This Week in our Parish - Miramar Peninsula Anglican Parish


This Week in our Parish - Miramar Peninsula Anglican Parish
This Week in our Parish
It’s in the Bag!
A week has passed since the 'It's In the Bag' evening,
which happened too late for the press deadline!
However, a happy attender wished us to post the
following message:
“A huge THANKYOU to
entrepreneurs John Cordy,
Diane Lloyd, Joanne Horner
and helpers, for skilful organization of a splendid evening of fun, entertainment,
delicious food, and prizes
galore last Saturday evening.
An unmissable event!
From a Happy Punter
3DM Learning Community
Gendy, Helen, Meri and Tim have
spent 2½ days this week at a
“3DM Learning Community” at
St Mary’s, in Karori, with over
100 others from around New
Zealand. 3DM is a movement
that grew out of St Thomas’s,
Sheffield, England. (Google “How I chose movement over
mega” if you’d like to read more). The Learning
Community will meet a total of 4 times over the next 2
Later this year, our four attendees will be starting what
3DM calls a “huddle”, a small group that aims to help
members to grow in faith, by discerning what God is
communicating to them through the events of ordinary
life. This they see as the basis for growing as a disciple of
Jesus. In time, we will form additional “huddle”. If you are
keen to be in a huddle, have a chat to one of our four.
Evening Prayer at St George’s
Vestry at St Aidan’s
9.30am Mainly Music
Communion at St Aidan’s
Miramar Peninsula Parish
Building a community of disciples of Jesus
Welcome! Kia Ora!
26 April 2015
4th Sunday of Easter
Acts 4.5-12
1 John 3.16-24
The Good Shepherd
Communion at St George’s
Morning Prayer at St Aidan’s
Friday Café
Communion at St Aidan’s
Communion at St Aidan’s
Explore Together at St George’s
Duty Roster Today
St Aidan’s 8am: Tim, Will, Vickie, Helen
St Aidan’s 10am: Tim, Will, Allen, Mark, Mathew,
John, Ruth, Michelle, Murray, Diane, Mike, Luke,
Everard, Rosemary
Readings for next week - 3 May 2015
Acts 8.26-40
1 John 4.7-21
Duty Roster for next week - 3 May
St Aidan’s 8am: Tim, Merv, Kaye,
St Aidan’s 10am: John, Alan G, Mary-Lee,
Catherine, Diane L, Jeff, Joanne, Francie
Explore Together:
Both the gospel and the epistle today indicate that love
has something to do with laying down our lives for
one another. It might be easy to care when you’re a
“hired hand”, paid to care, but the test of true caring
comes outside hours.
Having watched Jesus in action, John knew that this
was Jesus’ way of operating. His whole life was
dedicated to loving his disciples, not just “during
business hours”. Those who follow him should do the
John’s test for this in 1 John 3.17 is very practical. Do
we offer material, financial help to those who need it?
Miramar Peninsula Parish Contacts
Bishop’s Warden:
People’s Warden:
Parish Office:
Tim McKenzie
Bobbi Wilson
Mike Ormsby
Meri Grace
Helen Collins
388 8640
027 669 3383
475 7321
380 7003
380 7174
Our Bible verse for today (“the Sentence”)
The disciples knew the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the
bread. Alleluia.
Luke 24.35 (adapted)
Prayer for today (“the Collect”)
Good Shepherd of the sheep,
By whom the lost are sought
And guided into the fold;
Feed us and we shall be satisfied,
Heal us and we shall be whole,
And lead us that we may be with you.
With the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In our parish, we pray for Bill, George, Bruce, Pamela,
Jacqui B, Stephanie, Helen, Melisa, James and
Connor, and for the Thomsons as they head
to Tonga this week. We give thanks for Ruth
and Meri’s new house!
We pray for (i) all developments around selling and
building vicarages; (ii) the work of the Youth Hub,
which we are part of, and the paid leaders, Rosanna and
Jesse; (iii) Tim, Gendy, Meri and Helen as they return to
the parish after Part I of their 3DM Learning
Community; (iv) the food help organisation which we
host and some of us support; (v) Shop 89—its
operation during this interim period, and its growth and
Today the Anglican Missions Board asks us to pray
for the Province of Southern Africa. We pray for the
Most Rev Dr Thabo Makgoba—Archbishop of Southern
Africa and the bishops and clergy of the 28 dioceses,
Father Michael Lapsley SSM and the work of The
Institute of Healing of Memories. We pray for the rebuilding of communities in Angola and Mozambique,
The fight against poverty and HIV/AIDS and the
churches of Southern Africa who have sent out many
fine missionaries globally.
NZCMS ask us to pray for the NZCMS Council and
the NZCMS Staff Team.
In our Wellington Diocese this weekend, we pray for
the Stars Programme Participants (young adult leaders
mentored by Justin & Jenny Duckworth). We also pray
for Clergy with Permission to Officiate.
Worthy of Note
News from Shop 89
Our new daily duty managers have begun work this
week and next: Helen Bathurst, Gillie Coxill, and Akane
Yamamoto-Downer. Please make them welcome! This
arrangement will be in place for an initial 3 months,
while we seek a permanent replacement. Overall
responsibility for shop management will rest with the
Committee. This arrangement will no doubt have its
challenges, so please direct operational queries and
issues to Tim, Yvonne, or Helen B.
The Easter Holiday colouring competition has been
judged. The winning entries can be seen on display in
Shop 89. Well done to all winners!
Dinner with the Saints
Returning soon to a parish near you! On the weekend
of 2 and 3rd May, we’ll be visiting each other for lunch
or dinner. Dinner on the 2nd and Lunch
on the 3rd.
Sign up to host or be hosted as part of a
group of parishioners. Karen Fry will allocate who hosts whom.
Hosts will ask guests to bring some food, but if you
can’t, please sign up anyway. Then, when the day
arrives, turn up, have a blast, & get to know others in
your parish family better.
Big Day Out — St Paul’s Kapiti, 9 May. Practical training
on running a parish and leadership skills, aimed especially at
lay leadership. Janet W & Mike O went last year, and both
found it helpful. Ask them for more information, or visit
Welcome to worship this morning. Our preacher this
morning is Will Struthers. It’s also his birthday! What a star
to preach on his birthday! Happy birthday, Will!!
Although Sunday School is not resuming properly until
May, we are grateful to those teachers who are leading our
kids in a Christian reflection on ANZAC Day this morning.
All Saints evening service, tonight at 5.30pm.
Next Sunday at 10am, we have Explore Together at
St George’s and our Contemplative Service at St Aidan’s.
Fostering—if you would like to learn more about Fostering with the Open Home Foundation following their recent
talk please contact Jonathan and Karen on 388-8319
Doing our Bit—a new Roster for the Church cleaning will
be coming out soon. This is for cleaning and vacuuming the
Churches but we also need volunteers for cleaning the Iona
Centre. If you can help please email Helen in the Office:
Vicarage Update-some samples for colours chosen for
the new vicarage are on display in the Iona Centre.
The Tenders for the Seatoun vicarage were opened last
Monday. There has been some to-ing and fro-ing on this, as
the Real Estate Agent has been involved. In addition, the
Diocesan Board of Trustees (the legal owner of the building) has to approve any sale and sale price.
Hall Hire—Errol has passed on the Hall Bookings to Helen
Collins in the office. Thank you to Errol for all your hard
work with this. Any queries regarding Hall bookings should
now be directed to Helen at:
Youth Hub—are you interested in being a liaison point
between our Youth Hub and our teenage kids? Tim is keen
to hear from anyone with a vision for this. It’s an open slate,
although it might involve a bit of organising for senior kids
to have an identity outside Sunday School and outside the
Youth Hub.