ship baseline -
ship baseline -
BASELINE TESTS These are laboratory tests that are done to complete the clinical evaluation of a newly diagnosed HIV patient. These will identify the current status of the immune system, other existing conditions that may need attention, and will serve as a guide for the doctor in choosing the best suited antiretroviral therapy, if needed. If you decide to have your clinical care at SHIP, you may set an appointment with our staff through 2094971 or 09228544271. Our clinic hours are between 2pm - 7pm from Mon-Wed, Fri-Sun. Once you have chosen a scheduled date for baseline (Tuesday morning), you will need to prepare the following: 1. Results of HIV test/ Referral from an HIV testing center 2. PhilHealth requirements (to avail of a free CD4 Test): 3. Payment: Member Data Record (MDR) If Employed: Claim Form 1 signed by your company representative If Individually paying: Receipt for at least 3 months No PhilHealth: Php 6265.00 With PhilHealth: PhP 4465.00 If you have done other labs previously, price will depend on labs done at SHIP 4. Home collected specimens in clean cups: Sputum (3 samples) Urine (1 sample), as long as time from collection to arrival is less than 1 hour 5. Lab results done outside, if any. SUNDAY Upon waking in the morning, collect sputum in a clean specimen cup, label as "Day 1" and place in fridge. MONDAY 1. Upon waking in the morning, collect sputum in a clean specimen cup, label as "Day 2" and place in fridge. 2. Begin fasting 12 hours before your scheduled appointment. No food, no drinks (not even water). Have your usual dinner before the cut-off time. TUESDAY 1. Do one last sputum collection in a clean specimen cup. 2. Collect urine (midstream catch, without skin contact) in a specimen cup. 3. Bring all cups with you to clinic. 4. Upon arrival at the clinic, relay your code to our receptionist and wait to be called for blood extraction in Room 1. 5. After extraction, leave all home-collected specimens in room 1 and return to the reception area to settle your accounts. You will be given your receipt as well as a referral for x-ray. Present this to the 2nd floor admissions section of St. Patrick (next door). You will be give an x-ray admission form.. Bring this to the radiology section at the ground floor. Once your x-ray is done, you may go home. TESTS DONE Blood examinations: Measure of immune function: CD4 Complete blood count Kidney function: Creatinine Liver function: AST, ALT Hepatitis B: HBsAG, Anti-HBs, Anti-HBC Total Hepatitis C: Anti-HCV Syphilis: RPR Quantitative (screening), TPHA (confirmatory) Urinalysis Lipid Profile: Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL, HDL Blood sugar: FBS Tests for Tuberculosis: Sputum acid-fast bacilli smear (day 1-2) Sputum TB culture Mantoux/Tuberculin test: a purified protein derivative (PPD) of TB is injected intradermally on your arm Urinalysis Chest X-ray FRIDAY Treatment candidates (will be informed a day prior via SMS): 1. Meet with clinic ophthalmologist for a dilated funduscopy. This is a prerequisite for ARV initiation. 2. Meet with clinic physician for initial evaluation, discussion of lab results, and future plans. 3. PPD reading. Non-treatment candidates: 1. Meet with clinic physician for initial evaluation, discussion of lab results, and future plans. 2. PPD reading. For those who are unavailable on Friday noon, funduscopy may be done at a clinic and date of your convenience. PPD measurement should be done within 48 or 72 hours from time of injection. Reading may be done by other doctors or nurses, as provided PPD reading slip is noted and signed. For any immediate clinical concerns, an appointment with our physicians may be made at any time, and your initial evaluation may be done prior to doing laboratory tests. MAP and CONTACT DETAILS:
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