Vol 19 - Church of Divine Mercy
Vol 19 - Church of Divine Mercy
+ REFLECTION CHURCH OF DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, 10 MAY 2015 • SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 10: 25-26. 34-35. 44-48 Ps 98: 1. 2-3. 3-4 “Jesus, thank you for your friendship. Help me to remain in your love.” We engage in a spiritual battle every day. On the one side, there is “the world”—everything around us that is opposed to Jesus. There is “the flesh”—everything within us that is opposed to Jesus. And there is “Satan”—who is completely opposed to Jesus. These three will do anything to keep us from enjoying God’s love and sharing it with other people. On the other side, we have the Holy Spirit, the sacraments, the word of God, and one another. The case can be made that the world is moving further away from God. Media bombards us from every angle. Materialism continues to grow unchecked. Deception, greed, sexual immorality, selfishness, pride, and the like are commonplace. In the midst of all these tempting and competing philosophies, Jesus is telling us, “Seek me first.” Who will we listen to? This is why we have to make sure we are focusing on Jesus during our prayer and not doing these things simply out of routine. It’s why we have to be sure to spend time with members of our parish, praying together, sharing a meal together, or serving together. These practices will help us keep our minds focused on the high calling God has for us rather than on the ways of the world or our fallen nature or the devil. So let’s enjoy the media, but be sure to let in only what is good and wholesome. Let’s try to find a balance between looking out for our comfort and taking care of the people around us. If we can do that, we’re sure to bear fruit. Don’t be afraid to take up the spiritual battle today. It’s the least you can do in return for all that Jesus has done for you! Daily Readings May 11 Mon: Easter Weekday Jn 15: 26 -- 16: 4a Acts 16: 22-34 Ps 138: 1-2ab. 2cde-3. 7c-8 Jn 16: 5-11 May 12 Tue: Easter Weekday/ Nereus & Achilleus, martyrs/ Pancras, martyr May 13 Wed: Easter Weekday/ Our Lady of Fatima Petitions to Divine Mercy All petitions to the Divine Mercy will be offered up on the last Saturday of every month during the 5pm Divine Mercy devotion. Please place your petitions in the Petition Box at the Divine Mercy mosaic inside the main church. Parish Priests Weekday 6:30am, 6:15pm Every 1st Saturday of the month Parish Secretariat 7.30pm Syro-Malaba Mass (Chapel) General Office 7.30pm Tagalog Mass Opening Hours 7am, 9am, 11.30am, 5.30pm Confessions 15 min before Mass. Public Holidays 8am only Mon | 2-7pm • Tue - Fri |11am- 7pm Closed for lunch | 1pm - 2pm Sat | 12.30pm - 5.30pm Sun | 9am - 1pm Closed on public holidays Staying Connected Acts 1: 1-11 Ps 47: 2-3. 6-9 Eph 4: 1-13 Acts 18: 9-18 Ps 47: 2-3. 4-5. 6-7 Jn 16: 20-23 Acts 18: 23-28 Ps 47: 2-3. 8-9. 10 Jn 16: 23b-28 May 15 Fri: Easter Weekday/ Isidore the Farmer, mm Subscribe to our e-bulletin Visit our website at www.divinemercy.sg www.divinemercy.sg/facebook Mk 16: 15-20 Parish Census For those who have not yet registered as parishioners of CDM, please do so at the Parish Office. “I came forth from the Father and have come into the world; I am leaving the world again and going to the Father.” - John 16:28 Mass & Prayer Times 6.30am, 5:30pm Raymond Tan/Luke Teo/Maria LIm Tel | 6583 3378 • Fax | 6583 1694 Email | secretariat@divinemercy.sg Parish Bulletin Fr Johnson Fernandez Tel | 6583 6393 Fr Terence Kesavan Tel | 6583 8789 Fr Joseph de Dinechin Saturday Launch our Facebook Jn 16: 12-15 May 14 Thu: Ascension of the Lord S (Day of Obligation) May 16 Sat: Easter Weekday SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER A GENTLE REMINDER stayingconnected@divinemercy.sg Ps 149: 1-6a & 9b Ps 148: 1-2. 11-14 9/10 MAY • VOL. 19 Every 3rd Saturday of the month Sunday Divine Mercy Devotion Daily at 6.45pm (Chapel) Saturday at 5.00pm (Main Church) Prayer for Priests Every Thurs 5.15pm followed by 6.15pm mass To offer feedback, email us at Acts 16: 11-15 Acts 17: 15. 22- 18: 1 19 PASIR RIS ST 72 SINGAPORE 518771 • www.divinemercy.sg 1 Jn 15:9-17 Community & Pastoral Care Divine Mercy Apostolate Neighbourhood Christian Community (NCC) Prayer for the Sick & Dying Funeral and Wake Services Please contact the Parish Office or email secretariat@divinemercy.sg The Ascension of the Lord The first thing to remember about the Ascension is that it is about sharing in Jesus’ joy. It is about celebrating his return to the heavenly glory to which he refused to cling (Phil 2:611). It is about rejoicing that his crown of thorns has been replaced with the kingly crown, that the mocking crowd at Calvary has been replaced with myriads of adoring angels. The Ascension is about Jesus’ triumph and glorification. The Ascension is also a feast of hope. Yes, there is something in it for us. He goes to prepare a place for us (John 14:2). We will also one day wear crowns made of gold instead of thorns. The great western Church Father and Bishop Augustine proclaimed these words on the Feast: “Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; let our hearts ascend with him. Listen to the words of the Apostle: If you have risen with Christ, set your hearts on the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God; seek the things that are above, not the things that are on earth. For just as he remained with us even after his ascension, so we too are already in heaven with him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.” + PARISH BUZZ + PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Celebrating Mothers’ Day New RCIA Programme This weekend we celebrate Mothers’ Day! The following are three saints who were mothers. Each of these women represents a certain aspect of motherhood. We can all look to them for inspiration. St Gianna Beretta Molla – Sacrifice St Gianna was not only a mother but also a pediatrician, athlete and tireless volunteer in her community. Diagnosed with a tumor on her uterus, she refused to have an abortion or hysterectomy and endured a painful and difficult pregnancy and childbirth. She died shortly after giving birth to her fourth child, also named Gianna, who is still alive today and very active in the pro-life movement. Her feast day is celebrated on 28 April. St. Monica of Hippo – Persistence St. Monica is the mother of the great St Augustine. As a young man, Augustine lived a wild and sinful life and ignored his mother’s pleadings to return to the Christian values she had taught him. For years, Monica prayed and begged him to give up his sinful life. Eventually her persistence paid off. Augustine became a Bishop whose writings are still influential today. Her feast day is celebrated on 27 August. Blessed Virgin Mary – Virtue We know Mary as the mother of Jesus. Mary offers us the perfect example of a virtuous mother. Her will was always perfectly aligned with God’s. Yet she faced many hardships and difficulties. She had to endure watching her beloved Son suffer so greatly. Mary does understand the struggles mothers face, and her intercession is especially powerful since she is so close to Jesus. There are many feast days devoted to Mary throughout the year, but she is especially honored as the Mother of God on 1 January. Infant Baptism Congratulations! Congratulations to the infants, parents and godparents baptized last weekend! Inspired to find out more about the Catholic faith? Our new RCIA will start on Sun 7 June, 3:30pm at the Parish Hall. Registration forms are available in the parish office. Recruitment of RCIA Sponsors We are recruiting sponsors for our upcoming RCIA candidates! Sponsor formation training will be provided on Sat 16 May & Sun 24 May, 3pm at the Parish Hall. Home Rosary Session Host Jean Clarke and family Dates 11 May – 17 May 2015 Rosary days with community: Mon, Tues and Wed at 8:15pm; Sunday at 3pm Venue 100 Flora Road #08-64 Edelweiss Park Condo For more info, contact Susan Tan at 9119 5909 or visit the Ministry’s webpage. Couple Empowerment Program (CEP) @ CDM CEP continues with its 9-part series that helps couples deal with the issues that plague present day marriages. Topics explored in the coming weeks are: 15 May, Fri (7-10:30pm) - Couple Community 22 May, Fri (7-10:30pm) - In Laws Pls see website www.cep-sg.org for more info. Register at http://tinyurl.com/CEPRegForm Mass time for Ascension (Day of Obligation) Wednesday, 13 May Sunset mass at 7.00pm (No 6.15pm Mass) Thursday, 14 May Masses at 6.30am, 1pm, 7pm and 8.30pm. All masses in the main church. Thank You From SSVP Last week 2nd collection for the Society of St Vincent de Paul to help the poor and needy was $14,008.85. Thank you very much for your generous contributions. Vigil of Pentecost The Prayer Groups of the parish invites all parishioners to pray ardently for the coming of the Holy Spirit upon our efforts for the New Evangelization When Saturday, 23 May (eve of Pentecost) 8pm to 9.30pm Mass of the Vigil of Pentecost including praise and worship, Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist. 9.30 to midnight Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions. A roster will be displayed in front of the chapel for you to register for the Adoration.Come to celebrate and pray, alone or with your family and ministry! Nepal Earthquake Fundraising Appeal The Nepal earthquake continues to take its toll. To date, more than 7,000 people have died, 14,200 injured and 8.1 million lives have been impacted. The devastation to property and homes will take years of reconstruction. Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives, Singapore (CHARIS) will be coordinating the church’s response to this disaster. It is making an appeal for its Humanitarian Aid Fund. In the coming weeks, appeal flyers and envelopes will be distributed and available at the parish. Please pick up an envelope and give generously. Alternatively, you can send a crossed cheque payable to “Humanitarian Aid Fund” and post it to CHARIS at 55, Waterloo Street, #07-02, Catholic Centre. Singapore 187954. Please provide your name and contact information for the receipt. Please contact Joan Toh at 6337 4119 or info@charis-singapore.org for further information. There will be a mass in solidarity with the Nepalese community at 12:15pm on Sunday, 10 May 2015 at the Church of St Ignatius. All are invited.