Printable PDF - Minnesota Thunder Girls Basketball


Printable PDF - Minnesota Thunder Girls Basketball
Minnesota Thunder Registration Form - 2015 Spring Basketball
Please complete this form and bring a check for the Program Participation Fee payable to
Minnesota Thunder to the Tryout. If a roster spot is not offered or accepted, checks will be
Player Name
Current Grade
Street Address
City and Zip
Most Often Checked Email Address
Parent's Name
Parent's Home Phone
Parent's Cell Phone
Parent's Work Phone
Last Winter's Team & Positions
Last Spring's Team & Positions
Current Medical Insurer:
Policy #:
Group #:
I agree to release Minnesota Thunder Basketball Program and all participating school districts
and gym sites of all liabilities related to accidents during Thunder Tryouts, Practice and Games.
I also give permission for my child to receive medical treatments in my absence.
Minnesota Thunder 2015 Spring Girls Basketball Program
Minnesota Thunder is devoted to helping young female athletes increase their basketball skills and
knowledge. Our focus is skill development, competitive play, teamwork, and having fun!
Registration requirements to complete and turn in at the tryout:
Registration form: Completed & signed by parent
$20 tryout fee (non-refundable)
All girls need to have health insurance (policy # or card)
Program participation fee: All checks will be held until a roster spot has been
offered and accepted. If a roster spot is not offered or accepted the check
will be destroyed. We do not have a credit card option at this time.
(10U) 4th grade
(11U) 5th grade
(12U) 6th grade
(13U) 7th grade
(14U) 8th grade
(15U) 9th grade
(16U) 10th grade
(17U) 11th grade
Spring 2015 Tryout Information:
o When: March 10th: Primary Tryout Date for Grades 4th - 9th
o Where: Oak Point Elementary, 13400 Staring Lake Parkway, Eden Prairie MN
o Tryout Times;
o 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Grade: 6-7:30PM
o 8th-9th Grade: 7:30PM - 9PM
o 10th and 11th Grade: DO NOT TRYOUT UNTIL MARCH 23rd
o When March 23rd: ONLY TRYOUT for 10th & 11th Grade & Second Tryout for 4th – 9th
o Where: Eden Prairie High School Activity Center Ct #3, 17185 Valley View Rd, Eden
Prairie MN
o Tryout Times:
o Grades 10th and 11th: 6-7:30PM
o Grades 4th – 9th Secondary Tryout on March 23rd: 7:30-9PM
For those who were not able to make March 10th Tryout
Spring Season Information: Practices begin the week on April 6th. Grades 4th-6th will
finish by late May to early June. Grades 7th-11th will finish mid to late June.
o 10U/4th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 4 local invitational
o 11U/5th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 5 local invitational
o 12U/6th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 6 local invitational
o 13U/7th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 5 local tournaments and
1 regional/exposure tournament
o 14U/8th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 6 local tournaments and
1 regional/exposure tournament
o 15U/9th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 6 local tournaments, 1
regional/exposure tournament
o 16U/10th grade: Practicing 2 nights a week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 5 local tournaments,
and 2 regional/exposure tournament.
o 17U/11th grade: Practicing 2 nights per week for 1.5 hrs per practice. 5 local tournaments,
2 regional/exposure tournament
o MN Thunder Teams for grades 7th – 11th will do one or both of the following tournaments:
Summer Jam, Bloomington, MN, June 12-14 and/or All Iowa Attack - Midwest Girls
Classic, Ames, IA, June 19-21. We prefer tournaments our families can drive to.
Program Contact:
o Mark Rowland, Director
o Email:
o Address: 10365 Meade Lane, Eden Prairie, MN 55347
o Please go to our website as updates are added regularly