This week`s diary - Our Lady of Lourdes Sunnybank Parish


This week`s diary - Our Lady of Lourdes Sunnybank Parish
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge
Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills
 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank  Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge
Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank)
Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm.
Ph: 3345 3766
Fax: 3344 3343,
Mass Times: 3345 1831
Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109.
Web: Email:
Deanery website:
9th March
8.15 am
8.30 am
Morning Prayer S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Tuesday 10th March
8.15 am
8.30 am
9.00 am
7.00 pm
Morning Prayer S/bank
Mass- Sunnybank
Bible study
Silent Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament Sunnybank
Wednesday 11th March
8.15 am
8.30 am
9.00 am
Morning Prayer -S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Rosary - S/bank
Thursday 12th March
8.45 am
9:00 am
9.00 am
7.30 pm
Morning Prayer -S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Meditation S/Bank
13th March
6 30 am
8.15 am
8.30 am
9.30 am
9.45 am
5.30 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Morning Prayer S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Benediction - S/bank
Legion of Mary - Media Rm
Stations of the Cross Acacia Ridge
Saturday 14th March
8.30 am
10.30 am
11.00 am
2.305.30 pm
5.00 pm
6.00 pm
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mary’s Way of the Cross
Reconciliation - S/bank
Catholic Charismatic
Prayer, in Spanish - Media
Room -S/bank
Reconciliation - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Sunday 15th March
4th Sunday of Lent
6.30 am
8.00 am
9.00 am
9.15 am
10.30 am
11.30 am
6.00 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - (Spanish)- A/Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank: Youth
Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank)
Fr Terence Nueva (Parish Priest: Acacia Ridge - 3277 2252)
Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor)
Fr Ladu Yanga (Associate Pastor)
Third Sunday of Lent: 8th March 2015
This week’s diary
Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498)
Dear Parishioners
As I said in the newsletter last week the Brisbane City Council has
approved our plans for the refurbishment and extension of our Church
at Sunnybank BUT the Council has put several conditions on the works
to be done to the Church. One of the conditions is that the Church be
air-conditioned, with the windows and doors of the Church closed to prevent any noise
affecting our neighbours. Another condition is that the grassed playing area at the back of
our Church which we use for parking will need to be paved. Our architect estimates these
2 conditions will add about $500,000 to the cost of the works on the Church.
CONSEQUENTLY we have instructed our architect and town planner to put in an
objection to the Council concerning these conditions. We await the Councils answer.
This weekend at some of our Masses those who are to be Baptised and those who are
to be received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at Easter time will
officially be presented with the Creed. We say the Creed at all of our Sunday Masses
and it is a great summary of our beliefs in God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the
truths of the Catholic Church. As we say the Creed this weekend let us all think afresh
of the words that we are saying.
We are looking for a new secretary/receptionist in the Parish office. Alice our
secretary/receptionist has accepted another job. We are looking for someone who has
previous experience as a secretary and receptionist. There are more details on page 3
of this newsletter. We thank Alice for her work in the front office of our Parish and wish
her well in her new position.
Our Parish Catholic Kids Club group for primary school children are putting together
an innovative Easter Day Camp to be held at Paloma during the Easter holidays.
Catholic Kids Club is a wonderful opportunity for our primary school children to learn
about our faith in our Parish setting. Catholic Kids Club will have their monthly meeting
next Saturday at Paloma. More details on page 3 of this newsletter.
Our Parish youth are holding a book sale fundraiser on the weekend of 21st/22nd March
to raise much needed funds for the youth work of our Parish. Please drop any books into
the Parish office to be able to contribute to the book sale.
The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated in St Stephen's Cathedral on Thursday 26 th
of March at 7:30 pm. This is the Mass where the Archbishop blesses all the Holy Oils
which will be used in all the Sacraments for the following twelve months. Also the Priests
of the Archdiocese recommit themselves to their Priesthood during this Mass.
All Parishioners are invited. A massed choir is being formed to sing at the Chrism Mass.
If you would like to be part of the choir please contact Director of Music Dr Ralph Morton
on 07-3324 3009 or e-mail
Our Multicultural Mass at Sunnybank last weekend was most enjoyable and was followed
by a great concert and sharing of many foods. A big thank you to Fr Ladu, Peter Briggs,
Ross Frassetto, Protais Muhirwa, the children and the choirs who sang at Mass and
everyone who helped and provided food for the day. Don't miss out on the next
Multicultural Mass when it is held.
Rosters. The rosters to be used at Mass at Sunnybank are being prepared as they run
out this month. The Cleaners and Counters rosters are available on the back table at
Sunnybank this weekend.
Have a great week everyone.
Please note that Reconciliation
at Our Lady of Lourdes Church will
continue only while there are
people waiting.
Fr Dan
Next Sunday: 4th Sunday of Lent Year B
2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23; Ephesians 2: 4-10; John 3: 14-21
3rd Sunday of Lent: Year B
Introduction: On this third Sunday of Lent, the emphasis in the Gospel is on the Law of God. Jesus came
To fulfil that law and to become the New Temple of God’s Dwelling.
First Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 It is ever important to consider context when we listen to the Scriptures
proclaimed. The Decalogue is part of the solemn conclusion of the covenant and its best understood in that light . It is
one thing to say “Yes”, and another to make that “Yes” a reality in our daily living. These “Ten Commandments” spell out
what it means to “walk the talk”.
Second Reading: Corinthians 1:22-25 According to NJBC, “The authentic humanity of Jesus makes visible God’s
intention for the human race and radiates an attractive force that enables response” (1 Corinthians 49:15). Just as the
Israelites are asked to trust God’s faithfulness, so we find ourselves asked to do the same, the difference being the
Incarnation of that fidelity - Jesus Christ.
Gospel: John 2:13-25 Jesus’ prophetic action in the Temple is another passage whose context should not be forgotten.
Separated from everything else in John’s Gospel, it can raise eyebrows and many questions. As part of the Evangelist’s
“plan”, however, it becomes a reminder to us that, for Christians, Jesus is the New Temple of God’s Dwelling.
The Archdiocese of Brisbane has a Pastoral Care Ministry for the psychiatric area. We are looking for
volunteers to be trained to work within this Ministry.
The Catholic Psychiatric Pastoral Care Team need mature committed Catholics with an ability to relate
pastorally to those who are suffering a mental illness. The training course is held at the Catholic Psychiatric
Pastoral Care Centre each Wednesday from 6th May to 25th November from 9.00am to 3.30pm. We require
a voluntary commitment of eight hours per week on completion of the Course in the various ministries e.g. Day Centre,
Hospitals and Hostels.
Final date of applications is Friday 24th April Please apply now in writing to: Fr Jim Smith, Catholic Psychiatric
Pastoral Care, 58 Morgan Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006, Telephone (07) 3252 5461 Mon-Fri 8.30am-4pm
Fax (07) 3257 1885 or email
Chrism Mass
Archbishop Mark Coleridge invites you to the Annual
Chrism Mass to be held in the Cathedral of
St Stephen on Thursday 26 March 2015 commencing at
This is a celebration for the entire Archdiocese and all are
Calling all Parish Musicians
Join the massed choir to sing at the Chrism Mass.
Rehearsals Friday 20 March 7.30 to 9.30 and Thursday
26 March 6 to 7 pm
The Chrism Mass is a chance for the Archdiocese
representatively to gather with the Archbishop who blesses
the oils to be used during the coming year.
Additionally, the Priests renew their commitment to him
made at their ordinations. Thus your presence is a support
to the Archdiocese, the Archbishop and your Priest and
If you would like to be part of the choir please contact
Director of Music Dr Ralph Morton on 07-3324 3009 or
PCI Fundraising Dinner
Help save lives of the unborn
Keynote Guest Speaker
Do not miss this unique event
6.30 pm Saturday 11 APRIL 2015
RSVP: 1 APRIL 2015
Venue: Marymac Community Centre
616 Ipswich Rd, Annerley
$55 per ticket, $35 concession & Special Family Prices
(please call for details)
Free easy parking
Telephone 1300 777 777 to reserve your seats
St Stephen’s School - Algester
Enrolling for Prep 2016
Applications are now being taken for Prep
enrolments for 2016.
Enrolment Applications forms and information
about St Stephen’s School can be accessed from our
For further information, please contact Stacey at
Aria Angels (Brisbane South Deanery)
Cost: $6.00 Term 1 Dates: March 11, 18, and 25
Time: 9am for 9.30am start - 11am, Our Lady of Lourdes
121 Mains Rd, S/bank. Contact Anne Scott 0419 642 490
Food in remote Australian communities can be very
expensive, making it difficult for many First Australians
to provide healthy diets for their families. Many families
are experiencing reduced health due to low incomes,
limited access to healthy, affordable foods, and poor
food choices (due to lack of education).
The Centacare Wilcannia-Forbes Manage Your
Income, Manage Your Life program (supported by
Caritas Australia) is helping First Australians, like
Karen, to take control of their money, and choose and
prepare nutritious food to ensure a healthier future for
their families.
You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by
visiting or
phoning 1800 024 413or phoning 1800 024 413.
Your Prayers Are Asked For:
the recently deceased: Bernard Fellowes, Eddie Dionglay, Ivan Spehar, Mery Spehar, Dusko Sokic,
Eva Sokic, Adam Golik, Owen Jones, Bev Ray, Januaria Verdeflor, Sr Mary Honora, Charles Abraham,
Maureen Gallagher, Voilette Gomez.
those with anniversaries & others who have died: Bishop Michael Putney, Fr Kevin Ryan, Bill Ives,
Joel Harman, Thressia Thomas, Roy Cho, Gloria Salonga, Jennifer Stafford, Bryan Stafford, Antonija Babic,
Greg O’Mara, Thomas Hoang, Bernard Elford, Gabriel Hong, Bill Tilney, Charles Tyson, Jovanni Rivera,
Therese Dutton.
those who are unwell: Amelita Castino, Claire Moynihan, Carolann Grace, Harry Mohr, Bev Ray, Nola Wright,
Veronica Mossman, Ronnie McGregor, Cristy Frial, Jesus Cabrera, Gina Conde, Mark Fitzgerald, Sonia Ambrosini,
Anthony Toohey, Margaret McAuliffe, Bohdi Wayne Davis, Michael Grace, Bernard Jensen, Mauricio Guerra, Flavia,
Malcolm Ellis, Jordan Keil, Anthony Christmas, Margaret Cavanagh, Anna Chow.
the Continuing Sick: Kath Adams, Nita Anthony, Elizabeth Boase, Vaughan Boucher, Maxine Brady, Edna Brischetto,
Caitlin, Jeremy Carroll, Marcela Castino, Betty Catchlove, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey, Mary Dixon,
Gerry, Mary and George Goode, Brian Hammerton, Marianne Kellett, Baby Luka Kello, Blanche Kiel, Vlado Matesa,
Bernadette Matesa, Mika Matesa, Margaret McAuliffe, Bianca Miller, Catherine Miller, Alice O’Grady, Jenny Reed,
Jim Neehouse, Robyn Scaysbrook, Julanne Slater, Annaleese Stewart, Maria Surdo, Baby Milla Wilson.
After you have cared for your family would you
consider assisting the Parish projects and activities in
your will. Some people have found they are not able
to help the Parish frequently in a substantial way
during their life but the contents of their will can
assist the Spiritual works of the Parish in the future.
Parish Secretary/Receptionist
Our Lady of Lourdes/Our Lady of Fatima Parishes
require a full-time secretary/receptionist to work
8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
This position requires a person who has excellent
communication skills and a high level of computer skills.
Previous secretary/receptionist experience essential.
Bible Study Group The sessions which are held on
Tuesdays from 9.00am until 11.30 am. Everyone is
welcome. Sue & Rob Scott 3711 5921
Please call Karrin Halliday, Parish Manager, in the
Parish Office on 3345 3766 for a job description.
Sunnybank/Acacia Ride Friendship Group
Baptism for Children 7 years to 15 years
A Baptism Programme for children 7 years to 15 years will
be commencing in May 2015. Any parents wishing to enrol
their child will need to call the Parish office on 3345 3766
to organise a time for an interview with Sr Stella.
Interview times commence 14th April and go to 14th May
2015. Enrolments close 14 May 2015
Catholic Kids Club
1st Meeting of the Year!
Saturday 14th March Avocado Room - Paloma Centre
3:00pm - 5:00pm (4yrs - 11yrs)
At meetings children learn about their faith in a fun way
through activities, crafts, games and stories. It’s a great
way to develop children’s love for God and interest in the
Catholic Church in a way they can relate to.
A youth group for kids!
EASTER DAY CAMP (Prep - Grade 6)
$20 per child, per day (family discounts may apply)
Morning and Afternoon Tea Included ( BYO Lunch)
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Complex - Avocado Room
For more information email
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 11th
March and we will be entertained by “The Terry
and Roz Duo” playing Irish music as we celebrate
St. Patrick’s Day. Come along in your Irish Green and
dance a jig or two and enjoy a slice of our special Irish
Green cake.
For those who have only paid a deposit for our bus trip to
the Margaret Olley Gallery this is your last chance to pay
your outstanding balance. For more information contact
Dawn on 371194654
Stations of the Cross: Mary's Way of the Cross
Saturdays at 10.30am till Easter
Counting/Cleaning Rosters are on the table at the
entrance of the church, please collect them.
The other rosters will be out next weekend.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School
Tours of the school will be conducted on
Tuesday 17 March at 9.00am. Reply to Debbie at
or phone the office on 3345 0700.
The 9.30 am Christian Meditation group has disbanded.
The 7.30 pm group meets Thursdays in the Media Room.
Please contact Gabby on 3711 4227 or 0488 592 770
Youth and Young Adult
Pastoral Associate (P/T)
Stella Noskoff rsj
BBQ after the Sunday evening
Mass this ]weekend.
Just a donation for a sausage and
bread and $1.00 for a drink. If
you are coming to Life Nite
yours is on us =)
Parish Office Staff
Karrin Halliday
Parish Manager
THIS Sunday (8th March) after the
Youth Ministered Mass. It’s going to
be a WHOLE lot of fun so come
LifeNite is a youth group for those in grade 9-12. It is a place
where young people can come together create lifelong friendships, have fun and learn about how the faith can be relevant
in your life! It’s a place where the tough questions can be
asked and real answers are given!
Tam Nguyen (Accounts)
Caring Co-ordinator (P/T)
Bernadette Christian
Unite Youth/Young Adults
Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird
0403 182 617
Buddies Day aims to provide opportunities for
disadvantaged children within our community to
have a safe and fun day out. For Buddies to
work there are
Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care
Community Program Manager
Jennifer Vanarey
3216 9554
Paloma Reception Centre
3345 6666
OLOL School, Sunnybank
Principal - Mark Badke
3345 0700
Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya
3344 3064
OLOF School, Acacia Ridge
Principal - Warren Fields
3275 1152
two main needs at the
1. More Conference Members:
The requirements to be a conference member:
Be between 18 and 35 years old
Be a practising Catholic
Be available one Saturday a month
Attend a monthly planning meeting
St Thomas More College, Sunnybank
Principal - Peter Elmore
3323 4600
Soubirous Place
Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm
3344 3481
Sunnybank Parish
Bob Davis
Therese Prygiel
Louise Weston
Latino American
Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez
0481 118 521
Marina Castellanos (Secretary)
0481 168 748
Office: Tuesday & Wednesday
9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367
All those in grade 10 and up to 35 years old
are welcome to join us on Tuesday evenings
during Lent for a young adult Lenten Program.
7:30pm-8:30pm on Tuesdays
continuing this Tuesday the 10th March
From 7-7:30pm we will be in the Church for
Adoration. Come and join us!
2. Volunteer Leaders:
Be between 16 and 35 years old
Be a practising Catholic
Be available one Saturday a month
St Stephen’s School, Algester
Principal - Phil Manitta
3711 4911
St Stephen's OSHC
Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling
3711 9291
Lenten Program
THE NEXT EDGE is on Friday the 20th of
The EDGE is a youth group for those in grade
6-8. It is a place where young people can grow
up together. Have fun, make friends, learn
40 Days for Life is a peace prayer vigil during
Lent to pray for the end of abortion. All you
have to do is sign up for an hour and pray outside the abortion clinic in Bowen Hills.
Please go to for more information and to sign up for an hour.
A group of us will be going on Friday the 20th
of March from 10-11pm. If you are interested in
available at the back of the Church!
If you are new to the youth ministry
roster please arrive at 5:30pm on the
week on which you are rostered.
There will be an in-service for ALL those on the youth ministry roster
(except BBQ cookers and piety store people) on Sunday 28th March
straight after the Sunday evening 6pm Mass until 7:30pm at the latest.
Roster for the Next Youth Ministered Mass
Sunday the 15th March
MUSICIANS: M. Kearney, C. Lanojan, R. Rivera
SINGERS: N. Maneckshana, M. Maneckshana, F. Lee
READERS: C. Cabanatan, W. Madassery, S. Luate-Wani
OFFERTORY: G. Roe, R. Guerra
SPECIAL MINISTERS: J. Manimog, C. Micale, M. Rodriguez, S. Rodriguez, E. Guerra, S. Powell, A. Finucane