A Diamond Jubilee - 60th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure


A Diamond Jubilee - 60th Annual Conference Attendee Brochure
A Diamond Jubilee
Polish Your Skills
AASBO’s 60th Annual
Conference & Exposition
July 17-20, 2013
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Tucson, Arizona
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - Saturday, July 20, 2013
Tuesday, July 16 2013
Board of Directors Meeting
5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Friday, July 19, 2013
Fun Run & Walk
6:45 am to 8:30 am
Continental Breakfast
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Golf Outing at Starr Pass
Golf Club
7:15 am to 12:00 pm
Exhibitors Check-In
11:30 am to 3:00 pm
Exhibits Set-Up
11:30 am to 4:00 pm
Pre-Conference Workshops
12:30 pm to 1:00 pm
Pre-Conference Workshops
1:15 pm to 4:30 pm
Annual Conference Registration
and Check-In
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Exhibitors Meeting
4:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Welcome Reception
and Exhibition
Arizona School Risk Retention
Trust/AASBO Reception
Thursday, July 18, 2013
7:30 am to 8:30 am
Breakfast Sessions
7:30 am to 8:30 am
Board of Directors Elections
8:00 am to 10:00 am
AASBO Exhibition
8:00 am to 11:00 am
AASBO Exhibitors Prize Drawings 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Exhibitor Move-Out
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Second General Session
and Luncheon
11:15 am to 1:30 pm
Breakout Session IV for Attendees
2:00 pm to 2:50 pm
Refreshments and Networking
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm
Breakout Session V for Attendees
3:10 pm to 4:00 pm
Breakout Session VI for Attendees
4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Afternoon Free
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Family & Casino Game Night
*food served until 8:00 pm*
Continental Breakfast
7:30 am to 8:30 am
Registration and Check-in
Saturday, July 20, 2013
6:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Continental Breakfast
7:30 am to 8:30 am
7:30 am to 2:00 pm
Third General Session
8:30 am to 10:30 am
Breakfast Sessions
7:30 am to 8:30 am
Conference Adjourns
10:30 am
AASBO Exhibition
8:00 am to 11:00 am
Hotel Check-Out
11:00 am
Green Badge Meeting for
First Time Attendees
9:00 am to 9:30 am
First General Session & Luncheon 11:15 am to 1:30 pm
Breakout Session I for Attendees
2:00 pm to 2:50 pm
Refreshments and Networking
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm
Breakout Session II for Attendees
3:10 pm to 4:00 pm
Breakout Session III for Attendees
4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
AASBO Board Candidate Forum
5:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Great Arizona ASBO Duck Race
Sponsored by TCPN
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
A Diamond Jubilee Awards Dinner
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Join Us
All That Glitters
60th Annual Conference & Exposition - 2013
It takes time to mold a successful school business official – and yet in just 60 years, the
Arizona Association of School Business Officials (AASBO) has grown vibrant and strong,
providing critical guidance and training to the school business management profession
throughout the state. Take time to reflect on the past and plan your future using the advice of
industry experts. Learn to lead your school business operations successfully, get the latest
compliance updates and gain insight into how to thrive in today’s economic conditions. Don’t miss
this opportunity to help shape the future of Arizona’s educational institutions.
Premier Education
Specifically for the School Business Management Professional
There is no better way to end the FY2013 school year and begin the new school
year than with an educational experience of a lifetime. Your AASBO conference
planning committee has put together a highly educational program led by outstanding keynote speakers, breakout sessions and exhibits that you will not want to miss.
Registration for AASBO’s 60th Anniversary Annual Conference and Exposition – an
exciting program for new, experienced and seasoned professionals. Conference participants
will benefit by hearing from experts on specfic topics geared toward your
personal and professional development.
You will be exposed to inspiring keynote speakers and educational sessions that will
surely help you face new challenges and decisions with confidence and conviction,
utilizing proven methods for success. AASBO’S Annual Conference & Exposition is a great
teambuilding opportunity for your entire central office staff and Governing Boards!
It’s the perfect event for:
• Business Managers
• Chief Financial Officers
• Finance and Budget Staff
• Purchasing and Procurement Officials
• Food and Nutrition Officials
• Facilities and Maintenance Operations Officials
• Transportation Directors
• Accounting, Payroll and Human Resource Staff
• Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents
• District Office Support Personnel
• Charter Schools
• School Board Members
• Administrators
• Teachers
• Individuals who work in or are interested in the school business management profession,
including vendors who have an interest in doing business in the K-12 education market
Join Us for Educational Classes
July 14-17, 2013
AASBO offers four professional development courses this summer as part of the association’s
Educational Program curriculum. These four-day courses are open to anyone who has an interest in
school business management. For the summer of 2013, AASBO is pleased to offer several options.
The dates for all four classes are July 14-17. They will be held at the Casino del Sol located at 5655
W. Valencia Rd., Tucson, AZ 85757. Classes begin at 8:30 am and end at 4:30 pm each day.
All AASBO Education Classes consist of 32 clock hours of instruction. Enrollees may also earn
community college credit by satisfying the course requirements and payment of an additional registration fee for credit through Central Arizona College. For enrollment and registration
information, contact the AASBO office at (602) 253-5576 or by e-mail to Ana
summer just prior to the start of the AASBO 60th Annual Conference and Exposition:
Advanced Budget & Finance
This class is intended for Business Administrative and Finance Personnel who have overall financial
responsibility for their organization’s budget and long term financial health. The class will focus
on concepts and issues that require previous experience in this area. Prerequisite: Basic AASBO
Budget & Finance class and/or two years school budget and finance experience. Topics will include:
Long Range Financial Planning, Fund Usage to Maximize Goals, Control Points in Budget Monitoring,
Stakeholder Budget Preparation Process, How Instructional Program Models Affect Budget, Case
Studies of Various School District Finance/Budget Issues, Declining/Growth Enrollment Budgeting.
Advanced Purchasing
Content: This course provides the student with an advanced knowledge of the principles,
processes, and requirements of school district procurement.
The student will be
provided with an in depth review of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to school district
procurement. Topics will include: Detailed procurement methods, advanced legal aspects of
school district procurement, Detailed procurement methods, processes, and procedures available to
school districts, “Best Practice” specifications and standards used by school districts, School district
materials management, Comprehensive review of State-approved school district procurement
code, and Cooperative purchasing strategies. The student will gain extensive knowledge and
experience to succeed in a school district procurement setting.
This is a practical course designed to develop and refine personnel and logistical management
skills related to pupil transportation. Participants will use practical exercises based on actual
situations to craft a portfolio of notes and templates for their professional use. Skills and
resources required to effectively manage pupil transportation programs will be discussed. Topics
include: Organization & supporting role of a transportation department, Budget management, State
and Federal reports and audits, Maintenance & inspections, Special Needs, Head Start, McKinney
Vento and Pre-School transportation, Safety and risk management, Scheduling and routing of
daily and extracurricular transportation, Equipment purchases, and Facility design considerations.
Maintenance & Operations
Participants will be provided with an overview of the responsibilities associated with maintenance
and operations departments and activities. Topics will include: School selection with SFB and
developers, School Budgeting and Procurement, How to hire architect/engineer for
school projects, Hiring contractor and overseeing construction, Renovations of schools,
Preventive maintenance, Custodial & landscaping, and Disposal of school property & land.
Educational Classes
Online Registration (Preferred Method) is available at www.aasbo.org/60thAnnualConference
Advanced Budget & Finance
Class Title
Advanced Purchasing
Class Date & Time
Class Location
July 14-17 2013 - 8:30
- 4:30
Casino del Sol, Tucson
Advanced Budget
July 14-17 2013 - 8:30
& Finance
Maintenance & Operations July 14-17 2013 - 8:30
- 4:30
Casino del Sol, Tucson
- 4:30
Casino del Sol, Tucson
- 4:30
Casino del Sol, Tucson
July 14-17 2013 - 8:30
If you don’t have access to a computer, you may fill out the form below:
(Please Print)
Name: ________________________________
District: ______________________________
Address: _______________________________________
State: _____
Phone: ___________________________________ Fax: _________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________
Please indicate which Education Class you wish to enroll in (check one):
_____ Advanced Purchasing
_____ Advanced Budget & Finance
_____ Transportation
_____ Maintenance & Operations
Credit Desired:
_____ Professional growth only _____ CAC Community College Two Year Program
Students requesting Central Arizona Community College credit must complete the proper forms at
the first class. The CAC course credit forms will be available from the instructor on the first day of
class. Each student will need to submit all paperwork and additional payment to CAC to qualify for
CAC Credit. Note: Students must attend all four days of instruction in order to receive certificate
of completion. AASBO does not issue partial certificates.
Casino Del Sol is located at 5655 West Valencia Road Tucson, AZ 85757. Accomodations during
these classes are based on availability. Please contact the venue directly at (800) 344-9435 to
make reservations.
Wednesday’s Agenda
July 17, 2013
Join Us
Thought-Provoking Pre-Conference Workshops
The pre-conference workshops offer you the opportunity to study one topic or issues of current
interest in greater depth than is possible in a breakout session. The pre-conference workshops will be held on Wednesday, July 17. Space is limited. Be sure to sign up early. All are
welcome. You do not need to register for the Annual Summer Conference in order to attend a
pre-conference workshop. Two informative pre-conference workshops will be offered in 2013:
Impact of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act
1:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Cost: $85
Passage of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act and healthcare reform
laws represent the most significant regulatory
overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since
the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.
The impact of the implementation of these laws
will be far-reaching, evolving and challenging
for all schools and districts in Arizona. This
Pre-Conference Workshop will provide a unique
opportunity for an in-depth discussion and
exploration of this vital topic. Covering such
areas as the individual mandate, penalty
provisions, part-time vs. full-time definitions,
notification requirements, resource allocation,
strategic budgeting options and a host of other
topics, come join in this important session to make
sure your district is prepared for 2014 and beyond.
Your Skills
Enhancing Your District
Apps, Docs, and Search
1:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Cost: $85
Google Docs allows you to create, store, share,
and collaborate on documents with built in chat
features, commenting, and document versioning. Google Sites allows you to create custom
web pages, add content, attachments, and
embedded media including Google Docs. Find
out how these two tools work together and
leave the session with your web page ready to
go! Google Search is one of the world’s most
widely used search engines, an easy-touse service that quickly returns relevant and
comprehensive results with a great user
experience. Using Google, students and
teachers are able to access a variety of
information including web content, maps,
news videos, images, books and so much
more. Learn how these tools can enhance daily
operations within your district and leave
understanding how to implement and use them.
Wednesday’s Agenda
July 17, 2013
Sparkling Activities Designed
for the
Conference special activities have been planned to give you an opportunity to meet, mingle and
network with your colleagues and the vendor representatives who have come to Tucson to make
this a rewarding experience for everyone. You will be truly appreciative of the people who make
school business management such a fun and worthwhile profession.
25th Annual Mike Peacock Memorial
AASBO Golf Outing
7:30 am
Starr Pass Golf Club
3645 West Starr Pass Blvd., Tucson, Arizona
Golf Club Phone: (520) 670-0300
There’s no better way to start off your week at
the AASBO 59th Annual Conference and Exposition than with a round of golf at the Starr Pass
Golf Club; a 27-hole, Arnold Palmer Signature
Golf Facility. Play will begin promptly at 7:30 am
with a shotgun start. Register online at www.
aasbo.org/60thAnnualConference. Please check
in by 7:15 am. or your spot will be given away.
The tournament will be a two or four-person
scramble with each group selecting the flight
they want to play. Flights for the serious golfer
to the beginner will allow all participants to feel
at ease. Entry fee is $75 per person for school
employees and $125 for vendors and guests.
When registering, please include applicable
preferred partner and handicap. The Starr Pass
Golf Club requires the following attire: collared
golf shirts, no denim and soft spike shoes only.
Hole sponsorships are available for $100. For
additional information, please contact the AASBO
Office at (602) 253-5576 for more information.
Welcome Reception and Grand Opening
of Vendor Exposition
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Arizona Ballroom, Ania Terrace,
and Conference Center Foyers
President Mike Barragan and the AASBO Board
of Directors invite all registered conference
participants and exhibitors to join them at
this welcome reception. This is an excellent
opportunity to meet and mingle in a
relaxed setting. You may want to visit with old
acquaintances or meet new ones. Stroll the
aisles of the exhibit hall and see the latest
in products and services available to school
refreshments will be served. This reception is
included as part of your registration fee. Exhibits
are located in the Arizona Ballroom and conference
center foyer. One of the highlights of the 60th
Annual Summer Conference and Exposition is the
opportunity for conference attendees to visit
and learn from nearly 250 exhibitors displaying
products and services, including the latest in
technological advances available for schools.
This is an excellent time for you to evaluate and
compare, as well as to speak to the vendors
themselves. There will also be door prize drawings!
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
Breakfast Sessions
Thursday, July 18, 2013
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Mentor: Business Manager, Purchasing, etc
New to AASBO or to the world of School
Official? Have you ever wanted
to reach out to those who have been in the
trenches and ask questions on day to day business
problems or get copies of pre-designed files
to make your life easier? Whether you would
be the perct mentor or an an advice-seeking
mentee, now’s your chance!
Did you participate in this program last Spring?
Join us and continue working your budding
relationship! Share with us the good things that
have come of your time together.
We’ll also help provide continuing opportunities to meet with your mentor at future
conferences or meetings. You’ll have the chance
to indicate the discipline you’re interested in and
if you’d like to be matched with an urban or rural
professional, and to create a relationship that
will take you into your future. Sign up now.
Seating may be limited!
Presented by: Bobette Sylvester, Mesa Unified
School District
Statistics and Data
What data do we have and how can we use it?
This session will provide an overview of data
and statistics and provide some examples of
how school districts are providing analysis and
attendees are encouraged to bring and share
what they are doing in their district.
Presented by: Ken Hicks, Littleton Elementary
School District
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
First General Session and Luncheon
11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Tucson Ballroom
Stephen R. Sroka, Ph.D.
The Power of One: The
New Rx for Education
and Life: Relationships.
A high energy, multimedia, motivational presentation that is researchdriven and reality-based
about how you can make a
difference and build safer
and healthier workplaces, homes and communities. It stresses the importance of relationships
and mental health. It addresses the challenges
of communication, collaboration, culture and
caring. It offers honesty, humor and hope. This
presentation changes your life professionally
and personally. You have the Power of One to
change the future. Let's start today!
Steve grew up in poverty in a housing project
in a single parent family. His third grade report
card read, "Parent notified boy is retarded". In
the ninth grade, after being involved in a school
fight, he had two hip operations and was told that
he may never walk again. He was in a wheel chair
for a year. The doctor told him he better start to
listen to his teachers. And, as he tells students
today, the more he listened, the smarter the
teachers became. Today, Dr. Stephen Sroka is
an Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Case Western Reserve University
and President of Health Education Consultants.
He is an Internationally recognized award winning educator, author and speaker dealing with
education, health and safety. Dr. Steve delivers
cutting edge information and skills in an entertaining, motivating, and inspirational presentation that lets theory translate into practice. Dr.
Sroka's spirited programs bring to life the belief that you have the Power of One to change
schools, communities and lives. He has been
on Oprah and covered in USA TODAY. But his
most meaningful "awards" was his six-yearold daughter telling him that he was smarter
than the cartoon character, Inspector Gadget.
Note: The First and Second General Session will begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon service followed
by keynote program speakers. Attendees are requested to be on time and to stay for the entire session to
minimize disruption. This is a ticketed event. Vendor and guest tickets may be purchased for $40 each.
Breakout Session I
Thursday 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm
requirements of the program, reporting allowable specialized transportation costs, determining the LEA specific certified public expenditures
(CPE), cost settlement, and interim payments
for direct services. We will provide an update on
the first year of cost settlement, available resources and training, and upcoming deadlines.
Program Update
The Arizona Medicaid School Based Claiming
Program has gone through significant program
changes beginning with 2011-12 school year as
the direct service component is now cost based.
This session will focus on how the LEA will iden- Presented by: Meghan Evenson, Public
tify the actual cost of providing direct services Consulting Group and Annette Moreno,
to their students. The topics will include quar- Pendergast Elementary School District
terly and annual financial reporting
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
102: Educating Elected Officials on the Audit
Elected officials are ultimately responsible for
the financial reporting and internal controls of
a school district. An understanding of the audit,
what an audit is, and their role in the audit is key
to them upholding this important responsibility.
This session will provide school business officials
with information, resources, and talking points
they can use to help inform elected officials on
the financial statement audit of their school district.
105: How do you Start and Run a Supper
Feeding Program in your Schools?
Join in an informative session and roundtable discussion on best practices for starting a
Supper Feeding program. This new USDA
funded program is a great enhancement to all
districts desiring to serve their community.
Presented by: Yousef Awwad, Tucson Unified School District and Corey Arvizu, Heinfeld,
Meech, & Co., P.C.
106: What is up with APDM?
Learn the difference types of APDM and know
when to use them. Experience the comic relief
version of “Stump the Presenter”.
103: Administering and Managing Google Apps
for Your Domain
Let us show you how to set up, administer,
and manage Google Apps for your domain as
a powerful collaboration for your school community. We will share our personal experiences setting up, administering, and using
Google Apps for your Domain as well as tips
we have learned from our Technology Trainers.
Presented by: Anita McLemore, Peoria
Unified School District and Barry Chasse,
Chasse Building Team
Presented by: John Moreno and Ray Pohlmeyer,
Pendergast Elementary School District
104: Show Me the Money: The Self-Funding Fleet
Propane buses not only run "green" and
eliminate emission problems, but the fuel cost s
avings can help and in some cases even pay
for replacement buses. We're getting paid to
eliminate every district's headache. Learn how
easily you can do this too.
Presented by: Ron Latko, Mesa Unified School
District #4
Your Skills
Presented by: Rick Hall and Jim Hemmen,
Roosevelt School District
107: Security and Energy:
Making the Connection
Changing national events have prompted the need to better control our school
environment and increase security measures.
Join our roundtable discussion as we explore the
latest in school security measures and security
dashboards all while incorporating energy
efficiency. This session can assist facility
managers and administration as they put
together safety and operational plans for their
Round Table Panel Includes: Host Ben
Madsen, Midstate Energy, Dean Gray,
Arizona School Facilities Board, Nathan Short,
Energy Systems Design, Ron Stalica, Midstate
Energy, Roger Rebennack, Honeywell Security
Systems, Lance Heister, Winslow Unified
School District
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
Employees: Technology in Human Resources
This session will examine the expanding role
of technology and social media in schools and
classrooms and the issues arising within from
a personnel perspective. Since the work communication lines and off-work communication
lines continue to get blurred due to 24/7 access,
what are the cutting-edge issues from a policy
and practitioner perspective? Is it about disciplinary conduct or is it about digital citizenship and
responsible use? A must-attend session for new
and seasoned practitioners grappling with the
tech avalanche in human resources.
Presented by: Ernie Calderron, Ridenour, Hienton & Lewis, P.L.L.C. and Co-Presenter to
be determined.
109: Giving Back: Showcasing Grassroots
Outreach Efforts
How district employee-supported outreach efforts have effected change in their community.
From skilled maintenance personnel helping
with much needed home renovations, to working one-on-one with special needs children,
learn how you can showcase the special things
your district’s employees are doing in your community.
Presented by: Dr. David Peterson and John Muir,
Scottsdale Unified School District and Michelle
Hamilton, Mesa Public Schools
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm
Refreshments and Networking
Breakout Session II
Thursday 3:10 pm to 4:00
201: How Come My Cash isn’t What I Expected?
Tax Apportionment, Treasurer distributions, Assessed Values and County ESA’s…Why does my
cash position not look like I expect it? Come,
join a presentation and discussion, on how your
cash gets to its rightful place. Tax rates, levies,
budget authority, distribution source codes….
How does it all work? In this session, you will
learn the detailed approach and application of
the budget capacity that generates your cash.
You’ll learn the outlooks from districts, Education Service Agencies, and Treasurers alike.
Presented by: Blair Bradshaw, Maricopa County,
Talise Berry and Marc Kuffner, MCESA
202: Facility Planning for Compliancce with 2012
Energy Code
Energy codes have changed dramatically over
the years and this presentation will focus on
the following three topics: Overview of energy
codes and changes in the 2012 energy code,
Cost implications that impact planning and construction, and Performance enhancements and
operational savings.
Group, and Pat Prince, Phoenix Union High
School District
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
203: Myth Busters: Technology Needs for
Implementation of Common Core
Arizona Ready “MythBusters:” Common Core &
PARCC. Join the Arizona Ready “MythBusters”
and uncover the truth behind common core
and the PARCC Assessment. Watch and get
interactive with our live panel of experts in
common core, PARCC, curriculum and technology
integration as they relentlessly put the myths to
the test and define them as: busted, plausible
or confirmed. Get Involved! Submit your myths
in advance: Anati.Zubia@us.logicalis.com
Presenter: Rebecca Gau, Director of
Governor’s Office of Education Innovation
204: McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Update
Session Description: The McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance Act requires states to
ensure students in homeless situation be
afforded the opportunity to meet the same
standards all students are expected to meet. Mr.
Migali will address the key components of
Arizona’s homeless education program and provide insights in how local educational agencies
can best meet the needs of homeless students.
Presented by: Frank Migali, Arizona Department
of Education
205: Best Practices for Developing a Chef’s
Move to School program
Have you wondered what this national movement and program is all about or how to find a
Chef to work with you at your school district? Join
in a roundtable discussion on the movement and
current practices in Arizona that are being successfully implemented in several school districts.
Presented by: Chef Jim Hemmen, Roosevelt School
District, Chef Rita French, Tempe Union High District and Chef Jason Zakro, JO Coombs District
206: Fingerprinting Discussions
This will be a panel Discussion regarding what Districts are doing regarding fingerprinting vendors.
Presented by: Jani Fasulo, Kyrene Elementary
School District, Laura Szymanoski, Dysart Unified School District, Lila McCleery, Phoenix Union High School District, Claudia Leon, Tempe
Elementary School District
207: Energy Management & Lighting in Schools
UES will present basic electrical theory to set
a firm foundation to discuss automated controls in schools and its benefits. Two case studies will be presented demonstrating the energy
savings resulting from automated controls being installed in schools. We will transition from
automated controls and go into lighting found
in schools. We will present a brief overview of
EISA Section 321 standards for general service incandescent lamps. This will be followed by
the pros of modern replacement options and
where they are practical on school campuses.
Presented by: Justin Rojas, Clean Energy
Constructors and Patrick Calvin, Madison School
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
208: Affordable Care Act, Health Care, Obama Care
Are you prepared to continue the journey through
HealthCare Reform? Do you understand the
mandates as an Arizona School District offering
healthcare coverage? What about healthcare exchanges? We will discuss mandates that will affect
your district over the next 12 months and beyond.
what resources are available as you develop and
administer your district’s individual Emergency
and Crisis Response Plan. By the end of the session, participants should be better prepared to
respond to emergencies, cooperate with civil
emergency response personnel, and use the appropriate resources that are available.
Presented by: ASBAIT and Meritain Legal
Presented by: Kaylee Sorensen, Arizona School
Risk Retention Trust, Inc. and Co-Presenter to
be determined
209: Unique Programs: Addressing Community
Needs with Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Unique Programs - Sure, we all know that the
“three R’s” fall in the school’s domain, but what
happens when a district thinks far outside the
box? Learn how these schools have attracted
attention three participation in a special Equine
and CTE Programs, among others. Be inspired
Presented by: Sally Downey, EVIT and CoPresenter to be determined
Breakout Session III
Thursday 4:10 pm to 5:00
301: What’s New in Grants Managment
This session will provide updates on all of the
recent and upcoming changes to the Grants
Management System. Participants will have the
opportunity to ask questions and share ideas.
The New Payment Request will be discussed as
well as other initiatives that have been completed through the Grants Management Division.
Presented by: Presented by: Todd Mason and
Lois Kruse, Arizona Department of Education
302: Emergency Response:
How’s Your District Doing?
School districts face a number of potential
emergencies on a daily basis, and are under
extreme pressure to be prepared. This session
has been designed as a guide to help you know
Hosted VOIP
How managed VOIP can address End of Life
phone systems without huge capital requirements wile leveraging ERATE Priority 1 services.
Presented by: Mike Sheppard, Agua Fria Union High School District and Ann Newman, Cox
304: A Systematic Approach for Creating a
Positive, Student Centered School Environment
Establishing an educational community in which
all staff and students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged requires leaders to give attention to every aspect of a school
and to the needs of the whole child and community. During this session, a systematic approach
for creating a positive, student centered school
environment will be discussed. Positive behavior interventions throughout every aspect of the
school community including transportation and
support services will be examined and strategies to begin the process of facilitating lasting
campus improvement will be shared. The story
of the amazing and ongoing transformation of a
struggling Phoenix middle school to a community of learners will inspire all to leave with the
conviction that change is possible, attainable
and profoundly rewarding.
Presented by: Lori Mora and Ginny Fish, Deer
Valley School District
Thursday’s Agenda
July 18, 2013
305: Are Federal Finances a mystery to YOU?
Finance issues for Nutrition Directors
Come one, Come all to this very informative session; we have the privilege of Nicholas
Dunford; Finance Director from ADE coming to
speak with us on Nutrition Department related
finance issues and questions that have come up
this year regarding the OMB Circular - A87 or
2CFR 225 document. It will be very educational
and a great opportunity to provide feedback for
support on this important topic to all of us.
Presented by: Nicholas
Department of Education
306: How a Checklist Can Work For You and
learn about the many determinations!
How using a solicitation checklist can be beneficial in issuing a Bid/RFP. Make sure all steps are
covered and all rules, statutes and policies are
met by using a solicitation checklist to keep you
in compliance.
Presented by: Gary Barkman, Mesa Public Schools, and Rosa Saenz, The Professional
Group Public Consulting
307: What exactly is AHERA and the
Management Plan?
Public school districts and non-profit schools
are required to develop, maintain and update
asbestos management plans and to keep a
copy at each individual school. These plans are
required to document the recommended
asbestos response actions, the location of the
asbestos within the school, and any action
taken to repair and remove the material. This
session will discuss the various requirements,
and what schools can do to be in compliance.
Presented by: Eric Goeller, Arizona School Risk
Retention and Co-Presenter to be determined
308: Strategies in Payroll
The basics of Payroll Management, Special Pay
Considerations, as well as helpful hints for Supplemental Pays. A Question and Answer period
will be included.
Presented by: Pete Schuyler, Scottsdale Unified
School District
309: Signature Schools - Creating New
Opportunities from the Inside
Signature Schools - Why districts are choosing
to focus attention on creating specialized programs within their existing schools. From Tolleson Union’s University High to Dysart’s Middle/
High School initiatives including Cambridge academics and a Fine Arts Middle School and Culinary and Engineering High School programs,
districts are reaching out to the students inside
their boundaries to encourage each child to grow
in to their strengths. Learn how these signature
programs, reside within the existing schools,
and offer the specialized focus once available
only to private or charter schools.
Presented by: Panel to be determined
Thursday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
4th Annual Great Arizona ASBO Duck Race
Sponsored by TCPN
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm - Lazy River
Come have fun in the sun and join us at the Lazy River on the grounds of the JW Marriott Starr Pass
Golf Resort & Spa where we plan to release hundreds of the most adorable rubber ducks you have ever
seen. They’ll paddle their way to the finish line and just might make you a winner! Make sure you are
around for the Duck Drop. There will be one race and all proceeds will benefit the children and families
served by Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Carden Children’s Hospital. Purchase your Ducks at www.
aasbo.org/60thAnnualConference (Duck adoption will not be available on-site.)
Thursday, July 17, 2013
7:30pm to 9:30pm Tucson Ballroom
A Diamond Jubile
Awards Dinner
Held in a Diamond-studded ballroom, this
“Black & White” Awards dinner will feature
an enticing buffet, 60-year old Big Band
music, dancing, and not-to-be-missed networking. Attendees will receive a special
60th Anniversary gift!
In honor of our 60th anniversary, the
conference’s signature event has been
moved to Thursday evening. Prestigious
AASBO awards will be presented. You’ll
not want to miss the opportunity to
celebrate with those being honored.
To maintain the more formal anniversary
atmosphere, your conference committee is
asking for black & white attire. You choose
the level of formality - from tuxedos and
stillettos to black slacks and a polo shirt the choice is yours. Celebrate this historic
event with your AASBO family!
The event ticket is included in your
registration. Additional tickets for
adult family and friends are
available for $50.
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
Healthy Heart Fun Run/Walk
Friday, July 19, 2013
6:45 a.m. Resort Lobby
Continuing in the tradition of past years, remember to plan to participate in this family- oriented
AASBO event. Research indicates that a routine of moderate exercise will relieve stress, help with
weight control and increase the likelihood of reaching those “golden years”. This event involves an
invigorating walk/jog (approximately one-mile) around the grounds of the JW Marriott Starr Pass
complex. Participation includes a free (AASBO) polo shirt for adults and a tee shirt for children. In addition, entrants are afforded the opportunity to win a $100 cash prize (adults) or one $50 cash prize
(children). There is no entry fee. Open to AASBO family members and exhibitors. Come join us!
Breakfast Sessions
- 8:30
Grab a bite from our fabulous continental breakfast and attend your choice of two
informative morning sessions.
Statistics and Data
What data do we have and how can we use it?
This session will provide an overview of data
and statistics and provide some examples of
how school districts are providing analysis and
attendees are encouraged to bring and share
what they are doing in their district.
Presented by: Ken Hicks, Littleton Elementary
School District
AASBO Two-Year CAC Degree and B.A./M.B.A.
Ottawa University Degree Programs
Learn about AASBO’s two and four-year
degree programs as well as the M.B.A.
program. Jeff Gadd will present information
on our two-year degree program available
through Central Arizona College.
Presented by: Jeff Gadd, Arizona Association
of School Business Officials
60th Anniversary
AASBO Exposition
8:00 am to 11:00 am
Arizona Ballroom, Conference
Center Foyer, and Ania Terrace
One of the highlights of the 60th Annual Summer Conference and Exposition is the opportunity for conference attendees to visit and
learn from more than 200 exhibits displaying
products and services, including the latest in
technological advances available for public
schools. This is an excellent time for you to
evaluate and compare as well as to speak to
the vendors themselves. There will be door
prize drawings throughout the time the exhibition is open. Admission is by conference
Voting - AASBO Board of Directors
Cast your ballot for your desired candidate for
AASBO Board of Directors. Positions open for
election in 2013 are:
Vice President
Dirctor of Purchasing
Director of Information Technology
Vendor Representative*
*Elected by vote of active Business Associate Members.
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
Second General Session and Luncheon
11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Tucson Ballroom
Dr. Jeff Hester
Reality Straight Up:
When everything is
on the line, what
can we really know?
Ultimately success rests
not on our opinions
but on the answers to
questions about which
matter. Reality is sublimely indifferent to what
we would like to be true. This hard fact cuts
even deeper in chaotic times like ours. In the
corporate world everything from market trends to
technological innovations to the dynamics of
social media reshape the landscape from year
to year and sometimes from week to week. That
situation can be even more difficult in an arena
like public education where resource constraints
and performance expectations blow on political
winds. High stakes decisions can come at you
fast and they are seldom convenient. In this
lively presentation Dr. Hester cuts to the chase
by turning our everyday notion of “knowledge”
on its head. He shows what it takes to get past
comfortable assumptions, groupthink, snake oil,
complacency and wishful thinking to face reality
on its own terms.
Note: The First and Second General Session will begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon service followed
by keynote program speakers. Attendees are requested to be on time and to stay for the entire session to
minimize disruption. This is a ticketed event. Vendor and guest tickets may be purchased for $40 each.
Breakout Session IV
Friday 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm
401: Unraveling School Finance
Communicating Complicated School Finance
complexity of school funding? Are you getting ready to call for an election and wish to
inform your community on your budget?
Are you aware of the recent requirements of
demonstrating public transparency as it pertains to posting revenues and expenditures?
Learn strategies to ensure compliance and best
practices for informing you parents, staff and
community members in an understandable
format. include snapshots of best practices from
Arizona School Districts and national examples
of transparent communication strategies.
Presented by: Annette Moreno, Pendergast
Elementary School District and Karin Smith,
Heinfeld, Meech, & Co., P.C.
402: Developing an Internal Audit Program
Participants will learn the benefits of setting up
an internal audit program within their school district. Learn best practices for design, structure,
and reporting. Identify strategies for structuring
internal reviews prior to an annual compliance
Presented by: Scott Kies, Heinfeld, Meech, &
Co., P.C. and Travis Zander, Glendale Union High
School District
Your Skills
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
403:K12 Connect - Facing the Digital Demands
of the Common Core, and Winning
How is your district addressing the demands
placed on IT departments to meet the digital,
financial, and infrastructure requirements of
Common Core? You don’t have to go at it alone.
See how Tolleson Union and other districts are
partnering with Sprint to leverage Priority 1
ERATE services and building out a private Wi-Fi
network to address this digital tsunami coming
in 2014, and at no charge to the district.
Presented by: David Sanders, Tolleson Union
High School District and Kevin Beck, Sprint
404: Collecting Data to Enhance Any
Transportation Operation
This session will provide attendees examples
of how districts can easily collect data that can
be used to help manage their transportation
operation to maximize efficiently and customer
Presented by: Dean Humphrey, Pendergast
School District
405: Local Procurement Options for Arizona Farm
to School Programs in RFP or Bid Preparation
Preference Option written into
RFP’s for
School Meal Programs. Participants will gain an
overview on the history of the USDA
Geographical Preference Rule and how it has
been applied in other states.
The Arizona
Department of Education will host a discussion on procurement implementation strategies
allowable for Arizona.
Presented by: Ashley Schimke and Ellen
Pimental from the Arizona Department
of Education
406: EPLS and Disbarment
The 4 W’s. What is SAM? Why you have to?
When is it needed? Who do you check? How you
check SAM?
Presented by: Tammy Leeder, Alahambra
School District and Howard Kropp, Washington
Elementary School District
407: Bridging the Gap: Bringing Energy Conservation
and Renewable Energy into the Classroom
With shrinking budgets and increasing needs
to educate our students, how do you integrate
21st Century topics like Energy Conservation
and Renewable Energy into the classroom with
minimal cost and maximum impact? Come to
our session, led by Stacey Barker, Director
of Support Services for Camp Verde Unififed
School District. There you will learn new ways
of instructing you students that will grab their
attention and not let go. See you there!
Presented by: Stacey Barker, Camp Verde
Unified School District and
Todd Becker,
408: ASRS Audits and Compliance
This session will provide you with the current
issues that ASRS is finding in it’s most recent audits.
You will also be made aware of how to avoid them
as well as the latest compliance requirements.
Presented by: Patrick Klein, Arizona State
Retirement System
60th Anniversary
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
Diplomacy at Work in OUR Schools
How two schools enhanced opportunities
available to their student body and infused an
international flair and flavor to their student
body by offering a home away from home to
international exchange students. Deemed the
most effective of all U.S. State Department
diplomacy efforts, student exchange provides
the opportunity to share world culture and
understanding with your students and support
valuable governmental outreach efforts. Explore
one example of how to use programs available
outside the traditional school to enhance your
own offerings.
502: Your Election Failed...Now What?
Did your capital override just fail? Has your
community said no to an M&O override? What
do you do now? This session will help you understand the results of the election beyond the
pass/fail. What are the key assessments you
need to understand? How does your community
keep a PAC going beyond the election? Learn
strategies to implement during the next election
Presented by: Chris McComb, Imagine Prep at
Surprise, Lisa Turnwall, Council for Educational
Travel U.S.A., Co-Presenter to be determined
503: Facility Security Action Plan
In the wake of the unfortunate events that
occurred in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, security awareness is essential to every educational
facility in the world. With technological
advances in security equipment, services, and
implementation, this presentation will include a
playbook for educational facilitators to replicate
and implement for the continued safety for their
staff and students.
Refreshments and Networking
2:50 pm to 3:10 pm
Breakout Session V
Friday 3:10 pm to 4:00
501: How to Survive an IRS Audit
An IRS audit includes a review of the district’s payroll and account payable policies and
procedures for employee wages and benefits.
This session will cover how one school district
prepared for the audit and resolved any findings.
Presented by: Joel Wirth, Chandler Unified
School District
Presented by: Danny O’Brien, Scottsdale
Unified School District and Karin Smith,
Heinfeld, Meech, & Co., P.C.
Presented by: Carlos Robles, Agua Fria
Union High School District and Frank Cavallaro,
Climatec Building Technology Group
504: Ballot Initiatves Affecting Education, Past
and Future.
Explore recently past ballot initiatives and look
ahead to those coming down the pike.
Presented by: Chuck Essigs, AASBO and Janice
Palmer, ASBA
Your Skills
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
505: What can AASBO do for You as a Leader in
Nutrition Services?
A roundtable discussion to explore training
and educational opportunities with AASBO for
FY 2014. There is a wealth of knowledge and
experience in our state so with all the new
mandates we want to ensure that our group has
support. Come share your needs or challenges
with us!
Presented by: Jim Hemmen, Roosevelt School
506: Sole Source and Emergency Procurement!
Crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s.
What is sole source procurement? What is
emergency procurement? What are the
requirements for each? Who holds the authority to make this determination? Learn how to
handle sole source and emergency procurements for your District and what documentation
is needed to prepare you for a successful audit!
Public Schools, and Bill Munch, Valley Schools
Management Group
507: Polish the Training
Now that we have all had the basics how do
we polish it? By using MBWA (Management
by walking around) and safety audits we can
insure the training we have presented in the
classroom stuck and if the employees retained
and are using the new found knowledge to their
benefit. It’s not meant to be a “got ya” moment
but a teachable moment when employees are
observed using the proper methods and safety
Presented by: John Muir and Joe Baca, Scottsdale Unified School District
508: Post-Employment 403b Special Pay
A post-employment 403(b) Special Pay plan is
a benefit districts can add to their 403(b) plan
to handle post-employment compensation in a
tax advantaged manner. Contributions to the
403(b) Special Pay are not subject to Social
Security or Medicare taxes- a savings for both
the employee and the district. Federal and state
taxes are deferred until distribution. Two school
districts worked closely on an RFP that allows
member school districts to participate in a
Post-Employment 403(b) Special Pay plan
without individually bidding these services. We
will discuss plan specifics and steps for districts
to add 403(b) Special Pay to their 403(b) plan.
Presented by: Brad Nassif, Glendale Union High
School District
509: Marketing - It Does a School Good!
Marketing - who needs it? We all do! We all have
a need to tell our story. What are the good things
happening in your district. Why should the
general public pay attention? Learn from those
who have successfully communicated their
successes to the community. Leave with ideas for messages you need to convey to your
Presented by: Presenter to be determined.
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
Breakout Session VI
Friday 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
601: Extra-curricular Tax Credit, Student Activities, and Auxiliary Operations...Eeny, Meeny,
Miny, Mo
Eni, meni, mini, mo; Extra-curricular Tax Credit, Student Activities and Auxiliary Operations.
Which is which? Do you wish it were as simple
as closing you eyes and picking one? How often are the same group of students involved in
an activity and the waters become muddy when
trying to determine which funding source is appropriate? It isn’t always clear.
Presented by: Tracy McLaughlin, Tolleson Union High School District, Francie-Wolfe Bauman,
Dysart Unified School District, Courtney Pina,
Littleton Elementary School District
602: Preparing District Administrative Staff for
Student Disciplinary Hearings
Every district has a process for addressing student discipline. This training is designed to help
districts with long-term discipline or recommendations for expulsion. The discussion will briefly
outline the legal issues related to student discipline, the appropriate process, and alternative
options. This is an interesting, interactive discussion with several scenarios and examples to
enhance the learning process. If you have never
been to a hearing, or are a seasoned vet, come
and learn how to better prepare your district for
student disciplinary hearings.
Presented by Gail Zamar, Arizona School Risk
Retention Trust, Inc. and Fred Coates, Chandler
Unified School District
603: Connect2Compete
education, employment, healthcare, and
government, yet one-third of all Americans,
disproportionately low-income and minority,
remain excluded and increasingly isolated from
our digital society. While the divide directly
impacts the most marginalized, it also costs
the nation billions of dollars each year in lost
earnings and inefficiencies. Connect2Compete is a national non-profit working to bring
digital opportunity to 100M unconnected
Americans through free and low-cost Internet and
computer offers and free digital training.
Communications and Xavier Baca, Sunnyside
Unified School District
604: Why Should My School “Buy Local”
Buying from businesses owned and operated
in Arizona has many benefits. When we shop
locally owned businesses, our money is recirculated over and over and creates up to 75%
more tax revenue to our community and state.
School budgets are comprised from Corporate
and Local Taxes, therefore purchasing from
Arizona based businesses can add a significant
amount to your school budget.
Presented by: Chris Soiles and Josh Bell,
Strategic Technologies Communication and
Co-Presenter to be determined
Your Skills
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
605: Your Biggest Opportunity to Save Money
by Utilizing “Best Practices”
“Best practices” - a method that consistently
shows superior results to an organization that
implements standard practices and evolves
as improvements are discovered. Learn about
a comprehensive program, specifically for
educational (K-12 and University) procurement
groups who are consumers of goods and have
historically allowed their vendors to “control”
the freight process. You will be introduced to
a proven program, designed by procurement
professionals, intended to substantially reduce
inbound freight costs that are buried in the cost
of the items purchased or prepaid and added to
your invoice.
Presented by Paul Raeder, Transporation
Logistics Management Group and Tammy Leeder,
Alhambra Elementary School District
606: Bid Evaluations
IFB Evaluating and Best Practices. What are
the various compliance requirements for
completing a bid evaluation? What can you do,
what can’t you do and what should you have in your
solicitation file for the auditors? This
presentation will concentrate on requirements
as well as best practices.
Presented by: Anita McLemore, Peoria
Unified School District and Crystal Korpan, Gilbert
Unified School District
Your Skills
607: Lifecycle Facilities Management
Lifecycle Facilities Management is a critical tool
for budgeting and predicting facilities projects
and replacements. Districts using this approach
will be ahead of the curve when it becomes mandated by the School Facilities Board. Hear about
the process used by Payson Schools which has
not only allowed them to successfully manage
their facilities budget but gave them the proper
documentation and support to receive emergency project funding from the SFB.
Management Group and Todd Poer, Payson
Unified School District
608: Position Control Implementation
Who needs it? Accounting wants it to
accurately track and report on costs.
Business Manager needs it to forecast and control
people costs. HR wants it to define position requirements. In the bigger picture the answer
is: We want control over who we hire, and
position control will keep us from hiring
whomever and whatever we want. This
session will walk you through the process and
reveal the benefits and the pitfalls.
Elementary School District, Melanie Tsosie, The
Professional Group Public Consulting
609: Strategic Alliances - Partnerships Work!
Strategic Alliances - Stop and ask for
help! We can’t do it alone. It does take a
community. Learn how networking outside your
comfort zone and building strategic alliances can
benefit your district. Local Chambers of
Commerce offer just such an outlet. Hear
success stories of business’ involvement with
area schools and children.
Presented by: Presenters to be determined
Friday’s Agenda
July 19, 2013
Brilliant Gems
A 60th Annual Conference
Signature Education Track - An Overview
Afternoon Free
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Family & Casino Game Night Dinner
8:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Tucson Ballroom & Ania Terrace
Join in the fun and games in a relaxed
atmosphere with a BBQ themed-buffet. Separate
but adjacent venues for family-friendly games
and adult-oriented Casino games. Relax and
enjoy the company of family and friends on this
last night of our conference! These events are
included in your registration package.
Additional tickets are available at $35 each for
guests and vendors.
In addition to inspiring keynote speakers and informative discipline-specific presentations, your
60th Annual Conference committee would like
to present Brilliant Gems - a multi-discipline education track designed to highlight many of the
outstanding programs available in our schools.
Wonderful work is going on in our schools.
Often under-promoted, our communities benefit each day from the personal and professional dedication of our school districts, charter
schools, and individual employees within them.
Join in one or all of the breakout sessions in
this signature track. In our limited time, we will
learn from the specific stories of a few, for the
benefit of all Arizona schools and communities.
The Brilliant Gems track will inspire, and provide
thought-provoking nuggets to all.
60th Annual Conference
Informative Presentations, Exciting Speakers, and Second-to-None Networking!
Register Early and Reserve YOUR Space!
The 4th Annual Great Arizona Duck Race
An AASBO Service Project benefitting the children and families served by
Phoenix Children’s Hospital and Carden Children’s Hospital
Thursday, July 18, 2013
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Hey Vendors! Want a simple and popular
promotional item to hand out at your booth?
Well, AASBO is offering you the opportunity
to adopt ducks for AASBO’s 3rd Annual Duck
Race on Thursday, July 18, 2013 at the 60th
Annual Conference and Exposition in Tucson.
race to win prizes and will help a local charity.
You can adopt ducks for yourself, your family and
your friends. Duck adoption will not be available
on-site, so adopt today. Any duck vouchers that
you purchase will be included in your
welcome package.
For every duck you adopt online, you will
receive a
voucher to hand out to
conference attendees. No one wants to go
on a wild goose chase to get peple to come
to their booth, so hand out these Adopt-aDuck tickets as incentives to entice members
to visit your booth! It’s such a sight to see
all the conference attendees collecting and
holding onto their duck tickets in the hope
that one of their ducks will swim across the
finish line first.
So, get your ducks in a row and ADOPT YOUR
There will be one duck race. You and the conference attendees are invited to come watch
over 1000 ducks swim down the lazy river.
Everyone will go “quackers” over this fun
event and the lucky ducks who win will receive wonderful prizes!
Ducks are only $5 each! Please adopt your
ducks online by Friday, July 5, 2013 in
order to receive your ducks in your welcome
package at the 60th Annual Conference.
Duck adoption will not be available onsite at
the conference.
Adopting ducks is an inexpensive way to
bring more people to your booth, will help
you bond with current and potential clients
and most importantly will benefit the charity.
Hey School Business Officials! Don’t worry;
you too can be a duck adoptee! Your $5 duck
adoptions will give you more entries in the
Registration fee includes all program sessions,
breakfasts, luncheons, social functions, admission to the exhibition trade show and handout
materials. Spouses and guests may participate
in designated conference activities by registering on the appropriate area of the registration
form and paying the associated fees.
You may register for all of AASBO’s 60th Annual
Conference & Exhibition events online:
Registration is available online both to members
and non-members at:
If you have attended an AASBO event in the
past, it is likely that you already have a log-in
with our site and you need NOT register with our
site again. If you need help remembering your
user name or password, please call the AASBO
Office at (602) 253-5576.
To register for AASBO events, each person needs
their own account. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE
the person who wishes to attend the event is
not in our system, have them create the appropriate type of account by clicking the “Join
Now” link at the top of AASBO’s home page as
instructed above. USING THE SAME MEMBER
On-time registration discounts apply only if
registration form and full payment is received
by the early registration deadline. Early registration
discount deadline is Wednesday, June 12, 2013.
No exceptions.
Purchase Orders are accepted and will hold your
conference registration. However purchase orders are not considered payment. Full payment
must be received in the AASBO office before
July 12, 2013. Payment by credit card or check
is acceptable. Mail checks to: AASBO, 2100 N.
Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ, 85004.
Go to www.aasbo.org and log-in. Click on the
link for “60th Annual Conference” located on the
home page.
Register early to assure seating availability. Online registration is available until Friday, July 6,
2012. After this date, you will need to contact
the AASBO office to check on space availability.
For additional information, contact the AASBO
office at (602) 253-5576.
If you have ever attended an event with AASBO
before, it is very likely, that you already have a
member log-in. Please do not re-register. Please
call the AASBO Office to locate your User name
and Password.
If you have not attended an event with us
before, would like to attend this conference, but
do not wish to become a member, please go
to www.aasbo.org and click on the “Join Now”
link at the top. Then, select the “Non-Member”
option. This will take you through the steps to
register with our website and will enable you
to register for any event we have, but will not
give you access to the members only pages or
enable additional member benefits. Once you
have registered with our website you are ready
to register for the conference. Please log-in and
follow the steps below in the “Members” instructions.
Cancellations must be received by Friday, July
5, 2013. To qualify for a refund, less a $30
processing fee, you must submit a written
cancellation notification. The cancellation notice
may be faxed into the AASBO office by the deadline. AASBO’s fax number is (602) 253-5764.
AASBOwill not honor or process any request for
refunds after July 5, 2013.
Thank you to our Strategic Partners
Thank you to our Alliance Partners