! NEWS FROM MERSEA COFE February 2015 | ISSUE 9 PAPER EDITION £1 | EMAIL EDITION FREE Geoff and Carolyn Sexton He says, “Clearly the highlight of my sporting career. After all not many people can claim to have played football for their country”! In 1972 he set up his own business and carried out a number of major contracts on Mersea, including the MICA Centre, the Lifeboat Station, the extension and refurbishment of the Church Hall, Mersea Court, the Oyster Fishery at East Mersea, as well as many other Community Centres, schools and sheltered Housing contracts all over north Essex. The PCC have been taken aback by the number of times Geoff Sexton’s name appears on the Fabric Reports! Here is a taster from recent agendas. Geoff Sexton: ‘has inspected.. undertook to do this… is working on this.. is liaising with.. has drawn up detailed plans for.. is inspecting to see what precisely needs to be done.. will have a draft plan ready for the next PCC.. has consulted the planning office.. will install it’ - and so on! Remarkable! The PCC have expressed their amazement at Geoffs multifarious activities for the Church. Geoff started life in Copford, attending NE Essex Technical College, later known as the Gilberd and now Colchester V1th Form College. Excelling at school and college he qualified as a structural Engineer picking up experience in Saudi Arabia and, amongst other things, being responsible for the Exeter section of the M5 motorway drainage. During his time in Saudi Arabia it was too hot to work during the afternoons so they used to play football instead. The British Embassy was always desperate for players and it wasn’t long before Geoff was invited to play for them. The Reverend John Pantry For years, alongside his day job as the Presenter of Inspirational Breakfast and Head of Music at Premier Christian Radio, John has been giving his time to support parish life. As a result, he is taking a sabbatical from the 9.30am service until 1st May. ! 1! As a small child Geoff ‘s ambition was to be in the Church choir but when it was pointed out to him that singing wasn’t his gift, his uncle, who was churchwarden, appointed him as sidesman – probably the youngest ever! Geoff has always attended church, as being a Christian is for him a question of faith and a way of life. He finds the more traditional 8am service meaningful and with his wife Carolyn takes his turn as Service Warden. Carolyn, busy in her own right, helps the Messy Church team. Always very sporty and despite double hip replacements, Geoff continues to run and go on long cycle rides. He declares he is extremely competitive and if he sees another cyclist in front of him has to speed up and overtake! Favorite hymn: Stand up, Stand up for Jesus…. NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ! ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 PCC#Jottings! ! The PCC met in the church hall on Monday the 12th January 2015 at 7.30pm, with the Rector in the Chair. unanimously approved. After the usual preliminary formalities and the signing off of the minutes of the previous meeting the main items on the agenda were then taken. Fabric Committee. The report of the Fabric Committee was discussed. This included the plans for access to the Bell Chamber and Tower, work on the west end gable, and the construction of a New Orleans gate, for which a listed buildings consent faculty has now been granted. A plan to place a gate to prevent access to the back of the church at night was approved, as there has been some recent vandalism in this area at week ends. The council is due to carry out a tree survey in the churchyard. Work is ongoing on the external electrics and the possibility of replacing internal lights with dimmable LED lights will be explored. Sources of funding are being sought for church decoration. A CD player is available which can be plugged into the present PA system for use at funerals etc. The announcement that Alan Brook has kindly offered to be ‘Hall Manager’ was greeted with thanks and relief! A letter from a member of the congregation questioned the appropriateness of the service of ‘Nine Lessons and Carols’ as it was conducted on the Sunday evening before Christmas. The main criticisms being that the involvement of a robed choir, and the use of the Authorized Version for the readings telling the Christmas story, is out of date for a parish church and is perhaps more appropriately confined to Anglican ‘Cathedral’ services. The PCC unanimously expressed their approval of ‘Nine Lessons’ as it was conducted, making the point that the ‘format’ has become a treasured expectation at Christmas. It was pointed out that for most contemporary Anglican Christians the use of the Authorized Version has become a valued and powerful declaration of the Christmas story, which would be lost in inevitably ‘transient’ and unremembered modern translations. Correspondence. The rector has received a letter regarding a proposal from the ‘Friends’ for ceramic poppies to be placed in the Churchyard, in cooperation with the British Legion, with a roll-call in church, on Remembrance Day. This was ! Alan Brook, who has offered to become Hall Manager. 2! Finance. The treasurer presented the accounts for 2014 and projections for 2015. It costs in the region of £100,000 pa to run the mission of St Peter and St Paul’s and without a generous legacy in 2014 there would have been a deficit for 2014 in the region of £10,000. This would mean, according to the 2015 projection of the general fund, an expected deficit of approximately £20,000. The deficits were attributable, not so much to a lack of giving in the congregation, but to falling numbers, and some withdrawals and reductions from a few major contributors. Led by the Rector various strategies were discussed to respond to this situation and he will present his thoughts at the annual church meeting in the spring. In the meantime, the treasurer will carefully monitor the financial situation. Sparrows Church Hall There was a detailed discussion on the relationship of ‘Sparrows’ with the church, especially relating to the use of the Church hall and facilities. The Rector, the Families Worker and the Treasurer will arrange to meet with the ‘Sparrows’ team to explore the relationship with the church with the hope that this can be placed on a more definite and mutually beneficial footing. Future meetings of the PCC. Meetings are planned for 2015 on March 11th, June 8th, September 14 th, November 9th and on January 11th 2016. NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 ! Fabric! Carl Powling, the Church Electrician, getting to grips with the path lights which keep failing. 2015 Lent Groups Lent lunches 2015 This year there will be 4 groups as follows:- A series of Lunches will be provided by various groups within our Church. The idea is to have a modest lunch as part of Lenten 'Giving - Up' and to give a donation towards the work of Christian Aid. Mondays 3.30pm Mondays 7.30pm Wednesdays 2.30pm Wednesdays 7.30pm Mersea Court 69 St. Peters Road 10 Elmwood Drive 77 St. Peters Road Signing-up sheets will be in church from Sunday 1st February for two weeks only. Full details will be given on the sheets. The Dates run from Feb 28th - Mar 28th inclusive from 12 1.30pm in the Church Hall. Numbers supporting this venture have decreased in recent years, so please come along and support us! Do please have a look; and do sign up!!! I am hoping this is my last year organizing this and if the reader feels 'called' to take over from me I'll be pleased to fill in the details! Lesley Talbot 382807 Sue Hammond 383383 Correction We are being watched! One of the new members of the Brass Cleaning Team, mentioned in the last issue, is Anne Frith. The Editors regret printing the wrong name under her picture. ! Did you know the Church Tower can be seen from Abberton Nature Reserve and that the staff check up on us by noticing whether of not we are flying the flag! ! 3! NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 ! Pat$Kirby! a"familiar"(igure! Pat is one of our best known and most loved parishioners and has been a member of St Peter and St Paul’s since the early 1970’s, forty four or more years! She is part of most things that go on. When asked what she has most enjoyed over the years she found it difficult to choose as there were so many overlaps. The lively Pathfinder Group certainly got a special mention. She also singled out the many memorable Roger Jones Musicals which sprang from the young people’s groups but also involved most of the church families and friends and of course the church choir. As a child Pat went with her family to a Baptist Church about 3 miles from her home where her father was a deacon. However she was keen to become a Guide and discovered that there was a group at the local Anglican Church, only about 10 minutes walk from her home in Chingford. There was the little matter of a waiting list Alpha but did not respond by going forward. It was not until college, when she became a member of the Christian Union, that the relevance of Christianity became real. She then decided she wanted to confirm her faith by having a full immersion baptism, much to the joy of her father. and the complication of needing to be baptised into the Church of England. Always determined, Pat was baptised at about the age of 11, at the local Anglican Church in Chingford. As time progressed she joined her peers at Church services and at Guides and so on to Confirmation. She attended confirmation classes but like her friends was always a little concerned that they might ‘go on’ too long and the chip shop would be closed before they could get there! When in the VIth form, Pat went to Billy Graham meetings. She listened It is hard to pigeonhole Pat, she is involved with us all whatever our age. Day in December when the topic was ‘The Holy Spirit’. Our guest speaker was Rev Andrew Fordyce. Thank you to all those who cooked for Alpha over the Autumn term. Thank you also to Emma Cornwell for hosting and Spencer Kelly for helping. The group met for the last time on Wednesday 21st January. We hope to run an Alpha course during the day, rather than evening, in 2015, so do get in touch with Kate or Jamie Nightingale, 382945, if you would be interested in coming or know someone you would like to invite. The highlight of the course was the Away ! Pat is quietly amused as she watches the years roll on and sees the cycle of events and the wheel being re-invented. She does not particularly like being the ‘older’ generation with few ‘older’ ones above. She enjoys seeing the children she taught becoming parents and then grandparents and she still organizes the decorating of the Christmas tree and the Garden Tomb with any children who want to join her. Belleplates, the Mersea Museum, the Church Choir and the music at the 9.30am service are only a few of her continuing interests. 4! NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 ! A message from the Beach Club Committee YES! Beach Club will be “On the Beach” again in 2015 Put the dates in your diaries NOW Boys and girls make sure it’s done! 10am every day from MONDAY July 27th until FRIDAY 31st July FUN, Fellowship, Songs, Crafts and Learning from the Bible Soft drinks/biscuits (Tea/coffee/biscuits for adults.) 12 – 2pm Lent Lunch (WM Church Hall) Diary 28th February March 7th 6th 2nd 10th 11th 13th 15th 18th 22nd ! Pat Kirby says thank you to Kate, Cindy and Terry who were helped by Tom, Sam, Annie-Rose and Scott, a new generation of Tree Decorators. 11am Funeral Eric Heathcote 8.15am CTIM Prayer breakfast St John’s Hall, Melrose Rd 9.30am-3.30pm ‘Gospel’ Church Study Day WM Church Hall 4pm Messy Church 11.30am Funeral of Aleasha Coen - WM 3pm Funeral Alan Balls No evening Service 9.30am Holy Communion @ East Mersea 10am No Service @ West Mersea 6.30pm Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday – WM No evening service 1st 7th 9th 10th 14th 15th 21st 22nd 28th 29th 8.40am Parish Breakfast 6.30pm Choral evensong 2pm Women’s World day of Prayer at the Free Church. 12-2pm Lent Lunch (WM Church Hall) 7.30pm PCC meeting 4pm Messy Church 12-2pm Lent Lunch (WM Church Hall) No Evening Service 12-2pm Lent Lunch (WM Church Hall) No Evening Service 12-2pm Lent Lunch WM Church Hall) No Evening Service April 2nd 6.30pm Holy Communion for Maundy 5! 3rd 4th 5th Thursday @ WM 9.30am Family Service 1.30pm Liturgy of Good Friday 12md Wedding of Emma Firth & David Nash No 8am service 11am Parish Communion 6.30pm Choral E’song From the Registry Funerals William Hook-child Iris Cash Gwendolin McEntee Alan Roberts Gwilym Williams Eric Heathcote Aleasha Coen 3/12/14 8/12/14 8/12/14 15/12/14 28/1/15 2/2/15 11/2/15 Baptisms Jennifer Simpson 25/1/15 NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 ! Friends of West Mersea Parish Church It will be All Right on the Night……. On Wednesday 17th December, while the Friends were setting up their December concert, the Chancel lights suddenly failed. Carl Powling, the electrician, was called and he discovered that the dimmer switches were at fault. Just in time he managed to fix up a ‘jury rig’ for the evening so that the choir, band and film crew had enough light to carry on with the concert as though nothing was amiss. There are now 215 members of the Friends. The committee has voted for some of the money they have raised to be put aside for the tower. Future Events 7 March Prom Ball at the MICA with such things as a Red carpet, Lights, Photo booth, and Prizes for costumes etc. More details later. Tables for up to 10 people. £25 for members, £27 for non-members. 17 April Choir and Eclipse trio concert. 23 May Sing the Messiah Witham Deanery Synod Taken from the agenda for the meeting on 10 February 2015: “……The Synod commends the conversations between Parishes. These recognize the future close association of the parishes of: Fingringhoe East Donyland (Rowhedge) Abberton w Langanhoe Peldon Gt and Lt Wigborough West Mersea East Mersea!! ! Whilst this does not represent an agreed complete Mission and Ministry Unit, it does represent agreed building blocks of ministry.” Vicious Winds have caused Unusual Wear to our Flag. John Talbot writes: “Furious, fierce and frantic winds forced flag to flap and fray on the facing edge. Fortunately free fixing was found and suitable strengthening sailcloth was sewn in to extend its serviceable life.” We are grateful to Nick & Jane Mussett, Sail and Spraycovers, at Waldegrave, for mending the flag free of charge. Thank you. Pat’s&I"Spy! Prayer Group A few ladies meet together once a week to pray for our Church and its work. If you would like to join them please contact Val Bocking, Tel: 386750. Men are of course very welcome too! ! 6! ! Last% issue’s& item& was& a& musically) designed) tie,) given&to&Peter&Dollimore&by& Christy( Pritchard,( our( American) *lautist) at) the) 9.30am' service,' on' the' occasion'of'her'wedding'to' Nick.! NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ! ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 Alan Roberts 1950 – 2014 Husband of Cathy and father of Angus and Abbi Many of you may remember Alan, a regular worshipper at both the 8 o'clock and the 9.30am services as well as a very willing partaker of the Parish Breakfasts. In fact he used to say it was the only time he was allowed a full English!!! He enjoyed the intellectual stimulation of the Learning Suppers and the camaraderie of Blokes and Bhajis. As a child in Glasgow he had been brought up within the Presbyterian Church, which probably explains his appreciation of the older style Liturgy of the 8 o'clock Communion and his love of the King James Bible, which became the joke of the House group. He would enjoy winding us all up by describing it as 'the real Bible' !! Alan’s love of history often benefitted the House group with the chronology of biblical and other events, and with the Church of England’s “Rules and Regulations”. On one occasion he took the group through the 39 Articles! Alan loved our church for many reasons but the most important was probably the fellowship he enjoyed and valued with so many close friends in services and house group. Once he was diagnosed with a brain tumour, that fellowship and those friends helped to nurture and strengthen his faith, a faith that supported him through the 18 months ! before he died. Alan was a keen and competitive sailor in his early years at Westcliff on Sea. When he and Cathy moved from Chichester to Mersea, in the 1980s, this love of sailing overspilled into family life. Alan and Cathy transported their children from a young age, weekends and holidays, the length and breadth of the country, encouraging and supporting them as they participated in numerous Open Meetings for both sailing and windsurfing. For many years as a Committee Member of the Dabchicks Sailing Club, Alan enthusiastically promoted sailing 7! within the community, guiding young people to find their potential as sailors. In the latter years he spent happy times with Fellowship Afloat, giving sailing tuition. Alan was a kind, genuine family man with a very dry sense of humour, although when he was joking, a twinkle could always be detected in his eye. He was a deep thinker who was blessed with the gift of listening and on serious issues always came back with constructive and helpful comments; a man of few words but what he did have to say was well worth listening to. NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ! ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 Readings and Rota to end November 2014 Readings)to)Passion)Sunday)2015! ! 1st!February! Candlemas! Malachi'3.1"5,#Psalm#24,#Hebrews#2.14"end,%Luke%2.22"40! 8am$HC$–!SS!!!!!9.30am!MP!–!SS!!!!!!!!!11am!HC!–!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!EP!"!SN 8th!February! 2<#Lent! Proverbs(8.1,22"31;$Psalm$104.26"end;%Colossians%1.15"20;$John$1.1"14! 8am$HC$–!SN!!!!!9.30am!MP!–!SN!!!!!!!11am!HC!–!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6,30pm!HC!"!JF 15th!February! Last%<%Lent! 2"Kings&2.1"12;$Psalm$50.1"6;#2#Corinthians#4.3"6;#Mark#9.2"9! 8am$HC$–!JP!!!!!9.30!MP!–!BS!!!!!!!!!!!!11am!HC!–!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!No!service! 18th!February! Isaiah&58.1"12;$2$Corinthians$5.20b"6.10;&Matthew&6.1"6,#16"21! Ash$Wednesday! 9.30am'at'East'Mersea&HC&"!!JF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!HC!"!SN! 22nd!February! Lent%1! Genesis&9.8"17;$Psalm$25.1"9,#1#Peter#3.18"end;%Mark%1.9"15! 8am$HC$–!BL!!!!!9.30am!MP!"!SN!!!!!!!!!11am!HC!–!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30!pm!No!service 1st!March! Lent%2! Genesis&17.1"7,#15"16;$Psalm$22.23"end;%Romans%4.13"end;%Mark%8.31"end! 8am$HC$–!SS!!!!!9.30am!MP!–!SS!!!!!!11am!HC!–!KL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!EP!"!SN 8th!March! Lent%3! Exodus'20.1"17;$Psalm$19;$1$Corinthians$1.18"25;$John$2.13"22! 8am$HC$–!SN!!!!!9.30am!MP!–!SN!!!!!11am!HC!–!!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!HC!"!JF!!!!! 15th!March! Mothering* Sunday! Exodus'2.1"10;$Psalm$127.1"4;#Colossians#3.12"17;$John$19.25b"27! 8am$HC$–!JP!!!!!9.30am!MP!–!SN!!!!!11am!HC!–!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!No!service 22nd!March! Jeremiah(31.31"34;$Psalm$51.1"13;$Hebrews$5.5"10;$John$12.20"33! Passion'Sunday! 8am$HC$–!BL!!!!9.30am!MP!"!SS!!!!!!!11am!HC!–!BL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!No!service! 29th!March! Palm%Sunday! ! 8am!HC#–!SN!!!!9.30am!MP!–!SN!!!!!11am!HC!–!SN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6.30pm!No!Service! Although this information is correct at the time of publication, please note it could change. HC – Holy Communion MP – Morning Prayer EP - Evening Prayer LS – Learning Supper SN – Rev Sam Norton JP – Rev John Pantry BL – Rev Bernard Lloyd BS – Rev Brian Snelling MC – Rev Martin Clark Regular Services Coffee Sundays Wednesdays Coffee is served after the 9.30 and 11am services. 10am Holy Communion 8.00am 9.30am Holy Communion 1662 BCP, said Morning Praise Subject to Change 11.00am Holy Communion, sung 6.30pm Evening Service which changes each week in the month 1st Sunday Choral Evensong BCP with Choir 2nd Sunday Holy Communion 3rd Sunday Evening Prayer with hymns 4th Sunday Learning Supper (or no service) (East Mersea Communion Service) 5th Sunday Various ! KL – Rev Keith Lovell SS – Rev Scott Sanderson JF – Rev John Fieldgate JIF – Mrs Jill Fieldgate APO – Anne & Peter Owen Monday to Saturday 9.00am Morning Prayer Weekdays 5.30pm Evening Prayer Bank Holidays There are no services on secular Bank Holidays Parish Breakfast 8.45am First Sunday in every month 8! NEWS FROM MERSEACOFE ! Directory: ISSUE 8 | DECEMBER 2014 St Peter & St Paul’s Church, High St, West Mersea, CO5 8QD,, 01206 383222 Clergy Rector Rev Sam Norton Assistant Priest Rev John Pantry Sacristan Angelina Nash c/o Parish Administrator 385635 386910 Readers and Retired Clergy Rev Martin Clarke 383952 Rev John Fieldgate 386851 Mrs Jill Fieldgate 386851 Rev Bernard Lloyd 383892 Rev Keith Lovell 386626 Anne and Peter Owen 383843 Rev Scott Sanderson 385571 Rev Brian Snelling 383717 Church Officers Church Wardens Barbara Peter 383948 Valerie Bocking 386750 Families Worker Heather King 07711 409322 Organist Peter Dollimore 07544 519890 Parish Administrator and Secretary to the PCC Carol Binmore Office Hours 9.30am to 1.30pm Mon, Tues & Fri 01206 383222 Parish Evangelist Stephen Rice Pastoral Assistant Terry Walker 385586 383640 Treasurer Roland Gardner Verger Roy Nash 383222 617306 Gift Aid Alan Hammond 383383 Hall Bookings Parish Administrator 383222 382533 Health and Safety Geoff Sexton 384153 386080 House Groups Val Bocking 386750 384220 Useful Contacts Belleplates Group Pat Kirby Brass Rota Heather Leigh Child Protection Barbara Peter 383948 Children’s Society Georgie Hewes Friends West Mersea Parish Church Gill Laver 07927 606579 383300 Junior Church Heather King 07711 40932 Leprosy Mission Annette Sapsford 383665 Church Legacy Policy The Rector or The Treasurer Info at Lay Weeders Alan Hammond Church Missionary Society Maura Broad 383028 Mersea Island Choir John Davies 382757 Cleaning Rota Sue Hammond Messy Church 2nd Tuesday of every month 4-6pm Sue Hammond 383383 Clock & Bells John Talbot & Heather King 383383 382807 Churches Together In Mersea Lesley Talbot 382807 Deanery Hilary Gay 383648 Pat Moore 385361 383383 Mission to Seafarers John Talbot 382807 Mothers Union Bridget Smith 383166 Social (Catering) Cathy Roberts 385091 Fabric Barbara Peter 383948 Sunbeams Mother & Toddlers Monday 1-3pm in term time Keary Hill 07896874519 Flowers Rosemarie Gardener Vulnerable Adults Terry Walker 617306 383640 Newsletter link:!!Editors: Lizzie Dumas and Hilary Gay Please email us at with items for the Newsletter or to add or remove your name from the mailing list.! ! 9!