The Seeker - Our Saviour Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Seeker - Our Saviour Evangelical Lutheran Church
Our Saviour Evangelical Lutheran Church 56 Cleveland Drive Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520 (914) 271-4632 The Seeker NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2010 Pastor Anthony Stephens, Ph.D. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Sunday Worship Schedule Sunday School: 9:30 am Confirmation Class: 9:15 am Adult Bible Study: 9:15 am Worship: 10:30 am Coffee Hour: 12:00 noon Weekday Office Schedule Office hours: 9:00 am - 12:00 Office Phone: (914) 271-4632 Office E-mail: Website: -Matthew 7:7 Weekday Activities Sewing Guild: Wednesday @ 10:00 am Adult Bible Study: Thursday @ 9:30 am Choir Practice: Thursday @ 7:45 pm Our Saviour Lutheran Church 56 Cleveland Drive, Croton-On-Hudson, New York NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2010 The Seeker Bi-Monthly Newsletter for Friends & Family of Our Saviour Lutheran Church 75—Now What? - Pastor Anthony Stephens As you know, distance running has become something of a metaphor for my life. The early miles feel uncoordinated and often painful, but I set myself some landmark to celebrate and then really try to give it all after that. In the New York Marathon in 2008, I got off to a fairly good start; as much as one can when shoulder to shoulder with 30000 others and I found good company to stimulate me all the way to the half way mark; 13.1 miles. I felt things had gone well that far, and unusually, I took a bathroom break (not like Paula Radcliffe), had some power gel, and hydrated and then got going again. A marathon is 26.2 miles, and the en route celebrations (10km, 15km, 20km, 13.1 mi or some other psychological mile point) merely serve to empower getting to the 26.2 mile finish line. Midpoint celebrations are nonetheless energizing. The race for Our Saviour is not a 75 year race. It is a race until either a) we personally join the Church Triumphant, or b) the Lord comes again. There is no doubt that in 75 years there have been numerous exemplars of illustrious service who have run their way right to the Gates of Heaven. There is no doubt that there are currently servants whose ears are pinned back and they are not going to stop for anything. But there are also those who amble off the course – running the race in different company is fine; quitting altogether; a disaster. Now is the time that we should and must ask what of the rest of the race that is set before us. A Yorkshire roommate of mine at college use to say, “Get it done!” [or “Get it bought!” when it was my round]. In the same way, we have enjoyed a delightful celebration, but of the race that continues before us, energized by our celebrations, we say get it raced! PRESIDENT’S LETTER Frank Orts, Council President How time flies I have to say this has been a real honor and pleasure to have served on the council as president this year and those before as a member on the council. It certainly feels to me that the older I get the faster time flies. We really do have a great SPIRIT here at Our Saviour with all the members that are always willing to step up to take on the tasks at hand. That’s what makes our church a great place to come and share the worship service and fellowship that follows. We may not be as big as some other churches, but we are mighty in our ability to set goals and ultimately meet them. Let’s keep that going and come up with new and improved ideas on how to reach those out there that have yet to find us. We all have the ability to make a difference, for some of us it may be by only making monetary contributions to our church. For others it may be in the stewardship we offer by doing the many projects and services needed to run our church. For others yet it is simply both. For that I say THANK YOU to you all. Wherever we are in our giving it is all appreciated and always welcomed. Don’t be afraid to step up and offer yourself in any way you can in order to advance the experience that you have and the rest of us have at Our Saviour. For me, there is a great feeling of peace in giving without expecting something in return. What can you give? Believe it or not our Christmas Fair is four weeks away! The date is Saturday December 4th from 10am to 4pm. We will have our SERV table with wonderful items for that special gift you’re looking for. Baskets with SERV goodies already made up will be available for purchase. There will be a table of hand knitted items like sweaters, scarves, throws, etc. We will have small poinsettia plants, assorted gift items and a wonderful Christmas tree for our raffle, all generously donated by Rubrum’s Florist. Marcie our Youth Leader will have something for the kids. Bakers get ready to whip up something for the “Coffee Café” area. You will be getting a call or email reminder. Joe Esteves will be doing a double batch of that great chili we enjoyed last year. Please let Nancy Riekert know if you have hand made or crafts items that you made during the year and we will set them up on a special boutique table. Let’s not forget our White Elephant section which always does well. It’s time to check your “stuff”. Good clean useable items are needed however, no clothing. Please put the items in the small office opposite Pastors office and mark it “white elephant”. There will be a Christmas musical sing along led by Peter Ling. We need people to man the tables and collect money. Let Nancy know if you can help in the morning or afternoon. We will also need people to help set up on Friday Dec 3rd. Most of all, our Fair is about getting together, celebrating the start of the Christmas season and shining our light in the community. The proceeds from the Fair will go into a building repair fund. We need to replace the Link doors, make the bathroom next to Pastors office handicap accessible and in the near future we will have to address the roof of the Parish hall. The money from the Fair will jump start these plans. OUR SAVIOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS—2010 Frank Orts, President Bryan Montgomery, Vice President Anita Baumann, Secretary Ex Officio: Janet Behning, Treasurer Chuck Cooper Laura Keil Barbara Henninger Peter Ling Kunmi Johnson Susan Papertsian Barbara Henninger, Financial Secretary 2 CHRISTMAS WORSHIP SERVICES We will be celebrating the Birth of our Lord on Christmas Eve with a service of Lessons and Carols at 7:30 pm and a Chorale Mass with Eucharist at 9:30 pm. Christmas celebration will continue with a service of Holy Communion at 10:30 am on Christmas morning. Keep the true meaning of Christmas alive & in your heart by worshipping with us this year. There are many opportunities for Worship Assistants, Lectors, Communion Assistants and other Worship Servants at this time. Look for the sign-up sheet on the Link Table during Advent. Our Saviour Fall Retreat 2010 LAST CALL!! Our retreat at Koinonia is Friday, November 12 – 14. Included is three meals on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, and one snack each day. Always a good time, Koinonia is in Highland Lake, NY, an easy and scenic two hour (or less) drive from Croton-onHudson. Usually we have a program and/or service project, hayride, hiking, plenty of free time, etc. You can also visit Koinonia’s web site for more information: We look forward to seeing you all! Please contact Eric Golberg if you have any questions. POINSETTIAS Every Christmas Eve poinsettia plants magically appear and brighten our sanctuary. Please consider sponsoring one of these red or white leaved beauties. Cost per plant is $20. Plants may be donated in memory or in honor of someone special. Send orders with payment to the church office or place in the offering plate on Sunday. Order forms can be found at the bottom of this page and the church office. 3 It’s Not Too Late If you have not yet returned a pledge card and time and talent sheet, your response will make a significant difference. Consider This… Providing an offering card with our intentions is one of the easiest and most helpful things we can do for the church. We may hesitate because we do not want to go back on our word. After all, what if something happens? Yet, this is true of any intention, even saying to a friend, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” We seldom add, “unless something happens.” It doesn’t need to be said, it’s understood. Regardless of what your offering may be, your intention is appreciated in planning the work of our congregation. If you have returned your pledge card, we thank you. The Stewardship Committee Property - Frya Barnes A great big 'Thank You' to Peter Schuyler for the fabulous work he did on the yard in back of the Parsonage. It involved cutting up a big branch that had fallen off a Locust tree and weed-whacking the tall growth on the entire hill. I am still looking for someone to do some serious trimming on the dogwood tree in front of the Church. It still has some broken branches and dead limbs. WHITE GIFTS -Frya Barnes When I first joined Our Saviour 46 years ago we had a wonderful practice at Christmas when the children brought 'White Gifts' (specific items of infant clothing wrapped in white tissue paper) that were placed under the Christmas tree in church. When the tree was taken down in early January the gifts were gathered together and assembled into layettes that were requested by Lutheran World Relief for distribution to places around the world where these things were and are desperately needed. I would love to see Our Saviour continue with this. I remember my boys each bringing such a gift to church every Christmas way into adulthood. I think it is a good way to have children focus on the needs of other children, in this case infants, at a time when we focus on the birth of the baby Jesus. Following is a list of items called for in one layette: (Target and Toys R Us carry these items) 4 Cloth Diapers, not prefolded 2 Receiving Blankets 2 Onesies 2 Wash Cloths 1 Gown 1 large Bar of Mild Soap 1 Sleeper 1 Sweater I would recommend that the gown, the sleeper, and the onesies not be smaller than 9 months in size. Most of the items mentioned will be available for purchase at our Christmas Fair on December 4th. 10 INTERFAITH OPPORTUNITIES -Amy Gardiner 432-3134 Considering the ongoing debate surrounding the Islamic Center due to be built in downtown Manhattan, I believe an opportunity for education and understanding of Islam is needed. One can either shake an angry fist in the air or expand their knowledge to arrive at a conclusion in a more peaceful manner. As someone who has always had an avid interest in the Abrahamic faiths; Judaism, Christianity and Islam, I am always saddened by how little people I encounter really know about who holds these three faiths together as a family. This would be God! I have been told by some Christians that the Muslims, “don’t worship MY God!”. Yet for the three Abrahamic faiths, yes, God is God; God the Father, The Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all that is seen and unseen. May I suggest for anyone harboring any ill feelings towards Islam or just an honest curiosity about the religion to visit the Islamic Cultural Center of New York at 1711 Third Avenue at 96th Street. The visitor center is open every day except Friday and it is free. Group tours may be arranged. On Fridays the mosque is open for anyone who would want to observe the Friday congregational prayer and listen to the sermon by the imam. It is a lovely place with some interesting history. I would be happy to accompany anyone who may like to set the center on their next itinerary for a visit in the city. EXHIBIT AT THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY “Three Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, Islam” is currently on view at the NY Public Library. It focuses on religious texts and illuminated manuscripts stretching from a bible found in a monestary in coastal Brittany that was sacked by the Vikings in the year 917 to a 1904 lithograph showing the original Temple Emanu-El on 5th Avenue in Manhattan. This exhibit highlights the characteristics that the Abrahamic religions share. Each believes that God has made himself known to his prophets through acts of revelation, and such revelations shape groups of believers by being incorporated in canonical written texts: the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Gospels, the Islamic Qu’ran. The exhibit runs through February 27th, 2011. Check for hours. Croton Community SAVE THE DAY! (well actually only an hour between 9am & 3pm) Sunday, December 5 The Croton Community Blood Drive will be held at Croton Harmon High School. If you CAN give blood, please DO give blood that day. Most healthy people can safely donate whole blood every 56 days. Your single donation of whole blood can be separated into red cells, platelets and plasma to help several different people. Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with written permission from their parent or legal guardian) and weigh 110 pounds and be in good health. Please see or call Karen Kuchnicki at 914-374-3669. REMINDER FROM THE SEXTON -Amy Gardiner 432-3134 Groups using the parish hall are responsible for its cleanliness after their event is finished, this includes AA, NA, girl scouts, private renters and HELLO!!! Our Saviour groups!!!! Please remember to wipe tables and chairs, sweep the floors and clean up any spills. There are blue recycle bins available for receiving any recyclable materials from paper to plastic (#1 and #2), and garbage cans for garbage. These days please remember to turn the thermostat down below 60 when leaving the room and always make sure all lights are out, including link, stairs and downstairs. Also, food and drink consumption is limited to the parish hall, no food in the Link please. The tables and chairs in the hall present a comfortable way to sit and eat in a civilized manner. It is very important to securely close and lock the green garbage pails outside after depositing trash. If they are not locked tight the night critters break in and make quite a mess! Also please refrain from putting yard waste in the garbage pails. There are old pails up under the walkway for yard waste. God bless you all for your efforts. Thanks for all your help at keeping the church buildings presentable for whoever may come by after you. 7 Our Saviour Lutheran Church Cluster Discussions -Kunmi Johnson Thank you to all who participated in the series of OSLC cluster discussions over the last 3 months. My special thanks go to all our great hosts, Jennifer Stieglitz, Eric Golberg, John & Laura Kiel, Eleanor Soderlund, Lance & Julie Kelly, Lori Esteves, and Lee & Angie Nuwesra. They graciously shared their homes and hospitality with us. In all, Forty-five parishioners participated in the seven scheduled discussion sessions. Each session was full of lively, open and in-depth/insightful discussions. So we do have some rich material to work with to create a mission statement and guide Our Saviour for the next 75 years. In the coming weeks, we will be analyzing and summarizing the information gathered from these discussions and expect to discuss our results at our retreat at Koinonia, November 13-14, 2010. For those who will not be making it to Koinonia, we will hold another gathering in the church for presentation at a later date. If you did not have a chance to participate in any of these meetings, you can still complete the questionnaire and email it to me ( or drop it at church. Also, if you are interested in discussing, I will be happy to set up a convienent time for a telephone call or to meet in person. Please let us continue to pray for God's guidance as we discuss and plan the future direction of our church. FINANCE COMMITTEE NEWS - John Magerlein The Finance Committee met this week to review our financial status after the first quarter of the fiscal year. Despite careful expense management, which has kept our expenses below the level of last year, we face a deficit of about $6900 for the period from July-September. This is due to reduced level of giving compared to the same period last year. While giving is often weak during the summer, the deficit at this time last year was only $3800. Such a deficit is a serious concern due to our very limited savings. We ask you to bring their contributions up to date and to consider an additional offering before the end of the year as you are able. Also please consider increasing your pledge for 2011 during the current stewardship campaign in order that our ministry may continue strong. 4 10 NOVEMBER SUNDAY SERVANTS DECEMBER SUNDAY SERVANTS November 7 Greeters&Ushers: Alexandra Stephens & Abbie Voss Worship Assistant: Lance Kelly Lector: Anita Baumann Altar Guild: Karen Magerlein Communion Assistant: LeeAnn McCarthy Acolyte: Lily Evans Hospitality: John / Laura Keil & MaryBeth Soucy December 5 Greeters&Ushers: Nancy Riekert & Lily Evans Worship Assistant: Lance Kelly Lector: Amy Gardiner Altar Guild: Nancy Riekert Communion Assistant: Sandy Kelly Acolyte: Rosie Evans Hospitality: Lance/Julie Kelly & Abbie Voss December 12 Greeters&Ushers: Jillian McCarthy & Rosie Evans Worship Assistant: LeeAnn McCarthy Lector: Pam Schwartz Altar Guild: Nancy Riekert Communion Assistant: Eleanor Soderlund Acolyte: Gillian Stieglitz Hospitality: The Gabrielsens & The Nuwesras November 14 Greeter&Usher: Karolyn Kingman & Frya Barnes Worship Assistant: Greg Evans Lector: Lily Evans Altar Guild: Karolyn Kingman Communion Assistant: not needed Acolyte: Rosie Evans Hospitality: Arlita Hoyt & Nancy Riekert November 21 Greeters&Ushers: John & Tom Magerlein Worship Assistant: Lori Esteves Lector: Eleanor Soderlund Altar Guild: Karen Magerlein Communion Assistant: Evelyn Garrett Acolyte: Gillian Stieglitz Hospitality: Brigitte Anderson-Crumb & Sue Montgomery November 28 Greeters&Ushers: Anita & David Baumann Worship Assistant: LeeAnn McCarthy Lector: Matilda Weekes-Johnson Altar Guild: Karen Magerlein Communion Assistant: Frya Barnes Acolyte: Lily Evans Hospitality: Sue Montgomery LECTOR’S READINGS 11/7 Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18 Ephesians 1:11-23 11/14 Malachi 4:1-2a 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 11/21 Jeremiah 23:1-6 Colossians 1:11-20 11/28 Isaiah 2:1-5 Romans 13:11-14 12/5 Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-13 12/12 Isaiah 35:1-10 James 5:7-10 12/19 Isaiah 7:10-16 Romans 1:1-7 12/26 Isaiah 63:7-9 Hebrews 2:13-23 01/02 Jeremiah 31:7-14 Ephesians 1:3-14 December 19 Greeter&Usher: Dianne & Meagan Carroll Worship Assistant: Lori Esteves Lector: MaryBeth Soucy Altar Guild: Karen Magerlein Communion Assistant: Chuck Cooper Acolyte: Lily Evans Hospitality: Heather Cooper & LeeAnn McCarthy December 26 Greeters&Ushers: Chuck Cooper & Jeanne Spacek Worship Assistant: Greg Evans Lector: Frya Barnes Altar Guild: Sarah Doherty Communion Assistant: Alexandra Stephens Acolyte: Rosie Evans Hospitality: Frya Barnes & Abbie Voss January 2 Greeters&Ushers: Abbie Voss & Frya Barnes Worship Assistant: Lance Kelly Lector: Nancy Riekert Altar Guild: Karolyn Kingman Communion Assistant: Bob Riekert Acolyte: Gillian Stieglitz January 9 Greeters&Ushers: John & Tom Magerlein Worship Assistant: LeeAnn McCarthy Lector: Janet Behning Altar Guild: Nancy Riekert Communion Assistant: Ken Gabrielsen Acolyte: Lily Evans Christ the King Sunday First Advent (blue) Confirmation 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am 28 HB Tom Carroll (white) Confirmation 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am Consecration Sunday Annual Congregational Meeting 12:00 noon 21 HB Pam Schwartz Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am Retreat at Koinonia 29 22 15 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm HB Susie Gardiner HB Adam Gabrielsen 30 AA 23 AA 16 (green) 14Twenty-Fifth Pentecost 9 AA 8 2 1 AA Tue Mon (white) Confirmation 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am Church Council Mtg noon HB Lisa Stephens HB Greg Befanis 7 All Saints Day Sun 7:30pm NA 10:00am 7:30pm Sewing Guild NA 24 10:00am 10:00am 7:30pm Sewing Guild 17 Sewing Guild NA Happy HB Cliff Gabrielsen 25 HB Sue Montgomery HB Pastor David Choir Practice 7:45 pm Bible,Church and World 9:30am 18 Choir Practice 7:45 pm Bible,Church and World 9:30am 11 Sewing Guild 10 Bible,Church and World 9:30am Choir Practice 7:45pm 10:00am 4 Thu 3 Wed NOVEMBER 2010 HB Loretta Rapetti 26 19 Retreat at Koinonia 12 5 Fri Bake Sale 9:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm HB - Happy Birthday HA - Happy Anniversary Key: AA 27 7:00pm HB Nick Schwartz HB LeeAnn McCarthy AA 20 AA Retreat at Koinonia Bake Sale 9:00am 13 Circle School Tag & AA 6 Circle School Tag & Sat Third Advent 12 First Christmas 26 (white) Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am (blue) Confirmation 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am HB Barbara Befanis Fourth Advent 19 HA Evelyn & Ed Garrett (blue) Confirmation 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am 27 20 13 HB Evelyn Garrett 6 Second Advent 5 (blue) Confirmation 9:15am Sunday School 10:30am Service 10:30am Croton Blood Drive Mon Sun AA 7:30pm HB Arlita Hoyt 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm HB Pastor Stephens 28 AA 21 AA 14 AA 7 Tue Bible,Church and World 9:30am 10:00am 7:30pm Sewing Guild NA NA 29 NA 10:00am 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm HB Jen Stieglitz HB Marion Phillips Sewing Guild 22 NA Sewing Guild 10:00am 7:30pm NA 15 10:00am Sewing Guild 8 2 1 30 23 Choir Practice 7:45pm Bible,Church and World 9:30am 16 Choir Practice 7:45pm Bible,Church and World 9:30am 9 Choir Practice 7:45pm Thu Wed DECEMBER 2010 31 Happy Christmas Eve Services 7:30pm & 9:30pm 24 17 10 3 Fri 7:00pm 7:00pm HB - Happy Birthday HA - Happy Anniversary Key: Service 10:30am Merry Christmas 25 AA 18 AA 11 10:00am-4:00pm 4 Sat