Newsletter - Holy Trinity Brussels


Newsletter - Holy Trinity Brussels
Holy Trinity Brussels
March 1st 2015
Lent 2
Today’s Services: 9.00 Holy Communion: Chris Martin
10.30 Holy Communion: Arttu Mäkipää
14.00 Holy Communion: David Mitchell
19.00 Holy Communion: John and Susie Wilkinson
Sunday School Theme: Jesus challenges us.
Our readings this week
Genesis 17: 1-7, 15, 16 Despite their great age, God promises Abraham and Sarah that they
will found a great nation in the place where they now live as aliens. Normally, covenants impose
equal obligations on both sides, but here the burden is on God. Abraham and Sarah have only
to believe. As with all our covenants with God, this is a covenant of grace.
Psalm 22 The life of obedience to God is not always easy. At times of trouble, God may seem
far away. Yet the psalm moves to a confident conclusion, for the psalmist is confident that God
hears the cry for help from his own. It is with that certainty that he can face the future, looking
to the time when God’s rule is acknowledged. What a time of joy for those who put their trust
in Him.
Romans 4: 13-25 Paul’s point is that we lay hold of the benefits of the covenant by placing our
faith in God, not through the sort of ceremonial obedience attached to practices such as
circumcision. All those who put their trust in God, whether Jews or Gentiles, can enjoy the
benefits of God’s covenant with Abraham, for when we are prepared to put our trust in God,
he gives us credit for that and treats us as righteous.
Mark 8: 31-38 Jesus is determined to obey God and to trust him right to the end. That is why
he reacts so strongly to Peter. For us, a decision to follow Jesus is an act of the will. But it
requires that we abandon self and trust God – as Abraham did. Jesus makes it plain that
following him may not be easy, but will bring great rewards.
Pointers for prayer
 Pray that all those who are in pain or trouble may feel able to cry out to God: and that
their cry may be heard and they know God’s strength;
 Which is the greater challenge to our faith: the pains of life; or the mockery of unbelievers?
Pray for courage;
 Often those who most openly scorn commitment to God are nearer to faith than the
indifferent. Pray for them, too.
At tonight’s 7 pm service John and Susie Wilkinson continue our study series on
Ephesians with ‘Family Fortunes’, drawing on Ephesians 5:21-6:4
Our Life Together
Welcome to Holy Trinity. Coffee and tea are served downstairs after the 10.30
service, the bar is also open. Do come down and join us for this time of fellowship, and
introduce yourself if you are new to or visiting Brussels.
Sunday School. The topic of the month for February is “Jesus challenges us.” This
week the Bible passage is Matthew 7:13–29.
Throughout Lent the 12.30 Holy Communion service each Wednesday will be
followed by a bread and soup lunch (a small donation is requested). As we prepare for
Easter why not pause to join us for this hour of prayer, calm and fellowship?
The booklet of Lenten Meditations is now available at the back of the church. Please
do take a copy to help your preparations for Easter. A download is also available attached
to this notice. You can also read the daily meditations on either of the church Facebook
pages- Holy Trinity Brussels 7pm Community and Holy Trinity Brussels and an exciting new option
Book The iPhone app will
appear shortly. Jane and David Brown would like to thank everyone who has taken the time
to contribute a meditation.
How is your Lent reading going? Still not started? Come and get something special at
the book stall downstairs after the 10.30 service. All Lent books at half price!
La Foresta. I have just put in my forms for La Foresta, taking advantage of early bird
prices, and am really looking forward to not only hearing great speakers from our church,
but also the opportunity to make new friends. We need at least 100 people to break even,
and we almost half way there. During this interregnum period, your support for such
weekends is even more important. So whether you're a regular, or especially someone new
or who hasn't been for while please don't forget to sign up, the earlier the better! Raj.
We have re-started the prayer meetings such as we held at the end of last year
for the interregnum, and for the appointment of a new Senior Chaplain for
our church. Two more meetings will take place in Church House Conference Room:
next Sunday 8th March at 12.30, and on Thursday 19th March at 18.30. The meetings will
last about half an hour. They are organised at different times to allow you maximum
flexibility to organise any other commitments around them. Everyone welcome. Do
contact Sue Bird (0476 410 875) for further information.
The monthly Bun Sunday bake sales held during 2014 raised just over € 3000. Any
suggestions welcome for projects to be supported this year. Please in writing to me or by
e-mail ( Ann Freeman.
On Sunday 8th March, the Bishop of London, Rt Revd Richard Chartres, will be
preaching at our 10H30 service.
On Sunday 15th March at the 10.30 service Bishop Robert Innes will be presiding at a
service of baptism and confirmation. Please keep the candidates in your prayers as they take
this important step in their lives of faith. Please pray too for Heather Roy and Arttu Mäkipää
who will be licensed as Readers.
There will be a Bring and Share lunch on 15th March too, so please plan to bring
enough food for you and your family to share.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will be in Brussels for the day
tomorrow (Monday). He is coming to visit Bishop Robert to encourage him in his new
ministry and also to visit the EU Institutions with Bishop Robert and David Fieldsend to have
discussions with key leaders on issues of concern. He has also been invited to an audience
with King Philippe. Unfortunately on this occasion he will not be able to join us at Holy
Trinity for a Sunday service. Please pray that this visit may be constructive and that the
Archbishop’s wisdom will be well received by those visited.
World Day of Prayer is on Friday 6th March. The English speaking service for the
Brussels area is at the Christian Centre, Chaussée de Wateloo 47, 1640 Rhode St Genèse
at 10.30. This year the service which will be used throughout the world is prepared by
women of the Bahamas.
‘Travelling light’ The 2015 women’s ecumenical retreat for English speaking
women in Belgium, from 5pm on Friday 13th March until 5pm on Saturday 14th March.
Our speaker is Revd Dr Judy Craig Peck, a Family Doctor, Anglican Priest and Spiritual
Director in the Diocese of Peterborough, UK. This year the retreat is at the old abbey at
Kortenberg. Costs vary from €50 - €90. You can choose between residential or sleeping
at home. For more details contact Ann Milton at
Easter Lilies. As in previous years, the flower team invites you to give Easter lilies in
memory of departed loved ones. Each lily costs €2 and envelopes will be available at the
back of the church from next Sunday. Please put the name(s) of those you wish to
commemorate on the envelope and the corresponding amount of money inside and return
to the basket.
Church Council meets on Monday 2nd March at 20.00 in the Church House
conference room.
The Prayer Chain welcomes requests for prayer for any situation with complete
confidentiality to Ilka Tank: Tel 02 675 52 10 or to Anne Fieldsend 02
735 1997.
Vacancy: Anglican Religious Education has two vacancies in secondary school teaching :
two hours in Brussels-Laken and two hours in Antwerp-Kapellen.
Information Contact:
Edith Cavell Commemoration This year we commemorate Edith Cavell and the
Belgian Edith Cavell Commemoration Group (BECCG) is organizing a series of events
together with the Commune of Uccle and Cinematek. We would like to know of members
of Holy Trinity who might be interested to receive direct information and who might be
interested in getting involved on the practical side with one or two events. A web site has
been created and will be available soon in French and Dutch
Please contact Birte Day for further information :
Chris Martin is leaving Brussels after Easter to return definitively to Edinburgh.
He is a bit worried about whether he can get all his stuff into a suitcase. If you are travelling
to Edinburgh later in the year by car, and would be able to take a small box or two with you
(mainly books, coffee mugs etc), that would be enormously helpful. Contact him on
Do you fancy a holiday in the South of France and pay your rent to the Church
House Redevelopment Project? Sue Bird has a villa in the foothills of the Pyrenees, not far
from Med and mountains, 5 bedrooms, private swimming pool, for all year-round holidays.
Sign up quickly though as July and August are nearly full! If you are interested, please contact
Sue on 0476-410-875 or
Accommodation wanted: An ordinand training for Anglican ministry in the UK
needs accommodation in Brussels while undergoing medical treatment from May or June
until July or August. If you would be able to offer him accommodation for all or part of that
period please contact John Wilkinson or Chris Martin via the church office.
Professional lady requires a one-bedroomed apartment or studio in or near Brussels
(preferably on the East /NE side) for 9 to 12 months. Contact Brenda Wiederhold as
from 12 March on 0479 22 45 31 or anytime by email: Rita Histed, her
Brussels contact, says thanks for any offers of accommodation – even short term – to help
Brenda on her return to Brussels; if necessary call her (0479 10 12 08 or and she’ll pass on any information to Brenda who is currently in
the USA.
The Wider Church
The film ‘L’heureux Naufrage’ – ‘Fortunate Shipwreck’ is a 45 minute documentary
made in Quebec, Canada (by YWAM Montreal) on 'the emptiness of post-Christian society'. It
is fast moving, with many different speakers and is very relevant to our society here in Belgium
and Western Europe. The 'Première' of this movie will be at the Vendôme Theatre, near the
Porte de Namur metro Brussels, on Thursday 5 March at 19.30. Admission 8 euros. There will
be a discussion afterwards in French and English. The movie is in French with excellent English
subtitles. The website for the Vendôme Theatre where it will be shown has a good synopsis of
the film, in French, at
The Sally Army will be marching in for the next Brunch of the International Christian
Womens' Club on March 10th. Major Ruth Stannett will be telling us about the 'Army's' work
with people who have been trafficked, as well as her work as a Pastor. We will have the chance
to sing some rousing SA Choruses, while allowing plenty of opportunity for Fellowship over our
'buffet' Brunch. See posters and flyers for further information. And join us for a Prayer Coffee
'chez' Pam Clements the following week. Full details on poster in lobby.
Address: The Pro-Cathedral of Holy Trinity Rue Capitaine Crespel 29,
B-1050 Brussels Website:
Phone: 02/511.71.83 Email:
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9a.m. – 12 p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Newsletter items: to by 9 a.m. Tuesday
Associate Chaplains: Canon John Wilkinson and Canon Prof. Jack McDonald
Assistant Chaplain: The Revd Chris Martin
Lay Minister: David Fieldsend
Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Janet Sayers Outreach Worker: Jeremy Heuslein
Lay Assistant: Naomi Brown
Gift account for pledges and donations to Holy Trinity Brussels is:
IBAN: BE14 3100 3441 5383 BIC: BBRUBEBB
Contributions to Church House Redevelopment Fund is:
IBAN: BE39 3104 5510 7619 BIC: BBRUBEBB