Monthly Newsletter - Winnipeg School Division


Monthly Newsletter - Winnipeg School Division
A proud member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network
March 2015
École Laura Secord
960 Wolseley Ave.
(204) 786-4796
École Laura Secord
March 2015
Rhona Churman,
Nelia Husack,
Vice Principal
Administrator’s Greeting
This has been a month filled with Arts, Culture and lots of learning. A number of classes visited the Children’s Museum, four classes had
the pleasure of attending New Canadian Kid at Manitoba Theatre for Young People. Students in grades 4 – 6 in the French Immersion program visited Festival du Voyageur. All students in grades 4 – 6 attended a Winnipeg Symphony performance.
We also had a very successful French Week culminating with a musical assembly that saw students still dancing with each other as they left
the gym! One of our grade 5 students, River and his dad Stephen added an authentic ambience because of their wonderful fiddle music.
Merci beaucoup to them and to the teachers, Mme Garand and Mme Askholm who led the singing. French intermediate teachers arranged a
week celebrating French and Metis culture, thank you very much, it was a wonderful event.
This week we are re-visiting the much loved books by Dr. Seuss. We have Stop, Drop and Read daily and guest readers are visiting the
classrooms to share their favourite books with students. A huge thank you to Ms. Haworth, M Jones and the students in room 313 for coordinating the events for this week.
Grade 6 students have had the opportunity to hear from, or visit, some of the schools they can choose to attend next year. These schools
have now all had their Open House evening and are currently accepting registrations for next year. We would just like to remind families to
send in their registrations to the school they wish to register at. Some optional programs can fill up quite quickly.
The grade 4/5/6 choir will be performing in the Winnipeg Music Festival at Westminster United Church on March 4 at 12:30 p.m. Parents/
guardians and guests are welcome to attend. There is an entry fee of $4.00.
Our annual Concours d’art oratoire for grades 3-6 will be held on March 5 at 9:15 a.m. in the school gym.
Thank-you to all of the adults who co-ordinated and supervised speed skating this year! The students will be skating at the MTS Centre on
the “big ice” on March 5 at 4:30 p.m. A letter outlining details has been sent home with students participating in speed skating.
Please remember that student report cards will be sent home on March 10 and Tri-Conferences (student/parent/teacher) will be held on the
evening of March 12 and all day on March 13. You should have received a letter asking for your preferred conference time. Please be sure
to return it promptly so that we can arrange the schedule to meet your needs.
Thank-you to all parents/guardians for returning the forms regarding student intentions for the next school year. If you have any questions or
requests regarding next year, please be sure to contact either myself or Mme Husack as soon as possible. We are required to try to ensure
that our primary classes are kept at twenty students or less. This is desirable for optimal learning and teaching at the primary level.
We require proof of age and address for new students as we are unable to accept students who do not reside in our catchment area until we
have processed registrations for those living in catchment.
We are extending a very special thank-you to our cheerful and reliable patrols who show up early every morning, stay after school each day,
and are out in the winter weather helping to keep our students safe. On the coldest days, the patrols take short shifts and rotate duties in
order to have a warm up break. Our bus patrols help to ensure that the younger students arrive at the bus on time too. We want you to know
that we appreciate all of you very much!
As always, we would be happy to answer questions or discuss concerns at any time.
Rhona Churman, Principal
Nelia Husack, Vice Principal
Looking ahead:
Wednesday, Mar. 4 - Music Festival
Thurs., Mar. 5 - Concours d’art oratoire
Thurs.,, Mar. 12 & Friday, Mar. 13 - Tri-Conferences
Tuesday, Mar. 24 - PAC Meeting 7 pm
Friday, Mar. 27, Fun Food
March Break - Monday, Mar. 30 - Friday, April 3
Friday, March 13 & Friday, April 24 - Upcoming No Class Days
Laura Secord Parent Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes February 17, 2015
In Attendance: Kyla Stewart (Chair, 204A), Laura Hilland (Vice-Chair, Fun Food Coordinator), Anita Mallatratt (Secretary), B.D. Cain (Member at Large), Cheryl
Sluis (115), Rhona Churman (Principal), Leigh Nash (313), Nelia Husack (Vice-Principal), Vanessa Eidse, Jennifer Sime (Lunch Program Coordinator, 204P & 213),
Garett Surcon (Treasurer), Sarah Claassen, Barb Babletek (Teacher of 104), Sandy Sawatzky (Teacher of 115)
Regrets: Tawny Brown (Volunteer Coordinator), Jennifer Morrison (101)
School Report
• Strong Performing Arts theme with New Canadian Kid at MTYP, Festival du Voyageur for French Immersion students in grade 4, 5, 6. Four
students are rehearsing with the WSO to perform on March 11, 2015. Grade 4-6 will be attending their WSO concert. French Immersion classes taking the lead in Festival du Voyageur celebration including school-wide assembly and sing-a-long on February 20th.
• Final week of February celebrating I Love to Read Month with Dr Seuss theme. Students are on their way to reading a reading goal for the
month. Guest readers will be visiting classrooms and sharing their favorite books.
• Grade 6 investigating options for Grade 7. Had opportunities to attend River Heights & Gordon Bell. College Churchill, Church High school
came to the school to present their programs. Most open house events have taken place except Grant Park on February 19th.
• Room 216, 115, 317 & 213 working together on a UNESCO project regarding the issue of hunger and the issues surrounding it. Several classes
volunteered at the Winnipeg Harvest in December while some Winnipeg Harvest reps visited classrooms. Ongoing collection of non-perishable
food items. “Empty Bowls” event was held on January 28th and was considered very successful. Great community evening with soup and
friends. A huge thank you to all that participated. Soup was made by student families, staff and Tec-Voc Culinary Department under guidance
of Production Chef Mark Falgui. $1012 was raised to present to Winnipeg Harvest.
• Information evening on February 25th for Nursery, French/English Kindergarten and Grade One.
• Looking ahead:
• Registration for new students March 2, 2015.
• Choir will be participating in the Winnipeg Music Festival March 4.
• March 5, Grade 3-6 French Immersion students participating in “Concours D’Art Oratoire”.
• Same evening other students will be participating in the Speed Skating races at the MTS Centre 4:30-6:30.
• Tri-Conferences celebrating student learning will be March 12 & 13th.
Teacher: Barb Babletek (Room 104 Grade One French Immersion)
• Highlight for the month was the Kindergarten to Grade 3 attending WSO. For some it was their first time ever attending the Concert Hall or
Symphony. It was a great success with lots of great impressions made.
Teacher: Sandy Sawatzky (Room 115 Grade One French Immersion)
• Fantastic experience with “Empty Bowls” event. Clay and paper maché bowls were created to sell to raise funds for Winnipeg Harvest. Bowls
of soup were made and sold with an awareness of all those that go hungry. Students learned about all the facets of life that can affect children
being hungry leaving lasting impressions and raising over $1000 to Winnipeg Harvest.
Review of WSD 2015/2016 School Budge: Rhona Churman
• All details and figures regarding proposed budget are available on the WSD website. Strongly encourage community members to fill out
online survey.
• There have been a number of recruitment programs running for bilingual teachers. Nelia Husack attended recruitment fair in Montreal to promote teaching in Winnipeg.
Treasure’s Report: Garett Surcon
• End of January funds are at approximately $23,000 with Money raised being $9,000. Our goal is at least $15,000. Things are on track.
Fun Food Fundraiser: Laura Hilland
• Successful month raising over $900. Next Fun Food day will be February 27, 2015
FundScrip: Kyla Stewart
• Officially signed up with FundScrip to help raise funds for the school’s landscaping. Email will be sent out with information on how to take
advantage of it.
Picnic Update
• Meeting planned to confirm tentative date of June 10, 2015. Same time as last year.
New Business
• Registration will be starting March 2, 2015 for all new students. Make sure to bring identification and proof of address.
Tri-Conference will be the evening of March 12 and all day March 13. PAC has volunteered to provide a potluck dinner on March 12, 2015.
Parents with children graduating from grade 6 are asking about possibility of school bus for Grade 7 immersion. Karen Serwonka will be presenting the request to the School Board and is asking for additional support to attend. Suggestion of sending out an email through the school
distribution list providing details.
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Teacher’s lounge.
We are here to help!
Just let us know at
Kyla Stewart and Laura Hilland
(PAC Chair and Vice-Chair)
Want to keep up to date on upcoming PAC events and
volunteer opportunities in the school?
Please email
to put your name on the volunteer list to receive the
monthly email newsletter volunteers receive with information on upcoming events.
March PAC Meeting
Tuesday, March 24th @ 7:00pm
Teachers’ Lounge
Come join us…together we can make great
things happen!
Tentative date for
Annual Spring Picnic
June 10th
More details to come
Free babysitting available!
to reserve your spot
Will Your Child Require Bussing in the
2015-2016 School Year?
Bus Safety
We are requesting your assistance in ensuring the
safety of your children while they are on the school
bus. Noise levels on the buses are at times unacceptable and are distracting the drivers. Students are expected to follow bus rules at all times.
If your child will be new to the school next year or is
not bussed this year and you would like to request
bussing for next year, please contact the school office
as soon as possible at 204-786-4796. Our Transportation Department will soon be planning next year’s bus Please assist us in ensuring the safety of all students by reviewing the bus rules with your chilroutes.
dren. Students need to:
Please keep in mind there are specific requirements
that must be met in order to qualify for bussing.
Please call the school or the Transportation Department if you need information regarding bussing.
Thank you.
Speak respectfully to others at all times.
Sit quietly and stay in their assigned seat.
Speak quietly and politely to the other students.
Do not jump, stand, fight or tease the other passengers or make a lot of noise.
Listen to the bus driver as he or she may have special instructions for the bus ride.
Please be reminded that students who do not comply with the safety rules on the bus may be suspended.
To All Parent and Guardians
of Lunch Program Students
White milk is served on a daily basis and chocolate milk
on Fridays (when there's school). Regular Soy milk and
Chocolate Soy is also available for those students that
drink soy. Remind your child/children that they need to
bring a plastic cup daily for milk.
In order to participate in the program, all students that
stay during the lunch hour must be registered and their
account kept in good standing.
Pamela Garychuk, Director,
Sarah Foers, Assistant Director,
If you have any questions regarding monthly fees, meth- Laura Secord School Parent Lunch Program
od of payment, or need to update your registration form
information, please leave a message at 204-786-4796.
In March the lunch program will be starting a new
“Casual Lunch Stay” program. There will no longer be
tickets available. There will now be “Punch Cards”
available. These will have the ability for the student to
stay 10 lunches before needing a new card and the cost
will be $15/card. The student’s name and room number
should be clearly written on the back of the card. This
will allow for more days that the student is able to stay
and before purchasing another card and less chance of
the card getting lost. Tickets previously purchased will
still be honoured. You can continue to send them with
your children or they can be exchanged for a punch
Proper behaviour at lunch time (as outlined on the registration form) is expected at all times by the students that
attend the lunch program. Besides the Lunch Program
Participant Rules we also adhere to the École Laura
Secord School Code of Conduct. Students not following
these rule may be suspended from the lunch program.
Please review these rules and the Behaviour Management Plan with your child/ren. All this information
came with your registration form. If you require another
copy, they are available at the office and online.
Allergies are a big concern for all staff and students at
Laura Secord School. If your child/children have an allergy to anything, you must fill out a Medical/Health
Plan with the lunch program.
Medical/Health Plans are available in the office. All students
that require an epi-pen must
have it with them during the
lunch program.
News From the Music Room
Intermediate Choir at Winnipeg Music Festival Competition
The Grades 4-6 Choir will be performing at Westminster
United Church on Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 at
12:30pm. They are the first choir participating in the afternoon class assuring their performance time. They will
be singing V’là l’bon vent (Go, Good Wind) by Lois
Brownsey & Marti Lunn Lantz and Child of the Universe
by Craig Cassils. Parents/Guardians and friends are welcome to attend these performances, which are held at
Westminster United Church (Maryland and Westminster). Admission is $4 per session, with free admission
for children 12 and under. An information letter and permission slip will be sent home later this month. Please
watch for the letter and return it promptly.
Intermediate Spring Musical: Gonna Have an Earth
The Grades 4-6 Students will be presenting Gonna Have
an Earth Day, a fun-filled musical about saving the planet, on April 22nd and 23rd, 2015. Stay tuned for more info!
Registrations for 2015-2016
Registration for new students will begin on Monday,
March 2nd at 8:30 a.m. for 2015–2016 for all grade levels. Students from the Laura Secord catchment area have
priority placement over students not currently residing
within our boundaries. Further information regarding
boundaries and catchment areas can be found on the
WSD website. Students currently registered and attending Laura Secord School need not re-register from year
to year. However, intention forms have been sent home.
We also need to know if there have been any changes in
contact information such as a change of address, etc.
Registration for students who are new to Laura
Secord School will be accepted beginning at 8:30
a.m. on Monday, March 2, 2015.
This includes any families who would like to register a child in the Nursery Program (children must
be 4 years old by December 31, 2015) or students
in any other grade who have not previously registered or attended Laura Secord School.
Required documents for new registrations:
1) Proof of age (Birth Certificate, passport)
2) Verification of family address (property tax
bill or rental/lease agreement only)
3) Medical card
Please note that students residing within the Laura
Secord catchment area will be given priority on a
first come, first served basis. Students who are not
living in the Laura Secord catchment area will be
placed on a waiting list until the catchment area has
been addressed. Acceptance of students who do
not reside within the catchment area is dependent
on space.
Reminder - No Electronic Devices
Reading Tips for Parents
Your Child is a Reader!
Make reading with your child an
enjoyable experience!
Let your child choose a book.
Sit with your child.
Let your child turn the pages.
Point to pictures and words.
Talk about the book before, during and after the story.
Relate the story to your child’s experiences.
Read favorite stories over and over again to your
The Winnipeg School Division Reading Tips for Parents
Sage Garden Herbs
Online Seed Sale!
Laura Secord’s Parent Council invites you to visit the
Sage Garden Herbs web store to order your organic
seeds this winter. Laura Secord School will receive a
20% commission from each order when you enter
“Yes” at the checkout to the question “Is this order
part of the Laura Secord School Fundraiser?” Sage
Garden Herbs currently has over 250 varieties in stock!
To order: Visit the Sage Garden web seed
store @
Save the Date!
Please remind your child that no toys or electronic devices are The Sage Garden Herbs Sale
will be held on
allowed at school or on the school bus.
May 13th 1 - 6 p.m.
(no cell phones, no iPods, no DS games)
Volunteers are needed for this event. Please contact
Electronic devices that are confiscated may be picked up from
an administrator in the office.
Thank you for your support!
March 2015
Day 3
Day 4
Day 2
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
Day 6
4, 5, 6 Choir @ Festival Concours d’art oratoire
Gr. 3-6 at 9:15 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Registration day for all
new students (N-6)
8:30 a.m.
Annual Speed Skating
Races 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at
MTS Centre
Day 3
Day 4
Reports Home
Day 5
3:45 - 8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Non Instructional Day
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Divisional concours
d’art oratoire @
École Riverview
Day 6
Rm. 204 AM & PM
MTYP and Children’s
Museum (all day)
Day 1
Rm. 215 –AM
Children’s Museum
Day 5
Fun Food Orders Due
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Fun Food
PAC Mtg. 7 p.m.
Winter Break
Daylight Saving Time - Daylight Saving Time (DST)
becomes effective at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 8th.
Clocks are to be advanced one hour to reflect this change.
April 2015
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
Good Friday
Spring Break
Day 2
Day 3
Classes resume
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
Fun Food
P.A.C. Meeting
7 p.m.
Day 2
Day 3
Non Instructional Day
Day 4
Day 5