valen vergara ventures


valen vergara ventures
Valen Vergara | Toll Free: 800.473.2126 ext. 101
1 - Thought Training
The 5 Tiers of Thought Training | Personal Mission Statement Philosophy™
This is a statement of belief that you want to live by. A living and breathing action statement you would
stand behind. What would you want your tombstone to read if you reached your fullest potential in life?
“Wandering generality vs. Meaningful Specific” ~Zig Ziglar, “The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal
that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build your life by, this you will become ~James Allen.
2—Awareness Articulates Action™
Document Intellectual Property, Patterns and Information Systems that you learn about and come into
contact with and keep them accessible and virtual. The more information models you master the more power
and control you will have in your business and life.
REFERENCES TO RESEARCH: Pareto Principle (80-20 RULE), ABCDE Priority Method—Focal Point, Maslow’s
Hierarchy Of Needs, Parkinson’s Law, Triune Brain Theory—Paul D. Maclean, The Graves Value Model.
3—Liberation Through Definition™
→Top Ten Goals & 101 Goal List. Use The 5 Senses When Goal Setting. Goals Are Dreams With A Deadline.
Make A Goals/Dream Board. Goals must be time sensitive and measurable. This Is Called Individualism.
“Have you built your castles in the sky? Good, that is where they should be built. Now go to work and build
foundations under them” ~Henry David Thoreu.
→Social Entrepreneurship. What’s your “Why,” What Causes do you stand for!? Moreover, if you had
unlimited time and money, what one cause would you champion to affect the change you wish to see in our
world!? What kind of socially conscious business could you start that has products and services that sustain
and serve our people, our planet and has great earning and or profit potential!? This Is Called Altruism.
REFERENCES TO RESEARCH = Sowing & Reaping, Aristotelian Principle of Causality—Cause & Effect, Law III:
To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction” ~Isaac Netwon, Social Entrepreneurship.
4—Results Through Repetition™
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Step outside your sphere of influence. Before you’re great at
something, you’re good at it, before you’re good, you’re not half bad & before you’re bad at it you must try!
REFERENCES TO RESEARCH = Habituation, Slight Edge—Jeff Olsen, The Compound Effect—Darren Hardy.
5—Joint Adventure Enterprise™
Every independent, profit & non-profit initiative started out with a personal mission statement. Think of your
intellectual property as a standalone professional services enterprise. The passions you wish to promote are
profound statements of belief that can be turned into principles for operation. Code of conduct depends on the
direction of your train of thought. Proper policy and procedure development is determined by personal and
professional definition. Joint venture partnerships are a vital towards the success potential of any enterprise!
Law Of The Inner-Circle: You Become The Average Of Your Closest Companions. Get A Mentor And Or Coach!
"I would rather have 1 percent of the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent of my own efforts" ~ J. Paul Getty.
REFERENCES TO RESEARCH = System—Save Your-Self Time Energy Money | SLAM FORMULA:
Simplification, Leveraging, Acceleration & Multiplication | Earned Income versus Residual Passive Income |
Earning Quadrant: E/SE/B/I
Office: 800.473.2126 ext. 101
Forward Thinking
One—Personal Mission Statement | Brainstorm on a sheet of paper
Three—Liberation Through Definition—GOAL SETTING > dd/mm/yy
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→Social Entrepreneurship Business←