HERE - Discovery High School


HERE - Discovery High School
General FAQs for Discovery High School
1. When will the new high school open? Fall 2015
2. Will this be a traditional Cluster anchor high school? Yes. This may evolve to incorporate non-traditional
programs or models such as Fine Arts Program.
3. What other schools will be in the cluster? Benefield Elementary School, Cedar Hill Elementary School, Baggett
Elementary School, Richards M.S.
4. Will other schools in the cluster have the same focus (entrepreneurship and fine arts)? Financial Literacy is
becoming more of a focus in all GCPS schools. All Gwinnett schools have a robust fine arts program.
5. Why is this being developed as a traditional high school and not a magnet school for these specialized programs?
The plan is for the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program to spread to other schools.
6. How will this school be organized? Discovery High School will be a College and Career Academy School. The
four academies will be: Fine Arts; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM); Business and Finance;
Health and Human Services. Each academy will be a “school within a school”, providing the opportunity for
students to learn the AKS while simultaneously learning how to apply their knowledge and skills in their
chosen career area.
7. Would this school’s focus on entrepreneurship and fine arts detract from other schools’ programs? No. These
programs will help other schools learn from and improve upon what we do.
8. Will this school have additional resources that other schools don’t have? Yes. This school will have close ties
and partnerships with the business community. Soon all GCPS schools will have similar partnerships. The
technology package will be different to meet the needs of the specialized programs in the school.
9. As this school will be organized differently (with several types of programs—entrepreneurship, fine arts, etc.),
will it be staffed differently? Yes. Additional positions will be allotted for this school to accommodate the
10. Will this school offer permissive transfers? GCPS procedures will be followed.
11. Will this high school offer extracurriculars and offer a sports program? Yes. Discovery High School will have a
full array of athletics and clubs for students to participate in. While we may not have a varsity team for every
sport in the first year, we will have all levels beginning year two.
12. Will my child be eligible to play sports if he/she is an upper classman? The Georgia High School Association
(GHSA) will grant eligibility to any student who has been rezoned to attend Discovery High School if he/she
begins the school year at Discovery High School (assuming academic standards are satisfied). Any student
who stays at his/her current school will also be eligible (assuming academic standards are satisfied). These
students assume the responsibility of providing transportation to and from school. Any student that is within
the Discovery High School attendance zone who chooses to stay at his/her current school and attends even
one hour of class at that school will lose the opportunity to be eligible for participation if they decide to move
to Discovery High School after the school year has begun.
13. What programs will be offered at the new high school? In addition to the College and Career Academies,
Discovery H.S. will feature: a unique entrepreneurship program featuring business mentors and operating real
businesses; the Junior Achievement Discovery Center for middle school students; a partnership with Gwinnett
Online Campus; a dual enrollment program with Gwinnett Tech; and several Advanced Placement (AP)
14. Will this school look like other high schools? This school will have many similarities to other GCPS high schools,
yet several unique features due to its size (642,000 sq. ft.) and previous function of the building. Additionally,
the campus is slated to house a unique program in conjunction with Junior Achievement.
15. What ties will there need to be at the middle school level to prep kids for project-based learning and the types of
learning activities they might face at the new high school? All GCPS students are expected to learn the AKS.
Additionally, students must learn to apply their knowledge and skills to solve real life problems. Teamwork
and problem solving is receiving increased emphasis in all schools. Additionally, the high school will ensure
vertical alignment in order to prepare students for any/all specialized needs.
16. What facility challenges will there be with multiple programs in one school? This large facility permits additional
flexibility for handling multiple programs.
17. This facility was formerly a manufacturing facility… will work have been done to make it appropriate for students
and teachers? Will it look like other GCPS high schools? Extensive work is being done to ensure this facility not
only meets all GCPS standards, but also capitalizes on the advantages of size, location, and community
18. Will this school follow a traditional school schedule? Will the programs within the school be offered year round
(entrepreneurship and fine arts)? Discovery High School will implement an alternative schedule called the
Alternate Block or Eight Block Plan. Students will take eight, ninety minute classes throughout the school
year, with four classes meeting on Day A and four classes meeting on the alternating Day B. This schedule
allows students increased opportunities to fulfill graduation requirements, take desired electives, and be
prepared for college and careers.
Entrepreneurship Program
19. What is the purpose or goal of an entrepreneur academy? Entrepreneurship is the foundation of our free
enterprise economy. Students need to learn how to create their own jobs and businesses. Students who
successfully complete this program may continue operating their business, attend a post-secondary
institution, or combine work and school.
20. Will the Entrepreneurship program open when the school opens or be phased in later? The
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will open August 2015 with 50 ninth grade students, then add 50
more each year until there are a total of 200 students.
21. Will there be space limitations? Will these classrooms be different in how they are organized and in how they
function? The space limitations will be minimal due to the size of the facility. The plan is to have the
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program space fit the unique purpose of this program.
22. Why is the district limiting the program in year 1 to serve only 50 students? What if there are more than 50 kids
interested? The decision to limit the program to 50 students (the first year) was made so appropriate staffing
decisions could be made, adequate staff training could be provided, and to ensure the validity of
implementation of this “first of a kind” program.
23. Will students who are zoned for Discovery High School have preference over permissive transfer requests? Yes.
Zoned students are automatically placed into their home school. Once this process is complete if the school
has additional space and it is identified as a permissive transfer school then permissive transfers would be
open to all GCPS students equally.
24. In its initial year, the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will serve 9th graders. Can you enter as a 10th
grader or as an upper classman? No.
25. Is there a particular model that is being used in the development of this program? Has this been done
successfully elsewhere? Entrepreneurship programs are emerging in high schools and colleges across the
nation and the world. Much of what is being planned is based on what has been successfully implemented at
South Gwinnett H.S. and other locations.
26. What other programs will be available at the school? Will students in the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy
Program mingle with students in the traditional high school or in the fine arts program? Yes, students in the
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will be given the opportunity to take classes in the traditional
high school and socialize with other students.
27. What is an online blended model? Why is this program using an online blended model? The online blended
model allows complete customization of a students’ course selection. Students can take online classes which
fit their individual needs while still allowing time in their schedule to participate in the
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program. Students will be monitored and assisted by a teacher in the
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program.
28. How does the embedded credit work? Embedded credit allows the opportunity for students to receive “credit”
for selected classes by completing projects specifically related to becoming an entrepreneur, while
simultaneously addressing the knowledge and skills of the “embedded” course.
29. Would students in the entrepreneurship program be able to be involved in fine arts and foreign language? Yes.
There is time built into the program to allow students to participate in foreign language and/or fine arts,
however, all students may need to prioritize options and make choices.
30. Is there an opportunity for them to take 3 or 4 years of a foreign language? Yes, however, all students may need
to prioritize options and make choices.
31. Will students who graduate earn additional certifications that could benefit them or get them ahead in terms of
college or career? Students successfully completing the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will have
fulfilled the career pathways requirement for Entrepreneurship or Marketing, will have created their own
job/business, and may be ready to attend a post-secondary institution. As programs in this school are
developed, any certification that aligns with the individual programs can be
32. With the online blended model, will students be prepared for EOCT and other required assessments? Yes.
33. Will students miss out on anything using the online blended model that could affect SAT/ACT scores? No.
Students will have the opportunity to take challenging academic classes which prepare students for college
entrance exams.
34. If a student starts in the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program can they get out? Students and their
parents will be asked to make the commitment to stay for each year they enroll. Students could withdraw
from the program at the end of each school year.
35. Will there be an administrator and counselor who work just with this program? There will be professional staff
assigned to this program that has expertise in helping and advising students.
36. Will this program and overall school be staffed differently than other traditional schools? In addition to the
school staff, the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will have partnerships with business people and
entrepreneurs in the community.
37. Will teachers be specially trained or have some expertise in this area? Yes, teachers working in the
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will have extensive training in this field.
38. Will students still have opportunities to take AP classes? Yes. The online blended model makes AP classes
39. Will there be any kind of assistance to kids for online blended classes? Any kind of orientation to this kind of
learning? Yes. Specific staff will be assigned to monitor and assist students taking online blended classes.
40. Will this provide kids and teachers an opportunity to get to know each other better? Absolutely. Students and
staff in the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program will work closely together for the entire time they are
in the program. As a result, the relationship built between student and staff will increase and deepen both the
sense of commitment and ownership of student success.
41. Are other schools doing this? Versions of this are taking place at a limited number of other schools. There are
also other school systems throughout the nation using entrepreneurship models.
42. Will students not zoned for this school have the opportunity to go to this school and be in these programs? Will
this school take permissive transfers? Permissive transfers per Gwinnett County Public Schools procedures will
be allowed if there is space available in the program.
43. How will this school partner with businesses, civic organizations, as well as local governments and agencies?
Community involvement; businesses, civic organizations, and local governments are essential partners in this
program. Partners will enrich classes, serve as mentors, and provide work based learning experiences.
44. Will this school have an entrepreneurship advisory committee made up of business/postsecondary/curriculum
experts? Yes.
45. Will there be “Shark Tank” and internship opportunities for students? Yes. The South Gwinnett
Entrepreneurship Program currently partners with the Snellville Economic Development Office to provide a
“shark tank” experience with funding opportunities. We plan to replicate a version of that opportunity at this
46. How will the internships work? Local business owners will serve as mentors throughout this experience. As
students’ business ideas take shape, appropriate internships (supervised work experiences) will be arranged
and monitored.
47. How does this benefit students, teachers, the school, the community? Students will acquire the knowledge,
skills, experience and confidence to be independent, self-sufficient, positive, contributing members of our
community and the economy.
48. What technology will be available to the school to ensure online classes and blended classes work? Will there be
additional computer labs? Will students be issued laptops? The technological needs of the individual programs
and school as a whole will be met in order to ensure the success of each student, program and school.
Students will not be issued individual laptops.
49. Will kids own their projects and research they create through the program? Students will be taught that
intellectual property and patents will be their responsibility; however, the students will acquire the
knowledge to navigate these processes throughout their program of study.
50. Are there legal concerns regarding students and businesses? Will they get support and training to enable them
to make good decisions? Legal concerns surrounding business licensing and creation of businesses will be
mitigated through collaboration with the appropriate county and municipal authorities as well as input from
community partners. All other legal concerns will be addressed through our Board attorneys.
BizTown and Finance Park
51. Who will line businesses up for the Junior Achievement Biz Town? All aspects of the partnership will be
coordinated through Junior Achievement and the school district designee. The businesses incorporated into
both BizTown and Finance Park represent Gwinnett County and its “business” history.
52. Do they have to be Gwinnett businesses? There are no limits to which businesses can be incorporated into this
model. For example, some technological startups do not have a brick and mortar business in Gwinnett;
however, has a presence. As such, the program should not be defined solely on a business that is housed in
Gwinnett County, but instead, by its value to the overall program.
53. How much space is needed to do this? 40,700 sq. ft. has been allocated to fill the needs of the
BizTown/Finance Park area.
54. Will the school have room or is this additional room needed? Yes, the school will have room. The new
Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy Program was selected because the facility is large enough (642,000 sq. ft.)
to accommodate this project and is centrally located.
55. Will this open at the same time as the high school? No, Biz Town and Finance Park will open soon after Labor
56. What grades will benefit from the BizTown and Finance Park experiences? Biz Town will serve students in grade
six. Finance Park will serve students in grade eight.
57. Will there be opportunities for kids who are at the high school to also use these facilities? Biz Town and Finance
Park are currently designed to serve younger students in grades 6 and 8. We believe the number of businesses
having a presence in this facility will facilitate partnerships with both the Entrepreneurship/Financial Literacy
Program and the school.
58. Why is the district investing in this idea? What’s the purpose? Recent events have made us aware of the critical
relationship between individuals’ financial literacy, businesses, and our country’s financial health.
59. How does this fit in with Gwinnett’s existing curriculum? This is a complement to and a strengthening of our
existing curriculum.
60. If there is one of these in Fulton, couldn’t we just partner with them? The operation in Fulton County is
committed to serving students in; Atlanta City, Fulton County, DeKalb County, and Marietta City and are
unable to accommodate more students. By GCPS having a similar operation, the Entrepreneurship/Financial
Literacy Program can be customized to fit the needs of Gwinnett students, and strengthen our partnership
with Gwinnett businesses.
61. Will these facilities be open for use by schools outside of this cluster? Outside of GCPS? Yes. This will serve all
Gwinnett students in designated grades. During its first year of implementation it will be limited to GCPS
students only. As the program is implemented we can discuss the development of partnerships with outside
agencies or other school districts.
62. Will these facilities have the same hours as the school? Yes.
63. Will these facilities be open on weekends? No, not normally. GCPS will need to make that decision based on
community interest and funding.
64. Will they be open to the public (like the Environmental and Heritage Center)? GCPS will need to make that
decision based on community interest and funding.
65. Will GCPS have to develop a curriculum for these two experiences? Junior Achievement has developed a
curriculum. GCPS has worked with Junior Achievement to customize the curriculum to correspond with the
66. Who is responsible for the Junior Achievement Discovery Center? The principal of Discovery High School will
have oversight responsibility, but the day to day coordination of the program will be handled by
representatives of Junior Achievement.
67. Will the Junior Achievement Discovery Center be tied to the Chamber of Commerce in any way? The Chamber of
Commerce will play a vital role in promoting business involvement.