St Swithun`s Midsummer Ball


St Swithun`s Midsummer Ball
The Parish of the Icknield Way Villages
01763 837272 or
If you are planning an event, please check the Diary page
on our web-site:
St Swithun’s Midsummer Ball
Sunday 22 February
at Great Chishill Playing Fields on
Saturday 20th June 2015
The First Sunday of Lent
This is a fundraising event in aid of the
St Swithun’s Church restoration appeal.
Tickets are £70 each, or early bird discount £60
each, if purchased before 31st March.
Champagne Cocktail Reception from 7pm
Evening Entertainment will include:
live music from : ‘Back to the 80s’
Auction of Promises
Dress : Black Tie
Carriages at 2am
9am Hamlet
A BCP Holy Communion Service
Readings: 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Mark 1: 9-15
10.40am Elmdon
Family Communion Service with crèche and
Sunday Clubs. (Children in Xstream Group should
go to the Village Hall at 10.35 please. Grid Group
will be held in the Vestry)
Readings: 1 Peter 3: 18-22 Mark 1: 9-15
For ticket information and sales please email:
or phone:
Clare : 838100
or Kathey : 837285
Easter Eggs
The Original Real Easter Egg, the first and only
Fairtrade chocolate Easter egg to explain the Christian
understanding of Easter. The 2015 edition has a new
24 page Easter storybook which when flipped over
becomes a 3ft Happy Easter Banner, a high quality
Fairtrade 125g milk chocolate egg and a pack of milk
chocolate Chunky Buttons. Available from
Next Week
10.30am Chrishall
Confirmation Service. We are delighted to
welcome Bishop Roger Morris who will lead the
service. Please do join us for this important
moment in the life of each candidate and of our
parish. We will be presenting seven candidates for
This will be the only service of the day.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------In The Parish of the Icknield Way Villages we seek to be:
 Christ-centred  prayerful faithful to scripture loving
 welcoming  accepting all  sharing fellowship
Dates for this Week
Monday 23 February
9.10am Morning Prayer at Elmdon
10.30am One Way Club planning meeting at Dawes
House, Duddenhoe End
2.30pm Funeral of Joy Kitchen at Strethall
Tuesday 24 February
7.30pm Lent Course at Chrishall Village Hall. See below
Wednesday 25 February
10am Barnabas Group at Dawes House, Duddenhoe
10.30 – 11.30am Church Mice (for pre-schoolers) at
The United Reformed Church Hall
1.15pn Great Chishill Bible Study Group, 53 Heydon
Road, Great Chishill
Whether we have shamed ourselves or been shamed
by others, God wants to clothe us so that we can stand
in his presence without shame. He wants it so badly
that his son was shamed in our place.
This conference is for pastors, counsellors, home group
leaders, youth group leaders—anyone who wants to
grow in their ability to speak gospel light and truth into
the experience of shame.
All Souls Church, Langham Place, London W1B 3DA,
Tickets are £22 with a limited number of concessionary
tickets at £17 available for full-time students and those
in receipt of state benefits.
Book online
Call 0333 123 0880, 9am–5pm, or Post No Shame?, The
Good Book Company, Unit B1, Blenheim House,
1 Blenheim Road, Epsom, Surrey KT19 9AP.
Thursday 26 February
3pm Funeral of Colin Sparrow at Cambridge
A Concert of Choral Surprises
Conducted by - Richard Prince
Wine and soft drinks available
Lent Course 2015
Royston Choral Society supporting St Swithun’s
Appeal Fund - Saturday 14 March 7.30pm
St Swithun’s Church, Great Chishill
This year the Lent Course will be based on a book by
Desmond Tutu entitled In God’s Hands. The course will
start this Tuesday, 24 February, and continue on
Tuesday evenings, 10, 17, 24 and 31 March, 7.30pm, at
Chrishall Village Hall. If you intend joining the course
please let Andy or Erica know as soon as possible.
Tickets £12 (Concessions £9 School students £1)
available from choir members, Royston Library, St
Swithun’s Appeal Committee, the Church Office and on
the door. or email
Heather Howard (Chair) at
or call Jenny Leitch 01763 837073 or 07850 862199.
STOP PRESS: Parish Support Announced
For further information about the St Swithun’s Appeal
Telephone Angus Gent (Chair) 01763 838941
Macmillan will be the ‘charity partner’ for our parish
this year. We will be running several events in support
of Macmillan and parish funds. Please look out for
special events throughout the year. This partnership
will be launched at a special service at 10.40am at
Great Chishill on 8 March. Nicola Clark the regional
coordinator for Macmillan will be our guest speaker.
Parenting Young Children
This popular course is to be run again on Thursday
evenings, beginning in April.
Please contact Hazel (838703) to book a place.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2015
Organised by team (training for east anglia ministry)
there will be a Plenary Day on Wednesday 11 March at
Eden Baptist Church, Fitzroy Street, Cambridge from
9.45am-4pm. £10 payable on the door. No booking
necessary. Contact Rosie Gathercole on 01223 847284
or email
Biblical Counselling UK
Gospel hope in the experience of shame
Saturday 14 March 2015 – 10am-4pm
Ever since Adam and Eve first cowered and hid in the
garden we have known what it is to feel ashamed.
God replaced those hopelessly inadequate fig-leaves
with garments given by grace. And he still does.
This year the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be
held on Monday 27 April (more details to follow).
Everyone is very welcome to attend and anyone on the
electoral roll can vote.
If you would like to vote or be elected but are not
currently on the electoral roll, please ask for a form
from the church office on 837272. (Must be over 16
years of age)
Church Directory
Each year, following the APCM, an updated Church
Directory is sent out. If you are not currently included
on the directory and would like to be, please contact
Erica before 27 April with your details.