The Crusader - First Christian Church


The Crusader - First Christian Church
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THE CRUSADER (USPS139220) published weekly except the week after/of Christmas by First Christian Church,
301 N. Broad St., Galesburg, IL 61401-3696. POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to The Crusader at above address.
Periodical Postage paid at Galesburg, IL 61401.
March 16, 2014
Tuesday, March 11
6am Men’s Breakfast @ Spudo’s
6:30pm Boys “Weekend” in the parlor
6pm Council of Ministries Mtg.
7pm Ministry Teams Mtg.
Wednesday, March 12
9:30am Women’s Lenten Series
5:30pm Youth Group
7:30pm Choir
Thursday, March 13
9am Staff Mtg.
10:30am DWF Council Mtg.
6:45pm Meet @ movies night, “Son of God”
at Showplace 8 theatre
Sunday, March 16
8:30am Worship
9:30am Coffee time in small hall
10am Sunday School/Parenting Class
11am Worship
12noon Potato Bar in Large Hall
3:30pm Pastors Class
Monday, March 17
2:30pm Jazz rehearsal in sanctuary
Tuesday, March 18
6am Men’s Breakfast @ Spudo’s
9:30am Bible Study
6:30pm Trustees Mtg.
6:30pm Boys “Weekend” Mtg.
7pm “Weekend” Cluster Mtg.
8:30a.m. Worship – Team 3
Prepare Communion, Greet at Broad
St. and Serve Out if Needed: Jan Currie
& Michele Kelley
Greet at North Street, Prayer Cards
and Offering, Serve Communion: Janet
Foster & Linda Mowrer
Prayer: Steve Spicher
Communion: Pastor Greg
Offering: Misty Stecher
Phone: Larry Thurman
Acolyte: Kannon Kleine
Transportation: Bob Hook
11:00 a.m. Worship – Team 6
Clean up Communion, Greet at Broad
St., Serve Out if Needed, Serve
Communion, *Acolyte: *Randy &
Wendy Schauer
Greet at North St., Prayer Cards,
Offering, Serve Communion:
MaryAnne McCarthy & Nancy Simkins
Elder Serving In: Jan Luallen
Elder Serving Out: Chris Mowrer, Steve
Spicher, Ellen Anderson, Russ Nelson,
Hope Nelson, Donna Flicek
March Coffee Time Hosts:
Coffee House Theology
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
301 N Broad St.
Galesburg, IL 61401 Phone: 343-9960
For Church News call 345-4020
Church e-mail address:
Web Page –
Church Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Organist – Amber Clark
Director of Music – Steve Jackson
Bookkeeper – Lynda White
Secretary – Terri Oehlert
Co-Pastors: Gregory S. and Martha-Jean Fitch &
Vol. 67, No. 11, March 12, 2014
Thursday, March 13 at 6:45pm
AMC Showplace 8 theatre in Galesburg
Featured film - “Son of God”
Meet up with your FCC friends for
movie night. It’s another great way to focus
on Christ during the Lenten season.
April 12th from 9:30am-3pm
Chiara Center in Springfield, IL
“Jesus Calls, R U Listening”
Cost is $35 and registration deadline is April 1.
A separate form for each individual attending is required.
Forms are available in the church office.
Keynote speaker is Sheila Spencer, Assistant to the
President and Director of Christian Education and faith
Formation with Disciples Home Mission.
March 16
BUDGET FOR JULY 1, 2013 – JUNE 2014
8:30am Worship: Quest Band performs
10am: Sunday School
11am Worship: Choir sings “Bless the Lord, O My
Soul” by Ippolitif-Ivanov
Sermon: Message by MJ, “My Life Has a Purpose”
Scripture: Mark 10:35-45
Anticipated Bills $5,770.54
Actual Giving
$ 11.64
Needed each week to meet budget: $5,181.75
Year-to-Date Giving: $167,749.19
Need Year-to-Date to meet Budget: $191,723.75
… All in the Armed Services.
… For New City Church in Mbandaka, Congo.
… Ray Tapper is in Cottage hospital recovering from
surgery for a broken hip.
… Trudy Johnson, who is now at Bounceback.
… Prayers for continued healing/improvement for Pastor MJ, and Pastor Greg’s Mom.
… Jerry & Linda Bramlett and family on the recent loss of Jerry’s father, Cecil.
… Health concerns for Keith Munstedt.
… Aleta Anderson, continued strength as she copes with cancer/surgeries.
… Willa Jewsbury who is currently at St. Mary’s.
… Comfort & strength for friends in Missouri who had a major house fire last week.
The CCIW Prayer Calendar this week is as follows: March 9-15: Living Stone
CC Evanston, Old State Rd CC Charleston, FCC Watseka.
The Global Ministries prayer request for this week: Judy Chan, Hong Kong,
Mission Personnel.
March 11
March 18
6pm Council of Ministries, Ministry Teams
6:30pm Trustees Mtg.
All youth groups, Preschool – High School,
meet on Wednesday evenings, March 12, 19 and 26
from 5:30-7pm here at FCC. Invite your friends!
Sunday, March 16th
at 12noon in Large Hall.
Remember to pick up your take-out orders!
Friday, April 4th from 5-7pm
“Springing” into a New You!
This free event is the perfect way to spring into the
weekend. Bring your girlfriends to enjoy some time
browsing/shopping popular home vendors, having a health
wellness check, or trying free exercise clinics and much
more! Wear your casual & comfy clothes – you just might
want to Zumba!
Our Mission Statement: Growing Passionate Disciples of Christ.
March 21 & 22 at Bethel Baptist Church
Guest Speaker – Gloria Gaither
Praise & Worship Leader – Allison Speer
“Thank you to everyone who expressed 90th birthday
good wishes by cards or by calls. Your thoughtfulness is truly
appreciated. I shall always consider First Christian as my
favorite place to worship.” – Mary Bangert
Dr. Gene Johnson. Gene is an all around great
humanitarian in so many ways. He also has been coming in to
the church office every week for the last bazillion years (maybe a
few less) to help copy, fold and assemble the weekly newsletter.
We are so grateful for his volunteer assistance!
We are so blessed to have had Rickie Jones and his
fiancé Sarah Thor transfer their membership to our
congregation this past Sunday.
Be sure to say “welcome” the next time you see them in
Women’s Community Lenten Worship Services
Wednesday Mornings at 9:30am during Lent
March 12th Topic – “What Matters Most?”
Speaker, Peg Gasow of Covenant Church
Sponsored by Church Women United
What if what happened then changes everything now?
Beginning March 18 at 9:30am and March 19 at 5:30pm,
a new Bible Study entitled “The Easter Experience” will be held for
six sessions. This dramatic DVD driven study will include the teaching of Kyle
Idleman and great small group discussion. “The Easter Experience” is a journey that will
deepen your relationship with Jesus while strengthening your relationships with members
of the small group. Don’t forget to invite a friend who may not know Christ to come
with you to the study as they can come to know through this study that Easter changes
everything! There will be no study books purchased for this study. Just bring your Bible
and your readiness to grow in your faith during Lent.
BREAKFASTSWednesdays, March 19
through April 9th
7 – 7:40am at First Presbyterian Church
Reservations needed by noon on the Monday
before the breakfast.
Call 342-1200 to make your reservations!
Starting this Saturday, March 16th from 7:30am to
8:30am (yes, that is a.m.) in Large Hall, join me for ways to
support each other in a lifestyle of a healthier life. We will have
a short devotion and a scale will be available to weigh in.
Things that we can do: Zumba or any other DVD programs for
exercise that anyone else has; take a walk if the Spring ever gets here, recipe exchange,
maybe a cook for a week and freeze (wouldn’t that be fun) and most importantly
supporting and celebrating together as we put God #1. This is just an idea in my head
that I would like help developing together. If you are doing the Daniel Challenge,
Weight Watchers or just wanting some inspiration to other women to make health (and
weight loss) a priority. Invite your buddy and join us!
If you’re a cowhand 65 years or older, you are invited to join
us around the campfire in a western hoedown at our Golden Age
Banquet on Saturday, April 5th at 5:30pm in Large Fellowship
Hall. Shine your spurs, spiff up your cowboy hat and boots and make
your reservations now! Inserts are in Sunday bulletins, or you can just phone the church
office at 343-9960 and let us know you plan to come.
Friday, April 11th from 7am – 7pm
In the Friendship Class Room
for Galesburg Rescue Mission & Women’s Shelter
Prayer, finances, dish soap, laundry soap, aluminum foil, BBQ sauce,
garbage bags (30 gallon and 15 gallon size).
PASSION PLAY - Saturday, March 29th
From 2-5:30pm at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts 600 N East St., Bloomington IL
The Original American Passion Play, Celebrating their 91st Season
The Easter pilgrimage tradition that brings Christ’s life closer
to yours. Tickets for the play only are $20 per person. You can also reserve for lunch at
an additional cost of $15 per person. The meal is served from 12noon – 1:15pm.
Read what Roy & Mary Ewalt had to say about it: “The Bible comes to life in
the American Passion Play. When I first entered the theatre I was overwhelmed with the
size of the backdrops, scenery, and realism of Jesus’ day. The skill of the characters and
professionalism is remarkable. Since this year is the 91st. year of production it is easy to
understand the dedication and love of Jesus manifest before your eyes in the play. The
Passion Play is so much of the life of Christ in addition to the crucifixion, burial, and
resurrection. We have enjoyed it and hope you will too. The play is described as, “His
life changed our world. The experience could change YOURS.”
Sunday, March 30th, Knox County Right to Life will
sponsor their annual Pancake/Whole Hog Sausage Breakfast and
Bake Sale. This event is hosted by the Knights of Columbus
and will be held at their hall at 1556 E. Fremont Street in
Galesburg. Serving time is from 8:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The
cost is $5 for adults, $2 for 12 & under, with a $15 family
maximum. In addition to pancakes and whole hog sausage, the
menu features applesauce and beverages. Please attend. Enjoy
the breakfast and support pro-life work in our area. Thank you.
April 17th at 7pm – Worship & Communion
April 18th at 7pm – Worship
Recently a church member came up to me and
mentioned that there were some people in our congregation
who didn’t know much about the Great Banquet that Pastor
Martha-Jean and I promote and participate in as Spiritual
Directors. We’ve also had many of our church members go
through this blessed weekend, and several of them have also
served on teams, reaching out to others who come to be
blessed by this 72 hours of Christian discipleship.
Further questions were raised about what role this ministry fulfills in helping First
Christian Church of Galesburg grow passionate disciples of Christ, and is it worth the
time for those involved. Let me share with you a few things from a website that gives a
good summary of the Great Banquet. (
The focus of the Great Banquet is to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and to make
Him known. The objective of the Great Banquet is to continue the 3-day weekend
by serving Christ in local churches, homes and work places. To live a life of grace
and to respond to higher levels of Christian discipleship becomes the purpose of the
Great Banquet.
One of the most important parts of the Great Banquet is the follow-up. Although
the weekend lasts only three days, guests are invited to use its lessons for the rest of
their lives. After attending the Great Banquet, they are challenged to:
• Strengthen their own spiritual life through study and active congregational
• Strive to become active disciples of Jesus Christ in the world through their
This weekend experience is for anyone who:
• Wishes to strengthen their own spiritual life;
• Wants to have a better understanding of prayer, the sacraments, study and
Christian action;
• Strives to live a Christian life that bears fruit for God;
• Seeks to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and to make Him known.
Sounds like just the thing our, and every, church needs! And it fits beautifully and
faithfully with our own mission as a church to grow passionate disciples of Christ. I hope
and pray each and every one of you will participate in the fall of 2014 and help us to
grow deeper and wider in service to God and Jesus Christ.
Pastor Greg