This week`s diary - Our Lady of Lourdes Sunnybank Parish


This week`s diary - Our Lady of Lourdes Sunnybank Parish
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge
Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills
 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank  Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge
Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank)
Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm.
Ph: 3345 3766
Fax: 3344 3343,
Mass Times: 3345 1831
Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109.
Web: Email:
Deanery website:
2nd March
8.15 am
8.30 am
Morning Prayer S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Tuesday 3rd March
8.15 am
8.30 am
9.00 am
7.00 pm
Morning Prayer S/bank
Mass- Sunnybank
Bible study
Silent Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament Sunnybank
Wednesday 4th March
8.15 am
8.30 am
9.30 am
Morning Prayer -S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Rosary - S/bank
Thursday 5th March
8.45 am
9:00 am
9.00 am
7.30 pm
Morning Prayer -S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Meditation S/Bank
6th March
6 30 am
8.15 am
8.30 am
9.30 am
9.45 am
5.30 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Morning Prayer S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Benediction - S/bank
Legion of Mary - Media Rm
Stations of the Cross Acacia Ridge
Saturday 7th March
8.30 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
2.305.30 pm
5.00 pm
6.00 pm
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mary’s Way of the Cross
Reconciliation - S/bank
Catholic Charismatic
Prayer, in Spanish - Media
Room -S/bank
Reconciliation - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Sunday 8th March
3rd Sunday of Lent
6.30 am
8.00 am
9.00 am
9.15 am
10.30 am
11.30 am
6.00 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - (Spanish)- A/Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank: Youth
Please note that Reconciliation
at Our Lady of Lourdes Church will
continue only while there are
people waiting.
Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank)
Fr Terence Nueva (Parish Priest: Acacia Ridge - 3277 2252)
Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor)
Fr Ladu Yanga (Associate Pastor)
Second Sunday of Lent: 1st March 2015
This week’s diary
Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498)
Dear Parishioners
Good news! The Brisbane City Council has given approval for
our Church at Sunnybank to be refurbished and expanded.
BUT they have imposed several conditions concerning noise.
Some of these conditions include keeping all the windows and doors
in the Church closed, air-conditioning the Church and surfacing the back carpark with
bitumen. Our architect and town planner, who have been assisting us through the
process of making our application with the Council, are now
considering if we will object to these conditions (more information later).
To assist you to be able to attend extra Masses during Lent you will notice
there is an extra Mass at Sunnybank on Friday 6:30am (for Lent only) and
also an extra Mass at Acacia Ridge on Saturday 8:30am (permanent). During Lent
you can attend Stations of the Cross at Sunnybank on Saturday 10:30am
and Acacia Ridge on Friday 5:30 pm.
Next Friday is First Friday and there will be an extra Mass at Sunnybank at 10am.
This Mass is an Anointing Mass for those who are sick or getting on in years. Mass
will be followed by a wonderful morning tea. If you'd like a lift please contact the
Parish office (3345 3766).
All the men of the Parish are invited to a sumptuous breakfast on Saturday
morning (March 7) at 7am for the monthly men's breakfast. The guest speaker will
be Ian Smith from Queensland Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.
Every year the local churches come together for the World Day of Prayer.
This year the World Day of Prayer will be held at the local Uniting Church
Hillcrest Street, off Hellawell Street, Sunnybank Hills this Friday at 10am. See more
details on the next page of this newsletter. You would be very welcome to attend.
In the newsletter over the last few weeks Protais Muhirwa, one of our Parish
Pastoral Councillors has asked for your help to assist refugees in a new venture in
our Convent near Our Lady of Lourdes School. Protais is very grateful for the
assistance he has been offered and is now asking help for funding for running costs
and part-time staff salaries, also a few computers, sewing machines and a stove with
large plates. You can contact Protais on 0424 833 284 or
Have a great week everyone.
Fr Dan
If you are a newcomer, we are honoured to have you celebrate with us, and would like
to have the opportunity to welcome you and answer any questions you may have about
us. If you would like to hear more about our caring faith community, please fill in one of
the bright orange forms at Sunnybank Church or one of the bright blue forms at Acacia
Ridge Church and place it on the collection plate. If you indicate that you would like a
visit, someone from the Welcoming Committee will contact you.
Next Sunday: 3rd Sunday of Lent Year B
Exodus 20:1-17; Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25
2nd Sunday of Lent: Year B
In the account of the transfiguration, which features in today’s gospel, we see a glimpse of Jesus’ glory.
Like Peter, we would like to stay with that image of glory and listen to the Beloved Son.
First Reading: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Just as Abraham, “the founding father of Israel must entrust his entire life and future to God,” so must we (NJBC Genesis
21:35). This is not always an easy thing to do, particularly when it is our heart’s “treasure” to which we cling.
Second Reading: Romans 8:31b-34
Paul teaches us that God’s saving plan, already revealed in Christ Jesus, shows that God is on our side! What have we
to fear? Christ is ever-present to us, interceding on our behalf before the throne of God.
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10
The Second Sunday of Lent always includes a “Transfiguration” text according to the liturgical cycle. Whatever slight differences there are in the Synoptics, they agree on what is central, among them - Jesus is God’s Beloved, and we are to
listen to him. That is the catechumenal task as well as candidates prepare for initiation.
Our Multicultural Mass for Our Lady of Lourdes is on Sunday 01 March 2015 at 10.30am.
After Mass, in the Paloma Centre there will be a Multicultural Celebration of Food and Song.
Come along to this celebration wearing dress that is identified with your culture and bring a dish to
celebrate your cuisine after mass. And please put a tag on your food identifying your culture.
We are anticipating this wonderful celebration of Mass and Culture with the great joy of unity through Christ.
The World Day of Prayer is a world-wide movement of all
Christian Churches. Each year has a focus on a particular
country - this year’s focus is on the collection of islands
known as the Bahamas. The prayer service shows the
particular concerns of the people of the Bahamas and
demonstrates how they understand the biblical passages in
the context of their lives.
Each year a local church plays host. This year it is the
Uniting Church in Hillcrest Street, off Hellawell Road,
S-bank Hills. (Our Parish will be the host in 2017).
The service will be held at 10 am on Friday March 6th.
Everyone is welcome to join in this ecumenical gathering
and to bring a small plate of food to share afterwards.
Enquiries: Gabby 3711 4227: 0488 592 770.
Key Principles of Catholic Social Justice
Human Dignity Each person, made in the image and
likeness of God, has an inalienable and transcendent
human dignity which gives rise to human rights.
The Common Good We are called to work for conditions
which ensure that every person and group in society is able
to meet their needs and realize their potential.
St Stephen’s School - Algester
Enrolling for Prep 2016
Applications are now being taken for Prep
enrolments for 2016.
Enrolment Applications forms and information about
St Stephen’s School can be accessed from our webpage
For further information, please contact Stacey at
Aria Angels (Brisbane South Deanery)
Cost: $6.00
Term 1 Dates: March 4, 11, 18, and 25
Time: 9am for 9.30am start - 11am, Our Lady of Lourdes
121 Mains Rd, S/bank. Contact Anne Scott 0419 642 490
Project Compassion
The Sunnybank group meets regularly in the Paloma Centre
on the first Thursday of the month at 7pm. All interested in
learning more about current issues and in the active
promotion of social justice within our society are very
welcome to attend.
This week Project Compassion focuses on Niger, where
life is very tough. Many live in extreme poverty, often unable to afford or access food and water. In Niger, more
than half the children under five years old have experienced malnutrition. A Nutrition Centre in Niger (supported
by Caritas Australia) admits over 500 malnourished children every week. When Fati (2 and a half) became malnourished, her mother Mariama took her to the Centre to
receive the food, nutritional supplements and medical
care that she needed to recover. Mariama too was able to
regain her strength and learn new income producing
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 5 March and will
be addressed by Kate Smith, an acknowledged authority on
spiritual communication.
You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by
or phoning 1800 024 413.
Subsidiarity The people or groups most directly affected by
a decision or policy should have a key decision making role.
Solidarity We can only grow and achieve our potential in
relationship with others. Solidarity encourages us to commit
ourselves to the common good.
Your Prayers Are Asked For:
the recently deceased: Januaria Verdeflor, Sr Mary Honora, Charles Abraham, Maureen Gallagher,
Voilette Gomez, Tony Harrison, Monica Harawira, Fortunata Villarind, Harry Marinos, Saitta Guiseppe,
Castula Marcial Martinez.
those with anniversaries & others who have died: Bernard Elford, Gabriel Hong, Bill Tilney, Charles Tyson,
Jovanni Rivera, Therese Dutton, Jim White, Kevin James Walsh, Rosita Lucero, Kevin Lambe,
Marie and George Coley, Noreen Casey, Gladwyn Catchlove, Rosanna Collins.
those who are unwell: Claire Moynihan, Carolann Grace, Harry Mohr, Bev Ray, Nola Wright,
Veronica Mossman, Ronnie McGregor, Cristy Frial, Jesus Cabrera, Gina Conde, Mark Fitzgerald,
Sonia Ambrosini, Anthony Toohey, Margaret McAuliffe, Bohdi Wayne Davis, Michael Grace, Bernard Jensen,
Mauricio Guerra, Flavia, Malcolm Ellis, Jordan Keil, Anthony Christmas, Margaret Cavanagh, Anna Chow.
the Continuing Sick: Kath Adams, Nita Anthony, Elizabeth Boase, Vaughan Boucher, Maxine Brady,
Edna Brischetto, Caitlin, Jeremy Carroll, Betty Catchlove, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey,
Mary Dixon, Gerry, Mary and George Goode, Brian Hammerton, Marianne Kellett, Baby Luka Kello, Blanche Kiel,
Vlado Matesa, Bernadette Matesa, Mika Matesa, Margaret McAuliffe, Bianca Miller, Catherine Miller, Alice
O’Grady, Jenny Reed, Jim Neehouse, Robyn Scaysbrook, Julanne Slater, Annaleese Stewart, Maria Surdo,
Baby Milla Wilson.
Baptism for Children 7 years to 15 years
Singles & Solos Brunch
A Baptism Programme for children 7 years to 15 years will
be commencing in May 2015. Any parents wishing to enrol
their child will need to call the Parish office on 3345 3766
to organise a time for an interview with Sr Stella.
Interview times commence 14th April and go to 14th May
This is a group for single and solo people of middle age
who meet on the first Sunday of the month.
Our next gathering is on Sunday 1st March, 2015 at the
Sunnybank Community & Sports Club,
470 McCullough St, Sunnybank. We will meet inside at
the Fresco’s Café and Lounge Bar at 10.30 AM.
Enrolments close 14 May 2015
Stations of the Cross:
Mary's Way of the Cross
Saturdays at 10.30am till Easter
celebrated on Friday 6 March 2015 at 10am.
This mass will include the Anointing of the sick and the
All senior parishioners including the recently retired are
welcome to attend. There will be a morning tea in the Paloma Centre following the mass. Parking will be available at
the grassed car park. Please come along to enjoy a lovely
Catholic Kids Club
1st Meeting of the Year!
Saturday 14th March Avocado Room - Paloma Centre
3:00pm - 5:00pm (4yrs - 11yrs)
At meetings children learn about their faith in a fun way
through activities, crafts, games and stories. It’s a great
way to develop children’s love for God and interest in the
Catholic Church in a way they can relate to.
A youth group for kids!
EASTER DAY CAMP (Prep - Grade 6)
$20 per child, per day (family discounts may apply)
Morning and Afternoon Tea Included ( BYO Lunch)
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Complex - Avocado Room
For more information email
Bible Study Group
The sessions which are held on Tuesdays from 9.00am
until 11.30 am. Everyone is welcome. Sue & Rob Scott
3711 5921
The 9.30 am Christian Meditation group has disbanded.
The 7.30 pm group meets Thursdays in the Media Room.
Please contact Gabby on 3711 4227 or 0488 592 770
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School
Enrolling for Prep 2016 NOW
Applications for Round One interviews will
close 2 March 2015
Tours of the school will be conducted on Tuesday 17
March at 9.00am. Reply to Debbie at
or phone the office on 3345 0700.
Fishers of Men invites men of all age
groups to come together in fellowship
and enjoy a full barbeque breakfast on
the first Saturday morning of each
month in the Avocado Room at Paloma
Reception Centre at Sunnybank.
The next breakfast will be held on Saturday 7 March
2015 from 7am to 9am in the Avocado Room of the
Paloma Reception Centre.
If you wish to attend please contact
Les Micale on 3273 7883 or email:
Cost: $10.00
Pastoral Associate (P/T)
Stella Noskoff rsj
Parish Office Staff
Karrin Halliday
Parish Manager
Alice Orwat (Secretary)
Tam Nguyen (Accounts)
BOOKS NEEDED!!! We will be having a used book sale
Youth and Young Adult
on the 21st and 22nd of March. If you have unwanted books that
are in a good condition please drop them into the office over the
next week, or contact us and we can arrange to pick them up.
BBQ after the Sunday
evening Mass this
Just a donation for a
sausage and bread and
$1.00 for a drink
LifeNite is a youth group for those in grade 9-12. It is a place
where young people can come together create lifelong friendships, have fun and learn about how the faith can be relevant
in your life! It’s a place where the tough questions can be
asked and real answers are given!
Caring Co-ordinator (P/T)
Bernadette Christian
Unite Youth/Young Adults
Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird
0403 182 617
Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care
Community Program Manager
Jennifer Vanarey
3216 9554
Paloma Reception Centre
3345 6666
OLOL School, Sunnybank
Principal - Mark Badke
3345 0700
Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya
3344 3064
OLOF School, Acacia Ridge
Principal - Warren Fields
3275 1152
St Stephen’s School, Algester
Principal - Phil Manitta
3711 4911
Buddies Day aims to provide opportunities
for disadvantaged children within our community to have a safe and fun day out.
Want to get involved?
The requirements to be a leader are:
Be between 16 and 35 years old
Be a practising Catholic
Be available one Saturday a month and
have a willingness to work with
children in an unconditionally
enthusiastic and positive manner
Our Parish Vinnies Youth Conference is still
in need of a few members. As a conference
member in addition to the above you would
be required to attend a monthly planning
St Stephen's OSHC
Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling
3711 9291
St Thomas More College, Sunnybank
Principal - Peter Elmore
3323 4600
Soubirous Place
Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm
3344 3481
Sunnybank Parish
Bob Davis
Therese Prygiel
Louise Weston
Latino American
Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez
0481 118 521
Marina Castellanos (Secretary)
0481 168 748
Office: Tuesday & Wednesday
9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367
Next Sunday (8th March) after the Youth
Ministered Mass. Hope to see you
there—get ready to have some fun!
6th OF MARCH! What do you believe?
The EDGE is a youth group for those in
grade 6-8. It is a place where young people
can grow up together. Have fun, make
friends, learn about the faith in a fun and
Lenten Program
All those in grade 10 and above are welcome
to join us on Tuesday evenings during Lent
for a young adult Lenten Program.
7:30pm-8:30pm on Tuesdays
continuing this Tuesday the 2nd March
From 7-7:30pm we will be in the Church for
Adoration. Come and join us!
40 Days for Life is a peace prayer vigil run in
many different places around the world during
Lent to pray for the end of abortion. All you have
to do is sign up for an hour and pray outside the
abortion clinic in Bowen Hills.
Please go to for more information
and to sign up for an hour.
A group of us will be going on Friday the 6th of
March from 10-11pm. If you are interested in
joining us please let us know.
New Sunday night ministry roster will
start next weekend! Rosters out soon…
Roster for the Next Youth Ministered Mass
Sunday the 8th March
MUSICIANS: K. O’Kelly, M. Betia, E. Dulay, G. King
SINGERS: L. Dulay, V. Liputra, T. Lee, F. Lee
READERS: S. Eastgate, C. Ranatunga. B. Halog
OFFERTORY: M. Arachchige, C. Aji
ALTAR SERVERS: S. Arachchige
SPECIAL MINISTERS: K. Mann, L. Conde, S. Kadell, S. Luate-Wani, S. Ranatunga, Y. Hsieh, S. Robb
BBQ: J. Betia Piety Store: S. Powel, N. Lee