International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship The


International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship The
4th International Conference on Innovation
and Entrepreneurship
The Ted Rogers School of Management
Ryerson University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
28-29 April 2016
Dr Ken Grant, Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Ted
Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Dr Sean Wise, Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Ted
Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
CALL FOR PAPERS, PhD Research, Case Studies, Work
in Progress/Posters, Round Table Proposals, non-academic
Contributions and Product Demonstrations
Innovation and entrepreneurship are tightly coupled concepts. Innovation involves designing new ways of
conceptualising, developing and producing a range of goods and services which society requires. Although
inventing new things may be seen as part of innovation, it does not exclusively rely on new discoveries.
Rather it can stem from seeing new ways of satisfying demand. Thus innovation is not a synonym for
invention and almost anyone can come up with new innovations.
Entrepreneurship adds a further dimension to how new ideas are converted into goods and services.
Entrepreneurship is sometimes said to be a mindset required to convert innovation into a real business
situation which will deliver benefits to the stakeholders. Entrepreneurship is always driven by an individual or
a small group of individuals who are referred to as entrepreneurs and who are sometimes colloquially
referred to as the ‘movers and shakers’ in our society. Thus the entrepreneur configures the various factors
of products to that they become a viable proposition.
ICIE is looking for a broad range of research in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. We are
proposing to structure the event with the following five tracks and below are some suggestions of topics that
we feel will fit into these tracks. You will be asked to select which area your submission fits into when you
complete the abstract submission form.
Management of Innovation
Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship for educators
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in business
International innovation and Entrepreneurship
Other topics
Management of Innovation
Regional and cluster innovation
Effects of training on innovation
Innovation success
Managing disruptive innovation
Incremental innovations
Innovation and product design
Innovation ways
A conference managed by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
4th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Toronto, Canada – 28-29 April 2016
Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Economic geography
Regional development and economies
Welfare society
Investment decision-making
Entrepreneurial dimensions and economic growth
Global development
Venture capital
New social economy entrepreneurship
Project financing
Macro-economic growth theory
Innovation and regional economic development
Best practice
Investment appraisal
Innovation and Entrepreneurship for educators
Learning regions
Entrepreneurship training and
Academic entrepreneurship
University-enterprise cooperation
Evolutionary learning
Research-based spin-offs
Entrepreneurial Learning and Teaching in Higher
Innovation education
Learning organizations
Entrepreneurial didactics, learning and
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in business
Business angels
Entrepreneurship development
New venture creation
Assumption based planning
Small and medium enterprises (SME’s)
Strategic management and alignment
Business simulation
Competitive advantages.
Start-up management
Entrepreneurial challenges
International Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Logics, Heuristics and Strategies in International
Cross border entrepreneurship
Cultural issues
Other topics
Endogenous growth models
Technology entrepreneurship
Risk analysis
Entrepreneurship policy
Research and Development
Social construction of technology
Technological innovation process
Change management
Incremental innovations
Surrogate entrepreneurship
The full updated call for papers can be found online at:
A conference managed by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
4th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Toronto, Canada – 28-29 April 2016
Social innovation and social entrepreneurship
Radical innovations
Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship
Cyber entrepreneurship
Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Complex adaptive systems (CAS)
Knowledge-based Innovation
Publication opportunity
Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author
registration and payment. The proceedings have an ISBN. The proceedings will be submitted to Thomson
ISI, EBSCO, IET and Google along with a variety of other accreditation organisations.
As well as full academic papers, the following submissions are welcomed:
Work in Progress/Posters: Researchers are invited to submit current projects which are either at the
proposals stage or are work in progress.
PhD Research: Doctoral Candidates are invited to submit papers describing their research.
Case Study Submissions: Submissions should be written to publishable standards.
Non-Academic Contributions: Contributions from individuals and organisations working in the field. These
contributions can take the form of a presentation or a demonstration.
Round Table Proposals: Topical subjects proposed for discussion.
Product Demonstrations and Exhibitor Opportunities: If you are contributing to the conference in any
of the above categories you can also request the opportunity to give a product demonstration. If you
would like to exhibit and/or demonstrate a product at the conference we suggest that you apply for one of
our exhibitor packages.
Submission details
All submission types require a 300-500 word abstract in the first instance, to be received by 8
October 2015. Please read the guidelines at
Submission: Only accepted by online form submission at
Full paper:
Only required for academic submissions once the abstract has been selected, no more than
5,000 words to be received by 26 November 2015. Papers should be submitted as .doc or
.rtf file attachments by email to the Conference Manager, Carol Sheasby ( )
All full papers will be double-blind reviewed by members of the conference committee to ensure an adequate
standard, that the proposed subject of their abstract has been followed, that the paper is of a suitable length,
the standard of English is adequate and the paper is appropriately referenced.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline:
Notification of abstract acceptance:
Full paper due for review (see note):
Notification of paper acceptance (with any changes):
Earlybird registration closes:
Final paper due (with any changes):
Final author registration and payment date:
8 October 2015
15 October 2015
26 November 2015
4 February 2016
18 February 2016
3 March 2016
24 March 2016
The conference programme committee is currently being updated. Full details will be posted on the conference website
as soon as they are confirmed.
Prizes will be awarded for the best Poster and the best PhD paper:
The full updated call for papers can be found online at:
A conference managed by Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited