newsletter - Our Lady of the Angels Primary School Wavell Heights


newsletter - Our Lady of the Angels Primary School Wavell Heights
From the Principal
February 24, 2015
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Staff, Students and Friends of
Following our Ash Wednesday Liturgies, and as we
move through the Lenten season, my newsletter piece
each week will include part of the Pope Francis’ 2015
Lenten Message- “A Time of Grace”, as well as other
Lenten reflections. In this edition, please find those of
BCE Executive Director, Pam Betts.
Make your heart firm” (James 5:8)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each
community and every believer.
Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
God does not ask of us anything that He Himself has
not first given us.
“We love because he first has loved us”. (1 John 4:19)
He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in
his heart.
He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us
out whenever we turn away from him.
He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow
him to be indifferent to what happens to us.
Usually, when we are healthy and comfortable, we
forget about others (something God never does): we are
unconcerned with their problems, their sufferings and
the injustices they endure … Our heart grows cold.
As long as I am relatively healthy and comfortable, I
don’t think about those less well off.
Today, this selfish attitude of indifference has taken on
global proportions, to the extent that we can speak of a
globalisation of indifference.
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It is a problem which we, as Christians, need to
confront. When the people of God are converted to his
love, they find answers to the questions that history
continually raises.
Indifference to our neighbour and to God also
represents a real temptation for us Christians.
Each year during Lent we need to hear once more the
voice of the prophets who cry out and trouble our
God is not indifferent to our world; he so loves it that he
gave his Son for our salvation.
In the Incarnation, in the earthly life, death, and
resurrection of the Son of God, the gate between God
and man, between heaven and earth, opens once and
for all.
The Church is like the hand holding open this gate,
thanks to her proclamation of God’s word, her
celebration of the sacraments and her witness of the
faith which works through love (cf. Galatians 5:6).
God’s people, then, need this interior renewal, lest we
become indifferent and withdraw into ourselves.
From Pam Betts
As Lent begins this week I have been reflecting on
Jesus’ model of friendship which continues to be
revealed through the medium of an ancient story.
Friendship in scripture often begins as a simple
dialogue between two persons who open themselves up
to each other. In this way Yahweh appeared to
Abraham: “I will make a covenant between myself and
you… I will bless you… All the nations of the earth shall
bless themselves by your descendants.” (Genesis 17:2,
12:2, 22:18) Many centuries would pass before this
covenant of friendship would be witnessed in human
form. The zenith of this love is when God sent his son
as the measure of loving friendship for all humanity.
Jesus’ model of friendship was unobtrusive since he did
not wish to force his friendship on anyone. His disciples’
response had to be genuinely free if it was to be a
response of one friend to another. For Jesus, his
friendship with the apostles, and us, was of the ultimate
value. He was prepared to sacrifice everything for it.
resource Rich
Mercy further explores Jesus’ example of social action
and justice which was made vivid in his friendships with
both sinful and sick people. In friendship he forgave
their failings and by accepting the hands of the lepers
he healed them. Friend of sinners and tax
collectors unintentionally expresses the deepest truth of
Christ’s capacity for friendship. His central message
was love of God and a just and merciful concern for
others, including one’s enemies. The truth of our destiny
is to love as Christ has loved us.
Beaut Behaviour Awards 2015
Week Ending 20/2/2015 – Congratulations
Bundall: A Bauer PO, J Barratt 2P,
P McGlone 3P, G McKechnie 3P,
Mianjin: A Meredith 2F, X Cutuli 3P,
W Adams 5/6P
Warraba: M Grixti-Daly 1P
Wyampa: G Nobilo PO, E-J Fau-Meredith 4O,
Kind regards and God bless,
David Cashman
Come along and be challenged for Lent!
Each session offers one complete day in the week from
Palm Sunday to the Cross.
Come when you can!
Wednesday 25 February—St Paschal’s Hall
Wednesday 4 March—St Gerard’s Church
Wednesday 11 March—St Paschal’s Hall
Wednesday 18 March—St Paschal’s Hall
Thursday 25 March—St Gerard’s Church
A light meal (Chicken and Salad) will be
served from 6.30pm. Talk starts at 7.00pm.
If possible, please bring a plate of food to
share. This will be a wonderful preparation
for Easter and a great time for the
community to get together. Please add your names to
the attendance list at the doors of the church.
Caritas – Project Compassion Launch
Last Tuesday 17 February, I attended Mass at the
Cathedral with four of our Student Leaders for this term.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge was the Presider for the
Mass which also coincided with the launch of Project
Compassion 2015. I
would especially like to
thank Mrs Shome
Duke who provided
transport on the day.
Thank you also to our
Student Leaders Olivia
Kinman, Lucy Duke,
Caleb Ryab and Laila
represented our school
with pride.
Assistant Principal – RE
Sacred Time
This week’s Sacred Time on Wednesday 25 February,
will see Mr Steele’s 5/6O class leading the school in
prayer. They will focus on Lent and Project
Compassion. Next week on Wednesday 4 th March, Miss
McGufficke’s 5/6F will coordinate Sacred Time. Just a
reminder that Sacred Time commences at 8:50am and
that all members of our school community are most
welcome to join with us at this time.
Archbishop's Lenten Pastoral Message 2015
Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s message for lent this year
can be found at the following link:
Parish Lenten Programme
Gospel of Mark—The Last Week of Jesus’ Life
Fr Gerard will repeat the very thought-provoking series
of talks on the Last Week of Jesus’ life.
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Sacramental Programme - First Reconciliation,
Communion and Confirmation
Our Parish programme for children in Year 3 or older
will commence with an Information Session for Parents
on 7th May (7pm St Paschal’s)
or 9th May (3pm St Gerard’s).
(PLEASE NOTE—not 5 and 7 as advertised in last
week’s Parish Newsletter.) More details will be
provided in April.
For the current group (Year 4) Confirmation will be on:
Thursday 19 March at St Paschal’s at 5.30pm and
7.30pm, and Wednesday 25th March, at St Gerard’s at
The children will attend the weekend masses on the
14 /15 March at the end of their confirmation
preparation. There will be practices at St Paschal’s on
Thursday 12 March at 3.30pm and 5pm and Monday
23 March at St Gerard’s at 5.30pm.
First Communion will be on Pentecost Weekend
23 /24 May with mass times still to be advised.
Project Compassion: 1st Week of
Lent - Eric and Ma from Fiji
Growing Food for Life
Twenty-five years ago, married
couple Eric and Ma worked hard, but
their farm was unprofitable. They had
a very limited income and diet, until
they took a training course at the
(supported by Caritas Australia). Using the skills they
learnt there, the couple have built a successful family
life, and a thriving farm that provides them with a
healthy diet and sustainable source of income. Your
donation to Project Compassion helps people in isolated
areas of Fiji gain the skills they need to grow food for
Each class will receive a Project Compassion box at
Sacred Time this week. You can also donate online via
the website at
Please put your compassion into action this Lent by
supporting Project Compassion 2015.
I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and
you gave me drink... [Matthew 25:35]
Lenten Prayer
Lord, grant me the grace to be free
from the excesses of this life.
Let me not get caught up with the desire for wealth.
Keep my heart and mind free to love and serve you.
There is no greater happiness in the world than to be in
Union. Nano Nagle
Shine with life and take care
Paul McGlone
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Assistant Principal – Admin
(Friends, Information, Networking and Support)
Many thanks for the overwhelming response to the
FINS survey which was sent out with last week’s
newsletter. I am in the process of collating all the
information and next week I will share the results with
the community.
Games Room
Staff are currently in the process of stocktaking the
toys/games in the Early Years and Senior games’
Donations of board games (like Twister,
Checkers, Battleship etc) and toys (such as trucks,
matchbox cars, dolls, plastic blocks, etc) are greatly
appreciated. Please send to the office.
Best wishes for the week ahead
Donna Jones
Assistant Principal Administration
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Administration Assistant
ICAS Competition nominations
Last week the nomination forms were sent home with all
Year 2-6 children for the International Competitions and
Assessments for Schools competitions organised and
run by UNSW Global, Educational Assessment
Australia. Below you will find a table with a list of
competitions offered, corresponding test dates and
costs. If you would like your child/ren to participate in
any of these please complete the nomination form for
each child, and return with payment to the school office
by the 2 April 2015. The nomination forms will also be
made available on the OLA website, under ‘Useful
Forms’, later this week.
(Computer Skills)
Entry Fee,
incl. GST
19 May
3 June
June 2015
16 June
28 July
11 August
Year 3-6 only
Year 2-6
Year 3-6 only
Year 3-6 only
Year 2-6
Year 2-6
Year 5/6 Swimming Lessons
Just a reminder that our Year 5/6 children have
commenced their swimming lessons today. Could you
please ensure all towels, bags etc are labelled with your
child’s name to enable any lost items to be returned
Please feel free to contact me at:
Mr Mc: should you
have any questions or require further information.
Mr Mc
Administration Assistant
Sports Shorts
OLA Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Date claimer: Thursday 5 March, with our wet weather
day booked for Thursday 12 March 2015. To be held
at the Geebung State School pool facilities. All event
nomination and permission forms should have been
returned to your teacher.
Zone 6 Big Schools Swimming Carnival
Date claimer: Wednesday 18 th March 2015, Albany
Creek Leisure Centre. Our OLA Zone 6 swim team will
be selected from those children who qualify at our OLA
Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival.
City District Information
City District AFL Trials – Open to Boys born in 2003,
2004 and 2005 who play AFL to a high standard. Friday
27th February 2015 3.30-5.00pm. Kedron Park AFL
Club. Please see Mr Mc for nominations ASAP.
City District Hockey Trials – Open to girls and boys
born in 2003 and 2004 only who play Hockey for a club
or to a high standard. Shaw Park Hockey Fields, Shaw
Rd, Wooloowin. Girls 9.30am-3.00pm, Boys 1.30pm3.00pm. Please note we are waiting for confirmation of
the trials proceeding on Friday given the flooding which
occurred last week.
City District Rugby League Trials - Open to boys
born in 2003 and 2004 only. Friday 6 March, 9.00am12.30pm, Wavell State High School, Telopia Ave,
Wavell Heights. Please see Mr Mc ASAP for nomination
City District Netball Trials – Open to Girls born in
2003 and 2004 only. Friday 6 March, Girls born in
2003 9.00am -11.45am, Girls born in 2004 12.15pm3.00pm. Wavell State High School Outdoor Courts,
Telopia Ave, Wavell Heights. Please see Mr Mc ASAP
for nomination forms.
Congratulations to:
Cara Dinneen and Winston Jang who have been
selected to play in the City District Girls and Boys
Basketball teams! They will compete in the upcoming
Met North Regional Basketball carnival. Well done!
Please feel free to contact us at:
Mr Mc:
Mrs Mackley: should
you have any questions or require further information.
Mr Mc and Mrs Mackley
PE Specialists/Sports Coordinator
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P&F News
Carnival –Sponsorship
Our fantastic sponsorship co-ordinator, Naomi Lock, is
putting together some Sponsorship Kits for individuals
and families with businesses and companies who are
willing to support our 2015 Around the World Carnival
financially through donations of goods, services and
dollar value sponsorships.
Benefits to those who
provide assistance are detailed in the kit. If you have a
business or company, or if you know someone who
does, we would be thrilled to have you play a part in the
day. Unfortunately Naomi's contact email details were
incorrect in last week’s Carnival newsletter - her contact
details are or 0410 220 356
Naomi is looking forward to speaking with you about a
mutually beneficial outcome. Call now!
Vacant Coordinator Position
2015 Around The World Carnival - Art Union
Art Union is the most important profit generating activity
related to the Carnival. Would be suited to a highly
organised individual or couple of friends who can share
the role of co-ordinating major prizes, producing tickets
and be responsible for the distribution and collection of
tickets. It is a big job, but a highly successful and
rewarding one. And the best thing is the person /
people who take on this role would be free to spend the
day with their family as your role is complete by the big
day! We do have people in the school who have run it
previously who would be happy to discuss with you the
ins and outs of this role.
If you have interest on ANY LEVEL please contact
Clare at ASAP. If we
don't have someone come forward for this role it will
need to be cancelled, and will put a HUGE hole in our
fundraising dollars!
Yay! The Sausage Sizzle is BACK!
This Thursday 26th February - in first break.
$2.50 each.
Brown paper bag system one bag per order.
Please make note of with or without sauce.
All profits go towards the P & F 2015 Carnival.
Please support us by buying a sausage (or two!)
Can you spare some time
between 8.30am and 11am this Thursday?
We are DESPERATE for some helpers.
Please email
if you can help.
School News
Support-a Reader
Thank you to those who attended the Support-a-Reader
training day last Thursday. It was an enjoyable day
where the participants completed their comprehensive
training and took part in a wide variety of activities and
The next step is to organise this year’s Support-aReader Program. We are appealing to any tutors who
have completed the training and are able to assist with
the current program to please contact us, nominating
preferred days and times.
We are very appreciative of the time given by the
volunteer tutors and having someone who reads oneon-one with a child on a regular basis makes such a
difference to their confidence and enjoyment of reading.
Carmel McCoy & Sue McIntosh
Co-ordinators OLA Support-a-Reader Program
Time to Smile
School Photo Day is
Tuesday, 17 March and
Thursday 19 March
Please take time to read the relevant information on
the MSP Photography payment envelopes and
remember these helpful points:
 Don’t seal envelopes inside each other.
You can pay for all children in one
envelope. However, each child needs to
have their own envelope on photo day.
Family envelopes are available at the
school office upon request.
 Please enclose correct money as no
change is given. Cash and cheques only. Credit
card payments can be made prior to photo day via
the online ordering system at
Choir Notes
Dear Parents,
Two very prominent children's choirs have left
brochures in the office, with information regarding their
choirs. Please feel free to take one if you are looking
for something extra for your child. The choirs are
Voices of Birralee (some children at this school are
already in this one) and the Australian Youth Choir.
A thank you to parents for getting their children to
Senior Sounds rehearsal at 8am. We are starting right
on time and lots of music has been covered
already. With all the choirs don't forget to ask your
children what they have been singing and learning in
Keep a song in your pocket
Debra Todhunter- Music Specialist
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School Banking
OLA is excited to continue to offer the
Commonwealth Bank School Banking
program to all students. School Banking
day is Wednesday. Each week you need
to bring your banking book and put in the
class box. The Commonwealth Bank will
be holding an account opening day at 8am
on Wednesday 4 March outside the library. Any
enquiries please contact our School Banking Officer,
Alison Cowan, on 0418 738 752.
Tuckshop Roster
Wednesday 25th February Team 4
1 Break T Giles, L Edwards, S Smith, J Falconer,
A Gillam
2nd Break A Gray, C Vickers
Friday 27th February Team 4
1 Break K Uchytil, N Langestraat, D Long,
L Wiseman, F Gibson, M Harley
2nd Break T Porter, M Evans, K Horwood
Monday 2 March Team 1
1 Break T Sloan, J Manners, H Ciavarella,
C Sultmann
2 Break A Cowan
Vacancy- School Crossing Supervisors
Casual positions exist for School Crossing Supervisors
at multiple schools throughout the region. Please tell
neighbours, friends and family of these positions
available. Please help us to help our students. School
Crossing Supervisor positions are for up to 5 days per
week on a roster.
Remuneration - $27.49 per hour.
Contact the Brisbane North Road Safety Office for more
information, Phone: 3863 9873
Community News
Winter Netball
The Angels Netball Club is currently looking
for girls born in 2005 to play netball
on a Saturday morning at Bradbury Park,
Chermside. Season starts on 14th March.
Lots of fun, play with friends.
If interested, please contact Scott Christie
on 0417200083 or
Year 1 Mums Drinks & Nibbles
Friday 27th February
7pm The Royal, Nundah
Play Soccer and Have Fun!
Join Nundah Wavell Soccer Club
Affordable fees!
Places still available for
U9, U11 & U13 players.
Boys and girls both welcome.
Opportunities for local and state
representative teams.
Home ground Marchant Park
Ellison Road, Chermside.
For more information,
online registration & FAQ visit
Or email
Thinking about renovating?
Major Renovations. Extensions.
Decks. Bathrooms. Kitchens.
Call now for a Free Design Consultation.
1300 327 050
QBCC 1190995
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School Calendar
(Also available on the OLA website at
Follow us on Twitter - @OLA4012
2015 Calendar
Term 1
Feb 25 Sacred Time 5/6O
Met North Swimming Carnival
Feb 26 Sausage Sizzle
Swimming Year 5 and Year 6
City District Tennis Trials
Feb 27 Swimming Year 5 and Year 6
City District AFL & Hockey Trials
Mar 2
Carnival Meeting 7.30pm Library
Mar 3
Swimming Year 5 and Year 6
Mar 4
Sacred Time 5/6F
Mar 5
Year 3 – 6 Swimming Carnival
Mar 6
Swimming Year 5 and Year 6
City District Rugby League and Netball Trials
Mar 9
Mar 10 Swimming Year 5 and Year 6
P&F Meeting 7pm Library
Mar 11 Sacred Time 5/6N
Mar 12 Swimming Carnival Wet Day
Mar 13 Swimming Year 5 and Year 6
City District Soccer and Touch Football Trials
Mar 16 Chess
Met North Basketball Carnival
Mar 17 School Photos
Saint Patrick’s Day
Mar 19 School Photos
Mar 20 Zone 6 Swimming – Albany Creek
Mar 23 Chess
Mar 27 Year 1 Excursion – Planetarium
Zone 6 Swimming Wet Weather Day
Mar 30 Chess
Mar 31 School Board Meeting 7.00pm Library
Apr 2
Last Day Term 1
Apr 29 Year 2 Open Night
Apr 30 Zone 6 Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
May 6
Mother’s Day Stall
May 7
Zone 6 Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
May 8
City District Tennis Trial
May 15 Zone 6 Cross Country
May 21 Zone 6 Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
May 22 Zone 6 Cross Country (wet day)
May 28 Zone 6 Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
Jun 4
Zone 6 Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
Met North Tennis Trial
Jun 11 Zone 6 Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
Jun 18 Gala Day –Netball/Touch/AFL/Rugby League
Jun 25 Gala Day (wet day) Netball/Touch/AFL
Jun 26 Gala Day (wet day) Rugby League
Jun 26 Year 2 Excursion –Caboolture
Jun 26 Last Day Term 2