February Newsletter B&W


February Newsletter B&W
Published monthly by the
Clunes Tourist and
Development Association Inc.
PO Box 69 Clunes, Victoria 3370.
Cost: Free
Grasslands Production A Huge Success
by Rebecca Russell and Ken Evans
A f te r n e a r l y t w o y e a r s o f
thinking about GRASSLANDS and
nine months of solid production
work, you can imagine our relief
when the weather behaved and gave
us two perfect evenings for the
show, if a little chilly!
It was great to see so many
locals at the performance. Our
audience also came from near and
far including Daylesford,
Castlemaine, Ballarat and
Melbourne. A couple of sheep
counts estimated we had around
600 over the two nights.
GRASSLANDS has been a
wonderful experience for us. It was
an opportunity for us to develop
and perform our work in Clunes.
Since moving here 5 years ago we
have been inspired by the stories
and landscape of Clunes, and,
GRASSLANDS was our response
to the place we now call home. We
have had wonderful responses to
the show from both locals and outof-towners and we continue to
enjoy hearing what you thought
about the show.
Many locals came on board and
worked with us on creating the
show. A comprehensive list is too
long to print here, however
programs are still available at the
Neighbourhood House with a full
list of all those involved. Special
thanks must go to the people who
spoke with us for the soundtrack.
Their voices became the heart of
the show. It has been so good to
hear that people recognised the
voices and that hearing them added
to their overall experience. In
particular hearing Enid Steart’s
GRASSLANDS performance in the grounds of the Clunes Neighbourhood House. Photo
by Eelin Cheah.
voice recorded a month before she
passed away was very poignant.
T h e v o i c e s w e r e : Ja m i e
Andrews, Andrew Blaszak, Kate
Featherstone, Steve Greenwood,
June Johnston, Peter Keller, Bryon
Powell, Christine Rowe, Enid
Steart, Dale Tonkinson, Dolly
Torney, Jan Turner and Yvonne
We would like to congratulate
and thank the children who
performed in GRASSLANDS.
Anyone who saw the show would
agree that they did an amazing job.
They rehearsed once a week for the
whole of 4th term and their hard
work paid off. A great performance!
The artists working with us on
the show from Melbourne loved
their time in Clunes exploring the
main street and surrounding
landscape. Janette Hoe, the dancer,
GRASSLANDS in Clunes gave her
a much deeper understanding of
the history of Australia and in
particular the fascinating history of
The CTDA and the Clunes
Ne i g h b o u r h o o d Ho u s e b o t h
auspiced the GRASSLANDS
project, a vital role that enabled us
to secure funding. Both
organisations have been incredibly
supportive of our work and we
thank them. The Bottle Museum
continued p3...
Inside this month:
p2 CTDA President’s Report
p7-10 Clunes Neighbourhood
House News
p11 Creative Clunes News
by Michael Cheshire
Community Notice Board
Happy New Year!!!
The CTDA has asked Council to move the
Community notice board to a position next to the
map on the corner of The Warehouse on Fraser
Here we are at the start of another year. I hope it
will be a good one for you and your family. The
CTDA has a few jobs on our wish list to complete this
year and we are looking forward to continue to
provide benefits for our community and business
In the mean time, those who have notices that
they wish to have placed in the board, please leave
them at the front counter at The Warehouse.
Streetscape Upgrade
The Community Notice Board needs to be moved
due to changes to be made at the present site. Before
the State election, Clunes received notice that the
funding for completing the plans for our Streetscape.
We look forward to seeing them come to fruition.
The Community Grant
The CTDA has been successful in gaining $2,000
of the $5,000 sought from the Council’s Community
Grant program.
We shall be contacting groups early this year for
information to include on their web pages, which we
offer f ree of charge. This is wor thwhile for
community groups, in order to provide information
about their group, while being useful to those who
wish to know about what is available in town.
Christmas Decorations
by Jane Lesock, Editor Clunes Newsletter
The festive season is now over and we hope
everyone had a safe and happy time spent with family
and friends.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank
Brett Currell who again donated the Christmas
decorations for Fraser Street.
Many comments were made by visitors saying
they are simple but very stylish and elegant. More so
than many suburbs in Melbourne.
Also thanks to the team from the CTDA who
arranged putting up and taking down.
Submissions (incl photographs) welcome, preferably sent electronically to the email address above. Priority given to news items and are subject to available space. Name of group or individual will be printed with all items submi?ed.
Business card size (90mm x 55mm horizontal only) $25
Quarter page (ver@cal) $40
Half page (horizontal) $80
Full page (ver@cal) $160
Produced by the Clunes Tourist and Development AssociaEon Inc.
Email address: clunesnewsleHer@iinet.net
News items, no@ces of mee@ngs, results -­‐ up to 3 lines will be All ads to be supplied ready-­‐made as Word or jpeg files. No PDFs listed free-­‐of-­‐charge for Clunes social and spor@ng clubs on the please.
COMMUNITY GROUPS page (space permiLng).
Discounts apply to CTDA members and for mul@ple month ad-­‐
Display ads are available to community groups at half commercial verts. All adver@sing to be paid in advance of publica@on. Ads rates.
and payment can be made through Jane Lesock at Mt Beckworth All material to reach the CTDA by the 10th day of the month.
Wines, Fraser St. Note: ar@cles, photographs and ads not to exceed 2mg in size. Edited by Jane Lesock. Layout & proofreading by Lily Mason. Hardcopy items can be leT at the Clunes Newsagency, Fraser St. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the CTDA, its individual members, or its associates.
committee have also been instrumental in the project,
welcoming us into the building that housed our 24member team of artists, cast, production crew and one
dog! The grounds of the Bottle Museum provided the
perfect backdrop for the performance.
On Saturday 14 February we are launching a small
exhibition of photos and some video footage from the
The exhibition will remain on display in the
Gallery at the Bottle Museum for two weeks.
You are invited to the GRASSLANDS Exhibition
opening on Saturday 14 February. 5pm-6pm. We would
love to see you there.
Farmers Market for Clunes
By Jackie Rozenfeld
are held at The Warehouse on the first Thursday of
each month.
The Committee is:
Chair: Leanne Kamp
Vice Chair: Tessa Ambrose
Secretary: Jane Thompson
Treasurer: Pam Adams
Committee: Tamara Patterson, Marion Anderson,
Natalie Hardy-Hurst, Wendy O'Kelly, Anne O'Kelly.
The Market Project Coordinator is Linda
Carpenter who brings with her a wealth of experience
in VFMA accreditation and is herself an accredited
Currently being sought are local growers/producers
and information sessions will be held shortly. Please
register your interest so you don’t miss out. In addition,
the market is seeking talented musicians, street artists
and performers, etc., to make market day great for
shoppers, vendors and all those seeking entertainment.
For further information please telephone Leanne
on 0417 453375 or email leanne@goldandrelics.com.au
Please also join us by clicking LIKE on the
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pages/ClunesFarmers-Market.
Organs of the Goldfields
January 15, 2015
by Jane Lesock, Treasurer, CTDA
It’s always great to start off a new year with some
wonderful news and for Clunes, the following news is
wonderful indeed!
Clunes was again delighted to have the return of
the Festival which has been sponsored by the Clunes
Tourist & Development Association for many years.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of Leanne Kamp with
years of research, planning and navigating through a
maze of red tape, Clunes Farmer’s Market has finally
received funding from Regional Development Victoria
and will be seeking accreditation by the Victorian
Farmers Market Association. The Market’s launch is
scheduled for the 2nd Sunday in April and we expect it
to prove a huge asset to our wonderful town.
The number of visitors to Clunes was above
expectation. The recital was held in the beautifully
restored Wesley Bluestone and was a Concerti for
oboe, harpsichord and organ.
The market, to be located in Collins Place and
Fraser Street, will offer fresh produce, livestock, olives,
plants, baked goods, preserves, honey, eggs, wine, pasta,
meat and fish, etc., in accordance with VFMA
guidelines. In addition to being a great source of such
goods, the market will enhance the profile and tourist
attraction of Clunes and also highlight the history of
the area, our beautiful heritage buildings and street
The smooth running of this newest venture relies
entirely on volunteer support and if you would like to
help, you’d be MOST WELCOME! Market meetings
Estimated number of visitors to Clunes for the day
was 300. Every effort was made to give the visitors a
warm welcome and meet their needs.
Flyers were distributed at the Recital promoting all
local businesses and Clunes.
The visitors loved it and after spending time in
Clunes, either enjoying the recital, having a coffee,
lunching or buying up, left with a good feel and have
promised to come back.
A big thank you to Michael Cheshire, Michelle
Leishman, Paul Lesock, Ken Gibson and Peter
Hanrahan who help set up the seating arrangements on
behalf of the Organ Festival organisers.
Clunes Citizenship Awards
Clunes Landcare: 2015
another great year to come
by Michael Cheshire JP
by Sue Kelman
A d a m
Cassar and
Jenna Welsh
w e r e
with the 2014
Awards at the
C l u n e s
P r i m a r y
School. Both
Ad a m a n d
Je n n a w e r e
selected by a Left to right: Adam Cassar, Reg Kinnersley &
Jenna Welsh.
teachers for being good citizens to their community
and fellow students. The presentation was made by Reg
Kinnersley, who has been a member of the Masonic
Lodge for many years.
Clunes achieved a lot last year and we are on track
to make 2015 another successful year. Our population
continues to grow and so do the plants along the Creek
banks, thanks to all of the volunteers of The Clunes
Landcare and Waterways Group, the students of
Clunes Primary School and Wesley College.
The Clunes, All Nations Lodge, has sponsored this
award for some years now, together with the United
Grand Lodge of Victoria’s Freemasons Benevolent
Fund, making up a cheque to each recipient of $200
each, in recognition of their commitment to being a
good citizen and setting an example to others.
Clunes Youth Tutoring
Program to Continue
So while you are marking entries on your calendar
for this year please include the meetings of the CLWG
which will be held at the Angling Club at 6.30pm on
Thursdays. The first meeting will be Thursday 26
February and our first working bee will be on Sunday
22nd March, 9.30am at the Clunes Football Club
carpark, hopefully the weather will be cooler. All equipment and water is provided and we often
get goodies from our cooks to keep our energy up.
Working bees will always be held on the fourth Sunday
of the month and while it may seem like hard work, it’s
not, and you will meet many like-minded people who
are keen to improve our environment, not only for us
but our animals and visitors.
I hope that you are managing to get enough mulch
to help your gardens survive, for myself it has made a
huge difference to the amount of water we have
previously had to use. Have a great summer everyone.
Poppy Workshop
Clunes RSL Rooms
Wednesday 4 February 10am-3pm
by Catherine Jenkins
Clunes Youth
P r o g r a m s
Association Inc.
is happy to
announce that its
Tu t o r i n g a n d
Support Program
will continue in
2015, thanks to a grant from Hepburn Shire Council.
The program operates on Wednesday afternoons
during school terms, at Clunes Neighbourhood House.
Most tutors are qualified teachers, all are volunteers
and hold a current Working With Children Check.
Students are welcome to participate on a short
term or long term basis.
Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , o r t o a r r a n g e a n
appointment to register, please contact the program
coordinator, Catherine Jenkins, on 0487 817 176.
(BYO lunch/snacks & materials)
Want to be part of a very
exciting project? Join the
Clunes RSL Women's
Auxiliary in a day of Poppy
making. You can knit, crochet, create with felt or
maybe suggest another craft technique you like
to work with.
Spend a few hours with these creative ladies and
you will make a contribution to a wonderful
display that will be shown in CIunes for ANZAC
Day 2015.
Everyone is welcome! BYO lunch and materials some wool and loads of expertise will be
available to help. Come and meet the women
who are making something very special.
Lot of Llove for ‘Meet a
Llama Day’
by Prue Simmons
Wi t h a r e g a l a i r, h e
casually strode down Fraser
Street, his auburn hair blowing
in the soft summer breeze. He
peered into the shop windows
along the way, stopped for
photographs with lots of
excited locals on the street
and spent some time at social
drinks surrounded by new
fans. No, this wasn’t a famous
author, but a new celebrity for
Clunes: Wildfire the Llama!
Look out for Wildfire and his counterparts around
town in the future or enjoy a leisurely stroll through
the landscape on a White Stone Farm Llama Trek.
Learn more about the White Stone Farm llamas at
Creative fun for Clunes!
by Prue Simmons
Sketched, Spun & Warped studio is a fantastic
place of social creativity on Fraser Street. Learn a new
skill, get in touch with your creative side and have fun
at our regular workshops.
Upcoming workshops for February:
Sunday 8 Feb – Felt accessories & Nuno Scarf
Wildfire was in town for
‘Me e t a L l a m a D a y ’ a t Wildfire pays a visit to
Sketched, Spun & Warped Sketched, Spun & Warped
studio. Lots of people visited
the studio throughout the day to learn more about
llamas and to meet one close up. Wildfire took it all in
his stride and enjoyed the attention. Wildfire’s owner,
Prue Simmons, was delighted to teach people about
these charismatic creatures and their fabulous fibre,
which she utilises in many of her Saori weaving projects
at the studio. Wildfire is part of the White Stone Farm
llama herd.
Saturday 14 Feb – Introduction to Saori Weaving &
Make a Saori Scarf
Wednesday 18 Feb – Local Wine & Cheese Weaving
Saturday 21 & 28 Feb – Sculptured Painting
Sunday 22 Feb – Hatha Yoga & Saori Weaving
Fo r
www.sketchedspunandwarped.com or call Prue on
0499 700 991. Pop into the studio to find that perfect
handmade gift by local artists. Studio is open Thurs –
Sun from 10am – 4pm.
Traditional 120 minute Hatha Yoga Class & 75 minutes Saori Weaving
Unlock your body and mind, increasing awareness and creativity with a traditional Hatha Yoga class then
unleash it on the loom in a fun session of self discovery through freestyle Saori weaving.
Suitable for beginners and experienced yogis and weavers alike.
Sunday 22 February, 2015
8.00am - 10.00am Yoga Workshop - Traditional Hatha style with breath, asana, meditation & mantra
(10.00am - 10.30am Breakfast & chai provided for those attending both workshops)
10.30am - 11.45am Saori Weaving Workshop - materials provided.
$60 for both workshops OR
$40 for yoga only ($35 with current Inhale Exhale Yoga class pass)
$25 for weaving only (all materials provided)
Yoga @ The Warehouse, Collins Place
Weaving @ Sketched, Spun & Warped, Fraser St, Clunes
Places limited, bookings essential. To book your place or find out more, contact Lily (yoga) on 0459 138 797, or Prue
(weaving) on 0499 700 991. More information at: inhale-exhale-yoga.blogspot.com.au.
Can I Or Can't I?
A message from the Clunes Fire Brigade
Over the past few weeks there
have been numerous fires across the
state that could have been prevented.
T h e C FA h a v e p r o d u c e d a
brochure that details what you can
and can’t do during declared Fire
Danger Periods, and on days of Total Fire Ban, when
fires in the open air are legally restricted.
CFA declares Fire Danger Periods municipality by
municipality at the onset of warmer weather. These
restrictions are in place until 1 May unless revoked or
varied. In State forests, National, State and Regional
Parks and on protected public land, fire restrictions are
in force all year round. Contact local DEPI and Parks
Victoria offices for advice on fire restrictions for these
A fine sample of onions, produced under normal
conditions, which have been grown in the garden of
Mr J Holman of Sutherland Street, are to hand. Each
onion weighs over two pounds, and measures about
eighteen inches in circumference. They should from
their appearance be tasty and tender, and are without
the extremely strong odor which usually characterises
large sized onions.
Pancake Tuesday
Celebration Luncheon at St Paul’s Anglican Hall,
Templeton St, Clunes. Savoury and sweet pancakes
with tea and coffee. Time: 12.30pm. Date: Tuesday 17th
February 2015. Price: $7.00 per person. RSVP or more
details: Pam Habib - 0417 160 857.
Total Fire Bans are declared by CFA on days when
fires are likely to spread rapidly and be difficult to
control. The penalties for lighting fires illegally during
the Fire Danger Period and on Total Fire Ban Days
include large fines and possible imprisonment.
The brochure is available for download from the
CFA’s website: www.cfa.vic.gov.au. The Brigade has
copies of the brochure if you require a hard copy.
Members of the brigade will be available in Fraser
Street on Saturday Mornings from 9am to midday to
answer any of your fire-related questions.
Notes from the Past
Articles from the Clunes Guardian and Gazette February 1895.
Mr W. Harris, of Sutherland street, has forwarded
us a splendid sample of cabbage grown in his garden
under the usual conditions. The heart of the cabbage
has a circumference of about three feet and scales
about a dozen pounds. Usually these highly developed
specimens of vegetation are course in texture, but the
one in question appears tender and without the
“stringiness” of big cabbages in general.
Tennis for Everyone !!
Professional Tennis Coaching in Clunes
with David Shields
~ 39 years international coaching experience
~ Lessons for individuals & small groups
~ Certified Professional Racquet Stringer
~ Social tennis events organised
~ Ages 5 and up welcome — beginners to pros
Ph: 5345 4028 or 0412 810 612
for more information
Our Committee of Management also met to
discuss the future of CNH, its direction, purpose and
potential activities.
Beat’s Bit:
Dear Fellow Clunesians,
Firstly, a very happy 2015 to you all from the staff
and volunteers at the Clunes Neighbourhood House!
Quite a bit has happened since the last Newsletter
of 2014…
The ‘fallout’ from the burglary of the Men’s Shed in
November is slowly resolving with no news from the
Vic. Police front re: catching the thieves; however our
insurer has been prompt and professional and the
community (Clunes and beyond) has been magnificent
in its response.
We have had donations of tools from many sources
as well as cash contributions from the Central
Highlands Neighbourhood House Group and the office
of our Federal MHR and offers of support from a local
Senator. We are extremely grateful for these acts of
kindness and caring.
The upshot of these actions is that we will ‘expand’
our activities for 2015 to include segments of the
community we don’t cater for very well at the moment
and to continue our mission of enhancing community
connectedness and lessening social isolation.
Plans: (broadly)
We are looking at forming stronger links with
existing groups in Clunes to develop and deliver
activities for children and the elderly (two groups we
have not focused on in the recent past).
We (obviously) need to promote ourselves and our
products more professionally and effectively in the
community. This includes enhancing our fairly poor use
of various e-media as well as written word/advertising.
The GRASSLANDS production went off
extremely well with nearly 1000 attendees over the two
nights of the performance and ongoing positive
feedback regarding the quality of the production. More
on this matter below.
We will be enhancing our calls for interest groups
within the Community to use CNH to get projects and
initiatives/ideas up and running. E.g.: a horse owners
interest group, mental health and wellbeing group,
school holiday program group, permaculture/produce
growing interest group, music group, produce
preserving group, dancing group, etc., etc.
Our focus for December and January (we were
closed for 2 weeks and resumed on 6/1/15) has been and
will be planning for the 2015 year for the
Neighbourhood House.
In short, the planning exercise has identified a
plethora of activities we can pursue. All we need (as
someone once said) is capital and labour. But most of
all we need ideas and passion.
We have sought community feedback via a survey.
So far we have had 62 returned. This has been a useful
and revealing exercise. We have been fortunate in that
nearly 45% of returns came from respondents who had
had no contact with the Neighbourhood House in the
past year and all of these outlined an interest in
becoming involved in some of our activities into the
If you have IDEAS and/or PASSION come and
talk to us and we will support you in making it happen.
We also received feedback on potential new
activities people felt we should develop.
P.S. November and December were record months
for us in terms of participation and activities
conducted. We had 501 participants in November (not
including the approximately 960 attendees at
Grasslands) and 508 in December. We ran 65 sessions in
November and 70 in December!
One of the most revealing findings is that Clunes
Neighbourhood House and its activities still appear to
be a well kept secret!
That’s what we are about…
Ever onwards and upwards
Beat Wittwer, Co-ordinator
For Sale
show/exhibit available for anyone interested. Meet Ken
and Rebecca, the producers.
40ft. Shipping Container. In good condition,
partially lined, fully lockable, limited surface rust (non
structural) and positioned well for easy removal. $3400
O.N.O. Contact Beat Wittwer on 5345 4078
Come one, come all and revisit what turned out to
be a highly acclaimed and, simply, one of the best
performances conducted in Clunes in 2014.
Activities - ongoing
Community Telephone
As outlined above, at the time of writing (January
13) we are still in the planning stages for many of our
activities and we will post developments on our
Facebook page as they unfold.
Most of our popular programs have recommenced
during January:
Clunes Open House Dinners (previously known
as the Community Dinners) re-start 27 Jan - Tuesdays
from 6pm (Old Town Hall)
Woodwork for Women re- star ts 8 Jan Thursdays from 1pm (Men’s Shed)
Yoga re-starts 6 Jan - 5 classes per week: Mon, Wed
& Sat (Warehouse)
Welding re-starts 14 Jan - Wednesdays from 6pm
(Men’s Shed)
IT tuition re- starts 6 Jan - Tue-Thur. by
appointment (CNH)
Men’s Shed re-starts 8 Jan - Weds 10am - 12pm
Cards re-starts 15 Jan - Thur 3 - 5pm (CNH)
Clunes Women’s Circle restarts Tuesday 10 Feb
at 8pm (after the Community Dinner) at the Town
Hall. For more information, check the Clunes Online
Noticeboard/CNH Facebook page.
Contact us on 5345 4078 for more details/bookings
If you missed our GRASSLANDS Production or
want to re-visit it, you are welcome to attend our wrap
session on Saturday 14 February at the Neighbourhood
Cast and crew are having a celebratory wrap from
4pm to 5pm and anyone else interested is invited from
5pm. We have a photo exhibition and a brief slide
After many delays, these were released just before
Christmas. They are available from:
Clunes Post Office
Clunes Newsagency
Clunes Neighbourhood House
Cost: a mere $8
These will be updated 2-3 times yearly (at no charge
- we will swap updated copies for old) to ensure
accuracy/currency so please let us know if you want to
be included or updated.
Businesses will only be charged once in a year cycle
and can also be added /amended.
Activities - future
Preserving Fiesta
We plan to run 3 or 4 preserving events from late
January (on Saturdays)
Learn (or just get involved) with bottling, jam
making, paste making, sauce/chutney making, etc.
Bring along your produce (or use ours) and take home
what you desire all for a modest cost and a fun time.
The Italian community have been doing this for
centuries so why can’t we?!
If you have fruit trees and the produce is going to
waste CALL US and we will pick the fruit for you!
Subject to confirmation, we are looking at stone
fruit in late January, tomatoes and olives mid February
and apples/pears/quinces in late Feb.
Film Events
We are now in a position to run film events (for
small audiences) and will run these periodically starting
in January (aimed at kids). We have access to the
National Film and Sound Archive and, depending on
interest will run screenings throughout the year.
Music and Dance
CNH is looking at conducting music
(instrumental) tuition and related events and also
conduct dances (including tuition) throughout the year.
Community Lunches
Following the run away success of our Community
Dinners we are looking at commencing Community
Lunches in the near future. These will be targeted at
those unable to attend the dinners (we have had
extensive feedback from the elderly community
members who prefer not going out in the evenings).
We are looking at meals consisting of pizzas or general
buffet-style meals. Affordable at $5 per person.
• Developing an auto e-mail system (mail chimp)
for auto updates.
• Continuing the use of the Community and
Primary School Newsletters
• Getting some signage
• Encouraging our volunteers to wear ‘corporate’
t-shirts/name tags
We continue to ha ve various openings for
volunteers both with CNH and with other local
organisations. Please come and see us if you are keen to
get involved in ANY local voluntary roles. We need
‘office types’, catering/hospitality folk, manual workers/
gardeners, etc.
Horse Owners interest group
If you own a horse and would like to join an
interest group that will meet periodically to share
experiences, attend tuition on horse care and handling
and possible group events, contact Leanne at CNH on
5345 4078.
Small Engine Maintenance
Wondering how your chainsaw, mower or brush
cutter works, how to maintain them and when to get
them professionally repaired? Classes on this will be
conducted soon.
We will circulate details on these activities as we
confirm them including, on our Facebook page and in
future Newsletters (both Community and School) or
otherwise via posters around town.
If you are interested in ANY of these things, call
us, visit us or email us.
Getting ourselves known
CNH will be developing several avenues to get
ourselves (and our activities) better known
We are:
• Enhancing and regularly updating Facebook.
• Developing a new web page (with the CTDA)
Chair yoga
Clunes Warehouse
Hatha yoga
Gentle yoga
(above the
library, Collins Place
Entrance thru left side
Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga
Miners Rest
Hatha yoga
Clunes Warehouse
Community Hall
For more info or to arrange a private session call
0459 138 797 or email lilymason75@gmail.com.
Blog: inhale-exhale-yoga.blogspot.com.au
Bring a water bottle & wear loose, comfortable clothes.
Some mats & cushions available or byo.
Clunes classes are brought to you in association
with Clunes Neighbourhood House
There’s so much on offer…
Our friendly staff & volunteers are always on hand to lend assistance
Save yourself the drive to Ballarat by using our computer & printer services
! Send/receive emails
! Document Scanning
! Edit & Print Photos
! Online Banking
! A4 Lamina9ng
! Download Informa9on
! Shopping & eBay ! Training Courses & ! Mee9ng Room Hire
! Prin9ng Service
About Clunes Neighbourhood House
" 5345 4078 # Tuesday - Friday, 9.00am to 3.00pm
$ ! Co-ordinator: co-ordinator@clunesnh.org % 70 Bailey St, Clunes, 3370 (Lee Medlyn Home of Bottles)
Anyone over 50 years old gets free
internet access at Clunes
Ne i g h b o u r h o o d Ho u s e v i a t h e
Broadband for Seniors initiative.
Come in anytime we’ll help you get
Volunteering and Tutors A community-­‐based CommiLee of Management manages Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc. If you have a sugges9on for a course or workshop, let us know and we will try to find a tutor and publicise it. We welcome new tutors and volunteers, please ring us for a chat.
Payment for courses
Your place cannot be guaranteed un9l the fee is paid in advance and an enrolment form is filled out. Weekly payments are avail-­‐
able by special arrangement. Re-­‐
ceipts issued. Courses will only run if there is sufficient demand. Note: Most classes need a mini-­‐
mum of 5 people to go ahead.
Privacy Policy
Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc respects the right for informa9on privacy. Informa9on collected and held on learners and/or tutors is stored in accordance with infor-­‐
ma9on privacy laws.
Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government. CLUNES COMMUNITY NEWS
Clunes Rain
by Lily Mason. Photography by Ann Jeffree, Sketched, Spun &
Clunes enjoyed a wonderful downpour of much
needed rain during January. Here are two photos of the
event from one of Clunes’ talented photographers, Ann
You can visit Ann at the Sketched, Spun & Warped
Studio at 53 Fraser St, or see more of her work via her
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/annjeffree, website:
annjeffree.fotomerchant.com, or contact her via email:
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Authorised by Catherine King MP, 5 Lydiard St Nth, Ballarat, VIC 3350
Chairperson’s Report
by Richard Gilbert, Chair, Creative Clunes
As the newly elected Chair of Creative Clunes, I
have been giving thought over the festive season to
what we have achieved and more importantly where we
should be going in the future with Booktown.
My thoughts immediately went to just how much
of the success of Booktown goes to the community
members who give so much of their valuable time to
see it runs so smoothly. For this I, together with my
fellow board members, cannot thank you all enough.
Booktown just wouldn’t run without you.
I am also reminded of those groups in town who
make their venues available for the Booktown weekend
and again I am reminded of the wonderful community
spirit that exists in Clunes We thank all those groups
who have been so generous over the years.
This brings me to giving thought to where do we go
from here. While we have obtained high praise through
becoming an International Booktown, an award given
by the International Organisation of Booktowns based
in Norway and recognizing our status of being the only
accredited Booktown in the southern hemisphere, we
must not forget why we started Booktown in the first
place. Booktown is for the benefit of the people of
Clunes and the town of Clunes overall. It is my wish to
see that the directors of Creative Clunes regularly
review our direction, in light of our main direction and
core business – “for the benefit of Clunes”.
The Booktown Festival is on the May 2 and 3, 2015
and I wish you all a prosperous and enjoyable year as
we set out towards another successful festival.
Tuesday 3 March – keep
this date
On Tuesday
3 Ma r c h a t
5.30pm at The
Warehouse in
C l u n e s , co m e
and meet two
r e n o w n e d
To c e l e b r a t e t h i s s t r o n g
connection between Clunes and
Ko r e a w e h a v e s e t u p a
photographic exchange program
between Clunes Booktown and
Paju Book City, Korea. The
project is multi funded including
significant contributions from
The Australia Korea Foundation,
Dept of Foreign Affairs and
Trade; Festivals Australia, The
Australia Council; AsiaLink,
Un i v e r s i t y o f Me l b o u r n e ;
Culture Victoria and The Korea
Foundation, Republic of Korea.
I personally would welcome any suggestions you
have to make to improve, change, or have a plan to
meet our goal to benefit Clunes. You can do this by an
email to me on; visitus@clunesbooktown.com.au or
telephoning our Office and leaving message on 5345
Sites for bookstalls have opened and are selling
fast. There are two new developments which might suit
the small book trader or single book publisher. For very
small publishers there is a site for $100 for the Saturday
and Sunday of the festival. It is a shared space in the
cottage on Fraser Street with other ver y small
publishers and is a great chance to get your book out to
the crowds.
There is also the Book Bazaar site for $125 for the
Saturday and Sunday of the festival in a top spot on
Fraser Street where there will be a collection of small
book stalls or book related products, but you need to
bring your own 3 x 3 marquee. This site is ideal for
charities and small traders. For further information or
bookings call the number and email listed above.
From the exhibition Hands by William
W i l l i a m Yang
Ya n g
Australia (www.stillsgallery.com.au/artists/yang) and
Koo Bohnchang from Korea (www.bckoo.com), will be
in Clunes as part of a project celebrating George Rose
(who was born and Clunes in
1861 and married a Clunes girl)
and his connection to Korea.
The artists will be working in
Clunes from 3 - 9 March. Come
From the exhibition
and meet them, make them feel
Objet by Koo Bohnchang
welcome. The Clunes museum
will also be displaying
information relating to George Rose and his family in
Do you have a new or existing house that is being let
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• Build a deck
• Screens, arbours & arches
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Angela Flowers - 0437 456 908 ange@aagproperty.com.au
Phone: 5345 3533 | Web: www.aagproperty.com.au
State Upper House
Member Western Victoria
Ground Floor, 1 Yarra Street,
Geelong VIC 3220
Phone: 5224 2088 email:
Clunes Newsagency
49 Fraser St | Phone: 5345 3223 | Fax: 5345 3747
Bendigo Bank Agency
Binding Folding (single page) Mobile phones & recharge Photocopying (incl. colour) Phone cards Facsimile Service
Diaries and calendars
Calling cards
Clunes Family Hairdresser
47 Fraser St, Clunes
Ph. 5345 3754
Clunes Hours: Tuesday to Saturday (closed Mondays)
Now @Talbot Town Hall Mondays 9am-2pm
>> >> Grey Army << <<
PHONE: 5333 5555 OR 0407 780 749
EMAIL: greyarmy@ncable.net.au
Fishing Tales
by Helen Hardy
The Clunes Angling Club held their Christmas
break up on Sunday 14 December. Many members
turned out to enjoy a beautiful cooked lunch of roast
legs of lamb barbecued by Ken Corney and Macca.
After lunch, President Ray and Secretary Ken handed
out gift cards as prizes for the comp winners during the
year. BCF cards for the men and Coles cards for the
ladies. Kids got trophies as well as cards.
Members have been fishing over the Christmas
break: some have been to Port Phillip Bay, Portland,
Murray River and Tullaroop, catching nice fish.
The Clunes Angling Club room, the old School of
Mines building, is now available for hire. Contact the
secretary Ken on 0428 118 446.
Next Comps: BDAA Comp Lake Fyans on 7-8 Feb;
Blackfish Night Local Creeks 27 Feb weigh-in
Clubrooms 10.30pm. Next Meeting: Monday 2 Feb
New Fishing Rules: In Victoria as of the 1st
December 2014, new Murray cod catch limits will
apply to recreational fishing Victoria waters: 55 to 75
size limit statewide; Reduction in bag limit from 2 to 1
per day in rivers, whilst maintaining the bag limit in
lakes and impoundments at 2 fish per day.
75 Target - OTG Day 1: High Gun & 'Possible' - S
Sammut 65/75; AA Grade: M Bramley 64, G Agg 64, K
Kivinen 62; A Grade: P Wallis 59, A Edwards 57, C
Sammut 57; B Grade: A Conti 59, S Cations 57, A
LeMarshall 55; C Grade: G Breen 54, G Fleming 46, D
Slater 45; Veterans: I Cooke 63, E Jones 60, M Rodda
56; Ladies: R Robinson-Agg 48, M Aldridge 36; Under
18: C Kivinen 60, R Carroll 45; Under 15: B Toose 44, E
Scriha 28.
75 Target - OTG Day 2: High Gun & 'Possible' - P
Kennedy 67/75; AA Grade: S Sammut 66, K Jacobs 64,
A Sandwith 56; A Grade: P Dumesny 61, P Rendell 60,
C Sammut 59; B Grade: A LeMarshall 56, P Thompson
55, M Mezzavia 53; C Grade: T Wilkinson 47, M Boxell
36, G Fleming 34; Veterans: M Rodda 56, I Cooke 54, E
Jones 54; Ladies: L McNeil 47, R Robinson-Agg 43;
Under 18: L Cooke 52, A Sammut 41; Under 15: B Toose
Overall 2 Day Winners: High Gun: S Sammut
131/150; AA Grade: K Jacobs 122, G Agg 117, T Reid 113;
A Grade: P Wallis 118, C Sammut 116, D Quigley 113; B
Grade: A LeMarshall 111, P Thompson 107, T Wilkinson
93; C Grade: G Breen 104, B Breen 87, G Fleming 80;
Veterans: I Cooke 117, E Jones 115, M Rodda 112;
Ladies: R Robinson-Agg 91, M Aldridge 68; Under 18:
A Sammut 78; Under 15: B Toose 82.
For the purposes of fishing regulation, Lake
Mulwala and the Murray River are NSW waters and
Victoria Murray Cod regulations do not apply. You are
allowed 2 per day. Lake Hume is Victorian water.
Clunes Field and Game
by Lynne Jones
Clunes FGA held their Christmas shoot with 86
competitors enjoying the 50 target event. With the end
of the 2014 shooting calendar, club championships
were presented to Clunes members Geoff Moorby,
taking out the Handicap annual trophy, and Shayne
Wa l l a c e , r e c e i v i n g t h e A g g r e g a t e a w a r d , .
Congratulations to both on their achievements.
Results: High Gun and a 'Possible 25' - M Libbis
44/50; AA Grade: S Wallace 40, D Hannah 39, P
Meekings 34; A Grade: M Collins 43, P Dumesny 40, P
Woodward 39; B Grade: I Lockyer 40, P Gatt 37, J
Boland 34; C Grade: A Wilson 38, P Grech 31, S McBain
28; Veterans: P Stowe 42, I Cooke 40, E Jones 39;
Ladies: M Aldridge 19, O Shirley 18; Under 18: Z King
31, J Wilson 24; Under 15: B Toose 34, O Wilson 27, B
East 25.
In January, the Clunes FGA held a successful '2 Day
Event' with 170 shooters travelling from all areas of
Victoria and interstate.
All Na&ons Masonic Lodge Every first Tuesday except January. New Clunes Men’s Shed Open from 10am each Wednesday at the Commu-­‐
members most welcome. Contact Secretary: Mar@n Jones, 0418 103 nity Gardens site, Alliance St. Men of all ages welcome to join in social 722 or mar@n.jones2@bigpond.com.
ac@vi@es and community projects. Enqs: Phil Taig 0448 844 725.
Anglican Church St Paul’s, Templeton St. Worship-­‐Eucharist for all ages Clunes Museum Volunteers CommiJee Museum Volunteers Mee@ngs @ 5pm on 2nd & 4th Sundays of month, followed by bring & share 2nd Thursday each month 10am The Warehouse. Ph: 5345 3592. meal. Contact Father Ryan Benne? 0422864108 or email Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc Bo?le Museum, 70 Bailey St. Ph: benne?r@7mail.com for enquiries, bap@sms, weddings & funerals.
5345 4078 Email: admin@clunesnh.org. Open 9am to 3pm, Tuesdays to Carpet Bowls Indoors at Clunes Senior Ci@zens Hall. Each Weds and Fridays. Internet & prin@ng. Free internet to over 55s. Gallery available Saturday from 1.40pm. New members welcome. Come along for a fun for hire for mee@ngs and events.
aTernoon. Enq: Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097. Clunes Playgroup Clunes Health Centre 10-­‐12pm every Wednesday of Clunes & District Agricultural Society Meet 3rd Thur of month from Feb -­‐ Oct. Nov meet Thur before Show & Thur aTer. Clunes Show 2014 is 3rd Sat in Nov (15 Nov). President-­‐Malcolm Hull contact 53453037; Secretary-­‐Barb Adam 5345 3042. HomecraTs-­‐Julie Spi?le 5343 4201. Website www.show.clunes.org
school term. For parents/care givers and preschoolers to meet and en-­‐
joy each other’s company. Enq. Mary Laughton 0490 048 336.
Clunes Pre-­‐School 109 Fraser St. AGM on Tues 2 December 7pm at the Preschool. Everyone welcome! Any enquiries please phone 5345 3228 or email: clunes.district.kin@ kindergarten.vic.gov.au.
Clunes & District Young Farmers Mee@ngs every 2nd Weds 7.30pm at Clunes Probus Club Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Clu-­‐
the Young Farmers club rooms at the show grounds. A friendly, social nes Town Hall at 9.45am. Visitors most welcome. For informa@on con-­‐
environment for anyone aged 16-­‐30. Contact Jenny 0400 613 153. tact Barb Webb on ph 5345 3865 or Barbara Fyfe ph 5345 3579. Clunes Angling Club All welcome. Meet on the first Monday each Clunes RSL Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Teas held on the second Sun-­‐
month 7.30pm, old SMB building behind Clunes Mechanical Repairs.
day of the month at the RSL, 30 Fraser St, from 10am to 2pm. Clunes Ar&sts' Group Meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11.30 Clunes Senior Ci&zens Club Inc Further informa@on from the Secretary, at the Bo?le Museum. New members welcome. Enquiries: Marlene Eileen Bradsworth on 5345 4097.
5345 3093 or Liz 5345 3807.
Clunes Swap Shop 99 Bailey St. Pre-­‐loved items. Dona@ons welcome. Clunes Badminton Club Inc For further info ph: Billie Drife 5343 4233. Enq: Andrew 5345 3853, or call in weekdays 10-­‐4, or Sat 10-­‐1.
Compe@@on runs at the Clunes Spor@ng Complex, 7.30pm. All levels Clunes Tourist & Development Associa&on 7.30pm 3rd Monday every and ages from secondary school to veterans welcome. even month at The Warehouse. Everyone welcome from the community Clunes Bowling Club Enq: Jason Ryan: 5345 3648 or 0409 453 642.
and business. Enq: Michael Cheshire 0418 500 680 or Clunes Book Club Enquiries Roma ph: 5345 4037. Book club meets jp33@bigpond.com.
7.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of the month at the RSL.
Clunes Women’s Group meets every second Thursday, 7pm at The Clunes Card Playing Group 1st, 3rd & 5th Thur at Neighbourhood Warehouse. Enq. CNH 5345 4078 or tessaambrose@gmail.com.
House, from 3-­‐5pm. Games usually euchre or 500. Cost $2 per session. Clunes Writers' Group meets the second Monday of every month 1 -­‐ New players welcome. Enq: Judy 5345 3342 / 0408 088 119.
3pm at Neighbourhood House, Lee Medlyn Home of Bo?les. All who Clunes Community Garden Alliance St. Open 10am Tues. Contact Clu-­‐ would like to write are welcome. Contact Rhonda 5476 6227.
nes Neighbourhood House 5345 4078 or John Paine 5345 3968 Clunes Youth Programs Associa&on Inc. Currently offering art classes Clunes Country Women’s Associa&on Welcomes women of all ages. Sat aTernoons and tutoring/help with homework on Wed aTernoons. Mee@ngs on 2nd Weds of month at 10am, followed by shared lunch Enq Lyndsey Iles 5345 3992 or Judy Burn 5345 3342.
and craT. Come along for a cuppa and share skills & knowledge. Enq. Crea&ve Clunes Inc. Organisers of the annual Clunes Booktown fes@val President Margaret PeLgrew 53454040 or Anastasia Jones 53453969.
and monthly author talks. Volunteers always welcome for fes@vals or Clunes Field & Game Enquiries to Eric 5345 3571. other events. Contact us on 5345 3947 (Tue-­‐Fri). Clunes Football & Netball Club Enq: John Bedwell 0438 320 634/ Kath Goldfields Central Gold Prospec&ng Club. Meets 3rd Wednesday of Milne 0448453665/Email clunesmagpies.com.au. All welcome.
each month 6pm at the Na@onal Hotel. All interested people are wel-­‐
Clunes Garden Club Mon 1 Dec: Christmas Dinner at Seniors rooms come. Darren Kamp 0439 453 884.
6pm for a 6.30 start. $5 per person. Bring salad/dessert to share, and Lee Medlyn Home of BoJles Management CommiJee Meets at the drinks of your choice. Cold meats provided. First mee@ng 2015 on Mon Bo?le Museum, 70 Bailey Street Clunes on the first Wednesday of the 2 Feb, 1.30pm at Seniors Rooms. Enq: Jill 0438 640 431.
month at 2pm. Visitors welcome.
Clunes Golf Club Inc Ph: 5345 3499. Contact Kevin Steart 5345 3127 or Laurie Lees 5345 3034. Course: 18 holes, sandscrapes, par 70, all year round play. Non members $5 green fees for 18 holes. Under 16 free! Wednesday is 50+ (younger players welcome).
Monday Night Netball Clunes Every Monday evening during school terms. Two seasons per year. Enq Lana 0427 781 080 or Liz 0429 453 808.
Tourello Red Cross Meets first Thur of month, 2pm at the RSL, Fraser St. Clunes Landcare and Waterways group. Meets on 4th Thursday of One of the oldest Red Cross branches. All welcome to join this wonder-­‐
month at the Clunes Angling Club. Contact Sue Kelman 5345 3616 for ful organisa@on and support your community membership.
further informa@on.
Yoga Classes Mon, Weds & Sats. See ad in newsle?er for more info. Clunes Library at The Warehouse-­‐Clunes, 36 Fraser Street (next to Col-­‐ Beginners welcome. Enq. Lily 0459 138 797, lilymason75@gmail.com. In lins Place). Open Mon & Thur 10am-­‐6pm, Wed & Fri 10am-­‐4pm. Sat & associa@on with Clunes Neighbourhood House.
Sun 10am-­‐2pm Closed Tue. Ph: 5345 3359.
Free listing (up to 3 lines) for Clunes social and sporting groups. Items may be edited for space reasons. Information is supplied by community groups
and published in good faith. Community groups can purchase additional display ads for half normal price.