Newsletter - Holy Trinity Brussels


Newsletter - Holy Trinity Brussels
Holy Trinity Brussels
April 12th 2015
Easter 2
Today’s Services: 9.00 Holy Communion: Richard Frost
10.30 Holy Communion: Richard Frost
Sunday School Theme: Victorious Love
14.00 Holy Communion:
19.00 Heather Roy who will begin a new series: ‘Becoming Resurrection People’ with
‘People of Radical Hope’ Readings: I Corinthians 15:35-58, & Philippians 1:15-21
Our readings this week
Acts 4:32-35 What a change! These are no longer the frightened disciples who fled Jesus’
arrest. Confidence, love and grace are now the marks of the young church. The disciples have
a message for the world, that explains their extraordinary confidence. It is that Jesus is alive.
Psalm 133 The psalm uses two pictures to help us sense of the beauty of unity. The first is
that of precious oil, so prized in the life of Mediterranean communities as it sooths parched skin.
The second is the dew, the seemingly miraculous wetness that covers dry ground during the
night and, without any rainfall, refreshes the ground. The early church could celebrate its unity
in the experience of the resurrection. What could bring greater blessing!
1 John 1:1-2:2 The Christian message is not about a theory. It is about things that the followers
of Jesus have seen, touched and heard. It is about our experience of living in a joyful relationship
with God. This is what Christians are to proclaim in both their words and their lives: that
following Jesus brings an experience of joy, light, fellowship, truth and purification from sin. It is
the Word of life.
John 20:19-end From the earliest times, Christians have met together on the first day of the
week. As on that first occasion they have found Jesus among them, reminding them of his death
and resurrection, speaking peace to their troubled minds, bringing them joy, and empowering
them to live the Christian life. As then, so now: belief in Jesus brings blessing, whether or not it
comes from a dramatic encounter with the risen Lord.
Pointers for prayer
 Pray for peace for all those who are facing death, pain, and trouble of any sort: especially
for those without the comfort of belief in Jesus;
 We do not need to have dramatic experiences to place our trust in Jesus. To do so is an
act of the will. Jesus promises that blessing will follow from such a commitment;
 Do our lives, including our words, proclaim the experience of being with Jesus?
 Give thanks to God for bringing us to eternal life through Jesus.
Our Life Together
Welcome to Holy Trinity. Coffee and tea are served downstairs after the 10.30
service, the bar is also open. Do come down and join us for this time of fellowship, and
introduce yourself if you are new to or visiting Brussels. Many of our congregation are away
on Easter visits to family and friends, we wish them refreshing holidays and safe journeys.
Today we welcome our new locum chaplain, Richard Frost, who with his wife Gill
will be ministering to us until the beginning of August.
Sunday School. The Eastertide topic is “Victorious Love.” This week the Bible
passage is Luke 24:13–35.
Thank you to the choir, the flower team, the bar, coffee and welcome teams
for all that they did to make Holy Week and Easter Day such a very special time.
The Flower Team would like to thank all those who gave so generously towards lilies
and other flowers to decorate the church over Easter. There is a list of those to whom
lilies have been dedicated on the pillar at the back of the church.
Today is Bun Sunday. The monthly bake sale will be held in the hall after the 10.30
service. Please buy some of our delicious baked goodies, marmalades, jams and chutneys to
support smaller mission projects.
John Wilkinson will be off duty from Friday 10th until Friday 17th April.
This month we have a focus on Sarah & Pete, long-term friends and partners of Holy
Trinity and currently ministering in London. They will be worshipping with us on Sunday
12th April. If you would like to find out more and partner with them in prayer or finance,
please see them in person, or contact Arttu Makipaa ( at any
Sunday April 26th around 12:00 Holy Trinity has its Annual General Meeting.
You are eligible to vote at the AGM if you are registered on the Electoral Roll. The Electoral
Roll inscriptions are closed. Anyone giving in their forms as of now can only vote as of next
year - The Electoral Roll Officer.
Guided tour of historic Antwerp on Saturday 25th April. The new Holy Trinity
Men’s Group kicked off last month with a Saturday morning stroll around the Forêt de
Soignes, now we are venturing beyond the Groene Gordel. Come and join us to explore
the delights of historic Antwerp. We start at 9am with coffee and waffles at Désiré de Lille,
Schrijnwerkersstraat 18, do a guided tour of the old town and finish at 12 noon. Enjoying
lunch together is then an option for those who want to linger longer. Men of all ages
welcome. Feel free to bring friends. Group transport possible. For more information and
sign up email
Pentecost Praise May 23rd 2015-The Spirit within you. Save this date NOW if
you are between 4-17 years of age and start thinking about your poster design over Easter.
It could be your poster this year! Want to know more? Drop us a line at
We would like to remind you that parking is not allowed under the archway
during services, concerts or other events in church as this is the only exit from the site in
case of emergency. Thank you for your co-operation, your Admin Team.
The Prayer Chain welcomes requests for prayer for any situation with complete
confidentiality to Ilka Tank: Tel 02 675 52 10 or to Anne Fieldsend 02
735 1997.
Chris Martin writes: A very big THANK YOU for your hospitality, support, and
friendship these past 17 months. I have greatly enjoyed my time with you at Holy Trinity,
Brussels. And thank you from Susie and from me for your farewell gifts and prayers. We
look forward to seeing several of you in Edinburgh in the coming months and years. Our
home address is: 10 Kirkhill Terrace, Edinburgh, EH16 5DQ. The phone number is 0131.
668. 4071. And my e-mail address will continue to be: We
will be praying for you all in the transition that lies ahead.
The Wider Church
Edith Cavell Commemoration This year we commemorate Edith Cavell and the
Belgian Edith Cavell Commemoration Group (BECCG) is organizing a series of events
together with the Commune of Uccle and Cinematek. We would like to know of members
of Holy Trinity who might be interested to receive direct information and who might be
interested in getting involved on the practical side with one or two events. A web site has
been created and is available in English and French: The first
scheduled events are a number of guided walks taking place from April in Uccle/Ixelles to
enable you to discover the main places linked to her life and her work, details of these are
on the web-site under ‘events’. Please contact Birte Day for further
L'Olivier, a charity that assists refugees in Brussels, is organising a conference-debate
“L’asile (en Belgique) pour les nuls" (Asylum in Belgium for Dummies) on Saturday 18 th April
from 15.00 to 18.00 in Salle B, Maison Notre-Dame du Chant d’Oiseau, Avenue des
Franciscains 3a, 1150 Bruxelles. The event is in French but interpretation into English will
be available (pre-registration required). Full details on the poster in the lobby.
The International Christian Women’s Club of Brussels invites you and your
guests to their “Home from Home” guest night dinner 2015 with Yuri Cardozo and
Miguel Ferrer which will be held at the American Women’s Club of Brussels on Saturday
April 25th from 7.15 till 11.15. Music from the de Burbure family, guest speakers Mark and
Gabrielle Arnot. Full details on the poster in the lobby, or take a flyer from the table.
Accommodation wanted: A Christian professional man of forty-five, of Ghanaian
origin, currently living in the Czech Republic, moving to Brussels in the next two or three
weeks with his conference business and therefore looking to share with other Christians in
a house or to rent a flat. If anyone can help, please contact Frederick Gyebi-Ababio
(, tel: +420 734 595 268 Skype: fredgyebi).
Martina Hanáková, a Christian girl from the Czech Republic, studying for a Ph.D. is
coming to Brussels for two months (June and July) to do an internship in a museum. She is
looking for a room in a shared flat or house, (she has a rather tight budget of less than €300)
or a house-sitting, if you can help please contact her on
Address: The Pro-Cathedral of Holy Trinity Rue Capitaine Crespel 29,
B-1050 Brussels Website:
Phone: 02/511.71.83 Email:
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9a.m. – 12 p.m.
Tuesday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Newsletter items: to by 9 a.m. Tuesday
Associate Chaplains: Canon John Wilkinson and Canon Prof. Jack McDonald
Locum Chaplain: The Revd Richard Frost
Lay Minister: David Fieldsend
Pastoral Assistant: Mrs Janet Sayers Outreach Worker: Jeremy Heuslein
Lay Assistant: Naomi Brown
Gift account for pledges and donations to Holy Trinity Brussels is:
IBAN: BE14 3100 3441 5383 BIC: BBRUBEBB
Contributions to Church House Redevelopment Fund is:
IBAN: BE39 3104 5510 7619 BIC: BBRUBEBB