School Handbook 2014 - Richard Secord School


School Handbook 2014 - Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015
School Handbook
Table of Contents
Welcome to École Richard Secord School.........3
School history................................................4
School mission..............................................4
School hours.................................................5
Absences for holidays.....................................6
School entrance.............................................6
Visiting the school..........................................7
Picking up students........................................7
School supplies for 2014-15..........................8
Progress reports and assessment.................10
Parent-teacher conferences...........................10
School activities and highlights.....................11
Health and wellness.....................................14
Student conduct and behaviour.....................16
School policies............................................19
Communication between home and school.....22
Parent resources..........................................22
Parent involvement.......................................23
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Transforming the learners of today into the leaders of tomorrow
We inspire student success through high quality learning
opportunities, supported by meaningfully engaged students,
parents, staff and community.
Supporting the Vision, Mission and Priorities are the District’s
core values of accountability, collaboration, equity and integrity.
District Priorities 2014 -2018
•Foster growth and success for every student by
supporting their journey from early learning through
high school completion and beyond.
•Provide welcoming, high quality learning and
working environments.
•Enhance public education through communication,
engagement and partnerships.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
Welcome to
École Richard Secord School
It is my pleasure to welcome all new and returning families to a new year at
École Richard Secord School. Thank you for making our school your school
of choice.
École Richard Secord is an outstanding school that offers a choice in Regular,
French Immersion and Cogito. The Cogito and Regular programs are enhanced
by second language programming in French.
We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and friendly school community where
every student is respected, valued, safe and cared for by our professional staff.
To support the academic growth of our students, we place a strong emphasis on
literacy and numeracy in our classrooms, our library and in our daily school life.
We complement that work with a variety of extracurricular activities that allow
students to explore their personal interests and stay healthy and active.
I am honoured to work with our students, staff, parents and community members.
We all play an important role in helping our students excel.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, concerns or
observations to share. Je vous souhaite une très bonne année scolaire!
Mrs. K. Marzolf, Principal
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
School history
The school was named after pioneer teacher, Richard Secord. Mr. Secord was
the fourth teacher to teach in the Edmonton Protestant School Board in 1882,
all teachers coming and going in the same year. However, Mr. Secord remained
for almost four years, providing much needed teaching continuity. Mr. Secord
left teaching to become a successful businessman, property owner and
private banker. Today, two Edmonton Public Schools are associated with the
Secord family, Richard Secord School and York School. York School honours
Mrs. Richard Secord, née Annie Ada York, who taught in the old Poplar Lake
School in the late 1880s.
In 1974, Richard Secord became one of the first five schools for the French
Immersion program in Edmonton Public Schools. In 2006, we became
designated as a district site for the Cogito Program.
We have a lasting reputation in the community for being a friendly, welcoming,
and supportive school that seeks to serve all students and their families in the
immediate neighbourhood, as well as those who make the school their school of
choice. Trustee Edith Rogers used four words to describe the Secord family as
she opened Richard Secord School in 1968, and those words still apply to the
school today: courage, determination, hard work and good citizenship.
These words described the contribution of the Secord family to our history
and continue to be characteristic of staff, students and parents at
École Richard Secord School.
School mission
Our school mission is to foster life-long learners in an inclusive learning
community that:
• focuses on literacy and numeracy;
• celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity;
• provides alternative program choices;
• integrates evolving forms of technology across the curriculum;
• cultivates positive character traits and citizenship skills; and
• provides a safe, respectful and nurturing environment.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
School hours
Students are expected to be on time for school daily. Good attendance and
punctuality are critical to student success.
Office hours......................................................................8:15 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Morning assembly .............................................................................. 8:36 a.m.
Instruction begins............................................................................... 8:41 a.m.
Recess................................................................................ 10:15 – 10:30 a.m.
Lunch break......................................................................... 11:30 – 12:20 p.m.
Afternoon assembly........................................................................... 12:20 p.m.
Instruction begins............................................................................. 12:25 p.m.
Recess.................................................................................... 1:55 – 2:10 p.m.
Dismissal (M, T, W, F)........................................................................... 3:26 p.m.
Thursday dismissal.............................................................................. 2:15 p.m.
No afternoon recess on Thursday.
Students should not arrive at school before regular supervision begins
at 8:21 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. School staff do not provide before or after
school child care.
The school office conducts an absentee check to verify any unreported student
absences or lates.
Please call the 24 hour school absentee check telephone recorder line at
780-436-9017 to report an absence for each day that your child is away from
school or if your child is going to be late.
If you prefer to speak to a staff member, please call the school office directly
during regular office hours. If we are not notified, parents will be contacted.
Please inform the school immediately of any changes to parent
or emergency phone numbers and any address changes.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Regular school attendance is an important factor in a student’s academic
success. Frequent absences or extended family holidays have a negative
impact on student achievement. We sincerely request that parents support
the school and student success by reinforcing expectations for daily
attendance throughout the school year.
Late arrivals disrupt classroom activity and place the student at a
disadvantage in terms of missed instruction. Students who arrive late must
enter via the main school doors off 117 Street and check-in at the office to
obtain a late slip before proceeding to class.
Student attendance and punctuality are closely monitored by school staff,
and will be addressed on an individual basis with parents.
Absences for holidays
A great deal of learning occurs in the classroom that cannot be replicated by
written assignments alone. We request that parents try to schedule family
holidays during regular school breaks.
Parents who choose to take their child out of school for a holiday or trip must:
• accept responsibility for their child’s learning during that period of time
• provide programming that meets the Alberta Education curriculum
• notify the school well in advance so that teachers can advise parents of
what the student will be missing
Teachers are not required to develop lessons or student work packages for
extended holiday time. Evaluation of missed learning may indicate “unable
to assess” or “absent during this unit” on the progress report.
School entrance
Parents are asked to wait outside their child’s exit door or in the school’s
main entry area until the dismissal bell rings to minimize interruptions,
distractions to student learning, and to alleviate congestion in the hallways
and at entrances. Parents who wish to meet with their child’s teacher can
check the teacher’s availability after students have exited the building.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
Kindergarten doors
Northeast door: Cogito Kindergarten - Room 27
Northwest door: French Immersion Kindergarten - Room 25, a.m.
Northwest door: Regular Kindergarten - Room 25, p.m.
• There is adult supervision at the bus zone at morning drop-off and at
lunch drop-off.
• Bus students are escorted to the bus zone to catch their bus at
dismissal times.
• Students who are not met by a parent or an older sibling will return to the
office until they are picked up.
• Kindergarten students who attend the Richard Secord Out-of-School Care
are met by one of their staff members at dismissal time and escorted to
the Out-of-School Care room.
Visiting the school
Except for one of the school’s main entry doors off 117 Street, all school doors
remain locked during the school day. This is for the safety of students and staff,
and for security of the school building.
Visitors are welcomed to the school, but must sign in at the office before
proceeding. Unless it is an emergency, instructional time is not interrupted.
Parents who wish to visit the for reasons other than pre-arranged volunteer
activities should contact the principal to discuss their request or make an
appointment in advance to ensure that staff is available.
Parents delivering forgotten lunches or homework are asked to check into the
school office.
Picking up students
Parents must advise the school in advance, in writing or by telephone if their
child will be picked up from school. We will not knowingly release a student to
the care of an adult other than the parent without the parent’s permission.
During school hours, parents or other persons authorized to do pick up sign the
student out at the office.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
School supplies
Textbooks, library books and other instructional materials are provided at
no charge. Parents will be responsible for any lost or damaged textbooks
and library books.
For a school supply list:
• contact your child’s teacher
• visit the office
In addition to school supplies, students should have a durable backpack or
totebag, and running shoes for indoor and gym use. Please ensure your child’s
items are clearly labelled with the student’s name.
Students are responsible for replacing any lost or damaged textbooks and
library books.
We provide students with instruction from Kindergarten to Grade 6 in regular,
Cogito or French Immersion programming.
Regular programming is based on curriculum determined by Alberta Education, but
a school’s focus, optional courses and activities will vary depending on how it is
organized to meet student needs.
Cogito (ko-gi-to) is Latin for I reason. Cogito programming is designed for students
who are willing to work to achieve a high level of academic excellence in an
environment that emphasizes structure and order.
The unique program characteristics include:
• teacher-led instruction that focuses on students learning and progressing
through the curriculum together
• structured classroom environment
• regular homework
• recitation, memorization and practice exercises to improve learning
• early reading instruction in phonics—understanding letters, sounds and syllables
• second language instruction introduced in Grade 1
• additional opportunities to study core subjects in-depth
• a high level of parental support and commitment
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
French Immersion
French Immersion provides students with opportunities to acquire and maintain
language skills in French and English.
The language of instruction in Kindergarten and Grade One is French. During
Grade Two, students will begin to receive instruction in English, with the amount
of instruction in English increasing as they progress through the grades.
Second languages
French as a Second Language (FSL) instruction is provided to students in:
• Grades 4 to 6 in Regular programming
• Grades 1 to 6 in Cogito programming for 150 minutes each week
Spanish Language and Culture instruction is provided to students in:
• Grades 5 and 6 in French Immersion programming for 150 minutes per week
A music program based on the Orff philosophy is provided to students in Grades
1 to 6 each week.
The program features:
• experiences in movement and dance as an extension of physical education
• the development of musical knowledge, skill and creativity
• an increased appreciation and enjoyment of music
Reading and literacy practices
Our daily practice of reading and writing is a school-wide effort to have all
students demonstrating measureable growth in reading and writing, and build
skills in multiple literacies.
Growth is measured by the results of the Alberta Education Provincial
Achievement Tests (PATs), Student Learning Assessments (SLAs),
Highest Level of Achievements Tests (HLATs) and internal monitoring measures.
A teacher librarian provides expertise in curriculum, quality literature,
information and communication technologies, and access to current resources.
À Richard Secord, je réussis parce que chaque jour, je lis et j’écris!
At Richard Secord we succeed, because everyday we write and read!
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Progress reports and assessment
Student progress is formally reported three times a year in late fall, early spring
and at year-end.
The progress report provides only some of the information about student
growth and achievement. Viewing your child’s work, and discussing and sharing
information with your child’s teacher are other ways you can learn about your
child’s progress.
Students are assessed based on the curricular outcomes set out by
Alberta Education. Teachers use a variety of assessment strategies such as:
• formal and informal tests
• daily classroom work
• anecdotal records
• work samples
Teachers advise students and parents of program information, assessment and
evaluation plans, and learning expectations early in the school year, and provide
updates to information in regular classroom newsletters. Check our school
website at for our complete Assessment Plan.
Parent-teacher conferences
We request that all parents attend:
• a scheduled conference with the teacher in October
• a student-led parent-teacher conference in February
Students actively participate in these conferences by talking about
their learning, sharing their work and participating in goal-setting.
Scheduled conference times are not the only times available for parents to
discuss their child’s progress. We strongly encourage parents to contact
their child’s teacher at any time during the school year to discuss their
child’s learning.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
School activities and highlights
Extracurricular activities
Students have opportunities to develop valuable citizenship, leadership, and
teamwork skills, and to meet new friends through school choirs, clubs and service
leadership activities. Students in Grades 4 to 6 are encouraged to be involved
in at least one school service club during the school year, and all students are
encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities offered.
More information about extracurricular activities are provided in our
school newsletter.
Field trips
Field trips provide students with first-hand experiences directly supporting their
courses of study. The Cogito program observes a specific field trip policy that is
consistent throughout Cogito sites. There is an emphasis on in-class experiences
that support the Alberta Program of Studies and Cogito scope and sequence.
Transportation, where required, is provided by approved charter (yellow) bus or
by using the Edmonton Transit Service.
Parents are notified in writing in advance of any field trips and of any associated
costs (entrance fees, shared transportation cost).
Signed parent consent is required before a child may participate in the activity.
Please note: No child will be refused participation in a field trip due to lack of funds,
providing the parent discuss this with the principal prior to the field trip.
Library Learning Commons
Our library houses one of the largest elementary book collections in our District and
is the focal point of our school. Fiction and factual materials, in English and French,
is available for all students with a variety of interests. The non-fiction collection
supports the content of the curriculum.
Most books, with the exception of encyclopedias and specific reference books, may
be borrowed for use outside the library. We expect our students to take good care
of all borrowed materials when using them at home. If a student loses or damages
a book, they will be required to pay for a replacement. Payment will be refunded if
the book is found. If a student transfers to another school, please ensure that all
Richard Secord library books are returned.
Lunch time program
Students are encouraged to go home or to their sitter’s for lunch. For students
choosing to stay at school for lunch, we provide a supervised lunch time
program for a small fee to cover the cost of staffing and supplies that may
be needed.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
A lunch time program registration letter is sent home with students during the
first week of school. The letter outlines lunch program expectations and requires
student and parent signature.
Students must:
• be in Grades 1 to 6
• bring a lunch that doesn’t require the use of a microwave or kettle
• not bring nuts or nut products
The 2014-15 lunch program fees are:
• $18 per month, per child ($180 for the year)
• $174 for the year if paid by October 1
• $2 per day
• Free for students who must stay at school for extracurricular or service activities
(e.g, choir, handbells, intramurals, office helpers)
Post-dated cheques (payable to Richard Secord) are encouraged when making
monthly payments. All payments by cheque or cash should be dropped off at the
office and clearly labelled with the child’s name to ensure the correct account is
credited. Parents who wish to review lunch program account summary information
should contact the school office.
Lunch time program students are to remain under staff supervision on school
grounds at all times. Written parent permission is required to allow students who
usually stay for lunch leave school grounds or when being picked up for lunch by a
parent or designated adult.
School lunch services will be suspended for students who demonstrate
inappropriate behaviour. Parents will be responsible for making alternative lunch
time arrangements for their child.
Parents are notified if concerns arise, and the student is given the opportunity to
meet expectations before such a decision is made by the school administration.
Student assemblies
A general student assembly is held the last school day of each month beginning
at 9 a.m. Assemblies highlight student recognition and awards, and include student
learning demonstrations. Dates are announced in school newsletters. Parents and
guests are always welcome to attend student assemblies.
Please note: An assembly is not hosted in December, and the March assembly
will not be held on the last school day of the month.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
Yellow bus service
Yellow bus service is available to students in:
• French Immersion programming
• Cogito programming
Students are expected to ride the bus home after school each day. If other
transportation arrangements have been made, please contact the school office or
provide a note to advise us of this.
Students must have a valid bus pass in their possession when riding the bus.
Students who do not purchase an annual pass need to purchase their monthly
pass from the school office before the first day of each month. There is a
replacement cost for lost passes.
For more information about busing, visit
Parking and parent drivers
Parent parking is only available on the public roads adjacent to the community
league building parking lot across from the school. The staff parking lot should not
be used for parent parking or drop off. Each stall is assigned and paid for by our
staff, and must be kept available for staff use.
The drop-off zone is located in front of the school. Help keep the drop-off zone a
safe and orderly area by:
• not parking your car in this area
• remaining in your car
• ensuring your child exits your car from the curb side
• vacating the spot as soon as your child has safely exited
Set an example by using marked crosswalks and obeying the instructions of our
AMA school patrols. Police may be contacted to handle repeated disregard for
traffic and parking laws, and to work with the school to respond to safety concerns.
Parent and driver co-operation, courtesy and patience help make student drop-off
and pick-up times safe and efficient for all. We thank parents for their support.
AMA Safety Patrols
Our school patrols are on duty to help students cross the street safely at 8:21
a.m. and 3:26 p.m. (2:15 p.m. on Thursday afternoons) at the northwest corner of
the school on 117 Street. Please ensure your child understands the importance of
co-operating with the patrols when crossing the street.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Health and wellness
We have access to a team of reading and behaviour specialists, family liaison
consultants, and a school psychologist from Edmonton Public Schools. Alberta
Health Services also provides speech and language therapy, occupational therapy,
nursing, physical therapy, and other health services support.
The classroom teacher can initiate the referral process by contacting a school
administrator. Any referrals initiated by the school will be discussed in advance
with parents.
Public health centre
Alberta Health Services works in partnership with parents, school staff, students and
other community agencies to help students and their families make healthy choices.
You can access a variety of services at the Twin Brooks Public Health Centre
at 780-342-1560.
Students who are too ill to go outside for recess are considered too ill for school.
This is particularly true in the case of severe colds. Students coming to school
when ill are unable to function well, are a source of infection for other students,
are susceptible to other illnesses and would probably recuperate faster at home.
If a student becomes ill at school:
• the parent or emergency contact person is contacted to arrange for the child to
be picked-up
• the child is made as comfortable as possible in the office area and remains there
under supervision of office staff if the parent cannot be reached
• an ambulance will be called if the illness is serious and attempts to notify the
parents will continue
Under no circumstances will a child be sent home without the parent’s permission.
Please advise the school of any medical conditions that may place your child at risk.
Basic first aid is administered to any child who experiences an injury at school.
Parents will only be contacted if the injury appears serious. If the parent cannot be
contacted, the school will access the appropriate medical system (e.g., MediCentre,
ambulance, hospital emergency). A staff member will accompany the child and
remain with him/her until the parent arrives.
Please note: Medical costs, including ambulance charges, are the responsibility
of the parent.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
Please advise us if your child has allergies, the severity and the actions or
treatment that may be required in the event of an allergic reaction.
Due to the increasingly common nut allergy among children, we have a
no nuts policy.
Although it is impossible to guarantee freedom from allergen contamination,
staff make every effort to provide a safe environment for all children. Trading or
sharing of snacks and lunches is not permitted. In addition, we request that no
strong scents (e.g., perfumes or hair/body care products) be worn in the school
to help to minimize reactions for anyone with respiratory allergies or asthma.
We greatly appreciate your co-operation and consideration for the health and
safety of everyone in our school environment.
Out of bounds area
The staff parking lot is out of bounds for students before, during and after
school hours. The bicycle racks, except when bicycles are being parked or
picked up, are also out of bounds during school.
Respect and care for school property is everyone’s concern. Vandalism
costs the school valuable educational dollars. We request the support of all
community residents in reporting vandalism, loitering and any suspicious
incidents that occur on school property. To make a report, call:
• The Edmonton Police Service: 780-423-4567
• Edmonton Public Schools Security Services: 780-429-8295
When a student is deemed responsible for damage or defacement of school
property or the personal property of others, either in whole or in part, repair or
replacement costs will be the responsibility of the student and parents.
Emergency plan
Our school emergency plan is reviewed and updated annually. Fire drills,
lockdown drills and school evacuation are practised regularly through the year to
prepare students and staff for quick response to any emergency situation.
If there is ever a need for school evacuation during school hours (e.g., gas leak,
broken water main), our students will be escorted by staff and accommodated
at either:
• St. Boniface School: 11810–40 Ave, 780-434-0294
• Westbrook School: 11915–40 Ave, 780-438-4200
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Students will remain at St. Boniface or Westbrook until it is safe to return
to school, or early pick-up arrangements are arranged with parents, or until
regular dismissal time. A fan-out parent call system will be organized for each
classroom in September to allow quick contact with parents if an emergency
does occur.
Parents and visitors to the school must exit the school immediately via the
closest exit when an alarm sounds, or must move to a secured area and follow
school directives in the event of a security lockdown.
Student conduct and behaviour
Character education focus
Character education is identified as the cornerstone of sensitive, caring and
supportive learning communities. It is about developing attributes such as
respect, responsibility, courage, honesty, kindness, compassion, perseverance,
trustworthiness and leadership.
We believe that as partners in education, parents and staff work together with
students to:
• create a safe and caring learning environment
• model, and reinforce school practices that build character, strong citizenship,
and responsible conduct
• encourage students to become responsible for their behaviour and learning
• have a consistent measure of discipline based on common courtesy
Our character education program and our practices reflect the district’s
expectations, by aligning with Edmonton Public Schools’ Student Behaviour
and Conduct Policy.
Living the Golden Rule Through Pieces of Character!
Utilise les traits de caractère afin de vivre la régle d’or!
The Richard Secord Character Education program will focus on five
character attributes each school year. Those attributes will be shared in the
monthly newsletter. Each of these attributes will use key words. These key
words will be posted around the school so that students, staff and parents
will use common language.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
General behaviour expectations
We support the Edmonton Public Schools’ Framework for Character Based
Citizenship Education. Qualities of good character and citizenship are taught,
and appropriate behaviours are modeled and reinforced.
Students make positive choices by:
• putting safety first
• being polite and courteous
• being prepared to learn and to do their best
• being considerate and co-operative
• respecting oneself, others and the environment
• showing responsibility
On the playground, students are expected to:
• play games according to established rules
• play safe games that will not harm or endanger anyone
• respect the rights of others to play organized games without disruption
• use school and playground equipment appropriately
• stay within designated play areas
• respect the environment and school property
• return to the classroom promptly when the bell rings
In the school hallways, students are expected to:
• walk quickly and quietly
• keep hands at their sides
For any kind of inappropriate behaviour, there are natural or logical consequences.
Natural consequences arise directly from the behaviour. If a student is playing a
game unfairly, other students may no longer wish to play with him or her. Ideally, a
discussion would occur amongst the group that would lead to a solution.
Logical consequences are the result of the ineffectiveness of the natural
consequences. If the children are unable to resolve their differences, intervention
may become necessary.
Intervention strategies for solving problems include ignoring, walking away, saying
what it is that is bothering them, voicing what they need or seeking assistance.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
The goal of using natural or logical consequences helps students:
• look more closely at their behaviours and to consider the results of
their choices
• develop internal understanding, self-control and a desire to follow
the expectations
These consequences are designed to occur in a manner which is empathetic to
students and allows them to maintain their dignity.
Minor misconducts
Most minor conduct concerns or student disputes, either within or outside of the
classroom, can be resolved on the spot with the teacher’s assistance. Parents
will be kept informed of issues of repeated concern. This will be done through
telephone contact and/or in writing, so that the issues do not establish a pattern
of behaviours that become serious and affects learning.
Students will be assigned one or more of the following:
• reminders to demonstrate responsible citizenship
• written reflections
• loss of privileges
• written apology
• time away from the group
Significant misconducts
Significant misconducts are actions that adversely affect the learning needs of
others, are injurious to the safety and/or dignity of others, and may interfere with
or threaten the orderly functioning of the school.
This includes severe, intentional behaviours, such as defiance of authority,
disrespect, fighting, using racial slurs, bullying (including continual teasing and
intimidation), inflicting bodily harm, destruction of property, verbal abuse or use
of profanity.
When a significant misconduct occurs, parents will be notified and the student will
be assigned one or more of the following:
• loss of privileges (e.g., recess, field trips or other special events)
• formal apology
• an in-school or out-of-school suspension
• reflection paper
• pay for damaged property (for incidents of vandalism)
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
School policies
Students in Cogito receive daily homework. All students are expected to
complete their daily minimum reading times which is set by grade level.
To help students develop organizational skills, students are expected to use
their agenda or homework books to record:
• homework assignments
• project assignments
Agendas (available in French and English) are available to Grades 1 to 6
students in:
• Regular programming
• French Immersion programming
Homework books are provided to Kindergarten to Grade 6 students in:
• Cogito programming
Teachers consider the age and needs of the student, and the learning value of
the work when assigning homework.
Parents are asked to:
• review homework assignments recorded in your child’s agenda or
homework book
• sign your child’s agenda or homework book every evening
• contact your child’s classroom teacher if your child is experiencing difficulty
with their homework
Respectful Learning and Working Environments
Edmonton Public Schools, in co-operation with its staff groups, is committed to
creating a healthy, respectful learning environment for students, staff members,
Trustees, parents, volunteers and contractors.
We recognize the worth of every person without discrimination. We are
committed to working toward the elimination of objectionable behaviour in our
schools and workplaces, and to maintaining an environment that is respectful,
safe, nurturing and positive for everyone. Please help us achieve this goal by
interacting in a manner which respects the dignity and value of others.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Students are recognized in the classroom on their birthday and presented with
a special birthday book, compliments of the school. Please advise the school
office and classroom teacher if your family does not celebrate birthdays.
School telephone
We do not interrupt instruction time to deliver messages to students from
home, except in an emergency. Office staff will do their best to pass on
messages just before dismissal, but are unable to accept responsibility for any
missed messages. For this reason, it is important that parents confirm any
transportation or child care arrangements, or permission to visit a friend’s home
before their child leaves for school in the morning.
Students are permitted to use the school phone only in emergency or at the
request of a staff member.
School photos
Individual photos will be taken in the fall of all students for school records
The date will be announced in the September school newsletter. Class group
photos will be taken in the spring with the date announced in the school
newsletter. Parents are under no obligation to purchase any photographs.
Dress code
For health and safety reasons, all students should:
• have a pair of indoor and gym shoes
• wear appropriate footwear at all times
• remove outdoor shoes at the entrance and place them on the assigned rack
Staff, parents, and visitors are asked to set an example for students by also
removing outdoor footwear when entering the school. This contributes to
everyone’s safety, as our tile floors are extremely treacherous when wet.
This practice also expresses respect for the work of our custodial staff, and
demonstrates pride and care for our school.
All students are expected to be appropriately dressed at school and during
physical education classes, with consideration for weather conditions.
We ask that students avoid wearing:
• revealing clothing (e.g., exposed midriffs, halter tops, camisole tops)
• clothing that features offensive or inappropriate logos or graphics
• caps, hats, hoods and outside jackets inside the classroom
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
Personal property
Although we make every effort to ensure that students’ personal property is
safe guarded, the school cannot assume responsibility for the loss or damage
of such items. Lunch kits, backpacks, shoes, supplies, and all outerwear
should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. money, electronics and other
valuables should be left at home.
Missing items may be found in one of the school’s two lost and found boxes.
Lost items such as eye glasses, rings, watches and keys may be checked for in
the school office.
Unclaimed items are donated to charity in December, March and June.
Cell phones
Cell phones are generally not permitted on school property, unless for safety
reasons (e.g., contact with parents while walking to and from school). Students
must keep their cell phone out-of-sight in their backpack or a zippered pocket.
Please note: Students may not take photos or videos with their cell phone or
other device, except during public performances or special school events.
Going to and from school
The following items should not be used on school grounds:
• Bicycles – students must provide their own bike lock and wear a properly
fitted helmet
• Scooters – students must fold and carry it into the classroom for storage
• In-line skates, skateboards and sleds – not permitted at school
Smoking and the use of any tobacco product is prohibited in all Edmonton Public
School’s facilities and on school grounds at any time.
Toys that do not encourage peaceful play or that could cause injury (e.g., replica
knives, swords, guns, etc.) are not permitted at school. As appropriate protective
equipment is not provided at school, the use of hard balls, and hockey, lacrosse,
or cricket sticks are not permitted for use during recess play periods.
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
Communication between home and school
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or the principal with
questions or concerns; positive feedback is always welcome, too! Open
communication, a collaborative spirit between home and school, and mutual trust
and respect among students, staff and parents help provide the best possible
educational environment for our students.
SchoolZone is a secure website that provides parents and students with school and
student information, including:
• attendance records
• busing information
• homework and links to resources
• school news and events
• access to Google apps
• parent council meetings
• progress reports
• volunteer opportunities
• achievement results
If you require log in access to please contact the office.
School newsletter
To keep parents informed, we share a monthly school newsletter via:
• online at
• paper copy sent home
Please contact the school office if your family requires more than one newsletter.
Information that cannot be posted to SchoolZone will be sent home with the youngest
or only child in each family.
Classroom newsletter
Parents can also expect to receive regular classroom newsletters from the
teacher that provide information specific to classroom learning and activities via
paper copy or on SchoolZone.
Parent resources
Community services and social agencies
The school can provide parents with information on how to access these
resources. Please call the school office for further information.
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
Students, parents, and teachers can find multimedia learning resources related
to the Alberta curriculum at
To access the resources, enter user ID: LA13 and password: 9418 (for Richard
Secord School).
Parent involvement
Parent and community volunteers contribute many hours of time, energy, and
talent for the benefit of students and the school. Many of the programs and
events available to Richard Secord students would otherwise not be available if
it were not for dedicated school volunteers.
There is no shortage of opportunities for volunteers to contribute to the
education provided to our students.
• flexible scheduling
• on-going and one-time volunteer opportunities available
• no special skills required
• on-the-job training provided
• working directly or indirectly with students or staff in a variety of areas
Volunteers need to sign-in at the school office on arrival, as office staff must
account for all individuals in the school in an emergency.
Please note: Pre-school aged siblings cannot be accommodated in classrooms,
student learning areas or in the school workroom to ensure their safety and to
minimize disruptions to student learning.
Volunteer opportunities
• school council events
• Richard Secord Parents’ Association
(RSPA) Casino
• special events
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
École Richard Secord School
School council
School councils are collective associations of parents, teachers, secondary
students, principals, staff and community representatives who work together to
effectively support and enhance student learning. Joining a school council is one
way members of the school community can get involved.
School councils play an important role by providing advice and assistance to
school principals and Trustees regarding educational issues. Involvement on
these councils includes:
• focusing on educational matters
• providing input on topics such as program planning, school budgets and
school operations
• serving as a liaison between parents, the school and community groups
• locating resources such as speakers and volunteers
• gathering information and sharing experiences
• supporting the goals and objectives of the school
Information about council meetings and activities are posted on our
school website. Parents may request copies of meeting minutes by
contacting the school office.
Richard Secord Parent Association (RSPA)
The RSPA organizes fundraising events which require licensing, such as casinos.
All parents or guardians of students attending Richard Secord are invited to
participate in RSPA activities.
How to volunteer
• Contact your child’s teachers
• Attend school council meetings
• Look for opportunities in school newsletters
• Agree to a security check by Edmonton Police Service
• Sign a Confidentiality Commitment
École Richard Secord School
2014 – 2015 School Handbook
4025 117 St NW
Edmonton AB T6J 1T4
T 780-436-9839
F 780-432-1319
Absentee line 780-436-9017
Edmonton Public Schools is helping to shape the future in every
one of our classrooms. We’re focused on ensuring each student learns
to their full potential and develops the ability, passion and imagination
to pursue their dreams and contribute to their community.