Bulletin: Sunday February 22, 2015


Bulletin: Sunday February 22, 2015
1300 EAST BEVERLY  ADA, OK 74820
Parish Office:
New Parishioners
Phone: 580-332-4811
Rectory: 580-332-2540
Fax: 580-436-1226
We welcome you as a new member
of our faith community. Registration
forms are located in the back of our
church or you may contact the parish
Pastoral Staff:
Fr. Billy Lewis, Pastor
Dennis Fine, Deacon
Rudy Lupinski, Music Director
Roxanne Taylor, RE Director
Jane Ritchie, Sec./Bookkeeper
Parish Council Chairperson
Tom Bollitho—320-9600
Finance Committee Chairperson
Nick Cheper, 436-3226
Physical Plant Chairperson
Bob Cristelli, 332-5221
RE/Youth Ministry Team
Sandy Poe, 436-0544
Prison Ministry Chairperson
Ann Maxwell, 580-265-9241
Meals on Wheels
Brooking, 399-2852
PrayMelvin er Chain
Dana Belcher, 421-1921
Knights of Columbus
Nick Cheper, 436-3226
Liturgy Schedule
Weekend Mass:
Sunday 11:00 am
Spanish Mass 2:00 pm
Saturday 5:00 pm (new time)
Daily Mass
See Inside Bulletin Schedule
Saturday 4 pm to 4:30 pm
Or Anytime By Appointment
Change of Address/Phone
Contact the Parish Office
Eucharist for the Sick and
Pastoral visits are made regularly.
Please contact parish office when
someone is ill, hospitalized or
unable to attend Mass for a
significant length of time and
wishes to be visited.
Web Address and Email
Email: st_joseph3933@sbcglobal.net
February 22, 2015
RCIA “Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults”
Anyone interested in becoming
a member of the Catholic faith
please call the parish office.
Sacramental Preparation
Please contact parish office for
Baptism – Parent sessions
are held during the year.
Marriage – arrangements
must be made four to six
months prior to the wedding
date to participate in marriage
preparation sessions.
First Communion,
Confirmation – Attendance
in RE Program along with
sacramental sessions are held
during the year.
Parish Office Hours
Mon. – Fri. 9:30 am – 4 pm
Bulletin Deadline Mon., 12 Noon
First Sunday of Lent
Religious Education Program
Sacramental Preparation
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult s
Safe Environment Program:
If you know of someone who is interested in the
Catholic faith, please contact Fr. Billy or the
Child Abuse Hotline Number:
parish office. Our Journey of faith classes meet
Numero especial reportar abuso de los ninos Sunday mornings: 9:45 am—parish office bld.
There will be no monthly session on February
Archdiocesan Hotline Number:
24—attend the parish mission.
Para archdiocesis de Oklahoma City
Attendance in Sunday mornings
Monthly sessions
March 8—session with Fr. Billy
Parish Library
April 12 - session with Father Billy
Hours are 9:30 am to 4 pm
May 17—session with Father Billy
Located in the John Bloms Room
First Communion
Parish Nursery
Wednesday, February 25—first session for
Sunday mornings—9 15 am for RE classes parents and children begins. A letter will be sent
and then at 11:00 am for Mass.
home with more information.
Please note: if no one comes by 11:15 am for
Mass, the attendant will leave.
Religious Education Program
Gathering Time
9:15 am to 9:45
Just a reminder that on Sunday, March
1—everyone goes to their class—there will
be no gathering time so the hall can be set
for the Stockholder’s Dinner
Adult Faith Workshop
Thank you to eveyone who came and shared
their input with Sister Diane. Thank you to
our kitchen “angels” - Marsha Geroux and
Laura Miller for food preparation for the
dinner and the clean-up. Thank you so much!
Total Youth Ministry
A faith formation process that integrates catechesis
(religious education), prayer, worship and community
building for 7th —12 grade
February 21: Car wash—11 am to 2 pm
February 22—catechetical serssion at 9:45 am
February 25—team meeting at 12 noon
Youth group
College Students: Meet on Wednesdays at 8:45 pm
Facebook page: St. Joseph Catholic Youth Group—Ada,
OK-Official. This is a closed program—Parents: check
with Doug, Sandy or Danielle and they will add you to
the list.
The WEEK at a glance:
Today (Feb 22) Mass at 11 am / 2 pm
RE classes/RCIA
Spanish Mass at 2 pm
Rosary prayed before Mass
Rite of Election/OKC
Parish Mission begins
Monday: Parish Mission at 7 pm
Abba’s Tables
Parish Mission at 7 pm
Liturgical Roles:
Check the insert page for the liturgical roles
for this weekend. Thank you.
Family Military Members: Please keep
these men and women in your prayers:
Will Chronister, U.S. Marines—son of Herschal & Rose Chronister
Jacob Page, U.S. Coast Guard—son of Jenny
Erika Lara, U. S. Army – sister
of Ismaela Morales and Maria Lopez
Caleb Waugh, U.S. Coast Guard—grandson
of Becky Bowen
Wednesday: Youth Group/ College group
Youth Team Meeting at 12 noon
Frist Communion classes begin
Stations of the Cross at 6 pm
Lenten Meal at K of C Hall
Saturday: Mass at 5 pm / Rosary at 4:30 pm
Sunday (Mar. 1) Mass at 11 am / 2 pm
Choir at 9:30 am
RE classes /RCIA class
Spanish Mass at 2 pm
Stockholder’s Banquet
Coming Up!
March 1—Stockholders Banquet
March 7—Women’s Prayer Breakfast
March 14—K of C Spaghetti Dinner
March 24—Lenten Penance Rite
Check out the bulletin for more information
about these upcoming events.
Martha’s Guild
February: Mae Sellers
Thank you to Laura Miller for January
Candles / watering plantes: Kay Bishop
Purificators:Vicki Martin
Prayer chain
Please contact Dana Belcher at her email address or
phone number:dbelcher@ecok.edu
Dana will contact the email links and the head of
telephone links to start the prayer requests.
Walking in the Light Prayer Group
“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today
and tomorrow”
Come and pray and praaise the Lord with us in joy!
We meet on Thursdays at 7 pm in the Parish Office
EWTN– Global Catholic Network
Cableone One—channel 395
Daily Mass, Intentions and Prayer Services
Tuesday, February 24
9:00 am
+Sandy Radosevich by the Tim LaMack family
Wednesday, February 25
9:00 am
+Delores Deininger by Roxanne Taylor
Thursday, February 26
9:00 am
+Sy Fitter by Jack & Elizabeth Witherow
Friday, February 27
9:00 am
Alfred Aglialoro by St. Francis Altar Society
Stations of the Cross – 6 pm
5:00 pm
Saturday, February 28
Sunday, March 1
For the Parish
Spanish Mass
Parish Stewardship
February 1
February 8
February 15
The Rosary will be prayed beginning at 4:30 pm
11:00 am
Second Sunday of Lent
2:00 pm
The Rosary will be prayed beginning at 1:30 pm
Stewardship of time, talent and treasure is
about an “attidude” of gratitude for all that
God has blessed us with.
From the youth group: Many thanks to
everyone for all their hard work on the
International Taste & See event. We
appreciate the effort to help us raise money
for our Steubenville trip – we are very lucky
to have a parish family that cares so much
for us. Thank you!
People in our parish… Please keep in your
prayers: Glenn Love, Francisco Guerreo, Michael
Childers, Helen Vitale, Stan Nnochirionye,
Mariano Ramirez, Maria Martinez, Maria
Castillo, Jack Allen, Lupe Gonzalez, John
Hoover, …and all our sick and shut-in
members…Congratulations to Melissa Friant and
Andrew Mitchell upon who celebrated the
Sacrament of Marriage last Saturday – God’s
blessing always! For couples preparing for
marriage: Samantha Cannon & Samuel
Malchar…for Teddy Allen all our expectant
mothers and their babies.
Smorgasbord 2014…we have had a couple
of inquires about how we did…in case you
missed it in the bulletin: Our net proceeds
were $12,593 (includes ticket sales,
bazaar,and raffle. Food donation money
helped to reduce expenese)
Liturgical Roles
February 28
Ushers: Alex Wilson, Greg Belcher
Lector: Nick Cheper
Altar Servers: Taylor Smith, Sarah Thorn, Elias
Communion: Bob & Linda Carter
March 1 (2nd Sunday of Lent)
Ushers: Tim LaMack, Doug Poe
Lectors: Debbie Short, Roxanne Taylor
Altar Servers: Nikole & Noelle Vargas, Kylee
Communion:Theisa Cabo, Elizabeth Cannon,
Nancy Cheper, Dania Deschamps-Braly, Robin
Frederickson, Wendell & Susie Godwin, Mary
Seniors 2015
Catholic Foundation Scholarships
Applications for this scholarship are taking
place now – contact Roxanne at the parish
office. Deadline for submitting is April 8,
2015 – any application received after
April 8 will not be accepted for
Knights of Columbus
Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, March 14th
6 pm to 8 pm
Tickets: $10.00 adults
$5.00 – children 12 and under
Proceeds to benefit scholarships for 2015
Twenty Four Hour Adoration
Friday, March 6 – beginning at 7 pm
(note time change)
through Saturday, March 7 ending at 5
pm – Sign up at the back of the church.
Stations of the Cross: Friday, Feb. 27 at 6
pm followed by Lenten meal at the K of C
Lenten Mission – February 22-24
John Michael Poirier – 7 pm in the church
You are Invited:
Women’s Lenten Prayer Breakfast
“Having a joyful heart in a
disconnected World”
Saturday, March 7 – 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
$10.00 per person
Please make reservation by signing up at the
table display at the back of the church.
Resevations must be made by Thursday,
March 5th to help with food and set-up
preparations. Thank you. Our guest speaker
will be Sheila Mueller. Sheila is an
instructor in the Pastoral Ministry Program,
she ahs been a DRE and RCIA Director,
theology teacher at McGuiness High School
and retreat master. She is the mother of four
grown children and grandmother of five
Penance Rite: March 24