the life of Teresa will be available
Prepare for Adventure
Crosby Scouts provide a wide range of activities every week to young people aged
6-18. If you want your child to discover new talents, activities and have fun! then get
in touch! Tel: 281-5870, email: or (click on Prepare for adventure).
Ecumenical Discussion over tea and biscuits in the Islington Room at St Helen’s
Church every Thursday 2-4pm. This month we will be looking at: Differences, Gratitude, Money, Pride and Helping Others
All Welcome
ST. HELEN'S WEBPAGE: Latest updates include photos of the SPUC Walk of Witness
and Fr. Hubert Strowbridge's just received article about an 'Inexpensive Day Out in
Lancaster'. The webpage provides a convenient way to check the Newsletter and to
read the Reflections (backdated copies available also) as well as finding out what
Events are coming up. Well worth a click on !!!!
Knit & Stitch—from 2-4pm on Tuesdays 14th & 28th October in the Sunshine Room
at SS Peter & Paul’s. All welcome!
More information from Kay (284 2199), Elizabeth (924 5856) or Maureen (924 9628)
Eileen Dahill Mosquera (New Zealand) would like to thank all friends in Crosby for
kindness and prayers during the sad loss of Damian, her loving husband.
May he rest in peace. Congratulations to Joseph and Samantha Mitchell
who were married in St Helen’s church
on 5th September
Contributions for this newsletter
need to reach the Parish
Office at St. Helen’s Church, 112, Alexandra Road (Tel. 924 3417) by 12 noon on
Thursday. Please provide a contact ‘phone number in case of query.
Thank you. Office hours are: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm.
St Helen’s Church
112, Alexandra Road
L23 7TQ
0151 924 3417
Waterloo Partnership
ask our prayers for the community in Waterloo, Sierra Leone,
which is now
being affected by the Ebola virus. There Mgr.
over 146Rev
Rev. P. Deary (retired)
more than Liverpool
400 people
are currently
in quarantine
(unable Rev.
to leave
their homes for
E. Douglas
food and water).
Twenty Eighth Sunday - 12th October 2014
Parish Mass Book Page 82 Year A Part 2
Sunday 12th
9.45 am Mass for Gareth Miller (lately dead)
6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish
Monday 13th
9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion
2.00 pm St Pio Prayer Group
7.00 pm Holy Hour
Tuesday 14th
9.30 am Mass for Dorothy Coughlin (lately dead)
7.30 pm Novena & Benediction
8.00 pm St Helen’s Prayer Group
Wednesday 15th
No service
Thursday 16th
9.45 am United Morning Prayer at St Luke’s church
7.00 pm Mass for Eva Kearney (anniversary)
Friday 17th
9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion
Saturday 18th
11.00 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
11.20 am Confessions
12.00 noon Mass for deceased members of Myers family
Sunday 19th Solemn Annual Exposition
9.45 am Mass for Eddie Green (anniversary)
6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish
Jean James, Marie O’Connor
Frank and Betty Hughes, Christine Moore, Stella Dilworth, John Murphy,
Christopher Brown, John Regan, Hannah Amelia Regan, Hugh Dillon, Rita Barber,
Sheila Brennan, Kath Sweeney, Denise Cummins, Margaret Walsh, Joan Bamber,
Rosemary Carragher, Michael Fahey, Alice Mulcahey, Rita Sloan, Susan Natsheh,
Pat Corner, Tom Clulee, Marie Brownrigg, Maura Murphy, Rosemary Hart,
Mary Cookson-Gower, Norah Byford, Celia Bradshaw, Joan Doyle, Anne Thompson, Peter Holmes , Pauline Kieran, and Fr John Thompson.
CAFOD The Harvest Fast Day collection totalled £1,037.70.Well done,this is a wonderful result. It shows that we hold this day to be very special, when we remember
that one in eight people go to bed hungry every night ( that is close to 870 million of
our sisters and brothers)
Many Thanks.
Please remember in your prayers: Fr Brendan O’Sullivan who died recently.
October—the month of the Rosary.
There is so much going on in the world that needs our prayers. Perhaps during the
month of October you would like to say the Rosary in your home and invite a few
neighbours and friends? Liz Kendrick is happy to co-ordinate this for us and she has
a suitable statue that can be borrowed. Please call her on 924 6429
SVP— Very many thanks for the recent monthly collection of £260.60. We will put this
to good use. We hope you received a leaflet about the SVP with last week' s bulletin. Do
not hesitate to ask for our help or for more information if you would like to join us. Contact the parish office.
Mama Mia—All tickets are now spoken for. If your name is on the list please pay by
the end of October. Cheques (made payable to St Helen’s church”) or cash to Anne in
the parish office. Thank you.
Any not paid for by then will be released to those on the waiting list.
Solemn Annual Expostion at St Helen’s
Sunday October 19th—Tuesday October 21st
A wonderful opportunity for quiet prayer and reflection.
Please sign the “watching list” at the back of church.
111 Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on The Family continues until 19th October. They will be looking at the topic: The Pastoral Challenges of
the Family in the Context of Evangelisation. We are all asked to pray for the success of
the Synod. Copies of the Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod are available to take
SPUC—Many thanks to those who sponsored our Annual Sponsored Walk of Witness
(14 miles) which took place on Saturday 4th October. We are collecting sponsor money now. You can hand it in after Mass or put in an envelope and post through the
white door (the parish office). Thank you
The next Newman Circle talk is on Thursday October 16th in St Helen’s parish centre,
The subject is: Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Separated.
Our speaker is Frances Trotman. Refreshments will be available after the 7pm Mass
and then the talk will begin. Everybody welcome.
Our Parish Repository has a fine selection of Christmas cards , advent calendars, nativity sets, children’s books etc as well as the usual greeting cards, Mass cards. medals, rosaries. Please call in and take a look!
Crafty Ladies: The Christmas Fair is not very far away (22nd November). Our dedicated group of crafty ladies will begin meeting in the parish centre on Mondays at 1pm,
starting on 13th October. Anyone is welcome to come along, new ideas always welcome! So far the ladies are asking for donations of unused toiletries to make up
Christmas Gift Sets.
Great Crosby Catholic Primary School are looking for support from the senior sector
of our community, to help with reading with pupils in school. If you could spare an
hour or even half an hour per week please contact Carolyn Solkin, parent support
advisor on 0151 924 8661
“Embrace Liverpool”
… a Youth Event taking place at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
on Saturday 1st November.The event is aimed at people aged 14-25 and
hopes to attract 3000 young people from the Northwest.
The purpose of the day is to celebrate the faith of young people in the
UK starting at 10am until 6pm with Mass at 4pm presided by Archbishop Malcom
McMahon. In addition there will be workshops, adoration, confession, praise and
worship, concluding with a Youth Mass with the music, drama and reading all led by
young people. If you have any contacts with young people please spread the word.
For more information visit our website, or follow us
on Facebook and twitter https://